lorencre ~ri tlnt :

VOL. I. LUSOLD & PLATZ, Publishers. FLORENCE, NEBRASKA. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1910 SUbscription, $1.00 a Y~ar. No, 37

COUNOIL t fLORENCE HOME IS BURNED SCHOOL I CITY TREASURER'S REPORT !SUCCESSFUl TWO NEW BUSINESS PLACES Residence of J. W. Shaw Destroyed H. Thomas Makes Repol·t Showing I\FiOrence Acquires Two New Retail ELECTION Iw.$3.981.25 Warrants Taken Up and I. HOG SALE Lines During the Week and Both by Fire. With Chickens and Dog I f "'724°2 H d I • • It a Balance 0 '" '- on an. .,I Advertise in Tribune. MEETINC. In the Rums. I treasure~ Even­ The residence of J. W. Shaw in thetSaturd3Y is the-Day They Vote the The ri:port of the city W. II D. C. Lonergan Demonstrates Why It I Who says we are not growing? Quiet Session 1s Held Monday H Thomas shows he wa" very DUS,," IMP fit bl t R' P irlg Befon: a Larger Crowd Than west; part of Florence, was burned' W Bonds to Complete the School and Id~ring Januarv. He took ~p 104 war- BS _dorSet rko Tah e aS albse Sturek Two new business places ha¥e been ~ 9819~ ~nl Usual and the ground Friday afternoon. The the Polls Are Open From 1 to 7 <-nOt' <- .,,, d r. oc an cru Oc Doened the past Vieek. Everything Runs <> ranb aggre",u lU., "''', ._OJ an ,,; 1 Wh He H ld '" • Sow Sal family was absent from the house atI p. M., While a Special Session of lIas a balance on hand of $724.92 in en. 0 S ,..rea e John Stribling, who for Jears run Smooth and Easy, With Council­ man Ketly in Chair in Absence the time and the fire had made such the Kindergarten Will be Held all fnnds. and Realizes $3,100 for Forty-two a plumbing shop in Omaha. has 10- ~f of Mayo!" Tucker. Who Is Sick­ progress before the fire department 'I From 1 to 3 P. M.-Everybody In- FollowinJ is the TeP0.rt Ihe :ity Head or an Average of $72.85 eated in Florence a.nd his ad will be Councli Sees a Light and Gives arrived that it was powerless to do vited and Requestett to Come. Ireasurer ,01' the montn 0, Januury, Each. Ifound In another column. He comes Editor a Light to Find Way Home. anything with the house, so it devoted I 1911}:., . , held :JY D. C. Lonergan in !llent store in the store room vacated eu,mcII meeting :Monday evening and an overheated stove in the kitchen. 'IS?hOO: l1O;lse la~d .~ee \\ll..h~.tll~" board ~:~. ~~: ~:~.~ i~~~ ~~: ":':~~::i 6:11 IFlonne2 FriduJ' aitPTlloon ".hen he hy thp dehmcr. Gazette and will carry the business was dispatched in short All of. the household goods were lost d,d '\lth .he .a~t I,sue OL .m -. Isold 10rty-t\\0 head of breu Poland- a full line of farming implements, 'lrder and witho'lt any disp1a;r of ora· and abortt 150 chickens that had been Then remember that they have al- $:,9:1.78 China ",1\\8 for $.:.100. an ahragp pi :wagoni=\ anrl huggie" tory. hatched out but ada,' or so before, asjready taken up 1:1\0 of tnose bonds. IPaid ,\arrallts $~.6~;;.77 $':!S;;. I Xs ther.. hi a large demand for . Xfayor '1':Ucker being on .the sick !FLOREKCE TRIB."""::TWO A- . Go to ~~e scll~~l ~O:'S~ and ~t'.e ,. . ;t dhm tiemOllstrate" ~b.lt iI yuH farmin~ implements hen' and no hsr. councl~lliall. K~lly presIded ~dlwen as the '!log were burned up. what the .J)'::~:~ ~,"op~.es ,0 d~p '\ltJ~IBal. III general tum!...... $ ;:!1'),I'1 il,ne' Ihe guod,: !JPoplf'. ,YIll ,:eek you place nearer than Omaha to IJllrcha~e ~ueeeeded "n pIloting the meeting 1'.11'. Shaw, who only moved here the muney HOll! tile Sale of the,,_ ne'll .• om :m.l Ira \ e1 'ullg dIstances to get Ibem. Mr. Price should make a hIt a I th1'ough without a hitch. A petition Iabout six months ago, is employed in bonus. should n c~rry. . r.!:U1. ~:. h l... 111 .:\'[Iter Iu.I:d;: .. $Lht.:i~ t! p he,,!. with hIS new business. esvecially as "IIgned by 25 peoI.1e. requesting that Ithe ('nion Pacific shop>;. About a E\'ery taxpayer m the CltJ: ShOl:~d go i."Ill. -'. 1('( d r. om C'I••1e,!:> . . $ it 111.,0 demonstrUIf'd thar pel'"p,er- his prices will be no lllghel' and :n S~l'.ool m\eSLl~ate $1.15:~.9?' the council orner a cement side:valkIyear ago he lost his wife. Since that, to the hO'I,:e and I PlJ<.:'_ alld plut:k will wIn. fOl' :\1,' Lev- Imany t:uses a great deal 10\""'1' than on the ut,rth side of State street Irom I time his eldes]; son has kept house fot' jthe condinons :mu. needs and t.l:m Pa!tl \\'M'i'am $ 87tl.I)'1 nergan diu not raise thp ,'3tpllflard 01 tho"e of Omaha dealers. ~~ll!tf street to Elk street, was l':ad!him and was at school when the firej'ote on the ~lond Issue., They Wl1~11 ,hi» lwu:! in one year. On rhp can. JUSt as soon a" .Mr. Pl'il'e's Hue he. •md plaeed qn file. In this connectlOnjoroke out. 11a\·e. to paY"ror the bona~ and th:~ Ha! in v,arer fuud 3 ~8::.9'.Jltrar1' it took many year", ;>nl1 mUdl[comes familiar to the people ~n this '. ..a letter from J. L. HOU::itOll '\,as re~d. The house was owned by Hugh slwUIU mllllllest enoagh Illt~rest.LO I ... Itilllfo amI :study TO enahl" him to com- .ieinity a healthy trade is bound to intim~ting,that he .~as sorT)' that ::re IThomas of New York.. _ ,go to t.116 cichool and get first nand m-I J~ ... ;;, oaL Ill, "Hr.~\\a!k and _ l<;:=' S 'I' ill~'ll!l the 11ig~1 jllWeS that \\ as. ob. Icome.•He has a large ~d ~n anot~lei' bad sIgneo. the petitIOn and \'las W111-/ At the council meenng l\Ionday!formatIOn. ! ",H'~~lllg tll;His ....:.:...... ~ , ~,,~ tam",!. Xor IS tl~ ... nIOD"'Y Gbtttmed11part ot the paper that ,8 mteresnng . lk' h th '0 " • I~. t "t . r'a-a ThaT t"an~l to gen I fund .. :li ,,11 .•. _. ,.. d' 'ng to ",a - ttirOU5 e fit. Lor a, eYening a letter was read from Mr. I it 00 OL en tITe ", ,,- .L '" J .'d·"· .,q' _ "S • III Iue ,,;;11;> tn.' sole henefit that he rea lllg ,., l rd' 0- t' k enouah inte"e t in l.fan -( rec 1rom co. tHd;..S • - !' .. , .. ,. W,lh€ yet. Thomas. saying he had seen the no- It: ;:Ie,., n L a e '" .' >; "Jan ,,-' pc'd if,'m co. u'pa,;. 3; ::: 5f. WIll den"'" trom the lrmtJon or lu" Ia- ~re ======O::-dinr.nce :!·:;S, h:r Councilman C. ticl.' in the Tribune about insurance homl iSSUES to .ote and yet tney '. _I. 'C 1.0\'';. HE' will rE'ceh.' as nlany and as H. Allen, licensing ml1k dealers and II and that he had $365 insurance on· the fir"r to .'IT out again"t tht' !ll- i $ ,;,:0.4:: Igoo!! orJers by lllail a., he did in the Isionarit''' of tlF' Seventh flay Adwnt pro1!ibiting the sal~ .of i_illpure. milk the house and two small sheds on!cre""eiI tax to meet then,1 and devlOle !paid ,\arrants $ 4S;;,4k S?J~' and !.he ad\ertislllg that tlmse lehun'h. and cream amI prondmg wr a beense blce1\: 114 in the F. & 1.\1. Insurance l'uP non-adnmeemeilt of tIll' scbul/ls ---~ H.'d ill til<' i'alo ,",eill bring to ::'-11'. Lev- I '':> J i fee of $l) a YNU' was read the first Co. of Sf.. Paul. The house had should the h~ard be eram;JPd for f:l~dj': ! s: IH.fI;:> l'IJP,.g-au \\ill long h<~:lr result" I The Woman'., club met \\ ith :.\lrs. time. bu;:ned before the letter was read. thnmgll trymg to keell up a mgh I .. _". , " Hi,; 8'lC'f'O~S 'J"mg b"sed on the IHt'nrJ Rix laRt \'. epk. O d · n." 1 C "1 aRb .....1 ··tl I -n 0 e I Tor'II bal in all lllmb.. _. $ ,_ •.•1_ • . r In~nce ~t"'" .)y. ounCI m n LO'· Isu~ul~ru '\\1 1 a ow.: ~ m . _, ,. . \Y. H. THO:\{A8. ltl1l'e-bred 1S tm' "ucces;; that j;: last- ~ , ,'rt CraIg. estahhslung a permanent WORDS OF PRAiSE. I ,"our chance to ('nnClze .th2. ac·'lluess I John ~[Yer svld some ot hIS :,orn ;'1'::.i1e on State street. was read the lof the school board or to gn .. H. ~'~)l,r • II of :~ moment I crop [L'r seed at $1.51) a hu>;hel. \\ ",,11- first time. Th.' .'i\"estl'l'll Publisller. of Ch.ica~o )apprOY31 wHI be tomorrow. I Horr-ible ~"ethod of Suicide. I Hi" l,~rd I;; hli,dC'd 1>y t~lg Yhotor !in2;ton (ount:! COl'll ii' taking [he l€'ud . The city atto;'ney reported that l:e ~a~ thl:" to. 5a~- of rhe ~nbune !U hI" Polls open from 1 to j p. m. i There are ~anY ways of taking I 1'\0. l:~".:;;.!t \\ ho j" ,,0 \' ell and ia; 01'- i all 0\ ,,\, thf' \\ e>:t. l';:~le W.1S reau)- to report on the bills that of Fenruary 2: . _ I Go to the school house lOulOrrow.! one'" own life, but that cho;:,en the !ahlY F.llO\\n LhrflUldHlut rl:p corn be!t: \,8:-8 referred W him at .he last mPE+'\ ,h·' Floreuee Trllmne. \\ ltll .•~ohn ISflturday. a!ld do yonr dllty, 18ther \lil'" in' a SwedIsh sailor. chief tb_'" !''- hard!" nel'ds an invoduction I .\1I~. '"\-jl!I,<11J Lytle and I,.TIuly fame :l;g. J::Ie said tile, bill of. the dty ;~: L:i'Ol\ i'~d_~'1L.~.Pi~t: a,,; ,po~lt.sn~~·s, FallO\\ ing i" .i1 Jptter :.l:n~ the P:'~5~'1 engiuepr' of'a l.oar lying n Que~ns. IF. ,'; '10:11'" !l'!\ e WO'I, ;;0 lWl~y f,.1P11I]" idO\\!1 : ',Jm :re.:i:~lJ~!' II) 'S;[ tIt.. old ~Yl!J.eerlI,ar ~s h{)a~u b~~OUO'l-l ~ l~'il(l-a ~unooth ~OJ ~fJ\. del>artn.lent {)1 Onulna .!o..!. ,-dIP. .!.(}l.Jl! nU:::olllt man,.:"'"\.ei aJ.... d ;nf::,pt- uf ;llc- ;.::i·... "iq.)! .... O:"t1J Ieat..- ' .,..11"1an ....1' "r, ""c. and nor·'.}Il 013<'" tll.:::; lo\er::; til the 1.1G I ht)UiP .:I Ud'"t;:,. b .....,. 1 ~ ~ 1; f ~ ~ ~- "-'. ~".. \::' ... uU••1.1.-.;> _ -..;. l ;...... ~ • t'" • S-:5 for ratt:er test "was the usual: rht-~ lattt::'r edltor--:-.i~ U!h:lllg OTI. \\ ort.) 11hg: 1flble. ga t ing :=tl~ered f:onl inSOll1!li2, ! "--n." h ll...:tn it l"'val" call go out to J '-- ~' charge. The bUI Qi H. ~L :\Iilhui"ll forp!.j:~ti 'hlf::,:,-inB~s aetlYlt~r DP:er beh:l1~ ~x-: l~l =U;;";'.rel· to numerous lnqni .rlcs tli i thr- :-uCiTI f-;{Jai:~d b~B t:'r;;:.t:.ing Vt·ith par- ~ "l~H~ r..nd lnlf"l~::::ra:t-~ fG~l·f.'. III his e\~ery-! Cl~tll'. l\I(,k of ..-\.]jTl,.;-tf.;' \\P~ ...... 1e lnalring ehemical tests 01 the l'ement -l lie! "Plh ell ;n a ne\.... $palJer "ny In tl..tft- i rpcted at tHC' mem"D2rs 0' tln' B:cno:...,l! n.mn a!.:.~ 'thEh s:::!- h~nli='eE aright, He! ..... _.v ;;-11.:: h~l..l ,;in .and :::et. Gnu 1to :-- .. ·P hi:--. fp·qther S' r ~ ,1 ::-:;1 ;" t'ln­ wa" less feRn i ... usually chLlrged 10rl?alit.:.:~· u:,l,mldiI:g t:nUl six li.0lie" lhoar,l <1' ro \":,y the l,t-..ml.: {J~ l!luJ- i S21:1er;:.' f"::il~l" ,!W'l'2;; apt] Ji-ge:eol1. -..<'_ :,1 ,i,l';;.... ~ "I \(,jj-!1ttt"1 uoars l-puo-nT ~""JI, ~l:eil ,voi~k.. but tl1R~ jf In !11"?" ft~tl-=--f\ :nq:rrh Or Oma1:.a. tHr,.il(·~g::lt a h~+-p. ;(~i~tt· ~'~'p ~ ....ii..-'u iO "\ote e::"11t tho lSr..: J -:.- 1· t'l '_-5. - i < .... r':'Hl~t ..:l.tl utl .. nlt ~;lht hp ~ ... gOIng, ..Jlt"- c.itJo" ~ro~if{l illulce 31~~8ngellien:si l'=:3Ur it i:s S€€'ll tir;;;' alon;, \fitu tue I uoll(u, uadit:un.1l ~c ht~...)1 uonuz:, ar t!l:S ~___ ; .::. 1~1"'" -.....- Jt c, "uUt' t ~t 1 -\-;1 Tor ,10 th's.. f 4 ~ '·C.1~' L ... ~T .lon. II.....

\~.rth Cit.V Engir:ee-:~ Craig: of Oma}"'":.,~ ilif: e:"!o..,-.1n:js~d to rnahe ~\-t:~yt.hLtg lit:llh-..·~ rlH~ lo~lu'.\Lu.;- :--t;ttt.-ril°n- ::;;::. 11:"7 :... '_ 11,,· ... !Jd .'""'1) ~.. _ =-:llhij TIl '"'-!I't-' tt'll"'t't:~ .... j • .,,- ~ u died in ():...... :.L3 H':.l~orcus Hobo.. l ;t {;Quld be tip-ile :01" less ..1.. P. Crlck~:";.-:v"\;_·~"",lll:'('p{!r t~yulld clit:{~'m. 'j'o!fer,,;.... £! i "'r'- _ -H F'~ ~, .,~ •• _~.--.,...... '1tJ\)"J .. 3 - ...... s&n~- ,,::u·r. \.. bUr!" ::::-!.T'eJ :.y .t11lli It.L1"ett .~TLm Er..::,i.~llt~ lu .F"ul'r t . " " .. '11 _ ..' I· . ~.'., -'. "u' 'iC""'" an ~ "1' . .1 < , ..0._"".0,...1 .t~-,.D O. .. • I d ., . .. ·~~c·lron€r1thc:1tHa-;.''tn.lfilSnl '\:a~.orf(!l~::'21=::!1..ttelt~:l--'-f.f""l.....<.1 ~nlethird- ~. .. I .. . h 1)~s'p.ca,~. k'~ ;..~.5tl~' t~_e . 190~,,~.ri~l' Inct ' ....·l"-n~l"C.t~rt numo:".th:~ ....,..[d~~.~_;D"'..lr~:=- 1::~..: ••• '.~::.rcng ~ • of the £*ost. M. Ford pay:.ng jaIl?)"" 01 nd,-t;lrtlsHig t at i·p ian uf "-;3S t:.p l no1iee e{" 0 .. 1 r Ol1f:- 'Jf :116 ..H ..-510U:. Cit} ...t ..-P..t'Y 'g... Et2 Tn ()ll.cLd nn~·::hird and thl~ Stle~t t.~ar eiiIDi,any l~igil :}jJ';"l~e('iation of the efiol't>:: 01 ~tH' ~~Hned purpo.Re of (lot''"·i..''7i~1g ~:~.~) TIE-\\'· t fr~~el"Jlit:u \vas -Ee~~:r:c"'u~:n 14 ~a::5 .. tnp~thi:rd. il'Ub·i~~·er;; to ~he to Flo~·eil...4F a i"l:·~~· :,'ing::i to r-h? old ~ChoOl ;rI!h1in~ thp I"" *.....' ~. I..,...... ,.1...... 't 1'"' f'_t ... "'Ut h"tt{-'J "'1t-~~;i ::e:ai"!"'~ ~:::s Pt.:';Heati~!). ~:~r~~LoI~:eg ~~~l~ ~~v~:~~ ~"<~; -~ ~~d ~,... ;Vt-~~nr(." ~LIDt.·oln .~ t (.,,-. die;' 1.. h ....- -:: I Ll o:-:e creuitahle' sloik-e tcomplete finishing 01 It' (I oi the TlJOill.£'. • ;... t II P:-" at ia.... t raH 1 fh.):--O-' ... -.'=i ""ri --I ",,' ...... - 1 I . ~ I ~ n ...... J..~ ...... u...... ~ ~ I • " \. . I ~.r:: p~ ~(":t"U e~ :[1.::; 1l~ ~nd 1.!f',\\~ -l.l~' ~"on ~ r·~a.:--~ fi! "l.,-.~ ...h i'ertu and ell n ,VB-it !tu the gro\-,,'ing to'\.n anu to "u t:'-l[or immediate nse rhe- roug.n J._n- j wht:>n '" keJl "o.:;t "'he r::h'-I" op. tilrh p!afP :li \\.-H-fh:ted I l"\lUg aT l.Ol.. fJge> If"'Y...... IHurr1e-r.., 1 I d . I hIT...... a::s<- ...1. • .tv t.: J L...... ~ ~ r 1 . J 1 :,s rhe report of til.. poliet' ,iuuge. av. l1.k~ peoI'le who an, et",rmmt:( ;,.at 'ishing of the oth,'. six fOOlll". ius j tic, with a s of clio-' sal,· -;;a" H,1Zer,,: _ ....,. Anen, seek;< to })l'ovide fire linIits i establIshed and uuder v. "Y. shall cun-!llhlllllJing. ele.::trl,· lighting. ,entiiutmg i : Queen. who brought $12;;. Fral'k Pat-: H~n!'y Taywl' came dm\ n rrom Blair on~ la.ekson to l\!alll;;on and the alleys to Itinue triumphant hS tile week,; and I'system. necessary re-modelin1::: of some I .• Iton of SU!'[lrisf'. \\ a" the Imrcha,;er. I an'! acted as postma;;rer day tile east and> 'west of .Main street. It'mouth,; and y€'ars come and go. For lof the old rooms. hallway>;. outsidl" I "BorrowH:9 Troub~e, ''l'h IIFlurH]ce L. also brought $1::5, l"hi.lu POstma"ter Goll "H" :n Dwaha. '1"" <' fi ' d t .. co· ~qe Iyo[e"'''or ".<:.'S ere , provides that no lnn ..mg nOt or re-Inmny years Florence ;~'as OrJlIhn 'IPaintin~ 01 thE' entire bml,lmg:. etc. 1;\: "-" .. - .~.- ~ - " .. ff .\ g-reat (feu! (lj interest was mani-! --_.,~. 11:'60f construction C'all bt' erectf,d in'lbut That 'I.·as berore a progIessi,= Thi", m;lCh of the work is practically I w~~l be no tllrtllS 1,,0 y.12'«r" nenede. 1-" Ifrst in thici sail' as the prize hog was I Pioneer H"nry P. Rahill j,.. sti:l con. . .' we werp a cone~e "'''01.PS20r an con u • - !. . the limits. n<'v;snaper was in endence. The Tl'1'laccoillnU"hed and only awaits :I. spell I - • ...... -. t all' to C .eer " . -t t' 'h worry about thau .11& • we wou b' • 9f education, extended an Inn a. lOn a~"ak"ned w al'ti\'ity those ..nO were ing touchet" to be put on. • - '" t' f .. 's'ne~" if we a 'PrIze to thE' boy vr girl secUrIng the hlill up. d th 't b~ 1 t . d d '1 on. OL ne pro essor "n. ~, . - ... to the city officers an 0 ers 0 I-asleep. and !las lit't :l pace ror a e The iesue of <:lght thousan '01 aI's h d t ~ddle h ,,=nns fO~ a ltv- mo.. t ;~t erev:,torn a~ e to Ppter Peterson of Cedar Blufl's for :Me~clln War Veteran Jacob Miner, 1 to 3 and ~ted a.U :t .' neeeBllity of more hoiler capacity 'to ~ed in the alii!" tm...~rtatl(m M t1115. ~one of the hogs sold fi>r less who dIed at the Douglas county hos. it is. W~ E: Rogel'S ~i ~ .~'" all - "" -i.~ OUt,-110 .--. .. adequately heat th~ new .,ooms is :8..50\),600 -people. II: ~ 8~ yean than '50. About 101) breeders from ! last week. 11\'00 here from 1868 ~e- schOOl,question ~ In .!t¢Il ~ll to' 4~~nnlU1 ~~or J: fonM tUt IP1~Y manifest. 1~6l'6tBHn ~.~-O of U:teae ma-.. 1o."a, South Dakota. and Nebral'lKa at. till 1902. His miUl:a;Y h.iatotY. r~a.ds: b~ present. . . - _ Hi wlllkful;· ..-Bill", thl'OQc.h the The fact that e;-en· 'Wllh the two clJms-- W6!'e matalleu. tended thf} aale. "Jacob MUler. age 23, e~l1sted at St. !i'- D. -Leach wanted.~ # -v:' w.ny. 6 ootts of a town re e~ to 10,000.· r~ added at the begInning of the ;\5 a result or the sale th~ mar· Louis Mal: 8, 1847, .as a corP:Ora~ to t~~ council :¥d never.liad the _Mmta -.tree m. aBd miCrobes that may \preeent ;;chool year, two of the rDO.l11S Silf' "elmnt Out ..hl&!' lchants of Florence are talking of serve dunng the war with MexIco, qt the testaDf brick ~jl eetaeh. ~ulr ~~B ~Ul. It lI&em8 they never aTe aJi-eady< sadl7 overcrowded. would ~tng out salea" an4 the Uke lint eTe~ting a sales pavillion ¥loud holdIng and was hOllorably ~lschargeji;a~.~I~?e. filmed In th~ Tr~b-Wle. ~e ,D;8 ...\l~e hia 4e&t1l. but the Ocly sate seem to jlUltify t.he. 00;ml In makIng 'beblL placed Rl1dei" ban In many Of, mm:e sales l!~re. pendence. Mo.. Octob,er 9, 1848.;. c.' -' ~~~- .~~-~"-~"'I."""""-.~.'.' ' _' r ." • - , 'Uti. seasOn.to rurmslf~ .p io!"...,.... ~e.e _ ,,' -d the heat tor hours atter the fire has vania. where he learned the trade of t th 3""1:.0 of the Tribune ~~~"!-~@ .... r -"":$'~.'~'~ ",'~'.'.- .. -;- ...... "' ....-.J jence :s: 'H'c.uen you a '"' oman yiU U u.o g t I co~n; au=- ·so· . e "001 I' hen he at- v , • _. -• •• • ••:! at l€ast one additional scho?l.Loom. around on a rainy ;. he sm?t~on POIICA lEiS ~ ~i~'$ ~ the :r i. 11 ~.Inot only can money be s:l.-",'d, but,i kinds of eomple::dons that are not I i I 1fr. gnakel Roth of ill"a jl)!fi'-u. ntl" earned tmammousI:r. Tme hlp.ey! d d' . b· I'f d" 't ' 'lay' h-re at '<1'« ~antell r ht ! 'ed at the im:ersec.'J (~.....'•.•••.•••~, ~~~ -!···:·;-B-!"S~ ! .+:«!> much confUSIon an 13COilltO:-t e rulJbed~~off !?;'er~' rug!::! :lnt! put Oil. i FORT CAlHOU U NEUIt'~ :':'1 e an hllb~!'t. "I:; e:'Jn- • _.- . ._. • a .Ig II ae t t d Calh ." - .. - . d ::;par"l1 both teachers and P,iPlls by I again the mO?!l::- g. I 11 11 :f I I !Jon,R' ". tllln OT Davenport s ree an. oun The Ponca ImprO\'ement dub hel cOillDleting th•. entire h'lilding during 1 I ¥ I -:::'_'-:-_ Wns """"<>--~-<'-.'.~""""<>'";4''''' ~ ~ 2'~~'~~~$.-i~ :oad. but thE" matter d lak:d o.er.", il Its regular me",,'"lg Ja"t :?\londay e,en-I.1-"",.~~ eo-min:'~..... ?cation ! S 'f E'~ . L! j' o'V~ ~ .~..,.,. i .JI)':;; 11."1"" s1i1'Jled on .In .,': ,;,;,alk HU~ty h g'tt'~h'::iCi~W3Jlt.€' tl}and~-"OW w...o ~ 3Jl~ t~I~"" :=-anCeti~:-gbuSi~:::~~las• th 'aT n1a~ tnx:a~ . n!;l!t~~·s·Cilr e' ~r;;.~""-;:J,-".-- ~m~I~;-~e,·"" ...... IT(J~~t _.. ~·'I:::"! I L:-~~ 2t~~y ·l--,o .... was It:=arned t, ing a:.tethI" .. it pro: £' Of i:-!.creSI td I} .A :!-2!'Q II P-::-:!.::"" ano family ... Grt a l and t) t t n·~-e·n IP"~l.- indonl;;~ tfla.~.1i... .. 1::'... p03;:o;e~s nuslDD-S OL e lo.:."'- .. crs~ - nas"'no-~ that the - ~;,erol" l~r·t -I..~e G~ :;T~!..a..!.l~l·rl·a"... - b' ~O:::._ I' _ ~.. ~ the e;tv did not such an f ..... Th.... -p.i.Larv \vas :in-; -to vt. J: ..... =-...... 1 of n b:r: .t crr:;.r- a e.:.)}(, lor t .. err " O.1-1ll. , ~.... m.:lllttflne"-~, l ~ .,-~1; ,•p - c~aid jtaken up- ~ t.-1.. r(~" Ch~4~e t bond-~ ~ 0'; the abov·e t1~ ::~e 1 t~ ~GU,-tl-.- - r Ui~.t:..a.... ; J t. ,- L { .co ~ t: " bn "~- .. "-~,.. mar- a"tlpendag He there "was a t" .. ;,.. L \\- i wo .1. ,.,...... 1somelJcJ,;s: e:s€ ..... ! r;.;·e:rag:2 !H:ro t ?t!li "1,.. r _'".. l)" n ,,'II u.." .... -1 - .. 1 ~d'" 1.·"'1 rl··~ £' 4COe'" ion -rhe "'-~i_vtl-structed 0 lll"';.I.t.e 1_ ' ... k" 1 .... t-1S2i)JhiU i~~lH:. became- au€' l,-lUUalY,bas r~-~.a.D .... ar I" .j:-l~ "'C",","-CP""hi1-i ~ llr:ed th.!t:-\--_~zn:. )~ar~ ,--""tnt..,;, :>\-~r ~oup e 01 iput lt" go T;."-a.a:;, .s -!.;,: .. - "' ... ;..- f th Univer.::j:{:v {;" !'\ p'''a..: -a aDOU~ l 1 ~ h . 1 d· .a..~.:l~ l...!._ .h ...... - - _d...... _ f • •1ud "t"'·nm.ted the!n. rigidly G.;larantine'l.! 0_ ~~... t ""rt ~f - ~Ia~- .. ·;e~i~le~ting l~!m II ~1"S( 01 this ~ ~ar~ v; ~le -~ :" It~1 ii~~~i·."'J.~::\ The ;:t~udard ~ '\;"eun. -=,j2~"'- r-:l£ L~':" J z)!J h.dG con:." anred a dl \ or(~~~ ....._ ~ ~ u_~ y~ ~ aIDounr~j ~ I ~ ~ aprl€,'~ I\'; L"'1ilt·~hal me ~t ..... Inte,".:t;St.I.~ ~- +0 "-loou!.~ ...J'h.~. I"~,.· sl ... ~c":r ~~ .. 1 n' 11 ~ ...... ,... The eount!l ga-a;e tlir !D:--trt1C-i ....,.,. tb bottom ". d around the 1 '- c. -. .. te\...t €l:;,n£. ... rU.l.H_ 'h". l . 4 ...... ,. _ - D"'- ln~!::,ec ~l! '~"(". ~ ~D..P:. .~ • I to e 1 '" d"": Th.:, tEEt boara n!"{)ulptly Hmk C&Te o. i --- - I r. !':q .} I Fort Call.!.oui1 last €a_ 2n twns to do so. j loop. A commiUee v;a:s __ppOlnte . LO 1-1 ,. oT I)" tl:w o~T'erai fund I"'RviIl'2. tm. ! " u~. ". _. _ l-ypre~' aIOn" ::.1 ij.; "aD ot (':·eam. S, 730 f -, . ["1 -- "''"l~' d' f . th ='ound and IJD-Illt \ L_I;'; 1. ~ ~ ~...... ~ - ~ - ...... ~ t The olIowmg 111" ",.-i·e .. ~ o"t'. ,take tum over e :;.;: .' ..t ... ~l.a-l~ \ :'Ilb."tjh Y'?t d\k on that i",,,up. Shouhl H~~"f Beio",cs .~ I JVi:l;-~ ~, • '\1-;; Fr'PCik S .ltrlTTl"\':;'r~ ot HlllJuard Dounas of \ t"al. and t\. 0 mefehan ~ ~ ~.. \.i~_ IV ~~ ~ -- 0:6 $ t t him the dl.u.€'rent. me, L ..-. • A b' I . • - •'"'" ...- r-- •• • k _I. .. • ,-...... - - d . t'" 1" and Electric Light Co '" ~ ".d-. '1 on U - h d '.1 mmI·t. the new bonds carry, thp. total IDue t,- .-;;~;.,~ fip~t- ~cl·r~" ~F.·.' T~:' •• 1~""'-1 ~ , "n" t \"' "-": hut"" i~:t';:nO' hel" llushand·~ :folks. IsCJld uyer lO.htt1j poun s or f)U J!. 1- I)' ., hI los" at an "al"" co .. ,~ , u_..... -- ~ ...~" ,., ~ I... .,_., .••• " ~ Qmaha Engineering Dellt...... _n. U :a,aHa· e c _. - 'D' - d Mr IMn",ss of tn£' district ~m lJ" but $:)5'-1 '1\,:,.11 ';;'3.. e~' ,h :~I't:d _. L' "~PO!}' _~ __ I D,er 1.(1,," ca".,,,; of egg!' It. "1·11'h a"t~ l}O! t .... o, ""0 -eonsist. of ~Ir orown an ... . - 1 i t th -at '" v~ t • \ ;:, _-I ~ • ,,"...~ L.. I i ..:--,. ~ = ,,,,~. w~sit1illl l 1~91 \Ir~ n. ",1 "'Ill'll ..••••..•,······ ... -: e f ..o which will be ret.l1e!Ju a "',,' I 'n "IT and Fr"uk Li?",d" Wert; up 1 .'./ .J .r. P. Criek... _...... 72.00 IJohnson. A COillllllttr: °th l ~: !oi ~wo thousand dollars ead1 year out I" , I or,'Til' Oma'~a -~'Hk',,,~ a t;an<>fpr .If! Tul' Young People's CP.rlsr:... n En· ~- -0 f 1 TioinJ'~l requestIng e coun...,- - '11 ~ _~ J.. 1~ ...... I."=:> I .. • ,~ ~'1 A. M:arr t".~ ',' a ap, • , - k' lof taxation. :iTI'1 Wp I t '" D~';::'J'a "l' \"huT'" IS til h~; ~ a PH:' • ...., so .~. r· to too -e 'mnH'dl'at'"I.' ,.c-, Ih"~ gAneral- ,,1. . I k 'd PapAl' hL"c., ~~,' ." ll.,m ,u_. - tne,_.lived \u",a,-"or soden' "uC1u• a ,: ~i)'" C!.r. m~-" ,.~ ~ ~1- flJarl Corne£'r ...... • 'VJU'ICOlilllll":;lone_,,~ .. -~ "'h,·chl·u".-e~ a l.uilding and equipment or Beware al. ,.... '. __ t., ~ Stoa'd'-rd "'''ida... night. Eaeh woman ",no 1 ... - d ...., tltlon ..... 0 \' n I ...... s .... e ptte- ....cu- ':--t. ·etl1)o J 1..: ';'.1.:'>. .T.\.l l.. ,...... - - h N. H. Rath"ack...... aU,uon on rna ye •. - n' • ~'h'l"h ""'en- <"itiz"n may well b'· \." >'ut'u n" ,0-, .. _,. "" j . ._ ._ trl'n'" 1i "it' v.ill1Je mea,mred and er '''0' "'l~"' fi' ·on.... - "cro T e neA' ,.. L. • ~r •. 'n of _',E••,. ""01'- - I ",,,, ... VIi'Biard f'rt'en ...... •..... tiN' was u l::'l' \ e m Lll"; "" . ., _ I&r,,- In5t. !...:!:r, is c., L1_. ~,,-"" h.1'.. ':- s _ ...... '" .. f .. 1 1 rneu I1.t .. ,"",">1 .;....0 '" OJ '-~-Ion ro~ ~.,h"~·l "roul>~iii"nil ,h~'.'. ~hi :;~" l~huls ,~n ~ ... -l .... ~ j, V4J: ""-"'---j;.:O"'.....u ,,,,,,,.11~~ ...... U ~ - _..... Tho..... z.nswer depends entlrely upon,• 1 babv~ that took a prize at the beanty I '.l"'1 __i ------f'l' ~ ~ __o",od~.... h• ... Iiday~ '.H!>; CelellliHed at tilt' Pre"bYle: ~'. Hi be ht·lrl :;1 till" Flm'p!lce school! nnw much money she has.. A so~d.ler I show that you wonder how the ot?er Somewhat Mixed. . ~ A w:ll<'l f2~d tu Oma!!J. Ichurdl Sunday nig~L .1':''': _ ",~~s a~ i • .• "n'Y :'\ ,<, "I1~'v F.-b:ruan· 1~. i hasn't any llnd needs much.-Ptllla·: fellvw has the nerve to acknowleuge The process by '"hICh the CGghomen 1 ~ J 1'1JFh"'I11 hy tue cDOlr. \ .Olin mu",t' t~ .... :.ll:U~~~b'. ~ ~1.}.l- _t.... t .. I' • . h - . . .. ~l . '~hO~'1 ~~,. "I • "".:o·~s ~ delph~a Inqu:rei". I-his uaternir¥.7' "I CODVerf..Ba t ~. ,~,~t • '~r -)l-.JI!P..... I ?rJ}:' a. ~olo .lid-OeI ...' \)1- j"i~ ...,...... " .....~ ... h...- 'LJL.. {'" ItU .....k:nds: ·r..Jl• he iI .. ... of~ the Saxon saint who .. ~ ~ e111 ..... "'1-...... _ J:. B.)\ .1.<;.....tht" "1,\"')4..._~ ~._ _ c.r COUlL hy ':U.L$:5 • • e~h'b'titin ?(."{}ill~. lD.~""a :'i:,,~ ." .~~'" in ali s-'hool i \:ienuans eame to be the tr(t(lttlona "d"'t ,h:"~- ,va" tr, 00a:-ra. I're·,,,,,,n. ,,'i':':' :\Ii"" Hilk,,"m:'ll, R,x ", , - · iii d' ., k eper I ,- •. • -< '. '~anlial trainilIg anti !ndu5tI'ia~ e~i~-I Just a Protest. Had a KIck Coming. • i~te::::UI:s::~~:;:n ~~n~~C~nn\;: ;re I ~~-:::.- 1and :,b;; Shu;: orgallb_~ hIts ~'iiH be found in t4t"1 ~up~rlnt:-;l - """It'" To")\'" -':ODtr'""" arp sunCO"' in l1eaven I u:'ti::.ri€ Bloggins.,. the la\\"f1.11 \)'HE 01. i ~ ~ ... ~~~ .. #. "" B .,~J."'IV fac ~~r:.-:.:::~" _.\. L .. Bt:'ri~<:.t~ is n.)"'. D-:::.1.1! J 0. , .,~.~ f'~uj' dL,~t ,,~j.-r."r ~~Tt n l:~ c"':lJ,,;:er~' ...ft· .- ",. "","c'>'j~l..VU E\·el..... one w - e" f . - "'k" 'I;;;C~".I t o ~ ~v_ ''''nOa'''''lrJ'_~ --~ in thel told. was anglldZ€tl t;" O'l!_. _. I •.~ ,' JI' ,,- 1 I' 'I aSSlJ{;lo.lUuU ,.. :1; ;:.c"",t o!.lL..J- vill...... """" ...... I '",. ·11 b.... 11 tbe am&=': 1 ac;;:'" liO "Uo;;;; ... !...... t -..,-';;;:,A ..... t "'. 1 " d' V" _ t ...... i\:"'4V_ ."'t?l. P b- ~U.r· 1 ~~ ~p l\·r·p~ss if ~ conrU8~on uu~ rt;-~ r~l ~ ;. tis e.....i .. ··"t"-;Joi "'1,) tue n::::-w' <> :,oWl~"Dl!:Se a -.. - ... t "t.:" b "'t : -box· - ""ate the -PTIorte'" of By aV~,"'i" a.most usi:>"r'o'n~1U Ie... .I "-' I :-r::a1'" 11 2i. S ".'j"'~'li.! .. at _ :"t"';:'} :.- ~ir.d.p,~~l"it"~-" -1),·· " ".,.~,.:t .•a,~"mt'ni' '--..·~{,,!lH:.h . 'Ily a Buil'alo news poeL. ;les,hun~hU ~ <, , • '.. "J. • ,-! . i s· ~ht of ToU!" """·.,u~... ~ ~.....:he I EL<~ - I';'(;~'~lTJl ~ ~_)',U.~l • 'Z\1i.l j ;:,. - b th ....- quite a the biaa;r,..· 1"r;£tl But the cDmp. leftl t ...... 1:. i.O...... Bo- ..... ntol! t: ftJ .. :.u .".. .t' Ji.'; Cal· .c:=r::tn l:.U '=(." .. e leUt"""' ...... ,1 "'- "'''e''" -~ z.~.- .... fi~ ki,ndlyrem.-em er ere;) "\: i .. ~ ~ ...... -.~ • nruro~ of ';nn~-e="t)-,,.. ... :;;;0 IlJat tHe. ~. ~ _ ~ ~ l d l:; .... 1. u~( ~:~_--.. "'I .... ~ ""Ses::l;.~rn ..-:o~ely ~~}r "er~d :.~ful. ~l,:nle- ~ ~ -~;lbt.! g:.~L \~1l.1.1 ~ ~..,. 2 :n H}l : ... U-B:ile !. 8- u_ to death here-' out the .1''' in la .. and Plo;;· z:- • 1.. _.l;b, .... - -:;j, -= .. l...-...,... i:"vI.;:j1 ! t::r hu:--,,.,,,,,uu lue:" r.:':!1. lUI ..lltLd.!t;' ll ..... s ... .:..J._ .. ~ ad-.~ ~ r~ldl-t:"' ~ ~" ~ J ~ ~ ~~ SatUI11£r~.,- i ~~ .... of other :l.O.Ln,;:!lt!' pes...... Qa)~'" ~nf4'1 th~.... \~ h--.:to- .... olcO"'\:~ n"" tile f· ..... en..-s '-:l~~ ..... • a~ :u.:l.~· • t 15:--111~_ til f P,.... ,t-> .. .~ 1''':U :t''':H f to -2.. IlL ana 1. !,. rlh who ha.d hoped to find peace gins c2Ht'u 111' next guve ,.'-."= '="- ;t .... "- I; - - I ani": ell it .. \ l:' :;:I"' ..:e to l...... ':n::a ; uet

of them I stock \\ as in my 0"1', n pocket. That'~ abollt only l!rtle


p and tall! ~13 rg[' .. et saiu. .. r 1: , Kotllillg endures but· ihe e{€rnal I Free to Our f{eaders~ ~,.. h~~ ~~i>'1!J' "" comulonplace: and if cue rler.~r~~ from I Wf"ite 1\lUl"lfie E~"~ RCU1..d:; CD" Chica" -:I '''',7 e J!Ji~ A iA_ ~.::...i!f..J" ~$l!. ~hat it is t~ :'4U the most r:.e:d.1ous II ~\t?~1_~:ra4~I-P;'~~".::ju~tc-:a...t€dE'~Y~~'!?b~"'?;~~~ ... '. __'- ~ ..... 1...... ~ _ UJ,. .I .... _ ... v_ J..J ...... '"'- rt .~~~. ~~~;~>r.9 risks.-Cha!'l€S n""agner. Ithes' will advise as to tiie Pl'ope::.-- .Appli- \"'O.ii.L.;;~p&.. &~;,,;,!l.s . cation ot the l'.Iurine Ej"o R~medi€s in: of ashington Your Spel!l&l Ca:;e. Your Druggist 7Hl (ko~.ng S;m;!i~ nilY~ t~rr you ~hat ]'fuTine Re:i.e;.~eg Sore Eyes, . h E""e.,. I; Strengther-s Weak Eyes, D~tzn't Sm'H't.. E)~~ CARTZR'S unA.E ,SGGthes Pain, a.nd sens fer 50c. rr}"j I trV~ ~ll ~ 'What Is Going On at the IIt iIi Your Eyes n.r:d ~n B~bY's E)-Tea tot· nS"i! ii!;;§ ~ E~r€nd:::: reo ruIr_ Hotchkiss declared that one of: female ills had made marry reInarkable cures, would vall _ _l-nlm--e'__n-. ~overn- ~ ~ _ ! ing an official report to the I the chiet difficuities he had to faca, not feelli.ke tn-ing it? Ii 'ment there may be a difference of! was that of getting the names of the ! •J and usedItnve or six times beora I opinion. Ipermanent hotel population and that, If ~U1;ing the la~t .t.~iro/dy~a~-s we habveL I1?t ~1;1ccEeed,;~ ~n 1: went to bed, and the next day I I Supervisor Hotchkiss saId ar.other! of the lodging houses, where "tramps" ; convlncH,-g everj .LaIr-mIn eo:! WOillan t _al.. LYClla . So Ini~- was able togo to work and use my lof the most important qUEsnon diS-; and unemployed men confuse the ena· i ham's Vegetc..ble Compound has cured thousands a'.1d thou~ lWld as usuat"Sloan's Liniment !cussed was that of fully acquainting I merators. s-ands of womel~ or the ills peculiar to their sex, then we is an excellent anti- 1S D" k' E·· B -- k i lcmg fer :,uarantee killer-beals cuts, ' ~ 0 burns, wounds and was missing that caused the concern;: 1 HI ~ave~ ~ecn ,u~i~g" Cas[~r:.:ts fo~ In: 1 I to be genuine and truthful. wh~c.n it nCmnl2., \7';.tn l. na'tG been affhcteu contusions, andwill I was the fact that that one error I s~y t~at -"_ th - ! I mi.!!ht lead to others. which wouldn't 11 Hudson, Ohio.-"Tsuffered for a long tl..me from a weaknesg~ : for t'\.7:=nt:,;- y::ars, 8.1;d I can .. Cas­ Ula.W e pOlson j _. inflammation. dreadful :!?uim: ca~h month mul suppression. I ; carets L.R··.re f.!~·~!11 me morE l"€!1.e::- tl"'~ll ~~t~ re~eiTI];:g from sting of poi· II Ibe d1scovered possibly for a week.: had been doet"Jrl:i.lg and onlY temporary relief. 'Wilen a , other re~ec.y.i nayc e·.. ;;:" tned. 1. snail sonollS insects. Then the confusion would ha1ie been: friend ud'ds:erl:. me to take Lydia E. Pinkhaa's Yegetable CG~l1. ; certai::.Iv recoffilllend tn::!ll ~o my friends 25<: 600 and $t 00 I: Ialmost endless."_ : ,pound. I di(l go. and --wrote to you for advice. I have fahhfully : as bei~g aU th~..t they s:",e !'Bpresented. n ';:..nn'~ h ....Io: ..... , - followed yC'!ll' drrectioilll ~:l1d now, after taking on.ly five bettIe:;; I fIhos. Gill~d., ~!gi:Jt J11. ::n..e:~:;f~~' I I .A treasury official was at a function i ofthe Yegetable CompeunG..! na.e cyery reason to r.:eue.e I am free. A:dd~a& ~ i the othe!' night and was IJresented to fir wellwomUE. I giv.e ~"orr fiill ~e:rmi:;~~unto useilly te.=timGnial.'~ ..,.~-~ ~'~~~;;;;~~~;";'.£::ris P::1.11s's N. Y.-"T....-o .curs UQ:O I Wc.s ',batik. One day-a Saturuay. When,!l department, she said: 180~i:.fithilt~~,::dt.{jF'-ketomyb~de,€rY'·'.onth. - luna llj ~OlliU. .last Ir-om two to tlrree W€2!.£S. I f~ so~e ' H C H lih : reason or othe:-, I was an- "1 want 10 complain to ym'- about; IWl"ote ta.ou for::td.icea""'d taok I.xdia E.Pink.. l1li est I XIOUS to get away e,:'rl:r-It 'lmS four;.d! that inquisition over there." 'ham'sTegerable CompoIDHI inwiform. I am HBy S air Yo I that the cash v:as 2" c-:nts short. \\ e I "V{hat inquisitionT' happy to fWy that I am cure!:!, thanks to yonr ~"vel' Fail.. to R..sto.... Gray-He1r to ~t" 1worked for an !lour trymg to find yw_t I "The examination of baggage at the, medicme u:r:.d good a,i...-ice. You muv nse my lSAtural C~I!,l' and Reanfy, StOPS .ts.fa1!ing 1 money. My time was lITo"in'" snort-, no.,.t of New YO"'k" I Iert€:!" for fue good of ctllers."-llis. J. H. ant. and IlQSll1~remo.-eg Dandruff. Is Dot a , - '" , >' - -. •• B\:.' R. F~ n~ -"'" 'V" Dy~. Refuse all substitutes.• $1_00 and 5~ ; er eve:y mJ.nute. I "But I'm not in charge of the eus- reyel'<:, >.or, .egIS Ull.S. -'-, ..... 'Bottles by Mail or at DrUI1l:1stS. J ".At length I dug down into mv pock- I toms." The:-e ~" absolutely no doubt 'about the s~ Bo~!e.FREe 100 for larE'e sa:,,;>le'"e~a''' : et and pulled out a quarter. 'Here: I I ::Irade no difference to the young , '-'.J- f" 1 • 'd _11 r .....~,,- u ... S-ft~-~v. Co N J T\ S. • ! aOlIL,)-7 c_ tlUS rrra!1G. 01 l"e!.'l1e-:l ,·, ma-:!.€; rrom O>GJ >...... ' .. ". A>;! said, and I tossed the money down on i '..;oman. She force:'!. the official to lis- ' "-' ' "'-·:t~n~ 'll-::reFREE• .-.- ! the connter. I didn't see why that,IShten to her story. ne a d come 0\"6r , _ t11e ruots and j;.erbs of ou:" fi."elds, to cure """ ~ "D- .. _.~ 1 ' f 1" \"1- 1 f r - h' - PAJENT' ~~~~~1~ie'l:~~~~';' _wouldn't settle things. But my em-! from Europe wi:h a lot of :-ibbon in emale mseases. i! e possess vo.umes 0 proOI at taIS tact, -'::~~:::-::~~~~~=E~==~~====-lployer was '\'ery strict, 'Young rean: 1 her t."Unk. An Inspector oruered the: enough to "'O""~·i-1CP thA T"'c-t 5'~ ..; 1 • I he said: 'taue that money back. Y;e l t:unk opened_ He asked her Yo hat she, .I. .... ~~ \ !~ ~ _.~ ~.u;:, h.epc"ca • Nebraska Directory t will find that quari.er if it takes all l was going to do with the ribbon. She' For30 ye..-n-5 Lydia :E. Pinkbc", a7l'~~u. ~ e;.,Jj } A letter from the next day-Sundav.. 'We and It I wanted to know if you were going to - -v ., ... - _ .. /V_, II )~_-J"...... e/ - hag thOT"LSands of cures tv its credit. '\ i!. was noon before we found the error.: sell rhe ribbon or use it yourself. YOll' - -',1 Kansas says to ~ ink ~ .~'/L 0 " CO"VRe 1''''-p "incb l€arned that it I' need hase given him no more informa- ! llL.-s. r: 3;am. mtite:g s!ck women f. J/J K-C e:i~~,t:§CA;;" C~r~?hrJ"'{ ~ ~-, .- ~ v ~ to Wl'ite her fo.!" fla:nee. She hz.s \~~ ...... 'J:'.-'0.,,;;-:$:~{{1 B;\KEKS;=:~!...D, CA~!F';)~Nl~u wasn't merelr the fact that a ql::>rter i HOll than that." ; guided thousand;;; t'O health free cf enarge. ct~ I, '~ ", 1I I. ~ ~'" 'Ill Uncle Sam !Pictures of Ex..Speakers Like Chromos! ;:::::::==A::d::;&::~e::;ss::Jl::jfrs;::~.::P:;;~;;I;;;;:hu::m;;:,:;;L'ffi::.:~:.:n.::;M::;'a:,:-ss=.•--=--=_,-="o,=_.. "=r_:.:.,,_::-.....::,,,::::::; : ! urloC!{ .rrlgatIQ~ lJ'iScriCt of C~~ic=-n:~ Breakfast Food Co. i whom tIley represent leok as though IT WH..L PAY YOU TO FA.'( I they had been boiled in oil while sIt·' "\"'bile in Omaha my land­ _"Ieng :for those same portraits, so lady fed me your food. which -." It! ruir.ed and injured is the expression l'~lieved f<&\.~ II on t!:.e faces of most of them. me of CHRONIC ''i;-' -r- t CONSTIPATION of 20 ~j ~ In the latter class are Speaker _"::::-"r"'f\!"1&'E~51""" Reed and Speaker CrIs;)_ Spea};:er :years standing. Ship me at ~ ~ RAJ<' I - i~l;;e~;~~~~lS~~!ol:~: ~ll~ ~e~d, once 6 packages." (Signed) when gazin.g upqn the canvas " ~~ ,._.,:~ tuat represents hIm one day, turned D:::.£... \!~~ "!'.t~ us :~I' .... n :c:-.:r.rat:wrl• .~thur Hubbard. ! '_ i to a friend and saId: "Sa-a)', I don't, Emporia, Kansas. rNEXT to the Hall of H"oITors. where I wonder the Democrats hate me if I ; the mal'b1e and bronze and p;;l:"ter ! look like that to them," The picture .. It wiil ao as much -for anyone ! effigies of dead and -gone statesmen,! of Charles S, Crisn is a smug, fat, . !lllo is CONSTiPATED I jurists and warriors speck the wails 1looking custome:' ;s little like the ; around what was once tho:' old house; genial·faced, clear-eyed Speaker Crisp 7-1 SIO~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:of representati,..es. the p~jIl.ted eill- \ ~s anythi:::lg could weU be imagined. :gies in the lobby 'back of th:;; house of 1 Representative Ptl.r1wns of New' JOHN DEERE PLOWS ; representatives arOUSES the l"isibilities; York has introduced a bill asking for ARE THE BEST i of every 10¥e1' of real an who passes I an appropriation ot $8.500 to' purchase •.ASK YOUR l:.O(')AL DEALER t?R I through: That gallery of equal hor-! 17 oil paintings to replace as many ':OHN DEERE PLOW CO., OMAHA. NEB. I ~ ~- k.' • ~-====::===:;;;=:::=::::::::::::;[ rors is now Ul' .lor a..uw i ch::-omos of t11e deun and gone speak· : ! Hanging upun the y.;~~s are ro.-"s i ers. \Vhile. most of the pictures in: I and rows of p~ctures or former a:~ak·! ql.:estion cost about ~50, there is not, 2 Lb. Red ! ers of the house of reIlresentativEs.; the slightest doubt that a great many; ; That is, they are called picmres. _ ! of. them mlgbt have be~n purchased, -Cans i-Many of them are fiamhoyam thmgs . WIth $1.49 worth of tradmg stamps. i in colored cra.ons, tl,-at wouid make: If Rellresentatiye Parsons wants to , I a. kindergarten- k!d weep to gaze UlJon i do the right thing, he wiiI have appro- ! 25c them. A lot more of them are done in! priated about $17,000, and then he I Per black crayon, lInd they arB certalniy wHl probably get about 17 good por-; Pound ! the limit. A few of the latter ones are 1traits, and he isn·t going to get them j ! done in oils, and the poor :opeakers! very much under ~hat. i At Your llndians Grocers ! T~sb ~.II"' Tt:.. r:U '* I The Eagle» are making preparations I, FINAL N°TfCE. Ipos.:' (If complenng the erec>lllg and iU'·.! •••IiII!iI!III••IIIIII!Iiillllllfiiii.IIIlil••IIIiilI!IiII.llllill!!lllla!llllIl!!lllIlllll!•••IIIIII!IIl!l!!!!!Ii!!I!!I!l11lil!!1 1'.t.terfO... ence L1 une ito care for a big Cl 0>\ d at theit' athI8[' in S:.,": J;!l::;,lirlPt C,m:t ot Dougl.]» County. m~'1ll)g of tne pres"nt sc"oO! bundmg on IB =' '. h 0>' 1""'''~"'". N h.ru'.,~Th~CT'"' ,-, - Bluif strEet In the Cln- of Florence In -",stab,.s Bu m 1"IC carll,,.al on tHe...,2.:>rd. The piograIll- _. NO 11liiuil. saul scnool 'hsulet. ' BUY BOVf["S, fURNACf Ar fACTORY rail' FS ffic" at incLudes a wrestling match between .inc .St~te .~f~1'i::br;:;slm, Plaintiff .""': t),e I Gi,en by oriler of the District Board of lIL O _ se~er

    ",rsons and cOlPora- 'uars,~ A. D. i:nn. •I ,. ~.r = 'h h t Lo . lIons l,Evmg or cl.unllng title to or any W E ROGERS fine"'t in", mate e ween ms S~hwa· mterest:, rIght: or cla1m In or to suell "" t t· ..• , And save from one·third to one-half of the cost of 3'1jf first·class .....,.....c--'----'----'--.....:..------.....:.----~ .•Iger and Jack Tolliyer. a SIX rountl: box. pprcels of real estate or an~' part tnere- I . k'fiGH BrTTIE. .1IIoderaxor. heating plant, having EQUAL CAPACITY. " of. defendants I D lUg eonte::;t between two Florence To. Clifford S Kempton and Clara A. ,PR-F4-11 Irector. SIXTY DOL.LARS boyS, a four round boxing contest be- Kempton, h1S 1YUe, owners, ami to lln. ==_=c==~~=====:======..... CI . l;:no1\ n owners and to the occupants of 1C,~eell arence Engbsll and Rob('rt tile .Ieal estate descrll Ed below: I CHURCH DIRECTORY. We sell a first-class furnace, suitable for a cottage with all pipe =...;..=.....:..--'- ::-'- ./Smith anu a wrestling match between Not:~e is IH,.t'-:bY glyen that under a de- -:-_---:- _ and fittings for $60.00, and larger furnaces at proportionately low .- h - • . . • ('1 ee 0> tIte diSITlet court of sala ('ounty I c' r e Nelson twms, the llg.lltest of rendered in the state ta.-;: suit for the Church Services First Presbyterian prices. wrestler~, fol!o~:ing weighing only 40 pounds. sear 190;1, the. described leal 'I Church. I We manufacture 36 different furnaces of the leading styles. We "''''ICIA' PAPE'" OF TH= CITY OF • estate. SItuate 111 the county of Douglas I, O"...... '0-<::::>- and State 0::' Nebraska. to-w;t,: Strin Suni:.ay Services. own one of the best equipped furnace FLORENCE. on east of Kempton HeIghts Additlon tv.!) Sundav "chool-IO'OO a m , ?IfI' and Mrs F B NiChols ad· (:?) feet by "l.x-hundred and twentv-seyen •. ~ .,. plants in the west. We mallufactul'e tnte.....u as second-clasB matter June 4, I ...... - . n IamI- (6:;,1 the same bemg the east two (2) Preachmg-l1:00 a. ill. the very best and sell at the lowest :l!lil9 at the postofiice at Florence, Ne- ly 'wIsh to thank all their kmd neigh· feet of lot eIght (8) in Tuttles' l"uo-dhIS- G. E. 2iIeetiuO'-7'OO u m possible manufacturer's price. OUI' bl'uska, under ACt of March 3, 1.879. bor8 and the fire department of Flor- Ion. an addltlon to the CIty of Omaha. . '" . • .; }:no'iI"U as Tract No. 15805 was, on tne :nIId-Week Sen'ICe. furnaces burn any kind of fuel. CITY OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. enee for their help and aSI8tance In !lth day of .June, 1iHJ8. dilly sold at public ,Vednesdav-S'Ot1 p ID The Bovee furnace is t!~e only fur­ M;aYQr 1;'. S. TU.cker saving their home from bein"" burned ,'endue by the county treasurer of smd I •• "-•• CIt.... Clerk•.•.•...•..•... ,Charles Cot:treli F 'd' '" e01l;llt}· 1ll the mj?-lU'er proylde;.t b;; In.,,.! The pubhc IS cordially invited to nace having a perfect forced Ventilat· Clt3-. Treasurer•...... ••W. H. Thomas 1'1 aye,eUIng. January 28. If it had anu the perl,?d o. redemptIOn ,rom sud.!attend these "elry-ces ing System, that insures pure air in CIty Attorney..••..., .., R. H. 01msted not been for thei" hard work in ex- sale ",ll expIre on the ~tll da~' of June'l .,. ~., . CIty Engmeer Harold Rey-noIlls. ..' IlJlO. You are furt'ler notifiea that the WIlbam Harvey Amos, Pastor. every part of the house. The value ~ssued CIty :Marshal Aaron MalT tingmShlllg tne fiam",s before they owner of the certific.ate of tax sale 1------1 of this forced ventilaticn cannot be m81m ~(tber; Cr.aig~ CouncIlmen. had :cramed~ much headway tll.. home b}' the t:easurer WIll appl!Cflt!on to: Church Services Swedish Lutheran .. y ... the COUlL In the above enutled cause for I over·estimated, especially in case OT J. H. Price. ,would ha\e been burned to the jCf;.llnrmatlon of such sUIe as soon as 1Jr::tc- Ebenezer Church. Charles Alien. ' er • _ tlcab1e after '[he ueriod of redemption hit'" ~. bad lungs 01' sickness. Dan F. K"lly. jgIoUnd. ,,:S:Illred. and )ou'ure hereo}' notlfied thai I ::;ernces neXi: :sunda~·. £'Qllc~ VIe ship everything properly pre, Judge .....•...... J". K. Lowry I ItiIB tIme _and place ?f .the hearmg. upon I Sel'IDOn-:::: 00 p. m. pared ready to install so that a'1y _____---: -,-- .,-----' I sueh eonnrmat;on WIll oe entered In the S 1 ... FIre Depar1:ment. I Ieonfirmatlon reeo1'd I;:ept by the clerk of unday schoo.-'f: O p, m. handy man can propedy ;liS'tall our EOSE CO]\IPA~~Y NO. I, FIRE DE-' WM. BAIRD & ~ONS, Attorneys. saId court on, 0:' before the 9th .du}" of lour sen-Ices are conducted in the unn furnaces \..... ithout any as~istance from PARTlIJENT-Meets in the Cit>· Hall 1:he 1 :::HERIFF S SALE. l.r , 191'1. LOU vall e:s:an.une saId con-,!:: - a'''h I roo, er "1 S ~ -. - s.econd l\Ionday evening 111 ea.ch month.' By Yll'tUf< of an order of sale issued nUl 'I.rD'1aUQn record t) aSCtrt~un the tIr;1B Ofll.J'\\e 1.... _all~l.1aoe • ..:u Ca.nUlna"'lan;s a tinner. n1m~ COlini~. ,,~elcoIDe LOUIS Presldenl:; W .. P_ Wall. see-jog ..the D1Sh°,.ct Court for Douglas sL-ch llPlrlng and p13.y be ure.senr If 'YOU t are most cordially .. Send rough plan of budding to be ur pu~sunnce J f<..1'~ ret.:'l:n"; W. B. Parks, Treasul'er; George Nl-"3. -:.lska., an:l in of a deClee f des.l.re. i.il T 1ake Ob,J8-r.tions 01" f;hov. } ======G-aTnble Chief. of saId (;Qur~ III an ...1.<:tlon t:::lelelD Inde:..xed c:::l'Se ~h3 l.Le E"B:e s.uould n01: be c .... n-l !leated and get our "three·colored cata­ :t I at apea.rnnce {1()(j.:..et l"i, nage 16, ex€",u- flr':::"12u. _ log and best plans fo,' heating olant. SCHOOL. SOARD. I nun decket 1::. page "'~ "herem H tStm~~ _ ~. BYRON R. HASTINGS, LODGE Dl RECTORY. A 7~Jl.·1 aoou~ half lYleets tIle first Tuesday" e",enmg 111 the!?= ~e-;den. a <;~rpor-atlon (If Qlnaha Ne- J':: 1-1:' 1-.11 OT"~ner c! E':l1d Certifleate, i----:------iet1:er to us v.fill save "~S J).~!mlff month at tha s.::hool buildinii'. Ima"ka; •. ' d L{)U1Sa R,>ch- ~rv1PORTANT I JONATHAN NO. 225 1. 0.0 F. j tne cost of your heatll~g plant. 'V. E. Rogers p -Chairll'ap l1:an :t" aL, detendants. I l"dH.. _at ten .. .,. NOTICE.. : .'c ,.... I Hugh S-u.ttie , .. ~ * Seeletar~ io~~i~)~k i j~l 0 11 Tllesda::. the ~.,.o-h d<1'1 _'Gt1..;...... i ten..... Clt:t OC Olu<:-ti a County of DOllglas. 1'1 tpat Olij1nanee No. 124 reflU1.reS 1\\'. L" Rogers" ...... " Secretal'Y , 476 8th Street ,"VATERLOO, IOV\'A I .... :.,"' of .Nebraska. sell at punlIc a:.tct.10Tl 1-<' D) such l l oidt;r of a po l:Y to lepOlt: to flJ C T{ind'"ed TreaS111er I ~ to i..hE' 111gneSt lJlCldcY" for caS!1 tIle prup- t1 Clt:..~ Clelk t..ne na~{'e ot t.l1e eO'11DaUY . _...... " ... " ...... " "- I ______~----I.I~ ~&n~M - fu~w~ W_rr Lmslill =wh fumr ~®8~ ~ ~sme~-a~1 MeH~8Y~~ayUPa~~ashqU·I~.~~B6~~~R•••••••~.m~~••~m~~~~E.~.~.~~m~~1 ~ (1~ 1 l·Vi~itor~ . Qne~or~ anu rwo (2) In b!oe1( four t';l 11' the lla ue of the agent \\'110 sohc.l.ted tile welcome jJ!: Florence, Neb., Friday_ Feb. 11. 1910. i '\ Ie"Omafl..l~TerraceDnugl~s.•111 <..dditlOn to tl'E 1'0'''': and the :laLe 0': the polIcy :ssued.! -.-. 1-::======______. Il<;,!"'o!~tC1tj. ilf COUllIY, Nelqus- sli~I':\.nd any pelson who s_1all fall to !'1.ake.l ...... i- sub"f, plall1tlff in the sum of I rel?'" t '.' ltllin tlnrt;· d.n s to the CIt)' I FontanelJe Aerie 1042 Fraternal ! !!"'-_...... _----_...... _...... _....""""'" ...... 8••••••••••_"" I Lx;; 10 ,u'h uu:etesL ,n 8 per cent: per all- CierI: "'Iall on de"med gmltv of a mis-! Or,{pr~- of E-Nles-a~. ~ I~- · I n.".UU1larl'1er~froIll FeiJl-uctJ.-v 8. 19u9· to :=:a.tlsfv tlle dh'icauUr. and upon COn'lcl.l0n shall be - 'I Do Your B k· B· ' Lumher CollmpaJ11y in the' sum ned C'e :;tJm of :;;;; ,HI : PaSt \\ a:Thy PresIdent ,... I u an lUg USlneSSII iI!r '" $g3.1~3. lDteres~ I' ~me- :..p~r,{li' ~l!l1?m Wltl. (It 7 per1~tj~;C"l1tt.]:,~al(lTl'e counCIl ha,e dHenl'medO\l.~le:-s to er,forCe! ~~"'.":" ~:.... .~CJ ~..Striblmg- I -- I• BRAIN STORMS 1 from Nr.:r<;t:;.luber :!3. ord}nance, anti of fire insur- ...... At home \rvhere the smafi account I1 • 81 sat.iS!\ tn~ SUln of $6.10 COSts and the ~c- '"'lIce ;::?n~lf>S T1)'lSt ::0 repolt tf) n:e Vi nh- j \\ OlIn} Presld.ent" ... " ..... "E. 1..:. Platz , ~.t. " 1 tI O I ,'rhjng "n~ts. all .lS pro"ded In said Drdel !! :t.t d<>1a,,·. I"·o,·th \'ice.Pre~idpnt \'i',\ T I ! II ~ets tile :i?ame a ..entlon as the ll¥ - ~ ~ t ~eeree. ~ ~i tl~e ~la) i;~ ,,~~,... ~ ~ • I~gel .L. .. ,... • t al"P~IcdHI '" F""Jruar~ ~ Gh en by 01 Ctt'l ~r. u,· 3.11d OounciL -'- . . .- ay or II larger cne. ' i: Uf I· Don t the school '-'1e.CtlOn! at Omaha Nebla":",, 1'. 1 •• . cH_'..S. COT'J;RELL, I" onh) be..:retary ... j\,i, B. ThompsOlI I fl 2 II L •8"lcut'dar" l!'cbruarv, 12. I . '. E F BR_\IL"'Y 1.. ·_"-F,. CIty Cierk. '\\'o"'ll'-I -- - T"ea"ln'er- Henrv. -.AndeI'C:On- I ·V, ON C"'R-IIFICATE:'-~ ~ OF I " 1];3--. ;",,",Sl~~.;i.ff Neb~~;:.'l Worth ~ •• • H-1~-_~-lU-4of Doug-'ds County. I WILLIAM J. COAD, Lawyer. , ~'d y Chaplain Daniel KeEy DEPOSiTS I -- • ., .. t t""~CllQO1 . x I, n d TtT N I f DiOU t tOlget. 0 go to de 1 f F!rs-: Na':tOnaf Bank .Bldg. lin::.-l € tiuar H lli. A .. i::icott I !lOUS') ftnd vote for the homl" Bamr-l -~ I NOTY'~ lOutside Guard.... . \V. A. Dunn Drafts good anywhere salt! at i ~ '--~!'D' Ph~"'c'nn I dll"'Et:!-ors of The Gre.Pt \\"--esterIi-- 01 of_ rhoriJ.<:l'3 H. ::.\Ioffat t -., -• \\... d d"'. - r.o 1 -C'O PHONE s:'LO 3"0 I haye mo!&c. I Comnany~ .a corpDra.tIon Ol'0anIze 1. :I. d :O::-d,sed. Deft:11uanLf:. ... i _\~eelS e\ e!. y e nes a.j Tn L o... e ~ ~ • j. I --v-+--.-- i ~he Ia\1ts of ~he Stare of Ntb,,~asI;:a~t~~r;~ T~.. ~lt~p ...... 1!nlulQ...... :-.. !"PITs...<:>~'T' ,...de~lsee~ OllilaH ~~";.;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0H"~~1 na'\Jng ItS nrlnClual nla~e of bUSH t 1.1 Dm.x.s ? ?\I\.!ff<.tt, u't;!....,..,,,l:j·cd~ an,J to N01Jt O "lah3 In ~ajd state -thut t1 ~-:.~~ ~O" Gpl)l~•., ~_ lkllS~, Jal_leS I-I. ~IcIn-' t that tIt? eunucH ha,:; ordered Il lJ In 1e P .... I T~o-" + .. ~.- :'1_. j_ $_q dc.ht!'{ of said ~Ol or-n .. ~ ::. ;.-;..10::- ~n~ I u·"" 1 o..TO,l ,JoseDl... J.l.r ...'l..t:i·. t =Q. .-1 ~ 1. I I , . tll .. ' .l~, • ,Wet" $30ChjI1V. i1' :~:1''''--T'Io'" -'':"",e~S::fl.'.,~u~OH""".". '''- 1 <' n I ~ _lOme lltter meetJngs. e ne \" \\ Oill: IPt">~IdrnL EDD C WILLIA:\IF: I~'·!J~·n' £"';' ~'"_>.',,"'. ,on 'y .-,.u, '-"ef· . ",amm,l Jensen I'IAn AIva aBChCl 1_~:::::O l' 'I .-.f T,.. Grea' ,,- t ,,-' l T~i·!- ~ H :LcI Lu", 1 ana Josepn1 " ~.ile,j::1)'"l' (' 1 r. L'lT~DTI Ig.LL.. C'onlPan,,: - 1. \ e-F ern ...... O\-e ... :" ... .. t r ... o:lr" '..IClt'S,\ llotHied that on t:: t: f \ JUSl... •• " " ...... J IRkI t JlV. I ~ -~. Ja~.1l'a";-~ l~lU ~;1e n B~'ll~t->l· oc moun' if • TF Gee\ Bud C \\""llIh~~n1S ll:Z;~ J It t'h Ila,~1.."'-ot \.~h::lK: Crelgl.1,tu~urt n FD Leach j fi C 1 .. _...,. i Zer;-lU' oUd Ii ~ H~J' Olr '" ! t. D-J.~ 11-n:~ fi ... "CUP~lT.~llis d .1Kt.:"1"lt:>.;:;.~at: ..e [.tr- 1rJ.l'""" ." •• " ... • ." "... I 'I of oa; !i~ n you are agaInst the €UUcatlIig 01;~!t1 e D'II "to osn::: ". .. Gus Xelson I i • foundr~tl0n• rC J1S 01. 1 l,;' r"""at U ....€"st,prl"l -1"'l~[,~P::H:f ....~·la.,._- ,U._ 1 ~etvng... I j;L!1 clll1dren on a better than!~Fl1"t"ity Curupany" ... t-:;':"~t.. lll"_lil. Ll'<~(:....H:·l or L"eF} el~1:S-S;O.rt •.• • •••James Johnso, 1 ;. . lJ~md b :u..•.. :_"" I"J~S"S"l<;ll,l[ 1':;:: o,;\Jl-l-r alIa III H .. ~.I. - at present ,ote agamst rhe s, ut 1 , ..c'....l uad tr.•1t it and. ItS ::;c:;tlT.· ...... •.... , .. ClI. Crmn liOnP Itry F'arm I tWill not hUH, l' L '", poor coal. I.. if you desil'iO"~to~ see the chiId:en 1'1'0-1 Ig:a1l.t..r ", l.meLDlltlnuDU~o..en the uv,l1es t.n'! l'lIPiniwi,m ~ Dr A. B ~ A.da·ll~~ L~·t . w tl~ndhn~. • I J\1cCOY & O.LMSTED. Attornevs l the .1''!-<.1 '1.. open.. nOlt.J!'!OUS. • ...... _ -- hat lS 't hy v, € a -, OD!y gress. vote .1.or them. f 652 Brandejs Budd"" 0 h"" I d-;, ..·l~~ anti pf;: 'l::'e~ble P'J.ssQ.s~ion of IlJts t Bc,.:.tll._ or .:\lanagers: \\. R. "Tall. J \ ~ •• • I , ..g, rna a. ~';U '2;. w:pt· n 1:~)._nft<"en tli;'. !'l:s:-I'-'narl... " j"un"u" aid A P John~on I GOOD COAL...... f NOTICE OF IKCOP..PO ... .., - ..... -1 \-,-0' ~0YP~ttf'11 \.11 I. elg1n:et:n (IS)!, 1.1 ~_ ~ ~. v --...... ~...I. J, ...... ~ ..:J...... " After al.l th~ world is a nughtY g?Od I _ .COPELAr-..JJ-FLy,,,~~\3'b~N 01 'l£'etl:~,l ~U'" t"s;~t:;. ,":,l),. ';.~;.n!=}-tJ¥e. ?Ieet" E'\ery ::!nd and 4th Tnursday I BARRED PLYMOUTII ROCKS \'i'e dL' 110t ,,(':'1' our uur nen ""~ ll! r n,~l ,.wents-,_~.et e~f'h P~~ca'es -lape to lne Jl'st re"d the arncle,Nnuce :s ""rellY bi=yen of'h • ,_no }-t",n ' ••1. '-::,'·Iot month in Hall !isrelliIu: Tn our : ~ _ ..... ",'" ~ .. - : of a cD ...norat1on d l. e ~o:lf!~auo~. t1\"-"nt~-!t.. Ul· 12~1 and 1:WentY-Ilve t.~.tL I th~'S'~+ anI ~) :,r~,:;;:, 0'0"1.: one ,I '. Sl,rl P1.ace, nn addt:,' I .ve:.-On:lalla~ ·> 1 ' t h .".. ra j('.I -" ...' t...... t: 0. - eo] asn.... nun to 'tilt:: C.l"i1 01 Cf'unty Ot .. • "la a at 0 goou a rea newsI)aper I ...-., 'F~- 01 »1l1~,1 corporatIon IS Cone- tn ..., ,- an~ "tate of N -h-'l~k . tl ,t vo" Violet Camp Royal Nelg~bors of , Tel. P'ore"ce 315 .. 1 t I f • • .tal1u.- j:vnn CQ - - ~tU~ ~ ~ l6.... - .- ...... ,.~r:. ... '-" • .1" - ~" ;,.,a."1 J u FLORENCE NEB ,"-aes f{.lr a tm'·n. A Ih"e newspaper IS I Tne VI!nctnai'pl'ce of t1" TI" ,'. '. :-,-o:d. -il.d: Of ~\}u._ elm..1 !'o~ne lI,;:J't. ~Lle America ' ••" b,::: cP-" - I ~ at .... at;tH..I.g" h~ ~",T" t~"L:t'l~E"~;' 17). a'1\l to \h€- ano\.·e de.o:c~111.ed· 1 the besl asset that ~.:.,.,.a 1O"n cowd pas· ',' c?!u-nlllI;."sN~s"m~~, ~ll" ('lTty of Oma1:r.1, Dougl.lso~" r,:·.-.p'IT\~_ 'hI> iJ·o<~ """,1L~ 'rl=ht tit'e o.·/pa",t Orac!"' Mrs. J. Taylor ~~~~~~~;;;;;~;;;~~~~~~~~~~ BUSINESS POLICY ."'" #... ,,",. .... eU'rasn.:-a. ne o-:ent:'ral natu"'p f t-' - .... - ...... _ ... _ c-". ... - '"' I -I 51 bIY !la.e and yet Ie" enOl ts al e not, me Im~ines~ to be tran~"""ted b • t' •-' - , I'hI",r. ~t da1r~!I',I !oy,'ou .,nd eaCh 01 yuq Oracle ::\Irs. George Foster, -c-.H-. -RlIEPIDN I' ~ • d d f i pmra-" ; ·h ""II" '1 • b :. t.: ~ _l ... S co!"- l~ W ~t1H- l.UlIOUUHl--'{l, and ula~ no -one 01 I.... "'· - : alwavg ~,nl~e<;Jate an some o. tne: t "j~n S. a "t: < It ,unng a1111 se,lit'g Oil I ,~. .;. ",•• '·l~!'· . -'e o~ I·nt~~e". 'n \ ~ ...e OraCle \Ii"" J J Cole I ':-'RRIE ~ .,..".TT co", till ~SC.hff\ e (1 il.:pd InfHde SentlU€! L • • Rose Sunnsoll'll Res.. D. Ref; Rea 44.£4.1 I .. hJ....<' .. ..,. "" ~t~.i'Dnanui~u~h Produ;:;~ep~~~n"'- __ J.. f~ _..';"l~~t,"alldUlC:tE', 0 !:;€ :.~::fCQ ...t: to .a.o:kpd 1.0 el;;:e:r tItle !TI t.ne I...... uelg....0l".; paper to paymg ..1 1.01' IT. 1 !) f! a·hi. f,,"€ed08e' "-flY <;,.lU}S t1lat jOutEIde SemmeL •.•.....:lIars Leac:l I Telephones: 1 ~,-S_1 llPre~hter Recei\el~ elsewhere All • •• '1 makt~t"":- .<'fn""'1~ and ti~:11 !tina'" (!"jj U1.::=' t(J i HIll anrl .. vI voul)l{jnel'Y~1l1ay set ~ 3.:Ir.:: Xewel1~ Bur1"OD I Douglas-Ben 1226 Ind A 2205 J l''t" ... ,..., - ...... s 01 :J:aCn.;.;lgB-"=", l :ih:h In r...n ....1. 10 Sa.Itl i - - ...... "...... -...... t.. 1 • ••• I l Q livered promm :. Thanks. ~ I 11;;\1 -;uera:~"~old~"t:t,;'';;::'p~alcletss; ~,od e u ,p Y,-,'I '::'<" ',,,,eb~' TeqUlre,l. to a-,~wel" Recorder...•...•.••.•..Susan Xfchols I ~" ~"'- ~n 1 "ULS( & RIf [N ,'; !II EL PI Edi }<"1" I • - .,an to ("Isa' n"·-t!,,n on .-.r D 'v"e t e "st day'p' .. r : r. .. • a:z., tor Olence ~l!~nef~i coId st?H:I~e business, "to !J~r- ;:--F~h ~~c:l'~. l!!ln-- - -- .. 'I nyBlclan Dr. A. .. BoO ;\.damsi Tnbune-Dear Su" At: the 5193.li~~.;~du~~;~~e~:i-~~~~~f>~~d.i~~r:e~1~last I L=se, ."a"e or 01.,,1 ,ea1 estate und hm·j- J2S-FH:'~THll .'p.--,~-..'rGHTON 1.-Xn'ER",TTY.~> , Board Of ;Iarga~e~:\fana~e"s''Ad~m;::::\1r<: ,J~illP~!ilar" I regular meeting of "iole:t Camp. ,-, • Itt;·een. :lIr;. UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS I Ut·ntle=Lusa Lbr. rOA R. N. of A.• I was Instructed to write I ~i:;~'t_·d1iorIga.ges and ?iher ~'.jj"nees u: uO-ICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION IN! JOllllsOn. I' iU .I ~ ~ · • k d 1 __~ ,.. 'It;SS In eonnect.lon trIth .lts bu--=!- i~ 1 • I I and e.xpress then' tHan's an appre'I'll1ss; r~lto sell upfl convey allYgel1eral1~'of its prop- SCHOOL~OUGLASDISTRICT NO. 5. IN I :\IE'ets 1st and 3rd Tuesdays at J Successor to eiation for your manv notices~ and erty, Qr p"r"on»l.Q~l,er and to il" ~,f·tkP.• • COUNTY. ':'lEB.i.1U3dllea~.., - I Pa"ca1e'" HaIL i HARRY 6, DAVIS ~LEiSON _ .. ... • i.[...nd per1f,-rru all acts and +l"i:n="" in- IS }1ere-oy g'1't-en [0 n"}e - - ...,; Iii FDANK llJf gr killdly words III regard to tile camp III Ic'dent to the 1'01"e1's herein nur.:;'~r,ll~d.· I V'i"rs 0;' I'cho,?:).tIsui.ct No i'i. in Doug- , I R U AI, ill " your par.er the past veal'. Royally ~TI e. amount: 01. authorized capItal stoi'k; ·"s. ~(ll1nr::, Nefll1lska. lhat upon, ~he I Court of Honor. I 109 South 16th Street. Omaha. ",, ...i ~v!.::~'>.;!::: :'E'(.lU~St. on~-t - ...... f 0 .... tZ lS CG!1.JoratIon IS S;j5 finO OU dh: ide{i! 01 at least. .11rd I p C' 11 i •• ~-ours, Susan R. Nicllols, Recorder. ! ::r;~I{hmto shar"s~hall 0;: $10t1.uO each' $1;:;'uo}.1 00!!,:;~!(j;! or tt.e 'l'Ia1,ned~pcd.11,oterse!"e~Qn.nf saLi E'phool ,ast nance .0.1'~Irs.•••• , •• ... ••••.• ••• • I --=_...... lID""DSD;!~IiII;liIi!lilIUD!lDDIl-iI!j;U;l~... ••I I be funy paid up at 'the' ,j1StrI' T c 1,2S been I Elizabeth Hollett I ; ~~s cOlporatloll i _d st.:hool." ~lstrl('t Q~ L~ T_ I "'t".!'1~ :l'~l:,begins busmess1 a:na .all c...l'i:ed_'F~'1 !lY .sr.. IJ~ t~;:;T€;-! C1 '11 J h b W ARE NW II~ A CLUl;3B1NG OFFER. sh..8 purpose of young upon IG 'd- CI: II PAPERS NOW '11 b tt b! "{'llh, Mo.. IS such a remarkable paverI. ":he rema111derof the capital stock ~h,,"ll n,e ;'oiloVimg question. to-wit,; Ul e ... , ..•...... :rde lU1Her your ~.. as we WI. e rre y usy _n an· I that 'H3 ,1 "um'" as 1':f- down • ...... - oO i IS at ~ny tuot;: EO subject Itself is nuT. to pl~_tlng tI-e ere('tl~g. filld furnISIHng" O! ''"''...... ""...... • t ~to ~... "d .. 1 M -~ ~ (",","''i - • year. II you are not acquaInted WIth ,eKe,;eu. t"iJ-th.ra.~ o~ itE' CfI1Ht.i.!, stock. '1,,, p1"",,:,t s~l.ool !J,h1dil1g ill saId S('!lOOl :\1eets Tue::,aays In Pascales HalL _ own ~ re~. _ .e ViOU. oe p.ease.. m !lJ.,e :0" _Oil> ana iii the F'ru't Grower let us know and 1_ Tne <"_flxnrs of thIS eorpor••tion ase t'" distrI~t~ , • get our price",. iii ." '"' -; ~ oe luanaged~or by a j')(~u?'d of D(\t less: V~RJ.lt1el:~l'].T:!""le E.?itl honu8" to be daTed :!Ud""l:L 1, f HA WOOD\. Pbone.-Web5ter2138 ~"f L ENDREL. H A }\ II we WIn send yOU "ample coPY. thrEe ID?re tl'an fiye dIrectors, to 3nd_pa'aIJ1" $2,l,>u\luu on JanutiT} 1.l • -lnd.B-14t1 lH. • i i::'. 24 ) .'1.lue..; <""l.ve.J l If ''''0;1. dpsi:r to read the best n3per t df-,;ot..~lmiJl€d ny _the. stoekIio!dt:HS. 19"": J;~anuar--$.:illIH.utl on ..Tanualya~d ~~J'uO... l, 19~1: $::.uflu fUJ i •• • 1im'ft'~M!ffi't_~ift~_1!lE_'iIt'!a_.liCnS ~i!!~8ifS:t_I!I.~_:tlIJI:&aiptllMi'1If _ _:c .. ;?"ht,~'lne Yice_-·p,es;den~.offil"ers 01 tf'lS '.?nrporarun~per"'tar~ f're lJ!'t >;:_ v1 1" lp22 1\0 on Jan-l WIi...... Ii8... __ ''''Z~''''''',.. l,nrJH8ned lOr :ru1t growers und the l and ne...;- -ua":;" :. 1.r;::3. ",itn IliBle3t thereon f:u.11 , Contractor "...... _ ...Sll_""...""""...... """''''''''.=...... A:O;;..._ bp:-'-4- -ailey ",'" r~l!ed 1.n Florepc'" j "c::t Il.rrer ..~Tld ll">e c.ffict::" Ctt "\!ct:-nr€-s.:.t.-lpDr S •.J: ~ ~la"tf: at t ... 8' l....1.te of 41.", l-'er cent. per ah-.! "S' ~'l ~~U(j '::' • ,- = e ~ I !re..lSUl E' !lillY he Ip'd by til.:? s.::~::'" pI': ~ In','•. pa~i1.Ee Jall1..rr:-:.--:: 1911. a".l s"mi:; and Carpenter nDI__lDIf/UIUIIIIB_lIHlIiill!taU.JlfllIlIi!!UUllIlBlinilIiiIlOSII: sen,I p" 5':1.;::, and get both papers tar :;un · __'>.H_1a11y II.ere,_>:e1" {'n the Is~ E1>:'y or I • NEW POPULAR ""'O""'lGS ,o~~·, l~t J,>Du~r," :'i ~ I 0: i 11'.' J.."t one ",e2r t l-~ en tIns 2nd da;? F,,"ru::T}. _" P. .• :md fl."1y of ~nt.t;TESr.of cae"tyal]lo~ e::;r. , Estimates Cheerfully Furnished _ _ ....." ( .. ,",J. l j3rtil }i! ....ne.-pa1 an:i a~ t]'e,NebI'as.~a:p __ .lor L • Yon pan kaye tile subscription at I . I"'::' 01 r:,:e Fniteu f"t,n"s Plume Florence 391 Florence Neb'. HAYDEN BROS•• OInaha '''' B"l1k ~I ~"rGnr!u~; p F _ ou Ne~'re p~ FI'fm. pr'.SI<1"ntsecl~t~y.\.~. :F,"'2.:~t1. Agenc:\ ~ tbe;:,Tr~et.en' 01 "'''''' Yo, to iT'III th S ummel'tune~." N '\\~altz ill...... c.,o; u t..: ...... t;! u:il.... 1 C. c. Copt2h:tnd. s- all t ,n.. d '"' offiCer..:: crf ....a1a, ..... • ""Wait for e :::5ummer Hong: .eNo :;jne ,,;.; ~ ..: ...... ,;~; .. ::-4"':--::'~~:;'-'*'~"",~;","~:--~.,b .. F. I'i X "'_ Carl H. I~~- unl dl~t::_Lt ~""<-l~£e ~; Le .1€Yl€d ann.:_~d~;Y II home TrOUble to 1¥1e,:t' uJust. Someoi1e~P I ~ ~ 1 ~, i ,. • Knows," baIli!:d; ·'Lou SpeHser .' ••• • _ ,""v. _,""'...,, YV. _ """'.! 7- ,-1.-_" ~ t'='l"n.-;.~:::l:S: sl.filc.ent.•,:,. ,.:e pa'\llle!lt_ <'..f·fY·"'''~t,:e Wh YB II '"S-irs 'Of the East",....~,Sacred son ' ul Love My Wife But Oh You Kid!" ~§' I M 2.';,. -is~~be_';mesand UrInel}Yda";~ 1 on tr.-~... •.<::'f'''a . - t en on uy 1&• "Sunbonnete::t Sue." "If You Won't Be Good to Me," chila.. song; "To.. the.. :;; •• lOLL: CHATTER •• . I' ~O~r~d~i~MsSZl~Pn' Aottor~.eys- Y;es •••••...••. ,.....•...... •.... .•• II BUY AT HOME • End of the World .With .You," "Love Me and t.he W.arid Is M.ine," g. L • •. g. ma..a. I No...... •.•...... Th ~ ,... ts t rt - "Cheer Upl Cherries WIll Soon Be R'ne" HUll1lst!e 'f You Watlt Me I ..;> t ------T vo"'e fop t.h::. :9;D01;6 n."'oposrlor- p"eJ"'e I e .nome .w.ercnan mEn yoursuppo... '." J~" "'1 s l ;~ ';",XOTICE OF .'W.IEND~1ENT TO AR- -n~' o'r,poslte·the'WOl'd,;ves'. ' II ,~- f theyarethemamstay".ofthecommwnty. '. Dear," '·Rainbow." "1 Wish I Had a Girl." 'e>-.£'"'!'-'S-:',N ~,~~~ !'~<~~~~~~! h·'!"y.~ II ",,?~,,e. 'I;'!cI:~S 0.tr IN<;ORP9RATIONt:n~"t t'" To ,ote against: the ab~oYe proposition I And when you buy or Home Me,chants, II- 23 h - f $100 I • - b ~ '1 I • • ••• n '''' he!:e.?", gIven oll.,Jan"l'Ia.:'Y nlaee an 'x' opposite ",,"1e word 'no'. I buy of those who adverttse. _ C eac or:> or • • c ex.ra. p_!' copy nla.l Miss CanIe Parks IS In with I".tl, ;'-il~. A}·t:lInej~ VII. YIn il}IU X. uI ti"I' Said bonds tQ be iS~1:ed for the pu::- ...... _ ••••UnBDED... IIDIiIllDIIII.UOP ...... ~rtlc es 01. CUl'PO.J.~ttun or The (;""rc"1 't ... ('lucken nux. IWes~ern Nlwelty comnan}' were tl!l:'::"u~-,J. I ==:::;:;:::=::;;F;;~;:'=::::=:::;;;::::=====:::::::::::::::::=::::======::::=====::::::::======:::::= ~"C>' to read as follows: I . , ARTICLE VIr. 1t IS getting to be quite the thing The business (If saId eorpOra!ion sltal; tor Ule el1ildr<:ll "to .nYe theatre n<>1'_ be ~nduet:ed.by a. oo!U'U of direc:,ors con- . "....~ sisling of ge"li en memlJel'S to be eleetEd by I tll:;; at the moving picture show now- rom among the stockholders at th€- ada",;. ar ~!l1lUal meeting ..-piC!1 si'r..ll be • on ule first 'Monda,' In January ofI '<--:"~"'0 y~tr. The 'term of office of said H.)nr.y I'lant 1>$ laid u.., "i" ed aT l:he r.pgular nlP:t:ting of t.hi: board of ~:li~·ectors in ~Le month of January of .I ~'eaI'. TIl{> R'JyaI Nei"llhol'::- of Amerrea each '1:"" term of office of &,1i6 of­ \,,:Hl g.n:·...~ a va!r.ntine ball ~l\..'ntlay ~.,..;!S sh~!! enrnluenf'Oe inlIilE~9jate!j.'" cl1ter tln::!1" ~!'ee .. l(·:I?~ ...u"d tney Sl.!Ull hoid tn.e.u i lesp..sptT~".e ... Cfft~, e$ foY thi? tt:'ml of one y~ar tL.DO.}!.!1t}! t....;."tt~!!· suece~~org are elel!t~d and f'T:mk II.0\\ n is again suffering whb !quum,e". c\RTICLE X ~r;:.guiB:1: n Po ttie ahe~:ss :11 t~e ear.. i The a"nnuaI ll1€Cti g of til ;::;toe~~)opla. "5 snah fJe held on t.Le first '0~ :\leD-nay of .fanuar"'" of t:aeh :! ear and ti e f""'~r.f:°r Satur- r€'''::u~3; !nee:tH1g~_u~ tl e iJt.~.a,:d e,f ol;-ec­ the school 'honds t ... tl~ ~.1311 be heLl l.hlffit.l1..tieIJ after thp ahl1U..l.f meet:in~ vf "t.I1e sr:nekhohl~!s of • e:..>-cil '). t::dr .. saul llie....,ungs of s!.ockiJoIiiers 11,1 !"Hil"'l~ f"l.t- thrt:ctO!s tu be 11eld at <;.uch ~:~Z'o:.e"R ...... ]Jli~ fi~ed Ailee and. Eliz.abeth IrItiu;\· gnl] ce a$ n.en iJE'- i 1'-' the Platz em:el't~1ned a 'laITY of 'Gunl" I:J' -' w, '1:h5' nm1.::1,:; of bolding- .1l! regu- "" - "'~ .1 '" -.u.r {i" .s:peeui! :;aeetlnes (J.f ti:e s!fJck- l(.il~i...; .~t (il~ lfi.nv!ng nirture theatr..? InuldLt:5 or


    PLANTERS!' 9 &. LISTERS9 CORN MOWERS and full line of GARDEN I AGONS~ '~10- PLOWS AND. TOOLS,, NEW MOLINE and CLINTON W LINE PLOWS 'AND CULTIVATORSo I guarantee tosell ascheap as Y01!J I can buy in OInaha. or elsewhere and save you that long drive. I ha.._ve rented a room especially forrn.y Ilnplernents and will be pleased to have I you call. Don"t forget about Wire Fencing. I I'l.ave a full carload of the faInous u PITTSBUR6 ELECTRIC WELD9'FENCE~all styles and heights.. Also have BARB. WIRE. GRAPE WIRE. CH_CKEN NETTING, etc. Everything in HARDWARE. PAINTS. OILS. GASOLINE and NEW PER­ FECTION OIL STOVES. Letrnefigure on the Hardware and Paint for yo'"!r house~ SPECIAL PRICES TO CONTRACTO~SAND BUILDERS. lorencejl Nebraska J. H. PRICE, ======Telephone Florence 3221 ======


    t 11~'+>. I prompt attenthm. " . .• 1+· .. J; Ifor :.\lexieo. to be guile abom three 1 1.l ~~$-$<~¢'0'~,*x?'E;'~'~'~~W-G-'2~·~Jo.$> ,~lQthingTheL'l.t£st style m mens and 1afiles \,. + i or four WEeks. I Denft'St : at pnces you can afford 'to +- • I ! LOTS I 'I. l' l>i.'~·· 1518 MAiN STREET !++ N t ;,V. P. Thomas is ret'overing froml -<;::.••~ • H '11 1 II l -,.ce f'tr Sale bv the . ew Store + his reeent illness' at the home of his t. The norenee Court of Ollor,', 'in ; I Flo,~" ,.J!: f d d ba' on I Jdst So"th of BanK of Florence I' L -J,i .. daughter, :.\Irs. B. F. Thomas {) i give a gran masquera e !! : b' ~l·n .,., ' I .. + I .. . b'rthd F ======1+ - "Omaha. ,wasnmgwns I aY,e IU,,/ :-'; i.. + "'->~.. l·at Cole's hall. Cash prizes wIll De! llin Good \Vork-R'~aso}ll[lUePrices ,I ,~warded bes~ CO~-I FLORENCE ,.------""'5W~ {t : w. H. Thomas and family and! for the home made. ~\: ·~I! tt HOL.lfTT 1i Every Sack· War= -+ Charles Thomson visited at the home j.tUIllE'> bot!l lady ann gentleman:, i $300. ,.1 Telephone Florence_178 i+ : f G Bird l'::midav~ ~~~ iery pOSSIble arrangement wI,l Ilt'l $176 , Restaurant, Candies I. .. o· .eorge 'I made by the management for Ole com· \ TO tlgars, fresb Roasted !t ranted i . d T R't -h' Jr Ifort and pleasure of its gue,;;t, ! 41a uts J' + + (i€orge BIrd. an om. ICIe", ., "'->~ \ P... ftu. • who recently took a tnIl to Saskat. I 1 We Mate. Specialty of Flue Cakes 1+ + chewan, Canada. expect to moy" With! Th... Ladies' Aid society of the Pres ! MINNE=LTISA CEMENT BLOCK CO...... ·I··.~ . .. . ~ their families to that place in t1H~ .nearIbyteriall church ~et v;ith ~!r3. Fred l .. .•future, having purchased land mere.; Hartman "-ednesoay. i $5.00 Down and ~~-<::::.. ! +1 TII o· S DU611 ER : Thev sa. it is a fine country. With! i C[MfNT BLOCKS I• +. nr.o~pec.~ of. making dollars :0 quar'l R?\·. Y';edge of Monro(:. X.eb" \'::,s i $5 a Month on the . • P b ~,I. • J;"1 T a" and 1 Tel. Florence 140 1 + iers here. 'rhey haTe the est W150-1 yi;':kr!llg in ~ .orencf' liE'S:1~ 0 MEALS i."..+.of t+t+$ u+ot+++o+t+.+ .es of many friends here for good luck l Wpdnesda,r, cheaper lots and $1 Planton MainSt. and R. R. Track~ The b.eStt...b.ei.nprtl~c-ee.citY for II S,_UlJbsOCI'I'RPt[lonNsICfo(r.f:JeNJ::ra9Waz'Sne or'CpaOpel' and prosperity. ~~, I Th!" Eagles will~~~nil the presby-l Down. and $10 a }fTS. H. Thomas spent. :.\i:md:r.r ~e:'j:m ~hure~ ~~ a ~'o~.;,; ~_un~a~- (';e~:,: w. th~ iIh~. ~ h.~. ~, M th th birih . vlsitin2" with ;=t F. 'Thomas lam11y j Fl-f,ruRT.. ,;.A, 2.1. .... H .. 4.:il. nme ' on on e,a 0 er John Stribling . . , O.er Henry Andersoc'g i .r •. ~ 1Sloan wIll tuke as his suhjecl Hi'.'" .C.ooper S (ilVE US A CALLI CHAS. COTTR~L~. Prop. m Omaha. ...,-.,~ !motto of t1:e orcer, "If 1 ('an', spea.li: priced lots. Be sure PlUMBEQ , Magazines, Papers. Sl:atlonery. Candy I ~ -. ,., " 0::======: and Clqars. ~< _ -no- H. T'il"mus tOOk lun"heoll i \Yell oi 'lrs. Alvin :\letzler of OmahaIHim:' 0 see us e ;y Teiepr.or.e florence 398 florence, Ncb. i POSTOFF1CE BLDG. liast Friday. i "-,,,<::::C. •• ill' , - ED ROWE,.Mgr, JAS. WOOD, Contractor !, -<:::••~ j. Tile Florence,CIor. ::mu.,,_u· !JL'", buy• We ..yy", rIte Benson Wen Boring Co. I,. i Ii The Philatea soc.i€t.)- and ~he Bara"j'CUIDPany .are. ;uruishing tue lU~~}€<: 1 ASK FOR Icas wiU meet at the Hershmg home for }lr. RabbIt i' new hOli,;e on ,hUll florenceB!dlding &: Real Estate Co. f ~ '~.'-. ALL WOR" GUARANTEED TO BE.SATlSI'AC "llY" 11, t• ME:TZ "·1 ton·lght. .--'"__'-./~_" 'I, ;;treet. --~~'. FIRE INSURANCE Budding of every description! Piast· Plmne Bensllll U5 BENSON, NEB. ' . ering~ Pape.r" Hanging! Foundations. in 1 Vera Kindred lost a pieee of her I The selmal board is in"e"tigating fact a contr2cting bt.!siness of every ki:iC. 1.. FAMOUS BOTTLED BEER IneCk fur on Main street Tuesda! ull,d1the nH'r.its :f the di~~rent c.~emical -=1 Tete. Flor. 443 1502 Main Street jwouid like. to have anyone findmg '''lfirE' extmgl.ushers WItli a "1(':" to ===:.:...====0:======,' At Henry Anderson's Florence I Frank McCoy R. H. Olmsted \ i return it to her. ,e'1uilllling ·the schoo s. Bastt.ogs « Heyden ~=~~~§~~~~:·I~ -~~ ~~ ~ II'. The Christian Endeavor 50dety of!f Dexter L. Thomas has started build· PRESCRIPTIONS BeCOY «OLMSTED I THE HOME OF I the Presbyterian church will give a 1iug a llOu.",e to replace the one burned 1614 Harney Sf. Compounded carefully by a reg· jtfurnevc ud CotmseUarscatcLaw 1 LUX US Ivalentine party at the resid:-ncf> oj'! dmvn. la3t week and has le_t the con, istered llharmaeist is our specialty'I ;;-! Henry Anderson Monday evemng, 1tract for the hlmber to Ule FlorenCe' .....- __.;;,-;... -_--_._'_-_.;...;';,;;-..;,-__-_ and the eost is only in proportion 6$2 Brandeis Sldg. Tel. 0 16,1 HANS PETERSON I "'->~ i <'QuI and Lumber company. to t~1P f!"L:ality of the drugs llsed. ~ CIGARS . . .' ... 1 :Ktui'. FllJilous Beer, Willes Liquors • The Imogen Study club of Florence j 1;~":+~'~'~., ... "·'t:1'v~,!··~,!c~.!!·,!..... -•...... •..... --,-' -" ...:~, =;;;;;;;:;======-...;;;;;===== and Cigars Iwill meet with Mrs. Griffin ne¥t! . .!.!.!!' •.! James Nicholson of all the. leading brands. ~ _ Oppos.lte Postoffice. Tel 243. IThursday. At the last meeting R. H·l ~ ~ I CANDIES ~ ~:~ of the freshest and best and a full ~ ·.D,.0'..f.·Y A·.·n·d..ers·o··n z 100msted was elected an honornry~ftee: r~t: f II. FAIRYIEW NEWS •II t +:~ line at all times. I! OtI . member. The club now haB I BlUf RIBBON 6AROrN ~ BLACKSA1.ITH 8ftOP :e:::~e~~s o:~;o~~~t::er:~~~:.ud~ ~~~~'.!'N"t,~~-s;v£'t:_~~-~'~~~:: .~,~.~: Florence Drug Store~ Tn SCHLITZ PtA FI f I GEO. GIEST, Prop. ft If··.. ...• '. ,. t L, . i ",->"0- I The )'OUllg !Jeo}}!e OJ Falrnev. nun ~ j. JOHN McGREGOR, Prop. . J. H. Price's ·new implemenT store j POllca had an enjoyaiJIe time ~kating Telephone, Florence 1121. At the end of the Une. On the East Side of the Street. ~ i ======::======:II ReI/air Work Done With Dispatch I will ope!! abollt February 15. ion Smith's pond Saturday e'enmg. ".al' I Horses!l.f\eing a Specialty. ~~ i ~~-::,- I ... .,...... d tEl' pre(" I G. T_ R!tchie and G, T. Bird wi11 Finest Wines and, Liquors andCi­ Main Stre~t, Florence, Neb. F. E. Habuitt CO~lliellCe - ., I. ..., _ .~:. ,,,_ •.}~ Sto/'% Celebrated ArtesIan Waif ~ ;garS. Sole agent for celebrated non of a house L1ns "eel\: Oil lot le•• i lluld "ell", Fe.JILl••• y -c>. Water Beer, bietz Bros. Bottled Beer for Flor· ~2~~~~~S~~~~~~~bioek $iS. The Flor~nce Building :;.nd; ~~"~ .. ;: 'i Real Estate company Btarted a n8"\v; \Y.. H. Thomas and tnlliu~: :uld ence and vicinity. FACTS CA BAUER (1 hous.e on ..Jefferson street and Hastings; Char:~s Tholupson Spell! Sunaay at =e] The ne....vs ittffiS of the home=com­ Tel. F!O!'ence 111.: •• 1& Heyden ler. the contract for tbe i G. T. Bird'5. munity ~ Florence. Neb. PLUMBING AND GAS FITTING Ieredi~n 01 tl'ree neW !lOliSP";, n.11 r:f: '0<::.__, W~.G;.~~i~~~;' I ii6 ~ . Repajring Promptly. Attended to. I~ ,"hiel: shcv.rs t::at Florenf'p is grO"·,,~.·,,: C~n:ld€'s. Lone!'gnn ..\:'lH IBo:"e !Ji! lut~ eJi ""fhe thin~s in which you are most ~ ~~ ~_ ~ h(~llie AUCTIONEER , . inv o!d !}laee tUl::; SY!"Ing.. :.\lax interested. ~ o~ ~~<:.v Be~~er n:o\~ing hi~ IJiae{"~ l 2552 Guming S:t.. Omaha; Neb.. r" 1 to Live St~ok and General Merchandise I Pedigrees Understood ttj) The births, ,,:eddings, deaths of .. THE NEW POOL HALL Tel. Oougl I. the worIll. 3urrounding towns. ",-><:::'~ ," i' Firat-oIas" 1<"w.k with an Ull-to-date makers in the east. ; PATRONIZE OUR The$e are the kind of fa"b th~ pape­ ". Tel. Florence 215 • shop l ~~ ~ Cornhusking seems 10 be the rage ~es yce in eve:-y issue. They are I ~RESH MILK FOR SAL'" Main S·troot Floren."e, Nell. . - . ADVERTISERS fL_-=-...-.:-----·_--'---""""'---...... -:; I J. M. Whitted. who has he",)l <'Pf"!J()-1 nnw. cert.aia:".!T ,,'or*-h the .uOsoenpfior: price , r;:::::======:l/ THE KENTUCKIAN 1COOPER'S SALES D0 mesti c I 'VAS PLEASED 1 ARE ENORlVI0US J 1 h Pi!." an~d h 0 "h Financiering , ~REPARATIQNS Co.1 Ranuo p nlpjJs t e stj"lC ...... t:' !IHIS LEADING 1------.,.....-.....--- H_ SECURED A GOOD HALF·SEc.. TOPiC IN OMAHA-CALLERS AT TION IN CENTRAl.. CANADA. 11 YOUNG MAN'S HEALlQUAR. >D E' -( f!~ T)A _-I - B -11 They sat in front of the open fire, I D"'y _'ll1~ ~~rKy,-1\, t th~nk" , 'h t ne - d . t th d h h t h h' . d hi d' r' '1 d d'" T. , 11' • . ca_e Sl_u_. (} . Q. - mill .or V\ a a wooden vessel of 966 gross tonnage °th rIng ant a SltXh eeb~ll 'fan W ten t a thet at,a reatchue '~here It Imlt: II t'fl'·.n ede . he marned woman; 1 attermg, but ~o: har:: 'Wh~: I found Itl' the p,-epa;atI(}l1S had dcne. He also and 2{}S feet. long, was bound from I ey came 0 pay e I 0 the Be z- By it 1me e OSLrlC was we1ISI ene perceptibly. I I bought a haif sectIOn between Ca - ".~' d h - t "1~n1 trr' hI'· th "'<11 N f: d H thin till ~ ·th '1 H . d '. t "1 "d' 't - .,! d d '1 d~le· t ac s Ow...~!l • - ;J e I:> e Now York to the Pacillc to C41I'ry pas- H e ews or t!. .erwsrng, gs au WI nal S, e cnut>:tme elgll - 11I n t mean 10 tnat way, pro- i gary an E· monton, one mI.e from f •. , d' ~;ge:rs bet~aen oUdnaaht1o~_ Tacoma and Alaskan looked black. So Orley Gibbs, the ed- pennies, and ten·pennies, and some tested the engaged gIrl. "i'ilev are 'I railroad neal' a good town This is ::or.,}' g:-eD,:tr many Iseatses ..... n>;; .. , • fLU t on .G.1S ...."ev lsnOrery as 1 IS ports fOl the A1aska Pacific Steamship itor got out an attachment and Iev- screws, aDd five :pounds of spikes, an" I both the very nicest men in the world l:he best. country I e,e:- saw or ever Ii d~::: ·'d· ,. " ~r~;! ~ . CompanY eyed on the show, but it was worse a keg of shingle nails, and the colon.~l I -only different ,Ve :;,"e to be iliar-' €~pect to se" I will go in the Siinmt; c~l·e, • o"of 11,0\:e ve_ J e-:e~llive bIn .' ] -.. t .... • ..... 21 C SP:';. 0 lue·1 naTl c ll1 ~lil1n" " :First news of the KentucKY's dis· than he had thought It would be, and began to be afraid the ostrich was ried ve:-~- soon and I wanted to ask' and ge: ~o work on my n:ace. I think ,,'" ~ " - t •• .,~. • ~ k~'"-' d • ge,LIll~ . he had t taka the stricl:l It as '" t "" t . h ddtlb· .h & fl L" ,. -,. 0 • ••• t,-,_ s,om_Cll In "or me o. er. tress was received at the United WIre- 'th th °t th h 0 - 'd th w to.v.enkr-ea!lng'BD~ :ue os 'l~le . no I YO~ya oule • e eXlllenses Oc a at.. , I' it IS tile co.mmg Country or.the 1', OJ 1(1.' That lh;s prophecy h..." been fulfilled. de~cr.be ~ less Gomvany's station at Cane Hat- leI; er a or e yena, an e os· ill 100, ee"e"ll mea s it walked I as, can tell YOU ll.:l about It,'· Some of rne naneiS th" set- > -- b d 1 - n h l' h - j t . • d ,- d't' l' Ii d t' 'd lk b & 'ct th 1'" d . .! . - . CaU..:lUl ., OUuteu nner ,. a t· OUI" teras There the operator heard ilie 'I 1'1Cll llelilme more ..... an e 1 or s me up an own ue SI ewa e.ore the sal e mo lue young mar1'lea wom· I tlmg of the Can::.d!2.n V\"est Ill> "06- t h - • - d • tl- • A st . h f ' "J k • l. spent a t_e - oung man s nea ouar- "S 0 S" quickly followed by this ;an a. nyena. n 0 1'1C 0 ten colonel's house and ate the nmls out I an. ac • says I am me best manager 'I 'Commg a fever with a g'"":lt many peo· ' +., M h 11 ; .• ., - I 1 h Id i d . . h - ,-- Ler" :I_telling to 1\ Eat IS Cft ers nave message: .unc es on 0 scra~ ron, an an :d' of the SIdewalk. Whene,·e.r It .sa", t~e I . e .evei s~w-best at spendm;; .and', pIe. Th~ lure of it.s golden promises' to say. u\lITe are s1nldng. Our latituda Is Itor often comes mlghty near havmg hardware wagon approachmg It would DeSe at saVing. It sounds paradoslCa!, I :IS creepmg in:o theIr hearts and mallY ,- ~- - 'M • h d t _ L I.. " B t 'n 't 't? "" I .'>. ,2VD_ ,e,. 1\ liD wau:: e, 0 ascer, 32.1Q, lomdtude 76.30." ta d 0 the same thmg In e zn e. gallop gayly down .he street to meet uoesn I. nOW I am gOIng to con- are they who are ans,", ering the call t I . - ,.~~ 'bT . 'iah+ -11 '" B thO 1 h d th t ' h h' . li' • f' "d t t h J'. a.l1. h j),,~"1 .c, SOIDe 1.0 ~ 011 L e Almost simuH-neouslv the onerator u w en r ey a e os rIC e It, uttermg tt_e SQUaWKS 0 JO,," ;u e our secre 0 YOU, thoug ack , 'Ol toat l1i1sett1 o d territorv" Thl ::; Da· • h' 't' C c:; ... J;;:' .. ,~.. ! ,'" !.. .. ~... .. :- . .. - I reasons 10..!.' t e lTI1ffi42TISl y or oop- heard the .Blamo respond to the- Ken. was bothered. A bIrd that ea,s scrap But last Tnur:Jday when the hard· says, 'Let s not let the world know_'! ];ler ednona!!y cautwns ItS readers to -' .,,, c- . .,-,•. ".~ d ~ - t ' 'k d l' • 0!'l '. 11'" e1 s su~~e_", InL~_ ,L,,8 a..,ou. WenlY tuclrs's call for help. informing Capt. Iron I00Irs at:lirst g1ance II a an ware e Ivery wagOll approacnea the ",0 you musn L te anyone. I exerCise care and thought before mo'-- I 0" hi, 0-1' ~rs '"P ·e 'd~ v aft"l'n T'n- 'rt'! l' ~ ll_" J -,,' , .'. -. m! 1 b b t' 1 I' ' , '''y , "'d t· . • n'." ~d. con, a Moore that the .Alamo was making all reono ca 1 , U scrap Iron com- co one s resluence tue cstneh made a I' ou can re,y on me, sal ne en': _ng to a diStant eountry. ThIs >:"ou:u ,,'o·pr,' t" 11l t" -h . d' speed to the sinking vessel's assist,' mands a regular market price in Betz, sad mistake. It had dashed out inte gaged girl. "T~at is, of course, I'D I be a wise nrecaution and is e.acHy ~ "t----"en. ~ -h " .e. 'oJ L h°:>e sle~n lllh It- '11 d th nl fr 0 I - ~ _I t 1 J, ~ - 9...... etl e t_~Bt DJ...:.,\SlllJ.llS 1r 0 CfllDl t a ance. Tllereafter no message was reo VI e, an . e 0 y scrap on r ey the roaa as usual an~ poked its .head I e 1 Harry, ~~~t the Canao.an officials as3:. _ Cco:ler is ~~J"el:' a pa£sing fad, have cerved from the Kentucky, mdicatIng had was hIS printing press. And that tnto the wagon whIle the deI!very! I Ina STIccei!'S of the settl"r who uas III -'-0=0' t' - f ' · - tab' I· f '" "Fi t 1 t d . tIt no 0,,_, __ mID u" a~'''' that. water had interfered with the press was sueha dls,epu .e o. 0 boy was ull1oadmg; the nalls, and It \ ' rs ,.e me a VIse you 0 earn 0 I made Canada his hOllie for )'ears is c • ", o~tri~h YOil~ ~ta,enL,ll,S power, putting her wireless apparatus Iold junk that even. the would I>aw a likely looking tid-bit and swal'l ml'.nage husband," counseled the; the best evidence that ean be offe:-ed. were all out of commission, not eat it. So Orley fed It lIghtly on ~owed it. It happened to be a box of 1 young marrIed woman, sagel), "TillS I _"-nd of the large number of Americans The navy denartment at Washington printing type, beginning with the x's, fifty 44 calibre cartridges intended part. of course, you mustn't. t.ell Hal"I n'ho have made their homes in Can- i '\Y_.T. Grant. a popular cigar deale!'" .. f h h I h th I at 50S So", h Sixteenth street, upon in. We meantime flashed wireless mes' or e used t em ess t an e'I e s or for Sim Perkins, and the delivery boY ry. Let all important suggestions: ada. very few have returned. All are I being qu"stioned. said: "After a most sages along the Atlantic coast, dls- i's, but he saw he would have to get missed them and reached for the rail· come from him, If you need a new :l&atisfied. 'd"th b'd 1 th' bt 1" h h , remal"1;:aLleexpenenCEi\iththeCooper patching the battleship Louisiana and 1'1 0'- e II soon or ea.ve OU_ IS road spike he always kept on thll 0 a tel mm e looks so nice t at you t Educational Campaign Effective. remedIes, I cannot refrain from sa;ring- two revellue cutters to. the scene, but nope he won't be ashamed to go out I In the states of the 1:nited States III tha~ anyonE \' ho :s suffering in any at five 0 cIock word came from the ;nth yO~ u:. your old hat-that you! v.1Jich the most p,eventi,e aun-tuber· v, t'T f,o;n E-om::ch trouble, and who Alamn frat she had arrived first .and, , Just can t auOId a new one-and see 'tenlosis v,orl;: lus been do",e the 1Ier- doe U0t give this Cooper medicin~ a fiad taken off all hands in safety. ThIs J i wh~t w~~l happen. Second, don't econ, eelltage cf public funds spent is the t:-13l, IS passing up a goIdFi opportu- is the n:essage as received in NeW' II , om1ze- J highest, while 111 states \\ hel'e lit~le 07 nit:· rOl' res~o;'aticn. to good health. York ?y the United Wireles.s Company I ~"But :we'll .. h~\"e ,t':::' said t~e. en· ; no efta;'t. has been made to pj'eve~t tu· 'I'D:' three years I '" as u'oubiel! f'rnm Its Cape Hatteras statlOn: I g",ged gIrl. Vi emu". be very care i bercu:osIS, :md the tre~tment or the 'i'.ith m7 °w:l.t2.ch, and T\hat little I. disea~e "~on" ~"Il"id2reil. "Latitude :;2.46, longr'tude "6.28,', Iful the first 3-ear:' " ..., _.. - has ',lean- "'-' .... - '""'" th"- GJ(-'1·eat. g t:4 '\e me illB-- t ress. "~"Oth'Ing Steamship Alamo has just taken Capt. I "Beware! That wm be a 1118Cedent [:percen,uge of DubHe ey-p€l1diHlreS is ~9s:ed l~gL~. I felt weak and bad Ilear- Moore and creW' of 4:6 men from sink- he'll always expect you to live up to. !"Ver)' 1o". For ;nstance, of the $1,6uO.- ly all Ihe !lille. I ..;as nerVOliS and Ing steamship Kentucky. Water had Don't do it. You can saye money: 000 spent in New Ym:;: in 19U9, near a::o"eo Jllatte~s or small importance alreac.y reached fire room and steam· another way--our way. The usual; ly GO per cem. 'was 1.-om state and c,';, , to \; 0:'1';' me. I treated "V, ith t\\ 0 differ- ship will sink before midnight. The trouble '71th a bride is that she makes i funds. III lIIassacnuse:ls nearly Hw- em lluys:uans, but received no benefit. Alamo is now prneeding to Key West." I the grocery, ~m ~o .smail at first her: 1:hirds" W&S from P'IO:IC nlo~,=y; b I had about reached the conclusiOIt husba12d thmrrs It IS economy to be, :Maryland about one-talf, and :n Per-n tna: med_c21 science hr..ti not yet pro- BLAST KILLS SEVEN MEN I married and so he ailo"s lnmself sylvan:a three·fourths. In Co;o~ado. duce':: an. o.i1>'; tun v,ould help me, l more cigars: th~n e\""e!"~ : "On the other hand, iess than ene P~l' .. HG\1.f ....·~!-, a nunlr.er of iriends: Auto Party Blown fntQ Unrecognlz-! ":is for ~lo:h~s~ ~·.~n:en .mak: ov:1" ; oC:nt.. WilS fmm_publIC money;. ~:; ~a: ulg"d u;e w try Cooper's New Dis- able Mass-Some Are Tossed I thE'lr trou:>seu.t., un... a man ehmks, 1wrma about 1" per cent., ana III --_:! COi ery, and they we, e so persistent

    One-Thousand Feet. J dresses and hats grow on tr-'es. 1'\0, I 20na none at all. These facts Inji t:2·:..: I fTTl4: 'y look ne\,,{ hope and got a __ I m:r dear) that isn t t1le v. a.)-_ It 1,3 'care, the national aS50ei:.:tic~ de~l2.~es 1.J:.. :e (!. the C00rE:~" mediCIne. _>\frer r Kelvin, Ariz..-Seven m~n were! much easier to get money v.nen you! that V;nel€yer an a~gleSE~~e E[uC~ h:.a. bt:gL:.n:o ta~e I:: I TIondered why! '"o.t~"tly ~vnIosl~n l~~ u,u; k'llied In an c ....t> v. are first marr;ed tllan it ,,-ill he late".. I tional eumnuig-n..... has be"n c:,rri;od 0:1 had. not dl} '2n I'!. long ago. Its effect two miles from this place on the Ray I I know mamma always had 1:0 Walt· by rdvute organizatiDns, st~:es and ..,,,.;; ~,,-Ii elo,.s-bl'ought me right ConSOlidated Copper Company's new I until wini:, fDr he: sun1mer clot~e3 ; cities lla'te oee.ll in~l1cc~ "[0 wak-.= 11~- Oui.:~ I I'cgain<2d nl;: aljpe:tte~ took aJl railroad !eadin'" from the mines to I and then It W(lJ~~oi De warm "eatae.; -era! aIlpropnatIons ;:or tne l''-t:H'llUJn :::.e-;..- st:e:;g h-cu :act, bEgan to feel P"nm:ni; and D~nts tn the east. before she got her v,mter o~tfit:' , (if tuberCUWS1S. luke a d.iie:€nt wan altogether. I The dead are: I' "I can do my own sewing a.nd I am , 1\ Guld nol ha,e belIeved. there was a. le ~-'~a to m~k b"~a" " What the Docter D;cl, ... 1 f - -1 f LA O'el n .. ,d!L'11"'0 « e ~c ~~- ~ . ~ t 'd d H . HL- )a~~ .... Otme! :os 0 lOS ~ no _>;i'",,' -" ~ 1 ,._" 1 "'-'0 mucn 3 so short a time. I have good • 'j .. ~ • ~ t 'don't beheve In leam~!15!: to COQk-. ~e. "110 ~~_!l t ~een .e.1. tc.nt y. .dl~ ~~-rR. yof CamolnlR J r ...... r d ... . ~"'l ~ reascn '0 bL.:: g-r-ateltll for y; ilat "oojJ- ~,"-' . -',' . , ",' Jack en.cou,a"ed m" :wru," to a do-' Ollle ay a pnysICIQIl y,'::S C::' llea to - ~ ~ -' A. S Bleber, c.nl engineer. ! - -' ~ ~ '-h" nl,-.,t' 'nom- ~o -oe M-n u, e-' e:r's :';-,,1\' D::::co,e:y nus done for me, ...... n ~ ID€sIic science sehool as soon as ;,.. e { CU_ v ~ ..~f.~ i.. t L ~... .!.te... l.~e ..- J, H. Jo)ce, elV•• engineer. I ~>-;ino=d '''0 -n'l'la- n;,h "'>" a.1 ,.,' a anu c:mno~ p~Oli:::e i!: too highly." . . _ ber:ran to 1.-2PTl nOIlS'=' l\Ig -.P"'la~s ex- a.c.;._.... L.ll_ l: • H_ .. .!..l L...... _ .1""' ...... J~ englneer~ ~ -~ -~ S~·":'f'L_ \\~ili.iam H. Grdfin, Cl;:"11 l I ;:) ..... -.t"" u..L _ ., ..;::tPtno-no-e ""heon h"r fa 'ler c'""':: The ... en: of :\1:0. I\:en...... I nerience \tas so (liffelent_ They d:dn~t I :----- ~'L v· '~. -' "-' t.. - .... _'- \V. H. Freeland 01 Denver. fl.-- ~_.. •.. ,:;; __ "p ...... ;p -..,i"l"....· .nome that E'yeIllDg he asked ·h~t tlle D2G.-. au-;-e":=si~g n:aupger of the BeIl- R. P. Coleman of Salt Lake. I I• ha,,, tne dom~"cL ""._nce .<_00." m , ' r ' ~ ~ ~~." CQ~a'jany, flt S.xteentl1 and l ' her d~~ alld 8h ~.. h ·-e - --e ~ (lOCeO n~u ~~'U. Workmen employed in the construe- ~ j - U ..- le SL:a s e C_l U t:!\< T.:r "--0,. .... ; ...., ""'0"'1' d t' .. ··-1 ""'j H~_n€-... :::::22t2, v.-:;.s as 1:0110\Y5: • 1 th fi wa" ·he "h"d's ren;y -Derr,·cn p~,,- Ol'.h 1'::: ::. co;;di::on !ha: has for man - := ::;:.. , t 11· 1 d 1 <'J b-.... ; z ... ~ '- ~ ~ ~- • l '-.l - v ...... were at dinner" J eJ ... lng SOli, ..... ear:::e t~ m~.u:e r~re its. ~ n 012t-1.:; :...:a":'e my IlIA n.l:serable.. Th~re Before the explos;ion of t.he blasts a salad dressmg and wme sauces first. is no nEsd of ); y going :nto detail, for t'1lilr:oad motor car ~pn:oaehed and the} -C Of course, JaCk~as~ed ,rony IllE:lr'" didn·t. an~.o!'e -;:"'0 bas e;~er had stomac!l seCUDants were warn~d of the danger.. f ~..:. I teach us to rea-fie D:'ead and to :oa~t 'E"",;;.£"d YQ~,VT. or t~e e:.~. p"ll!"'r-2 E en.;- Co '-" - J.~ t~ tro :'Lle lU::lo-r s the suffering to be en- ~~ ~ u~e D~o~ ~~:.~~ t~t ~ ~c;~~t;~~;~ Cl~~ Bnt after 'waiting until they had heard 1 meat; but vihat is tee of learn:ng , n: )r:r:: t:te r2d. I be'22.rLe n eakened and run .....~ of the expec~ed exp7osioIlS Ute I ~~ - 1-= to make those COilllllon chings "hell' """001,5 .::-~" DI ",p E~t"-o~!3.~ Ttio". \,. fe: thE" ., ,... n' b rl t.'!&V l.j,., I ~ "" ...... on ""'U ] ...... c .. b th n,? ~ t ~_ ...t' "t'.... b2 .15 1::.2. -u...,.: y....,u '::'3."\"" eo r'J!.-..b ...1... eDti'u o"':.m- tia .Il. r~u ,l.i..e L"2g&. lO e a. urag. paTty In the motor car became impa-' e:~~ <:>.:;::; '-" e c,,- a v,~, '" uY ,_E=. ~~ _. ~ "po"le", .,"=-=". .,-J ....~e= ,-" ent.:": r'",cd, D'2!- '.d. PC',"v"i1l!t soon 1 -lust teo;': to [:1;;-' E= "" the r<"al', ll"ll 'J:" = t!o.e i!llimmn .,,J~ """. be tienr. a e e ay an move !.orwar ~ f _ ~~ Q ~ ... J _ ... ..~ - taker:. o_t sr;d tnls. r...!l'" .. ::1 '"1-~~ to It3 bur::::. C'::::::(i gi... e tile CaOI... e:' med:Cl11e a trial. I rt is underlStod that the' three en-l ~,;,,;,... ;; ~e-lev"Nev:.te.~ in~:;:r=l::~:~~:~~my soume,,- , ~~?i' Df~:~"'-~;e"~;';'d ~;':Z;~-:"'~(l7'.:-;,. ~ ;)':-5_~ :J:-o~::red a [;o:'Ie 0': ,he XeT. Dis(;;;-~:-y ineel"s Bieber Joyce and GriffiD, un-I ...... !.... ll~? ._.. bt.:.:....::.:t ~:Jllffi~!]. C'-J 'U._:: ~~ oz tl.zC mk dC2~n~-7 mInd n In€v do £'>o;::t. he »....! !; -:::: o-~ Et:'""'-D:re.:J DC)..;::'"'5 :Qi" ~"t" C')~-,. L dertc(}k to asSISt Lhe men 1:a the mowr .lust at the Corner of Main and Cross Streets the Bird Began to Snoot. i t 'fi- . -I~ _ -. L: ._ - ~-_ ' Den.:-es {O"_=d ll'. c~u.,,"lj ·o",t ",.."r"~ be Ccirca lief ca,,-e (. ,:c;·i.-. (lntl in a short time ~ar past the -danger p-oint~ JUSt as the a !'l e more. :1e i:::n.ys ~e Lllanh.S L!.l;:\ b)-~ f:I=;.~a C~tarr.Q: ~...~ ,...~~~...~ ~~.. e'~c... ~1:i'~ ;;,,-. I T'i::: !eelh~:; 1...-;;:8 a ne-:::.· mHn~ 1 a.e- sta"" -.... e'·'" ~re n'''~Tv 0- rlel'c~"e--en -'"' Lii~",_, .I: CO.. T •••a" O. seven men were onposite the place at ! :ocai. column entirely. So instead of wagon sef:t to tap ~i>e os~r~C'h on th'3' -" ~ll • - "- "'~~" • - ,~, ",,,,. SG'~ 1>>" Dr-J""'",,"',: o. y~!r,. etl :l s:'leI.1id rnDe:ite, could eat - th ! ~ I s1"oros Anv"·..... "l.... 1\C "'ro c::~y'l"nO' >0:0 T~Ea:.:.~;;:'t:""~d,.,-P 'O:"1~c-otstlY"l.:l ... ·O!l. heC~ll.!le ~ ~ -~ ~ ~ ~ t\-llich the fuse had been lighted, fi: l1aving the bird ruin the News Orley head 'with 1,'he'1 it teo friend . -h' . ·tha." :- '" -'" • 0 _ - •• •• UTI J _:':'"g "".nlI:- strength • th . l"t I' l' .,-. 11-d - "T ~O() t we;-r\'" ~s. T' .,. -. . b I. not one 10 e seven "Was er t0 tell iI There was a grand rush In' BetzvI'ne Ivery b'oy lillIDet.mcd.... cu.." WI' c.J.6 "T~! per, olIering ilie ostrich as a prl'>:e to tbe Ian t.J.e mg S1>J e, til! tile cO.one w • • I• .. J k -'--. ~,- ".-.- '1~~, '"'~, ,-••_. '1 J:aye ta,:eu our !lOUies, anG. .. th t ~ "bo"h=red a"o"t "n~~thinO'" e'~e 1··...• and buy W..1at want on creL;t ac - ::ot t<,l1 a 11'<>-1- • 11 ,. '1' f .• _ _ person t urnmg In e mos new SUu- 'L ;,;; •.a.!.... _v...... t ... U~!~ u.J:=\ ... .,: ... ~ '\ __... __ T ~ - --.... - - 5l2.3. .... COLU!lUe FS use l1n~L t am _lillY 1!fG EXPRt:SS MERGtR IS ON ~eriptlons to the News, and rnde then, for ilie ostrlcil had the hio; Ul(m t ~~" ~L"t tlJ.~•••_ h~d the, The ::Ui£s:ls-Goouness: Then ~-ou reco\'ereu, \~ iLl! I am cOLlfident ",ill :t r::~n I Clootz secured one subscnber, and I, coughs P,obab:y it had ()"i'er ea:en. ,Inoney PUL aw..y m an o.d tlunh. l m<:st be \;;:,'se I thought. Go LO no!: ra:,e long. 7his is a remarkable Reported That Southern Pacific Has Orone 1I1cDoobie nearly secured one The colond aid nat ca,e whetl:.ez b" .... _ bed in the other rOOill. prepJ.I:lLU.. ror anyone ",ho is 'an = ' e $old Its Holdings in Wells- but that one got away, When th; it had over-ealen 0:: not. What hE: h: ~\ ,"l'!!d ~E. :lIs, ..e~an. t: eon: !~. in' .b a resuit of close confi:;ement Fargo to American. contest ended it was found that it c!lred about was that there was II box tIC';: fln !S'sc.oJ.e '~l:gnea-e h at IS: a: The ;prj \,,:10 ;:;a~s Ehe would::.·t mar- ~,::d 0'-<2 \\0:1:. 1 €lP'nesth- recom. 1;!tooo" of 148 inside that 01:0, -ul:d a sharD first; t~en. he sco..ded and. I-crlt:u.; 17 the bEst :man l!;-:ng '"» ~Il IJ' obnL:_~· mend it to 271yone in this c.onch ~on: New York~-\\"1lat Is belIeved to;,!, . pOln:ed spike ~riL:l them, end th:c.t ev~ j That made him feel so IH:e a brute: live to Dave tee sa:.h::actica of kD.o,,~~ Otc.J:,~ state:r::.e2:IS taken from tho.se be YirtuaUy a merger of two of the Iunel: 1 I cry 111c-eough lliust be jerking tha' that he s:ud I co:.r1d cl.r:rge an:nning: mg she didn't. 7 JIO 'l~J Dre~'ious::- used the medi· largest and wealthiest express com· COUSIn Orolle.•...•• "..•••.•.••••••O I sharp point of the spike around e.reo=g :I wantell to, thG1..gh goOc.nEss knows I clIlt3 SSdll to pro, e tt,,;; Coo:ler's paules in the United States was re- Other distinguished citizens.•.•••••() those cartrirl"'es, like the hammer at' how he could P2Y the bills. Then I : SIICCess t~~oughou: ilia country Is gen. t~'d \'.~- a~.. W' f ~. ~ ~ ... ,- 1 ~ 'm~ 1 sa'~ in""~.his n'on-y' , vealed when the secret got out th r .lves 0 same 4 1.1 i a nistol, and that the aff.::r-ctionatE I ..H_ - 1:<,,;:) J...;,; c:::_ - liine. the South~rn Pacific Railroad Com- I Others •... " •••. , •••• , •••••••••• ,.f} I bird was aimed directly at him. Any' "1 don't thin;;: Harry would "ant me I pany had sold its holoings of stock Colonel Randolph P.llipps.•. " ...... minute cne of those 44s might go all I t~ charge !~.jngs;' said the engaged, The d:::colle"tt€ gov, n dsmo:;..strut£E Their I 21 S\~ that 'Wh-ell a Y.. c-man is In the .lID Ene ( Are- in the Wells·Fargo Express Company. It 1 d 1 t tll t C 1 Ph' and kill the colonel, and the colonel I girl, doubhw,y. , {:lo~hes h f th urchaser could was earne a er a 0 . IPPS - f . , "Wi I l' d't t T k h ' wa.nts to wear as fey; as pos- ; r1cn"-St T e name 0 e Il I!:lIred hi tw sub e-lbers to subscribe I knew it. He ",as tar _fom l1appy ,n, •nell e:q;.:m:e 1 0 ..ac - ..S I not be ascertained positi.ely, but In ... t n..'_s s L. t th t' d' the affect~oD. of that ostrich, D<:t the thought mE a r-Er~ect wonder, 'G;,e sible. 'i~e o..._...... "~-d auth01'1-ta., ~hC.n'- les it wag said +0• , uUn1 .....,. wast .own-.. a a lme, tan bud loyed mm aDd longed. to sho';<" It. me tIle "a~~-h LO.r p t"-11" groce.'•. ~_. 'n.," ==E" ~o~ T"l"T- 'I'P -~I~~ ~. I. .. - '..'j'. . . .. ~-,. ~ ~t,lj" -, .~,... LA .. "'-' - C mnany I:> y goes 0 snow ..ow unscrupUlOUS " ,,= be t e ~encan "",,-pre,,s ;0 '" • h H'd 1 t th t .~ Colonel Phipps "ent do,,'n the road at I lind II g;;-e you a nlee new bauE: I and !C-:l!"-r;. LJ,",,-~s 'p'tt~ !prT.1.hellu:ne!emf.:j.... ';{l~C3rs& O vIrtually a merger. 'I hS::ry e WhO ~ve ~bn.e Sh ar aS dO I cleselv at a hic-eoltghv trot J11St at I keep it as long aa vou wan.e to-the . I ll'e anot ar sunscn er, e want e - .", ,• Le: nune o~ you trea, h,s orot:ler in . If' . _ I the corner of :M'l:n aod Cross street! longer the better, Firebug Makes ConfessIon. Ithe os_r1rchdiSO b~d1Y, S°1.ShPhlPh':P~ I tho> bird berran to sLoot. For an in-. "1 tol~ h:m I would l~eeD fin the, a ",ay hE' biro,;;o;el: .,cu,d d:sllke to be 1 'II :t-d _ "Because he wag a ea ng raIser o~ ang az - :" ,.. t • - _ ! treat€d.-:'lcb2.n'n~edan ! EvansVl _e, ...... ,,! h' kens in QUI' county and he :figured stant it e"hloHed a ,.. lId surprIse. but I checks he ga-..e me unul we tar: been , '-----~ wHnted to see the horses: run, IC • 1 • 1 ed cs+-ich the moment after iT; had no tlme to ex, , married 25 years. He was so pleased: I !: ~ tha~ e~g J i~ ~. John Bye1's, a teamster, confessed, ae· that he took ong " hibit-~..e"vth'nO' It was exnioding 445 t Now ke wntes me e>:tra bi checks: f'i.,I'~;.....~ "'i.10"lcl~ Jir,.....'".f";, j4:. '""-eTr...... y? "'.... +h •• that he starred and tied it near hIS coop It would act 0- - '" • !'! • g -'.... a !! l •• corU1llg' to .....e pOllce. ., . t" to h's ShanO' with the rapidity of a gatling gun. Of 1 every month ana takes the casu to ' vv 1 J ~ ~""'. II i.5 , .... the lire destroying the huilding of the II ahs. a stiI'drl~~ ~~cen IV: ~. course there were only fi!Q' cartr~dges ! p~v the ums. I k€ep the checks Do ,OU £100:1 <>;; tired out? Do you som~times th t t},~ "o~ JournaJ-Xews las!: week. and had ros, an ..... e,m ';l a e&IIe 0 tn ~"'''~, "0~.the ostrich did not shoot: s:;..el'1". ulat t "'e ns'- h III long legged • thick ;\Oa :::st C20't war!;: ll'iHlvat your profes- e.aused other fires In the business dis· em e..:-, ..... 1<: • long hut it "hot wei! For a car!"l"ss II "<::!o we h"-o e~e,.yth'ng we 'Want I • - •. his i th ness He saId that he t:houO'ht that ' - ~. .., ~ ~h' -. ' s:oo or !rod", ''''.....!on~,o:''~ ,va 'touJl!lle ~ p09,r ape- rrlct. Sattsfact10n or man a, e Iif h~ cculd rodu-e a Shan"'hal fowl un:llilled ostrich, firing wild, It was ani! sa.e a lot, tOO. It isn', necessa::-y , tite. ana 1::, aW:ll{C e.t ll':."dCs 1;,,::131'; to sleep r Ar~ police say, has cost property owners I ~ th - d' ~ - d be\'und reproach. It sllot the colonel: to economize-that is if Harrv is "alf . )"our n~n'es "Ii ~o.n:, Ei?" ,cur ~:!2":,,,ch to_o P Has 3m- ;200,Oi)i}, IWIUh bOdY 0 M e 01' It~::~'S s;~egS a~e ej~ht times out of a possible fifty. and! as generous with lns' bauk :hecks- a"l I bl!lOn to ro!"~e lill~;;;;' ;11 tne ,",oda. !ert ~ "':" If so, :ro!: Egg as long an os I. Its 1 t .. th ",'- t c J k' " Illlght a.·.s well P!1~,Ii s:cp to_1 "'.",. rms~,--"'-'.' I.cu. ceil do It 11: '·d.... • b Po e nId b 'd n d 'or all of the WIth as ,explrmg r~u It sen a I ac' IS. 1 n " ' , ' D Ii S Ulel e ",ornerea Y SS. \vo e 1'1 • 0 ce 3.n L 'T' hullet right imo the saw-dust filled: ;'on va.... ~.:: t':~r,:e ~ :-:::.._~u ..::.c.':. ~C.! " !s<:()very :,' Walker. :M:ilill.-"'-altel" J. ZifcDon:,ld, trouble of rats eatln.g the ne.w.•ald imitation ham in the butcher.shop I W",at 'I',.'orrled Him. mtike you 11 due~::nt mcr·"1":'~d: ,It ';'''"'. set :'our lazylher who had been defying the shenff's eggs, for h8 could bUIld nests In the i ddt -morrow at: roe n m j ... to 'l"ork, It \"ihi set t!ll!loS T12i:t ~;:; )'''1::' stc2..lll raUons of meat and were l4Ith.eI"c "'0' {l-een drinking by. Burbank,' and intradueed ">r This is baked in a .... o\'al pud"'n'"u.< .. water from. a stream near "Jorm,"• she said, "I will be a sister [00:11 Lewis Childs. the weTI-:;:rmwn diBh. in the cente.. 'Of which is placed He issued orders to cut dOWn tha to you. bu't-" SeedSmaa 'Of Floral Park; :t.._ 1".., hag a small inverted cup to support the amountofmeat andtoincreaE,egreatly "So 't's a till' wd .' h'/""Sk d ~ved a great success aU & ....,1' the i crust. The e-jge of the dish having Ithe quantity of Quaker Oats fed to I'he "{)l~~g ma 0 "hoWth'n, e . b"d.: ".;.:;,=~ "'h . f ' b ...... _ I . the men - ' J" n WE erose U m """""".-",'~~. ,L !)~santls- (} poop1e say it . ;en.pre,

    HeaY~ Bleached CottoD ,Towels, WorkSospenders turkey red horder', l·inch hem; 100 dose1." \Yo,ell hath towe18, v1ain Fanc'Y stripe, web cushion back~ Terry border, long fringe, a l'f'gnlar

    ',C I lenther trimmings, "ire huekles; FREE! FREE! 15e Tahw: nor 1)\,er :! to a el1stollWI', IEv~ry 10th Shoe CustOlner each 5c during this sale get their Copper Bottom I5c fre~. Boys' Snspenders~ ages j5 to t shoes Tea Kettle years, ouly, tle, We have giveri a\vay absolutely free Heay.',' xxx Till, Highly polii'lwd, WASH .BOARD:, several p~jr,~ e : -w- hit:, l>, .fta!~p:t:'}.J '.. ' atlOc, lined: fOlll' -rillilted I 5c Ihere. seams; not OYf~r! ·COIne in ~nd sample .~ .clip of our delicious"coffee' in ·our pure food Grocery' Depart­ ment. You are cordially invited to make '\J~e o~ O'-lr ~est room~ as it was built for your I convenience. rlcCLU ES FLO~:~~'~~v~r~~~~~~1i

    Two te:- 2ilc. Flflll.hl!d whiia j'OU walt, -DUI"fftfD ANYWUfRf i Four ~a:-g. phQ!oa for- $11' at

    IN flORtNCf =:= =:= I; ! 1, ~, EMORY

    th,e Best

    . And you'll get it if you .f'3tronize 11'. Yote handle onI;;' the Qt:-8t of eyerY"tNn.g and invftc your inspection, Fresh:frnits and ..eg~ble1ttn. season. V'e handle all kind~ of caRned 'Y"'1ds, tht' finest in America. A trial wm con.ince yon. '''e have all late line af men's hats. shirts, undErwear, "hoE-s. de.. at prices that _" bound to pleas"" "Yle pay mgh,,;;t prie,· for l:mttel' <'lId eggs and give a "square dpal" ali a~{)1:I!d. LetUsheYour Grocer ~ tUH,[Ntt, Anderson iJoUings\\,orth Ntn~ASK.\...... • TELEPHONE fLORENCE 257

    What is the use Of wastingel'lergy and time looking fel'" what you want and not finding it wrten I can' show you what you are looIt­ ingfol".~~~~~...... They Know What's Coming. HERE ARB A FEVV In Evidence. I. Florence Lumber & Coal Co. When a man begins his after-dinller. A disti:lguished Irish lawyer. al· ",,j sa~1.llg: One ne B·ror>m house and 2 lots. " lspeech by "I heard_ a good ways in impc\'erished d!"cllr~stances" One ,new 5-room house.moderll; !stOry thl:' other day," a hopl!less leok one took Chief Jm;tice 'NMreside to R. A. (fOLDlNu, }igr IELEPflONE 102 One new 5-I"O'Om house, mo.tfern except furnace. loverspreads the faces B! those who se8 his magnificently fnrni:f1t:!u ne\'7 One l'le'N'$-roorn house !are listening, house In Dublin. "Don't yOll think," ! he saiit with a eomplacen: inok about,,. The Best Scft Coal fer the Money ACRBAGE "that I deserve great credit fo. this?" Four acres, thre~ in frolt; n~w.8-room house, eight btttcks from street I Tough ProposItion. ·~Yes.lH the judg~ a1l5w'ered~ ·'and ~~GU car. I It's pretty harri to state the age Black Diamond .... hen a smali lIey should leave ~,jj' appeal' to have got it:' VACANT LOTS sa.. liing, "GimnlJ.'; auother piece;' ".hE'n Makes a Quick, Hot Fire fii the pie is pas;'led, and remark, 'Tve The Perfect Wife. Ch!)ioe aver 40 vacant lots a.. prices fram .$175.00 up. Ihad a plenty, thank you," The poet Robert B,"rIls was at f.lpininn that the perfect wife was! , Up-to-Date Fire Alarms. mad.. Gil of ten qualities. Foel" parts ' went to gocrl temper, two ~;1rts to J·OHN·l.-,UBOLD t :o\lore than !'Ii} pel' cent. of the Cities Best Scranton liard Coal TELEP:HONE: FLOi'{ENCE: 105 ·FLORENCE. NEBR. Of this countQ' whh a POP1l1.arton of common sense, one to a keen iutel· lten thQusand or more are equipped lect.. one to beauty of p8!'son 2nd tv,,·o III IIIlIII•••1l! with ele<:tric fire alarm::;, . parts \v"ere apportioned to. family~ for~! ~••••••••iiI!I•••••••Iliiliii!i!!••!!lIIl!iil'lliiEl!i!iHe!ili!il1Jlm!. 1•••• tune or eaucation, ...