) HAltlOI WIAntm

I "'"l'er.. t Ul'M ror u. ,.. ~r•M •n dl• Newwort ~ HARBOR 1 • • • "' • ...,. IUOB WW

"f '' J11n 11 J2 H IO I " 1;i _ HM \ J,.,... .. 72 ~ I 11 1~ \ 7, 18 82 .hint HI, ralnfalJ. =-~PR SSS \ I ' f•uw• 16 17 M J l)tl• 17 89 ...'8 I •\ Jun11 1118 ~ I I PBONJ: Olllole '•II lSu..>n. 11 ••. Ldt ~lat YEAR-NUMBER 45 NEWPORT BEACH. CALIJ'ORNIA. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18, 1968 M.33o 10 CZNTS ) • • I 641 I ..... U.S. Official Affirms Santa Ana .Air Base Story * * * * * * * * *

City Faces 1Jet Air .Base Story Based On Air Guard Gov't Facts, Official Admits to Receive Unbalanced TbP r<>ntrovf!rslal _,.. .tA>r)' of poealble plan" to actfftte the old Suta AM Air Bue u a jfot facWty, carried la lut Wf'CIDNda) '• edJUoa of U.. Newpon Bar­ bor Nrw•PrMs. wu ooa.ftnud yNt#rday by a Ualted 8tate. otftalal M .... a '59 Budget true Md attunte l"f'port of fact. ~d by a 1talf JDMtber of the Oorpe ol 51cre Site En.(iD~n, l!. S, Anny, With Mayor J&lrU!e 8todd&f\l Thfl ittol"y bad bfton labeled M falae and a oomplete fabricatloa by aa oppoel­ oa record ... oppoMd to &dOJ•I • tlon IM'•Hpapt"r. lnir an unbal&nt'Ald but11t•l, r• In made y.ierday to Tom vi.inn• a pproved by Ctly Cn•1n· a 11tat.f1nt.nt New•.,.,,_ Edttol' 11aticJlff11, loe Aabarf, clJ M••n1lav nlpt durlnir a rrlll· efHf'f of th.- ttt.hnk-al Ua.baon bl'IUldt of Loe ~ Dlatrtet. Oof"Ptl of ~ t'&I anlllY"" of pmp< • ~t'tl •pr1v l· t . S. Arm~. Aid: lnir will lip lti. hirun•• 1ntn the rl'n a dnmk dlu9e ... m&tlu ant1 •I ~ .. anon u about cool.roUtnc ~ rowdy ,.,,._ .... rI.. In COQJllDCUan wtUI tbe 'P-' apoloclm ._.. _.. ... ui. Fire Rings 01 Ant'ly Smtth. a form• oouneU- up ol A&rtJnc a J4~ patrol COUrM at ._ - ...... man, who llv.-1 up the p~ at the ~ ~ o""-'e4 t.o ,._... .... I Qllld City Beaches CMd1np eom..wtlat wtth rwpeat· the PoUce ~t ~ I Vidim of Polio 'Living II ed obJ~UllNI to mtnOT' vrpendi- rat-4 to U M,4•7, an lN',._ tw-.. at JlJ,MO t.o pay tor 7000 m&JI M Co Draw Protests By dep&l"Unenta Ill the bud(· houn ot ~ police time IW- esa 11cil nre rlncw on the c11y·1 i-t"h· el, commenll and c b an c r • ..._ will i,. ulillAd IArplY Up' on in were to man the l"O&.mJ.q be&cll pa- \ 4'9 hlirhll(hted lut nl(ht'a mttt· 1 Vacation Balboa inc ut 111e Pa1tr.a. ~·· hre and fly H -\JW.A R r.r rn0MAa Fatti. 10 and Mllile. 11. an "ll•· Ool smJtb ~ • MOO Ll"Ola. M1m Item ln the Admlnlalrall,,.. cclt7 1be U IO !JU llOW' tor ,..... 011 Name R.toc;r ..lion C:'onun I ••I"". with Inf ll up~ JU.l Ilk • any otbw memlwn o< I.he C- lra l :>:~'J>Orl -r.n y •an In an ln>n lunr .• • for la low• bAflP)' t.lnl IJ on a llWIUnW t1ni.e l'JV.MCft"• otflc:eJ budlwt ~ ~J BMrh 1·nmmwiltv A"1110o lallnn K•n Byll•by and hi• Y>1te. contermn and 1.ra,..1 Ctty M&n· than U.. n U P9I' bour paid nutlnr protf'lltni< l "llt&llv• rl•rut •n ln­ a1~ Rubf'Tt Shelton apl&INd tOI' .,._ roolde pci.Uc4mlll It Change Plan 1 unnl•, are • JWn°lln1 a ten-day There i. a n-.. jor dltfWW\e., at&JI M rtno on lhe 1•1th Sl the ~M allowed lut ,_,. WU -. painted ouL J\Merfte .,.. v &,.a llnn on th• ~v front a t 8&J h.--9'-«, In lhla r&ln!ly fT'OUP Ocf'& n i'ront Lo Mnd hlm to & clty ~I alM> ~ulred t.o work & ('Utatn eo.t.a W.. Ctty CounciJ Mon.­ A \kdl Itll ... tM)t .... Th• a UOC'laUnn lnro"'1""1 ....m - boa. They and lh•lr two children, lhaup ll da.n't cl\&.llc9 In &nJ' oooferent'e &ti the lllUt and t.h&l numbel' ot fl"M houri u pert day dedtn.d to CIOllUDel)t otn­ llM ...... - W'\Y the Ni.K9'f d&.mM of the m1 ..lon •r9 tn•t It had • Pl"""'"'' he planned t.o r o to DaJlu In ot their Job rl.&Uy en the Al.lllUn at~ Ida ...... ,..;tN ~ Oilla a nn1mlttooe to e ir pb.- of u.. l>f'ach Proiic-1 that ~ lkadl x .. ,,,_,...... lll lw~n Oootel' R.o&d &8d lnrtM Mia. onea ,-., ...... _ ..-!Y're, wll ~n MJ1 why n,.. nnp 1 m•I pl ~ ln r . rottlrc 1111d 1 oe>11 1hn11l 'P'&N to pu1Thue Uw nam• c~ ,.,.. _. ot wood Park...... ,~ t.o Ult C'H)'-OWned Marin• ruk lunr : a part ot hi• exlat&noe t~ ot Ul80 plua the 11740 ~ a new Jeep and bnrmw th• !Mir CClnC!91'n and wu ~ tnulf'T' cnurt, Th• OWN Pap 4.e1 Iw1thln the prv.lnoe fll U.. OtJ M nr• tire rtnp wt>uM only wi ll be ukec1 t.o lnrlude In ltl ~ . """9 rtrlk9" _:Ith poUomellUI and ~cQUJll r.,.rk a tull-Ume - otl N-iiort 8-ch. c:AllM at'lrtJtlon&l rarklnit flrOO tH1t1 Jf'l •uftlrll'nl mnnry ln nur- while dotnr hta Jnh .. a rhoemlaL eomploy... cJty Pl&nnl.nc ~ 1ut 1 1Safeway lelocatioft lem• aMOClatlnn n1•m.,..,.. , h.,.. 2!Ul()0 rnpCN n ( a novlllf'd T'hOlle nf!'llt dan "'"ren'l ...,., A n!durUnn ot 1$00 to l lflOO I"'wk tndkat.f!d ..,...... _ to Uw Gen. Jerome's Retlr-ment p1Ht1"'J And If thf'\' h11,,.. tn 'Tr,.u11nt Mfl p ," • • •nilnif to but Ktm and hll v.if• b&l'Wy In «Mil of profealon&J Wrvlt'ff In Mesa AnlMMlnc•d plan. but lt.lpul&W It ... not be hf'NI Ill llJI, • f>Af" lhf'ffi on 11111 tllt'e<"torw nt the Ntvo.,,ort IlOll• h on t.hlU, ar• In pl" m Costs 'Viejoi' AMember The mAp - 11 -\cnnwn and re • ·t' . K __._ .., 1 M rvi<"•• <> f the lnd4'pelldl'nt &Ud· Bat-.y Market. "°"" lor•t"" •I Cnut HJpway to Dootw "-4. Nort1>n lninrm,.1t th,. •J"<"• ta tnn • 1 I f'd .... I - · • en renl y ... ULA - ln th• p&lll. wu <" & m h.11 face ln con~t.nllon. " I wu ltnr ar. required le1a and 1- 1722 Newport Blvd , to t.M okS In ot.ber a.cUona the .ou.nt'U · " AmJscie V14tjoe." N.wport that. " \\'e' re Juat kt•-klnit lhl• ""'''.a I to h• an •P4""l&llv popular pub- I In (}eneral I Loe An ~lt'tl about Col Smith quullone-d a MOO<> Alpha e.t.a .tore loc&Uon &I 211 I 11 Ora.nt.ct ~Oii to al" Hlll'l>M' e aoct•ty of old trlomda, p rohlfom back tQ Ult rlt v mMA· lli'ltV and a dvf'rll•lnr pt.CO• f n r ~ C t 201 Item In the city altonwy'1 bud(- I:, 17tb IL ahould be eomp.,.tl'd llf!n'lre orp.nlmUonl to os-nte Will be mlnu. a .-,lor member r r ' A,;nf'lnC tha t th,. •lt•1•· th" •"lty thl"04•,:h the yei& r9 iour mon ... '..then.~~~ I '1'I et to r p rof-Jonal le,-.J Mrvlc· by a.pt. 1 ot U.S. ,...,., 8.t-ay nreworit. llC.&nd9 lD U. dty on an wtll In a "murhadln" lion la a m••. Nortrin 1 la lm""1 ,. •n• ('llll f1•r a romf11 1' ' " r•· ~llr9 ~l nant'hlJ .,.._ m coa. 11 ff City Attorney Wall.for Ct\&· m.vliltt ~•r Oeof'K"' Atralne r"n rtJI ot July 'lllrfttt. p lh•t ~pl• whn "f'NI tnr (IN' f th Al tn t>.. re- It l t wu • Inns time •l'O, rarnu nplalnf'd thla wu for &llJ\OWIC«S lh18 momln& 12 1 Tabled Uae appllallon of "'hf'n It ~ lodey at ~ rtnr• a , ••r a 11:0 .,.. ..i:•m•t \1•1• n 0 • "'" r "' h• • mll~• . '1'""' "11 fnr ln• h1•l••n In I.he butlr;· p~utlon t>C r ..,.. that hi.I ot- Rftlo9aUon ot the MW •t <~ 11 P'l""d J Chaml>erw to OPf'I' a rab- 1 ;\'...,,.Jl(lrt Hal'bnr Tat'ht C'1ub lhf'm now t l Ill 12400 fnr I h 11 C'ham~r · • 1 R OMS 8F.\'l!)f \ f ~AA flC'• la unlllhle to hanc11t P'onM1' acbedulfd to belfla tmm... uat.elv ln•t and t umJtW'9 ma.nufa.ct ur- JobJn.- O.,,•l"lll 8 8 Jack wtU Au•w -latlon ml'ml,..r~ •"1<1 throt I r• ..~ ,,, rHalr1hullon and promo- "l'Y• bM!r'I home fnr Mven at'llng city 111t nmf' y Jark Pen· &ad wtll l RCIUl\e ILll mndforn mar· Inf plant °'1 Ballet' 8L ...i ot tie wtlrom&d lnto U\e tralern· tn • iroup m""""lr It wu lh• Unn or the m•p a nd nlhn pub- yf'Olr now • al first th•Y tllrln't ( l'M ('(H Nc·n . P&s-• A-•> ket equlpmeorit, •tnt09 11ald Cn1 i._. .,... Hy. H• II lb• "'Pl~t ln unantmnua '"'"'"" ' lh• t the t1r• llflty J'l l'l'f'4 want me to try tl but I won. rnmmand Majnf' Oener-.l rln«i• be rl1r"'1 on f'Vf'n' ol hf'r Ar t 1nn r1U11 ,. )ton•l11y '"'hM and nnw n\•flr I !'I() rnlln pllllf'nU t~ n nll>ft ,. 1Jttry 1 le"'1'1'W. wt\Q l tN'•t ~u 11rr1tloo \AIU al•n "' " '"~'~ of lh" bna.r1I nf t11rf'!'· are lwlnr; rarNt Cnr nn • 11 ~l al - ' Il • '1•1• lo ""1 lr• thl1 montb u m&t1f' that • '10 •rnl ,,.. hi' lnrt1 n •t at t he \ ' Ill• \ftuina Hnme l~ ar e l>f'partn ""l prr>­ ODOR Is HORRIBLE r.immaMlnr o.rwra1 AJ,rM'att. ch•Ult"'' tor u- or rue n r. ic• rfO•lll 11 •~t ll'Am, un1J.-r l.na AnJ"'"' county I to hr lp tor pollrlllf: n•Y lluf;h Myn\t t wM a ppolntl!d Jurlat11rt1nn 1 n,,. 1 Hl flrr lo 1111 ll ll•lf'f 11U rt1 1ltrn.an nf Iha fl'Jhllrlty ,-om " hn l lhtl llnrt of (' U W ••·I d\ :"orlnn hn,,.· r vl'r, U l•l I 1tf'r, Flood Control Plagues Seashore Colony ~:.:::~=:~: ~:.~:,= mtllH h) prwldf'nl l'rb&n ~ orbltanUy HPf'T\111 \'e • H I !lad Ill) -'II\' " " " tallf' Jf'n>m• are tKiay TTWt•1n r their Alan • N"'lnt""1 tn a romm111 - " ~t> - nt> C'o)&l lhl'\' !'\,rn l ~h &J I 01. • ~ th• The na u.ar<"• • a.mMI nf m11llcllul lnaJ II\., wtio ~""1 lot ~ l'ilY t ""'h"re &h9 ltww wt..n t ~ Wlll #r ~rJIONll f!ffedll and tumlahlnp . u nnc• "" ,.,.1 ,. u Hnm,.r !lmllh n&mf'f1 tn IMn lune eqntrmn1t , e ll m""11 · an-Irr( <'.&l&llna ant1 b11 r) th"•"' ot df>&d &N'.I d\~ f'l&mll and lut week tl\&t tlw r·n.,ntv '"'"°" r- ~ tr1im Utf'll" ot1*r' e q11art•n et 1... nt1 nnt tn thr t'tt\ tra tl ,.r en·,., '"' ''1• l"h.-rnl.,.r 1 f"Uk lM I' rtn.,. &l\d f'\'f'n J'll)' (ttT • ho•ui4' · rn"""'""'"" irr-t..ct lb& f'Mldente h,.r fll• odtw' i. !Mwnbw ~t,. t::l Tnrn lnln • n"m• In Br.. nt- pr>11r ,., r•'',... nr r AIA'&rt1 Mll11m k~r to th•l mv ,..,,. .,, • ., nr lhl' ~•hn ,. ('nl-y ..Jbdtn · Oamtrol pl'V)ttt Nut nllnf'fl • .,.i I r&tl...:! th• l"u ' " " n~·~ •h01tld he u...-1 rnr .-r'"" \1f'n1h"'" "'' th,. hnarrl n10\ ,..I work Thtre Ian r &l\ Vth1nr; 1111 • U 1tn • I ~irpftllllllllll • th ~ 11• •·.,. 1~• un •Inn nf :-;,."Jlllr1 f!.Mrh y...i~ v land hf'r netpbara "''' h • •"~ ll••llh 0•,.ar1 ml'nt • boo•l 11 •.,.. l_.11J11 #' h• lll • h r•rh H1! 111 flltl"•I t• A•k ' ! -• t•l" nn ns: ron1m l•alnn ~ · In lln\ nthf'r • '•I ..· I , ~n t It o( la< I> ' ,,. lt I " .....11 ,., fnr f' \ J\A I . "" • nl1 lhio mnrnlnr .. ,..ult b.c&11• of the k f>f "•' "r. •II llut\ •lll

Wont History Ge ..•rf Wlllte . Jdl• ef Ca111era 'HAM', ·OPERA TORS SUCCESSFULLY Club Competition COPE WITH MOCK DISASTER TEST

Old m.Rabllahed ?n.lw'a.lloe ApDCY All liMI wrttte UOWA&D w. ow:u••• llOt Hpt. Blvd • eo.ta W... PHONll UJIEaTY • 1111 - I Private Police

¥~t Watcbmea V ormed n Plala dot.bel l Kerehaat poUoe 0&1J U-bou aamblr Beet protM'tloa pat:rol

a:='Hutne Patrol Klmberiy 2·7027 or Ollole 3·3600 I rwJ:: .._...., ..._ I ,.... '=: .. I • Newport·- Office e ,...,,>..:"' · :-&;:...... "- . tit L KOUw POUal WiDTnt •o• • ar_ ri.. . " I' Im • • oo• \\ . n\'w-r In th Th" I ms t To ""• I PLYWOOD aimpl TIEN ·AGERS • • • • • • • plllnY h i • LIAIN A FOlllGN LAN•UAGI OltANGI! COUNTY M y In t• DURING YOU R SUMMER VACATION WHOLESALE am • ll e nJ SPECIAL SUMMER PROGRAM PLYWOOD COMPANY • 1• h )>f' r I Fa&& • TWO LOCATIONS • CA.LL 1"0W 1:0.TKUl)l( TORY LUIOH roa Th Cl.A.all NOW F OR'tl.:0-0 L't; FULLERTON COST A MESA ' S,.Rllh·G•nnan·ltaHan-French·Russian 14'4 W. Wal"ut 738 W. 17th St. ... a nd AI.AO nrvAT'll TUTOamo '"' A.LL 1t:&1~ LA b-nos Ml b-2672 ··~ ~KHOOL OY BERLITZ L.UtOt.4ot:s Mon. tfW'U "1.-1 to I ... NO&TH 8&04J>WAY 'IANTA ANA lllmberfy 1-Ull lat.-1to12 W1C All~ ALaO • AUDllNA - 81:VDU.Y RILLS - LOI A.NOICLU J:QUIPPlm TO Yn.L OftDl:JLI rM>M 0~1: PO:CE TO .\ CUL04D r;, ••rn· till Jurk bani' tt I ..... ~ r,- nf'W Onr. on >6u e.lan helter Jll(ith a thin H JI• I savings account at ff,. • ANKOF MERICA! ONGt npectatlon1- or 1mall- it'1 a IOOd i.du to •tart your plane with a Savinp Account at Bank ofAmerica !Plan with oon.ftdence, 1mowmr your M~p earn reculu bek int.r.t-HCU,.. in the bank wbe~ over 2 million Cal.ilo:rui.aD9 a&Te. Yoo can count. too, on the 1tatewide 1treqth of Bank of America, the advanta1ea of it.a neiahborhood con•1enience, it.a 62 bankin1 1.rvic11- all yours when you opfln a Sannp Aooount at Bank of Am•rica ... BEST WAY TO SAVEi

t i.HI •• AMltlCA • HAflOHAl ft\IU AH• IAYtNO I AU OCIAflON , ... IMUI ' · O t C .

, ...... W~eel Cover Alert Newport Police Nab Newport H.,.,., NEWS.Pless u.... "· .... ~, Price Is High, Plan Crackdown on P•rkw•y P~ I P~!~ •~•~rt !~~!!~~J~ul!9!_ w..., " Md ...-e;a - Az1111 Fin~s w•r" reapnnalbl• ~ah1rday ftlrht ,.,.,,. l'llumlna lul niahl la_.... lllM tMJ NlMt¥·Mve dollan and • lla1 fnr the ltrl'tt Of r•l•r R. 8(>. •Ill bt«tn Ill ...... --~ll- k•nlco, 2• '°s 1 31th flt.. and Wlll1't rhtrkln1 tM IMa out. down on iwldlaw ..._ \all• ll ' In jall WH the rrlc• Charin 1 Carine K )ltlruel, 211. of El Mo- the nfttrf'n r•pnrt.. U..t lloth urnn lMl'll•l"9 &. ....t or u J l'khemM11. t t . of .uuaa. 1111111 for tour "1plnner" hubraJll ob­ dfna. "n rharl'u nf po WM appearll<1 tn INI under t- t.ftll· bri<'ll Ole .,... ~ ..._ .. t.aiAed eartv ~rday momlnic Of nar<'ollta. -.C• nf almhol nr nareKlea. al• t_.... •ctew.ur Mid .,..._ rt IMI Udo Jal• Anft 1le kert Ul•m Otflrton B IU Ta.lboll and 89'\• thou•h llO 1IC'nbol ...,. be Parile Ill"""__..' Cal Ir anl)' a f•W mtnut• rv H ill apotltd lb. men .,., 1m9lll>d nn their brtalL ltewvt •14 rr.,.. .,.._ A lT·:v•ar-old «Wnpanlon, a l"" the r1ratP • Oen. a«'llnr e uapl· Th• c1....,.u1 wu fWM eon. lion• M ve .._.. _,.... IA Ula .. C'h111Aly, thf'y aid. oealed under a ,.....,. noo.. ..t. J>Ul. ,_ VMlr City or- C• Of Aauaa. wu bon In the crtme.. M ,..,,.,..,.;;;;;;;:iiiii;iiiii;iiiiiiiiii:iiii:=iiiii;iiiii;;;;;;;;.;. ft.om a car belOl\r;tna tn < "li ar~· J1.. ll1f' l'uurt \t'alf'I d11v wllh permtuhm for bolh tlta aul0c110- t-. T .. otrl .,. CU J: ('ox, 138 VIA. It hlra i·h,., p1 l'h111111ary hur1n1 at'l · tor J bll• a.nJ ru1tlt1h • to be •arch· •.. , ., ._. ~ ~' .. Wfre app111ben\Sed mlnulu lat..r, .. h• I' ru • J une 23 <.:haraea aplnat Ied l-u • ar....,.. .. O.r Ill... 'Iii clrlvlnl' a 183'·mod.-I harllt n1•. )11 1,;cu,.1, a parolre, were dropped The nhk le wa- Impounded I Miu ..U.tla 9o6l'd .., IA& .. : The youtl\a alllO a drn1llr•t IAk· an·I hi waa 1uml't1 ovfr to ah•r- a nd 1n1pect..S • •t11 n•1at1v1 re­ B&Ji.o. aw .... y.., ori.t. tnr tour oth•r hub< ar• an1t four lfl a df'put If'• nn a vtola tlon of aullL P"XEEI •,eak1r11 frnm • 11rh·• -ln mnv1e prnb&llun 1un1anl I M 1• 11•I IC"" h1a on·up• llon aa noee C'e.lla oa.q AlffptMf. - a They w11re tounrl In the ,-.hlrl11 ('0:\11.,.<' "Tlr. C' .\R a •1rv " " " npr111tnr lnfn11111'•I Oriole J·99J1 Or1sinal fine ..... llf't 1t 1 2\11 ll11 kt'nk" I ll Ulnn nil! a V.111 be OI lhf' "trflll•I a~A l nal him h,. ··- btll 5 160 ,. .. e 11aJWndl"1 •11nr1 .. 1.. lt•1 h\ lh~ f'ilat• l'\ar· e tinillt,.11 nnt ••P"'i h\1 prnhA· CoUege Inn --,Ull't.•MON.. fiTli: 1·11111 a Enfo11 t'lllf'nl A1•n•) , In llnn ntt11 n fu1 •bm1t f our O,.alteeP.M...... , pf;TROl.P:l' \I \\AX 11 11.11111ilnr" "llh ('111ifn1n11• I•"'· mnnlh• 11ff1<•1• 1.tia rhe"' are ahown aa they inaJ>f'Ctf'd tht progrHA being madt on conatrurtion o f tht new Coeta MN& Savinga an1! t.<)a n building. In ------·------the background, Roy Grttnleat Jr . prea1dent ot the N vinga a n'*" mll'ht n!\' J>ll•hlf'm la allll I ntf't!h• lp anti 14f'ollr t11ehtrr dre,..,.• hr d M "NI atart ~IAf •..,"'- All Grtnds ,...,~·~ I m a irtrl 17 ant1 .... rruy over lakf' "'" n11t In puhltc 01n1 • I .._., ..LARGE SIZE ~ 2-lb.. un S1 .17 a ~v UI Edwards Coffee ~69« \.\ 1 v • i-n t!atina "'"•11.v for J m 41 a nr1 w e have thr... I Ann Land•"8 will be Jlad tn owr a11C mnnth• Y." t•ll In love 1'1'"" n <"hllt!r1n and I pu1t1ehll· 1 help )'OU with your probl.ma to th• tune of a rPrt&tn eonr; dren I ,..,.ll'h J U pount1a ~ &.nd Ul•m '-'> hw tn ~.,.. of Fruit Pies Th• name nt thla IW>nfC la 8.n'1 ~a• wear a lll&oe 12 ~ My hair lhla n-.pa~r alld M <'loN a r------..15-..~ ,,,,,,., f....., ______... m11 th• rlllow ~011 drNm nn 1t a mped .,,f T o make Lh1 11 ••nr lr\lJy our1. la • l••I irr•,· a nd • v• rynn• aay 1 lopti I "'' lntded Jlllln" a It W U I ll 1 1t11a1 l1v• [>" ynu think Im s.... StN ... c...­ W'(Olllf h• r u 1"" I refU. .,...... _,_a ...... 1tmpl• matt,.r nt ,,.,,,,,. him lh• to look Corvrt"1t I!>!\~ . Enlrr· Ilk" a 1l•r""'1 •pan-ow, dye m y rlllnw otr my ~ ant! a rr"J'l111S pn...._ lnr. hi• hair • nd l"l m )'Nlt up lllc.e a 2=.2V ~58' •pr 1111: rhl• kf'n Jwll Lo pl­ Mv mnthu nc>ttt ...i tlw - llrh h1m • Im tnlerf'll\M In TO'Jf In 1>4lta...·• u hlO I• • lll'hlh' ,_ or111111n A !, H Feature Corona •111111 .. am•ller MWI h11rl • fl! ov• r lh11 '-' K.... ":JJC • nil m a•I• .. hi1t lllfll i. n( It K ,...p ) n11 r dlfC'llll) \ '1111r .... kl .. ~ " ~ SIMmtes ,,.. :!:' y "'11h mv fllh•r II• • rr•H 14\111 h11•l,..11tl I • a 11111• huy •be del Mar Artists 2:::. 29' ... nc hn th•l II 1 lr1111>? p D,...•lo 111 11 .... p P'"' 1111 him · .,,,~' · "; 1fC wlf ,,.,. l ruuht.. lo ..1111 p._ Cr91"le W, ... Thf'V 11 • d"m•n•t1'\lt th al t in Two Movies Toww Ha•• .. ,.. a ••t my 1" 11"" t"'' k an•1 lhal Hl\f nlll l 0 1 '. F._, ~ 2 ,,,__ 4ftrl Mesles ...... , :1~ :SA " • l"t an11t h,..r . ,,nc. I \e' prom· Sweet.,...._ - ~..,,. It ' PU \\ "'J1l"CI H plluad• I 'nl1 """Mu a l1'1 wa1• 1 of well· i..., to do u )"'" D l!I. I St. ••.V - .,.,.i.1nr .... 1 .. 1111 • "~ la llnool>n ~ounl , a rll.U 8111~ J>Joo«. '=.; ·:: J1• a n•I R ....,c.dm ·r 1"'" llat11I, ~d aUll ,_ w..... s.. .,OI l Lu and R...x H~t are f• a tu"'1 " rnmrroml•" lo In M"t1"'· armmd. 1 a.~i.., ,.,...... 39' c.a.r111... 2::w (;pt ynur pill<- '- It a11tl In two .tiivt H olh·w()f)f1 .ma"­ ,,, .• ""I'" h• 1r"'"" 11p and ., s..i.• ..... , 11-1' th,. .._, \ "'" par.. 11t4 tllma lo t>. r,....,.1,..,.f'd Ulla Ral11r· .... ""...... ,_11~" "hat a dnak•7 aiw·a ar. r1!111l Mllnw.tr.illaa; la u .,,...c.1,..=-2:w ...... a.II ttwo. ,._,..._ dav In Corona df'I Mar on Ow MW\ ...,., fur ll ""4 Ill y ..r . ocu..li1>n ot t.h• t'lfl"'nlnr ot th• •Idol. ..,.,. :=- ....:- ,.. I • • • f)oo,ar A nn Thia ,,.11,.,. may IBrand l ~.hnc>I tor Ila tw•lfUI >AD ~·or Ann Th• 14.,,,. •n whn 90tlnli pt'9lly un1mpnrt&r1t to )"n\I wmnw-r. - inn · 011 PalnU114r !\At tifo l M•t.hnda ' con t r • • t • Pfn<'tf'r a O.,Wllflll 11,..,,•11 h,.ni•lt .. A II Ct'tf''1 011t "' n ) OU rnn •t r m a f""""'l\ I Slrt.m1- ~ ... M•1r M1111 )I ll pree tv C'IOlle 10 h°",. l'lh• • wnm&n, bot 11 • vf'ry 1mrort1U1t broa.11 . dlrwl atyl• wit h th• In· 111 ..,._~ lurk1..- lha.n J am Ht-:n hWI· to "l" or I~ n .. v,.r )laY9 taken dl,.,-t etyi. ot t.M Rio~,... M ~i I ~· b&n•l -... n1 I a t11vort• M1M IAY• 1Ole llme In ,. ' ''" mutf'n H• I• 11\1)"' n In a el•p- "~ SAlmWICll . bv·IJIPI! l'llf'<'UllOI\ rtf ~ 0( hla ..., s...... !:: ... ,...... II I • v,. r try to lf'ave t11m h• 11 1 t"' l>M!n •"""Ir • rl'rh1n man pnp1tlllr w,..t.ern ...l'l jf'C'l.a, paint· (>II "'" '11 " .... 11tvoor a lvl' m t a momf'I I • r1'<'1 b•1 1 P,,., 1 momJni; f or fd 111 hi• •tudln 11 <'orona d<-1 htry S., Mes "":: U­ Jl':\·,.t\· llm• J ralth n1m in a ov., a 1u1 I •m d)'lnic In Mar. STEAKS,,__._ .... nP·.• •f'••r h• "" ' " II • '~ l• at mfW'I h ' u ll• ,...,.ma lf'1r1blv •·on ph1r l:ll'm. 111 • In I.and s,lc _. s,.. ,1.~:.. ~ rr ...... on•• 1.1 ot 1111" 11 .. , h,.,.n 1tn1n1C nlto• nn•t I 0 , "'"" h" ""n1 1 to ••• • leef ~ .. SJ' cm f.,r ".!II 1ear• a od I 1lnn t nll'•I mr t110 H11I lh f! 11<>111'11" """Pf' 11•1t• l •l•n• 1 Ilk• &nlma­ ------e ...... tlon tu •in1~rll11 • h.. thin• I·• 11 •v•r 1 h•na:" I• nr1l h• r 01, ''' 11 • know • ho•... 1torv or --..----..-_. I Rf'~ H1•ndt J,.111 11 111( &Mll(ll• Curtsy Orange --....-- Ji,. • r~ Ill• ll • nn fault thal tu •" •l>n1•1,. ~ zt:n- tt<•n I knn\\ '"" n11m~ nl lhP P"r'""' "Ith \lhnm tlw1 .., . Edison EmployMs rlu•nl" trt.. ndl.\ r r-••nr• Dr...... ,..... )'ftll'r- "t\Ylllf "',,_. Win Safety Award Ross,.. ··- him" 111tlt \l>'H -- hf''• '"" ..,, tn .,.._. U... k., "'"'° ...,, ""41thf'rn C"&lltnmla l:ltlM!n Ir... "' Niii IC,....., him ,_,...... mnmlnr rnm1t«.ny emrlny- have wnn a '!IMI \\ , ( ·oa •I 11 ...1 .. 1ttt .. ,,.,,,.,., ""'· l•n t IP" I nattnnal Wf'IY m.,rlt a"''"'" for n11 'lfartn""' \tll ,. 'l'"'' ld...t. It'• 11 nt rahll•lf 1 It v.·n1klnl' mon than a mllllon ...... I .I A ~4,11 h,. t1.....,n t -1,.. '"" ftJll'"' nian hn11r1 v.llhnut a n 11 rc1llenl. Kraft Dla n1r tunth tn maka ron'"'"""tt"" l1 -..:""' •nnnun1.... t ''"'"'° by ...... H.1tlJ 1 h c" l\uw•r, ct1 • lltt l man- .... 1f' 111 :J;-~

'l11e &'°'a h! l""""" t ~I l1Y •.•11· U.S. Ne. l ·A Wltfte 1 ... \.\~I 81 rr,.,, ••ll I tf't ln1 lt1Nl 1\111; 11MltufUlil •-.. 1111111n <•f .. 1.. . trl• li•:ht a nd ELECTRICALLY (lO\.\ ~r «otUJMlfl1fl• I• • 14 1 h tt t oru stian \ . •"'.. l\" ""'("'f'trd "" • t\ .ft\ll• 10 ... 2~ "''""'""E ac·htfl'v1·nu ''' In 111 'I• e LET US HELP YOU e ...... , rr •t.'f'lll Ion ...... That 1. lh• n ,1 ..1 • .r • """ C.i ~ ·--·~ ~;c; ...... !!: 29c • lh"t th.-. ,..,.,, l"'•n ,•,.o r111r - ,.,,.. ~., ... ~. 11 Hfew•y ...... - ...... STAFFORD 6. SON ll1A n J 'olll) f'!r"'lfr\rM h~ ' o • llr'n I P:I H TR It \I , ((),TR \I TO"" P<1 I< 1... , pntntl''1 n11 I T"• ftrlff , •• rr,••nt..,.. '" J'l'~ • ~ ~h . , I \~1 .' J;\\ PO"T '"·' ll, < O~TA \f P'.4114 1.11\P:RT\ I ttll : MCOnd .uty la« 7aa.r, 111 ••t..111 e Thursday • Friday e Saturday e Sunday JUNE 19-20-21-22

•••••· .,:•:•:•:•Y::.:::.:.•:::.... •· ...... •-.J...•/.~:r:·-•· '6_."f!.~11,:;::t.·x:::.-.·.,..·::.vc:tt::·:·:·-::~ ....._._.j~'-~:\H •• ~·~~·:::.::;,:·~·:·::.:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:.i:·:t:•·~.-·• ..., ....•:,..••••• , . • •••'•••1::::• •.-. .• ~ -..: ::~~·. 4i··-~#·~· •1,,,,.• ~- '·'¥· ..... ··~···· ....-:_.,..~ ~· ··::...... --::::-:-...... It.: 'I~ ·•••• ...... _~··· ••• ·······• •••..• ..... ········:-::.·:·., ;:.":I;,. .- . ·.:-:·:·: ... ,.~::~~:·:,... .J~···.-. 11t_::...... •...... , ..., ""'-·~·.::. . .·:. . . ·.-.\•• ~::.o.:.·:: swf PT BROOKFIELD ··:·:·:·:·~ ~·:·:·:::· BITTY CROCKER ·: ·.:.-.. PROCESSED SPREAD .•: .... ~::$$~t~-::,..... ~:::::::~::.{:~~:5~::::.·.:·:::-:•:: CEREAL SALE :\\·::::J.

C'ALE :.~Wt' .. ... CHEESE ...i$?! ...... • Whoa1; .. • ch ...io• • rr1x • Kix

U.5i GIAD! •cHOIC!" - IEST CUTS ~iWlv:·:·::.:-: C W~~t.·:·::.:·:·:·. s 00 C .::::·:·:· .::. v.·:·:·.:·:::. :::·::·:·:: ··:·:·:·::.:·. YOUR 7:SONE & CHUCK • ···::::. 2-l8. ··:::: ... CHOIC! . ··:·::::.:-. ··:.·~:.·:·:. ··:·:·:·:·:.:-. LOAF ··:::·:·:·:·• .:.:.:·:·: :. ·. ·:·:·::...... : ·:·:·:: .• :·.· .:.-:·:·:·:· ·:·:· ·...... ·...... ·: ...... · .. . · •:.:::...... • ...... 1 ...... ·:...... • •• ··::!: .·:.: ...... · ...... • ...... •::...... :.·.· ·: .:\· .. ·: -~·:. · ···~ ·····.·: ...... ,... . .·.·: ...... •:.·...... ·: ::...... • •"'f.;ijl:~ -§::.·:.:·i"!.~:..-:•::::-:·::: :;..:·:·:t.·:.·:·:·:·'l'! .. :.:.:: :. •• . •t: ··~'::':";._::'::·::: .. !.~...... ·: ...... : .... :t/.Ji:.·:·:·:-: .. ·.:: :: •.• . BEEF ROAST ...... ••::.l.·:::-1:::.-:·:·:•::::-:.•:::~•,J.... .• ...... rA,,.... .Y; .:.: .... :: .. : • •jtc-.-_.·:. .. •.·.·.·:·: ·.·:.·: .·: :.·.·:: ·:·:::: ------..,.:: •.• ..', •·:: ... ••: ·:·: . .. ::_.: . •••••• c I HUNT'S PORK & I MOREHOUS! I i •• NoCons. 2 : BEANS 8 • '1 : I I I l ______·~x . 23c _.l j I PrAnSFTOETO ~:; I 10 '1 r:E~~ ;,:~:-s;;, ~~ c I .. I : CREAM : .. I iECWEGOLDCEiEiM 79c 'l ______~~ 25c . J' , I

I u.I. alAGI -.ot01Cr .., mma1m> S SWISS ..c s EAKS



Vine Ripened­ ..... ,.,._,.,... 59c Fine Textured-­ PORK .LINKS 1"'"'...... ,... with thin skins & a wonderful flavor! SLICED BACON~~ 69c ------U.S. NO. 1-lARGf SIZ~ WHIT! ROSf POT.ATOES iO'CKFISH 39~ iASS SIA 49~ ' . .. - - --- r~


.... .·:: ...... :.~· . :t\·•:·:···:·::~···· Debcatessen ROYAL BRAND-TENDER, TASTY . c 1-LB. FRANKS PKG. r.---~------~ I CHtuaNKIOLOGNA 5gc 1 MAGIC GARDEN GUl'IRUIT ~ I SMOKED lb. 1 . Ounlaee Mleoa.-...... scoua1N• ,Aos - JUICE SPCNOI CAD -.. II' ...······...... •IANT ...... ~~!R~~~~~~------J ·:::::.·...... S• 0 • S• \ AlMOUl'S - WITH llANS ··:·:·.. : ..... ct111ht1 ...... ::·...... WHTON'S ,.,,1101111 33c M 11...-.Maple 1 ·:·:·:·:·. CRACKERS ' ..o z. .CHILI ,___~OWi iiEEF SALAMI 69~ E ..;.,, . COOtCllS J ...... _ IM ( 1.17 ...... , t Kix CHEESE ...... ~-" ..... CHEDDAR 45~ COii & CA"'IQ_,,_ ..r ( .., , ...... ICCIAPTHSllCfED NEATUSIALES 0 ..._Car1•u • MUENST.. • JACIC 290 • HICIC - 6-0L ,.ICO. ,.,, CHIPS .... 1r 01i91. IScJ DUIU.VI CAllMW 4Yt-IOUMI sp ~ PICNICS ,""7.~~~-i • ~~~~ . ~ HY.. IAll CMWJB 4 OZ. ,.... 3--s1oo I 3.0L Jtc I .------BIEF 35:. L-~o:_ __ _J ' HEINl CID!lt I

I VINEGAR 1 1 I UNDBWOOO DIVlllD I I ,. QUART 2nc BOTTLE 7- 1 ___ ..1HAM I ,,. _ '------'


rlADRIS • I UOUORS DINNERS I • Swiu Steok • Hom All-AMERICAN EASTEIN SNOW CROP- • Veol Cutleie I • ltoott Chicke n c ~·• • PEAS & CARROTS I CTN. OP . e MIXED VEGTBLS. FOR 6 CANS e GREEN PEAS 63!. I e CUT CORN I BE·ER ALASKAN llAND JOHNSTON'S LARGE SIZE llt! ADED VEAL : ALL-AMERICAN rA;-~R;;;:;;L ~~ 1 CREAM CUTLETS I YIN ROSE 111 All c ______J / Varietie•I 0 :VODKA '3 4 fOlt 5100 I WINE ~ ~~ PIES •

I N0 B" AL K I GARDEN GROVE I corr A MESA I Newport Beach I CORONA del MAB I SU CLD1ENTE I Cor Firestone' PionHr 19858 Garden Grove Blvd. I ~~!v H.:!ac:.,:· I 2600 COAIT HWY. at TU. m,... N I 3049 Coast Hwy. at JatmlN I 602 No. El Camino hal '814 f . Firestone Blvd. . • ...... "---- 9 A."'- ,. - Open Dolly l 1I M idnight I Open • AM to 10 ,. M Dally I Open 9 AM. to 10 ....M . I ,_. 1 , .. , ,. 111 •• , , " I Delly t AM. .. 10 , ,M. I t A.M. M 9 P.M. 0.0, Sunday 9 A.M. te 10 ,..M.. f rida y 'T1I Midnltht Fri & Sot, THI Mltl.U9ht , ;._.._,.. ' AM .. 1 ,., lv...tayw 9 A .M. .. I P.M. Iv~ f A.M. .. 7 P.M. ~ f vu y Ntte 'Tll Mltlnight I • Roast Com on Cob ConaUmer In Oven, on Grill ------, ,-e_~_.._ : l I t e a • I I I t I 1 MENU l Hot:~°'· , Tiit._,.,{ V:,U Sil II llwlal 8paj'htlll Qlm"11 8"f Huh rrted Cabba(•

• rR&DA\-.11 ~It H 81.ked 11 .... ordfWI BcMlnn ('lam C'howdn 8wl•• Htr•k•

~ATI KOA \ -.ll ' ~F. t i Rrrr Ht e.., . cerni•n Uratww al Ill urr"'1 Cabb11tr lIOA\'-.11 ~r; !I\ rh• a l IWWI over nlJhC In \ cup Nr Wt ftllW hue a pnrOU. c•nta.• l ...•r n• • ue• r Ull lovpM, cranalla""'· l\only dew1, RHr llt1or1.notr I Baka a l 400' a.bout 20 min GtHn Bean1 ,.1th Baron htr J».-.ian.. a.nd waunnal-. Turkey Tray T ops in Check Rules I ut ... or unlit brov•n. Yo Chart'IM, Jr&Pft. p.ar hel. pll&ITll, I .,.ctartnH, and a wwt. Mlfftlcm are Yltld 411 sna.JJ murttna. """"------.. Uu W hen Buying plump. v. h ol" a nrt dry to In · 1 of tMorrlff • atrawbeme., boy· Wedding Reception hL 111r11 rrHhnr.. An • v~n. df'~ P llMbtl"rl•. olalll•, rat1pb9n1M l'1"t and bluab«TI... Wh..n the 1room hu flnlahad the t1adlllon•l k1N lnr rtf th• Fine China bluA In ln••I•" r lr•rn••• Avoid yo • • • """"· a nd t.ht tut lbumplnc chord ot ,..,,h..,crln • t.tan:h ha. .. h.-d hfo rr1ra that 1. 1" •t1rl\rlf'rt or •rllt ,.,.,.., Th• v '",. ,,.., lilt-Ir I Mlrlllfll lhl ~"'· · th• wlddlnJ ru•t• turn OJ"'KU.lll • )'ti UJ>On lh• TJUr;NTON N J 11·r1 t:: w.. t prl• ,.. In.. ~.., .. ,... •b •J'll•on - and ot courae, Ult t•rnrona rld a pl&t• lo lla ht luok a Jl U - Iha • ·• •iOW o( your thrm u ll rn ra n 1011nf nn lham ea: 1""' tr.qumq ot ~n ta and nuu. ha nl1 Mhlnd It, ll • • hina nnl r ..r 11 • l• Jll''' " ' mn a n <1 , ll&n11n ~ EOO • ltt'TTT.ll "-''ll\\IC HF.'11 •arthtn,.ar. ThH• a htMlld t>e no , • .,, .. ..,, llluri,. •rira If• Inv. In ao murh llliti« than tt Oftt>t u Ml 12 •II )'Ollu• • tMapn<•n ..,-OUM m••• haa.-y ahadow• exnpl at the ralort•.,. that I• Ahf'n )bU .... Nt&UN at U'9 nrat111t1 nu ., Ult tW'I - It Iii ., mud1 '• •·up llOCl butlAtt or n.rrann• ' • ,.,..P'"'" fn!W\d n utmrr toot or joint.a . rat• th,.m -.1thout th• alktlllon ~ 1... poon alt t tabl••roon lemon Jul<"• Run • t1nrer uounW (JI. ~ laupooe 4ry mu.tlard ' •to '- 1.... poona Taba.a<·o H ua. '°" a cup to dof>l.c:t wafl*l wavy YA\ ORITI! llE< IPF. ,.. Cl... U'9 ~,•• lltll• " t-..,oon .,._nd ptpptt' Inr l'O\lctl ed1•• The cup lhoul'1 Ml"9 Ada.llna 004tt._ from th• I e e e .-. el UIM •ucA ~ t -.rarully lower •l'I yoJka, one a t 1. Lim a, ln!A tlmmmnr walll" rinc <'1..-rly when lawed w1l.h blu.t>Arrv •n!• ot l'onom1. Coun· -- Whan Ml yollu b&va boMft added ~ al .immennr tempera.lure a ~U. rv, ffl'lv The .,., k ot 1. plrN llhould tilutbeny m11tf1n r«lpa• It nu ...... U. M ,__able prl"'9 plerrlft&' n111«w with fot'k. Drain. cool a.nd • I r ~• Blend y1.llc• W1lh t>a ..,, pl'rr... l u tho> tmnl, with an tnt,.rr•tln" lllalnl")', an<1 la a ~~ lllftttr or _,.,..r1nt, Add l"e'm&1n lnc lnir""'""'ll and mile thomurh· 1...,, In h•>• n . la.I.a m !U1ta, or ' "d pe , 011 II ,.·1.nt ,. hf'n you i..w ... wW .. •t'"'*' lft ""111 1 L t • O ,. , ~ IY Sci ~u.n atloUJ4 M a.t room ltmpel"9tura ror epr••hnl' J.tak.. I< I Ph f ...rv e a u la'1 huH hf"on lo a .... lbtlul \ . I, C'U~ •I' > r H 1 " t I z ICf ... A ~t.w buy Ul&n av er n -. I 11 .... l nit Uw 1ur· '"''"' no ,. hole alA'V-1 ma y hot 11-t I ..."inc• 1 ,. • " Th• r•• 1 ,.. oMJrl··•- narl fld In Ala.t· • FLOWER SHOP no.', •C>r t l\a.rd~ookM •n-. 1 0 rar e <>t th• alu• ft •~ Id i,. • • amnnth, wllh n11 wav.. , ponl1 i.a11ly, blil &ht a.J"'&YI tH~ •lr"'P llll·I n r h, nnl hr\11ht a.nd ::c M bompa I Booklets Tell WMnlllN a.lWt Md &I"' thlll 'IVnlJld ('ol<)r 11\otilol be d"ar· l\M tu·•• v. I 't\f'('lc tor 11ny h1 ..aka ~ e "~ a lu.111b&nd a li7'> • 1.-.v , muddv, C)r bl1 ... wt11te. and lm1lf'rtkt10n' t 'up h&nl11tt -1\ouM be larr• 811 y china '""n • """ •• l•l>• Medieval Way llJtll...t manu/&t"IUtf'• • ' hac-k for 14 ,,...._. ,.._..lion """" • """ l'h hw • man to hold and e NtwMa hen• and Haa - ft11. ••rh f'4"' • • hroulot I># w11l1 hill · •11 'c 'f""'I a torIt • plll t ., n In• • r1ul • Oll9 ~ anUabla. To Beauty a nc...., a.ntl 1•rolpnrtl•"1"'I ••( l>11\1 111r • · rail l'" ll••n -.. hu h e Patl• rn • nrt trim mu• t not boo "Ill not bP a••ll•h!r In l/1• fu White Sauce un• v•n "" ro11c r h Onltl ttt1oul'1 l>f' 1111 • • Important . The Fini Homes of To Cooking W E s T c LI FF .,lh \_ .. . Overlooking the Upper Bay, Newport Beach c. ar pl ('( PORTRAIT Ot' .\ llAPP\" 1·A'lll.l ' .ttr1·ngth and futrillrn('nt and unity h1 Tht') f'n )'•~ a h11ppy tnge-lhf'rnru' 'fhp,y lne at WESrcu•·•'. R• Meal• .,.. (N1t1vr •K'nu1inna 1 njoy~ Prirrd from -28 800 l o s.36.SM., IN· 9C 1n warm rnmp1tn1nn1th1p tn thf' K•~·. tn· (1.t ' OING TITLE TO YOUR LOT. w \· ttin ~ family room. f'\Jn·f ilh'< I aftf'r· " t:."lT<'l.J ,.,..• s rm. hom... aN' built on T noon• a r,. llJ>('Ol tn lhP hUn ·apluhMJ unuau&lly 1&.r1e bomra1t.M, with. up to pal10 In drlmn1a anl1r1Jrll! uin of fort h· four bedroom.a lll\d lhrtf' t>. lha Cllli· "'('( ('nm1n1t 11traka 11nd barbf room for indtviduallty - joy and '4 mUe •orth of ntr&nce t-0 BayaborM ~ 11' l'OU'BE Tt:Rf:D of trylai to t'FUn a lat" modrl rar lnt.o a p.raaa made k for a llodf'I T, tr.ct.. ·n lonur P"'I" for a WJ'.~CUFF PftlP (a.nd a d Wl'1'TC'UFF hnmP. ) w •:.'M'CUfT r;arair11 arf' AL\\ AYR from 13 «> 2i T ff'4"t wktf-, and 21 '""' d,....p, .. tth an 114 rooT WJOF. nnif'rtlp-oontrnl b nvf'rtH-ad door- room to pa.rlc t"o moclf'rn ran t'Omfort.ah)) aod lnrlrJ"'D· 0 df'ntly of l'M'h othf'r. ti If you'''" bfif.a ht"lllant 11hout htt)lnic ) our""" homf' hfoc-an"4" ) ·011'"' <'On· •,_ C!f'ntf'd about wUlni )Our old OMl>O'"T Rt:: \\ t :' Rt: N(Yf! Our Ouaran· ty ~In Mao "Ill f'nahlf' you to ha\P a Df" homfl and db.po~ of your b old one.



} .. R~~ ".1p ~n~·.. -~ \\ichcitds the BY SALLIE --- Down wttlt ea. .. ••• I hrlnl OD t.be ... • • • Thou1h we're Oftl' ._ U.S.D.A. 81ADED CHOICE Yfl&ft okl, we flatly re­ ftlltfl to llqOAttle clown a.nd mellow jut t. t 'MUMI people ltke °' UHi "ay '" ant . • • Wbf'll we opened ten ,ana a"o• we wef'ft the aew­ Rolled Boneless Nt, ~ .tn.llk~ l'flt, t, d~t. thlni ln Super Marktta •. • Pf!Ople papttd wbtn thty NW us for th• first t~ ... Ou.r mot­ to I Keep 'em pap­ ln1 ..• Beef Roast Sf'f'n our ntw chN:kalandl'I ytt' Wow ! You're in for 1. 1p1ll ... 1 mean an u c1tmg Make lfff your meal of the lll'W Mflt"Mtnrf' in BUp<'r Week! d1f'cklnf outang a 111. I \JMl' Nobody 1 get 'rm ytt hut ~r\f1 ~Ith Ka.kfld l'11 t al ~ "1tJ1 1111 1 &ckwantil' You go lw-· Sour ('"'am ..nd ( 'hh .... Ru~ hind lh• r hl"<'kN" ! Trv 1t ~ Carrot. and top It off "t th J""O r You'U b!'ffTAI through ... fa\ortt. Jla1ry Month d...... n, LB. th&t old oounttt lnbewH-n hu been alo~ up pro­ l't"Ha tor Ye&l"9 ••• And you'U Jov• the two-lier mer­ ry-pround with tht periall­ abl• on top, with the boxN :Jajf'I [cottomicaf Su'l'J'Mfioru and e&.na on th• bottom . . . f Dl.ttenmtT Y•! You'll r~l lik• you'r. ln .omebody t1Ule'• .ion. not your< -:-- .. But when you eettl• down Ground Beef Paffies ::...~:-' .... 5'/C to thlnlt It out alter you ar­ iCi CREAMn ~ IKP•~ ~.: 7'/C rl•• home Cl!~n mlnulf'tl urUeT than you expttlf'Mod •.• ln the """' llgh t thi• wN-k . . So&plti.n.a ! A muat for For euier, speeditr th.e ifove ('Omp&rtm"1l or chedout s • r vice ~ everybody'• r&r . • boat, camp puk baby bag . the I.test design in ' and I've rot a llllte.klng 11\JI· mo d • r n efficient td :hair'! plclon they wUI btt standan1 checkstends. rqulpment In all the ladlt• head.be.gs round town . Che-.e Fondue - Greem Soup' - Smothered Chtcktft with Sour Cre•m - Weld. nO&pkln.a &I<' llny llX lll<'h R•bbit - Crumed Ve9et•blts - let C,..m Sodas - M•lta - luttermli SIKVfft aquanm or p&per. trntt'd with pure rut 1)11· eoap . - Ch.eie Bi,cuih - Ch.f1 Sal.cl - Creem Ch.es.~ Oft Pe.ch He~et The jpM"I U1' ~ r ~ 1n a : amal :\ bv I\ anrh plut 1e· ront.a..lnf"T anti rtrh pllJl4'r , ... ""' "" "'' \ ltonry n1pe out 1nd1vwiu&l.ly ...... ls. MOit You wtl thf' pa~r a nd FRUIT BARS 1 '"" poor Yoo 've got a nice au · ntmA\""• ll'i \ ..... wo•dcs M ...... per eott. eo&py "wuh cloth" l"opp7 .._, ...... ,_.... _ . • "dlah rs.g" ..• or mo~ F ut ,.,.. .,,_.. ~up~" . . . Th111 p&Jlf'r DINNER ROLLS 8 ...... la ltl"Ong. l took four Soa~ ,...... ·- t"Wed P'o r / ---· ., k Ina and wa.ah<"i cl innPr ...... CUP CAKES / dlahf9 for thl"'f'f' Pf"'IPI" . R.1 4 ,.,, '"" 4 .,_ - .... lllUl.... Th• eoap n~ally li:ll\'f' nut, l'ATt RflA \ 11' I \ ...... , .a ..... - but lhfl pa~r 11t1ll hnj!'crr1l ,....,,..," 4-'1> ono;& DAl&Y NO­ 011 In on11 p•<'<'" . . 1r you STREUSEL ROLLS I Uf Ul<:T". C"..-. .... JI I• titfll7 t.-.vtl by ••r. you •r" proh· 6 '"..... Uiat wtU ~ ~ 0.-a nff' ( n<·r>nul -.:· ,.iat-. Uke ...... , tMC7 a bly familiar with thrN _ ,.h --- w a&h r lot,lv. wit h t h,. p ...... "°" LAYER CAKE - ..._ tWt7 .,...... buUt In . - -i "" .-11 -.94 ...... Ry p,.,,.~ ""'"'· • romplfotA-l y n fl" itp -· "" lltth1ltlll •• , .... pro&<'h to klt.rh1•n rllfl nl"~"' •.. whit~ JMll '"''1 • hand pt'Jn~ "11h . a f""'h, p.y fn1lt cir al~ to hlf'!fld with anl kl\.C'hf"n . · Thr ':JJ~hllll i11J '2J~p/... Sn Wo11J11r/u/f'I ~red/. ... 1111~ &N' hro"n wood t u 0.- In with kltr ht•n rnhl " ollm.an'• 4u•lllt f\LI r. ( llP't,"'Y- ""'" . An1I l•• mlltrh DRESSING t 'llll ar11 N'Mnpanlon Miit" ( lo~f'rbl-m and Pf'PP""'· &Ah '"'>' prllCI pota, jam dhlhNI. SLICED CHEESE ... .,.rvlnit platt"'""· pltrh­ . a ni..n·· lmpnrt"lt 'am ll. e. Na. 1 o..- o.wwwia U»fO- ..,.. and nf'n a I .az~ 1 1 !'4uun • . Rnl th,. ,.... . BLACK CURRANT · •h "' WHITE POTATOES ~ U'f\ thf' ..,...,.... IWlr\' to "'"k" 'ou fllr y n ·a r mll('&ronl an1I At your fincier tips •• Services and conveniencM from R I C H A R D ' S : StoN Houn: 9. 7 Dally 9-1 ITiday & Satwclay ,.h"°""' rN"ll- , . •. Tiu· fln'tf~t. 1(1')MI hllkf" PHONE ORDE• & DELIVERY-PERSONALIZED GALL!Y SERVICE-HOT FOODS TO GO-GIFT WI.AP and MAILING - CHILDREN'S PAITY and wn r lll"h"" ) "' ' SERVICE - HOME & GIFT SHOft - FLOWUS- lltHOTO ANISHING - CAMERA SHOP and I L S!IYICE (:lN.r o00I Jt'"'4'11 In «11 IAKERY - UQU~RS - I Nt A or, thfl I ld11 th.f' l'alllf' "'"'".,."1,.,.,..., T ....._,...ph f)..u ".,.,.· naa. .. ,, H ORt-t l ~160 mat4'hlnl whltf' pottu) T ..1,..""'11 1... 11 .....tT a T .....,_, ,._,, 0 .,.. Mary Dodd, oste11 - tvt• .. with thr h11.n1I palnlr d ~" '" """' fruit df"llttn. You 11 11liw-ov• 1 "'" 1111111\' tlf\W rlrlovllN• 1111d ~·' l1o:• 111 Ill ... I h,. Nrw llrnn•··C :1f1 ::hnp 1111 thr :":1•w llnmr·C:ifl ~h11p "' , Jl1d111nl'" n( th,. l.1tl11 IALFJI TAX ADDF.0 TO TAXABl.r. fl'Jl'.Ml' Rhop•. Newp"rt l"°arh ORIOi.i!: S 6!60 - ,, Gxcepl UJ/ial.!Jt :Jatu· :J:mm .:J~e Peop'6 ...... • To ''TO THE HILLS MEN, THE DAM'S BUST!" Legislator Ste -Mai At Work Oo . ? ."'"yM • EDITORIALS 00 90 In· H.-...t tn •pay ftJr I.he manv 1\1 Go\temor Knight Won't Be Tarred With Knowland Brush N l"YW• whirh vnur et.a~ jtO\I· '°JI> Ut emm,.nt iuppllea. \OU la al w 11 ~ • 1 .. OovlnOr Ooodwlo l . Kalfbt baa eervtd notAc. elocUont, th~ candidatft and the party memben al one ot thr b11t(f'•t hHd•rh•• Am11 f rom whlrh vtwr lf'(l•latnra aut­ lsm•r 1arp c&n thank one man and hia political a.mblt.iona­ • • a.tp!abUcU 'Pa:rty ehJt.11 that be .W "make tt fer ;\ut , l'Ar It pr()fTllN'a tn ~l\&C• e1ilW:' u fa.r u tbeir fta.ac"'11UJl!P)lt la c:cecuned WUliul Know1and. be • rMllv 1t1oc·•IUve1 0.11•• lnf dowa offeN ot Party ttna.ncl&l 1Upport. It would Calltnmla tlllzf'na ha.v• l>Hn Ono•t :A.Dd, wbo cu llll&me ldm tor a.dOptlnr such an ln eff«l bind him to party policy which would ap­ upeclally favored l>v th• rre•l JllQ. ~ 1\1.lltortraJ fOVeOlJI , Of the pUt ).I on~ pear 1n the ahadowa of the pnmary elect.Jon to be far iWtJlde attar bllDr th• · u.nwil.llnr victim ot the q~ cf'ntury an tar u atate fllnd. from a wtnnlllr pl'Opo9iUon. nn.ance• are con1emed Thf' la• l ~ .beulpu of hll .-While puty eoilealUe. Ill.al!• . One addldonal reminder In pualnr. It wu the major rewnrklng nl our tax IJY•• 'l'r•111 • tern wu tlonl In the e11rly ' 30•. Unle1 • ~Kaowlud f I • prim• atock of the KnowJand family, old "J. R." hlm­ and th• aountlnP,.. <>t th• bulc n. l"teUltl ot tb• DOW•put priDwy tlectJoa tn­ ..U. who plucked up ou. Earl W&JTeD from the by­ .tn1<·tur11 "'nrkf'<1 nol thtn ha• roada of Alameda and "rave him lo the people." It beft1 pro,·•·1 h \' lhfo tar t thal 'l dleat.e that th• Democrat. ..,.,.ar likely to nreep our • t• Lf' hu ,,. ... n a ble tn mttt • haa bHn thla aame el'9twhUe ''Republican" Earl ST • ID at.a~ wtth poul­ all nur nt•Ml of ..,.. to .... tt .,., ott. land. bu out pinked the pinlloe.. quite a revera&J 1.&a ll)'llt#ma, and lhe 19117 - aay we. alon. torether "1th thla year'• Jlnoy !t .. OODoeded now that lt Senator Knowl&nd battle ot the ~ provf'd def· ""°' What e&n you expect f l"Om "llr. Republican", ... I ~ hia po9t In Wuhln,ton ln­ lnltely dtat nura had - ll• W to ...,.t alred by th elder Knowland ! Wbere wW be lead ua ! beet d&ya.. To ln...-tlp.te lh• u.tN ... fll ..,.. t• the pn.naonhip In hJa &pp&rent W'hoole broad problem anti de'\191· Jltrt Can we apect • t\lrther pardoo.lq ot JUk• ! edlll ...... ,...,. plilillkt-.Ual nomlnadon ~ time op 90ftle poulbt. &J\IWf'A, ~ I corru Would IM ..ny b&ek to 8atnmento the JO'"l"ft• Je,-tal&lu,.. c,... t foci I he Jot Ill ln· Iii ... flDl'll ~ .. Mt&a. cSoabt that M would bave w hl(' mmt by edlet and~ u aAmlnlat.-.d In the tenm leci•l&Uve tu r~ l'Ul. 8up1Wnt Oomt llllDoe the elftatioa ot Kr. Wl.f'T'm r and th&t rroup rerently .llllld ...... tlrat bM.rlnp Yooir •t.M&t n-1 a.ppa Oouww Kafslat wvuld allo have ft.red better In HPt of tbe primary It hudly a.ppeant that be a111nclu pr..-nl"'1 mad\ ....Ju­ 11eve tMa ht did If be bad been allowfd to llHk anottier will have a chane.. a bla t,..llmonv "" In julll haw a.nd aruLe 1 h"' inl '"I ' " "·UI he nf'xt llUell ... la Saaa.IMoto nth• r than abltUnr to th• ~n.ate But, perhape then wUI be a cha.nee tor a ""'" , ... , MHfl\' ' "" orrMla&llon• rtee apbwt hr. wt.bn. 8oul"'Cell cloee to Attorn•y party. a 1ucce.ful third party, an A.merian Party, 11l~n ,.,,n,1 111 ti • '1rrt.hwhlle d&l& •t!W\l'th fnr Whl• h \\ Olf'I n o.n.r.I "Pat" Browo, Democratic atandard bf.rer a Con•tltutlonal Party, a Statf'1 Righta Party, one an,1 1nf•1rn1" U"n GLOBAL REPORT IH.derw 1001 have ho1"'" JE for rovemnr, badlcatl'd that he would not bav~ nJn that believea ln the ConatituUon of the United StalN But It th& lu t 111i; '" •• • • '""''11111 11"'1 1nrrr.- rnr• pick up the p•!'fet nll11 •1 •1 ••Ulf> n..,.1 fr>r n•·•· clM. ~ ID a e&mpalp. U I PARIS - The ,..111 en-. In In Al&"lrt• "hlrh la bll'f'Jllint; Thia la the rn••• whh·h ca11 • ' •r11 1111 •·unatn.irtt11n. and 111... ral d ... - • t L ' ".""' " l'";ct'atn.1 up~ l'>uf'rhape to UM! 11\Jrv\vaJ "' Wh.lle A.lrer1a i. ana.me It plwoei or .-.°""nuf'• h•u'l un 1n 1l • th• :'\orth Allantlr Treaty Or· wUJ continue t.o dlv1"9 Yrenrh-1 w R T E lhree t1.1rr .. rrnt P"',.,., 11 , \\ >rlt1 pa11 0.. tM -••• Md 11~ the applecart, th• Up Big iranlutlon anct th• poeltlon of,men aplnJll. P'tMchmen. 1t will War 11, The KonHLn Ninllhl 1Lnt1 Pointing Problems mar orda' for the attorney ,.aeral...... _ ... _.to the \\.eatem rowen In l:urope continue to dra in on money re- 1 1lh e •hort. lively boom or 111~.. -.. rral Wl.lllOut .--. l8tO th• mm ta ol Knowland'a labor Diil.in, India - Thia II a u nourtahM mum ot old 0.lhl Th• c:rlaJ.a now tn-iv•• th• eourre• and Pner(tea wt11rh la ------!)41 But the end "' lhP•.. • .,. la.114 ol C"ont.-..•. &lid tll• con. ll II an arM ot bull, 9qua.lor. revival or C(llJap.. ot a •ck halplnr lo make Jl'ra.nt"e an ln-1 llnr I t lllOU PARTIC'TPATION plu.-.e ha. nuw bf.en ,...., ht<1 fJI• ....,... tMy Pf'O"Witd BrOwa .~an elfttUv~ 1-ue. ltalnl art ahup enquftl lo male• holy men. • erect r owa. w a in nation ler·n&tllWlal .,-us- a nd wor..1- llldltor Th~ ,.,., rommllt... "'"• 1111 11 llle maJor protllfom appa,..nt buffalo, bW-Y'"• burntnr pal• ..,,_ "·ull• ~t onlv I• th• m ·· lnr domeetlc lh11lJ condltlnn• 1'11• - I I I.. d l ..,.,. v. ~ ·~· -· Newpc>rt H.art>or p,_ :\-• 1nf.,nned lh~I th• 1•ale ,1tPn,.r1I I .a la ...... Ullt 1eD&tol"1 ah1.ft to the ru~m a· • n"9 art two r tea h•,.. " t .. an m--i human ty. or t"'t hour biit al - lb• ·~- And It wlll h.,..,, the .w.llnP . .. h ,.. d .. _ JI la I 1 " - ~ ,_.. 0-r " Ir: funJ hu ••r"·r111 ... 1 on " .1.. r 11 •l 1111 '9ltll rW ~ a dfep tpUt 1JDOG1 the JWpubU· ona c• ti.., t • o •• an nnt tn.- a n a..- f>t hut. aqu a nr pl'OfTl lat candidate 0( d----· Of l"ranrf' aa a m•jnr f>O"' ,. r n.-...· Our hnhl ~ not Sin built ot UllOl"ted wood. brlcka t•~ -.--·- wt\l ,. wf'•k• nln( lhf' .. hnl,. Throu«i1•><1l A m .. r1t11 Our dne>ra ~all.It ot Ult wann rll month lhf'-. 1\ranrtly lndo- •lw11•1 11-1 t'1" 'r Yank,.• 111 f'rAlf' • 1111,.n hu tiru••Kl•I •h<•11 l ""fl)ll· ..... 1 l'OOft'la are m &41'T1 lnrttnt a.nd th# m a te 'niey bav-e b9'''" 1.. 11•IAtn,. par wtt.ll m n rwt llma tn a t:I~~ the m.,o tartor bf'h1nd t h • '-hv lh• v wf'rt alway• •hi• to rnf"' In ••a.di frtf' th" t>nx ,,, h"'"' nf ,...volt nf F'l't'nrl'> nlfl,,..ro WHh h h 1 .. II ( I "" 'nl•y II.aft a f\Gor llhnw a t n llltll Ibade a re .UW.Y• t ull th~ rave n. r.aullot' II.a lhf'lr Ille at ti nt rl•1han ultra n• · wit anv " "'Prl(rnr••• 1 a . ,..,..,. •• ..e pl ~ n a v" n r .. • • p•" ~ Ma wtth a hAl\d pla~·1nr rlaulr•I P90f'le an dolnr a ll rhnrM preml,.r, r. 'V\r\ual blank C'h«tl , tlonaJI Pl"; In Al erla lhf' , Th"> a Ian .,.,, lhf'ir m~h11r. • 11 1 II • 111'!<" •' 1 hf' hlfff'•l prnhf• 1 19~ °'" 11 m111I<' IUld Ame11<'an popular mu • .-f ll'f'tnr rtpt before J1>Ur • Y• I tn &M W1thnut knaw1nr wh&t ti,,. c~lnn ~,.. .. • ·~lt~n I' nt 'knmpll.oh "'hat "•re lllrin1 Anti toi. •• • n,,.r •l~I • Ir by tum• All Vf>f'al aonr• .,.. lncll.ldlllr nwn.-roua br.rbent who be lntMda ~ wtlh ll 1n Y 1n I" mlJhl h•n bwn nnatrt.""'1 lhf' "'"" lh• alnmw ... ,.,,., J"fnhlPm, Cn1 .ii l~roug~ 1 t!inL In r:n~la h anti a ll 1'IJTl.I a l.n are r a n-y a raaor &11d a hand rllM>er f1et, .an- twn WMkt In ntfk• di<" tat ~ to J"ran<'f' alwlu~ l ' ~e Im Po•• I b I a tn lhf>tr n11:h "' th,. alAI " tlnllnro• •l"f'af1. fir 0 .,...,...,r.ao~ In lllrlrtl•h In a box and 11p,_d out a ptec. De Ollulle allll haa f1v"'n no .a military oomma nd ln "'~•r acalnet the Mf'm :V m•nl pnlnt""' ,.,11 , In 1.,,. i...r1,. H~ Thia LI Ull h•r1t.af• tl"Om th• ot r-loth tn "- opm tor ~Jlln- clMr-C'ut Idea rtl h.le pollMN 11p. t allfl)mtll u a lAll Bntlab. whn u11UI 10 )'e&n arn Every ho\lM hu "°"' dunr f'¥tl'I the t;rpe Oil l'lh+nw11ent he lft«ton n r an«• ,..,.. ~n' •• M'tf'TI • •1~r1or to t hn.,. r>f 11tal• ha.a t>-n n-1 fnr!un11•e J11l revo- Ic:ontroli.d Ullli tountry ftlr a.bout •llh•r piled on the rnof or pl- plana. l 0. <"AUii• m"Vf't1 q11lrkl1 to nth#r nall• llUM h" 1a a l'>le h"'""' hiu dJp w. S - t la fw!- d r. r•nhuy terf'd on !Jle ailde9 ('If -II• d!'y• He ..... att41plt<1 by rn&ny N.-lahll.tl P1111A1 a uthnrity OVf' r to ro II a t11nf' when lh ~ l'W't ll bwn both &.mulnl(IV prnol:lcllvA .4.rr R • ~ ..._. --.u U 011r hM•I It t lluattd on a lnr f or btrw they UM th• duna l(Toupa tundamflrlt.ally nppoeed to A lren• • Inn lkom ant1•. lrurtut1 nf bhndh· &11tl f'XtN'mf'I\" flnlbl• . and \ f'l c ····~' · .,,.... *'II eolllltry. btf~ our e,_. la hap- beautlt\JI b0•1lenrd •Ill\ nne t or fU•I hlm be<'.auae m09t rrenc hl'TW'n I Al th• 11&m• tin•,. [•• O• ••ll f' ro ICYWlnl( ·'Th41 Syat • m Y•I h .. nnt tmpt)tf'tl a Vf' I")' h••-V the ...... "'6lll w Mft 811\'tr -- before. Jt'a the M bom" and tlaborate b11lldlnp It r-IUUIOt h e~ but a.tfKl J1>U ~ll•v• th" arn>pnt. conndent i •• obll1Hl. • v•n In lha fl rat today, mnel .-t IM A111l'r11 ao burdf'n on per-annal lnrnme <>f am 1lrtllll•~lll a..tL- nretrhl11r Hdl ""•Y u far aa to W&lk t.hl'OUlltl thl• area .and war lu•m la lhe onlv man .-ho nuah "' P'l"'•r In m•n" '""r P"f'1>1• are tnllrM1n.r Thf' lnr•I ,.,,. l• •oq• \ n~ TI• ''"'• t&Jt Ill ...... -.opoiJ. ,,,.... nevtr WU, In all ht. lhe •Y• ru - tl II beautlt\Jlly lh~ ri111l one ol the local j-•l· 1can IllY e rn.no.t • r aref11llv ,..Ith II•\· pnll!lrta no • \ at em' •hlCh I> ' f' &'tm f' nta llr>o ,p\·I•• ant1 ra•.,.. \d r h l>!-rAJl:hl eel ··~·· • .... w..r. thll era. It baa e or. powtr than hJhled at nlrllt ,..,, ahotJo9 Mid - trav .athr t nty Thia - tied no< onlv trom •nl1 p~ir• rroop• In Pul• to •nd ronronn1t1· 11•• , ,.,.. who Slr.11 mlll~ in If• 17 .111 ••II pt()- '" ••~llllllln•.. l 1tie1f Wl\Pn you r o tty lh• old wall ot 1-• on •It llU<'h aa lhe ev~te In Ai.-.na bul f rom an r i.ar Iha way ,,.,.. • nn1lotul1t)fta l d •re lo v<>lc• tht'lr opln•t1n1 a nti dur• •ner SI 1,.1111,0 ,,,. !he trf'n· tro"" _..,~ ·...._...,,,.lit_. lt.•n whl('h a ur roundfct a nd now 1tar Mpi)hl,.. 11U1TOUnl1td bv di&· arrumul.allon of oth"' old, rra•• retorm a nd m<1r .. rnntmvf' rlfl• I r om " n.-1 ap' o • I ..,h,. ..., .. . .. ,,, .. ,.., f un.t 111 , ' " "' In 1 ~ .. l••l T" ...... ,...... ,, la .,. - 9'CO- marll1 old 0.1111 . )")<• are In a monda that wu optlmlallca lly pn>Ol•nll wh1) r•llln1t ttf aipN'•rf'~' ' ' 1 111 I"' ~' bu. If,_•.:...... ,---;: u;:--"wtuw produf't~ '::ue ••nptrcww wtlo bu r ...,. a. - ltl '-dt ~ U. iru--.,... 'nlat'a orate maM>te bo1Jttln1'1 "'1th th" tta.nd&l'd atl U.uic 0( th• J.nc11 nr th.. lnn,r hnfM>'-• .. u to lmpnw" a nt1 df'V•tnr 1two1r tax •iatem 11111 nn" ~m .. " fll I. ..TJ: . 0...... __ , mal"'lt\ttnt lnlay1 and •'1lNi•r· oommnn man mu.It be nli-.d _ _ Th• pl.a.Jn truth In :h• .,,_ prnl>"f'l 1· but th• • '"" 1 •ur lh• ,. ..•ltnM• , 11 ., 1,,,.,""' """'" '· -. -- ~..._ "'C...:... --;-.:· - fut Pl'den•. \\11•n th•y -l'T Our lfT'OIJP l.&kae a d&y ott t.blAI nf moel fOl""lln nh¥ r\ rr, . ,,,, lnJ• Thf'\' • .. J,.11 m1n, hnu 1,.,. " •• In ,1 tlur ' in •nro• ••· -...... ~ ~ ---. *. ft!! a ~ UM 4~&a4 u...t1 tlley had a runn1n r W1ltn J wNk lo vt.it th• -r.J ~&.hal br1nr the tntAI tn t he a.mnunl many thlnklnr; F'rl'nrhm" n la : m11rt1 tlm" mnon•v """ rehl.,m• 11 tn,,,.,l\'M 1f lhn ' ""'" r .. a " ''"" 1 , ' h" i; ..n,. ra l r.in'1 "'"V · U. ~ ..,. ,_ Thf'y a lAln ....- lnl&.ld ....l .. - Id,._ r. -eat MW d&in und"" COii Of NMl l"N, mlll'y ftf lhN• hnnt1 lnr 11d1n r Al-rla , rn11"1 hf • nlv· v•r1a nrf' ,._llllO\ln• 0•r h tMl'1 1 ...... hr • IO-lteur ,...... r.l'ld ·• -• n • " • · · " ... " ra t u n,urt1 u $J O m 1lt1nn ~ - 'tiliij.... A ~ 1111 LM ~ k U Mil 00 •hlrll i.aa tall"'" ant1 m•lt"11 1trucU011 11' 11\dta wt\Jc:b LI Jl&r1 l•••l f'I .,... • II llquldallnJ f't1 In tlm• "1th l't\mmnn .. 111 1 prnnlt In exrha np tnr ,..rant· Jnw lh .. .,.11rn•r"" """'~'..,, f,,r • -- - -, 8ut U'a Mlt ctnwn ,...,., •co In &JI• turmnll l ot the quarr.I "'1tll P..Xl• tAn ll\ll'h H lh• Yet f' t &na farm and 111r-u tn u r J1ftr8 tnr thf' na- lnlf lhfl 111>n,,. rl'qu•1t11 in a nv ,,.., • h o ,. tt'l\ ,.,.,, •~\be n ~ ~t 11 1 11 • A ~ ' , tit Ult ..a.t. ov•r -ler rtrbll Tllla .,,d hnme loan 1aau•a "'hlt'h h a v• llnnal "' .. uarT rnn<11llnn• "r• h,.lnc Im J"'• •·1 nn , _. .. --;::..... ·- • _._...,_ of bwr• lt • ..,...... -· I I .,"'' t• • 1h.. · ~"''f' '1rnf! 1n II ,..._ - ...- - :':.: ••~·. f l a.ti.Incl lM ftf'd rort la th,. Kuhmlr .ara ....,.., l.wuH lft UllAI i-n f nlnK on tor mt>re Ulan 8'1t for \· rar• lhP f•t nd•m.,nl11 I Iha prop41rly n,.,n,.,.. l,01 ,. nt •It" ' -- ,,. ._ - ~ •• ucy re -. • · -- r•r .,.,,.. d1&11pro1nt 1nr vn1 .... Ii .. U.. W1lip "nai. .. Ulla ,.,,. \ldm wtUWI. JUf'IUI& ftJ- and alMf thll MY · J'&rl Of Ole -rtcl !O \Nnl But n•v~,.1-. the I1n undnr... nr thl• c>nr " 1ro•t na· P"'OP I" fael thl1 I• 11n N>n•lllll· ,.,.,..um,. In "lhrr ,,.,~ Mira - 1 1 1 11 • C" redll o< the 1tatf' la behind t inn hu r-n '"rro T "'•• ""'''"" ,. 1 ,.1,.,., S ll ~I 1 "f ",,",r" l~11 1'"1rdorn11... 'a' .. a_ .••,r,.•r pdr~ Nld.. hrf' n \A ar Ira.ah anti, ..... , .. '"""h "'l I rnf'nt •• t h•I ll ~ 111 ti. 11t llfli ,,.,..1. .., A• a ,.,..1111 Yrarv" i.. dvlnJ he 11trkf'f1 u p on I hP .,.h,.1l " l"'I lo I h" rf'•I ' '"' I hf' n..,.t """' 8 7 lfDft1' C. MaeAX'fHU& h 1 thtnl' '• nn~,.. ,._..,..., it•,,. J.uu\111.. . t , .,_, h• \ ~ , ,.,, s.. •t•' n Th11• ao" 101\nl( I ha I t "" liu·ll ll l• lf'nt'rallv arrN'd th•t '"""f'rr I n1flmt1f"'1 .. knu\' 1n... 1 lt\.·rr· 1 "'' AACllAlU:vre> 1CN81 - mlnlalr11tton C"an r" IY to hrlnr mn,... tha n t\An hllllnn dollar•, "'np whlr h t1t1 .,..., appArMt· Th"af> f"ndll l<>n • rir•vaol b111 twt n n s: 1f•11tl c·11\.11 r\ ,..__ ,.n' ••I 1'o'ltlt all lh• •IT!f'U•I• nn J"'ll Ulern O\ll ot lh• n"anclal ht>I P a f\11 lhe ~ laflU• are apprnv· i, i,.11...,.... 1• In ln•tlll lntn whet • ''" rLn ..... ""l""'t "'h" n • • t •l• ..,.,,.,, f•• • h'"'''•· ln 1111r •· c Un l&t• Jy. Ole at11te of C'•lltor- e<1. °'"' at.at• W111 hlva a.nd """' r111 r1nllcm hu nn lnterf'llt In IMlll &ffal"'' rtu• nM111 n twr11 All'o kn'''' !h ~• It&" """ P"••tl""1 In '""' MC'lt- 111.. pn>Olf'fTI tor • II prarttta l "'llh nn Hid In •rht tn plllnr In d...,.,. •• tt1n f t 11nr.. r•v• Onlv 2 400 Of o... r..... \i·~· lh'\ h,. , ,. 'l ' r itJ:h " 11•1 , ,, r h ~1nlf 1.. ..,a1a 11ve /rn<11tnr A pur J>OllU Thia .ana"' tr la n""' '" "I' • v,.n mm-" df'hl whro th .. r .. r.a ulla h1• rir• • h1.n• " tn II '\. .. O r•irt•lf'rf't1 '·nt"r• "Pl'""',., ,,. p t Alan l"o9l lw'ouJht th• pr!\bl•m lnrr'MMd lair.• to make ur th" I IMWl llt•dPot lf'!Mlon nt tha 1•11 · l'f••·•nt ,_,.. '" .... .,, h• " " "'' •n'l r ••t lh .. lr nalll\1• Al ' "" lnh r11rn r1 ri 11 '" ' ''" ' bllft fnl'UI f'lll'oefl llv 1"1Mon II• p,.... 11 .. r1rll Ob¥10111lr, nf'!Lhf'r thf' •• l• lura rnlla a rn11n•I 1nr him pPrh•p • . ,. "'"nlh• tn Apt1I 8th rltv ,.1,.,.ttnn tnr , """" fnr th.-rn 11' 11 " 1•hnt1t h qtt '' '° lhll' ., .. t ~'' " " ~ n\ ..it..., '""'• f• rt• •n•1 t1r1,... l•r••l•tor " "' l hf' • •lm•n1at rat1on \\'llllt botllu th• n h"tt th11 " ·nrlc wtthnul , ,.,,.,.,~ r• mnv•I • llmf' n ,,.Ii'. " '9' l h • t1 fl"'• ""Mlllll t"\ " 'Ht lht oi• a,: t J-' 1 to the "'&t•l• hv" l><•dr•c N\m• Wiii halt lhf' ~fW' n•l1n11 Wf'""" amn11nl woo1ld be ••·h.,..lul"ut:• it 1 &.nn111 be halllle ,,.Ulf by tha lup&Hrl. lh• y are rM,,Y ln arr.,-.1 !Ir• '"' 1 , " ' " I.Ax htll I hi• rom1nir optntnn "n I hi' f •••111 M""" 1 11 ~ told Ole Mc\9111.lo" • that •anl1 to m.a1nt.aln N'rYl< N n•r . , .. nluall) &11 •1 l"J> ~nt.a alt .. MrrltlCV"• nee•.,." lo IWll v• !hr -",.,,.,,,h.. 1 It la l'f'll')rlt't1 I hilt m • n •ti,.,• 11•· ""'n«"l\•I• • ... Uie ....Ulr-S ~ 0( nwir 1120 f'-r:v for lhe a.ddlllonal l""P" m.nt1n•1• "'-d n•uplect "'Ith th• C"1Untry • probl•n>• •n moat , .... the tu rat.a will wh11 h 1n1 llu1e • • 1 •I 1 t 1"' '""'. mltlloft In r-1"'1'.. and wrplu. laUon, llUppc'lrt lh• vhriola and Pl"OllJltCl f?f adt1ild !ftJt f\r01'4'rly &-f't1 t II}' f'mployl'f' l I f\rn1otr11111 ( 1f et IU llUlMrlM'd lty Ole lt61 U .a pro.,...... ,1ve lnu- ln l U then ta an)' w a y r>ul , n•ltll• 111ctortal th.an f'll!)9C't~ He m&'I' valua tion our tax blll will "" h Pa JI h 1nour~n 1 " • t lr•n,.•nl • n 1 ~ l ~ thM ~n I tu• _,.. &JI Ole publlc h&d I.,. U\e polll.kllU\AI Mr I.JI• lllatt.. be .able lo a.upply lti. n.c~ I ta,.,...r VII.<"• 1ona DOnll&l ICbool and otll•r eo11t lo wnrTy a.bout n.t Y••r It Ud.ana. h&ve dat'oove,-..d tbe melb­ di.c:lpllne .and rcmndfonre In rov· Th• O ranr• C'ou.nt y pr<~ The 1111••' etf,.., llv.. "'a,. 10 lacrm- an IWSdad f M the fol- • ou.ldft·t be _, bed. but on the "'t <'onllnUO"fllnir>n a i. lo "r11 .. lowtns YMI"• -~ r.qutr.- Nowm"'"' pnera.J • leoUon b&J. "Jl'f"fldtn1: ha.a been• .and protably one of P"nU\N• 1.11rrrt•1nr , ... 20!\ Publlc ~ nni• •111 IW>h•lct l •tl ~ra tn th.. rll v • n unrll a n•I ..,C, • prwpatth-e detkit &l\d I IM Ollll yu1. the vot- wtll "111 continue to be th• wa.tc.h­ r' 1rn r.,1,.., '""' l! I• f\lndl dotliplettod at 1i.. rl~ r.t lntt..tllfld- nl the lll&l• , Po.I "'l<'lf'flry .tudv In

_, r ~ • ..a ....

, ': _: l!ACH!I Today's N. y. VISITOR ~!!' !:_Pac- 1 ~·~ ::1ACitl1en1 1~11 Stock Report eeu~~~~ '!f!.'~ w .. • Ull eniplny.d b)' lhe dty =yo~~':m:n.. &i:: dv1101 f .. ttll&t• 111an, M >'• .,,..,,.., la IA extra l'Ja.I c~t.y . l.ct l1ltiM7 - ,.,...... _. for , .... ,., 1Mt11.. IMOP~ ll U.• "9UPL fte Stale • • °""It Qwnlf ~ ..an ~ til UM flllrll"'!_•!!', f .. ~ M61k<"l re"" ,,_ ,...... "Oollll - 1'¥t -..S bwrt "'"' Uftltlida ~ -. In Wail~ \he Cll.1 ..... 1._ ~ .. J'fr. ...._ ....._ "'" ot Sht1111GR')Ml1"IMll 6 ti tl\4t lime - .....- Yt "'7.'' a. • party °" th• lllct. of Ult J&n B,UCO, ...,,,... UAtl '""' Puld!iir·..- _,.,. ,.__ Co , Nt'wport ....ti , l llO ll'r, " ISUtYf " on the ld-...... UM t...... ,..._ ....,... """1-ltM• WI • Y ,..,,.,.land l#llt\11\d. Kl Jill ar•IWlll Ike., Ill l)IJCI or t iu. lmpM\Ult men yow• _. "" tlll ""'¥ w.,. Le ,.,. Ula P'l't II ui. DO\\ ..JO!\ES AV...Ota " YH f h.V• MJ ~ ~ le1al mall•r• pea-., 9't ..... ~ lhe' ft&U11t wttea • tlrt ....Wtkila l.- &.!*• ~- - .... '° lndu•lrlalll .,, .. di\ ' ,. In t-:l~nl • We lllPpjJ PW\a "' I Qt t.Sn0'14 ~ .,11 C¥n• ... IN ~ ""'"' ,_ f# ~JD...... ,,. SO 1\&1111 .. UI. .. di\ ,40 111 n lu 1 .__ h.... .,_ ilflllh aak.,i _..., U.. n&J fl4t w .. co... lq IUCfr "*'" JIM'llll'la t111 ott7 RAU ,..,.n,. Jil UllHllu , Tl Tl ctn .lb ' ng• Allt ma ... ' ,,,.,._,• .., •~uted II• o..,.,, "'ladarft"'* h• w()llld A4' i.t Crilll111 w 40- "1Mnce S>tr#lfr 4" • f I" lttl Maybe )'~ JI Ht h..,. tf ··"' I P.\t \ 'olW1J19 I.Ill.... th• au,iu.-ll ~raUoo lle11 1,_ c--. 1 111• e othtr ctu.. 11M M lllJ o~r •lllltft.Ml tin .....rt. 8nM*Vd flit~ kl U» ...,,, ,+.m911t·a.n Srr.tlll"' • ~ " mint, ., do II> Mayor J..,... ~.,., l'l•t trorl$. .,.,J •lly OIU!lpl' U..~ "' C.,.. ,\nierll'an T•k>phon• ...... , .U1% r .. pllf'\l, We ha" fCMind (roQl '°U• ci.w I* Ul*HI ~ 1l•rd•1 Mll,..,.J ,... fl la ..,.. An.comlA ..._ .. '111 R11e11vt111 • ntpUn ref>IJ, M .. iaKal and n neneW Jtllndpolnt ._ t11dlvlfw&1 H toot cwi. Iliad ~ Illa ...,,.$# 1M. ._, Cllry1>lt'r ...... -. •8'11 lllfJla loe( lltlor JllM pelv.. fl(y wife We cton t t>.lle,.. 1'• Wt)uld eel p¥klnf •fHHIMfll •ttl~r I cu, ~Ill, ~~ Otm•ral ti;(l"('tnc •• • &t" llh• "'" 1 ~ 1 about 1 0~) wu lf•l- ~ type "' Pl·~"'"' we d• WQUld oot have U> be a pollre .,ayor Jarnu 8t0dcla.rrt, had -ho~ nu. 6 , ,M. IATUlDAY 9 TIU. I, Ot11tml Motors 397a 11"1: prellv v.orn In the""' I• ~· olht•l'\\I... t otfker art to l•l KK of tile fl20 llUN llllo 1 111 1111 1 111 1 1 Oreet NorlJltr• Jt I\. ·· ..• 3!'> \ ''" a/~r J c&mt llom" I»- tlt:ll•, _ zb,.la~' ~. "'o·~rll#!!4 .!! Col 8n1lth oltJ••·t.d IA t urtrutr th• ellY l'OtfP.._ .,, orc1e r I• r.tllt f'io. Jlmf'rlrtll'I .A viation •. 17'• lni.: • I• tool, n ve ~ .utd , .. 0 ... 1 ... YV ..., r- djt I OM "'on•·•r•y (J1l 24 IL I "•·llfh'"f oYer 100 ,_,.A. I~ wu cent n>nv1<·t 1ori ln tu Jury trial.I. ex pen ure. 1111 l I• I 'arlu approxln lllrly ftO to pave ,.. "' ' ,. ,...... -. lk!11.ch.. ll.'11! Rf'<·t•• llol\ bu•l1•l un~t a1t•ua In the rta6 IM &. lllnctalr OU FIT'• nu Hay trick tlilt h# Le atllt1. flW ~~ ·: :~ Ul·l~,.~ I p.rU1.,.,~. UM fw .-iM&Uoft of lhe lawn li..wt-1 the elde o1 t.'llly Kalt IA Htur11 0 011 1 lll.&l)da1d on o r ra11r. . .. 02~. "' • But my company'• hr- _.,... ..!~ 11 ...~rMY•,-~ '"'-~ •r .,.... Aakl'd why '"' w .. r.. r the 111nnry t.h• m11torl1t wouJHPft ..,..... u"' ' Wlilt\ .. Ill •r ' ~ ...... IU Tne "Olin"' man i poke of IUll ltfflq 1t el\) Hf JN Wl! rtU et. tltJMllon WI• .,,,,..,. from J.ldn 8h11p1 t fTiploy• who w STATEMENT I , .. Ult aw- )' I .~ ...~ ,.,· .....,., • •U'l.:1'' l.o Utt "4'44JU•- I" Into a .... 11Ctal'1btt ror 1>11.inra.s Mrou<·l•t• 11.nd bow w1U r.-r ,~;-..:.:"...... u.. .., IM4r44in" of Ula Hall'J Wildt plac fl ln park thPlr OW'I\ N.l"I (Co1tllt™-' ,,,,.. f'•tcfl I > lh••v work q a ltlUTI· l!:tdllf $9C.OO ,,.., ...... &o Ule C&l>lltl MO{lre. 8141 tor 300 mil.A,. 1- U.. fl•ldaY' • edition from thr '"'la \11•1 corrupondenre at ~ uullay pot't.IOll el the 1tu•11K t. Jft"'JOri Pun" i. pe.ylnir ap- J,\tlo .,.. will i.t ~ec l1'r U.. M ..ven lo them, I 1'hl'Y •V90 haVt 4lrecl mall _.s. i-rovltle part payment tor a nf'w proxlmalfly J20,()()() for the use ell y """''• a ttlH CMa .1"17 .' I ''Thfl rharge in ..... Costa .., ..." \'tll lllng ,.,. tllflnl' Th• trul'k tor Bal· ol city ureguardL P ut Of Ull• &.1111 council plua '° awllri LM Olotle-Henald and PllM IJ\al ti\• I Conni&, ..tlC1 "-d been eea~ M tr lialt>< >& i.land 1both ,_..1 w1JI JQ to~ rtdY£Ula lba bli1 on Julv 1 t Jl will prob&bly •torJ a pp.IU"lllg 111 lh• f'rww. '1111,.tly nnr by 1poke " YIU Wll«otU ) " " ""lll4c:d In lht overfltM ~ I.hf •UJ'f ltipt.rt• !>fl lhlJ 1nld41a ttl 4-pt& "'.re WMla, MAIDWAll, PAINTI, PLY• Prtet wu 'completf'IV flll•11 1111•! llll•M a 11:1rat many polio vlct11111 .A,111 8 tK•nd proposition which J ment. Moore polnl.ed out th11t l hn metPr1 artually JO In, ; wtM>l)y fa.brtol ..I' I• lll my '" 11 unahl" to u1e Uielr utk w .. f'fJt"• te.\ by the votrr1. ~ow 09 per cent ot hi• yearly f'f1<·u ~• bowll'd«i• unt ruf 11 ''" 1,.,. 11 ,,. problem requ11W it :W. LO be p~bAIN lhrouih are ouc...t-t__,... Halt ol lhNt WOOD, MAION IUPPUB, 1001118~ m~n.\all"" • i. r re 'I Al dralM,. HFIJrUlar. t.Aa 11.&IAlllltlll um- , 111 pporlln.: Ult t nur1 ~ Jn rneral tunt1e. .,.. mna ·~ fvtl ef Oraap10DOR ta1Nd In the C"•la M,.. U I ~ lltUnr. Tilt Bu111tnell can •Y9n B!Ylton , um ment,.d lhat lhe County -d l11• etlltf' llalt t n>m " '"llrl llfl 110 1>1 ·.1Jl1rn 1 • 'nmn11 011111i-r• Herald ancl Pllul In rrtd.y'1 ll'IOVt a patient 1fOfn the bed ...d Building &.11 l Safety LlfoJ>••tlrn~nl oul-<>f county. (Con1tour•I fri1 m r...-f' I ) "'Ph•ln.S ~ SAIH I DOOU. 0 llnr• t tl\1t tba ~ll<'tl nlent wW edlUon 1June 131 piurported tft Juw11r him Lnw a ~Lhlutt. Ill~• Ul an pald ll' c· 'n way Oom.mllltl&I• • Ma.rlnA1•ark Ju•l to the eut of tM JIUIU bt \j)Mf'·I t , ,. "1··1 et , ... corN rn1m our ...ally o((ll'u Thoup It i. primarily purc hl.afd lll.ro\ll'h rnlleetlon of "'ON)' for t,.Uc, p.rk bYdKtt, 8helwn &II.Id I A"'' 10, ··r ln11t1:•· t.Avt !Nu 111 fla; 111 .n·rir 111 11 •• 1 uther pro- w hloh r"'ul "\\'11 have not 1ur- by larr• orranlatton1 1ucti .. Uoell.MI and eervtce rPr-~ I.he pa.rte wtll brtn• Ill • 1it1 1111uni; the· '"''"''' hit by th• ...Uld •uc·h a lhtnN "e ha\,. n.,1 th11 \'rterari1 .Admlnl1tratton &11d f..JtlllllNO DIS1'1tll1'S U O.()()() lhla y~ r and 11111•1 "' oil"r ' " Lflon.• II.It " ""'• 1 A time •wtl<'h r"r the Uftlll approved 1urh a thing "'" ..... , 1t11 'f""''"'"r Oyslroplly Anoe• Tl\a nuu ~ rer 11&ld the rlty t1 Uie tmprov~enU. .ttould br P• 11 t >ii.a rn1rn wu "" likrn"'1 at • & at tht ::tlU1 ~I ra11t w1JI M WARD HARRINGTON nevw approve 1u•·h 111. lh111 • 11 11 '· ><.rn """ with a bfldrlddefl, loc>klnK C·~ a.rd to UI• fonn&o ott "'1Wn LbJM )'MT• alt.hourl'I a Ill- >••lr1 ~I•\' hy the attn• h lnll~llr,j In I h" l'ra.r tutW"e, &C • and we've ntver even h••t ti of more or 1 .,, halpl... per•on t.o Uon or ll fhtlnr dl1tr ll!l• 111 Ute Ol'tltnal Umtt.bl• aaJl"IS tor Anni h 1 h""I hit tarnlly were oorilins to lhe 1·.,1111111A1to" . LUMID CO. llUeh a t.hlng" l1 In rl'f~t uni ,, ,. "' rue f r lh t h.air hOme 1hould V C' U n .t now llghll'd. 110 the about rtve yea.ri. U1 e fuayn1,,.,tt A11hby1 •f IOt Qa.. <.l<>mplalnh have ~" -.Iv- ---- 1, ,. 11 t ltrtr1r-al bud,.t will lhow no 1\1\I SI 111f'y 11 1.~> 111a.de a fn11t- n oo W . COAST H18 HWA y ll \U PO\\ 1:a F41Lt"llE maltrlal ln.QrlML CRACK IOWN 1r... call tu lh" ll•·•llh O.part- I'd l•lrlv that th11 lli;hl.a, ""'1f'.tl Admlnl•traU¥9 .U.lllant ~ ""'nl , .,.. her>kf'o1 lo °'• reir;utar ~t LI 1-14 11 JEROME In thl! llyllfl1b)''1 pleuanl llv- CbUd.a a.nd a..n1 lenlet1 °" I R Y. \ 1 11 ~ l'l..AN• 1y11em. al111rt nianv nllflll-1 1111: l'" m, ovHlookJnr the b4ly --t.oP WU"· - ,._~ re<:Om• (Oontbtw.d ,,_ .... I ) :\tr• fl••all ., .... r>lann•.. vull.eyb&U playen "h" d11tU'11 1141 0 (CofttlnuflCI from P&111 11 .... 1th ll• t"nrtleH flow of whit. ·- ._ _.... ~ trailer -""' J ~ " " • ~ IM&rby lCS. t be l.01 An·, , ... whtre hr I ... _ l lh t ...y " """'4ed Of • tu h ''" " l•ur1!«11• 11\ lwr p&UO With " • COAST Hl•HWAY AT TMI AICHD wUI 111 1 ~tso. tand _... ~ p ,..t~0 " .,..a •, e P-. ' IJll· 1lfttr t.o bt -t.14 ~ • lh,... t.w Ula round·ltl.. tloelt h on Ral••r•lav ro r'l number ot • nf'W •"'IUll'lf!Wlt, w ill dtr~ct the •~1 .., etror11 In •tt..nt · Wh~ " of the tron IWI( -.-- ., t Md ,.lroL *' IUi.e main ll fbte wlll h~ dowled 1 1 1 tM Comp&J1y • I•f'r~n~fl ant1 !I: 11 • dnln( It 1 Job ot brl'athln1 ror mu crtw, one ptm\&n•n fllRIPT ft.ADlM 1""" "'· ' k nnw hey w""'t be automallra.lly U curfew tne. c:lMr l!y1tem1 Dlvlalnns A.II "tll • 1 f t wo for 8Wl\l'ller Afuo111 Jn- &hie to &l"11•1 •hr 1mell "" I 1 U two or 111 • ubald la rie1, Tl•l· Ktn 11rovoktd a quul on o w ha.t n fue tor lilt bH.o.b c.1-1\er wtll 4.dmlnlllra t1ve A111:atant Tnm '"' K"hllll: !<> U ltr tn--ro ~11t for ----~=====~====~=~::==~=~======~ 1\&11 Meuurtnr Sy•t.ern" , ..,.,1 might llA~ tn cut ot a power amOW1t to a tiout HOOO . .\n addJ· 1 Cbilda M id he w1'nte l•J ihlft dtnn•·• .. -lw a•l·tc I J>&Jl1 and Conllntnllll - !ll~111•int. fcm Ac..... \ 8 JN ("")lJ' •T - ... h ., "' p .,.1 •.--. t t" or rn- • • " ,,. I t11rv1v.S. • nOUP at .... ttm• Ion l • ro.CS • ,,. ..atilt• v. Ill ll\a 1 1 1 0•n JN<•m" •• •lo< Ion! told Conni• lhtre w.. DIATH NOTICI be repl&oed In I.ho lU~ a t • 'II• ...... '""" .... 'ttm• combat anll i·nmma11ol .. n '"' In "" hope. I wu untOl'IMOWI q d la ~r dale. n1'"'1 In 1111• ' '"ii , .., th• l'""l 1 t he l'a.rllto .Junni; \\" 1 -1 \\'a.r not brl'&.thtnr tor .-.it h&Jf an I 8tNldar'l'l h ... rnnalantly uk- lO YHr• , a lnwlill •ia.ily, "" M lI and later 1n th.. I~ •P IU1 rnin- hour L'i ua.llT U\Alrt lln' l mu.eh &f!"'< . A .'IO' F.PDORA l\f;U, N1 <~••111rll to ror>•ldo·r 11 g1111a ha• M•I .t" a~ Ill• ~ palm whtr11 he ".,. 111 , om· Ih of a.n.t' l I F un1•1 al 1111rvl.cal llcro ht"ld lion that wlll ml.ke th-II tounllt ll•·rt "'"' tuu i:urir. •·IHwhn.:. rnlUld ur th1.1 Flt•t Ma1 lne Air· :in.~,~~: lu<':9:,"''::;,_ i up;ly: Satunlay mornUlf al O&Jc HW tf'lllllc moNr 1.,tr-41.!ppo rttni;. "\\'•· 11 ~• -d to luw• u... fl\09\ rrart Wtnc H• Mltl• the ni.- the braJn.. C'h&pt-1, Ian J-. ,., Mia. AllA1 In th• l&lll• m.-tlnf, M1.nday, b<>avtl.lul a. 1n111M her" ' •·ormc.r tlnjl'\JIJllV"!l N>rv•<• ~feda l, lh•1 " llOW d It n? A. l lOl'lll EUdonl -.iL M. w1lo ... Juat ll WU pointed out Ntwp<>rt &J\fa aM lr\ l~h. ~HI 1 ....u ...... 1'l• lh1i;111ah•rlt µtoll' or.. (-;h· no _ t nn • or lhCWill Hom... me-n ~r JOO() popu1attnn oom· \a.I " IU&nv n' I• r 11•·· II' ••>Ill Im llltS· r hi 1UI h I Bh• tonner11 ...... at ITtl rared lo Lh• l • av•,.... for Thr ~-ho ,.. C"o~fl1 ITtlldfl'nt >n1 ~"' •rd" l><"I 1\\1 l nn >.1m by UMhy t nrw - a kmr< a.n c "'~ OrclP Dr. for tour ,_,... a.nd moel r u... P art ot thl• 11 .,.. ta.M llw v.1«tf'r brok.e Uu-111111' . , •l t e hm.lM wnr In.It' <"1 l11• ... .. ,. _ 111~•- t •• th 1. •t -·•- "'-t ._.. tirra. Itri'• 11 1 11•1r '"" r1ty " 11 1 ~" on " <>11... • Y ...... ,_ )It 1,. I \'l'·I • • Dlrtdnr or IW\~. fl'llOCl'tllot'. lhC'! hOUIM' •or- yea.n. prewml.JI f"lllO. rrom operating the \lu1trlct h d ll bn•·r •Ix rnot LAGUNA .A vta t• •11 n 1 t .\ .. l11 t&11t ,. m •r •10 lrl • h• wH ttnlnr; to hlllll Mn Bell la t urvl'l'f'd by a out o f nne erra. But the heavy Ude b ut UI• nrxt momJnlf th,. , •.• ., • 11 l • ti•,. Marine •· ,,,. out " f1>w rlnthf'8 AL lhat 11\0- ~f • .Mra. J'la'1.lne Coplan, ?'ew· lnrlua ot l'fll"reaUnn vt.ltor. w u "1alrr went out again anit lhf' for A 1r 1 l l 111 • 1 : Aa P111·• 1ur mrnl · lhf! mRn lf'rt In ~fl a part Iport S.·llr-h, and a n.-phfw. J!:a.rl CIV>d u an equ&111 tmporu.At ttencb "' .,. U bad u ~vr ttf f'Hhllr lnt.,rm11tt,,n. Dlrt"<'tnr l lrom h.11 lruck. A• h.e w&Jlwd A M<'Gl"ufltn of 8a.ll"m, Ott rartnr J.fn. Ilf'll.ll po&nl.td o ut I.Ml FEDE.RAL <•r R • ri1 ·i.: and I>lrt'elor ol nut the door. lb• h1111t quit, l Jtnlombmf'nl "'u at Oal< Jllll We&"11&rd rtal"Ul'I ronl'i•I 09 th• l"l"91tl,.nta ,,j t.l\A dlatrt•·t havt ~a·1n.• 1 111•• Hl•lory I 11149'- l•l•d tn whlatl• - 'uat Ulm a Mau.eolfW'D. Ian J,_ B&Ju ~r c•nl nf 011l•Of-to.,..n rPll· ~ waya 11111 to do th.I~ tor uwm 111 LUI am111 tOM II'"''"" 11 1 pn ~e nt u- nelftlbor · ~~ up hi• la'lt'T\ IMortuary, r .orona dd Ma.r. WM dPnlll, It .,.~ a l..,. f"'lnt"'1 nut. ~INM"IV.,. ·11,..,... art1 no~. •ll(nm• t" • ...... • 11 1 .J111or11e Wll.I l mnw.r • • In charre of local a rra.n.rtmfnta Th• lnr-resa11 t1r riarklnt me- ft t> ....,.,.., "" a1 llr;ht•. Pays Per <""m"'"' II .: • .rnrra l, Al1ora11., Col\J\Je 1aJd. "Wf'll, t kn.-W ,- - - ler rtllH ln r ..rM llon &rtl&8 lloUl.IJ\S aNt lA.Ju•a." •h,. dc-. lar.-d 4% Annum • 4 Time1 a Year J' lret \t11 r1~ ,. ,. •ff". A'IAnll,. K,.n wu C'•>lng l o b9 ell rt(hl - P1fYLt.JCI A "'I..,. Qt AU.l:Y from five t.o 10 ~ta ta d9tlsn- "W• a.re the toraott.en .,..,.,..1. It LAGUNA llACH, 222 O..n Ave. HY.tt 4-1171 JI" t.u h••l1I many nl hrr 11r ror- !JI• docl<>l'll d«l&Tod blm d-..d Jl\lneftl IM'rvl~ will h8 held "'C2 larcelv to " mUlr" addlttot\AJ th• i-tty ta not C"Jtn.r to dn an) - • lant I"""''''' • r\1111ng hi• dl1lln- one• on the f'lghlh day &tter lu lThundt.1 rnr MIN Phylll• Al\D revenut from tourllt. and vlll· thin« for ua. I«~ s;n Into ~ IAN CUMINTI, 601 M. El CGMIM ..... HYodnlh 2·11'5 • 1 , , ~ ,, •Ar~~r 1nci~ ~N~ ~ ·~ r k" ~th~~" Q~l~~ 1191 ~~lnr; m. I~~ ~ty ~~ ~, ~1· __L_~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!! ... d1plo" •tic 1t•••rnrncnt, In Latin Or1nntn~ It• uJd. ''Yu.h-too Wen"'INtM, """" dted Sunday ·- Amtr.ra Imf'IU'l to di~ _ lta. '" Iat lbe I "CL.A Mf'dlraJ C°Ml•r •"t Oen J,.ron1• s;raJ u~ from after a le11cthv lllnl'fl• ..., the l'nltflnr-e M- he ran pN'•I hy Juat tumlnr Ilia 01.her IUJ"VtWl"I are her per- t •. 11" ln ,.,.r-,n1tul!<' f'nJtinl'rnna rhttk a 11 ..1n1t lt eee !" A one., .Mr a.lll1 Mra. Ll'rtf'r Q11a.l· ,_ f?Om tJ\e C&lltonua wutul.e uf 1• h.&.rll bW:z.lr l'&Ai oul. J.y nr w~ &nd heT Terhn<>lnn· BOV l"COl~ Ht:LP (T&lldlather Gf->r"J'& Carlaen tr( •l JU 11 a 11•L1w .>t KAJ\MA K• l MD.\ ~I• compla in whtft h'll'fl, N n 'I Ml"I 11G111, !M"lc • for a 1 In Norlb \ii and Jerome uv• two th.oy un to car &m D&kota. July .... Lt Ct>I. Otorp ~ A . Mnb\UT. va.caUon trtp. bu\ OOl\Mder lb• ' 17. 11142, Ml.. Qualley wu a ~ r UIAF" llnd LL Col Hun ta~ probltl'll of " pacldnr' an Iron meimber Of our R~mer Lui.JI · •\ burJ. URMO ~rve. run. Y"' tN ByU11b7'1 ba;l hl'lJl tran Qwrch In Gc1'd• Grow •Y A. r-ooj>fratlve Boy leoUt t.rnop, Rev C>uu1ee Du1t« of that unlltr ....U a t r lhe 1ronaor.t\lp of lb• I church o tnd&.t.e eenk.. Complllll Dita oU.-od Ula ~Of In 01.&pel, tn the Wildwood, IL - Save Your Ve luable thf'tr lr\&cJc l,11 tnnmport Ken !lad Mott.II • • ~k ColOfl.la.I Fu· . hi• brelLU\Jnr aP'f"\ralua Jn a 11.tft.l Hom11 Ml<1way City. Tbu111- ..• .... Rugs And Furnishings con.cantrac..d fT'OUP ..rrort, UWy 4-7 at 2:30 p m Burla.I wtll ,...,.,., ...,.....,., ..,.,11 nonted an a.wrlll&ry ,.enan- be •l WNtmlnater M-sa1 ,...... ___ _, .... • V .... t.or and surrllMi n..,. .. aea.ry ma.n · Park. l oll rr... c11 rp11l1 11.1101 11phnl- ...... f"IW&r fnr the Job MR& H.AJIJ!!L o. TROMAa- 1t.,-Y wM.r lonttrr We 1 ,., nn1- A cool breeze drlfltd throuP Mn. Mabel c. Tboma.e, n at mC\d rrequenl tlt"llnlnr; •·11.h th• optT1 fl'9t\ch wtndoln ic.ri 1 12ot .. ouy t.o UH , 81UI Lualrt l&ld ''We've notlced & lot e>t Tf'l- A'HllUa, d1td 8a.t, urdl.y, June 7, at I.he 8&.nt.a Ana Th• JWlft ... I Inn nf thll nt'W r-hanfH ln ~ &TN t lnr• ~r Oommwltt1 Hnrii't.a.1 llter a m!ncle rnam \' • rk1 eq 1allv Ilut lr1p tiere fnur yeare ~o Ilonir lllneu Rh!' had beein • well on v.all l~""ll "" ~·­ "TM . ,.,.,.,.., Cnnnl&. " But re.-1<1t"nt of Corona cl.el Ma.r lfnoe 11 11 nne orl.. ntal rur• r>r llJ•h l· 1 t8n·l ll ""aullrul... n<1 I ~ 1930 a nd • •UmlTM'l" ,....ltlf'l\l rw.,.._ =...... ,,, .. llt.-Y Brlitl\l ortirln•I '•1ln11 d~ anrl kl"f'd hl'r l\u1be.nd'1 atn<'e 1910...... _..... '" ...... ,,..,. . F •~r ri-.m Ilk• nf'W 11111.. f.111lr• ol\.. l< P'rtYlltt N l"V1t.. were held i:. tullY arrt1!!'1 "'tlh a t'lnl A ramou• man nnce wd: ~I w~. Jun• u , trom lht ...... MIMI ....._....."'~ -.M"_. llMdle hn1•h '"'"'l"lt p1l1 I all at llt• w11re Juat. there would Brown "'"'-! Rnm• ln Santa ... ~ and lofty No r1'11t111e n>- be no net"d ot valor " Ana. muna to cauae ruollln&' Vl'ry economlra.J too. u 1., pllon Mn 't'homu, Who ..... born ot Blue Lull,. eonoentrat. No Tu...... la DartrGouUa, Can.a4&. a. .,.. clean- thr,.. hl::l rup DltOOKTKOS, a CJ ltTPII YiYtod 1'J & aiater, M.rt, J_ [. One ot UI• boolui lfut In ~ MaONpr of It. John 11t Ou. rn1rnr1 at Ule loulh Dakota Stat. d&; two ehlldnn. Mra Muj0'1t Oiek 1Cuhn'1 P.lnt Store OordoD f1I ( ·011rre Ubra.ry 11 t nlltled " How V\lllae and T'horaaa .,..,..I 11 ,...-__,,....,,_ Ruta Ana, Ind Olf'M ~hll __ I" Rtudy 1Ct!erUvely A prof•­ ORloltt I UM c1rwn. ''• ~nr rf'CenUy rheoke<1 01Jt lh• vol- ...... IHI g , Ollut 11.-y. •1m1 al\d notf<1 the 1... t J>f'l"llOft l• ,____ Cle_"' _-__°"_ '_\t_..,___ ... I~·~e. Ule book bon'owed It ta AIR IASE ;=.;:;;;;:;:;;;;:;:;;;;;;;;;:::::;:::;;;;;:::::;;;;;:::;;;;;;;;;;;;...;:;:;;;;::;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;:;;;;~ (0.t.llrae4 from l'ac'o 1) that U1&1 .,.. to be turned Oftr Like to Corral EngineeriJ:tg's Hottest Advances? \,. to ~ ~ Ad.mlnlltn­ (u1 tion public ·• 4.•bu.ry tor d~ li.'n rrsr '" Amnieti nl.r•., mn11v "firlCl"-bold [-that yoa1J l()()ft ... tnflumdni till , )J Z&ld •nl ''Thia propo-U will """' ha'f'e can I PnntilM" hu t.hem ptrif'Ct.d for you Do• I But Pontiac eQlftMMn aren't aatbif\f'd Ul be ~\Mr.-1 hy thA t)f'~ m..it of o.r,.nM IU\tl bv Lbe Wl tb bemc th., nf'WPSt. Enn a fAl!llal in1Pf'M,ion "111 lhow )'00 quality and appointmmt Senat. BOWie Arm"t1 servtoee det.aila that pea It u today'a hiqelt m0M7'1 tf'Ol'thf Commlttee before U•• !anti i. ---······· ...··------.ald.U7 P.,. tllt.o the eu1to4J --..- ••• ert General lemc.e Admtnla't:n­ Uon," 1M 911>l&ln.ed. Get the cF ACTS Amerit.a'• N.. w (D SOUTH GORST &lino Butt.le. O•nn!ll le~ • ~on <"1ll l'f for lh• Roatlw w~ Cout, h aa '""" bf',.n a and You'll Get a PONTIAC consTRUCTIDn CD. ~ tor "''"m rr< ~ IAa.n la. IJl.a Army A Ir Re,.. t.o IJt!!fl t:!:f!!I ai-. _...... ------SEE YOUR LOCAL AU'Tl10R1ZED PONTIAC DEALS ------..;;;. RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL U. pu.ltU. l&a rnl.-. rt la ••m• t&ld that I.he bue NO JOB TOO LA!tGE OR SVAIJ. land aio.w ... IUl~ l<>ped wW WALTS a. IDILLO'l'I!...... 11.D addtt:lanal mJ.1llall u.d ROY CARVEi PONTIAC - IOtb k. Mewpori 8ewJa Ollloll ~7''71 a WI eaGan ID tu ...tu&Uoa to U. Qt;y _, Oomta M-.. 1400 W. Coast Hlqlrway .... drt "9ft9

One of The Udo St-op. 3021 E. Coast Hi9hwey We &Ive Or-. C..st Stemps We Give SIA Gr.en St•mpt PRICEJ IFFICTIVI THURS., Ftll., SAT. & SUN. 1'461 VJ. Udo New~ leech CorON del M.r JUNE, 19, 20, 21 •d 22. • NEW STORE HOURS ...... -. REG • UDO STORE ONLY KLEENEX Uc 7 A.M. to 10:30 P.M. ' ~ Facial Tissue _... .·-· .. ·--.. -·. 3/ 61 c i = ~~ FOR YOUR DRUG NEEDS § r:1•1•1•a•W1•m~...-~ REYNOLDS HEAVY DUTY BOX or u ALUMINUM FOIL S Dorothy Gray Summer Specials COTTON BALLS ...... --... ·---· .... .am. ate 19 S TUl9UOISE COLOGNI ADULT oa INFA..Vf olA& or 11 2 For 7'/C WIN tLl...:rY AWABD8 - Julie &me and J~l ~ recJ. 1.00 • • • • • • • 49c GLYCERIN SUPPOSITORIES•:; 11 Bradbury )ook fY!ler oert1llcate. awarded tbena lut wtek at Newport Elemtntary School for out- I DOROTHY GIAY COMllNATION llOX or IOt 6 OllACI \J.s.P. etl"cttsar afety acbJevftllenta. Both a.re ftfth SPECIAL Norwich Aspirin Tablets TAY LESS ~ and weN memberm of aatety rroup. dur- I ~ mnch Ulac Coloc)H and lody Lotion ~ at til the put echool year. - New•PrH9 Photo PINT llO'ITLI: ,..._ 1.00 • • • • • • · 49c CITRATE OF MAGNESIA aro. De 14 WORKERS'------CARD GAME ORA WS b~ DOROTHY GIAY SUMMER COLOGNE AJAX CLEANSER N COMPLAINT, POLICE VISIT 1; reg. 2.00 • • • • • • • 1.00 t ~- ol I.he ('<)9ta MM& C'lly l'l>l.lnt 11'1 n11hlmare • I NOSIGAY-JUNE IOU9UET­ ._ ,.u.. Nt•l'led an IUIOfl)moue call Y•lf'rday I ;J~ ILATION, IATH SOAP *t tin men were 0011ductlnf a 1artJ 1asn• 1n th• 1n r or .J tff W. Jkh I\. a"' active gift bo• of 3 ban

E ..... 2.oo • • • • . ~ . 98c \tr FOR YOUR e \t'I ~ IUllUNG IEAUTY IUllLI IATH TIDE • n~·~ :. . I• •c1y 16 oz. ,..usable pla1tfc cont'., l\'a111 BARBECUE and l t>Tl ' I reg. 2.00 • • • • • • • 1.59 GIANT SIZE b" 111 PICNIC NEEDS th ~ I I . Th UQUIST . SPECIAL FttOM VINCENT'S -...... ,,n r"l ...... FtlODN FOOD SECTION lk or •• 24" • ma' JUICE ~·)r'llj Sllili All Woman Deaees i OR~NGE •i:o . ~2/33c Barbecue SCHICK VARSITY Trill SW~NSON'S FRODN Brazler Pe1s lie Destroyed In Wiii = TY DINNERS ELECTRIC RAZOR Mod.-1 DJ 3M I HO. Reci. 17.50 798 !j _,,. drltii: Complete w1lh hood, mot<>r "''"' p1u 1 ------~;;..;.. an d 9J>lt Heavy 1 l u rd7 ~ __ __ lhlll SIMPLI SIMON FROZEN chrom• lei• whffll . Ul• : 9" FRUIT PIES p,,...I g rang HULA-HOOP n;c1n ~ u:o. \ . I ,.. .. THE NEWEST CRAZE pr•'" BARRELS OF FUN • • • FOR ('UI .. Ulf' HEAVY KIDDIES AND GROWN-U..S ••• lie ' Ml.al ~ L~D'RY~1t II IA. E.-1 Uk AMAZING! DERES GRAVITY &•· CANVAS bon1 Charcoal Briquets .... lit ALL THE RAGE AT THE IEACH wltt BAG b&tll ~ t ror .. "°'lZAAD ( ' HAJU."Al. Nar 1" bT'ot .. 199. 4.49 LIGHTER FLUID Rr.o, &k 45 w~ • A Ole § FULLY GUARANTEED Urf ~Oll'PAYLESS_ I - oat ... ,...... 2.75 1i r V .. . ., ~ ._ ,.al l' •.. ~M No. 25 AIR MATTRESS pr ~ H ui ... PLASH IULIS boa Ctw. 12 2' BEACH TOWELS ol HEAVY TERRY CLOTH ~ u :o.. Cal IA.) SIZE 36"x72" u~ LADIES' SD.AW MEN'S Loo 88 pn ELECTRIC VllRATOR SAILOR HATS IOXER STYLE GAILy DECORATED ft4o«, Ut 2 por cl" MASSAGE WIT(i GAY, WIDE SWIM TRUNKS SWIM FINS "'"1'• PILLOW RE:O RIBBON REG. 2.98 lll!!O. Itta 49 extra special value . _1 6" Umlt 2 Pr. 1'AYLESS VINCENTS . Hand Packed ~ TOYO I Ice Cream I SPORT CAPS Pride .,. 9uarts .... 59c 0 Drobny of - 59c Pints •••• • · lOc Indiana Voclla MEN I t Yra. 011 IO ...oor and l GAL PREMIUM STYLE "•ralrtit IOY'S Qnart .,..~ .... UI NECK nEs ICE CREAM ...... '" •nd 311 334 BELTS Reg. 1.SO IUc. cer Reg. lt' 23' 88' - - ·------' f I Teeners! Dance to Be Soon Teenera - M N 1 vuur cbluMle to set In Oil I.lie VUUJ\d floor ol ~ blf' <'ome lo I.he pOol ~ rty, ·-nw Olobt'trotten Ball," of lhe new.. t -t .tab­ or&te MrlH of dan. • -partl" to com• t.o the H arbor Af9A. Th19 momentOU9 f'Hnl ,. ,II tak• place nnS&y, June 2Qlh. a t t.lle Friday Afternoon t 111b. 18t b ud An&· helm In Coet& lof ua. and t.(tna al 8 p m T~ _., t'Dlnjl .. 111 be bJfl\l.lfbt · ~ by lh• u, ••I\· "hl\tter ot 111&9- ter of reremonae. Ted Canniuo, a nd t ht m uak 11r Tilol M o.qui· toll, a lon,lll' with olher 9'.lrpriM entertlllnnitnt !>,.llclou1 buttet N f r t shn!fn ta an,1 prtsff wlll &dd to 'hf' run a ml r~d te mrn l . The dllllct 111 fur Jtudenl.I ot H arbor High a n•I th elr friends. A 1pt1·tal ln\ltat1on LI ~ «X• l~ndf' Mw111l H<'a · bllf, .. el< !"'• I" 1, the commltlel con Fnda.y night June 20, at a dinner dt.nce. Couples who will ho11t Lh l' a(far r pl&rui t" h.i'" 1 ., o a month fur Lht 11'11! of th~ • •1m me r Include 0 . to r. with hu&ba.nda ct.anding,) Mr. and Mn . E . P. Hacllry Mr anrl Q uPat111n s • "' <' m in( t hla 1.ar· ty a hu11l1 I 1,. oll !'f<" l ed to l ,o..I Mrs. Max Sturgea a.n d Mr . and Mra. H yde Braly. Other hoctc nol p1c.'tur•" John~'" LI ' 1'•21 01' J im Sho- M r. and Mra. Rkh&rd Bailey of Los An gtles. m.iktr, O il :1 "'' 7 4 I llf~ BUTANTES OF 1968 Include t~ four young- women who were h onored with oth.,.. by BAY CLUB LAUNCHING Soropti111ists Ready tht' Newport Ha.rbor Children'• Home SocMty NANCY TRITI' 1 a t a tu lact Friday. Left t o rtfht they a.re Cath­ Betrothal Revealed t o Coterie of Frtenda I~ or New Challenges tnnt- Ann Sturtevant, Suan Jt'&D Ma.np.n, Dtam SOCIAL SEASON 20th Lund and Suaan Stewart. They will make thelr S'l111pllrnl•t• l nt ,. m~!lr>n a l of v.hn tul l nr l\ ••Ht,., . I•• H itch fnnnal bow to coclety at the ~med o.but&nt. s, .. 11•1 I• a v. a.1tini In brea t hl... ll.llllc1pallon t h e :-;.,wport H arbo r a r Pll .,.. be· )''1Ur "' "'"" to a • I•• . NEWS REVEALED fff111 ..tl '1• 11u1r nf th,. llalboe. Bay C lub'• 191'.>8 1u1111nf' r Rall. - Photo by Paul Kent ;;ll·nlnc a n"" ) H r ..r dub hl• · Al • bu.lnHa 111... un 11 '-\hlch •tMun ~ 1111a y t \'tnl~K J W1e 20, Lii Ule dat. rlrcled ln tur> Behind th.Mn 1 ~ OM or follow9d the tn1lalla ll o n rt •! on 11 '"'Y a <·a.IPncl 1t r both In Lh• Harbor a rea a nd In

1.1 ,. Ar ... ,.., San Marino. Paaadena and other r onunWll· lhf>l r m o.l aw• ,.,... r111 ''" ur1Lll n f Thuraday, JW1e II. In lh11 home Nancy Tritt Wears llP8 ,. htr 1t m embers amt f r1tnda C'OUnl Bay club a c Uv1UN arrompll&hm t nl, hll(hlt( hl9d by o f Mrw Wall<... the &>ropttm i.tl Society Poised With 1rnnng thPlr moet plr u ant u pertenC'et1 the prt ...nt a lkm t hla wf'ek ofl made plana for the l'<>mln r )'e&r, Sparkling Diamond ~ .... , t'ouplem wtll be otflr l&J h091.9 f or Ula evtnln~ S IOC11J tn lhe :-;,.....·1•>1l Harbor lncludlnr a pun ull nt tht lr No, Th"· ,. ,,. M C!Nrw and M mN M&llwell 8lUrfN1, H yde area Clrh <1uh TI1e m onPy, I project, NJIPOrl or Th• r.tr1• Plans for Deb Ball \ft 11.n.·hin•1 t h f! W "'9 t. -ln l\ l the ot M n Tod Ovia tt l'I ~ t~ llperJDl9 of ftaJl ,.. l\'.tn•) tn krnl <;1t u Snpl•·r, A nl(l'lf'a a nd Mn. E . 0 Jllnv·d 0( t..na Ari.; ,. IM l:nlert&Jnmt'nl Will feature M&rt.h& Tiiton. V illa ) {ar1ra. wh~ 8 nrortlmlalJI lut rrtd&y, J un e U , Ule ldta· oni.. ~tell U.. '-~ a< •n rof Mr11 Hlrhard G l< r1P1 h P'rlt1 a y Aflf'm•llln C"l•ib In CnalA " l'l"e add,.._, by Mn Alld& Uty ot the lwelYe J.o..iy ~ Mra. 1MtJe T ...... WM b to1 rn nr H• rlln~l1 •n Jn\\ a &J'ld ~ ft n Jo'ra.ndaco and lhf' la te M r Curt Mn.-My ILlld Country W AAllbum from tel..n.ion. Mr&A l"'llOll of Loe A n ( elta. Ml"ll. Dy· women Who will Nw lletOft ·r In dw's• al tM t-...... lh " l11tr J11m f'11 T Snplf'r rtn\ d. The thouaan,, '111.lara Ill a r<'· Mn I• a membt'r of th• 1..()41 N.wport Harbor llOd.ely at Ule Th" happv """ • '"" 1;1, ,.n Mi snyt)t>r wu 1t rulti11.l.f'd tllJll marka b le arhl,.\Nn,.nl i.... a•IMI A n«~lM club llhe spolte on 8<>- rtM annual Newport Ha.nMw ir.o.i.-. .... t.be ...... "' n rsr '" t hfo f11m1lv 11nd thrn f .J . I N E W p O R T rop llmlJrm. Debut.ant.. B&1l, rrponeorect b)' lhe ball fOGU'lllU.. w1lkll lll- ,.,...k f rom t 'rLA w !W'r• h "' wu R A R 8 0 R It n'J'r PM"nt. th.... rrnn or "™' I In" P<1 h\ lilt' t nuhllnnal I '"~'"" It ta an ap..-lnt1 o r lM UI• ~ K&rbor Auxiliary eludM Uae M:JnM: 'eftenoo loo- of r1•n•h' 10 NKr1"\ a l w-11 • 1:11.m· 11 m t'm btr of P hi Karf>11. Ps1 f ra· lot the .,1&llu t ,.omen a "r111nl· nol•lm Ru.le, a llharin i wtlh ot Ule Clllldren' • Hom• ~s.tJ 'FUl-. ~ llltdl. Mut.la Mia• ma ""1nrt!v a1alrr• nn till' \\r•I· !l'1nlt" H,. -..111 rnnllnu,. i:-ra t111· u tton a In l he rnm0111n11y T h11 nlhf'ra, w h ich i. U\11 b&ala of ot calltoml&. At Ud1 t... Ul __..,. 7 u~ t ..... Sold. ~ W. 0.-. - _ v. 011d t'll.ITI J''"' On J11n" I • ·'t ra. •"' alud lf'I l h,.,... nu t t all H la mo~y ,... MLl 'W' ·J n ... ve r&l our o rpnl&allon,' aM -.Id &JUlµal llPr\na.. - ·- I\'., • .... ~ >.IUNr A--. ,,... T rHl " nt•r1•lnNI " 1lh " t•& a l (Tllnttp&l"f nla w,., ., thf' tall' Mr w a y a, moctl note v. ort.by beln1 a.t 1 "Thia plllloeopb7 LI lldW tha.D pmipectt" debutallt. and tMtr W·•- ,....._ --- ... the rllNlt 1· ... 1ntrv i-111b I . .. ,.._... _ll _ .,...... ll motlwnl are l.ra41Uonall1 •*- - ..,.._ -- '"'Ill' a nd .. ,.. J ·-·· Z "11\ A- nt a rt ~ en l ...... f.. Atnn,.r •t •~e ... ,, '-•u.- - ·- ..,...... , '"'' N•"f'•lt H ...... 11 .. 1w re rnend9 I ,.. ~ .. - "' ...... • .,...... u -- wtU ....,.,. .. flU!l...... \&lne4...... • 1 a n<1 r.•l•lJ'"" ""'" r,.,.,. lvf'<1 . 1 Kal\NUI M tv K&NllU 11.N'l I':" w~ mnre t h&11 160 a t1m liMlonl She all'leed both th• •b&rlnr 'Miia ,_,• • dltN&ant.. ..,.. Th.. .-11 t•r"•m " 1111 11• .-Ol"r 1&1 .. >.t r t.nd M"' 1:..0llt'" A U1 llllnl1n11• ltM ,1,. ... ,,f th• I T11rnrr nf A111hn1rtnn '"" " rtn- MRS LOlJISE ME"l'&ER. Societ y EdJtor h un dnld P• r11rti:-i..d In a p l"lM ot trifmdtfllpe and • nk:lll W'llh· ot lb.t ff&l'bor ..... and l.ndudl: Mrs. Neth Ia 1 11 11 rnlh1 1i; hst1 • <1 "' l'&rl miloper, d&Ulht.er ot drll1thtf 11 b11«k11:r '"'' f<>r lh.. thrr• Newport Herbor NEWS-PRESS June 18, 1958 8- 1 Th• a ffair wu h,.ld a t Ca pl • IM,.,. m nnt'y the moet lmJ>O' .. Mr &.nd Mr11 O a.rence LM Ooolp« J • p p•r 1 V ,. hr re nlt1 rrtt n•l.o "'"! llrMo BMrhcomMnt' Club ta nl ph.a.JM o f It. a iltAnce It N.wport 8t'M"A, O a ll H f'l•n '°' 1 ot UDlOr rexy 1 hllt !>\ rr a r 1r of Ir" Yl'llow. The trM ~ u v.·on by Mn IJI In tor troubl• -"' Mlt1 I<:'1. 1ri.tl , d&upl« ot )(r. &Dd th• h ..n .., ...... fll\'llrt!f' rnlnr• Get Dearees F1· nal Meet1.ng for ln• Good, nf 1.A«Una , e., ach l"T a k .. Int o ronald-Uon lb• ).fr1, WI~~.. Buul'~~- CUJrl• tt ~.:: ::-..:.:. ~ p ,.....1 ..m1n11tt'tl In rh ~ n nral a r f") SoroptlmlJlt Club ;l;C1lab u rom a blllll• or yO\lr m em~ni Som• ~(W\A ..-.: - MM -- .., = rll.llg f' rnf' nLI thrrnt( h<1111 th• COii\.& M.Mlll , :-;,.wport S-ch &J'ld w tlhC1ul eo muc h mone y may dlrotl, da u pter of Mr lllld Mn. W... Fl'*1 ~ Cit!) """' 1 At Occidental J · Eb 11 Cl b &nta Ana wrr• prNent . l h•v• sr.-t talent. to ottM I Henry w a i..in mnIArla tnr lhf' ,.. "'" rf'~ f' lwd O trh Pra &/\.I l'll'ntbo•ra (•f l lw . wa rd ll) tilt' wc·ond &l\llua l home rr voc.alla t, 11.1\ d Sandra 8 w &n· She lc»d of be Loe ~"' 0 1'91n and u.. lat. Mr. a..- wtUa - JadUdt_x-. := lhP tr111.no ";,,11,I nf Junior Jl;~ll tour w hlt'h lh111 1rTrn1p wlll hold llOn, M'<'ompa11Lllt . Dir\< l..anl'. Somptlmllll pro,~ tn ~ of ~ a.dl: 0taat Llm4, ~ &Ill~!!_ I 11 11 <:1lmorv t.t u ... A nit• 1..,. t.nr. In w h k h ..,,,.e o r In o ted rv &nn<>unrer, wu ltmrl'e In a f2J ,OOO home WMcb wu dauplu of Mr. and Kn. au.: ~ o.m&ll. - "-,.... 1-arul)n 1,rav n r :-1•,.l"•rt ani hn11,lll'llla H11t,..r1 anrt Rl•lt'f'r '•'huradll \, Jun!! 12 t.l 10 • m al lhe kw•ly h<>mee In the a r PA ..,.. &J'ld r11e nned hit a udl•nce w llh Into a tloua tw MU T. Lund ot N"'POft ~ laa tu~ed 10 ~. ~. J~-~.. ~ M & uh. anrorltv • l•lrra o r th" Bovv,.v, bnroxy, " "' T <>m Wood· danC'• 111'&9 the tnaall&Uon or debtecm.. In a few 7-.n U» ~ Of N..,..t .....; ...... www1a;a _,.. -~ b&um M r 8nydPT a mothl"r. oul Clar.nre Wa ,.,..n H uhl>rt, 2illl 111·&rd. rornna M l Mar otftc1'11 f or UM 8orcJl>Umltla. club n.. ..-C.ftUJ boilOWed an Mii ,..,..._ McLeod, +tUCW- a...t r' ...... &_ i. from Iowa for tht ...... ,on <'rNl v1- Orivl' r ... · .. tv"'1 hi• Pia.NI will hi> marl>f'd tnr lh~ ws Coyotes who p l.bel'ld f or a • ml-formal &ddillon&l U 3 000 tor another ot ~ ~ ...... lit.Ma ... w ...... Nll.llry v.·ore a f>O""l"r bl~ tm Barht lor of A rt• In P ollttral comln« rlub } "&r a l l hla lut &11&11' a t Ult VW.,. 1An OI\ Bal· ' llle ~ K.r. Normiaa ~ ._ 1 brotd"l'tld a hMlt.h. Flcw.'H• for al l "4- ll'nre He ,.·111 ronllnu., hl11 m ..i.tnr C1f thf' Rnard btrnre t he boa l&l&nd Her • In an a~ ::~ ~. ~~~~ Me1AOd ot 1'~ /fa--.i TM <'l'rrtfe 0 I• thr...... nrt'hh1" Sep- Up t, Ul• llCl IL abal'e - UM - • .....,..., = 1lurt1 .... nu t tall a t ~l&n fn r<1 n- y ear C'OIT'ITTf'nCln1 In Setting for pher• Of aoft candle ~. l4m lta~.:..--;-'C fW&lJ' ,...... A Vl'neUa.n I~ rloth ro-. t ~ Law Rrhnnl H ie (TILd u• tlmt WH t,1omi,.r &tt.nu:Uvely (VWn.d women. &J.I Of Dr. AM Mis. ,_...... dlarUs Qt , wD tM Ut• tu table wHh Ila a11,,.r r,.n lhe rulmlna llon nr 11. h,.,.. w .... k. I T1W' Art R.l'nta l llUlllK&Uod b y L h of wticrn are e ither • e<"Ul lffll work but&. and -.c.b str1 P61' llWIJer of ..a.: ...... _.. CS.- ~ ...... 0 I t•rt lf'rpl....-e Of )'t llmm lalnn lhe J•tnlnn wtll C 0 n l I n U e unc eon or owntn of buatJIW In the =~ r:!i pit' montJi f(W board &It. da,uplar of Jilt, i&llCS Jib& al tJae t:••tt - ~' 1W nation. Pounni; d 11nn1t ttw In th,. Air Fo ,,,_. R _ rv,,_ nn thr<>Ul(h llw- eutr.mrr mnnlha a l Ebe.II Book ~·lio n N umlwr area, A W Mrw r arel Wall<« • 0"9l W •~ flll N...,alt II. at I ,_ attrmunn ,. ..r e Mmf'll. \\'lllla m lhf' prN"l'rllnt P"rltl• y nla ht ~I ..,., 1 'allft>mla Bani< M1trrlnf'M1 and J'lve cllm.&.Jlf'(j &II acUve wuon t.&.11:1 ll># p ft! u pruldt'nl . Mn 0y.,., tompUm•ted Beadl; oau.r1DI AM ~ 'r...... wW .. Ill a ...... F Trill uf 1; ...n1fer'1 SArhr h•r o( A ~ • M · H t.. Udo, a nd lite N • wpc>rl beautltu.Uy appotnlf'd lunclwon Oll>Oon.I, n,..t Yioe pr•Mo111t: mUt. on t.he6r chokll ot ." proJ· AWllJa D. lttmWftat flll J(..,. ._,, ,.,,.._ ... ~ ._.,. f t.rf'l Ownn11rhal l• of :-J.,rth f l f't .... In P a\'! hnlol(V anti ~e.c h I..tbrar). &l the n- Lo9 CoyotH Country Bu.n.nl• May.-, reccm1ln& _.,,.... td •lll'h u U.. OlrU Club, port a.ell: Kwy LoaiM ~ ei&. TM MW ...... _ ,...._ H olh-wond. l.. L lt<~ll nf Bill · mar lc1 lhl' fl,.,.l i lt' f> In llt'"!>Art.· P ""'P"< Uvf' rw•w "-mbeN O u b In B~na P ark tlU')', Mute M.&tl• . MCOnd vit"e which t• 0Ul.9tandln1 In II• n-' sr, dallll\t.n ot Mr. ... llta. w-.a ~ ...... U. 1 boa. W A Alorw &n<1 A : Klnit llnn for tht r•r,.ahylnlan mini• · V. fl't' 1.1ot'lrum • ~I •t ,. rntftt, J ww I nt•~ notra v.· ~.-. provld· pr.Iden!; and Rlld& 8 r&11'1l , fnr 1Nppor1... PmY1dll"I~ ~ J\l>bert l-1e T\anlft' ol '=- -...... ,_ JI el ... at ;l;f'Wf'Or\ 8"e.c h •rv Hf' I• ..alnlnl( pnrtlo'al ""· l•o I'! lh" ' '''" J, l Ln• l home Ni bv the a tt ra.rllve t11>ra.I c•n· t'OITMponrllnl' IH"f','°:•t.a rv !Inn and lra.lnlnr for IDOl'9 than 8Mcll: and O a.D toll, Oolt& .,._ PwfL 1 ~ :">II.II•\ . a lhl"l ....n .. 1.Uun I"'""'" " 1 hi ~ wnan~ r a ..1 .. 1lnit nt Mr1 f"hlllp ' fllurtr, ,1'1ven by terplt'N and or1 1{1 n&J plal'9 cam., Mn Mabel n~tnck In 12•, youn« (irl•. th• 0111• Club cl1 ui'!let' of Mr and )(J'9 at.roa. !fedl MW ta.at U..U Call!orn111.n. w u fC •ll•l""'...i trnm Ill thr Rt J a m MI l'r<'• bytl'Ml\n th•• r..r111ni;: , fl1 , ,, an.t b•>Arol . ll.lld novl'I prt ... v.hJch C'Onlrtb- turnln« lh• f&Ytl ovu to''"" I• al pr-t loc-al"1 In ~row.s.d leT Wll.llA Of 8&1..,_ !Jll&nd, Kl9. .Jlllllor t he I 'nl~t>rait\· or t 'allfnrn1a a l <".ht1r• h In Ra n C:ahrl,.I, v. hlle Th,. fCrl\• 10\18 hot;l•'U" f>A llo and i uted 10 tht ('l\arm or t h# M l· W&lur bro~l lo a It If a rp1•rl•'"' In t he MC- ('an.a.ta tOUU'\< Pd Uw IWI . . ...,. Aft•I • In· floroptjml.U .,.. not onJ7 ct.tM· - . and William D . Cl&l1&. 'l'lllUll ptt11t'nt.... n 1e,,~ . v ,. "'. °"'11r,.nt a, r a n ..,,... ' o ~'"·,... wo ,. n~n, .... .,.w n"A w•-~· -· 1cbt>un,~ . and prlP• w l'r• dla\r1b- - -~c- ..., " .~~· "' • A ..~ ~ ~ft lned l rat-. I ...... - Mn ....._.. taW W.._ Pt&,._WDkul1 19.. UoWhlJ. Mn.aM port fl •rt>t,,.C'hllolrtn•' u ..n .. s ... Boy\ll'V ,,, 11·111 \\pa l , ..wrort I 111,.1.1,.rn:"I lhf' lovely Ui..d ,....,... ~ tort.a l.O ~ Uw ' "'"Pm 0 money or a-...- thot ~ • • .,.. -- ~ ~. • <:t,.ty I 1tb11ta nl• Rall a nd ''" • Blv•l Jn th .. r1111 hi' ·•111 ,.ntl'r • 11mm.. 1 rnwna •ot th<- In a t- Mra. Lee Bolin Mre J'r&.O('Lll In a oooper&UYI etfort.. rto11a new c lubhowali. but will the ~uUfUJ OYWt llOIM wtLIClb ._ • SI a t 'ti m f'1T\bf'I ot l ll

S M ILE•~.~ CAM i t.A ~ lf.Y when :-.;,.w port Harbor Ronl plimiltta InternaUon1d of CJRLS' CLUB BENE YTT g rONRORF.D by thf' Soropt.Jm lJ\ t.8 lnternaUona.1 ot N!! wport H nrbor pn-IW' nlc-0 t hi' 1,1rl " ' ~ lub with a r hf"C k for ~ 1000 Thi' m .n. \ LONC: U\'F. THF. PR~ TDENT ' &iropl1m1"1" Nrwport Buc- h rN·f'ntlv wa 11 att~ndPf'rll\,. m r mbfor o r the c:lub, who Ill \{1'11 A !'; 1''1trm •rr1 111 l'lutg orn1o. Jl rt't'l df'nl o r t he o rg•nm1.lJon MrB ~'n nk Mni Frn-1 \.\' 11 lkn t r I thi. rnmtnit yru l'hr '" •1M' 11 hf'r r hu-~l n 1t f1n11 n11 ml' in h" r pro f1'1u1111n 111 • ..... wnrr ol t he Villa If' Inn. \ \ ~bll1u1 , a rluh o ffu·1•r Mra A r it e S w A.rtz, rrprrHf'Ol 1ng th11 <;1 rl" ' Cluh 11 nri IW'f'n h" "" w it h nu l1to tn1t prl'tltnf'Cit wu tvlrl rf'( rnll) a t thr RP Mr \ l r11 '\'rll'o n J L11nd 'lllo11 l1 a mf'mhrr nf th,. boarri nf t hfl <;1rl" ' Club mf't w11t-i fo'lt 7mnrn11 , whn \•tl"Wll " 11v rrrufrrl " "" r "11 f \ff'll ntt will bml11 th " nrw rluhh

'; J -- --"- -

Hou1e Gueat. of Lach en myers )fr and wre. <'I•,...."• auu., •f A '1&0n& Vo f'nt tht hO\lH JI.left.I et Mr a11d Mra W. • l.AA!h••· Sing myer In U"'' 11•w homt on 1\1¥· t r• Ttrraca. Corona 1111 Mar. Ins ti .... Qll AJID Al.Lit WU I pud lfAdotf t.frL W . • • fl!rm& Lal'MaJll)'• tl'I the newly wtal1*' Worthy "' .... ~ ...... ,.... •tef'tala. ~~-­ Hlrh Prlutna TKtnlly rtlum· lh• M•~ .. at a fartwtll for ber lut wtifk. The doubt. td from A tl&JIUc- City where e nrl ~: en. had the prlvllt(• of lllttftd· ...,,,.., tvaecl out ~ to be a btrthday puty 1111 ..p I. lnir the Ulh &N'l"al of P 4 TlllC'U l'IT'l PATJtlCK t• &M ~-. MN. Mao Renfro, cu~Unl the ....,°" e upretnt Shrln• ot U.I . ud Will Wed Don Clothier ..... "'"' llUtWaJ ..a. Mn. Lyll rtai.y ii pteplDI Canada when ahe r~lve4 lb• H ttolaor ....,._, ~ bors1:Uoe. It l!\ould bt nplalud Charter tor UUa "" llwVlt t.1ul .Ml"I Lafttftl"ll,... hall "'.... Kil. ~I fffraok" 1'U In UfpaDf with Uaf many plMa tM u ~u1-nd1n1 DON CLOTHIER WILL n •.• ..-..n w-.. -.... the-. - N,.._Prw Pboto ,, .... ,,..,, .. ,, WED IN PUERTO RICO MRS. WIL.LIAM JEFFREY JR. n 1,.n111f ..JS Juan, Putrt.e IUco ~ be U.. Ml~ Uit Photo 8y Albert.a tw Ser(ia ""' n Au(U-l't t rtlM wtllQ wtll \llllt.e In 91\Vrt..- DtM1d 4 . l'\eow C'lllthlu , IOI\ of Mr Mr9 Van D. Cl4Khlet " fflt.t of a baby (U1. IJCeJJy Lee, &11• Ud9 !alt • l'l~• •n &114 C::..evWt lllJla "" MIN ratrlc:ta f'lta Patritk fl( Ian born Saturday June It, a l Hoac Episcopal Rite For fH O lt1• Jlllll\ Mell'lort&l H~plL&l The b&by prf'altl• hnUJ ~ of IMtr bet roU\&I Ml INen ma.de lily w•l1'ed •lrht poul\da, nine t r J tu~.-._.,.,_._, Mr. and~. Jl J . f'lt.1 f'UNI& I Just Wed Fleischers ounctt 'J<1m fll~IU#. "' \ J, ' TM ,_., ~ " • sradut.e " uao •htn ti.e H- ~~ btfort tNf sftduate at •-<111& Col· MaLenl&l rnndp&rent.a Uf' Mr. ''""I lep &NI la altU~ -'UI Kap- lll\d M,. ~ ,.,.. Ttm\&.11, fll "'" IMU&t.M wtUI ~ PM. llt la a WN pMnt.loa O&U· epeftl ~ t.n.t r l\orM I" I rvhM, a DI Par,;t1 man. t~ INt " ... wtUI tbe )ofu,.,.. l&IN ~u- In Juet_....d Mr. and Mrt. WWl&m ,,.. O.lt.a 1'r•t.arnlty. l'ff'WJ'Ort l'tllY Rtv Newest of People "'""''ant1 I Jo)ln H Park• Ttot m •>l h•r a ni1 •bM" or tilt Ptt Ill ---- Mr u\d Mrt John C'.no~r '" behv •ll•ni1ad 11•,.b ~ r H lrh Thr a ttractive ~r1 dt 11 lhe ,.__ ._ ...... a 1 M,., tormcr J.11• Joag Fltlteher, -.-..- -- llP'I 1.11t naJtl')' par• ChlWl 'Way Out West' Is ('()lllllT d&IJJ!tt•r Of Mr llll•I ){Ml 1- Parat. G•rrt Wllll&m Jl'\ts. oar ot altn Theme for Gay Event t>um'f\*'114 Olly, Phtllpplllu W1lt 'nl• bridltrl'901'1\ la Ui• 9<1n of Club llU.l1t7 la i.a. w.. t.em tn&ll· RoeeQ, ..tio It laavlJlr Wtwf'Ol't Mra A.. I F..oft an•J t llt lalt • For Women Only t.e r" Nr WU Ui. .,.., ot a pal't)' tf&rbor. Tablte wtrt turnf'<1 on Wllllam .M cKtn&le Jttfrty Ht. 1 Mttt\ wtUi a •bw IU.,.,.U. WllM J.M hoe~ i.ow... r wtlton at 1 rnothtr II a l'f•w~n re•ld•nl Ill l.J Mn Mae ,._,,. et ..,...._ ' · 1 Th• blidl'1 t&&h« 1av1 her IA 1 f nr l Dft¥t, ~ 1ut .,.... MM Ult ,.,., wu turned lftt.e I "''~ belott t.n all&r beauU· ~I X,.. Deuf (M&,r'Mllll a llltrthday .,rpri.. ftW h•r Itltd wtU\ Ill\ all whlt.e f\•Nl ~ . ,,.. t.ltaJI wu ,1Mft9ill Ou..U eamt In c:tietwna, Np- arran,;rml'nl. . N & t...... U t.e .,,,,._. Mn. r.-ntln&' pti.... a of \ht Old Atl1t1dl/\I II# u rnAld ol "°8· llr. L1'>11d lfh1p t- t-'4 T•'r- WHL A l)'plral thut'c w...... or WU htr lwtn ..., . Miii -• lilolel, I•" '"'"ciwoo-- dinner comrl•t• WIUI bMn• wu Jean Fl~IKhtr, "'"° wore a p&l• ~lut Wl\~'1 fennel ud NrYad, and I.ht bc»l..M9 cut a ur-rtM whit• ,..,.., Md • t"l>tllll\· Install btr d«t>f'at"'1 birthday ca ke., otla The little nl!Wtr J1r1 . Pa· Mrw ~h wu 11ve11 • beau· trlela Hay flnnl)'. WM a ooualn llr IC op• l:>4n~ a.ni1 whllt rl*• ' " a OllW· Monday U.rtlftl with dlflle llMe b&••• .,. bukrl , ,,,.... ,,, ,.,,,,.. ... ,...... ,, ... 1 ... ataf lte all remlnl k 91l et &m 1•1111 Thi t'rlii. a 11r tk1r11 brvneUa, tlle ~ .... ·~ ,,,_ em... ,. •ptr'l•cta •ht hat\ aharet1 wlttl rh1o• e a icown 1f t;')la.ntllly lace ,..,.,. ,,.,,, •' ,..,, ,,,,,.. COA C hl.. • 1111 f'lull l1tl- - I I 'l'eulllUANll Clldl ..11 ... la­ her trlen.l• fuh1on•d nnor ltnJ th wllh lollr o IU C'~ I -U r I MIW a& U. •llMf ~ Mr• "-" l#t.Ha f.,. Iha al•t\. ., H1r <>11 ly adom"'enl cnu w-&&7. IUM U . ll\ f J n\. al I H unlwtll tt&n•'h In :-O: t vac1a tor '4U • po·art nf'< lUlll couple 1.-tt fer • dn.i Daw ~I dcltl ..,...... ,. Lyle "111ey, a.blft Natt.-. hon.,ymoon ll an WWSIMIOM'1 ""· ..... " "' i.oa-r: .,...... Will ...,.,. , Dea ,...... llll. Lr• dHllnatton. low Mn Haul a.1*. O..wf_., Hal W.LaurtiJb1, l.M "nl• nrw Mr1 '1rllch•r l.t a var r•t~ f'Mll .,.uer et t1te ...... Ma' m-au aM "'91 irndialt wtU\ lh• rlut of ttM wor ntnlllf wtll Ille MIM V\c:lll 0-­ Ma~lt . 1•l rom1>na C'olleae In C\are· nar. r-nt wtMin ti Ult a..i.uo nl(lflt. Ker br11'•J:Toorn wu a GEORGIA CARR ~· · ei11'1 .,..,._, fQftlaet ""' • preM· th• 1iwnt .-1," •h• Mfll•r t.ni. ,._ lktt7 a11d P'tllllp 0.-1• et tM ..~------. VHGlltt .•• DirMt '""'9 tt.e MocaMIN Via niJIMI, Nt...,....t --"~ ll" ·~o TMF. rAMOt • O\'f' y.ar Mrt ft,av Trautwtll\, Mil· hlPJIY with llwt arrival n f lhtlr (91116 , .....t . wW ,...... Ill· - •aupi.r al H•r N°"'ll.&I, llL All!S TllO 1 1"' voeaUOll "'111 t. Jtn11 lty Wrt Jwt• ti...... t .... ' lllit • ., 1na 1• ~II . 1'tll aa.luu t.e the ft.. wh• wtll "' ... "' .,,...... OU. Ptll&ID S,/, eJufe o/Sun1n1rr Acli11i/it'J for d r>t> FIOUC ••• HOUDA Y FUN DA Yi ••• l1m lw,.•h••" Dl""er ,,...bltr -.n• •&111 ...... -rv lat. ("l•I., Ul•t le ,,.,._," ti of FUR 1 llUM4,• '"• nc .. 1. """" ..... Ule "'"' 1t1w11,..11tat 11 IH .,,.., a. -1 rll 11""· r.., ....,. """. anr lilt II·"' t• llM tru · Sup,., --- -- f O< STORAGE ...,... .. ,, ,., .... 111 ...- Sul'ltlay l runoh • ...... ,... ..,.,...,..,, l• A taliltll...... ,,,.. ""'"ett at yn1 a NMl!rill "1N. ,..,11 ""'••1 11·"' · ...... l*. ..._ prr VOLUNTEER Kl,3-8279 11 rlO """· .. I Ito 11·"'· anr fl1•I• ot Burma and lndanNla, 'Wiii .,.. the ma.In • ubJK l of M iu Ann J\nhrer. u l"'elt 9f)f&kfl1 &t th• &nnua l Mlad lW'lt h• •u~ llr at 10 .so a.m. ltf'adtnr th• 111ot llet wlU tie M r . a nd .M i a 8111, . 1'11mner, ..,. 11mbty111111 ft o111 11111 Cliautol, who .,. 111 IJe 011 ha1"1 "' an•-r any q 11u t10na u11 l"'1111c•1. An·urt11n, to 111 f'lltl•nl of t h• club M 1 • l 1a 11 I •11 kul M IN Jlloht•r ..... 1111111111•1 rauve ... 1i.lan1e ul th.. Ao la ~ ·uu n ll&Uon, a private nnn pollllt a l cwlur&J and educational '""'I'

P a n • 11""''""' a , . .... r n- col· RURWESJ!l HAT la ~inl tried on by ~Mrs. or romb1n .. 11nna 1n a 111~a and Sumner , wife of Bruce S~mncr, (1,) who wlll be Jll>Vfl!e. 1'hf'1 ahuw 11 1n 1~r Jlf1 o.1111 1 > 11 •(lNfT'f' • l••"•n l 'tnlnaul" Point wh•'• th• ll,."l'<'r1 v °" n .. 11 A••111 !" lion A warded f111t pl••• 1.. ,. com- I bal>lr• a r.d • rvlnc In v al'looa I CH EMO NT l!lh11p l./ U• rtrl ~1n .: 1n 11 In AmPrl· lirlcl ll• t ire! lnetallallnn ot Of· "'h i. W•i;1ntt a b4Hlullflcat lon C' ILllll'"'lan ' m111uty ...-vh'e In c• p• •lll• e. DAY 1W1100L n t •nn e1•1tn...... fl•m•11n 11• " rlne! . I 'h' ••· 11 • ...... ,... _ - &e ...... <'• '""' • lnatallt<1 M•Y 28 al a '" t'ra Thureday ..vt n lnf, June Ranta An• ln10lallln1t ~ - 1 ,., Some 26 lr- ao t ar hava bfo,.n •'1•141<1 lo the p<•lnt • •·· tr1('t, C'a.ll fornla Jl't'denllon ot I The rllnlc i. op.n lo all bc.tM• ...... na. Rurer \\ a ll"r J C'nmhl> lark, <"Ol"dlr!f to Ct\A!nnan ICt>f r the • m• ~aa0<1r f'hhlre, nlON a re pm1wlly • ur. "" n1 t lwlr a b&by It I• l'flft'n'fld to l he 1)4't• "Pffl.. ~. o..n. 1 • • rnmpanled hy h i• wlta Jallf' m••r •• l\lir ''" Manlll """ and pllLllllnr with tor llQll ftttllllln r .,,'1 ma1nlf'1•1.nre or th• rerord frw- lhe put ) ... r. Not ant.a ph;-a11·1 an. M balp LI ob· l'lpf'd• I fl~ r111 v f,.,r C"tnl ~n HAr· conlenl lo ,_t on. th,.., lau r•i., ..... " ' "' """ ,.,. • 11·1 rommllt•e H11 hu lhe dl•llnlf'il•h"d honor bnr """ . ,n,·e II• ln• trl-it inn ll"M hy lha df'J'l&rlment of J'&rk " nd R•H · r~at ln n l&ln9d tOlf ll In, - UM ,.,...ua o r b"tnr; a rut Grand ).{utrr 8 1 I • r1~•1nt 111 .. 111 1 lo t1••• 111rl11•lf' p..,. 17 Ill.; w • • prH f'nf HI a nd bowevw, they bava t l,_111' All· •Ann« p.y. oaw. i.w11 r1 t A rlr.ona. f' a • t 8upr I'm• p rl'• lrl,.ttl I 111tl l1a Hrl"' n , vlC f'­ V.'al• hm11n ot Ah"J>hf'M• o f l hr 1ntr0<1111Nt hv Mr ('ombf'llark nOWICed t.hat they W111 rontl.nue -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:iiiiiiiiiii:;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~!;~~ l''f'ahlf'nl, ' "''' IA rkln, lrf'1taur I ' nllf'd Sta t,. and Cana· OOin oot th• • ummf'f', a nn . Rob Malf'rral Ol>J .. llVt Roard I n· R•r•na .t.I Coll It Noble Pro lunrhron t,, I.ado b le W oman • fir el pl1<• ror t ht nru•t ·beau t I· trlct conv• tlon. Other a cunu.. 1'""tn11 Sl!ihh \\ .,••lo P\1hl 1> 111· • lalltnjl( ('hapta ln R uth ' '" ' " ' "'· phf'tt.,. 11• F: Barn,.•. A•IOO ful hat v. ra r nr a h111.n,.l .,.,hJl'h lrvlude "a.Moua phlla.nthroplel. c.~f. a nti 111.lll'lln 1h11J1111 a n 11 B<•b Mnjo11rnf'1 ln•t alhttl( Rn 1h• rl•I• \\•l•hman o f liht"phf't1h C'1 1t b v.hrn membtira rnmpet9d ri. prr'"'"'' "'" 1,uln h i• a llra t a.nd Ul• f\111 aupport ot 04..lwr ,, t"• J'p l \ll \la•ttlf' f,.•111•1• r'alll \\ orlh\ y,..,h f' r I•• "" \\ nrl hy )11 111.., In a ta eh Inn • h nw t•1l ur1n1 11 .. 11 nt •"'""" ll•r h., waa • rhrb• In lhl• a..- In lht'lr under­ H ll'h Mt1t n-.t .,.r• "tf' 1r11 H111,.t1 nr thfl lll11h Pnr•lr.. • ·1111..r11111 , In ~• lh f'r .1 .. 1.r1 •nn Y.nrthr 'J'rra•· t"h arf'a'ltr thf' V had ma•I• from tt"r a l 11 ''"'I'" In 'h" . 1, ,. 1,.. or tak1n«a REGISTRATION ON SATURDAY r11m1ni J 111u• Ill v1111 lo 1 h• e1a ll1n1< c;11•rdr•n 1't\r11t J""'n ur.,r Oto•• frv1n1, \\'orthv o r lrlrnmNI lo\llh h ome crown a. 1111r1 """ - • ~Il a .,.,.,. done M .... R.ot>.rt Flruwaan M-.da Paratli.,. \ a lln • ll•r••r at R1 ,.A.., uda, l'••l \\ orth\' H •1h C haµlatn ; l• ian Kinkaid, Worthy now111"11 or,..'1f t~"' Jn a mflrt ln trny .,.,hlla de lall"I l.he W aU Baby Clinic-. A p.41&• JULY 5th. a ltn At 7 411 p 111 . t he bu• Prlnt ..... JCI Blr• h l!lhr1ne, l..oa llheph"nl"'"• H a m ett Rnpre • rio.la ••In w u tti. INl!allatt,.,n Mr• IAIJN'n•·• LeUaron lr1rta.n tY'Uf!l a.nt.a A- a.ftd a WOt'lhv C. 111 d1' Jaan•lt• Kava.n, of o¢i· .. r · w ith MNI n Kf'lth V.'()ft n11 - .....__ . ... _ ... __ , ...... _..... _ ..,II I •• ~ • lhe ~ • W!"'r1 'F:lka Anirrtf'a, lnvllln« Herald. Hf'lf'n tor th• moat ortrt.nal hal l'lht · - , ..._.,, ....,. ,_..., -..- ~ Club • n•I v.111 "'"t' In T11ot1n l.Ulll.,.11 Wo.. lh\ H l« h l'r1U lf''I W orthy 11..-aM Ralph Htrr Mlc'fle l.,.n • l ~p l n« d,_n f r nm had <'•mln\..,j a n a.mu.inc l>on· ment llt.&tf ..,.. le ('....,..,. 0( UM 1 DIRICTOI, JOHN W. JOHNSON l& pit k Ill' ...... t rorn rntnl. ut RAil hu .a r Rhrln• 't\'"hlltler, nnrt w1... Man. Clltt 1-11. th• P"''"t1•nt • ell.air ln tum he n11l or '"'" tra rnk•n« t un a l C'llnlf'. nu- mamllle"' elf ttw Ht HA.9QIMl'a AVE. - OOAOJCA ...... ,.,,., h A , a II I •1 T""' M 11rr11 \ a nti l'11111r111 e Anl••l•l ln•l..allln« """"nd WI•,. Man; Lott Mulik, p vel nvf'r to Mnr. Hal Dlk ll the l•I"" nr twotni: •· t.,.n tar.rt " J u nior F r1da y A fternoon f.'lub a t l.J II l'!llllft "''" ,,. ... v• •f'l"• • ~1lr• • R ,th \\ a lkrr. fllo)<>urn.,r, Third Y. ,.. ~hn William Hol.. l n k,...r•n« With lh• hllt tru.n,• Th• t>A.< k ,,, hn h at "'"a lnda.d ...11rt 1 t f'&t'h w ulon taltll\f a p­ O&Wa ...... fnr lh""" pl1nn 111 1 In " " ""'' ln•l altlni.; fir aanurl I'll rlf' Jnhn man, K 1n 1r , ,.,.m '"""'"· (,/uetn lnhn H,.,....v f rom R11tr11m • In a p lump a n.I amlh"« doll fl&"e potnlm• nt.a. 11.a.IP'Jll' ' w1U! uw Jan, :>le •'""· frlr• t Hant! Ma id, fll a nla Ana wu lh.e taatu....ct Mra. Larry H nuM dellch1At1 welfhlnf and ~nns el Ole Rulb Le"' • .llf'('(W)d Hand Ma id ~ lc..r , Wll h h im ram• F°f'l'ltY lba a udlenre v.1111 hw ' tunnlNt" I ~·~ h,Thl ~ H ~ ~~ . ~~~m~l~m~~u ha~ an ~t~~ ~~ ~ ~~--~-~~~~~-~~~~~~~~-~;;;;;;;;:;;;iiiij;;;~~~;~~;~~~~~ GOINGS ON AT THE 11or~e Mar01nHe, Worthy Or· I u 'd a n a.dvanoe 1111,,.-lnc M ' wtw.e «•anluma -rilled a bout pni.t; Olaa OaW'thra, Wl"tt"tJly t i- 9'\Jch tuhlon hA.a a lrM dJ' her heat! . .. hll• 1on1 moll p ro- Ou&rdilUI l 0 A~ BA VL.F..SS A 1111> lrultal1•1 "'• re 12 a'p- nlt• A l the hMd la bl• tw"-.n Evwy cnnrtlv&!He ln t.erpreu ::" potntlld ottliwn , who 'Mlb lh• 1 _.,.. had bees! cre&tad from tle>n of lbe " h&l• ln I>.loom '' TO THOSF: RAY CLL'B MOTHERS who h ave beei:\ .ie.u" otti<'_.. lonned t b • CINllfMd bl.u. tun., a>UrmOU.ntad Il"- had tie.I achieved Out- phoning to find nut whtn our IN.mlDW pl"OJT"&Dl for kid.a c.:.a., U.. Dn!Mm cl lb.- Otdw, by &mUJKns t\ati w~ mln• i ·~ mode.la lrpal~ - r et.. unif Prwa y HPlax, Mom - your day ot dellven.nce I.a and 11 honorery ot1\Mn who lure hat.a. ~ t&bi• ~ me.de from a ltllf'e f>tlUodendr. pract1r11lh Ill h11ncl ual• la lh• ..-9n1onlH ot Ule hat 9l&nda ll&ldlnc brimmed laat decorated wit.A floowen AA· Sw11nm1ni.: lr·•o1on11 f\rt· llVl\1lable nght now from a f lnt lhr1,.. • l ,..w hat• lrtmml'd with ,_1 olh•r wa.a man. oomp~t.tv ot at.a ff uf 1n ..l nH I •r h1•11d£>d by Ferren Chna~nMn , t.&.nk ~ Dnblem la the Opoin tlowenJ Isr-nlum pet.all. ln all tbe rw COllrh 11t llunt 1n~t11n R•·R1 h Hirh School and lncludinJ 8nok upon tha A lter the ol· J udJ1n1 th• hat t!Otlt• t w•r• ware &botll I)() d ltfwtnl hat.a rtr l&I H • th• "'" a nd IAdlM "" Iha p,...., lnr ludln• f rom whlC'h to Judr • Thie ('AU.­ urh 1·x1•••t\'I "" 1 :1•or1:1· ll unltr, Harbor High footb&ll now.,. 1 th• n!'rhl aou.JI Ml u lh.eir cnerh l'r" "''' and da"" m11t ructl<>n ia a va 1l&blt In awlm· lhf'm • tlwt otfll'f'n made & In U\le arM Tha y w•re - l f'd I.heme tor Ole d a y , " H•• • Judi· 1 ming trnd r11, 1ng for ~g1nnM11 , 1nlermfly ~ C'h•b :;,d Ia.l a a n lllu.iolf wKh fuhlnn I by • • of M G1r11 ud IR thr h11h' in 1 hargf' and •he kN'pe the yoonptf'n bl• f'Oml'llmanLed ~ Mat l•r• wel(ht under- bu.av v. llh flr1fl rraf1,. 1tnnta. Ollfantud pla y and trH w•l(ht, too much ~ too utUe pla y on 1ur h drvtrf'tl 1111 monkf'y b~I• . sw1ng1. a merry· hel(hl, ev•n of •••· t requ.ntty 1 can be II t.l'UIHd tll.rou(tl U\e .. co-rounrl anct 1hrlf'11 On u r h Raturday evening Mrs. G tilhl C' hnl,.. of lJl4oa ' ntru" dnima up a IJlf'<" lal trnt a Wf'tner bUt al 5 pm fol· In .,,...., H eney M.Jd lowed bv m onl'a 1u.u11. lly of the 1hoot~m - up a nd ea.rtoon The bt1 rH>1. ~rl11r e tram vanttv ·1 At 7 rm . th,. httlr cowboy• art full off chow. t.h a u• ual In ha l• tht. -..on Weleom• w orn out from rhumg thf' varm1ta through thf' p&.N a nd .,...'°"' ..,,,.. , d ona "°"' In flow· Tf'&dy for bfod At ltul tha t' a wha t tht acnpt uya ~ . and promll!nr to ·~ 11\ Thf'rr 1 annthtr OJlf'n1ng on S&turrlay, Junt 21. too-­ tabr1 o and fur Ill the faJI to Offlrww whn were tnal a.lled the nutrlren'1 Pool and Snuk Bar. The l&tter hu been wtlJI Ml'9. Olk• lnclude Mnw• • ovtrhaultd from counter to (rillf' and outfitted wilb Frank Aua lln. flntt ylre p,....· MARY WHITE'S ~ltarrung nf'W atalnlf'M 1t"°I waUa and ~ulpmtnt Thia dent ' H a rolt1 f\l« J -. M<"tmd YIN a nark 11h np 111 a put1rular rnnvt"nlf'nCf' for thf' boy or girl p,...'1"11 Albf'rt H. f\.othalf'· w ho w11.nt11 t n mAkt" da\' or It aw1mmtng a nd haa no t1mt .sn•I. flrwt , .,..ond a nl1 thtr<1 Vire BAND BOX tor 11urh uonllf'nlll' aa Jrtl1ng dn'tl~ for lunch. What hf' p,.... d.,.l e "9pe<"ll••lv, John l­ d rlH 1t g-rab a hamburgtr. hnt rlog. m 11 lt. t.uo Mmf' La11n Jr , a nt1 ltu a.rt Rabo"ork Ladies Ready-to-Wear timf'e a ll four anrt thrm wh1lt r1npping Wf'l Thf'n, rf'<'<>rdlnir end C'or~na I ~Pf'&k ing Mr• M11rtln l..nrkn•\· w u In· it II I or thf' bl-111 h ht-rn urrtl'tnr r r "he ..mrloy ed I06 IAST IALIOA ILYD. a nrl l'rR11n rl rrl with t'rvRtal 1fhra, a T1df'-c1Hn 11ubRl.anre I ha rl• Vl'r IJM n< '"'"' Atl<>n • IN IALIOA t ru1 kr r u1r purpn"r ( "h11rl 1r ' 11 lr11,.nn 11 a ~ f'Xlrf'mrly populflr Obtainable, Shop At ...... a nd wr tfnn't pr•·f,...,. ''' knnw 1( thf'rf' llrf' nrw-nlnga on hill ' Stork Reports "' hrth1I,. rij:hl nnw Th111 111 h111 rl11\ nrf •nr1 hf'" not a munrl tn 1111k Jl 11 1 l'rr1111mRhlv hf' ran finr1 thf' lunf' Ynu r a n It a • !><1"' r•r,.,11rl I'• rf'n l• t-1 r IA rhrrk 1th him al t hr c; 1.nrt 11 01h11nfl anti J.fr• ,,lrtn .. 24. tn pro­ , \t•I" a nnthrr ~••on n( df'llghlful rlinntr-danrf' mumc And I f'n.ta M-.na J.f r • nt1 Mrt1 for 11111 Im·• 1" m11rl' g11olr1h ·"'""lhl t lhll "Mll.. ftl )1l111 Y''" r Thi' 1dra h1 •r1• 111 th11t 4~ mtnutM or 90 ta llf'l READY FOR ACTION when the l.ldo Jale I, ...... A..-A os oar AINAILf' a 11 1dr r11<'h T11r1ul11v n11(h t lin lhf' m 1<1dlf'I of th.- f'Vf'ntng I Wom ~n· 1 Club rp..ronv•nf'I ntxl fall are n~ or­ for thr £1 l'lll 111.f f1171 rlllRIOH'R ffilllOI(' for llatf'nin( Tht n~ ,.. jl19t tnat11 llf'ci Thty lnrludf' MMI H• I Dtkt, A eh 1""""1 h•lll.{,.... R Kl'ilh M1rhrl11f'n , rttinnr prN11rl,.nt I Mr anol Mro A lf... ~• r .. . 1H72 0 It d innrr iin\ d11\' ,,f lhr 1Arrk And thr mWll<' 11<..h Niulf' 111 Olh•ra oo lhf' l'>t1Arrl 11.rf', 1 l. to r 11M1t1> l1ht1 41, r11nr 11 A DO ant1 no two Wl:V- about ft ltm l">nv., <"rie! a J.t-. I

f .. •• \

~ 1111.•·~ ...... u...... +11tr• .... OiDI ...... _ ., ...... tllit .... o I act ..... _...... \I ...... • WIDl'W llllP ...... Jo} ...... ta ...... ,..,.., ...... Mr llie IO ~~_.,..._.. ..,., 'drr ...... l)ee.t, s sent lft Ule Olt1 "' M...,.n. .... lllJ.. ... ,_ t.M ftllCl&I ,_, _.. ''* ,._., C. I. *' *OJf, rec IO, 11... K....,,, ..... la ..... _.. Al .... 11\IMll& .. IM..... ta o..IF ... 8tll&A. l.r Gemlll W•n ...... a.,.. !Ultl...... ,,.. , ...... ,,. ., WW. • DCAllMOWD - CVfl} - INI .._ ,,,., ...... fflf pullllMUCllt et '9pJ ...... Ute", t1111 ...... flt wtiiea WM n. ... et • • *• .,. _, .a.. ..., .,.. uw. 11 and a4dnllMd to u. air eou"" ro.cs t« ~ • IDM 4. i•: Seeing is Believing - ...... °""' .. •1 ., ...... w nl fll UM Olly ot N"'POl't la ... em. "' .... Oomd:1 "-" ._ II • M Wit' .... IW _.,.. • wt&ll Min. -..Cb. CatltornlL ...., et -.M CllilllQ, a. ..a 1'1 11 .,.. _., :u . .,. · TM foNJmnc notic. ahaD lie ,eu .. u wa•tMU. et u...... -- n1a···- ... - 1 , ... ~ u. .. ,ulll~ In UM H.w,ott ,..,.. UUet.oMNtrwlt,...... ,...... ) ..... - ' _.,.; ...... ,.,. Jt ,..,...... _ bor Ksw.. l"rw, ODGI a WMI ,W tn-., MW la ha~ la Ult I ... M Q • .... ca...... _.. - tMU Ill a.1 ..., tor two eoMICUUYe weelu prior TrUIUe'• -.it ""*tdlnp W 11 ...... f11 a ..... f" k '9Cll ~ ~I to Jww U. llU, by ol"dn ot UM TlTUI IMIUIUJfCll AJm ...... ,..._ u.& 111111 .....,,...... Mt C"lty CCNndJ ot tM Qty ot N-· Tl\U8T OOMP4l'T, M 1ia .. ..,._ la JNI .a. WfM'9 Ill IL DGrtJn\IM w .. a port BM<'" d6t4d June I , lN&. Tn--. ... ~ ,_. W Ole 9rtCWI -..,.U0n -..nti MAft.OEJ\T ICHftOUDl:R, •1 C. J\. I. DUNLOP, ...... U .4....tda ,,,.. Ulie ...... U. I , efne. MO <'tty Cltrll Of the (' It V Trull ()Meer, ...._ .U. -...t.. ot NewPot1. B#ar h · I No. •ll: New• ,.,._ t rlt, 11, ...... a ,,...... Jal &Mia •ormta f'Ol'"D No 411 Hf'llloa Pre.. I 11 , 11, ~. f;t, 1'51. .... JIM laWI fir ...... leftn,J ...u. ,... Ana1 lttil -CJT'f...,---0-r-~---ft-T----.. ,_- Ule ..... IJCWlllt ..... 0 ,.,,., ot .... --- - Pait 1 •>•WUll.. t4 U., It ·and 0"9ft, tit.ah, vllltMS kl"I fllll.. Tru•~ 01'dff No. N ·t2!\2 CALD'Of\HU - ., llff It •k lo U• brand'• n•tpbortlood wUh hi• NOTICli: or mer.AULT A:-1 0 l'l:..U..CD PftOl'08A..Lol wtD - ftlll&N ...... ,.. • .akt o.nn.u bom wtfe Eltabeth I ttl.ZCTIOM TO lllLL UN· ,_..ed at UW ottkle ol tbe 1 1"n OH n.tn9'1'· , .,,.. Hlll;b,..114 lnY1~ the cou- or.R oao or ftUIT I Clty 0...11. ot 1fa11. Clt.7 ot !tie_.. wrtt.Uin ta tM Sltllo pie OYer ft1r rott.. •lld ..keil NOTtCI: II Hl:JlDY OIVV.:N N ....JOrt Bea.ch. Cal1fonSa. uaUl WU Ullll ., T /lft. 8W J. hppU' ti.Ip In l'•ltlql' tM 81. I Tlllt TrTl.E INltJftAHCZ lO;oo" AM. on Ult f~ d&J' fll ~ flJI mu&«iy, Tu., bui 1114t bM:k, IAND TftUIT COMPANY, a c:or· July, at wh.Jdl time tiiay .,t.Q .. Air .._ ,_.... -.wed that poraUcm, 11 Tr\UUe under 1 publlcly <>911Md and Nad, ttw ,.,...... ad 8ot ._.. Nm oa Pappu lalkt4 l• hl1 unJl dMod ot tnurt d&t..d May Jrd, perform1n11 work N toUow1: Ula 0..- Ullll _.... la tllll chaplain. Capt. Ben I P'l'ict of I111 .,T, eaecui..d "Y AL ANDER· J'11rnl1h a.nd ln.lt&ll ~ .,.._tad eruh '9aaUM l\f wu :::!'11\T~ • on ht. return t.o 11'- ICflN Who a cquired Utle u Al•"~ ,.• =eon~ ~ Jurw T, lNT, ln Book JtU, PAI'• l.njr ••IUI I.he llJ*"lflcaUon prCJ"li.. 1 rtw"!:' ..... • to IJ\ hla In .. Tl. of Otnda! ReconSa In lhe .. 0N. Eacb bid mWll be a ,,..._ 1 I acoom- ... tlle lllrd -.-w lquad- 17 · 1 oltleoe ol Ult Aeoordll' of Or&nr• pan.led bv 1ruh. ~rtJl\ed or 119 ...... tl.t Jtom" Orou,, Dpth The Bibi• wut handed Oowlly, C&.lllomia, ..Id obll1a· 1 c~· , r hec:k nr blddM"a bond) Air ....._ b&< ·k In hfl • In rtr..-rionl"" •l llt1na lnc:ludinc one not. tor t he made pavabl.. t u the City ot 9ul n ..Jr1 ... •t nver lM Wat "· 1 u · home ot lh• pn nMp&.I awn ot 123 260 oo Newrort S.u h fur an &mOWll : tM 1'&&.bt Ul&l &lltumn d&y In l2t h A II '"" • 'nlal a b..-rh ot, ant1 O.:raull .,.,,,.J ho " ' "• •l len ~L " It hM ti.n a Iona lln1e, bul In. t he obllpUorw for .. hlcb 110• ~ • <>I lM &mOW\t bid., wch I L-r Rtt+ 1 know ••rs.uit Whoelw'• 11~b dffd ta .ec:urtty h.u occur· ri1uantv t o be forfeited ahouJd H.,VV mother would wanl t.o ha"f'e thJ.a Nil In Ul&l payment hN not the bldder to wbom th.• conlr'acl Memorl1I Park UlU• Btbl.. " Mra. HUltbnnd IM>en matt. ot ta awarded fa.II to .-rller lnto the taMS. " l llnoW I would · t ool rat t RESULTS Th tut.allmant of lnt..F'Nt A II bkSa • - t 0 ... _ - -- 1 wllll'll 1Nca.mo d J ~ ~· .... -..-- ores AOC1DENT ue MU&l'l' t. • on th• buia or ll\e aty ~- HMt1TOfU>, Oonn 1UP11 1:::!Ui •:: .::~,:~uent lnatell· H r • ...Umat• vt U\I qU&11tlUN - 'nlta clly'1 lt&•I authority I ' I of w1wk U> be d4' aco.pted only f'tO to [)tlm lnlt'k Ora.nell, who ulldan.ll"Md, PreMlll benefll l&r)' I fT'nm p&rU• who ..,.. ,....ularly SPEAK IUOd for •111.noo. 11. ylnr tie "'"I under web d.Md, hu tU<"u t.ad .nir•l'N'I ln th• manutacture and t11ut bl a f&ll whlle n0tlnr and deUYft'ed to Mid Trual41e a lnatal eUon ''' puk l ~ mat.re trom • 11 11 • f'UTI• 1 •IOed by .. r1l!Ml Decl&rallon of Dtf1.111l ' P la n• may ti. -. a.nd for IN ,ollco end Demand tor Bale, and ha.I ftf ho"''' conlrar t , and spectnC'e· I ~1)'191t.ed wllh Mid Tnwlff IJUCh lion• m&Y be obllllrwd at th• I /or d-1 &NI a.JI document. nld«M· offlr • r.t UW C'lty 1:1\f'lnMr City LIGAL NOT1CI I'll' obllpUona eecund Ul•reby, Hall !'.' ~ S-eh, C&lliomtL 1 I&l\d haa d«lal"l'd and doee he,... 'T'lwl KAHN. Nt> 41t N•-Pr... I 11 Jl\, ITAft or CALU'OJl\NIA '01 ( COU1'TT or LOI A..HOll..£8. - --- ptU~•d-11.11 Tnl.llt Order N n. 61· t203 00 May M, ltol Mt°" m.e, NO't'ICll or o.cr A tJLT .um J:LJCCTlON TO Hl'LL UN· MOITUAIY the -undertqMd. a Hot.a.ry Pub- Dl:R ODD or TRUST U. la and '°" a.Id ONnty and NCYMCll Ill KJ:RDT OIVEN• YOU WILL FIND: 11.a&e, ~, ~red Ed· ward KAM, 11 llOW'll to m. to .,. nat T1TLll INlt.nUNC:I: I ANO Tftt' ICT ('())(PANT, .. ror­ U.. petllOft •rw- Min• I ~ a ub- 1 9Crtbed to the wtt.hln INlnm.. nt po,..llon, I• T'rlUJt• u nder a 4Md "" trwit d&t.ed r>ec:•mber lhll"d. I ltM, executed by ALEX AN, DEMON and ICLDfOft ANDEJ\.. I More ads • • More readership • .ON, bu.band a.nd wtr• u •• Tr\.llltcw, to eecure Mr'U1ll obll l'&*JON In fuor Of l:DW ARD I 0.·4A. J11A ...... ,..., •J s.,w, E "••'"'' II•""•• • • KA.KN, a marr1tod rn&11 u ..,._ ~!Ary , re<'l'lrded o.c-•mbtt ' · I llM, In Book ITU P ..• &Tl, More complete coverage of otnclal "--di In Ult ntnroe ol Ult ~Ol'Mr Af Oran,oe r~ t y, C&llfomla, Mid ot>UpUona · Report to the IN! ludlna one nnc.. tor I.he pni.. c1p&I • •.,. ol ... 000 00: than any other newspaper in the area '1'1aa t a b"""h ot. &JWf d.ft ult In, IJle flt>"-'t lona fOlf' Wlllc:b •u~h ~ •• _.t1r1ty hu OC'· curnd In I.hat r •ym4'tlt h.u not Shareholders .,..., rn&dl at Tba lnlta.l1-t ot prirlcilpal lad ...... -~ .,_,.. due MORE & BffiER RESULTS in the AJin1 1. lMT, and all .u.....,_t ....Whl'n , nrt• ot "'1*pal aad ta· ftilll W,....---. a. UNrrED STATES GOVERNMEN'E 2 ,., II, ...... ' '*"1' ...... 111 ud .....uc1 .. IUd ~. W"rtU- ~ t1I Dtf&uJt and o.ma.nd '"" I.alt, and .... ~Lad with aid ~ .,,,,h ~ and a.U Bnc'uma nt• ..,,td.nr· i nc Ml116•1tona -=ur ..1 t ~reby 11.Dd hM dee: lar-.d 81\11 11<.- "­ by WAl'lll KAH N ____ ... STAT& or c .u.iroflNtA HUNTINGTON BEACH - NEWPORT BEACH OOl11fTT or LOe AHOl:l.Ea, ,, __--­ ._.- ---"· °" MAI M . 1t'\I be/or• tnt, COSTA MESA - CORONA DEL MAR ...-- thit -~ a Notary ~ -- ltt la ud tnr ~ Oaiunt., Md iii-- •• -- -- ·" lt&t.e, ~l y appanod Zd · LAGUNA BEACH & ----- •a.rd K&NI. known I.ti nw lo be IM .,.,_ -~ na.Mt I• 11ub-o t..ok how •U1 tn errlbfo- 11 •• , Ole ot1.1'1nal nf whh h wu r 11.., fM ,.,...""' nn Ju,.... • I~ . BUtu. S. SAVINGS BONDS In lh• nff1r• t'lf th• (',,11nt v 1'• . ~r of Mid Cnunt1. I• -t YOU .. an •xamlnatlon ot I.he uti. 1.o Mid tna.t r~"r atiowa I YOU may ha,,.. In Int.real In tti. .. T ,.,illt... 1 l'lale ~ l nl'a TfTt.J': l!lr!lt'fUSrP: A!'ll • TR l'!IT I (l\(r<\ :-n •• "fr tll1 H OR 3-4330 n 1 1• r. !' IOI ::t lt r" r111 •t """ - ' 1'" 411 N • " • f'r ,..>a II 11 U :' T ' · "" ~ •

I New FfthflfCJ T9Clde H..., Auec19tloft Il'br our "-" ~ • t Iloat a"d Tran.r no uva f'Cl9t.8.'' Wllldnlaa .U4. - wta.n.n °' p.u. AM ...... Raaarted Stolen 1""" lltcorponltee CIMl'"Jft a..catloea Ott-•u.t pu11i-. "' • ..u.aiae O\Ade at t.M 1000\ anmy--.ry -r- I Ifar ..Wlon. "Our - ~ ~Oil a t 811ettue11 A fourt- foot rlutle '°91 •AC'ILUCllN'J'O, IC 1'f I) Veme Wllltl.uOD, pl'Hldent of tere h&t Mtt.r tulliU.. ·~ .... lehool, J'anb&ult MIM llwlude and treller vah~ a U00 wete hcret.&ty ot l&ate ~ll M. I.be Oranp 0.Unl7 Heart .__ v~ •meu t.o t.M Nllldllllll • • rwporled 1tolen tmm Bal~ Ma J rda ..,...... -A•~n '"'•!Ion t....,.• . ...._.A .. 41d Uw John Van Dyke, eun of Mr. and rtaa. by owner JwrU 1. Millkf 0 A &Nlounc.... - _ _, ,.. ' .,....., --;---- Iof O"'Qf• Oou.nty, We CICll'dS&D7 10 Mre. Jam.. T Van Dyke, 02 •11. al lturbanlt J'l.11hln1 Tll4•kle MfJ. Oo. ol Or- "'°" ot UW U90C' •Uon It.a Invite triendl ot uaa llMOIOlatlioft SeTn l>liv• , C"A>t"OM del Mar, In Pollr • •latef'l.lt- lo vlllit our MW home," WUkin· J110m1try :~~u:m,ei_lme betw.. n June 71In• cwporatlon llO. llh tlll otnce. to Dro&dway, lo -..nta An& .An of. eon llll4. Otnce houre .,.. h'Clll\ --lllliilliiilliiiiiiiiiiiil•-•iilllllliiiilll•.. '"' 1 apllall...... S •I aro,000 tn ISO ne1&1 openl~ of th• hNdquu· j • ao • ..;: to 0 p.m., Mond&J j I P<'" allar• ten took place at I pm • TuM Ulruu ' ,.nda 01 ...... t or• .,, Ille nrm we,.. Iday June >7 ' 1 llllt"'(J •• J ,. • nd Wiila V, All· "We hav• bHn t n r I u o • l" Th- de91ri~ to make a - A Good Deal ,.,.. .. n. llt Via I.let. loUd. N-· anourb lO ~Uh'W .1a.1,.. r •(1&0 mortal l'Onll1b111lon to the Or· r ort Brat h a n°I William B. Cul· _ - anae Count7 u.. rt ~t&Uoa t~n. Jr , t 711:l Kenwuod J'I . m•y do 80 ~ ...wstnc uwtr "°'" t'oet.a i.t ..e. Depends on the Dealer I _ C. McCARTHY tnb11ttona to HMrt, P o Box , - 17CM 161\lll Ana, or may C!aU ID;';fl •·oRn ThuncJrrblrd, wh1tt with nd and al the ~laUon otftoe. I "T" BIRD Better U,ed c.,, - - -- white tnm. Fordomat1r, tadlo, htaltr. 1956 full powf'r f'qUlpmcnl $2795 Wlllte wtlh "-uUhd ...... "hll• trim All ~Ml •rv• l!l."111 l)f-RO'J'O SeVllle hardl11 p four~ with auto­ ..ut. t'ully Mfulppeod. radlo, $95 to $'499S 'fi· FORD mat1r tran11mi11aion . raJtc" heater. powtr h...,ll'P. • orolorn&Ucl. '• w • r From elN'tlnr A llrak- l:t.e. IN'• l• Falrlatte "500" Nlrf'nng and brakf'11 $1~91\ a w I n d n" o . Al& OONDI· NW:Wl'ORT UJUl()a PtlllU81111'0 00. 111 l 'Rl'l - IHMY IA)( ATIU'.\ 4 dr, t pua. TnW11 l'ledan. TIO~ l '-;U 1llla ...,_,tac.. n11 11ia.1--. -..,,:-:-= ...._ ~ l!l.", ~1 FORD 4 dr , 9-puat'nj(t'r C'ountrv SqulN' on. "" .,., , ar ,,._. .. wll at rc,pt. '14 I l Ill ra4Jo, ltMt.r, WOOD, MA.RY VQlOINU.. liu· P' orelo, p e 'IW e r • '-""- a --- - - vhed by daufhw LorMI\ lA W1tgon with 1''ordomat1r, radio, hf'atf'r, 1420 S. Main 111...a.... •- mJ~•I•" Uor· (' 111' t be beat for N'llUlt• for Url•re IONI, 8n1c• t>oyt. f"•Wf'r 11tc·trin1 St600 1....u• wllllf' • ,,....11 I• c-!Mor K o y , C'a1 rol. C)'rll, '!'Pd, IH.e $2995 Kl 2-3507 "Id! n1alrlllnr l•l•rint l 'rl~ I . a nd, cat.a, ca111, rh•n A Wllllot1 , al.Iler, lA>la In M"ll et 1!1:'11 Pl.YMOl lTll Ssvoy 4-donr 11t'dan with au- MaJOMy , "4ol'VINll I .IO p l'Q.. A 11vthtnl ! l111r111tlc: tranamt.alon, radio, heater S 1U6 Stansbury Buick Santo Ana W...tnHd&)' al MOTT'CLL'• ~ ome UM It a1aln & apln 1 ANU PCllK OOLOMLAL Fl!· lf1:1X l>Ol>Gt: RoytJ Lanr 1•r hardtop ~ith Open Sund•y $2395 S lnrf' It don the Ju b NERAL HO.Mil, Mldwe.y Cily. "500" t'nglnf', automatic tnuiaml11alon, I 11 a hurry I lld 10, healer. powtr 11\.t>erlng, brakta S299J Stansbury Buick I'' ind out for younlt'lr IO.>.'l fl'ORO Cu11tom Ranchwagon with Fordo· IU Eut l1U1 I mmt'dlately or In the futurt' mnllc, radio hratrr Vacation apeclal at Clo• la M- It: vt rvnne need• 11omthln1 MOVING? only $129~ I> Play not.-eall now 1 men • van 11.16 hr. 1 ~ A OR 3-4330 a.nd place your ad to buy or NII. van JT,TO br. 1'me et&rta at 10.37 MERCURY Monterey h&rdtop with Mere· , 1""11' door. U. lo IO 9D1lM. omatlc, radio huur, powf'r ateerln1 and ------r.... Eel on ltllt&M• ~ . I OOT A HCL.A.llT CHAHJI" H'mWMA.N -rr.na. • ttoNce brakee. Ju1t llkf'I ntw ! SU9.5 t hat noed8 a nfW l\ome• P\ace 12' W , ttui It.. C.M., U CADILLAC a.n •11 In &I• lU~ l'ORD 8 country af'dan, 6-pu11tnger •l&· '56 CAD. "If' lha K•Wa-PJUtal •2276 1Io n wagon, with F'ordomatlc, heater S2695 SPECIALS 1957 J·"ORD Ranch Wagon "8" P'ordo, powf'r Sedan DeVille 1teennr and braku. R II H 1%196 56 Cpe. De Ville - $H95 8-llllfuJ m I ct 11t1 II t blue ~· ..., l'rw ...tt.lt ina&dllll1 blue l•.. ri•r . 19:\7 VOLVO Radio, hf'ater whltewa.Jla ..... 1179~ ~ . wit.It radio, "-l..r, llJ· COPELAND MOTORS. Inc. 56 Eldoredo, HT.- $3795 4nima l Ir. Pll'IC'. ,,....h a wt•· Nwa, pM'er •tHrlftl ... I.Al Air "'IHl.J•, ~ .... 'Mlle ea.. ..~ ""' f&r .. 53 MERCURY Monterey Hdtp...... $ 795 57 Cpe, Full power $3995 erl(tnal t!l,..._,1 A< rrpr...-u a N&I btlrl'aln at AL HARRIS 52 FORD Sedan Delivery ...... $ 595 56 Conv. Full pwr. $3495 A nnouncej lmperfal • Chrv1ler · Plymouth 5 5 CHIV. Station W ago,._ I A Mtl,..co $3495 ALSO ·'vor. VO" P. G., RIH _...... - ...... $1495 I Johnson & Son " Newport's LARGEST Auto Dealer" The Opening of Their 56 CHEV. VS Pick-up I liw-nla M"f"f"U"7 Stansbury Buick 1200 W. IOway Ubtirty 8~•86 too \\ C ._., Hw7. Co.at LonCJ whHI ba1e ...... $1195 U• J'..ut '11111 t .I II -MU o...... _ 55 FORD T-llrd ...... -... _...... $2295 Opra r., ..... a "u8'a1 New TRIUMPH Apncy 56 FORD Club Sedan.• 2 to choose from. Forclo-R&H _ _ ,...... $1595 S.trta 54 CADILLAC Convert. 1 owner 100 Int 1at Street, A• car. Full Power . .. --... - ...... -...... $2395 $350 DOWN Yo.r WAiis D..- hr. 10 y... 50 FORD Statton WC14JOft. at ll TWC R&H, Overdrive ...... _...... -- ..... $ 495 HI now e1,.aded ta lacJ9cle 56 FORD Country s.dan - 9 patHIKJ«, Fordo, R&H, power 1teerfng --~ -· S1195 RENAULT CV4 .... Wes & Sertke of .... 57 FORD Ranchero -... - ...... -- .. - ... $1795 The Fun Pri~• $ I+4 5 lncludM t..eter & d.frott· toww TRIUMPH IMPORT. 57 FORD Falrtane 4 door, tecla11, er, h.irn 1i9nel1 I meny outatend in9 fffture1. Siient Fordo, R&H _ ...... - ...... -...... $2395 rHr engine drive • '4 door aeden • lttdependertt II.ti· T~ UMPH TR. l hea uptut'M both 54 CHEV. I T. Pick-up, Auto. tratts. S. 995 .,.naion unitize construction • 50 MILES PER GAL· MILLER'S 49 CADILLAC Conv. _,.,_ ...... $ 595 LONI 1.,..d Md eltdur•M• awerd1. MERCURY Sta. Overdrive, 49 WaCJOft, A ,,.. TR. J Dellven R & H ., ... _...... -...... _...... _ .. $ 495 SPICIALI "511 THI NIW PIUGIOT 40J" 54 FORD Ranch 1095 roa WOCJon ..... - ···-··--S 'Tr9Ml' I n..t f'..a.ly ...... fet 0.. .. y_,... 55 FORD ROMh Wagon, Fordo ...... $1395 ..LOW AT '57 CHEVROLET .u '1749 2 dr.. Radio, HHter Theodore Robins Ford 100 E. Ist St., Sa"+. A"e---1<1 J.2JIO S1595 011r 31th Year of Service In This Area • 121 E. I•t St., S.nt• Aft...... a(I l-1121 3100 W. Coast Hlway Llt>.rty 1-3471 '58 CHEV. Impel• Sport Cpe Power- 9lide, redio, hHter $2995 CLOSED SUNDAY - AS USUAL '56 CHEV. Bel-Air Conv. V8, power pek, Power9lide, R&H. Sold ori9 4 lneny by ut $1695 '51 CHEV. Bel-Air Spt. Cpe. VII, WAKE THE TOWI - TELL THE PEOPLE Power9r.de , RlrH $2095 '5l PONTIAC Catehne Hdtp. Hy· AIOUT A dre ., R&H S 595 '5'4 BUICK Super Riviera Hdtp. Full BRAND NEW TREND IN AUTOMOBILE IUYIN8 power S11 95 '57 FORD Felrlen• "SOO" V8-fordo­ Just lmagln• . . . you can buy a ft autamoblle now ••• All This Can le Yows met1c, R&H. power •+Hr $2095 '56 CHEV Del Rey - 2 dr . VB, that 941tl up to 40 mlles per 9C11oft IN THI AM.AZIM• NIW Power9lide BHutiful white fini1h a t :o;onnal Onlbt111 .,...... $1'495 - PLUS - 'HILLMAN' AUTOMOBILE 'SS OLDS "88" Hdtp Coupe - F11ll power $I 595 A FUU-SIZID FOUR -DOOR SEDAN - THAT SEATS SIX AvalloWe In ltatloft W ..-•. Sect.•, C011vef'tfbler. Hard­ tops - Prket Start .. Low at ••• '56 FORD ~uire Sh. W 19on SI 095 ADULTS COMFORTAILY. '53 MERCURY '4 dr Monterey , Stendard •hift, R&H S 595 - PLUS '55 CHEV. Bel Air 2 dr Po

111 0"'10ttl I 11! PLUS - $34.88 MILLER ' nr.ntot rT


a ...... ,.. a a.. u. ..,,,. •...... au• r• OHLT all *4 ~11:&.N <"ar· •37 nuon>AINL , ... .-dlU... fiDergless, Material & Supphes ~ --~ . lft u. .. "'-ti... t.end h!J UM. LMUlol1 • · ... - wm.,..... for ·- wllat Who'-Je I& Retail ll ....,. ,.. call u t-Olll a"- t..i« - 176 tlp-&U -.uJpl - • 77 Ft A.1J ~ lnboud Cru!Rr btltl7 earl - eo.t MIOO- Prl... 1 • .... • •• '•* ';\() Utle • 22-rt.. AD l'lbers1¥9 Inboard 01t outboard Jlttl. Oood letma. OR l40SO. GARDENING ••••KllM •tt• I I ...... ,... Put • tuJ1 UIN • Mold maJdn&' t ..... •a.&. ..'4a •u101.... q ·WI WJI ...... e.cia-t ...... TV. IPZClAL! talat.MC.. u e.;1-. .... • Flberclue boat. repaired t.... ••• ,.,... 01\ M&lO ...,_ to llD&ll, medium ...., AaC, UJCIOJC &U'W Oou.nt.7 'ti OLD8 V·''M" ledaMt. ftAH. Ii'' -. ta 0,.... City. N&U.. Illa~ Local a.rice. tto. No podl But - of l.M ...... wide OD lel own houft. Ia- JAICll'I A.Jll'Pl.LUfCU, 1MT Crystaliner Corporation pa.ru mlpl bl wort.II the .. '!d tOUJfO .-W wttll BUn11117 ..,._ ams., CalltA ...... MS. Full Price• 111..t. ectal'IL °" l4MO an.. (2-5 and 507 30th Str.t I• ...... to .... ,. -.. for app\. •OMJ LI MClk .... CoMl. Lquna CARPENTRY ...... dJJd ta ... OdM NEWPORT BEACH ORlole a..o20 I CONTINENTAL '<.. CP& L ..... oa 1-nt1. ltp41 Gim01' ...,.. rup. I _.._, 61tfc 1-.fOME REPAIRS Mark 1. UU aewl Oaly Recent ADlftlOJll WOR& WA WT a 0, uq ldM NEWSPAPERBOY ' ~ dMp -n cook«, T >.mertcu cl.uillo now beyond 'fl• ...... at-•'!e Go9d ~ U rr. LTl.UN t..petralle In· D aDIOOEUNG ...... -. 1'U'l. pUIUq, t0tt WUT NEWPORT. Tbla la lt ~·'330 ~")t lo'ORD \ ll' {'PE. !'\\ r all"< r. I 3!Hfc ROlUNSO~ Y ll• ht Brok.r RAJ\R I A. Pl:T'Cfta tl'all•pol'tltlon ar. P1lnllnf, REFRIGERATORS 270:i W C't.ul Hwy Phon• U T Bird n1tr, "'ordo R•U. PAINTIN& )'•rd •otll or repair f,J 1•111Jdf'd 1luh ('lrsr v1n,1 . Tnm• avail 2301 W . B&lbo& Blvd "1lb ,. hllA' v. 1&lla A hltc h pn· MAi:i MOO.EL for 1rtl1t A UClll'fU:O - Of•VJUCD Apply at 1&ll8 ' ~ ,Jl&rbur Blvd Factory a t MAjur Appll1ncu . Newport Be&ch. ORloi. S·6700 furtnf'r In 11 11a1 1ntffd .. int photo1,.phlo Pro or amatu~r 21 FT CRlllMK:R, lofonk dHlll\, Glenn Johnston • '11!"0 Inc.. 408•, N 8uJUvan .ond. ONLY Call ll:d4tl• at Ubert7 I too aull> p1loL N- rs•llo. dlre.-llon fl4 11!1 B IOl 11.lt It. 8Mdl t0p42 ___ _ KI 7 -1711() __ 12Tl'c I TO THE JUl'a: BFUDI:, our fill t • le~ rtndn, 1le•f"I t H .2ao. NEt,. ~at G?.tAr tf'm11 . , all lllltl ~ )ft 1-tllT dtet WANTED WOmAtn to take ov" P.CJ!ll M RCIBINl:ION Yatht nt $Ml toward a llf1llme ot CLEANfNO A lRONlNO by 1he <'out Laguna HY 4 7744 ,. f\47 •l or Gr-.nd pllJ\O lkhmldl· OT F OR[) ' OR HTATtON we. lotnd prderred. KI l ·fON 8 day• a wl'lf'k Hive larr• ano lrolled ov• n. hllrh b101l•r. :111<' 41 f'hllllr• Planoe, • Ince 111 14, 020 T Bird tl\C'in.. fl'ordomatlt'. ri Plaster Patching Hpn hn11.M • 1 ooya Oul pay 1•0 mulUple hMt ('()ntrol, loou No. Main, llanLa Ana Preffftt •H. 11111 ot ex\l'u S.-aullfuJ ar per wHl< Own lraup<>l'tlllon. Uke new. A real bar.rain at condition. Prlvate party LI & Painting At .ERT lnteutsent, whit• maw 8ABO'I' OlNGHY. thJ.e ad lo Mr RON I <'all OR 6..0Ul8. O c'3 .. ... •. . ... $1311113 11· 21811. nuo ORiolt 3-JM2 In Mt'l)I twuu.. ct.I,... t•m· •MO MINO& llEPAIR WORK rnr•I')' 0 .,.nn1.11ent empl~ IOUc MEOJ<"AL ....tlt&nt, pl~t Oaft•rw • &ttler delux.. rl1\1re, Ll 3,1202 Knowlton· Electronlca ·50 r<>RD SEDAN. A n1nnlnc mf'nt Ellper1enced In portrait •o JO. TOO aMALL phone votre, lypl"C' ''~ day noor demo . "1th llll'h brollw, fool ! SIM P'ull prlr•' eM 8. palnllnl', lloUH p&lnllnir l&11d· w'IPl'k. Wiil t.raln Perm&n111t 4 l- &. 0. .... I - cJock oontroUer aulom&Uc TV ANTENNAS ('~. La,fu.na. HY ts77H. ~uon Wr1t.e Boa L-23 care JNT ru.n.toe 4"' o.&.a ..._ -~ ir~nr Or wb&l have oven, ov•n· l"ffdy llirbt• . top 8NO\\BlRD 14 1 $22l'i to uao. (Clear Beam - HI G&in) you. \~II OR 1· 0420. ol Uw New•Prl•. 41c4% II.Win}' ..all• It M IMWft bumer temperature oontrol, Jo' 1bf'rflAM ~nuv. bird d11 rnn 8ktl lnat.&llld complel• to your Ml '57 Ford '4 dr. Wagon M • ...... QA TUC - Mabel Mid m.. t )'a.I 1bell lop and ' poeltlon burn­ acul cover $ 77a, Llldf'r• 18 Tan .ti whit• <'ty !'led A· l t.onJfhl 0o11.,. 101'1 a.c..-I en, uw fUAJ'JllM - UH 15 compl•l.ty r..tlru&hed. 2 • ull.a $9.95 cond. Pvt party. Ll 1· 28811 from R«tct.v~ o-ntront PAINTING wllb trade. ..ii.., head, 2 tmnlut V. llh cu•h· %7ttc Rugs •• Upholstery a.Ibo&. Ca.retuJ O,..,ol")' lon1 U ,100 W D. lkhot k , lllM •Oct2 r.arr• or •mall Jobi OK r oft SA.UC - Bl1JLDINO TO 11 cuble ft. croa•top tree.11r 29th SL, NNport &oarh UR ~- 60 CHEV. cLt18 SEO P .O R.ti DU'JlAa.aAlUD .. fOUJ' BIC MOVED • ·room portable A WEEK ren!A a Hammond RIHonable ,.1• . refTlierelor ln men. lat• :s..20~. :11i..·u •o H SN~ aee ii C'uut La.fun& .... U• ... d1.7, c:lOlot'I Uberty • iT21 bulldlnf romer Ut.b 8trwt • model, real •harp ...... S129 11!1 "plnel Orran. lnrludN pnval• t ""'"' lfO ..v*ac • WJ" I lk ~&Jboa Boulevard. Fonnerly 22 rr Owf'nt Cabin C'rut,... r 1 IN11ona S t·hmldl- Phllllp•. cor­ ao HUOAON, Oood motor. S76...... 1a-.1•n LI NEED Bay IUMI 8-cb Realty ottlc. Bendix wul\eMr1er combine· yr °'d Radio. he&•I t1•I rv nu 6th and Main. Santa A na . 20082 Cvpt'9M , Coat.a )(­ I W• tte JAPANESE-AMERICAN .M uat bl moved. Make oH•r lion, elec:trlc, I m onth.I un­ tNl.ll tank, canopy. Call lal Pr1val.e party 39<'• l , JOB I < .. 11 Mn rav. t'Onditlon&I fU&r&JllM '1111 a.-OM4 311< 41 USICD C'oon11ona tt• llleclronlc GARDENER Or.ran only U9~. hlJI f\IU ped­ '111 CHEV. DLX. 81!:0 1Juat •7,• BAY lo Bl:ACU REALTY, lNC. •r l:x~eneed , Lawn It Gl.t'MI\ R.l!:AT~TOl'UI I 22 rr l!port flahf'r, n <"f>llf'nt a l board. S1hmldt-Phllllpe 520 810 ml.IN ' I $.\M. 89' ll Coul, Dkorating I J k A ,. t PRINTING? L.ltx 1-8022 alter I pm. 202~ W Balb<" Blvd Npt Brh. c! 8 S PP lc!nC8S condition, • IWJ>ll 2. S199:\ OR No Main. 8-.nLa Ana. lA.("una. UpOt OR J..t200 I.VIA. OR l · M&& IHl Harbor Rh-ti (",.,.la lohaa 3 ·6Hl3, 1130 W Ball1oa , N"IY• • Paintin & Jl ! N~: SPINJo-r SPF.C'lAL..'\ l CHll:VROLET- very clan. Call Th• N_,,ort. Harbor Job - 11 l t c port Jlltk W• Ua••I -~.... PIUNTINO OllPA..R.TM.J:NT. PA'l.NTl:ft wtll uchan,. equal I U 8 Mii• 311c41 a l ORANGP: COLNTY 8 r.ac~ll•nl ninnlfll" <'Ondltlon JiAtft 0117 P. l'w .-nplet• PrtnU .. hnlc• nJu• In labor for food out· DRAPERIES 18 YT 8 IN. x i I',. C'llt-.maran. ClltOAN HP:A0QUARTER8 Fine economical lraneport.aUon QlalttJ ...- .....,.aat..s OJ\loa. ._... Uc board motor. Ml t-2el9 . 20 CUBIC rr Amana uprlfht ! C',abln f'rul•,.r R\Hpe 'l flO Only I lt>tt New FamoUI 112& - C'.ocltlcl Dave TavlM, ··-·We"'- •lptJ and SLIP COVERS dwp f,__ uoo u I-Hill I ..al. buJll·ln , .. Lank :i J.tark M•k• SplMl Pl&nOll elm.­ Oft 1-4330 a.tfunoona. S3Uc ' LI lo1llT ------Mad4I te Order U ctJ 71'> •nirlnM (;u"lom lr&llt'T out m~la . 2 In MA.hoeany '67 T·BIRD KOTP. A.loobolk:e Aaoc)"DM)ua Eatim.•l• _ kmpl• walh brakH t -1 a.a a df'mon· and 1 In blonde. 8aVll\C'I •P B@Aul. cberTy ~ nwt.a.l lte l eu... Wnt.e r. 0. Ilea l&l !l Waated to Bu1 I al raloc ooh . $4 1041 va l 11 ror lf..,.rt ..... OtJ&L LUCILLE DRAPERIES - $3,MO LI 8·1007, 381 r. z:.. tnm n oc-.t lal'qUtt nn1Aft • 1 ,.._. OIUoloe MU• ntl:ll Dui<'b you.r life Wor· OR l-9ll03 or OR 1-12$7 !her, \ M 311pO Sllghlly uMd Baldwl.n AcrOIOnlc Not ~r Ulela ry wood, Rant.a.I 1"9lW'll, Uk• mU..' $32116 Ouan.nlHd' Beat QIWQOAY - DMl know• &II &1119. LI l-6001. Call for r-. I Jta kttery ..,._ 12.00. SS--J'uraJture For s.M M.-. 2et rc MW. a.ve flOO OMAC or bull! tanne HML a Coll•1• ...,.uon, IM.tc oo. MMt me '°"1Pt ------e .... ,,,. Ac..-n with black SHAP'P.:R 8 (IN I Ooa.t Bl't'd , Lquna, l Jaa • IMM1' ..,.... trom dRW curt&ln UO 00. A ll .-xc} MTTCHl:U.,.At.a.rftrt> , 19"fl l:I' • 21 lo 42$ N Sycamore HQ' 77H. ~ JttJM&. o...,i. NEWSP A PERBOY .-id. t..l H1N &ti.er t pm 'nVIN ~ rompl~• Ch.Ml .ti Ult t>.d lralwr. 30 HP John· 8~n l a Ana Kl 2-0672 tOcd I •tpO nJle llt6Ad. '76 W 8 -11206 art· llfln, l ll'ofl . <"omplrlf' lv ~rtnllh· HAMMOND C HORD OROAN. SAC'R.JYIMI: - Ill~ f" he't Blit­ &.'I Contr.c+or C'AMIEft tor BL4.00N BAT - -- .,. , 4!k'.-'2 fod . Ca ll LI A MU after 6 rm. u yne • -dr., VI Pr; r 6'1l, Dt.tncl, Thia la a rood route ul4!d but Ilk• new run tor th• IMPORTED 3!k'u w • w ,:'\()() ml SIOOO Equity Sr,eclaflzJn9 In 1I BMMh a a.at.y AIU Md pe.y• well Conl&CI Dou& v. hole tam11y A lllO 1 • ll&hlly f •rr nr.o cuh or tr• <1 f" 1.1 J\ectdlck. OR I UJO Weddlnc Bhlrta, a.t'd colOf'a l"RICIID few lm!M'dlat. M l• -- S b d' h $350 I u•l"d Hamm.,ntl 8pln•I Orira.n I 1403. 3kCI p- Plt.Dtl, blacll °" whJt. Ja.nwa d1ahwuher J& Larir• 8 Ot lnq Y !lrhmlflt rhllllpa, 620 No Main. Mt l~IL " p, I ltemoclennt JOLON H ·1 r Styl11' t I PLSDCICM a lttte A l puptu l4 Jn&lclh HAR· ~· d9alt '611 . '"-cu.rd &.II Ll I f 202 S&nta An& ' MOOR~V~ u..-. •• _. .. ------d--1 f ft.OLD lmporteJ, Hotel La111na TV 11 " WaJnut tu . Slll'i 11 41 <" 4_3 ...... ttl .... 1111M1(1 • Ule &lJ' ... New po1ition1 ei y or 0\1t.stanc11rc c ~ '""'" .... ._.. U6t PnC.mouJ 81~ . La1Una Bf>&clL P lo P c1 111tom mlAe rr.n<'b \o\le WA!llT~;IJ . Pr1val• dork f<>r ntw Knowlton Il:lertrontca r.-n "'°' lo lnt"r Pr. l't6'H .... (....._. bla M9Wl*'\ all type I of office Work A WELL t.&llortid man 1 9'KW1 -ta ve l" ~ 6 lOlle USO ..,.b. :18 n <:'nil•n W ill f''" ' Yl'Ar 1 Xlnl. lhnM>OI ' $ 2111'1 1119 " 4 2 ...._ ...tq • l..oul Or ~II , Ta.n lllw H · •O Wom I O l'l I-ITU 0c• t10f'k•I• In ad\'llnrfl, c 'l\ll on r -.1 81Tf! . U.runA...... •l Joloa, JileJ.boa JUNE FARRAR, - 11&tr1neoe U6 OR a 2728 -- -- - 1 l -77Pota oa LenN KI a .i11 I DECOllATIN_. -.orom trom Ctt7 HaU LmW1'T YM:'Uml\ -.per. ~ - ...~. - .. -k•nda I Pflnll'l.eula Both i·nmpl .. t•ly rABT Sl!:RVICIC, R.&A80NA.BL8 ti<' ~ wtlll att&ctuneou a.-d t Oc 42 ov.rnaui..J °""" ~ • .s.rl<, U r 41 ...... , ...... Superfluoua Hair BVTtce Calla UU t p.m...... ~· no ..n R&t.hroom food ... 11a ~bl • O R C1ub .. ·--·11 ,,_..... Crom ca.. I LI 1-6206 'O'T CHEV. v.a ' Bl:lrAIR -·- · 2 ,.,... .. 0·1oi. 1~,.,. r:. J..3811• '1<'43 ~ .... .,...... , WE NEED YOU - - • ...... , .... _,, rtNANCE C"O ft.l:POAtUt88· ------Sid. Bpe.rklln& - mllll fTWn SH9N PAINT1N6 --.. ~.... hll ,,. '1c'2 JONI • rompl• l• nxim.a ex- PORT A BWt • IANI" Dt,.,... llnn l!A LEM MAP'LIC IPQlfrr ptano wttb beau t dark ir..-i lnl~ , .. 11.aKO &.LllM &... DIAl'n R. a YOU NEED US cflUen.l rondltlon M 0«1em f ln<1"r all "'*' • lf'nirt.ha Like t'Ula, bedroom. dlnln& w.~ R&dlo iwnal • omaJl tA.. n&. !lrhmldt- Phillipe, lla.nta j to See' UN6. Guanutt.aed' ..... In a ,.,_. Ule V't'e fee( a-..JO . .Arthur Munay 11 OO!o um .. e.t OM.AC w bu\lr l«'lll.I "' ... .,.. aa.ldnl • ..,__, 11.n.I' 4lc0 room rroup ,. m&ny •JCtru, I • l• • SM ("ontarl HI l"lT I 1 uaJl. Ht I Ooul. Lqu.na .a.._... , .._ ... r ...... fllff• We .,.. a ..., _. B&lan~ d\ie $397 - St ,... w w l< · •nd.e Bl.Ibo& B&y r-,oib, 1 ONLY s-uutuJ rruttwood ~ eleot:N ruk&I' .. ,..... R<>e>m 6111 4tp'3 u... · n v Spinet Or,-..n 1111 • HT t-'744. ~ la Or.Qp ~ .,. Pll'fKt eoedlUan. ..paanw . 81...... 000 'f\.' Center, Ant.helm ,,..,..., full "'lrT'llftly . Ban U 70 . OOV y_, llJ:l,.AIR Rdlp F &.On'• .....- ma.le •t bl taa ...... la toocs.. tnlMa.et.. 16 ..tftoa 116, W•t« Ilda HO, 1 1 ~l)' "' kue.I ~ CdM.. "• .... __,. t.9 Mciea..... p.tip '4-Mualcal, Radio, TV • .. I epe Th• ma.t w&ntMI 1~ motM $41\, ~~~ w1Mll - , ... ti • ~ ·~ - Joa- DROP *1--table- .- Uk• new D 1n... KHA.Fl:R"' mod•l ~n t.he rountrv H•r• ...... ~w..-.- wtn rec°'11 · 411 In 42.'I N . 8H"more • ...... a.A...., Oft 1-4Tto. ... ,,.....,.. f\atun for w , UM _.. pa, lt M.M. can Pt\yf• ln>- · I eict.-Nll~ . BIUNMd ' BMl GM.AC IM'rft.I llUJ.- Uld ,._ c.-m. 0-. I • ...... call •i..t ~ .... .,.ia .. ell... - flrhmldl·F'hllllpe. 620 Nn Main naJl 8H a. "'-- Bl-rd, IA· h ti•.... '11.UW ~ 9\JJl"f poteinc)'' GRune MllU. tOeU Nd! .. ICIPOf'tUl'llt '!. ". IT YOURSELF BLONT>ll: KTMBALL Bpln.. t l anta AnL HT ...nu ...., e plu .._.. _.. weuld Who~ Nt&ll lmpof'len Do -1 ! "'lftll.. ANO &A Va exce llent rnnc11Uon UtlO OR JllNIC ORO.A N BPE<'JAiA - l llllt - Pf, TMOtrne, II t a l le n IMr: 'Jl-.11 ...... 1111" "' Wiii .. ~ Mar fll'Gftt.1 wtUI W&nbou-, U. lrd I L. \ti llUi, ...... a..- 4-1 - _....,._ u J"l"I .,.. bl«lt ao. l.Apna 8-t'll Ot7 L&"l'•t l(od\ at Wlp&tnlld r..0107 19<'0 a l ORANGlt OOt'NTY a W...-on ft • H 0<""1 llrM , tunutQZ"il In Area. -- - - OROAN HICAOQl' ARTICRll ri.. n f'fWldlllnn or W'\11 ...... a.I .,, .ot um wtUI J'CNI' Joi.. n. Hall. Ope• to pubtle MOl\. H~ ~- '6~ Ol.Nl&L1 .. 1Jl m.. , .. , HV'd &lid Iott Wood• DA TNTT Hui.. ,.,...,rh P rrwtnrt&I 8pCrwl mn<1•1 Hamm~ with trade Oft l&tM m(ldjol •&f'Clll. n .... Mm.Ptr•1 ...... "' - oUllWw1ae ud ..,., W1Q i. m-.k1 a ..... )"IN .rvu.y to Tou 1"11~ aptn" t t nr UP~ The kltlitlN I p.rcu•.-nn - Ilk• rww Btr U ls61IO ....Wt1p "" W'Mlr· MDJU"M' SU D.tt- Mlnw&a- Bev K IM ..-tll In'"• In prarllr" ,,., Ihle M'ldl .,.. -.!~ to Jota u.a. ror OICJUCJ'S • Kite N vtnr•' •Oc•I M 1•11111. laztasdlm e•111np1-. atonnat.IOlt tall wi ~ r'OOd buy SU Ubrvy MJ:llA WOODCllArT . rhml'11 · Phllllpe, i"t20 Nn Main. _, B t ,.. _ _ l ·aa CHZV---0LX ll:D 16t6 ~ tabl• ion ~ rt.able I un ~ . c M. Ll a.a.a , I 1 A !ls-<"lou 11\' I - • - l\eW '-""VI • ' or '"1tl te WI II JOU wt&ll laundry t u be $16. Ofl 1-H" an na Orlf&NI, 11-.d al l&hUy 11 the AtlnetJv• nwtalllc r-, p G . PAIHHHO a•wn, ~ Roy atc•1 I OLX I I Oran,;• County r11.1r k vtll,fa IUtH, eit c 9-t OMAC' t.nu, ' ...... ,,.... , -AL FOOD - IJ'T fU lloY9 Mii. ACME TV & R.ad'10 up tn J:ilOO ,t•1JI 1u a.ra.nte.. 8M a C'out- BIV'd., ~ .. Vl'flT OWNlCJla A"'i""t•iJlt""'fTl"''"'OK I cu.tom llW4lo ~h- u - ...... ,...... tel. u n 1 0 1 PRO DUCTS o--. l&ntp Abad•. .,_uu P?'O'I' bed-dl'nUI JM, O nan La.I II• H <:RltLN R'J A MP!I I l.Jt.-ral ~ ~ " " • " •" t 19.'17 VOt.KBW AOl:N ICDA.N ...... lo ••- .... ·~~ • term• a t -~ aa.u WllW ....._le ... _ ... 1.111\lnston bllndl ... l tMrv f\EA· ~ Ill OR 1- 21\M 40.-'2 T v !IJW"lllll.U RHA a I •un '"""""" ..._,., • ...... a....~-r..wa.. rru.c ,.!:fl ...... tl.U a&nta A.aa Kl 1-0IH IJONAllL&. ttS1 Cllrf Dr1n r.u .ti H1' &ALIC - 10 tt OIU"'&r Jll - MrN~HAl..t . Rplnf't Orrui. 2 ON'LT •109fl tllllCMlr ~ •-- ...... 8 p I tr-. 110 ..._ 21 Tol'l>-C'ald- ,. It 1 • ";;;::t~ elCOn er1onne hp Mtn:U')' ll(.. r1n( wh ..1. BTElN'\'AY !';RA~'D H ml <'On · manu a l II t nf'• $7110 Oott.tandl"'• ar<'IJI" '4hlte A .__- -...,.-- _ w•ll ,..al JM)Wer m owu , ltlO .. Ph Ill B ... .. ·- Agency Mld 8_1024 19°'1 r-.not. oontml• UM OR r• rt 11u Jl"f'"' I rnndlllnn, R•·hmhol I I"' Ill' roa.no an., rta.mf' !"Pd. Oynall.- • ~a l &l)CM"OlfJ)°" a..i Ora- -.. Top ~ _WlltC.. a ll n.•.o. _ __ J-4147 - 4C>Jl0 IMlll' a >"" to orir•n Aloni 1120 No Ma.In hlr r; ... r a nt-1' e.-et OM.Ar - - e I -.,,._' ,... TT UDR Ml7TAL • wood eutllnir f'A\' S.rhmlt11 f 'h1 t11 ra. ll•n la Alrf-9I 8&11l& A.n.t.. t-nn.e a v11 I 8M _. Cnut - ., r;WJ• alatclaa. M&N • WOdN b V W ANTltD Oood uaood H ' nr Ana.. -~ HT ' Mid ..\Ill. at,61 1• TllMta ""·· N....-port ...c.b b&lld M•. 'r42 M-l>ojt1'. Oat.a. Pr~ • ..,... rrw ..... ~ ml tue p,,_ With 0 C 1.,, hp milt"" ORA:'ll[) PIA;"IJO I ALlt:, fll,.ln· 112 MP:f\r Mnnltrn· l'l • H. .. ' · hp ~t' h Jrintto>r All 14 rr CmNTt.m T tltlllly AS hp way, ''""' "Y C'hlrk .. Hn1t. R•ld· I1 w • w •xr • llton l <'•"1'1ll Inn IXPl;IUENCl:O Ml-.tady tor hlo e n- Wiii ... 11 M trad1 r~ U rev mn!J>r C"'A.'-I a t H\t"U Rl':Al 'TTF1 '1 r hurrh mnt1 e l l $'11'1 R"iunn nn rnr1m Onl v U~' ' 41M\ II ' -"' RI'""• I.A SEAMSTRESS "91CROL.AQ MM!lder. Mu.t $4,000 ..., u Mn WrH• 8'ft I ,.OR IALE A lmt>tlt nf'W M .. l ~~1~1:n11 q~!7~. ;:~~171r ~ ·1;;;. In snor1 homf' LI " 0772 1r•1n• o-•r•a-o ... IM -~~ "1th oe>lt>r 41 43 ~,.._ epanlkln bl bl\a.t h11llfl lft& In 141 N_.port S-rJI I OIJt dlnfhy ORlnle ~ · 82 73 So M• n N"nl a An• r I,.AMILY J""'l 11140 rork ill ~" c:o.t.a M-. O,._ l ·MIO 1~1 •tr•t 40<'2 1 - - N_. br ir• . r1na1 11 h • Jnh am...... ,.._ o.ta .._ TO 10... P.1nt 11 ... 1 uvs n-;;;;;cta et - -SNOW- BIRD~- TV Rentals-Reiuonable S&-Autoe Wantl-d u 1&r 1:""" ,,., Joa.I OJll&?f P1UY A T1I CLUll ~ pleoM Mn\Plfl jf'W9lry fM He I RAllR y .A, Pl:TERS mlLllv mn,.. r • 1t ) "'1 I a k • ..... W CATA.LINA 18LANt> ~ •rwtal• ~ t~ tor "" STAR TV From Private Owner rn00 ra,.. .. I h• '" •••11,.,n ...... N ...... ,., flW OU!*"' 1 ~ U• ('~ 1l (04' l\91:- ORlole l · IOl6 I\ 21 U911 OR l ·f\:lllll 41p4:J COMPLETE moe- repair 1.11iop. fll!P.rl9'1<'­ ha.ndmade mnc('iUIM U •~ tor 40lfr W n 11'1 I k• ,., h•I\' ..i ... n IP\' ld - alary ptu. ,.,_~. ._ __ .. _..... mah 1301 W 81.lMll Rlvd « a.rl f'll A d nr M Af""'l•l l'i 1 roNT rr.1 ll 1u: n in •hn-... II.t ...... n.-•nv 1-l2 rr WIZA.JU)- lpnn.m&n- - - 71 lbfo PAINTING I ,...Z l'IKM t. w'-Or e.IMLl.N ..T &o t0tt • ' Ne\\pnrt 8'ach. 11H l to ; cio N n 11.-"''"'"' I. riv I • Ml I ronm rnn<1 Ritt Ir" n• ,R4 H , f\l•I • Ir ,., ,.., Utvi ' 811'1 II C"'n ..1 8ar t9'dflr I )'•1 Nv.nd I. SM 16• Kut Jftttl&n )\&~ . hp l:vtnrude .ti lank l .lk• , tr PUD BANOINO l..&l'U\A aa.t .,,.. 1-.11 Im~.. ed _.~n _.,_n• "'"°I-le n- 1"""1 I hf"ll Reaa.n,,.hle NEW HAMMfll\f• <•r11a na N.; ot 1TUU b l haNUlnc 'nade o..t.'u R.&lpti P Mukey Owner OR St•lnw• v l'la n,,. P. 1 1.. 11 A l'l •no E. O. SAUNDERS t.n )'OU • I tOOn 411<-42 Ir e ~rhn 111 ll l'hlll 1• A•r I' a.nn SELL ~ I llUllUJl4f ~> . .ttppen -• • ._, a nd flr•"n ~lnr• ,._..., 1111 4 1120 1 CHECK THE - a.:e~:' .... wuu-- I T.M tnr 14111 ; - ·· 11Upwlor WA._.... 1 r t'' 10 .... 1 • • _ ..... It'- "-',•..o.u n ref\ " •~ n Nn M• lrt , P.a11ta Ana YOUR CAR ...,,.. t:ftl'li.h Iba.I ..,_ ....u "* bnal'd or •S-1 bna I tnr mnn I h I WANT ADS . Wr1te .,._ p A ID roft Of\ NCYJ' 1112 Rallln& F'ull IM>ot• f%7 IWI f~ SH !lo.'\ , ta hle rtt J uly aa11aru;t nn rerflr"'1r•1 Rlr.N 1i;qir:~~l".r 1 " '"""'1 •~1 • ['ll'tl r.tr<'..,t hy Pa!"• ..,fore T ttlJ • re m

It . Newport HtrbOr NEWS.PRESS JUM 11, Ith 1-1

'3~ t'.AC "h. AHI• •a·• CU.poal C.M.l.C. Values

0 Ot-e&n v1- C•Ra"t.. LMM t>H ": 4:::?i • OpU COSTA MESA only U 8-l i!U . 37Uc AN INTERESTING HARBOR VIEW ·~11 Ill I• I\ iil' l't:tt•• in:u. Lu... 5!12% INTEREST M-1 &Ox300 w. sd.. coacr. bldi , A1T1lAcnvW ett\~1 &pl. le lt11ua II.min CIWI\, Uyr\41, RA On a tarp ltlMt to .a.a lot ( DOt l•Moid). II l,,.,,.,. In \h• la1> n( hllMl. uUlllJea pA1d. ,.,._,. I Refinance w / w carpet, patio. all clectrlo b1t..JA ldtcbeo - 9(111111 HI Hl arld&rd tl"Lll.I., hlr~ Nke beach A praUo, reduc.a Speed)' Free Commitment. Multiple sooed cor. 75x.120 close In tut 9<• lk'11 111 ong. dark IJ"MIR. rent to Jul) ht. OR 1-2780. I THE WORKS <.1111r11nt •• d! S..t GMAC llOttc I aidt', tdt'al for unit.a, uktng $ 0,500 11·1 '"" "t•ll • llf!e 8 . Coaat, l>on't torpt. thltl i.. a view property and la ln a South Coast Mortgage Co., Inc. EASY CONVEHl-'ION 1 ..1,; ""' llY c 77« -N--OW- L-EAS....__ING-j l.'loe&- ln tt>rritlc location. Priced for QWclc aale 1600 Cout Hwy. Twn nt-wcr ranch type incomP blrl>:" N 1-: rnrnu e.t $34 ,900. Court•y to brokers. Liberty e.-OG32, 40 A - Tlrf"tll & Parts 1 A· rou From The Balboa Bay Club) Orange It E. 18th Rtrwt . ConvNt lo prnft'Mlonal 1';vea. Liberty 8·1421. Mr. ThomJ*>U (owner). Newport Beach'• Finest LI 8-7791 and double pttlSt'nl Income. $32 IXKl "1th F'HA UcU ~L' MMER TIRE SALE I ~ Bedroom, a batna tem111 Big Rt•duct.Jon - All 81.ua 2 8M1room 2 batlui I 48-8-HoolM'9 for Beat t • ~. Royal Maatera 5011 Balboa l1land, a r""' .Upe trom the Bay. De­ "1th r•nn.tr patio. ~I" lvt a nce broker-a. arclllte.:UI, IJU&I f'h.,ne Cltl.lnle 3 ~O • Prlvllt l' Pallott li~h tful yur around 3 bedrm home, heavy ahakt · 1 tnr r1wan 11nd 01\ly '• blk n-mflll- do you """ ortlc. 1lr 43 lll'F:•'IAl. t'RltC BONUS Girr • ,.. A. Hl'at • F1.-.pl1t f' Iv of'd OR 3-04570 or OR 3-0611:1 SUMMER RENTALS 11· 6211 nr l.l 1111 ~. ~ llk'U MOTOR OVERHAUL \\ STUART FOOT!:, Rl'ftll••r 1.1111• ll,\,j.I ONT ~ bd1111 ~ CUSTOM IHI'•, to Of' l-,'l• • a l\<1 <'1111..... t :1uJ Park A ve . Balboa IAland OR 3-e200 day or olt• fn.nt rww tvt,. rlttarl'U fl clla­ 39lf <" I bath•, ~ •·Jrm 2 balha • I DESIGNED 8 Cy la (moat) •8.88 b•lnn • r·t $1!\tl to S300 fl"r llf'l'\Hr Ko111 .. ,..1•bll11htwl b y 5 ·zAN vt.-.., deluxe 2 brtnn c ·om~Y r-.i.. .. 111n1 . AP not 8 Cyl• ( moet) ~ . 88 ex. ,...... OFFICES oo a1~!L ~~~ 0,. ,!,!,P or j duplu. ~. drapeia, bit In I H ICLJl:N :\fr KENZIE. RI.TR 1 -'\U&l.. C"&r, r<"fMVl'\CPA and LOT BARGAINS porl a New•t Conlemror­ tully lmprov..ct 1111 llhnrt w~le IShore cliff. kitchen. Sl!IO mo. YT· lnMI 1 :ll'.111 \'la I.Ide. OR 1 -8470 "° "" SllOO to '1800 rttah requJred. I No Monty Down a ry Om C'1 Bu.lldlnf. r or a 1 to ~h. l..ol.• m••. tanna 4 79 Moml~ Cuiyon Rd <'<>­ 311t to to 6 hcxu... w•f'kfy net up to Wr1t• Bm H -ll9 t Iba pA- Tropical m11dem Wllh ocean $1,000. On.I to Mont.M Pay truly dlllUnc Uva ortln a t 0 Up HS to rona Kifh.l&nda. 19pU S)()O 00 mnnt.hlv POMlblUty par. Hc61 vlitw Da•t buy ln arM. 2 nN ~ Jot. p~ a UI, 3 Bl:Dl\M, VU:W HO'Mll. fur• nomll\al rental WWI<. fUllWIW l"nr IOC&l lnl.el'­ larr• bdmu., 2 b&Ul.e,, .i.evw '*" Q\J ~ ~ ...900. lndu4- bot.b I.Abar and Paru. NlllWPORT ~ T....rly n1ah«S 1600 per mo. July • l!IEll YWW tu.U partlcul&n. Jiff den or (tamllyroom), ,ia.a H- rtnc'a. wrl.lt ~ ft.In be.cM)OI' apt. t\lmlAMd. Utll· A~ t. flay la 8Mcb RM.lty, 100 WUT COA.Jrr l'IJOHW AT pbolw. Writ. O.lnttea, P . walled to utiaUea117 pl&nted srtnd. tltUJl.p al m&ln and ltl• pa)d. OaU at 110 M>th At. LI 8-1191. '1c'3 o. Dom 1• 11. MlNl•apoli. eo. $2850. wtJ1 ewrtamlM &Ad pe.rt.I· p.Uo. Quant7 Uu·o~t. rod bM.rlnp. ~rt motor ll>pU w. )(1Jln. •lp tun~p. to-day w 6,000 m ll• JUL. • At it SSOO mo. I BR., Uon to &117 .... om" you ~ INDUSTRIAL BLOG. Low prlc• rood tenn1. eon.. ... - ~. ,.... suarantea. NJ!W delux• untum. a.pt.a. Lo- alpa. II l s.t. ocean la eh&A. qui,... 10,800' OonCft't.e Tllt·Up CON\. nu. 1lut ...u. ..,., cated a t IOI la 211 HunUn,r• Nlcitly t ,rn wtlb a uto. wuh 2 room aulta - 175. - • mom NT.WPOftT !'Mldant A propertJ La N'-aort S...rh N frVf 1.-d QAl!UCl7r8 la on. EXT!'lA ton Av.. 1n HunUn(ton S.uti. &ll02 p,. ,. L&ne. 3icU 1u1t e SH!'> ownf'r -1<.t b• ialnH• oJ'lpOl'tU· at SMOO YT W ill ...11 fur UO.· Corona Hi9hlend1 Build 8 units i • 2 bdrm a pt aao. aeo Jlf'f ___ _ ""'·••pins Ol"Mn view lot. In· I RCBUILT J:lllOINU 1 \\'A TF.ltS le T AflNt."TZER, nlly IJ\ llN'I \\ Ill f'nll.lldn pC>­ 000 wllh S4 '1,000 d <>"' n Phone cio..lll o.mr' J\Mll ett H&l • Bulll In our O'llm fact"1")' by month. ~on 11·3431 or CC>M 6\~1\lll:R RCl:TAI... Walle o-n- alUOr\ wlU\ r'l'"1 t 1t11 l"9 or '1111U e>wn.r, Ll 1-33115 llkU • I rmm atrMt U 500 dOWll bot' Blvd., 1 Wocll trom ....,..... eldJltd ma.ahJJ\11t.a. Dnn l oon· LJ:x.lncton f.5620. Hdl I t~ tn.. l·t•rh! Lovf'ly 2 t><-d· LI 8_9Mll I.I 1 ·11419 b•1Y bwrlnf'W \\"Ml• Box J-31'1, to oome llboppUlc oeni., ~ tend with th• mlddl• ·me.n. - --- ~ · '* " patln Sf"'<'l•l ratu llllllc can ot Nf'\\1 Pl""N Op48 lncllldold. Oal1 110,000, en rood BAYrRO NT t bdrm. unturn llJ!- 1 or J 11r • 8t JUI}' Kl !1·7319 61-BMJ 1'...atai. F.• uhu .. I207 I Irvine Ave. lft'ITY. eu, 41~ per • pt. Built ln "'IC'9 nVf'n , 40p42 Opp. Baycrest EstatH aBORT eL.OCK "llrpoaal. w-w rpu . la M•i- - BAT J"RO!'IT orrtCll aurn: ~">--Moo Py to Lo.a FOR •ALll OR nuoe for Neat 2 Wnn. ootl.ap WI'• 1" -.at land, 11932·''81 - -· Sl04 :in l'.. or pier, 001'1 ftJvn, Apl LJr>O 6 bdnn hnml', July Al.SO ·~ r'ORO ISi.~:, Nawport Harbof J'f'<'P l"- 10 rounded by hll'I P"'* bom-. b&rl'l.1JW tn C-t. M-1 &I.Id .... <'KEVftOLrl' • --- SJ09 l't0 R. Shown Sunday. r ••M fll ... , • n'1 ~· 1 t "tlf'n, t.2 ft. lot, 2 20x:ZO otnr• or 1bop loratlol\ LOANS f H Wt1l a pt Hu moltl lloeDM. t.arw- llYlnr nn. 6 • maia- denU&l. na.me at., '"'11 abCI It. BUICK - ·-··--·J lllaOO 6-U OO 4 i<" O w nnv 1•atloe, waah.Pr, dryn, - l.ldll 8 hopplnf Area. 0r 0meS Oc:ean BIYd ., Lons 8eacJI.. Ille. moUa eountry k1tchlft you 111~" ""''"r, T \', Olt 3 ·21 ;-.. or H OO mo H11\Pd oblneu, rar· wtll love. WI.de lot Reali• Tony Petitte. R•eltor PLM ~ 00001!: .. D AILY, Weekly, M onlhlv I.I ll 2122, rnc42 HARRY KELSO, Inc. 510/0 Interest P'ORD e ~ . - ·-·· lll:l 00 IH'l11J11 - ~u. •n atllr l / 4 ._.. d1-poeala P"Umtabed I Uoally prt11ed a t J tT,l\00, lllr· tl2t lfatboc' Bll'd, LI 1-0DSt ntR, "8 -DESOTO e s 1~000 2 bdrm.~. laundrv, l til>R~I furn hou.. s1r .. ,... i; r • 1.TOH Up to 25 years suac" • parkln1 0..,.... clual•e wHh - u.ta x...... u lo6UT .!ITlfDll, NA.IH e -·. , 13000 P"«'lt 1t1'.l \\' t>aantront. OJ"'" l lo 3 432 \'Ill Oporto OR I' •I\ ... sa1s. J'LU8 IN8TA.Ll..A.TIOS SANDS 4 1, 1, ' '·' per w~·k , l'hune Httc CONSTRUC'TION LOA.NS Opein Dally A t o e l l lfl-1120 w B•lbr4 Bl\,, a m • f'V PA OR 3·19M 8E:l!J 1\0 1"1 " " 1'TLl:R OCEAN FRONT Monday Tll ., Pm OR a-9l\77 OR 1 - 20~9 39<' 42 OFFICE BLDG. 'l616 EAST L'OA~1 Bl.VO. 1 8un4ay 12 to 2 • lttr - Corona del Mu OR S-7800 ~T ~~.~ft~:·~ g h lathrop Newport Beech 1 tslork mWtt m..,t O\Jr atan11ftt!U NJl"F..LI rum home on LIVO For luae, n-. pluall two ~ R.f'p. POilUJ:R ).fORTOAOIC CO. a.rM, T\iaUn T u a.nu. ft.llALTOR OMrm.b1f I tldrm, S illa.Ut 2 6 rt111 TuM, a nd oil AT't'RACTIYE 3 bedrm In C-01ta rnr J 1:V A Aua bdrTrul nn. ault•. a ullable for 1'9Dtral Metro urt tna "1nd1 Kl 7 -44 03 ltc'1 wa m. eo..t ll°"" .xtJ1e mbe.r BelteT BuslM.. Bur.. au M-. ywe.r1 y Prlv pe.Un, aarb dtn (r) nd nl>O" wUI ...... m. cotrlc• . .M· l .on• 2903 La.fay· REAL ESTATE LOANS --- H ~. 01\ J..3220 di.p OU. OR 8_.7U icv.. OR mc.dll• • fl Pf'Orlf' OR a-91\0S or ). • 4. "".. "' , _ ff!T v A.L\.TE rlnip&&o.. Mdu4· 110 r. lrd JU I 12H yrty...... l ~ 't . .. Jun• .. nJv. A'-'> h•ch•lor • rt ------M-. Hnmtt Of' • Pllrtmefi,.. wood lfJ>'\ lma1l -.... -- - larre llTAT'm ftO"lnEP Nf'\\'J)Oll"t ~r h • 1r43 ror 2 a11 1111 .. avLl l. July lit. N- nr old li4 wi" and .ave ------Id paUo, lltlla cb&nn. NfWPC)t1 loL ~ '° ~ - fnwtt. 1,,,_a C&rl - ,.,... Tcr"'1n1 -- - 721 I v. O f\ 1· 6U!I. 39trc LEASE VIA LI DO b)' T'f'tll\llnl"lntr ynur r~l FOJ\ aAUI or T'IU.Da - by Hll&J"ta, l'f_,,ort ••a ell Tou --1111 Uft u ~ i • B-R f •-t d t~n Minimum upf'nH 20 ownar-duplu . t ·ad:nn. ..,.h "choola r'Ull pr1ce Ut.:00 w1UI IO\dld .... ., .., ..... It(• - OlUlel9 or nrn - ---- f'tnr@ nr otnce a nd 1t11 10 - e .. - N- R-'..,t.a. In Yt;R::'i . ii:u " "t&l· • bdrm. :l •rt Tup 1t""'l fH.nt Inc•· ynr t flrm It dNl"'1 No Ghere• - - --..-·· -M ' 1.'"60 Down. Hart>or lnY'9t· ond noor. 'as.eoo TwmA • t 2-Tn..llnw batn 111 L-....1..& M.... 1126 mn I 1 h1n, nf' r IJ'1o R•J. T'ltr It fnr p-.llmln111 y • rrral.Ml Kl I oome f ltlO mo. For ba&ch n\4ftt 0o , Oft 1·4'00 - eft, lnclud.l'ljf 1 a r J • n • r ram•- •lip avall•bl" 2 ~~7:l 11 nytlm~ prop.ny. LI I.an&. ..l OS 1-!Wlt ITllc ON BALBOA ISLAND 1 Homer Shef er, Rftr. worth rmr. OR 3 ·4970 • k U Ht:LP.:N M <"Kr.l'Zn:, IU.Tll. I ARTJ{UR A MAY T Ml'ly • a-1 rent&la 10t Mcthdllea OJ\ t-lftO Vacation Trailers 33:!& Via Udo OR 1-1470 Mnrt111«• 1..ootn conwpon,,..nl I 6"- 8-1 Esta&. CORONA DEL MAR P'OR R.P:NT lf)\\ p;~T RA TE!! 2 UF.DRM r.1m ll•• ...... A\' An. x.mw M'UlUpa. u.ttq IOttc 1 Qcddent.al w e I.Mu~ l'o Maka your ,_rv11tlM1a now Nelda Gibson, Rltr. JULY THftt' !'EPT, N .. ar OC11AN vmw. _,. btll. to Pf' KAJ\BOft TftAD.l:R .!! Ul"'PLT ~ Marlne A Y&. OR 3-6680 heath, <"•rona df'I M&T ORl nl ~ CbJ.na eov. 2 untu ( ma1 be 2170 Hl.rbor Blvd, LI 1-CliU Blllbo& uland 1 ·!121'18 4 lrO STORE BLDG. Nll1 Yert.11 to 1 llD!t I 1arp 160 WELLS PLACE paUo 21 t O&h1ta. o.n Oft l&<-48 OOt; A MESA Un/Um. eparlOltl PENINSULA a-utillaJ ~ ·-- • .. • 8 UiGciR ,;;j fiU. Y ~ - F'n r l•u. 2llll!l J: Cnut on S-1111 f« aJ)S*ntmenL .& noon.~~ ------ll bad rm , 2 b&tll ?tome nn Ba.)'Sho,.. S 17~ . Glllf H•on Loans Homes I H•y • Oorona del Mar. Oe.11 • , b Joe k to ocea.n. De1Jf1kttul ... Dblla. PftC' ~ ,..,.., • 'I p k 1 oorMr lot. ~ dlar--l. 11'11 \ ' AN HORN, ftltr l..l ownflr, Mr M l'C\1latton, ORlnlt Build.ID( A Lo&n. ll\lllJ.nl\<.'9 ...,,., lot. W-211 to aD 1tMJi1 • Fernwoo d Tra1 er ar trpi. ,. ,. heat L&.naJ. taJ'ld· hnme ~nt OC"tt.11 "'-· - R· 4277, 41Q43 3-09ill. 2~ 1 r and pr1va t1 tunda lA"I• lnta U!'I - Ul'I baale ac.a~ . dbl iru Sl!'IO mo tJ IAl'f'I unnc room. I -- J BEACH OOTTACla s.tll.lllftl oe 11ul 9'. Mktas llUOI ~ Kan ""7· d prlr• . Tr-. l a wn• n ow,.n 1· 7110 aft.er e pm. ::2trc "umm•t ft1nl&I Free Quick Estim ates badrooma. t b&tha. eputoua Only UOOO clown, b&le.llce S \00 uaoo ...,._ • C"lllldrwn auef111>'1, ftMr 411.0 l'H 123 Via t'n•llll, Llr ' " for lmrMdl•t• OC(!Up&ftey. Only • pt. el lot. ltOYe 6 tTM Pf....,,,ort .,..._, a.ta W• d ., min " n.&ch• Will 1.ccom AVA.lLABLll l\O,.., Oo9en front Mm11 , ~ h a l ha I ca r aa.raat rr;• r c 1 llOn• Located DON 1 HUDDLESTON nr ,..., I· mo'1a te trl1'9 I" •l'I rt ... nlh~r n>nt.al• • 1 1'""' 0' 1111 ' GllMo to , l'lh ho11 •• OR 3 ~Rll~ l"•lh ftllll Ralbo11 Rlvd' l!lul t LI l-6041 r • p U3 !>00 Try S6.tl00 down Nf~ In.cl , aU f &nl'l'd. ao at LI •Kn U •i&HJ I tteU 161 t N-iic>rt. fllvd m er J'tt.lH. Inquire 2231,t, ~2"" I n t.tc ahle fnr r•lt.11 lmlll ~ plumb- I hll'hway nHr toot bndfe to I ! LI 8 Ml l 21l'U 8t. OR 1-36611. 21 ~ 0 _ "r• f'IHtrtl'a.t ahnp. at~• eta.. I I st & 2nd T. 0 . loans Newnort Duplex l ~h . Hurry on t.MI orv: .. -- _I - -- - T"!:Sl!'lflt"L.A 2 b II f1r..plal'.. ANIU• I r. r 111n n n Roya l Mor+goge Co. w... 11 ~ tWlttar. 112.ano . 1 h &J •• .. an 1 blDCk lo t he rhan j-1 );\;::;:;-t; ft. v• •• 1l11n tr• ••~ ."l-4-8UAln...... OpportunJUN 'I bdrm Nmpua M<ot otter. Ootq ~• ...-..&l &.114 ...... All ELECT. Kitchens ORiole 3-0220 11r 1 I uni\ ready t or Y•"•r •w • 1-t>• 4. Anllt l tle .1111 • I I t'OP.C1SA 111'1. MAI ' Ut,OOCl Ml• pl1.&1 a rut.al umt. ~ UM New'p0'1 BIVt ff' lt!w• r or a 1tn• fl'1t 11n t urn1• hc•I JSl.ASfl • l><'l 1m hntiae • 8 pprM, 110.000 dnwn BT ~. I Wrm ...... 1111:lll.,.:1 11!10 mu yearly I bdrm apl t.lVO 191..i: u · JtSI. ...UM\ eoDdlUm...... 11:\ PJ:R M oi-.-l'H nt-"' mn·lrm I on ft-4 M n. _,- IOI ft p,...__, r11r e l'llnlnr arn ~ ll• llr t11 fl1I hull! In R 0, a11 nt1v t~ · or h m• • -~ n\J'. ~ or lftOC8I 111'4\f I.fl priva te be.loon)· 017 W lllth riann 11nf\1r n S111"1 "'" 49-Koom.• for ltflnt OR- 3-7111 eaGO WMt <"nut H11hw1 y A.UUli JIT.IOO. MJ &. aGti' ~t , <'ntta M•"" o r C Lll \Ir• .vaarly ------~~------trlvN •- ~112 ~~l\112 Rt, t•CJtlta M'-. LI l-641t. \l• Va \(1 11 · ~'.li'I 4ntfr u r.r K , AA\' 6 ltll:Af">I RltAl."n 81 NNY "' 'Hf'.~ MOT'ICI. •1 ~0 - 1.mo l !\U. P':Xl"l.U!tl\'E ltralto" Ao 1'ralln ""'" ltn.•m• .a. a ph '" 1 1·1 P"'' ,.,..,k up S •ar R lvtl t.100 •A. T rttONT .. , I R"'lrm '1nf 111•n Jnw• t • l'I ,.;1t1 202., W. Balbnt HI\ ,1 Rrand n..., lunary hotn•, Ju• l • • hnrrlnir '> 11 1111 1o 1... • r h Miniature ... r1orrh, dl~I A irar1.ce. a 110 Nl'""'J'Of't ",., h rrrmpi.tlnf. 6 bednn., I tMIUI n mrmlh nn iv ,,.,_ wa I tr Iii I!. W lla<•n 1.1 11-11 2111 e>r r•r W!'" 01\ " 1200 41'1f Udo Nord. lt?,600. Open C' •lU. ranch. N oL far /rom · ·• •rr 4 11:u ,,- 1.1 on1•>1 • 3 1<1 I\ 4!\i:'i ,, Jlr ~I '1•- R1uid.a,.. ll rsw-r l\&y ()I\ Cowl 1.1 road · .. H 701 rr 11 ·• . Robert ,.orb. .. Irvine Terrace Rldr Ml 1 -Ul\2 OT Mt 1 ·2272 """"•d ,,_.tu,.., S bdrm a nc'I llc:!ll <1"11 hom.. Would make tr.IUw ... n•LH••A 'K "'•" ff'flrit .. ,,. s 11 :, SLEEPING ROOMS I •I ~< klMIN A'rlJllCl ll IH"'1 . 1111r n s: n '"' y J; It, pa,rlf. • ,.,.r \ l ,..,.~ \H\I olt• AIM\ "l• fllA tlt••t ti• •t •'' r ra , lldrft'\. ft•rt• i '.1~11 22.07 % '1 """ llv t ht I J b#'ollrm Uf>f'U 1\ #k -' •rl S ii~ t .... rh " J'&l ln nf\ 3 211\l• .A I,.\• ""nl 1'11-.I !111111 ,.fir r Pl:RMANICMT OCEAN A BAT ,, ...... $~·· a ll•lurn 1''"1 v• r fut )•IU "''''" I.a• n ..w 1 ,,.., .,;t ~t•u1 In apare time II 11vt hume ti 400 Allllo C-om.r ,..., " ,_, i.: f\\IY• • '~fl'fl """'" -~00 •"ll•· Vf>U I""' 11 .... 2n•I T I• for Vlt:W I bdrm le ~ft 1 ~ ltll !\. 7 ."l'.10 1t1,.,, ..-~1c r1111 11 .... t"Al a llna VI-. -.NI Fitzmorris RJty. Co.. ., ( "' ll n,.,, JI 414 ~o THI': \' w 1f ll"f'Plv-e Nul ~ I! Jl(t0M8 . 11 111et , ,....OILAhl• 1·11 m n .. nllll\f and <'"ll•rtlns mnn• y l all Mr A t1 • n•• 1...... 0-..t Wsllway fM l • h',. h.-1~ ll214 H lt1"•· U I 4780 H r O 1... ,,..,, ,., .... 11 r•rl1 r•tl f •• t•'!f\I F"R RI , r 1' I. 1, • I) ,.,..._ Tn 11uallty yuu 11111• 1 ---- nloh..S nr 11nl11rn 111••• " furn • bdrm, 8 ti.th h nm• :l•H llAVI a r11r ~f•~nr • S'fll'I ------BY OWNER- r u h to .,.. 11 r<1 ln\"'1tnrv lf\4· C o,ta Mesa Inv. Co. "' nr••n Jrront. :-;, • 1""1 rtu h .1.cok, CMnrlfltely 1nrl.--1 """" H . t>y "111on ,.,,..,. ----- Lido Shopping Area Who', D•aperete-! '•I I r Tl B Que ft•f r.1•1lrM I .J 1...,..n _.,.,.,., -----~ 124 llr 0&'1.,..,.y, r:..t.a ~hM ••I 1 flt uc<'o d upa.x, n.. r oron. rll.lln· I \flt" 1 ~ 2 bath. ramltv ' 11!112 "' 0 1\ l••rl 1 f>,.vntlnr; a \oOr)' tw, UfOOMJ: H•:A I, f":'-lrll ltJ::'l:TAI. '~'" '" " ,,, , ""'"• a "',.,.k '" tha h1t•I"•"" ., .... 1 I.Ho Po.m nr11a Yerhl A nrh.. r· frotn VI• ot~ mtkM lll• pav• wall ' fl&Mlll"f. All ~It -I n M• r ln~ " I\• h'Mlt •r• 2 M~ '""r pen.,1l•(H nt r'lll«llnn• ..... 11 t rno1 of l l•t 8l , ,.,,....,, l.1dn T\1 ¥ - ()..fa n ~ ••·•' m• ntl E •ct 11 • n t rnndlUnl\, kllrMn, WW carpeU~ . C'l&a • fl"'!'I" ' • rara'• T" 1• 1"'n· ~h,,1111 ,,.1 a lvwo "'·•••$ • In \tnt#' I .,., lfe \ I , 111!•'11 nlrt ly fltrft. dlll 1•1 "(• . patine tnm drape• tn nwy ronm. a t.•11 f111 n11\ .,:,, 1"'"'• A \ "4 11 * VACATIONERS * f'Ol"t ...,. h 0 1\IOI• ~ . 933 (1 ,,,,.._ \\.1111 \ f' r\' r<'W'lt1 f"•U I• .. 8Uft ti.ck ftn l Vllltlf' 11· r I II 11()() ~,.,. f' . ... , I "' I {,1 ' • n f lf'nfA ~ ,,., , .. v•"lill" I IHY ill• rr • 11•h \\1 1J l "\Jl lil.I• t'1tfl fl\" Rl ' ll.l>P:f\ AT - Nl'W °"' 0 r ID r11r ru "' "' f>t l,I V '" t .. ~11 f: I\ •1 rrtJI 11!1 • con • f "nxl1111a. A•lclnr $JllOon OA o ma • - nn Ir,. •11t 1n1 l\(• •n r on' \\ -1, . ,..,. .. ,. c Ir ., \\ r '" ,,, Hr .. 1. ., 1 RI\ h"~ '- , ,.,.. lill nlt 1'#11 1 1• 11ao11aht. '•r 1 i ":\ '"' ,, ''•fh lr111Ut • l11•' '"""'n• ,. r,,.,,tt 11n ll ,_ 2i>~ U ntt•r "ru..CS. Mu•l , fl ,. t•nJ,. \ f1V ,,.,. }.i f ft'1 007 1ni1v Ir • p11li • nl r a n 'lll• llrv, r Q hlA Jl• f1ot I ~--·I~ 1'•11-t1H l fl t.'9- tfl "61 k 1.. 1tv• ..>C">n , - anyUma. "'1nc. r(lfll )J'll" I •I I. ~·A II "~ r 11•n 1 ____ ... ______... _.;_, - lnrp1• • 221 t :1~n1t t..t __ _ Hay ~ · 3 1 .... et. 11 A nilly pl-• .U ~ . 1• 1'1•<'•. r11 .. ,,. on ~ ~·, •,11 ··?1tr fin•''''"' "•" •'' ''" - ''Ill l• ih 111 •rt.l!.X •a.•lJlll1• l'.oel• ..,..,.. M'"' '"'"' •r'. ,, ,,.,. • • .., ,. • ll bv l 'n rn1 ••1""1•1'1n 1., full \\ /\ ._ l'l~l 1 I '" :1 t-< 11 n l"M"" lt•ltrbC e. .A l.. t Jllt (lr.. lfl JI ntf lrt'lftlt. MJ t •:U:l4 41p1" II f ,111· I • I In BLDG. •11na f"l"l' I"'" *""'"~· " 1' I ,,...,. ,,,.. t • I ' , II BUSINESS ..,,,., •• "' .,,, n•ar 11• w, Ul,fllflll '""""' brn· N • w• P.,..... ~v• n-• and '" . , , , 111 ,. , ,,.,, :~r''i 1 _., .ti r4"'• P•,.nl 1 ~ \ ,,, I •• ,, , 11 .. ' " i>llU lOJ• C'IWl•I tl ls h ' . . , •·ntrr ln( h11I• r~" -" "' ,. '-"h • r•" 111 Ill !4m11ll ' l\1 ,,. ,, 1'' """TII z ' .... k••r I.I ll · tll7:1 aft .. r ~ fl 111 picture C'1Vfll"ll•• <>f tit• Harbnr 1 -r 1 'J#t ' II f 1 ,.11;1 111 -.00 r• T11k1 r 1•" • 111 \ .,, 1n "''"' '- .,,...•• llA 1,.. ~ (,-....,.~ <1,1 \hr ''' m or area.. 3 • ~ · Coron• del Mu ISL.Ml> ~ larp ... 2 1-tM. hUo , --t• bedn.oma, 2 batlMt. ~ Just offered. PltIKE LOCATION Ju.st lisUd thla beauutul 3 .... pool. ~ Sl1,800. )(Oft .. fl5000 Owner la'riftr 11t.ai.. Only ••500 bedroom bome do a comtt lot, 1 block to Ocean ..... Blvd. i'eetun.: Forced air beat, hardwood floors, LIDO IAYfRONT C-1 FRENCH RIVIERA bu~e flaptone nreplace. dining room, bar ldtcb. ALMOIT 200 ftl:T ON THE BAY. BulldJnp, At.rrHENTIC FRENCH REGENCY STYLE en complete with ti~ . prb. d1apoeal. Beautiful Plln A lllpe. A prime JocatJon. 8hOWI u aotJ. HOKE ON LIDO I.SLB:. Heated tDtered pool. ' petio all fedced. No othm like it tor the price of at Ht ntu.m with a m.lnlmum lnftltmmL W• Bedrooma. den, 3 h.th.I. 70 n . lot. See w. home $31,MO! Owner will cany balance to qualified otfR 1°" priM of owntnhip. today. buyer with reuonable down pa.yment. FABULOUS VIEW Right next to Irvme Terrace HELEN McKENZIE - REALTOR & Auocietes (ill not leuehold land), comfort.able 3 bedroom, and bath home. From your living room you a3M Via Udo VIA LIDO REALTORS Day or nit. OR 3.8470 t ~~ look over the en~ activity of Newport. Harbor. "V LOOKlll 'C' THOlr!AS 'C' THOMAS Price $oi9,MO - tubmit ttnna. Cliff Haven A OC&AJf rR.01"', Oii HAVE YOU SEEN 3 bedroom home, cl<>M to achoola and shopping in Potnt ~rt\OHT I ~ . r. , I Newport Heights ta.a.la. - t..7tftc pc»­ a beautiful netrhborbood. Submit $3000 down, D M11'1nt..-; on:N 110l1B U.T 6 SUN. Home •llWt.IM - wtD make .now­ auume existin1 fl.nt truat deed with payment.a ... tor~ .. -Olfl.T OPEN HOUSE THE BEST DEAL IN TOWN? of $92.00 per month Including pnncip&J.. taxe., ln­ ...... 2 belrm 1 b&tb bOIDI plaa ~y 1 -· ·- ...aoo / ' Wiii Ill DJoe1y taraMbtd. $21, 750 aJa('UnDa. Here'• your Chance to own YOUR DREAM Sat. Ir Sun. 1- cs •urance. Price only $15,000. OCEAN ftOMT JNOOMJD - I ~28 Santa Ana Ave. s-IMdroom u.nlU, s l·Mdroom HOME. 3 and • bedrma and WT• family room COSTA llESA be« b<\lq be&da - fur· 2 batlla. fireplace, bullt.-in kitchen, llel'Vice porc.h Evervthing You Need Spe.cloUI - Low Down Pymt .! EXCBLLENT RESID~L AREA ln Hw­ U2 D04DWAY charmhll - l\JalMod - 6 J&NC'M - ST200 1M7 tq. ffft and m&n)"l1m\ny other fine featurea. -.ttrcil walled P'OQD~ - S bdrm, dinl.nr rm, . Ille~ - A8KINO '63.000 bor Hlghlanda. Fully landscaped yard, with large Located In Coeta Meaa, beat Eut lllde. Juat one ~ · S.. WI for ooly $1G.OOO. Sm&1l down a.Jn' HA VEN • - <>uut.udln1 Low Mo. Pymts.! covered patio and completely ftnced 3 bednna &t VLEW 0( uit.a. bay a nd ocean block Eut of the Catholic Church. On corner 2 batha, large living room wilh corner fire­ ~ - -...on IHdKa,.cl 2 ot S&nta Ana Ave and Walnut Street. Mdroom, I bat.II, nylon car· Near Schools! place, hardwood !loon , wall to wall carpet.a Ii ~ - lmtn&cul&t.e 1 not MODELS OPEN EVERY DAY drape., forced air hMt. Attractive k1tch~n wired BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor 1-'loldl J'W'111ahed - S•A.000 lmed. Occupancy! tor 220 and pa, prbage diapoul Laundry and 111 MartM A"·· 8&.lbGa llJ&nd OR.tole a~ Priced - Sl!i,900 - to $17 , ~ Nll:WPOftT HIUGHT8 lot. W1UI dbl prage. Perfect condition to move tight ln. Down $7~ to sm I t will .... bedrooma, full .ta. .-ne Y'9w ., --·-··· '7960 din. room, built-ln Idtcll4n, Good tlnancln1. Aakinc $22,9!)(). LIDO Bunt by Dike a.nd Colerrove. bdwd. noon. s1e.&00. OPEN, HOUSE SAT. I SUNDAY Claire Van Horn Tbt. i. THE VOGEL CO. JULU.TOJl DOWN TO EARTH ' 147 Vle Undlne-1-5 p.m. 1111 W. ODut HWy. LI 1-uT'T BAYSHORES 2e&7 E. Cout H.lpway, Corona d.al Mar OR 1-~20 O&ll n-. LI •&211 .. ... Fr' ...... - ... "' lot. lo. patio EVERSON-WALKER, Realtors EYE APPEAL •Jlr•I' I ...... ' Bil. , ba. dllhwuh.r. ... - • ... ldtcbeD p1ua ma.ny atlu thnt- LI 8-Mll ~ n.nda 111.y .. h~ ill • M'll' eondlltiOll, &Uracltft In­ LIDO ISLE .... Ola ai.o bt llad oompl tum. LOT S8,750 terior, ab&lre root, IIv . room Tou ea.a bllUd & dupl" with bu comer UMd brick nrP- SMALL DOWN PAYMENT PaKAlfllNT VI!:W Duplex on R·3 lot. Rm 1 plal'e , bar t~· ~ built-In au I a deck aJ)d ~ff a bey Vl• w CORONA DEL MAR tor ed41 .w4Jo apt for own~r or tenant. Walk f'lo.e to l&t h }a B&lbo&. Top 1<>­ tle<-lrlc kltt hPO , 1,,. family 3 Bedroom.ti 2 Bath & Df.n - FUiiy Carpf'lf'rl It .....ac. to Udo 8boppln1 Rtduced to $48,000 rwon, belll Ot'•an b«arh bOO MARGUERITE AVENUE din 1<>nm o~n 1n g onto tn• I Draped ~aut1fuJ wood paneling with 11oft patio fn r ma~1m11m outdt'W'lr lta.thery f1ni1h . Di.shwaahn, 011hmaster. Di"· - ZS ~ do.,,,_ ll\IMI :\ nllt bt!ITA MESA.. near Htah IChool. Lookln1 tor a O.lr• financing OPEN HOUSE ON WEEK ENDS ..11 . 1 H&WPOAT BEACH. Wul&' Uve on Ocnn LIDO ISLE 3 Br. :r 1 Bath a Near Club, Furnuiht-d·r('ady ln Bey mo\'e 111 . $28.750 ..,_f We b.t.n 51' ot cbolct property 10nfd &elboe Properti11 I NEWPORT HEIGHTS SLEEPERS BM11htut 1111 . homt on ' ~ 1~ W. B&lbo& OR 3. 7un tt will eouider tnd6. AUJna ~.ooo. I q ui.Jn v b uilt a ti.eted &nd R. C. GREER - REAL EST ATE CORONA DEL ~AR level and 1..n-erular to provide lndJVidualJty o! onlv 5 ' ~ "Nn t>ld. Shown bv . NEWPORT BEACH 1&11 VII Udo OIUole M300 I a ppotntm.. nt onlv - PRICED Value Con"ious 7 bomt d~•lcn . Corner S7,000, In.a.Ide lot $6,500 a t U ll &00 Charm.mg Duplex on Catah.na ~I q ~I OWJ!f1:1\ )maYt..ni •t.at.e. Tour I 8 Unlt.t on 16th in Newport SM 000 ~ .t &ow'l:l·a be9t buy• Channel Front Pier &. Float $26,500 'IALIOA OCEAN FRONT H~ely da&A, aocS.m I RAY REALTY CO· Wrm. 1"'6. bOL. le• II•. rm SHORECLIFFS For these and other rood valuea call I ...... "9 Naf'&I room. 2 bath., nc.k>Nd ftac t\'-pl paUO, dbl p r 34·H E. Cout Hwy .. comu ot Nart'iuua A v~ . PRIDE o r OWNER.SHIP' ic.... 1 1-Ul>ft. Top ·n Ju• a 1 .... .lllli ,..tlo. I CU' p.rq'e (elec. CODtrol.ted) ORiolt 3-1:>43 S..till!UI ahore Un• '''""' f rom a>t IOO w / ""00 c1n thl• 1mmuula1e J 1>4'droom • Duncan Hardesty, Incorporated MUJUJl:L rtMOVER. RM.ltor Mmibtt or Multiple u.t.inr Servi~ K. den hnm• rtrhlv r a~ • I ...... ITOT I:. 0-. Hwy I POll\#ttla l REALTORS • Di I ...... I '-lb. Ip llWta room., trpl, drapt'd M.ttatand1nr klUhf'n I Oft &-0610 Oft ~ '"'"1 w1U\ tiullt·ln ,,.nc,. ov.. n A 3112 Ltalayttte Avenue OR 3-~30 4 leU ...... ~~-- CORONA HIGHLANDS dlllpM&J ASKINr. h 3 !\-00 --~ -- - - ~ 'Wm N&WFOllT OCZ&N PRONT EXCLUSIVES ()pf-n Houee Sunday June 22nd 524 De Anu "Our Reputati9n Special Notice-Water Front Income ...... U t..t oa UM B l& k y T tum Our Succeu" 3 B.Ra. - 2 Batha - Be&utiluJ encloeed patio. Witt& ,._ "1~ Pett111Ual I A.a excl uaive acenu, we are off,rmg for aal; th.­ I a t t Tll • S11 .000 p« year. Larr- Lot. Room for pool. Provinclal dte1p. All two lot.t on tht very cho1c' N .E comer ot Ntw­ SIM.MO M JilN' Utl.000 the extra fMtW'H you want ln a 1'Ml bocH Our ~ "C" THOMAS port Jaland facinr &Ibo& Covea and the ma.tn COAST PROPERTIES CO. Exclusn• bay. 0.. ., tM ew.t ~ tn REALTOR aunl lA'l'Bm>, a..ltDl­ llal"- wtUa t.a "4,.tolnl"I Y&· and ASSOCIA TE.S Thtre la over 230 fttt on th,. bay a.nd ea.ch lot CUl lot. AaltlQI ~ . 000 lub- & lllllli ...... _ O!Uole 1-MlO NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 224 W Cout Hwy I.I I ~i1 1 11111 ~ 1Wf08tble down ,..,. hu It.a own pnvate boat moorinr dock...... JOe Karine Ave . Balboa 1aland !(E'Wp(')ftT BEACH eut ORIOLE 3..M80 'C' THOMAS 'C' THOMAS lmprov~ment.a conai.at of two modem atucco Dme I ••• C. H. LEE, REALTOR duplexee. Ea.ch ot the four unit.. have their own 110 w . ..,_ Bml., B..n.­ fenced patio u well u an Individual pra.ge. OA!oi. l · SIOI TRADERS SPECIALS I.ME PARK ESTATES B/B L'nuaual clrcumat.ancea pernut ua to otter ex­ tttmely favorable tenn11. $17,000 down and $500 Lido Iale waterfront lncom~ Sh&rp 2 a. 3-BR NEWPORT HEIGHTS a month including inttrNt on th~ balance. duplex. rood lnrome record Owner will trade tor $ 18,950.00 h&Tbor an&. Value-future • • '*1~ &nd funlly rnt>m • 2 t\111 t u b b&Uu STUART FOOTE, nail 111.u>dlq .. a ,.., va..lu. hllbroolr avneado ranch, 124 . ~ Trade for in­ w. Realtor on loMJ'a _,..t and h.u • • Hardwonr:t ~ Ill,..... n~ dH\Nu tuture w1UI pomibUt· comt bMc h arM. pl•N'' 211 i W Balbna Blvd . Ntwport Buch, Caltr U.. Ut !JM',... U.. I- JI • ,.ullv l•nrH.I mnm '"" ~ · OR 3-0e70 L1 8-5400 OR 3-0603 Mllt.a1M S llt4W'M A t IU'J• THE VOGEL COMPANY • l.A.ra'• °""bl• ,..,..... - '"""""" ------UIO ... feet a4)U Well -.t1I bench oa~ • S-..11t1tul m.ut~ bnodrrw>m t 1" COLLEGE PARK IN.• -- wtll ~ 208 Manne Ave , Balboa Iala.nd llD.000 ~ W• W'\U be • H " • Ev'M 3.84~ ...... le .,. OIJ9 • rt•• Pboneia · ORiole 3-2220. 3-2222 OR • Lnta nt ronm nrar ..-hont. ! • Ont"1 ...... ,...J • alUO ._1 A STEAL' PRICE REDUCED Well locatl"d south of Orang,. Cout Collegt or call H om•. HUI 6 euy • Tt>rm•""".. I <><-• 111.noo within walkin«i dlatance to bfo&l'h and KI 5-4341. It t'He'rvationll are mad' now Home, kn a.mantlno • ahoppin1 Hrdwood n oon . f1ttplace, FA h.-.t Bey & Bea ch Rlty., Inc. for th11 modi"! or your choice. you mav "'-1 - , J IUOO tile lllt<'hen a.nd bat.ha. large dlmn1 room, muttr l\l:ALTOR.'l purch~ lhl" hom11 complf'tely furn· Hoa.. laf'l9 r"'Unda M·t , II A!lt Nflwpnrt B lvl1 f"nct • M•• 1 Mnnro'fi&. nM.r Ulh . ll'T ,lllWI b.droom with •dJOlnlnit "• bath, brkk r-uo l11hf'd De.y CC' !\lie phntle L.I • · l IAI 6 a..-,rtm•t.a. ~INUli& . NIM> F H.A. l~n and now prrctd at only $21 900 - THE HAPPIEST PEOPLE lnr""'41 uktn1 13• . ~ - - 1 EXCLUSIVE LIVE IN COLLEGE PARK N. B. C. Realty CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. 41d6 lt"'1 6 Ne"' i-t Blvd PRICE T Mcet•-isTION Rl"altor • AM l)(' IAl~ Ollln&e J·~ BAYSHORES 3447 P:. Cout H11hwa y, Ct~mn& d~I Mar OR 3-0940 VERY GOOD CLaA.ll - • (lf\lll ...... u r &nYU I'll' and rl f' v~r .. I.JI• ho-41. BUY ..-- .. ~ .-111 ,.. omc. lncalfod next door to Ca11tornl& Bank. Cdm d-rtptint\ nt Uli. I a ~rm :l bflldrnom" plu11 family room. hninrl Of'W Nirf' ly at\. Ol\b' .... ,. ~ aM 2 BAI.II Hnme v-'J n1. rn&· land1rApt'd. Rf'flUIY pe.llf'lllnit. 1" 1t ll LI> w a ll r.,,...unc nlrPIV llUWUr &~ 11~ .n..w. llpllt )ey. placee. Living mom. bf'drnnm. h1.llw11y ""f1lPIP

WALDRON REi.LTY I ACJIUP'lCE by "'" n"r S &1rm , PHIL D. SULLIVAN :t b&lh. J tlr•plar M U2 :/(\(! SANFORD, REAL TOR l l\."16 Ntwport Rlvrl ( 'm1t11 M rc;,11 BnJl:x>a lala.nd OR 3-lOM tL'~ d!sbwuhsn. tototd atr flrepla.cH, or • POSSESSION FULL P1UCll ONLY ,12,000. t.raftoe, The W- Como qsatblt tlntplait• la roak roofa, 1UdJn1 .... door., all-copper (don't beaullful Thia lan't a middle of th• n>ad boru-­ buy without tl\JI) water UMI anti all the ullUllM NEWPORT HEIGHTS 11 Why P•Y Rent If You Can Own?" you 1hould lfle lt. .(0 foot lot and only '10D,OOO· an tn and ~ tor . .U tb.lu homo. •nt In th.I * county the ~ lhould bl "'uch l~u t ha.n many * APARTMENTS Ju1t !lated the neat.eat •-bedroom, 2°bath boma LIDO ISLE BA YFRONT of th• home. a block away In either dhwt.ion· IM•ttd 1M1 tbu I llilocn trom HIP llChool tn town. Ono-haU block from one of Cost& M• • llOO to ~ IQu.&1'1 felt. 111,DMI to .23.000. rour mst&ll ,., ~ tnd U Wroem ..... u'1 neweat and fin•t 1hopplng center. ee.\lt!· l'Jwry po111lble lUlC'W')' featu" ill t.hil & bldronm & bath home. from th• exLra ... th... TODA'l, Doors• P nuccola and ' ,.,...... Lot 6tpt!l et 300 t•t ...... ,,.. !ul paUo &nd lovely dichondra lawn front ud P•rfeot eondiUon "°""' large bolll .Up to Uie •trttt. Oecorat.ed, carpeted hu don.e a ftne job of builclln1 qual1t y hr>mu for addJUonal Wlltl. With $6000 down ow.- rear. FINANCED THRU F H.A. WITH l,..OW wttb loll of • .-. ftrr srowtn1 famlll,.• 1n a nlr.1 wlll CUl'J MIHct al 1210 per month tncludlnl MONTHLY PAYMENTS. FULL PR!CJC ONLY wt dtJ1ied witb ...,,.. !•tins Md wt.. Terriflo kitcht'n w1Ui 2 Refrigeraton1, deep froenl, 2 oven• ntt1hborhood of the Bafk Bay. In our mlw lnterM. ,,.._ sa.eoo. $13,600. et.c. Tht' muter bedro<'m 1uJte l1 beauutul be· Ui• &re by far the blft buy1 011 the ma1 ket to· '" YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THIS yond belie!, 1116,000. day. J'rom ... dn. $2,200 DOWNI * Tht. ch.arming 8-and-den, H. -bath home, f1',160 ftrr 1'19 equare tett of~ Uvlq * area ph&1 • doubll ,.,... and a OOoYeNd a1U located cla.e to town uid Coat.a Me.a P u' Mi rnlly our buy of the week. Very well planud p. a. palmer incorporated paUo. ConlW. of a IMns room, dlnnit.la l"OOISl. tamlly l'OOlll with ttreplaoe, buQt..ln ldi.heii tn with bre&kfut room, dmm~ room and flrepia'-c. olt h•nton co. man•ttmtnt • Carpeta a.nd drapes ar~ Lndudl.'d. Block wall fenc· THE DEVELOPERS OF LICO ISLE SINCE 1935 natural uh, I '*1room1 and l~ bt.Uw. Ope ed uid well landac.ped FUL4,. PRJCE ONLY nOC)r plan wt~ attnotJve entry hall Your COME TO HEADQUARTERS tritndl wttt tow \)It. '-cmc $14.500 WITH TERMS. 01\lnla 3. 7300 3377 Vt& Udo LOCATION COUNTS 6 UNITS pooo DOWN * Do you nnt to be able to walk to lhopplnr, YOU CAN .....t bay In ton. Looated OD 120 x UI '8t town, 1ehool 1nd churches. and do you nted four B/B WE DARE YOU * w1thln a mDa of die W.. Stat.a ffftlPltal. in.., bedroom• T Then let u1 1hcw you ~early "C" Ed Jon11, Rltr· art Jut f1ftr a ,., old but t.M-y nttd a UW. new home with two baths, double· pn,e, OPEN HOUSE TO COMPARE THESE FOUR tovt.n1 eare. ITOO epate fe.t of buUdiaf t• • yvd and lovely patio surrounded witb fenc~ 1 lo 4 30 UnUI 8r.J t.11•1 rail •II lo lNP"d """ BEAUTIFUL BALBOA DUPLEX 2 WrGOJD Ho"'9. plu. rtueed-ln u.. ••\.Pa ·~ !(1).l't Jln'T'T 4 J!IR - I l--b\!Jt. ., l)Or'eh, plue G...... ,., at roar t)f t& ft. One of U\e very ff!W 3 bedroom • i beth dupl•• B&lhA Nie. Llv1n&' Room, Le• beautifully l.andl!IC&ped L ot Plrnty of family fOOft\ .. rlrepl&t' ... 3 ST AR SPECIAL i available . and one of our bettar valuea. HI-I wonMrtul bOl"M t&r la,.,. room ln front for another houN. "-lly ao..rd ''"ra!Mft (1v• MO ANA ~rr• patio, double garase. .u.ndeeu. Mp&nt. f&mll)' eur J;Xm,UilVJl LlaTPf,500. $11,000 down. Jlrloe. Centrally IO&&l... tt Ml • ao2."I \\ ~L~ Npt. s.uti In Nf'W'POrt Hl'ight•! You'll agree whm a nJr• yard and paUo. o.ly 2 • IAY FRONT OR 1·~200 .,.,_ OJl MOM you ... thUi H ome. 2 B<"rlJ"O<•rna. la~e yr11 oi.l &11rt Vtlf"/ c-lean. Prit t 5H.2'.0. FHA t.enna. • • BEL VUE LANE HOME ronvertible Den, 1 ~';i 8ath1, Large Uv­ ti.g room with roiy flrepl~, Separate A,Al'TMINTI On ~autlful Peninsula Point . An attra.cllve home 2 DELUX& HOMES "C" ED JONES • Dinlng a.re&, a ''Wol'\)an'a" K.Jtchen and • in exr•ll•nl condition. ~ nice 11.sed bedroom• Vocant Shown Anytime ~re Porch. Hravy Shake R<>of, R.EA.LTOR (MPolt froat Udo W.> and l.&na.1 room, ftrepl&u, double ruar. eloet Jlf1IW I IUID)IUL Alf'6 DZM. ill ll. 1~ ...... c..tA w.. to private beach .. 00.l ramp. $22,7e.Ut.e, 54000 down or Wl UM G. I. loan. lnt., Excellent cooditlon. ~!,\ ~ ""11 UM, UJll I Deft us:t t.o • I Wne - 2 b&tb e $11.G& ~ month. ~ ~~ ,..-:0.. an11~ $29,500--"CHEERY AS SUNSHINE" ~~- With 53 000 doWn you IWroma-1~ And only two from "LltU" T S • • PENINSULA POINT HOME e&A ~,. Ulla Mrll• at a "4" blocu & Wow l'IJllAM,,,...t ca.t, I.JI a Comft&" Beach on a t5 ft. Lot. a Bed· OCEAN FRONT We ad\1-e you to a.ee thla 3 bed.rooal, 2 bath home ...,,.... ,. looU!lft. Priae l'Ullt RT .800 to ..... roomA, 1~ &Ow. l'l..plaee. Hardwood COTTAwE ~fore you buy on tho "point". lpaeioua l"OOIDa . .A.LIO Fioora, F'~ed Air Heatln1. Oan ~ Cute I ~ ..S7 IJ ,_.,. w to w carpet.Ln.r. beautiful drapes. alid.lnf 11&.u ' UDIUll KC»OI 11 Ur.G eJA ...._ ..... 1eoo ... n. ot n.. bought wtth Lo"' Down PaymenL door •,,I'll.. On11 1~ . aae. PLUS · to attn.cUVt paUo, l&rge 2 car pn1e, FA ~. ~th -.rn• Mll&M f ..... heat on &-ville dose to private Aakln1 ~ach =: : .::n1~ ·co!~~ BABSON REAL TY & lnve1+ment Co. INCOME SPECIAL $20,&00, about~.~ down. Ol'lly ~ feet fl'On\ "'*A f .... t I PelDXI I ui. llonw tw wre tunUy "' 2828 E. Cout HJghway, C.D.M ,.tM' • 2 Bed.room bOl,IM .. a.pa.rtml'Tlt rooid '*pt>cwlllled. lee It now ORlOl.Ji: 3-3770 t\W'I' ,...,...... """1.leMd • A&• • pw. u4 Ill• • BALBOA REAL ESTATE CO. Loh Near Bock Bay (Acrot11 trom lht &.eurlty B&nkl dy toe llUDIJDer. IU,OCIO. • JOIEPHINJ: Wl!!BB. ltea.ltm- 7Dal OI L EVllL lt,l50 CORONA DEL MAR • ,., , ...... n • 4.Jeocla ltl. Ed Lee, Georr• Mayer, Glady• ftU™ll. ff11MI l',000 WITH VIJCW MdOO, S.MOO. U:Vi:L COSTA MESA lflO fefl\ QI\ Oceu Ql"N., "'141 .·oo E Balboa Blvd., B&Jboa OR.int. B-41'0 int Prtc. saa.ooo. Own• fL~pp Sank of ~ertca - Downt•JWD Balboa) PAUL BARTO REAL TY VOOi:L VALUES VOGEL V ALUU W()UJ• 1111• "' ~ .... la• HARBOR INVESTMENT CO,....fU+rs. 1t11 Haner a1 ... 4 , c.i. w..­ .CU.• p,..ptr\J la ~ ..,.... u ..,..,. J4 hr. ~-1c. ' bedroom, 1~ beth home. urpet.ed, dnped, VOGEL VALUE UcU c~ patio. Town & Surf Rlty...... " ...... J'ULL PJUCI:: .... ···- -· ····-- •11,T:'Jl 11111 w . B&li.c...... S&tu.rday 6 ..... ().a.tt•Tlll Open HollM' Sunday DOWN PAYMENT: - -- . ·---·-·····- I l,Mn N_,..S..­ June 21 Is 22, 19M LAGUNA BEACH QIUola WHO lb A.M. to 6 P.M. MUST u:LL MO. PA. Yll"DIT· _ .. -·----- I T6 2112 CUtf Dr., Newpo" Halpll HOME 6 lNCOM• Reduced to $]5,600 NEWPORT HEIGHTS A be&uUtul. formal boina hl1b on th• bluff OYV<­ SHORECLIFFS Lovely 2 1>4o11rvo,.. llem• wt~ : bedroom. dPn, flrepla<"•, r A h~t. BUSINESS PROPERTY looklnl NW"POr1. Karbof plua a dtUfh\l\ll &iJ'o lars• 1 room 1ludlo apartmenl i1.'I..L PRICE: . ··-. - .... -····-· $18,:)()() coadJt.Joud, uh paneled akyroom, wblob ii jUlt Plu.a 2 ~ •pa.r\Jlllltl Special lN COST4 tam4 over I cu 1ar1&1. hYtd paUe. DOWN PAYMl'::"IT: -· •• _ . --·- . $ t.AOO th.t plaol nJ,u Of ldti&1 fOT tni.rt&lnmJ· 'nlt. Cuatltm buUt bame. t!•"Y SALE BY OWNER--COURTISY TO l~OdU "° l'\nul kiattucUOll tM\lllUL MO PAYMENT· ... . -· ... $ 106 mOlt un\llual home hu I bedroou, I bat.ha. ah&ke r90t, I bdnne, 2 klJI•, 091, • ,.,.. 014.. ~Ullally eolortul paUo anct pr4ssl, ..,. 1818 ~ntia. Nat to oorner . .l.qGll Ule _.,. l800 1q. ft. of llvtn1 uu. Carpeted, dnped &Ad lantt...ped Ocean 6 Moun· IRVINE TERRACE ~la Ar dnlJ>H tram buay 81\opplas ~-. Neu Clt'J Ill& Lat d.eoofttad by Sarkar Broe. Larr• Uvi.nl room lain Vlft rro111 lar11 pJttu,.. wtndltw9.- o.nat• ta....i-. Only $36,000 Q • 1IT. Cui., mod#ll h•m• aa4 Pea. e ~ wtth ftr9plaot, tull dlnl~ room, 1pacioua ldtehm VIEW We hilt.ha. •la.1111... 1~1 a~ Prtttw.e Uon. plut atra bl&DdlnJ rtnt.ecS taO ptJ ...U.. &Ad tmalctut area. tars• Mt"Yic• porob. Lovely tloubl• IUllul. 11110 b&n etc. 3 bedroom, den, dmln1 room wtU\ BBQ, ftttplact , WOft.TR SDUNO ff'Olll Ptr Rubet&11tla.I Income Cboloe lo­ Dedud fl08 ,.ont.h ,.,..._ N•...,. M&1t. bedroO"' with cionneoUn1 bath. Brlok &' >.. hel\t, •prlnkler 1y.tem Vf.Ce.l\l ()pen Dally bag for 1MO ....Lepmaat It'• mll .OWi pat.to wtth troploal pla.nta. You mu1t ... thla ealh• ""' llmtrald bay 2 -.1oelH i. beult, J31.~. Jn­ ll"ULL Pl\JCE ······-···-- s~.eoo WOOTTON Rlty 0wa1r ae ,....-. UttTCIO Md w.it .,.,,. home - you wtll be arnued at the Valu• Only ch.1.i111 wit.um ni.ad• •npe11 DOWN J>4YMJi':NT: -- -·· _ .•..... $ ~.ooo S:llO 8 ~~ 8W)'. doq s-~t. 0a11 CUI'- a ....-, OwM' Id.BOO - bMt ot term•. 1.11..Ufhout uul wall \II wall tarpel. Co.iplf't.e fUnll•hll\p Oil t-Ot&O • OR t-2111 daya OR MSIO, 9Veaiqa LI ._.,... a¥ailll.w. Y«)' reuan•bla. THE VOGEL CO. 0-.• lfyall , ...81. THE VOGEL CO. Ue 3201 W. Cout Hwy, LI 8·3481 Cout Coro11a M&r ·- leeT ll. Hwy., d.ll THE BEST TOWN ON WTH •• Pl•ra pe.rmltle4. P111M 1400 tA1 • IH7 per f,_l ~ '" 11ualt• 3 Br. home, bt'aut.Uully ....,...... , ..,.. I ,.. ti~ buyer A II uUlltlM 111 PACJ rJC mrt'.A.TU, I• t . p~. Ldry room ''i'Ltle" • """1J ... ~ l, 1 Jlol1room, 3~ bath. t\11'\tued )'Mt round home. Ave. I lalbea Island ranol'&J!Uo be.y .tew • ht t.hJ.a cit)' of N e-..'Jl()rt R4la ch 0~ l l&rtt Br. MA "61, "" • .... e Uvt.n1 room ORiole J-7010 cteub.le 1uace, fle.IOO wttla ~ ...., _.. ., • a.t.W'91Ml lrvtne Ave. A t.ht upper bay • 0Wa1 room ~ e 2 Muta\> bedl'OOft\1 I . A. NERESON, Rltr. • Model home 6' ortlee Modern Cocutal p.,k Co\Ultry Uvin& - ul.illU.. on ('c>el& aU ...,,.r - 0,.. 1N3 f'f9WJIOrt Btnt , w.. II •PANI pllMI t ~Uou.I no11r Shown tty •rl>Mnt.m.e11t 011ly ruu rwt.. 1110,000 t.lben7 .. Ul"l'I • lrvuut Ave. l& lilJrtiland Drive I ~omt:r 2Clth) l»t.nc a4'*1...... ,.ua.1 wrllU UTt pl13 - 138 I a.o with tm9a. tlJI(). w1UI ,...n..i 11nll ,.,., t 11""-"- I nuo IAOIUFJOll - Ma.11.e ettw, 4 I l'4.MO 1111 iOO ~11 Vey OPl':N JO a rn. TO pm f)All.Y 1 lll4l'I-. I MUI hlll'll.• "" Hlllly e ~nnall1# • IJITl&JI U""- aa fll rt G. N. WELLS Roaltor HARBOR INVESTMENT CO. i...... N.,.pore ..ull Ca.II Libert y 8-lJ4 77 F.llrlnsl"'"' wttl\ Te.tMI 1'11 . 1~10 N~wpnrt Blvd., COil. Mru l.J •·fTJI 110 J.: lTl.ll at.., 8anta Ana Owner, Ml t-IMl tor • PP' E•enlna• Ii Sundayt call lJ 8-1&28 or LJ W.lGI Oruule 3-·HOO IU-a phone Oriole 1-71&6 letl• ICJ l·t'fU If• .... ,

, -I • - Baskilllall loop Folds ID Santa Ana 1 0 HA • • Richard's · ~o~ Five Seeks BILL PlllLLm, s-- Brea Spot 8-10 Newport Harbor NEWS-PRESS June 18, 1958 Huntln ,..... ' on leach May En.,,, Lea9ue HARBOR AREA SUMMER BALL with NHm• Quint I rOl'.l'h lllmtl NMme thl• m om JUST LIKE MAJOR LEAGUES : 1111( a.nnourwf'tJ that lhe Santa M UJJ.ft•tJt the rrom Ana 111m n1f'r bukttb&ll IHI"\'• J'9Ufti' IOUtllpaw, nn» In~ bit Ju.t Ilk• In pror ..ion at b&Mball, the H arbor a ru C1WD tn A me•lran l.Ajri«lfl Junior •llmn.. r b&Mball pf'OJ'ra.m hu a dra.fl aylflem, r.porta hol' ntne. lan only draft f rom thelr own ayatem. J'or examplt. the :-.'ttme conlJlctlKI the Br•a .. ~ • touftlte. 1-1 ltl c·oarh nf the Major Le"«'J• Br&\·,• roulll dratt a plav­ Swnmf'r l..fa(Uf' rom~cl "' IO lf111l11p - _a tre1 Ulat wu tr11.rc1a frc1111 Anaheim. Santa .r trom lhe PaC'lftc Coul Lea&'IJt llravu , but not from 1 deetdtd b7 two u~rn.s talll.. A na Ornn~!' Buena Park, "' '" any olh ~r PCL t•a rn toir ~ opposltton.. rf'n H ll'h nf o~ney and 8ru, l"Or the Newport•f1 thla '·A boy mu1t alao aaa um~ hi.a obhaa t1on to hi.a 011r1na..I· t.ncl w111 tuld It mljt'hl be poulble lb<led t.11etr Ullrd IJf.Ta.lcht Mt· I ly lllrn•tt t•m bf'rore he c an perform tor the dr&11 1n1 t" w111 k H u hard • ln II anolhf'r a--11 lint-• roppl.nr l.ht opener j tN.m,'' Mac M UUan Mlded. • t f'lllll wouhl ,·ome Into I.he lflO p aaalnat. Wut An&Mtm. But wtlh Newport. 0.('h lM "'~ .... "° f'latf'd I Hunllnl(1rin ~ach Indicated M lht lmrtlnlf rho.-. turn"'1 ln CAGE MEET lnt~r~ ll l Nffme a&Jd ·h• «Xl'f'('t· "7 WJtowall that h.. wu q11lek f'<1 to r• rel\ t' dff1nlte v.ord on • r· io,...... wtrw"- baMb•l1 M­ rf'ptanc e Saturday nl&'ht '61• the t.all, Intent youn1 man Nf'... por'l Harbor WU M'hN!lllf'otbftll "' t&ll1. ,,. Joaa WMl to UI- became a n oat deplctinc aallinc Ptratn-prob&b- Saturday WU Fra.nk Marshall Newa.-Preu today by Coarh Jul• Ci•it• -- - -- KIUT\ea In lh• Loe A~fl .. C'nl- .__n ... l"\nt ~lsallonaJ -.Ion J • R b• l.ll(>Um nnt fa.11 and four ~- ,___... -.u.cs U.m.u t ly to a pennant. Ac~ptin~ the award for hill Photo WU held tut Monday nlC'lt and un1or 0 IDS <•n lha road Al .helm of lh• 1rM .._lual.l1 dui.d l~ di.ab I t.eamma.t. from formt'r AU American football ~1 1t.cS In t tw ronnallon T.,1ton Ort 2~. I 1 1 ,_.. aa...... ~"" ow Bravts Capture ball campa.ip for 80 boy•' tnma Monday, but the oddity PCL Bre ves Drub LA&JU• m ffllnc to tnnn r..,.• en.ta Mu• l'ark ~~;htnrton !Hate: Nov • a ian- 111 1 ~-~ n..'"" "" M11'or loop Frey wu that only one of th~ atna-l~knock aeuiorui wu 1ood Ca rdinals, I 0-1 ------" ™ roUn JunJor on TY Show ' ~.~ ~ b1- card· - pltd'1enan• ...... Bott A n- ti...... ,_,...y and 1 EH t ern l • • gue I • .,.., I Al&rll.-1 tn hnll'! lh• .....,,,, ·~· .M nni1ay R u ...11 ''noin•.. . L·1pfon w·1n R()b\n:··- ._• 1.:i ...... _ -""° - IAt.«'J• ,,,..., •• to one hit. boil rllrhlnlf ro t.h n II II .. J f'l'l • JU. , ""1\ar~. ..,. " I t>e bl RiehH&nilOft l.ha.l b y Jim Ptt B l' k C d r • or&\~ m r., 'CM 2:1 rl•<""'ll& ""r? J<.IJV'll'ank "-v-ra ..1 - 1 - KAB< -~ - • ~ .... Aidt IU· t- __ ...... :.a--..:. •.• ,.. 1- r.a v11 IC e r .. lh• 8ravu rartu-'" ...... -,.., I ' " r ..... ·~· c ~...... - ~ enw. ..-...... , ,,... ••·~ " - "" • •~• u• ""'' the C a rri• lo ooa hlt thal a Th'" 2n'1 N • llona l C"h&mf!lnon· 211 . 1'utlf'rtnn hi',., June 30 Or TV lonl£'ht fullow~ It\. ~ 1 11 7 2 1111 & ... lf#sw JC...-,.rt ...._ i. .... Md nlM l'W\I «lfl walka In ni. IDut• m i....ue Br.\ .. • tn.rl• bv F'A Q11a rry 1 c II lf1 l# •l\lt• h•r-. V 2, • I Hu.. n.. p m \\'f'\11 hit" l arht RA<'lnlt Aa.lrl&llun of H unllni;\QO IW..-h Julv 14 . at fUcl"ftllHh"r (1>111'hl Hra\ '• .. I fl .... ,..___ l.hr- play- .... Mat i.--r ...... winnlnJ hurtu pve ur hUl nne beH rar orf l'&rl\JI P\rk John.,..n k "orth A.mrr1r• ,.,,.. un•ln ... y b J , · Al\Ah Wf' llfhl C"h11mr"'" t1nyd f'at lf'r · ~_...... , ... at a ..., !Mu~ J•• 1 11 11 11 1111 bo ....- ~ • - , _. ..,. ....--. ~ •·- ,..... and ttef... t4'd U\e l'~ln ala 10-1 Hutltr and a ... &" Brown 8 111 In =" ""P'lrt Harbor tn•I~\ , hotit· hA ~ ri \ I " "'"' In hU ltral prot~lon al ftjt hl tellected bit.. Harvey 0~ a.nd pltch91r o\er Dirk WIU>on and L>ova.nl•. Jnhatl Weti.r. Kn eel by Ule OrrliJ rh1nip1on. Han k will qut.c Jerrf 8°"'9 U1plt<1. Wlnntnr In l.h'"" a ttempt. • I lh• plate C'anllnal u-ni •l\a• ll.1"'1 11na-1.. 1 <'&9\urtn1 flnala o( ti.... l...lpton P'ull"'1cm, Jul\· :.0 • l Oranirf' rl't<' on hl.t M'htdulf'd July r11rh1 '11.utlen tor Ole BnvM were Ar&\M .,.llh one l>lnrlt, .) •l tht l"am ,..., ,. troph\ "'"n "e v.. i ..r - A11 1t 4 Hutna Park hPrt A111t aa;aln•l 7,,.,,. Foll•~ . tonlf'nd,pr 8 di °"""'9 A.l.Mltln &Ad Ha..,,,..r :~ph Oocllrey •m a.hid a BravN won :'>-3 I :~:,.11-n rt ~ flav wu th" MldwP•l rmm ~\I••~~· hrc~"~ ., rl 1 1.1 Iii•;'~';!~~: tnr Pall#f•t1n'a rrown. tt••• ll CMTI • R ", I "IUTI Ir 1 ~ "9"': a HJ r. A nt'I two lnt• m a t1onal IA•CUt Bni~ 10 4 0 \4lrh11ta n a nol Nolrf' fl•t11f' S11ll · hri f' A •J.lt If> a t A n.ah<'lm 1 1 ~ 0 ftJ\aJ hurif'r \\'11-\ proo I • RMlf'p ..., ... hJl lh• r.uba, dmp- lntt IZ toot Mf'l • atr 11n r h1... All lt 18. al AMf'.llll Grun1·on Run 0'. .,...,... ___ ••• H o tMir m a n a t Ille pl.t.te tor th• Jae· plnlf th e t1ecLtlon 3 ·:1 th• M11!wM t .wr .. atfl Ollnf' blf down ln We1l loet to N- Ena'\and. 1director nt Newpnrl Harbor Hl&'h Wiii rut lhfl lr l'OMlpUont 1a fo r 7-2 Victory ~ >· on L T"u• lhe Tuu LM.ru•. that - - - -- l'ld\llnl l'li•tr1r t tf'm~ pe.19nl• unr,.,,lf'lahlf' but th- ln OI• T~ e ~ ~at.ion * * * H Comlnir from bahlnd t.h• Int.,.. la. M nnday t.he Tau Le•irua Net • m Can a n'1 youn~\f'ra that th• high Harbnr ..,..... ,.. .. rood • (Uf'&I .,__ edl9d Ule Ol.rllt W Mtw1· OI NlUona1 r..-.u• r ardtn&la bft.l n 1an1a tr• mpl4d th• P1.rat• 2&-S ..-rOCJra ., Mot f}'ln ,,~11 ~ <> J'.W'n f mm u an\'. a,, ...le ...aa1t pU~Jaln« by Cuba Win Despite ,._,,. l#tlfmal\ and Ovy ftobtn· l.he Brav" 7. 2 Monday Kif\ Tha G wii.. buloed out 18 hit.a In- Make Room, Kids ""''n unul • pm da.llv unt'I..,. Don't rorr•l >'"'" t\ahin.s II · u Heny per f'd lh• C'ard •ll•rk rludlnc one doubt• Wlnnlnr Ttlf'ra I• •till mom 1n the aum· direction nt l'ltanfonl athleUl' renH <'tltrh.,. nt I.he lfTUll lOn - el &.be °'1'dl8. W'llllltnr •url· O ne-Hit Pitchin9 l a. pltrhf'r wu Rl>n Trapp Loatn1 mf'r tennla J'lrnJT&ffi tor younr;· 1la.r and funner Sailor c- ..-• art CILn bl> marl• by "" ot t.h• u ...... ,...... ,._J C'oli.rtlq but - bit t.he In· wttll two IJlnitl• ln tour tr1pi hurl..., ,..,.. Jotin 8&nr hn and •t ""' now belnlf C">nd\Jrt.S dally r.ul Sf'umann hand. """ ... Oeorre,~ 1 Wtnnln1 pile-hers .,... ,.. l'll f''I" Ron &J\otwt ll 1- th• ---·nnrt H&l1>cw H._ The JO m w111 be 1-1 m a lnl\• ,,.,. • h.,.I ol f' Walltll lllWI ldt Ila ttere a1on r tenwtklnal 1-f\Je C'Ubl df'fNl· ~· •" ·- · '"" • u ll ltll 1'wp.,.. doable C-Ulann and ("ra.IK Ritter ot U1• B ir tnnlna' f ew t.he Olanta n• lkhnot tf'flnl• cnuru. ll wu an· f nr yow>&'• r l'htldren, Ga.s• aaJ.t Ton(«hl II '' tn 9 15 Thun- ed tN lllAldl._,. 1-0 M.indty "'"",.._-'a."' 11 run.. ~ acrwa the d Lth. noun•f'<1 tooilly bv ll,..I' w mmer N Pllm&nn • ·11 1 n11t11n I ~• J l•m• •1 l\V "• • 1O p "' r-11 • • a y ""• • ~ ~ .SC:tory to the Br&YW at" Wln.nlnf 'llutt.ni VIiie Pf'lla and Brave pltrhve Denni. Bonda T op l\.Jtttr'9 t M I.he Olani.. a thlf'tlr di,... lffl' Jut ... nar- 111irh u aJall&'ht.fr'b911 and 1:11\akt>l Ill p , m Saturday 10 • ' · lflc'Jry ~ p6Nd lll• ._ •!'I dA ateve n.tcller rue up two hlU ,...,.. Ron Tn>.np With tour a ln• IN Tf'nnla '-"" t~ ~ lnnt'n ~In• wUI be allowacl, 11 •6 p . n1 and Tf'rry• Thom i-lft ,. Prt thf' ,. " ol ln lhe in..nc Ret'llf'l"ll Londurt..t ~, .....,. n I 30 a m u l~n •·•n Tom 011,flla an'1 PU ii loaen althnulf'h • llu.,.lnit bill Rooirh ,.1th thrN hit• . nne a two- • n•I 2 '.Ill I> m lw Art Wonda I ~!l···~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~!:~r?:-,~ilj l.IJ\,,..kf lhr.. blnirl•• . U m f' nun.~r M l.a.1'1t"t A tl A o l~lr r•ar"'t lh!' _,t~111n ro11rt ln.a lnJ• IOf Hr1t11l•r ... 1t th.. 11"14f'n poun•lad out Rru • Pl™,.. ... 1\h t •" e1n1tlf'• Jn t hrw 11:am•• and t oomam .. nt • .. 111 boo c a R IE "'-I Bn,·d Jft\ t lie •lnf1• h1tt•" .. ,,.. 1.... ina n! ~ . a tl•mr•• " ""' f~ lh• ynunl['ftf'T'9 throu&'h· .. 3 6 0 bl.nrte '"" the C11ba ,.nr lh• lo. fluaM ~- . 1 , an•I 1.,.1'r Tlrrlno l.lne .. .,,, • ft "'ll lhe 1111mn1 rr • • l Ina' RedloC9. Nil Ooyi. an'1 Jart all "'Ith eln&'I• Th• nthf'r l'•rtf 2r. Ill 0 1 llrumlMole alnttled M!Wt C>f t hf' hit cam• off the bat of C"'nlltt l • 0 TRYOUT CAMP t rune 9"1'""1 "" 'llralka Rltt•r I * Un• ..-... R ft f: l...lnl' llC"O"' R If r • * * ,, 2 Sally Loop Cards C'llbl 11 1 n 9,...,. ... 2 * * * Major League • Down lravea, 9-S R•11'1"1 & J 0 Cam• 1 ~ 1 Fadeout Freme Trio - Hend1 Braves Game Bucs Search I T'hr'f'e ntn• In lh• Teen1ge Lasses Best 2-Man ~,\ lr&M• tta'• Vie B ra,. .. of tt1f' for Talent N~m" \-In \\"hit ,., l..nn11: ,....,.h for th.. lr tliniJ,. n four at h"'• " ' II • m a n•1 will ~ undPr J'4"C1 tnp •••r'1• In two 2 man 79!l-~ • ~ f'""onl'I pl11n• .,..,.nl 10 rllr...-1 Inn r>( f\nob (1,.m.. nl•, P l· C°a ... Jlna J r1trhf'rrl Wf'rll Jlll a J•rrv Ollrrln, r. • mate.I\. n,..., 111 the pron.. JINll· or 793 3b 9,..C:r?t:.,,. . c:-rit• hurlf'oarn •n•I r•p IA'f' • lion at 11('1 varde w ith mf'lalhr ln'11\'hh1al 11c11:u•ir111.. If " I cl I'll Vf'MI 01110 1 ll<- a t l'"O\•t 17 • l.lne arono : R H ~ Il l!" t •ll'hl• K rlettn ~!al 1:1 1111 m"'1al• ,.,_.rf' a\\aril"-,.,k, J'ftf,.rt ,.,...,,,.. C•vrrell wlnn,.r ru,J ~ i • 0 ftll ,.n·I l hf' r11n p. • n·I nn J ll!'llttr J • !l l'\, l..nn .. RNrh .,..,r.d 7111' ·:11" \\1th llOU 1111 .. u. aa FAt!1• \1av R r• v .... • 1 a o Amf'rlr•n l1tlnn rt ~,., wlll i,., I 0 Jn the llK<>M matrh. n~ 11n· IA>a A ni:r lH . 1''hll• JNo ;'llaal u t ,....,,,111 ...i tn J>ArCrll'Al • In th'" "-'r the M.Jne C"Ondl\k)na n r • pl M Sift \ISM<', 1':1 T orn l""k r11mr It • 11rh f'llr"! 1r f' 1n• 1'rf,r f' \\II h a n, nf hi• lAl'· I • m lttt, IUln Uu• r C'OITIJ'll•f' nn• n1al. h onl' ti. • n111n•J.'r ,,( t ,,,, I .-~pnrt r rllll h• 1• 111 -' 111 ... ~•l•· • Jf l,;tt~ llf' ····b~ l41Am , 1'ob"'' Pnr1f' r Runl•n•I. RhOrt l 11trrnat1h~ ,~>ur• '" :o11 °N'p! .,_,.n! • 111 I "'C'"" pt." • ; :I \ h "''"''•\" O\'l' I hf! 1 an4lll aha. TH-6tll prollf' knHllni; anol lll•n1lln1t I"' P"Ah· Mtn.. r . ""'"' ,..... '''" "1 1 nlfnrm.e an°t • '"'...., "Ith lhf' r;.rof'Jtf' In the ci.... fl - ·uon nt th,, 1Hk>n• flf'<'nrrla at 111dtn1 01 ... 11 Hunt"' l'l"'I'"' f1Jrnl"'1l11 i • ti nl hf'r 1..JSK!<\ CHAMPM - Pro ragt' 11t.ar Yard. .\C U~ f",- t'l lt a h1HJ f'tf ~'l1f tf~ tb\ 41 n,..t m ' lrh. romrn»<1 nt w v• n a n11 Mlllt•n Ml I b\ c;.'""'" " 'l'llJtt11 ,.nl l'IA\ "C• u, 111 ti. '" l1•v 1 lrft 1 trRmc'