Morris, Max

From: Morris, Max Sent: Thursday, October 15, 2020 11:47 PM To: Morris, Max Subject: 10/15/2020 Coronavirus Daily Update

These updates are being shared to multiple organizations, individuals and lists who/which are bcc’d. Best effort we are sending Daily updates during the business week, typically in the late afternoon or early evening, a Weekend Recap on Monday mornings, and any significant breaking news events provided anytime and on weekends. Please note some numbers included in the Statistics and news stories come from various sources and so can vary as they are constantly changing and not reported at the same time. All communications are TLP GREEN and can be shared freely.

Know someone who might want to be added to our Updates? Of course ask them first, and then have them send us an email to [email protected].

Live the message, share the message: Be safe – Stay home and limit travel as much as possible, self-quarantine if you or any members of your family are or may be sick, if you go out wear your mask – the right way, ensure safe , and practice good hygiene – wash your hands, avoid touching your face, and sanitize used items and surfaces.

Happy Thursday night Everyone! Well if I wait much longer we can say it’s Friday. Sorry for the late send but hope you All had a great day. The weekend is almost here. Following is the Daily Update with Highlights, the “Good Stuff”, Expanded Stories, statistics, trends and items of interest related to the novel coronavirus . For tonight, I leave you with a little inspirational humor from @dog_feelings: the human has been working from home the last couple days. and every so often. they let me participate in the video calls. all the other humans cheer when they see me. i am the only thing holding their company together. Well, it has been way more than a couple of days of working from home. But we can all understand the feeling of endless video calls. And if one of our “family members” with a cold nose and a waging tail joins in, it does liven the call up doesn’t it? So, let thinks like our four-legged friend. Dogs are pretty much always happy. And no matter if you have been gone 5 days or 5 minutes, they have the same enthusiastic reaction to you returning home. Or even back in the room for your next meeting after you got another cup of coffee. We can learn something here. If you work on acting happy, it’s funny how you just might start to feel happy. A smile might even start to creep across your face. The lines in your forehead might ease up. The worry might leave you for at least a few minutes. And it will come across to the people you hold dear to you and that you work with. And just like our pups, you will be the one making a difference on the video calls or in your home. So, I’ve got a Scooby snack if you show us that smile. Well, not really a dog treat but you know what I mean. Go have at it tomorrow and report back to me on your success – and how many people you helped get in a better mood. All because of you .

CVOB Website US State, US County, Global Trending Charts and Data as well as our Communications Archive can be found at

Highlights  The US and its territories now have over 3,155,000 people who have recovered, more than 7,966,000 confirmed and 217,000 deaths, with Texas, Missouri, Illinois, Wisconsin, Florida, California, North Carolina, Minnesota, Kentucky and Michigan reporting the top 10 most new daily infections.  At least 26,748,000 people have now recovered worldwide, with more than 38,750,000 infections and 1,095,000 deaths reported in more than 188 countries and regions, with the US, Brazil, India, Mexico, Argentina, Russia, Iran, Colombia, Spain and the United Kingdom recording the top 10 highest number of new cases in the last 24 hours.  Vaccine maker Moderna announced today it could possibly finish enrolling the company’s 30,000-person study next week and could have its first data analysis next month, a projection that is yet another indication that a vaccine will not be on the market by Election Day as some US officials had hoped.

1  The US topped 62,000 new coronavirus cases on Thursday, the country’s highest daily count since it reported more than 66,000 cases on July 31.  The national positivity rate for COVID-19 tests across the US has jumped from 4.7% to 6% in week-to-week comparisons, according to an internal memo from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services obtained Wednesday night.  Cases in the Midwest began to surge during October, and on Thursday, Wisconsin, Ohio, Indiana, North Dakota, and Montana all tallied new single-day highs for positive test results.  As of today, six US states experienced a declining trend in current hospitalizations, while eight states, Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico reported flat trends, while twelve states saw a declining trend in new deaths, and 24 states, along with Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico, reported flat rates.  An ensemble forecast published Thursday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention now projects there will be 229,000 to 240,000 coronavirus deaths in the US by November 7, updated from the October 8 projection of up to 233,0000 by October 30.  Dr. , director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, reacted Thursday to the idea of focused protection - put forward in the Great Barrington Declaration - saying the idea is nonsense, and the idea of letting the virus go without any protection measures is “ridiculous.”  Dr. Peter Hotez, a vaccine scientist and dean of tropical medicine at Baylor College of Medicine, says he is “very worried” as coronavirus cases continue to rise in the US, adding “this is a very ominous sign” and while the US will very likely be in a much better situation by this time next year, “it’s a matter of getting through these next few months.”  Coronavirus precautions will result in a very different kind of Thanksgiving for many people this year, himself included, Dr. Anthony Fauci said Wednesday, explaining that “You may have to bite the bullet and sacrifice that social gathering, unless you're pretty certain that the people that you're dealing with are not infected.”  Coronavirus infections in Europe set records this week, overtaking the number of cases in the US per capita, and a top World Health Organization official warned Thursday that death rates on the continent in the winter could be five times more than previous highs if people are not strict about masks and social distancing.  The World Health Organization's Maria Van Kerkhove addressed the surge in cases in Europe today, saying that about 80% of countries across the regions are seeing a growth right now, and advocated for unity in fighting the virus and for people to adhere to guidelines in hotspot areas.  A return to the full-scale lockdowns seen earlier in the year in Europe should only be a last resort if restrictive measures don’t work to curb the second wave of coronavirus cases, Dr. Hans Kluge, the World Health Organization’s regional director for Europe said Thursday, explaining that “A proportional and targeted response is the way forward.”  French Prime Minister Jean Castex announced Thursday a curfew will take effect in the Paris region and nine cities across the country from 9PM to 6AM starting this Saturday, with a 12,000 police force enforcing the curfew and people breaking the curfew will be fined and jailed after multiple offenses.  London will be moved from medium coronavirus alert level Tier 1 to high coronavirus alert level Tier 2, the United Kingdom’s Health Secretary announced Thursday, urging residents to support government efforts to suppress the spread of the virus.  Researchers in Ottawa tracking the spread of the coronavirus through wastewater say they have found alarmingly high levels of the in recent samples, contradicting plateauing case counts registered by the city’s testing system, with the latest data showing the presence of three to six times more of the virus than on October 6.  Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said today his country is committed to keeping the border closed until the US gets control of COVID-19, with the closure agreement set to expire on October 21 expected to be extended.  Hundreds of thousands of American workers filed for unemployment benefits for another week accordingly to new numbers released Friday. [See Extended Stories following for detail]  Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Thursday he plans to put a roughly $500 billion proposal on the floor next week - approximately a quarter of what Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin are currently talking about on the topline.  After an ambitious expansion of the safety net in the spring saved millions of people in the US from poverty, the aid is now largely exhausted and poverty has returned to levels higher than before the coronavirus crisis, two new

2 studies have found, with the number of poor people growing by eight million since May, according to researchers at Columbia University,  The risk of exposure to the coronavirus on flights is very low, a US Department of Defense study released on Thursday found, a positive sign for the airline industry as it tries to rebound from the pandemic’s crushing effect on travel.  Two surveys released this week found that many travelers are expressing hesitation about taking a trip, with some 67% of those responding to an AAA Travel survey released Thursday say they are uncertain about whether to take a vacation, and online travel booking site Travelocity finding that 57% of Americans say they won't travel for the year- end holidays this year.

The Good Stuff: For voters worried about their next meal, taking the time to stand in line for hours is a nearly impossible ask. While many Americans are opting to mail in or drop off their ballots this year, election officials are also expecting high turnout in person - and accompanying long lines. Lengthy wait times were already a problem on Super Tuesday, during the primary season; and this summer, some voters were stuck waiting in unrelenting heat. Enter Feed the Polls, a new initiative that aims to give voters free, nutritious meals at polling places on Election Day. Focusing on poorer, food-insecure communities, the group hopes to distribute 50,000 meals on November 3. The effort, which is a partnership between Zagat and The Infatuation and the nonprofit organization The Migrant Kitchen, does not align with a political party. "Hunger is nonpartisan. We just want to feed people," Chris Stang, co-founder and CEO of Zagat and the Infatuation, said. "We are certainly not trying to tell anyone how to vote -- we just want them to vote." After coming up with the idea, Stang reached out to Nasser Jaber, founder of the Migrant Kitchen, which has delivered food to front-line workers and food-insecure communities across New York City amid the coronavirus pandemic. For Jaber, who grew up in Palestinian refugee camps, the issue of food insecurity is extremely personal. "It's important to me to feed anyone that is hungry," he said. Jaber explained that the pandemic has both exacerbated the food insecurity crisis in the US and made voting more difficult. For these reasons, he said, Feed the Polls' meals are centered on health and nutrition. "We're not trying to give people bologna sandwiches," he explained. "We give restaurant-quality food. Food with respect." Feed the Polls is not alone in its quest to encourage voting in nontraditional (and delicious) ways. Pizza to the Polls, another nonpartisan organization, has sent thousands of pizzas to voters waiting in long lines. This week, the group announced a partnership with Uber Eats to send a fleet of 140 food trucks across the US to serve poll workers and voters. In just under a week, Stang said, Feed the Polls has raised more than $14,000 entirely from individual donations through The Infatuation and Zagat's networks, as well as raising awareness online. "The most encouraging thing is seeing this grassroots fundraising," Stang said. "We want to put some good out into the world whenever possible."

Extended Stories  US jobless claims: Americans filed another 898,000 first-time jobless claims last week on a seasonally-adjusted basis, according to the Department of Labor. That's up 53,000 from the prior week. Weekly claims have fallen a long way since peaking at 6.9 million in late March. But the improvements have slowed to a snail's pace in recent weeks, and went into reverse last week. That means it could take a long time to get back to the pre-pandemic level of around 200,000 claims per week. On top of regular jobless claims, 372,891 Americans filed for Pandemic Unemployment Assistance, a program designed in response to the pandemic to help those not usually eligible for unemployment benefits. That was down 91,000 claims from the prior week. Adding those together, total first-time claims stood at about 1.3 million last week. Continued jobless claims, which count workers who have filed for benefits for more than two weeks in a row, stood at 10 million. That's down around 1.2 million from the prior week. That sounds like good news, but economists worry continued claims might be declining because people have maxed out their benefit allowance. States provide up to 26 weeks of aid before workers move on to other government programs, such as the Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation program.  Filtration systems: Evidence has been mounting for months that the coronavirus can spread by air, but effective and high-quality air filtration as well as proper ventilation can reduce the risk of spread, airborne pathogen specialists say. It’s no silver bullet, but as the weather turns colder and people spend more time indoors, it’s another layer of a multi-pronged defense against the virus and what one expert call more popular that “toilet paper in April.” Jeff Siegel, a professor of civil engineering at the University of Toronto and a specialist in indoor air quality, ventilation and filtration, said people have been overlooking air quality and HVAC systems for a long time “and now we’re paying a price for that.” “You might be talking about a 100-year-old school, you might be talking about a

3 postwar apartment building, you might be talking about a brand-new condominium or office building,” he said. “We’ve got to get fresh air into those spaces and when you can’t get fresh air, you have to do other things, maybe portable filtration, maybe limiting how that space is used.” He said that “everyone should be prepared” for when someone in their household gets infected, adding that one of the best ways to do so is to buy a portable HEPA filter.  Work from home surveys: Contrary to reports of employee burnout from the stress of working from home during the coronavirus pandemic, most people now say they're not so keen on returning to the office. And it's not because they're afraid of catching COVID-19. According to a recent survey by consulting firm Korn Ferry, 74% of respondents are confident that their coworkers would follow safety guidelines, such as wearing masks and social distancing. Still, more than half expressed ambivalence about returning to their workplaces once they reopen. The main reason cited by respondents for wanting to continue working from home: They get more work done. The majority of respondents, 58%, said they were more productive when working remotely, even with the distraction of kids and spouses. Employers are getting the message, too. Although many businesses continue to see benefits in gathering employees under the same roof, views are shifting. The go-go corporate ethos that once led people to work around the clock to demonstrate their worth now seems out of touch, a relic of a time when employees were expected to put career over their personal lives. Today, top companies increasingly recognize that the new norm likely means a hybrid approach of working from home and the office, or even a fully virtual work environment. Only 14% of employers say they plan to make returning to the office mandatory, according to Korn Ferry. Other data also reveal a sea-change in attitudes on working from home since the pandemic. Nearly 9 of 10 workers say they want more flexibility and autonomy over where and when they work, according to new research from technology company Cisco Systems. Cisco Vice President Gordon Thomson told Reuters that companies must reconfigure how they operate to help meet the new demands of workers, prioritizing effective communication and collaboration. While working from home can help employees lead more balanced lives, some workers may benefit more than others. While 70% of male workers said their productivity had increased since the start of the pandemic, only 41% of women said the same, according to a study from Qualtrics, a maker of experience management software, and theBoardlist, which helps companies find corporate directors. Nearly twice as many men as women — 57% compared to 29% — said that working from home had a positive impact on their careers. Meanwhile, Zoom calls and other online connections can't replace the social dynamics of being in the same room with people. Offices that foster positive work relationships may have the greatest chances of luring employees back, as 57% of professionals surveyed pointed to "camaraderie with colleagues" as what they would most look forward to if their office were to reopen, according to Qualtrics and theBoardlist.

Outbreak Statistics Numbers from John Hopkins CSSE Tracking are pulled daily at 5:00PM and changes reflect the past 24 hours Global Numbers Date Cases Deaths Recovered

15 Oct Thu 38,750,144 (+405,948) 1,095,091 (+6,112) - 2.83% 26,748,527 (+210,706) 14 Oct Wed 38,344,196 (+359,617) 1,088,979 (+5,763) - 2.84% 26,537,821 (+198,748) 13 Oct Tue 37,984,579 (+290,611) 1,083,216 (+4,355) - 2.85% 26,339,073 (+208,552)

12 Oct Mon 37,693,968 (+346,866) 1,078,861 (+4,129) - 2.86% 26,130,521 (+184,695) 11 Oct Sun 37,347,102 (+300,512) 1,074,732 (+4,457) - 2.88% 25,945,826 (+230,834) 10 Oct Sat 37,046,590 (+335,537) 1,070,275 (+5,804) - 2.89% 25,714,992 (+203,574)

9 Oct Fri 36,711,053 (+357,290) 1,064,471 (+5,707) - 2.9% 25,511,418 (+215,875) Top 15 Global Country Counts  Daily case change (total): US: +70,876 (7,966,634), India: +67,708 (7,307,097), France: +30,980 (850,997), Brazil: +27,235 (5,140,863), United Kingdom: +19,000 (676,455), Argentina: +14,932 (931,967), Russia: +13,556 (1,346,380), Spain: +13,318 (921,374), Czechia: +9,424 (144,849), Italy: +8,803 (381,602), Belgium: +8,271 (181,511), Poland: +8,099 (149,903), Netherlands: +7,885 (209,791), Germany: +7,086 (348,781), Colombia: +6,061 (930,159)  Daily death change (total): US: +1,132 (217,601), Brazil: +749 (151,747), India: +680 (111,266), Mexico: +478 (84,898), Argentina: +349 (24,921), Russia: +281 (23,350), Iran: +256 (29,605), Colombia: +165 (28,306), Spain: +140

4 (33,553), United Kingdom: +138 (43,383), South Africa: +123 (18,151), Indonesia: +112 (12,268), Peru: +93 (33,512), Poland: +91 (3,308), France: +90 (33,146) US Numbers Date Cases Deaths Recovered

15 Oct Thu 7,966,482 (+70,876) 217,598 (+1,132) - 2.73% 3,155,826 (+31,233) 14 Oct Wed 7,895,606 (+59,078) 216,466 (+920) - 2.74% 3,124,593 (+17,824) 13 Oct Tue 7,836,528 (+40,155) 215,546 (+527) - 2.75% 3,106,769 (+31,692)

12 Oct Mon 7,796,373 (+40,998) 215,019 (+287) - 2.76% 3,075,077 (+12,094) 11 Oct Sun 7,755,375 (+52,744) 214,732 (+564) - 2.77% 3,062,983 (+23,894) 10 Oct Sat 7,702,631 (+54,527) 214,168 (+781) - 2.78% 3,039,089 (+17,837)

9 Oct Fri 7,648,104 (+58,903) 213,387 (+924) - 2.79% 3,021,252 (+21,357) US State and Territory Counts  Cases by daily change (totals): Texas: +5,206 (833,616), Missouri: +4,435 (150,794), Illinois: +4,012 (334,651), Wisconsin: +3,747 (162,325), Florida: +3,356 (744,988), California: +2,886 (866,311), North Carolina: +2,532 (238,939), Minnesota: +2,532 (117,106), Kentucky: +2,504 (84,195), Michigan: +2,458 (156,913), Arkansas: +2,357 (96,524), Tennessee: +2,289 (222,827), Ohio: +2,178 (175,843), Indiana: +1,943 (141,212), Pennsylvania: +1,551 (182,486), Iowa: +1,526 (103,632), Utah: +1,498 (90,461), New York: +1,460 (479,400), Georgia: +1,393 (336,241), Mississippi: +1,322 (108,139), Virginia: +1,302 (162,538), South Carolina: +1,297 (161,106), Oklahoma: +1,221 (103,836), Alabama: +1,185 (169,162), Massachusetts: +1,167 (141,579), Arizona: +1,113 (228,748), New Jersey: +971 (216,994), Nebraska: +924 (54,467), South Dakota: +797 (31,012), Oregon: +745 (38,525), Louisiana: +743 (173,864), Washington: +734 (95,509), Montana: +723 (20,933), North Dakota: +706 (29,653), Colorado: +692 (80,753), Kansas: +674 (68,050), Nevada: +655 (87,969), Idaho: +645 (49,892), Maryland: +630 (133,548), New Mexico: +577 (34,290), Puerto Rico: +569 (56,085), Rhode Island: +274 (27,438), West Virginia: +261 (19,084), Wyoming: +213 (8,177), Connecticut: +167 (62,028), Guam: +161 (3,427), Alaska: +152 (10,322), Hawaii: +99 (13,674), District of Columbia: +98 (16,166), Delaware: +95 (22,560), New Hampshire: +70 (9,349), Maine: +18 (5,834), Vermont: +14 (1,903), Northern Mariana Islands: +0 (77), American Samoa: +0 (0), Virgin Islands: -1 (1,327)  Deaths by daily change (totals): Florida: +141 (15,736), Missouri: +120 (2,544), Texas: +112 (17,195), California: +96 (16,796), Illinois: +52 (9,373), Alabama: +50 (2,756), Minnesota: +48 (2,252), Massachusetts: +42 (9,672), Tennessee: +36 (2,864), Michigan: +34 (7,302), Arkansas: +34 (1,645), Indiana: +28 (3,864), Kentucky: +27 (1,296), Georgia: +22 (7,492), Pennsylvania: +22 (8,413), New York: +21 (33,337), Louisiana: +19 (5,707), North Carolina: +18 (3,874), Arizona: +17 (5,789), Wisconsin: +17 (1,553), Kansas: +16 (818), South Carolina: +14 (3,607), South Dakota: +13 (304), Mississippi: +12 (3,152), Oklahoma: +11 (1,143), Iowa: +10 (1,506), Washington: +10 (2,221), Hawaii: +10 (183), Virginia: +7 (3,385), Nevada: +7 (1,698), Colorado: +7 (2,160), New Jersey: +6 (16,197), Maryland: +6 (4,028), Oregon: +6 (611), Ohio: +5 (5,038), North Dakota: +5 (370), Montana: +5 (230), Idaho: +4 (516), Connecticut: +3 (4,540), Nebraska: +3 (530), New Mexico: +3 (921), Utah: +2 (529), Rhode Island: +2 (1,149), West Virginia: +2 (395), New Hampshire: +2 (458), Puerto Rico: +1 (743), Delaware: +1 (661), District of Columbia: +1 (638), Alaska: +1 (65), Maine: +1 (144), Wyoming: +0 (57), Guam: +0 (61), Vermont: +0 (58), Virgin Islands: +0 (20), Northern Mariana Islands: +0 (2), American Samoa: +0 (0)

University of Washington COVID-19 US Projections Model (temporarily removed due to data integrity reporting problems)

US Testing and Treatment Statistics Data from The COVID Tracking Project at the Atlantic, which uses a Creative Common CC-BY-NC-4.0 license type, typically posted by 7PM

% of Positive Negative Positive Pending Currently Currently in Currently on Date New Tests Results Results Total Results Tests Tests Hospitalized ICU Ventilators 15 Oct Thu 1,006,043 7,939,566 105,479,593 119,380,346 6.65% 13,001 37,308 7,220 1,769 14 Oct Wed 948,834 7,876,324 104,625,090 118,368,930 6.65% 11,100 37,046 7,156 1,776 5 13 Oct Tue 894,411 7,817,857 103,943,238 117,357,626 6.66% 8,008 36,034 7,020 1,756 12 Oct Mon 1,003,578 7,770,673 103,139,241 116,428,059 6.67% 11,329 35,056 6,804 1,667 11 Oct Sun 943,645 7,727,630 102,250,976 115,424,481 6.69% 11,261 34,028 6,583 1,614

10 Oct Sat 1,133,178 7,680,854 101,450,947 114,480,836 6.71% 11,223 34,611 6,681 1,668 9 Oct Fri 1,098,217 7,623,648 100,497,078 113,347,658 6.73% 13,078 34,839 6,713 1,655  Testing by daily change (currently): New York: +133,212 (12,475,392), California: +92,325 (16,517,812), Illinois: +67,086 (6,534,047), Massachusetts: +59,123 (4,955,322), Texas: +44,214 (7,111,890), Michigan: +42,577 (4,171,989), Ohio: +34,327 (3,760,979), North Carolina: +33,528 (3,500,763), New Jersey: +33,490 (4,070,357), Kentucky: +31,193 (1,633,080), Florida: +28,274 (5,643,521), Louisiana: +26,284 (2,546,007), Georgia: +25,473 (3,229,781), Tennessee: +24,842 (3,268,663), Washington: +22,601 (2,146,509), Virginia: +22,433 (2,326,802), South Carolina: +20,043 (1,546,608), Minnesota: +19,504 (2,386,848), Missouri: +16,480 (2,222,854), Pennsylvania: +16,066 (2,266,717), Connecticut: +15,845 (1,934,569), Wisconsin: +15,495 (1,750,966), Rhode Island: +14,925 (927,184), Colorado: +14,324 (1,602,956), Oklahoma: +13,099 (1,398,768), Arkansas: +12,660 (1,186,002), Arizona: +11,831 (1,601,033), Indiana: +10,342 (1,521,402), Maryland: +10,181 (1,770,835), Alabama: +7,853 (1,234,074), Oregon: +7,724 (769,276), New Mexico: +7,709 (1,019,029), Utah: +7,315 (948,002), West Virginia: +6,949 (656,414), North Dakota: +6,732 (710,266), Iowa: +6,353 (835,606), Maine: +5,665 (526,067), Wyoming: +5,363 (116,389), Montana: +5,253 (419,832), New Hampshire: +4,692 (518,144), Nebraska: +4,366 (523,777), Hawaii: +4,069 (462,541), District of Columbia: +2,352 (450,614), Alaska: +2,284 (519,461), Idaho: +2,094 (342,870), South Dakota: +1,918 (224,239), Delaware: +1,810 (318,633), Mississippi: +1,322 (812,794), Nevada: +655 (748,073), Guam: +571 (57,465), Puerto Rico: +569 (362,057), Vermont: +470 (175,726), Virgin Islands: +178 (22,365), American Samoa: +0 (1,616), Kansas: +0 (579,827), Northern Mariana Islands: +0 (15,533)  Hospitalization by daily change (currently; that report this data): Texas: +132 (4,263), Michigan: +101 (1,000), Pennsylvania: +50 (799), New Jersey: +34 (733), Idaho: +32 (219), Oklahoma: +32 (781), Missouri: +30 (1,443), Tennessee: +30 (1,331), Kentucky: +27 (738), Wisconsin: +26 (1,043), Colorado: +20 (405), New Mexico: +20 (145), Arizona: +15 (726), Puerto Rico: +11 (354), Alabama: +10 (844), Guam: +10 (72), Iowa: +9 (482), Montana: +9 (301), Utah: +8 (277), Vermont: +6 (6), Wyoming: +6 (51), Arkansas: +5 (587), Alaska: +4 (60), Massachusetts: +4 (503), Connecticut: +3 (191), Maine: +3 (11), District of Columbia: +2 (88), Virginia: +2 (1,009), Washington: +2 (281), North Dakota: +1 (207), South Dakota: +1 (304), Kansas: +0 (488), West Virginia: +0 (180), New Hampshire: -1 (18), Ohio: -1 (1,041), Indiana: -2 (1,355), Rhode Island: -2 (129), Oregon: -3 (199), Hawaii: -4 (105), Nebraska: -4 (311), Delaware: - 5 (111), Maryland: -5 (412), North Carolina: -12 (1,140), Louisiana: -16 (566), Georgia: -23 (1,682), South Carolina: - 30 (762), Nevada: -33 (486), Mississippi: -35 (598), Florida: -36 (2,119), New York: -41 (897), Illinois: -42 (1,932), Minnesota: -42 (445), California: -48 (3,078)

Back-to-Normal Index The Moody’s Analytics and CNN Business US Back-to-Normal Index is comprised of 37 national and seven state-level indicators, ranges from 0% - representing no economic activity, to 100% - representing the economy returning to its pre- pandemic level in March, and is updated weekly on Fridays for Wednesday numbers (see FAQ following for methodology) As of Wednesday, October 7, the Index was at 81.2% (+0.9), with 26 (+5) states showing improvement since the previous week

Previous 7 Day Trending 7-Oct 6-Oct 5-Oct 4-Oct 3-Oct 2-Oct 1-Oct

81.2% 81.2% 81.2% 81.1% 81.1% 81.2% 81.1% Historical Trending 30-Sep 15-Sep 1-Sep 15-Aug 1-Aug 15-Jul 1-Jul 15-Jun 1-Jun 15-May 1-May 15-Apr 1-Apr 15-Mar 29-Feb

80.3% 78.6% 79.0% 78.0% 75.2% 74.8% 75.3% 73.4% 67.7% 65.0% 61.5% 59.6% 66.2% 92.3% 100.0%

Diagnosis, Prevention and Treatment Tracker data is consolidated from The New York Times and US CDC, (#) is change from last update, see Reference detail in Compiled Information following Vaccine Tracker (last updated October 15) 6 PRECLINICAL PHASE I PHASE II PHASE III EARLY/LIMITED APPROVED

~145+ 30 (+1) 15 11 6 0

Vaccines approved Vaccine candidates Vaccines testing Vaccines in expanded Vaccines in large- Vaccines approved for early or limited being evaluated safety and dosage safety trials scale efficacy tests for full use use Phase 3: Moderna/National Institutes of Health (US), BioNTech/Pfizer/Fosun Pharma (German/US/China), AstraZeneca/University of Oxford (Britain/Sweden) - PAUSED, Bacillus Calmette-Guerin/Murdoch Children’s Research Institute (Australia), Johnson & Johnson (US) – PAUSED, Novavax (US) Early/Limited Use: CanSinoBIO Biologics (China), Gamaleya Research Institute (Russia), Sinovac Biotech (China), Wuhan Institute of Biological Products (China), Sinopharm/Beijing Institute of Biological Products (China), Gamaleya Research Institute (Russia) Approved: None New additions and recent updates:  The Securities and Exchange Commission is investigating Vaxart - Oct. 15  Russia approves a Vector Institute vaccine for early use, before Phase 3 testing - Oct. 14  A vaccine by the Russian Academy of Sciences enters Phase 1/2 - Oct. 14  Johnson & Johnson pauses its Phase 3 trial to investigate an illness in a volunteer - Oct. 12  Thailand’s Chula Vaccine Research Center enters Phase 1 - Sept. 30  The German Center for Research enters Phase 1 - Sept. 28  Inovio’s plans for a Phase 2/3 clinical trial on partial hold due to questions about vaccine delivery device - Sept. 28  Novavax moves to Phase 3 - Sept. 24  SpyBiotech begins Phase 1/2 trials - Sept. 24  Vaxart enters Phase 1. Sept. 24  A vaccine by Johnson & Johnson enters Phase 3 - Sept. 23  Two Phase 3 vaccines by Sinopharm were given emergency approval in the United Arab Emirates - Sept. 15  Vaccines by Covaxx and Germany’s University of Tübingen entered Phase 1 - Sept. 15  AstraZeneca resumes vaccine trials in Britain - Sept. 12  The University of Hong Kong enters Phase 1 - Sept. 9

Drug and Treatment Tracker (last updated October 13)

2 2 13 2 3 Tentative or mixed Pseudoscience or Widely used Promising evidence Not promising evidence fraud

Widely Used: Prone positioning, ventilators and other respiratory support devices Promising: Remdesivir, and other corticosteroids New additions and recent updates:  A trial of Eli Lilly’s antibody therapy was paused to investigate a potential safety concern - Oct. 13  President Trump is taking the steroid dexamethasone. Oct. 4  President Trump is receiving a five-day course of remdesivir. Oct. 3  President Trump receives an experimental antibody cocktail - Oct. 2  Added vitamin and mineral supplements to other treatments - Sept. 29  Convalescent plasma was approved for emergency use - Aug. 24  Added oleandrin, a compound produced by a toxic plant - Aug. 21  Added ivermectin, a drug typically used against parasitic worms increasingly prescribed in Latin America - Aug. 10

1. More than 190 vaccine candidates are being tracked by the World Health Organization, at least 10 of which are in crucial phase three studies, and of those 10 potential vaccines in late-stage trials, there are currently five that will be available in the US if approved.

7 2. One of China’s front-running vaccine candidates, dubbed BBIBP-CorV, being developed by the Beijing Institute of Biological Products, a subsidiary of China National Biotec Group, has shown to be safe and trigger immune responses in a combined early and mid-stage test in humans, researchers said. 3. Fujifilm Holdings Corp said on Friday it had applied for approval in Japan for its anti- drug Avigan as a treatment for COVID-19. 4. The National Health Service is in talks with the British Medical Association (BMA) and others around mobilizing the rollout of a potential vaccine from December, Pulse website for health professionals reported on Thursday. 5. Two studies published in the journal Blood Advances suggest that people with O-type blood may have a lower chance of contracting COVID-19 and have less severe symptoms, and blood types O and B who test positive fared better than those with A or AB blood types, who needed and dialysis at a higher rate. 6. Remdesivir has no substantial effect on a patient’s chances of survival, a clinical trial by the World Health Organization has found, with results finding none of the treatments “substantially affected mortality,” reduced the need to ventilate patients, or had any real effect on how long patients stayed in the hospital. 7. Eiger BioPharmaceuticals said its Lambda treatment decreased viral load for patients with mild to moderate infections more than a placebo during a study, with patients below the infectivity threshold by day 7 of the 14-day study. 8. Two doses of the candidate induced neutralizing antibodies “significantly higher” than those observed in patients as well as a response in infection-fighting T-cells in non-human primates, Translate Bio and Sanofi said in a statement Thursday. 9. Scientists at Oxford University say they developed a test able to identify the virus in less than five minutes, a device that could eventually be used for mass testing purposes in airports or businesses, but isn’t likely to be ready anytime soon with researchers hoping to start product development early next year and see an approved testing device available roughly six months after that. 10. Nokia has created an automated system that uses a thermal camera and real-time video analytics to determine if a person has COVID-19 symptoms and is wearing a mask, part of efforts to protect employees as they return to work. 11. The pause in drugmaker Eli Lilly and Company’s trial of a treatment this week should be “reassuring to people,” said a top US Food and Drug Administration official on Wednesday, underscoring the use of an independent committee of experts to watch over the trial. 12. Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden suggested early in a town hall with voters on Thursday that he would be open to a mandate for a safe coronavirus vaccine but acknowledged that enforcing it would be difficult.

US Outbreak 1. North Carolina reported 2,532 new cases on Thursday, representing the state's highest single-day increase since the start of the pandemic, and while the percentage of positive tests dropped slightly to 6.5%, it was still well above the September average of about 5%. 2. Michigan set a new daily record for reported cases with 2,030 revealed Thursday amid fears of a potential second wave and questions of how state officials will respond, and while some of the numbers disclosed today were from the prior day and their reporting had been delayed because of a processing problem, the seven-day average for new cases reached its highest point since early April, with deaths and hospitalizations also trending up. 3. Wisconsin’s seven-day moving average of daily positive cases is now at 21.8%, cases are surging and “it’s going to get worse,” says Dr. Paul Casey, medical director of the emergency department at a hospital in Green Bay, with “an alarming spike” in patients who need admission to the hospital seen over the past three weeks. 4. Illinois reported that cases surged to a record 4,015 on Thursday, extending one of the nation’s most concerning weekly trends, and the number of deaths in the state rose to the highest daily count since June 24. 5. Ohio reported a new record number of new cases – 2,039 - for the second day in a row on Thursday, the state reported a 5.4% positivity rate, and also announced 1,042 new hospitalizations - basically doubling the number of patients in a short period of time. 6. Florida reported at least 3,356 new cases on Thursday, numbers that include both residents and non-residents of the state, and the eleventh day in October that the state's health department has reported at least 2,200 infections in a single day, 7. Arkansas reported 1,278 new infections today, the highest daily jump in cases for the state since the outbreak began.

8 8. Pennsylvania added nearly 1,600 cases Thursday, marking the 10th consecutive day with more than 1,000 new infections, and the state said it would be adding an outdoor testing clinic in Ralpho Township, Northumberland County, to contain what health officials say is a “recent rapid increase in Covid-19 cases.” 9. North Dakota, which ranks highest in the nation for virus cases per capita, hit another record, adding 705 new cases on Thursday, and the state reported it is running short of hospital beds. 10. New Mexico is reporting the highest infection levels since the pandemic began, with a positivity rate of 8.1%, and hospitalizations up 74%. 11. Washington, DC’s region jumped to a two-month high of new infections on Wednesday, with the area’s top health official saying small social gatherings are helping to fuel the virus’s spread, and the seven-day rolling average of cases across Virginia, Maryland and the District now standing at 1,801 - the highest since the average hit 1,916 cases on August 13, an increase that has coincided with cooler temperatures and an outbreak at the White House. 12. Indiana saw a 27.5% week-to-week rise in cases and a 23.4% week-to-week increase in deaths as of October 11, and the state reported three consecutive days of record-high daily case counts from October 8 to October 10. 13. Mississippi saw a 22.4% increase in cases in the week ending October 11, compared to the previous week, and the seven-day and 14-day averages for new infections continued to rise statewide, reaching levels not seen since early September. 14. Idaho's positivity rate for tests surged to 14.7% for the week ending October 8, twice the national rate during the same period. 15. Missouri reported 1,413 hospitalizations this week - the highest daily count since the pandemic began, and the state's seven-day average is now over 1,356 patients. 16. Minnesota's seven-day hospitalization rate hit a five-month peak at 11.3 per 100,000 population on October 11, and the state reported a 19% increase in cases between the weeks ending October 4 and October 11, which state health officials said is linked to widespread transmission rather than clustered outbreaks 17. Michigan and Ohio’s current hospitalizations are up 31% and 28% in the past week, representing the nation’s fifth- and seventh-biggest spikes respectively. 18. New York city reported today the new reported cases on a seven-day average was 499, the percent of people who tested positive is at 1.31%, with a seven-day rolling average of 1.49%, the daily number of people admitted to hospitals was 88, and the city had a confirmed positivity rate for those patients of 18.6% 19. Houston metro area’s tally of the sickest virus patients jumped by 18% in 24 hours to the highest in a month, with 214 Covid-19 patients in intensive-care units in the nine-county region that includes the fourth-largest U.S. city. 20. Democratic vice presidential nominee Kamala Harris postponed travel through Sunday after two people involved in the Biden campaign tested positive, and while neither she nor Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden came into close contact, “out of an abundance of caution,” the California senator will hold virtual campaign events for several days. 21. Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie said today he was in the ICU for seven days, told Americans that the disease is “something to take very seriously,” and that he “was wrong” to not wear a mask at the Rose Garden event and debate prep sessions with President Trump. 22. The US Army has adopted several health and safety precautions in response to the pandemic and might keep them in place indefinitely, even if an effective vaccine and sense of normalcy emerges, according to one Army official.

US Restrictions 1. Georgia signed an executive order that will take effect on October 16 at 12AM local time and run through October 31 at 11:59PM extending current restrictions with minimal changes. 2. New Mexico is extending its emergency public health order, with new mitigation efforts going into effect tomorrow, with restrictions including limiting gatherings to five people or fewer, all establishments serving alcohol must close by 10PM, and visitors from high-risk states must quarantine for 14 days upon arrival in the state. 3. Ohio officials, even as the state sees troubling upward trends, said Thursday there were no plans to implement another lockdown and stressed that citizens should follow previously announced guidelines such as wearing masks, washing hands, and avoiding large gatherings, and while there is currently an order in place to limit indoor gatherings, there are not any restrictions at private homes.

9 4. New Jersey’s Governor said today he hopes officials can avoid broad lockdowns of nonessential businesses to deal with rising infections in the state and around the nation, explaining “We’re less likely to use blunt instruments we used in March and April ... and much more likely to use a scalpel and go into a particular community.” 5. New York City officials said Thursday the city should get a gauge by Sunday whether they are in “striking range” of pulling off restrictions in cluster areas or whether they need to remain in place. 6. A property owner in Orchard Park, New York is suing the state of New York in federal court over the continued closure of movie theaters. 7. Parents in Florida have raised more than $11,000 to hire an attorney as the group’s organizers to sue the Sarasota County School Board’s mask policy.

US Schools 1. New York City officials said today there continues to be “very, very, very low positivity levels” in schools, and in particular the Yellow Zones - which are third tier areas of concern, but surrounding the cluster zones with schools that are closed – which had 31,000 tests in the past three weeks, only returned four positive results. 2. Philadelphia public schools will begin phasing back in-person learning starting November 30, with officials announcing Wednesday that students in grades pre-kindergarten through second grade can resume in-person learning through a hybrid model that will allow for students to learn in-person two days a week, and families able to choose if they want to enroll their student in the hybrid model, or remain in virtual learning. 3. The American Athletic Conference announced Thursday that this Saturday’s football game between No. 8-ranked Cincinnati and Tulsa has been postponed due to positive cases at Cincinnati. 4. An indoor watch party for Nebraska’s season opener - promoted as an alternative for football fans barred from attending the game in person - has been called off because of safety concerns.

Global Outbreak 1. India reported 67,708 new cases Thursday, the fewest number identified in a day since August, and the fourth day in a row the country recorded fewer than 70,000 new infections. 2. France reported a record 30,621 new infections on Thursday after the previous high last Saturday with 26,896 cases. 3. The United Kingdom reported 18,980 new cases, with talk over whether Manchester will go into the highest level of restrictions ending without a conclusion on Thursday, as local leaders resisted tougher measures. 4. Russia added 13,754 new cases on Thursday as it experiences record-high-daily infections increases – 2,000 cases a day more than it did during the spring peak, and reported a new daily death count. 5. The Czech Republic identified 9,544 cases on Wednesday -- a single-day high, and officials reported there are now 77,217 active infections across the country and warned that hospitals are nearing their limits. 6. Italy’s cases reached a daily record on Thursday, rising to 8,804, compared with 7,332 the previous day, and patients in intensive care units rose by 47 to 586. 7. The Netherlands has seen the number of infections in the country double in less than a month and added a record 7,833 patients today. 8. Germany identified 6,638 new cases on Thursday, marking the highest number of infections in a day in the country since March 28. 9. Spain added 6,603 new cases today, the biggest daily increase since April, with Madrid reporting 2,292 infections. 10. Iraq reported 3,587 new confirmed cases Thursday, with the seven-day average of additional infections trending down for the past two weeks. 11. Ireland reported a record 1,205 new cases, and the number of hospitalizations is increasing faster than its modeling predicted, which health authorities say is a sign of “a rapidly deteriorating disease trajectory nationally.” 12. Cyprus reported 93 cases, a record high since the beginning of the pandemic, and the second time in three days that the small Mediterranean island hit a new daily high of infections. 13. China announced 11 new cases were reported on Wednesday throughout the country, ten of which were imported, and one was an asymptomatic case that started presenting symptoms. 14. South Korea’s city of Busan will test all employees and patients at a nursing hospital after an outbreak was reported, with 53 cases now linked to the facility as of Wednesday, 11 of whom are employees and the rest patients, and gatherings at nearby restaurants barred for the next two weeks.

10 15. Chinese health officials in the eastern city of Qingdao have carried out 9,947,304 tests in four days as part of a citywide effort to stop a cluster of 12 infections from growing into a major breakout, with no new positive cases reported from the 7,646,353 results that have been returned so far. 16. France will impose a 9PM to 6AM curfew closing almost all places, businesses and public services starting this weekend for the cities of Paris, Lyon, Lille, Toulouse, Montpellier, Saint-Etienne, Aix-en-Provence, Marseille, Rouen and Grenoble, with new measures that include:  People working, traveling for health reasons, catching a train or a plane or meeting people who need help or who need health care will be allowed to travel during the curfew as long as they have proof.  People will need to fill out a certificate declaring their movement.  People will be allowed to walk their pets.  People breaking the curfew will be fined 135 euros (roughly $157) the first time and up to 3,750 euros (roughly $4,387) and three months in jail for the third violation. 17. India, with cases slowing, will begin to allow schools and movie theaters in some parts of the country to reopen in the coming days, albeit with strict social distancing measures in place. 18. Israel voted Thursday to lift some elements of its lockdown as the number of new cases continued to decline, with the decision, which will go into effect on Sunday, permitting citizens to go more than 1,000 meters beyond their homes without the need for a special reason, order takeout from restaurants, visit beaches, send their children to day care centers and kindergartens, and reopen some businesses. 19. Portugal announced new restrictions on Thursday, including a five-person limit on public gatherings, after a rise in new cases. 20. Austria on Thursday ordered the first local quarantine of its second wave of infections, in a town near Salzburg, as cases nationally hit a new high. 21. The United Kingdom announced Thursday that travelers entering the country from Italy will have to self-isolate starting Sunday. 22. Hong Kong and Singapore plan to open an "air travel bubble" that allows residents to travel between the two Asian hubs without requiring quarantine or restrictive control measures, authorities announced on Thursday. 23. European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen left a leaders’ summit in Brussels after a member of her staff tested positive. 24. Senior test and trace consultants in Britain working with the government to beat back the coronavirus are being paid a salary of around 7,500 pounds ($9,000) each per day. 25. Authorities have carried out raids of the homes and offices of several senior French government officials as part of an investigation into the management of the outbreak in the country. 26. The European Parliament announced on Thursday that it would cancel a meeting scheduled to be held next week in Strasbourg, in northern France, as the outbreak widens, a meeting that would have been its first in-person session in Strasbourg since the start of the pandemic.

Business Related 1. The Transportation Department said it will use a presidential memo calling for punishing “anarchist jurisdictions” when deciding which cities should get money under a coronavirus grant program, with the American Public Transportation Association saying the declaration could undermine applicants for the pandemic safety grants from Seattle, Portland and New York City, the first three jurisdictions the White House has deemed to be “permitting anarchy.” 2. United Airlines CEO said today the worst of the pandemic’s impact on air travel demand appears to be over, but it’ll take years to fully recover, and that the key to travel demand bouncing back is a widely available vaccine, which he expects won’t be available until the end of next year. 3. Walgreens Boots Alliance expects its profit to grow in the second half of 2021 as higher sales at US pharmacies contributed to a fourth-quarter profit that beat estimates, and excluding items, the company earned $1.02 per share, beating analysts’ expectations of 96 cents, and the drugstore chain said same-store sales at its US retail pharmacy division rose 3.6% from a year earlier. 4. New York City’s landmark Roosevelt Hotel, with only about 25 employees now working per day right now, will close at the end of the year because of the pandemic.

11 5. European low-cost airline Ryanair announced it would significantly reduce its winter schedule Thursday, blaming restrictions imposed by European Union governments, with the company saying it will operate 40% of its 2019 winter flight schedule, after originally planning 60%.

General Information 1. Peru’s Machu Picchu Inca ruins, closed for the last seven months, will gradually reopen to local residents starting on Saturday, with visits limited to 675 people a day in groups of 8 people – 30% of its usual capacity. 2. Following the announcement of a positive test in the organization on Thursday, the Atlanta Falcons will stop all in- person work and will conduct all operations virtually for the day, with the organization saying the decision was made "out of an abundance of caution" and in consultation with the NFL and medical officials. 3. The organizer of Vietnam's first Formula One grand prix on Friday said it has cancelled the race, having already postponed the event initially scheduled for April due to the pandemic.

General Information No new stories of interest to report.

Statistics Sources John Hopkins CSSE Live Tracking Map, CDC US Case Reporting, Worldometer Coronavirus Pandemic, News Break Coronavirus Realtime Update Stats, Bing Covid19 Tracker, Covid Tracking Project, Uncast Social Distancing Scoreboard, University of Washington Outbreak Model, Moody’s Analytics and CNN Business Back-to-Normal Index

Reference CNN, Washington Post, CNBC, NBC News, CBS News, Bloomberg, Reuters, BBC, Reddit, American Banker, Wall Street Journal, New York Times

Max M. Morris Senior Director | Cyber Defense & Response [email protected] 980.312.8530 (o) 704-534-0861 (c)

Compiled Informational FAQ’s, Insight, Tips and Best Practices (previously provided) Back-to-Normal Index Methodology The Moody’s Analytics and CNN Business Back-to-Normal Index combines 37 indicators, including traditional government statistics and metrics from a host of private firms to capture economic trends nationally and across states in real time. The government statistics cover retail sales, industrial production, durable goods orders and housing starts, to name a few. Private contributors to the index include Zillow for home listings, OpenTable for restaurant bookings, Homebase for its measures of hours worked at small businesses, the Mortgage Bankers Association for data on applications for mortgage loans, the Association of American Railroads for rail traffic, and Google, whose cellphone- based mobility data is a window into how actively people are shopping, going to work and venturing out to play. The Index goes beyond the typical measures used to judge how an economy is doing, such as GDP, employment and unemployment, to provide a comprehensive understanding of how businesses and consumers are responding to the pandemic, and can be found at 7 Essential Tips for Working From Home During the Coronavirus Pandemic In the midst of the new pandemic, many companies are implementing voluntary or mandatory work-from-home policies. That means lots of us are dealing with an unusual challenge: working from home for the first time, full- time. Even if you’ve done it before, working from home because of coronavirus might feel like a whole new world: It’s probably sudden. It might be for an extended period of time rather than a day here and there (and you’re not at all sure how long it’ll last). Your whole company is involved. And you can’t necessarily socialize in person outside of

12 work. These tips will help you make sure that you’re successful, both at getting your work done and at maintaining your mental well-being. Read the complete story at 1. Get dressed 2. Designate a Workspace or Home Office 3. Keep Clearly Defined Working Hours 4. Build Transitions Into (and Out of) Work 5. Don’t Get Too Sucked in by the News - or Anything Else 6. Communicate, Communicate, Communicate 7. Don’t Forget to Socialize 7 tips for parents to prepare kids for school Across the country, millions of students are returning to newly-designed classrooms with new rules, like social distancing and mask wearing, or they are spending the start of the school year in front of a computer screen at home, doing virtual learning, or doing homeschooling. Either way, the changes and uncertainty caused by the pandemic are already having an impact on children's mental health, data shows. Here are seven tips from Hameed and Dr. Harold Koplewicz, president and medical director of the Child Mind Institute, on how parents and students can prepare mentally for the school year ahead. See the full recommendations at prepare-children-upended-school-year/story?id=72192322: 1. Create an at-home learning space for your child. 2. Focus on skills rather than assignments. 3. Develop a social life with your kids. 4. Stay active with your kids. 5. Practice gratitude and focusing on the present. 6. Show your kids how you're processing emotions. 7. Be smart with screen time. Coronavirus Drug and Treatment Tracker Ratings (reference for New York Times Coronavirus Drug and Treatment Tracker above, ratings based on the scientific evidence for its effectiveness and safety)  STRONG EVIDENCE: The treatment has been demonstrated to be effective and safe, either through a robust clinical trial or widespread use by doctors. The strongest trials are randomized controlled trials, in which some people get a treatment and others get a placebo.  PROMISING EVIDENCE: Early evidence from studies on patients suggests effectiveness, but more research is needed. This category includes treatments that have shown improvements in morbidity, mortality and recovery in retrospective studies, which look at existing datasets rather than starting a new trial.  TENTATIVE OR MIXED EVIDENCE: Some treatments show promising results in cells or animals, which need to be confirmed in people. Other treatments have produced different results in different experiments, raising the need for larger, more rigorously designed studies to clear up the confusion.  NOT PROMISING: These treatments show mixed evidence that suggests that they do not work.  INEFFECTIVE AND POSSIBLY HARMFUL: These treatments were once seriously considered for Covid-19 but have not held up under scientific scrutiny, proving to be ineffective or even harmful.  PSEUDOSCIENCE OR FRAUD: These are not treatments that researchers have ever considered using for Covid-19. Experts have warned against trying them, because they do not help against the disease and can instead be dangerous. Some people have even been arrested for their false promises of a Covid-19 cure. The Vaccine Testing Process (reference for New York Times Coronavirus Vaccine Tracker above)  PRECLINICAL TESTING: Scientists give the vaccine to animals such as mice or monkeys to see if it produces an immune response.  PHASE I SAFETY TRIALS: Scientists give the vaccine to a small number of people to test safety and dosage as well as to confirm that it stimulates the immune system.  PHASE II EXPANDED TRIALS: Scientists give the vaccine to hundreds of people split into groups, such as children and the elderly, to see if the vaccine acts differently in them. These trials further test the vaccine’s safety and ability to stimulate the immune system.  PHASE III EFFICACY TRIALS: Scientists give the vaccine to thousands of people and wait to see how many become infected, compared with volunteers who received a placebo. These trials can determine if the vaccine protects against the coronavirus.

13  APPROVAL: Regulators in each country review the trial results and decide whether to approve the vaccine or not. During a pandemic, a vaccine may receive emergency use authorization before getting formal approval. Tips to shift your perspective from pessimism to optimism (from Jen Gotch, founder and chief creative officer of and author of the bestselling book, "The Upside of Being Down"): 1. Take some quiet time to start to become aware of your thoughts. Many of us are so used to that ongoing narrative in our mind -- one that can often be fear-based and fraught with negativity. Building that awareness is a good place to start. 2. Recognize that the voice is not you and when it is serving up negativity, you can choose not to listen to it. My relationship with that inner voice is such that at this point I just say, "Hey, thank you for coming today. I know that in some strange way you are trying to help, but I'm OK and I don't need you today." 3. Then you can work to add positivity to that voice. I like the idea of challenging myself to find an upside to something negative. Certainly some situations make that easier to do than others, but it's a great way to start training your brain toward optimism. 4. With optimism you can recognize that there is no way to avoid days in which bad things happen, but you can control how you label that day. It means finding a way to see even the hardest days as OK days, and that holds a lot of power. It helps me to remember that the bad is there so we can know what good is, but also to teach us something -- sometimes something big, sometimes small. If you can accept the situation rather than resist it, and have gratitude for the potential enlightenment it could bring, you can find peace. With practice, this becomes second nature. 5. Acceptance is a huge part of optimism. A pessimist might spend a lot of time resisting bad news, an awful situation, etc. To many that feels like control, but in reality most things in life are actually completely out of our control. Learning to accept the fact that you can't control the situation, and instead work to control how you react to it, is another really powerful part of optimism. Explainer: The coronavirus risks of everyday activities as economies reopen ( health-coronavirus-risks-explainer/explainer-the-coronavirus-risks-of-everyday-activities-as-economies-reopen- idUSKBN23N1PS) Reuters asked five epidemiologists and public health experts to rate eleven everyday activities on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being a low-risk activity and 5 being a high risk activity. The scientists agreed that precautions can be taken to make all of these activities safer. “Higher-risk activities are those that are indoors, with poor ventilation and lots of people for long periods of time,” said Ryan Malosh, a researcher at the University of Michigan. “Lower-risk activities are outdoors, with ample space to socially distance, few people outside your household, and for shorter periods of time.” 1. GOING TO THE DOCTOR - Low risk (Average: 2.1) 2. GOING TO AN OUTDOOR PICNIC OR BARBECUE - Low risk (Average: 2.3) 3. HAVING AN OUTDOOR PLAYDATE WITH A FRIEND OF YOUR CHILD - Low to moderate risk (Average: 2.4) 4. GOING SHOPPING - Low to moderate risk (Average 2.5) 5. RETURNING TO YOUR OFFICE - Moderate risk (Average: 2.6) 6. VISITING AN ELDERLY RELATIVE - Moderate risk (Average: 3.2) 7. GETTING A HAIRCUT - Moderate risk (Average: 3.4) 8. GOING TO A RESTAURANT - Moderate risk (Average: 3.4) 9. GOING TO AN INDOOR DINNER PARTY - Moderate to high risk (Average: 3.8) 10. SENDING YOUR CHILD TO SUMMER CAMP - High risk (Average 3.9) 11. RIDING PUBLIC TRANSIT - High risk (Average: 4.1) Q: Can coronavirus stick to clothes? Do I need to wash my clothes right after encountering other people, like at the grocery store or while jogging? A: “I don’t think you need to,” CNN Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta said. Coronavirus can stay alive for up to three days on stainless steel and plastic. But clothing “is probably more like cardboard — it’s more absorbent, so the virus is unlikely to stay and last that long,” Gupta said. While coronavirus can stay alive on cardboard for up to 24 hours, viruses generally don’t stick well on surfaces that are in motion. “If you look at how viruses move through air, they kind of want to move around objects,” Gupta said. “They don’t want to necessarily land on objects. So if you’re moving as human body through the air … (it’s) unlikely to stick to your clothes.” More with less: How to adapt small spaces for lockdown

14 The difficulties of isolation and working from home are most acutely felt by those in small apartments and other confined spaces. US-born designer and author Azby Brown, who has lived in Japan since 1985 and founded the KIT Future Design Institute in Tokyo, has some tips on adapting:  Change up your windows: "Pay attention to your windows. Just change them up. The novelty will be mentally and emotionally helpful. Put some decorations around them, just something to liven them up so you don't feel that you're stuck," she said.  Getting away from work: "Put your work away when it's time to eat. Maybe you can get a side storage unit on wheels where you can just put that stuff in and roll it out of sight for a while."  Best way to deal with privacy while on a conference call: "Find a way to decorate a little corner somewhere. Maybe you get a stand to put your laptop on and put a better microphone there. Create a little communications nook, and that's your window to the outside world.  Preventing distractions while working: "If you really want privacy, it is psychologically important to have a "do not disturb" signal. In a house that's very compact, it could simply be facing your chair the other way and telling others that if you're facing that way, you're working." Q: Are all soaps created equal? Which ones are the best to use? A: Dr. Darria Long, emergency room physician –– "It looks like when you're using soaps that probably an antibacterial may be a little more helpful than say a generic moisturizing soap, but just as important as what you use is the duration. We say in medicine the solution to pollution is dilution–– meaning you have to have that time of the soap on your hands to really disrupt the virus and wash it off. That 20 seconds is really important." Q: How has coronavirus affected the housing market? Is it still a good time to buy or sell a home? A: Suze Orman, money expert and host of the "Women and Money" podcast –– "I have to tell you for the housing market to go up means people have to be able to afford to buy a home and I'm not sure that is going to be able to happen. So I don't think the housing market is going to go up. I probably would not be buying a home right here. If I had to, though, I would be selling a home if I needed to sell it but I wouldn't be buying at this point." Q: Could Covid-19 spread from second-hand vaping and how quickly will it get into your lungs? A: Dr. Darria Long, emergency room physician –– "If you are vaping, increased coughing and maybe deeper breathing you may be more likely to spread Covid to other people, but what we also have to emphasize is studies are showing that people who vape, smoke, smoke cannabis, any type of smoking are at higher risk of developing potentially more severe Covid and more complications from Covid. It decreases your immune system and hurts your lungs." The right way to use and clean your mask during the pandemic People should be wearing cloth face coverings to prevent the spread of COVID-19, the Centers for Disease Control said. For masks to be effective, they must be worn properly. Here’s the right way to use a cloth face covering during the COVID-19 pandemic, plus common pitfalls that could affect your safety:  Focus on the Fit: Face coverings should be snug, but still comfortable, and cover your whole nose and mouth, and extend underneath your chin, according to the CDC.  Put it on carefully: The World Health Organization suggests that people first clean their hands before putting a mask on and check that there are no holes or tears in the fabric.  Don’t touch the mask while wearing it: If you must take off your mask for a quick breather, or an itch, it’s important to practice good hand hygiene after touching the face covering.  Take it off carefully: Be extra careful not to touch the front of your mask and your eyes, nose and mouth when removing your face covering, and wash your hands after handling your mask, according to the CDC.  Wash your mask often: According to the CDC, machine-washing your mask is enough to disinfect your cloth face covering.  Keep social distancing: Wearing a face covering is just one additional step that you can take to stop the spread of COVID-19, but it’s not a replacement for the other important prevention measures, such as washing your hands and social distancing. CNN - How to help medical efforts during the pandemic Here's how to help medical efforts in your community during the coronavirus pandemic.  Give blood: The nation’s blood supply is dangerously low. Local blood drives can be found through the American Red Cross, America’s Blood Centers, Blood Centers of America and the Advancing Transfusion and Cellular Therapies Worldwide.

15  Donate medical supplies: MedSupplyDrive is helping individuals and medical labs donate protective gear to hospitals in their area. Several national craft and sewing groups are also making masks to send to healthcare workers.  Donate Hand-Sewn Face Masks: Got a sewing machine at home? You can help by sewing cloth masks. The CDC cautions that fabric masks cannot be used in the care of Covid-19 patients, but are helpful in other areas of patient care since other forms of medical protective equipment are exhausted. CNN - How to help local businesses during the pandemic Here's how to help small businesses in your community during the coronavirus pandemic:  Shop small: Independent bookstores across the country are offering delivery and curbside pickup. Find out how to connect to local offerings through IndieBound. If you prefer audio books, works with independent booksellers as well.  Buy gift cards: It will provide immediate income, and you get the product later. Help Main Street: Allows people to buy gift cards to their favorite stores now with the intention of using them once operations recommence. Kabbage: Use this service to buy gift certificates to support small businesses. CDC Cloth Face Covering Instructions and Guidance The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has released instructions and visual tutorials on how to make cloth face coverings from common household materials that can be found at ncov/prevent-getting-sick/diy-cloth-face-coverings.html. 1. The CDC recently released guidance recommending the use of cloth face coverings "in public settings where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain, especially in areas of significant community based transmission." 2. Cloth face coverings can be homemade out of pieces of fabric, T-shirts, bandannas and coffee filters to slow down the spread of the virus, especially those that may be asymptomatic and capable of transmitting it to others despite experiencing no symptoms. 3. The CDC recommended any homemade cloth face coverings include multiple layers of fabric, be secured to the ears, and allow for breathing without restriction. 4. The guidance recommends routinely cleaning coverings in a washing machine and that no child under the age of 2 should wear them. Q: Should I worry about contracting the virus from mail and newspapers? A: Dr. Darria Long, emergency room physician: "There is no evidence you may contract the coronavirus from mail and newspapers but that said if you want to be on the safer side we know that Covid can live on cardboard for about 24 hours. If you want to take the extra precaution you can effectively quarantine that mail, say in your garage or someplace, for about 24 hours then open it up and wash your hands well after you do it." Q: There's a lot of talk about social distancing but what do you do when you are on an overcrowded subway or bus? A: Dr. Darria Long, emergency room physician: "For one, of course, maintain social distancing as much as you can. If you can stay six feet away from other people on the bus or subway, do so. Other than that, I would absolutely want someone to be wearing a mask the entire time they are on there, even a cloth mask. Then you can do two other things. You can wear an outer layer you carefully remove when you get out of the subway or bus or wear gloves. But key point, we are seeing a lot of people wear gloves and I do have to say you have to remove them carefully or you eliminate the effect. So you pinch the outer glove with one hand and take your clean finger to remove the other so you're not touching the outside. Of course wash your hands afterwards." Q: How do I talk to my 65-year-old father about limiting his visits to the store without sounding like I am scolding him? A: Dr. Gail Saltz, psychiatrist and psychoanalyst: "The relationships that are happening between adult children and their parents and kids who suddenly arrive back home, there is pressure going on and anxiety going on that things are being heard in critical ways or people are saying things in irritable ways which is all very understandable. But if you realize that your parent is used to being 'the parent' and you simply say, hey, I love you and I'm really just worried about you so I'm asking you not to do this because I understand it puts you at greater risk and for me, my worry, my anxiety, I would really feel better if you wouldn't do it which is different than saying, hey. I know better and I told you so." Q: Mosquito season is about to start. Should we be concerned about mosquitos transmitting Covid-19? A: Dr. Darria Long, emergency room physician: "We know mosquitos can carry other viruses, but there is no evidence right now they can actually transmit coronavirus from one person to another." If you wear a mask, do these three things - NEW

16 The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention continues to re-examine possible changes to its recommendations on the general public wearing face masks. In the meantime, the US Surgeon General said that there are 3 things you should do if you decide to wear a mask: 1. Don't touch your face: “If you’re going to wear a face covering, please try not to touch your face. Please be very, very careful about making sure you don’t touch your face.” 2. Don't use an N95: “If you’re going to wear a face covering, please save the N95 masks for healthcare workers who need them.” 3. Stay at home: “Wearing a face covering does not mean that you don’t have to practice social distancing. The most important thing you can do is stay at home right now, and we don’t want people to feel like ‘OK I’m covering my face so now it’s OK for me to go out in public.'" COVID-19 Screening Tool Apple, in partnership with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, White House Task Force and FEMA, has released a website and iOS app that will allow users to screen themselves for symptoms. The company said it would will not collect or store users’ answers to the questionnaire, though it will collect anonymous information about usage of the tools. The website can be found at Payment Calculator The Washington Post has developed a stimulus payment calculator that estimates how much people will receive as well as provide answers to frequent asked questions. It can be found at Corrective Lenses Best Practices The American Academy of Ophthalmology suggest it's time to put your contact lenses on the shelf and dazzle the world with your frames. That's because wearing glasses can help you stop touching your face, a key way any virus is spread. Contact lens users not only touch their eyes to put in and remove their lens twice or more a day, they also touch their eyes and face much more than people who don't wear contacts. People who are at higher risk for severe illness Based on currently available information and clinical expertise, older adults and people of any age who have serious underlying medical conditions might be at higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19. Based upon available information to date, those at high-risk for severe illness from COVID-19 include:  People aged 65 years and older  People who live in a nursing home or long-term care facility  Other high-risk conditions could include: o People with chronic lung disease or moderate to severe asthma o People who have heart disease with complications o People who are immunocompromised including cancer treatment o People of any age with severe obesity (body mass index [(BM]I)≥40) or certain underlying medical conditions, particularly if not well controlled, such as those with diabetes, renal failure, or liver disease might also be at risk  People who are pregnant should be monitored since they are known to be at risk with severe viral illness, however, to date data on COVID-19 has not shown increased risk Many conditions can cause a person to be immunocompromised, including cancer treatment, bone marrow or organ transplantation, immune deficiencies, poorly controlled HIV or AIDS, and prolonged use of corticosteroids and other immune weakening medications Coronavirus symptoms: What they are, and when to seek help - NEW 1. The main list of acute symptoms at this time is actually quite short and can appear anywhere from two to 14 days after exposure, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Being able to identify those symptoms and act upon them when necessary is critical. Here are some of the symptoms:  Fever  Cough  Difficulty breathing  Flu and cold symptoms 2. "At this moment, the current guidance -- and this may change -- is that if you have symptoms that are similar to the cold and the flu and these are mild symptoms to moderate symptoms, stay at home and try to manage them with

17 rest, hydration and the use of Tylenol," the American Medical Association has said. That advice does not apply if you are over age 60, since immune systems weaken as we age, or if you are pregnant -- anyone with concerns about coronavirus should call their healthcare provider. Do you have cabin fever? Here's what you can do about it While our abilities to go to work and participate in activities outside the home are under restriction, initial discomfort may quickly result in "cabin fever." Cabin fever is not like a psychological disorder, but the feelings associated with it are. It involves a range of negative feelings and distress related to restricted movement: irritability, boredom, some hopelessness, restlessness and difficulty concentrating. Your personality is a major factor in how quickly you develop these kinds of emotions. If you're more extroverted and not used to being at home, you're probably more prone to feeling this way and may feel it instantly. Those who see quarantine as a way to clean, pay bills, organize their closet or pursue a new hobby might take longer to reach cabin fever, if they ever do. Whichever group you belong to, there are various ways you can ease the tension: 1. Establish a routine 2. Mix up your space 3. Stay physically and mentally active 4. Connect with others .. but find time to separate, too 5. Embrace discomfort Pediatrics Study Findings 1. The study examined 731 confirmed and 1,412 suspected cases of COVID-19 in children. 2. Out of the combined 2,143 cases, one child, a 14-year-old boy, died and nearly 6% of cases were severe, compared with 18.5% of adults experiencing severe symptoms. 3. Young children, particularly infants, were vulnerable to COVID-19 infection, the authors of the study said. Nearly 11% of cases were severe and critical for infants less than 1 year old. 4. More than 90% of all pediatric patients were asymptomatic, showing mild or common forms of illness. About 13% of patients who tested positive for the virus did not show symptoms of illness. 5. Researchers remain unsure why children with COVID-19 were not as ill as adults. WHO Clinical Guidance 1. Although the evidence suggests that those over 60 are at highest risk, young people, including children, have died. 2. Women experience changes in their bodies during pregnancy that may increase their risk of some infections. 3. There is no evidence that pregnant women present with different signs or symptoms or are at higher risk of severe illness. 4. So far, there is no evidence on mother-to-child transmission when infection manifests in the third trimester. 5. Considering asymptomatic transmission may be possible in pregnant or recently pregnant women, as with the general population, all women with epidemiologic history of contact should be carefully monitored. 6. Pregnant women with suspected, probable, or confirmed COVID-19, including women who may need to spend time in isolation, should have access to appropriate care and all recently pregnant women with COVID-19 or who have recovered from COVID-19 should be provided with information and counseling on safe infant feeding as well as ways to prevent transmission of the virus. 7. There is no currently evidence that pregnant women present increased risk of severe illness or fetal compromise. Coronavirus FAQ’s 1. How does it spread? The virus appears to mainly spread from person to person. Transmission happens when someone comes into contact with an infected person's secretions, such as droplets in a cough or sneeze. The virus can also be transmitted by coming into contact with something an infected person has touched and then touching your mouth, nose or eyes. Caregivers can sometimes be exposed by handling a patient's waste, according to the CDC. 2. How is it treated? There is no specific antiviral treatment, though research is underway. Most of the time, symptoms will go away on their own and experts advise seeking care early. Doctors can relieve symptoms by prescribing a pain or fever medication. 3. How long is the incubation period? The incubation period is how long it takes for people to get ill after being exposed to the virus. For coronavirus, this time period is 14 days -- which is why many mandatory quarantines being imposed are for 14 days. 4. How can you can prevent it? There is no vaccine to protect against it for now. Until researchers develop one, you can reduce your risk of infection by avoiding people who are sick. Cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze,

18 and disinfect the objects and surfaces you touch. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth, and wash your hands often with soap. 5. What is the incubation period for the coronavirus? An incubation period is the time between catching an illness and showing symptoms of the illness. Current estimates suggest that symptoms of COVID-19 usually appear within around five days or less in most cases, but the estimate range is between 2 and 14 days with outlier cases from 0 to 27 days. 6. Do people who have recovered from novel coronavirus become immune to it? It's too early to know for sure. But other coronaviruses, like ones that cause the common cold, might give us clues. With "common cold coronaviruses, you don't actually have immunity that lasts for very long, and so we don't know the answer with this specific coronavirus". 7. Since a plane's cabin keeps circulating air, will I get sick if another passenger is sick? Most viruses don't spread easily on airplanes because of how the air circulates and is filtered, the CDC says, as modern commercial jets recirculate 10- 50% of the air in the cabin, mixed with outside air, and the recirculated air passes through a series of filters 20--30 times per hour. Also, air generally circulates in defined areas within the aircraft, thus limiting the radius of distribution of spread by small-particle aerosols. As a result, the cabin air environment is not conducive to the spread of most infectious diseases. Still, try to avoid contact with anyone sneezing or coughing. And if you're feeling sick, cover your entire mouth and nose with the inside of your elbow when you cough or sneeze. 8. Experts says "older adults" are at risk — but what does that mean? The CDC says "older adults" and people with serious chronic medical conditions "are at higher risk of getting very sick from this illness." Anyone over 60 and those with underlying health problems should try to avoid places with large crowds — such as movie theaters, busy malls and even religious services, top infectious disease experts say. The average age of death for people from coronavirus is 80. Average age of people who need medical attention is age 60. 9. Am I at risk from a package or products shipped from China or other at risk countries? There is still a lot that is unknown about the newly emerged COVID-19 and how it spreads. Using earlier coronavirus characteristics as a guide, in general, because of poor survivability of these coronaviruses on surfaces, there is likely very low risk of spread from products or packaging that are shipped over a period of days or weeks at ambient temperatures. Coronaviruses are generally thought to be spread most often by respiratory droplets. Currently there is no evidence to support transmission of COVID-19 associated with imported goods and there have not been any cases of COVID-19 in the United States associated with imported goods. 10. Can you catch the coronavirus by eating food prepared by others? A Harvard University assistant profession of stated that the coronavirus is not a virus that will necessarily transmit easily in that way. For things like salad bars we will have to be very diligent about what we are touching and all of the utensils that many people might be touching. That would be where the risk of the transmission would be occurring, more so than the food that we are actually eating. 11. What is community spread? Community spread means people have been infected with the virus in an area, including some who are not sure how or where they became infected. 12. What is the best way to wash your hands properly? Hand-washing is the easiest way to prevent the spread the coronavirus and the common flu. Believe it or not, there’s a right way to wash your hands. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) breaks it down into these five steps:  Wet your hands (to the wrist) with clean, running water (the temperature doesn’t matter). Turn off the tap, and apply a good amount of soap.  Lather up the soap by rubbing your hands together. Don’t forget to spread that lather to the backs of your hands up to your wrists, between your fingers, and under your nails.  Scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds. Both doctors recommend humming the “Happy Birthday” song from beginning-to-end twice to get the timing right.  Rinse your hands thoroughly under clean, running water.  Dry your hands using a clean paper towel (best bet), hand dryer (OK), or let them air dry (in a pinch). How to keep coronavirus fears from affecting your mental health Coronavirus is a serious situation and deserves your vigilance and attention, but the deluge of information, precautions and warnings can take a real toll on your mental health. CNN Health has provided a number of tips to help maintain a happy medium:

19 1. Pare down your sources of information. Find a few sources you trust, like the CDC or a community authority, and stick with them. Limit the frequency of your updates, be disciplined with your social media use and know when to walk away. 2. Name your fears. It may help to sit down and really consider what specific threats worry you. If your fears are practical ones, think about a plan: What are other options if you can't telework? Do you have savings or support? Being prepared for your fears will help keep them in scale. 3. Think outside yourself: Since action can allay our anxieties, you may want to also consider what you can do to help others who may be more affected by the outbreak than you, like service or hourly workers who may have to put themselves in disproportionate danger. 4. Seek support, but do it wisely. If you want to run to a friend to discuss the latest outbreak cluster or your family's contingency plans, try not to create an echo chamber where overwhelmed people further overwhelm each other. Look for someone who is handling it differently, or for professional help if it's an available option. 5. Pay attention to your basic needs. Don't forget the essential, healthy practices that affect your wellbeing every day -- getting enough sleep, proper nutrition, physical activity, and getting outside as much as possible. 6. Don't chastise yourself for worrying. You are allowed to worry or feel bad, and those feelings are valid in times of crisis. The key is to work toward understanding and contextualizing your fears so they don't keep you from living your healthiest life.

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