Books, Permission to Believe and Kelemen’S Logic Prevailed
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remember Rabbi Kelemen for his pre- After a bit of ruminating, Rabbi vious books, Permission to Believe and Kelemen’s logic prevailed. Focusing on a Justifying Harshness (excerpt from To Kindle a Soul) Books Permission to Receive. The first explored Torah perspective does make a differ- Today, those most enthusiastic about of this growth force. When we offer four approaches to making belief in ence. There is certainly no shortage of corporal punishment often cite the Bible encouragement, this is also a rod. If a God the preferred position to the competing and conflicting advice on all as their authority: “He who spares the child behaves and we give him a special intelligent skeptic; the latter did the facets of childrearing. How does the rod hates his child.” They argue that this treat, that is a rod—a rod of pleasant- same for the integrity of the Oral Law Torah community choose between verse demands that we hit our children. ness. for all is in it” (Avot 5:26). In some and its transmission. Both fulfilled the opposing positions, all voiced with con- However, traditional Jewish scholars Today, some parents try to avoid To Kindle a Soul: never accept verses just at face value. using corporal punishment because of form or another, all knowledge is con- author’s promise to deliver avalanches viction? It is helpful to examine the Ancient Wisdom for Modern Every verse must be understood in con- the long-term damage it can cause. If Parents and Teachers tained in the Torah. How readily we of evidence from expert sources. Rabbi competing frameworks behind them. text, taking into account every other parents choose to abandon this rod, By Lawrence Kelemen can extract that knowledge is another Kelemen never fails to offer a host of What is the fundamental perspective of Biblical passage and the entire corpus of they must be careful to use the other matter. This review will consider two current and readable studies from the author? Where is he or she coming Judaism’s ancient oral tradition. rod—the rod of pleasantness. If we don’t works—quite different in approach investigators of note. He impresses as a from? This is where a Torah background Elsewhere we find a verse, “And I took spank and we don’t provide our children and style—that successfully extract new strong and effective researcher, who and framework make all the difference. for myself two rods. One I called ‘pleas- with legitimate and appropriately timed insights from the words of our sages. backs up his assertions with state-of- None of us doubts that Hakadosh antness’ and the other I called ‘beating.’ encouragement—a well-deserved com- To Kindle a Soul stands on a central the-art published findings. Baruch Hu created the laws of nature. And I herded the flock.” We see that pliment or something yummy to eat— premise, an idée fixe offered by per- To illustrate the effectiveness of Nonetheless, sometimes we are more there are two different types of rods—one then we are treating them as if we hate haps the most important interpreter of “planting,” Rabbi Kelemen cites the prone to ignoring the fine details of pleasant and one punitive. This is confus- them. I was advised to remember this the musar school of our generation, example of a small child who was these laws than those of another God- ing to us. How can there be a rod of when reading, “He who spares the rod Rav Shlomo Wolbe. Rabbi Kelemen, affectionately called Kadosh—holy— given system—the requirements of “pleasantness”? hates his child.” The answer is hidden in the word The reality is that few (if any) people long a student and devotee of Rav by his family. When faced with the halachah. Errors regarding both, how- “rod.” For traditional Jews, what consti- who use harsh punishments today are Wolbe, helped him with Hebrew and need to use the restroom in a sleazy- ever, exact a price. tutes a rod? Rabbinical writings from the ideologically motivated. The Biblical Targum Press/Leviathan Press English versions of a short work on looking bar, the child demurred, Rav Avigdor Miller, z”l, once took aim second century CE say that an angel sits verse is an excuse. We yell because we Michigan, 2001 chinuch. That work became the foun- although no one had ever explained to at the practice of pediatricians years ago to on every blade of grass, hits it and cries, lose our temper, and we hit because we 255 pages dation of the larger book, written by him why such an establishment was routinely remove tonsils and adenoids at “Grow!” According to my guides from do not know what else to do. When our Rabbi Kelemen, which we here review. somewhat objectionable. Why did he the first sign of inflammation. Rav Miller the traditional community, this does not children do not do what we want— Rav Wolbe finds a model for two refuse to walk in? “Because I am showed that it was au courant at the time mean that a little pinked-cheeked, white- when we feel we are losing control—we complementary methods of Torah Kadosh,” he replied. A seed planted— to treat such body parts as “vestigial,” and winged creature armed with a baton sits exert powerful, unpleasant and some- Worlds Beneath the Word: chinuch—building and planting—in almost without intention—had thus they were easily sacrificed. “Imagine on every blade of grass. “Hit” is the times dangerous force to regain mastery Mining Pirkei Avos for two adjoining blessings of the Amidah. sprouted and borne fruit. driving a new Buick home,” argued Rav word their tradition uses for the force over them. If there were a plan that The blessings begin with the words It is probably in the area of “build- Miller, “and finding unfamiliar wires and that produces growth; and “rod” is the worked without harshness, we would Chinuch Insights word their tradition uses for the source use it (142). By Moshe M. Eisemann “Et tzemach David ” (David’s sprout- ing,” where rigor and routine jointly devices. Would you argue that your last ing) and “Uvenei Yerushalayim” (build provide firm boundaries for behavior, car did fine without them? Would it be up Jerusalem). Rav Wolbe, confident that the reader will be jolted from reasonable to conclude they are nothing be a tad more respectful of phenomena meant it as a vehicle for kiruv. that the architects of the Amidah had complacency. Here is where Rabbi more than dead weight, reducing fuel effi- that are hardwired into the grand Many stereotypes hamper the inter- much more in mind than a clever con- Kelemen considers far-flung issues ciency? Would you rip them out? Or scheme of things by Hashem. Thus, if est or progress of Jews who know little trast of poetic images, sees an allusion such as sleep, exercise, affection (kids would you suppose that the engineers at some of those phenomena happen to about their heritage. One of the most in the blessings to two radically differ- need more), sugar and food additives GM didn’t put anything under the hood demonstrate (as Rabbi Kelemen thinks onerous stereotypes is that Torah has ent methods of bringing about change. (kids need a whole lot less), routine that isn’t needed? Not a single nut or they do) that we are making some inno- nothing to contribute to the modern Neither method alone suffices to raise discipline and temper tantrums and bolt!” The practice of labeling a body part cent mistakes in raising our children, we sophisticate, other than some antiquat- a child into a well-integrated adult. the effects of television viewing, all set vestigial grew out of a belief that human should not shrug off the evidence and ed rituals and tired legalisms. To Planting ideas in a young child and within a matrix of Torah thought. evolution was random and blind, yielding hope that we are the happy exceptions. Kindle a Soul, I suspect, is a double watching him grow and blossom cannot Rabbi Kelemen’s discussion of the role of occasional dead ends. Those who believe Think of this book, then, as a nexus entendre. Rabbi Kelemen wishes to Maryland, 2001 always work, unless the proper structure inadequate sleep in producing ADD-like in design and a Designer would think of common and uncommon sense, ignite the souls, not only of children 194 pages and discipline is simultaneously built behavior in children initially raised the eye- twice before deciding that part of the body with our rich tradition of Torah wis- but also of adult readers. The book into his schedule. On the other hand, brows of this reviewer. This treatment segues was useless dead weight. They would dom contributing the less obvious stuff. gently clobbers (if there is such a thing!) the secular reader with the Reviewed by Yitzchok Adlerstein managing the affairs of a child like a from a brief consideration of the importance wager that some important purpose The book enriches in an entirely dif- construction manager may provide a would later be discovered, and resist notion that Torah is intensely involved It’s all in there, we are told. “Delve of the “laws of nature.” Do we really need a ferent way as well. On the one hand, it parent with the behavior he wants but removing the tissue unless absolutely nec- with real-life issues that directly con- into it, and continue to delve into it, reminder—couched in the language of is a highly useful compendium of par- will produce robotic compliance and a Torah sources—that nature’s demands are essary.