"'A.Tffiinfito~ HEOLOGH'al HURYEY
" 'A.tffIINfiTO~ HEOLOGH 'AL HURYEY HENRY LA;NDI~S, State Geologh,t BULLETIN No. 18 By MORR.LS )I. Ll~rHH'l'ON OL\'11\PIA FRANK lll. t,'1\JBORN a@,o PUBI.JC l'RINTER. 1918 ,/ .. "'\ A '=>.. -.; ' "'- BOARD OF GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Governor ERXEST L ISTE:R, Cltairmccn. Lieutenaut Go~ernor Loms F. HART. State Tre,1sm·er W . "\V. SrrnRl\fAN, Secretary. President HEKlIY SuzZALLO. President Eu_sBsT 0. HOLLAND. llixar L.rnDEi'>, 8/atf' Geologist. LErrTER OF TRANS~IITTAL Govf'rnor Ernesf Lis/er, Chairman, and Jif·111u ers of the Boa rd of G<'olo.rtical S'U rwy: GEKTLEMEN : I haYe the honor to submit herewi th a report entitled II The Country A botTt Camp Lewis," with tJ1e recommendation that it he printed as Bulletin Ko. 18 of the m:vey reports. Ve1y respectfully, HENRY LAN'ffE.', State Geolo.r;ist. UniYcrsity Shltion, Seattle, .July J, ]91 8. But,1,trrlN No. IS. l'1,,,·rE 1 Picture-map Of Camp Lewis. - Bv courte81J o I Seattle E11gravlnu Co. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page PREFACE 8 CHAPTER I. C,u1r Lt:wrs AXO V1c1:-.nY......................... 9 The Cantonment . 9 The Carup . ... 10 Trans110rtation Facilities_ . l1 Cities near the Cantonment. .. 11 Tacoma . 11 Seattle ........................· . .......................... 11 Olym1lta . l 2 CHAPTER n. Tin: SrRFACE Fi-:ATt' Ri-:,s oF WEsTr.1<x WAsmxuTox A;,10 o~· TIH; CA~ll' LEWIS CA;,;TOX\ffXT................... 14 The OJ)rmplc Mountains...................................... 14 The Willapa Hills . ln The Cascade Mountain Range................................. 16 Mt. Rainier . 16 The Resources of the Cascades......... ................... 1T The Puget Sound Basin.
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