
1, 2, 3, yeah!

Well, she sneaks around the world from Kiev to Carolina She's a sticky-fingered filcher from Berlin down to Belize She'll take you for a ride on a slow boat to China Tell me, where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?

Steal their Seoul in South Korea, make Antarctica cry "Uncle!" From the Red Sea to Greenland, they'll be singing the blues Well, they never Arkansas her steal the Mekong from the jungle Tell me, where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?

She'll go from Nashville to Norway, Bonaire to Zimbabwe Chicago, to Czechoslovakia* and back!

Well, she'll ransack Pakistan, and run a scam in Scandinavia Then she'll stick 'em up down under and go pick-pocket Perth She put the "miss" in misdemeanor when she stole the beans from Lima Tell me, where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?

Whoa, tell me where in the world? Hey! Come on, tell me where can she be? Botswana to Thailand, Milan via Amsterdam Mali, to Bali, Ohio, Oa-wa-hu!


The warrant, the warrant** The warrant, ba-ba-ba-ba-the warrant** Ooh, the chase** Ooh-woo-woo-woo, the chase**

Monday through Friday at 5!

Well, she glides around the globe, and she'll flim-flam every nation She's a double-dealing diva with a taste for thievery Her itinerary's loaded up with moving violations Tell me, where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?

Whoa, tell me, where in the world is Carmen Sandiego? Tell me, where in the world is Carmen Sandiego? Tell me, where in the world is Carmen Sandiego? Tell me, where in the world is Carmen Sandiego? Tell me, where in the world is Where can she be, yeah? Whoa, where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?

Tell me, where in the world is Carmen Sandiego? Watch your back! >> Look at a book about rocket ships. Wow!

>> Go find out.

>> It's a blast.


[ Speaking foreign language ]

>> You're watching Channel 56 WTVS Detroit.

[ Music ]

>> Local broadcast of Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? Is made possible in part by. NBD, the right bank can make a difference.

[ Music ]

>> And by the members of AAA Michigan. AAA Michigan sponsors geography education through the How to Read a Map Program in middle schools.

>> Today's caper is bank rolled by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and viewers like you.

>> And by Delta Airlines because geography is important for kids everywhere. Delta Airlines. You'll love the way we fly.

>> All these people want to know.

>> Where in the world is?

>> Carmen Sandiego.

>> And one of these gumshoes could find Carmen.

>> He once lived in Pakistan and knows how to speak [inaudible]. Meet Mohammed Umar. She's traveled in the eastern US and collects XMen comics. Meet Valentina Gutierrez. He's been to Sunset Beach, North Carolina, and loves baseball. Meet Christopher Moravek.

[ Cheering and music ]

>> And here's Senior Agent in charge of training new recruits, Greg Lee.

>> Thank you, thanks man, thanks. How are you doing, guys? Thanks a lot. Hey, Christopher, good to see you, man. Hey, Valentina, hey Mohamed. Hey listen, folks, they're with me every day.

>> Rockapella.

>> [Inaudible]. Quick reminder you guys the one of you that catches Carmen Sandiego today is going to get that trip to anywhere in North America and that is not bad, ladies and gentlemen.

[ Cheering ] >> So, chief, who are we after?

>> This is Eartha Brute.

>> Eartha Brute.

>> If you're looking for brains, you won't find a trace. Between her 2 ears is a wide open space. Her last known whereabouts? Calgary, Alberta. Take a 10-minute drive from downtown Calgary and step millions of years back in time. You can do it at the Calgary Zoo's Prehistoric Park. It's North America's only major park to show dinosaurs in their natural environment. Of course, the dinos aren't real. They are life-sized replicas and they're surrounded by plant life and other prehistoric animals, which resemble those from the same era. Seeing dinosaurs in their natural habitat almost brings these long dead creatures back to life. Or it did until today.

>> Oh, no.

>> When Eartha Brute clomped into Calgary in her cave gal best. She then proceeded to [inaudible] of every prehistoric beast. And she probably still hasn't noticed that they aren't real. Gumshoes, I'm counting on you to crack today's case. Tyrannosaurus Wrecked.

>> Oh, yeah. Okay, guys, trying to find Eartha and the prehistoric park. To help you out we're going to give you a 50 Acme Crime Bucks. There you are. Every time you answer a question correctly we're going to give you 10 more crime bucks and the 2 of you with the highest score at the end of this round will then proceed to the next round. You okay, man? Okay. Let's get started with our very first clue and for our first clue call out the SWAT team it's time for that pesky fly again.

[ Buzzing ]

[ Background splat ]

>> I just flew in from the Atlantic coast when I was nearly eaten alive. They had these plants there called Venus Fly Traps that actually eat flies. Something about a lack of nitrogen where they grow makes them go after flesh. A plant lures you with the smell of its nectar. You fly in for a landing and then, wham, you're caught inside it's jaws. Its digestive juices get going and, oh, well, I can't go on. Thank heavens there are very few places where this plant grows wild. Now I know why one of them is called Cape Fear.

>> All right everybody. I caught him and he's okay.

[ Cheering ]

He's okay. All right. Fly away, be free, be free.

[ Buzzing ]

[ Splat ]

Oh, sorry about that. Okay, Gumshoes, name the state where Eartha has taken the prehistoric park? Is it West Virginia? Louisiana? Or North Carolina? The clues we heard Atlantic coast. One of the only places where Venus Fly Trap grows wild and Cape Fear. Come up with an answer as quickly as you can and once you're ready hold your card nice and high there. Christopher is ready. Mohammed is now ready. And Valentina is now ready. Christopher, what do you say, bud?

>> I say North Carolina.

>> North Carolina. Valentina? >> Is it Louisiana?

>> Louisiana. Mohammed?

>> North Carolina.

>> North Carolina. Well, I can tell you this South Carolina is the only other place in the world where the Venus Fly Trap grows wild. North Carolina. Nice job, Christopher and Mohammed.

[ Cheering ]

All right, Gumshoes, for our next clue --

>> -- oh, Greg? Greg?

>> I know what that sounds like, Scott, it sounds like we've got another Rockapella clue. All right. The Rockapella clue. Guys, I'm sorry, I thought this was a Rockapella clue. My mistake.

[ Music and singing ]

Rockapella, ladies and gentlemen.

[ Cheering ]

Okay, Gumshoes, name the lake where Eartha has gone. Is it Maracaibo? Bayano? Or Titicaca? Remember the clues that we heard in Bolivia and Peru. Uru Indians and sacred island of the sun. Come up with an answer as quick as you can guys. Valentina is ready so is Mohammed so is Christopher. Christopher, what do you say, man?

>> I say Titicaca.

>> Titicaca. What do you think, Valentina?

>> Titicaca.

>> Titicaca. Mohammed?

>> Titicaca.

>> Everyone said the same thing. Everyone is right. Thank you very much.

[ Cheering ]

Nice job, guys. Now it's time for one of my most favorite parts of the show. The lightning round. Go, oh, man. Take cover. Is that it? Are we done? No, okay. Always worth 5 Acme Points and I can tell you these are all about Eartha's most recent known whereabouts which is Lake Titicaca Hands on the buzzers. Gee whiz. Here's the first question. Lake Titicaca's first steam ships were made in England in 1862. How did such big, heavy boats get up to the lake? Where they, A, carried in pieces by mules? B, helicoptered in on ropes? Or, C, hoisted on the shoulders of the British Navy?

[ Buzzer ]


>> Carried in pieces by mules. >> That's exactly right. Nice memory too.

[ Cheering ]

Five for you. Here's the second question. As recently as 1991, scientists found this on the bottom of Lake Titicaca. Am I talking about a sunken UFO? Ancient gold relics? Or a plug for draining the lake?

[ Buzzer ]


>> Ancient gold relics.

>> Is right. Nice job 5 for you.

[ Cheering ]

Here's the last question, guys. A reserve near Lake Titicaca protects a rare member of the camel family that is valued for its wool. What --

[ Buzzer ]

Oh, Valentina?

>> A vicuna?

>> I'm sorry?

>> A vicuna.

>> Is that okay, judges? It is. Good job 5 for you.

[ Cheering ]

The vicuna, the vicuna is what we're looking for. Nice job, guys. Very nice job. Okay, listen, I have a quick meeting with the chief.

>> Greg, would you come in here, please?

>> Yeah, I just said I had to have a meeting and then I'll meet with you guys out in the alley for a little training session. You guys come with me. Hey chief, hey, that is a great, great windmill let me tell you.

>> Thanks, Greg. I had it installed this morning. It is a great way to save money. As of today, all office power comes from that windmill.

>> Well, chief, that is all well and good as long as the wind keeps blowing, but what if the wind dies down? Did you think about that?

>> No, I hadn't thought about that.

[ Music ]

>> Well, maybe you should give it some thought. >> Oh, great. Oh, now we've got no power.

>> I'm sorry.

>> You should be. All right. Let's do the contest.

>> Fine. Write down what got stolen and from where each time you watch the show. When you've collected 4 [inaudible] and locations put them on a post card with your name and address and send it to Acme Crimenet, PO Box 4300, New York, New York, 10163.

>> Every day we'll pick 5 people whose lists are correct and send them each a Carmen tee-shirt. Here are today's winners.

[ Music ]

>> Congratulations to the winners.

>> Well, I guess the windmill thing was a failure.

>> Well, come on, chief. Hold on a second. Don't get down. I think I've got an idea here. Don't we have one of those electric fans around here somewhere?

>> Yeah, it's over by the file cabinet.

>> Okay.

>> Why?

>> Well, I have an idea like I told you. Sit that there, turn this on here.

[ Fan blowing ]

>> How did you do that?

>> Very simple. I plugged in the fan and it blew on the windmill.

>> But where did the fan get the power?

>> From the windmill.

>> Yeah, but the windmill wasn't turning.

>> Well, not until I plugged in the fan.

>> Yeah, well if you turn, you could, well, that actually kind of makes sense.

[ Fan blowing ]

If I don't think about it too much.

>> Hi, guys. Time for a little training exercise. Step right this way. Everybody pick one of these trashcans. What you're going to do is help me hunt for clues that are going to help us find our crook and what better place to find those clues than right here inside the trashcan. What you'll do is lift the lid off the trashcan like this, well, there's a card and on one side of the card is a flag on the other flag is a clue. Then to finish up your assignment all you have to do is take the lid and put it back on top of the trashcan just like this. Let's see how fast you guys can do this. On your mark, get set, go. Find those flags, guys. Find those clues. Don't forget to put the lid back on top though. That's the key the lid on top and one. Lid on top, lid on top, lid on top find the clues, guys, put the lid on top, put the lid on top. Good. [inaudible] 3. Very close. Valentina is first then Mohammed and then Christopher. Christopher, step right around to this side, okay. Valentina, right where you are. You're fine right there. Valentina, you say, you finished the assignment first and tell me what your card says.

>> Locator.

>> Locator. Okay. I can tell you to find this country you've got to look for it in Central Africa, okay? Mohammed, you are second. What does yours say?

>> Language.

>> Language. I can tell you an official language of this country is French and finally, Christopher, what does yours say?

>> Capital.

>> The capital of this country is Bangee. Valentine, you finished with your assignment first. What do you think it is? Is it Zaire? Central African Republic? Or Chad?

>> Central African Republic?

>> Is right. Nice job 10 Crimenets for you.

[ Cheering ]

Way to go, guys. Okay, that tells me that something [inaudible] let's check the phone tap.

>> Eartha hold up in the hole. It's a deep cavern reached only by sea on the Island of Muckle Flugga.

>> Muckie Flu who?

>> Muckle Flugga. It's part of an island group and is the northern most island in Great Britain but be careful with 170 mile per hour winds the seas can get pretty rough.

>> Carmen, that's perfect for wind surfing.

>> You're either very stupid or very brave, but I guess if the famous little ponies from these islands can take the winds, then you'll manage too.

>> Oh, Carmen. Can I ride the little ponies? Please?

>> I said they could stand the force of the wind not the strain of your bulk.

>> Okay, guys. Name the islands where Eartha has taken the prehistoric park. Is it Orkney? Shetland? Or Faroe? We heard Muckle Flugga northern most island in Great Britain and famous small ponies. Valentina is ready. Christopher and Mohammed still thinking about it. Very close game we got going here. Anything could happen. As soon as you guys are ready. Now Mohammed is ready, Christopher is too. Christopher, what do you say, buddy?

>> It's Shetland.

>> Shetland. Valentina, what do you think? >> Shetland.

>> Shetland. Mohammed?

>> Shetland.

>> Everybody said Shetland everybody is right. Thank you.

[ Music ]

Close game. Let's check the scores. Christopher now is up to 85. Valentina, 90. Mohammed, 80 Acme Crime Bucks. And we just received word that Eartha has left the Shetland island so let's pick up the chase.

>> Oh, the chase.

>> Very nice of you. Fellows, as you know these questions are worth 5 Acme Crime Bucks so hands on your buzzers, watch the monitor, listen carefully here we go. Eartha parked the park in Egypt's capital city.

[ Buzzer ]


>> Cairo.

>> Is right. Then she jetted to Jordan. What peninsula did she fly over?

[ Buzzer ]


>> Sinai.

>> Sinai Peninsula is right. Eartha careened into the capital city of Riyadh --

[ Buzzer ]


>> Saudi Arabia.

>> Is right. Next ballooned over to Sudan. What sea did she cross?

[ Buzzer ]


>> Red.

>> Yes. Eartha lumbered east across the border into a coastal country name it.

[ Buzzer ]

Mohammed? >> Eritrea.

>> Eritrea is right. Nice job. That means at the end of chase run Christopher, 85; Valentina, 100; Mohammed, 95 crime bucks. Big round of applause.

[ Cheering ]

I'm telling you, guys, this is a very close game and before we go much further though I want you to know that all of our answers have been verified by National Geographic World.

>> National Geographic World.

>> That's just what I said. And I want to remind you also of this, this is the final clue of this round which means you have to decide how much you want to risk. You can risk 0, 10, 20, 30, 40 or 50 Acme Crime Bucks. Now, take a look right over here if you will, please, because here is a portion of the world where we think Eartha is headed. Take a look at the map and think about it.

[ Music and singing ]

Okay, looks like everybody is ready. For our last and final clue of this round --

[ Horn ]

Oh, boy. That sound reminds me of a time when movies were black and white and sound was menorah [phonetic].

[ Sounds ]

What do you have for me?

>> Post [inaudible] stalk by night.

>> I've heard that's true.

>> It's cold, Greg. Eartha is in a New York town near the Massachusetts border. It was once the center for a religious group named the Shakers. They were called that because members would shake with emotion during religious services. And, Greg?

>> Yeah?

>> The children were never seen.

>> Never seen. Never seen. That's a code for red convertible I believe.

>> It's not code, Greg. The Shakers didn't believe in marriage or having children and that's one of the reasons there were so few Shakers left today.

>> Wow. Thanks a lot.

>> One more thing, Greg.

>> Yeah?

>> The giant chicken serves only 1. >> Who is coming up with these codes?

[ Sounds ]

Nice. Very nice. Hey, listen, one more thing.

[ Music ]

Whoa, I've got to tell you honestly that hurts a lot more than it looks, but I'm okay.

[ Cheering ]

Gumshoes, name the town if you will, please. That was very nice you guys. The town where Eartha has taken the prehistoric park is it Plattsburgh? New Lebanon? Or Fishs Eddy? Remember the clues that we heard near Massachusetts border and former center for the Shakers. Also remember this is the final clue of this round so lay it down just like that when you're ready. Valentina is ready. Christopher laid it down right there. Mohammed is still thinking about it. Now he is ready. Christopher, coming to you first. You have 85 Acme Crime Bucks how much did you risk?

>> I risked 40 Crime Bucks.

>> Forty Crime Bucks. What did you say, buddy?

>> New Lebanon?

>> New Lebanon is right. Nice job, Christopher.

[ Cheering ]

Mohammed, you have 95 Acme Crime Bucks how much did you risk?

>> Greg, I risked 20 Crime Bucks.

>> Twenty Crime Bucks. This is going to stay close. What did you say, Mohammed?

>> I said Plattsburgh.

>> Plattsburgh is not right. You're going to go down 20. Anything could happen though. You're at 75. Valentina has 100 Acme Crime Bucks. How much did you risk?

>> Twenty.

>> Twenty Crime Bucks. What did you say, Valentina?

>> New Lebanon.

>> Nice job either way you put it. That means Valentina and Christopher go on to the next round.

[ Cheering ]

Mohammed, buddy, put it there. Great game, great detective work. Got great stuff for you. Chief?

>> That Eartha Brute. She's big and dumb but still hard to catch and you did a great job today. So I'm rewarding your efforts with our official Acme Gumshoe gear. You'll get an atlas, this cool Crimenet cap with the official Acme logo in front. The official Crimenet tee-shirt, a subscription to National Geographic World magazine and our new Acme Stealth Pen Quarter. It's the perfect tool for sleuths on a stakeout or for congratulating Gumshoes.

[ Singing ]

See what I mean? Greg?

>> Thanks a lot, chief. Okay, guys, upstate New York [inaudible] getting there. We're going to modem ourselves there. To do that we hold our breath for a long time --

>> -- Greg?

>> Yeah?

>> Are you and the Gumshoes ready to modem?

>> We're ready, chief. Let's do it.

[ Music ]

Okay, guys. Here we are. Everybody walk this way.

[ Music ]

Okay, guys. You know where to go. I'm standing here, the chief is going to be right up here with some very important information very quickly so listen very carefully. Chief, what do have for us?

>> Okay. There are 15 places in Upstate New York where you might find Eartha [inaudible] or the prehistoric park. Let's look at a few of them. First up the US Military Academy at West Point. It's where young people train to become future leaders of our nation and where Eartha comes to find guys who are as pumped up as she is. Next, Niagara Falls. Over 700,000 gallons fall over the falls each second. Always a big tourist spot and a favorite with honeymooners. Eartha may be sneaking around here with one of those West Point cadets. Then check out the National Women's Hall of Fame in Seneca Falls. The Hall celebrates the accomplishments of over 100 women in various fields from equal rights activists to artists, but not thieves. Finally, slide into the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown. This wooden statue of Ted Williams is one of the many items of baseball memorabilia Eartha might try and lift. Now, Gumshoes, stealing might be legal in baseball but that's because nobody asked me. Now, nab Eartha at home and send her back to the bench for good.

>> We'll do it, chief, thanks a lot. You guys know how this works. Christopher, you had the most at the end of the last round. You're going to go first. Remember warrant, loot and then crook. Go ahead, Christopher.

>> Baseball Hall of Fame.

>> Baseball Hall of Fame.

>> Going, going, gone.

>> Sorry, nothing here. Christopher, sorry, Valentina, go ahead.

>> Kazoo Factory.

>> Kazoo Factory.

[ Music ] Very nice. That sounded just like a Kazoo. Turn that back around. Christopher, go ahead.

>> Finger Lakes.

>> Finger Lakes.

>> Jurassic [inaudible].

>> Nice job. You got the loot you get a free turn. Go ahead, Christopher.

>> American Falls.

>> American Falls.

>> It's a sad day.

>> Yes, nothing there. We turn both of them back around, but you did find the loot. Valentina, your turn.

>> Finger Lakes.

>> Finger Lakes.

>> Paleolithic panic.

>> Go ahead, Valentina.

>> Harriet Tubman's House.

>> Ah, yes, Harriet Tubman's House. She helped hundreds of slaves escape on the Underground Railroad. Let's see Harriet Tubman's House.

>> Nothing there. We turn both of them back around. Christopher, your turn.

>> Finger Lakes.

>> Finger Lakes.

>> [Inaudible] plunder.

>> Go ahead, Christopher.

>> Watkins Glen Grand Prix.

>> Watkins Glen Grand Prix.

>> Gentlemen, start your engines.

>> Nothing there. We turn it back around nothing there. Valentina, your turn.

>> Finger Lakes.

>> Finger Lakes.

>> Wilma. >> Oh, yes that was great you found the loot. Very good. Free turn. Go ahead.

>> Woodstock.

>> Woodstock.

>> The warrants.

>> Oh you have the loot and you have the warrant you get a free turn. Can you find Eartha?

>> Mount Marcy?

>> Is Eartha at Mount Marcy? Yeah.

[ Cheering ]

Nice job, Valentina. Stay right there. We'll talk to you in just a little bit. Hey, man, very close. Nice detective work. Got some great stuff for you. Chief?

>> Good detective work is a team effort and today you made a huge contribution. That's why I'm awarding you all this great Acme Gumshoe gifts and you'll receive 2 of these Acme Secret Senders. That means you and a fellow Gumshoe will be fully equipped to zap messages to each other through the air. Plus you can store phone numbers even use it to control your TV and VCR. It's a great gift for a job well done. Congratulations.

[ Cheering ]

>> Okay, Valentina, here's your portfolio. Inside is a piece of paper and also a pen. What I want you to do is write down where you'd like to go if you catch Carmen Sandiego. Get that trip. Rockapella, start the music, boys.

[ Music ]

Very nice. Okay. Stick that right back up there. All we need now is a phone call and there it is. Let me get this for us. And hello there, hi. You never know what's inside these things. Hello? Yeah, she's right here. It's for you.

>> I thought maybe I'd take some classes while I was in jail, but the warden says they don't have a nursery school. I need Carmen to help me, but she's in North America. Go get her.

>> Okay, Valentina, now we know where we're going. Let's find out more about it. Chief, what can you tell us.

>> Here's a list of places Carmen may have traveled. Northwest territories, Canada; Alberta, Canada; Manitoba, Canada; New Brunswick, Canada; Lake Michigan; Montana, USA. Nevada, USA. Virginia, USA. Florida, USA. Sinaloa, Mexico; Jamaica; Honduras; Panama. Greg, let's go to the map.

[ Music ]

>> You ready to do this thing?

>> Yeah.

>> All right, listen. I know you know what to do. Let me explain to those who may not know, okay. What you have got to do is identify 8 locations in 45 seconds. When you are right, you will hear this sound.

[ Siren ] When you are wrong, you'll hear this sound.

[ Sound ]

If you're wrong 2 times, don't worry about it. Just leave the marker there we go on to the next thing, but if you're right 8 times in 45 seconds, you're going to get that trip and remember this. When you see one of these, the arrow, you're looking for a body of water. It could be, you know, an ocean or a river or a lake, okay? Any questions?

>> No.

>> Anything you want to say to the folks at home?

>> No.

>> You just want to get down to business.

>> Yeah.

>> All right. She's ready to go. You guys ready to do this thing?

[ Cheering ]

Valentina, come back this way. Get yourself a marker and let's get 45 seconds up on the clock. Everybody cheer her on. Here we go. On your mark, get set, go. Miami, Florida. Florida. Come on. Northwest Territories yellow knife. Honduras, Honduras. [Inaudible] to Honduras. Do it, buddy. Yeah. Manitoba, Churchill Manitoba. Manitoba. Do it. Try it again, try it again. Yeah. Alberta, Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta. Yeah. Yeah. Jamaica, Kingston. Kingston, Jamaica. Jamaica, do it, buddy, do it. Cheer her on, guys, come on. Yeah. New Brunswick, New Brunswick, come on, buddy, New Brunswick, New Brunswick. Try it again, try it again. New Brunswick. Come on back. Lake Michigan, Lake Michigan, Lake Michigan, go buddy go. Oh, keep going. Yeah. Seven in 45 seconds. Big round of applause, ladies and gentlemen.

[ Cheering ]

Oh, check it out. Check it out you're out of markers and everything. You almost made it. Come up here, come here. You did a great job today. You almost made it, 7 in 45 seconds. Excellent job, great stuff for you. Chief, what do you have?

>> Tough break. I just hate it when Carmen escapes, but no one could have done more than you did to catch here and here's the perfect gift for the Gumshoe on the go. This Acme Pocket Color Television. Now when crime busting takes you into the field you can still tune in your favorite shoes. You made it. You're a sleuth. Congratulations.

[ Cheering ]

>> All right, buddy, put it right there, bud. You feeling all right?

>> Yeah.

>> You did a great job. You did some great stuff for us today. One more thing I want you to do you know what it is.

>> Go Rockapella.

[ Music and singing ]

>> This is [inaudible] for Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? And remember our minds are strong, our spirits pure. When crime is a sickness, we're the cure.

[ Music and singing ]

All geographic information was accurate as of the date this program was recorded.

[ Music and singing ]

This program was presented by WQED Pittsburgh and WGBH Boston. And as always, Gumshoes, Carmen's gang is bank rolled by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and viewers like you.

>> And by Delta Airlines because geography is important for kids everywhere. Delta Airlines. You'll love the way we fly.

>> This is PBS.

>> Catch Carmen Sandiego computer software available at stores nationwide.

>> Local broadcast of Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego is made possible in part by NBD. The right bank can make a difference.

>> And by the members of AAA Michigan. AAA Michigan --

>> -- for public broadcasting and viewers like you. >> We have just heard that [inaudible] has left [inaudible] so let's pick up the chase.

[ Music ]

Enough of this mister. I'll tell you right now. Hey.

[ Cheering ]

>> No. No. No. No. No.

>> Thank you.

[ Cheering ]

Heads will roll. [ Cheering ]

>> All these people want to know --

>> Where in The World Is

>> Rockapella: Carmen Sandiego?

>> And one of these gumshoes could find her.

>> He's traveled in Europe and likes to do puzzles. Meet Devin Plantamura. She loves to ice skate and has visited California. Meet Lauren Lamonoff. He's taken a trip to Florida and enjoys playing Chess. Meet Justin Spatz.

[ Music ]

>> And here's ACME Senior Agent in charge of training new recruits, Greg Lee!

>> Yeah! Hi guys. Thanks a lot guys. Thank you. Thanks. Thank you very much! Hi, Justin. How you doing, man? Lauren, good to see you. Devin, how are you? Thanks very much you guys. Hey, listen, they're with me every day.

>> Together: Rockapella.

>> Ha-ha! Oh yes. And just as a quick reminder you guys, the one of you who catches Carmen Sandiego today is going to get that trip to anywhere in North America and that is not bad, ladies and gentlemen!

[ Cheering ]

So, let's get things started. Chief, who are we after?

>> This is Robocrook.

>> Rockapella: RoboCrook.

>> Has no grace. He's a lummox. Built with two cast-iron stomachs, his last known whereabouts -- cyberspace. Cyberspace is the place where people communicate over computer networks and the mother of all networks is called the Internet. The Internet links thousands of smaller networks and millions of computer users in dozens of countries. People go online for everything from doing research, to sending electronic mail, to just plain chatting. You can even tour the White House on the Internet all from your home computer. The possibilities are literally endless -- or they were until today when RoboCrook took a peak at an unsuspecting geek and got an idea for a heinous high-tech heist. He blasted into orbit, plugged into a satellite, then intercepted the entire Internet. The world wireheads wigged when their monitors frazzed and now every bit and byte are in that two-bit burglar's brain. Gumshoes, it's up to you to solve today's system glitch, "Take A Byte Out of Crime".

>> Oh yeah. Thanks a lot, Chief. Okay, guys, time to find Robo and the Internet. To help you out we're going to start you off with 50 Acme crime bucks. There they are. Any time you answer a question correctly we're going to give you 10 more crime bucks and the two of you with the most score at the end of this round will then proceed to the next round, okay? So, let's get things started out with our very first clue.

>> Hey, want to buy a watch?

>> Chief, are those watches hot? >> You betcha.

>> Isn't that a bad example for the gumshoes, Chief?

>> I didn't steal them Greg but they are some of the hottest selling watches in the world. [cuckoo] Oh quiet, you! See, Greg, this clock and these watches are telling us something.

>> Uh, the time maybe?

>> No. [cuckoo] Quiet! Robo is in a country famous for making time pieces. I bet he's near Biel where they make these Swatches. [clock whistles] Quiet! See, cheaper competition was hurting this nation's watch business but Swatch put them back on top with high-fashion hip marketing and low prices. Now, some Swatches have even become collector's items. [cuckoo] Gotcha.

>> Well, that's one thing you can always say about the Chief, she always gets her cuckoo. Okay, gumshoes, name the country if you will, please. Is it Slovenia, Netherlands, or Switzerland? Remember the clues that we heard: city of Biel, famous for making timepieces and home of the Swatch company. Come up with an answer as quick as you can, guys. Trying to find Robo and the Internet. Once you're ready, hold those cards up nice and high. Justin is ready, so is Devin, and so is Lauren. Justin, coming to you buddy. What do you say?

>> I said Switzerland.

>> Switzerland. Lauren, what do you think?

>> I also said Switzerland.

>> Same thing. Devin?

>> I also said Switzerland.

>> Everybody said the same thing. Everybody is right. Thank you!

[ Cheering ]

Nice job, everybody! Okay, for our next clue we now have --

>> Oh, Greg. Greg.

>> Wait a minute. Wait a minute. That sounds like Scott out in the alley. Be right back. Hold on. Well, hello Scotty.

>> Hello, Greg.

>> What's the word on the street?

>> Greg, the word on the street is potlatch.

>> Potlatch.

>> A ceremony performed by the Haida Indians who live on a group of islands off the coast of British Columbia. Now, the person who gives a potlash shares his wealth like art work, carvings and jewelry, with others.

>> Great idea. So who's giving the potlash?

>> Well, since you seem to be the head gumshoe and all around here, we thought that you would. >> That's a great idea, Scott, but you know I don't have any of the stuff that you were talking about just there.

>> Well then, share your jacket?

>> And your shirt too.

>> Hey, nice pants, Greg.

>> I could use some shoes.

>> Hey! Hey! Hey!

>> Since we have you a moment, folks share their wealth with those who have done them favors or else to mark important events like a house raising or a death. Even family names are passed on and those determine a person's rank in the society.

>> Thank you, Scott. You know, guys, this is a great idea to share in the wealth and everything but, I have to get back to work.

>> Oh, okay.

>> Thanks.

>> That's not quite -- alright gumshoes, name the islands where RoboCrook went. Is it Channel -- no, I like it a little tighter -- Pribilof, or Queen Charlotte? Thank you. Around the other way. Thank you. Off -- remember the clues that we heard -- off the coast of British Columbia -- ouch, ouch, thank you -- and Haida people and potlashes. Very good. Thanks a lot, guys. Get that all taken care of. Okay, come up with an answer as quick as you can, guys. Trying to find Robo and the Internet. Once you're ready, hold those cards up nice and high. Devin's ready, so is Lauren, and so is Justin. Justin, Justin we're coming to you. What do you say, buddy?

>> I say, Queen Charlotte.

>> Queen Charlotte. Lauren?

>> I said Queen Charlotte.

>> Queen Charlotte. Devin.

>> I also say Queen Charlotte.

>> Well, all in agreement once again. And once again, ladies and gentlemen, they are all right. Thank you very much!

[ Cheers and applause ]

Now it's time for one of my most favorite parts of the show, the lightning round. Hit me! Hey! Whoa! Hey! Woo-hoo! Ah! Ah! Okay, guys, all these questions about RoboCrook's most recent known whereabouts which is British Columbia. All these are worth 5 ACME crimenet, so hands on your buzzers, listen carefully, here we go. Around 1900 -- [ding] that's what it's going to sound like when they ring it. Okay. Thanks a lot, Justin. First question, around 1900, British Columbia lumber men used machines to drag logs from forests to mills. What did they call the machines? Was it steam donkeys, Batmobiles, or Power Rangers? [ding] Devin?

>> Steam donkeys. >> Is right. Nice job. 5 for you. Up to 75. Question 2. In the '70s, a group formed in Vancouver to act and speak out on environmental issues like whale hunting and nuclear power. What is that group called today? Is it Greenpeace, Planet Patrol, or Nature Nerds. [ding] Justin?

>> Greenpeace.

>> Is right. Nice job. 5 for you. 75. Last question, guys. British Columbia settlers blasted through canyon rock to build the 400-mile-long Caribou -- sorry Caribou Road, what were they so anxious to get to? Was it a great ski resort, a gold rush, or a country-western concert? [ding] Devin?

>> A gold rush.

>> Is right. 5 for you! Nice job, everybody. This is a very close round this time so we're going to have to put all of our heads together to try to come up with a thing here. You have anything to say to me, Chief? Anything at all.

>> Greg, come to the office please. We have to do the contest.

>> Alright. I understand that. That's what I thought was happening. Got to do a contest with the Chief. I'll meet you guys in the alley for some very important stuff there. Be right back!

>> Alright.

>> Before you say anything I just want to say this. You know, whenever you say, "Greg, in my office right away", I just got to say, I love it when you say that because it's just so you, you know?

>> Oh. Well, yes, I suppose I do say that a lot.

>> It's a classic Chief-ism.

>> Yes. Well, we better do the contest.

>> Sure. Write down what got stolen and from where each time you watch the show. When you've collected four loots and locations put them on a postcard with your name and address and send it to ACME Crimenet, PO Box 4300, New York, New York, 10163.

>> Every day we'll pick five people whose lists are correct and send them each a common T-shirt. Here's today's winners.

[ Music ]

Congratulations to the winners.

>> Now, you see there? That's another one. That's one of those things you always say.

>> Well, alright, I guess I do have a few Chief-isms.

>> It's like what you do with the magnifying glass, for example.

>> Oh, you mean this?

>> Yeah. Classic. It is classic.

>> Oh yeah, I love it too.

>> What about the time -- the way you used to jump up and down and cluck like a chicken whenever you were just getting ready to nab a crook. Remember that? >> I -- I -- no, I don't remember that. I don't remember that.

>> It was one of your trademarks. You were so famous for the way you used to cluck like a chicken.

>> Cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck.

>> Yeah!

>> Yeah, I guess I do remember that.

>> She's cluck, cluck. And remember the feathers?

>> Cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck.

>> Wait a second. Wait a second. That wasn't you, that was my Uncle Maurice. I'm sorry, that was my mistake.

[ Silence ]

Hey guys, ready for a little training exercise? Huh? Uh? Are you? Alright, come right this way. I want you to pick a trash can. What you're going to do is help me hunt for clues that will help us find our crook. And what better place to find clues than right here in the trash can. What you have to do is, you'll lift the lid like this [slide whistle blows] Oh wow. Very good. You'll go down here, you'll find a card that has the flag of the country we're looking for on it. It'll also have a clue on the other side. Then, to finish up your assignment you will take the lid and put it back on top of the can just like that, okay? Let's see who can do this the fastest. On your mark, get set, go. Cheer them on, guys. Cheers them on. Try to find those clues! [Audience cheering] Trying to find those clues! He's the first one to put it on! 1st place, 2nd place, 3rd! Nice job guys. So it's going to go Justin, Lauren and then Devin. Justin, you're the first one. What does your clue say?

>> Capital.

>> Capital. I can tell you the capital of this country is Paramaribo, okay. Lauren, what does your say?

>> Location.

>> Location. I can tell you, one of the locations -- the location for this place is the Atlantic Coast of South America. And finally, Devin, what does yours say?

>> Language.

>> Language. An official language of this country is Dutch. So Justin, you get the first shot at this. What country are we talking about? Is it Guyana, Suriname or Uruguay?

>> Guyana.

>> Sorry, it's not Guyana. Lauren, you too get the next shot then.

>> Uruguay.

>> Uruguay. It is not Uruguay. Devin, what do you think? Guyana, Suriname, Uruguay?

>> Suriname.

>> Suriname is right, Devin. Way to hold back there, buddy! Bucks for you! Wait, that sound means we have something coming in from ACME Budnet. Let's take a look at the phone tap. >> Robo, lay low on an island that borders the Coral Sea. Whatever you do, don't pet the birds.

>> How can I get in touch with my warm human side if you keep me away from cuddly critters?

>> You wouldn't want to get in touch with some pitohui, it's the world's first known poisonous bird. Contact with its feathers or skin causes a numbing sensation.

>> Like watching reruns of Star Trek?

>> More like getting pins and needles. Scientists thought the pitohui's bright feathers were meant to attract mates but now believe they may be a warning against the poison.

>> Which reminds me, Carmen, it's time to change my antifreeze.

>> Okay gumshoes, name the island where Robo has taken the Internet. Is it New Zealand, New Guinea, or Sumatra. Remember the clues that we heard; borders the Coral Sea and home to world's first known poisonous bird, the pitohui. Come up with an answer as quick as you can, guys. Trying to find Robo and the Internet. Once you're ready, put those cards up so I know you're ready. And I know they're not ready yet because there's no cards up. Here they come! Justin's ready, so is Lauren, so is Devin. Justin, what do you say, buddy?

>> I say New Zealand.

>> New Zealand. What do you think, Lauren?

>> I say New Guinea.

>> New Guinea. Devin?

>> I say New Guinea.

>> New Guinea. The answer they're looking for is, New Guinea. Nice job, Lauren and Devin.

[ Cheers and applause ]

Let's see how we're doing on the scores here. Justin has 75, Lauren is up to 80, Devin 100 ACME crime bucks. But here's more good news because we find out that RoboCrook has left New Guinea, so let's pick up the chase.

>> Rockapella: Ooh, the chase.

>> Thank you, boys. Thank you very much. As you know, all these answers are worth 5 crime bucks. So hands on your buzzers, watch the monitor and listen very carefully. You okay? Okay. Here we go. Robo road the information highway to Australia's capital -- [ding] Lauren?

>> Canberra.

>> Canberra is right. Then you surf the Internet on the world's biggest coral reef. Name it. [ding] Lauren?

>> Great Barrier.

>> Is right. Next Robo network on New Caledonia. Sorry. What sea did he cross? [ding] Lauren?

>> Coral.

>> Is right. Then he zoomed to New Zealand's biggest city. Name it. [ding] Devin? >> Auckland.

>> Is right. Robo sped through cyberspace to Australia's only island state. Name it. [ding] Justin?

>> Tasmania.

>> Is right. That means at the end of the taste round, Justin has 80, Lauren 95, Devin 105. Big round of applause everybody!

[ Cheers and applause ]

Just a quick reminder here, guys, all of our answers have been verified by National Geographic World.

>> Rockapella: National Geographic World.

>> Thank you, boys. Now, I need to also let you know that now is the time for our final clue of this round which means you have to decide you want to risk. So, take a look right over here if you will, please. Here's a portion of the world where we think RoboCrook is headed. Take a look at this map and think about it.

[ Rockapella singing ]

Think. Think. Think about it. How much you going to risk, yeah, yeah. Think about it.

>> Alright. We're almost ready. Once you're ready, lay those cards right down there beside you guys. Here, bite and scratch.

[ Music ]

[ Singing ]

>> Robo ripped off the neck, got the world in a furry.

>> Layin' low in his favorite eastern borders, Missouri.

>> Know a famous woman who was born in these parts.

>> And that famous woman's name was Amelia Earhart.

>> The first woman pilot in a plane to go

>> Alone across the whole Atlantic O.

>> Yeah, Amelia was brave, now you face the test.

>> You got the gum in your shoe so make the arrest.

>> Alright. Thanks, guys. Everybody. Why not? Gumshoes, name the state where Robo is taking the Internet. Is it Arkansas, Kansas, or Illinois? Remember the clues that we heard: Eastern Border is with Missouri and home state pilot Amelia Earhart. This is the final clue of this round. Be careful how you decide. Once you're ready though, take those cards right out. Make your decision now, guys. Take the cards out. Is it Arkansas, Kansas or Illinois? And take those cards out and put them right down there beside you once you're ready. Okay, Lauren is ready, so is Justin, and Devin is still thinking about it, and now he's ready. Just lay it down right there, Justin, there you go -- I mean, Devin. Justin, we're going to start with you. You have 80 ACME crime bucks. How much did you risk?

>> I risked 30. >> 30 crime bucks. What did you say, buddy?

>> I said, Kansas.

>> Kansas is, right. Nice job, Justin. Very good. Lauren, you have 95 crime bucks. How much did you risk?

>> I risked 40.

>> 40 crime bucks. What did you say, buddy?

>> I said, Kansas.

>> Nice job, Lauren. Thanks, everyone. 135. Devin, you're at 105. How much did you risk?

>> I risked 40 crime bucks.

>> 40 crime bucks. You look happy to me. What did you say?

>> I said, Kansas.

>> Nice job, Devin! And Devin and Lauren go on to the next round. Justin, buddy, what a great job you did. Put her there. We've got some great stuff for you. Chief.

>> You did great detective work but that RoboCrook is one sly cyborg. So to help on your next case, I'm sending you off with this official ACME gumshoe geer. You'll get an atlas, this cool Crimenet cap with the ACME logo in front, the official Carmen T-shirt, a subscription to National Geographic World Magazine, and the all-new ACME Stealth pen quarter. It's the latest from Crimenet Labs for writing and recording messages. Writing and recording messages.

[ Rockapella singing ]


>> Thanks a lot, Chief. Okay guys, Robo is [inaudible] so we're not going to waste any time. We're going to get through ourselves as fast as we can, so we're going to modem ourselves. To do this you got to take a really deep breath --

>> Greg! Are you and the gumshoes ready to modem?

>> We are ready, Chief. Let's do it! Deep breath, everybody!

[ Rockapella music ]

Nice job. Walk over that way. Come on, let's go. Hey guys, you know where to go. I go right over here. The Chief will be up here momentarily with some very important information, so let's find out what it is. Chief, what can you tell us?

>> Okay, there are 15 places here in Kansas where you might find RoboCrook, the warrant or the Internet. Let's look at a few of them. [slide whistle] Start your search in Dodge City. In the 1800s, it was known as the wickedest little city in America. The Boot Hill Museum shown here, recreates those bad old days with coach rides, showgirls, and daily shoot ups. Next, blast over to the Kansas Cosmosphere and Space Center. Check out the largest display of space suits in the world. Make a giant leap for mankind and catch RoboCrook here. If you're a Wizard of Oz fan check out Dorothy's house in Liberal. Of course, Dorothy is a fictional character but someone built her a house anyway. I guess they have a lot of time on their hands in Liberal. Finally, these are ACME undercover agents. They're dressed up as buffalo but they're actually bison. Would you believe it, bison passing for buffalo. The things we can do with disguises nowadays. [slide whistle] That's your briefing gumshoes. Go canvass Kansas and stop that cyborg cyber theft of cyberspace. >> Will do, Chief. Thanks a lot. Okay guys, you know how this works, loot, warrant and crook. Devin, you had the most at the end of the last round, you go first.

>> Geographical center marker.

>> Ah yes, the geographical center marker. The exec center of the lower 48 states falls in this pasture. Let's see it guys. Nothing there. We turn it back around. Lauren, what do you say?

>> Mount Sunflower.

>> Mount Sunflower. Nothing there. We can turn it around. Devin, your turn.

>> Old Cowtown Museum. [animal sounds]

>> Old Cowtown Museum. I don't get that.

>> Man: We don't either.

>> Okay, we turn it back around. Lauren, your turn.

>> Santa Fe Trail Tracks.

>> I've been there myself. Santa Fe Trail Tracks.

>> Rockapella: Greg says he's been there.

>> Yes, that's true and I can tell you this, that these have the old ruts from the wagon trains. You can still see them there, quite exciting. Nothing there though so we turn it back around. Whose turn is it? Devin, go ahead.

>> Eisenhower Library.

>> Eisenhower Library.

>> Rockapella: You like Ike, but no.

>> Turn it back around. Lauren, your turn.

>> State Fair.

>> State Fair!

>> Attention State Fair shoppers, but no.

>> Turn it back around. Devin, your turn.

>> World's Longest Grain Elevator.

>> Yes, folks it's the World's Longest Grain Elevator. Surprised Rockapella? That's RoboCrook. Nice job. You're going to get a free turn. We have to go in the right order, loot, warrant and then crook. Devin, go ahead.

>> Geographical Center Marker.

>> Geographical Center Marker. Nice strategy and the boys are with us once again. We turn them both back around. Lauren, go ahead. >> Gage Park.

>> Gage Park. Nothing there. Turn it back around. Devin, your turn.

>> Hutchinson Salt Mines.

>> Hutchinson Salt Mines. Nothing there. You know, my grandparents live there. Just pointing that out. Lauren, go ahead.

>> Kansas Space Center.

>> Kansas Space Center. Nothing there, we turn it around. Devin?

>> Boot Hill Museum.

>> Boot Hill Museum.

>> No.

>> No. We turn it back around. Lauren, your turn.

>> Konza Prairie.

>> Konza Prairie.

>> Nat network.

>> Nice job. You have the loot. You get a free turn, Lauren.

>> Smokey Hills.

>> Smokey Hills.

>> The warrant.

>> You, Lauren have the loot and the warrent. Do you remember where Robo is?

>> World's Longest Grain Elevator.

>> Is Robo still at the World's Longest Grain Elevator?

>> RoboCrook.

>> Yeah!

[ Cheers and applause ]

You know what to do. Shake hands. Very good. Pull on the chain, put him in jail. [horn]

>> Rockapella: RoboCrook in jail.

>> Nice job, Lauren. We'll talk to you in just a little bit. First of, Devin, great job, great detective work, great stuff coming your way. Chief, what do you say?

>> Good detective work is a team effort and today you made a huge contribution. That's why I'm awarding you all this great ACME gumshoe gear. And you'll receive two of these ACME secret senders. That means and a fellow gumshoe will be fully equipped to zap messages to each other through the air. Plus, you can store phone numbers, even use it to control your TV and VCR. It's a great gift for a job well done. Congratulations!

[ Cheers and applause ]

>> Alright. Thanks a lot, team. Okay, here it is, your portfolio. Inside is a piece of paper and a pen. What I want you to do is open it up, write down where you'd like to go if you catch Carmen Sandiego and get that trip. Boys, start the song.

[ Rockapella singing ]

Where you want to go? Ooh, ooh, ooh. Wonderful. We'll be with you in just a little bit. Just hold on, we're getting this exactly right. Very good. Now that we know where you want to go, all we need is a phone call to let us know where Carmen has gone. [ringing] There it is. Oh hey! Look at that. A puppet. Thank you, Mr. Puppet. Hey! Hello? Yes, he's right here. Hold on a second. We just got the phone from the puppet. There you go.

>> Hello?

>> A virus has infected my system software. It causes me to divulge Carmen's location. You'll find her in North America. Please, don't say that I sent you.

>> Okay, Lauren, now that we know where to find Carmen Sandiego let's get some details from the Chief. Chief.

>> Here's a list of places Carmen may have travelled. Alaska, USA; Yukon Territory, Canada; Ontario, Canada; Minnesota, USA; Lake Eerie, USA; North Carolina, USA; New Mexico, USA; Arizona, USA; Chihuahua, Mexico; Guatemala, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Puerto Rico, USA. Greg, let's go to the map.

[ Cheers and applause ]

>> Alright, you know what you're doing, right?

>> Yeah.

>> Let me explain for those who may not know. What you have to do is identify eight locations in 45 seconds. When you are right you will hear this sound [siren]. When you're wrong though you will hear this sound [bleep]. When you're wrong two times, don't worry about it, leave the marker where it is, we'll continue on to the next one. But if you are right eight times in 45 seconds you're going to get that trip. And Lauren, don't forget this. When you see one of these like this, an arrow, we're talking about a body of water, okay? Any other questions? You ready to go?

>> Yeah.

>> You know you can do this, right?

>> Yeah.

>> You guys know she can do it?

>> Yeah!

>> Come on now, let's do this. Come right back here and grab the marker. Let's give 45 seconds up on the clock. Make a lot of noise for her guys. Here we go. On your mark, get set, go. North Carolina. North Carolina. Go. Go. Do it, buddy. Arizona. Arizona. Arizona. Go buddy, go. Let's go. Come on. Good. Minnesota. Minnesota. Come on, there we go. Good. Alaska. Alaska. Alaska. You got it. Good. Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico. Way to go! Hold on. Hey. Come on. Lake Eerie. Lake Eerie. Lake Eerie. Whoa. Get out of the way. Good. Boston. Yukon Territory. Yukon Territory. Ontario. Ontario. Let's go! Let's go!

[ Dinging ]

Come on over here, buddy. How do you feel?

>> Great!

>> Absolutely great. Come on over here. Come right down here. A while ago, you and a parent are going -- you wrote down where'd you like to go. You and a parent are going to California.

>> Rockapella: Oh, let's get packing!

[ Cheers and applause ]

That's what happens. How you feeling?

>> Great.

>> Listen, you've been doing some great stuff for us today. There's one more thing I want you to do. You know what it is?

>> Do it Rockapella!

[ Rockapella singing ]

Doo-wop, doot-n-ooh-lay, doo-wop, doot-n-ooh-lay. Doo-wop, doot-n-ooh-lay, doo-wop, doot-n-ooh-lay. Well she sneaks around the world, from Kiev to Carolina. She's a sticky-fingered filcher, from Berlin down to Belize. She'll take you for a ride, on a slow boat to China. Tell me where in the world is, Carmen Sandiego? Steal their Seoul in South Korea, make Antarctica cry Uncle. From the Red Sea to Greenland, they'll be singing the blues. Well they never Arkansas her steal, the Mekong from the delta. Tell me where in the world is, Carmen Sandiego? She go from Botswana to Thailand, Milan via Amsterdam. Mali to Bali, Ohio and back. Well she'll ransack Pakistan, and run a scam in Scandinavia. Then she'll stick 'em up Down Under, and go pick-pocket Perth. She put the Miss in misdemeanor, when she stole the beans from Lima. Tell me where in the world is, Carmen Sandiego? Oh tell me where in the world is, Carmen Sandiego? Where in the world is, Carmen Sandiego? Oh tell me where in the world, is Carmen Sandiego?

>> This is for Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego. And remember, from [inaudible] gumshoes always eat their spinach. Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego? Tell me where in the world is Carmen Sandiego? Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego? Tell me where in the world is Carmen Sandiego? Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?

[ Music ] >> Broadcasting, and viewers like you. And by Delta Airlines. Because learning about our world is important for kids everywhere. Delta Airlines. You'll love the way we fly.

>> [Applause and cheering] All these people want to know-

>> [Singing] Where in the world is-

>> Carmen San Diego...

>> And one of these gumshoes could find her.

>> This one is from Puerto Rico, and he enjoys video games and drawing. Antonio Silva! She's traveled in the Eastern U.S. and likes computers, meet Kristy Williams! He's seen the Mona Lisa in Paris, and plays the mandolin. Meet Jonathan Masino!

[ Music and Cheering ]

>> And here, Secret Agent in Charge of Training New Recruits, Greg Lee!

>> Hey guys! [Loud cheering] Thanks very much, how are you doing guys? Good to see you. Hey guys at home, are you ready? How are you, it's nice to see you. Thanks for lunch, you guys. Hey listen, they're with me every day, Rockefeller-[cheering] yeah! Just a reminder for you guys, the one of you that catches Carmen Sandiego today is going to get that trip to anywhere in North America, and that is not bad, ladies and gentlemen [cheering]! So chief, who are we after?

>> This is Contessa! [Singers repeat the name]. A well-dressed pest, with a taste for the best. Her last known whereabouts-[ding] Buenos Aries, Argentina. Since 1894, Argentine Presidents have lived in La Casa Rosada , or Pink House. Some say the Palace is painted pink to set it apart from the U.S. White House. Others say pink was one of the few colors available back then. It was made by mixing beef blood with lime. Either way, La Casa Rosada is a symbol of Argentine government. Traditionally, the country's leaders address the nation from the balcony of this proud pink palace, or they did until today.

>> Oh no!

>> When Contessa breezed into Buenos Aries, and cased the casa, she rounded up a herd of that famous Argentine beef [mooing]-

>> Yee haw! [Laughter]

>> Then stampeded the palace to places unknown. Now, she's flying the flag of treason and laughing all the way to the pompous. Gumshoes, you must conclude today's conundrum and casa emergency, call 911.

>> Oh yeah! [Cheering] and gratzi [phonetic spelling]! Okay guys, time to find the Contessa in La Casa Rosada . To help you out, I'm going to start you off with 50 Acme Crime Bucks. There they are. Any time you answer your question correctly, going to give you 10 more crime bucks, and the two of you with the highest score at the end of this round will then proceed to the next round, okay? So let's get things started today with our very first clue, which comes to us from the Acme Crime Net Computer. Let's look this baby up! [Background sounds] Uh huh. Oh hey, now look at this, huh? This is half croissant and half pretzel-mmm, that's very good.

>> Merci!

>> Mm-hmm. And this side is...[background sounds] very good. Mm-hmm. Oh, wait a minute. It's bilingual, too eh? >> Merci!

>> Danka!

>> Mm-hmm, yeah. You see, it doesn't take long to know what that means. I guess it must be in a French region, that is across the Rhine River from Germany. Wars have caused the area to change hands between Germany to France four times in the past 123 years. So, locals there speak both French and German.

>> Merci!

>> Danka!

>> Okay? Sometimes in the same sentence. And they enjoy French and German food. My question is simply this. Do I put mustard on this or jam? [Drum roll and laughter]. Sure, that was very funny, I guess it was. Gumshoes, name the region if you will, please, is it Alsace, Savoy, or Bordeaux? How many clues have we heard? In France. Across the Rhine River from Germany, and mix of French and German culture. Come up with an answer as quick as you can. Trying to find Contessa in the La Casa Rosada . Jonathan is ready. Kristy is. Tony is ready too. So is Kristy. Jonathan, what do you say, buddy?

>> I chose Alsace.

>> Alsace. Where do you think, Kristy? Bordeaux. Where do you think, Antonio?

>> Bordeaux.

>> Bordeaux. The answer we're looking for is-Alsace. Nice job, Jonathan [cheering]. Okay. Nice job, guys. For our next clue, let's go to a guy who was truly a great detective back in his day, my dad, Gus Lee. Dad?

>> Howdy son. I'm all set to be on your big radio show. Whoa there, Nellie [whinnying]. Guess I'll just walk on over to your office [footsteps]. You know, I wanted to be a radio star ever since Orson Wells scared the dickins out of me back in 38-

>> Boo [screaming].

>> All right, here's the clue. Go to an African nation south of the Cameroon. Nobel Peace Prize winner, Albert Schweitzer founded a hospital there. Bing, bing! Dr. Schweitzer, Dr. Schweitzer. Bing, bing! Back when the country was just a colony. Part of French equatorial Africa.

>> Yeah, dad, very nice.

>> Thanks a lot. I appreciate that. Son, thank you. Well, I guess I'll be heading on back outside [background sounds] whoa! It's nasty out here. Wait a second [laughter], let's see. I don't know what happened [horse whinnies].

>> Well, he's a man of many talents. Thanks a lot, Dad. Okay, guys. Name the country where the Contessa has taken La Casa Rosada . Is it Nigeria? Kenya, or Gabon. Remember the clues that we heard, located south of Cameroon, formerly a part of French Equatorial Africa, and Albert Schweitzer, came up with the answer as quickly as you can. Trying to find Contessa in La Casa Rosada . Jonathan is ready. So is Kristy. So is Antonio. Jonathan, what do you say, buddy?

>> I chose Gabon.

>> Gabon, what do you think Kristy?

>> Nigeria. >> Nigeria. Antonio?

>> I chose Kenya.

>> Kenya, the answer we're looking for is Gabon, good job Jonathan [cheering]. Okay guys, now it's time for one of my most favorite parts of the show, the Lightening Round! [Shouting] Whew! That one got pretty close. As you know, guys [laughter], these are all worth 5 Acme Crime Bucks, and we need to let you know the Contessa has just-this is kind of hard to read, sorry. This has just gone-the Contessa has just gone to Russia, so all these questions are [laughter], all these questions are about uh-what did I say? Russia. Okay so hands on your buzzers, listen very carefully. Okay here we go. First question . Russian school children celebrate their first day back to school by bringing something to their teachers. Is it bushels of apples? Bouquets of flowers? Or an ice cube with an ant in it? Antonio?

>> Um, A?

>> Uh, bushels of apples is not the answer we're looking for, sorry. Jonathan?

>> Bushels of flowers.

>> Bouquets of flowers is right, 5 for you [cheering]. Here's the next question, guys. Russia's grandfather frost is much like our Santa Claus. Red suit, white beard and all. But who helps out this Russian Santa? Is it the Snow Maiden? The Ice Capade, or two elves named Marx and Lenin? [Buzzer sounds] Kristy?

>> A?

>> Snow Maiden is right, nice job, five for you Kristy [cheering]. Here's the last question, guys. Kids with colds in Russia are sometimes served a thick custardy drink as a remedy. Is the drink called...let's see how does this go? Go-go, mo-go? Is that right? Go-go, mo-go? Yoohoo-is that how I say that? Yes? Or Juicy Juice. Is that correct? [Buzzer sounds] Kristy.

>> A.

>> Go-go Mo-go, is that how I say that? Yes. And that's the correct answer. Very good [cheering]. And it's juicy ju-icy, is what I just found out. So nice job guys. Now it's time for my quick meeting with the Chief. I will meet you guys in the alley in just a quick minute or two. Don't go away. You guys can come. Here we go.

>> Hello Greg. How's the investigation?

>> Uh, it's fine, I guess.

>> Mm-hmm. [Background sounds] What is-stop! Greg, it's very irritating. Why don't you do something, you know, productive. Like uh...do the contest.

>> Okay. Okay, uh...write down what got stolen and from where every time you watch the show. Four locations, put them on a postcard with your name and address, and send it to Acme Crime Mail, P.O. Box 4300, New York, New York, 10163.

>> Every day we'll give five people whose lists are correct and send them each a Carmen T-shirt. Here are the winners for today.

[ Beat Box Music ]

Congratulations to the winners.

>> Uh, Chief? >> Yeah.

>> Have you noticed anything different about yourself today?

>> Gee, I don't know, I don't think so, why?

>> Just take a look there...

>> Oh my goodness! Oh! What! Why didn't anybody tell me?

>> Well you know, I didn't know quite how-

>> I had no idea my lipstick was so smeared, that's terrible.

>> Chief, I'm sorry, that wasn't exactly what I mean. I wasn't talking about that.

>> Then what?

>> I don't know quite how to tell you this, Chief, but you've turned into a can of cling peaches.

>> Are you sure?

>> I'm pretty sure, yeah.

>> Well...you know, I-now that you mention it, I do think I see what you mean.

>> Listen, don't let it bother you Chief, you know, most cans of cling peaches live happy, productive lives. Just say away from can openers.

>> I am so embarrassed.

>> Besides, it'll probably pass quickly. Matter of fact, as soon as we see you next time, I bet you it will all be gone.

>> I still, you know, I'm not sure I really see what he means, but I do have a strange craving for cottage cheese, small curd, creamy style [drumroll and laughter].

>> Okay Gumshoes. Now it's time for our training exercise. Yes, that's right. Come right this way. Everybody pick a trash can. The way this is going to work is you guys are going to help me find clues that are going to help us find our crook, and as we say here, what better place to find those clues than right here in the trash can. Here's how it is going to work. You guys are going to lift off the top of your trash can lid, like this.

>> Merci!

>> Danka!

>> Thank you, that's good!

>> Merci!

>> Danka!

>> You get that wrapped back around, we're learning, aren't we? Okay, you come down here, you find the [laughs], that was good, you find the card. It will have the flag of the country we're looking for on one side, it will have the clue on the other side. Okay? And then to finish your assignment, you had to take the lid and place it back on top of the trash can. Don't forget that part, okay? Let's see how fast you guys can do this. Okay. On your mark, get set, go! Cheer them on, guys, cheer them on! [Cheering] Trying to find those clues. All right, all right. Don't forget to put the lids back on, one, yes, that's good, put the lid back on, hurry. Two! There, three, nice job everybody. So Jonathan, we'll start with you, then we'll come to Kristy then Antonio. Jonathan, what does your card say on the other side there?

>> Money.

>> Money. Okay, I can tell you the currency of this country is the Colon. Okay, Kristy, what does yours say?

>> Capitol.

>> Capitol. I can tell you the Capitol of this country is San Jose. Antonio, what does yours say?

>> Language.

>> The official language of this country is Spanish. So, Jonathan, you get first crack at this, since you finished the assignment first. Are we talking about Costa Rica, Haiti or Columbia?

>> Costa Rica?

>> Is right, nice job, buddy, 10 crime bucks for you, very good [cheering]. Okay that means we have something coming up from Acme Bug Net. Let's check the phone tap.

>> Contessa head for Canaima National Park, in a country on the Caribbean Sea. The park inspired Arthur Conan Doyle to write his famous book, The Lost World. Lost world!

>> Oh, I don't think I'm going to like this!

>> The park's flat-top mountains have a very isolated, unusual environment, so the wildlife on them is unlike anywhere else on earth.

>> Strange wildlife! Oh, I know I'm not going to like this!

>> But Contessa, you'll get to see black toads that roll instead of hop, slimy frogs that walk instead of jump, even plants that eat insects alive [laughter].

>> Oh, Carmen darling, if I wanted to see nature, I'd turn on PBS!

>> Well, of course, okay Gumshoes, name the country if you will please, the Contessa has taken La Casa Rosada, is it- Venezuela? Ecuador? Or Costa Rica? Remember the clues that we heard, on the Caribbean see, Canaima National Park, and unique wildlife. All can answer as close as you can. You guys have been pretty fast so far, and you're still pretty fast. Antonio is ready, so is Jonathan, so is Kristy. Jonathan, what do you say?

>> I chose Venezuela.

>> Venezuela. Kristy?

>> Ecuador.

>> Ecuador. Antonio?

>> Ecuador. >> Ecuador, the answer we're looking for is Venezuela. Nice job, Jonathan [cheering]. Okay, let's recount the scores, real quick. Jonathan is up to 95, Kristy has 60, Antonio 50, Acme Crime Bucks, but good news, the Contessa has just left Venezuela, so let's pick up the chase [background sounds]. Thank you [laughter] all these are worth 4 Acme Crime Bucks, you guys, hands on your buzzers, watch the monitor. Oh there's something on there. Listen carefully, here we go. Contessa carted the casa to Sweden's capitol, name the city [buzzer sounds]. Jonathan?

>> Um, Oslo?

>> Sorry, Stockholm. Then she flew first class to Towne Astonia, what sea did she cross? Kristy?

>> North.

>> Sorry, Baltic Sea. From Astonia, she waltzed across the border south, what country is she in?

>> Latvia?

>> Latvia is right. Next, Contessa careened into the capitol of Belarus, name it? [Buzzer sounds] Antonio?

>> Um, Brussels?

>> Sorry it's Minsk. Then she caught a cruise ship to the port of Gdansk, what country is she in now? [Buzzer sounds] Jonathan?

>> Poland?

>> Yes, that's right. That means that the end of that round, Jonathan has 105, Kristy 60, Antonio 50. Big round of applause, ladies and gentlemen [cheering and applause]. Oh! Just a quick reminder, all of our answers have been verified by National Geographic World.

>> [Sung] National Geographic World.

>> Just what I said, thank you very much. Okay guys, another quick reminder here, this is the final clue of this round, which means you have to decide how much you want to risk. You could risk 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, or 50 Acme Crime Bucks. Take a look right over here please. Because here is a portion of the world we think the Contessa is headed. So take a look at the map, and think about it.

[ Singing ]

Okay, looks like everybody is ready for our final clue, guys. Go to Acme Chiffon Net Agents, the ACNET, ladies.

>> [Music and singing] Long gone casa, Contessa's got a long-gone casa. Got to find that long-gone casa, looking for it- long gone. Long gone! Let me tell you about Contessa. She's in a city on a harbor, in South Carolina where she's hiding low, there's an [inaudible], it features music and dance, and party plans...it goes on for almost three whole weeks. People come from all around the world to see the [inaudible], the music goes on for days and days. If you want a great show, then it's [inaudible], oh whoa, oh. Long gone casa, Contessa's got a long-gone casa, better find the long-gone casa, you know the casa's long gone. Long gone. Long gone.

>> Oh yeah, thank you ladies [applause and cheering]. Gumshoes, name the city where the Contessa has gone now. Is it Raleigh, Charleston, or Savannah. Remember the clues that we heard in South Carolina, on a harbor and Spoleto Arts Festival. This is the final clue this round you guys, so once you're ready, put those answers down in front of you. Kristy is ready, so is Jonathan, Antonio still thinking about it right now. And now he's ready. Antonio, we'll start with you. Before you show me your answer, how much did you risk?

>> I risked 30 Crime Bucks. >> 30 Crime Bucks, what did you say Antonio? Raleigh, Raleigh. The answer we're looking for was Charleston, sorry about that. You're going to go down 30 Acme Crime Bucks. The audience is here to help out, so we'll see what happens. Kristy, you have 60 Acme Crime Bucks, how much did you risk?

>> I wagered 30 Crime Bucks.

>> 30 Crime Bucks, and what did you say?

>> I said Charleston.

>> Charleston is right, nice job Kristy, goes up 30 [cheering]. Jonathan you have 105, how much did you risk buddy?

>> I risked 10 Crime Bucks.

>> 10 Crime Bucks, what did you say?

>> Raleigh.

>> Raleigh is not right, you're going to go down 10, but you still have enough, Jonathan and Kristy going to the next round. Congratulations guys! [Cheering] Antonio, we're sorry we see you in the very last, nice job, we've got some great stuff for you with Chief.

>> That Royal Highness Contessa can be a royal pain to catch. But I'm proud you never gave up the chase. That kind of perseverance deserves something special, like this official Acme Gumshoe Gear, it includes an Atlas, this cool Crime Net cap, with the Acme logo in front, the official Carmen T-shirt, a subscription to National Geographic World Magazine, and our new Acme stealth pencorder. See, it writes just like a regular pen, and it has a built-in digital recorder.

>> Remember Chief, congratulate the Gumshoes.

>> I was getting to that! Congratulations Gumshoes!

>> That's right Chief. Okay guys, Contessa is headed to South Carolina, we've got to get there fast, so we're going to motor ourselves there. The way we do this is, take a deep breath, hold as long as possible-

>> Greg!

>> Yes?

>> Are you and the gumshoes ready to motor?

>> We're ready Chief, let's do it [whistle blowing].

[ Music ]

>> Oh, I almost didn't make it man. Okay, let's walk this way. Let's-oh, okay guys, you're going here, I'm here, the Chief will be here in just a couple of minutes with some every important information so listen very carefully. Chief, what do you have for us?

>> Okay, there are 15 places here in South Carolina where you might find the Contessa, the wand, or La Casa Rosada. Look at a few of them, begin your search at Hilton Head. It's one of the most popular resort areas in the Eastern U.S. Contessa may go to one of the many golf courses there, so she can work on her putts. Now, here's a unique event. The balloon deflation invitational. The balloons start out about 1,000 feet up, then drop to the ground, where waiting teams race to deflate them. Next, scan the spectrum of homes on Rainbow Road. Fourteen houses, each a different color. If you happen to see two pink houses, you can be sure one of them is La Casa Rosada. Finally Gumshoes, don't miss the graduation ceremonies at Acme Pants Bleaching School. Students used to bleach their whole uniform, but then it snowed one day, and we lost the whole class. But, this is no time to be worrying about a whiter, brighter wash. Hamper the Contessa, put her through the wringer, then put her to work in the prison laundry.

>> Thanks a lot, Chief. Now, you guys know how this works. Loot, warrant, and crook. Jonathan, you had the most at the end of the last round, you go first.

>> Hilton Head Island.

>> Hilton Head Island.

>> La Casa Rosada.

>> Wow, nice job. You get the loot, you get a free turn. Go ahead Jonathan.

>> Mongolia Plantation?

>> Magnolia Plantation. You found the loot, nice job, we turn both of them back around. Kristy, your turn.

>> Hilton Head Island.

>> Hilton Head Island.

>> House, pink house.

>> Go ahead Kristy.

>> [Inaudible] Festival, U.S.A.

>> Uh, Spoleto Festival U.S.A.

>> Uh, Spoleto Festival U.S.A.

>> Contessa!

>> Very interesting, you have the loot and the Contessa. Remember you have to go through the right order, loot, warrant, and then crook. So be careful Kristy.

>> Clemson University.

>> Clemson University.

>> Hold that tiger! Hold that tiger!

>> [Laughs] Nothing there, we'll bring it back around. Oh, something special from the boys.

>> Hilton Head Island?

>> What did you say?

>> Hilton Head Island? >> Hilton Head Island.

>> Casa!

>> Go ahead, Jonathan.

>> Catfish Row.

>> Catfish Row [meowing], nothing there, we'll turn them back around. Kristy, your turn.

>> Hilton Head Island.

>> Hilton Head Island.

>> Purloined palace!

>> Go ahead Kristy.

>> Stock Car Hall of Fame?

>> Ah yes, the stock car hall of fame, world's biggest stock car collection. Let's see it, stock car hall of fame!

>> Gentlemen, there's nothing here.

>> You didn't get it, but it was a nice one. Turn them both back around, Jonathan your turn.

>> Hilton Head Island.

>> Hilton Head Island.

>> Pretty pink!

>> Go ahead Jonathan.

>> Stumphouse Tunnel?

>> Stumphouse Tunnel. I think we will turn both of them back around. Kristy your turn.

>> Hilton Head Island.

>> Hilton Head Island.

>> Missing mansion!

>> PD River.

>> PD River.

>> The warrant!

>> You have the loot and the warrant, can you find Contessa?

>> Spoleto Festival U.S.A.? >> Is she still at the Spoleto Festival U.S.A.? Yes!

>> Contessa! You've won [cheering].

[ Cheering and Applause ]

>> In jail!

>> Nice job, Kristy, stay right there, we'll talk to you in a little bit, but first off, hey man, nice work. You got some great stuff, got some great stuff for you. Chief?

>> There's no denying the important help you gave us today. Without your hard work, that crook might still be free. In honor of your achievements, you'll receive this terrific Acme Gumshoe gear. Plus two of these amazing Acme Secret Senders. Then you and a friend can secretly communicate through the air. Just type in your message. Press this button, and zap! It appears on the other secret sender. It's also a pocket organizer, and a control for your TV and VCR. From all of us at Acme, congratulations!

>> [Applause and cheering] All right, here's the portfolio with a piece of paper and pen inside, what I want you to do is write down where you'd like to go, if you catch Carmen Sandiego and get that trip, [inaudible], start the song.

[ Music ]

>> Okay now all we need is that phone call [phone rings] and it comes right about now, right on cue. Yes? Yes, she's right here, hold on.

>> This prison is so dreadfully boring! I can't even get a jar of Grey Poupon! Maybe Carmen could help. But she's in South America. Go find her!

>> Okay, now we know where we're going. Let's get some more information from the Chief. Chief?

>> Here's a list of places Carmen may have traveled. French Ghana, Uruguay, Suriname, Paraguay, Parana River, Guyana, Argentina, Lake Titicaca, Venezuela, Chile, Colombia, Orinoco River, Ecuador, okay, let's go to the map!

>> I feel good [cheering and applause].

>> You know what you're doing, right?

>> Yes.

>> You know, of course you do. Let me explain it for those of you who may not know. What you're going to have to do is identify eight locations in 45 seconds. When you are right, you will hear this sound [siren]. When you're wrong, though, you'll hear this sound [sound effect]. If you're wrong two times, don't worry about it, leave the marker where it is, we'll continue on from there. But if you are right eight times in 45 seconds, you're going to get that trip, and that's a good thing, correct?

>> Yes.

>> How long have you been studying for this thing by the way?

>> Two weeks.

>> Two weeks, yes, this could be a good one folks. This could be good. Remember this, when you see one of these, we are talking about a body of water, okay? So that will help you out with that. Any other questions? >> No.

>> You ready to do this thing?

>> Yes.

>> You guys think she can do it [crowd cheering]. Yes, come on, we're going to do this thing. Hold that for me if you would please. Mark with your hand, 45 seconds up on the clock, good luck to you Kristy. Here we go. On your mark, get set, go. Carmen [inaudible] go Suriname. Surname. Suriname. Do it [sound effect], try it again, try it again, Surname, [siren] yes, let's go. Guyana [siren], Guyana. Guyana. Yeah, yeah, yeah [siren sounds]. Paraguay. On Paraguay, Paraguay, go buddy go. Paraguay [sound effect], try it again, try it again. Paraguay, Paraguay, Paraguay [siren], come on let's go, come on, Colombia, Colombia [inaudible] Columbia, you know it [siren], yeah, yeah go. Ecuador, Ecuador, Ecuador! You know it, let's go buddy, try it again, try it again, try it again, try it again. Ecuador, do it [siren] yeah here we go, here we go. Venezuela. Venezuela. Esmerelda, Venezuela [siren], yes! Lake Titicaca, Lake Titicaca, Lake, Lake Titicaca [siren], yes! Uraguay, Uraguay, go Uraguay, Uraguay, go, go! [Buzzer sounds] Oh! She didn't make it. Seven in 45 seconds. Give her a big round of applause, ladies and gentlemen. Oh! Let me tell you something, you picked up so much speed at the end of that thing, I thought you were going to pull it off, just wasn't fast enough at the beginning, but you did some great stuff for us today. Chief, what do you have for her?

>> Darn that Carmen! She can be really tough to catch. But we're all very proud of the skill you showed today, and we've got just the gift for a Gumshoe on the go. This Acme pocket color television, with active matrix screen. Just think, the next time you're stuck on an all night stakeout, you won't have to miss your favorite shows. You made it! You're a sleuth. Congratulations [cheering and applause]!

>> Not bad at all, not bad at all. Listen, you've been doing some great stuff for us today, there's one more thing I want you to do, you know what it is [inaudible response from crowd]?

[ Music ]

>> This is Lynn Simpson for Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego, and remember, the Acme triangle of excellence. Vigilance! Dedication! Courage! [Music continues] All geographic information was accurate as of the date this program was recorded. This program was presented by WQED, Pittsburgh, and WGBH Boston. And as always Gumshoes, Carmen's gang is bankrolled by the corporation for Public Broadcasting, and viewers like you.

>> And by Delta Airlines. >> Now I understand our urgent information is coming from Acme [inaudible]. This is Senator Joe Biden. What can you tell us Senator?

>> Greg, Senate leaders have just been briefed on robo crook. He's in Jackson Hole, a place nicknamed the equality state because it's the first state to give women rights that they didn't have, a place where they first got to vote, a place where they first held public office, and a place where they elected the first woman Governor. Now make sure it's the last stop for the crook. Remember the Acme triangle of excellence; vigilance, dedication, and courage. I'm counting on you. Good luck.

>> We'll do our best here. Thanks Senator Biden. Okay guys name the state; is it California, Kansas, or Wyoming? Remember the clues that we heard from Senator Biden; Jackson Hole, the equality state, and the first state for women to vote. Noah's ready, Ashley's ready, and so is William. Noah we'll start with you, what do you say?

>> I chose Kansas.

>> Kansas. What do you think Ashley?

>> I chose Kansas.

>> Kansas. William.

>> I chose Kansas.

>> The answer we're looking for is Wyoming. Oh tough one there guys. No one got anything on that one; that means you're going to stay where you are. So Noah you're going to stay at 65. >> Okay. Tatsuo. I have something for you now. It's got to be top secret though. All right. I what you to open this up. Inside there is a pen and a piece of paper. I want you to write down where you'd like to go if you win that trip by capturing Carmen Sandiego.

>> Okay.

>> Okay. Pen's right there. All right. Big. Big.

[ Music ]

Nice job. Okay. Not bad. Now you got [inaudible]. Right? You got her in jail. Now all we got to do is catch Carmen Sandiego which -- hold on just one second. Let me get that. Get this phone. Yes. Yeah, he's right here. Yeah, hold on.

>> Hello.

>> Hey gumshoe. Carmen double crossed me so I'm going to get even. Look for her in Africa.

>> Africa. Looks like you and I are going to Africa, pal. Chief.

>> Tatsuo here's a list of places Carmen may have traveled, Senegal, Morocco, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Chad, Zaire, Angola, Egypt, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Ethiopia, Kenya, Madagascar.

[ Applause ]

>> This is it. Okay. Now what you have to do now is track Carmen Sandiego through seven different countries, identifying each country with a marker. If you're right, you'll hear this sound. But if you're wrong, you'll hear the sound. Now if you're wrong two times, don't worry about it. Leave the marker where it is and go on. If you're right though, seven times in 45 seconds you will then get that trip to wherever you wrote in that portfolio. Sound good to you?

>> Yeah.

>> Sound good to you guys?

>> Yeah.

>> Come on. Let's do it. Cheer him on guys. Here we go. All right. Let's get 45 seconds up on the clock. Good luck Tatsuo. Here we go. On your mark. Get set. Go. Carmen went to Chad. Chad. Chad. No that's not it. Try again. Come on Tatsuo. Carmen went to South Africa. You know this one. Yes sir. Come on. Carmen went to Senegal. You got it. Come on. Carmen went to Kenya. Kenya. You got it. Come on. Carmen went to Angola. Angola. Come on. Come on Tatsuo. You got it. Come on. Carmen went to Egypt. Egypt. You got it. That's six. Carmen went to Madagascar. Madagascar. Madagascar. Tatsuo, yes.

[ Applause ]

Tatsuo come on up here bud. All right. You wrote down top-secret information here. We're going to find out now where you and a parent are going. You guys are going to Arizona. Congratulations man. Look. You were working for us really hard today. There's one more thing I want you to do. Do you know what it is?

>> Yeah.

>> Do it.

[ Music ] >> This is [inaudible] speaking for Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? And remember no matter what the odds you face, ACME crime solves the case.

[ Music ] >> Today's caper is presented by WQEB Pittsburgh and WGBH Boston. Carmen's gang is bankrolled by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and viewers like you.

[ Car Noises ]

>> This program is brought to you by Toyota.

[ Applause ]

>> All these people want to know. Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?

>> [singing] Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?

>> And one of these people could find her. Terry Su, Cyrus Nozad, Jillian Fracassi. Today's episode. The Square Scam. And this man is Special Agent in charge of training new recruits, it's Greg Lee!

>> Hey guys. Oh, man!

[ Applause ]

Hi guys, how are you? Got a lot of work to do, let's get started. Chief, you there?

>> I'm here Greg.

>> Let's go.

>> Alright, Gumshoes. Carmen Sandiego and her gang of venal vagabonds has struck again. This time, they marauded Moscow. The Soviet Capital's Red Square got its name from the old Russian word, [Speaking Russian], which means both "Red" and "Beautiful." Well, today, the Square is [Speaking Russian]. That's Russian for "Missing." Because the Party Pair, Double Trouble, danced into the Kremlin, rolled up the Square like a carpet, and made off with it! There'll be mourning in Moscow until their Square is repaired. This is Double Trouble. A matching pair of...

>> [singing] ooh! Double Trouble.

>> [Speaking Russian]. That's Russian for Bad Boys.

>> [singing] Ooh! Double Trouble.

>> Your mission, Gumshoes. Return the Square to its lair, detain Double Trouble, and then, capture Carmen Sandiego! Greg.

>> Thanks, Chief. Okay, Gumshoes. We're going to start you off with fifty Acme Crime Bucks. Anytime [bell ringing] you answer a question correctly, we'll give you ten more Crime Bucks. And the two of you with the highest scores at the end of this round will then proceed to the next round, okay? Chief, let's go.

>> Here's the lowdown. Double Trouble took Red Square to Rynek Główny, which was once the largest square in medieval Europe. It's in Krakow, a city that played an important role in the recent political changes in Eastern Europe. For a long time it was home to the only independent weekly publication in the Soviet communist block, [speaking Russian]. Greg.

>> Thanks, Chief. Okay, guys. To what country did Double Trouble take the Square? Was it Czechoslovakia, Hungary, or Poland? Remember the clues that we heard, Rynek Główny, once largest square in medieval Europe, and Krakow. Come up with an answer as quickly as you can, trying to track down Double Trouble. Gillian's ready, so is Cyrus, so is Terry. Terry, we'll start with you, what do you say?

>> I chose Hungary.

>> Hungary. What do you think, Cyrus?

>> I chose Czechoslovakia.

>> Czechoslovakia. Gillian, what do you say?

>> I chose Hungary.

>> Hungary. The answer we're looking for is Poland [buzzer]. Sorry, guys. There they go! Okay, don't worry about it, we'll take a little break, we'll get to know each other, we'll be okay. Terry, we'll start with you. What do you like to do in your spare time?

>> In my spare time I like to play tennis, and I also play the violin.

>> Yeah, how long have you been playing violin?

>> About two years.

>> Really. And I understand that you have big plans for tennis, too.

>> Yeah, I hope to play in the French Open someday.

>> Well, I hope so, too. Welcome, Terry. Everybody to the case.

[ Applause ]

Nice to have you here. Cyrus, you are a collector.

>> Yeah.

>> What do you collect?

>> I collect coins from around the world.

>> Yeah, how large is your collection?

>> Around maybe fifty coins.

>> Really? What's your favorite?

>> A very, very old Peso.

>> A very, very old Peso. How old is it?

>> It's from 1957.

>> 1957 [laughs]. It's very old, yes. Okay, welcome Cyrus to the, to the show, if you will, please.

[ Applause ]

Okay, next up. Gillian. What do you like to do in your spare time?

>> I like to play basketball, mostly sports. >> Yeah, okay. And career plans for you?

>> I want to be a doctor.

>> Doctor. Why do you want to be a doctor?

>> It's very interesting, very much.

>> Well, good for you. Welcome Gillian, everybody. Here she is for the case.

[ Applause ]

Good to have you guys with us.

[ Applause ]

So, at the end of one, Terry, you have 50, Cyrus, you have 50, Gillian, you have 50, don't worry about it, though, it's time for our next clue. And I just, I have this feeling, there's something in the air. Let's check the world band radio.

[ Radio Noises, Music ]

>> Les habla Fernando Cruz. Sabiendo de las noticias del pa's más alto en América. Los dobles gemelos corrieron a través de La Paz hoy d'a, perseguidos por detectives internacionales. Se cree que ellos están ocultos en las montañas entre las poblaciones que hablan Quecha. Ahora, vuelve la música.

[ Music ]

>> Well, Gumshoes, name the country. Is it Bolivia, Paraguay, or Brazil? Remember the clues that we heard. Highest country in the Americas. La Paz. And Quechua-speaking people. Come up with an answer as quickly as you can, guys. Can't waste a lot of time, because we're trying to find Double Trouble. Terry's ready. So is Gillian, so is Cyrus. Terry, we'll start with you, what do you say?

>> I chose Bolivia.

>> Bolivia. Cyrus, how about you?

>> I chose Brazil.

>> Brazil, what do you think, Gillian?

>> I chose Brazil.

>> Brazil. The answer we're looking for is Bolivia. Nice job, Terry.

[ Applause ]

Okay, guys, it looks like the Double Trouble twins have now just, they've left the country. They've boogied completely out of the picture.

>> Says who?

>> Oh, it's you. Wait a minute. Wait a second. What are these fake plastic things you have on here, what is this? Give me that.

>> How come you get to have all the fun? How come I never get to have any of the fun? >> Hey. Hey. Hey! Listen, we're in the middle of a criminal investigation here, now stop it!

>> Oh. Okay [laughter]. I'm, I'm sorry, Greg.

>> Alright then. Do you have any information where Double Trouble may have gone?

>> Of course I do. They went to Staten Island.

>> Well, great. We'll just take a Ferry then.

>> Not that Staten Island. This one's part of Tierra del Fuego. It's in the South Atlantic off South America. And it's usually called Isla de los Estados. You better brush up on your Spanish.

>> Well, do you think you can tell us what country it's in?

>> You expect me to do all your work? [Laughs] I have better things to do.

>> Okay. Thanks a lot, your up-high-there-ness.

>> Oh, Greg?

>> Yeah.

>> Can I have my fingers back, please?

>> Okay, come here. Alright, see you later [laughter]. Thank you. Okay, Gumshoes. To what country does the South American Staten Island belong? Is it Brazil? Argentina? Or Chile? Remember the clues that we heard. Part of Tierra del Fuego. In the South Atlantic. Okay, everybody is ready. Terry, what do you say?

>> I chose Chile.

>> Chile. What do you think, Cyrus?

>> I chose Chile.

>> Chile. What do you think, Gillian?

>> I chose Argentina.

>> Argentina. The answer we're looking for is Argentina. Nice job, Gillian.

[ Applause ]

Okay. That means Terry, you have 60, Cyrus, you have 50, Gillian, you have 60. That's the way to do it, guys [thunderstorm sounds]. That only means one thing, it's time for the lightning round. Time for you now to try to get some extra crime bucks. What we're going to do is, and I have three questions here. Each one of them is worth five crime bucks. The first one of you that buzzes in and answers correctly, I'll give you those five crime bucks, okay? So listen closely, here we go. In 1520, a Portuguese explorer rounded the Southern tip of South America while circumnavigating the earth. Was it Christopher Columbus, Ferdinand Magellan, or James Cook? [bell] Gillian.

>> Ferdinand Magellan?

>> That's right. Very good [applause]. Question 2. Most South American countries have large Indian populations, but many Argentinean people are of European descent. After Spanish, surprisingly, the majority of Argentines are of what dissent? Is it Italian, Dutch, or German? [bell] Cyrus. >> Dutch?

>> [buzzer] Sorry, it's not Dutch. Terry or Gillian? [bell] Terry.

>> Italian?

>> [bell] Italian's right. Nice job [applause]. Question three. What is the national sport of Argentina? [bell] Terry.

>> Soccer?

>> Soccer is right, [bell] nice job, five more for you [applause]. Okay, so we're at the end of three in the lightning round, things have changed a little bit. Terry, you have 70. Cyrus, you have 50, and Gillian, you have 65, very close game.

>> Greg?

>> Yes.

>> In my office immediately.

>> Okay, I'll be right there. You guys hang right here, I'll check with her and be right back. Wonder what she wants? What's up Chief?

>> Greg, you still haven't captured Carmen Sandiego. Now, I don't want to put any pressure on you, but you're disturbing the fabric of the universe.

>> I'm sorry, what?

>> Look, Greg, some things are meant to be. Grass is meant to be green, water is meant to be wet. Carmen Sandiego is meant to be in jail. Now she's out there loose, for a while she's been there, and well, things are starting to go haywire.

>> I'm sorry, what do you mean?

>> Okay, I'll give you an example.

>> Okay.

[ Noise ]

That's pretty cool! Weird, but it's, it's cool.

>> Yeah, well that sort of thing has been happening to me all day long, and it's driving me crazy!

[ Noise ]

>> I have to admit, things are a little bit weird around here.

>> Well, just don't touch the lamp.

>> The lamp...

[ Bell Sounds ]

Sorry. I'm sorry. >> You have got to get the Gumshoes to capture Carmen Sandiego so we can get all of this nonsense over with, [bell sound, laughter], I knew you were going to do that!

>> I got it [boing]! What we'll do is, we'll give the Gumshoe, we'll give them a trip to anywhere in the lower 48 states, to the Gumshoe who catches Carmen Sandiego! Huh?

[ Applause ]

>> You know, that's not a bad idea.

>> Well, thank you.

>> Maybe now, everything will get back to normal.

[ Noise ]

Go away.

>> Yes, ma'am.

[ Noise, Laughter ]

Okay, Gumshoes, remember, we still have a lot of work to do. We're still looking for Double Trouble and trying to get the Square back. Fortunately for us, though, Acme Bugnet has just provided us with this recording of a phone conversation between Double Trouble and Carmen Sandiego. Watch.

>> Ready for another party, boys?

>> Geez, we're always ready, Carmen.

>> Good. I want you to head down the Peninsula from Tijuana to Ensenada.

>> Well, what's the occasion?

>> The start of a famous international off-road race. Hundreds of drivers race all kinds of vehicles across the desert.

>> We're rolling!

>> Okay, Gumshoes. To what peninsula did those dudes go to party? Is it Yucatán, Florida, or Baja California? Remember the clues that we heard, Tijuana to Ensenada, international off-road race. Gillian's ready. So is Terry. So is Cyrus. Terry, what do you say?

>> I chose Baja California.

>> Baja California. Cyrus?

>> I chose Baja California.

>> Baja California. Gillian?

>> I chose Cal, I chose Florida.

>> Florida? The answer we're looking for is Baja California [bell]. Nice job, you guys!

[ Applause ] Okay. So that means Terry, you have 80. Cyrus, you have 60, Jillian, you have 65. Nice job guys. Let's go...

[ Background Conversation ]

Aha. Looks like the old rumor mill is going again. Come on, let's find out what's going on out here. Hey guys! What's the word on the street?

>> Hey, man, the word on the street is Mantrayana [phonetic]. Now you might not recognize it, because I've written it in the Hindi alphabet. Now Mantrayana is a branch of the Buddhist religion that stresses the chanting of a sacred phrase called the mantra. Now Double Trouble are in the country where Buddhism began about 2500 years ago. So go get 'em. They're bad news. Get 'em.

>> Thanks guys. Alright, thanks a lot. Okay guys. Name the country. Is it India, China, or Nepal? Remember the clues that we heard. Hindi alphabet, where Buddhism began. Those two things right there. Come up with an answer quickly as you can, please. Cyrus is ready. So is Gillian, and so is Terry. Terry, what do you say?

>> I chose China.

>> China. What do you think, Cyrus?

>> India.

>> India. What do you think, Gillian?

>> I chose India.

>> India. The answer we're looking for is India [bell]. Nice job, Cyrus and Gillian!

[ Applause ]

Okay. So that means, Terry, you have 80, Cyrus, you have 70, Gillian, you have 75. Nice job guys. Now, it looks like the party... [female voice yelling].

>> There's the neighbor, Mrs. Pumpkinclanger. Come on. Hey, Ms. P.

>> Your [inaudible] and those party fellows. I could hear their goings on halfway across the county last night. They were in Shreveport, at the Holiday Inn Dixie Festival. Eating crawfish gumbo. Now go catch those hooligans, and leave me in peace!

>> Thanks a lot! Thank you! Okay, guys, name the state. Is it Lousisiana [bell], Mississippi [bell], or Arkansas [bell]? Shreveport, Holiday Inn Dixie Festival, and crawfish gumbo. Okay, come up with an answer as quickly as you can. Cyrus, everybody's ready. Okay. Terry, what do you say?

>> I chose Louisiana.

>> Louisiana. Cyrus, what do you say?

>> I chose Louisiana.

>> Louisiana. Gillian, how about you?

>> I chose Louisiana.

>> Louisiana. The answer we're looking for is Louisiana [bell]. Nice job!

[ Applause ] That means Terry, you have 90. Cyrus, you have 80. Gillian, you have 85. Now, guys, it's time for the final clue of this round, which means you now have to decide how much you want to risk. If you're right, we'll add that amount to your score. If you're not right, though, we'll subtract it from your score. You can risk 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, or 50 Acme Crime Bucks, okay? Take a look right over here, if you will, please. Here's a portion of the world where we think Double Trouble is headed. Now if you know a lot about this part of the world, you may want to risk a lot. If you don't know very much about it though, you may not want to risk quite so much. So, take a look at the map, and think about it.

[ Music ]

Okay. Looks like everybody has made a decision. Now for our final clue, we go to Acme Antler Net.

>> Ha ha ha. That dubious duo is holed up in Big Sky Country. I saw them in Glacier National Park. It's not far from Little Bighorn, where General Custer was defeated by the Cheyenne and Sioux in 1876. Ha ha ha. Maybe those terrible twins will meet their downfall there, too! Ha ha. Go get 'em!

>> Thanks a lot, Moosey. Okay guys, name the state. Is it Montana [bell], Wyoming [bell], or Colorado [bell]? Remember the clues that we heard. Big Sky Country. Glacier National Park, and Little Bighorn. Come up with an answer as quickly as you can, lay it down right there in front of you, looks like Terry's ready. Gillian, lay it down right there in front of you, okay, Cyrus is ready too. Cyrus, you have 80 Crime Bucks, we'll start with you, how much did you risk?

>> I, I risked 10 Crime Bucks.

>> 10 Crime Bucks, this will tie you for the lead if you're right. What did you say?

>> I said Wyoming.

>> Ooh, sorry, [buzzer] that's not the answer we're looking for, you'll go down 10, but this isn't over yet. Gillian, you have 85 Crime Bucks, how much did you risk?

>> 10.

>> 10, that means if you're right, you will take the lead. What did you say?

>> I said Wyoming.

>> Ooh, tough break [buzzer], not looking for that answer, but again, it's not over yet, you go down to 75. Terry, you have 90 Crime Bucks, how much did you risk?

>> I risked 10 Crime Bucks.

>> You risked 10, that means if you're right, you'll go up to 100, if you're wrong, you'll go down to 80, and you and Gillian will go on to the next round. What'd you say?

>> I said Wyoming.

>> Wyoming, [buzzer] is not the answer we're looking for, the answer we were looking for was Montana. Montana, Yeah, okay. But Terry, that means you have 80, and Gillian, you have 75. The two of you are going on the next round, congratulations, okay!

[ Applause ]

Cyrus, listen, man, you were a great detective, you did some great stuff for us today. We've assembled a kit that's going to help you in your next case. Chief?

>> It's the official Acme Crime Net travel kit, and it includes a World Traveler's Atlas, an official Carmen watch, a Carmen sweatshirt, and a subscription to National Geographic World Magazine. And our thanks for all your good work on this case. And Cyrus, I salute you!

>> Thanks Chief. Okay, guys. Now it's time for you to go to Montana where you're going to try to track down Double Trouble and bring back the Square. But I want you to know, we do not send our agents out into the field unprepared. Chief, how about a briefing?

>> Here's the soup on Montana. Fourth largest state, stretching from the Great Plains to the Rockies. Originally inhabited by the Shoshone, Blackfeet, and other Native Peoples. Lewis and Clark explored in 1805 to 1806, it joined the Union in 1889. Mining and farming are its main industries. Population, about three quarters of a million. Now the boys down at photo recon have put together a few slides. [music in background] Glacier National Park, over a million acres in Northwestern Montana. Around 50 glaciers and 200 lakes cross the Continental Divide on the going to the sun road. Over 2 million Montana acres are designated as wilderness areas, home to elk, deer, moose, and this agent from Acme Mountain Goat Net. State Capital, Helena. Built of Montana granite. The dome is made of Montana copper. Home to State Legislature since the turn of the century. Red Square may be hidden close by, so keep an eye out. Have a look around the Custer Battlefield, in the Valley of the Little Bighorn River. George Custer made his last stand against the Sioux and Northern Cheyenne here in 1876. Now the Native Americans were fighting for land given to them in a previous treaty. Bighorn Canyon catches around 70 miles. Check out the film at the Visitors Center for an overview. The area's got boating, and camping, and fishing. Double Trouble ought to go for it hook, line, and sinker. Well. That's Montana. And Gumshoes, it's time to head out into the field now. Begin the CrimeNet Countdown. 5 are the senses you need, 4 putting crooks on the run. 3 rounds to fight against greed, 2 be sure justice has 1. Go get 'em, Gumshoes!

[ Music, Applause ]

>> Okay, guys, come on, here we are in Montana. Set your stuff down right here, and take a walk right over there. Let me show you what we have. Here are the locations where you might be able to find the Square, Double Trouble, and a warrant for Double Trouble's arrest. Now the first thing you have to find is the loot. That's the evidence you need so you can get a warrant. With a warrant, you can then arrest the crook. Now connect all three of those things, in that order, in a single turn, and you get a chance to try to catch Carmen Sandiego. Catch Carmen Sandiego, and you get that trip to anywhere in the lower 48 United States. Now one more thing, you can pick any one of these locations that you want to, but if you happen upon the loot, the warrant, or the crook, you get a free turn, okay? Terry, you were ahead at the end of the last round, you go first [timer noise starts].

>> Okay, Red Lodge.

>> Red Lodge. Nothing there. Okay, Gillian.

>> Beartooth Pass.

>> Beartooth Pass. Nope, nothing there. Terry.

>> Custer Battlefield.

>> Custer Battlefield.

>> [singing] Red Square.

>> Nice job, you got the loot, and you get a free turn, go ahead.

>> Okay. Museum of Mining.

>> Museum of Mining.

>> [singing] The Warrant. >> Woah! You got the loot, and you got the warrant, you got to find Double Trouble and you're there, go ahead.

>> Fort Peck Dam.

>> Fort Peck Dam. Nothing there. Okay, Gillian, go ahead.

>> Custer Battlefield.

>> Custer Battlefield.

>> [singing] Red Square.

>> Go ahead, you get a free turn.

>> Museum of Mining.

>> Museum of Mining.

>> [singing] The Warrant.

>> And a free turn again.

>> Giant Springs.

>> Giant Springs. Nothing there. Okay, Terry, go ahead.

>> Custer Battlefield.

>> Custer Battlefield.

>> [singing] Communist Capital.

>> Go ahead Terry.

>> Museum of Mining.

>> Museum of Mining.

>> [singing] The Warrant.

>> Go ahead, Terry.

>> Carol College.

>> Carol College. Nope, not there either. Go ahead Gillian.

>> Cluster Battlefield.

>> Custer Battlefield.

>> [singing] Gorby Garden [laughter].

>> Go ahead Gillian.

>> Museum of Mining. >> Museum of Mining.

>> [singing] The Warrant.

>> Go ahead Gillian.

>> Bozeman Hot Springs.

>> Bozeman Hot Springs. Nope, sorry, nothing there. Go ahead, Terry. Wonder what it will be.

>> Custer Battlefield.

>> Custer Battlefield.

>> [singing] Scarlet Square.

>> Go ahead, Terry.

>> Museum of Mining.

>> Museum of Mining.

>> [singing] The Warrant.

>> And Terry, go ahead.

>> The Wildlife Refuge.

>> Wildlife Refuge. No, sorry. Go ahead, Gillian.

>> Custer Battlefield.

>> Custer Battlefield.

>> [singing] Crimson Crossroads.

>> Go ahead Gillian.

>> Museum of Mining.

>> Museum of Mining.

>> [singing] The Warrant.

>> One more time.

>> Glacier National Park.

>> Glacier National Park, are they there? No. Go ahead Terry.

>> Custer Battlefield.

>> Custer Battlefield.

>> [singing] Red Square. >> Go ahead, Terry.

>> Museum of Mining.

>> Museum of Mining.

>> [singing] The Warrant.

>> One more time.

>> Capitol Building?

>> Capitol Building, are they there? No! Go ahead, Gillian.

>> Custer Battlefield.

>> Custer Battlefield.

>> [over singing] Museum of Mining.

>> Now go, Gillian.

>> Museum of Mining.

>> Museum of Mining.

>> [singing] The Warrant.

>> Go ahead, Gillian.

>> And, Flathead Lake.

>> Flathead Lake. Are they there at the lake? No! Go ahead Terry.

>> Custer Battlefield.

>> Custer Battlefield.

>> [singing] Red Capital.

>> Go ahead, Terry.

>> Museum of Mining.

>> For those of you who missed the Museum of Mining.

>> [singing] The Warrant.

>> Go ahead, Terry.

>> Beartooth Pass.

>> Beartooth Pass. Yeah, I think we tried that one before, too. Go ahead Gillian.

>> Custer Battlefield.

>> Custer Battlefield. >> [singing] Red parallelogram.

>> Go Gillian.

>> Museum of Mining.

>> Museum of Mining.

>> [singing] The Warrant.

>> Now go, Gillian.

>> Glacier National Park.

>> Glacier National Park. Yeah, we tried that one before too. Go ahead Terry.

>> Custer Battlefield.

>> Custer Battlefield.

>> [singing] Red Quadrilateral.

>> Go Terry.

>> Museum of Mining.

>> Museum of Mining.

>> [singing] The Warrant.

>> Come on, Terry, do it!

>> Birchwood Hospital.

>> Birchwood Hospital. Are they there? No! Still trying to find the fellas. Let's do it, Gillian. Do it.

>> Custer Battlefield.

>> Custer Battlefield.

>> [inaudible] Square.

>> Go Gillian.

>> Museum of Mining.

>> For those of you that may have missed...

>> [singing] The Warrant.

>> Go, Gillian.

>> Bighorn Canyon.

>> Bighorn Canyon. Wow! >> [singing] Double Trouble.

>> [applause] You did it. Nice job. Come on over here, Gillian. Whew! I thought we'd never find them. But you did it, now all you have to do is put them in jail, pull on that chain and do it.

>> [noise] [singing] Double Trouble in jail.

[ Applause ]

>> Okay Gillian, listen we're going to talk about your next adventure in just a little bit, but first, Terry, listen, you were a great detective [music in background]. You did some great stuff, you tracked Double Trouble all the way to Montana, we've got some great stuff for you. Chief.

>> We have a world band radio so that Terry can listen to broadcasts from around the world. Nice work, Terry!

>> Okay, Gillian, listen, we're going to have you sign something inside here, there's a piece of paper, there's also a pen, and what I want you to do is write down where you'd like to go if you catch Carmen Sandiego and get that trip. Do it.

[ Music ]

Okay, look, you got Double Trouble, you got the Square back, now all you have to do is get Carmen Sandiego [phone rings]. Wait a second, can you hold that for me, just a second? Who's back here? Hello? Yeah, she's right here. For you, Gillian.

>> Hello?

>> We'll party a lot heartier in the slammer if we know Carmen's on her way. Look for her in the United States.

>> Okay, looks like you and I are going to the United States. Chief.

>> Gillian, here's a list of places Carmen may have traveled. Nevada, Arizona, Colorado, Texas, Minnesota, Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Florida, North Carolina, Delaware, Vermont, Massachucetts. Greg, take Gillian to the map!

[ Applause ]

>> Okay, Gillian, this is what it's all about right now, what you have to do is track Carmen Sandiego through seven different states, identifying each state with a marker. If you're right, you'll hear this sound [siren]. But if you're wrong, you'll hear this sound [buzzer]. If you're wrong two times, don't worry about it, leave the marker where it is, go on to the next, the next city. Now, if you're right though seven times in 45 seconds, then you will win that trip to wherever you wrote in that portfolio, sound good to you?

>> Yeah.

>> Sound good to you guys?

>> [audience] Yeah!

>> Alright, come on Gillian, let's do this thing! Cheer her on, guys. We'll get 45 seconds up on the clock. Good luck Gillian, here we go. Carmen, on your mark, get set, go! Carmen went to Phoenix, Arizona. [buzzer] That's not it, try it again, try it again, hurry! [siren] You got it, come on Gillian, come on. Carmen went to Carson City, Nevada. [siren] You got it, come on! Carmen went to Fort Smith, Arkansas. Go, go. [buzzer] Try it again, try it again. Fort Smith, Arkansas. [buzzer] No, come on. Carmen went to Tallahassee, Florida. Go, go, go, go, go. [siren] You got it, come on. Carmen went to Denver, Colorado. [buzzer] That's not it, try it again [buzzer]. Come on, come on. Montpelier, Vermont. Montpelier, Vermont [buzzer]. No, try it again, try it again [final buzzer]. Oh! Out of time. You got three in forty-five seconds. Give her a hand, you guys. Come here, Gillian.

[ Applause ]

Okay, that was, sometime's Carmen is pretty tough to catch, that's all there is to it, but remember, you did get Double Trouble, and you got the Square back, that isn't bad. Chief, what do you say?

>> Well, Gillian, we're all proud of the good work you did throughout the day. And we here at headquarters, well, we pitched in and purchased a portable CD player we thought you would enjoy. And a selection of CD's from around the world!

[ Applause ]

>> Okay, look Gillian, you did a lot of hard work for us today. There is one more thing I want you to do. You know what it is!

>> Do it Rockapella!

>> [singing] Well she sneaks around the world from Kiev to Carolina She's a sticky-fingered filcher from Berlin down to Belize She'll take you for a ride on a slow boat to China Tell me where in the world is Carmen Sandiego? Steal their Seoul in South Korea, make Antarctica cry Uncle From the Red Sea to Greenland they'll be singing the blues Well they never Arkansas her steal the Mekong from the jungle Tell me where in the world is Carmen Sandiego? She go from Nashville to Norway, Bonaire to Zimbabwe From Mali, to Bali, Ohio, and back! Well she'll ransack Pakistan and run a scam in Scandinavia Then she'll stick 'em up Down Under and go pick-pocket Perth She put the Miss in misdemeanor when she stole the beans from Lima Tell me where in the world is Carmen Sandiego? Oh tell me where in the world is Carmen Sandiego? Oh tell me where in the world is Carmen Sandiego? Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego? Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego? Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?

>> This is Lynne Thigpen speaking for Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? And remember, we solve cases, we deliver! Acme sends crooks up the river!

>> [singing] Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego? Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego? Where in the world is Carmen San... >> Today's mission is fueled by the corporation for public broadcasting, viewers like you, The National Endowment for Children's Educational Television, and--

>> [Background music] Delta Airlines, because learning about geography is a great way for kids to learn about each other, no matter where they hang their hats. Delta Airlines, on top of the world.

^M00:00:29 [ Music ] ^M00:00:37

>> Blast. Everyone thinks vile is evil. Which it is. But we need a new image. We need pizzazz. I've got it. I know a slogan that will work perfectly as soon as we steel it. It's time to call in Jacqueline Hyde [phone ringing].

>> Lovely weather, isn't it Carmen?

>> Listen I'm sending you through the time port to the United States in the year 1872. There's something very special I want you to steal.

>> I couldn't do that in a million years.

>> That was a quick million years, wasn't it? Let's go.

>> Good. This info beam will give you all the details. Now get going.

^M00:01:25 [ Background Sounds ] ^M00:01:31

>> Time pilots, Jacquelin Hyde just stole something from the past. You've got 28 minutes to get it back or history will change forever. Initiate chronoskimmer launch sequence. Boot up the chronocomputer [background sounds]. Power up the engine.

^M00:01:47 [ Background Sounds ] ^M00:01:50

>> Extend the temporal sequencer. Now get going.

^M00:01:55 [ Singing ] ^M00:02:32

[Cheering] And here's the time pilot squadron leader, Kevin Shinick,

>> Hey, welcome aboard everybody. I want you to hang on tight. We've got a very big mission, but very little time. So, let's meet today's time pilots starting with Jamie Martin. Come on Jamie. All right pilot good to see you. And Latoya Bafea [assumed spelling] Latoya, thanks for joining the squadron. And Gloria Coatz [assumed spelling]. Come on Gloria nice to have you on this mission. All right time pilots just so you know, we depend on fact fuel to power the chronoskimmer, and you guys will generate enough fuel with your answers. Now each of you is equipped with 100 power points. Let's check in with the chronoskimmer engine crew, shall we?

^M00:03:11 [ Background Sounds ] ^M00:03:17

All right. They look ready and rearing to go. So, let's begin our pursuit of Jacqueline Hyde. Chief, what's our mission profile?

>> Squadron, your time target is 1872. Destination, the United States. Back then PT Barnum was called America's greatest showman. He promoted his shows and circuses with wild colorful slogans that often stretched the truth [background sounds]. In a way, Barnum pioneered the kind of hype now used to promote stars like Madonna and Michael Jackson. He advertised his circus in 1872 with a catchy new slogan. A phrase that became so famous and successful, the circus still uses it today. Or, that's what history told us until now. When Jacquelin Hyde when back in time and swiped the slogan.

>> Thanks for the lowdown chief. All right pilots, for 10 power points, what slogan did Jacqueline Hyde steal? Was it, "The Big Top," "The Greatest Show on Earth," or "Have it Your Way?" Remembering the clues, we just heard. Created by PT Barnum. First used to advertise his circus in 1872, and still used by the circus today. Jamie, what'd you say, pay?

>> I said, "The Greatest Show on Earth."

>> All right, Latoya, how about you?

>> I also said, "The Greatest Show on Earth."

>> Okay, and Gloria?

>> "The Greatest Show on Earth."

>> Well, you guys will be happy to know, it's the greatest show on earth. Very nice guys. Ten points for everybody. That's the way we like to start this. Now we know what Jacqueline Hyde stole. We want to get it back, don't we? Well I'll tell you if one of you today can retrieve that loot and capture Carmen San Diego, you'll win a complete multimedia computer system. Not bad, right? So, what are we waiting around here for? Let's get it back. Engine room, let's warp to the time of the crime.

^M00:05:09 [ Background Sounds ] ^M00:05:20

Well pilots, we landed in 1877, instead of 1872. I don't really know why that happened, but [phone ringing]. Wait a second. That's why, we've got trouble, guys. That last warp really drained our fact fuel. We need to re-fuel with a data boost.

^M00:05:33 [ Background Sounds ] ^M00:05:36

All right pilots, I'll name an item, your job? Buzz in and tell me whether in 1877 that item cost around $0.50, around $100, or didn't exist. If you're right, you get 5 power points. If you're wrong, you lose 5 that's the way it works, okay? Here we go. A ticket to PT Barnum's museum [buzz]. Going to Gloria.

>> Around $0.50?

>> Yes, very good. A 30 second radio commercial [buzz]. Again, with Gloria.

>> Around $0.50? >> Actually that didn't exist. The first radio commercial was in 1922. Radio wasn't invented yet, in 1877. But, nice try. A month's rent for a four-story Manhattan house [buzz]? This time going to Latoya.

>> Around $100?

>> Yes, around $100. Steamship fare from New York to Great Britain [buzz]? Going to Jamie.

>> Around $100?

>> Yes, very good. Finally, a parasol [buzz]? This time Latoya.

>> Did not exist?

>> Actually it existed, it was around $0.50. That's a great job, pilots because you've replenished our fact fuel. And just a reminder all of our fact fuel is verified by Encyclopedia Britannica. Now let's continue our mission here in 1877. [Sirens] Guys, hey we're in luck guys, it's a clue finder. It's locked onto someone from the future. Let's bring them on board and see if they can help us all right?

^M00:06:56 [ Music ] ^M00:06:59

>> Hello?

>> What?

>> Hello?

>> I can't understand you.

>> Don't get too close. I have halitosis.

>> Halitosis?

>> Uh huh. It's a fancy word for bad breath. I read it in an ad for Listerine. You know those ads created a bad breath scare in order to sell more mouthwash.

>> How do you know you even have bad breath?

>> Well you never know. Like the ad says, even your best friends won't tell you.

>> Oh, well I hardly know you and I'll tell you, see? No, see you don't have bad breath at all.

>> What? I don't. Jeepers. Oh, you know those ads have people spending millions on mouthwash.

>> Yeah, well advertising's pretty powerful.

>> Yes, indeed. Even President Coolidge says so.

>> Yeah, okay well you feel better now?

>> Yes, thank you. >> Good.

>> [Laughter] Oh well now that I don't have to worry about halitosis, I can catch up on the newspaper. Let's see. Charles Lindbergh flew across the Atlantic? Did you hear that?

>> Actually yeah, yeah I did.

>> There was a big stock market crash? Oh. They've discovered King Tut's Tomb? The jewelry must be amazing.

>> All right pilots tell me the decade where Hyde is hiding. Is it the 1920s? The 1940s? Or the 1960s? Remembering the clues we just heard. Advertisers create halitosis scare. President Calvin Coolidge, and the stock market crash. Jamie what did you say?

>> I said the 1920s.

>> All right Latoya?

>> I also said the 1920s.

>> Okay, Gloria?

>> I said the 1920s.

>> All right correct answer is 1920s. Very nice guys, 10 points for everybody. You know pilots, the bad breath scare showed the power of advertising. It convinced people to buy a product that cured a problem, they didn't even know they had. Of course our problem is saving history. So, engine room, let's warp to the 1920s.

^M00:08:54 [ Background Sounds ] ^M00:09:03

>> Hey time pilots, catch.

^M00:09:06 [ Background Sounds ] ^M00:09:10

>> Pilots, we made it to the 1920s, but Jacqueline Hyde's neutralized our fact fuel. It's time for another data boost. All right time pilots, I'll name an event your job, buzz in and tell me whether the tip plays in the 1920s, or the 1980s. If you're right you get 5 power points, if you're wrong you lose 5. Chicago's Wrigley Field gets lights for night baseball [buzz]. Going to Jamie, say again.

>> 1980s.

>> Correct, 1988. Skywriting is introduced [buzz]. Going to Latoya.

>> Is it 1980?

>> Actually it was 1922 to be exact.

>> First woman appointed a US Supreme Court Justice [buzz]. Going again to Latoya.

>> 1980. >> Yes, 1981 and that was Sandra Day O'Connor. The book, "Bambi" is first published [buzz]. Going to Jamie.

>> 1920s?

>> Correct, 1923.


Finally, the Butterfinger candy bar is introduced [buzz]. Again, to Jamie.

>> 1920s?

>> Yes, 1923. Nice job squadron, because you've replenished our fact fuel and that means we're ready for time travel from the 1920s, which is great. Actually, the only problem is, I'm out of clues, guys. I don't, you know this happens every now and then. It's really scary, but I know what to do. Chief we need to contact Omnisia [assumed spelling].

>> It's awful risky, Kevin. The power surge needed, may cripple the chronoskimmer.

>> Chief, I know that but we've got to risk it.

>> All right. I'll input the enabling codes.

^M00:10:43 [ Background Sounds ] ^M00:10:53

>> It's 1951, the Cold War is hearing up and the US is fighting a communist power in Asia. It's also the year when soap operas are becoming popular on TV. Soap operas began on radio in the 1930s. Their original sponsors made soap products, like detergent, which gave them their nickname. "Search for Tomorrow" the first TV soap opera to catch on is only 15 minutes long. It's produced by Procter & Gamble, makers of Ivory soap. Eventually, soap operas will become one of Procter & Gamble's most successful forms of advertising.

>> All right. Well, you know I'm glad she's on our side. I really am. All right pilots. Omnisia told us the year where Jacqueline Hyde has taken Barnum's slogan. Tell me the war that the US is involved in. Is it the Korean Conflict? The Battle of Denmark? Or the Vietnam War, remembering the clues we just heard. 1951, Cold War, and television soap operas become popular. Jamie, what did you say, pal?

>> I said the Battle of Denmark.

>> All right, Latoya?

>> I said the Korean War.

>> And Gloria?

>> I said the Korean War.

>> All right correct answer is the Korean Conflict. Ten points for Latoya and Gloria. Very nice guys. Pilots, by sponsoring the first soap operas advertisers brought us on of our most popular forms of TV entertainment. In fact, my favorite comes on soon, so we've got to move it. All right, I don't want to miss that. So, let's warp to 1951.

^M00:12:23 [ Background Sounds ] ^M00:12:33 All right pilots, we've followed Jacquelin Hyde to the year 1951. But, she's on to us. She's about to do some globe hopping in the 1950s. That means it's time for global pursuit. Grab your controls. Watch the globe on your screen and buzz in when you think you know the answer. If you're right, you get 5 power points. And if you're wrong, you lose 5. Okay? Remember we're in the early 1950s. Here we go. Hyde pounced to the state where Tony the Tiger debuts at Kellogg's headquarters [buzz]. Yes, Gloria?

>> Michigan?

>> Correct. Michigan. Now she's making an impression in the state where silly putty was recently introduced [buzz]. Going to Jamie.

>> Connecticut?

>> Yes, it is. Ad man Peter Hodgson markets a substance thrown away by researchers looking for a synthetic rubber. That's what silly putty is. She's ho-ho-holding tight in the state where a canning company adopts the name of its popular symbol, Green Giant [buzz]. Going to Jamie.

>> Minnesota?

>> Correct. You got that because of the ho-ho-ho right? Thanks, a lot I appreciate it. Then she galloped to the city where the hot 1 Cassidy TV show is taped [buzz]. Going to Gloria.

>> Los Angeles?

>> Yes. Hopalong was one of the first TV stars to lend his names to kids' products. He endorsed everything from pajamas to lunch boxes, that's not a bad idea. Hyde spread out to the state where Duncan Hines cake mix debuts [buzz]. Going to Latoya.

>> Oh, is it Nebraska?

>> Yes, it is Nebraska. Very nice guys. Except we got a tough break, guys. Just by now Jacqueline Hyde just left Nebraska right before we got there. So, next time, we're going to have to [beeping]. Wait a second guys. Hey, we're picking up a transmission from the trans time signal monitor. You know what it is? It's Jacqueline Hyde reporting to Carmen, watch the view screen.

^M00:14:13 ^M00:14:21

>> I'm in 1985, Carmen and the Home Shopping Club just premiered on national TV. Now, people can shop all they want without leaving their sofa.

>> Ha, ha, yeah, now you can be lazy, and go broke at the same time.

>> Carmen, advertising has always been part of TV, but the Home Shopping Club is the first TV network that's all advertising all the time.

>> Who knows when you'll have a craving for ceramic doll at 5 in the morning? Or a fake diamond ring at midnight. It's like a virtual junk shop. I love it.

>> Actually the quality of the products will improve over the next few years, and sales will top $1 billion.

>> Looks like we're on the wrong rocket, boss. Over and out. ^M00:15:08 [ Background Sounds ] ^M00:15:12

>> I think she spends a lot of time talking to herself. Or at least arguing with herself. All right pilots where in time is Jacqueline Hyde. Tell me who was president? Gerald Ford? Jimmie Carter? Or Ronald Raegan. Remember in the clues we just heard. The year, 1985, Home Shopping Club makes national debut. And first TV network that's all advertising all the time. Jamie what did you say?

>> I said Ronald Reagan.

>> All right Latoya?

>> Ronald Raegan.

>> And Gloria?

>> Ronald Raegan.

>> You guys are going to be happy to know the answer is Ronald Raegan. Ten points for everybody. You know, pilots. Now, advertisers don't just sponsor TV entertainment. On networks like the Home Shopping Club, advertising is the entertainment. By the way the world will be a lot less entertaining if we don't save history of advertising. So, squadron, we've got to make one final leap forward in time and that means an ultimate data boost. Pilots, in an ultimate data boost, each correct answer is worth 10 power points. But if you get it wrong, you lose 10. Okay? I'll read you a statement about television advertising. Your job, buzz in and tell me if that statement is true or false. Okay, here we go. Before 1957 more countries forbid television advertising than allowed it [buzz]. Going to Gloria.

>> True?

>> Yes it is. True. Two former US governors did a TV commercial together for Doritos [buzz]? Going to Jamie.

>> False.

>> Actually that's true. Mario Cuomo of New York and Ann Richards of Texas made their ad in 1995. Coca-Cola's original TV ad slogan was 'drink it or else' [buzz]. Going to Latoya.

>> False.

>> Correct. It is illegal to broadcast cigarette ads on American television and radio [buzz]. Again, to Latoya.

>> False.

>> Actually that'd be true. The congressional ban went into effect in 1971. It is illegal to air ads for foreign products before presidential debates [buzz]. Going to Latoya.

>> Is that true?

>> Actually that'd be false. Michael Jackson's hair caught on fire while making a Pepsi commercial [buzz]. Again, to Latoya.

>> False.

>> Actually that'd be true. He need to have surgery on his scalp. These are tough ones though. When he was 10, Dan Quayle stared in a commercial as Skippy the Peanut Butter Boy [buzz]. Going to Gloria. >> False.

>> I sure hope so. But he did do a Lay's potato chip commercial in 1994. Mr. Magoo was once a spokesman for General Electric lights [buzz]. Going to Jamie.

>> True?

>> Yes it is true. The government banned TV ads for alcohol in the 1920s [buzz]. Going to Latoya.

>> False.

>> Correct, that is false. There were no television ads in the 1920s. Very nice round guys. Let's see how well we did, okay. Jamie has 160 power points, Latoya has 135, and Gloria has 170. Which means that Jamie and Gloria are moving onto the next phase of this mission. But Latoya you did a great job. You made a good time pilot, you know that. And right now, the chief wants to say a few words to express our appreciation.

>> Jacqueline Hyde may have a split personality, but there's just one way to describe your work today, superb. That deserves as special commendation. Like this ACME Time Net Mission Pack. It includes, a deluxe Britannica World Atlas, the official Carmen T-shirt. The chronoskimmer cap, with you know whose picture in front. A Where in Time watch, and to keep you ready for future missions, the Carmen San Diego CD Rom library and board games. They're the best way I know to sharpen a time pilot's navigating skills. We here at ACME Time Net, salute you.

>> All right squadron. We've sent Latoya back to Time Net command while we stay on board here and complete this mission. You guys ready?

>> Yes, sir, Kevin.

>> All right that's what I like to hear. Chief, we're ready.

>> Time pilots, the history of advertising is at stake. Get to the United States in 1985 and seize PT's stolen slogan. Kevin, you're in command.

>> You've got it chief. All right time pilots, full speed ahead to 1985.

^M00:19:19 [ Background Sounds ] ^M00:19:26

Look Jacqueline's got the slogan in a cyber sphere. Activate the loot tractor beam.

>> Hang on time pilots. I'm not done yet.

>> All right guys, we've gotten back The Greatest Show on Earth's slogan and have it safely on board. Congratulations, you've completed mission objective number 1. Plus, you're now one step closer to winning that awesome multimedia computer system. But before we continue chasing Jacqueline Hyde, we've got to return the loot to the year 1872. So, let's check in with the chief to get our flight plan. Chief?


>> Time pilots, you must navigate the chronoskimmer through eight events from the history of advertising, starting at the most recent event and finishing at the least recent event. The time pilot who does that goes on to chase Carmen and Jacqueline Hyde along the trail of time. Here are the events on your flight plan. The first sky advertising in the US. Television advertising begins in the US. Cigarette ads are banned from US television. Uncle Sam poster recruits for US Army in World War I. Barnum first advertises his circus as "The Greatest Show on Earth." Eisenhower presidential campaign commercial on TV. Advertising campaign creates halitosis scare. The Home Shopping Club premiers nationally. That's your briefing time pilots. Good luck on your journey.

>> All right, Gloria you had the higher score you have choice of going first or second.

>> I'll go second.

>> All right in that case, Jamie, I want you to navigate this chronoskimmer back through time from the most recent event to the least recent event, starting by picking the most recent event on the board. You may begin.

>> Home Shopping Club premiers.

>> Correct, you've flown a course to 1985. Pick the next most recent event.

^M00:21:17 [ Music ] ^M00:21:21

[Buzz] Okay going to go to Gloria. Picking the most recent event on the board.

>> Home Shopping Club Premiers.

>> Correct, 1985.

>> Cigarette ads banned from TV.

>> Yes, 1971.

>> Eisenhower campaign commercial.

>> Correct, 1952.

>> Television and advertising begins.

>> Yes, 1945. Keep going.

>> World War I Uncle Sam poster [ding].

>> All right, back to Jamie.

>> Home Shopping Club Premiers.

>> Yes, 1985.

>> Cigarette ads banned from TV.

>> Correct, 1971.

>> Eisenhower campaign commercial.

>> Yes, 1952.

>> Television and advertising begins. >> Correct, 1945.

>> World War I Uncle Sam poster [ding].

>> All right, back to Gloria.

>> Home Shopping Club Premiers.

>> Correct, 1985.

>> Cigarette ads banned from TV.

>> Yes, 1971.

>> Eisenhower campaign commercial.

>> Correct, 1952.

>> Television and advertising begins.

>> Yes, 1945.

>> Advertising halitosis scare.

>> Correct, 1922, keep going.

>> World War I Uncle Sam poster.

>> Yes, 1917. Keep going.

>> First skydiving advertising.

>> Correct, 1908.

>> "Greatest Show on Earth" premiers.

>> Yes. Gloria you've saved history [cheers]. Congratulations. And you did an excellent job getting us there. That was a tough one though. You guys were very, very good. How about a deep breath, ready, [sigh]. How you feeling on your side there buddy. But we've got more to do you know that, we're not done. You and I are going to be moving on in just a moment. But Jamie, the chief has another mission for you and she's here to tell you all about it.

>> You've done an outstanding job on today's mission. And as one of our best time pilots you need the most up-to-date equipment. So, I'm issuing you a terrific Time Net Mission Pack, and this great portable CD player, featuring a flexible 4-way power supply, a polycarbonate body, a MASH one-bit DA conversion system and kicking sound. From all of us here at ACME Time Net, congratulations.

>> All right Gloria. You navigated us back to 1872 and returned PT Barnum's "The Greatest Show on Earth" slogan. Right now, Jamie is piloting the chronoskimmer back to the present, but Gloria, Jacquelin Hyde and Carmen are still out there. We've got more to do. Are you coming with me?

>> All right good. So, it's time for us to exit the chronoskimmer and head for the trail of time. Chief, is that a go?

>> I'm inputting the trans portal departure codes, Kevin. Prepare to exit the chronoskimmer. >> We're ready Chief. Look our Carmen, we're on our way.

^M00:23:43 [ Background Sounds ] ^M00:23:46 [ Music ] ^M00:24:22

Hey, Gloria, we've made it to the trail of time. We've got to track Carmen through six time portals by answering her questions. Think you're up for it?

>> Yeah.

>> All right. Ready? Set? Go, Gloria. Go follow the engine crew to the first portal.

>> It's 1841, what opens in Philadelphia? The first ad agency, or the first daily newspaper?

>> The first daily newspaper [buzz].

>> All right crank the crank, open the gate. Crank it. That a girl. Go, go. Almost there, Gloria, keep cranking. Faster, faster that gate will open any moment. Almost there. All right go on to the second portal. Following the engine crew.

>> It's 1881. What circus owner teams up with PT Barnum? The Ringling Brothers, or James Bailey?

>> James Bailey.

>> All right you've captured Jacquelin Hyde. Congratulations. Keep up the good work.

>> It's 1922, what appears in the sky for the first time? The Good Yeah Blimp or skywriting?

>> Skywriting.

>> All right you've got 40 seconds left.

>> It's 1952, who uses TV ads in his successful presidential campaign? Eisenhower or Truman?

>> Eisenhower.

>> All right keep going you've got two more to go and 26 seconds left.

>> It's 1981, what channel is making it's debut on television, HBO or MTV?

>> MTV.

>> All right one more to go, Gloria.

>> It's 1991, how many dollars are spent on advertising in the US, 37 billion or 37 trillion?

>> 37 billion.

>> Yes, [cheers] Gloria you made it through the trail of time. Congratulations. And you've energized the capture crystal. N ow taking it Gloria and run and place it in the chrono lodge chamber to capture Carmen San Diego. ^M00:26:13 [ Background Sounds ] ^M00:26:19

Gloria, you completed every one of your missions. You've captured Carmen, captured Jacquelin Hyde, and you returned the loot to its proper place in history. Great job. And now the chief wants to show you what you've won. Chief?

>> Pilot you've navigated yourself to an A-1 mission rating, and this multimedia computer system with a powerful processor, fax modem, CD-ROM drive and color monitor. It's the sharpest hotrod on the info superhighway. You'll also get a year of Britannica online, the definitive cyber source for information. Plus, the Britannica CD-ROM encyclopedia and the complete 32-volume Britannica Encyclopedia set. Now, all of history will be at your fingertips. Time pilot, I salute you.

>> Thanks, chief. Gloria you won the big computer how do you feel?

>> Great.

>> Great. You mad a great time pilot. But now we've all got to go back to the present. And remember at ACME Time Net, history is our job.

>> And the future is yours.

^M00:27:21 [ Singing ]