Bpc/11.2020/0747 Blacktoft Parish Council Minutes Of
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BPC/11.2020/0747 BLACKTOFT PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD MONDAY 16 NOVEMBER 2020 7PM THE BARNS, FAXFLEET 1.APOLOGIES Mr M Bayston Mr G Lister Mr A Martinson All appropriate apologies were agreed by the parish councillors. PRESENT Mrs S Mason Mr P A Nicholson – chairman Miss V Crichton Mr G Sweeting Mr R Thompson Mr K Gilson Mr A Hughes Mr D Newby Mr M Fallkingham 2.CASUAL VACANCY It was resolVed to co-opt Miss Victoria Grace Crichton. This co-option is from the election May 2019 and now completes the parish council with 12 members. Miss Crichton will complete the necessary forms. 3.CONFIRMATION OF PREVIOUS PARISH COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES – September 2020 It was resolVed to sign these as a true record. 4.ANY OUTSTANDING ITEMS FROM PREVIOUS PARISH COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES – for information only. The Clerk has had a meeting with the local police. • Hare coursing – this is always a problem at this time of the year – the police are aware and working towards detaining the people involVed. There has been 1 incident in the parish when a farmer was hit by the hare coursers. The police would like to point out that nobody should approach these people but inform the police initially on 101. BPC/11.2020/0748 4.ANY OUTSTANDING ITEMS FROM PDEVIOUS PARISH COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES - for information only • Road accident / hit and run – inVolving a cyclist on Staddlehtorpe Broad Lane- on going. • Four immigrants emerged from a h.g.V. and were apprehended. They will be processed through immigration. • Speeding – the alleged speeding Vehicles through the parish – the police officer informed the Clerk that no officers would be sent to a small populated area – villages etc – there is not enough traffic but the new Inspector of Police if the budget allows may issue C S P O’s with hand held speed guns but these officers will not be able to issue fines or arrest. • Trees on Blacktoft Lane – the Clerk confirmed that new labels and stakes had been put in place and that some more trees along the lane are showing signs of beginning to fail. * see attached information. 5.DECLARATION OF INTERESTS Mr P A Nicholson – finance – personal Miss V Crichton – finance personal 6.CORRESPONDENCE for October and November 2020 • ERYC -police courier fraud/cold calling zones • ERYC - planning appeal at Newstead Farm, Oxmardyke dismissed • ERYC - Mr M Buckley -COVID • ERYC - Neill Mennel - winter maintenance • NETWORK RAIL - various regarding rail bridge in Gilberdyke • Environment Agency - P Walsh - river bank repair work • ERFPA (East Riding Food Poverety Alliance) requesting parish councils to store food parcels in case of need • THE CLERK and CLERK DIRECT - magazines 7.PUBLIC PARTICIPATION – None 8.PLANNING Planning appeal dismissal – 20/00040/REFUSE erection of fiVe holiday lets, erection of two storey amenities block and extension of fishing lake to become commercial with associated works, upgrading existing field access to highway standards and specifications with access road within site, associated planting and parking areas and the installation of a foul drainage treatment plant. BPC/11.2020/0749 9.HIGHWAYS/PATHS/DYKES • Street name signs – it was noted by the parish council that some street name signs at Clementhorpe Lane and Bellasize Lane (Greenoak Crossings) have been damaged by motor vehicles. The Clerk to report to the Highways at the ERY Council. The Clerk to chase the installation of OXMARDYKE LANE and the double FAXFLEET LANE/BLACKTFT LANE sign for Thornton Lands. • The leak at Hutch Lane riVerbank has been reported and has been inspected by Environment Agency • The dyke through the Village of Blacktoft has been cleared by Ouse & Humber Drainage Board • Greenoak crossing – it was suggested that after the COVID 19 pandemic perhaps the parish council should work towards having the dyke bridges and the access to the rail crossing improVed • The EMERGENCY NUMBER FOR FLOODING IS 0345 9881188 10.FINANCE Accounts to pay: S E Nicholson £256.67 S Walker £20.00 Itseeze website £56.00 PKF Littlejohn - audit £240.00 BPCC grass cutting £400.00 Statements: Currant account £4,645.46 Reserve account £4,551.85 A.G.A.R. returned. 11.DATE OF THE NEXT MEETING – It was resolVed to not hold a meeting during December 2020 and January 2021. The next meeting will be held February 2021 – date and Venue to be confirmed. It was resolVed to process the budget (precept) for financial year 2021-2022 via email and post for the response to be made to the ERY Council during January 2021. The precept could stay at £6,500.00. There being no further business the meeting closed at 7.30pm. CHAIRMAN BLACKTOFT PARISH COUNCIL Clerk: S E Nicholson The Joiners Shop, Blacktoft Tel.: 01430 441064 DN14 7YW E R Yorkshire eMail: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] You are suMMoned to attend the parish council Meeting to be held Monday 15 March 2021 7pM THE BARNS, FAXFLEET. AGENDA 1.Apologies - to receive, note and accept 2.CofirMation of previous parish council Meeting Minutes (NoveMber 2020) 3.Any outstanding iteMs froM previous parish council Meeting Minutes - for inforMation only street name signs 4.Any declarations of interests 5.PUBLIC PARTICIPATION 6.CORRESPONDENCE a. for noting and b. for action 7.HIGHWAYS/PATHS/DYKES • Land owners concern s regarding the puMp at Faxfleet/Ouse and Huber Drainage Board • Signs of horse riding on the river bank and around the pond at Faxfleet • Potholes south of the tile works on Tongue Lane Faxfleet • the rail bridge at Gilberdyke - in need of surface repairs and coMplete tidy up • over hanging hedge at OxMardyke • parish-wide litter pick 8.PLANNING - the parish council with consider and respond appropriately to any planning issues placed before it 9.FINANCE - accounts to pay Does the parish council wish to pay £44 for the rent to the Old School even though the parish council Meetings were not held there during the COVID pandeMic. 10.Date of the next Meeting - venue and date to be confirMed. S E NICHOLSON .