Do Now: What are they photos of? Where are they? Who is involved?

Why are they doing it? 2020 was gearing up to be a big year for climate action with COP26 (a UN Climate Conference) due to take place in Glasgow in November. Unfortunately, the global pandemic has acted to delay much of the planned action. However, scientists and governments agree that is the challenge of our lifetime and we need to continue to significantly step up our efforts whilst we live with COVID-19. As we recover from COVID-19 we have the opportunity to ‘build back better’, cleaner, greener and develop new ways of doing things. The things we put in place to recover from COVID-19 pandemic must also address the climate emergency. G7 2021: What is the G7?

What is the G7? The G7 stands for the ‘’ and is a gathering of government leaders from some of the world’s richest nations. The countries which make up the G7 have met each year since the 1970s. The 2021 summit will be the 47th meeting to take place and the first to be held in the UK since 2013. The group used to be known as the G8 until was expelled in 2014 over its annexation of .

The is intended to be held 11–13 June 2021 in the while it holds the presidency of the G7. United Kingdom , and and • In past years the G7 has taken action to strengthen the global economy and combat tax evasion, save 27 million lives from AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria, and supported the education of millions of children in the poorest countries. In 2015 its members led the way in helping secure the historic Paris Climate Agreement to limit global emissions.

• The Prime Minister, , will use the first in- person G7 Summit in almost two years to ask leaders to seize the opportunity to fight and ‘build back better’ from coronavirus, uniting to make the future fairer, greener and more prosperous. 27 January, 2021. Around 1.22 million people of all genders, ages, and educational backgrounds took part, but with significant numbers of younger people.

Across all countries, 64% of participants saw climate change as an emergency, requiring urgent responses from countries. “What we wanted to do with the people's climate vote is to bring people's voices to the climate debate." • The UK is taking on the Presidency of the G7 at a critical time for the world, and as it also prepares to host the COP26 UN Climate Conference in November. • With new vaccines offering a way to end the pandemic, Johnson will use the G7 Presidency to fight and build back better from coronavirus by: • Leading the global recovery from coronavirus while strengthening our resilience against future pandemics • Promoting our future prosperity by championing free and fair trade • Tackling climate change and preserving the planet’s biodiversity • Championing our shared values What can we do? Doers Shoppers Learners Shouters Being part of the solution Doers – hands on stuff

30 April, 2021 Three years into a restoration project, Yangambi, a lush forest landscape in northern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), has just celebrated the planting of its millionth new tree. Shoppers – choices when you buy stuff

Last year, 81 per cent of households that switched energy supplier through Compare the Market moved to a green tariff. ( 16/04/21) Learners – seeking knowledge and staying informed

Eden Project’s ‘Earth story’ summer programme had over 200000 visitors. This programme highlighted the beauty of the natural world and what we can all do to help fight climate change and biodiversity loss. Shouters – sharing what you care about

27 January, 2021.

Around 1.22 million people of all genders, ages, and educational backgrounds took part, but with significant numbers of younger people.

Across all countries, 64% of participants saw climate change as an emergency, requiring urgent responses from countries.

“What we wanted to do with the people's climate vote is to bring people's voices to the climate debate." What sort of person do you think you are (mainly)?

Doers – hands on stuff Shoppers – choices when you buy stuff Learners – seeking knowledge Shouters – sharing what you care about

12 Finally: Can an individual really have an impact?

‘If I eat less meat, ride my bike, buy less stuff - how much of a difference does that actually make?’ Finally: Can an individual really have an impact? YES!

Individual actions matter. For example, cutting car use could cut your Carbon footprint by a quarter. But also, scientists have found that when one person makes a sustainability-oriented decision, other people do too:

• Customers at a cafe who were told that 30% of Americans had started eating less meat were twice as likely to order a meatless lunch.

• An online survey showed that of the respondents who know someone who had given up flying because of climate change, half of them said they flew less as a result.

• Community organisers trying to get people to install solar panels were 62% more successful in their efforts if they had panels in their house too.

Why does this happen? Scientists believe we constantly evaluate what our peers are doing and we adjust our beliefs and actions accordingly. When people see their neighbours taking environmental action, they feel more compelled to act. • climate-change

• action-does-make-a-difference-115169 We would like you to be part of a movement PSHE G7 Competition • We want to know what you would say to the world leaders if you got stuck in the lift with pledges them? Submit your pledges through • You can talk about your passion, your concerns the Council Website or what you would like them to do? To be entered into the competition send a • You can record this on your own or in a copy to Mrs Lofthouse group. The only condition is: it can be no longer than 60 seconds and must be smaller [email protected] than 10MB.

• But it doesn't have to be just video! You can also write, photograph, draw or dance your message.

• So, get thinking, grab a camera, pen or brush and get your ideas down!