

Kevin Studnicka - Sheriff



PATROL 2 Never Forget Why We your job, it is your decision Do What We Do which way the cruiser goes. SUPPORT STAFF 3 Whether you choose to go As we continue on our own CHAPLAIN SERVICES 3 personal career paths, it’s left or right, stake out a important for each of us to local business late in the remember to keep the shift for criminal activity, or PATROL RESERVE UNIT 4 head on another officer’s “spirit of a good officer” in 4 call, it is your show. After quarterbacking. MOUNTED RESERVE mind. UNIT all, one of the many reasons Many agencies across the Regardless of your role in we have chosen this profes- JAIL 5 nation are facing layoffs and the law enforcement profes- sion is because of the inde- officers are being asked to CRIME PREVENTION 6 sion, it’s important to start pendence it allows. There your shift by going over will be no one to blame at do more with less every CIVIL PROCESS AND 6 several things in your head the end for your shift but day, less money, less per- WARRANTS before the start of your yourself! It is each officers sonnel and in some cases, duty. No matter what the RECREATIONAL SAFETY 7 decision to read up on the less support from the com- news - new policies from 7 latest in policing during munity that you serve. Re- FROM THE CHIEF administration, rumors or your off time to gain the DEPUTY gardless of the external in- gossip stemming from other upper hand in crime trends employees, your inner in your area of responsibil- fluence, we must keep that SECURITY 8 peace comes from remem- ity. “spirit of a good officer”. INVESTIGATIONS 8 bering those things that That positive attitude to- make you love the job. It is your decision to carry a back-up handgun. These wards yourself and the job After loading up your are the decisions that can will keep the brotherhood CAPTAIN’S CORNER 9 cruiser with the equipment impact the outcome of your of the thin blue line strong 9-1-1 Dispatch 11 you may need to complete shift. These things can be a and will keep us committed Little Known Laws 11 weight on to the profession we all your spirit, love: law enforcement As just like ru- always, safety is first and mors, new equipment, foremost! squad car video equip- Regards, ment and Monday Kevin Studnicka morning


PATROL By Deputy Keith Rozeboom

Help Us and You Stay see drivers who fail to pull while we’re driving with Safe completely over or in some our red lights on. In addi- cases not at all. Often on- tion, drivers are often Everyone has seen police coming traffic simply con- looking at the approaching cars, ambulances, fire tinues driving without emergency vehicle and may trucks and other emer- moving over. Vehicles that not be paying attention to gency vehicles going to do pull over quite often the other cars in the inter- calls with their pull back onto the roadway section. Pay attention to all lights and siren without looking back. Fre- cars in the area and if possi- on. People are quently, a second emer- ble, pull over to the right, often intrigued gency vehicle is coming and stop until all emer- and distracted, behind the first one. Other gency vehicles have passed. wondering where vehicles may not have Failing to yield to an emer- they are going and yielded to the emergency what’s going on. gency vehicle is dangerous vehicle and may be ap- for you and for us. We This distraction proaching fast from behind can be dangerous understand people are dis- you. After moving over to tracted with kids, work, for you and for the right, before pulling us. and music and possibly back onto the road, take a even the emergency vehicle When we are second look. itself, but failing to yield driving with our lights and We also see drivers who could have drastic conse- siren, it’s called driving come up to an intersection quences. If some sort of code. When we are driv- and quickly speed through event should happen, we ing code to a call, emer- to avoid waiting for an need room to maneuver to gency vehicles are often emergency vehicle to pass. avoid an accident. That going at a higher rate of Crossing through an inter- extra couple of feet that speed than normal. We section is probably the you pull over, that second may be talking on the ra- most dangerous thing we look, could save a life. dio, as well as doing other do when driving code. Please help us and you stay things. Events can happen From a distance, it can be safe. Yield to emergency fast when we are driving very hard to tell how fast vehicles. code; a child may run into emergency vehicles are the street, a vehicle may going and we could be into pull out, any number of the intersection much things can happen. We faster than you think. practice and train driving Other vehicles at an inter- code but we still need your section may also be help. trying to speed Minnesota law requires through in an attempt drivers to yield the right-of to pull off to the right -way to emergency vehicles once through. Emer- and pull over as far as pos- gency vehicles may be sible to the right and stop turning at the intersection. until the emergency vehicle On most emergency vehi- has passed. We regularly cles, our signals don’t show VOLUME 4, ISSUE 3 PAGE 3

SUPPORT STAFF By Support Staff Jill Wolf

Annual Purging of In- “Purging”; the message would to determine what needs to mate Booking Files read something along the be retained permanently and lines of: th what documents can be This spring, Jail Administra- Monday, May 18 at 1:00pm purged and then tion asked for volunteers to will be the next File Purging destroyed. help with the annual purging event; please come in and join of inmate booking files. Jane Carol and Chuck for a fun filled Documents that Wiley, Scott County’s Com- couple of hours! There are only are required to be munity Volunteer Coordina- 10 boxes left of the 37! Please kept permanently tor, organized a list of poten- email me if you can join us. are the inmate tial volunteers interested in Booking Card and helping with this project at It doesn’t sound very hard the arresting the jail. Little did these won- does it? Picture yourself sur- agency’s Authority derful volunteers know that rounded by 37 file books to Detain form, all they were getting involved filled to capacity with 3,755 other confidential with a huge project! Purging inmate booking files! information is of Scott County Jail inmate State statute mandates that all allowed by state files is a tedious and time con- confidential paper, inmate statute to be destroyed. We suming task. booking cards and other per- sort through the booking files

tinent inmate information be for the inmate’s Booking Imagine receiving an email kept for six years; on the sev- Card and the Authority to sent to “File Purging Group” enth year every inmate book- and in the subject line is ing file needs to be reviewed (Continued on page 10)

CHAPLAIN SERVICES By Chaplain Bob Raleigh

Confidentiality during a When I respond to calls for committed suicide? Was Crime Scene the Sheriff’s Office, I’m fre- there really a suicide note? quently responding to calls Did it say he hated his son? It isn’t always easy going out involving domestic disputes Did he really cut his own on calls when you’ve lived in and death scenes. I may throat? this community for 38 years. know the people involved . I The calls I respond to are My wife and I have raised may know their family and often considered crime scenes four children who attended friends. I may even know under investigation. The the Belle Plaine School Dis- how events took place and Sheriff’s Office asks me to trict. I’ve worked as a deacon what’s going to happen after- respond to assist with the with the catholic church in wards. family during a troubled and New Prague and still work Unfortunately, what I learn emotional time. No call is with the catholic church in and what I know during the same and I consider it a Belle Plaine. We dairy emergency call outs can’t be privilege to help the deputies farmed for 30 years and my shared with others. You may and the families of our com- wife used to work at the Lu- want to know if the woman of munity. theran Home in Belle Plaine. the house was committed to We know people in this com- The next time you see me and detox and just exactly how munity, have raised kids in ask about a call I was on, drunk was she? Did she really this community and have please know that I would like trash the house like someone worked in this community. (Continued on page 14) said? What about the guy that PAGE 4 FIVE POINTS OF THE STAR

PATROL VOLUNTEERS By Reserve Sergeant Dave Gratz

THE “GOOD” KIND OF also get requests to do finger- that, of all the agencies offer- FINGERPRINTS prints for those who are going ing fingerprints, Scott County through the adoption process was the only one who offered The Scott County and many other reasons. the service outside of normal Patrol Reserve Unit business hours. Not having to There is a knack to taking fin- provides a variety of take time off work was worth gerprints. The volunteer re- public services to the the drive. How’s that for serve deputies train and prac- residents of Scott customer service? County. tice on each other before working a fingerprinting shift. We take fingerprints two days One of these services Proper fingerprints can’t be each month, the 4th Saturday is civil fingerprinting. smudged, must be rolled and morning, and the 2nd Thurs- More employers than show enough of the finger pad day evening. There is a nomi- ever are requiring for comparisons. nal fee for the fingerprinting prospective employ- service. Appointments are The reserves take fingerprints ees to undergo back- required, and can be obtained for Scott County residents, as ground checks, in- by calling 952-496-8300 dur- well as those in the greater cluding submission of ing normal business hours. a set or two of finger- metro area. One couple who prints. came to get fingerprinted drove to Shakopee all the way Teachers and nurses are some from Anoka. When I asked of our best customers! We why they came so far, they said

SADDLE UP By Mounted Reserve Captain Scott Doering

All in the Family their community at the same groups from her daughter. time! Because of Rachel’s age, she is In this busy world, we all limited to certain activities so wish we could spend more Mary Beth Jallen has been a she and her mom are able to quality time with our mounted reserve since June, share a horse for the units. kids. Our children 2006. Her daughter, Emily, is “Galson”, an appaloosa gelding, are occupied with also a “horsey” person and, this is as “stable” as they come and sporting events, con- spring, joined the Junior ends up working a lot carrying certs, and school ac- Posse. Mary Beth and Emily either mother, Lisa, or daugh- tivities. Parents are have been to several trainings ter, Rachel. Being a good running here and together, as well as working sport, he puts up with it all. there, working, shop- events and parades. Emily’s ping, cleaning, and only complaint is that her If you have a horse and are completing all those mother needs to “stop worry- interested in the mounted re- other domestic ing!” serve or junior posse, we will chores. Who can find be holding a public sensory Our second mother-daughter the time? training on Sunday, October team is Lisa Ohm and Rachel 18th. More information will Here in Scott County, Menke. However, in this case, be available soon. Watch our a couple of mounted Rachel is the old pro, having a website and your local newspa- reserve mothers have year under her belt in the Jun- pers! found a great way to ior Posse. Mom, Lisa, just spend time with their joined the Mounted Reserve daughters and serve and is learning a lot about the VOLUME 4, ISSUE 3 PAGE 5

IN THE JAIL By Jail Accounting Technician Cassie Wolpern

Inmate Commissary kiosk or deposited online are deducted through the in- immediately available to the mate’s account. This process Reward credit cards, free inmate. Mail deposits are in return provides for a large financial assistance, and af- available on the date received. portion of the jail revenue. fordable fine dining available Scott County’s agreement to all! No credit checks nec- What can those funds can be with TurnKey Corrections essary! So maybe it’s not used for? Inmates are allowed calls for a commission on all actually quite that lavishing, to transfer $20 per day from products sold. In 2008, Scott but the services and products their account onto their County earned a total of available to inmates of the smartcard. They are then $34,589.05 in Scott County Jail are indeed able to purchase soda and vending com- superior to what many would snacks out of various vending mission and imagine. These privileges not machines stationed in the $33,798.05 in only occupy and provide a housing units. Also stationed phone card means of reward for good in the housing units are Turn- commission. behavior by inmates, but they Key stationed touch-screen These two also benefit the County as a computers allowing the in- figures to- dependable source of annual mates to read their account gether ac- income. history and current balance, counted for purchase phone cards, and to an estimated TurnKey Corrections, Inc. is order “brown bag” commis- 3% of the a correctional vending com- sary. Complimenting the Jail’s total pany out of Hudson, WI that vending machines, brown bag revenue in contracts with the Scott commissary is a delivery ser- 2008. County Jail to provide a vari- vice from TurnKey Correc- ety of products to inmates tion’s warehouse in Hudson, At the end of ranging from food and drink WI, offering larger items such an inmate’s to stationery and paint sets. as name-brand hygiene prod- stay, all out- During the initial booking ucts, notebooks, pre-postage standing fees process, each inmate is given envelopes, and even a variety are applied to a “smartcard,” a credit card- of dried food options includ- the account, like swipeable card which is ing Salisbury Steak! Brown any funds tied to their own individual bag commissary is delivered remaining on an inmate’s financial account. All funds on a consistent schedule, 2-3 smartcard are cleared back in the possession of the in- days per week. into the account, and any mate at the time of intake are remaining balance is returned deposited into this account. The inmate’s account is also to the inmate in a check. All During their stay, friends and used to pay a variety of jail account information remains family are able to add funds to service fees accrued during on the TurnKey software, an inmate’s account by one of their stay. Court-ordered conveniently allowing a re- the following options: depos- fees such as Bureau of Prisons turning inmate’s account to iting cash into the kiosk lo- subsistence payments, and be reactivated instead of cated in the Jail lobby, mail- Huber Work Release fees are opening a new account. ing money orders to the in- paid and deducted through mate, or by using a credit the inmate’s account. Fees Commissary vending is just a card on TurnKey Correc- for booking, drug testing, small portion of the revenue- tion’s website: medical visit and prescription generating services offered in www.inmatecanteen.com. co-pays, law library copies, the Scott County Jail. The All funds inserted into the and haircut service are also (Continued on page 10) PAGE 6 FIVE POINTS OF THE STAR

CRIME PREVENTION By Deputy Mary Hensel

“Sexting” Prevention have taken nude or semi-nude sonal pages or social network- Tips and Strategies photos or themselves and sent ing sites such as MySpace or them to someone or posted Facebook. Although there is no formal them online. definition, “sexting” is com- Teens, as well as adults, who monly defined as the act of Those who sext (send sexu- engage in sexting can be sub- sending sexually explicit mes- ally explicit messages or pho- ject to a criminal felony sages or photos electronically, tos) often do not realize the charge for sending, receiving frequently between cell severity of sexting-related or creating a photo involving phones. consequences, which may someone under 18 that looks include anything from hu- sexually explicit or obscene. Sexting is widely recognized miliation to criminal charges. If convicted, they could be- as a current trend among an One of the most basic con- come a Registered Sex Of- increasing number of teenag- cerns is that the pictures can fender. A sex offender regis- ers. According to a 2008 be forwarded and re- tration requirement will fol- survey commissioned by the forwarded with the push of a low someone forever and will National Campaign to Pre- button to anyone with a cell affect his or her ability to get vent Teen and Unplanned phone or email address. A into college or obtain certain Pregnancy, 22% of teenage sext can be easily uploaded to jobs. girls and 18% of teenage boys any website, including per- (Continued on page 13)


Postponement of Fore- the property must be classi- ends. closure Sale fied as homestead and be one  Postponement can only be Effective June 15, 2009, Min- to four units. Also, the first done once, regardless of nesota state law allows you to publication of the Sheriff’s whether you bring the delay the foreclosure sale Sale must have occurred AND mortgage current or not. (“Sheriff’s Sale”) of your it must be at least 15 days home by five months. This before the scheduled Sheriff’s Sale. means that by postponing the For more information on Sheriff’s Sale you get five Other facts to know about mortgage foreclosures, check more months to bring your postponing the Sheriff’s Sale: the Sheriff’s website at mortgage current. It also www.co.scott.mn.us . Click  If you are unable to bring reduces the redemption pe- on Sheriff under the Public the mortgage current or riod to five weeks. During Safety heading and think scroll redeem during the re- the redemption period, you down the left hand menu. must pay off the amount bid demption period, you at the Sheriff’s Sale to retain must vacate the home at ownership of the property. the end of the five week Generally, this is about equal redemption period. to the amount owed on the  The lender and foreclo- mortgage. The new Sheriff’s sure attorney are not Sale date will be the first day required to publish no- that is not a Saturday, Sunday, tice or serve you with or legal holiday and is five additional information months after the originally about the change in the scheduled Sheriff’s Sale. Sheriff’s Sale or the date To postpone a Sheriff’s Sale, the redemption period VOLUME 4, ISSUE 3 PAGE 7

RECREATIONAL SAFETY By Deputy Travis Lapham No Aquatic Ride-Alongs ing a watercraft from the helpful way of assuring that With Prior Lake recently lake is to remove all visible all aquatic creatures are becoming a host of the Ze- plants and animals from cleared from your water- bra Mussel, it is more im- your boat, trailer, and craft before you launch portant than ever for peo- other equipment. Next, your boat again. ple to be aware of what make sure you drain all Effects of the Zebra Mus- they’re transporting on lake water from your boat, sel: their watercraft. It’s illegal live well, motor, and other  Block pipelines and clog to transport any aquatic containers before leaving water intakes of munici- species including Zebra the access. Once you have your watercraft home, pal water supplies. Mussels, New Zealand  Very sharp and can cut Mudsnails, any aquatic spray or rinse it and your equipment to remove all peoples feet which re- plants, or any other prohib- quires people to wear aquatic creatures that ited species on public roads sandals or water shoes. weren’t visible on your or to boat launches where  The animals and algae these species are attached first inspection. Using a that zebra mussels feed to your watercraft. high pressure sprayer with on are also the food for a water temperature of at larval fish and other na- The first step a boater least 120 degrees is also a (Continued on page 9) needs to take when remov-

FROM THE CHIEF DEPUTY By Chief Deputy Dean Opatz

Tri-City and Scott The history of SWAT in the and saving life”. County Tactical Team United States began in about Scott County Sheriff’s Office 1975, when the city of Los Who do the cops call when has a rich and dedicated his- Angeles, California organized they need special assistance? tory in the SWAT commu- the nation’s first full time nity. This Office has had They call Special Weapons SWAT team. {Most teams many of its former and cur- and Tactics. {SWAT} are not full time duty teams} rent staff take tour in SWAT. The need for SWAT stemmed Yes, the Scott County Sher- Sheriff Studnicka and I have from numerous police inci- iff’s Office does encompass a served with teams for a com- dents where special training SWAT team, better known as bined 24 years. Today we and tactics were needed to the Tri City & Scott County have nine deputies and six handle some of the most vio- Tactical Team. 911 communications staff lent of police encounters - with many staff waiting to Scott County Sheriff’s Office {barricaded suspects, hostage take their tour when the tim- has been involved with rescue, snipers and high risk ing is right. SWAT since 1990, and in warrant service}. Prior to June of 2006 merged as a SWAT, most, if not all, calls Our team today has many of joint team with Shakopee, were handled by patrol offi- the same traditional response Prior Lake and Savage police cers with no addition weap- types as years past. But a new departments. {Tri-CITY & ons, training, etc. SWAT role was introduced last fall at Scott County}. With a total ideology soon caught on the Republican National Con- of 35 members, the current around the nation with large vention—Special Security commander is Captain Bruce metro and county agencies Detail. The metro area teams Simon of the Savage Police joining on. SWAT has one trained for nearly four Department. primary mission, “preserving (Continued on page 12) PAGE 8 FIVE POINTS OF THE STAR

HOMELAND SECURITY By Homeland Security Manager Chris Weldon

Preparing for an H1N1 nausea, vomiting and diar- that will decompose or Pandemic rhea. break. The flu, also known as influ- During a flu pandemic, gov-  Ask your health care pro- enza, is a contagious respira- ernment officials may impose vider and health insur- tory disease caused by influ- activity, movement or travel ance company if you can enza viruses. The flu people restrictions to prevent the flu get an extra supply of get every season is called sea- virus from spreading. You your regular prescription sonal flu. Sometimes, a new may be asked to stay home for drugs and medical sup- type of flu virus may emerge an extended period of time, plies. to which people have no re- even if you aren’t sick. sistance. When this happens,  Store health and cleaning Take steps to get through and it can spread more easily from supplies, such as bleach, recover from a flu pandemic. person to person around the tissues, disposable world in a very short time,  Store a two week supply gloves, etc. causing serious illness and of food that does not  Talk with family mem- death. This is pandemic flu. require refrigeration, bers and loved ones preparation or cooking. The symptoms of the pan- about how they would be Plan for your pets as demic flu are likely to be cared for if they got sick. well. similar to those of seasonal For more information, con- flu: fever, sore throat,  Store a two-week supply tact your local Red Cross cough, runny or stuffy nose, of water, 1 gallon of wa- chapter. extreme tiredness, headache, ter per person to day, in

muscle aches and pains, and clean plastic containers. stomach problems such as Avoid using containers

INVESTIGATIONS By Detective Todd Beck

The Logical World of time ago) I hardly remem- invalid. This is a good con- Sherlock Holmes bered any of that. cept you can use when speak- ing with people. You are not Going to the movies re- What I did learn reading trying to figure out if what cently, I sat through pre- those stories about this British they are saying is the truth or view after preview. One Detective was that he caught a lie. You are listening that caught my attention every detail when dealing closely to see if what they are was the new Sherlock with people and places. His saying is possible based on the Holmes movie opening ability to recreate a crime evidence in the case. If they Christmas Day, 2009. It scene based on what could tell you a story that is not is an action movie starring NOT have happened is some- possible because of your ob- Robert Downey Jr. that is an thing we can all use today. servations, the County Attor- adaptation of the fictional In college, I took a class on ney and the Jury will believe character made famous by the logic that really made sense to the story told to you was writer Arthur Conan Doyle. me. Sherlock Holmes used “invalid” and they will draw There were fight scenes, gun deductive logic, a way of their own conclusions. fights, and explosions all thinking that does not involve through the trailer. I was a You can use deductive rea- true or false, but valid or in- bit confused; when I read The soning when you remove valid. If something is possible Hound of the Baskervilles (a long it is valid, impossible then it is (Continued on page 10) VOLUME 4, ISSUE 3 PAGE 9


(Continued from page 7)  Contaminate beaches and Lake to keep create boating and naviga- our waterways tive species, therefore tional hazards while en- clean and free of large zebra mussel popu- joying our lakes. these nuisances. lations may cause a de- With all this in mind, just take cline in other native ani- Happy Boating! mals including mollusks, a few extra minutes each time fish, and birds. you take your boat off the

CAPTAIN’S CORNER By Captain Jeff Swedin

911 Dispatch Center 911 dispatch center. The  Call averages into the Phone Statistics and statistical chart shows the last dispatch center for 2008 Dispatched Calls for five years (2004 – 2008) of is approximately 23 calls Service to Emergency telephone calls into the 911 per hour or 523 calls per Responders over the dispatch center. In reviewing day. These particular last Five Years the graph, it identifies admin statistics can spike up or Statistics - what do they lines, which are all calls into down during any part of mean? The Webster dic- the dispatch center other than the year, month, week, tionary identifies statistics 911 telephone calls. The or day. admin lines could be a citizen as the collection, analysis, See chart 1 on page 12. interpretation, and presen- with a question, an officer We are also able to collect tation of numerical data, or with a question or relaying data on Incident Complaint the gathering, analyzing, information to a dispatcher, a Reports, also known as an and making inferences call that could turn into an ICR. The ICR number from data. emergency, or a general non- emergency business purpose. shows how many dispatched We, in the public sector, The 911 Line is actual 911 calls for service law enforce- use statistics for a number calls into the dispatch center. ment, fire departments, and of reasons - trends, proper A couple of interesting facts EMS respond to. The ICR personnel coverage for about our numbers over the number indentifies both time of day, appropriate last five years show the fol- emergency and non- staffing levels, equipment/ lowing: emergency calls and the ICR program needs, and simply number is used to identify  to show how can we better 911 calls have increased calls for service for eight law serve the public, law en- by 12% enforcement agencies, eight  forcement, fire depart- Admin lines have in- fire departments and six ments, and emergency ser- creased overall by 25%, EMS agencies. vice responders (EMS) but decreased in 2008 by The second and third through the statistics we 4.5%  graph show ICR numbers gather. The summer months of May through August tend and calls dispatched for Through our software pro- to be the highest number law enforcement, fire grams at the Scott County of calls into the dispatch departments, and EMS. Sheriff’s Office, we are center; January and Feb- Items to note on these statis- able to gather statistics on ruary being the lowest. (Continued on page 12) all telephone calls into the PAGE 10 FIVE POINTS OF THE STAR


(Continued from page 5) ety of products and an inmate accounting service that bene- Jail has contracted with Turn- fits the inmates of the jail and Key Corrections since the the county budget, as well as doors opened in 2005. Turn- making the work flow more Key Corrections and jail staff efficient and less staff inten- have worked together during sive. this time to offer a wide vari-


(Continued from page 8) every other point of entry is have happened, you are left intact, you can deduce that with what happened.” possibilities from a scene and the broken window was used I am sure the movie will be tighten up a case. For exam- to gain entry. What deduc- ple, you are responding to a tive reasoning really does is entertaining and have all sorts burglary at a home and begin slow you down from being of special effects, but I will go searching for a point of entry. tempted to jump to an early hoping to see some good de- After you find a broken win- conclusion and ignore other ductive reasoning used by the dow, do you stop there? In clues. This saying about de- Sherlock Holmes that I grew deductive reasoning, you ductive reasoning has always up reading about a long time would continue looking at stuck with me, “when you ago. every other possibility. If take away all that could NOT


(Continued from page 3) files that once fit into 37 file Jail Administration staff, we boxes were purged and re- would like to sincerely thank Detain form, which are found filed into 10 file boxes. these wonderful individuals, inbetween 30 to 40 other These were then sent offsite for helping complete this time papers all stapled together, to be permanently stored. All consuming but important once these two papers are of the confidential paperwork task. We are forever grateful found all other confidential purged from the files filled 29 for your dedication and hard paper is put into a box to be file boxes and those too were work. destroyed. sent to the offsite storage facility to be shredded. If you are interested in be- About 100 files fit into the coming a Scott County Vol- average file box and it takes Four individuals stepped up unteer call Jane Wiley at the about 50 minutes to go and volunteered for a total of Community Volunteer Coor- through and purge one file 33 hours to complete the dinator’s office at 952 496- box. It is very important to project! 8196 or register on-line at have a good chair with a sup-  Carol and Chuck Sather Scott Volunteers.com and portive back, and a sense of  Pam Ramnarain click on “Volunteer Registra- humor while working on this  Kim Roches tion”. project for several hours. On behalf of Sheriff Stud- The 3,755 inmate booking nicka, Captain Case, and the VOLUME 4, ISSUE 3 PAGE 11

9-1-1 By 911 Dispatcher Deb Simon

Severe Weather – What hap- The Shift Lead or Sergeant on scene, they notify the pens in dispatch? determines if there are Emergency Management Di- enough personnel in the dis- rector, who monitors their The skies are getting dark, the patch center. A page is sent activities in a room attached wind is picking up. Suddenly out to Dispatchers, Sheriff to the dispatch center. He you hear the tornado sirens. Administration, the Emer- then relays information to the Why are they sounding? gency Management Director Dispatch Shift Lead or Ser- When are they set off? Who and Shakopee Police Weather geant. If it is sets them off? Group. deemed necessary The sirens sound in Scott to set off the sirens We then notify officers over County when severe weather they are set off by the radio of the severe is confirmed for our area. dispatch. All weather. The Emergency The criteria for setting off weather sirens are Management Director con- sirens are a confirmed tor- set off by radio tacts members of Safecom to nado, sustained winds of 58 from the center do weather spotting. He will MPH or more, or when di- and will remain on also determine if any fire or rected by the National for 3 minutes and ambulance units will be paged Weather Service or the Emer- may be reset if necessary. out for weather spotting. gency Management Director. There is no all clear that is We also notify the hospitals When severe weather occurs sounded in Scott County and recreation areas of Scott in Scott County, dispatch is In addition to this process, County about the severe notified by the National weather, including St. Francis the dispatch center is still Weather Service through the Regional Medical Center, receiving the regular phone State Patrol. They notify us Queen of Peace Hospital, calls and requests from offi- via radio regarding watches Valleyfair, Canterbury Park, and warnings. We are also cers, however as soon as the Raceway Park, Mystic Lake notified by teletype. We take sirens sound many people call Casino and Elko Speedway. this information and start our in to ask why. severe weather notifications. After the weather spotters get

LITTLE KNOWN LAWS By Deputy Mary Hensel

MN STATUTE 169.471 - prohibit: gency; or Subdivision 2 - Use of 1. The use of a 3. The use of a Headphones in a Vehicle hearing aid de- communication (a) No person, while operat- vice by a person headset by an ing a motor vehicle, shall who needs the emergency wear headphones or ear- device ; medical services phones that are used in person while 2. The use of a both ears simultaneously operating an communication for purposes of receiving ambulance sub- headset by a or listening to broadcasts ject to section firefighter while or reproductions from 114E.101. operating a fire radios, tape decks, or department other sound-producing emergency vehi- or transmitting devices. cle in response (b) Paragraph (a) does not to an emer- PAGE 12 FIVE POINTS OF THE STAR


(Continued from page 9) See chart 2 and 3 on page ment, fire, and EMS. This tics over the last five years: 13. isn’t a surprise as popula- Hopefully the statistics tion has and will continue  Calls for service dis- provided will show you to grow in Scott County. patched for law en- clearly the day to day and What is a testament to the forcement increased year to year workload current dispatch staff is that overall by 11%, but trends that are occurring in we have not created a new decreased in 2008 by the dispatch center. The dispatcher position since 4.5%. overall numbers have 2005, and continue to  Calls for service dis- gradually increased over work with the resources patched for fire and the last five years for 911 that we have and maintain a EMS increased by calls, administration lines, dedicated, efficient, and 13.5%, but was rela- and ICR’s for law enforce- professional dispatch unit! CHART 1 tively flat in 2008.

Phone Calls 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Admin Lines 119269 122199 119782 121860 121877 121526 152343 159853 152916

911 Lines 22467 26316 29973 33173 34082 36397 32309 34443 38089

Total 141736 148515 149755 155033 155959 157923 184652 194296 191005

Jan Feb Mar April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec TOTAL Default Line 2223 2034 2433 1977 2347 2418 2642 2598 2174 2182 2103 2392 27523 911 Line 2679 2442 2938 2794 3327 3609 3800 3749 3175 3198 3082 3296 38089 PBX Lines 1269 1199 1292 1455 1502 1440 1633 1460 1358 1523 1200 1235 16566 Admin Lines 8188 7633 8758 8188 10099 9766 10938 10081 9043 8846 8787 8500 108827 Totals 14359 13308 15421 14414 17275 17233 19013 17888 15750 15749 15172 15423 191005


(Continued from page 7) The SWAT of yesterday and ties as a result of it. today has many commonal- If we look back, SWAT as we months in preparation for ities, but one is always cer- know it, has not been around the conventions. The tain: change. The tactics, all that long compared to other training was intense and technology, equipment and law enforcement specialty stressful, but well worth training are better today than groups. it. The Tri City & Scott say 10, 20 and for sure 30 County Team performed years ago. The men and So when the police need spe- well and was involved women that serve SWAT cial help, we really do call with some of the most today are better trained, have SWAT. intense police interven- better equipment, and have Dean Opatz tion of the convention. more regional tools to choose from and we have less casual- Chief Deputy VOLUME 4, ISSUE 3 PAGE 13


(Continued from page 6) nature of the problem and The bottom line? Talk to what they should do about it. your kids. Ask them what A number of states through- they know about sexting. out the nation are currently The National Crime Preven- Express your concerns and considering legislation that tion Council at the risks associated with sex- would reduce criminal penal- www..ncpc.org has devel- ting. Remind them that ties for teenagers, 13-18 years oped a downloadable bro- sometimes our friends be- old, who engage in sexting. chure, “Sexting: How Teens come our enemies. Why give Can Stay Safe.” This bro- them ammunition to black- The problem of sexting can chure contains a number of mail, embarrass or harass us? be best addressed by parents tips for teens relating to sex- or guardians. Parents, how- ting. ever, need to understand the CHART 2

Law Enforcement Calls for Service 2008

2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Elko 239 359 376 371 475 Jordan 3417 3365 3597 3631 3878 New Prague 3328 3621 3965 4103 4026 Belle Plaine 4333 4503 4944 5690 5126 Savage 9472 9792 10686 10860 12038

Prior Lake 9451 10131 9653 9415 9664 CHART 3

2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Department 690 693 567 689 718 12 BP Ambulance 680 Ridgeview Ambulance 539 601 667 653 726 677 NP Amb 3504 3375 3477 3607 4210 4248 Allina 112 115 120 187 149 197 Northfield/Allina 150 255 213 154 MDE Ambulance

TOTALS 4845 4784 4981 5391 6016 5968

2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Department 87 88 119 106 118 128 Belle Plaine FD 225 232 227 249 277 278 New Market FD 143 111 118 128 125 120 Jordan FD 605 398 121 132 110 79 Mdewakanton FD 158 148 174 187 139 117 New Prague FD 807 856 1037 1041 1135 810 Prior Lake FD 337 341 390 408 416 422 Savage FD 501 503 548 494 625 554 Shakopee FD

TOTALS 2863 2677 2734 2745 2945 2508 ‐437

Fire calls decreased by 17% from 2007 Mailing Address Line 1 Mailing Address Line 2 SCOTT COUNTY SHERIFF'S Mailing Address Line 3 OFFICE Mailing Address Line 4

301 S. Fuller St. Mailing Address Line 5 Shakopee, MN 55379 Administration: 952-496-8300 Dispatch: 952-445-1411 Emergency: 9-1-1 Kevin Studnicka - Sheriff



CHAPLAIN SERVICES (Continued from page 3) What does it take to get a person to realize it’s their to answer your questions. I own responsibility for what don’t answer your questions they say or do? All I can do because I can’t. for some people is pray for them. I pray for all those in As you get older, things are a law enforcement every day lot different than when you so they have a good shift and are younger. It isn’t always go home safe to their fami- easy dealing with the public. lies. Just like the Sheriff’s depu- ties - I give them a lot of Trust me for what and how I credit for taking guff from communicate with you when citizens who want to know you ask me specific questions about the conditions the peo- about certain incidences. ple are in when they are And really, if it was your pulled over for a violation. family, would you want me It seems it’s never their fault. to talk about it with just any- It’s always someone else’s one that asks? fault. It appears today that no one wants to take respon- sibility for their actions.