
I Do Your Laundry ,,,I While .You Space,' 'Eye' Senas Pictures to · u~s. Shop' Hy-Vee

Iowa City', Fin~81 Earth Satellite , ·Weather forecast

24 Hour Coin Mo stly cloudy today, el.aring tonight. Highs to· :Called• Tiros day 38-48. The outloolt for Sunday Is for partlv Operated Laundry cloudy skies and warmer temperatures. , Ql It owon No. 1~ in Series Serving The State University of Iowa and the People of Iowa CitV Kirkwood Midwest Storm First ~sy bli s hed in ~68 Associated Press Leased Wire An d Wirephoto - Herald Tribtme News Service Leased Wire Iowa Cit)', Iowa, Saturday, April 2. 1960 Kwik Kleen To Be Snapped; Will ------:--~---...-.------lcroll from HV-V" Groc.ry Watch World Weather By EARL UBELL D erald T ribune New. Service • NEW YORK - Weather fore· casting by Earlh satellite is on its way: The United States, scoring a notable first, launched an elec· ore 00 anger Ingers tronic eye into orbit at 6:40 a.m. Friday. Already it has snapped a TV-like picture of a Midwest storm. " Tllis is only the beginning. Can Stockpile Nuclear Weapons- Des Moines Tiros, a 270-pound, $12 million oversized "hatbox,'" presages a family of man·made moons called River Forces Nimbus which. starting next year, France Joins 'Atom Club' will keep continuous watch on world·wide weather. B!' B. J . CUTLER announcement that a small plu· to signal France's entry into the 1{000 To Move Now in a tight circular orhit at Berald 'tribune New Setvloe tOnium device had been success· so·called "atomic clUb." fully detonated at 6: 17 a.m. at the 450 miles altitude, Tiro can take PARIS - France's second atomic That rirst device yielded a power Southern Iowa Hamlet explosion, triggered in lhe Sahara Reggan Test Base, about 750 miles equivalent to 60,000 to 70,000 tons of photographs oC two·thirds o( the Desert Friday morning, prove southwest of AlglCrs. TN1" more than three time as Evacuated; Big Sioux Earth's surface, but only when its conclusively that it has the ability The bomb, a prototype, was powerful a the earliest Uniled camera is pointing earthward oh a to build and stockpilc nlilitarily· authoritatively des crib d as much States atomic bombs. Friday's ex­ C ~ nfined to Lowlands sunlit region. Although Tiros pass· usable nuclear weapons. smaller. lightcr. and less powerful plosion was said to have been DES MOINES t.fI _ The Des This Is the conclusion of French lhan Ule bulky device which was smaller than the Hiroshima-lype Moines River reached record es over !tussia and China, its cam· and foreign experts hcre after thc explodcd at tl~ same base Feb. 13 era is too fuzzy for military re:on· bombs. pring level Friday and forced MindIul of tbe bitter reactions of about 1,000 persons in the Des I naisance. * * African nations to its nuclear tests, Moines area to leave their homes, I Although Tiros will stay in orbit * * * * 130x the Government stated that " all Southwest sections of Iowa also 49' for two decades and its sol ar precautions were naturally taken were being battered by nood wat­ Flavors powered electronic equipment Says A-Bomb Test Won/f so thaI the fallout would not pre· ers, and t~e hamlet of Bartlett sent any danger to the popula· was evacuated when the Missouri may last for y.ars, its w.ath. r lions." River threatened to nood the area. :::~ . usefulness may ext. nd only three 4 35' Alter Russ-French Relations Unlike the first device which Th. Big Sioux River in north- FRUIT months. That's because there is was ~x plod e d at the top of a 336· west Iowa was fer over its bankl no way of pointing the camera By DAROLD POWERS Kwame Nkrumah per,onally con· Coot steel tower, Friday's te t took but most of tN flood ing there Waterloo 'Lady' Gets Feet Wet at a selected spot on Earth. StaH Writer tributed over $1.000 to th e fund place on a stand near ground level. was in the lowlands. AI L 4 ~:~s '$1 raised by the Ghana Council for It was explained that technicians Northern sections oC Marshall· Th. r. was some ruemblanc;. b.tween Waterloo and Sailors Park in Waterloo got her feet As the satellite goes around its France's A-bomb tests will not uclear Disarmaml'nt for the Sa· wanted to study the crater it pro- town in ce.ntral [owa were flooded on the Cedar River and the New York harbor wet in the flooding stream.-AP Wirephoto orbit. the eyes point in one direc· affect Franco·Russian relations, duced - a question of obvious mili· by the Iowa River. About 250 per­ hara team. Friday IS the Statu. of Liberty in Soldiers 402 Count 39¢ tion in space. In three months that according to Jean Beliard, French Referring to t he visit of Khru­ tary significance. sons there soughl shelter on higher 2 Boxes eye will be pointing out into space consul-general Crom Chicago. shchev to France and his warnings Defense Ministry ofricials said ground. most of the time or at a dark At a press conlercnce Friday, to tbe French people about the the weather conditions were sllch The Des Moines River reached Beliard recalled that 233 nuclear To Arrive Friday- Luncheon Meat Earth. In six months to nine rearmament of West Germany, that the fallout woul!! be concen- 25 feet, breaking the previous bombs have been set oCf by the Beliard said it will calise "a mere trated in the Reggan area, which is spring high of 23.8 feet in a 1951 months, the satellite may be United States. Britain and Russia I 12-0z.Can ripple on the waler" of Franco· sparsely inhabit~d desert territory. flood . 39' "good" again. before the French set off their Germal') relations. The mushroom shaped cloud was The river was confined by lev· first bomb on Feb. 13. Nimbus will be ·better. A small He said Khrushchev wasn't reported to have drifted to U~ ees in the city of Des Moines, but Yellow "Runia's bomb tests didn't Set Plans for Mitchell Visit jet engine aboard will constantly so u thea t oxer the Tanezrouft, the spread out above and below the aHect relations between Russia needed to remind the Frenchmen that they did poorly against uninhabited "desert of thirst." city. Officials carried many resi- RN 2 ~~g2 3 ¢ correct the orientation and keep and France," Beliard added. Final plans are crystallizing for 7:30 p.m. April 8 in Macbride Audi· day at Iowa Memorial Union, Any Germany in 1914 and 1940. The explosion had been planned "ents of those areas to saIety in the arrival in Iowa City of James torium. Sponsored by five national tickets remaining Wednesday will the camera pointed dircctly at the Asked about Africa's protest (or Thursday morning, but was boats. Sea CHUNK Earth. Furthermore, launchcd m against the French bomb tests, "But we don't feel Germany can P. Mitche ll, U.S. Secretary of railway brotherhoods, the in titute be available to the gen ral public. become a menace," h explaJned. postponoQ lor ~4. hours (or belt r " I ha... thr.. cars, a trvc.k Labor, who will be here Aprijg.9 t(1 will be '''Condu cted , by the SUI Bu· The Secrelar,y o( Labor is sched· 6t.-Oz. a pole·to·pole orbit, Nimbus will Beliard sald headlines of protest 59( "We have the greatest faith in wind condition! to reduce the and two combines back th. re," participate in a Railway Operating reau of Labor and Management. A uled to arrive In Iowa City by car Cans . had appeared in newspapers in chance radioactive fallout on in· said James Mason', _ of the 2 "see" the whole planet. Adenauer's policies," be Brolherhoods' Institute at SUI. limited number of tickets for the from Davenport at L1 a.m . April 8. only Egypt and Ghana. He said habited localities. persons forc.d to fI... "We got Tiros, launched by a Thor-Able Reporting on the European MitchelJ will sneak at a general talk will 00 available for sur stu· He will speak to a combined Iowa lhis was true in Egypl because it No further French tests are like- nothing out. The water'. flv. rocket Cro'm Cape Canaveral, flies was being "prodded by our enem· Economic Community, Beliard assembly session of the institute at dents and (acuIty members Tues· Oity Service Club luncheon at the Iy to take place before the fall, feet d.. p in the house and is Hotel Jefferson at noon. A press CansTa~l 29' in a 99.15 minute orbit which reach­ ies" and that Ghana felt perSOll' doubted that its effect - through ----~------2 lowered inter-European tariffs­ military author~ties said. From running over the hood of mv conference will follow the luncheon. es latitude 50 degrees south. Vary. ally insulted because it bordered mid·April to Oct. 1 wind conditions trutk." on the Sahara. would b<' to lower prices of goods Mitchell will tour the SUI campus ing between 435 miles altitude and. and tbe intense desert heat around One farmer, leading nine horses However, the French consul·gen· exported to the United States in S. Africa Police Alert during the afternoon with Univer­ Raggen arc not favorable for nu- (rom his flooded barn, said "don't Tall $1 468 miles. the orbit is the closest eral explained thal Ghana's border competition with American indus­ si ty officials including Allin \V. Da· Cans clear eX!llosions. you use my name. I may want to HTNS - LONDON Observ.r S ... lco in the use of .38 pistol and .03 4 to a circle ever achieved by any is 1200 miles from the test site try. He mentioned that 1,000 U.S. kin, sur administrative dean, and With its two test , France has sell this place." JOHANNESBURG, SOllth Africa I Lee·Enfield riCIes as well as Provost Harvey H. Davis. At 4 man·made moon. whereas Los Angeles is only some firms have subSidiaries in the Economic Community area. apparently acquired tile know·hQw Sandbags were used to streng· - Armed polIce in South Africa courses in law and police admin· p.m. the presidents of the five op­ Tiros geh its name from an 30\)·odd miles from the Nevada ite to produce atonlic bombs, ranging then levees in the city. In one where the United States tests nu· American tou rists t his summer lour the townships, alerl Cor any istration. In their anti·riol training erating brotherhoods will hold a a bbreviation of television and (rom city busters to tactical wea. residential area near the river, sign o( fresh trouble, but anxious Lhey are taught to use sten guns. reception in Mitchell's honor at clear devices. will gain from France's re~. nt pons for purposeful use. Leaving no four women filled sandbags for 30 intra·red observation satellit. Referring to an international switch to the new franc, he ex­ not to have further bloodshed on Brig. C. J . Els, the administra· the Hotel Jefferson. doubt about where the country men carrying them to the levee. their hands. Th~ five brotherhood presidents (Nimbus is the name of a clou!i). bomb·pact team w h i ~h had at­ plained, since the U.S. doll ar tive o[ficer for recruitment and stood, a Defense official said: About 100 National Guard troops The strength of the police forces will also sponsor a dinner for the Tiros II, scheduled for later this tempted to .nter the Sahara as now buys more francs. He said "This second device was much were repairing threatened levees training, insists lhat it is repeated­ a witness against the bomb test, he knew of 1,000 French hotels in the union is 25,900, which is ly impressed on every member of Secretary of Labor at the Univer. year, will have an Intra·r.d ,de. less powerful than. the first. I can In other sections. about one for every 570 o( the sity Athletic Club prior to his ad· Bellard said he hoped they would at wh i~ h room and meals cost tbe force that "firearms must be also tell you that it was much F l' e m 0 n t County Sheriff Al vice not includ.d In Tiro. I for not be admitted, as they would country's 15 million people. The used only as a last resort." dress in Macbride Auditorium. SUI less than ~6 per day. smaller. It's dimensions and weight Christopher ordered the 90 or so m. asuring temperatures on the be quite unhappy if they were forces are fairly evenly divided by radio station WSUI will broadcast Regardless o( whether Algerians would make it possible for a very residents of Bartlett to evacuate Whites can be recruited from Mitchell 's talk at 7:30 p.m. Earth', surfac•. near the test site at the time of the color of their skins: 12 ,600 vote for independence, integration small number of adaptations to when flood waters from the swol· lhe age of 16 to 35 , non-whites be· Members oC the John on County the detonation. white and 13,300 non·white. Together, the cloud pictures and 'or association with metropolitan make it militarily usable. len Missouri River began back- Recruits get special instruction t ween the ages o( 20 and 35. Republican Central Committee and temperatures, should give weath­ The February issue of Libera· France, as offered by de Gaulle, Apparently a number of technical ing up near that little town. ill mob control during a training Whltes under 18 are given shelt· other Republican leaders in east­ ermen the most complete picture tion magazine reported that the France would continue to pour \ t improvements were used in the Christopher said It appear.d course of six months. Their ordin· ered indoor jobs, but at 18 they ern J owa will hold a breakfast for ever obtained of world weather. team - which included French, billions of (rancs into Algeria. test. Officials said they used a that the towns of Percivel and ary train ing incl udes instructi on ca n take duty anywhere. Milchell at 8: 15 a.m. at the Hotel Dr. Harry Wexler, the U.S. Weath­ American, British and A[rican pa· Beliard declared. He said de new triggering system, in which a McPaul jUlt south of Bartlett, Jcfferson on April 9. The Secre­ er Bureau's chief mete9rologist. cifists - had been stopped by Gaulle prefers the association al­ smaller quantity of conventional also would have to .,. .vacuated tary will leave Iowa City by plane said aCter seeing the pictures that French police and sol diers just in· ternative. explosive was needed to bring the as the flood contInued. at 10:45 a.m. Cor Wichita, Kan. • • 001. 29~ Tiros had proved that a space side French territory in the Up­ Beliard said the tunnel under tIle plutonium together, into the Most of the flooding was caused weather observatory is feasible. per Volta and seven of its memo English Channel should be com­ "critical mass," which unleashed by the cracking of small levees Indian Drama No scientist woul d predict the bers arrested and deported to pleted in three years and .that the nuclear explosion. w~i ch were built to protect the ultimate value oC Nimbus, although Ghana, on their second attempt travel by train through it between Although F;,ance has arrived areas. Monument· some believe that it may revolu­ to travel to the test site. Libera­ France and England would be later than lhe United States, the A Shenandoah Njltional Gua rd tioni ze weather' prediction and tion said. Ghana Prime Minister [aster than by plane. Soviet Union, and Britain in the llnit which had been protecting Opens Thursday control. For example : --~------atomic bomb iield, it seems to Bartlett retreated early Friday Design Contest Scientists have never really ob­ have done so with a hi gh degree when water started pouring over a Missouri River dike. By HILDA REGIER who symbolizes truth, who has served the birth o[ a hurricane. A of technical proficiency and pos· never appeared outside his dark 'weather satellite could watch its sibly some advances. Hamburg was not believed ser· Staff Writ.r chamber. The queen's desire to see develppment from an innocuous· iously threatened although Gov. Opens Monday COCONUT Herschel LoveleS$ dispatched a Tickets go on sale Monday for the king leads the plot through a looking Caribbean storm. With the "The King of the Dark Chamber," knowledge, weathermen may learn National Guard unit to the area to spring festival and a war. At the E ntries in the annual Corn Mon­ keep the levees and dikes at Cull how to break up a baby hurricane Applications a play by Rabindranath Tagore, play's end the queen realizes that ument Design Conlest will be ac­ W strength, applying sandbags where cepted star ting Monday through before it grows to adul thood. which will be presented April 7, they were needed. truth can only be known intuitively May 14, according to Robert 8 and 9 in Old Armory's Studio S .. each 69~ The first picturts transmitt.d Planes new over the area F ri· in the dark chamber of the heart. Johannsen, E3, Gladbrook , chair· to Fott Monmouth, N.J., cover· Still Available day searching Cor isolated farmers Theatre. Indian drama is essentially a man 01 the contest committee. ed an area of 640,000 square miles who needed help. Avail able at the Ticket Reserva· theater of the idea, says Shah. The co rn monument, a tradi­ and centered on sev.n islands The Big Sioux River cr'Hfecl at tion Desk, Iowa Memorial Union tion at SUI's Homeeonling, is near the mouth of the St. Law ~ Patterned movements, particularly erected each year on the west 22.2 at H_a~n earlv Fri· East Lobby, tickets may be ob· rene.. They allO Ihow.d the For DI Editor of the hands, convey ideas and side of Old Capitol by engi neering day about 7 fHt above the previ· tained by students upon presenta' cloud cDver over the area with OUI record high. The water tion of ID cards and by non·stu· cmotions. Characters and chorus students. It is supposed to be set IlInd messes and wat.r providing The editor of The Daily Iowan meml:>ers portray i4eas as well as on fire if Iowa wins the Home· for the term of May 16, 1960 .u",ed into lurrounding ' I_­ dents Cor 75 cents each. to 6 p.m. a bl.ck background. lands, cauling much damave to spirits of nature. Roles of the coming foo tball game. Next year's through May 15, 1961 will be chosen The Indian drama is being di· Homecoming game is wi th Pur­ Actually, the wide angle camera farmland but not threatening chorus members are not static out April 13 by the Board of Trustees rected hv Krishn a Shah, G. Bom­ due Oct. 22. can take a strip of 32 still pictures the town of Haward.~ spift (rom one characterization to of Student Publications, Inc, bay, India, in partial fulfillment another. At one time the chorus The rules of the contest are: 800 miles wide and 3,500 miles Appli cations (or the position The river also was over its of M.A. degrce requirements. Faculty, students. and all resi­ long. That's enough to get the symbolizes flowers and at another must be flied at the School of banks at Akron and was expected Shah will direet a producti on ot dents of Iowa City are eligible to weather picture of half the Unit· names of fire. Journalism Office, 205 Communica. to reach a 22-foot crest Friday "The King of the Dark Cha mber " enter ; entries must be sent to ·t he ed States in one orbital pass. A Choreograpber lor the Indian folk tions Center , before Wednesday, night. In an oU·Broadway theatre in Ne~ Dean's Office in the EngineerinJ narrow angle camera can con­ dances for the SUI produclion is April 6. Officials in Sioux City said they York next Septemper. The pro· Building ; and entries must be in centrate .on a smaH area within the Penny Thomas l rom Bombay, Applications should include a did not believe Sioux City would ducer [or the off·Broadway stag· the form of sketches, detailed wide angle camera's view. India, who is a graduate of Drake leliter Crom the registrar giving be flooded when the flood waters ing plans to see the fi nal perfor­ drawings, or pictorial drawings. The image caljght by, the lens is University, Des Moin es. ' Miss current cumulative grade point reached there because of the low mance of the play here. They New The designer of the monument stored electronically on a vidicon Thomas pl ayed the leading role in finally picked for constructiol\ will a verage. Details regarding applica- stage of the Missouri River. They York production is being planned "Shakllntala," another Indian tube screen. Next, th e stored pic­ tion procedure are available at the said if the Missouri doesn't rise receive a prize of $20, Johannsen ~s part of the centennia l celebra· drama , directed by Shah in New said. Second prize will be $S. ture is con verted to electric pulses School or Journalism Office. the Big Sioux would pour quickly tion of the birth of the Indian poet that can be recorded on a magne· York last summer. E ntries will be judged on ori­ into the Missouri where they join and dramatist, Tagore. tic tape. At a radio command [rom The editor of The Daily Iowan without causing serious flooding. ginality, completeness. of deaiiD, A man o( many talents, Tagore Fort Monmouth, or Kaena Point, supervises the n~s ~peration in The I\lwa River went over levetlS BED BUGS AND ROACHES and ease of coostructlon. Hawaii, the tape " plays" the pic· ~nc ral and t~ edi ~or.l al page and in north Marshalltown and invaded was also recoinized as a novelist, Johannsen said he hopes a large ture over the radiO . Its contents tn particular, John a residential area forcing resl. literary critic, educator, painter, KINGSTON, Jamaica lA'I '- This number of people will enter the 125,000 On the ~round the radio signals Harrison, . publisher of The Daily dents to evacuate. ' AJ; Tama, the musician, religious leader and so­ city of is without fire­ contest. "In the past." he said, are con verted to television pic· Ike Shows Photos Iowan, saJd. river caused a few families on the cial reformer. fi ghters. Firemen struck Thursday "participation bas not been too night, claiming their demands for good," I,)ut added that fInt prize tures which can then be photo· PrHld.nt Eisenhower d11p1aYI four photo,rlph. INd. bv t+te The edlwr establishes and is Mesquakie Indian ReservaUon to In "The King 01. the Dark Cham­ more pay and improved Hving can· Is $5 more "this year, which may graphed On rum. The scientists _.rh.r.. v. lateillte hurl.d Into orbit areund the Elrth Friday. Th. responsible lor the editorial and leave their homes. bel'," written in 1910, Tagore al­ also put devices for sensing the news policy 01. the paper. H~ , in Too Skunk River broke througb legorically ~icts the struggle be· ditions have been Ignored. One tlf be an added incentive. White HOUle said the dark area at I_.r right in the photos II the sun and the horizon aboard Tiros. turn, is responsible to Student about 200 feet of a levee in north tween the iDdividual and the BOul their complaints is that the station "The more people Ithat enter tfie This can tell them which way the Gulf of St. Lawrence. The white I. cloud cov.r. After Mel", the Publications, Inc., ,for any and all Colfax, forcin, some families to of the universe. The action of the beds are infested with bugs and contest," Johannsen laid, " the plcturel, ',ke excl.lmed: "I thl'* Ws • marv.lous cleveI9Pf11ellt." eamera pointed when if ~ook_ the matters they may wish ~ cons.ider, flee. Moat of the #IOO11Di .was COD- play Is set in India in . the tenth the dlnln, tables overrun with better chance we'll have 01 i«UnI -AP Wirephoto a lbOd desip." picture. 1 . . Harrison said. lined to lowlands. century and centers around a killl, roaches. • •

March Gifts and Grants NEW 1960 RENAULT AGUDAS AOHIM' OONGREGATIOII VETERANS H08PITAL CJlAI'IL flOJ E .WalhlJlt,-a .&. Wor. hlp D a.m. 4-DOOR SEDAN Rabbi S... lIe. • .,m. COmIDUDI.D - Flnt •••dlY For SUI Total $781,764 Friel .., Service, 8 p.m . • • • AII.rnal.. with 11111. 1 Hoa•• PREE METHODIST ODAPIL $1496.42 labballl Wo ..hlp. S.lard.,.. D .... Mu ••allne IlDd 3rd AvoDe. Gifts and grants totalling $781,- 076, College of Engineering $103,. Air Force, $9,910; Knights Temp­ · . . The Rev. Jamo. W. II.DI•• , ...... $299 $9.26 764 for research, scholarships a nd 020, College of Nursing $3,925, lar Eye Foundation, $7,500; Ster­ A881'!lIIBLY OF GOD 10 ..... Sanclay Scbeol 411:t S. Clinton St. U ".m. Marulnr Wortb.p DOWN A WEEK student training programs at SUI College of Pharmacy $560, Depart· ling Winthrop Research Institute, ne R.ev. nan MlJler, PUN. "Whlt l\laku Lite Rcalf" were accepted during March by the ment of Speech Pathology $43 ,687, Rensselaer, N.Y., $7,500 ; Uniled Horain( Wonhlp, 11 • . m. 7110 p.lD. SUD d.y EVODlDr lie "I.. EVlDlell.ll0 Servl.e. 1 p,lD . · . . ALLEN IMPORTS State Board of Regents Finance Chemistry Department $32,593, Aircraft Corporation, Win d S 0 r FRIEND 8 1024 1st Ave. NE Psychology Department $38,795. Locks, Conn., $7,000; Gulf Research BETHANT· BAPl'lST. CDUROB N.rvaL Ta.ker, Clerk Committee. B St. " FLUb Avo ., low. CI'y Phone 8·! 8O(l Cedar Ra pids The total includes $407,201 for re­ Among the grants accepted are and Development Co. , Pittsburgh, Unllled MornlDI Worsblp Sen I•• ' :Q Conference Room, Eall IAbltJ. • •ID. • low. MelD.orlal Uale. search projects to be conducted $484,876 from the U.S. Public Penn., $5,1l0,'!i2; Amer ican Chicle Evenlnr Go.pel ServIce, 7:':10 p. ... t:80 I .ID. MeellDr to. Won hi' by SUI professors with the assis­ Health Service for 25 different pro­ Co., Long Island, N.Y., $5,000 ; U",m. R.rul" Ob'lrcb Worship Sonl•• · . . jects at SUI. Other large--giIls and Mu scular Dystrophy Association, CommunloD GD llrl ~ Sunda, .r •• er, GRACE UNITED tance of graduate students, and mon'h. JlISSIONAItY OHUROB I [·1\'/J gi~~ $373,322 for student scholarships grants are Atomic Energy Com­ $4,800 ; Chicago Pump Co" $4 ,480 ; 18tK MUlcaUne Ave. IIBTHEL AFRICAN MBTHODln Rev. R.ymoDd G. S ..hm el, P .....r Starts TODA Vi and training programs. mission , $66,063 ; Lederle Medical Columbus Laboratories Inc." Mel­ OHURCH ' Blblo Shdl' cIa sel COr . 11 are., f:U I" The SUI College of Medicine re­ Faculty Awards, New York. $25,- rose Park, TIl. , $1,200, and Cereal 411 8. ~vernor st. Servl •• 10146 '.ID. The aev. Fred L. FenDT, P.lt., Rev. X , L. Baker, Guell ceived the largest amount among 015.67 ; Puerto Rico Department of Institute Inc" $1 ,000 . 10 a,m. Sundar SobooL 7 p,m. Obolr Pra~tl •• the departments for research and Education, $23,151.93; W. K. Kel· Iowa organizations and indi­ · . . 7:30 p.m, EvenlDr Senlc. CUal8TlAN REFOB.MED OHU ..OB 7:80 p.m., Wedn •• day Pr.,.er ...11 Mil scholarships, totalling $434,267. To­ logg Foundation, $18,636 ; Depart­ viduals making gifts to SUI (lC­ Ooalerenoe "OlD N • • 1 Siudy tals received by other departments ment of Navy, $50,560; National cepted during March are: Iowa Iowa Memorial Unl... · . . Pbone IOS7 BlLUL FOUNDATION include College of Dentistry. $60,. Science Foundation, $14,900; U.S. Bonus Board, $1,800 ; Collins Ra­ Itey. Xenne&h L. Baver' 12Z E .., Mark.t 51. Old Versus New at Hospital dio Co., Cedar Rapids, $371; May­ lervlaea aL 10 ".m. and '2 p.m. F.ld.y 7;80 p.m. Sabbatb Se .. I," tag Co., Newton, $540; Torbert THE OHURCH OF CHBI8T J EHOVAH'S WITNBS81. Dr. John Knott, professor and chairman of the observance of the laboratory which he directs. Drug Co., Dubuque, $500; Lulher 1S18 Kirkwood 21:1 0 H SI. Dr. Knott points out for Mrs. Donna Edgar, 3 South Africans Killed Bill M•• key, Mlnlal•• a p.m. PubliC Addre.. division of electroencephalography (EEG) and Thompson, Rolfe, $100 ; Dr, J. E. ••.m . Bible Siudy , p.m. Wat.hlo .... r Stad,. .' EEG technician, the contrast of the old hand· Salisbury Foundation, Charles 10 •.m . Mornln, Worshl. "Ordained Klnillen 01 Ge'" neurophysiology at SUI's Psychopathic Hospi. , p.m. EveDln, Sen'lce T uesdll.1, 8 p.m., Book Stud, cranked recording apparatus on the left with City, $150; Master Builders of Wed. 1 p.m. Bible. 8'ady FridAY 7:St p.m. Ministry 8,11'" tal, demonstrates the "old and the in new" modern equipment such as that now used at Trying To Free Leaders Iowa , $400 ; Women of the Moose .:St ...... S.rvl.. MooUnr CHURCH OF IESUS CHRIST EEG equipment during the 25th anniversary SUI. No. 509. Iowa City, $50 ; Midwest DURBAN, South Africa (A'I - the native settlement of Cato Man­ OF LATTBR-DAY SAINTS HBNN'ONITE CHUBOB Gnathostatic Research Group, ...~ E. FalrohUd St. 614 Cllrl< st. Carrying clubs, hatchets, and or on the city's outskirts. Ar­ Marshalltown, $751 ; L, H. Pre­ Prles&heod , t a tm . Th. Bn. Wilbur N..,htl,aU, P ..... shavpened pieces of wire, several mored cars, troop carriers, police Sunday Schoel, 10:81 • •m. Sunday Schoo] lIour. 1J :4G a.m. with, M.D .. Ottumwa, $50; Dun· ....r ....eal M.e\IJJ" • p ...... hundred Negroes converged on the riot cars, and soldiers armed with 1~ : . 6 "m. Mornlnl Worthi, - lap Community Chest, $250; Mr . · HA K in, With a Reed in uts Ullnd" SUI EEG' Laboratory In . city jail Friday demanding the re­ fixed 'bayonets rushed in and CHURCH OF THI:. NAZAR ENS , 7:St p.m. Even1Dr Senl .. and Mrs , Norman Pellett, Atlan­ Burllnrton and ClIn.. n Sb. HOUN • lease of their leaders. Tbey argued headed off two groups. Ta.. da,. 8: L5 P.ID .. Ch.n. tic, $}16,50; Harlan Heart and The Rev. H.rold L. KeelleJ'. Pattet · . . against an order to disperse and A third column of men , women Sandal' S.bool. 9:{3 ... m. REOROANIZED CHURCH OF IISUI DOG MAN police opened fire. Three marchers and children outflanked the police Cancer Fund, $1.190 ; Mrs. Henry Moralnr Worship, 10:43 ".m. OJlllJST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS L, Adams, Iowa City, Miss Mar­ 7:S0 p.m. Sanday Evenlnr Sonl •• 221 Me lro.e A .e. CINBMASC:O=e wcre killed and three wounded. and headed down the main Wed., 8:30 p.m. Cbolr Rohea ..al J . D. Anderson, lIIJnlat.. • COtOR b1 DE LUXE 25th Year of Operation tha Whear, Anamosa, and Gardner · . . Cbarch Sobool, 9:80 "m. .""l1li1 Two others were hospitalized thoroughfare of this Indian Ocean THB CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH MOrDIDr WO flblp, 10:80 • . m. witb head wounds. They had not port, South Africa's third City. Philps, M,D., Waterloo. OILn\un and Jefferson SCree" Th 25th anniversary of SUI's cord ings of electrical currents dc- modern electronic apparatus now 10:4G Family Servl.e · . . FABIAN been shot. Marchers forced members of "m SIIARON EVANGELIOAL electroencephalograpllic laboratory veJoped in the brain. The record- being used, 10:45 a.m, Churcb School UN,lTED BRETHERN CHUaOH Leading oppon~nts of the gov­ their own race to join them in the UBt"t!r Than The Unlvern" Kalona. CAROL LYNLEY will be observed today during the 6:80 p.m. Pillrlm Fellowsblp ing are used both as diagnostic The laboratory was moved to ernment's apartheid (racial segre­ display of defiance to white supre­ Rev. Howartl H. Marty, Pal'" PLUS - ACTION spring scientific program of the "tools" in cases oC mcntal or the Department of Psychology in Wednelda7. '7 p.m., Senior Cholr ':30 a.m. Sund ..y S.hooL gat ion ) policies had been takeo to macy laws. Some bystanders were Friday, ':15 p.m., Jalllor Oholr 10:80 ' .m. Worsblp fiRST TIME ON THE SCREEN! Central As ociation oC Elcctroen· neurological di orders and as a East Hall in 1936 and remained Iowa Academy '1:80 ,.m. Evenlnr SUl'la. jail in this week's wave of arrests. lifted bodily into the line of march Tllaradal' 8 p .... Choir ccphalographers. means of sludying the brain and Ulere until 1946, although during and compelled to go on to tbe jail, EVANGELIOAL FREE OI\UROB Electroencephalogram , common­ oC Three columns marched out of OF CORALVlLLE • • its action. most U10se years Dr, Knott where the shooting occurred. After Tbe Rev. W. Iloberl Culbulaon, Pal l" ST. ANDREW PRESBYTERlAII ly referred to as EEG's are re- The laboratory was stabUshed spent a considerable portion of his Sunday School, 9:(5 • •m. ClfURCH that they fled back to their homes. Of Science Worship Service, J1 a..m. BaRnt. aD d '&fe lrose AYe. in Ule Universily's Psychopathic time "running" EEG's Cor the Auto Crash Case Gato Manor has a record of vio­ hA Saviour With a Plan" Unlverally If ollhg Hospital in 1935 as an outgrowth of Depart.ment of Neurology. He oft· 1:80 p. m. EVODIDr Servlo. Bey, BllberL B. Brem, palt,r lence including three riots within · . . ••.m. Cbarob School, 'Ill ,r...... 100 Iowa History, earlier studies in which Dr. Lee en spent half days conducting his Ends When Court the past year. In January, a mob FAITH UNITED OHUROH .Ider Edward Travis, then chairman of experimental work at East Hall, (Evabrell •• 1 .ad Reformed) 10 a.m. Chareh School, 8r4 ,rio.' •• , killed nine policemen on a raiding To Meet Here 1801 Low.r Mus.. llne Rd. under Social Studies the Department of Psychology at with the remainder of his time Dismisses 2 Suits party_ Just 24 hours ago, police B. Eu.ene Webel, P ....., Wednesday. 8:30 p.m. Senl.r Cltolr SUI, had recorded electrical im- devoted to clinical application oC Research on subjects ranging 8:45 • .m. Mornlne Worship Tharsday, 4,10 p..... JaDI.. Oh.lr. "blocked a similar march headed &:46 a.m. Sunday School 10 a.m. W~nblp pulses from muscle tissue and the technique [or physicians at Judge James P. Gaff~ey Friday from the growth of mice under in­ 11 a.m. MorDln,. Worship Teachers To Meet for the Durban jail. ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHUIL Crom the brain. Unive~sity Hospitals. dismissed in Johnson County Dis- creased gravity to the fatigue of · . . MtIJouri Synod The police acted under the gov­ FIRST BAPTIST OBUROB Durmg recent years, Dr. Knott . . , farm tractor drivers will be dis­ tot E, Jefferson The birth of nationalism ~nd the Dr. John R. Knott is now chair- has collaborated 'tll D W It tnet ~urt two auto colliSIOn dam- ernment's new emergency powers Nortb ,Clinton .nd Falrohlld St• . end of "one world" will set Lhe cussed by Iowans attending the bv. O. Tbomu Fattaruso, Minister R eT. Jobn Constabl. man of the Department of Psychi- WI r. . a er age SULt s approaching martial law. Mar, Jtan l\Jub, UnlTeran,. W.rk e a nd 11 • . m . Divine Servlae th me for this year's 38th Annual atry's EEG division and took over R. Ingram, profes~r and h.ead _of The tw'o suits resulted [rom a 72nd annual meeting of the Iowa Wo ... hlp. &:80 a.m. and 10:46 ..... hNew Testament Lawyer" 10 •.m . Sunda,. Sc:bo.l Conference of Teachers of History when Travis left SUI in 1938. anat.omy at SU~, 111 studies 111- collision May 2 between a oa and Academy of Science April 22-23 at "The Creed of Calvary" vol vmg neurological correlates of . . r t:80 a.m. Charoh Scho.L .:80 StadeDI Vespo .. and Social Studies, which will be SUI. o p.m. Yo alb Cbolr · . . Most of the work performed in behovior. The division provides an oil truck on HLghway 153 R~ds Reiect U.S' ST. TBOMAS MORE CHUEL ~tate Clarence H. Lindalli of Iowa wedDesdaJ~ 8:(~ p.'!'" Choir. held at sur. April 8 and 9. the early laboratory was of an special training for resident (formerl.y U.S. HLghway 218), about '05 N. BJverslde Some 100 tcaehcrs from high Proposa I to Open State University, secretary-trea­ FIRST CBRISTIAN CHUROB MODllrnor J. D. Conw&y, Pal tor experimental nature. Today, the physicians in neurology at Un i- three nul es north of Iowa Ci ty .. surer of the Academy, announced 217 B. low. Avo. lIundoy Ma ..... 5: ... 8. 9, 10, 11:80 •••• schools, colleges and universities EEG division conducts a broad versity Hospitals Lloyd F. Nagel, Cedar iRaplds, The Rov. A. C. Hofrlcbtor Jr., Pu tor and 5 p.m. Th. 10 •. m. ma .. I • • HII. throughout Iowa arc cXI)ected to Launching Areas that 182 papers will be llresented Sally A. Smith, Minister of Edaea&lo. .Masl lanr by tbe conrre,atleD. program of service. research and Dr, Knott is ~lso involved in had asked for $115.22 in his suit hy scientists from 14 Iowa cities • :UI a.m. Churcb Sebool tor aU .... D.lly - ':80, 7 aDd 7:80 •. m • attcnd the conference, co-sponsored training. Most oC the division's ef- stUdies with Drs. John C, Mac- Cor damages. .h e alleges resulted 10:30 a.m. Worship · . . GENEV A Lfl - The Uniled and 7 states. " E'crnlLy 11 Now" ST. WENCESLAUS CHUROH by the Department of IIi tory, 61& r;. D.venpor' St. sur forts are of an interdepartmental Queen , Robert B. Kugel and Hans from the CollLslon. The reports on Iowa research 6 p.m. VSF College of Education . Extension nature. Zellweger, from the Department Leonard Dale Krotz, 1828 ~. States offered Friday to throw its 1 p.m, CYF The Rev. Edward W. Nea.H, Pastor satellite launching pads open to will be presented at meetings of Wedneldar, 7 p.m .• CboJr Sunday Ma.. el, 6:30 • .ut,. 8 •.m., 10 ..... Division , and Graduate College, Vi itors at today's meeting will of Pediatrics, and with Dr. Russell Dubuque St., . and HeuHner JI:H a.m. ~d the Academy's specialiled sec· • • • see an exhibit of equipment which Meyers, professor and chairman Company had. f.iled a claun Soviet inspection provided Ule So­ FIltST OHURCH DaUy MalSts, If Lm., '1:88 • .m.. ond the' Iowo Council for Social ~ounte r tions: botany, inorganic and Studies. Dr. Knott and his colleagues de- of the Division of Neurosurgery. and cross petLllon aSki.ng for $80.04 viet Union returns the iavor. The OF CHRIST. SOmNTIST THE· UNITE.D CHUROB . first Soviet reaction was negative. physical chemistry, organic and 122 E, Coller. S'. 180'7 Lower Muscatlne .ltd. SUlowans presiding over confer· signed and built for use in the The EEG division now also pro- for damages .t~ the oil truck that 9 : (~ a,m. Sand.. ,. S.boeL U,S. ambassador Frederick M. biological chemistry, geology, 11 a .m. Lell.D Sermon: IE . lEu«cne Webe), Pador ence sessions will be Samuel p , early days of the lal;/, The old "ides brain-wave readings for Krotz w.as drLvmg, . . " Vnreality" Sanda, Stlhool, 8:fi6 a .m . Eaton made the proposal in an mathematics, physics, psychology Mornlnr W.... hlp. 8:4~ .. Dd U . ... Hays and J. Frank Gilliam, pro' equipment, some of it hand-oper· more than 2,500 patients a year The SImmons, Perrme: Albnght, Wed., 8 p.m. To.llmony MoellDr 7 p.m. EveDlDr WOflhlp aled, contrasts strongly ,willi the at University Hospitals Ellwood and Neff law firm repre- eCfort to pull the lO-nation dis· and zoology. · . fl's Qrs of hi story. and John H. :-______-.:.. ______.:=___-=--...:...____ sented Nagel, Jack C. White was Twenty-one reports on botany FIRST ENGLISH LUTHERAN. CBV ..CB · . armament conference out oC its VubaQue and Mark .. Sis. TalNI'l'T EPISCOPAL CHUROII Haefn er, head of social studies at research will include a discussion 320 E. Ooller. 81. attorney for Krotz and the oil three-week-old stalemate. Rev. Ito, Wln,ate. PalLo-' The Reverend J. B. ".rellne, Reet.r University 'High School. Sundar Servicel. 8, 9, 11 •.m. company. Eaton called (or a permanent of el m diseases in Iowa, a source Rev, &obe!~ L. W.lker, Ch.plalD of blight resistance for soybeans, NOrJer1-9 Ie H ••m. , a.M. JIo)y Communion ban on nuclear-armed space ve­ Sunday School 9 •. m. .:13 .a.m, Family Sorvlc.. Naraor, Doesn/t '1 p .m. Lu.tber Lea,ue Bomb Affect Talks hicles and for a simple on-site in­ and ISlgae which may provide , . Churcb Sch(lol . 350 Expected for Com pu Isory ROTC "fresh air" for space flights. 1 t •• m. Mornln, Prayer PARIS Lfl - Soviet Premier able for the next five months. spection system to prevent viola· FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHlIROR 8:15 p.m Cant.rbary Club Other botany research papers !6 E. Market st. 4: 111 p.m•• Frida,., Jgnlor 011.1, France is determined, however, tions. He also s~gested an ex­ Dr. P. Hewllon Polloa, MInt... , Classical Parley Nikita Khrushchev pursued his To Be Discussed include discussion of flora of three 6:U p,m., Senior ChoIr presummit talks with President to go ahead with nuclear tests change of radar tracking informa­ The Rev. Jerome J . Lekla, ... D: 15 p.m. Dally - Evon In, Pr.yor "Compulsory ROTC" will be dis­ tion to s.upplement control of eastern Iowa parks, effect of light Unlversli7 PuLar · . Some 350 students and teachers an~ . Charles de Gaulle in an apparent­ until an international agreement cussed at the third panel discus· on seed germination, cereal rusts, 9:80 11 • •m . Churcb Scb.ol ST. MARY'S CHURCH from high schools throughout Iowa ly amiable vein Friday while the can be reached on nuclear dis­ launching sites. t:80 .nd 11 a.m. Mornlnr Wer""I, Jefferson and Unn Sil. sion sponsored 'by Union Board's and characleristics of oak trees. "Is God One or Three?" Monslrnor C. H. Melnb.rr, P .. II •• arc expected to register Monday armament. In the meantime this Soviet delegate Valerian Zorin Wed., 7 p.m. Choir rebeanal cloud of France's second atomic SpoUight Series Wednesday at 4 Twenty-seven papers to be 8UDd., lJaoUt 8 a.m., ~:30 •.••• , . ... morning fOL' a one·day Junior explosion dissipated over lhe Sa­ newest member of the atomic dismissed 'the proposal as mean­ · . . 10:15 a.m., 11:80 •. m. p,m. in the River Room of the presented in the field of physics FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Dally - 6:(5 aDd 7:St •.m. Classical League Conference at hara. club, not participating in the Ge· ingless and told the conference Je.flcnoD a.nd Dabuque SII. • • Iowa Memorial Union. the Kremlin wants all-or-nothing include "Geoma g net i c a I I y Dr. L. L. DannlnrloD, MIDlot •• • SUI. Though F(ance ignored warn­ neva talks for a test ban, wants 9:80 a.m. Cbar.h Scheol ST. PATRICK'S OHUROB Dr. Fred L. Fehling, associate Trapped Radiation" by James A. ~2 1 E. Coart SI. The conference, which is spon­ to swell its power closer to that acceptance of the Soviet four-year 9:811 and 11:00 a.m" MorDlnr WOflhlp ings Crom the Soviet leader in ,Professor of German, will be the Van Allen, head of the SUI De· R.... Richard E,aD, Pasler sored by the Iowa Junior Class­ touching off a small plutonium of the United States, Britain and plan for total world disarmament. " This Is Fundamental" Rev. Barr,. Ltnnenbrlnk, .....t ...t guest panelist_ Fehling is the partment of Physics and As. ical League in cooperation with bomb Friday morning, she let it the Soviet Union. • • • SUnday m ..... - 6:80, 8:15, 9:45, U chairman oC the committee ap­ tronomy. Other subjects include rIB.5T UN'lTARlAN SOOIEn and ....m . - Dally 6:45, ' :15 •.•• sur, will be held in Iowa Memor­ be known no further tests are Protests came in as expected low. Ave .•nd GU'erl pointed by the Liberal Arts Col­ a gas exchange system to purify 8'. · . . ial Union. Purpose of the league likely until after this summer's from around the world at the sec­ Student Mother Pu tor Rev. KhoreD Arl .... ZION LUTHERAN CDURCR lege to study the question of com­ air for man in soace and the ':30 Upper SCbocl ' Johnson and Bloern.lo,&oD 8 ... is to further interest in the classics big diplomatic meetings. ond shot, but there was rto public pulsory ROTC. LO:15 Lower Soho.1 Servlcel 8 and '10:10 •.'IIl. HELD OVER! among high school students. Weather conditions at the Reg­ eruption at the turreted Rambouil­ Ta kes Exam wit h the use of waves -in the t ropo· lO :90 •.m . Churoh SerylC8 Sund.y S.hool 9:16 ..... Coffee will be served preceding sphere for communications. II Servehs and the Tyranfty 0' Adoll BIble 01 ... 9:80 a.m. SUI Provost Harvey Davis wiII gane proving ground, deep in AI· let chateau where de Gaulle and Geneva" 7:80 p.m. Flre.lde Club Continuous Shows Dally the discussion . The Space Age wiJ1 he reneclca Box OWe,," O pen 1 : \~ give the opening addres , to be geria, probably will be unCavor- his Soviet guest were deep in such Stor k on t he Way Shows at 1:30-4:00-6:30-9:00 followed by a talk on "Sites in C t D' f 165 by two zoology reporls, including a questions as disarmament, the 0 A baby and an exam grade paper on the growth of and Western Europe" by Prof. Oscar German problem and coexistence. our Isposes mice Nybakken, chairman of the Clas­ The Cact Khrushchev did not Cases During Feb. Term were both winners in a race with hamsters at four times normal gra- Good Listening- • Admission This A\\1'ac\lo, . Hospital Personnel Johnson County District Court the stork this week. vity, Advances in research techni- Ma\\nee·15c Eve, &; Sun,·OOe sics Dt'partment at SUI , The talk pack up and head for Moscow ap­ K\d.d\e s- ~c will be based on Nybakken's tni· To Confer at SUI pcared signHicant. Perhaps it disposed of 165 cases by dismissal Mrs. Lavonne E. Hopkins, A4, ques are also silown in zoology vels abroad. shows he intends to let nothing get or settlement duriBg the February Iowa City, expecting her second projecls-tracers in the blood using Sixty hospital administrators, in the way of the mosl amiable term of the court. 'baby, had a test in Educational radioactivity, ana fine structure oC Today On WSUI Judge James P. Gaffney gave Phychology and Measurements cells using the electron miscro- McCandless To Lead business managers, and accoun­ opening possible for the May 16 THE KING AND I, one of those througJi which they are 'spersed: tants have registered to att nd the summit conference. 460 court orders during the term Ischeduled for 8:30 a,m. last Mon- scope. and decided two divorce cases. day. Early that morning she began Some 300 Iowa high school stu· mol' els from the work table of Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra Minnesota Seminars 4th Annual Institule on Hospital Rodgers and Hammerstein, is conductor Anlal Dorall (10: 15 Accounting and Financial Man­ Judge Gaffney, who presided ~ving labor pains at 10-minute dents are expected to attend the Boyd R. McCandless, dircctor of Albrizio Sculpture over the term, will now go to mtervals, but she decided to take Iowa Junior Academy of Science The Musical for today at 9 a.m. a.m.); President Eisenhower the SUI Child Welfare Research agement April 4 to 6 at SUI. Loren Cocking regrets ha ving to opening the White House Confer· During the three-day SUI con· Marengo and preside over the the test anyway. \ meeting. which will be held at SUI Station, will lead two seminars at Exhibit Ends Sunday Iowa County District Court, which The baby, a 7lh-pound boy, Was in conjunction with the Iowa employ the motion picture sound­ ence on Children and youth last the ni vcr ity of Minnesota in ference they will di scuss hospital track instead of the original-cast week 111:20); THAT program accounting, hospital budgeling and begins its April term Monday. bo~ at 4:30' th~ next morning in Academy of Science sessions. Minneapolis on April 5 and 7. The exhibition of sculplure by Judge H. D. Evans will reopen UDlverslty Hospitals. The 1,500 members of the senior recording, but such a develop­ (11 :45 ); Hancher Award winner Sponsored by the niversity's cost analysis. hospital la" and le­ Humbert Albrizio, professor of art, ment can hardly do damage to Jerry Kinnamon, WSUI 's second gal problems, and utiliZation of District Court here April 11 and Mrs, Hopkin's exam score was Academy include scientists from In titute of Child Development in the Main Gallery oC the Art will preside until September 19, 34, whic~ her ,!nstructor called "a all Iowa colleges and univerSities, the attractive score and the old successive speech champion and Department of Psychology, fina ncial reports. All sessions will Building ends Sunday. story (Anna and lhe King of (12:10 p.m.); and the Wayland be held in Iowa Memorial Union . when Judge Gaffney will return good, sohd B. fr()m industry and high schools. the seminars will deal with "So­ The exhibition is open -to the again. ------~------=------.:~--~~ Siam). School variety show producer, cialization, Sex-typing, and Identi­ The sur conference is being public from 2 to 5 this afternoon Roger Maxwell (12: 30), A fi cation In Children" - how child· sponsored by the Iowa Chapter of and Sunday afternoon. LEFT OVER FROM APRlL SNEAK PREVIEW of the High ren learn to control their behav· the American Association of Hos­ Sponsored by the Student Art German Prof to Talk University Bulletin 'Board FOOL'S DAY are a lot of gags School Drama Conference may ior anti conform to society's ex· pital Accountants. Iowa Hospital Guild. the one-maB show con· Here on Poet Virgil that weren't "pull ed" yesterday. occur at 10;45 a.m. if Broadway "Doors Open 1 :15" Association. Hospital Service Inc. lains 36 pieces. On display are Valnnlt,. ••II.U ..... r" •••• " _ .. II_ " •• t .....t .... Dally J ...... They have been aved and will pectations. Professor Viktor Poeschl, of the .....1 O'•••• I .. U ... C•• I ••, b,...... 1 '100 &aY h.r.ta ,abUe.U-... ft.y and motion picture actor Walter of Iowa, and Associated Hospital .... II. IIy ...... Ift •••• f 'h. "r.Dlsaile. HIaJ be interspersed throughoul CUE, McCandless will also consult sculptural works in wood, .stone, University of Heidelberg, Ger· IT ...... ole." Abel can be corralled upon his with Univer ity of Minnesota Service, Inc., in conjunction with welded steel and bronze, beaten '.IIU...... Panl, _tal ,...... an ••1 aIIallll •••r tIaIt _U.... today from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. arrival in town . He is to be prln· \\{ii,';':I.1 many, will discuss "The Poetic Some of the more serious items graduate students, the SUI Extension Division. lead, and terra cotta. LUTIIERAN STUDENT ASSOCIA· APPLICATIONS for underll1'aduate cipal speaker al the H.S .D.C. Achievement of Virgil" Monday at ICholarshlp. are available In \he Of· NOW • N()W TI0N pro,....m for Sunday at 5 p,m. ~tond .1, April 4, 1000 When you add up all those fea· 8 p.m. in the Senate Chamber, will be " Invest Your Summer." {Ice of Student AIfaJrs bealnnlnl Old Ca,itol, at SUI. G raduate Club will meet at 3:30 p,m, March I . Any Interested studenu In 8:00 Mornini Chapel tures and throw in an occasional on SUnday. Pror. Robert P . Boynton the scholarship progt'am should 8:15 Nows hit by Bob and Ray, it ought to 8 ~&1)a(ly Iowan Sponsored by the SUI Graduate of the PoUtlcal Selenee Department Contact Charles Mason, coordinator. 8:30 IntcrnotiollnL Politics w1l1 dlscuas "The OrllanlzaUon Man," Student aid, for an application. J un. 9:20 Music Fill be a dandy three hours. College and the Department of 1 will be the doadllne for completed 9:30 Bookshelf ACADEMY ..... 2 SATURDAY, APRIL 2, 1960 I... City, I... Classics, the lecture will be open GBEAT FILM SEaLES: The Depart· application., A bout 250 schoi.rship. 9 :~ 5 News nod Weather SATURDAY SUPPLEMENT, ment of Speech and Dramatic Art are available. To be eUIlble (0' tho 10:00 Music AWAlO to the public free of charge. will . how Ihe following tllnu to its Icholarshlps, the candLdate musl 1l:0iI Lnnd of the Hawkeyo thi s being Saturday, will be heard The Dally IOIDlJf\ .. wrUten and ed4ted by IItldentI and .. gocerned by a board ", fWe IfvdenI '""'"' IlecItd bJ Recognized as one of the leading claue.: " A Dancer's WOrld." and meet the aC.demlc requirement oi 11 :15 Mu. lc from 1 p.m. to 4. The Indi an thea· "The Passion of Joan of Arc," These 2.5 or 3.0 depending upon the achoL. 11 :58 New. Ca p, ule NOM!NAfION the IIudent body and four faculty trwfeu appointed by the pruldetd ", the Umo.nuy. The Dd'ly l~', scholars in Roman literature and tum. will be mown Tutsday. April arship. and t how evidence of need. . 12 :00 Rhythm Rambin tre and 0 clas ical play irom its IdIlorl4J policy, then/ore. .. ROt 11ft e:rprunon ", SUI admmlllralion policy or opIn4on.ln",., pGrlIcUl«, thought, Poeschl's work has been 5. at B p,m. In Macbride Auditorium. , 12:30 New. repertOire being produced this BEST • • •. AU Intere.ted University students are UNIVERSITY ()OOPERATIVE BABY· 12:4S New. BacKs,ound cited for presenting new insights Invited to attend. IITTlNGLEAGUE book wlll be In \h.' J:OO Mo. tl y Mu. lc week in lhe Sludio Theatre ·will P icturel ca Uons Center Is open from 8 a.m . charlie of Mr.. Cyr (rom Mar, 23· Ml'!MBER DAILY IOWAN EDITORIAL STAFF into the aims and methods of the 2!00 World of Story be the subject. The play's direct­ Direction! to 5 p.m. Monday throullh Friday 8TUDENTS MAT now enroll Cor Apr. 4, Phone 4559 lor a .ltter or In· 2:15 Let's Turn A Pp8e AUDIT BUREAU EdItor .. . . , ...... Ron Weber and from 8 to 10 a.m. on Saturday. Latin poets. Reedln, Improvement CIa.... which formation before noon or alter , p.m. 2:30 Mostly MUlic or and costumer will be guests Supporting Actorl OF Manallng Editor .. ••. . Ben Blackstock Make·good service on mlased papers will be,1u Monday . April 4. and will 3:5S New. and there hould be an amplo Supporting Actressl News Edll.Or .. .. , ...... Mlek Holmes Is not posslble. but every effort wlU LmRAaY IIdiJBij';--MondlY·J'r1d.y. 4 :,QO Tea 'I'ill1e CIlWULATION8 OPPiCIAL DAILY IULLITIN continue Ihroulh May 13 , Classes will qUilntity of appropriate music. Edll.OrlaJ Ass·t ... Geo. H, WUlJams Jr. be made to OII.rect errors wlltl the meet Mon,-Thurs. at U:30, L;30. 2:30 • 7:30 • . m,·' a,m.; saturday. 1:10 • .m .- 4:58 News Copsule Art Dlrection- City Editor,. , •.• , .... , . . Ray Burdick bext Issue. 10 p.r,l 'i Sund.y. 1:30 p.)Tl.·2 a,m. Servo -. and ~ : 3P , ClaN lists are posted outside 5:00 Preview (WSUI's Greg Morris plays /I (Black and Whit.1I Sports Editor ...... Don Forsythe 38 OAT, Siudenu may relister by lee de~KI: Monday·Thursday, ••.m.· 5!i& Sports Time leading role.) PublIshed daily except Sunday and' Society Editor . . .. , ...... Anne Wa rner MEMBER 01 tb. ASSOCIATED PRESS Unlv.rslty qnIn. clue rell.ler, 10 ",.m.; FrIday .nd Saturd.y, •• ,m .· 5!80 News Costume Designl Monday and legal hoUdays by Stu· Chic! Photocrapher"., .. . Tom Hoffer The A.. oci.ted Press Is entitied ex· , ~ a p.m.; Sunday", p.m.·S p,m, ReNrv. 5:45 Edllorlnl POlle (Black and White II dent PubllcaUons. Inc,. Communica­ clusively to the use lor ,..,pul~lic.tlon ne.k: Regular oura plul Frjday, Sat­ 6:00 Evenlnll Concert TUE BLUES, THE BLUES, VITERANS, Each Public Law SSO urday, and Sundey. 7 p.m,-IO p.m. Cinematograpl\y tions Cenler. Iowa Clly. Iowa. En­ DAlLY IOWAN ADVEBTI8ING STAFF of all the local new! prInted In this vet..-an and Publl. Law 6301 bene· 6:00 Evenlnll Featu"e THE BLUES : Ninety minutes of Ic,'ed .s second class matler at the newspaper as weU as aU AP newa Calendar tlclary must ai\ll1 • certificate to 9:00 '!'rIo (Black and White)1 BusineSs Manager and dupatches. a&VBEATJONAL IWDll1IDIO for aD 9:4S New. Finn I 'em might be a lot; but there post omc. at Iowa Cily. under the cover his attendance from March wom.n Itudenl. will be on Monda" Musical Score - act ' oC Conllr. o f March 2. 1879. Advertising Director ...... Mel Adami I 10 March 31. 11180, The form will be 10 :00 SIGN OFF arc so many varieties to be ------s.turcNy"AprlI2 available In the balement haUway ot Wedneoday, Thund.y, .nd Frld." ' (Comedy or Dramall AdverU.ioll Manager ...... 1.y WUson DAILY IOWAN 8UPERVISORS FROM from 4:10 to 1:18 .t \he Women', Satarday, April :, llH10 tackled that Tea Time Special Relail Adv. Mgt'. .. _.... . ' .D.ve Orren SCHOOL OF JOURNA'<1 SM FAOULTY 8 p.m. - University Theatre - Unlvel'lity Hall beglnnlnll Friday, Gym. 0 ~ DIAL 4191 from noon to mldnlllht to Publlsh"r ...... John M. Harr\&on April 1. and alliin on April ~ and 5, 8:00 Mornl"g ChApel may be expect d to have a high· Classified Adv. Mlrr. Gordon Anthony •"An Old Beat Up Woman" Houn are 8;30 a.m .• 12 noon and 1 • report news item.. women's PAle Editorial. ' ...... ArthUr M. Sandenon NOBTB GTlIINA81UM of the rtela· 8:L5 News ly dcpressant ef[cct. Obtain tran­ THEOIARVOF Item. . for announcel)lent to The Assistant Classified Adveni'inll .. .. , , .. . , . .. John Kotimen Monday, AprIl 4 4:30 p.m. house will b whrn they tnkc DIAL 4191 If ynu do' not r';"elve your months. $3; all olhor mall ~ub ~ edp· L •• U. G. Moe ller. School 01 JOIIl'llnl­ 8 p.m, - Studio Theatre - "T11o Wednesttny, April 8. Ortoll. rel!orrlln. opened for UK. b, .Iudent. on Mon· n o o~ Mu Ie ror IIcloul two-bedroom furnished apart- H I W t d M W 58 6:4G p.m., Son lor C.. olr A Burl Ives' Maureen O'Hara· Ernie Kovacs mcn\.. Prlvale kllchen and entrance. e P an e, en- omen office from 100m to 4 pm, r USED rUll for tralJers and barrack.. Free washln1l f8cllll.l... Utilities P11ld. 6:15 p.m. Doll, - £ .... nIDI' Pr.,.r motion ](OITOW · . . picture Noel Coward' Ralph Richardson· 10 Dlal 3703. '-17 Suitable for 4 IIlrl. Dial 3277. 4·2 SALES CLERK wanted. Excellent hours Monday thru Friday. ST. MARY'S CHURCH as and anlar). Apply In per""n. Lubin" Jettorson aud Lion 811. Dr"lt Slore. fi-2 Mon.I,nor C. H. M.lnb.rr. Pa.lor creative STARTS - APRIL - 7 hod., lIl ...... 6 a.m .. 1:841 a.lII ...... as * ]0,15 •. m .• 11 ,30 •.m. love Dall, - 6:45 and 7:80 a.m. RENT·A-CAR • • • THURSDA¥ BT. PATRICK'S CHURCH OR !U E. Court st. Rev. Richard E,au, Paat.r 59 Kev. Darry Llnnenbrtni:, a.tllisla.t RENT ·A·TRUCK Sunday mallei - 8:80, 8: lli, 9:46, 11 CORNEL WILDE VICTORIA SHAW • COUNSELOR co,metlc•. Mobile Home For Sale 18 WANTED : Woman /~r ca.hler in new 'Dd II •. m. - D.lly 8:U, 1,15 •••• ENGLERT B~~a¥J." ':~9 Lo.. n o((i opening In Iowa City. · . . I "GRAND Pleasant. diversified work. 5':l day UCENSED ZION LllTHERAN CHURCH LAST DAY • "EDGE OF ETERNITY" CANYON COLOR" wcek. Apply room 17. 114''a E. Colle,e. John.on .nd 8100mln,Ioo 8 ... nd Who Does It? 6 1956 RICHARDSON. 35 It. Two-bed­ ..;.;.;.;.;;....;;..;.;;.;;....;.;..;.;.------~ rom1'l.. Excellent condiUon, jncilldes 4-9 Servlcel 8 and 10:10 •.lD . HELD OVER! 2 W~~K Sunday Scbool 9:15 a.m. 4 BIG DAYS 4 BIG DAYS HAGEN'S TV. Guaranteed Television aulOmalic wa8ber. 4097. 4-9 Hertz DR::~;U. System Adult Bible CI ... 9:8e ...... servlne by c ...t!fled man. AnyUme H elp Wanted, Men 60 7:30 p.m. Flre.ld. Club Continuolls Shows Datty - STARTS- - STARTS- 8-1088 or 8-3542 . 4-22R HOUSE trailers (or sale. New and used. Box O(flc~ Open 1: 15 Always the best selecUon in town. Show. at 1:30-4:00-6:30-9:00 p.m. M.AKE cov~red belts. buckle. and but­ Quality MobLie Homes Sales and Serv­ Maintenance electrician wanted for po- MAI1ER BROS. \ IOn •. Sewing machines 10r renl. Sing­ Ice. Located al Forest View Trailer ..ILion with elly at Iowa City. With SUNDAY er Sewlna Cenler. 125 S. Dubuque. Park. Phone 6180 or 7074. '-2R experlance and capabilities In ~Iectrontc ,---• • • • • HEDDA HOPPER 5'''S _ "You mi',. half the dl·al .... u. Phone 2413. 4-15R cqulpmehL, buUdlng and home wiring. Phone 9696 • Admission This Altracllon • , -.. 1952 Brenlwood. Clean. Inexpen&lve . and acnersl maintenance work. $2.75 Mallnee-75c E.e. & Sun.-9Oc _IUse of Ilu,ht,rI" Hair styUng, cuUlne, tlntine, and per- Perfect ior couple. call 6160, leave per hour. Apply City HaU, Iowa City...... , .. '~-".-" Kiddle.-25c manent wavlnl. Flara Halr Falhlon.. mesU1le. 0-1 Iowa. .-% /- Pholle 11631, 4-18 .... 1~8 Spnrtan House Trailer. 28 n . Mod- THJ3l l\IIlGHTlElISIT .i HAWKEYE TltANSFER. tho careful em. Phone 8-4945 evening•. AvailabLe Work Wanted TYPEWRITERS nWSUI l\IIOTlON PICTURE mover•. 1.ocal and long distance mov- In July. 4-8 In,. DI&I 8-:1707 anytime. .-2 EVER. CRElA.'r.BlD r MOBILE HOME SALE Great "'Vlnll' IRONINGS. Reasonable. Prompt serv· • REPAIRS through which they are 'spersed: durlne March ond April on new 1960 Ice. 7481. 5-1 Who Doe. It'r 6 models. Dennis Mobile Home Coun • SALES Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra and Sale, Company. lEa8!). Phone 4791 . DESIGNING AltD SEWING wan led. SpeclaJlzlng In bridal wear. Phone conductor AnlDl Dorati (10: 15 WOODBURN SOUND SERVICE oUers 4-25 8-6242. 4-29 • RENTAU a.m.); President Eisenhower experl HI-n. Auto Radio. and Mono­ Aut/lorlrecl ROYAL 0.111f' opening the White House ConCer· chrome or color TV ..rvlce. 218 Col­ Ignition lele. 8-0151. G-1 PORTABLES STANDARDS cnce Oil Children and Youth last Carburetors PHOTOFINISHING 111:20); GENERATORS STARTERS week THAT program Typing 8 SAVE 20c (11 : 45) ; Hancher Award winner Briggs & StraHan Motor. FAST, CUSTOM SERVICE WIKEL Jerry Kinnamon, WSUl's seeond TYPING. 3174. 5-2R Done in our Own Dlrkroom successive speech champion Pyramid Services TYPEWRITER CO. EXPERIENCED typing. CaU 8-5013 YOUNG'S STUDIO (12: 10 p.m.) ; and the Wayland arter 5 p.m. 5-] 621 S. Dubuque Dial 5723 .... • So. D.".q .. 01.1 ..1151 Z S. Dubuque School variety how producer. Roger Maxwell (12:30l. A SNEAK PREVIEW of the High By MO I' WALK •• School Drama Conference may occur at 10:45 a.m. if Broadway "Doors Open 1: 15" READING STUFF LIKE THAToI5 SUCH and motion picture actor Walter A WASTE OF TIMe. Abel can be corralled upon his \{ii.t!1:1 •• BUT J: GUESS arrival in town. He is to be prin­ IT'S EVERY MAN cipal speaker at the H.S.D.C. TO HI50WN TASTE When you add up all those fea· NOW • NOW tures and throw in an occasional HOII'S AT hit by Bob and Ray. it ought to 8 ) ,llG - :I:ao 5:2U - 7:~O be a dandy three hours. 0:2U . ACADEMY "feature 9:49" SATURDAY SUPPLEMENT, this being Saturday, will be heard AWARD Crom 1 p.m. to 4. The Indian thea· NOMIN ATlONS~ tre and a clas ica! play (rom its repertOire being produced this BEST ...• week in the Studio Theatre will Picture I be the subject. The play's direct­ Direction I or and costumer will be guests Supponing Actor I and there should be an ample Supporting Att'ress I Quantity of appropriate music. An Direttion- (WSUI's Greg Morris plays Il (Black ilnd White)l leading role.) Costum e Design I {Black and Whit.)I THE BLUES, THE BLUES, Cinematography THE BLUES : Nin{'ty minutes of (Blatk and Whit,)) 'em might be a lot ; but there Musical Score - are so many varieties to be ' (Comedy or Drama)1 tackled that Tea Time Special may be expecled to have a high­ ~. THE-LJ ...... 'v ly dcpre sa nt eCrect. Obtain tr.an· qullizers and tunc 1n at 4 p.m.

TITE BLUES (LIVE) will un· Ulnlq MI~lI E PERKINS doubtedly rorm a partial basis for n AN"t FRANK tho appearace of the Behm­ JO SEPH SCH llOKRAUT SHEllE~ WINTERS Marlin jllzz group whrn thry Inko o\'er 11 portion at tonlght's olr at 8 p.m, -. .

'''' 4-THE DAIL., IOWAN-low. tlfy, ' •. -f.f1Jrdty, April 2. 1H1 ,Western Illinois Games Cancelled- Robertson; West LeaCJ Stars A ht.rty "Hellol" Is the tradftn.rk of low. To Olympic Trial Finals I City's fri.ndliest taYern. Stai 9 May Open Monday You're right, Hawk By DAROlD POWERS DENVER IA'! - All·Americas Os· and West with 22 kept California. from Jim Darrow or Bowling Green It's "Doc" Conn.II',' Staff Writ.r Iowa's hopes of opening its 1960 car Robertson and Jerry West Coach Pete Newell's team in front were in front 37-21 with six min· Can Iowa State University aJ baseball campaign today were gunned the NCAA University All· all the way. utcs to iO in the first half. . The Annex Iowa State Teachers College off washed out by a two-inch rainfall Stars to a 103-88 victory over Ak· West, Robertson and DarraH 1m· Dick Boushka, Akron's top scor. liberal arts majors which wou at Macomb, m., Friday night. ron's AAU team in the U.S. OIym· hoff of California pushed the col· er with 19, and George Swyers 26 If. ColI.g, duplicate those offered by SUI? The dQUbleheader scheduled with pic basketball trials Friday night. legians to a lO·point lead in. the rallied the AAU crew within six The Board of Regents, whi Western llJinois had been shifted Robertson, hitting for 29 points, first seven miutes and with. help points at 46.40 but Darrow and Ter. 1------0.1!-... wa a ked a I w weeks ago to " earlier in the day cram Iowa City ------ry Dischinger oC Purdue pushed prove such curriculum chang to Macomb because of the soggy the All·Stlirs ahead so· ..U at hall· for ISU and ISTC, has instruct field here. time. . it.<; finance committee to ask t Hawk.y. Cuch Otto Vog.1 Is Haney Ignores Dres$en/s FOR BIG SAVINGS, Boushka, 6-5 former St. LouIs Attorney General, Norman • til/ ho?eful that MoncI.!' and Erbe, for a legal opinion . Tue.day ,ames with W.... rn ...- University star, teamed with John· IT PAYS ' TO SHOP ny Cox to pull Akron within seven to- committee or the three st. Michi,an can be played. H. in· KLINGER PEDEN BOUGDANOS BACHMAN Mismanagement .Charges school's provosts will report dicated that if rainfall in I_a points early in the second half. IN IOWA CITY the proposed changes ,to the Be< City wa. light today and if the .rly, who did nearly all of the sack. Kewney played last vets, southpaw Al Bachman and LOS ANGELES lA'I - Fred Robertson and West poured it when it meets in Des Mou fi.ld dried up wfficlently the' r.c.ivlng the past.two seasonl. year and will probably see action righthanders Klinger and Dick Haney, just back £rom a triP to on midway of the session to April 14 and 15. W.stern Mldli,an seri.s would Three juniors, Jack Leabo, there again this season. Lewis saw Clauson. Europe, simply can't be bothered the collegian margin to 17 points, SUI Provost Harvey H. Da about anything said by Charley ... played. Chuck Conway and Tom Arnold, some action as an outfielder last MU5utine IOphomo,.. Ron Rei· and the Ohioans, runnerup to AAU said he could not reveal the Dressen, his successor as mana· The ga~ Monday, if played, year and might move into the out· Nrt Is expected to provide a big champion Peoria, never came ture of the report until lhen, I ger of the Milwaukee Braves. . will be the first outdoor work of and a sophomore, Ricllard Mowen er gardeh to solve another of Vo. boost for mound staff. The closer than 11 points the rest or said it would be "very inten til. "What the hell," the amiable but the season {or the Hawkeyes. Vogel are working behind the plate. If gel's problems. ' righthander pitched Muscatine to the way. iog" to see what decision is rna often sharp· tongued Haney said ISTC wants to change its has been drilling his squad in the Vogel cOllld combine their talents The Hawkeyes have two veteran th.... succ'Slive lummer bait· Ohio State's collegiate cham· Friday, " let Dressen pop off." and offer bachelor's Armory in preparation for the 1960 he would have a top.night catcher. outfielders in Jerry Mauren and ball titles. pions turned on the heat in the season. AI Klinger, but the third outfield Haney much preferred to talk closing moments and finally got fields other than Vogel points out that the early Leabo, a good hitter, handles post is up for grabs. Jim Barton and Sam Killinger about his new and lucrative job the best of the NCAA AIl·stars wants to offer B. games will be largely experimental himself well, but has had arm The infield is welI set with a and junior teturnees in the pitch· as a television commentator for 89-79 in the consolation semifinals. English. speech, ing department. Neither lettered the National Broadcasting Com· languages and physical ,because of the lack of outdoor trouble and is not as good a throw· pair of 2.year vets, Don Peden and DRESSEN HANEY The Buckeyes' triumph advanc· work . "I'll try to playas many as er as the olher candidates. Con· Mike Bougdanos, at lhird and as sophomores. pany's weekly major league' base· for women. ball telecasts. ed them into Saturday's consola· SUI President Virgil M. I can to gel a line on somc of our way throws well but isn't the hit· second. Dennis Eder, Howie Friend and saying the Braves lacked spirit, . He was also enthused about the tion finals against Bartlesville, in ,a memo to the trouble spots," he said. ler lhat Leabo is. Arnold and Lettermen Bob Hawk, sophomore Bob Bleakley are other sopho· coac!ting and the pitchers were Okla., an 88-74 victor over the ------...; Vogel has lliettermen back from Mowen show promise but are lack· Bill Iliff and transfer Dale Lang. mores who could see mound duty clinics he and his new TV side· used improperly, among other kick, Lindsey Nelson, conducted Armed Forces All·stars. last year, but has a few holes to ing in experience. behn can handle any of the infield this season. items. the past month for our soldiers in Ohio State's John Havlicek and patch before the Hawkeyes can Another problem cropped up spots. Should the Hawkeyes' games be Germany, and the morale job ,the He did bris~le a bit at a report AIl·America Jerry Lucas proved be labeled erious contenders for when Paul Bonst.ed, hard-hitting The pitching staIC could blossom cancelled Monday and Tuesday that Bob Bubl, a Milwaukee pitch­ the difference. Havlicek sank 26 the Big Ten crown. Army is doing for the troops. outfielder·first baseman, wn de· into one of the strongest Iowa they will, open ApriL 11 at Arizona. A resident of Los Angeles since er, had complained he received points, high for the game, and Lu· Th. bi,g.st probl,m cO'lfront· cla,..d ineligibl.. \ mound crews in recent years. Six games, the annual Easter boyhOod, Haney indicated he was no coaching on bow tl) bunt duro cas grabbed 22 rebounds and made ing Vog.l, starting his 32M y,ar Howard Kennedy, a sophomore Roger Rudeen ,senior righthander, series with the always strong Ari· more amused, in a dry sort of ing the Haney regime. 15 points although he sat out 10 Idle Co at the Hawkey. helm, il flndin, from Omaha, Mike Lewis and' Les heads the pitching corps. zona nine, are scheduled at Tuc· way, with some of the cracks at· "Personally," said Fred, acid· minutes the second half. a catcher to r'plac. Dick W.ath· Kewney are working at the inJtial Rudeen is backed by three other son. tributed to his fellow townsman. ly, "if I'd been playing baseball Bartlesville rebounded from a the outspoken Mr. Dressen. 14 years ['d be ashamed to admit severe beating Thursday night to I Dressen has been quoted as I never learned how to bunt." whip the Armed Forces. It was LOOKING UP • • • • • • By Alan Maver strictly no contest from the be· Raided ., Warfare, Top Nieporte UpS ginning. Phil Murrell, former Drake University star, dumped in , CAPE TOWN, South Africa 'Exhibition Baseball t~o field goals that gave the Okla· Squads of police used clubs, homans a 4-1 advantage they never and gunfire Monday in an Derby Threat, Azalea Margin Orioles 3, Senators 2 Red Sox 8, Giants 6 relinquished. Thi~ Is No to drive rebelliously idling MIAMI, Fla. lA'I - Al Pilarcik Burdy Haldorson, 6-fOQt-8-inch WILMINGTON, N.C. lA'I - Tom PHOENIX, Ariz. (II - Haywood back to work and c1car the slammed three doubles and drove Sullivan drllled a two-run double onetime Colorado star, poured in Nieporte shot a four·under·par 68 of alleged troublemakers. in two runs, including the decisive in the 10th inning Friday to give 17 points for Bartlesville. Fish Story! Injures Leg Witnesses said hundreds Friday to boost his lead to five tally in the fourth inning of[ Tex the an 8-6 vic· Clevenger, to lead the Baltimore That's right! We're not pull· groes apparently were NEW YORK III" - Clifton Jones' strokes after 36 holes of the $15.- tory over the San Francisco Giants. ing your leg a bit When we say WarIare, the unanimous choice as 000 Azalea Open GoU Tournament. Orioles to a 9-2 victory over Wash· Four homers, two of them by Tiger Scores Win that your best advertising buy One witness told of police ington Friday night. 2-year-old champion of 1959 and The Bronxville, N.Y., profession· Willie Kirkland who now leads the in Iowa City is The Daily sjamboks - whips made of rowan. Find out for yoursel{ ... ai's total was 132 against 137 for Jackie Brandt also connected Oactus League with eight, did not On Split D~cision or rubber - on Negroes near one of the leading contenders for safely twice in a lO·hit Oriole at· The market you catch with a runnerup Dow Finsterwald of Te· stave off the Giants' fourth straight don Square in the center lhe Kentucky Derby May 7, was tack against Clevenger and Dago­ defeat. Jimmy Davenport and Or· BOSTON (II - Muscular Dick Daily Iowan ad is bigger! Call questa, Fla., whose 66 was the berto Cuteo, rookie Senators' right· lando eeveda also belted homers. Tiger of Nigeria ripped Argen· 4191 for classified or display city. knocked out of all the 3-year·old best round of a day that pro· service. hander. Boston ...... ()()() 120 021 2- 8 17 1 tina's Victor Zalazar with short. Unofficial reports said cIa sics Friday by a bone chip duced 25 sub·par rounds and 12 Washington . .. ,. 000 100 I~ 2 7 2 San Francisco .. GI' 000 100 ~ 6 12 I damaging punches for a split 10- sons were wounded by in his left hind ankle. even par. Baltimore ...... 200 100 OOx- 3 10 0 Gasale. Muffett (5). FomJeles (71. CI"ven,er. Cueto m, Korcheck: WII· Worthlntrton 19) and H. Sullivan; 0'· round decision Friday night at the when police cordoned off The ailment developed myster· Most of the other first round helm, Hoeft (71 , Stock (91 and Patton. Dell, Monwnt (8), Byerly (8), Shipley Boston Arena. challengers fell ofC tbeir first day W - Wilhelm. L - Cleveneer. nOI and Schmidt. W - Worthlnrton. east and west townships and iously Thursday at Aqueduct, L - Shipley. Tiger, the British Empire mid· Warfare's headquarters in New pace with the result that Nieporte Home runs - San Francisco, KJrk. dleweight champion and eighth a methodical house to Phillies 12, ChiSox 11 lan.d 2, Davenport, Cepeda. York. Trainer Bill Winfrey, who picked up two more strokes on the ranking challenger by National USE search in some areas for handled the great Native Dancer field although losing a couple to SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico lA'I - Boxing Association standards, fin· cans who had not gone The Philade~phia Phillies built up seven years ago, said.he left War· Finsterwald. ished strong with a relentless pur· work. a 12-4 lead then had to stand oft Cubs 13, Indians 12 fare at noon. Returning at 2:30 A score of 149 was the cut off Polic" denied many were a late rally before downing the TUCSON, Ariz. lA'I _ Dick Gern. suit of his opponent in thc 10th 1fle-'Ooily Iowan p.m. he said Warfare was favor· pOint for the 6S pros heading into ed by gunfire. Hospitals ing the root and an examination Chicago White Sox 12-11 in the first the last 36 holes Saturday and Sun· ertslam and homers Frank andThomas Tony hit Taylorgrand :~~u~n~d~.======~~~~~~~~~~~~ ed four were wounded by disclosed something wrong. of a three·game exhibition series Ii gunfire. day. here Ftiday night. connected for another horner with When the ankle showed a swel· Gay Brewer Jr., of Crystal Riv· two on and two out in the ninth as The townships are ling Friday morning, X·rays were AI Smith hit three homers for er, Fla., held third place at 138 the Sox, who came up with tllree the Chicago Cubs beat the Cleve· of the Pan ordered. The bone chip showed up Purse Special! It organized a work after a 71 Friday. , runs in the eighth .and four in the land Indians 13-12. on the plates. An operation like· Tied at 139 were Dave Ragan, Rookie Mike De La Hoz delivered week in protest against Iy will be performed to remove the ninth. We are cutting the price on all odd-lot purses! Orlando, Fla.; Ed Oliver, Denver; Philadelphia ...... 100 260 30x- 12 12 I a pair of homers for the Indians shootings of demonstrators chip. Jerry Barber, Los Angeles, and Chicago . ." . 002 002 034-11 14 1 Pierce, Lalman (5). McBride (5), and Tito Francona, John Romano Stop in today and buy one of these Stylish Purses "He's definitely out of the 3· Jerry Pittman, Tulsa, Okla., all ,Arihs (7) and Brown; Cardwe]), Owens and Bob Hale hit one apiece. year-old classics