Journal of the Czech Geological Society 49/12(2004) 1 Early Miocene freshwater and swamp ecosystems of the Most Basin (northern Bohemia) with particular reference to the Bílina Mine section Spodnomiocenní sladkovodní a bainné ekosystémy mostecké pánve (severní Èechy) se zvlátním zøetelem k profilu dolu Bílina (21 Figs, 4 Tables) ZLATKO KVAÈEK1 MADELAINE BÖHME2 ZDENÌK DVOØÁK3 MAGDA KONZALOVÁ5 KAREL MACH3 JAKUB PROKOP 4 MICHAL RAJCHL1 1 Charles University, Faculty of Science, Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, Albertov 6, CZ-12843 Praha 2, Czech Republic. e-mail:
[email protected],
[email protected] 2 Universitätsinstitut und Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und historische Geologie München, Richard-Wagner-Str. 10, D-80333 München. e-mail:
[email protected] 3 North Bohemian Mines, j.s.c., Bílina Mines, ul. 5. kvìtna 213, 418 29 Bílina, Czech Republic, e-mail:
[email protected],
[email protected] 4 Charles University, Faculty of Science, Department of Zoology, Vinièná 7, CZ-12844 Praha 2, Czech Republic. e-mail:
[email protected] 5 Institute of Geology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. Rozvojová 135, CZ-16500 Praha 6, e-mail:
[email protected] Various stages of ecosystem development within the Early Miocene Most Formation, the coal-bearing fill of the Most Basin in northern Bohemia, are reviewed on the basis of recent sedimentological and palaeontological studies. Several types of environment with specific plant and animal assemblages have been recognized and evaluated low moor coal-forming