Dialoguès,'Vocab41ay Lis,S,Grammar Anafyses, Ald , :Lessons Include Translation Exercises

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Dialoguès,'Vocab41ay Lis,S,Grammar Anafyses, Ald , :Lessons Include Translation Exercises RESUME t . *DO-MONT( I7 , ED18,11 31.3 FL 010 989 TITLE. :Chi'nese-Mdarini Basic Course.. Volume II, Lessons . XNStITUTI311. Toe-tense Lang.uage Inst., Mponte'rey Calif.' PUg DATE 'Jdn 64 NOTE 299p.: For related dccuments, see ,FL010.938-992 and FL 011 000-019. AVAILABLE FROMDefense Language Institute,eoreign Language Center, Nonresideniiii'DiviAion, Presidio of Monterey, CA 93940 ($5.15: acdompAnying cassettes $10.60) LANGU.AGE Chinese: Englisti .1 -* EQRS PRICE MF01/PC12 Plus PostaAe. DESCRIPTORS Me4Kods: *Gnammar:IdepgiaphY: Instruct.ional Materials: *Mandarin Chinese: *Military Scleace: Peading Instructj.on:*SeVrond Langhage A Instruction: Second Languttge ;4earning: *Translation: *Vocabulary Skills; Writing Instruction IDEANIFIERS .4t6i.a1ogs (Language Laarning) . 6 . ABITRACT* . \ 1\ audiolingual . This is the second of 16 voluqes'of . classrOom instruction in Mandarin Chinese...,The course isdesignel to ' tpin native English speakers,totevel.3"FOreign Service Institute . prOficiency in comprehension and speaking,anb tii Level 2 proficiency in reading and- iriting Mandarin..Volume II introduces the reading anl. writing of Chinese characters. Instructionalmaterials in the 12 dialoguès,'vocab41Ay lis,s,grammar anafyses, ald , :Lessons include translation_exercises. The em'phasis of tiebourse is on military science. JB) .) i a S4b , , V l I *. , . **4******************************w**********************41***********:* * pproductions s/Wliedb#'EDr4S are the.best that can be made * *- * from the original document. *************************************t****************0******** . ,, . i Ileg* 4. 6 " ""' CHINESE-MANDARIN, ..% BASICCOCRSE / VOLUME II /., LESSpINS 16-27 foAii. (N I 14 r . t , CL . I .1 14 MAN 1,1AI ..1.%...tit t A hi 4. )I, DLI /11 .1 410, 1.14 , . X ../ItNE 1961 J 5- I 111111 5, OFE1V's,11111011111 TA. 44ArceAcss'tis'A.I.11 r 4, FlistSELANGUAOT INS,TITUTE 1 I 6 0 * --, 1 6 A. b , . d' -. / THIS PUBLICATVN 4 TO BE USED PRIARILY IN SUPPORT OF TRAININGMIL-I . ITARY PERSONNEL AS PART-0F THE DEFENSE LANGUAGE PROGRIM4 (RESIDENT AND NON- RESIDENT). INQUIRIES CONCERNING THE USE OF THESE4MATgRIALS, INCLUDING REQUESTS FOR COPIES, SHOULD BE ADDRESSED TO:. DEFENSE'LANGUAGE6'INSTITUTE,. FLC NON-RESIDENT OPERATIONS DIVISION I. PRESIDIO OF MONTEREV, CA: 93940' TOPICS IN THE°AREAS OF pOLITICS, INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS, MORES; 'ETC:, WHICH MAY BE CONSIDERED AS cONTROVERSrAL FROM WME POINTS OF VIEW ARE0SOMETIMES INCLUDED IN LAGUAGE TRAINING FOR DLIFLC STUDENTS, SINCE MILITARY PERSONNEL MAY'FIND THEMSELVES IN POSITIONS WHE CLEAR UNDER- STANDING OF CONVERSATIONS OR WRITTEN MATERIALS' OF,THIS 1FUR E WILL BE . ESSENTIAL TO THEIR MISSION. THE PRESENCE Of CONTROVERS STATEMENTS- WHSTHER REAL OR APPARENT-IN DLIFLC MATERIALS IS NOT TO Bt cONSTRUED AS REPRESLNTING THE OPINIONS OF THE WRITERS, OF THE DEFENSE LANGUAGE INSTI- TUTE FOREIGN LANGUAGE CENTER, OR OF THE DEPARTMENT QF DEFENSE. ; . A. .4 ' 3 , S. tat H I N. E S E -M A N D5A R I N 4 BASII4i UOURSE. .14 Volume II ,Lessons 16-27 -.June 196W I. ( DEFENSE LLIGUAGE INSTITUTE .Reprinted February 19,75 ' Reprinted April 18 f. : 4 'V ft' a ,, PREFACE' ./ The Chinese-Mandarin Coltrse,consisting of.110 lessons in 1.6 volumes, isohe of tNeDefense Language Instftutelies Basic ppiirSe Series, The,material was 'developed at the Defense LanguageInstitute,and aPproved`-for gubliication by the.Institute'sCurriculiva Development Board . A The course i designed to tra2h native Enalish language speakers to Level 3proficiency in comprehen- siOn and speaking and Level2 proficiency in ,reading and writing Chines darin, The texts are intended for classroom use in th Defense Language Institute's intensive programs empl ying theaullio-lipguar method- ologv. pany he texts. , 1 N 4 - . s 4 1.11 TABLg OF COJITENTS ' Lesson Page 16 a 1 . 17 19 4 .18 14-5 67 20 91 . 117 22 t ., .., 114 I 23 . -4 0000000000000000 I .169 , 195 ?5 217 2(1 271' It. 27 , 00000 Vocabiatiry Index' , 295 t. I. 40 LESSON 16 . I. Structural DittloOLie 1 Syän: N yau mi jIbe'n sha? How many Itsdo .you want to P Y? Sywe: iau. lyang7sänben want to uy tWiS or , sha. three b ks. Sydn: NI ege-yau mai jtjyan How many irts doe / ellnshän? , yourel: r brother watt tl .`!)uy? Sywe: W ge yau mi san- My elderObrother wants sz jyan chknshgn. to buy4rthree or four shirt4'5 Sygn: NI dtdi yau mai jIge How man , helmetsdoels gangkwgi'? 'yourounger brother want- 0 buy? 4 didi yau mi sZ- My you er brother wants wuge ggrigkwqi. to b four or fve hel be. s Syg.n: NI .1fejye yau mai How my itables does ji,joing jw5dz? yourvelder sister want to '01,7? N4 ,01 Sywe: yau mai -1yOu gng She- w*htb to buy fiveor jwödz: . qixLtables. , Sydn: NeMeimeiyau mai How mr1 chairs does jtgp yldz? \, you ; younger sister /" wan to buy? 7 SyW45 yau mai lyOu-chlge She w ts t9 bliy six or yldz. sevet.\.phairs. if 2. Sygn: \sNI Mchin yOu JIge How mepr pistols does shOuchygng? - youfather, ?lave? Syge: W eachin yOu chl - my fa*er has seven or 156ge shOuchydng. eigh pi s tol s. .9 Sygn: NT muchin yOu dwöshaujdng How matly Pictures does' -hwar7 yourkmother have? k, 9 , s L. 16 stile : .146 micchin y u bit-jy6xj 'My mother has eight or nine pictures. 3.'6SyAn: M4ishilde gage rn How many bogks does the yijIbönsh0 man who sells books hams? Sywe: Meishade neige rn yOu The man who sells books iling-sanb5n sh1.1. has two or three books. 1. SyAn: HEjy6ude jeige renyu How many newspapers does f jijIng blu? this man who drinks (wine) have? a Sywe:. H6jy6ucle neige rii yOu The man who drinks sin-Aging beu. (wlne) has threeor. four newspapers. ChMlnde jeip ren yOu How many neckties does jIge lIngdai? the man who eats (food) have? ) Syw&T Chtlfende neige rn y6u The man who eats (food)A has four or five neck- N ties. 4. syan: kI yeu shfnimia. she? Wha-i-*books do yOu want? am. Sywe: WO yau nI meide nei rwant those two or . lyang-sAnben,shii. three books you bought. SyAn:- NI yeu shempa 1Ingdei? Whikt neckties do you A want? Sywe: yeu sAnz-sltp neiwei I want three or-four syAnsheng maide neige necktie's (like lIngdei. the ano) that the gentleman bought. ° SyAn: NI yeu shemma chenshArs? What shirts do you want? , 0 e Sywe: 146 Au sz-wuge dzwOfende I want four or five shirts e- ge ren.maide neige (like' the one) that the A che shin. man who-prepares food bought. Syin; -NI yeu sh6mma 1w5dk? Whit:t tableS do yOu want? 2 0 L. 16 d. pywe: 1116 Teti 146-1yOuge hajyOude I kanOive or six tables neiwei syaujye mgide (like th76-one) that neige jw8dz.' .Lhe young lady who drinks (wine) bought.' Syan: Chengelyde rtIn hat pictures does the yeu sh6rnna hwer? man who sings (songs) want? Sywe: Chenggarde neige ren The man who sings (songs) lau.ly&u-chijang wants six or seven . mgide neige hwer. pictures (like) the one I bought. .10 Sydn: SygdIde neige rain- What pens'does the boy haidz yeu shenmia who writes characters bi? want?. Syswe: 3y6 de neige The boy who writes charge,- yeu e ters wants seven or eight' that " n1 mgide neige b \pens (like) the one you bought4 4 9 3 `- L. 16 4 II. Basio Dialove A. - Bgi:(Shei.mil Nig, II Do you 'know who sells jltdau ma/ airplanes? - LI: WO bUjisdau. Nm chyU I dontt know. You go An Wing SyAnsheng. and ask Mr. Ifing.' jfsdau. He knows. , Wing SyAnsheng4 nin Mr.*Wing, do you know, 'jfidau shei mai who sells airplanes? fOijt ma? Wang: 1016 mii fij. Nin yiu I sell airplanes.Dc syInde ma?' you want to buy a new one? Bii: Nm jy&I yOu syinde Do you only have new ma? soar's? Whng: SyTnde, jyOude, we; - I have both new ones döu and used ones: Bii: Ninde jyOu MIX In what country are your gwOde? used airplanes made?.0 A WAng: YOude J'anggwgde, .Some are made in Chipa, and ytiude sh MOigwode. some ire made fhe Vnited Statei.- 100 Renren 4u shwa' hIde EVeryOn9 says that your fij hgn gwei, airplanes are very ex-7. d1441. bawgit pensive.; is that right? Wang: Dw4i. Kgshr,wOde Right. But all of my fOijt döu h6n airplanes are 'very good. Bii:' Syind6 dwashau chyin? How much foe the new onat? Wing: LyAnglan-WilchyAnkwa $25,000.61)each. chyin ylge. JyZiude dwashau chyin? How much for the used ones? Wing: Yilan-ling-wilbitikwii 1010;500.00 each. chyarryige. o L. 16 -Wi yitu ini shfie faiji: I.want to buy ten air- planes. ylu syinde ma? 'All new ones? syinde Half (of them)nAl, and yku jyOude. half (of them) used. YigUng dw5shau HoW much altogether? 4 chYan? WAng: yi eing shfichiwitn- ..Altogather $177,500.40 chichfAn-wilbiakwhi chyin.. Bi: W y.girng i ni I will give you' shhankwai chyfin, $100,000.00 a1togetkrer, hiu bilhgu? . '( okay? Wing: Nin g4i wide 04.1711.n The money youoffer is bAgOu, wi not enough;I won't - . sell. ' / 6 4 1 I f 16 Vocabulary, NO: hundred , .2 tan -,7ban half 2.1 yfbeal one half thousand dwe i SVi. be ritp.t,'; corract vo 4.4 4 1 $.1 .gOu SV-t b'e sufficient :P 4 - ,. 6: gwp 0* N: country, nation o P. 7. j?dau V. know, know of or iebowti - ' 8. 'IyOu A: only, lutit . 9.1 ling , zetro a. " 10. rnrn N: everypet. (subpict'only) ) 0 . 11.-wan NU. ten-thpsand, tet 4 -i 4 12. wen Pal ire of Pr.bou 13;yigiing a1togetheI, in all 4 14.yOude N: somesome Of, certain (used only in subject') I.
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