The London Gazette* March 26, 1858
1618 THE LONDON GAZETTE* MARCH 26, 1858. COURT FOR RELIEF OF INSOLVENT Engineer and Dealer in Secondhand Machinery, Metals, and other goods, ard Commission Agent, and formerly DEBTORS. of No. 57, St. Marj Overy's-wharf, Southwark, Surrey, Engineer. See Notice at the End. Thomas Newsom, of Marsh-lane, Tottenham, Middlesex Farmer, Cattle Deahr, and Carter. The following PERSONS, who, on their snvera1 Petitions filed in the Court, have obtained On Monday the .12th April, 1858, at Eleven Interim Orders for protection from process, o'Clock, before .Mr. Chief Commissioner Law. are required to appear in Court as hereinaftei Christopher Neale, formerly of No. 57, Margaret-street, mentioned, at the Court-House, in Portugal- Clerkenwell, Town Traveller, then of No. 28, Edward- Street, Lincoln's-Inn, as follows, to be examinee terrace, Caledonian- road, and now of No. 26, Brunswick- place, Charles-square, Hoxton, all in Middlesex, Town and dealt with according to the Statute : Traveller to China and Glass Warehousemen, and part of the time a Dealer in China and Glass, and Agent to a On Friday the 9th April, 1858, at Eleven Metal Warehouseman, and also letting lodgings. o'Clock precisely, before Mr. Commissioner Thomas John Daniell (known as Thomas Daniels), of No. Phillips. 9, Spencer-street, Goswell-road, Clerkenwell, Middlesex, Warehouseman and. Packer to an American Merchant, Morris Cohen, formerly of No. 10, Byron-street, then of and Board and Lodging House Keeper. No. 7, Mill-street, and next of Lime-street, all in Liver- Joseph Platnauer, of No. 1, Carpenter's-buildings, London pool, Lancashire, then of No.
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