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S E L E C T E D R E a D I N G S in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Surgical and Anesthetic Considerations in the Illicit Drug Ab

S E L E C T E D R E a D I N G S in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Surgical and Anesthetic Considerations in the Illicit Drug Ab






Julie Ann Smith, DDS, MD


Julie Ann Smith, DDS, MD


The abusing patient is not uncommonly found in oral and maxillofacial surgery ­offices.(1) Most oral surgeons feel comfortable with identifying these patients and managing them. However, the abused by our patients go far beyond those one might consider typical (i.e., , marijuana, , and ). Over the past decade, novel psychoactive substances have emerged, including phenethylamines, piperazines, cathinones, synthetic and other unclassified drugs that pose a significant public health threat and also can be abused by our patients. The abuse of illicit drugs can influence a patient’s response to both surgery and anes- thesia. It is important for the practitioner to 1) be knowledgeable about the illicit drugs available in the community so as to recognize the signs and symptoms of use, 2) understand the anesthetic complications associated with these drugs and 3) know how to manage drug abuse related emer- gencies. As of 2010, 41.7 % of Americans over the facilities. Three of these deaths were related age of 12 have taken an illicit drug at some to postoperative opioid overdose, and two of time during their life.(2) A significant number these patients had a history of drug abuse.(5) of users are young—22% of those between Drug abusers may also have a higher likeli- the ages of 18 and 20 have used illicit drugs. hood of developing postoperative complica- Males are more likely than females to use ­illicit tions. Serena-Gomez, et al. reviewed compli- drugs.(3) There is a growing problem with cations in mandible fractures and found that novel psychoactive substances. In 2012, there 37.5% of all complications were in IV drug- were 5,230 exposures to synthetic marijuana abusing patients.(6) An awareness of drug reported to poison control centers in the US use is of paramount importance in the care and there were 2,641 exposures to cathinone of our patients, for whom we provide surgery, (“bath salts”). These numbers decreased to , and . This manu- 2,643 and 995, respectively in 2013.(4) It is script will review the most commonly abused not clear if these decreases represent declin- illicit drugs as well as provide a brief overview ing use, use of alternative substances instead, of novel psychoactive substances. or users becoming experienced enough to avoid poisoning. MARIJUANA

Morbidity and mortality statistics from Marijuana is the most commonly used the American Association for Accreditation illicit substance. At the time of this writing, of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities (AAAASF) twenty states and the District of Columbia reveal that between 2001 and 2006, there have legalized the use of medical marijuana were 23 deaths during 1,141,418 procedures and two states have legalized it for medical performed in American ambulatory surgery and recreational use.(7) This section will ­focus

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on the illicit use of . It can be smoked or eaten, The act of smoking marijuana frequently and its use results in intense relaxation and . ­involves deep inspiration and prolonged breath holding. It affects memory, pleasure, sensory and time percep- This act may predispose patients to the development tion and coordination. Chronic use can result in crav- of bullous emphysema, possibly resulting in reduced ings and dependence and withdrawal can occur, during lung function, and places them at risk of spontaneous which users may experience irritability, sleep distur- .(11) Interestingly, Pletcher, et al. found bances, anxiety, poor appetite, and craving.(8) that low/occasional use of marijuana did not adversely ­affect the FEV1 or FVC of patients with up to 7 - The major psychoactive ingredient of cannabi- years of exposure.(12) noids is Δ-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). The primary receptor in the brain is the CB1 receptor. It has been hypothesized that the act of deep Antagonistic action of the CB1 receptor by THC ­results inspiration practiced during marijuana smoking contrib- in G protein activation that ultimately results in the utes to a higher FVC and total lung capacity and may ­behavioral effects of cannabinoid use. There is strong help preserve lung function. Pletcher, et al.’s study, evidence demonstrating CB1 receptor down regula- however, had some limitations; it did not include a high tion and decreased G protein activation in response to number of heavy marijuana users and it was based on chronic cannabinoid use, resulting in tolerance.(9) self-reporting of marijuana use, which may have been inaccurate. Due to the mucosal inflammation stimulated THC is highly lipid soluble and readily crosses by marijuana, users should be expected to be at risk the brain barrier. The half-life of distribution is for an increased propensity for bronchospasm, laryn- ­approximately 30 minutes and the half-life of the termi- gospasm, and upper airway edema compared to the nal phase is quite variable—it may be up to 56 hours in non-smoker. occasional users, but 28 hours in chronic users.(2,10) Cardiac Effects Possible acute effects of marijuana use include confusion, anxiety, inability to problem solve, conjuncti- val congestion, tachycardia, inaccurate time perception, Marijuana’s cardiac effects are well described as and dulled reflexes. There may be a green tinge visible smoking marijuana has been demonstrated to cause a on the tongue due to inhaled chlorophyll or green dye. dose dependent rate increase from 20% to 100%. Marijuana may be detected in the urine of a first time This elevation peaks approximately 10 to 30 minutes user for up to 3 days, but in the urine of a chronic user after starting smoking. Additionally, it is known to cause for 1 to 4 weeks. both elevated blood pressure in the supine ­position and postural .(13) Larger doses have been ­reported to cause bradycardia and hypotension.(14 ) Pulmonary Effects of Marijuana Smoking There have been reports of an increased risk The pulmonary effects from smoking ­marijuana of myocardial infarction related to marijuana use. The are related to inhaled carcinogens and irritants as well mechanism for this increased risk is not well under- as the actual method of smoking. The primary effects stood.(13,14,15) This risk may be related to effects of marijuana smoking are inflammatory, causing an of cannabis on microcirculation or to the increase in increase in coughing, phlegm production, wheezing, carboxyhemoglobin that occurs with smoking that bronchitis and reactive airway disease. The level of ­decreases the oxygen content of the blood, placing bronchial inflammation caused by smoking 3 to 4 “” more strain on the heart. Interestingly, there have been per day is equivalent to smoking 20 regular cigarettes reports of increased risk in patients otherwise felt to be per day.(2) at low risk for myocardial infarction with no pre-existing

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cardiac ­issues.(13,14) The use of marijuana stroke patients and found an adjusted odds may be accompanied by other activities that ratio of 1.76 for the association between place the patient at increased cardiac risk, cannabis use and ischemic stroke.(17) After such as the use of cocaine. adjusting for all other risk factors they found that 1 % of 998 ischemic strokes were attrib- Mittleman, et al. performed a case- utable to cannabis use. Wolff, et al. reported crossover study of 3882 patients with acute finding 59 case reports of cannabis-related myocardial infarction to evaluate potential stroke, a significant majority of which were triggers for MI.(13) They found that within the ischemic (49) and a small number were TIA’s first hour after marijuana smoking, the risk of (5).(16) Additionally, Wolff, et al. noted that MI was increased 4.8 fold. This risk declined cannabis users who had a stroke related to rapidly to 1.7 by the second hour. ­However, cannabis use were most often males who three patients who had an MI within the chronically used tobacco and alcohol as well. first hour of marijuana use had engaged in (16) other potential triggering behaviors during that hour as well, including cocaine use and Marijuana is well known for its ­desired sexual intercourse. Excluding these three psychiatric effects of euphoria, relaxation, patients, the authors found there was still a and enhanced sensorium, but use also can relative increased risk of 3.2 for MI within the result in issues with memory, balance, judg- first hour of marijuana use.(13) Although MI ment, and time concept. In some cases, dis- related to marijuana use is quite rare, it is orientation, extreme anxiety, paranoia, and important for the care provider to remember psychosis may ensue. There is evidence that the chronic marijuana user may have linking cannabis use to psychotic symptoms, elevated cardiac risk, particularly the patient but evidence of a link between cannabis and who otherwise seems to have no cardiac risk development of schizophrenia is controver- factors. In general, life-threatening arrhyth- sial.(18) mias have not been reported in marijuana users, but patients may exhibit occasional Anesthetic and Surgical Concerns EKG changes to include reversible ST seg- ment and T wave abnormalities and some supraventricular and ventricular ectopy. The chronic marijuana user should be expected to have a reactive airway and potentially be at higher risk for airway ede- Neurological and Psychiatric ma and laryngospasm. In the event of air- Complications way edema, intravenous may be helpful.(2) Additionally, it should be There is some evidence of a link ­remembered that due to the practice of deep ­between cannabis use and ischemic stroke. inspiration and breath holding, these patients There are various proposed etiologies of may have blebs which could lead to pneumo- this risk, including orthostatic hypotension, thorax in response to excessive airway pres- supine with labile blood pres- sure. sure, alterations in cerebral vasomotor func- tion, vasospasm, or multifactorial intracranial The cardiovascular effects of mari- stenosis.(16) Westover, et al. performed a juana can become an issue during anesthe- cross-sectional population-based study of sia, chiefly due to the tachycardia and blood

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pressure instability that may occur with acute of INR’s as high as 11.5, (see also Selected use. Tachycardia may be potentiated by epi- Readings in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, nephrine-containing local , ket- Vol. 21, #3) felt to be related to the influence amine or atropine. Acute marijuana intoxica- of marijuana on the of warfarin. tion can reduce the anesthetic requirement. (20)

It should also be remembered that COCAINE the marijuana user could also be using other illicit substances that can have even more concerning effects. As far as drug interac- Cocaine (benzoylmethylecgonine) is the tions are concerned, it must be remembered second most commonly abused illicit drug. It that marijuana is a CNS and the is an ester with vasoconstric- effects of other drugs, such as ben- tive and sympathomimetic properties. Gener- zodiazepines, opioids, antihistamines, and ally, it is used for its properties, but barbiturates may be compounded by the use it also acts as an appetite suppressant. Its of marijuana. anesthetic properties are the result of its abil- ity to reversibly bind to and inactivate Cannabis metabolism is not com- channels. Additionally, it binds to dopamine, pletely understood, but the cytochrome P450 norepinephrine, and ­serotonin transport enzyme CYP2C9 is felt to be responsible for proteins and directly inhibits the re-uptake its first pass metabolism and the enzyme of these sympathetic amines, resulting in CYP3A4 is believed to be involved as well. ­euphoric and sympathomimetic effects such (19) The involvement of this enzyme system as and tachycardia. It may is chiefly responsible for the interaction of be used in various forms. The ­water-soluble cannabis with prescription drugs. A literature salt cocaine ­hydrochloride may be snorted search by Lindsey, et al., revealed several (“nasal insufflation”),­injected, rolled in ­paper possible interactions. The most important and ingested, applied to oral ­mucous mem- for oral surgeons include a risk of branes, or inserted anally or vaginally. The when cannabis is combined with barbitu- most common method of use is through rates, ­anticholinergics, sedative-, ­nasal insufflation. The insoluble form is a and alcohol.(19) base, which must be smoked.

Potentially, cannabis can interact with is a form of freebase tricyclic , causing tachycar- ­cocaine, but freebase and crack are made dia or delirium; with selective serotonin reup- differently.(21) To make freebase cocaine, take inhibitors causing mania; and with disul- the water-soluble salt cocaine hydrochlo- firam causing hypomania. There has been a ride is dissolved in water with the addition case report of myocardial infarction after the of ammonia as a base and ether as a sol- use of marijuana with sildenafil, perhaps due vent. The ether is presumably evaporated to interference with metabolism of sildenafil and freebase cocaine is then smoked. How- by the cytochrome P450 enzyme system, ever, ether may still remain in the freebase causing toxic levels of sildenafil to accumu- ­cocaine, potentially resulting in facial or tra- late.(19) Additionally, there has been a case cheal burns. The production of crack cocaine report of a marijuana smoking patient who is simpler, dissolving cocaine hydrochloride was on warfarin and experienced episodes in water, mixing it with baking soda and heat-

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ing it, resulting in a hard mass (“rock”) when profit), enhance sympathetic stimulation; dry.(21) Freebase cocaine is less commonly or to monitor supply and distribution by the used than crack cocaine. Smoking of crack manufacturers.(22) results in rapid absorption with intense ­onset of ­euphoria, but the effect does not last as Levamisole was originally used as an long as it does when cocaine is snorted. immunomodulatory drug in the treatment The quick and intense onset of euphoria is of colorectal cancer as well as some auto- ­responsible for crack’s highly addictive qual- immune and rheumatologic conditions.(23) ity. Dependence rapidly develops and with- Rat studies demonstrated that it caused an drawal is notable for depression, fatigue, elevation in endogenous opioids and also and drug craving. Cocaine is metabolized by modulated the metabolism of norepineph- plasma and liver esterases and has a plas- rine, ­dopamine, and serotonin.(24) It has ma half-life of 30 to 90 minutes, with crack many side effects including agranulocytosis having a shorter half-life than the water-solu- and leukoencephalopathy and was removed ble form. Metabolites may be detected in the from the U.S. market in 1999. Other side urine for up to 15 days after use. ­effects of levamisole include neutropenia, vasculitis, arthralgias, possible coagulopa- It is important for the health provider thy, purpura, and skin .(22,23) to be able to recognize the clinical manifes- tations of cocaine use. Up to 10% of chronic In recent years, it has been found in users exhibit septal, nasal, or palatal defects as much as 70% of cocaine and in 3 % of that may be related to the intense vasocon- seized in the US as of 2009.(22,25) striction and ischemia caused by cocaine The presence of levamisole in cocaine came use. Significant septal perforations can result to light in 2008 when cases of unexplain- in nasal collapse. Those who nasally insuf- able agranulocytosis in cocaine users were flate cocaine may have a lack of nasal hairs documented and levamisole was detected in on their dominant side. A common area where seized lots of cocaine.(25) cocaine is topically applied is along the max- illary alveolus posterior to the canine, poten- Another unexpected category of tially resulting in a well-localized gingivitis in ­cocaine adulterants is local anesthetics. this area. Additionally, some ­users maintain Manufacturers may be adding these anes- one long fingernail—usually on the smallest thetics in order to dilute the drug or contrib- finger (pinky)—which is used as a scoop for ute to the nasal mucosal anesthetic effect of the salt form. Those who smoke crack may cocaine. A recent case report described two present with burns or calluses on the tips of cases of and their fingers.(2) in cocaine users.(26) Toxicology results in both patients revealed the presence of lido- Cocaine is well known for its cardio- caine and . threshold is vascular, pulmonary, and neurologic effects; lowered by cocaine and the addition of local however, it is important to realize that it is not anesthetics may lower that further. uncommon for adulterants to be combined with cocaine, and these can have effects as Many other adulterants have been well. Levamisole is one such adulterant. The reported including caffeine, aminophena- reason Levamisole may be added to cocaine zone (with a risk of agranulocytosis), ephed- may be to dilute it (and increase volume and rine, , , and phe-

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nobarbital, among others.(27) However, Mittleman, et al. evaluated the pos- levamisole and the local anesthetics seem sibility of cocaine triggering a myocardial to be the most common adulterants and it is ­infarction in a population of patients with ­important for the health provider to be aware acute myocardial infarction (AMI).(29) of the possible presence of these contami- ­Patients were queried as to the use of co- nants because they can cause side effects caine and other potential triggers of AMI. In not normally expected from cocaine alone. these patients the relative risk of AMI was elevated 23.7 times during the first hour Cardiac Effects ­after cocaine use. This risk declined signifi- cantly during subsequent hours and was still elevated at hours 2 and 3 after use, but in Increased sympathetic tone results comparison to non-cocaine use prior to MI, from increased levels of norepinephrine, this was not a significant difference. Howev- dopamine, and serotonin, resulting in an er, the authors did note that the confidence ­elevated blood pressure and heart rate. interval for relative risk for MI during hours Hypertension, dysrhythmias, myocardial 2 and 3 after cocaine use were sufficiently ischemia, cardiomyopathy, and myocardial wide that one may want to still consider this infarction can also occur. Besides sinus a timeframe of increased risk.(29) From this tachycardia, dysrhythmias can include pre- data the extrapolated annual excess risk of mature ventricular contractions, ventricular a coronary event for a daily cocaine user is tachycardia, ventricular fibrillation, and asys- approximately 1.5% to 3 %. tole. It is theorized that one contributor to dys- rhythmias may be contraction band necrosis In an earlier study by Hollander, et al. due to myocardial scarring from overstimula- of 246 patients with chest pain after cocaine tion of cardiac muscle fibers in addition to a use [COCaine Associated CHest PAin (CO- direct cardiotoxic effect.(28) The cardiovas- CHPA study)], the median onset of chest pain cular effects are not dose dependent—even after cocaine use was within 60 minutes, small doses can be fatal. corroborating the evidence that the riskiest time for a coronary event in a cocaine user There is elevated risk of ­myocardial is within the first hour of use.(30) Addition- infarction in cocaine users regardless of ally, they found that an MI occurred in 6% whether or not underlying coronary artery of patients who presented to the emergency disease is present. There are various theo- department complaining of chest pain after ries as to why this increased risk occurs. the use of ­cocaine. Other studies have had (29) Increased heart rate, blood pressure, similar results with the overall range in inci- and contractility from sympathetic stimula- dence of cocaine associated MI being 0.7% tion causes an increase in myocardial oxy- to 6%.(31) gen demand. Cocaine also causes coronary vasoconstriction, reducing myocardial blood There is also an increased risk of aor- flow. Acute increases in arterial blood pres- tic dissection in cocaine users. Various chart sure can disrupt atherosclerotic plaques, and reviews have reported anywhere from 9.8 in combination with increased aggre- % to 37 % of acute aortic dissections being gation induced by cocaine, may lead to coro- related temporally to cocaine use.(32,33,34) nary thrombus formation.(28,29) Both Hsue, et al. and Daniel, et al. found that the mean time from use to presentation

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was 12.0-12.8 hours, and all three studies creased risk of ischemic and hemorrhagic cited found that these patients were younger stroke. The ­adjusted odds ratio for ischemic than dissection patients without a history of stroke in ­cocaine abusers was 2.03 and for ­cocaine use.(32,33,34) hemorrhagic stroke it was 2.33.(17) For com- parison, the adjusted odds ratio for ischemic Pulmonary Effects stroke in hypertension was 5.69 and for hem- orrhagic stroke in hypertension it was 7.68. It is believed that this increased risk of stroke The pulmonary effects of smok- from cocaine abuse is due to hypertension, ing crack cocaine are related to the high vasculitis, vasospasm, and disruption of ­comorbidity with cigarette smoking as well cerebrovascular autoregulation. as to the direct effects of crack smoking. Not only is the crack itself toxic, but the crack Hematologic Effects smoker subjects his lungs to countless other ­unknown chemicals in the form of adulter- ants. Like marijuana smokers, crack smok- Cocaine has been associated with ers have an increased risk of developing ­increased platelet activation and aggrega- bullae and subsequent pneumothorax due to tion.(36) Additionally, it may increase plas- the practice of deep inspiration and breath minogen activator-inhibitor, increasing the holding.(11) A common complaint of crack likelihood of thrombus formation.(36) There smokers is “crack lung”, which presents 1 have been a number of reports in the lit- to 48 hours ­after smoking with symptoms of erature of thrombocytopenia from cocaine fever, pruritis, chest pain, bronchospasm, dif- abuse;(37,38) the etiology is speculated to fuse alveolar infiltrates without effusion, and be due to marrow suppression, ­excess eosinophilia.(2) Cocaine users have also platelet activation, hypersplenism, autoim- been reported to have a higher incidence mune response, and chronic hepatitis. How- of pneumonia. Acute crack smoking should ever, the real risk of thrombocytopenia is be expected to result in coughing, broncho- questionable. Gershon, et al. studied 671 spasm, asthma exacerbation, and produc- cocaine-using obstetric patients and found tion of black sputum. no significant increase in thrombocytopenia compared to non-cocaine-using obstetric Central Effects ­patients.(39)

Anesthetic and Surgical Concerns Cocaine lowers the seizure thresh- old, and when an adulterant such as lido- caine is used the threshold may be reduced The anesthetic concerns with the even further. Other neurologic effects of ­cocaine user are due to cardiovascular cocaine use may include pupillary dilation, ­effects. Although the first hour after cocaine hyperreflexia, emotional instability, and cere- use clearly seems to be the most danger- brovascular accident.(35) Case reports sup- ous, it is generally recommended that 8 port a link ­between stimulant/cocaine use hours pass between last cocaine use and and stroke.(17) In a study of stroke patients a necessary anesthetic,(2) and more pru- aged 18 to 44, Westover, et al. found that dent to wait for 24 hours. Due to the risk of cocaine abuse was associated with an in- ­, cardiomyopathy, and ischemia,

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it is recommended to obtain a preoperative If hypotension occurs in a cocaine-­ EKG and perform EKG during using patient, low dose phenylephrine is procedures. Additionally, care to avoid intra- the preferred agent since it has minimal vascular ­ of epinephrine is required chronotropic and inotropic effects. For the as this could exacerbate cocaine related car- ­cocaine-intoxicated patient undergoing a diac ischemia.(2) Additionally, I suggest that general anesthetic, it is useful to provide be avoided due to its sympathetic blood pressure control prior to the stimula- ­effects on the heart as well as its stimulation tion of direct laryngoscopy. Cocaine alters of the . the metabolism of succinylcholine since ­cocaine is also metabolized by plasma cho- It is important to be aware of man- linesterases, but it is unclear whether this agement of tachycardia, hypertension, and represents a significant contraindication. chest pain in the cocaine-using patient. Beta- (35) Due to the sympathetic stimulation of blockers should be avoided as monotherapy cocaine, acute use may increase anesthetic because unopposed alpha-adrenergic stim- requirements. ulation may result in coronary vasoconstric- tion and hypertension.(2,35) is SYNTHETIC DRUGS contraindicated because it worsens coronary ­vasoconstriction.(40) Intravenous hydrala- zine, a vasodilator, has been used to treat Synthetic drugs (including phenylethyl- hypertension in these patients, but it has amines, cathinones, tryptamines, and syn- the drawback of causing reflex tachycardia. thetic cannabinoids) encompass a large vari- , a combined non-selective beta- ety of chemically ever-changing drugs. Drugs blocker and alpha-adrenergic blocker, is con- made in clandestine laboratories typically sidered safe to use to lower blood pressure are the product of fairly simple processes us- in cocaine users, but because its beta-block- ing readily available components. Potentially ing effect is greater than its alpha-blocking toxic components may be used, including effect, it still can lead to unopposed alpha shoe polish, drain cleaner, lye, paint thinner, activity. and lithium, to name only a few. Furthermore, the purity of the drug product may be unpre- In the cocaine-using patient with dictable because suppliers will often use an chest pain, nitroglycerin and verapamil are array of adulterants. The unpredictability of considered safe to use.(35) Benzodiaze- content, combined with naivety or reckless- pines are helpful in the management of the ness on the part of the drug abuser clearly is patient with chest pain, since they ­decrease a dangerous combination that makes it dif- both heart rate and blood pressure. Accord- ficult to know what side effects to expect in a ing to the American Heart Association, ben- patient using synthetic drugs. zodiazepines and nitroglycerin is first-line therapy for cocaine induced acute coronary The most commonly known syn- syndrome, with the alpha-blocker phentol- thetic drugs include methamphetamine and amine being second-line.(40) When lido- 3,4-methylenedioxy-N-methylamphetamine caine is ­indicated, it apparently does not con- (MDMA), but there are countless other tribute to further cardiovascular or neurologic drugs being manufactured. Some have toxicity.(19,40) been ­labeled “bath salts” in an attempt to

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legally sell them on the internet. Legislation It is estimated that 35 million people has ­occurred to ban these drugs as each worldwide have used methamphetamine ­becomes available, but when one chemi- and that 10.0 to 12.5 million Americans have cal is made illegal, suppliers simply develop used it at least once and approximately half a something slightly different. million use it weekly. It is highly addictive and is used for its stimulant properties. It may Mechanisms of action of these drugs be taken by ingestion, smoking, snorting or are complex, but generally, phenylethamines ­injecting intravenously. Smoking is the most and tryptamines affect norepinephrine, sero- common method and results in a rapid high. tonin, and dopamine. The body’s monoamine oxidase system mitigates these effects by The mechanism of action of metham- inactivating these monoamines. Purpose- phetamine involves the release of dopamine, ful or accidental contamination of drugs with norepinephrine, and serotonin in addition to monoamine oxidase inhibitors can augment blocking their reuptake. The methamphet- the drug effects, easily leading to overdose.(41) amine half-life ranges from 8 to 30 hours, much longer than that of cocaine.(43) ­Rapid Methamphetamine dependence may occur, especially with ­intravenous use. Additionally, significant tol- Amphetamines are a class of stim- erance develops and the user may require ulants sometimes legally prescribed to higher doses in more frequent intervals to treat attention deficit disorder, narcolepsy, achieve the desired result. Chronic use ­depression, and to promote weight loss. ­depletes dopamine from the brain and may ­Amphetamines are a type of phenylethamine. result in significant dysphoria, exhibiting as Methamphetamine is the most common ille- suicidality/homocidality, hypersomnia, or gally synthesized recreational drug. It is the severe depression if a patient experiences N-methyl analogue of amphetamine. withdrawal.(43) It is metabolized by micro- somal enzymes in the liver, although chronic There are various ways that meth- use does not cause an elevation in these amphetamine is synthesized in illegal labo- ­enzymes. The kidney excretes it. ratories. Ephedrine and pseudoephedrine are commonly used ingredients. During the Dental care providers are well aware past decade, the United States, in an effort of the oral manifestations of methamphet- to ­decrease the availability of methamphet- amine abuse (i.e., xerostomia, rampant amine, has put restrictions on the sale of ­decay, and bruxism). It is believed that sali- ephedrine and pseudoephedrine. As a result, vary flow decreases because of metham- 80% of America’s methamphetamine is pro- phetamine’s stimulation of inhibitory alpha 2 duced in Mexico and it is extremely potent— adrenergic receptors in salivatory nuclei.(43) reaching levels of 90% purity.(42) Mexican Xerostomia, in combination with poor oral methamphetamine is most commonly found hygiene, increased oral acidity from meth- in urban and suburban areas whereas the amphetamine, high carbohydrate diet, and products of U.S. clandestine labs are usually increased vomiting may contribute to the found in more rural areas.(42) ­elevated caries rate. The particular pattern

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of decay is notable for involvement of buccal platelet aggregation, atherosclerotic plaque smooth surfaces of teeth and interproximal rupture, and coronary artery spasm. Addi- areas of anterior teeth. tionally, autopsy studies have demonstrated that methamphetamine users have coronary Use of methamphetamine results in artery disease at a rate 3-4 times higher than significantly increased muscle activity that non-users, and users may develop cardio- can result in severe bruxism, trismus and can myopathy.(44) even result in choreiform motor activity of the facial and masticatory muscles.(43) Other As with cocaine, methamphetamine clinical cues to the use of methamphetamine has been demonstrated to be associated include an ammonia odor (a possible ingredi- with aortic dissection, but the association ent), formication to the point of causing open is stronger with methamphetamine. Westo- skin wounds, mood swings, extreme weight ver, et al. reviewed 3116 cases of thoracic loss, and hallucinations. Amphetamine test- and thoracoabdominal aortic dissection in ing, that can detect amphetamine, dextroam- patients aged from 18 to 49 years between phetamine, and methamphetamine, is part of 1995 and 2007.(45) They found a significant routine urine toxicology.(2) association between amphetamine abuse and aortic dissection that exceeded the Cardiac Effects ­association ­between cocaine and dissection. The adjusted odds ratio for aortic dissection in methamphetamine abusers was 3.33 and Similar to cocaine, methamphet- for cocaine abusers it was 1.6. For com- amine has strong sympathomimetic effects, parison, the odds ratio for hypertension was resulting in tachycardia and hypertension 7.68. Patients with aortic dissection related and potentially contributing to myocardial to methamphetamine use were younger infarction, arrhythmias, and cardiac failure. than non-users—the average age in meth- Myocardial infarction has not been linked amphetamine users was 41 whereas it was as closely with methamphetamine abuse as 52 in non-users. The association between it has been with cocaine abuse, but a rela- methamphetamine use and risk of aortic dis- tionship has been established. Westover, et section is felt to be ­related to the hyperten- al. studied 11,011 acute myocardial infarc- sive effect, the vasculitis or both that may be tion (AMI) patients aged 18 to 44 in Texas caused by methamphetamine.(45) between 2000 and 2003.(44) They found the adjusted odds ratio for methamphetamine Pulmonary Effects abuse leading to AMI to be 1.61. For compar- ison, the adjusted odds ratio for cocaine use and AMI was 2.14, for tobacco abuse it was Methamphetamine is felt to have few 6.32 and for lipid disorder it was 11.61. Their significant pulmonary effects. Similar to mar- results indicated that in Texas between 2000 ijuana and cocaine, smoking methamphet- and 2003, amphetamine abuse caused 0.2% amine may cause barotrauma, resulting in of AMI’s and cocaine abuse caused 1.9%. an increased risk of pneumothorax or pneu- momediastinum. There have been reports Similar to cocaine, methamphetamine of acute non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema; is felt to lead to MI because of ­increased and methamphetamine use has been asso- myocardial oxygen demand, ­increased ciated with an increased risk for idiopathic

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pulmonary hypertension. Methamphetamine Anesthetic Concerns, Management has bronchodilating effects, so bronchocon- striction is typically not observed. The methamphetamine-abusing patient should be expected to be subject to risks CNS Effects of possible hypertension, hyperthermia, ­arrhythmias, and hemorrhagic stroke. The anesthetic concerns with a methamphet- Both acute use of and withdrawal amine-abusing patient are similar to those from methamphetamine can result in neu- with a cocaine-abusing patient. It is impor- ropsychiatric symptoms including psycho- tant to remember that methamphetamine sis, hallucinations, anxiety, or depression. has a longer half-life than cocaine. Metham- Cloutier, et al. performed a retrospective phetamine duration of action is usually 8 to review of methamphetamine related emer- 12 hours, but can be for as long as 24 hours, gency ­department visits and found that 18% so a longer waiting time (at least 24 hours) of methamphetamine related visits were psy- before anesthesia is recommended. If a chiatric in nature.(46) They also found that ­patient has possibly used methamphetamine methamphetamine use was associated with a over the previous 24 hours, that disproportionate number of psychiatric visits can potentiate sympathetic cardiovascular to the emergency department (7.6%). Other effects, such as ketamine and epinephrine, neurologic symptoms found in methamphet- should be avoided.(43) amine related emergency department visits included altered mental status (6.2%) head- Typically, acute methamphetamine ache (1%) and seizures (0.83%). intoxication increases anesthetic require- ments.(2) It can decrease the duration of Chronic use depletes the brain’s thiopental and can decrease the duration ­dopamine transporter, believed to be associ- and effectiveness of succinylcholine induced ated with diminished motor performance and muscle relaxation.(2) Ketamine should be impaired verbal learning.(2) In Westover, et avoided in methamphetamine users, not just al’s study of stroke in patients who abuse am- because of its sympathetic effects but there phetamines or cocaine, methamphetamine is an additive effect in hallucinatory behavior was associated with a higher risk of hemor- when ketamine is administered in the pres- rhagic stroke than was cocaine.(17) The ad- ence of methamphetamine.(19) Psychosis justed odds ratio of the association of meth- can develop during anesthetic management amphetamine use with hemorrhagic stroke of these patients. was 4.95 and risk of death after hemorrhagic stroke associated with methamphetamine It is also important to be aware that use odds ratio was 2.63. There was no sig- chronic use of methamphetamine can ­reduce nificant association between ­amphetamine catecholamine levels, blunting the sympa- use and ischemic stroke. thetic response to anesthesia-induced hypo-

SROMS 12 VOLUME 22.5 The Illicit Drug Abuser Julie Ann Smith, DDS, MD

tension, possibly requiring administration of Opioid abuse can take the form of phenylephrine to support the blood pressure. snorting, smoking, or injecting heroin, or oral Anesthetics that cause cardiovascular sup- consumption of opioid . A clinical pression, such as propofol, should be titrated cue that a patient may be injecting heroin is slowly.(2) As with cocaine, if a methamphet- the presence of track marks or skin necrosis amine-abusing patient experiences hyper- from subcutaneous injection. tension or chest pain, beta-blocker mono- therapy should be avoided because the Respiratory Effects unopposed alpha effects are undesirable. Hypertension or chest pain would be man- aged in the same way as in cocaine abuse— The most notable side effect of opi- consider benzodiazepines, nitroglycerin, and oids is respiratory depression, caused by phentolamine. Prescribed amphetamines do activation of the mu receptor. Opioids cause not seem to alter hemodynamics in adults, decreased chemoreceptor sensitivity to so they may be safely continued before an ­hypercarbia and , in addition to caus- anesthetic. ing a reduction in respiratory rate and tidal volume. Large doses of some opioids, such as and heroin, can result in chest OPIOIDS wall rigidity, further compromising respiratory function. Those who inject heroin have an Opioid abuse is on the rise in recent increased risk of pneumonia and complica- years, especially prescription opioids. In tions from frequent pneumonias. 2005, the lifetime use of heroin was 1.5%, up from 1.2% in 2000. In comparison, lifetime Cardiovascular Effects use of non-medicinal prescription opioids was 13.4% in 2005, up from 8.6% in 2000. (47) Opioid deaths now exceed Cardiovascular complications of opi- those from suicide, motor vehicle crashes, oids appear to be associated with certain and from cocaine and heroin combined.(48) narcotic drugs. Propoxyphene was removed Opioids exert their sedative and euphoric from the market in 2010 due to its associa- ­effects through the mu receptor. tion with fatal arrhythmias. has been associated with QT interval prolonga- A chronic narcotics user may experi- tion, which can lead to Torsades de Pointes. ence withdrawal after 12-14 hours of absti- Opioid toxicity can lead to hypotension. nence, manifested by increased lacrimation, ­Additionally, even at less-than-toxic levels of diaphoresis, yawning, rhinorrhea, and rest- opioid, hypotension can occur on anesthesia less sleep. As withdrawal progresses, diar- induction, possibly requiring administration rhea, vomiting, and electrolyte imbalances of a pressor. can occur, with acidosis and cardiovascular collapse in the worst cases.(28)

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It is noteworthy that heroin addicts 59 hours. Methadone can cause a prolonged may also take clonidine, a centrally acting QT interval, leading to Torsades de Pointes. alpha agonist, to enhance the heroin high. Respiratory depression with overdose is Abrupt withdrawal of clonidine can result in a significant, and has resulted in methadone potentially fatal hypertensive crisis.(2) being responsible for 30% of prescription pain medication-related overdose deaths. Anesthesia, Pain Control and ­Because of this significant risk, methadone Addiction Management prescribing should be left to the addiction or pain medicine specialist. ­Additionally, if pos- sible, one should avoid prescribing other Acute opioid use decreases anes- ­sedating medications such as benzodiaz- thesia requirements. Significant tolerance to epines to patients taking methadone. opioids develops, and chronic use increases anesthesia requirements. Long-term use is (Suboxone®, Subu- believed to lead to opioid hyperalgesia and tex®) is a semisynthetic opioid analgesic allodynia. The hyperalgesia and allodynia also used for narcotic addiction treatment. are believed to be related to activation of Although it also has a long duration of ­action n-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptors, and (elimination half-life is 20 to 73 hours), it ketamine has been proposed as a treatment has a better safety margin than methadone in addition to opioid withdrawal. ­because it causes less respiratory depres- sion. Postoperative pain control can be challenging in the chronic opioid user. The CONCLUSION opioid requirements may be 2 to 4 times what is necessary for the opioid-naïve ­patient. Their maintenance dose should be Unfortunately, drug abuse is quite continued in addition to coverage for acute common. It crosses all socio-economic and pain. The patient should also take his regu- educational levels. Drug abusers may not be lar daily opioid dose on the day of surgery. forthcoming about their use, but it is ­essential Longer-term pain relief may be improved by to encourage open communication at all opioid rotation because there is incomplete times so the provider can provide care in a tolerance of different agents. Other adjuncts safe manner. Because patients may not be should be considered as well, such as tra- forthcoming, providers must recognize clini- madol, , clonidine, intravenous cal signs of drug use and may need to prepare acetaminophen, or non-steroidal anti-inflam- for patient care based on suspicion. Abuse of matories. Because the of more than one drug is common. Many drugs, these patients is complex, it is advisable to such as the novel psychoactive substances, involve the patient’s physician are not tested for in routine drug screens and in determining appropriate management. would need to be tested for specifically. Rec- ognizing abuse and knowing how to manage Opioid addiction is treated with meth- these patients safely is ­essential for reducing adone or buprenorphine. Methadone can surgical and ­anesthetic risk. also be used in chronic pain management. It has a very long half-life. The effects last for 24 hours, and can stay in a patient’s system for

SROMS 14 VOLUME 22.5 The Illicit Drug Abuser Julie Ann Smith, DDS, MD

Dr. Julie Ann Smith received her BA REFERENCES from Mount Holyoke College in South Had- ley, Massachusetts in 1990 and received her DDS from Columbia University in New York 1. Hupp JR: Emergency department City in 1994. She completed a combined de- bane—dental pain used to obtain nar- gree oral and maxillofacial surgery residency cotics. J Oral Maxillofac Sur 71:2009, at University of Pittsburgh, completing resi- 2013. dency in 2001 and receiving her medical de- gree in 1999. Upon graduation from residen- 2. Cone JD, Harrington MA, Kelley SS, cy, she went on active duty in the Army and et al: Drug abuse in plastic surgery was stationed at Walter Reed Army Medical ­patients: optimizing detection and mini- Center in Washington, DC, serving as a clini- mizing complications. Plastic Reconstr cal faculty member from 2001 to 2008. Surg 127: 445, 2011.

Currently, Dr. Smith is an Associate Pro- 3. Lohmeyer S: Survey reveals most pop- fessor at Oregon Health and Science Univer- ular illicit drugs, most likely users. The sity. She also holds the position of Pre-Doctor- state of the USA. http://www.stateofthe- al Program Director of Oral and Maxillofacial usa.org/content/most-popular-illicit- Surgery for the OHSU School of . Dr. drugs.php (accessed 23 March 2014). Smith currently serves as a commissioner on the Oregon Board of Dentistry, an examiner 4. American Association of Poison Con- for the American Board of Oral and Maxillofa- trol Centers: http://www.aapc.org (ac- cial Surgery, and as a WREB examiner. Her cessed 23 March 2014). surgical interests include benign head and neck pathology, orthognathic surgery, max- 5. Keyes GR, Singer R, Iverson RE, et al: illofacial trauma and reconstruction, dental Mortality in outpatient surgery. Plastic implant surgery, and the care of medically Reconstr Surg 122: 245, 2008. compromised patients with a special interest in care for HIV ­patients. Dr. Smith also has 6. Serena-Gomez E and Passeri LA: Com- an interest in forensic odontology. She has plications of mandible fractures related lectured extensively in areas of medicine and to substance abuse. J Oral Maxillofac anesthesia and has published in these areas Sur 66: 2028, 2008. as well. When not working, Dr. Smith is an avid ­cyclist and ­runner. 7. Which states have legalized medical marijuana? January 6, 2014. http:// www.usatoday.com/story/news/na- tion-now/2014/01/06/marijuana-legal- states-medical-recreational/4343199/ accessed 23 March 2014.

8. Fratta W and Fattore L: Molecular mechanisms of cannabinoid addiction. Curr Opin Neurobiol 23: 487, 2013.

SROMS 15 VOLUME 22.5 The Illicit Drug Abuser Julie Ann Smith, DDS, MD

9. Martin BR, Sim-Selley LJ and Selley 17. Westover AN, McBride S and Haley RW: DE: Signaling pathways involved in the Stroke in young adults who abuse am- development of cannabinoid tolerance. phetamines or cocaine: A population- Trends Pharm Sci 25: 325, 2004. based study of hospitalized patients. Arch Gen Psychiatry 64: 495, 2007. 10. Borgelt LM, Franson KL, Nussbaum AM, et al: The pharmacologic and clini- 18. Minozzi S, Davoli M, Bargagli AM, et cal effects of medical cannabis. Phar- al: An overview of systematic reviews macotherapy 33: 195, 2013. on cannabis and psychosis: Discuss- ing apparently conflicting results. Drug 11. Jay AL: Reduced lung function and bul- Alcohol Rev 29: 304, 2010. lae resulting from illicit drug use. J Amer Acad Physician Assist 24: 26, 2011. 19. Lindsey WT, Stewart D, Childress D, et al: Drug interactions between com- 12. Pletcher MJ, Vittinghoff E, Kalhan R, mon illicit drugs and prescription thera- et al: Association between marijuana pies. Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse 38: 334, exposure and pulmonary function over 2012. 20 years. J Amer Med Assoc 307: 173, 2012. 20. Yamreudeewong W, Wong HK, Brausch LM, et al: Probable interaction between 13. Mittleman MA, Lewis RA, Maclure M, et warfarin and marijuana smoking. Ann al: Triggering myocardial infarction by Pharmacother 43: 1347, 2009. marijuana. Circulation 103: 2805, 2001. 21. Boghdadi MS and Henning RJ: ­Cocaine: 14. Lindsay AC, Foale RA, Warren O, et al: pathophysiology and clinical toxicology. Cannabis as a precipitant of cardiovas- Heart & Lung 26: 466, 1997. cular emergencies. Int J Cardiol 104: 230, 2005. 22.. Vagi SJ, Sheikh S, Brackney M, et al: Passive multistate surveillance for neu- 15. Thomas G, Kloner RA and Rezkalla S: tropenia after use of cocaine or heroin Adverse cardiovascular, cerebrovas- possibly contaminated with levamisole. cular, and peripheral vascular effects Ann Emerg Med 61: 468, 2013. of marijuana inhalation: What cardiolo- gists need to know. Am J Cardiol 113: 23. Magliocca KR, Coker NA, Parker SR, et 187, 2014. al: The head, neck, and systemic mani- festations of levimasole-adulterated 16. Wolff V, Armspach JP, Lauer V, et al: cocaine use. J Oral Maxillofac Sur 71: Cannabis-related stroke: myth or real- 487, 2013. ity? Stroke 44: 558, 2013.

SROMS 16 VOLUME 22.5 The Illicit Drug Abuser Julie Ann Smith, DDS, MD

24. Spector S, Munjal I and Schmidt DE : 31. McCord J, Jneid H, Hollander JE, et Effects of the , levami- al: Management of cocaine-associated sole, on withdrawal and levels chest pain and myocardial infarction. of endogenous opiate alkaloids and A scientific statement from the Ameri- monoamine neurotransmitters in rat can Heart Association Acute Cardiac brain. Neuropsychopharmacol 19: 417, Care Committee of the Council on Clini- 1998. cal Cardiology. Circulation 117: 1897, 2008. 25. Agranulocytosis Associated with ­Cocaine Use—Four States—March 32. Hsue PY, Salinas CL, Bolger AF, et al: 2008—November 2009. Morbidity and Acute aortic dissection related to crack Mortality Weekly Report Dec 18; 58: cocaine. Circulation 105: 1592, 2002. 1381, 2009. http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/ preview/mmwrhtml/mm5849a3.htm Ac- 33. Daniel JC, Huynh TT, Zhou W, et al: cessed online on 21 April 2014. Acute aortic dissection associated with use of cocaine. J Vasc Surg 46: 427, 26. Saraghi M and Hersch EV: Poten- 2007. tial ­diversion of local anesthetics from dental offices for use as cocaine adul- 34. Singh S, Trivedi A, Adhikari T, et al: terants. J Amer Dent Assoc 145: 256, Cocaine-related acute aortic dissection: 2014. patient demographics and clinical out- comes. Can J Cardiol 23: 1131, 2007. 27. Fucci N and De Giovanni N: Adulterants encountered in the illicit cocaine mar- 35. Kuczkowski KM: The cocaine-abusing ket. Forensic Sci Int 95: 247, 1998. parturient: A review of anesthetic con- siderations. Can J Anesth 51: 145, 28. Sandler NA: Patients who abuse drugs. 2004. Oral Surgery Oral Medicine Oral Pathol- ogy Oral Radiology and Endodontics 36. Lange RA and Hillis LD: Cardiovascu- 91: 12, 2001. lar complications of cocaine use. New England J Med 345: 351, 2001. 29. Mittleman MA, Mintzer D, Maclure M, et al: Triggering of myocardial infarction by 37. Orser B: Thrombocytopenia and Cocaine. Circulation 99: 2737, 1999. ­cocaine abuse. 74: 195, 1991. 30. Hollander JE, Hoffman RS, Gennis P, et al: Prospective multicenter evalua- 38. Burday MJ and Martin E: Cocaine- tion of cocaine-associated chest pain: induced thrombocytopenia. Am J Med Cocaine-associated Chest Pain (CO- 91: 656, 1991. CHPA) Study Group. Acad Emerg Med 1: 330, 1994. 39. Gershon RY, Fisher AJ and Graves WL: The cocaine-abusing parturient is not at an increased risk for thrombocytopenia. Anesth Analg 82: 865, 1996.

SROMS 17 VOLUME 22.5 The Illicit Drug Abuser Julie Ann Smith, DDS, MD

40. Anonymous. Guidelines 2000 for 47. Bryson EO: The anesthetic implications Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and of illicit opioid abuse. Int Anesth Clinics Emergency Cardiovascular Care. 49: 67, 2011. Part 8: Advanced Challenges in Resus- citation: Section 2: Toxicology in ECC. 48. Manchikanti L, Helm S II, Fellows B, et The American Heart Association in col- al: Opioid epidemic in the United States. laboration with the International Liaison Pain Physician 15: ES9, 2012. Committee on Resuscitation. Circula- tion 102(Suppl): I-223-228, 2000. RELATED ARTICLES IN SELECTED READINGS IN ORAL AND MAXILLO- 41. McCance-Katz EF, Jatlow P and Rainey FACIAL SURGERY PM: Effect of cocaine use on metha- done pharmacokinetics in humans. Amer J Addict 19: 47, 2009. The Pump vs. The “Bump” – Which is Better? Richard C Robert, DDS, MS and 42. Mexican cartels flooding U.S. with Mark F. Sosovicka, DMD. Selected Readings ­potent meth. October 11, 2012. http:// in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Vol. 21, #4, www.cbsnews.com/news/mexican-car- 2013. tels-flooding-us-with-potent-meth/ ac- cessed online on 4 May 2014. Hemostasis: A Clinical Review of Physi- ology, Pathology, , and Peri- 43. Hammamoto DT and Rhodus NL: Meth- operative Management. Richard P. Szumita, amphetamine abuse and dentistry. Oral DDS and Paul M. Szumita, PharmD, BCPS. Diseases 15: 27, 2009. Selected Readings in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Vol. 21, #3, 2013. 44. Westover AN, Nakonezny PA and Haley RW: Acute myocardial infarction Office-based Anesthesia, Mark D. Za- in young adults who abuse amphet- jkowski, DDS, MD. Selected Readings in amines. Drug Alcohol Depend 96: 49, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Vol. 20, #2, 2008. 2012.

45. Westover AN and Nakonezny PA: Aortic Contemporary Ambulatory Anesthesia dissection in young adults who abuse in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. William L. amphetamines. Am Heart J 160: 315, Chung, DDS, MD; Mark F. Sosovicka, DMD; 2010. Bernard J. Costello, DMD, MD. Selected Readings in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 46. Cloutier RL, Hendrickson RG, Fu RR, et Vol. 12, #6, 2004. al: Methampheptamine-related psychi- atric visits to an urban academic emer- gency department: An observational study. J Emerg Med 45: 136, 2013.


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