) HAltlOI WIAntm I "'"l'er.. t Ul'M ror u. ,.. ~r•M •n dl• Newwort ~ HARBOR 1 • • • "' • ...,. IUOB WW "f '' J11n 11 J2 H IO I " 1;i _ HM \ J,.,... .. 72 ~ I 11 1~ \ 7, 18 82 .hint HI, ralnfalJ. =-~PR SSS \ I ' f•uw• 16 17 M J l)tl• 17 89 ...'8 I •\ Jun11 1118 ~ I I PBONJ: Olllole '•II lSu..>n. 11 ••. Ldt ~lat YEAR-NUMBER 45 NEWPORT BEACH. CALIJ'ORNIA. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18, 1968 M.33o 10 CZNTS ) • • I 641 I ..... U.S. Official Affirms Santa Ana .Air Base Story * * * * * * * * * City Faces 1Jet Air .Base Story Based On Air Guard Gov't Facts, Official Admits to Receive Unbalanced TbP r<>ntrovf!rslal _,.. .tA>r)' of poealble plan" to actfftte the old Suta AM Air Bue u a jfot facWty, carried la lut Wf'CIDNda) '• edJUoa of U.. Newpon Bar­ bor Nrw•PrMs. wu ooa.ftnud yNt#rday by a Ualted 8tate. otftalal M .... a '59 Budget true Md attunte l"f'port of fact. ~d by a 1talf JDMtber of the Oorpe ol 51cre Site En.(iD~n, l!. S, Anny, With Mayor J&lrU!e 8todd&f\l Thfl ittol"y bad bfton labeled M falae and a oomplete fabricatloa by aa oppoel­ oa record ... oppoMd to &dOJ•I • tlon IM'•Hpapt"r. lnir an unbal&nt'Ald but11t•l, r• In made y.ierday to Tom vi.inn• a pproved by Ctly Cn•1n· a 11tat.f1nt.nt New•.,.,,_ Edttol' 11aticJlff11, loe Aabarf, clJ M••n1lav nlpt durlnir a rrlll· efHf'f of th.- ttt.hnk-al Ua.baon bl'IUldt of Loe ~ Dlatrtet. Oof"Ptl of ~ t'&I anlllY"" of pmp< • ~t'tl •pr1v l· t . S. Arm~. Aid: lnir will lip lti. hirun•• 1ntn the rl'<I by .. .,n• '30,7111, 11 " ... "Th,. "tai..m.. ab N'1t•rdtn1 dWI poeUbl• tllM' of the Santa Ana Al.r Bue lD 0-ta lndlc &te<l today Mf'Ma for a jf't air facJHty w.roe made b7 mem~"' of ea.r .ta.ff from blfo....U­ 01 thla amount, Jli i ll • ~ U1• thf'y had at that limfl whkh bu ehMle fl"OW!d to be bltooJTeot. addlllun&I amount nffci.-<I for a (See tull·unil' a f('()llnt clerk In the 8TATDIENT Pap A-t ct\y tre&llUl'f'r'1 offlc• , 51:1,MO tot beach f'Alrol u~ruoea to r the pollc• dl'p&rtmmt 59.000 u l COURSE OF TRUE Memorial Park •palt paynwnl for a ~ tlre Mayor Orders cMp&rtm•nl tru1-k, M .000 "1r a LOVE HAS DETOUR. VIA WAY OF JAIL • ;::~~t~~ ~ 'Cra<Wown' 1'-1111 '"" ....... c1-nup llteratur.. I tmoothly Polk• apprllbmded a lt wu t.a. moond pubJlc: lie'- •n. "di )'~ VeoMttg ...... In( B on t.IW docum.nt ot a...... o n ea es NllO Mftf~~ at three 'nl:e tbl&J he&rtn( trW man Monda7 ~ ..C be eonduct.ed at 7 JO p. nl. l bt10ked him - ...... ~ Vlliw • srW ~ • 1M MoMay N.ws-t 8-cb City OowlcJI irrand tWl • •at m.-... M1'M "' rt:W Pll&l4£NT M.fmd&7 ordenid a -.ppect • up tnt. o..,.., ...... Y"IM'da7 ........ -.V .............. at~ o.ptl.9 ol.9n.ltve publld\y Pl'Of'"'m M enton:.meot ot 8w.-on, &lllO .t Me!teU.. Umr ......... twe ...... talud Uat lbe M&rtnr wu to be h.ald, !Madi rwS'll&tlnna u ){ay« Beuh. appea!'M W.. ,.. "' ~ CllMt ~ .. ,.. onJy non.Qty i-nona tum..i Jam. Stoddard tnnl Oil r9t'OT'd 1~ lite 1WN te .__. ... cma .........,,,n.Uontor•• up Of lh-. R&Jpb Mllltt and fa~ "mm a.rrtoata" ot Yio­ Sh• MM ... Md .... Clle ..-St fDld ....,. wtU. Ull Ol"­ ht ....1t e ~rrwnttd tbe <'ham- !&ton and " frowu wa.mlnp " nl(hl ln Oraap ~ Jail &1119 0oaaty 'PkaaJ.nc 0 I ' ber Of <'nmm• n'• In a nnt her ''The cou.nct.I la 't'CI')' ..noua <>n a dnmk dlu9e ... m&tlu ant1 •I ~ .. anon u about cool.roUtnc ~ rowdy ,.,,._ .... r<JC11dn'l Wbw mdq OllfX)IUNO TD BAY BOAT TLU'PIO la Ken Byl.Wby, • bly ua'-ted by rounrU a ctl'd upon It. The t &Jn - m«ll.8 on our ~ " he d•· wh"" ll2ait Md m..I Ott Uy ot Counrtlman H&nPy lorn- eland. " We want people lo wtf•, Connie. Ken'• iron lune la placed by an open French window over-looking .Wien rttpOrt. the entire bay front. He wu llt.ricken with poliomyelilLI In UM8. and bu been '" acOOW\l..S tor t.bNe ~ ln learn _.,. qWckl7 •• &re not I.be alldl~ t.o be tnn.d lFStlL ~ ar- WlMQ told ~ ............ name, .._ ~ u.D&bW to•~•~ aince that time. - N ...Pre. Photo Tbe r~ -.t In raUMlr ,..... pnrnde _.. money to ..a. ..._ '"Ob. l'IO. ~ Be ...... CIWll llllenoe u -=tiOna ot Ula help Gal tbe bud.-, wvrunp a.-. budpl wer. t&bn up tndl'rid· do not.• aiars- _.. ...... ITEN YEARS IN IRON LUNG u&Jly. OnJy Goeptlon ,,,.. O>I.. In COQJllDCUan wtUI tbe 'P-' apoloclm ._.. _.. ... ui. Fire Rings 01 Ant'ly Smtth. a form• oouneU- up ol A&rtJnc a J4~ patrol COUrM at ._ - ...... man, who llv.-1 up the p~ at the ~ ~ o""-'e4 t.o ,._... tu .... I Qllld City Beaches CMd1np eom..wtlat wtth rwpeat· the PoUce ~t ~ I Vidim of Polio 'Living II ed obJ~UllNI to mtnOT' vrpendi- rat-4 to U M,4•7, an lN',._ tw-.. at JlJ,MO t.o pay tor 7000 m&JI M Co Draw Protests By dep&l"Unenta Ill the bud(· houn ot ~ police time IW- esa 11cil nre rlncw on the c11y·1 i-t"h· el, commenll and c b an c r • ..._ will i,. ulillAd IArplY Up' on in were to man the l"O&.mJ.q be&cll pa- \ 4'9 hlirhll(hted lut nl(ht'a mttt· 1 Vacation Balboa inc ut 111e Pa1tr.a. ~·· hre and fly H -\JW.A R r.r rn0MAa Fatti. 10 and Mllile. 11. an "ll•· Ool smJtb ~ • MOO Ll"Ola. M1m Item ln the Admlnlalrall,,.. cclt7 1be U IO !JU llOW' tor ,..... 011 Name R.toc;r ..lion C:'onun I ••I"". with Inf ll up~ JU.l Ilk • any otbw memlwn o< I.he C- lra l :>:~'J>Orl -r.n y •an In an ln>n lunr .• • for la low• bAflP)' t.lnl IJ on a llWIUnW t1ni.e l'JV.MCft"• otflc:eJ budlwt ~ ~J BMrh 1·nmmwiltv A"1110o lallnn K•n Byll•by and hi• Y>1te. contermn and 1.ra,..1 Ctty M&n· than U.. n U P9I' bour paid nutlnr protf'lltni< l "llt&llv• rl•rut •n ln­ a1~ Rubf'Tt Shelton apl&INd tOI' .,._ roolde pci.Uc4mlll It Change Plan 1 unnl•, are • JWn°lln1 a ten-day There i. a n-.. jor dltfWW\e., at&JI M rtno on lhe 1•1th Sl the ~M allowed lut ,_,. WU -. painted ouL J\Merfte .,.. v &,.a llnn on th• ~v front a t 8&J h.--9'-«, In lhla r&ln!ly fT'OUP Ocf'& n i'ront Lo Mnd hlm to & clty ~I alM> ~ulred t.o work & ('Utatn eo.t.a W.. Ctty CounciJ Mon.­ A \kdl Itll ... tM)t .... Th• a UOC'laUnn lnro"'1""1 ....m - boa. They and lh•lr two children, lhaup ll da.n't cl\&.llc9 In &nJ' oooferent'e &ti the lllUt and t.h&l numbel' ot fl"M houri u pert day dedtn.d to CIOllUDel)t otn­ llM ............... ...... - W'\Y the Ni.K9'f d&.mM of the m1 ..lon •r9 tn•t It had • Pl"""'"'' he planned t.o r o to DaJlu In ot their Job rl.&Uy en the Al.lllUn at~ Ida ......... ,..;tN ~ Oilla a nn1mlttooe to e i<I In 1r11n 1n, l "'" r h lldrf'n pl11} mr: In th• blue t~ n- O«&J year. B• -.id ln otlw>r pb.- of u.. l>f'ach Proiic-1 that ~ lkadl x .. ,,,_,.. ....... <K " • n or d .. tra"l from t.he nor­ oul th" v ~ ol<1 prnhl,.m ~ he aJ'90 iwml to 8&tT&m«1t.o tblll ,.trot prornam, 71 II.pa •r• bt· r11.&n«• the -- ol ITU! 8l. • Inf. Chamber Asks mal, blisy hnrne aim~ f'll f1acaJ )'UT on my ~ U:ac plac(od on ~ . at a r<>lll lw~n Oootel' R.o&d &8d lnrtM Mia. onea ,-., .... ...._ ..-!Y're, wll ~n MJ1 why n,.. nnp 1 m•I pl ~ ln r . rottlrc 1111d 1 oe>11 1hn11l<I be &Jlawfl<I OM accowit cl~rk ' a polltUan Ott $1100, talllnc a ttention that Av. to W..U-utr Drt.,.. AMdated wltb 8&rw and ........... '? ,..._ ..... C"OnVf'l"ll&Uon 1,.tt•n ~"' alioo oubmltt..., Funds for . New ,.,.,. d"letf'd tmm the .nnanae Clrtllktnr, lllt«tnc « 4'Yf'TI ~•nc nw Cou.nrU tndlcat.ed It ._ ~ In the 6rNiosia-t ~ llllr ,mn. lt...w r.-. --*'t by th11 u11nclatkm nrt.. rlnr; \n Air: reddJah hlllrtd K9n Byl- O.partmenl and ..:ldf'd to the an the ~ &tter rln-Cn1 bulcally oppmld to U. ...._ Xuan Lfti-J1 and Jol\n A., vt­ '"-&.ba. 9U1'1'••t ~!'lbl ,. n•m•• for per!< lf'aby, 3!\ vur• of aca. amllN u ('Hy 1"r'M.a11ru' e otrlc•, now -- boww I.I prob.lbU.ed. bul npreMll'd I.be t~ tbat btrt.
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