Infected Areas As on 21 April 1983 - Zones Infectées Au 21 Avril 1983 for Cntena Used Ia Compiling Ibis 1St, See No

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Infected Areas As on 21 April 1983 - Zones Infectées Au 21 Avril 1983 for Cntena Used Ia Compiling Ibis 1St, See No W’kly Epidetn. Rec No. 16-22 April 1983 - 123 - Relevé epidem hebd. ' N° 16 - 22 avril 1983 Infected Areas as on 21 April 1983 - Zones infectées au 21 avril 1983 For cntena used ia compiling ibis 1st, see No. 9, page 68 - Les colères appliques pour la compilation de cette line som puBliés dans ic N° 9, page 68. X Newly reported areas - Nouvelles zones «g—1*** PLAGUE - PESTE IVORY COAST - CÔTE DTVOIRE A sia-Asie TaBalong Regency Africa - Afrique Departement de TOuest IN D U - INDE Taaah Laut Regency Kalimantan Tengah Province MADAGASCAR Mao $. Prefecture Andhra Pradesh State KENYA HyderaBad Distna Ban to Utara Regency Antananarivo Province Kotawanngm Tunur Regency Nyanza Province Delhi Territory Antananarivo- y die Maluku Province y Arrondissement Kisumu District Karnataka (Mysore) State AmBon (?) Municipality Siaya District Bangalore Distnct Ranivohara S. Pref Maluku Tengah Regency South Nyanza District Chikmagalur D istna Antananarivo HI Maluku Tcnggara Regency X Antananarivo Faha 11 LIBERIA - LIBÉRIA Hassan Distna Mysore D istna Maluku Utara Regency (ead. port) Soavtnandnana S Pref Bong County Nusatenggara Timur Ampefy District Madhya Pradesh State Cape Mourn County Flores Tunur Regency Mahavelona District Gwalior Distnct Maryland County Riau Province X Soavmandnana District Indore Distnct Montserrado County Mandsaur Distnct Indragin Hilir Regency Tsiroanonumdidy S. Préf Sumatera Selatan Province Mahasolo District MOZAMBIQUE Raipur Distnct Cabo Delgado Province Maharashtra State Lematang llir Ogan Tengah Regency Fianarantsoa Province PalemBang Municipality Ambosura S Prèf PemBa City Ahmed nagar DlSUICt PemBa District Akola Distnct Sumatera Utara Province AmBoutra District D di Scrdang Regency Gaza Province Amravau Distna AmBovomBre Centre Langkat Regency Andina District Btlene District AurangaBad Distnct 11a ka Centre Chibuto District Bhir Distnct MALAYSIA - MALAISIE X Ivato District Chicualacuala District Buldhana D istna Peninsular Malaysia TANZANIA, UNITED REP. OF Guija Distnct Dhulia Distna Federal Territory TANZANIE, KÉP.-UNIE DE Limpopo Distnct Jalgaon Distnct Kedah State Manjacaze Distnct Nagpur Distnct Kola Star H Distnct Tanga Region Massmgir Distnct Nanded Distna Liishoto District X KuBang Pasu H Dismct MorrumBene Distnct Nasik Distna Padang Terap H. Disma ZAIRE-ZAÏRE Xai-Xai Distnct OsmanaBad D um a Yen H Distna Haut-Zaïre Province Jnhambane Province ParBham District Kelantan State Massinga Distnct Pune (Poona) Distna America - Amérique KotaBharuH Distna Maxixe District Sangii D istna Pasir Mas H D ism a BOLIVIA - BOLIVIE MorrumBene Distnct SBolapur Distnct Tanah Mcrah H Distna La Paz Department Maputo Province Yeouaal Distna Tumpat H. D istna Franz Tamayo Province Boane Distnct Orissa State Ulu Kelantan H. D istna Magude Distnct Balasore D istna BRAZIL - BRÉSIL Perak Stale Maahica District Cuttack D istna Upper Perak H Distna Bahia Slate Maputo City Ganjam Dismct Castro Alves Municipio Selangor State Marracuene Distnct Tamil Nadu State GomBak Petahng H Distna Reuroiandia Municipio Maiutume District Chingleput D istna Riacho do Jacuipe Municipio Sabah MoamBa Distnct Dharmapun Distnct Beluran D istna Santo Esievao Municipio Namaacha Distnct Madras Corporation Valente Municipio Keningau D istna Sofala Province North Arcot D istna KinaBatangan Dismct Ceard State Beira City Salem D istna Kota Belud D ism a AratuBa Municipio Smith Arcot D ism a Batunie Municipio Kota KinaBalu Dismct NIGERIA -NIGÉRIA Tirudurapaili Dismct Kuala Penyu D ism a Guaraciaba do Norte Municipio Anarnbra State Uttar Pradesh State Kunak Distnct Ipu Municipio lkwo Local Goverment Area Agra Distnct LaBuan Dismct Ipueiras Municipio Lagos State Aligarh Dismct Lahad Datu Disma Maranguape Municipio Niger State AllahaBad Distnct Snndakan Dismct Pacou Municipio Bara Banki Distnct RWANDA Sempoma Distna Palmacia Municipio Deona Dismct Tawau Distna Redencâo Municipio Cyangugu Region Etawah D istna Tenom Distna Sao Beneduo Municipio Gisenyi Région Gonda Dismct Kibuye Region Sarawak PERU - PÉROU Gorakhpur Distnct Ltmbang Dtvison Ptura Department Kanpur Distnct Lawas District SOUTH AFRICA Lucknow Dismct Huancabamba Province AFRIQUE DU SUD M m Division HuancaBamBa District Mathura D istna Bintulu Dismct SWAZILAND Mirzapur Dismct Asia - Asie SOUAZILAND MoradaBad Dismct PHILIPPINES South East Area Muzzafamagar Distnct BURMA - BIRMANIE Aldan Province Pratapgarh D istna CeBu Province Pegu Division TANZANIA, UNITED REP. OF Saharanpur Distnct CotaBato Province Insein District TANZANIE, RÉP.-UNIE DE L'nnao Dismct Davao City VIET NAM Arusha Region Varanasi D istna Iloilo Province Dac Lac Province Arumeru Distnct West Bengal Slate Laguna Province Gia Lai - Công Turn Province Arusha Distnct Calcutta Corporation Manila Metro Lam Dông Province Hanang Distnct INDONESIA - INDONÉSIE Misamis Oriental Province Phu KhanB Province Mondidi Distnct Jakarta Autonomous Capital Area Mountain Province Coast Region Jakarta Barat (West) Municipality Palawan Province Bagamayo Distnct Jakarta Pusat (Central) Municipality Quezon Province Kisarawe Distnct CHOLERA - CHOLÉRA (excl Kemayoran airpon) Sam ar Province Dar es Salaam Region Sulu Province Africa - Afrique Jakarta Selatan (South) Mumcipality Dar es Salaam Distnct (excl emergency quarantine station) ZamBoanga del Norte Province BENIN - BÉNIN Dodoma Region Jakarta Timur (East) Mumcipality SRI LANKA Atlantique Province Dodoma Distnct (excl Halim Perdana Kusuma airport) Kondoa Distnct Jakarta Utara (North) Municipality Anuradhapura Health Division BURUNDI Mpwapwa Distnct ColomBo M C Health Division Bubanza Province (excl seaports of Tanjungpnok, fnnga Region Sundakdapa & Kalibaru) Kandy Health Division Gihanga Arrondissement Innga Distnct Kabulantwa Arrondissement Aceh Autonomous Area THAILAND - THAÏLANDE Kilimanjaro Region Aceh Barat Regency Muzmda Arrondissement Hai Distna Ayutthaya Province Rugombo Arrondissement Aceh Besar Regency Moshi Distnct Aceh Utara (P) Regency Lai Bua Luang D ism a Bujumbura Province Mara Region Phak Hai Distna Bujumbura Arrondissement Banda Aceh Mumcipality Musoma Distnct Pidic Regency Bangkok Metropolis MutumBa Arrondissement Mbeya Region Bang Kapi Distnct RushuBi Arrondissement Bah Province Chunya Disuici JemBrana Regency Bang Khen Dismct CAMEROON, UNITED REP. OF Rungwe Distnct Jawa Barat Province Bangkok Not D ism a CAMEROUN, RÉP.-UNIE DU Morogoro Region Bandung Mumcipality X Bangkok Yai D istna Cameroun Occidental Morogoro Distnct CireBon Regency Dusit Dismct Victoria Division Mwanza Region Garut Regency Huai Khwang Dismct Tiko (PA) Magu Distnct Purwakarta Regency Khlong San Dismct Cameroun Oriental Ukerewe Distnct Jawa Tengah Province Min Bun Dismct Mungo Departement Rukwa Region Banyumas Regency Phasi Charoen Dismct Nkongsamba Arrondissement SumBawanga Distnct Brebes Regency Phaya Thai Dismct IVoun Département Smgida Region Pekalongan Regency Phra Khanong Dismct Douala Arrondissement Singida Distnct RemBang Regency Pom Prap Saura Phai Disma Rat Burana Dismct GHANA ZAIRE-ZAÏRE Semarang Regency Kivu Province WooosoBo Regency Thoo Bun Dismct Ashanti Region Yan Nawa D istna Brong-Ahafo Region ShaBa Province Kalimantan Selatan Province BanjarBaru Regency Bun Ram Province Central Region ZAMBIA - ZAMBIE Nong Ki D istna Eastern Region Banjarmasin Municipality Luapula Province Hulu Sungai Selatan Regency Chachoengsao Province Greater Accra (excl PA) Region KawamBwa D istna Pang Yao Dismct Volta Region Hulu Sungai Tengah Regency Mwense D istna Hulu Sungai Utara Regency Chanthaburi Province Western Region Nchclenge Distnct ChanihaBun Distna Wkiy Epidem Rec.. No. 16-22 April 1983 124 - Relevé épidem. hebd>. N° 16 - 22 avril 1983 Chon Burt Province Samut Prakan District YELLOW FEVES - FIEVRE JAUNE Sidroldndia Mumcipio Ko Sichaag Disinci Samut Sakhon Province Alrica - Afrique Teranos Mumapio Para State Nokhon R atdm im a Province Bas Phaeo Disinci ANGOLA Chakkarat Distnct X Khratum Baen Distnct Altamira Mumapio Nakhon Raichasima Dismet X Samut Sakhon Dismet CAMBIA - GAMBIE Roraima Territory Non Thai District Samut Songkhiam Province Upper River Division Ganmpo Mutum Mumapio Paie Thong Chai District Amphawa Distnct Phanom District Bang Khoau Distnct GHANA COLOMBIA - COLOMBIE Phimai D isina Samut Songkhnun Distnct NIGERIA - NIGERIA Caqueta Intendencia Sikhiu Dismet Songkhla Province Kaduna State figlgn de los Andaquies Mumcipio Nokhon Si Thammarat Province Chana Dismet Lagos State San Vicente del Caguàn Mumapio Chawang Disinci Hat Yai Disinci Cundinamarca Department Nakhoo Si Thammaral District Rauaphum Distnct SUDAN-SOUDAN Maya Mumapio Phipuo Disinci Sa thing Phra Dismet Temtory South of 12* N. Meta Intendencia Ron Phibon District Songkhla Dismet Territoire situé au sud du 12* N Cabuyaro Mumapio Sichon Distnct Surat Tham Province La Pnmavera Mumcipio Naratkiwat Province Ban Na San District ZAÏRE -ZAÏRE San Carlos de Guaroa Mumapio Ban Ta Khun Disinci X Rangae Dismet Temtory North of 10' S, Nonthaburi Province Chaiya Dismct Territoire situé au nord du 10* S. Bang Bua Thong Distnct Don Dak Distnct PERU - PÉROU Bang Kruai Distnct Kanchanadit Dismet Cusco Depariment Bang Yai District X Khm Ratthamkhom Dismet America - Amérique Loreto Department Aito Amazonas Province NonthaBun Distnct X Phanom Dismct BOLIVIA - BOLIVIE Pak Kret Distnct PBunphin Dismet Morona District Surat Tham Distnct Bem Department Loreto Province Sai Noi District 1 tenez Province Pathum Tham Province Tha Chana Dismet Tigre Dismct Tha Chang Dismet Cochabamba Department Macal. Castilla Province Khlong Luang Distnct Carrasco Province Lam Luk Ka D isina
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