1980-04-01.Pdf (3.1MB)
• News 3 Nothing in the least interesting, infor Cry Rape! mative, or that hasn't already been covered in the HOYA We have been raped. Arts 9 The Voice is very much like a woman: proud, sen A review of a play that closed two sitive, very aware of it's rightful place in the world. We weeks ago; a pretentious and verbose critique of an album that no one is go even run on our own cycle. But, unlike a woman, we ing to but anyway have a sense of honor, and that sense of honor has been . sullied by the shocking act that resulted in the theft of Cover 10 this newspaper, whose monetary value is approximately A last-ditch attempt to get people to get people to pick up our newsmagazine 1200 dollars. But the issue is not money, but rape. We in spite of the cliche-ridden prose and demand satisfaction, and, aga,in like a woman, we pro non-sequitor commentary. Behind bably won't get it. Sports II The facts in the case are simple. We work hard all Now that the basketball season is week gathering the news, sports, and features that you over, pretty lean pickings. Reports on see tastefully presented in our pages. Monday night we minor sports that get almost no funding theLinM and lose all the time. take what we in the newspaper business call "flats", worth around 1200 dollars, to our printers, the Nor C.S. Lewis once said that thern Virginia Sun. Sometime between nine and nine "You always hurt the one you eleven, the flats, (worth over a thousand dollars), were Board 0/ Worth love", and he almost certainly agree that, at least at Georgetown found to be missing, searched for, declared officially Mark Whimp.
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