The Clinton Independent.


W. A. Norton delivered a somewhat SOLDIERS AND SAILORS lengthy and no less interesting ad­ ST. JOHNS HIGH SCHOOL. .SUNDAYS IN SUMMER. A DELIGHTFUL OUTING OUR COUNTY FAIR dress. Of Cllntou County Held Their Annual Kf- It was voted to bold a camp-tire some The Outlook for it Prosperous and Profi­ Hom. Fuels Concerning (he Way They ere Is What Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Cliapln En­ With Good Weather and the Preparations time in the comiug winter or spring, table Sc-bool Year It Favorable. uulon lu St. Julius, August HH Hint 29. the time to be Axed by the Command­ Spent slid the Effects Upon the Church. joyed In Their Seven Months Absence. Being Made Will Bender It the Notwithstanding the drenching rain er. At noon the meetlug was ad ­ As the day for opening approaches This is an exceedingly practical sub­ John B. Chapin, prominent among Best on the List. which fell upon this portion of Michi- journed to meet next year at the same the thoughts of a large portion of our ject. Tiie desertion of the Church in our most successful business men, said Manager Eisier, who has control of Kan last week, the soldiers and sailors time and place. townspeople center upon the school. the summer time by numbers of people to his good wife one day in the early the advertising and arrangments for of all wars, and now living in Clinton Every year finds the number to be This year promises to be an exception is having a discourging effect, which part of February last: “Let us go over the attractive features, says they will county, held their fourth annual re­ growing less, and it will not be long to the many good school years of the lingers along until late in the fall. to Lansing and from there to Chicago out strip those to be seen at tbe state union at thecourt house, in this vil­ before the last one will be called upon past. New students are enrolling daily. The winter ’s work is scarcely well in to visit relatives and friends, and from fair. With a hearty co-operation on lage, last Friday and Saturday, Aug. to answer his last summons. The old building lias been repaired, hand before spring comes, and the con ­ there go to some other place if we feel the part of the farmers and stock men 28th and 29th. The unsettled weather thoroughty cleansed, retouched with gregation beginR to talk of the summer like it, and come home when we get the fair this month may be made one kept many away who otherwise would varnish here and there and now has a let-down. If by any means the services ready. ” of the best in the state. If the at­ have been here. The residences and THE TAX COMMISSIONERS most iuvitingappearance The library in any particular church can be kept So after they had finished their visit tractions are as satisfactory at the places of business were not decorated hU8been classified, reshelved, the books anywhere near their normal condition in Chicago tiiey went to Cincinnati, fair as they are at the opera house, as they woald have been' iiad the W*r« Here Last Friday to View the Rolls labeled to corresponded with the shelf during July and August, large progress from thende to Chattanooga, and then which Mr. Eisier manages, they will weatiier been bright and pleasant. numbers and are now being catalogued. is assured for tiie rest of the year. to New Orleans, where the Mardi Gras of the Supervisors of This County. be all that a congregation of people However. Janitor Clark at the court When completed this will insure better The excuse most commonly made Is performance was at its best. Here could desire. Watch our advertising house, had the circuit court room hand- According to previous notice two service from the library as well as tiie bitter toil of the workingman, they met Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Allison. columns for a list of the attractions. somly decorated with the national r^Dresentatlves of the State Tax Com ­ better oversight and care of the books. which indesposes him for religious The city was flooded with water and emblems, and with the martial music mission were here last Friday to get Tiie courses of study have been worship. But the church which min­ a general “hold up” was the order of the old vets were very much inspired. acquainted with the supervisorsof this changed to better meet tbe require­ isters to this woskingman most of all things until the water went down and Lawrence’* Pint Birthday. Friday was partially devoted to re­ county and to review their tax rolls ments of tbe University and keep manages to get him up early on Sun ­ the show was out. From here they Lawrence Townsend, Jonly son of ceiving the visiting members, record­ and to compare them with the figures pace with the more progressive high day to go to mass, does not seem to went to El Paso, , and after a Commissioner T. H. Townsend, is five ing their names, telling stories, etc., they have made. In doing so they schools of tiie state. One feature of have any particular trouble in keeping short sojourn there they joarnied Into years old today, and, with the consent and a camp tire in the eveniag. Rev. f »und theseveral townships short of the new courses is the elective plan of its services crowded with worshipers Old Mexico, and from thence to Col ­ of his papa and mamma, has issued J. T. Ewing of St. John’s church, was their figures to the amount indicated subjects for tbe course pursued. A In the slums of the cities. The diffi ­ ton, Southern California, and from invitations to as many little frituds present at the afternoon meeting and in the following list: minimum of subjects, those demand ­ culty today is not with this man, worn thence to Riverside, which is in the of his age as the number of his years offered prayer and later made a short Bath...... 31.7 Green bush ...... 24.2 ed by tiie University, is required; out with his dally toll, but it is witli heart of the orange country, where indicate, to assist him in celebrating speech. The following is the enroll ­ B -ugal ...... 13.2 Lebanon ...... ll.t the full number required for grad ­ the great middle class and well-to-do. they enjoyed the native fruits. From his fifth birthday anniversary and ment at this meeting : Bingham _____ .... 2.2 Olive...... 24.6 uation is made up by the student Many people who can take a day off here they went to Los Angeles, where first birthday party. There will be Dallas...... 8.4 Ovid ...... 16.2 from tiie electives offered. The stud ­ now and then, and who can take sum­ they met Dr. Pollard, and where they increased joy in that home today. Jesse E. Stone, Co. I, 10th Mich. Cav., St. DeWItt 43.5 KUt»y . 28 5 ents are to have free range of choice mer vacations, are using the day for remained for a time. From here they -Johns. State Fair, Pontiac, September Duplaln ...... 19.5 Victor ...... 96.8 but are expected to consult parents all kinds of recreation. The great went to Pasadena and then to Alta- Wayne E. Morris, Oo. A, 23d Mich. Inf., St. 7th to 11th, 1903. F.agl j...... «~..,10.7 Watertown ...... 36.1 and teachers before making a final de ­ mass of pleasure-seekers on Sunday, dena. where they visited an aunt, sis­ .lob ns, aged 67. Es ex...... 8.8 Westphalia ...... 15.5 cision. The required subjects decrease then, are not toil-exausted working­ ter of Mr. Chapin's fattier, and where The Grand Trunk Railway system C. Wlllyoung, Co. K, 11th I nd. Cav.. Fowler, The Commissioners took the rolls to each year while the electives increase. men but the comparatively well-to-do. they remained until their visit was will sell Excursion Tickets at single aired 61. the headquarters at Lansing where Thus, the number of required subjects The great danger in Sunday pleasure, well completed From there they went Fare for the round trip, plus 50c. for H. J. Patterson, Co. G, 8d Mich. Inf., St. they will undoubtedly be doctored to of tiie first year is three, the number seeking is the seeking for that which to Santa Barbara, where they met admission to the Fair Grounds on Johns, airc 63. conform with their new style of prac­ of electives, one. On tbe other band, is less and less refltied, and which m a Donald Stephenson, who is getting on Sept. 7th to 11,exclusive. Return limit H. M. Estes, Co. K. 30th Mtch.Inf., St.Johns, tice. If the other towns had been as but one subject is required in tbe short time will drive out the spirit nicely. From here they went across Sept. 12th, 1903. Through Train aire 57. near perfect as Bingham no change last year, the number of electives Some summer resorts and pleasure the bay to Oakland. After remaining Service to the Fair Grounds, for fur­ N. E. Johns. Co. D, 23d Mich. Inf., St. Johns would have been attempted. Howev ­ is three, to be taken out of six offered. grounds —for these are the thronged there for a time they returned to San ther particulars consult agent or write a ire 70. er. we believe that the supervisors of This plan allows the student to work laces, while tiie woods for which the Francisco, where they made their to Geo W. Vaux, A. G. P. & T. A. J. G. Wise, Co. E. 13th Mich. Inf., St. Johns, the other townships did what they along the lines in which he is most iu- §unday plea is made are deserted —are headquarters for two months. Here Adv. Department, Chicago. Ill. 43-w3 aire 50. deemed just to their people, and if terestd, Language, Science. History, postively hostile to goodness of life they met Dr. F. A. Cllse and his two Geo. P. Matoon, Co. I, 27th Mich. Inf., St. their valuations are raised it will not English, etc., at the same time meet­ and purity of thought. What wonder, sons, who are doing a large and profi ­ The County Fair. Johns age 71. be their fault. Who is best qualitied ing the University requirements. If after a summer away from attendance table business as opticians. Dr. Clise, TheCounty Fair which will be held J. L. Patterson, Oo. B, 8th Mich., Inf., Fow ­ to judge the value of property, a resi­ lie does not care for a college prepara­ upon church services, they should seem it will be remembered, was a former the latter part of this month, bids fair ler, age 64. dent of the township or an entire tion then he may elect sucli studies as tame and uninteresting in contrast resident of St. Johns. to be the best of aoy yet held provid­ W. E- Hamilton, Co. G, 8th Mich. Inf., St. stranger? We used to get along all are best suited to his needs. The com­ with thestir and glitter of the pleasure, From San Francisco Mr. and Mrs. ing, of course, we haye good weather. Johns, age 58. right before so much extravegance ex­ mercial course has been overhauled and spent Sabbaths! But it is in the effect Chapin went to Portland. Oregon, Psuh it along. Wm. Brown. Co. B, 8th Mich. Inf., St. Johns- made to conform to a more logical plan. upon tiie every-day thought of looking where they remained a week. From isted and before so many hungry pub­ DECLINE IN PRICK OF CATTLE age 60. lic officials were called to feed at the This course will receive mention at foward to Sunday as a recreation day there they went to Seattle, Wash., W. J. Mull, Co. B, 12th Mich. Inf.. St. Johns, same crib, and all for political ends. another time. that the most harm is done. A man where they made their headquarters age 67. Few changes have been made in text through this has no uplook and outlook for three weeks, visiting places of In­ Causing a Drop In Price* at Schneider’* Reuben Brink, Co. A. «th N. Y. Art’y, St. books. West’s Ancient History takes to God; he loses tiie power of thespirit- terest about there. From Seattle they Meat Maraet. Johns, age 56. THE MILLS CO. the place of Mvers; Monroe and Whit­ ual vision, and thinks and lives in a went toEllensburg, Wash., where they Best cuts,...... 12*0 Andrew Wayger. Co. II, 107th N- Y. Inf., St. comb's European History, Dryer’s lower sphere of life. What real trou ­ met Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Palmer, who Good Roasts, trimmed ...... loe Johns, age 59. Hitve Purrhtwd of Hawk* A Angus the Physical Geography. Morrill ’s Civil ble and disaster come to him he has were there visiting their son Rodney Boiling pieces,...... 6c George Stimpson, Co. H, 11th Mo. Cav., St Lansing Street Car Lines. , Government, and Scott and Denney ’s no strong hope in Christ to console and family. From there they went to John P. Schnidkii . Johns, age 58. Composition-Literature have been him: the higher and greater joy cf tiie Spokane, Wash., and from thence to John W. Brad tier. Co. B, 4th Mich., Cav., St. A deal was closed in Detroit last added. life hid with God lias been subordi­ Missoula. Mont., and from there to Wanted. Johns, age 66. week by which the Lansing Street Two new faces will appear in the nated to a lower, which lias last«*d only Butte. After having finished their vis­ John Flynn, Co. I, 27th Mich. Inf., St. Johns, Railway passed out of the hands of J. faculty, Miss Lizzie Burleson of tbe while being experlnced and often it here they went to Livingston, Mon ­ at Noble Burnett ’s, every person owing age 68. D. Hawks and S. F. Angus. These Ferris Industrial School will succeed leaves a bitter taste. tana. and from thence to Park City, me on account to call and settle at Fred Drew, Co. B, 8th Mich, Inf., St. Johns, gentlemen sold the property to Nelson M r. Wylie and have charge of tiie Com ­ Mont., to visit Fred W Lee and wife. earliest possible time, and oblige. age 72. Mills, of Marysville and his associates mercial work. Mr. A. J. Helmer of IMPORTANT MEETING They found Fred in the midst of a Noble Burnett . J. S. Tucker, Co. 1,10th Mich.Car.. St.Johns, for $200,000 spot cash. There was also Alma College succeeds Mr. Rrakel aud very prosperous general mercantile age 65. included in the deal a contract by takes charge of tiie Science aud math­ business. Fred is still suffering from Apple* Wanted! John Kelley. Co. K. 14th Mich. Inf.. St, which Messrs. Hawk and Angus will ematics. Of the Farmers’ Mutual Fire Insurance severe attacks of asthma. Any quantity of apples for cider pur- Johns, age 74. have an entrance Into Lansing over As a large number of foreign stud ­ Company of Clinton County From Park City Mr. and Mrs. Chap­ poses wanted at my mill. H. E. Howell, Co. I. 10th Mich. Inf., DeWItt, the tracks of the Lansing Street Rail­ ents is expected it would be well for in directed their steps homeward, first 45w4 E. E. Emmons . way for their Lansing, Battle Creek The regular September meeting of age 63. those who wisli to take roomers and the board of directors ot the Farmers’ visiting St. Paul and Minneapolis, Wm. Smith, Co. B, 8th Mich. Inf., Eureka, line. ’ The gentlemen who bought the boarders, or who wish to secure stud ­ where they spent a week. From there Dntnerty are Nelson Mills. Myron W. Mutual Fire Insurance Company was BUSINESS LOCAL8. age 82. ents to work for their board to leave liel at tiie secretary’s office, St. Johns, they went direct to Chicago, where N. B. Parker. Co. G, 2d Mich. Inf., Ovid, age Mills, of Marysville, James R. Elliott, their names with Supt. Bishop or they spent three weeks more witli and George G. Moore, of Fort Huron. last Tuesday and Wednesday. The PENSION 63. I’rin. Buck. business of this meeting consisted of father Chapin and family, telling N. S. Parmalee.Co. F. 4th Mich. Inf., St Johns, They are also the pjincipal owners of them of the many things they saw and Work. Money to Loan at low rates. Pro­ auditing bills aud abjustment of bate work a specially. Call ou age 62- the Lansing. St. Johns & St. Louis did. On leaving Chicago they visited electric line with which the Lansing TRUE WORDS claims; Axing rate of assessment for H. J. Patterson , Sam’l Kinney, Co. K, 14th Mich. Inf., St. tiie year just closed, and appointing Muskegon. Grand Rapids, Jackson and Johns, age 65. Street Railway will be amalgamated Marshall, and arrived home last Satur­ 14tf. Clinton Block. St. Johns. later on. The employes of the Lans­ collectors to receive assessments. Tiie James Sweeney, Co. B. 15th Ind. Inf.. Bath, Spoken of a L»(ly MunIrUu Known to ■ amount of losses for the past year was day evening, well and happy,and were age 59. ing line were immediately notified of Number of St.Jolin* People. warmly welcomed back by a host of New Dress Goods at the transfer. It is not known what $12,600 as against $9,000 for tiie previ­ oble urnett s Anthony Martin, Co. K, 14th Mich. Inf.,Fow ous year. The rate of assessment was true and loyal friends. It is estimat­ N B ’ . ler, age 78. f he new owners will do in tlie way of In last Suuday ’s edition of the De­ ed that Mr. and Mrs. Chapin traveled fixed at $2.00 j>er thousand witli 8 per Washing Wanted. Joseph Neurenburg, Co. F. 14th Mich. Inf.. connecting tlie new lines and the re­ troit Evening News is a review of tiie upwards of 8,000 miles since they left St. Johns, age 74. taining of their old employes. instructors in music in Detroit and cent off on all amounts paid in Octo home, to say nothing of tiie street car All kinds of bundle washings want­ Tiie Lansing Journal, In referring to throughout the state. From this we her, which leaves it a net assessment ed by Dora Whitney . Horace Tuckes, Co. D, 1st Mich., Cav., St. of $1.84 per thousand. Last year it and boat service. Johns, age 61. • the change, says: extract tiie following in relation to Miss ******** ******************************** a *********** 903 South Trowbsidge St. ‘ Regarding the St. Johns line, Mr. Lula Davison, a warm friend of Galu- was $1.70 and tiie year previous $1.75 Wm. M. Leeland, Co. A, 8th Mich. Inf., St. Elliott said that matters concerning sha Pennell, of this village, which will per thousand, making three years in New Waistings at Johns, age 60. it were not yet in shape for a state­ be read with interest by her friends succession at considerable less than Noble Burnett ’s. $2.00, while during the same period tiie IN THE CHURCHES. James Larkins, A, 23d Mich. Inf., St. Johns ment to the public. He did say. how­ here. It says: Apple*. age 61. ever. that tiie company proposes to “In the inner circle of Detroit musi­ company lias increased over two and a ******** ******** ************ a ^*** *********** ******** extend tiie line north as soon as mat­ cians one of tiie most valued members half millions of property insured. Wolcott & Dauley buy early varie­ W. H. Sweeney, ^o. F, 8th 111. Inf., Bath, These figures enable this company to Methodist Mention. ties of apples and all good varieties of age 62. ters shape themselves satisfactorily. Is Miss Louie Davison, who is a con­ crab apples. 43tf Andrew Annis, Co. A, 23d Mich. Inf., St. It is probable that tbe plans for equip­ cert violinist and teacher, having one make the finest showing of any com ­ The Women ’s Missionary Society of tiie largest classes last year here, pany in tiie state for these three years. meets in the church parlors tomorrow Johns, age 69. ping the northern road with electric­ (Friday) afternoon at half-past two. New Cloaks, Capes and Furs at H. H. Harris, Co. K, 4th Mich. Inf.. St. ity will be consummated in the near and from the present outlook will have The company also made the largest more than she can attend to this year. net gain in membership in 1902 of any Election of officers. Noble Burnett ’s. Johns, age 63. future. Count G. K. Boyajian, A.M., will ad ­ H. 8. Hart, Co. C, 8th Mich. Inf., St. Johus, There are to be no changes in the She has the honor of having given mutual tire insurance company in tiie Mouey to Loau. three sonatas on a program for the seate, as is shown in tiie published re­ dress the congregation at the morning age 68. staff of em ployes at present. Mr. El­ service. The Count is a native Armen­ On Improved farms. A. 8. Jones, Co. E, 9th Mich Heavy Art., St liot announced. Supt. Slaughter of first and only time at a private musi- ports of the Commissioner of insur ­ cale in Detroit. Miss Davison stud ­ ance. All tiie old collections were re­ ian who is just finishing his education 29 E. L. Doolino . Johns, age 86. the street railway will continue his in tills country preparatory to return ­ Geo. C. Marshall, Co. M, 1st X. Y. Light Art- connection with the company for the ied for 10 years with Petri, Holland appointed except in New Haven town­ New Tailor Made Suits—Perfect violinist; three years in Leipsic and ship, Gratiot county, where Calvin D. ing to his own land as a missionary. St. Johns, age 59. present at least, and I). W. Johnson His address will be on Tbe Condition Beauts—at Noble Burnett ’s. Thomas Hefty, Co. E, 29th Mich. Inf., St. will remain In charge of the Suburban Dresden, where she acquired tiie broad Wiles takes the place of S. J. McWil­ musical culture, the effect of which liams, who removed from tiie town ­ of the Christians within tiie Turkish Ask for Halcoiu'* Kestarannt Johns, age 60. rai lway. Empire. It is a wonderful story. He David L. Eaegle, Co. B. 34th Ill. Inf., Eure­ Nelson W. Mills is the father of the is felt in all her work. Last year she ship. and in Fulton where George M. When you are hungry and looking for appeared as soloist for the Tuesday Long will collect in place of Henry will lecture in tiie church the follow ­ ka. age 70. late John Mills, who was president of ing Friday evening. good things to eat at small expense. S. H. Gage, Co. E, 1st U. S. Inf., St. Johns, the northern road. M. W. Mills is the Musicale, as well as a number of out- Stitt, deceased. age 50. father’s son and Mr. Elliott is his son- of-town engagements. Miss Davison The secretary was instructed to no ­ St. Juhn'ii Church. New fall styles in Carpets and Cur­ W. N. Stocker, Co. F, 22d Mich. Inf., St. in-law. The latter, as was stated in can be found at her studio, 512 Homer tify by letter all members who were tains at Noble Burnett ’s. Johns, age 58. Tiie Journal some time ago, has rent­ Warren building, or residence, 11H High known to smoke in or around barns The services will be resumed on next Sunday. Litany, Celebration of the At Malcom’s Kestarauat D. S. French, Co. B, 1 loth Ohio Inf., St. ed tiie Wiley home on Capitol avenue street east. that they must stop or their policies north and will move his family to this would be canceled. Holy Communirn and Sermon at 10:30 May be procured hot meals and lunch­ Johns, age 59. a. m. Sunday school at 12 m., evening Wm. Lyon, Co. A. 136th Ohio Inf., St. Johns, city about Septimber 1. es at all seasonable hours. Mr. Elliott stated that just as soon PROF. PLUNKETT DEAD. To Leave L's. prayer at 7:30 p. m. age 58. There will hie a meeting of the Altar All kinds of good bargains at A. O. Hunt, Co. G, 23d Mich. Inf., St. Johns, as possible the two companies will be Mr. and Mrs. George Woodruff have Guild at the rectory, Friday afternoon Noble Burnett 's. age 70. merged into one. /There is no reason, A Well Known Educator ami Superintend sold their pretty little home on east lie said, why they should be conducted at 3 o ’clock. El) Fields, Co. B. 127th Penn. Inf., St.Johns, tendent of the Ovid Schools. State street, to W. W. Peck, and are Money to loan on chattel mortgages. age 64. as separate corporations, and as soon all packed up and ready to move to To Owner* of Swine. Clinton Loan and Security Co., 7-9 Joseph E. Moore, Co. I),31st Inf., Elsie as jiosslble a meeting will be held and Prof. Edward M. Plunkett, one of East Troy, Wis., where they will set­ Clinton block, St. Johns. 6tf age 65. a reorgani/rtlon effected. ” tiie best known and highly esteemed tle, and where Mr. Woodruff will en­ In another column may be found the Wm. Farrier, Co. E. 17th Mich. Inf„ St Johns residents of the village of Ovid, died gage in business on Ills own account advertisement of a new remedy for A Full Force Beady—44 Next. ” age 69. JOHN FINKLE DEAD. Sunday last of paralysis. He was well and risk. reventing and cure of most common I am now ready with three new mod John Patterson, Co.G, 10th Mich. Cav., St. known throughout the state as an ed­ 8iseases found among swine. It is ucator, having been superintendent of highly recommended by those who ern chairs, well manned, to supply Johns, age 67. Card of Thanks. your wants in anything in the line of O, E. Wilson, Co. K, 10UI IT. 8. Inf., St. Johns He PMMd Away After a Faithful Servlre tiie local schools of that village during have used it. J. II. Corbit, the old barbering. Hot and cold baths in con ­ age 56. on This Karth. the last sixteen years. He leaves a We employ this medium through which to hard ware man has the agency for its thank the many friends and neighbors who sale in St. Johns. It will pay you to nection. Fine cigars and tobaccones John F. Couter, Co. A, 64th Ohio Inf., St. John Finkle, whose parents were widow, two daughters, a son and a host is a new feature lately added to the Johns, age 63. among tiie first settlers of St. Johns, of admiring friends. The funeral, so kindly assisted us In the recent sickness, have some on hand. death and burial of our beloved father; also business. W. W. Ferguson . John Montis, Co. A 4th Ohio Inf., St.Johns, died at the Wiggins House, this village, which was held yesterday, was largely The Only Sale! attended. for the Itcautlful floral offering*. age 63. where he had been employed as a do ­ The special saie of shoes at the up­ WANTED—SEVERAL PERSONSOFCHAR Wm.Gilson, (To. O, 68th Ohio Inf., St. Johns, mestic during the last nineteen years, FRANK PLUNKETT. town dealer, Furtney ’s, is still on and actcr and good reputation In each state (one age 70. A Street Fight. ALBERT PLUNKETT. In this county required) to represent and ad ­ on Thursday night, August 30, 1903, of is attracting the attention of all who vertise an old established, wealthy business Lester Bond, Co. D, 3d Mich. Cav., St. Johns, lingering consumption, aged about Ho Brady and Reuben Martin and Oliv­ MRS. CLARA KARBEK. er and Henry McCloud were the par­ are in search of real values for the hou*e of solid fluanclal standing Salary 121.00 age 61. years. John was one of a large family, Card of Thaks. money expended. weekly with expenses additional, all payable E. B. Smith. Co. I, 10th Mich. Cav. St. Johns the majority or all of whom have long ticipants in a street tight this morn­ In oa*Ti direct every Wednesday from head We desire to thank cur friends and neigh­ offices. Horse and carriage furnished when B. F. Young, Co. A, 2M Mich. Inf. St. Johns since passed over tiie riyer of death. ing, which was over some work and necessary. References. Enclose self-address ­ age 60. He was badly crippled from rheuma­ family affairs, they being related by bors for their kindness shown In so many EXCURSIONS ed envelope. Colonial, 332 Dearborn St M. Cole, Co. I), 18th IT. S. Inf., St. Johns, age tism, but was patient, faithful and marriage. The Martins came out different ways during the sickness, death and Chicago. 45wl2 60. obliging in his every duty and care in without a scratch, while Oliver was burial of our daughter Mary, and for tbe Via Grand Trunk Kellwny Ny*tem. knocked unconsious and Henry was beautiful floral offerings aud tbe excellent £Tatb bank st. johns . K. Shoyer, Co. E, 61st U. S. Inf., St. Johns, life. lie was baptized by Rev. J. T. To St. Fnnl end Oulntli. or age 61. badly bruised and cut up, principally music so well rendered. Ewing, who made him frequent visits COMMERCIAL AND SAYINGS Jacob Grubaug, Co. B, 8th Mich. Inf., 8t. during his last Illness. Mrs. Wiggins about the face. No arrests had been MR. ANI) MRS. P. A. BARNHART Special low fare tickets on sale daily Johns, age 58. made at the hour of going to press. AND FAMILY. until Sept. 30, 1803, valid to return was like a good mother to him, and CAPITAL. $90,000. Nelson W. Beel>e. Co. B. 4th Mich. Cav., Du- every member of her family did every­ Oct. 31. 1903. For further particulars plaln. aged 64. thing in their power for his relief and Congregatloaal Niitm. Paving Material Here. enquire as above. comfort. The funeral, which took Seven carloads of Athens brick for NET ASS RTS OK STOCKHOLDERS 1900.000.(0 Saturday forenoon was devoted to Services will resume next Sunday A Popnlnr Wedding Trip la to Tnk« the D. ------4 the transaction of the business of the place from the house Saturday after­ after the vacation of two weeks. Rev. paving Cllntoa avenue and east Walk­ A H. nnd U. A C. Line to Mackinac. association and the election of officers noon, was largely attended by true and W. B. Williams, of Charlotte, will er street have arrived and are being o.w. HUNGER, President. sympathizing friends, who brought in If you want a delightful wedding J. H. CORBIT. Vloe-President. for tbe ensuing year, which resulted as preach. As Mr. Williams is well known delivered along the walks ready for trip take one of the new D. & B. follows: great quantities, beautiful flowers, as to many here they will no doubt be use. If the weather holds good, and J. W. FITZGERALD,Cashier evidence of respect and esteem of his glad of this opportunity to hear him. we are promised it will, the work will steamers to Detroit, thence D. A C. Commander —H. J. Patterson. memory. Rev. J. T. Ewing officiated, be speedily pushed to completion. coastline steamers to Mackinac Island. Sr. Vice-Commander-H. 8. Hart. and the remains were laid to rest in a Staterooms and parlors reserved in DIRECTORS: Jr. Vice-Commander —George Stimpson. beautiful lot provided and cared for by Church of Christ—(l>l«clplc*. | For School Supplies, advance. Send 2c. for pamphlet. Ad­ O. W. Hunger, Otis Puller, 3. W. PI tire raid Officer -of-the-Day—John W. Bradner. him in St. Jonns cemetery. Lord ’s day services in G. A. R. hall Recollect that you can find a nice as­ dress A. A. Son ante , G, P. T, Mgr,, John H. Corbit, George W. Emmons, (Quartermaster—Herbert M. Estes. at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Rev. E. sortment of school supplies to select Detroit, Mich. Uhas. T. Babcock, Gilbert C. Chaplain—Wayne E. Morris. The steam roller for the work of Sias will officiate in the absence of Rev. from at Stocker's Bazaar. Good goods (Quartermaster Sargnant —O. E. Wilson. pavln has arrived and will soon be in Munro, who is still caring for his sick at low prices. See their ad on another Keep in mind the county fair and Corbin, 3. Sullivan. Adjutant —J. K. Stone. service. wife and son at Wayland. page. prepare something good for It. 8 percent Interest paid on time deposits CLINTON INDEPENDENT, THU8BDAY, SEPT. 3, 1903 L« i.. se a C u>..(Lr woman pulled Three Course* 0»e«. the hair «»*’ the girl who she thought In a discussion of fhe Panama canal hired with her husband, she was fined matter between President Roosevelt $4 and coats. and .Secretary of State Hay three courses the administration could pur­ A drunken man carrying a water- ITEMS OF INTEREST sue were taken up. The first is to Ig ­ ini Ion addressed n uegress on the nore Colombia nnd proceed to con ­ sire, t ut ilscditalm, with the result FROM MANY STATES struct the canal under the treaty with il.vtt the watermelon and the mans New Granada 111 1840. to fight Colom ­ head were badly smashed. bia If .she objects, nnd create an inde ­ While I.*ipetr farmers’ wives were pendent government of Panama out of A Would-llc Train Wrecker, The Bros Suicide. helping in the liny field, n baseball the present state of Panama. This The utteuipted wreck of Pore Mar­ The theory generally accepted In re­ gaoie In town was holding the atten­ would give the United Stutes wliat is quette passenger trains near Nortlivlile gard to the tragic death of young tion of the men. expected to be a short and Inexpensive lias resulted In tin* urrest of John William Benz at his home near Dexter Edward Chevrier jumped from n war. but would insure a permanent Haley, colored. Two attempts were lust week is that while in an insane moving A. S. & X. W. train near Glen­ settlement of the question of the sov ­ made to wreck, one on Sunday, August frenzy, produced probably by despond ­ nie Saturday morning and sustained THE OHIO DEMOCRACY. Power* to llaac. ereignty of the canal zone across the 23, and the other on Wednesday. Au­ ency, he committed suicide. When injuries which shortly after resulted In The third trial of ex-Secrelary of Isthmus of Panama. gust 20, and both were attempted on Mrs. Benz returned fo her home after his death. Tom Johnson In Pomm*I«bi He Con­ State Caleb Powers for complicity In Tlie second course is that the pres­ the afternoon passenger train from De­ being away all day, she discovered Thomas Gilmore, n retired farmer trols Everything In Sight. the murder of Gov. William Goebel, ident shall act in accordance with the troit at a curve one and a half miles pools of blood In the living room, and living in Traverse City, committed The Democratic State convention, in of , in January, 1900, closed provisions of the Spooner law, and, from Nortlivlile. It Is a spot where It without investigating further called suicide Sunday by shooting himself. session In Columbus, Ohio, was con ­ Saturday with the extreme penalty of having failed to make a treaty suc­ would be imjioHslblo for an engineer the neighbors. The body of the dead He was 70 years old, and his mind had trolled by Tom L. Johnson completely. hanging for the distinguished prisoner, cessfully with Colombia, turn to the to see olistructlons until he was right man was found In the woodshed. It been unbalanced. On all the questions involving control Nicaragua route. ou them, and at one side of the track was not lying on the ground, but was who lias been in the peniteutlury for Tlie third course is to delay this Because lie painted his horses and of the convention or committees, John­ three yeurs on life sentence. Powers Is a very steep eui bauk men t, so that In a sort of stooping position and was cows to discourage files. Thomas son came off victorious and controlled great work until something transpires If a wreck occurred there would neces­ supported by the left arm of the dead lias been convicted twice before, this to make Colombia see the light and man, which hung over an old ash bar­ Mooney, n well-known farmer of Che­ the situation so firmly that one speak­ sarily be great loss of life. Harry boygan. lias been sent to the Traverse er termed him “more of u boss than being the third trial in which the Jury resume negotiations for another Hann, of Nortlivlile, claims to have rel. The right arm hung at his side City Insane asylum. Mark Hanna. ” brought in a verdict of guilty against treaty. seen the would-be train wrecker at and beneath it was found the bloody him. On hi* previous trials, lie es­ work, and identified him. Additional razor with which the gashes In the “A flower pot and n little grass The resolutions avow allegiance to C«*l of Celebratla*. would prevent many a divorce, ” says the last national platform; condemn caped with a sentence of life impris­ evidence has been secured that the throat had been made. Benz had bled onment, as the evidence was not suf­ Reviewing the annual tragedy of the boy was seen near the place on both freely itnd the razor was lying In a a La lining divine, evident,l.v meaning colonialism and Imperialism; denounce Fourth of July as celebrated in the days mentioned on Sunday in his bare pool of blood. It Is u most remark­ Hint more grass wives would make trusts and trust fostering tariffs; repu­ ficiently strong against him to lead the states north of Dixie tlie Journal of feet. Haley Is also known ns John­ able ease, considering the fact that fewer grass widows. diate government by injunction, and Jury to Inflicting the extreme penalty. the American Medical association son and as Edmonds. The arrest was Benz, if he did the Job liimself, must Frederick, the 15-year-old son of oppose financial monopoly, “together All three of the trials were held at finds that the total number of authen­ made Sunday at Mu* home of George have pounded Ills face with a ham­ Sylvester Walker, of Tompkins, is with every other legalized monopoly Georgetown and in each of them he ticated case* of dentil or severe injury Henry Edinonds. whose wife Is an mer until he was unconscious, and dead from the kick of a horse. He and legalized privilege. ” had the assistance of the most able diu» to the Fourth of July. 1903. was nunt of the accused. Since liann told then ufter regaining consciousness had lain unconscious since Saturday, This paragraph is the only reference lawyers who could be procured. The 4.458. Of these 415 deaths were due what he knew about the matter he and must have deliberately dragged him­ tin* time of the Injury. to national issues. The people are ask­ last trial was distinguished by the fact to tetanus; <50 resulted from the use of self Into the house to procure the razor ed to determine whether all state in­ that Powers addressed tlie Jury In hi* Farmer Benton have had trouble. The official record* show that last terests are to be sacrificed for the re- firework* or explosives not causing with which lie completed the job by week there fell in various parts of own behalf and in a long review of lockjaw; 10 persons were made blind, The Price Seem. High. eutring his throat from ear to ear. But election of Ilanna as senator. Other tlie ease showed himself jo be a very Michigan from 3 1-4 to 3 1-2 inches of paragraph* most Important are those: competent attorney, while his elo ­ 75 lost one eye each, 54 lost hands, The Kalamazoo board of education after a careful investigation of all the rain. This is about one-tenth of the arms or Ipgs. 174 lost one or more circumstances it would seem that that “By embodying In the now Ohio code quence in pleading for ills life astound­ fingers, and 3.070 received other severe comes In for some criticism from lead ­ is just what be did. normal supply for a year. unwise nnd unjust provisions for the ed those who had watched lilm care­ ing citizens on account of the con ­ Owen Bowen. Id. end Geo. Adams. Injuries. These figures represent only regulation of street railroads Republi­ fully in the past trials of the case. tlie eases where full authentication ditions attached to awarding the west­ Ilalilwla’i Fight. 30, were electrocuted by catching hold can managers have rendered competi ­ ern Michigan normal school to Kala­ of a live wire, which had been blown tion more difficult and street car mon ­ A Riithle** llulcliery. was possible nnd are not believed to mazoo. It Is pointed out that the Tlx* examination of W. E. Baldwin, present one-half of the real number of the Adrian cigar manufacture r down by a storm, on the farm of John opoly more secure. By reserving to the The once beautiful city of Krus Fourth of July accident* in the I’nited board exceeded the authority confer­ charged with criminal assault upon Galey, near Beaver, Pa. governor the power to appoint muni ­ ebevo. European Turkey, is a heap of red by the legislature In asking the cipal officers in certain cases, they ♦Rates. city to give a bonus of $40,000, con ­ Florence Spiel man, which was set for A man by the name of Kinlon was ruins. The women and children are Mouday, was again adjourned'. Coun ­ held up in Coldwater early Saturday have dangerously concentrated their homeless, exposed to the weather and CONDENSED XISWS. struct cement walks, provide sewer sel for the defense endeavored to morning at tin* point of a revolver by meager concessions of home rule with famine. The town is rendered unin­ connections, maintain the training waive examination but Prosecuring At­ some unknown and relieved of $3 In tempting opportunities for interference habitable by the odor of corpses which Doctored ice cream poisoned more school for an Indefinite period and pay torney Joslin asked for one. according money and a gold watch. by the state government in the local are being gnawed by (logs and pigs, that 50 tourists In Springs half of the salaries of the teachers In affairs of cities and villages. that school. It is asserted that in four to his right. Baldwin ’s attorneys took The Ontonagon Lumber & Cedar Co. the Turkish authorities refusing to al­ a oil Mnniton. Col., several of them the matter to the Circuit Court and Ins awarded to James Norton, of “The corrupt union which tlie Re­ low them to lie removed on tlie pretext critically so. The cream, which was typewritten pages the board itself has Judge Chester Issued ail order railing publican managers of Ohio, treacher­ that an Inquest will be held. Tlie the basis of tlie dish, sent from a big made an unanswerable argument that Ewen. a contract to put In its season ’s ous alike to tlie rank and file of ilicir Kalamazoo is the place that ought to the lower court judge before him next cut o£ 10.090.000 feet of pine, to he [Turks entered the town and. guided by dairy n.*ar Denver, was charged with Saturday morning to show cause w.hy hanked on tl»r* Baltimore river. own party and to the rest of the peo ­ Turkish villagers from tlie neighbor ­ formaldehyde. Arrests will bo made. get the school anyway, ami why such Baldwin should not In* bound over ple have made with privileged corpor ­ hood. attacked tlie houses of the Greek a price should be Imposed puzzles the To scare tlie* servant girl, a 14-year- ations. Is further shown by the recent Dr. Salnznt lias given up ills life In residents. However, some who crltl- without an examination. old 111‘ion boy pretended to bang notables and ordered the inmates hi* brave tight against tlie yellow J history of Ohio taxation. The Repub­ searched and stripped. They seized fever epidemic at Mexico. He was In else the action of the board say that I Coroner Won T«»n Soon. himself. The noose slipped and had lican legislature lias rejected even the the money and Jewels and ravished they will vote to issue bonds If this be ' not tlu* mother promptly arrived on simplest remedies. charge of the American hospital in liecessary to bring tlie school there. •Tas. Clark, of Latonia. O.. an em­ Hie scene, it wouldn't have been a tin* women, those who resisted being Tampico, amt devoted every moment ploye of a dog and pony circus, which “The present laws for assessing the immediately killed. A Greek priest of Ids waking hours to the fever- joke. property of all public service corpora­ who sought to protect liis daughter Thr Ik Weak. arrived in Cold water Saturday, got in stricken, neglecting even his meals. a scrap with some of the men and later MaJ. N. S. Boynton, of Port Huron, tions should lie so changed as to com ­ was killed. The girl's earrings were The new law giving tin* railroad ’ lost his pocket I >ook at Duluth. it pel the assessment of those properties torn out and her hand was chopped Champion Jeffries wa* star fire­ on had an epileptic lit. Coroner J. H. was returned by a lady who refuse I nt not less than their salable value as fighter at a tire which destroyed' the commissioner authority to sii|K*rvlsc Montague was notified that a man no ir 'off to secure a bracelet. building occupied by the Pioneer Roll the operation of electric railways will j the depot was found dead. He imme­ a reward, lint designated a charity going concerns, nnd to prevent their go into effect September 17. along with | to which she said ibo major could evasion of just taxation. ” The KIiIk XV err Fotiod. Paper company nnd tlie Lacey Manu ­ diately had a Jury summoned and Lad donate. The platform niso favors home rule facturing company, in Los Angeles, the other laws ennet(*d at tin* last j the remains placed in a rig and was Frank Eiangeran, aged 17. and El­ lie tossed Ihe 300-pound rolls of pn- legislative session, and tlvc depart- j moving on to the undertaking rooms. The boy who told the police Satur­ for counties and cities, assessing mira Keys. 14 years old, ran away day that he was an orphan and that hoards, tlie constitutional amendments jier Itdo-plncis of safety without even incut official*.! are familiarizing them- j Before arriving there Clark partially from Chicago a week ago and came to taking off his coat. selves with the provisions of the new recovered consciousness, and was tak­ lie was turned out into the streets of for classification of property for taxa­ St. Joseph to get married. The county statute. The discovery has lueon made j Grand Rapids by tin* man with whom tion and single liability of stockhold ­ I)r. A. A. Ames, former mayor of en to a hospital, where lit* is being clerk refused to give them a license; Minneapolis, under whose rule that that the new law gives the railroad cared for. lie had' lived, is James Johnson, of ers, laws for public reports of corpor ­ so, having no money, they turned ho­ commissioner but little authority over Lowell. ations and auditing of the same, abol ­ pity was steeped in licensed vice, must lme*. For six days they lived on fruit |iow go to the penitentiary. His mo ­ the electric roads that he does not Ausllu Itrlrnscal. Tlie coroner ’s inquest on the death ishing tlie fee system in county office*, taken from orchards, and nt night now possess. It is doubtful If. under and a uniform rate of two cents per tion for n new trial has been denied, George Austin, who was arr *st *.i m of Otis Mosher ended in n verdict ex­ slept In an old abandoned schooner. find only hi* appeal to the Supreme the new law, lie can limit the -speed suspicion of having been a party to the onerating from blame Deputy Sheriff mile on steam railways. Saturday night officers gathered them of electric cars, which are run at a On Wednesday the entire Johnson Court, generally conceded to be vain, murder of Alma Shook ’s baby in New Ann!*, of Battle Creek, who shot Mosh­ In. Elnora ’s big brother lias taken her which will he heard tills fall, remains. dungvrous sj»oih 1 on some of the roads. Ilaven township Iasi week, has been er when tlie latter tried to escape from program was carried out. and every back to Chicago, and as for Frank, In other respects the law does not released. The testimony of Drs. Bruce custody. nomination on the state ticket, includ ­ he is in jail, dreaming about the terri­ Christopher Thompson, father of meet the expectations of those who and Shoemaker at the coroner's in­ At Grand Rapids there is a move ­ ing Tom L. Johnson for governor, was ble tilings that may be done to him, for Hugh Thompson, the boy who was favored stute supervision of the roads. quest makes it evident that the child ment on font to combine the offices of made by acclamation. Elnora is under statutory age. rescued after lieing shanghaied from died without having fully gained pow ­ supply clerk, superintendent of Jani­ tlie French bnrk Mnrechal de Gontaut Tninprrril Willi n Wltnean. ers of respiration. A doctor could not tors and' superintendent of construc ­ off Sandy Hook, killed himself by Prosecuting Attorney Clute, of Ionia, be found for two hours after the babe tion with that of secretary of tlu* board IT PAYS TO RIDE IN A SUBSTANTIAL BALLOON. drinking carbolic acid in ills home In of education. Brooklyn; dc*]K>ndenoy because his has ordered the arrest of Marsh Haul­ was born. Ir was then dead. treatment of his son was being inves­ ier, of Lyons, on a charge of tam­ Tuesday evening, while the crowd tigated. pering with the people ’s witness. Har­ Jury Sny* II \Vn* Murder. was returning from Sparks’ animal ry Crawford, in the shooting case The coroner's Jury, after listening to show in Hillsdale. Ambrose Tyler, an 1,1 YE STOCK. against Winfield Buck, of Lyons, who the testimony of 13 witnesses, decided old resident oi this city, was struck by dray horses and run over. He died Detroit. —Cattle—Choice steer*. $4 <10 tried to prevent Crawford from keep­ in half an hour that Win. Benz. Jr., <&>4 76; good to choice butcher steers, ing company with his (Buck’s), daugh­ the young farmer who was found about an hour later. 1.000 to 1.200 pounds average. $4 (JO it ter. Crawford, the complaining wit­ dead In his home two miles from Dex­ About 30 Jackson saloonkeepers 4 60; light to good butcher steers and heifers, 700 to 900 pounds average, ness, skipped out when Buck’s case ter with his throat cut and his skull charged, most of them, with \ iolatlons $3 251f3 76; mixed butchers' fat cows, was called, and lie was arrested at Ed- slightly fractured, had been inurdeicd of tlie liquor law in doing business on $2 5Off? 3 26, esnners. $1 60®2; com ­ more on a bench warrant, lie says by some person or persons unknown. July 4, were arraigned in the police mon bulls. $2@2 75; good shippers* that two weeks ago Hamler slipped an There is. still, however, considerable bulls. $3®3 50; common feeders. $2 60 court and held to the circuit court. ff? 3 60; good well-bred feeders. )3 2S envelope with three $."» bills into Ids sentiment that he committed suicide. Each gave a $200 bond. iff.-! 75i light Stockers. |2 50ffji>3. band and told him the best thing he | The hearing before Gov. Bliss in tlio Milch cows and springers — Steady, could do was to skip out and then the AltOliXf> THR STATE. 626 f'.v 60. matter of the extradition of Char lei Hogs —Light to good butchers. )5 66 Buck case would be dropped, lie says Port Huron residents hold about Thomas, the colored man wanted in @5 76; pig», $5 654/'5 75; light york- lie followed Hander ’s advice. ers. $5 65 #5 75; roughs, $4 @4 60; $200,000 of bond of that city. Georgia for the murder of a white stags. 1-3 off. Richmond Has n Mystery. High prices are stimulating grape man, has been postponed by the gov ­ Sheep—Rest lamb*. $5®5 25; fair to culture in southwestern Michigan. ernor until September 3. good lambs. $4 5005; light to com ­ Agnes, the 12-year-old daughter of mon lambs. )3 75ff?4 50; yearlings. A movement has been started to se­ Contracts for cleaning the snags 33 6004; fair to good butcher shoep. John Douglas, a laborer, of Richmond, $2 7503 25; culls and common, )1 25 bad her throat cut while home alone cure local prohibition in St. Joseph from Maple river from tlie bay near ©2. with her father. Dr. McCarthy, wlm county. Ithaca to Maple Rapids, about eight has charge of her, does not fhink she Coons, once so rare in upper Michi­ miles, lias been let for $25,500. It is East Buffalo. —Cattle—The market purely a local work, the federal gov ­ can only he culled slow; demand light; can live, and Justice Heath lias sum­ gan, are becoming plentiful in Alger Arrivals equal and moro tTian demand. moned the sheriff at Mt. Oleniens. the county. ernment not paying any of the ex­ Calves—Steady, best, |4 5004 75; fair pense. to good. $<5 50 42 7 2b. county seat, to Investigate. John The State Business Men’s associa ­ Hogs —Lower; medium heavy. 35 90 Douglas Is about 43 years old. Ilia tion meets at Port Huron Sept. 10 uud Attorney E. E. Turner, who was ar­ (fi6; yorkers. pigs. |64f6 10; roughs, wife was away sitting up with a sick 17. rested at Detroit one month ago and 34 90SI'5; stirgs. 34®4 60. lias been In tlie county Jail in Cadillac Sheep---Best lambs, 35 75413 SO; fair neighbor. About 11 o ’clock he went to There are hut 50 inmates In the Hu­ to good. 35 504j5 70: culls and com ­ the house of another neighbor, and ron county house the lowest number since, gave $300 ball to appear for ex­ mon. 34 264?6; mixed sheep, S3 504? announced that Agnes's throat wax for years. amination on tlie charge of embezzle- 3 76; fair to good. 33 25423 50; culls cut. He was very much excited and ment December 1. Turner was a law­ and bucks. $2fft2 76; wethers. $3 75 Lapeer is to have a new postofflee 424: yearlings, $404 25; export ewes, bad great difficulty in explaining what yer at Sherman. 33 40®3 60. bad happened. building and Harbor Beach is to have Fred Cassidy, who was burned to another bank. Chicago. —Cattle—Good to prime death In Newberry Friday while try­ steers. 35 30ff?6: poor to medium. 34® The Missing I'cnrcc. A Lapeer man lies paralyzed as a re­ ing to rescue his child from his burn ­ 6; stockcrs and feeders. $2 50«?4 25; Expressman George Ogg. of Pontiac, sult of a shock while operating a mov ­ ing house, lived on a farm near Reed cows and heifers, $1 50424 75: can- ing picture machine. ners. 31 6002 70: bulls, $2424 40; States that lie saw W. J. Pearce, the City till recently. He bad lost an arm calves. $3 06 76: Texas steers. $3 254]) missing member of the Pontiac board Free Will Baptists nt Beading have in an accident when a boy. lie was 6 15; western steer*. $3 25ff?4 80. begun a $3,500 church edifice. The Hogs —Mixed nnd butchers. $5 10® of public works in Detroit Friday, Au­ highly esteemed. 5 85; good to choice heavy. $5 254i> gust 21. three days after Pearce’s sup­ old one has lioen In service 50 year*. A peddler of Jewelry, cutlery and 5 65; rough heavy. $4 80*26 20: light, posed disappearance from the Wabash What is supposed to l>e a lynx lias small notions, who is supposed to bo $5 504?)6; hulk of sales. $5 2006 50. appeared along tin* Jonosville creek 8h<*ep—Steady. flood to choice hotel. He stutes that Pearce wiltt Frank Lehman, of Toledo, was found wethers. $303 70; fair to choice mixed, riding on a wagon with a younger and is feasting off neighboring hen­ dead In liis old wagon on the road $2 25®3; native lambs, $3 50® I 75. roosts. man and that he wore a cap. Ogg did three miles west of Mason. His outfit The body of Frederick Olmstead. the Senator Hnnna III. not know that Pearce was missing at Three aged veterans of the German was not disturbed and heart disease Oral*. that time, nor did he learn of the cir­ army, George Kgeler. Cha-.i. Fralin and famous landscape artist, was cremated Senator M. A. Hanna, who has but Detroit. —Wheat—No. 1 white, 83V4c; was probably tlie cause. at Boston. recently returned from a several No. 2 red. 2 cars at 83*4c. closing nom ­ cumstances until yesterday. John Meyers, all of l/»using, are dead. The 3-year-old daughter of Daniel L. A. Planvlng. a negro educator, inal at 83t4c; Sept.. 6,000 bu at 83V4c, Eaton county fair managers offer a weeks' vacation, was taken so ill at 10.000 bu at 8.3\c. 10,000 bu at 83Vic. Storm Cause* Heavy l.oaa. MePeak, of West Bay City, while at principal of the Poinfe Coupee Indus ­ liis office in Cleveland Tuesday as to closing nominal at 83^c; Dec.. 5.0Q0 bu prize for “the meanest woman in the the home of her uncle, Frank Feters, trial eollege for negroes near New require the service* of a physician. at 85*.4c. 5.000 bu at 86 Vic, 3.000 bu at The rain and hail storm on Saturday county. ” As yet there are iio entries. yesterday, was attacked by tlie Peters Road-;, La., was killed from ambush 85%c. 5,000 bu nt 85V4c; May. 6.000 bu did great damage to the fruit crop in Coldwater records show that n ma­ The physician stated after un exami­ nt 88 14c. 6,000 bu nt S8c: closing 88*4; family bull doe. The child’s face was Sunday night nenr Oscar. La. nation that Mr. Hanna was suffering No. 3 red. Sltfcc; by sample. 1 car at Berrien and Monroe counties. In Mon ­ jority of divorce suits are between terribly lacerated by the brute, but The letter carriers are holding tlieir from stomach trouble nnd advised Ills 80c; 1 car at 77V>c per bu. roe ditches and creeks overflowed, do ­ parties married after 30 years of age. she will recover, though disfigured for fourteenth annual national convention immediate relaxation of business and Corn —No. 3 mixed, 62Hc; No. 3 yel­ ing much damage to the surrounding low. 2 cars at 65c per bu. Andrew Hosiner. who died at Romv- life. In Syracuse. N. Y. Reports show the retirement to bis home. The senator Oat* —No. 3 white, spot, 4 cars at country. Entire fields were washed lus. Is mourned by 11 children and 25 Engineer Elmer Smith, who was In­ organization to be In a prosiierous con ­ may not be aide to take as active a 36*435*4C. ing are unimpaired. for two hours lief ore he was rescued. ago. then killed liimself. organized in Tawns. Rye—No 2. 516,®53V4c. Dr. C. Will Hamilton, a dentist, of The Rex Hoop. Stave & Heading Mrs. Margaret Johnson, of Bay Cityi W. S. Allen, the defaulting treas­ Mrs. James Hamilton, wife of a gro ­ hcca, dropped dead while working at mill, which lias been located in North <50 years old and an invalid, swallowed urer of the Preachers’ Aid Society of An attempt to hold up tin* Adams carbolic acid y cater day afternoon, cer in Jersey City, N. J.. quarreled s chair Saturday. The cause of for several years, is soon to be the Methodist church of Boston, is re­ bound flyer of the Great Northern near with her husband, nnd promptly left •ath was apoplexy. moved, on account of the scarcity of through mistake in getting hold of ported to have been seen In the city Malta, Mont., Friday night was frus­ him, bought groceries on credit nnd elm timber. This will lie a severe loss What she thought was a medicine bot ­ of Mexico. trated by detectives on the engine. The invalid 15-year old wife of Hoe tle. She died in 20 minutes. opened n rival store near by. They r Carpenter, of Bay City, must be to the town, as^employment lias been Geo, F. Baer, president of the Read ­ The plot is attributed to Harvey Lo ­ are cutting prices back and forth, nnd ipported t>y her errant husband, de ­ given to about 75 men. and thousands While riding on a hay rack Saturday ing railroad. Is home from Europe, but gan. alias “Kid ” Curry, who escaped housewives are delighted with the bar­ of dollars paid for timber and labor. at Otter I-nke. George Berridge drove says be is not sufficiently In touch with from the county Jnll at Knoxville, ws the local court. When a Berrien Springs hei* over a stick of dynamite in the rear gains. The Coldwater street carnival st­ the coal situation to know whether Tenn., last June. Milwaukee aldermen are in a pnnlc. hatched out a bantam chicken she of George N. Porter ’s store. The dy ­ any of the Reading company ’s collerios Miller Hardy, a young man who was arted a lot of tough liolioes. and the deserted it nfter a few weeks in dis ­ namite exploded, rlie horses were Merchants who. it la said, have kept cond day the city and county Jails will be closed down this fall. enticed away from his home in New- tlie representatives of their special gust and soon hatched out n batch knocked down. Berridge was blown A lyncher goes to Jail at Danville. litirg. N. Y.f by gypsies, when a lad. ere well filled. of big chicks. But she died shortly from the wagon, and the vehicle wad wards In spending money for a long Ludlngton commercial fishermen III., for assisting In the slaying nnd has left the band, of which he was time by being mulcted whenever they after and the tiny bantam adopted wrecked. It Is supposed that the ex­ burning of James Metcalfe, a negro, about to lie made chief, to wed Miss wanted concessions, are ready, nine* e disgusted with their poor catches the big brood, scratching for them plosive wl* dropped by the burglars in July. The prisoner Is Winfield Mamie Htagg. of Garfield, Pa., who id many of them have laid up their and endeavoring to huddle them un ­ who went through Porter's store and the arrest of Aid. Himmelsteln. to turn tats until fa* 1 Raker, a former Kentuckian, whose visited the camp to have tier fortune state’s evidence, if they can be guar ­ der her diminutive wings at night. the postofflee about n month ago. sentence is 4 to 14 years.__ told. _ _~ anteed protection. CLINTON INDEPENDENT. THURSDAY. SEPT. 3, 1903,

knew it! K knew It! There was one WAS TOO WELL TRAINED^ POINTED PARAGRAPHS. TWO CAREERS. bottle saved! He had hidden It in hit THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. UV JENXI1 BETTI DABTIWICK. bunk!” Irishman Had Good Reason for Get­ The little green apple is the small Whit hat she done (hat men should sia/ e»v 8tiiJa “Hush!” she said. LE880N X., 8EPT. 6— DEATH OF ting Rid of Dog. boy ’s double. jlie jostling harry of their way Untouched of joy. unvexed of ill. I sank back again, week and dispir ­ SAUL AND JONATHAN. The Irishman wanted to sell the To seek with wonder-euger eyes Has ahe done aught* Why, surely, noj ited. The darkened mcnaio;i where she lies? The record* of her living show dog, but the prospective buyer was A sweet expression covers a multi­ What has ahe done that, far and wide, No laurels won, no glory gained, “And that,” she continued, with t Golden Text—“There Is a Way suspicious, and finally decided not to tude of freckles. lias Hashed the word that ahe has dieu — f!o effort crowned, no height attained) wrapt, dreamy expression in her eyes, buy. The man then told him why he That folk in distant lands have said ,Tn life she championed no cause; Which 8eemeth Right Unto a Man; To one another, “She is dead!"' TVhy should the passing people pause? “and that was our love for each But the End Thereof Are the Ways was so anxious to sell. Some men take to religion as a po ­ Why should the lips of strangers raise One little household ’s narrow scope other.” of Death.”—Proverbs 14:12. v “You see,” he said, “I bought the litical afterthought. To her a monument of praise? Hold all her heart and all her hope. “Eh?” Too lowly she for fame’s high dome, dog and thrained him meself. I got Ah, it was hers to conquer fame. “And that was our love for each him so he’d bark all the tolme If a Inventing lies has cheapened many She made a Name. She made a home. other,” repeated Helen, softly. I. The Philistine Invasion. —Its Pur­ —Harper's Bazar. pose. The crest enemy of Israel on the person stepped inside the gate, and a good man ’s reputation. “Oh—er—yes; that, of course! ” I east, who had made trouble for Saul dur ­ thought I was safe from burglars. said, hurriedly. ing a large part of his reign, now mads Then me woife wanted me to thrain Bent pine and carpet tacks come un ­ “What though we had known each an incursion farther north than usual. him to carry bundles —and I did. If der the head of felt goods. other less than a fortnight? Love —’’ The scene was in the rioh plain of Us- draelon, the most fertile portion of Pal­ you put anything into his mouth the 1 I “What though?” I murmured. estine, and one of the great battlefields spalpeen ’d keep it there till some one It is better to have loved a short “Love Is not born of tluu*. It may of Israel. . took it away. girl than never to have loved a tall. blossom in a day, an hour, a minute. ” The Gathering of the Clans. The Phil­ “Well, one night I woke up and IN LATITUDE 371\2 WEST. “A second !” istines with a great army gathered first at Aphelc, a town and a district at the heard some one in t.he next room. I A wise man hopes only for the “Su with our love. ” She paused, and northern end of their territory, which was got up an' grabbed me gun. They things that are possible and probable. looked dreamily over the sea. Wai the lowland region on the coast of the were there, three of the blaygarda and BY RALPH HENRY BARBOUR. she, too. thinking of luncheon? Bui Mediterranean. Saul and his army must the dog. ” Few poems would be written but for no. “We loved ouch other at first necessarily move northward from the hill country of his capital Glbeah, near Je­ “Didn ’t he bark?” interrupted the the Inability of poets to live without □ sight.” rusalem. In order to defend this northerly man. eating. THE STORY OF A FEW MINUTES' WILD ACVEXTUR* AXD AWFUL “We did. ” I affirmed, heartily. region from the invaders. “Sorra a bark, he was too busy.” PERIL JUST OUT FROM MORRIS COVE. Helen faltered; her eyelids fluttered; II. Saul In Despair Consults the Witch “Busy! What doing? ” Unless a man has plenty of money a tinge of pink crept over her hunger- of Endor. —1 Sam. 28. Saul was cast down “Carrying the lanthern for the or a wife who can cook eating is a pallid cheeks. with discouragement and despair (1) at the great numbers of the enemy, their burglars! ” nuisance. “Yet you would never have spoken chariots and horses, and warlike equip­ hail not Fate thrown us alone together ment. (2) He could get no answer to his BUSINESS TRAINING FOR GIRL8. It is safer to twist a lion ’s tall than here thousands of miles from shore.* ’ inquiries from God. As to others who to call a woman ’s attention to her first S*. IIEX you veere a boy. ” the lcr.g watches of the night, and I glanced start ledly towards the pray only when In trouble, and disobey all asked Helen, thoughtfully, when rooming dawned gray and cheer­ the rest of the time, no answer comes In Writer In Chicago Newspaper De­ gray hair. beach. It was not there! In a pan].* response to selfish prayers. clares It Is Essential. “did you ever imagine less over a tossing, leaden sea, you ----” my eyes swept the horizon. Thau’.: W “Nothing of the sort, ” she interrupt ­ The Witch of Endor. Failing in other No girl in this age of the world The crying need of the early morn ­ things V” heaven! It was ever my left shoulder! ways of learning what to do. Saul sought ing hour is a latchkey with an electric ffli “JIli?” ed. “You forget that I am a passenger. The tide lmd swung tho dory nroiu.d. some one “with a familiar spirit” to give should be permitted to attain the age I passed tlu* awful hours in my state­ him advice. The word “witch” is not light on one end oN It. •r.wr inuke believe you were—what “For there was u gulf between us.” of womanhood without having ob ­ you weren’t, you know —Jack* the room. praying for morning, expecting used to describe her. The Hebrew word tained a thorough acquaintance with Helen continued. “I was an helms, for "familiar spirit” is "ob. ” the ordi ­ Lawyers can stir up strife and cre­ Giant Killer, a Fairy Prince, King Ar­ every moment to be the last.” nary name for a water bottle. Prof. tho methods in vogue in the business “Oh,” said I, “I had the wrong bool:; and you were merely a second o.licer. ” ate business, but doctors are obliged thur----” “Ob, I say!” I demurred. Henry P. Smith translates it a woman world. It makes no difference what It's Clark, Bussell, isn't It?” with a “talisman.” their social or financial standing may to let well enough alone. "I used to make believe I was a lo ­ “But ilhuger brought us together. The Response. There are two possible comotive sometimes, and go clioo, choo, Site paid no heed. With eyes tired be, all members of the sex need a upon the distant horizon she spoke on Position, wealth, rill else was forgo.ten. interpretations of what followed. Don ’t be surprised to find yourself clioo, ” 1 replied with an effort. We loved each other; that First. That the woman was interrupted fundamental business training. To like a seer. “A spell of calm weather and frightened by the unexpected, actual make expenses and receipts harmon­ on your uppers If you si* around wait­ ”01 ).’” enough. ” She seemed disappointed. 1 put my followed. ” appearance o' Ssmuel, whose voice Saul ize ought to be a part of every girl ’s ing for a dead man ’s shoes. “It did. ” I said, humbly. “I saw it “Quite,” I said, with satisfaction, heard, but wt m he did not see: and that education, and she should be grounded pipe back between my teeth anti pulled “There, with the tempest howling In Samuel utte-ed the terrible words of con ­ my cap further over my eyes, yet not following. ” demnation against Saul. In ordinary business customs and Husbands should be frank and tell “Hourly we scanned the ocean for our ears, tossed about by the angry Second. That the whole scene was a usages. It makes little difference their wives everything—their wives so far as to shut her out of vision. waves, alone on the ocean, the seal of deception on the part of the woman. She was very lovely. She wore white sight of u sail. Once----” She paused; whether one is earning her living or should be generous and believe it. her voice broke with emotion. “Once, silence was broken. Danger drew us Saul listened to his doom, and weary simply attending to household affairs things. Her sleeves were rolled up to together. You epoke. Wrapped in and depressed returned to his army by 60 TEARS* her elbows —I could see the dimples oc ­ far In the distance, low down on the the fountain of Jezreel. His repentance and accounts, business will not run It­ horizon ----” each others’ arms, lor a time all was was too late, as in the case of the foolish self and no great measure of success EXPERIENCE casionally —and her liat. a broad, flap- “I thought K was horizon?” forgotten. Love held our souls. ” virgins. plug thing of white cloth with a scarf III. The Rattle nnd Defeat at Mt. Gfl- can he attained apart from rightly “We sighted n speck, a faint blur “Eh—did 1—that is, well, did I Li.-s boa. —Vs. 1, 2, 7. The next morning tne regulated economy. —Chicago News. floating away from it. was getting you? ” very, very wet from the water that against the immensity of the empty battle was begun. world. All day we watchad it, eating “No.” said Helen sharply. 1. “And the men of Isrnet fled from Captain Hemphill’s Great Race. bad splashed in the bottom of the boat. nothing, silently praying that it might “Oh.” I considered. “Not even one before the Philistines.” The Israelites I wanted to warn her of this, but the fought bravely, but they could not with­ The naval captain of whom the cliaugo its course and come to our tiny, little kiss?” stand the charges of the Philistines who aun was so jolly, the air so balmy, and ’No. ” Helen considered. “Well, kaiser said “He knows his business ” I was so altogether comfortable that rescue. Yet when night came down were more accustomed to war. and rushed has Just proved his fitness for the we were once more alone in the vast perhaps one very, very small one,'* sue upon them again and again witn spear­ compliment by sailing the battleship conversation was repdlant. darkness. ” allowed. men and archers and chariots. Helen drew In her line'dreamily, ‘I thought I remenil»ered It.” I an­ 2. "Followed hard upon Saul and upon Kearsarge across the ocean at a rate scowled ferociously at finding the bait “Or dark vastness,” I offered, help­ his sons: ” the three sons who were with of speed credible to an ocean liner. fully. swered, brightly. “And did you — him in the b- ttlo. Saul had another son, It was a feat surpassing all long-dis ­ Intact, and dropped it back again Into “When morning dawned again the er----” Ishhosheth. » ho was not th- -e. and hence no(«M, wKWxtehar**, IstM the smooth green water. Then she •But thou came the awakening, ” she survived him. “Slew Jonathan. ” Fight­ tance records of warships, Including folded her wet, brown hands on the faint speck was longer there. A fright­ ing bravely as of yore. the Oregon ’s famous fast run around Scientific American. gunwale, and stared thoughtfully ful loneliness, an awful hopelessness, hurried on. IV. The D'*th of Saul and Jonathan. — Capo Horn. Capt. Hemphill modestly came over us.” “Oh. we woke up?” I asked. Vs. 2-10. Jonathan was slain first, as we passes on the praise to the men be­ across the harbor. She was very love ­ “It—they did. ” "Suddenly a gust of wiml forced us have seen. ly. Hie sun made glints of copper In 3. “Tho bottle went sore against Saul.” hind the shovels in tho fireroom, the her brown hair. Behind her, half a “Yet you were brave, so brave!” She apart----” The ’’’ulgste has a striking paraphrase: sweaty and grimy stokers. It is the mile away, was the beach, golden in looked at me admiringly. What could •Cruel wind! ” I sighed, dolorously. “The whoie weight of the battle was di ­ gallant tribute of a commander who I say? I waved a hand carelessly, and ‘And with a loud report the sail rected against Saul.” “And the archers remained on duty continuously for the morning sunlight; above it the was torn into ribbons. ’ hit him.” “Got him in range. ”—Int. Crit. green-clad bluff, topped by the hideous, smoothed my tie. Com. “And lie was sore wounded of the forty-eight hours rather than delegate veranda-mad hotel. Over all was a “While there's life there's hope,” I “A ribbon sale*: ” I inquired. archers.” any of the grave resposibility to a sub­ murmured. “The rain fell in torrents, the light­ 4. "Then said Saul unto his armorbear- YOU cloudless blue sky. About us was the ning flashed across the sky. At the er. Draw thy sword . . . lest these unclr- ordinate. — Evening World “You bade me keep up my courage cumcised ” (Philistines) “abuse me.” CAN sea, green around the boat, blue fur­ Ah, I needed your comfort then! Life mercy of the elements, our frail bark ther n ay, shot with dazzling flecks Mock him. torture him. He must die What Is Curiosity? was very empty for a while. You ----” was borne onward at awful speed. anyway, and he would rather die by one anythin* joajou inventInvent or improve) also get and blurs of sunlight. ------*llGHTor0£«lM “Well, you had me.” I reminded. Suddenly above the sound of wind and thrust of the sword than by slow tortures There has been complaint, {rom the CAV^ATJffA.TE-MARK. COPYRIGHT©! From the beach came the soft lms- wave the roaring of tlr» surf upon the at the hands of cruel enemies, and be beginning of history, that women are PROTECTION. Send model, sketch, cor pout V s-sh of the tiny waves. Afar off a loco ­ “Then—then the toed gave out. ” mutilated a forwards. “But his armor- for free examination and advice. “ What?” shore reached our ears. The moment “curious, ’' says Success. What is cu­ FRKB. XoAtey* motive shrieked shrilly. Seven silvery bearer would not; for he was sore afraid. ” BOOK ON PATENTS ■■fee beforebefr patens “Starvation stared us In tlm face.” of supreme peril was at hand! A It would be worse than death to kill the riosity? It is the uneasy appetite of chimes floated across from the gleam ­ man he wa- appointed to defend with his an ill-fed mind. People fully educat­ w>rc.A.sriaw&co. ing white yacht in front of the club­ “No. no! ” I cried. “Not that! Any­ flash of lightning, more Intense than thing but that!” any heretofore, lighted up the scene. life. He could never have peace again, ed and fully employed are not curi­ Patent Lawyers. WASH I N&fON, D.C. house, and were echoed over and over nnd the people would hold him guilty of ous. Civilized woman has Inherited by smaller craft. Under my head the “The barrel which we had believed Before us, scarce a cable's length the most das'ardly murder. “Saul took a held—held plumduff and —and --- * ’ away, rose a towering cliff of jagged sword, and fell upon tt.” "Planting the the mental growth of man, and then lazy swell lapped sleepily at the bow. rock. Below It the surf dashed high, hilt in the ground, lie fell upon tho point. has had to confine that enlarged ca­ “I—I think you have a bite,” said “Deviled kidneys! ” —Sime. “Hard tack----” as though hungry---- •” pacity to precisely the same field of Helen, doubtfully. 6. “So Saul died.” The young Amalo- activity which was sufficient for a I glanced at where my line was tied “Oh!” “Kb?” klte. who brought the news to David, de ­ IN “We discovered to be filled only “As though hungry for Its prey. And clared that he killed higi (2 Sam. 1:6-10), squaw. Women have been accused for around a tholc-pin. in the weird light 1 saw your face. Ab, but evidently he lied in hopes of reward. centuries of a tendency to “gossip. ” PRIZES “Yes. I believe I have.” I said. with----” "And all his men." His personal staff, ’.” I said, imploringly. never shall 1 forget it! It was----” What is gossip? It Is small talk about “Aren ’t you going to see?” asked and all of hi.* sons who were in the battle. other people —the discussion of per­ $100 ‘With—with dumb-bells! ” “Maybe I hadn’t shaved,” I mur­ 9. “And they cut off his head.” To Helen. send as a tiophy and proof of their vic­ sonal affairs which are not our own. I closed my eyes negatively. ‘Dumb-bells? Why dumb-bells?” I mured. extenuatlngly. ‘Calm with a high and noble cour ­ tory. It was hung in the temple of Dagon The tendency to this vice is a reac­ “You're the laziest man I ever saw,” asked, coldly. at Ashdod (1 C’hron. 10:10). “Stripped oft tion from the persistent presenco of For an Instant she looked non ­ age." his armor, nr.d sent into the land . . . she said. our own affairs. READ THE CONDITIONS AT THE “Not lazy: philanthropic. I am giv ­ plussed. Then she said, falterlngly, •Ah!” to publish it in the house of their idols. ” BOTTOM OF THI8 COLUMN ‘I don't know. They—they were part “You took me In your arms. Our 10. "They fastened his body to the ing a Mttle fishie a nice breakfast.” wall.” Together with the bodies of his The Rose and the- Lily. Helen watched my line. Presently of the cargo, I think.” lips met in one Inst, long kiss. Terror sons (v. 12). “They were hung on the passed from my heart. I was content wall In the 'open place’ (2 Sam. 21:12; A. In the Ions. Ions aso. so tlley tell me, she sighed, “It's nil over. ” “Maybe she’s a training-ship, ” I sug ­ In a xarden (where, nobody knows). I shuddered and closed my eyes gested. to have it so. Silently we waited. V.. street) by the gate, that all passers- There grew a sweet, modest, white Illy Then with a crash and shock that by might Join in exulting over the defeat And a homely, old-fashioned white again. After a minute or two the end Helen blinked. and disgrace of Israel."—Cambridge Bible. rose. of the painter began to dig into my “Starvation stared us----” threw—, V. A Valiant Act of Grateful Remem­ brance.—Vs. 11-13. 11. "And when the in ­ And they both loved the amorous West back, and I stirred uncomfortably and “You said that once. ” The crash came! Helen shrieked. I Wind, “With a groan you covered your struggled to my knees. Watson's habitants of Jabesh-gllead heard.” Ja- Just why. I’m sure nobody knows. looked at Helen. She was observing besh-gilead was a city of Manasseh, cast And the Wind was in love with the lily me Intently from two very wide open face with your hands----” launch was digging its nose into tho of the Jordan, about ten miles across the That grew by the homely White rose. blue eyes. She laughed softly. “Yes. yes,” I cried. “Then, like a dory, and Watson was grinning down Jordan Valle” from Beth-»han. The In ­ Hash, I remembered that In the cap­ at us. habitants remembered the splendid feat In the night came the amorous West “I thought I could do it, she of ai ms by which King Saul at the very Wind. tain's cabin I had spcd a box of beef­ “Hello, you folks! Asleep? I want Confused by the dark, r suppose: triumphed. beginning of his reign delivered them And the kiss that was meant for the Illy “It was the painter,” I denied, indig ­ steak and . With an exclama­ you to come aboard for lunch. I'll from the Ammonites under Nahash. who Was pressed on tho lips of the rose. nantly. tion of joy 1 dashed headlong down tow ----” agreed to spare them only on condition the companionway. The box was still of the loss of their right eyes. And ever since then, so they tell me. “Very well.” she replied, soothingly. I struggled to my foot, threw myself 12. "All the valiant men. Went all Wherever a sweet garden grows. there. Seizing a large, thick steak, night. And burnt them there.” The rea­ There’s a paleness of grief o'er the Illy, “Let’s make believe.” into the launch, and seized Watson ’s And a blush on the face of the rose. “All right; go ahead.” I hurried to the galley ----” knees. son for their thus acting is clear. The —San Francisco Bulletin. She scowled until she bad two “You ’re quite wrong, ” Interrupted ‘Saved! Saved! ” I sobbed. —Wom ­ mutilated trunks had been exposed for IF YOU WANT TO LAUGH, BE Helen, Inexorably. “Hunger has gone some days to the air, and the flesh was MERRY AND GET MORE creases over lier nose and looked at an ’s Home Companion. n ‘o doubt In a state of putrefaction. The Longevity of Ministers. THAN YOUR MONEY’8 me ns though I wasn ’t there; then she to your brain. You ’ve had nothing to bones unconsumed were reverently taken Statistics gathered by the Prince­ eat for throe days, and---- ” away with them. WORTH WHEN YOU said. “We’re shipwrecked.” llow Die Sparrow* Rathe. ton theological seminary alumni as­ VISIT DETROIT “The deuce! ” said I. “No, no, please! Not three days! 13. “And burled them under a tree at sociation show that the average min­ One, If you must, but not---- ” . The sparrows in the squares have Jabesh.” K. V., “the tamarisk tree.” “Yes; three days out from —from ----” two ways of taking a bath, that Is, Their own beautiful and famous tamarisk ister’s life approaches tho three score “Morris Cove.” “For three weary days, ” she Insisted. tree in Gilead. We learned from 2 Sam. and ten yeax3’mark. Of forty-one min- I groaned aloud and passed a trem­ two ways one can discover in a ten- 21:12-14. that the bones of Saul and Jona ­ “Liverpool, ” she continued, frown ­ mlnute'a loaf around the fountains, than were subsequently removed, by inter.'j who have died during the past WONDERLAND ing. “We ran Into a terrible storm, bling hand across tho front of my David's order, to their ancestral sepul­ year one had reached 96 years 8 shirt. It was true! The pangs of hun­ says a writer In the New York Even­ which dismantled us.” ing Post. The first is to fly through cher.”—Professor Green. months, two had passed their 90th “Oh, well, we can do without man­ ger were nlmidy biting. I looked long ­ VII. Lessors from the Life of Saul. year, fire their 80th , 14 their 70th. and un TEMPLE the spray ns It falls from the fountain. First. The Bright Beginning. Possibili ­ tels,” I comforted. ingly toward the shore. six their 60ih. The youngest died at “Hut was not the worst! ” The dceond Is slower nnd much pret­ ties and Hopes. Few lives have begun “Both masts went by the board and tier. A little chap flies to a lily leaf with brighter hopes, more splendid prom ­ 29. The average of the forty-one was the captain and serond officer and the “Stop, atop! ” I beseeehed. ises. more brilliant possibilities, than 08 years. And yet the proverb says THEATRE “The n k*xt day we drank the last on the top of the wnter. and his tiny Saul’s. entire crew were swept overboard In a weight makes the leaf sink. Just a Second. The Testing Season. In the the good die young. heavy sea.” • of our meagre store of water. Then indeed Death hovered nigh.” little, so that it becomes a miniature earlier part of his reign Saul was subject­ IS TNE ONLY PLACE I shuddered. “He owed me three bath-tub with enough water in It to ed to two great tests, and failed in both Region of Laziness, dollars. ” I mourned. “Tell m# one thing,” I begged. In cases broken whispers. “The—the cask of reach the bird ’s feathers. The longer The source of his failure was his rejec­ it la said that between the island of Qkieee the number of persons “lie was a godless man,” said Helen, the sparrow stays In his hnth-tub tho tion of God as his King nnd Guide. It Madagascar and the coast of India who attend Wonderland and aeverely. Burgundy, vintage of ’78, and the two was the want of obedience nnd faith. Temple Theatre during June, dozeii bottles of Scotch whisky in the deeper Ills bath gets, for the leaf keeps there ere 16,000 Islands, only 600 of “I beg your pardon? ” on sinking with his weight. After "Without true piety the finest qualities which are inhabited. In most of these July, August end September, “He was a godless man. He was— captain's cupboard, they—they were of character, and the highest position In 1903, and get one of the follow ­ still there?” some fussing of heak and flapping of society, will fall utterly to make a true inlands a man can live and support hid ing prizes: 850.00 for the first nil—intoxicated at the time of the dis­ wings, and much tossing about of and noble man. If Saul’s hea»l had been family in luxury without working more person who guesses tho cor ­ aster. It was a judgment. ” Helen looked across at me pityingly, true to God. he would have been one ol than twenty-five days in the year. In rect number sr comes tho and shook her head. With an an­ wnter, away he flies and his bath-tub the grandest specimens of humanity; but, nearest thereto; 825.00 for the “It was,” I affirmed. I shook my comes back to the surface again. fact on some of the Islands he need head sadly. Then I asked, “Where guished cry I hid my face in my hands. lacking this true obedience to God. he second; SIS.OQ for the third and “We found the cask stove in and made his life an utter failure, and his not work at all. as nature provides 810.00 for the fourth- Write were we at that time?” character a moral wreck.”—Taylpr. tho food and no clothes are required. ;uese, name and addross plain- “In latitude thirty-seven and a half the bottles broken to atoms. ” I* rowom« of a Swor«in*li. fy on the coupon printed below “Did we?” I muttered, vacantly. “I Considering the formidable nature The Olive Branch. and bring same to theatre box west.” said Helen, glibly. Cause of All the Trouble. office when tioket Is purchased. “Must have been a bargain, ” I mur­ bad forgottwi. ” of its armament the swordfish is a Noah opened a window of tho ark A California professor whose study mured. “Without food and wnter----” reasonably Inoffensive, creature. All and sent out over the waste ol is water has within a few days added “Shortly after,” she continued, “the “Water, water everywhere, and not it asks of humankind Is to l>e let alone. waters a white dove. And when the to marine biology several new forms storm abated. Alone and unassisted a drop to drink! ” 1 gibbered. But when n man deliberately goes nnd dove returned she bore in her mouth among the protozoa and coelentera —• you rigged a jury mast.” “For three days we have drifted over prods It with a harpoon it. is not to be an olive branch. Noah put out his blamed for retaliating. It did so very >ne, the "pcrldlnium ” of the animal- “I did! ” I assented, eagerly. I a cruel, glassy sea, under a burning, hand, drew her in, and when he saw culea. which is said to give the char­ strove to look heroic, even going to the pitiless sky.” effectively off Block Island when It the olive branch he knew that ths j drove its sword through the bottom of acteristic hue to tho Red Sea. and the length of removing my pipe; then a “Pitiless sky.” I echoed, with parched waters of God ’s wrath were subsid -1 ither the “sapnylna, ” whose Irfdes- natural generosity reproved me. “But Ups. a boat and ripped up a fisherman’s ing, and that peace would once more “And yet--and yet through it all leg. Lot nobody say that this story is -enoo vies with the plumage of the you forget yourself.” I charged; “you reign over the earth. There is a | seacock. Life is full of contradictions, forget the—er—the splendid assistance there has been one thing to comfort too good to be true. A swordfish has white dove that knocks at every been known to perforate the bottom it is in all probability trying to avoid you rendered me. Yon forget how, ua, one bright spot in the darkness human breast—the dove of purity,] Jiese monsters that causes the feud lashed to —er—lashed to a hen coop, of despair. ” of a ship and leave Its sword to Stop truth and virtue—bearing in her I looked to .van! her eagerly. **I up the hole.—New York World. —i n Kentucky and the vendetta hare.—* you laboreA travel? with roe through mouth the olive branch of peace. New York Telegram, THE CLINTON INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1903.

RORATE OKPKK.—STATE OF MICHI­ ortgage sale —Default having been TEACHERS’ EXAMINATIONS GAN, County of Clinton, as. At a session made In the conditions of a mortgage Pof the Probate Court for the County of ClinM­ executed by Andrew J. Mel ok and Elien Me- The Independent | FOK 1002 ANI) 1903. ton boldeu at the Probate Office, in the Village lick to Malena Kiriney, dated August 21, 1898, of St Johns on Tuesday the first day of and recorded August 24. 1899 in the office of St. John, high school room, beginning 2nd September In the year one thousand ulne hun­ the Register of Deeds for Clinton countv. in ST. JOHNS. SEPTEMBER a. MJ3.___^ j Thursday of August. dred and three. Michigan, tn Liber 90 of Mortgages, on page LOOK! LISTEN! St. Johns eighth grade room, beginning Present, Charles M. Merrill, Judge of Pro- 533, which mortgage was duly assigned by written assignment on the nth day of June, Senator A ldrich talks of harrnon* third Thursday of October. ate. St. Johns high school room, beginning 2nd In the matter of the estate of THOMAS 1903 to Andrew B Niles, which assignment lous understanding among the Bepub" Thursday of March PLUNKfTT, deceased. was duly recorded In the above uatntd Regis ­ This is the place where you get your j St. Johns seventh grade room, beginning On readiug and tiling the petition duly veri­ ter’s office, in Li tier U»0 of Mortgages, on page lican leaders on the subject of finan- third Thursday of June. fied, of Frank Plunkett praying that the last 01, on which mortgage there is claimed to be cial legislation. By this we suppose he Examinations will commence at BiSOsianc- will and testament of said deceased may be due at the dale oi this notice *184, and no suit School Supplies, everything in ard time. proved and admitted to probate and that he or proceeding at law or In equity naviDg been meausthat they will agree that no ­ T. H. TOWNSEND, or son. 9 other suitable person may be appoint ­ instituted to recover aoy part of the debt se­ ed executor of said estate. cured by said mortgage. Now tborefore by thing be done. ______Cnmmisslonerof Schools. Thereupon it Is ordered, that Thursday, the virtue ot thepower of sale contained In said Tablets, Slates, Pencils, 24th day of September, A I). 1003, at one mortgage, and of the statute In such case o ’clock In the afternoon, be assigned for the made and provided, notice is hereby given, The Troy Times observes that the bearing of said petition and that the heirs at that on Hepiember 10, 1003, at one o'clock Pencil Boxes, Book Bags, Lunch Boxes, law and legatees of said deceased and all in the afternoon at the west front door of the girls are coming to the front, because j other persons Interested In said will, are re­ court bouse for Clinton oouuty. Mich., in the Lou Dill, who made the new trotting riURDOCK quired to appear at a session of said court village of st. Johns in said county, there will and Dinner Pails. tnen to be holden at the Pro bate,office in the be sold at pub'lc vendue to the highest bidder, record, was paced by Peggy from Paris Village of St. Johns and show cause. If any the premises described in said mortgage, viz: might be expected to be fast. But | there be. whv the will should not be approved. Commencing at ibo south end of Iron bridge, & DAVIES And it is further ordered, that notice be on the west sldeof sec.l* in Township 5 North Carrie Nation! Ah, perhaps she broke given to the persons interested tn said estate, of Range 3 West in Michigan, running thence of the pendency the hearing thereof by caus­ south 8iV* rods, thence east to Looking-glass the record with her hatchet. We also have a full line of Chinaware, have the material, the work ­ ing a copy of this order to be published In the river, theoce along said river to place of be­ Clinton Independent , a newspaper printed ginning. —Dated June 30. 1903. men and all the latest mach­ and circulating In said County of Clinton for ANDREW NILES. Assignee. Jekfekie ’s share of the gate re­ Crockery, Glassware Tinware, Hosiery, three successive weeks previous to said day H.J Pattekson , Att’y for Assignee. inery for turning out as fine of hearing. ceipts for the big tight amounted to CHARLES M. MERRILL. ROBATE ORDER.-STATE OF MICHI­ $33,000. That is more than the presi­ Underwear, Notions, etc., etc., etc. Judge of Probate GAN County of Clinton, ss. At a session Granite and Marble Mon ­ A true copy. Pof tbe Probate Court for the County of Clin­ dents of the several universities draw I ton. bolden at the Probate Office, in tbe Village uments as any dealer in the of St. Johns, on Tuesday, the 18th day of for a whole year's work. Therefore if BUSINESS DIRECTOR!. August, in the year one thousand Pine richer is your goal, be a champian pug, Call and see us and get our prices. hundred and three country and will sell them Present, Chailes M. Merrill, Judge of rather than be a univerisity president. MRS. MARION K. DODGE, Music Teacher Probate. just as cheap or a little In the matter of the estate of PHILIP Attorneys. ! WF.IBER, deceased. Sam Parkes , the walking delegate cheaper, because they can I On reading and tiling the petition, duly DOLING & KELLKY, Attorneys at Law. ; verified, of Katie Weiber, praying that the who has been convicted of extorting ; do it. Call and see. St Johns, Mich Office upstairs on Walk­ 'last will and testament of said deceased may money for negotiating the end of j erD street east. 1849 be proved and admitted to probate and that & j she or some other suitable person may be strikes has been given two and a half j W. t. J. E. STOCKER, ORTON A JAMISON, Attorneys at Law appointed executrix of said estate. Across from the Post Office. Office over St. Johns National Rank, St Thereupon it Is ordered that Thursday, the years at Sing Sing for his little game. NJohns, Mich. 1819I loth day of September, a . H , 1003, at one Now if every other walking delegate in | Watch our south window for Saturday Special. St. Johns, - flichigan. i o ’clock in the assigned for tbe PCKRIN, BALDWIN A WALSWOKTH. ( bearing of said petition, and that the heirs the country could be sent up for a few XT Attorneys at-law. Money, Loaners and at law and legatees of said decease and ail Real Estate Agents. No. 11, 2d floor, Clinton i other persons interested in said wPl, are re­ years, captial and labor would get avenue, St. Johns. quired to appeal at a session of said court, along in harmony for just that time. then to be holden at the Piobate Office in This was before he kAKL BROWN Attorney at Law, the village of St. Johns and show cause, if The walking delegate is the course of • Johns .Mich. Office in the Clinton block any there be, why the will should not be ap­ J proved. the laboring man, and is liable to prove tried our meats. ONLY TO LOAN on real estatesecuritj And It is further ordered, that notice be giv ­ the undoing of the labor unions. M by Henry E. Walbrldge, St. Johns 1691 en to the persons Interested in said estate of MICHIGAN STATE FAIR We sell nothing but the the pendency of the hearing thereof by caus­ YON A MOINET, Attorney* at Law, St ing a copy of this order to be published in tne At Pontiac, September 7-1 1, 1903. best and most wholesome linton ndependent The beef barons rob all classes. By Johns, Mich. Office over Chapman e store C I , a newspaper printed There is every indiction that the Fair for 1903 will excel all pre­ meats aDd at all times L and circulating in said County of Clinton, for combining and refusing to bid against ILL H. BRUNSON, Attorney at Lawanc three successive weeks previous to said day of vious fairs. The premium list has been improved, and new features carry a full stock of fresh Solicitor in Chancery. Office over th« bearing. each other at the principal Western Wpost-office, St. Johns. Mich. 1516 CHARLES M MERRILL. stock markets, they virtually dicate added. New special attractions have been engaged, and the grounds and salt meats, poultry, (A true copy.; » Judge of Probate. and buildings will be ready for an lard, sausage and every­ E. A E.L. WALKKIUGE, Attorney* a’ the price that the farmers obtain for • Law, 8t. Johns, Mich. 138* ROBATE ORUBR.-8T iTE OF MICHI- thing in our line. H gan. County of Clinton, ss. At a session their stock. By combining they refuse UP-TO-DATE FAIR Pot the Probate Court for the Couuty of Clin­ to compete in selling the dressed beef, Fine Races as usual. The Farmers’ Race. Ladies ’ Driving, and Dentistry. ton, bolden at the probate office, in the village and thus, farmers, tradesman:and con- of St Johns, on Friday tne 21st. day of A ugust other entertaining features. FIRE TEAM RACES. Brize Maccabee This Shows how E. CORBIN, M. B., D. D. 8. To get tbt in tbe year one thousand nine hundred and summers all pay toll to the beef com ­ Drill Friday. Railroad trains and electric cars to the gates. Half • benefit of tLae-nerience medical know ­three Gledge and surgica! skill wnich are IndispensaPresent,­ Charles M. Merrill, Judge of Pro- bine. 1 n this way, about six companies, fare on railroads. ble to perfection of results in dentistry apply 1 ate. he looks now, in the matter of the estate of WILLIAM B. each controlled by on or two men, have E. HOWLAND, Pres. I. H. BUTTERFIELD, Secy. tn Corbin A Son. St. Johns. PARKER deceased the entire cattle trade, and its pro ­ after trying our H. KENYON, Rent into. Over waid On reading and filing the petition, duly veri­ .« & Holton ’s Grocery, St. Johns. Micb. fied of Seneca B. Parker praying that ducts of the continent in their grasp, j the last will and testament ot said de- and although there is a law to punish Heats. G. H. MANN, D. U.S. Officeovei ! ceased may he proved and admitted to probate Spaulding A Co.s hardware, op an that he or some other suitable the unlawful combinations. President posite The Steel Hotel. Surgerj I person may be appointed administrator of a specialty. Office hours.6 to 1: j said estate Roosevelt and his legal advisers refuse Thereupon it is ordered, that Thursday,the a m . 1:3o to 5p. m.. 7 to 8. eve’* i 17th day of Sept. A 0., 1003 at one o ’clock to execute it.______in the afternoon, be assigned tor the hearing J. P. Schneider, Physicians. of said petition snd that the heirs at law and «ir not a contract what is it?*’ j legatees of said deseased and ail other persons HOG HEALTH Telephone 58. HODSKl N GALE:, M. 1>. Office over i interested in said will are required to appear This question, which the American • State Rank. Night calls at TLe Steeli at a session of • Hid court then to be holden at WOffice hours:—11 to 12 a. m.; 1 to 3 and 7 to! tbe9p mProbate Office in the village of St. Johns Economist asks about the Dingley tar­ I and show cause, if any there be, why the will iff bill, is answered in this issue of V. BOOLING, Physician and Surgeon I should not be approved. • Office over Allison ’s store, St. Johns. i And it is further ordered, that notice be August 7 by boldly asserting that J given to the persona interested in said estate, of the pendency of tbe hearing thereof, by caus­ “A protective tariff, specifically de ­ PARR N. LEONAKO, M. D., Phvsfcian, 8ur ing a copy of this order to be published 1n the • geon and Electrologlst,Ovid, Micb. signed to restrict foreign competition E Clinton Independent, a newspaper printed and circulating ir< said county of Clinton, for and hold home markets for home pro­ B. BOBGE. M. D., Surgeon and Homeo three successive weeks previous to said dHy of J• nattalc Physician. Office and reaidenc< bearing ducers, is a contract or covenant. ” over Spaulding A Co ’s hardware,opp the Steel CHARLES M. MERRILL Judge of Prohale It quotes approvingly the Bulletin Lumber C. DUNN, M. I>.. Physician and Sur ! (A t rue copy ) • geon. Office over Spaulding A Comps of the Iron and Steel Association, Fny ’s hardware store, St. Johns, Micb. Office •which says: hours 1 to 4, 7 to 9 p. m. A. E. RICHARDSON, “All legislation that imposes protec ­ HART, M. I»., Physician and su - tive duties on foreign products is a Co. H • geon. Eureka, Mich. 1217 virtual contract with our own people HOG HEALTH prevents and cures Worms, M. HAVENS. M. I>., Homeopathic Phy­ CONTRACTOR-BUILDER to the effect that, if they will enlist W sician and Surgeon. Office over Noble Indigestion, Coughs. Fevers and Stomach and Bowel Burnett's store. Jobber in House Impairing their energies and risk their capital in Disorders. It is an Appetizer and Digestive Assis­ the employment of Americau labor R. 8.E.G1LLAM,Physician and Surgeoi And Jobber in all kinds tant. It is a preventative and cure for Hog . D Office at residence, opposite court boost of Woodwork to order. for the production of articles which Builder’s west. Office hours 1 to 4 p. m and 6 to 9 p. n The place to buy your Screens*. are the counterpart of imported pro ­ HOG HEALTH MANUFACTURING CO., Undertakers. Agency for the ducts, they shall be protected against Webber Block, Ionia iV^ichigan. ILL & EDI) OSGOOD, Undertaker* ruinous foreign competition by these W opp. poBt-offlee,8t. John*. Micb. BEST ROOKING ON THE MARKET. duties. ” price: $1.50. ______Material Shop opp. Wood Bro.'s mill, Such claims as these will, perhaps, ST. JOHNS. MICH. be the last resort of the protected The Following is One of Many Endorsements: Grand Tmnl Railway System trusts to save their necks from the “I am pleased to certify that I have used “Hog Health” for Hogs sick with the Hog Cholera and found it both a preventative as well as a West-Bound from St. Johns. halter wblch an outraged public is St. Johns, No. 19—Morning Gd. Haven, 11:(« an getting ready for use. Of course the cure for the disease. A. A. ELLIS. Ionia, July 19, 1903. No. 13— Mail and Chicago Exp. to claim is absurd. No congress can pass Gd. Haven ...... 3:17 pn For Sale by J. H. CORBIT, THK h^7«a hbA mmin ch,«an i No. 21—Milwaukee Express Dally...... 7:56 pm tariff laws which the next congress Michigan. No 11—Express to Grand Rapids 8:25 pm cannot alter or abolish. Those who Nos. 19.13,11, Daily except Sunday Invest capital in a protective industry No. 21, Daily. and later become a part and parcel of until Klaw & Erlangers had had an East-Bound THE a protected trust, know full well that “BEN HUR” interview that he consented even to No.l2--Express to Detroit and East 8:27 ail consider the matter. Klaw & Er­ F. E. Atkins No. 20— Steamboat Express Daily... 8:50 am the tarifT laws of the country are sub­ Gen. Lew Wallace’s World Famous Relig ­ ject to change at any time, as are, in­ langer ’s experience and reputation as No. 18 —Evening Exp. to Detroit and ious Drama to he In Grand Rapids. producers of the very largest spectacles Pressing and East...... 4:42 pit deed) tax laws of all kinc^s. After four years of patient waiting satisfied Gen. Wallace that "Ben Hur” No. 14—Eastern Exp. to Durand and ELECTROPOISE The protected trusts hafce been thriv­ this vicinity at last is going to have an would receive most adequate repre­ Repairing East...... 8:54 pir is a beautiful scientific Instrument. opportunity to enjoy Klaw & Erlanger ’s sentation at their hands. They were Nos. 14. 18. 12. Daily except Sunday. When cause* the syatem to ing and fattening on exorbitant pro­ No. 20 Daily. absorb oxygen. It thus give* new life fits for six years and, quite naturally, stupendous production of Gen. Lew able to convince the author that the Promptly W. J. BLACK. and vitality and enable* nature to Wallace’s famous religious romance, chariot race, the galley scene and the Agent. combat disease and throw it off. Elec­ are unwilling to surrender their tariff “Ben II ur.” The great spectacle is to tropoise restores the balance of the representation of the star of Bethlehem Done. nerves and gives one restful sleep pap. In fact they have watered their be shown in Grand Rapids, Mich., at could be put on the stage when the when all else fall*. stock and in other ways so adjusted the New Powers Theatre during State question or the pesonation of the Mes­ Michigan Suburban Railroad. Fair week (Sept. 14 to 19). siah was considered. The book of GENERAL DEBILITY themselves to excessive profits that it In Effect May 24. 1903. “Ben IIur’’ lias proven the sensation “Ben Hur” is interwoven with the Gleaning a Specialty “ For ,-t run down and weakened condi ­ will be a great hardship for them to of the century in stage spectacles. No life locale and incidents of the Messiah, tion of the system, nervous prostration, or live plainly and without government Over, Frink ’s, •‘The Lansing. St. Johns & St. Louis Line." paralysis, 1 consider Electropoise has no approaching it in gorgeous ness and j No dramatization which did not con­ equal." Lv. St. Johns —8.00 a.m., l:lBp.m., 6.15 p m. .aid. Their lot is certainly a hard one. massiveness has ever been attempted tain the tremendous dominating in­ Mrs. H. A. Winter , Barnum, Iowa. Ah. Answering the American Econom­ in America. It holds the record for fluence of Him could be a faithful ST. JOHNS, HICHIGAN, Lansing —8.45 a.m., 2.00 p.m.. 7.00 attendance and receipts in every thea­ stage portrayal of the work. Klaw & ist’s questions directly, we would say SLEEPLESSNESS tre where it lias been played. Al­ Erlanger submitted a method of pro ­ Phone No. g5. Lv. Lansing -7.00 a.m., 11.00 p.m., 5.00 p.m. ** Suffered from sleeplessness two years; that both the McKinley and Dingley though this is the fifth consecutive cedure whereby the presence of the A h. St. Johns —7.45 a.m., 11.50p.m., 5.45 p.m. tried everything. Electropoise helped me season of “Ben Hur” it has only been Nazarene should not be seen, but marvelously. Has done wonders for some tariff bills were contracts —not with SUNDAY TRAINS. members 0/my church." played in about 30 cities, including the merely indicated by a mysterious aud Rev . N. Short , the government, but with the Repub­ Lv. St. Johns —10.00 a.m., 5.00 p.m. J. Lowell. 21 weeks’ engagement at the Drury almost supernatural white light of A r. Lansing —10.45 a.m. 5.45 p.m. “ I can conscientiously indorse the Elec­ lican party campaign managers. Both Lane, London, where King Edward of wondrus brilliancy and power. Tills Thousands Saved By tropoise as the most marvelous health- giving agent of which 1 have any knowl ­ these laws were the results of con­ shattered all the traditions by order ­ solution removed all the author’s ob­ Lv. Lansing —9.00 a.m., 4.C0 p m. edge. I was going down hill at a rapid tracts between the dough contributors ing a royal box built in the pit, so that jections, and Klaw & Erlanger, were DR. KING'S NEW DISCOVERY A h. St. Johns —8.45 a.m., 4.45 p.m. rate; suffered from insomnia and nervous ­ in which it was agreed that for value he could get a better view of the char­ authorized to have a proper dramati ­ ness ; appetite very poor. To-day 1 sleep iot race. Queen Alexandria saw zation of the book prepared. The This wonderful medicine posi­ $10.00 book tickets on sale for $8.00. soundly, enjoy my food, my nervousness received the distributors would per­ D. W. JOHNSTON. is gone, and a rheumatic and kidney the play on two occasions, and question of a representation of the tively cures Consumption, Coughs Manager. Lansing. trouble is steadily improving." mit the contributors to write their other membersof the royal family were Crucifixion, which is so powerfully de ­ Mrs. A. J. Darwood , frequent visitors while the production Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, Pneu­ 1317 S. 47th St., Philadelphia, Pa. own tariff schedules. So well were scribed in Gen. Wallace’s novel, did monia, Hay Fever, Pleurisy, La- these contracts kept that both parties was in England. not arise, as Klaw & Erlanger, as well The organization presenting the as the author, held that this point of Grippe, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, SIM TENEYCK . . RHEUMATISM to them have been doing business to ­ “ The Electropoise has worked wonders spectacle numbsrs 226 people, including the book should not he made a part of Croup and Whooping Cough. Proprietor of the In my household. I introduced it to Mrs. gether harmoniously ever since. The 180 singers aud dancers, and exclusive the play nor indeed a part of any play. Every bottle guaranteed. No Cuthbert last March as a remedy for only kick coming is from people at of the working staff of stage carpenters, Having obtained Gen. Wallace’s full rheumatism, and since then she has laid machinist, electricians, millwrights consent Klaw & Erlanger engaged Cure. No Pay. Prioe 50o.&$l. aside sticks and crutches and is able to large, whose interests were not con ­ Trial bottle free. attend toall her household duties." and live stock trainers and attendants. Wm. Young to dramatize the book and Will D»H t BBS lilt Rev . Lucies Cuthbert , sidered in these contracts and who are Thecompany carries 22 blood horses he has written a play which has been Aiken, S. C. Just finding out the extent of their and three camels. The working staff seen by more people than any other Prompt And Careful Service loss under them. numbers 73 people. An advance staff ever produced. PARALYSIS of mechanics bave now possession of CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH at Reasonable Charges. ‘I had r:nsis of the legs and ail the Fearful Odd* Against Him. the stage of the Powers Theatre and State Soldiers' Reunion at Big Rapids. considerable relief in two weeks’ use of are busy placing it in readiness for the Telephone or other orders left at The the Electropoise. I can now (one year Bedridden, alone and destltuue. great chariot race in which eight Arrangements for the Grand State Steel for Bus calls will receive careful later) walk a mile or two without unusual Such, in brief, was the condition of an Reunion of the Soldiers and Sailors As­ PENNYROYAL PILLS attention ; also for dray service for bag ­ fatigue and can attend to my business horses run at top speed in full view of gage or otherwise. well." James F. McManus , old soldier by name J. J. Havens, the audience. sociation of Micfiigan, to- be held at West New Brighton, S. I. Versailles, O. For years he was trou ­ The placing of "Ben Hur” on the SIM TENEYCK. stage in dramatic form was attented Big Rapids, Sept. 7th to 12the, are pro ­ We direct the tne of every F.Iectrofoise bled with kidney disease and neither gressing rapidly. It will be a week of free ef cost. Write /or illustrated hock with many interesting circumstances. of information. State your symptoms doctors norjnedicine gave him relief. Gen. Wallace had strenuously opposed glory and general good time, with em­ OSTEOPATHY aud we will advise you regarding your At length he tried Electric Bitters. any dramatization of his immortal inent speakers and a carnival of amuse case. A ddress : work. The author had always believed Always reliable. Ladln, uk Prunrtal R. W. E.SYMMONBN, Osteopathic phy­ ELECTRO POISE CO. It put him on his feet in short order and ments, entertainments, sports and niM HMTKRX RNGLINII In Bed sician. graduate of the American school in the theatre as an elevating influence Gold metallic boxes, sealed with blue rtbl Dof Osteopathy. Kirksvtile, Mo,, receiving In ­ ROOM m, lisa IROADWAV, NEW YORK now he testifies: "I’m on the road to for good but he was enable to see bow games from morning till night. A one Toko oo oltaep. Reftiae dangerona sol* structions direct from Dr. A. T. Still, found ­ complete recovery, Best on earth for the main Incidents of his book could fare round trip rate good for the entire litlou sed ini 1 ■ ot Ion*. Buy of your Druci er of thescience, treats all kind* of chronic TTfrTTiTTTifTniTJTrifrTtu i. nmuriiniiTiiiiTmirmum or send 4*. tn stamps for Porflrolora, Te and nerVous affection*, corrects deformities liver and kidney troubles and all forms be put into dramatic form witboat vio ­ week has been granted by all railroads monlals and “Belter for Lodlet," in In of every description, and Is especially suc­ by return Boll. 10.000 Testimonials. Bolt SmtiafuriM,. of stomach and bowel complaints. lating the firmly grounded principles and the "Water Power City” invites all Druggists. cessful in treating all diseases common to of all who believe in the Christian re­ women. Office 227k Ave, N., 2d Only 50c. Satisfaction guaranteed by everybody to come and see them that CHICHK8TRR CHEMICAL OO. floor, Lansing. Mich. Lady attendant. ligion. Many attempts were made to M*0 Madison Mysore, I* HI LA., 1 PF”At Hotel 8t. John*. St. Johns, Tuesdays Fildew & Millman, druggists. secure his permission but it was not week. MeaUea this paper. and Fridays of each week. 14 f

THE CLINTON INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1903, ABOUT OCR SCHOOLS. COUNTY’S POOR FARM. * LOCAL JOTTINGS | kfknn»i uuu* •*««.** *• •****«*• * Thing* Which Should be W*U Un­ Some Intereating Facta Concerning One I). H. Hunt spent Sunday In Pewa- derstood He for* Opening Day. of Cllnlon County'a Inatltutloua. mo. THE RIGHT ]PLACE ... School opens next Monday, Sept. 7. Charity Is one of those finer senti­ Mrs. Ed. Elsenlord went to Carson Pupils of the primary and grammar ments of life, whose development City Saturday to visit Mrs. James De- grades who wisti to remove conditions marks our progress in civilization, and Lon «. should appear for examination at the any community ’s advanced civiliza­ W. O. Gleason, of Ovid, spent Sun ­ Superintendent ’s office tomorrow (Fri­ tion is well measured by its practical charities. That it is more blessed to to get Real Goc>d Bargains day with E. E. Emmons and family, day) morning. w this village. There are four or five good homes in give than to receive can only be real­ 1 E. White, of Ann Arbor, who had St. Johns open to young ladies who ized by the giving, and the self-abne­ been visiting J. Boyd and family, re­ wish to attend-scliool and work in pay­ gation thus evolved is proof positive of turned home Monday. ment for part or whole of their board. the vigor and development of all that ------IN Miss Kanagy. special teacherof mu­ is best In humanity. Self-seeking is Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Moshler re­ sic, will conduct a class in the high a trait common npt only to humanity turned Sunday from their summer out ­ school. All who desire may enter this but also to the lower order of animals, ing at San Juan. class. while unselfishness is characteristic of Geo. W. Estes returned last Satur­ Miss Edna Flarida has arrived to humanity alone and its development Dress Goods Carpets—Rugs day from a few weeks visit in Niagara take up her work of the school year. denotes the predominance of thespirlt- county, N. Y., his early home. She will have charge of the drawing ual over the animal. True charity, Silks—V elvets Mattings See the advertisement of the and will teach language classes of the while it is its own reward, is neverthe­ Calkins Grocery Company's great 6th. 7th and 8th grades. Miss Flarida less unselfish in that its joy comes of horse race, elsewhere in this issue. will also conduct a class in drawing for self-denial for the benefit of another, Satins—Trimmings Linoleums—Oil Cloth Mrs. H. Tidy, who had been here high school pupils. This class will be and the preferring of another’s rights visiting in the family of N. S. Holmes, open to all high school pupils who de ­ to one ’s own. Waistings —Skirtings Shades returned to her home in Matherton sire the instruction. Clinton county in its county farm, last Saturday. Pupils who attend school in the Cen­ and buildings necessary for the care tral building will find directions post­ and maintenance of its destitute, has Wash Goods Lace Curtains Joseph L. Andrus, of Gibsonville, ed in the hall to their respective rooms. an exemplar of its citizen ’s charity Ohio, has been visiting his sister. Mrs. Some changes have been made. and forethought of which all may well Hosiery Tailor Made Suits Louis Baumgartner, and other friends The foreign attendance promises to be proud. Charity vaunteth not her­ in this vicinity. exceed that of last year. A large per self, therefore to proclaim a private Mrs. Cora SchackelKtn went to centage of pupils having passed the 8th charity would be indelicate and vain­ Muslin Underwear Skirts—Waists Fowler Saturday, where she will teach grade examination will enter the high glorious, but the public's charity, that in the primary department of the school this year. cannot have either selfish pride or Corsets Wrappers schools of that village. The schools will close early Monday vanity as a motive is a proper subject Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hulse and son. morning. This will give pupils an op ­ for moderate dlsqulstion. Therefore Earl, after spending several weeks in portunity to purchase books, and for ­ we have not the same hesitancy in ex­ Ribbons—Buttons Cloaks—Capes—Furs their summer home at San Juan, on eign pupils a chance to pay their ­ ploiting this factor of the publics mu­ White Lake, returned home Sunday. ition. Tuition is payable io advance nificence that should characterize one's Petticoats Shawls—Blank ets at the State Bank. Pupils who can­ own. The board of education will not ob ­ The county farm, or as it is some ­ serve Labor day, but will cause the not pay in advance should make the necessary arrangements with John W. times called, the “poor farm” Is com ­ Feather Pillows Outings. fall and winter term of school to be posed of about 75 acres of good soil. It opened on Monday next, Sept. 7th. Fitzgerald. The Walsh arithmetics will be used s situated in the south part of this F. M. Johnson, of the Lowell Ledger, in all grades from the 3d to the 8th in­ township, and coupled with St. Johns accompanied by his. little son, made clusive. In general books should not by a telephone line. It is all under IS AT The Independent a pleasant call be purchased until teachers have been cultivation and under its present ju­ Tuesday, while en route for home from consulted. dicious management is almost self sus­ Lansing. Pupils of the north ward just enter­ taining. It is conducted under the Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Karber, of Erie, ing the 5th grade will attend school at most approved methods and with an Pa., who were here attending the fu­ the north ward building under the in­ eye single to the greatest care and neral of Mrs. Karber’s father. Thos struction of Miss Esta Bellows. comfort ofsuch of the county ’s worthy Plunkett, last week, returned home It will be necessary for students of poor as lidre need for assistance, and last Monday morning. the high school to receive some expla­ the same time the least possible burd ­ en and expense to the taxpayers. Its Noble Burnett ’s, Mrs. W. L. Bishopandson Lawrence, nations and instructions before decid ­ who have been visiting her daughter, ing upon their work for the coming well cared for fields or wheat, oats, Mrs. Wm. Hays, of 224 Broadway, year. A new course has been adopted, corn, beans, potatoes, etc., compare fa­ ST. JOHTVTS, MICHIGAN. Buffalo, N. Y., returned to her home neither the old or the new, but a vorably witli the best in the county, speak well for tiie management and in­ in this village, last Friday. transitional course will be followed in dustry of Overseer E. It. Lester, who Dr. E. D. Andrus, who has recently making the change. with such assistance as could be had managed the Cleveland, O.. branch of Miss Kate Ryan has been enjoying a course in a Canadian training school from tiie charity inmates and an ex­ the Malta Vita Pure Food Co., of Bat­ during the summer. penditure of less than many neighbor ­ tle Creek, stopped off here yesterday Miss Anna Ryan has «pent a very ing farmers put on one small field, has to see his father, Phineas Andrus. profitable summer at the Michigan accomplished tlie present pleasing re­ LOUIS BORON II. L. Richmond, of Greenbusli. re­ State Normal College, making special sults. These crops not only furnish turned home Thursday of last week preparation for the work she is about the food for inmates but when sold and FALL IN LINE from the state of New York, where he to take up in the 8th grade. turned into the county ’s poor fund go General had beeu visiting relatives in the town ­ Miss Mattie Smith has been refresh­ a long way towardspayiug the expense This Fall and buy a Majestic. ship of Lerov, Genessee county, for ten ing her knowledge of literature and of caring for the poor. days. Mrs. Ozi Sevy accompanied him. learning the more advanced methods Every crop on tiie farm, and all but Auctioneer. The malleable top Steel Range the necessary pasturage is under crop, Geo. E. Fisk, after spending a couple in English, through instruction which Will cry sales by the day or on com ­ of weeks at his home in this village, she has received in Ypsilanti the past and all give promise of a liberal return. that will last a life time and returned to FonDuLac. Wi.«., last Besides the crops the farm also carries mission. Speaks English, German summer. a proper amount of live stock of differ- and French. Has iiad large exper­ do your cooking and baking Wednesday. He is employed in the The school law provides for the com ­ ience. well acquainted with all shops of the Wisconsin Central Rail- pulsory attendance of all children be­ ant kinds, all of which have the same with one-half the fuel you are roan. It will not be very long before tween the ages of 8 and 15. Parents appearauce of care and good manage ­ kinds of farm property, stock and ment that characterizes their sur­ household goods. Call at The In­ he has a locomotive and a good run. who are in the habit of allowing their dependent office fqr dates. now using. You will say after Bert Clark, who was a delegate to children to absent themselves from roundings. The annual production of school should look to the observance of hogs is a considerable Item of salvage LOUIS BORON, using one that the price paid the International Convention of to the county. Tiie farm has an aver­ Christian Endeavorers. which lately this law. R. F. D. No. 4. St. Johns, filch. was the best investment you met at Denver, Colorado, will make Parents of young children now have age of about 30 inmates, all of whom his report next Sunday at the Christ­ upon their minds the question of send ­ are there of course because of their in­ ever made. ing these children for the first time. ability to earn a living elsewhere aud ian Endeavor meeting to be held at about half of whom are able to do light Real Estate Transaction*. the Congregational church, at (5:30 p. m. For all of these parents there are some work of greater or less amounts, the A full attendance Is desired. important considerations to be kept in Anna E. Waugh to John Olterlin, lot* A Majestic Malleable Iron and mind. In the first place no children balance being not only unable to serve 4, 5. 0 7 and.block i». Ovid ...... I 80 00 N. W. Webster, of McBain, was in but generally so feeble or debilitated Steel Range is a permanent St. Johns last Saturday with a tine except-those who are physically strong, Seymour E. Voorhies and wife to should enter school until they are as to requi re assistance aud care. That William L. Norton, lot IS and w(4 of fixture and a savings bank in horse. Despite the fact that Henry six years of age. Unless a pupil can be Overseer Lester can, with the feeble 17. block 1. Ovid ...... 1 00 burned out Dot long since and lost and uncertain assistance of those able Arthur O Bullard and wife to Clair heavily he is doing nicely farming and in regular attendance there is danger M. Steven*, s S'* acres of of ne 4 fuel, food, and repair bills. of forming bad habits, which it will to assist, care for this farm with its I,ISO 00 converting hard wood timber into lum­ crops aud live stock and at the same Sec. 11. Riley...... be difficult to overcome. It should tie Alice McCutcheon to Seymour We shall also handle the famous ber. Everyone hereabouts who know time properly look after tiie needs and Rounds, lots, block 20, Bath ...... a oo Henry rejoice at his prosperity. rembered. however, that young pupils will make no satisfactory advancement welfare of those unable to even care Viola A. Scultz et al to Amber A. C. C. Vaughn and J. C. Hicks, accom- if entered in the middle of the year for themselves, is certainly a high en­ Stuart, land on sec. 12. Duplain and FLORENCE HOT BLAST ianied by their wives, left St. Johns when their classes are decidedly in ad ­ comium to his ability and business lot 1, block II Vaudeusen ’s ad. Elsie q- fast Monday for Aberdeen and Gray's methods. These inmates are princi­ Dorothy Ellen Smith to Peter M. vance of the year's attendance. For pally decrepit old men and women who Smith et al, eV4 of swl* sec. 27, Bath Heating Stove again this sea­ Harbor, Wash, where these gentleman thisreason it will be seen that pupils B. C. Linzee and wife to Casper M. will look after some timber land in should enter for the first time, either througli mistortuue or mismanage ­ Kummell et al. lot 5. block 5 Van son. This is the stove that which they are interested. The ladies at the beginning of the fall or spring ment on their part, would find them­ Duesen ’s Ad.. Elsie ...... -...... 1000 oo will spend their time in viewing the term. selves unprotected from the inclem­ John Morris and wife to Asa J. Morris burns soft coal and consumes many things of interest in that coun ­ encies of life’s winter but for the pub­ sw^of nw q sec. 14, Bingham .. 2.000 00 William D. Letts and "wife to Ellen all of its smoke and soot, of try. They expect to be absent about OBITUARY. lic’s charity in thus providing them Ackmoody.lots Tlllotson ’s ad. Elsie 1,000 00 three weeks. both food and shelter. The entire premises inclusive of hos­ Ralph H. VanDueson and wife to B.C. which we sold nearly one hun­ Mary Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Llnzee. lots, block 5 VanDuezen ’u AMUSEMENTS AT THE ALLISON. pital, dining rooms, sleeping rooms, ad., Elsie...... bOO 00 dred laat year, and expect our Philip A. Barnhart, was born in Riley wash rooms, kitchen, etc., are scrupu­ Winfield H Dills and wife to Kosina township, this county, Sept. 3, 1887, lously clean a* also is the person and Bray, n fr. W of nw fr. k and u 7 sales this season will far ex ­ •* Kallro.d Jack ” and died Sunday morning, Aug. 30,1903. clothing of every inmate. They are acres on w of ne 14. Dewitt...... 6,000 00 Lovers of amusement should avail Mary was a beautiful child, and pos ­ all well housed and fed and that they Hattie Esler to Chas. M. Merrill, w 14 ceed all previous seasons. sessed a loving and sweet disposition, are well treated is best shown by the lots 1 and 2, block 12. St. Johns ..... 2,000 00 themselves of the opportunity of wit­ but she was a great sufferer. At the S. M. Stilson and wife to Winfield S. nessing “Railroad Jack” on its pre­ grateful good will expressed by all Dills et al, lots 166. 166 and 1% and e The fall is the time to paint, sentation here. The explosion at age of two year* she suffered with towards Mr. Lester and his estimable \ of 196. block 44, DeWItt...... :#0 00 Dawson Switch and the flight of the bleeding at the nose, which became family. Altogether Clinton county ’s W. F. Lance to Andrew Higgins, pt. see our stock and get our annoying, and in after years developed “ poor farm” is one that compares fa­ lot 24, block 4 C. K. & W. ad., Elate... 40 00 midnight express are said to be very into other serious maladies. realistic. The great tornado scene in vorably with all like institutions in the Licensed to Wed. prices. which a circus tent is blow n to pieces She was very patient, always willing state and thanks to Mr. Lester’s man­ and a lady is thrown Into a Ilonas den to help others, forgetting her own suf­ agement it is no longer a constant Date Name. Age and rescued by a tamp in full view ferings. In the summer of 1901 she drain upon the public’s trqjisury but August 22—Vernon T. Humber, M p. Rapids. 21 of the audience is the most sensational WM severely afflicted but rallied until rather a resource in the care of the Edna Hale. St. Louis ...... 10 shewas quite well. But a few weeks ago public’s unfortunate dependants. of all previous efforts. “ Railroad she began to fail and on Sunday morn­ 22—Burt Simons, St. Johns...... 22 Spaulding & Co., Jack” will appear at the Allison on It is but justice to state in this con­ Kittle Moses, Lansing ...... 21 ing last she quietly fell asleep in Jesus. nection that the County Poor Com ­ Saturday, Sept. 5. The lion will be The funeral was’ held from her late 24— Fred .1. Phillips. Maple Rapids. .27 Hardware and Paints. St. Johns, Michigan. drawn through the principle streets missioners who of course supervise and Gertie Crawford, same...... 18 at 3 p. m. on the day of exhibit. home Tuesday forenoon, Rev. Eli Good, control the disbursement of the coun­ of Bengal, officiating. The interment ty’s poor funds and counsel and advise 24—Robert Bond, Olive ...... 25 was made in a handsome spot in St. Elva Simmons, same ...... 21 •• i Girl From Sweden ” with Overseer Lester in matters per­ Johns cemetery; to which place the re­ taining to the county farm are deserv­ 15—John Vincent, Rochester...... 22 which comes to the Allison next Tues­ mains were followed by a large con ­ ing of much credit for the able and Gertrude Peltier, Bath...... 16 day, Sept. 8, as its name would indi ­ course of relatives, friends ana neigh­ cate. has for its principal character a careful manner in which they discharge 26— Fred llause, St. Johns...... 21 bors. Farewell until we shall meet in their duties. The board of Commis ­ Edith Richurdson, Lansing ...... 10 Swedish girl. She is a young girl of the sweet bye and bye. BEST 2 IN 3-GO AS YOU PLEASE. eighteen who has been orphaned after sioners is made up of F. M. Spaulding, 1—Edward Brown, Muskegon ...... 25 F. A. Travis and A. J. Watson. Hattie Oarlock, Watertown 22 coming to America, and the theme of A Chicago Confidence Man Vlait* Clinton With funds unequal to the task of the play deals with her heart story. County and Succeeds. 27— George B Barker, Ovid ...... 36 Incidentally we will have the eccen­ caring for the worthy poor they are L<>ie W alker, Wvld ...... 20 tricities of a typical Irish woman of The Lansing Journal tells of a man ever watchful that it be not wasted middle age and of the witty and gar ­ who came over from Chicago recently, upon the unworthy objects. While MERLE BEACH. rulous kind. A Chinaman, just such and through the influence of a confid ­ tiiey carefully scrutinize applications a one as is found in every town in the ing friend and acquaintance in Eagle for charity, yet it is iu the broadest Mrs. Eugene Forbes went on the ex­ northwest, and two different types of township, not only fleeced this friend humanitarian spirit and certainty of cursion to Mancelona, Sept. 2, to visit the Indian of today, as well as a young out of $500, but extracted various sums relief where deserving. her sister, Mrs. Daisy Forties. Jones bet on the horse and lost. Swedish boy. play important parte in of money from others upon the repre­ While they never turn “ want” away Mrs. Simons, of Detroit, In company the plot. Music, song and specialty sentation that such money was to be empty handed, they are only enabled with an aunt of the same place, Is vis­ Smith bet on THE CALKIN’S GROCERY CO. features there are in abundance, and so invested by him that it would re­ to do so by detecting and denying iting for a week at the home of the a most capable company In the several turn to the investors 3 per cent per “charity grafters ” who come to them former ’s father, Oscar Loewe. and won in saving $75 in one year’s trade. Every­ characters. “A Girl From Sweden ” week, and that the profits would be frequently with " agony stories ” that body wins when they buy their Groceries at this place. should attract a large audience here. paid monthly. One or two received for ingenuity and careful preparation Among those who went on the S. S. their first month’s dividend, but since are worthy to adorn a much more hon­ excursion from this neighborhood were then no one has been able to get any­ orable vocation than that of a para­ E. E. Bissell. Arthur Blizzard, Orhl There are none that can compare with them in qual­ *• A Rojrtl Slav*" thing. The concern writes that “the site on charity. In no position is eter­ Blizzard, Edward O’Brien, Will West, ity and price. In the great race of life they shut At last we have a play in “A Royal money has just been sent," and the nal vigilance the price of success, in a Wm. Monroe, Thomas Pierson, Dean Slave” at the Allison, Wed., Sep. 9th, victims watch the coming of the car­ larger degree than that of Commis­ Sperry, Floyd Plowman, Clayton every other dealer out, and it is said they will continue that will suit the most critical. riers and the mails with great inter­ sioner of the Poor. It seems almost Plowman, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hoffman, It is a delightful picture of the Land est but faint hope. Most of them incredible that the noble self-sacrific­ Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Carpenter, Mrs. to wear the Blue Ribbon while competing in thegreat of the Sun, over which the Monte- have made up their minds that they ing interests of charity could ever be­ Cliff Plowman, Miss Myrtle Moore and zumas once ruled in regal splendor. are genuine victims of misplaced con ­ come the object of the evil design Fleressman F. Loewe. human race. Everybody bets on The Calkin ’s Now that our country Is spreading its fidence. O, when---- ? among even the most depraved but Mrs. Mary Sutherland, of Detroit, Grocery Company, for in doing so they always win. wings over so many Spanish posses ­ facts show that such is the case. Were was a guest of her sister, M iss A ngel 1 na sions, it behooves us all to catch a You N««d « Rent. it not for the careful scrutiny and often Corey, at the Beach House, Saturday. If you are looking for low prices and genuine bar­ glimpse of the land of poetry and sun ­ If you are not feeling well, don ’t thankless investigations made by the shine—Mexico. Miss EdnaCumming. of Port Huron, gains, look the other fellow over then call on us for call a doctor but take a lake trip! members of the county ’s Poor Com ­ was a guest of Miss Myrtle Moore at Clarence Bennett in the title role is You return home feeling new life and missioners, the “poor fund ” would be the Beach House, Thursday and Fri­ the finish. at once majestic and tender. Natural your brain blown free from cobwebs. depleted each year In a month’s time, day of last week. and easy in his manner, his work seems Send 2c. for folder and map. through the inroads of those who seek no effort and he is quiet and convinc­ Address. to prey upon charity. Geo. II. Brown returned to Lansing ing. His support is of the best and A. A. ScHKMTZ, G. P. T. Mgr., Saturday after spending two weeks at The Calkin’s Grocery Co. too much cannot be said of the play. Detroit, Mich. Llit of Letter*. the resort. It is original, thrilling, fascinating Remaining In the 8t. John* postolHce week Try Them I ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN. and, for a change, every actor has a A Good Selection. ending Sept. 2. 1W3. Buehree. Henry Cole. Robert Tire Independent and Michigan character to portray. It Is refreshing James LeRoy has been chosen by the Corta, John Keehler, Mi** Rlale See List of prizes in next week’s issue. to find a piece that calls for actors, Council to oversee the work of paving Cook. George Swartbout. Mr*. J. Farmer,both to January 1st,35c. Leave not sticks. on the Avenue and east Walker street. WILL H. BRUNSON, P. M. order at this office. CLINTON INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, SEPT. 3, 1903.


Result of Mutual Introduction in e Mr. Herlihy Could 8ee No Improve* C mo king Car. THE HIRING FAIR ment in Photography. The unknown man walked down the Mr. Herlihy looked at his latest aisle of the smoking car and stopped ANCIENT WELSH CUSTOM photograph taken In his Sunday where another unknown man sat read ­ clothes, and his gaze bespoke keen ing voraciously. disappointment. “May I sit by you? ” he asked, “Ol’d never ’a’ had this tuk if it meekly. (SPECIAL CORRESPONDENCE) hadn’t been for thim children telling On* for tfM Grocer. Why the Clergyman Treated. “Certainly,” replied the occupant, me about the improvements in photo ­ Itttlfl town of Mercer, Penn., They sat on the veranda of the without looking up. “May as well be The beg. ‘.'n‘rg of no nnr and the promotion) with ostrich feathers as graphing! ” he muttered, holding the beginning oi winter ar» seasons of m gresa groce r writs all the summer hotel in the dusk of the sociable. Rice is my name." long as their arms.- The little hussies card upon which his likeness was disruption in Welsh households and mounted farther and farther away. of Bo Cmmml TVo other day a evening, gazing seaward and sipping "And Freeman is mine. May I ask grin stolidly at the dqpaure farmer farms. Men and maids are hired “Improvements, is it? Ol’d loike to mu through long straws at cooling drinks, what you are leading? ” ladies who sniff at their monstrous a. IU Che county on six months' terms. At the expira­ and thoroughly enjoying their cigars. “Certainly." attire. They know full well that show this picture besolde wid the wan Mr the oeoUtgr of ker butter, tion of their term it is only natural One of the men was a noted clergy ­ “Well, what are you reading? ” there is a large demand for budding Ol had twinty years ago. and lave It mm tUs old Silas Treevls with that those with a good opinion of man, whose sermons are quoted every ‘“Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage young women like themselves, to anybody which o ’ thlm two made request that ho take a five- themselves should be anxious to seek Monday morning in many newspapers. Patch.’" ostrich-feathered or plain. In fact, the better man o ’ me. There’s an old, roll of bar asking, giving her if their market price has or has not anxious, tolred-out look to this new of cash an ogaal amount of “Pure trash. I have my wife’s word they are snapped up very early in the risen, in the meantime. They there­ wan that was nJver in the other. ftois Ms owm stack. Knowing, for It.” day, and are then free to plunge into •a he that her hotter was better “Who’s your wife?” inquired the “There may be improvements in than «t}' h“ ever bistM, and know ­ original occupant, beginning to betray photographing, ” said Mr. Herlihy as ing too. (hat she knew that it was, signs of interest. he deposited the cabinet-sized card She old fellow because same what sus- “My wife is Mrs. Freeman,” with face down In hls table drawer, "but giciotiB an


saw the boat reach the Portuguese- LIGHT AND HEAVY DRAINS. man ’s side. Ho turned to Pope, who stood coolly smoking at a little dis ­ Professional Men Have Far More Gray CATARRH DESTROYS THE KIDNEYS tance likewise observing the wreck, Matter Than Laborers. and exclaimed: In a recent memoir on the human The Two Captains brain Dr. Matiagta, of Prague, one of Was Miserable—Could Not Stantf Op or Walk— “Will those unhappy beings find fresh water, sir?” the most eminent specialists of Eu­ Pe-ru-na Cured. “Plenty, my lord. It must by thia rope, records the fact that the heaviest By W. CLARK RUSSELL. time have been remarked by you that brain he has found Is that of a young we do not thirst for human life,” an­ man of 22 years and 1.S0 meters In Many Persoqs Have height, which weighed 1,820 grams. C?wrr:«

THE BEST FAIR IN THE MIDDLE WEST The Great Clinton County Fair St. Johns, Mich. 4 Days, Starting Tuesday, Sept. 22. SEE NEXT ISSUE OF THIS PAPER FOR SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS.

F. A. TRAVIS, President. CEO. N• FERREV, Secretary.

Clinton Co. Savings Bank FOWLEK. Albert Krekeler is quite sick at this ST.JOHNS. MICH. writing. \ STEAM 6RANITE WORKS Rev. B. FI. Berger of Riley spent Pays 3 Per Cent. Intereston Deposits. Friday in town. DANS MONEY ON APPROVED BON OS AN O Mrs. E. F. Kruger was in St. John8 REAL ESTATE SECURITY. Saturday on business. AND Several took in the excursion to OFFICERS: Grand Rapids Sunday. Pneumatic Tools A. J. Baldwin ,Pre«. P. E.WALawOKTH.Pres U. Pbnnbll. V-Pres. R. C. DBXTKR.A8Bt.Trei Mr. John Fildew of St. Johns was in for Lettering. Nature ’s cu R^ town Saturday on business. Closing Out of Summer Goods Dr. and Mrs. Ernest Schemer spent THE LOCAL. MARKETS. Saturday with friends in St. Johns. iar.St.Johns elevators open at 7 a.m.ana Ray Baxter, of Grand Rapids, called Buy your Heater early, so as to have a large close at 6 p m. Tired-Out Women. on friends in town Saturday evening. ST. Johns , Mich., Sept. 3,1903. Fagged-out women, suffering from back- Mr. Mathias Gross and son Michael and fresh line to select from. The following are the prices paid in cash Ache, unable to stand long or walk far, or spent Sunday with friends in Grand for producein this market: with symptoms Incident to the weaknesses Walter & Hodge peculiar to the sex—such women need a friend Rapids. • Wheat, white, new...... 65 @ 77 to tell them that many such symptoms are Born to Mr. aud Mrs. Joseph Fern- Wheat, red ...... 05 @ 77 the result of physical conditions that can be St. Johns, flichigan. We are receiving stoves every day now: hard Oats...... ('6 34 remedied only by building up thestrength. lioltz, Wednesday, August 2»>, 1903. a Clover Seed...... 4 50 @ 5 50 I This building up can be done most effect- daughter. « Alslke...... 5 00 @ 6 00 1 ually with Celery King. It cleanses the stom ­ coal base burners, hot blasts and Hay, new...... 0 00 @7 00 ach and bowels, giving restful sleep and tbe Will Fineis of Westphalia spent Sun ­ Beans ...... @ 1 50 day with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Barley...... 1 00 @ 1 10 Appetite of girlhood. Rye...... 42 John Fineis. and air tights. A large and complete line. Corn, ear...-...... 9 30 Wm. Love and family and sisters, Potatoes —new...... 50 UL1VE. Rutter...... 15 O 10 of Portland, visited Mr. and Mrs. Jno, Manufacturers and Dealers in Eggs -...... O 14 Mrs. Bennett returned to her home Gay last week. Tallow ...... — in Lansing Sunday, after staying with Byron Townsend returned to Lan­ Lard ...... -...... @ 10 her daughter, Mrs. Muoger, several All kinds of Granite and Hides ...... @ 0* sing Tuesday, after visiting his parents Remember the balance of our summer goods: Deakon skins ...... 25 (fb 50 weeks. for a few days. Sheep Pelts...... 25 (ft 1 00 Some report beans as rotting, and Beef,live...... - 3 00 @3 50 The little child of Mr. and Mrs. Ed ­ Marble, Cemetery Work, Oil and Gasoline Stoves, Refrigerators, etc. Reef,dressed ...... 0 00 @0 OOK some say they are growing in the pods. ward has been very sick, but is better Pork,live ...... - 5 00 @ 5 25 Clover seed is also reported as growing at this writing. Pork,dressed ...... 6 00 @7 00 in the head. Reservoir Vases. Building will be sold at greatly reduced prices. Yes,calf, live...... 5 00 @5 50 Mrs. Fred Wadde and children, of Veal calf,dressed ...... 0 50 @ 7 50 Fenton Brink, wife and daughter, of Ionia, spent last week with Mr. and Wood,dry hard...... *2 00 @ 3 85 DeWitt; Fred Tucker aud wife, Will Wood, so ft...... ©225 Mrs. Fred Myers. Stone and Stone Sidewalks. Chickens, dressed ...... 9 @ 10 BrinkeriiolT and wife, of Olive, visited W hen you want the best range money can at Y'arney Pearce’s last Sunday. Miss Bird Church and Mr. Clarence LI VB POULTRY. Emmons, of St. Johns, called on friends Hens, fat,-...... 1 Farmers have been very much dis­ in town Monday. buy, get a “MALLEABLE. ’’ See the new Turkey8 fat...... couraged over the lomr continued rains Ducks, fat...... 6 which have prevented them from pull­ Mr. Haag and family, of Adrian, are <4eese-..... -...... -...... spending a few days with Mr. and Jewett and Sterling base burners. Broilers 1 >4 to 2 pounds ...... 9 ing their beans and caring for their Ducks, spring. 3 to 4 pounds,.. —...... 7 other crops. We have beans for break­ Mrs. Carl Fandell. CW Byron Danley buys live poultry every fast, dinner and supper—in our minds rge and daughter, Dr. Donald McDonald week day the year round, and full value paid Mrs. Jefferson and son, of Big Rap­ Pearl, and Mrs. C. J Coffin spent Sat- We have just received a new lot of at all times. ids, were guests of Mrs. Agnes Pike of urday in St. Johns. THE SPECIALIST, Olive and Miss Edna Randall of Riley, Masters Frank and James Whittaker VanDyke enamel ware. Every piece war­ two weeks. Miss Pike boarded with left Sunday for Muskegon, where they is ooi^ciira-i Mrs Jefferson nearly a year while at­ will enter the high school. ranted. 1 Correspondencetending school at Big Rapids. Miss Miss Mary Baker has reurned from HE WILL BE IN ST. JOHNS, Randall also boarded with her while Westphalia and has opened up her there at school. shop for the new spring millinery. the STEEL HOTEL on l All correspondence should be : Members of DeWitt Grange are re­ Albert Martin, of Grand Rapids, is ^ mailed not later than Tuesday i; quested to n.e :t at the hall early Satur- spending a few weeks with his mother, j morning of each week...... 5 uay evening, .Sept. 12th. Grange called Miss Gertrude Martin and family. Thursday, Sept. 10, ArfWwWrfW aWnNWRVR **************** at 7:30, tirst ana second degrees con ­ Mrs. James Lance Jr. and children ferred. Song by grange. Select read­ are visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. SOUTHEAST LEBANON. ing by Ruth Huffman. Song by Mrs. John Baker of Westphalia, for a few Isaac Dryer. Question : Do farmers days. and their wives take as much leisure Geo. Townsend returned home Sat­ as they might? Mrs. C. Woodruff, Miss Christiana Fandell returned Sun ­ urday from Niagra Falls, N. Y. Misses Mark Norris and Genevieve day from Westphalia, where she lias been spending a few weeks witli her John Patterson and wife, of Essex, Hrinkerhoff. Selection by Mrs. Spen­ J. H. Corbit, cer Norris. Closing song. Mrs. C. L. sisters. ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN. visited the latter’s sister. Mrs. E. Nash, Pearce, Lecturer. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Nowland and Sunday. little daughter Marguerite, of Ionia, Erford Nash went last Friday to VVhrtt Is Life. spent Sunday with Mrs. W. H. Sage, In the last analysis nobody knows, and family. Canton, Wayne county, to attend the Miss Aura Klein and brother Lester, funeral of his aunt. but we do know that it is under strict law. Abuse that law even slightly, of Detroit, are visiting their grand ­ Miss Irene Schemer, of Fowler, com ­ pain results. Irregular living means father, Frank Feldpauseh, and family, menced her first term of school In the derangement of the organs, resulting for a few days. Strickland district, Monday. jn constipation, headache or liver Mr. and Mrs. Tony Fox aud Mr. and trouble. Dr. King's New Life Pills Mrs. Joseph Fox and Children spent Among those that took in the ex­ quickly re-adjust this. It’s gentle yet Sunday with Mr. and ±Mrs. Fox of THE ONLY SHOE SALE cursions to Detroit last week from thorough. Only 25c. Guaranteed by of Westphalia. this vicinity were: John Hiner and Fildew Sc Millman. druggists. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Patterson re­ 'will postively close- wife, Herman and John Smith, Misses turned Friday from 1‘etoskey, where they have been spending a week Susie and Kate Miller, James Foley Jr, POMONA GRANGE. among friends. Fred Benjamin. Mrs. Geo. Townsend, Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Redfern, of Essex, Charles Howard and wife, Ed. Rice and Clinton County Pomona Grange will and Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Iletler, of Leba­ wife, Miss. Kate Carrow, F. M. Pig- meet with Eagle Grange Wednesday, non, speut Sunday with Mrs. W. A. ONE DAY ONLY EACH MONTH. Septerulier 9th. Special invitation to Sage and family. OFFICE HOl’BS 9 A. M. to 7 P. M Saturday Night, Sept. 5 gott, wife, two daughters and two all 4th degree members. sons. Grange called in 4th degree at 10:30 Yourself and ladies are cordially in- a. m. The funeral services of the late Geo. Song. at Firemens’ Hall, Fowler, ^Friday , Consultation, Examination and Parents, we can save you money on your Coon was held at the residence Satur­ Roll call of officers responded to witli evening, Sept. 4th. School Shoes if you will embrace this oppor ­ day, at 10 o ’clock. An aged father and quotations. Misses Amelia and EmmaGruler left Advice Free. mother survive him besides two broth­ Regular order of business. Tuesday for Petosky, where they will tunity and take advantage of this sale. ers, Alonzo and Amos, four sisters, Question : Is it profitable to feed spend several weeks with their brother Mrs. Cynthia Harper, Mrs. Sarah Root, Prank and family. Come in and have your children fitted to a Mrs. Maria Mundell and Mrs. Mary meal to cows in summer time? Answer DR. MCDONALD Pool, who live in the West. They by Charles Jones of Bengal. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Kinley and Mr. Is one of the Greatest Living Speci-al new pair of Shoes. have the deepest sympathy of their Song by Eagle Grange. and Mrs. C. F. Meyer and children ists in the treatment of all Chronic many friends. Inierment at East Question : What of the importance spent Sunday witli Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Diseases. His extensive practic and Plains cemetery. and necessity of restoring soil fertility Baxter at Shepardsville. superior knowledge enable him to Remember the Only Sale is at removed by crowing crops? A ns. by The Ladies ’ Library Accociation met cure every curable disease. All A Boy’s Wild Ride For Life. J. W. Ennest of Olive. with Dr. Schemer Tuesday. They are chronic diseases of the Brain, Spine, Recess for dinner until 1:30. intending to buy some more new books Nerves, • Blood, Skin, Heart, Lungs. With family around expecting him Song by Eagle Grange. and would like more new members. to die, and ason riding for life, 18 miles Welcome address bv Master of Eagle Liver. Stomach, Kidneys and Bowles, to get Dr. King ’s New Discovery for Grange. Response by Seroms Dills, Miss Edwine McPherson returned scientifically and successfully treated. consumption, coughs and colds, W. II. Master of Pomona Grange. Friday from Hamilton, Ontario, where I)R. MCDONALD’S success in the Furtney’s Shoe Store, Brown, of Leesville, lnd., endured Music by Eagle Grange. she has been spending the past few treatment of Female Diseases is simp­ death’s agonies from asthma; but this Selection by Mrs. Estella Dills, of days with her aunt aud other relatives. ly marvelous. His treatment makes ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN. wonderful medicine gave instant relief DeWitt. Subject: Dispensing charity. Mrs. August Altavater left Sunday sickly women stronge, beautiful and and soon cured him. He writes: “I Song. for Detroit, where she will assist in attractive. Weak men. old or young, now sleep soundly every night.” Like Paper by Eagle Grange. careing for her husband, who went cured in every case and saved from a The Reliable up-town Shoe Man. marvelous cures of consumption, pneu ­ Question : How can the Grange aid there on a visit and was taken very ill. life of suffering. Deafness. Rheuma­ monia, bronchitis, coughs, colds and in solving the problem of help on the Miss May Geller spent a few days of tism, and Paralysis, cured through grip prove its matchless merit for all farm? Ans. by F. W. Redfern, Essex. last week with friends in Detroit, and his celebrated Blood and Nerve Rem­ throat and lung troubles. Guaranteed Recitation by Eagle Grange. Ques­ was accompanied home by Miss Lizzie edies and Essential Oils charged with by Fildew Sc Millman druggists. Price tion: How and when to Improve our Geller, who will visit friends in town electricity. THE DEAF MADE TO 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free. hear : the lame to walk : highways. Ans. by Bro. Tallman of for a few days. Catarrh, Throat and Lung Diseases Eagle. Miss Blanche Havens, accompanied cured. Dr. McDonald cures Fits and MITCHELL & DOAN WESTPHALIA Song. her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Nervous Diseases. Eczema and all The discussion of tbe rural telephone Darias Eldredge, spent a few days of Skin Diseases cured. UPHOLSTERS and Gen­ John J. Spitzley, of Ionia, was in question was opened by Theodore II. last week with Mr. and Mrs. Frank DR. McDONALI) has been called Westphalia on business Thursday. Townsend, followed by others. Eldredge, of Cleveland. the Wizard of the Medical Profession, BARGAIN FOR SOME ONE. eral Repairers of Peter Fandel and Philip Keusch have Closing song. Every Grange in Clinton county is Misses Florence Kasper and Mary because he reads all diseases at a bought a new Huber bean harvester. Schafer went to Belding last week, glance, without asking any questions. Bicycles, Lawn Mowers, Hose, Guns Jos. A. Arens witnessed the ball requested to send delegates, and lots returning home Saturday, accompan ­ Sick folk, call on Dr. McDonald. It 1 HAVE FOR SALK A FARM of them, to this meeting. This is the of 80 acres four miles north­ and almost anything except fabrics, game at Ionia last Wednesday, Ionia tirst time Eagle Grange has enter­ ied by Miss Laura, who had been is a pleasure to meet him. Dr. Mc­ winning by a score of 3 to 0 against spending a few weeks there. Donald never turns the poor from his east of St. Johns, the county that need repairing. All work prornpt- the Detroit Wheelmen. tained Pomona. Let us do our best door. and make our Eagle friends feel that Mrs. Mark Black, of Riley, spent a seat, with sufficient timber to and and satisfactorily done. Shop op ­ The Young Ladies ’ Aid Society Pomona is still alive. few days of last week with her parents, CONSULTATION FREE. nearly or qnlte pay for It. The gave an ice crean social last Tuesday kkomk ills Mr. and Mrs. Edward Case, accom­ posite the M. E. Church. J D , Master. Those unable to call can address land Is adapted to grass, spring evening at the school house hall, quit Mrs. C. L. Pica rue , Lee. panied home by her daughter, Miss a number attending. It was a grand Edna, who lias been spending tbe sum­ crops and stock, being of dark success and they will have another this Hackton** Arnica Halve. mer here. DR. D. A. MCDONALD sandy, loam with gravely snh. St. Johns, - Michigan. week. Has world-wide fame for marvelous^ The Fowler high school begins Mon ­ The Specialist, Wellington Flats, soil. Will take 81,500 If sold Joseph Freud, Jos. Keusch and cures. It surpasses any other salve, lo ­ day with Prin. E. J. Leddick and Mrs. soon. If yon want a place to Louis Goerge took Freund Sc Cook ’s tion, ointment or balm for cuts, corns, C. B. Shackleton as teachers. The en­ GRAND RAPIDS - - MICH. make money off of, and one that new Huber engine to Lansing a few burns, boils, sores, felons, ulcers, tet­ rollment of pupils in the primary de- The Clinton Independent days ago, where they exchanged it for ter, salt rheum, fever sores, chapped artment being 32 and in the grammar will grow in value fast, don't another. The first engine did not work hands, skin eruption; infallible for Separtment 38. Several pupils of We Do Fine Job Printing miss this opportnnlty. and Michigan Farmer to the entire satisfaction of the pur­ Pilea Cure guaranteed. Only 25c, at foreign schools have entered the high chasers. Fildew Sc Millman's drug store. school this year. at this Office. GEORGE S. CORBIT, To Jannary 1,1904, at this office, 35c.