
• Gratings: – Sinusoidal grating – Sinusoidal phase grating – in general: spatially periodic thin transparency


• Fraunhofer diffraction • Fraunhofer patterns of typical apertures • Spatial and Fourier transforms

MIT 2.71/2.710 04/06/09 wk9-a- 1 Gratings Amplitude grating Phase grating

1 1

0.75 0.75 | [a.u.] | [a.u.]

t 0.5

t 0.5 |g |g 0.25 0.25

0 0 −30 −20 −10 0 10 20 30 −30 −20 −10 0 10 20 30 x [λ] x [λ]

pi pi

pi/2 pi/2 ) [rad] t ) [rad] t 0 0


phase(g −pi/2 phase(g

−pi −pi −30 −20 −10 0 10 20 30 −30 −20 −10 0 10 20 30 x [λ] x [λ]

Λ: period; m: ; φ: phase shift Λ: period; m: phase contrast; φ: phase shift

MIT 2.71/2.710 04/06/09 wk9-a- 2 Gratings Amplitude grating Phase grating

x x

y z y z

MIT 2.71/2.710 04/06/09 wk9-a- 3 Sinusoidal amplitude grating

… OPLD = Λsin θ constructive interference if OPLD = qλ (q integer)

st +1 order Only the n=0th and n=±1st diffraction orders are generated

th Λ The n=0 diffraction order θ is also known as the DC term incident –θ plane −1st order

u : Grating 0 spatial

… period

MIT 2.71/2.710 04/06/09 wk9-a- 4 Sinusoidal amplitude grating …

+1st order

Λ θ 0th order (or DC term) incident –θ plane diffraction wave -1st order

… diffraction efficiencies

MIT 2.71/2.710 04/06/09 wk9-a- 5 Sinusoidal phase grating

s q=+5 “surface relief” grating q=+4 Transmission function Λ q=+3 q=+2

q=+1 (n 1)s m 2π − ≡ λ q=0 “phase contrast” incident q= –1 plane Useful math property: wave q= –2 + ∞ q= –3 exp iα sin (θ) = Jq (α) exp (iqθ) q= ! " #−∞ q= –4 st Jm: Bessel function of 1 kind, q= –5 m-th order glass n MIT 2.71/2.710 04/06/09 wk9-a- 6 Sinusoidal phase grating

s q=+5 Field after grating is expressed as: q=+4 Λ q=+3 amplitude q=+2


q=0 plane (diffraction orders), propagation angle incident q= –1 plane wave q= –2 q= –3 The q-th exponential physically is q= –4 a plane wave propagating at angle θq q= –5 i.e. the q-th diffraction order glass refractive index n MIT 2.71/2.710 04/06/09 wk9-a- 7 Fresnel diffraction from a grating as a Fourier series

More generally, a periodic transparency’s complex amplitude transmission may be s q=+5 expressed as a Fourier series expansion: q=+4 Λ q=+3 q=+2 q=+1


incident q= –1 plane plane waves (diffraction orders), wave q= –2 propagation angle q= –3 q= –4 absorptive q= –5 diffraction efficiencies bands glass refractive index n MIT 2.71/2.710 04/06/09 wk9-a- 8 Example: binary phase grating



s | [a.u.] q=+5 t 0.5 |g 0.25

q=+4 0 −30 −20 −10 0 10 20 30 x [!] q=+3 pi

Λ pi/2

q=+2 ) [rad] t 0

−pi/2 q=+1 phase(g Duty cycle = 0.5 −pi −30 −20 −10 0 10 20 30 x [!] q=0

incident q= –1 plane wave q= –2 q= –3 q= –4 q= –5 glass refractive index n MIT 2.71/2.710 04/06/09 wk9-a- 9 MIT OpenCourseWare

2.71 / 2.710 Spring 2009

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