, I Do Your Laundry ,,,I While .You Space,' 'Eye' Senas Pictures to · u~s. Shop' Hy-Vee Iowa City', Fin~81 Earth Satellite , ·Weather forecast 24 Hour Coin Mo stly cloudy today, el.aring tonight. Highs to· :Called• Tiros day 38-48. The outloolt for Sunday Is for partlv Operated Laundry cloudy skies and warmer temperatures. , Ql It owon No. 1~ in Series Serving The State University of Iowa and the People of Iowa CitV Kirkwood Midwest Storm First ~sy bli s hed in ~68 Associated Press Leased Wire An d Wirephoto - Herald Tribtme News Service Leased Wire Iowa Cit)', Iowa, Saturday, April 2. 1960 Kwik Kleen To Be Snapped; Will --------------:--~---...-.------- lcroll from HV-V" Groc.ry Watch World Weather By EARL UBELL D erald T ribune New. Service • NEW YORK - Weather fore· casting by Earlh satellite is on its way: The United States, scoring a notable first, launched an elec· ore 00 anger Ingers tronic eye into orbit at 6:40 a.m. Friday. Already it has snapped a TV-like picture of a Midwest storm. " Tllis is only the beginning. Can Stockpile Nuclear Weapons- Des Moines Tiros, a 270-pound, $12 million oversized "hatbox,'" presages a family of man·made moons called River Forces Nimbus which. starting next year, France Joins 'Atom Club' will keep continuous watch on world·wide weather. B!' B. J . CUTLER announcement that a small plu· to signal France's entry into the 1{000 To Move Now in a tight circular orhit at Berald 'tribune New Setvloe tOnium device had been success· so·called "atomic clUb." fully detonated at 6: 17 a.m. at the 450 miles altitude, Tiro can take PARIS - France's second atomic That rirst device yielded a power Southern Iowa Hamlet explosion, triggered in lhe Sahara Reggan Test Base, about 750 miles equivalent to 60,000 to 70,000 tons of photographs oC two·thirds o( the Desert Friday morning, prove southwest of AlglCrs. TN1" more than three time as Evacuated; Big Sioux Earth's surface, but only when its conclusively that it has the ability The bomb, a prototype, was powerful a the earliest Uniled camera is pointing earthward oh a to build and stockpilc nlilitarily· authoritatively des crib d as much States atomic bombs. Friday's ex­ C ~ nfined to Lowlands sunlit region. Although Tiros pass· usable nuclear weapons. smaller. lightcr. and less powerful plosion was said to have been DES MOINES t.fI _ The Des This Is the conclusion of French lhan Ule bulky device which was smaller than the Hiroshima-lype Moines River reached record es over !tussia and China, its cam· and foreign experts hcre after thc explodcd at tl~ same base Feb. 13 era is too fuzzy for military re:on· bombs. pring level Friday and forced MindIul of tbe bitter reactions of about 1,000 persons in the Des I naisance. * * African nations to its nuclear tests, Moines area to leave their homes, I Although Tiros will stay in orbit * * * * 130x the Government stated that " all Southwest sections of Iowa also 49' for two decades and its sol ar precautions were naturally taken were being battered by nood wat­ Flavors powered electronic equipment Says A-Bomb Test Won/f so thaI the fallout would not pre· ers, and t~e hamlet of Bartlett sent any danger to the popula· was evacuated when the Missouri may last for y.ars, its w.ath. r lions." River threatened to nood the area. :::~ . usefulness may ext. nd only three 4 35' Alter Russ-French Relations Unlike the first device which Th. Big Sioux River in north- FRUIT months. That's because there is was ~x plod e d at the top of a 336· west Iowa was fer over its bankl no way of pointing the camera By DAROLD POWERS Kwame Nkrumah per,onally con· Coot steel tower, Friday's te t took but most of tN flood ing there Waterloo 'Lady' Gets Feet Wet at a selected spot on Earth. StaH Writer tributed over $1.000 to th e fund place on a stand near ground level. was in the lowlands. AI L 4 ~:~s '$1 raised by the Ghana Council for It was explained that technicians Northern sections oC Marshall· Th. r. was some ruemblanc;. b.tween Waterloo and Sailors Park in Waterloo got her feet As the satellite goes around its France's A-bomb tests will not uclear Disarmaml'nt for the Sa· wanted to study the crater it pro- town in ce.ntral [owa were flooded on the Cedar River and the New York harbor wet in the flooding stream.-AP Wirephoto orbit. the eyes point in one direc· affect Franco·Russian relations, duced - a question of obvious mili· by the Iowa River. About 250 per­ hara team. Friday IS the Statu. of Liberty in Soldiers 402 Count 39¢ tion in space. In three months that according to Jean Beliard, French Referring to t he visit of Khru­ tary significance. sons there soughl shelter on higher 2 Boxes eye will be pointing out into space consul-general Crom Chicago. shchev to France and his warnings Defense Ministry ofricials said ground. most of the time or at a dark At a press conlercnce Friday, to tbe French people about the the weather conditions were sllch The Des Moines River reached Beliard recalled that 233 nuclear To Arrive Friday- Luncheon Meat Earth. In six months to nine rearmament of West Germany, that the fallout woul!! be concen- 25 feet, breaking the previous bombs have been set oCf by the Beliard said it will calise "a mere trated in the Reggan area, which is spring high of 23.8 feet in a 1951 months, the satellite may be United States. Britain and Russia I 12-0z.Can ripple on the waler" of Franco· sparsely inhabit~d desert territory. flood . 39' "good" again. before the French set off their Germal') relations. The mushroom shaped cloud was The river was confined by lev· first bomb on Feb. 13. Nimbus will be ·better. A small He said Khrushchev wasn't reported to have drifted to U~ ees in the city of Des Moines, but Yellow "Runia's bomb tests didn't Set Plans for Mitchell Visit jet engine aboard will constantly so u thea t oxer the Tanezrouft, the spread out above and below the aHect relations between Russia needed to remind the Frenchmen that they did poorly against uninhabited "desert of thirst." city. Officials carried many resi- RN 2 ~~g2 3 ¢ correct the orientation and keep and France," Beliard added. Final plans are crystallizing for 7:30 p.m. April 8 in Macbride Audi· day at Iowa Memorial Union, Any Germany in 1914 and 1940. The explosion had been planned "ents of those areas to saIety in the arrival in Iowa City of James torium. Sponsored by five national tickets remaining Wednesday will the camera pointed dircctly at the Asked about Africa's protest (or Thursday morning, but was boats. Sea CHUNK Earth. Furthermore, launchcd m against the French bomb tests, "But we don't feel Germany can P. Mitche ll, U.S. Secretary of railway brotherhoods, the in titute be available to the gen ral public. become a menace," h explaJned. postponoQ lor ~4. hours (or belt r " I ha... thr.. cars, a trvc.k Labor, who will be here Aprijg.9 t(1 will be '''Condu cted , by the SUI Bu· The Secrelar,y o( Labor is sched· 6t.-Oz. a pole·to·pole orbit, Nimbus will Beliard sald headlines of protest 59( "We have the greatest faith in wind condition! to reduce the and two combines back th. re," participate in a Railway Operating reau of Labor and Management. A uled to arrive In Iowa City by car Cans . had appeared in newspapers in chance radioactive fallout on in· said James Mason', _ of the 2 "see" the whole planet. Adenauer's policies," be Brolherhoods' Institute at SUI. limited number of tickets for the from Davenport at L1 a.m . April 8. only Egypt and Ghana. He said habited localities. persons forc.d to fI... "We got Tiros, launched by a Thor-Able Reporting on the European MitchelJ will sneak at a general talk will 00 available for sur stu· He will speak to a combined Iowa lhis was true in Egypl because it No further French tests are like- nothing out. The water'. flv. rocket Cro'm Cape Canaveral, flies was being "prodded by our enem· Economic Community, Beliard assembly session of the institute at dents and (acuIty members Tues· Oity Service Club luncheon at the Iy to take place before the fall, feet d.. p in the house and is Hotel Jefferson at noon. A press CansTa~l 29' in a 99.15 minute orbit which reach­ ies" and that Ghana felt perSOll' doubted that its effect - through ----~-------------------- 2 lowered inter-European tariffs­ military author~ties said. From running over the hood of mv conference will follow the luncheon. es latitude 50 degrees south. Vary. ally insulted because it bordered mid·April to Oct. 1 wind conditions trutk." on the Sahara. would b<' to lower prices of goods Mitchell will tour the SUI campus ing between 435 miles altitude and. and tbe intense desert heat around One farmer, leading nine horses However, the French consul·gen· exported to the United States in S. Africa Police Alert during the afternoon with Univer­ Raggen arc not favorable for nu- (rom his flooded barn, said "don't Tall $1 468 miles. the orbit is the closest eral explained thal Ghana's border competition with American indus­ si ty officials including Allin \V.
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