Olympic Delivery Authority One Churchill Place Canary Wharf
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Olympic Delivery Authority One Churchill Place Canary Wharf, London E145LN Reception +44 (0)20 3 2012 000 Fax +44 (0)20 3 2012 001 london2Ol2 .com Our ref: RF100676 Your ref: Mr Mike Wells ‘I® Mr M Wells E-mailed to: request-i 13039- e3f272ac@whatdotheyknow. corn 10th May 2012 Dear Mr Wells REQUEST FOR INFORMATION gth We refer to your request dated April 2012 requesting the following information: PREAMBLE ‘I® Please provide the following information. The 2012 website makes the following statements. http://www.london20 12. com/about-us/the-peopIe-deliverinq-the-qames/the- olympic-delivery-authority/oda-prioritythemes/Ieqacy.php “Our job is to harness this potential and create one of the largest new urban parks in Europe for 150 years.” And http://www. london2Ol2. com/press/media-releases/20 11/1 2!newaerial- imaqes-show-olympic-park-transformationon-ev.Dhp Parkiands “The two-year planting programme completed in November 2011 to create the UK’S largest new urban park for more than a century with 4,000 semi-mature trees, over 300,000 wetland plants and more than ten football fields worth of meadows planted.” As a means of assessing the size of the Olympic “Park” in relation to the department for cuLture, media previously largest new urban parks” both in “Europe for 150 years” and in the and sport UK “for more than a century”, the ODA must hold data of these previously largest parks. LOND AGENCYDEVELOPMENT MAYOR OF LOND(N Supported by “The NatonaI Lottery® Printed at on environmentally aware ISO 14001 -certified printer on recycled paper REQUEST FOR INFORMATION Please provide the data held on these previously largest parks, both in the UK and in Europe. Please include the name of these parks, the location of these, parks, the date these parks were opened, and the size of these parks. We can confirm that the ODA does not hold the data you have requested. However, we can advise you that with assistance of CABE space, the government’s advisor on parks and public space, the ODA studied the most recent modern Olympic Parks which were created following the Games in Munich (1972) through to the Games hosted in Beijing (2008).The ODA also visited a number of parks within the UK including London’s Royal Parks, Greenwich Ecology Park, Mile End Park, West Ham and Victoria Park. The outcome of these studies and consultations resulted in objectives for the parklands and public realm and were published in the Design and Access Statement which supported the planning application which is available to view on the ODA Planning Decisions Team Website: httix//rdt. london20 1 2.com/planninq/planninq-register. php. You can locate the relevant applications by using the references 08/90310 to 08/90317 in the search function. You will then need to view the associated documents to find the Design and Access Statements. There is a substantial body of information in the public domain about urban parks in the UK. The biggest include Sutton Park in Birmingham, Richmond Park in London, Bushy Park in Richmond, Roundhay Park in Leeds, Sefton Park in Liverpool and Hyde Park in London — all of which are larger than the Olympic Park and opened more than 100 years ago. We hope this is of assistance. Under Regulation 11 you may make representations to the ODA if it appears to you that the ODA has failed to comply with a requirement of Environmental Information Regulations in relation to this request. Representations must be made in writing to the ODA no later than 40 working days after the date on which you believe that the ODA has failed to comply. You should write to the Information Officer, Olympic Delivery Authority, One Churchill Place, Canary Wharf, London, E14 5LN. If you do wish to complain, it would assist the review process if you are able to state the grounds for your complaint and to identify any relevant factors you wish to be taken into account. The ODA shall on receipt of the representations consider them and any supporting evidence produced by you, and decide if it has complied with the requirement. The ODA shall notify you of its decision as soon as possible and no later than 40 working days after the date of receipt of the representations. If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your complaint, you may apply directly to the Information Commissioner for a decision. Generally, the Information Commissioner will not make a decision unless you have exhausted the complaint procedure provided by the ODA. The Information Commissioner can be contacted at: The Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF. You have the right to appeal to the Information Tribunal if you are not satisfied with a decision of the Information Commissioner. Yours sincerely Information Officer Olympic Delivery Authority.