Vol 5 Issue 1 Feb 2015 ISSN No : 2230-7850


International Multidisciplinary Research Journal

Indian Streams Research Journal

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Address:-Ashok Yakkaldevi 258/34, Raviwar Peth, Solapur - 413 005 , India Cell : 9595 359 435, Ph No: 02172372010 Email: [email protected] Website: www.isrj.org Indian Streams Research Journal ISSN 2230-7850 Impact Factor : 3.1560(UIF) Volume-5 | Issue-1 | Feb-2015 Available online at www.isrj.org


Pramod Ambadasrao Pawar

Head, Assistant Professor, Dept. of English, Sant Dnyaneshwar Mahavidyalaya, Soegaon; Tq. Soegaon; Dist-Aurangabad(MS)

Abstract:- The present paper aims at understanding child psychology by every parents and teachers. It is difficult to know what exactly goes in the mind of a child and what his behaviour always asks for. The world of a child is different from the world of adults. A child is born with many talents in him but parents force him to learn what they expect from him. They hardly seem to take interest in his hobbies and interests. Etiquettes, mannerism, completion of homework, result of the examination, cleanliness and neatness do matter to them rather than his natural inclination towards the things. Ram Shankar Nikumbh, a new art teacher joins the school who pays attention to Ishaan, who seems to be very different from other students in the class. He educates children with enthusiasm and optimism. His motivation to students is different as he can read the psychology of children and help them come out of the difficulties they come across. In the beginning, Ishaan gives no response to him, but he begins to enjoy his class as he is a savior for him. He then finds that Ishaan shows less interest in learning things. He finds out the reasons of his unhappiness and tries to keep him happy. He helps him think, dream and imagine things that is a gifted quality bestowed upon him. The Taare Jameen Par is the best film that exposes the way how a child can be handled with patience, love and care. The film actor excellently directed the film and casted in it as Ram Shankar Nikumbh, a new art teacher in a boarding school and a child artist as Ishaan. Children are like stars on the earth, they are from heaven. The magical mind of the child shown in the film is strongly criticized, but such miracles do happen on the earth, there is, in fact, no exaggeration in demonstrating the character Ishaan as a gifted one. He is placed in a competitive world in which he exhibits his talent. The competition organized in the film motivates children to flower their hidden talents. The story revolves round the efforts made by an art teacher to fit him in a normal world. In fact, Ishaan is above the normal world, an abnormal child who has guts to make impossible possible. An attempt has been made to fulfill the special needs of children. In a sense, Taare Jameen Par is a hopeful journey of Ishaan from his solitary confinement to freedom, individuality and self-identity.

Keywords: Psycho-Traumatic Study , Etiquettes, mannerism, completion of homework


The present paper aims at understanding child psychology by every parents and teachers. It is difficult to know what exactly goes in the mind of a child and what his behaviour always asks for. The film Taare Jameen Par is about Ishaan Awasthi, an eight-year old child who is interested in his own world of creative imagination. Eight-year-old Ishaan (Darsheel) is a happy-go-lucky child with a fertile imagination that can see fish flying but fails to grasp the difference between B and D. When asked to solve his three times table, he confidently

Pramod Ambadasrao Pawar, “A PSYCHO-TRAUMATIC STUDY OF ISHAAN IN TAARE JAMIN PAR” Indian Streams Research Journal | Volume 5 | Issue 1 | Feb 2015 | Online & Print

1 . A Psycho-traumatic Study Of Ishaan In Taare Jamin Par picks up his pencil and sees a war of planets on the firmament of his mind where planet 3 smashes into planet 6 and beats it into smithereens. Naturally, the answer of 3 x 6 is 3 for our little genius. But that's between you and me. 1 The world of a child is different from the world of adults. A child is born with many talents in him but parents force him to learn what they expect from him. They hardly seem to take interest in his hobbies and interests. Etiquettes, mannerism, completion of homework, result of the examination, cleanliness and neatness do matter to them rather than his natural inclination towards the things. The character Ishaan finds no interest in studies and remains absent-minded that makes his parents tensed and worried about his future. In this context, no parents are careless about the future of the child, but it is equally important to read the mind of the child and understand his behaviour. Even having all the facilities of learning, he lags behind in studies. Whenever he tries to concentrate on the board, the letters on the board and in his note-books start dancing. This is nothing but his inbuilt power of imagination, but there is nobody to understand him. Parents meet teachers at school and know that he scores less marks and has a very poor performance in the class. Berated by the teachers, his parents send the kid away to a boarding school and deliver him to a living hell, where he faces ridicule and begins to lose all self-esteem in his effort to fit in. It takes an unconventional art teacher (Aamir Khan) to bring him out of his solitary confinement and unleash a whole new energy force that blinds the boring world with its colours and configurations. 2 His interest in drawing kites, fishes and animals is useless for them and that draws no attention from his parents. In the course of time, he becomes a trouble maker to both his parents and teachers. This makes them decide to send him to a boarding school. He is thus packed off to a boarding school to turn out to be disciplined. But, the things become worse than better because his separation from his parents, loneliness and helplessness in a boarding school is frightening to him. Child psychology is one of the many branches of psychology and one of the most frequently studied specialty areas. This particular branch focuses on the mind and behavior of children from prenatal development through adolescence. Child psychology deals not only with how children grow physically, but with their mental, emotional and social development as well.3 The emotional and psychological trauma begins to encompass him placing into an unbreakable circle of day to day routine work. His silence is his constant search for someone who can understand him completely. Things with him were the same in a new school where the change of a school makes no difference to him. The story is simple and connects instantly with every adult and child in the auditorium, even as the climax is predictable and plays heavily on your emotions. But what uplifts the film is its very simplicity, sensitivity and its performances. On the one hand, there is the non-filmy script which doesn't make anyone the villain...even the adults are victims of ignorance. On the other, there is the towering portrayal by young Darsheel who trapezes between lively and lost with great agility.4 Ram Shankar Nikumbh, a new art teacher joins the school who pays attention to Ishaan, who seems to be very different from other students in the class. He educates children with enthusiasm and optimism. His motivation to students is different as he can read the psychology of children and help them come out of the difficulties they come across. In the beginning, Ishaan gives no response to him, but he begins to enjoy his class as he was a savior for him. He then finds that Ishaan shows less interest in learning things. He finds out the reasons of his unhappiness and tries to keep him happy. He helps him think, dream and imagine things that is a gifted quality in him. He breaks all the rules and teaches them how the things are done. The art teacher closely observes his activities and befriends him. Once he comes across his drawing in his notebook that is really outstanding. Thereafter, he organizes a drawing competition in the school and encourages all the students to actively participate in it. Most importantly, Ishaan stood first in the competition. He was honoured and appreciated for his creative work by all the teachers, students in the school. This can happen because of Ram Shankar Nikumbh who reads child psychology of Ishaan and helps him find out his hidden talent. When his parents come to school and surprised to know the unexpected progress of their son. They are pleased to hear words of appreciation for Ishaan from all the teachers and students they meet. His drawing is also selected for a creative cover page of annual school manual. Like his art teacher, every parents need to look for hidden talent in their kids and shape their career accordingly. A world where it is natural and 'normal' to rap eight-year-old knuckles and discipline with verbal abuse and physical battering, if a child gets his spellings wrong, forgets to do his homework or fails to give a copy book answer. But the canvas of the film is so sensitive, so vast, and so meaningful; it includes any and every child in its ambit. So much so, becomes the story of any and every child who is being robbed off his childhood by insensitive parents and teachers who believe their job is to create race-winning rats for the rat race rather than Einsteins, Edisons, Agatha Christies and Leonardo Da Vincis. 5 The film Taare Jameen Par is the best film that exposes the way how a child can be handled with patience, love and care. The film actor Aamir Khan excellently directs the film and casts in it as Ram Shankar Nikumbh, a new art teacher in a boarding school and a child artist Darsheel Safary as Ishaan. Children are like stars on the earth, they

Indian Streams Research Journal | Volume 5 | Issue 1 | Feb 2015 2 . A Psycho-traumatic Study Of Ishaan In Taare Jamin Par are from heaven. The magical mind of the child shown in the film is strongly criticized, but such miracles do happen on the earth, there is, in fact, no exaggeration in demonstrating the character Ishaan as a gifted one. He is placed in a world of competition in which he exhibits his talent. The competition organized in the film motivates children to flower their hidden talents. The story thus revolves round the efforts made by an art teacher to fit him in a normal world. In fact, Ishaan is above the normal world, an abnormal child who has guts to make impossible possible. An attempt has been made to fulfill the special needs of children. And holding it all deftly together - the tears and the smiles, the lows and the highs - is Aamir Khan who makes a measured directorial debut. Almost as measured and meticulous as his performances. Of course, the second half does get a bit repetitive, the script needs a bit of taut editing, the trauma of the lonely child seems a shade too prolonged and the treatment simplistic. But the film never does stop tugging at your heartstrings. We recommend a mandatory viewing for all schools and all parents.6 In a sense, Taare Jameen Par is a hopeful journey of Ishaan from his solitary confinement to freedom, individuality and self-identity.


1.http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/entertainment/hindi/movie-review/Taare-Zameen-Par/movie-review/2641 799.cms 2.Ibid. 3.http://psychology.about.com/od/developmentalpsychology/a/child-psychology.htm 4.http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/entertainment/hindi/movie-review/Taare-Zameen-Par/movie-review/2641 799.cms 5.Ibid. 6.Ibid.

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