Environmental Consulting Options Tasmania ECOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT OF THE PROPOSED DUCK IRRIGATION SCHEME (PIPELINES), TASMANIA Environmental Consulting Options Tasmania (ECOtas) for Tasmanian Irrigation Pty Ltd 15 January 2016 Mark Wapstra ABN 83 464 107 291 28 Suncrest Avenue email: mark@ecotas.com.au business ph.:(03) 62 283 220 Lenah Valley, TAS 7008 web: www.ecotas.com.au mobile ph.: 0407 008 685 ECOtas…providing options in environmental consulting ECOtas…providing options in environmental consulting CITATION This report can be cited as: ECOtas (2016). Ecological Assessment of the Proposed Duck Irrigation Scheme (Pipelines), Tasmania. Report by Environmental Consulting Options Tasmania (ECOtas) for Tasmanian Irrigation Pty Ltd, 15 January 2016. AUTHORSHIP Field assessment: Mark Wapstra, Phil Bell Report production: Mark Wapstra Habitat and vegetation mapping: Mark Wapstra, Phil Bell Base data for mapping: TheList, TasMap, GoogleEarth, Tasmanian Irrigation GIS mapping: Mark Wapstra Digital and aerial photography: Mark Wapstra, Phil Bell, GoogleEarth, TheList ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Paul Ellery (Tasmanian Irrigation) facilitated access and provided background information. Miguel de Salas (Tasmanian Herbarium) confirmed my identification of Centipeda species. COVER ILLUSTRATION Main image: Black River at approximate location of pipeline crossing. Insets (L-R): Gratiola pubescens (hairy brooklime), Epilobium pallidiflorum (showy willowherb). Please note: the blank pages in this document are deliberate to facilitate double-sided printing. Ecological Assessment of Duck Irrigation Scheme (Pipelines), Tasmania i ECOtas…providing options in environmental consulting Ecological Assessment of Duck Irrigation Scheme (Pipelines), Tasmania ii ECOtas…providing options in environmental consulting CONTENTS SUMMARY ......................................................................................................................... 1 PURPOSE, SCOPE, LIMITATIONS AND QUALIFICATIONS OF THE SURVEY .................................. 5 Purpose .................................................................................................................... 5 Scope ....................................................................................................................... 5 Limitations ................................................................................................................ 5 Qualifications ............................................................................................................. 6 Permit ...................................................................................................................... 6 THE PROPOSAL.................................................................................................................. 6 THE STUDY AREA ............................................................................................................... 7 METHODS ......................................................................................................................... 8 Nomenclature ............................................................................................................ 8 Preliminary investigation ............................................................................................. 8 Botanical survey ........................................................................................................ 9 Zoological survey ....................................................................................................... 9 Masked owl, Tyto novaehollandiae subsp. castanops ................................................ 10 Wedge-tailed eagle, Aquila audax subsp. fleayi ....................................................... 10 Green and golden frog, Litoria raniformis ............................................................... 10 Tasmanian devil, Sarcophilus harrisii & quoll species, Dasyurus spp. .......................... 10 Giant freshwater crayfish, Astacopsis gouldi & Australian grayling, Prototroctes maraena ............................................................................................................ 10 Tasmanian azure kingfisher, Ceyx azureus subsp. diemenensis ................................. 10 Grey goshawk, Accipiter novaehollandiae ............................................................... 10 FINDINGS ....................................................................................................................... 11 Vegetation types ...................................................................................................... 11 Comments on TASVEG mapping ............................................................................ 11 Vegetation types recorded as part of the present study ............................................ 12 Comments on conservation significance of vegetation types ..................................... 14 Plant species ........................................................................................................... 41 General observations ........................................................................................... 41 Priority species recorded from the study area ......................................................... 41 Comments on priority flora recorded from databases ............................................... 48 Fauna species .......................................................................................................... 48 General observations ........................................................................................... 48 Priority fauna – sightings and potential habitat ....................................................... 48 Comments on priority fauna recorded from databases ............................................. 53 Ecological Assessment of Duck Irrigation Scheme (Pipelines), Tasmania iii ECOtas…providing options in environmental consulting Other ecological values ............................................................................................. 53 Additional “Matters of National Environmental Significance” – threatened ecological communities ....................................................................................................... 53 Weed species ...................................................................................................... 53 Rootrot pathogen, Phytophthora cinnamomi ........................................................... 55 Myrtle wilt .......................................................................................................... 55 Myrtle rust ......................................................................................................... 55 Chytrid fungus and other freshwater pathogens ...................................................... 56 DISCUSSION ................................................................................................................... 56 Summary of key findings ........................................................................................... 56 Legislative and policy implications .............................................................................. 58 Recommendations .................................................................................................... 62 REFERENCES ................................................................................................................... 63 APPENDIX A. Vegetation community structure and composition ............................................. 66 APPENDIX B. Vascular plant species recorded from study area .............................................. 69 APPENDIX C. Vertebrate fauna recorded from study area ...................................................... 76 APPENDIX D. Analysis of database records of threatened flora............................................... 80 APPENDIX E. Analysis of database records of threatened fauna ............................................. 85 APPENDIX F. Annotated images of threatened flora .............................................................. 90 APPENDIX G. Annotated images of potential habitat of threatened fauna ................................ 92 APPENDIX H. Annotated images of weeds ........................................................................... 94 APPENDIX I. DPIPWE’s Natural Values Atlas report for assessment area ................................. 97 APPENDIX J. CofA’s Protected Matters report for assessment area ......................................... 97 OTHER ATTACHMENTS ..................................................................................................... 97 Ecological Assessment of Duck Irrigation Scheme (Pipelines), Tasmania iv ECOtas…providing options in environmental consulting SUMMARY General Tasmanian Irrigation Pty Ltd engaged Environmental Consulting Options Tasmania (ECOtas) to undertake an ecological assessment of the proposed Duck Irrigation Scheme, specifically the proposed off-take and transfer pipeline and the distribution pipeline routes, primarily to facilitate further land use planning though local, State and Commonwealth government environmental planning approvals protocols. The study area was assessed on 8-10 December 2015 by Mark Wapstra and Phil Bell. Summary of key findings Non-priority flora (e.g. species of biogeographic significance) x No species of high conservation significance detected – no special management actions required. Non-priority fauna (e.g. species of biogeographic significance) x No species
Impact of Sea Level Rise on Coastal Natural Values in Tasmania
Impact of sea level rise on coastal natural values in Tasmania JUNE 2016 Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment Acknowledgements Thanks to the support we received in particular from Clarissa Murphy who gave six months as a volunteer in the first phase of the sea level rise risk assessment work. We also had considerable technical input from a range of people on various aspects of the work, including Hans and Annie Wapstra, Richard Schahinger, Tim Rudman, John Church, and Anni McCuaig. We acknowledge the hard work over a number of years from the Sea Level Rise Impacts Working Group: Oberon Carter, Louise Gilfedder, Felicity Faulkner, Lynne Sparrow (DPIPWE), Eric Woehler (BirdLife Tasmania) and Chris Sharples (University of Tasmania). This report was compiled by Oberon Carter, Felicity Faulkner, Louise Gilfedder and Peter Voller from the Natural Values Conservation Branch. Citation DPIPWE (2016) Impact of sea level rise on coastal natural values in Tasmania. Natural and Cultural Heritage Division, Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment, Hobart. www.dpipwe.tas.gov.au ISBN: 978-1-74380-009-6 Cover View to Mount Cameron West by Oberon Carter. Pied Oystercatcher by Mick Brown. The Pied Oystercatcher is considered to have a very high exposure to sea level rise under both a national assessment and Tasmanian assessment. Its preferred habitat is mudflats, sandbanks and sandy ocean beaches, all vulnerable to inundation and erosion. Round-leaved Pigface (Disphyma australe) in flower in saltmarsh at Lauderdale by Iona Mitchell. Three saltmarsh communities are associated with the coastal zone and are considered at risk from sea level rise.
Lankesteriana International Journal on Orchidology ISSN: 1409-3871 lankesteriana@ucr.ac.cr Universidad de Costa Rica Costa Rica BACKHOUSE, GARY N. ARE OUR ORCHIDS SAFE DOWN UNDER? A NATIONAL ASSESSMENT OF THREATENED ORCHIDS IN AUSTRALIA Lankesteriana International Journal on Orchidology, vol. 7, núm. 1-2, marzo, 2007, pp. 28- 43 Universidad de Costa Rica Cartago, Costa Rica Available in: http://www.redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=44339813005 How to cite Complete issue Scientific Information System More information about this article Network of Scientific Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal Journal's homepage in redalyc.org Non-profit academic project, developed under the open access initiative LANKESTERIANA 7(1-2): 28-43. 2007. ARE OUR ORCHIDS SAFE DOWN UNDER? A NATIONAL ASSESSMENT OF THREATENED ORCHIDS IN AUSTRALIA GARY N. BACKHOUSE Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Division, Department of Sustainability and Environment 8 Nicholson Street, East Melbourne, Victoria 3002 Australia Gary.Backhouse@dse.vic.gov.au KEY WORDS:threatened orchids Australia conservation status Introduction Many orchid species are included in this list. This paper examines the listing process for threatened Australia has about 1700 species of orchids, com- orchids in Australia, compares regional and national prising about 1300 named species in about 190 gen- lists of threatened orchids, and provides recommen- era, plus at least 400 undescribed species (Jones dations for improving the process of listing regionally 2006, pers. comm.). About 1400 species (82%) are and nationally threatened orchids. geophytes, almost all deciduous, seasonal species, while 300 species (18%) are evergreen epiphytes Methods and/or lithophytes. At least 95% of this orchid flora is endemic to Australia.
Travelling times and distances, based on safe speed and good road conditions Due to the remote and rugged Experience Tasmania’s Smithton – Marrawah: terrain of this region, some unique western wilderness roads are narrow and winding. 45 minutes / 49 km / 90 kmh / sealed The Western Explorer route links Stanley in the North West WESTERN Marrawah – Arthur River: Many of these roads are to Strahan on the West Coast and takes you through some 10 minutes / 12 km / 80 kmh / sealed unsealed and therefore of the State’s most beautiful and isolated areas. susceptible to the varying EXPLORER Road travellers can expect a unique experience, exploring Arthur River – Couta Rocks: weather conditions. 20 minutes / 18 km / 70 kmh / unsealed a region steeped in early mining history, surrounded by wilderness and remarkable scenery. The landscape is wild Couta Rocks – Blackwater Road: West Coast Wilderness Drive Smithton to Strahan and rugged with a climate that can vary from snow to 15 minutes / 16km / 70 kmh / unsealed brilliant sunshine in one day. Blackwater Road – Lindsay River: During wet weather, roads This guide provides you with valuable information about 20 minutes / 21 km / 70 kmh / unsealed can become slippery, flooded or potholed. Unsealed roads the road conditions between Stanley and Strahan, however Lindsay River – Corinna: can become extremely dusty be prepared: If you break down, the roads are isolated and 90 minutes / 57 km / 40 kmh / unsealed during dry periods. you may experience a long delay before another traveller or assistance comes. Arthur River – Corinna: For your safety and comfort 2 hrs 15 minutes. it is wise to check road and Arthur River – Zeehan: weather conditions before 3 hrs 15 minutes.
February 2020 Bass Highway Wynyard to Marrawah Month/ Year Corridor Strategy Month/ Year Month/ Year October 2019 Month/ Year Month/ Year Month/ Year Document title 1 Contents List of Figures ........................................................................................................................... iv List of Tables ............................................................................................................................ iv Glossary of Abbreviations and Terms...................................................................................... i Executive Summary .................................................................................................................. 2 1. Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 4 1.1 What is a corridor strategy? ................................................................................................................... 4 1.2 Bass Highway – Wynyard to Marrawah ............................................................................................... 5 1.3 Vision for the future .................................................................................................................................. 6 1.4 Corridor objectives ................................................................................................................................... 7 1.5 Reference documents ..............................................................................................................................
Contents (1995 - 83) Threatened Species Protection Act 1995 Long Title Part 1 - Preliminary 1. Short title 2. Commencement 3. Interpretation 4. Objectives to be furthered 5. Administration of public authorities 6. Crown to be bound Part 2 - Administration 7. Functions of Secretary 8. Scientific Advisory Committee 9. Community Review Committee Part 3 - Conservation of Threatened Species Division 1 - Threatened species strategy 10. Threatened species strategy 11. Procedure for making strategy 12. Amendment and revocation of strategy Division 2 - Listing of threatened flora and fauna 13. Lists of threatened flora and fauna 14. Notification by Minister and right of appeal 15. Eligibility for listing 16. Nomination for listing 17. Consideration of nomination by SAC 18. Preliminary recommendation by SAC 19. Final recommendation by SAC 20. CRC to be advised of public notification 21. Minister's decision Division 3 - Listing statements 22. Listing statements Division 4 - Critical habitats 23. Determination of critical habitats 24. Amendment and revocation of determinations Division 5 - Recovery plans for threatened species 25. Recovery plans 26. Amendment and revocation of recovery plans Division 6 - Threat abatement plans 27. Threat abatement plans 28. Amendment and revocation of threat abatement plans Division 7 - Land management plans and agreements 29. Land management plans 30. Agreements arising from land management plans 31. Public authority management agreements Part 4 - Interim Protection Orders 32. Power of Minister to make interim protection orders 33. Terms of interim protection orders 34. Notice of order to landholder 35. Recommendation by Resource Planning and Development Commission 36. Notice to comply 37. Notification to other Ministers 38. Limitation of licences, permits, &c., issued under other Acts 39.
Dpiw – Surface Water Models Detention and Black River Catchments
DPIW – SURFACE WATER MODELS DETENTION AND BLACK RIVER CATCHMENTS Detention and Black Rivers Surface Water Model Hydro Tasmania Version No: FINAL 1.0 DOCUMENT INFORMATION JOB/PROJECT TITLE Tascatch Variation 2 -Surface Water Models CLIENT ORGANISATION Department of Primary Industries and Water CLIENT CONTACT Bryce Graham DOCUMENT ID NUMBER WR 2007/069 JOB/PROJECT MANAGER Mark Willis JOB/PROJECT NUMBER E202869/P205357 Document History and Status Revision Prepared Reviewed Approved Date Revision by by by approved type 1.0 J. Bennett M. Willis C. Smythe Jan 2008 FINAL Current Document Approval PREPARED BY James Bennett Water Resources Mngt Sign Date REVIEWED BY Mark Willis Water Resources Mngt Sign Date APPROVED FOR Crispin Smythe SUBMISSION Water Resources Mngt Sign Date Current Document Distribution List Organisation Date Issued To DPIW Jan 2008 Bryce Graham The concepts and information contained in this document are the property of Hydro Tasmania. This document may only be used for the purposes of assessing our offer of services and for inclusion in documentation for the engagement of Hydro Tasmania. Use or copying of this document in whole or in part for any other purpose without the written permission of Hydro Tasmania constitutes an infringement of copyright. i Detention and Black Rivers Surface Water Model Hydro Tasmania Version No: FINAL 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report is part of a series of reports which present the methodologies and results from the development and calibration of surface water hydrological models for 25 catchments (Tascatch – Variation 2) under both current and natural flow conditions. This report describes the results of the hydrological model developed for the Detention and Black River catchments.
Mineral Resources Tasmania Annual Review 2007/2008
Mineral Resources Tasmania Department of Infrastructure, Energy and Resources A Division of the Department of Infrastructure, Energy and Resources Mineral Resources Tasmania Annual Review 2007/2008 Mineral Resources Tasmania PO Box 56 Rosny Park Tasmania 7018 Phone: (03) 6233 8377 l Fax: (03) 6233 8338 Email: info@mrt.tas.gov.au l Internet: www.mrt.tas.gov.au 2 Mineral Resources Tasmania Mineral Resources Tasmania (MRT) is a Division of the Department of Infrastructure, Energy and Resources (DIER). It is Tasmania’s corporate entity for geoscientific data, information and knowledge, and consists of a multi-tasking group of people with a wide range of specialist experience. The role of MRT is to ensure that Tasmania’s mineral resources and infrastructure development are managed in a sustainable way now, and for future generations, in accordance with present Government Policy, Partnership Agreements and goals of Tasmania Together. — Mission — ! To contribute to the economic development of Tasmania by providing the necessary geoscientific information and services to foster mineral resource and infrastructure development and responsible land management for the benefit of the Tasmanian community — Objectives — ! Benefit the Tasmanian community by an effective and co-ordinated government approach to mineral resources, infrastructure development and land management. ! Maximise the opportunities for community growth by providing timely and relevant geoscientific information for integration with other government systems. ! Optimise the operational
Tasmanian Acid Drainage Reconnaissance 2. Distribution of Acid Sulphate Soils in Tasmania
TasmanianTasmanian Acid Acid DrainageDrainage Reconnaissance Reconnaissance ReportReport 2 2 DistributionDistribution of of acidacid sulphate sulphate soilssoils in in Tasmania Tasmania MINERAL RESOURCES TASMANIA Tasmanian Geological Survey Natural Heritage Tasmania Record 2001/06 DEPARTMENT of Trust INFRASTRUCTURE, Helping Communities ENERGYand RESOURCES Helping Australia Tasmanian Geological Survey Natural Heritage Record 2001/06 Trust Tasmania Helping Communities Helping Australia Tasmanian Acid Drainage Reconnaissance 2. Distribution of acid sulphate soils in Tasmania Dr Shivaraj Gurung FOREWORD Acid sulphate soils are pyritic sediments that can produce acid when exposed to oxidising conditions. These sediments typically occur in low-lying coastal areas, backswamps and in estuarine environments. The acid drainage resulting from the disturbance of acid sulphate soils can dissolve and mobilise toxic metals which can enter the receiving environment, causing serious damage to the aquatic ecosystem. Acid water and heavy metal pollution from the disturbance of acid sulphate soils is a major strategic environmental issue for management of coastal regions around Australia. Section 36.1 of the Tasmanian State Policy on Water Quality Management (1997) requires that “a survey is carried out to identify Tasmanian soils and surface geology with the potential to give rise to highly acidic drainage if disturbed or developed”. This reconnaissance investigation provides a basis for this objective. The program is a component of the proposed State Water Quality and Quantity programs and was largely funded by the National Heritage Trust. Water analyses were carried out by the Department of Primary Industries, Water and Environment at the Analytical Services Tasmania laboratory. Geochemical analyses, map production and project management were carried out by Mineral Resources Tasmania.
Water Quality of Rivers in the Duck River Catchment
Water Quality of Rivers in the Duck River Catchment A Report Forming Part of the Requirements for ‘State of Rivers’ Reporting PART 4 Authors: Christopher Bobbi David Andrews Mark Bantich Environmental & Resource Analysis, Hydro Tasmania December 2003 Copyright Notice: Material contained in the report provided is subject to Australian copyright law. Other than in accordance with the Copyright Act 1968 of the Commonwealth Parliament, no part of this report may, in any form or by any means, be reproduced, transmitted or used. This report cannot be redistributed for any commercial purpose whatsoever, or distributed to a third party for such purpose, without prior written permission being sought from the Department of Primary Industries, Water and Environment, on behalf of the Crown in Right of the State of Tasmania. Disclaimer: Whilst DPIWE has made every attempt to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information and data provided, it is the responsibility of the data user to make their own decisions about the accuracy, currency, reliability and correctness of information provided. The Department of Primary Industries, Water and Environment, its employees and agents, and the Crown in the Right of the State of Tasmania do not accept any liability for any damage caused by, or economic loss arising from, reliance on this information. Preferred Citation: DPIWE (2003) State of the River Report for the Duck River Catchment. Water Assessment and Planning Branch, Department of Primary Industries, Water and Environment, Hobart. Technical Report No. WAP 03/08 ISSN: 1449-5996 The Department of Primary Industries, Water and Environment The Department of Primary Industries, Water and Environment provides leadership in the sustainable management and development of Tasmania’s resources.
Freshwater Systems Between 1997 and 2002, with the Addition of New Observations
Status of Trout-free Waters in the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area Report to Department of Primary Industries, and Water, Hobart. PE Davies, LSJ Cook, WR Robinson, T Sloane June 2009 82 Waimea Ave, Sandy Bay, FFrreesshhwwaatteerr Tasmania Australia 7005 Ph/Fax: 03 62254660 SSyysstteemmss p.e.davies@utas.edu.au Aquatiic Enviironmentall Consulltiing Serviice Table of Contents Executive Summary ............................................................................................................................. 3 Acknowledgements ............................................................................................................................. 5 1. Aims and Background ..................................................................................................................... 6 1.1 Aims ........................................................................................................................................... 6 1.2 Alien fish in the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area .................................................. 6 1.3 Brown trout ............................................................................................................................... 7 1.4 Value of trout-free waters ........................................................................................................ 8 2. Mapping the Distribution of Trout-free Waters ........................................................................... 10 2.1 Fish distribution database ......................................................................................................
LANKESTERIANA 9(1-2): 1-268. 2009. ORCHIDS AND ORCHIDOLOGY IN CENTRAL AMERICA. 500 YEARS OF HISTORY * CARLOS OSSENBACH Centro de Investigación en Orquídeas de los Andes “Ángel Andreetta”, Universidad Alfredo Pérez Guerrero, Ecuador Orquideario 25 de Mayo, San José, Costa Rica caossenb@racsa.co.cr INTRODUCTION “plant geography”, botanical exploration in our region seldom tried to relate plants with their life zones. The Geographical and historical scope of this study. XIX century and the first decades of the XX century The history of orchids started with the observation and are best defined by an almost frenetic interest in the study of species as isolated individuals, sometimes identification and description of new species, without grouped within political boundaries that are always bothering too much about their geographical origin. artificial. With rare exceptions, words such as No importance was given to the distribution of orchids “ecology” or “phytogeography” did not appear in the within the natural regions into which Central America botanical prose until the early XX century. is subdivided. Although Humboldt and Bonpland (1807), and Exceptions to this are found in the works by Bateman later Oersted, had already engaged in the study of (1837-43), Reichenbach (1866) and Schlechter (1918), * The idea for this book was proposed by Dr. Joseph Arditti during the 1st. International Conference on Neotropical Orchidology that was held in San José, Costa Rica, in May 2003. In its first chapters, this is without doubt a history of orchids, relating the role they played in the life of our ancient indigenous people and later in that of the Spanish conquerors, and the ornamental, medicinal and economical uses they gave to these plants.