NOVEMBER 1989 Time certainly flies when you're having fun! The results are in on the Fall Regatta, the Nominating Committee's report is due in a few days, and this is my last Telltale article as your commodore. I'd like to use this space to thank the many people who have worked so hard and who have made this year so much fun for me. Uppermost, of course, is the Board of Directors who have been very dedicated and have taken seriously the challenge you offered them when you elected them last November. All the board have my respect and thanks for their hard work. Dur standing committees have also done a great job. The Race Committee has run races nearly every weekend in the full gamut of weather conditions from dead calm to blowing like stink, while new shoals and islands have emerged weekly. Meanwhile, theHarbor Committee has done an admirable job keeping our docks repaired and on the move as our lake levels have changed dramatically. They have also provided a lot of guidance in changing and upgrading the harbor rules. Dur Building and Grounds Committee has set a new standard for appearance at the club. Things have never looked better. And the same can be said for membership. The Membership Committee has increased our numbers by 25. Nice work! The success of our regatta and social schedule depends on many volunteers led by hard working chairpeople. This year we have enjoyed the benefits of capable people's diligent efforts. Our regattas and parties both seem to get bigger and better each year. I have appreciated the efforts of our special committees. Dur Safety Committee has helped us implement numerous changes to make our club a safer place. Dur Insurance Committee has helped us put into place an expanded, more comprehensive plan for the club, while other committees have worked hard on our historical records, series trophies, relationships with the UT team, and coordinating our volunteers. I ' d like also to thank the Past Commodores who have served actively on a number of committees dealing with rule changes, planning and junior . Their efforts have brought continuity and guidance borne of experience and are much appreciated. Our summer camp and junior sailing program have proved to be some of the most successful programs at the club this year. The future of our club and our sport depends on our bringing new blood to it, and this year we accomplished much toward that end thanks to many hours of volunteer service by many people. I'd like to thank the staff for their extraordinary efforts in a year of transition. Curtis and Brad have gone above and beyond whenever asked and have successfully assumed new responsibilities. Our new manager, Denise Wholey, has worked long hours to make the transition as smooth as possible and is receiving rave reviews. They deserve your thanks . And my final thanks go to you, the members of this club, who have given me this opportunity to be your commodore. You have helped whenever I have asked, challenged me to accomplish your goals, made sure that the job was never boring, and thanked me in many ways for whatever contributions I have been able to make.

Terry Meyers 2 FROM THE EDITOR •••


COMMODORE•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• TERRY MEYERS MANAG I NG ED I TOR . • . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • STEVE PERVI ER EDITORS ••..••••.••••••••••••••••• KATHY PILLMORE & VICKI BREMER SPECIAL CONTRIBUTORS




T H E N S I O E T A L E S From the Commodore •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •• ••••••••• page 2 Soc t a 1 Co 1 umn • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••••• p•g• 4 The Collegfate Re~ort •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• P•;• 6 Roadrunner Regatta Resu 1ts ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• page 7 Fa 11 Regatta '89 •••••••••• · •• • •••••••••••••••••••••••••• page 8 Fa 1 1 Sert es Resu 1ts ...... •... page 10 Be 1ow & Beh; nd ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• page 1 1 In Memor f am •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• page 12 The Ma1 1ory CuF' Comes Home ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• F'Sge 13 Nomi nat i ng Committee Report •••••••••••••••• • ••••••••••• page 14 Annua 1 Banquet ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• page 15 L; 'f e f n Par ad i se ••••••••••••• • ••••••••••••••••••••••••• page 16 Keel Fleet Championship Results •••.•••••••....•..••.••• page 18 AYC Single-Handed & Team Championsh;p Results •••••••••• page 21 Sunf;sh Town Lake Regatta Results •••••••••••••••••••••• F'age 26 FLEET TALK ••••••••• • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Keel Fleet A ...... page 19 Keel F 1 eet B ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• page 20 Kee 1 F 1 eet C ••••• • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• page 21 J-24 ••...... ••••••••••••••••••..•.•••••••••.•.••. • • • page 22 Sc1uth Coast 2 1 • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• page 23 Ensign ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• page 23 Centerboards ...... page 24 Las er •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• page 25 C- 1 5 F 1 eet ...... •...... ••.....•••.•• . page 27 Sunf' i sh ••••••••• • •••• • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• page 28 New Members Roster (Clip & Save) ...... page 29 Wi ndch i mes ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• page 32 s c0 I A L by Charlene Allan

Get comfortable folks, this is geing to be a long one with four functions to report on. Family Day was September 2nd, and Annie and Charlie did a great job organi z ing it and we had a nice turnout. Annie had lots of good food and drinks and the weather was wonderful. Patti Meyers was in charge of all the games and the kids and adults had a blast. The kids got to throw water balloons at their parents and see who could spit water melon seeds the farthest . Big winner was Eric Creamer. Following close behind was Alex Meyers, David Boucher, Dustin Weller, Travis Weller & Neil Balfour.

Our egg toss was won by 1st place Travis & Pam Weller, 2nd place Margaret & Elizabeth Sowers & third place Bruce McDonald & Jill Porter. Our knot tie and swim marathon was in four age groups. Age 6, 1st place was Lindsey Allan, 2nd place Elizabeth Sowers. Age 7, 1st place Shelby McDonald, 2nd place· Philip Sterns. Age 8-10, 1st place Louisa Preston, 2nd place Jonathan Cox. Age 11 and up, 1st place-Johanna Preston and 2nd place Travis Weller. Our Fishing Tournament was headed up by Claudia Foster and two fish were caught which gave us two winners: Alex Meyers & Richard Musselman. Congratulations to all our winners!

Bonnie Tobin & I chaired the Fiesta de la noche Mexicana Sept. 23rd and we had 153 AYC party animals come in prime form. Thanks again to our flower makers: Nancy Johnson, Jane Frederick, Claudia Foster, Patti Meyers, Claudia Mussleman, Shirley Slaughter Anne Elzey, Marti Shirey and Cheryl Pervier.

I hope you didn't miss our gazebo outside by the swimming pool made for the band. Bonnie and Ron spent many hours making it along with 3 beautiful street carts we used to serve chips and hot sauce out of. Walter painted a pink cadillac which went in front of our Cadillac Bar. Bonnie, Ron, Walt & I worked three hours Fri. night erecting the gazebo and beautiful lights which went around the entire area including the fence around the pool only to wake up Saturday morning to 45° and hurricane winds. We immediately went to Plan B: indoors. To our surprise at 9:00 Sat. morning when we walked into the club to start decorating there were 30-40 UT sailors laying around waiting for the winds to die down to race their regatta . At this point I started questioning the higher up with "hey I went to church last week, what's up?" Tom Romberg & John Mandell after an hour showed up and calmed us down and said to give them five minutes for a skipper meeting and they split. After decorating from 9:00 to 6:00 we said .. "Let's party, it's got to get better." It definitely did.

4 . (Social Report Continued ... Are you asleep yet?)

The meriache's played from 7:00 to 9:00 without the trumpet we were suppose to be paying $50.00 extra for, while the caterers served downstairs, where their flames wouldn't stay lite to keep the excellent Mexican food hot.

Some fortunate 25 or so people were lucky enough to learn the hand Jive (so their teenagers could see how really cool they are). While another large group lined up to show singlely how talented they were at dancing. We also did the Mexican hat dance that never stopped. ha So, if you didn't make it, sorry, I told you you'd be sorry to hear what you missed. Thank you door greeters, Bob and Carol Tesch & Eric and Robbie Nelson. . Thank you Bob Kier for shooting slides for us, he's always there when you need him. · A big thank-you to our decorators and bar tenders, and most of all to Bonnie for all the worrying and many hours she puts into a party organizing. Also Denise was a great help with her happiness to help you for the fifth call in one day to help with anything she could. Lastly to Curtis for staying till 2:00 cleaning up so the clubhouse looked brand new Sunday morning. Our Fall Series Buffet chaired by Jennifer and Richard Fadal and it was a huge success. They did a wonderful job. They served spagetti, salad, bread, beer and tea and fed 119 people. It was delicious and we greatly appreciate you working so hard.

The Winter Series is right around the corner on Nov. 19th, chaired by David & Beverly Brenner. They'll have lots of yummy chilli with all the t rimmings. Hopefully it will be a nice cool day for eating it. · Before the next telltale comes out will also be our stupendous annual banquet chaired by none other than Kathy Pillmore once again. Anyone tha t made it last year knows how fun it was and the theme this year is "Laissez le don t emps rouler" (Let the good times roll!). Don't miss it on Dec. 9th at the Raddison .

II Th e A YC So c i a 1 Rec e pt i on f o r t h e " a b o v e a n d beyond c t1amp i on sailors will be Friday, November 17, at 8 p.m. Watch for more details to come by Flora McClung.

OK , you c a n q u i t . re ad i n g n ow • Ttia n k yo u i f yo u. rna de i t t t1r o u g h • HAPPY SAILING!!

5 by Ryan Eric Minth

It's been a long time since the last report and I know I made aoma promises about increaaing th• frequency of th••• deals but •••• Unfortunately this one doesn't promise to be as entertaining as the last one either. So anyway, for what it's worth here are soma lies and inaccurate descriptions of what's bean going on over the laat, wall •• • • • never mind. They're not even in chronological order. I deserve a break. It's 11:10pm the day before the "Telltale" deadline and I have a Buaineas L;.aw test TOMORROW that I should start studying for AND a management ca•• study due almost a week ago that I need to get around to. Now that everyone knows where my priorities are please don't tall my parents. Here goes •••• * Eric Faust sailed to a tenth place finish at the I.C.Y.R.A. Singlehanded Championships held in New London, Connecticut. He said, "It was cold." * U.T. placed si~th at the Sugar Bowl Regatta . In 'A' division, Pater Merrifield with crew Bridget Young was third. Eric and craw Suzanne Borg placed eighth in 'B' di vi a ion. * The Douglas Cup Qualifier * More recently, the Douglas Cup Qualifier for 1990 was hosted by Pontchatrain Y.C. (J/24's). This time Ryan took Chris LaGraize and Ravi Subramanian. Second. Again. Always a bridesmaid •••• * The Nelson Rolstch Regatta is held in New Orleans by Tulane during Mardi Gras held by Spring Hill was wen by Tulane. Eric with crew Angelina Rotelli placed third in division 'A' while Ryan and Bridget placed second in '8'. David Shockley sailed the Laser division, and racaived · second. We wer.e second overall. f, * Ryan and Bridget travelled to Mobile, Alabama for the S.E.I.8.A Singlehanded Qualifier (Lasers). Up to four boats from each school may enter. Thia waa ona of the moat difficult fleets that this regatta has aean in years. Tha wind strength varied, the rain never let up. Eighth and eleventh, respectively. * u. T. finished third at the S.I.E.B.A. Qualifier hald in J/22'• at Southern Y. C. in New Orlean•. Ryan with crew Bridget and Craig Plocica faced conditions ranging from flat and light to blowin' and waves with five foot faces. * The McCarthy Cup


Sunfish Jr. (19 boats) Sunfish Novice (7 boats) Sunfish Sr. (7 boats)

1. Bruce Mahoney, LWYC 1. John Morris, HYC 1. Tie Banks, HYC 2. Hugh Mahoney, LWYC 2. Glenn Callahan, HYC 2. Rett Dean, LWYC 3. Will Stout, LWYC 3. Rebeka Lien, AYC 3. Mike Dodge, LWYC 4. Ryan Mims, LWYC 4. Joe Erickson, AYC* s. Charlie Neuhaus, TCYC

Lasers (12 boats) 420's (3 boats) Prams (4 boats)

1. Marc Schneider, LWYC 1. John Grubbs, RCYC 1. Michael Dunn, RCYC 2. Marcus Maher, HYC 2. Katie Henderson, AYC** 3. Jason Rucker, LYRA 4. Sean Nunes, HYC * = AYC Jr. Camper ** = AYC Jr. Counselor

7 Well, the 1989 Fall Regatta is history. We had a good turn out, great help, warm weather, but no wind. 100 boats registered and 99 raced. Fortunately we had plenty of beer on hand. I've never noticed it before but I think there's a direct relationship between LIGHT AIR racing and HEAVY BEER consumption. And the winners are: Capri 14.2 (6 boats) Keel - A (6 boats) 1st. - Steve Shepardson 1st. - Doug Kern (Ross 930) 2nd. - John Welch 2nd. - Steve Vaughan (Olson 30) 3rd. - Anne Ellzey 3rd. - Bob Tesch (J-29) Catalina 22 Spinnaker (5 boats) Keel - B (8 boats) 1st. - Steve Pervier 1st - Tom Lott (Lindenberg 26) 2nd. - Steve Frederick 2nd. - Mike Chambers (Olson 25) 3rd. - Ehrhard Suderman (Benetau 30) Catalina 22 Non-Spinnaker (7 boats) 4th - Carl Morris (Merit 25) 1st. - John Karlovich Keel - C (13 boats) 2nd. - David Moore 3rd. - Howard Shirey 1st. - James Henrickson (Holder 20) 2nd. - Kurt Carson (Holder 20) Catalina 25 (5 boats) 3rd. - Eddie Calogero (San Juan 7.7) 4th. Johnson (Santana 525) 1st . . - Stephen Knetig 5th. - Bay Peterson (Catalina 27) 2nd. - Mike Allen Keel - D (7 boats) J-22 Non-Spinnaker (5 boats) 1st. - Tommy Kozlowski (Ensign) 1st. - Rick Sharp 2nd. - Doyle Johnson (San Juan 24) 2nd. - Steve Brown 3rd. - Bill Records (Pearson 26) South Coast 21 (5 boats) Keel - E (12 boats) 1st. - Bob Freeman 1st. - Tim Vicknair (Spirit 28) 2nd. - Ray Shull 2nd. - Vern Harris (Hunter 26.5) 3rd. - John Durfor (San Juan 7.7) CB Handicap {12 boats) 4th. - Tom Blair (Hunter 28.5) 1st. - Don Whaley (E ) Keel - F (5 boats) 2nd. - Craig Tapley (505) 3rd. - Grant Wolfe (Harpoon 5.2) 1st. - John Vance {Pearson 26) 4th. - Robbie Robinette (505) 2nd. - Charlie Musta (Pearson 26) Keel - G (5 boats) 1st. - Tom Cummings (Irwin 25) 2nd. - Jim Smith (San Juan 21)

8 Thanks to Howard and Martie Shirey who did a super job running registration. Howard's DBIII program was wonderful. Thanks to Steve Cauffman for helping with the regatta flier and ordering the T-shirts and hats. Leave it up to Steve to figure out a way to get two hats for the price of ONE! Thanks to CAPITAL CITY BEVERAGE for donating two free kegs of beer. Bob Lakin was very generous and agreed at the beginning of the year to have CAPTIAL CITY BEVERAGE sponsor all of our regattas. Thanks Bob; all that free beer sure comes in handy when the wind doesn't cooperate. Thanks to HIDALGO sunglasses for donating the 15 pair of free sunglasses. These were given away as door prizes Friday and Saturday night. All early registrants were eligible to win. This worked out to about a one in four chance of winning. Thanks to Denise, Curtis and Brad. Working with them this week-end made me realize how valuable they are to the club and how fortunate we are to have them on the AYC staff. Thanks to Claudia Musselman for the great barbeque, Claudia Foster for the DJ, Cheryl Pervier for the caffiene and sugar and the C-15'rs for the great 'dogs. And last but not least, a BIG thanks to Mary Lynn Painton, Steve Spademan and their RC volunteers for working so hard to get races off in somewhat less than ideal conditions. Those of us who have tried to run races in light air on lake Travis can truly appreciate the great job they did.

2o'tiic§l.nnual LAKE TRAVIS CRUISING ASSOCIATION O AUSTIN VAtHT CLUB (I Overriight mavigational 6Race November 11!!! Call: John Saunders 346-1929 Gary Cooper 441-1078 A YC 266 -1336 9 FALLcfER~cf REcf«LTcf.. ______

Centerboard/Portsmouth Coronado 15 J-22 1. John Welch, Capri 14.2 1. Claudia Foster 1. Mark Rylander 2. Pat Manning, Sunfish 2. Kirk Livingston 2. John Saunders 3. Bob Jones, Capri 14.2 3 Scott Craven ..J.,-- Doug Woodward 1,-, Francis Mcintyre, M-20 ~ Jonathan Davis 4. Greg Schertz ' 5. Craig Tapley, SOS 5. Bill Smith S. Craig Holmes 6. Gary Cooper, Sunfish 6. Unknown (#3481) 6. John Mack 7. (Unknown), Laser 7. Bob Musselman 8. Tom Gunderson, M-20 9. Bruce Foster, Sunfish J-24 Ensign South Coast

1. Dave Broadway 1. Frans Dahmen 1. Danny Lien Jr Jim Swanzy y Harold Neel 2. Bob Johnson ~ . Wil Smith ~ . Clift Price ~Ray Shull 4. Bob Kieras 4. Dan O'Donnell - 4. Duane Dobson 5. Tom George 5. Pat Feagin 6. Bud Boucher 7. Bob Freeman

Catalina 22 Keel A, Spinnaker Keel B, Spinnaker

1. Steve Pervier 1. Bob Tesch, J-29 1. Claude Welles, Cal 9.2 2. Bill Morack 2. Mike Mayfield, Olson 30 2. Frank Riha, Cal 9.2 3. Calin Popescu 3. Steve Vaughan, Olson 30 ~ ...... Mike Chambers, Olson 25 y- Walter Allan % Dennis Awbrey, Hobie 33 ~. Kurt Carson, Holder 20 ~ . Joe Roddy S. Russell Painton, J-29 5. Jim Henrickson, Holder 20 6. Bill Word 6. Dave Balfour, Ross 830 6. Erhard Sudermann, Ben. 30 7. Bob Mathison 7. Terry Meyers, J-29 7. Unknown, Holder 20 #71 8. Howard Shirey_ 8. Gail Bernstein, J-29 9. Ron Howard 9. Ed Radzik, Capri 30 10. Steve Frederick 10. Rob Allison, Etchel 22 11. David Moore

Keel C, Spinnaker Keel D, Spinnaker Keel A, Non-Spinnaker

1. Eddie Calogero, SJ 7.7 1. Bob Pillmore, Ranger 22 1. Mark Johnson, San 525 2. Bay Peterson, Cat. 27 2. Max Rockoff, Santana 25 2. Tom Blair, Hunter 28.5 3. Dave Wahlberg, Kiwi 24 ~ Hal Hayden, Cat. 25 ,J.- Bob Goldsmith, Hunter 28.S 4 ·"' Trenton Wann, SJ 7. 7 ....;;,,'lJ. Perry Weller, S2 7.3 4. Terry Johnston, Merit 25 Ps. Bill Records, Pearson 26 5. Ken Roehrig, SJ 25 5. Steve Wolford, Hunter 31 6. Doyle Johnson, SJ 24 6. Mark Bradford, S2 7.3 6. Skip Newsom, SJ 28 7. John Vance, Pearson 26 7. Hal White, Cat. 25 7. Joe Rymal, Hunter 30 8. Doug Laws, SJ 7.7 9. Charlie Musta, Pearson 26 10. Anne Ellzey, Pearson 26 Keel B, Non-Spinnaker

1. Tim Vicknair, Spirit 28 2 Linda Golden, SJ 7.7 ~ Mark Bradford, S2 7.3 4. Jim Smith, SJ 21

IO · AIS FORA14LWEAR Not Necessarily by Teri Nelms C(lj\J~~ ~

Update: PETE SHOUGHis still in Italy acting as chief house husband in charge of DISHES AND SILVERWARE. A~~ JOHN SAUNDERSis still working on the ~s~--- bottom of his J-22. Of course it still is not finished. He plans to go job hunting when he has finished the boat.

ERIC NELSONis going to be harbor sap for another year. Rumor has it that he is going after the seventeen year stint as building and grounds by HAP. •

HANKKLEESPIES has lost his private phone and office space at Texas University. He claims that it is not a real setback because he can watch the bowheads better from his hallway desk.

JOHN BARTLETTis now chief scizzor sharpener for BARTLETTSAILS.

Former AYCmember JIMMIE FONTENOThas hired a new person to trim excess Take threads off finished sails . GREG GARRETTwon the job over thirty-two other applicants. $15.00

FRED SCHROTHhas been put in charge off any rental of the abrasives stockroom at Schroth CENTRAL Fiberglass. This means that he no 2828 Guadalupe(free parking) 472-1697 longer has the responsibility for SOUTH overseas product development. 1818 W. Ben White@ Manchaca443-6980 NORTH TOOTINGMY OWN am TERI NELMS) (if I 9070 Research@ 183 451-0281 HORN: (CrossroadsShopping Center) NORTHEAST TERI NELMS is engaged to be married. 2422 Highland Mall 458-1249 There will be no comment here just in case I am not TERI NELMS.

LEFT BEHINDAND LIVING BELOWDECK ••• Know of anybody who has lost his job or ~~LOWEST PRICES been tossed out of the house? Send in your stuff to BELOWAND BEHIND. 11 by Lenore Lott

Edith White, honorary member of the Austin Yacht Club and Lake Travis Cruising Association, passed away at her home in Austin on April 6, 1989. She was preceded in death by her husband Max in 1975 and is survived by two daughters, Linda Bartlett of New Orleans and Shelley White of New York, and two grandsons.

Edith and Max maintained dual memberships in both LTCAand the Austin Yacht Club. They were active in both organizations and contributed significantly to the promotion of safety and seamanship on Lake Travis. LTCAawards the Max White Memorial Seamanship Perpetual Trophy each year to an individual exhibiting the most seamanlike response under emergency conditions or who has contributed to the promotion of safety on Lake Travis . The Austin Yacht Club awards the Max White Memorial Trophy to the senior member for exceptional service to the club. Edith and Max are also responsible for donating and erecting the flagpole at AYCin 1973. Edith served many years on the Board of Directors for the Austin Campfire Girls and the YWCA. She conducted nature studies for the summer day camps for both the Boy and Girl Scouts and also was known to guide nature trail hikes on LTCA weekend cruises. Edith enjoyed the outdoors and loved nature. She was keenly aware of the environment and influenced all who knew her to be more aware of the world around them. She is missed by all who knew and loved her. **********************************************************************************

12 September 25, 1989 The venue was the Houston Yacht Club on the shores of Galveston Bay. The event was the national finals of the 1989 men's team championship .... The Mallory Cup. Unlike the America's Cup, this prestigious award has had several yacht clubs to call home , but it seems the Austin Yacht Club .. . an . obscure little sailing club on an inland Texas lake .... has had the honor of hosting the "Cup" three out of the last five years! Those coastal water sailors are beginning to set up and take notice of the "training" provided by the unpredictable lake winds that turns out "superior" sailors. This year's finals were sailed over a 5-day period, 12 races in all. Nine geographical regions were represented, from Pacific International to Southern Massachusetts, and not a slouch among them.

The AYC team was skippered by Paul Foerster, a UT and former UT team sailor; with crew work provided by soon-to-be­ famous local sailmaker, John Bartlett; and the guy with the dyed­ to-match J-24, Mark Rylander. And what a team! After five days of intensive sailing the Foerster J-22 was in second place and needed to get one boat between them and the first place boat ski~pered by Paul Duane from the Southern Mass. region. The details of that final race are as exciting as any world­ class meet. The Foerster team was leading the race by a decent margin but realizing they needed a boat between them and the Duane team, they waited for the fleet to catch up, then put that boat between them and the "yankees". They then covered to the finish, taking the bullet and the 3/4-point margin they needed for all the marbles. Learning only later that they finished just a little over a minute before the time limit expired! Austin Yacht Club is truly fortunate to have this calibre of representation major sailing events. And as often as AYC teams bring home the awards, its a representation to be reckoned with. Congra t ulati ons Paul, John , and Mark. We're proud of your efforts and the fact that you call AYC home! FINAL RESULTS Paul Foerster, Texas (Area F) 30 . 00 pts. Paul Duane, Southern Mass. 30 . 75 pts . Talbot Ingram, New Jersey 35.50 pts . Tom Burton , Inland Lakes 36.50 pts. John Lovell, South Atlantic 50 . 00 pts. Doug McLean , Southern California 50.00 pts. Mike Sherlock, Pacific International 54.00 pts. Doug Meyhoffer, Eastern Connecticutt 56.00 pts. John Kerst, Interlakes 61. 00 pts. 13 NOMINATING COMMITTEE REPORT Austin Yacht Club Presented October 26. 1989

The Nom1natfng Committee consfstfng of Claude Welles, John Mandell and Trenton Wann. according to the By-Laws of the Austfn Yacht Club. presented the fol lowfng names to serve as Officers of the Club for 1990.

COMMODORE• . . • . . • • . . • • • • • • • • . . . • • • . • • • • • • • . GAIL BERNSTEIN

VICE COMMODORE•••••••••••••••••••••••••••• BOB TESCH Regattas, TYA Representatfve, Audit

RACE COMMANDER••••• •. •.•••••••••••.••••••• MARYLYNN PAINTON Race Committee for Regattas and Serf es Races. Marks, Committee and Rescue Boats

BUILDINGS AND GROUNDSCOMMANDER •••.•• •..•• BRUCE FOSTER Clubhouse, Cabins, Pool, Grounds Landscaping

SECRETARY .••...... ••.....•.•••.••.•.••.• STEVE VAUGHAN Minutes, Directory, Handbook. Telltale TREASURER ...... KEITH LACKEY Finances, Billings, Budget

FLEET COMMANDER••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ERIC NELSON Docks, Ory-Saf 1 Area, Traf ler and Cradle Storage

the organization for today's sailors~

14 • ' • • A * • • (· * • * • * • ~ • • • ' • • ~ * • * * • ,. • • • • • • ,. • • • • * .. • • * • ) • * • • • • ~ • (~ • • • • * ) * • F. ree Se/f. P. k" ~ ••f\oshbOC ' Roct , Orking. • oonClf'. g\0 • • isson G in • • L :roge • • • • • * .... • * • • • .... * •• Mord; G,Os Austin St l LETTHE GOOD TIMES ROLL! • • • y e ¥ • • The 1989 • • , Austin Yacht Club • • • ANNUAL BANQUET * • • # ~ \\o\,ons Saturday, December 9th "'o\ions/C:~\1h • • RADISSON PLAZAHOTEL • Rese b'f oece_rn,:'16 ( • at Austin Centre e 166 :J • 700 San Jacinto • , • * $25.00 per person • • • • ,,..::, -I< Ro: & Sunday B:nch :ac:oge * • (Room $49.00; Brunch $14.95 per person) • '* ) -is • * • I • by Vicki Bre1er What started out as a 3-month•retlrement'/worklng vacation In container ships dock (r1member,EVERYTHING Is l1Ported on the St. Thomesturned Into an adventurethat was Interesting to say Island), but we never knew what they were delivering. the least. And although wecame ho1e poorer, paler, and Sometimesthe stores wereout of peanut butter or so1e other pooped, I wouldn't have missed It for anything. Ad1ptlng to staple, so 1eal planning was always a l11t·1lnute d111. the easy-going pace of the island folks waseasy; trying to Although the prices were quite a bit higher on SOiielt111 ·­ remodeltwo condos, have time for sailing and fun, and working e.g., 64 oz. of TroplcanaO.J. Is tZ.06 at Sam'sand t3.99 In the aftermath of Hugowas not. I al1ost hate to adlllt wespent St. Thomas-- mostof the prices wereabout 251 higher than 3 1onths in Paradise and never went sailing and only went to state·slde which Is whatyou can expect for 1v1rythlng In the beach twice {not countingour post-Hugobaths with our general. We could almost always buy those na1ebrandswe use bottle of Joy), Jack did spenda day on NISSY,our Norgan38 here. And most of the produceand 1eats were equal to or with SecondWind Charters in CompassPoint on the east end of better than whatyou can buy h1rt, Thi chicken and fresh the island. He installed a fiddle on the chart table and tomatoes on the island are the best-tasting ever. AndI had fondled all her curves with SoftScrub. (Andhe thought I someof the best canteloupeI've ever had, didn't knowabout the 'other woman•In his life,) While Jack was •working,• I talked the SecondWind owners into giving our Texas is never far awayon St. Th011asbecause of the extremely AYCfriends a sizable discount on chartering so that 1ore of active Texas Society on the Island, We1lssed one of their you could experienceCaribbean sailing -- the best! -- on a special chill cook-offs on Brewer's Beachto benefit one of the "organ 38. Andthat was before Hugo! local old folks' ho1es. OneTexan I tried to find wasone of our P1st Comfflodor,s,Nike Kutch, NhtnI w111ctlv1ly writing One of the things I liked best, not counting the 'hunks' (sorry 1bout not doing th1t lately!) the history of AYCsom1on1 importedcourtesy of the U.S. Navyevery once in a while, was told 1e he thought "Ike Kutchwas io1ewhereIn the Caribbean. becominga "local." AlthoughI never got the island •twang• So on one of •Y trips I started asking aroundand foundout he quite right, I did get to knowmany store 1anagersby na1e; the was in St. Thomas. Onthis trip I read an article about the taxi drivers no longer asked me if I neededa ride to the ship, moon eclipse whichquoted a Jean Kulchon the boat STARGAZER and I could cut In and out of that left·hand·sld1·of·th1·ro1d whose hobby was astronomy. Somewherein my1e1ory bank I traffic with the best of them. Finding bargains becamea full­ remembered"ike Kuich's wife was namedJean. But I never got time occupationespecially whenwe had two condos to re1odel to investigate further. Oneof these days I will ••• and furnish. I foundplaces that sold 1/4-lnch straight router bits or 6 1/2-lnch sawblades whenJack couldn't find the• at Thepeople we1et fit into two categories: (I) THEBEST and (2) the local lumber/hardwarestores. The local Woolworth's, 1$t@••t! jerks. Whyshould St. Thomasbe different from reminiscent of the small townWoolworth's of the 50's, proved Anytown,U.S.A.? And sometimesthe tourists could be the to be mysecret source for manystrange or hard-to-find Items. biggest Jerks of all, Abouttwo weeksafter Hugohit, I was And Jack was very surprised at the high quality of lu1ber, walkingthe waterfront (no, I wasn't "soliciting!') lookingfor imported from Brazil, at prices not muchhigher than our own a workingAT" to get some1uch-needed cash. So1estores were Builder's Square. Our rented "itsubishi "irage, with cardboard still pu1pingout oceanwater; one store was gutted by fire; a protecting the roof, carried all the lumberwe ever neededand couple of 50t-foot yachts were laying on the seawall near the traveled those hilly, mountainousroads quite well despite the street, and it waspretty obvious somemajor devestation had heavyloads. occurred. WhenI heard one tourist say, 'This place sure stinks,• I wantedto shout in her face, 'Whatdo you think just The summerweather was rainy and muggysome of the time which happened here lady? A 150·1phoc11n br11zet• It t1k1s 111 introducedus to the dreaded"!LOEW. Our duffle bags smelled; kinds I guess. our hand-washedclothes took forever to dry, and the sofa cushions neededa serious cleaning. Welearned that once the But there werethe nice ones too, especially the people we mildew turns black, it's too late to do anything. But the worked beside after Hugo. Thecondo 1aintenance man was a perfect days in Paradise certainly outnumberedthe bad and made wonderful, hard workingnative fromthe island of "ontserrat us wish wehad moretime to play. Nexttime ••• whobecame our very dear friend. Andbecause he wasthe only handymanwith tools, besides Jack, to help people repair their Buying groceres was always interesting. Wecould see the roofs and windows,he was constantly bollbardedwith someof the 16 LIFE IN PARADISE(cont'd)

silliest requests you've ever heard. 5011people whosecondos Stunnedp1opl11v1rywh1r1 could 11y nothing but 'Oh, 1y God,' I only had a broken louver were det1andingservice when SOie never could 11k11y fingers pr111 the c111r1button, It w11111 condoswtrt 1ls1lng walls and windowsand tvtn doors, Ont day too horrifying, But after the Initial shockwork p1rtl11 were he and Jack were walkingto another repair job when so1eone for1ed to clear the roads. Roofshad to be repaired; gaping came up with one of tho11 silly r1qu11t1. John Ryan, the holes had to be boardedup, and people wantedto check on loved handyman,Just shookhis head In disgust after this person left ones in other parts of the islands. With no co11unication and put his handon Jack's 1hould1rand said, 'They're not llkt except for one local radio station, that provedto be very us.• Andthere they were: Salt and Pepper, but bondedIn the difficult for manydays. But people rallied together and did 1ost Importantway·· hu111nco1passlon. Jack will never forget a1azingly well considering the circu1stances. Ve had co1munlty that moment. AndJohn will be a friend forever. barbecues to emptyour refrigerators of food that w11going to spoil, So we wereactually over-fed those first couple of Whenpeople ask me, •Howwas Hugo?•,1y first thought Is, 'You days. Thenstarted the cannedfood routine; the bucket brigade just can't l11glne what 150-iphwl .nds can do untl I you've to the swi111ingpool for toilet flushing, and the c'brrr'old experiencedit.• Vewere forewarnedabout the dangerouswinds, spongebaths in the tub if you were lucky enoughto have saved but there was only so muchanyone could do to prepare for that soae tap water for bathing. Wedidn't have access to the kind of disaster. Vt stocked up on drinking water, canntd cisterns for almost a weekso bathing/dish washingwas a luxury foods and candles, but had no Idea we'd have to live like that wesavored carefully. Our condossuffered 1ini1al da111ge,but for weeksand weeks. And10st of the people there still have whenwe were finally able to get out to C011passPoint to check no electricity or running water. Theday before the stor1 we on NISSYwe found her In the mangrovetrees, severely damaged drove over to CompassPoint and readied "ISSYand other boats but repairable. Her rigging remainedIntact except for the as best wecould. After returning to the condo, we watched furling gear whichwas brokenwhen the crane re1evedher fro1 hundreds of boats sail over to HurricaneHole in Culebra, an the trees. Her stanchions and pulpits weredestroyed as well island west of St. Tho111s,where they thought they would be as the cap rails and tracks, She'll also need so1e fiber· protected. But nothing could protect the• frOIIthe Z00-1ph glass work, but nothing that can't be fixed to 1ake her as sea­ winds that hit themafter destroying IOSt of St. Croix, an worthy as she once was. Vewere very lucky, Out of the 15 island 40 1iles south of St. Tho1as. Ve heard that the St. boats In SecondMind's fleet, 3 were totaled, Z wire right on Croix YachtClub had 150boats before the stor1 and had only Z the edge of being totaled by the insurance people, Z had left after Horrible Hugo. Accordingto one of the 11rlne 1lnl111ld111g1, and the r11t were11ver1ly d111g1d. Tht Yl"I surveyors whowent to Culebrato start estimating the datage, (Virgin l1l1nd1 "•rlnt Industry) org1nlz1tlon r1lll1d tht morethan half of the 254 boats there weretotally destroyed, 7 boating people together to try to get the charter businesses people were still missing, and only 45 of the remainingboats and private boat owners11 1uch help 11 possible. Federal had insurance. Theharbor wecould see fromour living roo1 grants are available as well as s11ll business loans whichwill started with 41 boats whenHugo hit at about 8 p.m. on Sunday, be neededto get SOieof these people back in business again. Sept. 17, Nondayat daylight whenthe stor1 was still raging They won't go downwithout a fight!! Andthe rest of the wecounted only 2 boats still at anchor. So111were swept out island is rallying back too. It'll take 1ore than a •Hugo•to to sea; somesank, and somelittered the shoreline of Water break the spirit of the islanders. They'll be co1ing back Island, Ont bodyw11 found on the b11chof Niter l1l1nd but wt stronger and better than ever. Just give the1 until about don't knowif it wasone of the people anchorednear there or Decemberto get back in full swingagain. So1eof the charter not. At about 10 a.m. Nondaythe worst of the storm passed, businesses are already In business and will provide the sarae but the devestatlon left by Hugowill bt r1111b1r1dforever. excellent service they 1lw1yshave.

When I took 1y first step out of the condoafter the storm, Our workingvacation wasa wonderfulexperience despite Hugo. with cameraready to record the devestatlon, I could do nothing But wewill ad1it to missing Austin and all our friends at AYC. but gape at the rubble and confusion. What was once a And we can't say enoughTHANK YOUs to folks like Pat and Vic beautifully landscapedand well-cared for area aroundthe condo "anning who catsat our geriatric Puddys; to Kathy and Bob wasI massof fallen trees, downedwires, crushed cars, and Pill1ore whoboatsat FELICITYand ALL"!NE, and to Ji1 Deeter barren foliage, Roofslittered the area, surrounding h011es whokept our 11111c01lng. Paradise was wonderful, but we're were either half goneor all gone but the ce1ent foundation. glad to be HONE, 17 KEELFLEET CHAMPIONSHIP


J"'\C:- l TESCH. BO'B ,::....J 85. ~::i7 4-6 HENHICKSDN. ,J B 16. !:58 2 ChL(Jf.3EFm. EDDIE 24 83.82 Ll-7 ,J OJ-lt,JSON. TYE 11 :l6.47 ..::1 r::ECOFWS. BILL. '.2.£). 77. 5:l 4El LIEN. DANNY 4 16.00 .., . 0 4 l!JELLES. CLAUDE 21 76.<]6 49 HDC RACE ...:, w 15 .. f35 1:: ..J CHf-iMBEF:S. l"iI l


11B11 FLEET NEWS by Bob Goldsmith

Since we visited last, everyone in both fleets on there have been all kinds of corrected time. Back in the big doings in 11B II Fleet. non-spinnaker part of the Going way back to August, 11 B11 fleet, Terry Johnston in his Fleet had a large contingent Merit 25 ran away from the at Green Pastures for the Keel rest of the pack, but the next Fleet Party. Without going four boats put on one of the into the gory details of the wildest shows ever seen in a tasteless nose jokes and the PHRF race with a furious experiments which the magician tacking duel taking place all conducted inside the skirt of the way down the last leg and a female member of Tom Blair's four boats finishing within party, most people seemed to twelve (12) seconds of each agree that the highpoint of other . The fourth race sailed the evening was Esther's very into deep molasses and was graphic impression of a called after about an hour of motorboat hitting a jet ski. racing found the fleet less Many thanks to the party's than a mile down the course. chairman, my wife Jeane (even "B" Fleet averaged twelve if she is still mad at me for boats on the line for this appointing her). series - six spinnaker and six non-spinnaker. In the spinna­ The Fall Series was next ker fl e et, Claude We lles was on the calendar, and it was first, Tom Lott second and mainly r emarkabl e for strange Mike Chambers third. In the wind conditions. The first non-spinnaker fl eet, Mark race was called, aft e r a Johnson took first, Tom Bl a ir brutal wat e r balloon duel, for second, and your humble lack of wind, and th e fleet corr e spond e nt was third. reached the harbor just in tim e to see a steady ten knot For a closing note, the breeze come up. I am fairl y Club Junior Championship was sure the second race took won, appropriately, by two place, but sailing short juniors - John Goldsmith, Jr. hand e d in a non-spinnaker boat and Steve Vaughn, Jr. John and starting last on the and Steve regularly crew on longest course, we were too their dads' boats in 11B II and far back to se e what happen ed. 11A11 Fleets, respectivel y . The third race was something e lse with wind speeds ranging from 2-20 mph as record ed by the rac e committee. Claude We ll e s gave the 11A11 Fleeters a l i ttle sailing lesson beating


CHAMPIONS111 by Tim Vicknair

Well, shiver me timbers, mates. SINGLE-HANDED,WOMEN'S Despite two throw-outs, record (in Sunfish) breaking temperatures, and a race committee that thinks Oto .S 1) Claudia Foster knots of breeze is racing weather, 2) Pat Manning we capped off another series. Kudos 3) Karen VanHooser to Eddie Calogero and crew for their first place finish. Yours truly took first in the non-spinnaker SINGLE-HANDED,JUNIORS fleet. Many of us look forward to (in Sunfish) cooler temps and better breeze for the next series. 1) Sarah Baker (in a down-to-the-last-race Did any of you catch the article finish with Fisher Key) in Practical Sailor about double­ handed racing? It sounds like a great idea for a PHRF event. A SINGLE-HANDED,MEN'S trophy for everyone aboard. And (in Lasers) since this has been the situation on my boat a few times on the race 1) Hank Kleespies course, I think it's a great idea. 2) John Bartlett 3) Scott Cheney Have you heard? LCRAis going to stop letting the water out of Travis sometime in October. Hey, TEAMCHAMPIONSHIP, WOMEN'S I guess it is the end of the rice season. 1) Claudia Foster Bonnie Lackey Well, RAINBOWCONNECTION (Pearson 26) Claudia Musselman is having its name changed to Janis Livingston KINDREDSPIRIT. We hope to see Anne on the race course soon. Don't let that paint get old at the dock. TEAMCHAMPIONSHIP, MEN'S

That's it for now. See you on the 1) Ray Shull course. Pat Feagin Vern Harris Kirk Livingston

TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP, JUNIORS 1) Steve Vaughan, Jr. John Goldsmith, Jr.

21 The fleet had a lot of The Fall Series was also activities in the past month, trying at times. The J/24 both in and out of town. fleet had only one Sunday's worth of racing, Superman, The big news as far as the Windshift, Audacim and Captain road fleet is concerned is America all participated with that the 88-89 Texas Circuit Superman finishing on top. was concluded at the Western The J/24 fleet also rose to Open September 9 and 10 in the occasion to overcome bad Corpus Christi, Thunderstar, communication and assembled Psycho, mr. happy, Windshift, a complete race committee on Grand Slam and Superman all the spot in about 10 minutes. made the trip south. As can It is doubtful that there are be expected, there was plenty many other fleets strong of wind which took its toll on enough to put together an several boats. Grand Slam entire committee of people broke a main halyard and at the club without prior mr. happy broke a rudder notice. Good job and thanks pintle. Paul juryrigged a to all who pitc~ed in. halyard while mr. happy limped home using a spinnaker On the social scene, Robbie pole as a rudder. With a Nelson orchestrated a steak borrowed rudder and not much dinner for the fleet that was sleep because of a long superb! The fine cuisine and protest, mr. happy got back on good friendship generated a track for Sunday. For the large turnout. No one went regatta, Thunderstar was away hungry. second, Psycho took 7th, Grand Slam took 10th with the same Also, let's all welcome number of points as mr, happy Michael Wellman and his family who took 11th. Both boats had to the fleet. He bought Bill two more points than Psycho. Rogers's boat and named her Is that close racing?? Shadowfax , We look forward to seeing the new Shadowfax Thunderstar won the whole on the lake. circuit and is already qualified to go to the World Finally, in the something a Championship next year. little bit different mr. happy finished 8th, Psycho department, Double Trouble 12th. Windshift took 24th went to Corpus Christi for while Garrison in Audacim a 32-mile PHRF race from the finished 29th. By the time Bay Yacht Club to the you read this, the 89-90 Rockport Sailing Club. She Circuit will have begun with took 3rd overall beating four the first stop in Austin. other J/24s. 22 South Coast 21 ENSIGN

by Pat Feagin by Mel Kunze

If you haven't heard by now, the Fall The Ensign fleet has new blood: Erich Series was about as exciting as the and Valerie Hintzen, with Ensign 98, nightly news reports on the level of have joined the fleet and the Austin Lake Travis. Danny Lien just happened Yacht Club. Erich has sailed Ensigns to have the best drifting tactics on the Great Lakes and will add con­ and was able to win the series. Our siderable expertise to our group. congrats to Danny and crew! Take time to check out his boat. It's pristine. Welcome Erich and Valerie! After the Fall Series, the AYCTeam Championship was held and there The Fall Series was won handily by the actually were some fair racing con­ Dahmen crew. Harold Neel came in ditions. There were three teams and second and Clift Price was third. A the guys from the S.C. Fleet took top good time was had by all. honors -- Ray, Vern (former, Kirk Livingston (the only outsider), Two items noted in the Fall edition of and myself. We all had a great time The Ensign are worth repeating. First, but hope that there is a better the class association has made progress turnout next year. in renewing production of Ensign sail boats. Problems remain, but there is Then came the Fall Regatta, back to a light at the end of the tunnel. the no wind scenario. By the second Second, during the national meeting in day several S.C. skippers decided to February in New Orleans , Ensign members call it quits and headed home. Those will vote on a proposal to allow a who hung in there drifted to the new Blade Jib. The new jib, if adopted, finish. My hat is off to all of you will be sized to fill the foretriangle. who stuck it out! The new sail has proven to be superior to the No. 1 in winds beyond the Maybe now that the weather has turned 12-14 knot range. This sounds like a cooler, we'll have better racing con­ more utilitarian sail than the working ditions, i.e., WIND. The Winter jib. Stay tuned. Series starts October 22 ; let's have a good showing of boats. Greg Garrett has a South Coast for sale. Call him for more info.


by Teri Nelms

Boring. Yes, I'd say the word boring big ·enough to outrun an inboard with probably fits. But that's not to say ballooning and bucketing on its mind. that the words "tedious" or "monotonous" We would all like to express our un­ or "tiresome" do not apply to the riot dying appreciation to Walter Allan of a good time that we had drifting and company for depositing a bucket around during the Fall Regatta. Now of ice water, with ice, on Russell's I sit here two days later watching the head after the races. I'm sorry I whitecaps crash over the docks in 50- missed it, but I understand that the degree temperatures while I'm nursing cheers were deafening from observers. a sunburned lip from the 92-degree Paybacks are hell. heat we just got over enjoying. I hate winter. But some of this wind The centerboard fleet's race, if you would have been helpful, to say the want to call it that, was less than least, during the regatta. impressive on the way to Lakeway. The E Scow from Houston and the two SOS's Bonnie and Keith O'Dell did an excel­ slowly but surely disappeared leaving lent job of playing like they didn't the and Harpoons and Sunfish notice that there wasn't any wind. to be eaten by keel boats. We found They just went on and had a great it interesting that Pat Manning did not regatta without it. I thought they get a finish because her time ran out both did entirely too much standing but she still could have .corrected over around and smiling about it all. I the E Scow because of the dwmny rating would like to take this opportunity system. Flora McLung couldn't wait for to complain about race management. her husband to leave town so she could Whoever gave Russell Painton a rescue do something really risque in his boat for this thing should be taken absence . Flora, sailing a Sunfish to out and shot. I realize that Mary Lakeway falls more in the category of Lynn can't find a babysitter for him self-abuse than hot times. Also, next so she pretty much had to drag him time get a boat that's not broken . We along, but the least she could've are proud of you for "lettering" (a done was lock him in the head of the DFL) instead of getting one of those collDilittee boat or get him to play boring numbered finishes. with the anchor. But n0000-0-0-0-0, he gets the power boat wi th water At the finish line we sailed over to balloons in it. Now who, I ask you, raft up to AVALANCHEfor lunch only to is a better sitting duck than a be infonned by the Skipper that we could centerboard boat with no balloon not tie up unless we had a plan. We were locker or bucket? If we'd capsized, somewhat confused by this unexpected we'd have been dryer than we were requirement so we tied up to a stump and after a Russell attack. At least we waded ashore to share our lunch with the had the satisfaction of observing, fireants. from entirely too close a distance, the exchange between him and several On the race back we assumed we had done keel boats who at least had motors. better because we could still see the We even got to discover, much to our SOS's, but unfortunately the Harpoon amazement, that there is one time when could still see us. I hate handicap a Catalina 30 is faster than a J-29. racing. Pat Manning even corrected AVALANCHEjust doesn't have a motor over us. How humiliating. 24 LASER

Centerboard (cont'd) by Fred Schroth

At least the Fireball, or her skipper, THE FOOL WORDPROCESSOR IS STIJCKIN is consistent: three S's makes a fifth CAPITAL LETTERS. NOBODYIN THE OFFICE and you can't drink it. By the time we KNOWSHOW TO FIX THIS THING SO JUST READ had waited for three hours on Sunday THIS ARTICLEOUTLOUD AND YELL A LOT. for the drafts to fill in, and Russell to run out of balloons, we probably THE LASERHAD A HELL OF A SUMMER. OUR weren't as excited as we should have LOCALATTENDANCE WAS DOWN A BIT BUT THAT been. The only other excitement of IS PROBABLYALL MY FAULT. YOUSEE, I the day was watching the face of the QUIT WRITINGARTICLES FOR THE TELLTALE E Scow skipper when a scoring error WHENI BECAMECONVINCED THAT THE ARTICLES gave his first place trophy to the WERESUPPOSED TO BE ABOUTOUR BUSINESS Harpoon! Hal Serves him right for ACCOMPLISHMENTS.I THOUGHTTHAT IT making us all look slow. My crew, WOULDBE TACKYTO BRAGALL THE TIME ABOUT Jerry (obviously no relation to the NON-SAILINGRELATED STUFF SO I DID NOT hurricane of that same weekend), said WRITEAT ALL. WELL, IT WASALLLLLLLL A he really had a pretty good time. MISUNDERSTANDINGSO WE ARE BACKWITH THE After all, we didn't capsize even FULL OBNOXIOUSSARCASM THAT THE LASER once! Thanks to the Regatta management, FLEET HAS ALWAYSHAD. the staff, and all the players for the last "summer" weekend regatta of the CONGRATIJLATIONSTO THE SCUMFYSHFLEET. year. The wetsuit is coming out of the YOUOUT-NUMBERED US IBIS SUMMER. FURTHER, mothballs and the flowered long johns ANDTO AVOIDBEING ACCUSEDOF BEING are headed for the cleaners. See you SPORTSMANLIKEABOUT THIS, GOODLUCK IN all out there I EVENTIJALLYIMPROVING YOUR QUALITY OF RACINGTO OUR LEVEL. MAYBEWE WILL ALL P.S. Claude Welles beware: Since you GET OLD ENOUGHSO THATYOU CAN KEEP UP referred to our Pearson 31 as "The SOON. Polyester Pig," the privacy fence is for sure going to be put up on the CONGRATULATIONSALSO TO ALL THE GREAT dock between our boats. I'll just ACCOMPLISHMENTSOF THE LASERFLEET have to get a longer shore power cord above and beyond THE CLUBLEVEL. in order to be able to hook up to your batteries. HANKKLEESPIES MADE IT TO THE FINALS OF THE GEORGEO'DAY TROPHYFOR THE SINGLE­ HANDEDCHAMPIONSHIP OF THE WHOLEUNITED STATES.







JUNIOR DIVI SION ••••••••••••••.••••••••


26 C15 Fleet 34 Musselman in 3rd, and Keith and Bonnie Lackey in 4th. Houston C15'er Scott Craven by Bill Smith got a 5th.

Alas, this year's racing (and warm With this second place performance, weather) are nearly history. After a very busy Claudia Foster received the Dozier Cup, a racing year, I will enjoy a a break from perpetual trophy that is awarded to each racing. However, I am already excited about year's top competitor in the "Texas ClS next year, knowing that the fleet is growing Circuit". This "Circuit" consists of the main in size and racing skill. regatta's held in Dallas Corinthean Sailing Club (Whiterock), Houston's Clearlake The Fall Series didn't turn into very Yacht Club (Clearlake), and the AYC. much of a series this year. The wind didn't cooperate at all. There were a few fun races Furthermore, as a result of consistently anyway with a light turnout by the fleet. I winning most AYC ClS racing events this guess we used the Fall winds and free time in year, Claudia Foster is this year's ClS Fleet the summer series. Somehow Claudia Foster Champion. Congratulations on such an came away with 1st place in this series. Good excellent racing year. racing Claudia. I'm sure next year should prove very On last Sept. 30, Oct. 1 weekend, three interesting, since the fleet is growing in both AYC ClS's participated in the Waiting for numbers and competitiveness. Racing activity the Great Pumpkin Regatta hosted by will gain momentum fast (like this year) due Houston's Clearlake Yacht Club. The racing to the North American Championship being was definitely different (starboard instead of at Fort Walton Beach, Florida in June port mark rounding on the first day ... ) . The sometime (probably). Participating in this wind was more like a summer Lake Travis event is an experience that I highly day than the ocean breeze pattern nonnal in recommend. I know that some ClS's from the Houston, Galvaston area. Austin are planning to compete and thus racing will start as early as possible (no There were 13 or 14 ClS's total at the wetsuits ... ). regatta, the regatta's largest one design class. Gordon Prejean and Jeff Perna of Dallas Racing for the rest of the year will be seemed to be the team to beat. They took on an as somebody wants to basis. I know if home 1st place by quite a margin. Many the weather is nice, several ClS's have. times it would seem that someone would expressed interest in a series race or 2. Feel have ·an insurmountable lead and lo and free to call me for help in disseminating behold, going downwind to the leeward infonnation to the fleet. As a fleet, we will mark, a puff would bring the WHOLE fleet still have a party and fleet meeting to elect down on your tail (I mean stern). The fleet officers and make plans for next year. I generally high level of competitiveness was will contact everybody soon about any winter one thing that made this regatta fun (besides activities. the people).

After Gordon in first place can1e the 3 Austin boats in a tight group: Claudia and Bruce Foster in 2nd, Bill Smith and Bob

27 ~~'~"'fr\, - ' 1 SUNFISH ~I ,1 ~---1~-• )tA by "The Silver-Tongued Lizard"

First of all, I know you'll all join event to your 1990 calendar of ''must me in sending our Grand Wizard, Tim - do" activities. Erwin, happy thoughts and GET WELL SOONwishes. Tim has been in St. The annual meeting to elect officers David's hospital for extensive for next year: Fleet Captain, Pursar/ medical testing to determine his Scribe, and Conunittee Coordinator -­ illness and will go to Houston for will be held sometime in November. further testing. We'd all like to You'll be notified by phone as soon as see Tim back out at the yacht club a final date is set . If you could submit rarin' to go. And I'm sure Tim would your nominations to me before November 1, like that too. I'd greatly appreciate it. We'd like to be as organized as possible before Topping off the end of the Sunfish the meeting (a "first" you say?J). season is our annual trek to the Wurstfest Regatta on Canyon Lake Anyone interested in purchasing the (which will probably occur before new racing sail in Nov. or Feb., please you get this Telltale). Read all let me know. If I can organize a group about it in the next issue. sale of 10 people or more, we can get a sizable discount. Thanks to our fleet members - - old and new -- we've had a successful Jim Spano is interested in selling his year. Membership doubled this year Sunfish (no trailer). If you're and even includes one junior sailor. interested give him a call. (He's We've made contact with other sailing in the AYC Directory.) Also, if you clubs and traveled to: Houston YC, know of anyone who has a Sunfish for Seabrook, Clear Lake, and Galveston. sale, let me know. I'm always getting In addition to our traditional Wed. calls from people who want to buy a night races, we added some Friday Sunfish and join our fleet. Our night cruises for fun sailing to reputation for good fun and good exciting places like Sometimes racing has spread!! Island and Snake Island. We published By-Laws which were made up at a general Sunfish meeting in August. And we tried to keep you up-to-date on all the Sunfish rule changes this year as they occurred such as the new class legal sail and new boat specifications.

One highlight of the year was our 2nd annual downtown Sunfish Regatta chaired by Bill Records and sponsored by Steve Clark, owner of the Waterloo Ice House. We couldn't CLIP ANDSAVE have done without either of them! it 1989 NEWMEMBER INFORMATION More than 20 Sunfish raced -- juniors . as well as seniors. The wind was strong; the lake was clear, and the racers had a great time. Add this ~~~~ 28 McCLUNG, Mn:HAEL & FLORA BLACKLOCK, WARREN H. & ELIZABETH 715 Vanguard St"., Austin 78734, ...... 261-4062 \~. HARRY, JR. Au s TIN . pu M p & su p p L y • • . .. - • • • • • • • • 442-2 3·4·g 11002 COUNTRY KNOLL J-22, ALPHA SAILBOARD AUSTIN, TX 78750 •••• • •••••••• 331-8924 ABBOTT LABS ••••••••.••.•••• 255-2000, BURDGE, GARRY x 4789 2113 LAFAYETTE ELIZABETH: PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE •••••• 255-9617 AUSTIN, TX 78705 ••••••••••••• 495-9970 CAPRI 14.2 CARRIER BUILDING SERVICES ••••••••• 860-7665 KIWI 22 MARCH ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• FEBRUARY •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• WHITE, H. R. (HAL) & ELAINE 4005 PALOMA CIRCLE THIEL, JOSEPH F. AUSTIN, TX 78734 ••••.•••.•••• 266-2655 MARY THRESA-20 INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT ••••••••••• 266-2655 " 10321 RUTLAND VILLAGE EAST ELAINE: LAKEVIEW BONSAI ••••••••• 266-2655 AUSTIN, TX 78758 ••••••••••••• 832-0450 CATALINA 25 HEALTH PHYSICIST ••••••••••••• 835-7000 M51 ROCKOFF, MAX & GLORIA McFARLAND 1406 OXFORD AVE. KLEESPIES, HANK AUSTIN, TX 78704. • • • • • • • • • • • • 444-4658 2239 CROMWELL CR., $408 CABINET MAKER ••• • • • • • • • . • • • • 476- 5826 AUSTIN, TX 78741 •••• ...... • •• 389-0177 GLORIA McFARLAND: UPHOLSTERER •••••• 444-4658 GRADUATE STUDENT SANTANA 25 LASER, , MISTRAL, PRICE, DAVID & MARTI STEARNS, FRED & MELISSA ALLISON PHILIP-6, ALICE-4 9105 TEXAS SUN DR. 14811 YELLOWLEAF TRAIL AUSTIN, TX 78748 ••••••••••••• 282-6701 AUSTIN, TX 78728 ••••••••••• (1)-251-9066 GAREY CONSTRUCTION Co ••••••••••• 837-5916 LCRA ••••••••••••••••••• 473-3520 MARTI: CAPITAL PRINTING ••••••••• 442-1415 HARPOON 5.2 CATALINA 22 MOORE, DAVID & ELIZABETH GODBOLD, TERRANCE JOHN & LYNNE DENISE DANIEL-11, JASON-8 THERON JOSEPH, SARA BETH 1108 BATAVIA 437 BRADY LANE PFLUGERVILLE, TX 78660 •••••••••• 990-5101 AUSTIN, TX 78746 ••••••••••••• 328-2677 TEXAS EMPLOYMENT COMMISSION •••••••• 463-2357 AMERICAN REALTY ANALYSTS ••••••••• 477-1312 ELIZABETH: TEACHER'S RETIREMENT SYSTEM •• 397-6400, LY NN E DE N I SE : DOME ST I C :t N GI NE E R• • • • • • 32 8- 26 7 7 x 1515 FREDLUND, ERIC v. & TINA TABLER JONES,RoBERT E. & KAREN K. 7906 DONCASTER DR. ERIK-15, STEPHANIE-13 AUSTIN, TX 78745. • • • • • • • • • .448-2696 11909 BROOKWOOD CIR. RESEARCH ANALYST ••••••••••••• 463-5510 AUSTIN, TX 78750 ••••••• • • • .335-6595 TINA TABLER: CONSULTANT • • ••••• 474-7751 MOTOROLA ••••••••••• • • • • • .928-7237 SAN JUAN 24 KAREN K.: HOMEMAKER CAPRI 14.2 MILLER, MARTHA HLISTA, RICHARD & ANN 6512 CASCADA BRADLEY-21, BRYAN-19, BRITTAN-16, LAUREL-12 AUSTIN, TX ••• ...... • 345-6063 87078 WESTOVER CLUB DR • AMERICAN AIRLINES ••• ...... • ·• 499-6109 AUSTIN, TX 78759 •••••••••••• .345-0366 , CAJUN DEVOIX 17 DENTIST ••••••••••••••• .458-5205 ANN: SECRETARY ••••••••••• .328-0208 TURPIN, BILL & JOSIE THISTLE,J-24 CHRISTOPHER-1 6701 LAKEWOOD POINT COVE JULY •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••..••••••• AUSTIN, TX 78750 •••• . . . . . • ••• 343-8117 COOPERATIVE TECHNOLOGY • • •••• 345-8872, HOWARD, RON & FRANCES x 270 8419 SPRING VALLEY DR. JOSIE: HOMEMAKER AUSTIN, TX 78736 ••••••••••••• 288-4747 LASER TALLEY INVENTORY SERVICES ••••••••• 447-3940 FRANCES: TALLEY INVENTORY SERV.ICES •••• 447-3940 MAY • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• CA TALI NA 22 KLUG, ROBERT (R. B.) & ELISE ORMAN HENSON, JAMES De1 JR. KRISTOPHER, EMILY, MARNIE, BRIDGET 8405 MAINE DR. 16127 LAKE TRAVIS DR. AU$T[N, TX 78758. • • • • • • • • • .836-8026 AUSTIN, TX 78734 •••••••••• .266-3760 I BM. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 823-8786 TEXAS YOUTH COMMISSION ••••••• .452-8111 PRINDLE 19 ELISE ORMAN: TEXAS YOUTH COMMISSION .452-8111 SUNFISH • • ALLISON, ROB & BARBARA CoDY-7, KYLER-5 APRIL . .•••••••••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••••••••• 16500 SPOTTED EAGLE LEANDER, TX 78641 ••• • • • 259-0080 ROY, DIETER & STEPHANIE SOUTHWEST TRACK BUILDERS . . . . ••••• 259-0080 DEATRICE-19 BARBARA: JosE Loco's •• . . • • .250-8335 7201 WOODHOLLOW DR., #300 ETCHELLS 22 AUSTIN, TX 78731. • ...... ••• 343-8148 FISHER CONTROLS •••••••• . . . .834-7192 CHEATHAM, DAVE BUCCANEER 295 12504 Fox HOLLOW CT. AUSTIN, TX 78729 •••••• . . . . .250-1171 MOTT, MARY MARCIA & CHUCK MOTOROLA ••••••••• ...... 891-2521 BoB-18, DAvrn-13 9613 SOUTHWARD COVE WELLMAN MICHAEL & THERESA AUSTIN, TX 78733 ••••••••••••• 263-2929 CATY CHUCK: SYSTEMS ANALYST •••••••••• 327-6897 4923 TRAIL WEST SOUTH COAST 21 AUSTIN, TX 78735. . . . . • • • • •••• 892-5347 CAPITOL ANESTHSSIA • • • • . . . ••••• 459-2121 LOCHRIDGE, HoPE & i mM PowERs x 4037 !. MOLLY LOCHRIDGE POWERS THERESA: CAPITOL ANESTHESIA • • ••••• 459-2121 807 GARNER AUSTIN, TX 78704. • • • • • • • • • .441-8022 STATE BAR OF TttXAS •••••••••••• 463-1388 TOM POWERS: HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER ••••• 926-9900 SUNFISH JUNE •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• AUGUST •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• CORDELLE, STOREY BONNER III & LISA KAY NEWSOM, SKIP CHRISTINA, STEPHANIE 1900 FIRST CITY CENTRE 3111 CAVALCADE COURT AUSTIN, TX 78701 •••• . . . •••••• 478-9506 AUSTIN, TX 78746-1819 •••••••••• 328-0001 ATTORNEY •••••••• . . . . .478-9506 AMD. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 462-5384 SAN JUAN 28 LISA KAY: MASK DESIGNER ••••••••• 328-0001 LASER HINTZEN, ERICH & VALERIE 2425 CROMWELL CIRCLE, #904 DURFOR, JOHN AUSTIN, TX 78741 ••••• . . . ••• 385-4159 2000 RoBINHOOD TR. BRIEFING ATTORNEY ••••• ...... 463-1312 AUSTIN, TX 78703 ••••••••••••• 472-3752 VALERIE: ACTUARY ••••• . . .322-3401 PHYSICIAN ••••••••••••••••• 471-4955 ENSIGN . . . ENSENADA 20 FIC KLIN, STEVE CHRis-15, JENNY-12 SEPTEMBER ...... •...... •.•..•...•..•. 3902 PETERSON, #102 JOHNSON, ALLAN L. AUSTIN, TX 78756 ••••••••• . . . .452-2982 4518 MANZANILLO AMS. . . • ...... 450-9050 AUSTIN, TX 78749 •••••• . . . . • • • 280-4408 MCC-SHIPPING/RECEIVING . •• .250-2755 LASER, HOBIE 16 REHAGE, JIM & CONSTANCE JENNIFER-8, JAcos-5 MOS. 3608 SERENA WooDs Cr. AUSTIN, TX 78759 •••••• • ••. 794-0321 RADIAN CORP ••••••••• . . . • • 454-4797 PEARSONJ DELLA A. 40 IH-35 N., #5A2 AUSTIN, TX 78701 ••••••••••••• 477-5336 Assr. LAND COMMISSIONER. • • ••••• 463-5326 SUNFLOWER HAWKINS, ALLAN CAITLIN-7, JESSICA-3 439-A SAILMASTER AUSTIN, TX 78734 ••••••••••••• 261-6889 DIR. OF PHARMACY, ST. DAVID'S. • ••• 397-4255 BOONE, PAUL & BETH 7410 MIFFLIN KENEDY TERRACE AUSTIN, TX 78749 ••••••••••••• 288-6810 PASTORAL COUNSELOR •••••••••••• 465-8158 BETH: PSYCHOLOGIST •••••••••••• 452-0381 w PROMOTE YOUR BUSINESS I

Texas' #1 Dealer Represen1ing N America's Finest Sailboat Lines • • CAPRI • HOBIE CAT • LASER • SUNFISH WILSON (WIL) SMITH, D.D.S. • NACRA & PRINDLE • COMPAC • USED BOATS D General Dentistry • ALPHA • BIC SAILBOARDS "-l.:STIS •S A:i. AHONIO• HOUSTON

604 Highland Mall Blvd. (512) 454·0' c (512.) 343-1990 AUSTIN, TEXAS 78752 R 3933 SPICEWOOD SPRINGS #E200 AUSTIN, TEXAS 78759 I Written Guarantee Free Estimates

BUSINESSBROKERS, INC . M Bradford Roofing EDDIE CALOOERO E AT THE HELJvfOF AFFILIATED AND "STREGA" Mark Bradford 4905 Dry Oak Trail {P.H.R.F. C-FLEET) SINCE 1972 (512) 892-4530 Austin , Texas 78749 . ; ' I 346-J.J.700 s

Thomas A. Cox THE8_AIL Sales Representative

OPl'OMETRIC DMSION ~KI WU.D LEITZ USA, INC. CENTER 12980 Research Blvd. 600 Kenrick Suite A-8 Houston, Texu 770fi0 Austin, Texas 78750 Telephone: 713-445-7007 (512) 258-0733 Telefax: 713-999-7818 ewtLDLEITZ Local: 512-250-1112 Rod Malone