No. 327,758, Patented Oct. 6, 1885
(Model.) 2. Sheets-Sheet 1. J. BIRKENHEAD, MECHANISM FOR SUPPORTING AND GUIDING DRILLS WHILE BEING GROUND, No. 327,758, Patented Oct. 6, 1885, sn s N, pers. Plato-Liaographer, Washington, , . (Model.) 2 sheets-sheet 2. J. BIRKENHEAD. MECHANISM FOR SUPPORTING AND GUIDING DRILLS WHILE BEING GROUND. No. 327,758. Patented 00t, 6, 1885, Z2 (erve fres. 77vez for (2 M. C24 e/a/.7z Azréezz/eagé, N, PETERs, Photo-Lithographer, Washington, C. C. UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. JOHN B I. R. KEN HEAD, OF MANS FIELD, MASS ACHU SETTS. MECHANISM FOR SUPPORTNG AND GUIDING DRILLS WHILE BEING GROUND, S321:CIEICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 327,758, dated October 6, 1885. Application filed September 19, 1883. Serial No. 106,796. (Model.) To a 2Z Zuhon, it inval/ conce772, : prevent end wise motion of Said journal in its Be it known that I, JoHNBIRKENHEAD, of bearing. This bearing f has a journal, h, ex Mansfield in the county of Bristol, of the tending down from it into a post, i, also made Commonwealth of Massachusetts, have invent so as to be capable of being clamped to the ed a new and useful Improvement in Mech journal by a screw, k. This post extends up anism for Supporting and Guiding a Twist or ward from a base, l, having appliances for fiX Angularly Pointed Drill while in the act of ing it on the trough of a grindstone in a being Sharpened by a Grindstone; and I do manner to enable the tool-rest to be brought hereby declare the same to be described in the into a suitable position relatively to the stone following specification and represented in the for a drill to be ground or sharpened thereby.
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