CHARTIST For democratic socialism September/October 2015 #276 £2 Historic moment? Dave Prentis Trade unions Rosa de la Fuente Spain Louise Hoj Larsen TTIP Tim Jones Greek debt Andy Gregg Refugees ISSN - 0968 7866 ISSUE Contributions and letters deadline for CONTENTS CHARTIST #277 FEATURES Editorial Policy 11th October 2015 Chartist welcomes articles, of 800 or 1500 words, and TU RIGHTS UNDER THREAT The editorial policy of CHARTIST is to letters in electronic format only to:
[email protected] promote debate amongst people active in UNISON general secretary Dave Prentis radical politics about the contemporary Receive Chartist’s online newsletter: send your email address to 8 takes on the Tories relevance of democratic socialism across
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[email protected] has made it abundantly clear that the mass of the population of the advanced WHY LABOUR LOST capitalist countries will have no interest in any form of socialism which is not CHARTIST on the web, social media and blogosphere! Peter Rowlands sifts the evidence and thoroughly democratic in its principles, 10 bins the spin its practices, its morality and its ideals.