The Calvert Papers
fW'-'. '.Ar # i^^ .«»^ :^A , ^ta/vL2?e.nze^rit^ of j/ieJu'i^ntffonoiurwtc Ccvcilius Couw/'t ^Kinatu?7ne ofT^viand ^o/o/utc Lofxl and Jrapttetafyoft/Pt-cmnceKf ofjia/yiana ojuf^/ivalen in ^-^nterica II<»ii f, Co. Li<h . Buhl THE CALVERT PAPERS. NUMBER ONE. 3fun&-1Pub(tcatvo«, ^o. 38. THE CALVERT PAPERS NUMBER ONE With an account of their recovery, and presentation to the Society, Deceniljer lotti, 1888. Together with a Calendar of the Papers recovered, and Selections from the Papers. JaHiiiiora, 1889. rEA]]ODY rUBLICATIOX FUXD. Committee on Publicatiox. 1888-89. HENRY STOCKBRIDGE, JOHN W. M. LEE, BRADLEY T. JOHNSON. Printed b v John M i k p u v X Co. I'H INTERS TO THE MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Baltimore, I S S !( ^-,cr\ CONTENTS PAGE. - Address of Mr. Albert Ritchje, - - - - t 9 Remarks of Mr. John H. B. Latrobe, 22 Report of Mr. Mendes Cohen, 22 Remarks of Dr. William Hand Browne, . - - 32 Exemplification of the Arms of Sir George Calvert, - - 38 The Patent of Nobility of George, Lord Baltimore, - 41 The Will of Sir George Calvert, Lord Baltimore, - - 48 The Inventory of the Estate of the same, - - - - 50 Tender by Cecilivs, Lord Baltimore, of the first year's Rent, 54 Receipt for the first year's rent, 54 A Calendar of the Calvert Papers, by Mr. John W. .^L Lee, 57 The Calvert Papers. First Selection, 127 PREFACE. At a meeting of the Maryland Historical Society, at their rooms, on December 10, 1888, the Calvert Papers were for- mally presented to the Society.
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