"REAR NAKED CHOKE" James Grayford 1626 North Wilcox Avenue #482 Los Angeles, CA 90028 323.807.8599
[email protected] 1. INT. REGIONAL MMA - OCTAGON -- NIGHT We pull back from a mouthguard emblazoned with the words REAR NAKED CHOKE, reveal TED DE LEON, mid 20's, Latin. Ted raises 4 ounce gloves, trades blows with his OPPONENT, 20's. This is regional pro MMA. Smaller crowds, weathered canvas. Draped banners display local sponsors. The bell rings and the fighters return to their corners. CLEVON ALVARADO, 40's, slides a stool beneath Ted. CLEVON You're doing great, kid. How you feel? Like an Aztec? Clevon glances to the stands. DIEGO VELASQUEZ, 40's, suit, paunch, sits with a group of PROMOTERS. INT. REGIONAL MMA - STANDS -- NIGHT Through the door enters CHARLIE UNO, 50's, Caucasian, fat cigar, Don King persona. PROMOTER #1 The man's here. They rise to greet him. PROMOTER #1 Charlie, this is Diego Velasquez. Charlie sits. CHARLIE UNO You want in? VELASQUEZ Very much sir, yes. CHARLIE UNO (opening his hands toward ring) Then make us some money. INT. REGIONAL MMA - CAGE & STANDS -- NIGHT Grandstanding, Velasquez rises, points at his watch. Clevon sees it, turns to Ted. CLEVON You know what time it is? (CONTINUED) 2. CONTINUED: Staring at the ground, Ted nods. CLEVON Hey. Hey, listen to me... Clevon looks him dead in the eyes. CLEVON You got two fights left on your contract. Do this, you're out. You can make it to the show, Ted. No one has to know. Ted doesn't answer.