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The Wt Tor tiM WMk W aM rw w w ief V. dk im y * . 1N4 a m t m M m »1 13*891 •ad wanaw Mawwyr, ■IrM .hi tke a$B, M ill M m im t a t tM Audit Sm iw i-ei ObotilatloB wan late the Me. Clty ^f Chmrm

m ra ce U ) PRICK SEVEN CBlflS r a u u ♦.♦.III [ ,1 1 0 .8 8 8 (81XTBEN PAGES) MANCHKSTBR, CONN., MONDAY, |ULT A 19M Death Toll Events In State M ove

Long Holiday ASD Rapped By Auditors Deeper Into Miss By THB AS800IAT|a> PBSSB^nU ran (ar above tiw ewUer^ One of the worst accidents pftCMc during the holiday period was The nation’s traffic The total traffic deaths com ­ a h ^ - o n craZh Sunday near HARTFORD [AP)—Th® deaths during the Fourth pares to 4S0 reported durhig a Bowling Oreen, Mi. All ^ h t oc­ American School for the of July weekend a rec­ non-holiday weekend of 78 hours cupants of two automobiles Deaf in West Hartford to­ F our Shot ord toll for a three-day ob­ from 6 p.m. ’Thursday, Juqe 18 were killed. day came under criticism to m idni^t Sunday, June 31. In Only three states — Hawaii, servance of the ludiday. the first five months this year New Hampshire and Rhode from the bi-p^isan state n w AMDciated Preaa count of traffic fatalities averaged 148 a Island — reported no traffic auditors for failing to main­ In V iolence deaths on the hli^iway from S day. deaths during the holiday. p.m. Thursday to midnight, lo­ tain adequate financial rec­ Last Fourth of July, a four- Michigan and ’Texas, each with ords during the fiscal pe­ cal time Sunday was 486. Be­ day observance, highway fatal­ nearly 40 fatalities, ranked be­ At Swim-In lated reports were expected to ities set a record high of 667. hind California. riod 1962c83. Increase the' total. The lowest' toll for a three-day During the holiday period 117 "The few financial records The heavy death toll com­ observance in recent years was that are maintained by em­ JACKSON, Miss. (AP)>— pared to the ^previous high of 366 in 1947. (See Page Eight) ployees of the school were found Negro leaders plan to move 443, set in a nfree-day Indepen­ to be in less than good order," further into Mississippi to­ dence Day holiday period in said auditors Clarence F. Bald­ IMO. win and Robert- F. Claffey. day to inspect civil rights There was a riiarp increase in •^Ttouhle Continues in Saigonr^ They said that they found developments after quietly fatalities in the,last *4-hours of checking accounts had not been integrating several previ­ the 7ahour holiday period, with reconciled since their last audit, ously all-white facilities— more than ITS deaths reported, payroll records were not always dalifomia led all states in the Grenade Proves Dud accurate and some overpay­ including two hotels— in number of deaths with 78, the ments were made to vendors. Jackson. worst, holiday toll in the state The auditors' said that al­ Officials of the National Asso­ since .the Christmas period in though the recomnimdatiqns of ciation for the Advancement ot 1961. Inside U.S. Embassy their previous report showed Colored People registered with­ The Nationsl Safety Council they had not been put into ef­ out incident Sunday at two had eetimated the traffic deaths fect "we have been assured downtown hotels and a motel, Would total between 460 and 660. SAIGON, South Viet Nam (AP)—A Viet Cong ter- that, when space is available then received service in th# The council, until Sunday, had roriat threw a grenade at the U.S. Embassy in Saigon for the necessary staff, these coffee shop of one—all without been hopeful that the ftnal total recommendaUons will be the incident. would be below its pre-holiday today but it failed to explode. basis for accoimting procedures. Four unidentified Negro estimate. But with millions of The grenade was hidden in a^ The auditors reiterated their youths attended a previously all- motorists homeward boiuid from loaf of bread that the terrorist ploded, it probably would have earlier recommendations call­ white movie theater and more resorts and vacations, the death tore open before throwing the damaged some of the embassy ing for; than a dozen Negroes in several •Ssi. grenade. In his excitement he cars and injured their drivers, —AdopUon of uniform meth­ cars were served at a drive-in pulled the detonating mechan­ who were standing at the - en­ ods of consummating financial cafe for whites. At the drive-in, ism from the grenade instead of trance to the embassy. transactions of the school. all four tires on one car were Mexico Picks just the pin and it did not go off, The incident took place less —Installation of a general slashed while its Negro passen­ an embassy spokesman s ^ . than 24 hours before the arrival ledger. gers were inside. Vietnamese embassy drivers of the hew U.S. ambassador to —Keeping of suitable books of Charles Evers, state field sec­ New Leader who were witnesses said the Viet Nam, Gen. Maxwell D. original entry and subsidiary retary for the NAACP, said the bomb was thrown by a Vietna­ ’Taylor. ledgers. four-day civil rights inspection mese dressed in white trousers —Physical counts of supplies tour would conUnue today with There were strong indications the group’s officials leaving In Calm Vote and a shirt. He got away. the Viet Cmig was planning a and materials remaining unused at the close of each fiscal year. Jackson for Canton, then a visit Americans inside the embassy general wave of terror to coin­ to Philadelphia in the afternoon MEXICO em r (a p ) — oov- were ordered to stay in until a cide with the arrival Tuesday —Adjustment of plant aSiet evaluations to accounts repre­ and a mass meeting in Meridian emment candidate Oustavo Diaz thorough search was made of of Taylor. tonight. senting more closely cost Ordaz, 68, was chosen Mexico’s the area. Then they were al­ The Viet Cong’s liberation ra­ The trip to Philadelphia ap­ next president Sunday in one of lowed to go home for lunch. dio warned Taylor to stay out values. parently, will concern the eaaa Uie quietest elections in the na­ An American demolitions ex­ of Viet Nam or his life would —Recording of payroll expen­ of three civil rights workers tion’s history. pert said if the grenade had ex­ be in grave danger. ditures of the school gross of missing since June 21. The trto His lone opponent was Jose e m ^ y e s maintenance i^low- vanished after their release Oonzales Torres, 44, of the K cia f. from jail, where they had been Party of National Action—PAN taken on a speeding charge. —which charged voting Irregu Tear Gas, Dogs, Cattle Prods Scottieh Games They were Michael Schwemer larities in a dosen states. STAMFORD (AP) — The Firemen Battle $100,000 Blaze at Stanek Lab and Andrew Goodman, white The federal electoral commls- strains of bagpipes, the rustle New Yorkers, .and James Cha­ alon and high officials said it Damage estimated at about 8100,000 resulted from a fire early Saturday morn­ ney, a Meridian Negro. was a clean election and there Used to End Holiday Rioting of kilts and the tossing of the caber attracted an eathnated ing at Stanek Electronics, 277 Broad St. Story on Page Eight. (Burkamp Photo.) Biracial groups of more Btaa were no disturbances. dozen board members' and ’The final count will not be 14,000 persons to the annual Round Hill Highland Scottish staffers of file UKACP arrived known for days. Only frag­ By THE ASSOCIATED PREBSteas was used to quell the riot- in Jackson on three different mentary returns were an- Police used tear gas, dogs and ing. Oamea. Many evonta went on simul- flights Sunday to begin noonoad Sunday night. These cattle prods to break up Fourth Av.uthorities said firecracke^i Enjoys 4-1 Delegate Lead statewide inspection tour. ' were overwhelmingly >ior Dial nf .Tnly rkitAJafi.iVniithn et five Ibrown into the crowdm ^pjpz- the dai ' «a the The first racial barriepiefon ' Ordas, but not the M per cent places from coan to coast. ing several youQia. "jgjSwibly when two of the groim checked About 200 persons were' ar­ t ig e r e d the Saturday ihalee. ASHTNflTON (AP) __-^-formally entered the race. A^ WASHINGTON (AP) — Sen. lead he had been expected to A o n iiN U iv iiv V A r ; . then showed Goldwater into the Heidelberg ROtel. De­ get. rested. Several officers and ri­ One police officer steered a .tork'aame frem Barry Goldwater said today .hq Hm . Barry Goldwater held had 648 delegates and Scranton has an open mind toward pos­ tectives and newsm^ witnessed Diaz Ordaz pledged himself to oters were injured. heart attack. e v a ^ jhtate in the northaaat- the first registratm ot Negroes give his full efforts to his new The riots occurred at Indian Near Newport, R.I., thousands "'th e Scottish danoea, nm - B better than 4 t6 1 lead 86—a q>read of 468 compared sible' vice-presidential running to Goldwater’a present lead of mates as he prepares for his at a downtown h^el since Re­ job, which he will take over Lake, near Bellefontaine, Ohio of youths attending the jazz pipe bands and traek and iJ^r (5ov. William W. construction Dec. 1 for six years. New^rt, R.I.; Garnett, Kan.; festival started to whoop it up emnts. 661. A week ago Goldwater had final push for the GOP nomina­ $i^nton as their race for 689 delegates and Scranton had tion. After spemlhiig 20 minutes in He is believed to be a bit West Yellowstone, Mont., and at a beach party. Beach houM e Worcestar (Maaa.) “*"i« Republican presidential their roonv'the pair returned to more to the rljht than Presi­ Pleasanton, Calif. doors, beach umbrellas and. retainsd Ito nai 187—a lead of 662 for the Ari­ Ths front-running Arizona ^ iminraon headed into the zonan. the main/floor n^ere they were dent Adolfo Lopez Mateos. In At Indian Lake, an estimated lifeguard^' stand were am- I^nship bg winning senator aald he Is not leaning joined ify three other Negroes. campaign addresses he prom­ 5,000 to 10,000 beer-drinking col­ items tossed onto a huga A- title. final pre-convention week, Of Goldwater's present total, toward any potential running 118 votes are committed by All amered the hotel’s coffee ised to continue the moderate lege youths staged . boisterous fire, police said. an Associated Press survey mate—and has not asked any­ shQii, and were served. policies of the present adminis demonstrations Friday nnd Sat­ About 100 youths w an state primary elections, 267 by one to join him on the'ticket. ^Traffic Deaths showed today. Instructions, 62 by personal .ter, a five-member biracial tration. urday nights. to jail when they hurted recks "I haven’t asked anybody, Froup checked into the King Ed­ HARTTCmD (AP) — If Goldwater can hold on to pledge and 278 by personal Diaz Ordaz was bom in a "These kids were like a keg of and other missiles At officers. and I won’t until I get prop ward Hotel, a few-Moclu away. village in the nearby state of dynamite waiting for something Police cleared the beach in atate Motor Vehicle Oe] the 710 first - ballot votes now preferencs but 'without a pledge credited to him, he will have 66 advice,” Goldwater said In^-i They ca u s^ little attention and Puebla March 12, 1911. His fath- to set them off,” a sheriff said. about 90 minutes. ment reported today the «oK All of Scranton’s votes are from more than the 666 needed for informal interview outside' his no incident. More than 60 young men were lowing ‘ comparison of traffic impledged but favorable dele Senate office. - nomination at the San Francis­ gates. About the same time, a six- (See Page Four) arrested on the twif’hights. Tear (Bee Page Four) fatallUea from Jan. 1 through He said Rep. William'E. Mill­ member Negro group went to midnight: co convention opening a week The Associated Press survey from today. of the 1,808 delegates shows this er of New York and Bfep. Gerald the Sun-N-San motel. ’Itie clerk IMS 1M4 said' simply, "Sign In, plaaM." Scranton, with 149 delegatee first-bcUlot breakdown: R. Ford Jr. of Michigan are IM IBl two of the posslMe choices for credited to him, is barely one - Goldwater 71 second spot pd a Goldwater (See Pago EIgM) State’Arrests fourth of the way toward the Scranton 14 International Note prize at thU late hour, accord­ Nelson A. Rockefeller 10 ticket. New a HARTFORD (AP) -r State ing to the survey. Henry Cabot Lodge 4 But he denied reports that he SB Police made 688 arrests for traf­ Margaret Chase Smith 1 has setUSd on Mlllefr;^ the Re- fic violations during the Fourth If anything, the Arizona sen pu blic^ national chairman, as ator has' widened his margin Richard M. Nixon of July weekend. his fluorite for the ylce-presl' id Fall Fashions over the Pennsylvania governor Favorite sons 9 Bulletins Seen Uncommitted 18 itp a a X spot. (Sea Page BlgM) since June 12, the day Scranton y .i.i... CiAed from A P Wiim^ By RHEA STEWART Herald Special Writer Ike’s Brothey^o Nominate Him NEW YORK — A new Inter- David and Goliath Meet Again FOUR EXPLOSIONS national note has enteredd the ______I I. . ..-g------NEW CASTLE, Pa. (AP) — Four expIoaloBS ripped showings here of the fall fash- CHICAGO (AP) Gov, enhower will nominate me tfirough Hie spvswliag Amer­ iw of the New York Couture William W. Soradton of for president at the Repub­ roup. One of the country’s Pennsylvania a^oiinoed to­ lican National Convention ican CynamM Go. neag Scranton Seeks Sling this weetem Fennsylvanw gleading designers, talking with day tliat Dr. Milton Elsen­ in Ban Francisco. Gen. Eis­ enhower knows about this town today touched off a irmair group of the fashion hower, brother of the form­ a series of fbea. One polDitto editors from all parts of the er preeldeiit, will nominate and is very pleased' about It. The general said that was 'official suffered a fatal he*it country who are here to report To Use Against Barry S c r a n ^ for preeident at attack dlrecHng traffic. At on styes, explained it this way the . Republican National the best news he heard yet.” Scranton spoke with least seven persoas were ad­ with a sociological viewpoint: Convention next week. mitted to two hospitals. The “ Whenever we have guilt Scranton opened a news roportors early In a fast CHICAGO (AP)—Gov. William W. Scranton knows two-day appeal for HUnoia plant, 80 miles northwest oC feelings toward a race or na­ ,«onferenre with this state- he is in a David-and-Goliath position in his duel with support built around the Pittsburgh, makes commers tionality, we tend to adopt their ' ment; “ I’m delighted and Sen. Barry Goldwater for the Republican presidential civil rights Issue. rial explosives for minea and customs, and dress, as a sort of pleased that Dr. Milton Eis­ road construction purposes. It compens. tion. EJarlier in this nomination. It doesn’t seem to bother him. employs 250. . ' aentury the Jewish people were He is a very,cool candidate. 4* tions, he must wrench 78 dele­ in the position of the persecut­ “ I’m the underdog,” he tells gates away froni Goldwater In JUNIOR GOLF ed, and were being brought to his audiences, serenely. " I ’m the waning hours before the WATERTOWN (A P ) accustomed to that. I know how our attention, and that is when GOP cmiventiqn In order to stop —Strong winds sent scores all the good Jewish dishes came to fight as an underdog.” the Arizona senator from win­ •oaring—with one exe^tlMi Scranton’s problem, however, into our cuisine, when we learn­ ning on the first ballot. —among earty conteataats is that he has yet to find the So Scranton is racing the today In the qualifying round ed their songa and their slang sling and the rock to slay his expressions. ‘ clock. This is a cliff-hanger. o f the 32nd anminl State Goliath. By his own calcula­ Junior Golf Chnmplonatitm "Now it is the Africans who But he maintains an appear­ occupy this position, so look for ance of remarkable composure, Ted Cola of WetherSlIelA marble calm with no visible medalist In the northern sec­ an upsurge in African Influence Work Beginning. tional qualifying match ah on dress.” Faitnln^on last week, cov­ \ As she spoke, a model came ered the first nine holes with 'down the runway wearing a hat On GOP Planks • He meets privately with state a 2-nnder-par 84. Irv Nixon that was a fez slanting stark­ Jr. of American Brass, the SAN FRANCTSOO (A P)—The delegations and talks mainly ly backward, from the tip of about fiscal responsibility in defending champion, had h which a tuft of black wool yam 1964 Republican platfopi writ- 40 for the first nine at tho fers start work to6m 'has 106 platform committee mem­ Send a man there who thinks ad Statea Ducking past e Goldvi’ater sign, Scranton shies autumn collection. It’s exemplified above in a gown failed to feel, that of the Far bers. deeply.’.’ ' aivay front a supporter, Miu Ann Selcover, •who with .Egyptian green velvet bodice and. triangular East. A silhouette softened with Scott said 'hia aim to to «ar^ tied or gatheiwd effects is OriM)* ■uade soma Hka - wrtiKtod oala- point Is k m on many Manners. stole, 'l^e skirt is slim and raised the empire tried to put a Semtoh hat on his head when he s n M at OHars Airport; CUMffo. (AFVbetofax.) line with wide velvet band. . ■ ' , r * >"’i k-r-- ,1 • • .-! .’ .-'V » MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANGHEBTOB, CONN, MONDAY, JULY t, 1A64 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, OGHS^ MONDAY, JULY 6, 1964 But near JM aat a lady wtw was . ^ i d o v e r k M i^ eomplalnlng, “ Stoe ahouM Columbia M RA'8«^ LMI r c b Sheinwold on Bridgei have at least m. ^ 2 -toot piano."’ Now for the tedy*s informa­ Property ownera and land­ U n W M BIDDINO VKTTOBY EMb-WM tion, and yours too, thpre is no Many View lords who havo or axpect to Clerk Lists p l a t tt UNIMPfMtTANT "IJ-fbot” piano. Nor ia there have vacant apartments have ^ I l FBED 8HEINW01A * V #74- “THE WAY any reason to build one. A string bean invited to notify the NatioMi Men's Manchester Redevelopment 7 Transfers TMun dwinploa 0 Q7451 length of 10 feet for the bottom Local Lions « K 4 4 I HEARD n r A on the feitrument adll pro­ Agency (MRA). R ’s poasibla to win such a vic­ vide a full quarter wave-leiigth, The agency ia seeking ren­ tory hUMinc that ths plmr DOUBLE Last Month 4 101742 4 A 0 5 4 assuring purity of tone down to Oub Parade tal units for residents of the of the cards doesn’t msttsr. North End urban renewal Mrs. Stella Rebner, of Los An­ V A hy John Gruber the last note. Since these 0 K llo o t s WORLD GREEN project area who must be re­ The listing of property trans­ geles, and Mrs. AUcla KempnsL strings are put into the instru­ CHose to 2,000 persona turned ♦ 5 ment diagonally, you don’t even located. of Santa Monica, demonstrated out to vie^ the Fourth Of July fers in tbs oCKce ef the town • D o n i need 10 feet of case length, so Any vacancies reported to this prindpls by stealing a hand the MRA will be referred to clerk Hiowed seven transfers moot concert plsmos are a bit parade aponaored by the Oolum- from their opponents In t ^ rs- $ S l 5 S 2 bU Uona Saturday. They gath­ the families who must be re­ last month. Frank A. Airko to esnt Olympic champlonamps. over nine feet in length. located for their inspection. STAMPS la a matter Wlildi^cheatra. one employed contralto Actually, a large piano is not ered on lawna and grouped in Francia and Marion Haines, South de^er 4 AQJIDS jMie aaaoal and eean- the fre- and male chorus, and one was a a great deal "louder” than a land on Wales Rd.; Jack and East-West vulnerable I h M Wen l o l lanMBt aoncert-coer never un- cara along Rt. 87 which had Opening lead—Six of SpCdes piano edheerto. Thus the choice smaller one. The piten is deter­ meet tonight at Porter School at Shirley Gorr to Richard and 1 2 0 * V Veratanda In muaic we use the was baUsnoed inasmuch as it been prevlbualy marked by the Bast had a problem over two mined by the mass of the string 8 p.m. Lorraine Mulvey, land In Wood­ 3 V AE ______iteree fee two aensea; we speak Was not entirely an orchestral as well as by the sise of the Lions with nags on individual A candldaU fpr art supem ter hearts. Some expbrta use a dou­ tsf a ‘*balaacad" program in prog^ram, for example. Further, souding board. A 6-foot string mailboxes. will be presented by Myron Col­ land Terrace on Wales Rd.; ble In this poirition to show the (vponanta warn nold tor a flM aelectkins are chosen a sense of balance was display­ can sound the bottom A, with­ lette superintendent. An enum­ Henry J. Keane, et al, to Ronald strength In the unWd suite, but gams in spades. (With a a r e , lively numbers The theme was a "Page Out Bast wasn’t one of those ex­ ed inasmuch as two of the com­ out very pure tone Til agbee, of History” and featured a float erator to replac^sMrs. Lucius J, Borrup, land and buildings IMIy gnesttoa Wgalnat aombi^ qnpa^ positions are corwldered "m i­ hut it will be twice as heavy Robinson will be natned plus a on R ockle^e Dr.; Ruth Danlln perts. Paitasr opens with sue Hto4s, me against late,, dnd so on; we by the Lions called, "Washing­ After East had passed, Mrs. nor” works of Brahms while the M the 10-foot string. Conse­ ton Crossing The Delaware” . medical advisor. Bruno to James M. and Bar­ and the next pUyer Mde two dAaarlsa use the term "balance" Principia George Patrbe will bara H. Egan, land at Andover Rebner saw blearly that the 4amonde. Too boldt BpndeSf K- •with reference to the relative concerto is a "major” work. quently it will move exactly as The Democratic Women’s much air as the 10 footer;’ the a u b float, depicting the grave report on the hot lunch pro­ Lake; Judson and Harriet Ed­ band belonged to the other side. S; Hewts. t-7-4; Dtaufladis, Q- doodness between soloist and ae- Duriin; the "Alto Rhapsody" Her own hand was very light, Mr. Brawley kept the orchestra amplitade will be twice as great of the assassinated President gram, petty cash funds and wards to Frank A. Burnett Jr., 7-0-S-t; OInbs, K-0-4. •aaanpantst. etc. desks tor use in the coming and her partner’s raise showed down under the soloist in ex­ and the string length half as Kennedy, won the prise for the et al, land at Andover Lake; Whnt do yon anyT OPEN I Both are important, but it is year. Paul Dougan to Arthur F. Weln* a weak hand with heart support. Answer: Pess. Tou ha'ven’t «tha balance between soloist and cellent style. This is a composi­ long. Initially, the sounds are moat original entry. gart, land at Andover Lake, Somebody had the high cards, WED., Jacoompanist that is most com- tion in which the words must exactly equal in volume. The The judges were Leo P. quite enough for a penalty dou­ Manchester Evening Herald and Arthur F. Welngart to Ar­ after all. ble of two diamonds. If jrour THURS., ■moiily misunderstood. Balance be heard and understood since larger sounding board will re­ Carey, mayor of Willimantlc; inforce the tone somewhat in Adolph Woljick, the city’s acting Columbtn correspondent, Vir­ thur and Claudette Welngart, To make life difficult tor the partner reopens the bidding In dwioe of program is mlsun- the meaning of the work la con­ ginia M. Onrleen, Mephoiia opponents, Mrs. Rebner went on FRI. & SAT. Iderstood likewise, but not so the bass. postmaster, and Richard Case, land at Andover Lake. with a double, for takeout, yme. veyed jointly by the words and international counsel for the tts-tn*. to three hearts. Like many will pass and thus convert the TILL Come One At the upper end, the string The town clerk’s ofQce issued ibaAy misunderstood. Usually a the muaic ;yiiie orchestra must American experts, the Rebner- lengths are Identical, regardless Lions. 227 dog licenses by July 1, on double Into a penalty double. *well-balanced program makes not overbalance the soloist, and Kempner paftnerahip uses this 9 P.M . of sire of instrument, and the Prises were awarded as fol­ dogs six months ot. age or over. laverybody happy and that’s all it didn’t / ^ e orchestra is a lit­ rebld as a preemptive bid, not l^ e r e is to it, even though there sounding board ia of the same lows: Organizational floats, Co­ Town Planners Tins total compares with 187 For Sheinwold’s ao-pege book­ tle small by conventional area underneath the atrings, so lumbia Grange, showing Betsy for the same date in 1963. Dur­ as a serious try tor game. The let, "A Pocket Guide to Bridge,” *miay be a number or two that stapdM^ls. so Mr. Brawley's opponents knew this, but still » • L ,you personally do not enjoy. little is gained. There is a little Ross making the American ing the last year 86 additional send M cenU to Bridge Book, -A ' • '•x t taUk was made easier for him. Flag; (Columbia Canoe Club, 'Meeting Today couldn’t find a way to get back Manchester Eve. Herald, Box Come A ll! ■Somebody else toi the audience gain. I’ll agree, but the reason licenses were Issued to cover » > .**' *”'■ ifl* lanjoya It, and probably doesn’t jM t he did an excelloit job. is too Involved to go into here. with a canoe filled with stuffed dogs becoming six numtbs old into the bidding. 3318, Grand Central Statkm, I The First Piano Concerto is animals. 2; Columbia Fire De­ The Town Planning Commis­ Makes Contract New York 17, N.T, lanjoy one of the numbers yo>r In any event, had the piano and newly acquired dogs to J '— ft. ■find most entertaining, something else altog^ether. Most been capable of only half the partment Women’s Auxiliary, sion (TPC) will consider a re­ make a total of 278 for the year. Mrs. Rebner added to her Copyright, 1M4, set up with a card table and quest that Grove St. — an un­ f T h a misunderstanding re' people think of a concerto as a volume of a full allied concert CbaOeage gains by making three hearts. Gonoral Features Ootik. tgarding "balance” In th e oth- brilliant display piece for a so­ instrument (which we have seen four women playing cards, 3. finished road that was to have West opened the six of spades, 4 . ' TUESDAY and connected Main, 'Summit. Har­ The men of the TalcottviUe [ar meaning stems from^lack of loist accompanied by an orches­ is not the case) it would have PatrioUc, Boy Scout Troop Church of CSirist, Congrega­ and the king lost to the m a n u s c r i p t a d d e d / ' s U P E R / (knowledge concerning the mu- tra, and if you judge all con- been almost adequate, for the 162, showing Boy Scouts In ac­ lan and White SU.—be discon­ ace. East quickly cashed the NEW HAVEN (AP) — Hie WEDNESDAY tinued. at a meeting set for 8 tional, have challenged the men MARKETS Vf', 'alc at hand. ’The o ^ r evening certl by Tscalkowsky’s over­ orcheetra was only a little tion Girl Scout Cadette Troop of the Congregational Church ace of diamonds, an obvious manuscript of James Joyce’s f' I t 8, with a UN theme with all tonight at the Municipal Build­ singleton, and then returned the k iRobert Brawley /flemonstrated worked B-flat minor effusion over the size we generally en­ here to a aoftball game to be play “Exiles” has been added to 'excellent balanpe in both senses counter with Brahms (about 80, the girls dressed in clothes fur­ ing hearing room. four of spades. the Yale University Library’s you will quite fall to under­ Property owner; along the played tomorrow at 4 p.m. at SPECIALS ;in his openlng/program on this stand a good many other con­ to be precise, and about 60 at nished by visitors from foreign the Gerald Anderson field on The play of the spades showed Joyce Collection. Librarian FREE lands holding home made flags town-owned right of way for season’s Hartford Festival of cert!. This particular concerto the performance) and thie bal­ Long PDll Rd. that West had started with five, James T. Babb, who annoimced presented by camp visitors and Grove St. have asked that the i. / ■ 1 was an all-Brahms by Brahms Is a case in point. ance v'ould not have been far and the play of the diamonds the acquisition, said this was Girl Scout Troop 11. • road plans be abandoned and The Andover team still has Iprograny/and so at first glance As the program notes pointed wrong. showed that West had six. That the only play written by the w ould/ seem unbalanced, but the right of way disposed of. positions open so interested men accounted for eleven of West’s 725 Middle Turnpike East out, this is a sort of symphony Actually, the balance as it St. Patrick’s Pipe Band from W sh author. The manuscript th ia / ^ w not the case. Manchester took first prise for The commission is also sched­ are urged to cOme and play. A cards, and the ace of hearts with a solo instrument, rather must have been conceived by was donated by Mrs. Mlltoh Br- ir . Brawley selected three the adult marching group. In the uled to hear a report from Plan­ picnic supper will take place af­ was surely a twelfth card. Only than a concerto as the public Brahms was excellent. But the ter the gaime and families are langer of New York City. IM MANCHESTER ___ ^.sitions by the German lady in question kept bemoan­ youth marching group, the Wan- ning Director Joseph Tamsky on one card of the West hand was ’composer. One was purely or usually understands the term. derettes from Willlmantic were Andrew Ansaldl’s Charter Oak invited. Fires for cookouts will unknown. ' ing the sise of the soloist's in­ be provided. It is not unique. Beethoven strument and imdoubtedly in­ first; the Windham High School subdivision and on amendments Mrs. Rebner correctly as­ wrote,, a couple of concertl sim­ to the town zoning regulations. FISH fluenced some people Jn her Band, Second; Boy Scout Troop First Selectman Percy B. sumed that the unknown card ilarly conceived. Lalo’s brilliant vicinity into the belief that 162, third. A zone change from Reaidence Cook, haa announced two part- was a chib and that the ace of concerto for violin is actually Color Guards, Lebanon Post Zone A to Off-Street Parking time job openings for town MEADOWS-.'.- somehow they had been short­ hearts was therefore a singleton. HKD SPGfO llPrtV RI 91 Sirth titled "Symphonie Espagnol” to changed. This was unfair both American Legion, first; State Zone asked for a lot west of the work. One Is tor j^ torial w6rk Declarer led a low heart from avoid the misapprehension in Police Troop K, Colchester, sec­ Highland Park Market Is also at the town office building and her hand to force out the ace at 1 Min from O. Fox 4 Co. Chuck Steak to the soloist snd to the conduc­ VISITING the public mind, and d’Indy ti­ tor. Brahms simply didn’t con­ ond. pending commission action. calls for about two half-days of the least possible cost. HELD OVER! vfork each week. The other po- tled his piano concerto "Sym­ ceive the work as one in which A toy fire truck pulled by It was then easy to get back to 2nd Big Week! SELECT frlc^ around Connactievt? Call three girls was judged the most eition is tor a combination sec­ phony on a Swiss Mountain the piano continually domin­ Townspeople Studied dummy with the king of clubs Marlon Brando ahead to lot ttwin know when you’ll Air.” Brahms, however employ­ ates. You could have a special­ unusual, with the Wlllimantic retary-bookkeeper for (jock's for a normal heart finesse with Fire Department clowns com­ office. Payroll work, withhold­ David Nlvoa U.S.D.A. c arrive. It's a lostura they'll always ed the more conventional word, ly made piaqo 40 feet long and SUneURY, Maas. — A long­ the jack. Mrs. Rebner cashed, FRY ing tax details, recording of Shirley Joneq "ooncerto." it still would not dominate in ing in second and Dudley Brand term study of arthritis and re­ the king of hearts and led clubs apprsciate. Nothini |stt things done of Coventry, riding a high minutes of board of selectman •‘BEDIYME STORY" CHOICE lb In view of the character of this particular composition. lated diseases is under way in until East was ready to ruff. Rock Hudson Nke long Distance — if a the next Still, I suppose the Isdy in wheeled bike, judged third. Sudbury. Many residents over meetings, and the preparation The defenders thus got only two the work and the smaller sise of quarterly trial balances "BATTLE HYMN” Featuring heat Ibinf to being there. of the orchestra, the soloist was question was not alone in her The (3olumbla Horse Group, age 16 have already taken ini­ trump tricks, the ace of dia­ 49 make up moet of the work load mistaken ideas of balance. the only riding group entered tial tests and -will undergo fol­ monds and the ace of spades. — All In Color — provided a large, but not the estimated to be about 16 hours I largest, grand piano. Again Mr. There were probably others this year, was given s prize low-up tests over a period of It was a pleasure to make Children under 12 Free! also. The group were followed a month. GIANT FREE PLAYGROUND TK w n a i wi a m i j Brawley , showed good judg­ who thought the piano was too years. toree hearta when all the tim e' "soft.” If they read the prog;ram by the clowns carrying a sign More details on the duties In­ GORTON’S TBENM CMMIT ment, or the soloist did. (She notes, they probably ^ d not proclaiming, "(jleeui-Up Divi­ JOINS NEW CLUB volved in these jobs and the Hie db ear best (o serve you beffar I was Doris Pridonoff LiShnert.) rate of pay for them may be understand the Inference when sion” and "We Hate Horses.” NEW HAVEN (AP)—A new Ground Chuck they said this is "a symphony The parad e marshal was member joined Yale, Univer­ secured from Cook. with a solo Instrument.” Philip I-srham Sr. followed by sity's most exclusive club today. of G lo u c e s t e r I’ll continue discussing this the selectmen and a state po­ By celebrating hla 100th birth­ Manchester Evening Herald TUESDAY IS matter of balance next week, lice disaster unit consisting of day, Isaac Mayer, a retired Chi Andover oorreepondent, Law­ so if it doesn’t interest you just several cars carrying emer­ csgo attorney, became the sec rence Moe, telephone 74S-4796. GET ACQUAINTED NIGHT FRESH skip it next time. Still, if you gency lighting, fiream s and ond Yale alumnua in the 100- AT Choicest Meats In Town! a large truck carrying com­ Fish Portions go to concerts, or even listen to plus category. The only other LEAN the radio or phono, it ought to munication equipment plus any­ Old Blue centenarian la Amos MON. THRU FRL interest you. thing else needed for emer­ Alonzo Stagg -of Stockton, Calif. MATINIEES AT 1:80 69 gencies. The famed ex-coach will be 102 TUESDAY ONLY! Fire department equipment (IN UNION) Aug. 16. Mayer ia a member of A 'R COND'T’OStD WoMer Rolls came from Andover, Hebron, LEAN, mPORTED, SUOTD the class of 1884; Stagg, the C arville’s South Windsor and Lebanon in class of 1888. addition to Columbia. One of ROUTE 15 — EXIT 104 the ambulances in attendance STATE was used to transport a young­ . .nct i'onv.rrow FROM 4 TO 10 P.M. — ALL YOU CAN EAT! Swordfish Potato Chips and BOILED ster to the hospital. Daniel Gro- Folkslngers the Five McGowan Brothers, Judi Resnick, and 9:15, and saw 25 ground displays and a slew of aerial man, whose horse reared and FIRST TIME AT bombs fired before the evening was over. A light wind blew threw him to the giound, was Friod Chicken and Spaghetti, The New Legends sang to a record crowd at a Hootenanny preceding the annual Fourth of July fireworks display at in from the north just before the display began, adding a FRESH reported in excellent condition, POPULAR PRICES] Salad,‘Rolls, Beverage — $1.50 touch of anxiety to the show as the glowing remains of the Pepsi-Cola HAM and is now at home. Mt. Nebo Park Saturday evening. The hootenanny was also Carriage House aerial displays settled among the crowd and the parked A member of the Lions said Children' under 12 with parents—$1.00 broadcast over radio station WTIC, and was p\inctuated at STEAK l-ianr g IBS, PER CUSTOMER TONIGHT and TUBS. cars. (Herald photos by Oflara.) Beauty Salon the parade is an expensive COME AS YOU ABE! intervals by explosiohs of stray firecrackers and aerial bombs. The fireworks display got under way a little after • Open Mondayi • proposition and has cost the fnmnu __ Dancing every Saturday to the JOAN JOYCE TRIO Lions more each successive 49 525 Main Street iJO H kl iBcfccwrfli^ HieHUND PARK MARKET year. Contributions may be sent Shon’n at 1:80-6 and 8:06 residents, author Eric Hatch complaint to police that some­ i n BDOHLAND STREET—PHONE g4S-4S78 , Tel. 643-0695 to the Lions Club. inttuqtaml m otftnm on] and artist-historian Eric Sloane. one was lying in a hallway on Sailboat Rare Winners STARTS WEDNESDAY Spruce St. Crockett posted a |25 ' St itMson m I n I Despite a noon rain squall, Walter Carter took first place 35,000 at Mt. Nebo bond and will be presented in | anoCfbes* Tbsfsrs J three dozen or so residents In Saturday's boat races, the Circuit Court 12 July 20. first of the year. walked or drove up the dirt -SnUiUBi M USICAL road to the clearing on Lookout Toilet Tissue He entered the Lightning O a k c la------l THKATRK For Fireworks, Hoot Moimtaln, for the event. class. Second was Robert El­ Ctaw Fhsy. BM M - H u n , m H Dogs More Popular lington and third was George They filed past the bell one SOFT FRIDAY Pederson. In the Comet Class, m S S m ~ Saturday night saw the biggest crowd ever cram at a time to strike it with a DENVER — Mmre than 561 Ralph Kurtz came in first with rubber headed mallet, as INTERESTED? into Mt. Nebo for the Fourth of July fireworks display per cent ot the families in the WEVE Henry Beck, second. JOMNIEWDOillllUIO churches in Manchester — their United States have a ' pet of School Board Meets PLUS — JsMHUHShap — the final event in the town’s annual celebration of the steeples visible from the moun­ some kind.' About 17.9 million 7e iHfHrMfHd ih Serring MoiiHy? The board of education will "R IN G OF signing of the Declaration of Independence. tain side— echoed the peals. families own dogs. And 11.8 mil-1 KIND OF LOVE TREASON" The fireworks were preced-'^ Hon families own cats. 5 P.M. to 8:30 P.M. K U L . ed by a Hootenanny broadcast over radio station WTIC, and There were two duds among kitHTMTHd in Saving Stomps? the aerial bombs as well, which ENJOY IT AT 7:00-9:15 PREFER earlier in the day by a bell Police Arrests BLONDES ringing ceremony atop JLook- caused breaks in the program AT Ca-MAOMM out Mountain. while the unsafe pieces were IntHTMtod in Soving Sorvicn Costs? Mcbey HMIGn«r C dm rfof disposed of. William Blazensky, 19, of 69 TtinVORLD.. Earl Petersen, chairman of Cainton St., and David S. Kra- GRANDMA the American Leg;lon sponsored Although the dollar returns Tomatoes MATINEES-WED 2 : 3 0 - S A T. - 5 OO jqwski, 17, of 71 Poster St., have festivities at Mt. Nebo, esti- are not yet in, Peterson esti­ lovts to get long OistMce telephone I Intorostod in Saving Fvd OR? HENRY ORIENT I wenagpoi nos. to mSTtwi^JjrJJo^srMr mated the concession booth re­ been charged with, similar ^ WAannpa* rti. aw sat., djo; 4J«. ij4. i.« drownings were reported in the' counts of breach of the peace, : calls. Youngsters love to call Grand-1 stf.-sm. MAT. M.injazTun. cmw mem imi ceipts knd donation's solicited at many as 35,000 attended the the result of a fight last night }n ' FARM Popular Market r,0 — Ooooral AdmiMten |2.M PHONE Ml JUMBO Ttokoto Writot P. O. Box SS, Hartford, or PhoM 34|-MSS Off-Stf«et P«fch« DRIVE-IN 'i5 WMUMIA J. UNNON. Ua A«nHt6i p in k MEAT I4Z EAST CENTOt SHEET. ilANCHESTBL

' ; I rT- T . ’ *•, ■ ' N


la uaed hy the church school I Rodt»iUe-V«rnon and far youag peopM’a groups. Tear Gas, Dogs, Cattle Prods Mexico Picks Kelly-Pcpin Kennedy^Gardiner Pinette-V andethoff The building committee liV' cludea Ool*, M m Alice Haipf mer, eecreUrjr, Roy Conyers, Used to E^d Holiday Rioting New Leader Th* marriage of Miss Pauline The marriage of Miss Ro­ 'Raym ond Dunham Named Wilton Uak, Richard Sawyer Frances Pejm at WlHlmantic berta Lee Vanderhoff to David and Norman Johnson. to wnnam Joseph K^Iy at Paul Pinette, both of Manches­ BBIngten Fites (€ •) latnrday night after hi Calm Vote Msmehester was solemnised ter, was solemnized Saturday g Sei^eant by Gty Police ■llington ftrsmen wars kept mob tor* down fsneaa. Saturday morning at St. Mary's at St. James’ Church. tilled Over outdoor toilets and BANTLV Oil S^* ' ■—■- f busy serly Sunday morning At Oanatt, lUa., about 8,000 f^ihw s Oas) Church, Willlmantic. The bride is a daughter of a liM and demoUMiad d ’ traller The bride is a daughter jjp l k mar aatvaant iu t Ho«k* when tk m fire alarms came In beer-drinking yoattw atartad a at Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Vander­ within minutes of each othar. tor bonflra fuel hi tbs raaort s Bohooltssehar and Is Mr. and Mrs. Florimond O. hoff of 66 Ardmore Rd. The &^rUle’i Pohc*’ Departatmt w m riot on an outdoor duaes floor At midnight, firemen were town. Four ydung men were s gOTsnimsnt scoount Pepin of Willlmantic. The bride­ bridegroom is a son o f Mr. and flaturday night Two offioera >^^wnad in ormontM today at called to a farm on Middle Rd. Jailsd. Educated to O sxscs,O usd^ groom Is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pinette of 209' At Plenaantop, Calif., tb* a » headquartera. whore about five acres of tobcu:- were burned hy exploding oher- Jaim and Puebla, Diali Ordss b » MrsT Walter A. Kelly, 15 Laurel Center S t mnd Alamada County fair waa i f f Raymond O. Dunhim. M, a ry bombs. eaip* s lawyer and was asraad t . ■ I PI. The Rev. Joseph H. McCann co netting were destroyed. Ten disrupted Saturday night after ; .^|^tiotmaB for more than Cour Thousands had convergad on to a minor state post The Rev. Edward Pepin of performed the double ring cere­ minutes later, firemen were offleera triad to sand boms a called to a barn on Rt. 8S, near the small Rhnaaa town — pop. He was sleeted to Oongreas to St. Anne’s Parish, Waterbury, mony and celebrated the nup­ promotnJ *>7 half - doaen Souths who "had an uncle of the bride, ner- u t y ooaneU’a polio* commiaaian the Somers Uhe. 3,000 — tor th* annual sporta 1946 aiad served in various posi­ tial high Mass. Mrs. Jane Mac- car races. The eight-man Oar- been drinking, were throwing tions In the powerful Interior formed the double ring cere­ carone was organist and solo­ ^apan taoomunendatlon of ChiaC The bam had burned Satur­ firecrackers, and were shouting r '3 P « o tf* Ttapp and L t BmtBo day, and flremen fought the nett police force called In an ex­ Idnlstry until. Lopes Mateos mony and celebrated the nup­ ist. tra 160 officers from nearby and swearing,” police aald. named him interior secreteiy hi tial hi«rh Mars. Mrs. James Escorted to the altar by her STl^agrtal. blase at 1:45 a.m. and returned The y o u m fighting Bucl^ley of Willlmantic was r Dunhian, a native of Munaoo, at 6 a.m. Saturday when the commimttiea. 1966. BiM outstanding woik TRAVEL father, the bride wore a floor- Police dogs Ut aeveral per­ with'police. As officera arreatod soloist and organist. Bouoiiets length g o w n o f white Chantilly ^ %laaa.. haa Utrod la OonnectlcOt Ore started up again. Sunday's rioters and put them in petrol In the ministry was ths break­ sons vdUle helping to herd the ing of several major strikea M i a IM I 0 M M 9 M p fe M M of pink yellow and white glad­ lace over 8lllN>rganza, desigpied - alnee he waa taro, tl* la a veter­ call was the ttird to the scene. cars, other youths yanked them ioli and snsndragons were on an o f three yaara aervloe fat the Shortly after midnight Stmday unruly crowd to Oarnett city early In the Lopes Mateos ra- OMiy 69 i Am l i M b * I f aM fc i with short sleeves, a fitted park. Several hundred youtha free. the altar. ‘ i*aclflc, aarvlnc with the Army firemen were summoned to Guest Conductor glma. f » 6MV I n art a IV aME bodice, and a bell-shaped skirt attempted to crarii through po­ Bald Chief of Fofle* Walter J. Ha waa nominated tor the The bride, given in marriage that terminated in a chapel- during World War n< He ba- iteuse a brush fire dn Pinney MeCtoud: "Every time aomeone lice lines to get at the municipal VytauUs Mhrijoaious wffl be presidency hy the govsniment N i gp aa al fta MVi. M by her father, wore a full- length train. Her fingertip veil eame a aupemumerary with the St. threw a punch and to* officers length gown of nvCon o—'sosa, ktoekvUle department In 195». water works and power jdant. guest oonduotor of the Hartford Party of Revolutionary InsUtu- of silk illusion was attached to Teanls Leasone Set Police uaed electric cattle prods grabbed the guy, they had U x designed with fitted bodice, Dunham waa dted for hi* ef- Recreation Director Donald Festival of Music tomorrow MOW — PRI — last November, a pearl and crystal crown, and suid nightaticks to get things more to fight with.” he campaigned intensively SCTxned neckline threo-onar- she carried a cascade bouquet Itorta aeveral year* ago when, Berger has announced that ten Firemen uaed Ugh yrtaau and Wednesdi^ at p Jn. in I f . under control. 8 tb» throughout Mexico’s 29 states ters-length sleeves and bell- of white roses. during hla time off, he aided In nls lessons have been scheduled hoses CO the rioters after a shaoed skirt tvith detachable the capture of a man wanted by At West Yellowstone, Mont., second aumnsr oonoort of tlw although the PRI has never lost Miss Mary Lou Vanderhoff for boys and girls 16 years old about SO reaidenU uaed ax cherry bomb was hurled into a train. Her bouffant veil of s'lk 1 State Police. The man aought and younger. patrol car, h\}uring a deputy series held at Oonneetlcut GeU' a presidential election. of Manchester, sister of the handles against a mob of 1,000 Oonsales Torres also Is a law­ lllu.sion was arranged from a waa apotted on R t 15. atopped Raymond O. Dunham Fifty youngsters have enrolled dieiiffa leg. eral life hwuranoe Ca hi half-hat of silk trimmed wdth a ; bride, was maid of honor. She ilia car and ran Into the wood*, teen • agera and college - age yer, from nearby Mlchoacan, mdhrnrlrnmmt wore a floor - length gown of for the courses which will be BloomfMd. and also campaigned hard. single cabbage rose, and she i Dunham waa one of four Rock- given Wednesday and Friday carried a cascade bouquet of aqua silk organza, fashioned non’s fireworks dl^>lay held Rd.; Brenda Leighton, Taloott- B e is oosKhiotor o f the lOan- Some officials predicted a * vUle offioera who received cita­ mornings by Emit St. Louis, an teams are tied for first place phslaenoosla ore’’ '''®. with a back panel embroidered tion* for 6ielr effort* hi the Saturday night at L«*lon Field vUle; Norman Sears, Tolland. chester Civic Orchestra, and record vote, tor above the near­ at the waistline, and a sheath experienced tennis instructor. in the stow pitch league. Amer­ Miss Juliette Anne Pepin of ■earch. on West Rd. ican Legion win play the Vei> Birth Friday: A daughter to »»*■ been gueat oonduotor of the ly 10 minim ballots cast in 1908 skirt. She wore a matching Dunham aerve* aa photogra­ The class is filled, Berger said.' Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ifig- when women voted for the first Willlmantic, a sLster of the | pouff veil, and carried an old- A bstalllon of cars filled the Openings are still available non Faint and Wallpaper at Le­ Festival orchestra for several pher for the department In ad­ neautt; Melroae; a son to Mr. time. An estimated 18.6 milUm bride, was nmid o f honor. ' fashlqned nosegay. huge Meld, and spectators lined In adult classes to be held gion Field. yean since tie inception seven dition to hla regular dutlea. Hla and Mrs. Norman Poulin, 156 Shelia M. Kelly of Manche- / a fenced area or sat on their Wednesday and Friday evenings Wednesday: 6:15, the Legicn years ago. Miss Lou se Pinette, ster of promotion waa baaed oh atate- High S t expected to pick up HarritM’t a sister of the bridei^room, and cars to view the display. from 6 to 7 at Henry Park. Any­ win meet the Jaycees at Legion The entire program wlU con­ Miss Catherine M. Shea of Wll- the bridegronn.: and M'ss San- admlnlaterad axaminationa given Births Saturday: A son to Mr. more seats In the Chamber of Yow ,’ ia Cumi.i'ngR, btfn of Man­ MRS. DAVID PAUL PINETTE ‘Rie event vma financed by one Interested should register FMd. and Mrs. Donald Grous, Tolland. sist of the oonoort version of Deputies. It now has six of the limantic were bridesmaids. Miss about a year ago. the town's Recreation Oommia- before Wednesday at the recrea­ Steve’s Plsaeria adll play Ma­ the Moaart opera, ‘Th* Mar­ chester: inn Mrs. Murtine Ber- Dunham la married to the Discharged Friday: Terry 178 and may get up to 20, some DOWNTOWN Janet M. Pepin of Willlmantic, alon and eponaored by the tion office in the Lottie Fisk ple Grove tonl^t at Henry riage of Figaro.” Soloists will nais of Hefcron were brides- former Mary Arnie Dennis of Reed, Enuna Lau; Richard Woj- observers say. a sister of the bride, was junior Anvertcan L e g i o n . Francis Memorial Building at Henry bo dyde Tipton from Prince­ ma'ds. They were -'tt red in Norwich. They have two chil­ Park In the f u t pitch league. texko, Vernon; Mrs Doris bridesmaid. i 7 PritchaM, chairman of the Le­ Park. Zahner'a Men’s Shop meets the ton, N.J., singiqg the role of Rosemary is the herb often The bridal attendants > f -e l'i:.k gO A'n:, identical In ttyling dren, Raymond Richard, 14, and Arens, E3Ungton; Mrs. Theresa tr the hn inr at tend:, nt, f.nd Car­ gion’s fireworks committee, re­ A tournament will be held at Legion Wednesday at Henry Piader, S3 Spring St; Sherry Figaro; Gene Wrifl^it Count Al- suggested for Ismb, but yoii’11 street-length dresses of peau de Oeorga, 10. ried old-fashioned noesgays. ported that no injurlee or ind- the end of the summer, Berger Park. Durdan, 155 Prospect S t; Leon­ maviva; Esther Hinds, Count­ find Its flavor is also exceUent sole, fa.shioned with 8coo»'ed Aldannan Thomas McCuaker, Michael Pinette of Manches­ First •aid. BnbUah Oollfctloo On ard SurdeL 8 Farmstead La.; ess Almavlva and Lynn Myers, necklines, embroidered cum / t - jehaltman of the police commia- dents occurred. with beef. ter wa.-, his brother’s .best man. Interstate Fireworks Com­ Also slated are classes In se­ Rockville’s monthly rubbish George Knight Broad Brook; Susanna. MONDAYS bunds, cap sleeves and bell- ^idon, said that Dunham was nior lifesaving which will begin Ushers were Robert Jf. Vander- National ^ chosen for the promotion hy pany o f Bridgewater, Mass., collection began this morning Mr*. Eli&beth Wansong and Tickets for the concerts will ahaped skirts. They wore circu­ W E GIVE Wednesday from 5 to 6 p.m. son, Southgate Apts.; Mrs. YEAH HOUND lar face veils attached to roses V f f Jr lirot'her of the bride; atate peraoiUMl department ot- provided the spectacular dis­ and will continue until the city be available at the gate. The P rharcl Korney and .'ack Cur­ play, whidi tested atxmt half The course is open to anyone Elaine Neil and daughter, 46 oonoerts are held outdoors on on their heads, and curried cor S to re s fldala and hy RockvUle’a police 16 or older and students must la covered. Personal Notices tin, all of Manchester. i admlnlstraton on the baaia of an hour. Council President John T. Or- West St; Mrs. Carmen Uaotte th* grounds of OOimecticut lonial bouquets of yellow roses. be good swimmers. One require­ The b.'.de'i mother wore a lowski, chairman of the council and son, 125 High S t; Mrs. Bar­ General, and in oaae of rain are e Robber Stands The honor attendant wore nile his performaiKe. Soma leaidenta, viewing fire- ment Is that the student swiaa a t'-'o-pieje metallic diess with McCuskar Indlcatad that hla weeks from a secret vantage public works committee warn­ bara Foss and son, 31 Vernon moved faito the air conditioned Card Of Thanks green with matching acces­ Adama photo quarter mile. * Legal Fem s sories, and the bridesmaids lose acoe^'icirics, and a corsags commiaaian will aak the city point, reported they could see ed that traah in 50-gallon drums Ave.; Scot Hudson, 29 Thomp­ audiotrium. We wish to thank all of (wr MRS. JOHN ROBERT KENNEDY lSTAMPB Actadt Swtan Leesoee son S t; Mrs. Dorothy Srodul- neigbbora, frienda and relative® for * Filing SuppUei wore peppermint * green with ot deep pink roses. The bride­ council for three additional pa­ fireworks diqilaya from five will not be collected. Lumber the many act® of kindneu and Adams photo groom’s m-Dthcr were- a pm,c Adult swimming lessons will skl, Thlland; Doiise Wielicska, matching accessories. trolmen for the flacal year surrounding towns. and tree limbs will be collected sympathy ehown oe in our recent MRS. WILLIAM JOSEPH KELLY Miss Ruth Ann Gardiner and^fashloned like the honor atten- chiffon over satin dress with be held from 8:011 to 9:15 and later In the week, after regular Ellington. Code Use Advocated bereavement We e*peclaUv ttuu^ Paul Hublard of Manchester ■tarting In November. Oharoh Addittoa Flaaned ail those who sent the beautiful John Robert Kennedy, both of dant’s except that they ahd long matchin.$ accosscries, and a "W * wlah to glv* the depart­ will begin this week. Registra­ trash Is picked up, Orlowski Discharged Saturday: Mrs. served as best mem. Ushers sleeves. They wore matching ti­ A $10,000 addition to the Eleanor Leaaig, 28 MLaiden La.; floral tributes and sympatoy cards South Glastonbury and formerly corsage of white roAes. ment personnel the aame bene- tion should be made before said. WASHINGTON — Enforce­ AJid oootributed to the Heifemorlal were Walter A. Kelly Jr. of aras and carried nosegays of First Congregational Church, of Peter Jan ten, 16 Thompson S t; ment of local housing codes as of Manchester, were united In A reception for '‘ 100 gpies's ta aa other d ty employes, a TTiursday at Henry Barii. Class­ Briefs Fund. Manchester, brother of the pink carnations with blue baby's Monday ■ TswdsY ■ Vernon has been announced by Mrs. Vera Honnan, Vernon. a step to fight slums and urban bridegroom; and Alan C. Ogren marriage Saturday morning at wes held at Miller’s Restaurant. S)-hour week," h* said, Donald Cole, chairman of the es are open to anyone 16 or old­ Our Lady of Fatima Council, Krs. Henry A. Oe Osypuk'Creamer St. Mary’s Episcopal Church. breath. VHien -eiving on a mentor trip r ^ Rockville presently haa nine er. No maximum age limit has KofC, win meet tonight at 8 Discharged S u n d a y : Mrs. blight Is aidvocated by the Na­ and family. of Manchester, brother-in-law building committee. Lora D u l ^ 39 Talcott Ave.; tional Association of Real Estate of the bridegroom. *1716 bride is a daughter of Miss Pamela Gardiner of to Cape Cod. Mrs. Pn ette wore ; ^jpatrohnen and five admlniatra- been set. at KofC HaU, 16 Prospect St Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Gardiner, Work on the 800 square feet Mis. Mildred Gerber, Middle Boards as a majoi' step in its Glastonbury, a niece of the a cerise sheath dress with white t 'itora. One of the new patrolmen Baton twilling leaeona will Richard Bundy, recently Install­ Mrs. Pepin wore an off-white addition will begin this week by Butcher Rd.; Mrs. Norma Oaiv 1964 program. Nearly 740 Unit­ linen sheath with pink acce.s- South Glastonbdfy. The bride­ bride, was flower girl. She wore accessories. The couple will live ' '^would replace Dunham, bring' beg^ Saturday for anyone In­ ed grand knight, wlU preside. James McCarthy, and is expect­ ney, 17 Bancroft Rd. ed States cities specify mini­ Bories. The bridegroom’s mol^ groom is a son of John Kennedy full-length dress of white lace at Meadoway Apartments, Mid­ ^-Vlng the force up to 12 men. ed to be completed within 60 terested. No age llmita have The Suburban Women's Club Science Shrinks Piles and Mrs. Arche Kote, both of over blue taffeta, matching dletown. » ur McCuaker pointed out that will hold a potluck picnic at mum health and safety er wore a pink silk sheath with days. John E. Cadman of Wal­ been set. The courae will be Vernon news is handled by standards. matching jacket and white ac­ East Hartford. tiara, and carried a. basket of Mrs. Pinette graduated from bief uver acme o f the duties now handled Henry Park tomorrow at 6:30 ter J. Douglas Associates is the taught by Miss Linda Edwards The Herald’s Ro«kvllIe Bureau, cessories. Both wore corsages The Rev. George F. Nostrand, miniature pink and blue carna­ Manchester High School and z by supernumeraries would be architect The addition will be p.m. The picnic Is open to mem­ New Way Without Surgery tions. the Middlesex Memorial Hospi­ ~ handled by the proposed addi- of Melrose. 5 W. Main St, telephone RAILROAD DEFICIT of white carnations and pink rector, performed the double made' on the church parsonage, Beginner and advanced class­ bers and their guests. John Gardiner of South Glas­ tal School of Nursing, where The Rockville Baptist Church 875-3186 or •iS-8711. NEW HA'VEN (AP) — The sweetheart roses. ring ceremony.- Sydney McAl- ' tlonal men. ‘T he b u i^ t and the located on R t 83. tonbury, a brother of the bride, she is employed as a 'staff mem­ f a n c y - schedule haa been worked out es wlU be held and each student will hold Its morning service at trustees In bankruptcy of the A reception for 200 was held pine was organist. Bouquets of In 1960, the parsonage was Stops Itch—Relieves Pain served as best man. Ushers ber. Mr. Pinette, also a Man­ ^ for next yaar,” McCuaker aald. must furnish his own baton. 10 a.m. during the summer. Ancients Used Asphalt New Haven railroad have re­ at the Elks Home. Willlmantic. white mixed flowsrs decorated renovated at a coat of $14,000. Hott t«A, R. t. - For the M thorough that rafferere nude were Allan Newton of Manches­ chester High School graduate, '‘We’ll diacuBs the proposal with Registration should be made Hospital Notes ported a deficit of $6,978,439 for astoniddag statemeata Uk* Tilas For a motor trip to Washing­ the altar. AddiUona to be constructed 6nt Him sdanea has found a nsw ter, Charlee Finnuche and is employed by the Internation­ Slicedf Ten department haa had an increase Softball gamea scheduled this Admitted Saturday: Sally used by man. In a natural, im- had a $5,132,871 deficit for Jan­ rbolds, stop itching, and relieve Btanoe (Bio-Dyne*)—dlsoorery e( white accessories, and orchid a bath on the second floor. gown of Chantilly lace, designed and Paul Sear of Hartford. Scott o f more than 65 per cent in ac- week In both the slow and fast Taylor, Reservoir Rd.; Russell refined form it was uaed In the uary through May. The May pein —witbont surgery. a world-famoos rteesirh institntc. corsage. The couple will live at, Equipment Wanted A seven-room addition was with sweetheart neckline, fitted Kristoff of Hebron, a nephew of *. Svlttes. constructed In 1956 and haa ldtt QTMR ELECTRIC KNIFE neckline, cap sleeves, controlled corsages.' to a crown of peau de ^ ie and Famous make eieotrio oarvliig knife with purohua* e f skirt,^ arched waistline and de­ A reception was held at pearls, and khe carried a white 1-QT NO PAYMENTS euek Hotpoliit in^plianoe. tachable t)^ n of Chantilly lace Fiano’s Restauran^Bolton. For prayer book with dusly pink Finast TOMATO JUKI 3 Bits (Dlspoanls Excluded) banded with organza. Her bouf­ a motor trip to Cape Cod Mrs. sweetheart roses, sraphanotls. T K l SEPTEMBER fant tiered veil of Illusion was Osypuk wore a yellow linen UB3-OZ, 4 DAYS ONLY Planet photo and Ivy. 1 ' ‘ PMAST arranged from a cap of seed dress, brown and white acces­ Miss Patricia Struff of Man­ Tomatoes CAN5 TUESDAY-FRIDAY pearls, ahd she carried a dou­ sories, and a white orchid cor­ chester was maid of honor. ble kissing ball of pale pink Engaged Automatic Washers sage. Bridesmaids were Mias Pauls F IN A S T S L t e m pompons. Mrs. Osypuk is a 1960 grad­ The engagement of Mis.s Lor­ DiMungo of New Britain, cous­ Boots Miss Rosalie ScagUone of Sale Starts Tuesday uate of Manchester High School raine Elizabeth Martin of Man­ in of the bride; and Mrs. Vin­ Middletown waa maid of honor. and a 1964 graduate of Central chester to John Arthur Marcure cent Diana and Mrs. Mario CAL JUG Electric Dryers Mrs. Raymond LaPlante of (tonnecticut College, New Bri­ of AKston, Mass., has been an­ Finatt Bleach SpringAeld, Maas., waa honor­ tain, vdiere she earned 4 B. 8. nounced by her parenls, Mr. Diana, both of Manchester and Ends FrL A t 6 P.M. slstera-in-law of the bride­ ary matron of honor. Miss Carol degree in elementary education. and Mrs. Jbseph A. Martin, 68 DOUBLE «EEN STAMPS WEDNESDAY Dishwashers (Jhace of Manchester and Miss She will teach Grade l.a t Peru N. Elm St. groom. Donna Evensen of Naugatuck (New York) Central School. She Her fiance is the son of Mr. All the , attendants wore 'AT YOUR FIRST N ATIO NM . SUPER MARKETS REFRIGERATORS were bridesmaids. Mrs. Robert is a member of Theta Sigma and M ri Jolto Marcure, floor-length gownd of pink lin­ Purchase Any Hof point Stelzer pf Springfield was hon­ Delta sorority. Airman Osypuk Moosup. en-textured silk, fashioned with Joseph SSatemia photo HAlTFOlb COUNTY orary bi^desmaid. is a 1968 graduate of Bristol Miss Martin Isia 1969 grad­ scooped necklines, short MRS. WILUAM JAMES DIANA ELECTRIC RANGES The bridal attendants wore High School and Is stationed at uate of Manchester High School. sleeves, fitted empire bodices, M M M D IR — Bring in Thit'Week's Coupons Received bi Appliance At Big Savings fUU-length gowns of pink or­ the Plattsburg Air Force Base, She is employed In the pur­ A-line skirts, and Watteau Mail For DINNERWARE and BONUS STAMRSI chid taffeta peau, fashioned with N.Y.' chasing department at Pratt trains. They wore matching with a lace-trlmmed bodice, a Mrs. Diana, a 1958 graduate •cooped necklines, short sleeves, and Whitney, division of Unit­ cfowns with face veils. The flowered bsL im4' matching ac­ of Mt. St. Josei^’s Academy, THIS W UK'S BONUS STAMP ITIM M FREEZERS cessories. Tkle bridegroom’s and Pay Only. $2,99 A Week fitted bodices, cummerbunds ed Aircraft Oorp., East Hart­ maid of honor carried a cas­ West Hartford, graduated from | ■ *hJXTRA$*H EXTRA SAH Crab Takes Baths cade bouquet of red roses, pink mother wore a pink satin dress and bell-shaped skirts with back ford. She is a member of Beta 'Our La'dy of the Elms at Chic­ 9 U STAMPS STAMPS ■ W STAMRS- bows. They wore double face feathered carnations and ivy. with a white hat and acces­ 100 Sigma Phi, Eta (Jhapter, Man­ ;lh 9 llUf HiAViN r*HMn «Mi tlx w..Mn w«h Om nl-l«eg«. veils attached to rose head­ RIO de JANEIRO — The man­ chester. The bHdesmaids carried cas­ sories. Bbth mothers wore opee, Mass., in 1962. She Is a grove )brab of tropical America white orchid corsggei. Grade 2 teacher at the Keeney pieces. The honor attendant car­ Mr, Marcure is a graduate of cade bouquets of red roses with GUSSES PORK CUTLETS AnMPlIlRiWfW- lllM N iU ll ried a single kissing ball of or- and Africa produces Its own Plainfield High School and a ivy. A reception tor 150 guests St. School. Mr. Diana, a ' 1964 chlk $1.t)0 Bvdrjr four weeks from its glU aa hla brother's best man. The Dance Hall. When. on a School, graduated from \ toe FOU carnations with smllax. The lege of Accounting and Finance, M X 0 * MATCH PO RK CHOPS bridesmaids carried kissing openings a white, aoapy foam­ B ^ o n , Moss. He U a membeh ushers, all of Manchester, were motor trip to Florida, \Waahing- University of Connecticut APPLIANCE AND REPAIR balls of orchid pompons and like mass Is exuded in which of Kai>pa Phi Alpha. He is em­ Peter Lumbruno, cousin of the ton, D. C., and the World’s 1961, and received his L.L and Ceupeni Received IV 34 OAK STREET, MANCHESTER^ omllax. the crab moves about briskly ployed at Main, Lafrents and bridenoom, and Mario Diana Fair, .Mrs. Diana wore a two- gree In 1964-from Boston Uni' Lori Pease of Bomers, a for an hour. WhUe its pincers Co., certified public account­ and Leo Diana, brothers at th* ptsoe ereamy green outfit with slty School of Law. Starting next PNoto MPoNNo in pifil NbRmmI Skmoi AWRrIb Ol4p •ousin of the bride, was flower move drcularty In the foam ants, Boston. brtdaciooaL white aooaosoriaa. The oouple monto he will be employed by iaaM,lMt6Titiiii PiifcaifcwiMiiia.tosaOOgi- OPEN TO 10 P.M;-FRI. TO 6*FJl4. the erab s e g ^ its lega against The .brids'g moUMr.^urai« a will live at 490 ToUaad St, the Aetna lif* Zhsuranc* do., wtMtawiTMonotoUMiOUBNpn ' ’ girl. 8hs wore an. Btop^-effect Pto date has bean announesg — -- A* ■ ’ , I CORMIER e t pale.pinik w ltt deeper ene anethar. for ths weddtaic. iMlYfOnL. kV » \ L ' . ; -’"i^ J-r •', 1 V'h“ • ■' .••'■• J - . ,


m m South Windsor Delta Masons Driver Is Held Mto atoatagp I ora apparent, and A i i d ^ v t i r there la lam m to foi^va him for To Hold Picnic TV-Radio Tonight In Bolton Crash H. HlSim High School Pupils Named A lliompaonvllle man waa ar­ Ifm ld ■a, a t Um moment, as Biaaahowar Delta Chaptsr, Royal Arch rested Weidneadsy after the car SAND trtas to daelda whathar ha is off or on Maaona will hold a picnic Sat­ To Hohor Roll Announced urday at the cottage of C. Harry he was driving struck a stone W. H. IN6LAND i a r » a thla or that oandMacy, as Governor Shenning at Rogers Lake. Mem­ Television ♦ail on Lake St. in Bolton, po­ Beraaton, probably goaded Into the pie- bers will leave from the Ma­ •:00 ( 8) Bis I 'fiiaatar (13) Tell the Tnitb lice said, and cam* to rest on a UIMHR CO. tura by tha Eisenhower on-agaln-ott- Principal Fred Caruolo h as< ^ 6256,000; last year 17 dwell- sonic Temple at 10:30 ai.m. ( $) N«ws (34) B udfet Your Honey reaident’s lawn. ’’At the Oieen” 649JIM11 Ings totaled 6291.0Q0. IlU) Kye-D0. (10-23-30) H uncey-Brlnkley (10) Peter Gunn and came to a stop on the lawn FREE!! Brent Rd., Vernon. Those in (40) Superman 10:00 ( 3) The UetectlVea of Arthur Pish of 84 Lake' St. ^ **••«••••«•••••••• probably at the lowest peak In his en- rence Karkowski, Ed Ota, Ralph Revenue received by ths de­ need of transportation may also ( 8) F’ollow the Sun (13) Cast Side. West Side Russo and Ann Shuteran. partment was 62,623.50. (13) Newebeat ( 8-30-40) B reaking Point The car was extensively dam­ A New Roll Of1 tire oaraer ao far aa public estimation la call Ferguson. f:16 i30) Ron Cochran (10-23-30) Mitch liflller (O aged. Tnxiper Raymond An­ ••••••%«••••••••«% Honors, Pat Bernotas, Rose­ Bible School Program 7:00 (13-22-80-40) New*. Sport*, (341 Antiques eonearned. marie Caaserino, Charles Ceas- The Vacation Bible School W eather 11.00 ( 3-10-33-30) Nows, Sporl*. drews of the Colchester Troop Kodak Film Even thla page, which uaually finds will hold a closing program In | W i d (,2) Movie (C) W eaiher investigated. aar, Pat Dailey, Eileen Doocy, 1 >9 (18) Suberriptlon TV 11:1B (30) Tonight (C) Costa will appear in Manches­ With Each Roll Developad Jean Ellis, Ciarol-Jean FiUp, the sanctuary at 7:30 p.m. Fri-1 V I tK S (34) W bat’e New / (8) Movie «t an aome defense for Eisenhower against his Gr<*^na photo ter Circuit Court 12 on July 20. (Block and White um Importunata critica, has been forced to Catherine Froat, Patricia Guil- day. (30) Mall O rder M arket ' (40) Movie beault, Dorothy Kupchunos, One worship service will be For Bankruptcy (10) Death Val'ev O ayi (12) Chris Clark Color Printa) wonder It he haan’t poeaibly eome into Engaged 7:18 (32) S um m er HlRhllzhls 11.3(1 (12) Movie SURVIVES LONG SUDE E Fnuik Longann, Gerald Martin, held beginning Sunday at 9:30 ‘The engagement of Mias (80) Sporta C am era 11 .30 (10-22) Tonight (C) hia political dotage. Peggy Newberry, Charles a.m. Herbert George Martell of Box ,7:!K) ( k-30-40) O uter Limit* (8) Movie BOULDER, Colo. (API—Bob LIGGETTS But we are still inclined to think that Nichols, Wendy Noordendorp, Linda G. Johnson of MancheS' SEE SATUKDAT-S tv w e e k FOR COMPLETE LISTING Rossman, 17, said he felt "a lit­ Mt. Rd. filed bankruptcy pa­ tle sore but mighty lucky" to­ AT THE PARKAOE the present situation ia more the fault George Ryan, Bill Sturdevant, Manchester Evening Herald pers today at the Federal Court. ter of Leon M. Kassler of Bol­ Pat Surber, Bob Voronovltch, South Windsor correspondent day. of the timea, of the party, and of many Hartford. He is a machinist at ton haa been announced by her He slid down a rock chute on John Woodcock and Susan Za- Rrownie Joseph, telephone 644- Gammons-Hoaglund, Manches­ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert leaner mto than It is the fault of Btaen- gorski. 0148. the face of a mountain Sunday ter. W. Johnson of 513 Lydall 3% hower.. Juniors, special honors, Cindi He is represented by Atty. Radio and fell another 40 feet, clash­ a. 4. Her fiance is the aon of Mrs. ing against a tree on the aide Everybody, we have been able to Adams, Clair Booth, James David M. Barry of 9 W. Mid­ (This Hating Ineludes only those news broadeMts of 10 or 16 Daley, Betty Dubiel, Peter Gros- dle 'tpke., who presented the Rena Kassler of Williams Rd., of the mountain west of Boul­ note, spent many months presumably ai, Jackie Miles and Patricia Bolton, and the late Leon E. minute length. Some stotlons eerry other short newscasts). der. .o m cnuoukr action to referee Saul Seidman. Three hours later, members of waiting for Eisenhower to pick a preai- Mozako. Local Stocks Liabilities were listed as 62,- Kassler. WDBU—IISS ♦ lOiOB Nlghtbeat •• Miss Johnson la a 1961 grad­ 11 ;0(l New* the Rocky Mountain Rescue TODAY denUsJ candidate or lead a atop OoM- High honors, Carolyn.Bowers, 580.13, and assets as $50. ■ ;(AI Lent John Wada 11 :-15 Sport* FMnsl Group plucked him to safety Watar movement. Alan Goess, Nisa Freedman, Pa­ Household Finance Corp., 380 uate of Manchester High 8:00 Dick Robinson 11:30 Art Johnson Show 1$ ■ |Dod day to taka a 1l>* Bell-*ni KSkHKMiKRtnui timated at $4.8 billion, up about 6:45 Three Star Extra 8:15 Life Line tabltft with hot water at hid time. Reed in everybody was waiting for Eisenhower Sophomores, special honors, B.ink Co...... 63 V4 6714 Mass., this fall. 7:06 Conversation Piece S:,30 Broadwav Overture m m Mi etmin Fire Insurance Comphnie* 7 per cent from 1962. But infla­ hed until eyes ihut. Bell-ani tibliti relieve to make a move, he did make a move. Karen Barber, Kathy Booth, 7:30 News 0:10 Be*l of Broadway itomich I I I due to esetst tfonuch acid. M8e db ear bORf 10 seme yw to P o T T tj Om U liV M Hartford Fire ___ 78’A 82'A tion cut the effective Increase No date has been announced 7:45 Sing Along 10:15 Mii*lc do R elax By No harmful druii. Send poitil to Bol|.ani, It than became a pity to sec what those M e IfetroiwUUB MuMom tt ArtPotehaae. William Cahill. Joel Freedman, to 2(4 per cent. for the wedding. 8:10 Pop* Concert 13:15 Sign Oft Otingiburi, N. Y., for liberil free umplt. Linda Higg^ins, Stuart Hurd, National Fire .... 136 144 wlw might have benefited from it did Phoenix F ir e ...... 125 133 o nay ladlM %d think (hat Bevarly Laahetski, Mary Ku- PETER BLUME PAINTING LOANED TO WADSWORTH FOR SPECIAL EXHIBITION Life and Indemnity Ins. Cos. lac aa Praaidmt Johnaom'a with It 1««B, Brad Myrick, Diane Sa- Etsenhosrer made a move when, short­ tonia and Judith Trudnak. Aetna Casualty ..125^ 133(4 ■t povarty" la aaaraly aoma "CHILDREN ITi THE ..This flrat full-ecale review of sult Blume is at variance wHh where tiie axhibiUon c|>aMd statomsnt an Mid Aetna Life ...... 192(4 200 ly after tha Oregon primary, he iaaued ‘Taaso'a Oak", n- High Honors, NeMa Barch­ device, or thoae who TREE” is among the Paintings Blunrie’a work covers his career a great deal of modern Ameri­ eariier this spring. Conn. General ...181(4 189(4 hie statement describing the ki^^, of from 1025 to the present can painting, although he ac­ Blume first attained interna­ work whkdi foausM ea a trae an , Diane Brandish, James Hfd. Steam Boiler 141 145 mmj haetoa to agraa with Sonator <3oU> aind drawings by one of today's near the Vatican undar wWch Creagan, Elaine'DellaBemarda, w atart vtow that awe aaplaaattoa a( pov* eandidate he thought the Republiran Blume, who was born in Russia cepts its importance. tional recognition when his Security Ins...... 78 82 party should have. most provocative American ar­ iir 1908. has had his home and Among the more than 90 highly oontroversial painting, the 16th cMitary poet, haV-enad Victoria Dubiel, Bill DeNlcola, Travelers (new) 1. 46(4 48(4 aity la that peopla don’t atrive hard tists, Peter Blume, which will studio in Sherman, (3onn., since paintings and 60 drawings in "South of Scranton”, was Torquanto Taaso, was supposed Steve Leighton, Kathy LePort'e, Public U till tie* It was a atatement which spoke for to have meditated. Hi the Brad Marsh, Edward Skillen. aamifh to ret out t€ it aiirht, tor parau- be shown in the comprehensive 1930. the exhibition at the Athene­ awarded First Prize at the Conn. Light Power 36(4 38(4 itself, and which ran no danger of being um, will be Blume’s meet re­ Carnegie International Exhibi­ Wadsworth Atheneum BoBie Jean Ward and Nadia Wasy- atoon toward a aobarer Mnd of thinklBg, retroapective exhibition opening Blume’s style of painting Hartford Gaa Co. 78 82 atoop thaanaalvaa in aoma atatiatica pra- misunderstood anywhere. It was a atate­ most closely approaches that of cent work, a anowscape with tion in Pittsburgh, 1934. Other tion is Blume's "fialisn Straw tonko. Southern New Eng­ at the Wadsworth Atheneum, Hat”, painted in 1952. Honors, Helen Curtin, Mau­ ■anted hi a Wah Btroat Journal aurvey ment which wsLS making Republicans raagic-reaJlam in the surrealist birds, "Winter,” ccanpletefl ear­ important paintings which have land Telephone. .‘56(4 59(4 kept his name in the limelight The Peter Bhime Retroapec­ reen Dragone, John Frenett, at the tatoat mortality rata In thla Hartford, on Tliursday morn­ movement His early works lier this year. Sharing the MaSiufactoiing Companies It was a and potentially dedslva ing, July 9. Members of the ;nu- show the influence of Cubism. sponsorship of the Peter Blume of American art have been tive Exhibition will be on v4ew Wayne Oeriit, Cheryl Groebel. Allied Thermal ... 48 52 oountry. at the Wadsworth Atheneum Susan Harris, George Linko, atatement la r ^ that leadiiig juvenile In ■eum will preview the Peter Throughout his career, Blume show . with the Wadsworth ’The Rock” (1948), now at The Arrow, Hart, Heg. 56 60 oaa thlnr, Ilia Unitad BUtaa thla Blume show at a previous open­ has upheld the importance of Atheneum Is the Currier Gal- Art Institute of <3hicago; "The through August IB. •Da've Pastular Brian Mikullitz, Barden ...... ll>4 12(4 American jwIIUcb, the Governor of the arondarlaad a( onra, rataa not fliat but ing on Wadneaday evening. the image In painting. As a re­ levy of Art in Manchester, N.H., Eternal City" (1937), a brutal is free. Toni Polskowskl and Bennie Bristol Brass .... 8% 9% state a t New Tork, went up and down Buver. Coleco ...... 8(4 9% taath la tha worU hi tha lowaaaa of Ita CaUforaia proclaiming himaelf to be the ~r Freshman, special honors, Dunham-Bush ... 3% 4% Infant mortality rata. Ntoo other na- Elanahower choice. We would aay that, Ronald Dayton and Mary Ann N. B. Machine ... 27% .30% tioaa, lad by tha Natherlimda and Swa* if the Eisenhower strategy aa party elder Linko; high honors, Diane North and Judd .. 17 ' W dan, heap aoro bahlM aliva than we do. Dodd, Barbara Faust, Timothy Peter P a u l...... 31 34 . stateaman has been weak and queatlon- O’Mera, Sherry Phipps, Jeanne Plastic Wire Cable 12 13(4 fo r the aoaond hi( thing, thia rala- able. It la also true that the help he has Inside By Rowland Evans Jr. Op en Forum Ota, Sherry Strohm and Sandra Standard Screw .. 35(4 38(4 tivaly poor record of aura—poor in re­ had from other people in the party, aiid Weetbrook; honors. Sherry Stanley IVorks ... 23 25 lation to theae other ftattona, and poor the material he has had to work with, Ooneerniiig Oompoton eaepraesion, inflection or mis­ Bannister, Kenneth Cook, Re- Veeder-Root ...... 59 63 In relation to tha way we like to think have both been somewhat below par. AH Robert D. Novak To the Editor, pronunciation. bed agent in Man- j One of the aimpleat waya to improve prodiiM an increase in intelligence. been the Svent the Scrantonitea publican Campaign Ornimlt- June totaled $320,900 compared cheater for.^ all Airlines, ^ But don't give us all the en As for us, we would leave the rata Humphrey., ^ Sponaoced by the M*Tbs*>>ti Railroads and Steamship ra tha atatiatica torvinfant mortality is to Why the sIvltchT When tha need to stop Sen. Barry Gold- tee’s history. Yesterdays Connell of Chnrohea to $321,650 foi June last year, Increase the amount of clinical care where they are. in a dwindling state of State Committee members re­ water. A floor fight over Milton Rep. Charles Halleek of Indi­ according to Building Inspector Lines. available for expectant mothers. Just Intelligence, and concentrate on a poa- plied to the aurvey in May, Eisenhower might have had the ana, the House Minroity Lead­ 2 5 Year* .Ago Donald McLaughlin. sible application of the tame valuable Humphrey was in uie limelight saiqe impact aa. the 1952 cre­ er, was a similar problem. Hal- In a recent story from a tra'v- Fifteen dwellings were value- There ore three mein reoiem for the role redecKoni medical care and advice can do much. dentials fights, whUA turned eler In Russia, he said that he experiment to some other intelligence aa field marshal of the Senate leck waa replaced as Perma­ ’Three bridges in Manchester Improved living conditions, improved edvil rights fight The Attorney the tide against Roben'A. 'Taft. nent Omvention 'Chairman thia washed out by previous fall’s found one church where across 1. Yoe, eur evtiomen, by steocRIy ‘mcreosing the i diet, oould do more. we would like to see diminished. General, on the other hand, was j Goldwater’s top aidee wera year by Sen. Thruston Horton flood replaced as WPA project. the door was written the words, We are tenth, not first, in our infant In our gardening, for instance, wa being boomed to for the / well aware of this. That’s why .of Kentucky. But former Presi- American Legion Post Drum “God Is Not Here.” As Ameri­ in homes, tefSoek, stores, industries, offices and mortality statistic. have an elusive but annoying acquain­ Senate from New Tork. ; the militant conservatives who (lant Eiaenhower aaked that Corps wing first prize in .senior cans, we have become hardened HallMdt, his old legislativs,lieu- agaln.st any sense of shock at The world’s richest nation still has tance with rabbits, with woodchucks, Probably more important lead Maryland’s Goldwater drum corps competition held in 2. Tlie recent fawome tox cut which bw en oer cods. however, is that Vice-Pi^ldent- movement were told by national tenant. b^'-awautled tha honor South Windsor. any story about Russia Which great pockets of poverty so real it cofts and with crows. In all of these, some ial opinion surveys of Demo­ of Introducing Mm to the eon- speaks of this non-bellef. Such 3. Years of research and planning into ofBdcnt aeenondeai general decrease in intelligence, which Goldwater headquarters to drop vention. a position' comes from the fact large numbers of human lives every day cratic party workers — as op- the Issue and permit the laat- the poverty continues. might give us at least a oompetiUve ' posed - to rank and file Demo­ 1M4 Pubiish.rs NswasaiMr 10 Years Ago that we usually think of our­ OF MANCHESTER generole and distrftMite oer oervicec. minute substitution of IDisen- S radkoats selves as committed believers chance to enjoy the yields and fruits of crats, who definitely favor Ken­ Manchester observes Civil De­ Let us not, then, try to fasten any nedy - reflect not so much hower on the delegation. in God whereas we think ef particulpr political label, or any particu­ our own labors, would be very welcome. their own cdioice as their fore­ The Maryland Goldwater men fense Week by proclamation of Russia as a land of non-beUev- Living in the same world with rab­ never cleared' their anti-Elsen­ Mayor Sherwood G. Bowers. ers. I lar class label, on the iaaue of poverty. cast of President Johnson’s ul­ Qntoatien for Ibday $3,300,000. That b the total annual reduction new being afcared b f oer bits. woodchucks, crows, mosquitoes, timate choice. Because Hhey hower drive with national head­ Faced with 2700 deficit from However, as Wa view Ameri­ Let us try to handle is aa the great quarters. Thay contended, with fireworks, American Legion- national Issue it is—our greatest and wise old trout and cats and doga who now believe Mr. Johnson is 6n- Juit aa tall treea are known can life and see the growing customers In varying degrees. To the average domestic customer the likely to tap Robert Kennedy, some justification, that Eisen­ for their shadow*, so are good may vote down future displays, dependence upon material moat pressing national issue, obviously, rub it in by treating human’'beings with they are loathe to list him as hower (now Preaident of Johns man known by their eneinie* — Arthur W. Benson Installed things, I wonder If we are real­ •oving is enough to pay for the operation of these nine oppRonoei for next to that of racial relations, with marked condescension can give a man a their preference. Such is tha Hopkins Ui>i4araity in Balti­ Ancient'CatineM Proverb. president of Rotary Club. ly a more committed peopla which it also has ita obvious oonnection. whale of an Inferiarlty complex even be­ than those in the U.8.S.R. Are o whole yean toaster, nuxer, hair dryer, Fodio, doeh, garbage diipooMb Pdliticil should end and reorganize it- fore he begins trying to figure out peo­ there not perhaps Churches and homes In America where adross sewing mochine, fan ond shaver. aelf at the edge of every poverty pocket, ple. the door might be written to* Juat aa it is supposed to halt at\ the words, “God Is Not Here." arater*s edge when foreign policy la j Exploring Ways Of Peace Fischetti Rev. Roy R. Hutcheon W hat a whale As always. The Hortford Bectrk light Company wads to provide dm b ed and decisive. And then the advance Wapping Community Churck the problem, pledged to Its defeat, should strangely enough, almost all the na- service of the mod reasonable rate. be national. tiona of the worH Including the (Com­ munist satellite countries, understand I« t us Hve lives, first, and as many better than we do that If China U ever of a iciifference aa wa cm . to be brought back Into tha family ofoia- , Today in History Then iet the thejgisU debate, If they tlons, short of war. the ways of peace- By The AaeoclMed Press . W e hope that these redueffons will help to creoto cm ovnn moM foveidblt atm want to, whedkr these babies might aid and trade to the Chinese people— must be explored. Today ia Monday, July 6, the •\ good bedding makes business dhnate Ihrougboul tho oraa W9 servn. have been saving themselves, all this The dlsputq over Khrushchev’s policy 188th day of 1964. There ara I tima, if they had merely chosen to fight of “peaceful coexistence” haa not only 17* daya left In the year. tor braath a Uttle harder. weakened Moscow’s control over the Today's Highlight to Hiatary Asiatic Communist Parties, hut curi­ On this date in 1776, on hear­ Good bedding can hdlp make the differenc#, - ously enough over the Western Com­ ing the news of the Declaration between feeling fit as a fiddle, hr down in munist Parties aa well. Indeed, the of Independence, a New York the dumps. For instance, Holman-Baker Ika At Low Ebb Kremlin’s boss, once revered %s Com- mob destroyed a lead statue of 3^. The Hartford Electric Light Company munism’a Pope, might better be de­ King George HI. The statue makes MuscoPedic and Verto-Rest* bed­ scribed today a* the President of tha provided lead for 42,000 bullets. ding so those with bjick disorders can Qna would gather that the political Council of Western Communist Churches, really enjoy sleeping. These ultra firm raputation of one Dwight Blaenhower This is because his doctrinal insistency On nUs Date mattresses were designed on recommenda­ has never baan lowa^ than it is right during the dispute wlpi Peking, that to 1747, American naval hero YmiHmm-owm m m emm there are ’’dlffarent patha to aocialiam.’* Jonh Paul Jonaa waa born. tions of orthopedic surgeons. Many who^ now. ' c hM encouraged Western Communl.sts, to 1777, Ft'. TTcondaroga faH have no back trouble find this extra fimv ^ e tactic in which he has been en- inside and outside the Iron Curtain, to to the Britiah. bedding refreshingly restful, too. Cont^e in gagdd has bean on view before, back in explore theae "Tltoist” roads, safe at to 1837. the Republic of and try it. Matti’esses $99.50; matching UM whan he was obviously secretly en- last from the Kremlin’s ideological thun- Texas sent an ambassador to > darbolta. Washington. box springs $89.50. louragipg Harold Staaaen to Keep the - And, aad to aay for Mr. K.^.anoet of to 19S0, the Democratie MM for the vice praaldantial nomination theee different roads seem to be leading party nominated Franklin D. fopan” while he himself was publicly^ ba^ along the good old trade routes Hooaevalt for vloe praaMsnt on Want to know more nbout wlahy-waahy on the ranonainatlon of towards the West—and out to China. a ticket headed by Jamas M. • 9\j •' this unusual bedding? Call This la also’'the very wise course that Cox of Ohio. Wxon, but never openly oppose)^ him. oiir Allies—Great Britain and France to 1944, a circus tent fir* la THURSDAYS 648-5171 to|norrow. (gtore That strategy was leas plainly outlined and Germany—who certainly have aa partford, Conn., killed 167 per­ closed Mondays the ',year ttou the 1M4 games the former Praai- much cause to fear Moecow and Peking sona. FRIDAYS round). dsMt has baan ptaylag with his party B8 we do, are now aaMduoualy taking. Todsy’s Birthdays —CLARE BOOTH LUCE. FORMER , Opitra' Soprano Dorothy Htr-. am i Hi laoian. ahi «!■ tima Mr. naan- AMBABBADOR TO ITALY, AT BT. iMMi M iMfW IwMi ttaaU m fV . iitot to 4B..AitriiM.l 6—t i BHIl '6 to * “ ■ ‘:.r • \- • ■; ■ .

* ;? . * MAK •EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN^ MONDAV. JULY 0, 1964 UAN(2H£STER' E^TENING HEU^ALD, M ANCH EST^ OONN.. MONDAY, 6, 1964 PAGE A l ■ V Vila. The Rav, Allison R. Hasps Hospital Notes SO Division St; Mrs. Jun* Neri found in a street leading to Bast him first,” aald Yves Taron, New Show O^ses of Rockville ofBclated. Burlial ai)d daugMer, Wapplng; Itrs. Stanek Fire Loss Soldier Shot Berlin’s Red Square. *1116 Strangler’ father of th* murdered boy. 0|^tniiry was in North Cameteiy, Tol­ Daria Porter and daughter, 14 He had been on a bus tour of Police said Leger led them to M AIBRNflV • David-GoUath Battle East Berlin and miseed bis bus, his arrest by reporting his small land. VMtlag hears ars 9 te 8 pjn. Porter St.; Mrs. Karen Huels- •-a* f In East B erlin ; Reported Caught A t W o rld ’s F a ir ia all areaa exosptlag laatani- man and daughter, Dobson authorltiea said. He began walk­ car stolen Friday, ’fney found SWIMSUIfS V Forrest R. Chase 14y whers they ars S te 4 pja. Ave., V6rnon. May Reach $100»000 The Baby Has ing back to Checkpoint Charlie, it In a few hours and discov­ NEW YORK (AP)—"Wonder Mloney Missing B y Paris Police W M h H m t L M t SOUTH WINDSOR—Forreat In Nomination Chase aad 9s99 te 8 pja. aad private DISCHARGED TESTER - the crosaing point in the Berlin ered bloodstains on the back W orld’’—the 3S.S - miUiOn show R. Chase, 40, of SO Lewis Dr., reoaia where niey are 18 ajn. D A'Y: Richard Myers, South wall for Allied personnel. Be seat. The make ot the car had at the World’s Fair— closed Bun­ Also mstendtj tofs* Btr- BERLIN (AP)—An American waa In uniform. , PA R IS (A P )— A month of ter­ been mentioned in one of^"The was pronounced dead at Man­ (OoBtliroed tram Pegs Use) publican presidential nomina­ to 8 pja. Vtstters are reynested Windsor; John Lambert, An­ ds^ because of poor business. soldier w as shot in a quiet side U.8. troops are allowed to ror Parisian parents ended Strangler” lettera. Leger was modas, drMMS* |M1m » B « W M U m wMhmar of Ur*. chester Memorial Hospital Fri­ tion. net te waehe hraatlite* rooms. dover; Vincent Moriarty, 12 000 tot The coproducers of "Ice-Trav- Been Named visit Bast Berlin if they are in bras, tmlfonns. Violet Tedtord Caoufti. day, the victim of an apparent In niinois, wtasre Icrsaton is Sen. Hugh Scott, R-Pa., des­ No mere than two sMtors at Morse Rd.; Joseph Pero, 299 street ot Oommunist-ruled East Sunday when police announced ImSsediately arrested. aganza” said that unless busi­ oae tinw per patient. Broad St. early Saturday morntog, dMtroytog thouawda uniform. Police found a file of news­ Mr. Clough wo* bom In Gtac- suicide (o spend the next two days, the ignated by Scranton as his con- Oakland St; Arthur Lovejoy, Berlin Sunday night and found th* arrest of "111* Strangler,” ness picks up, the Ice show will ten*on4len, Bngtand. Police said ne shot himself in Columbia; Mrs. Marjorie Bo- of dollars worth of radio and T V parts and equipment. paper clippings on the Taron put on Its last performance ventloa manager, flew into San by a passing U.8. officer. who, they said, had vowed to Survivor* include two eons, the rlgdit temple with a 22-cal. late Sen. Robert A. Taft of Ohio Fatleata Today: EM luid, 57 McKinley St; Mrs. William Stanek, owner of —— — m yrdsf and a list of all major W tird a y . Francisco late Siinday night and Us ion William who had Fall Babies Brighter? Glazier's Bhenrood Clough of Manchea* revolver while sitting in a was extremely popular. Scran­ ADMITTED FRIDAY: Karl M ary Cosgrove, 24 George Dr., radto-teHevliton *01** and repair The wounded soldier was strike again after killing an 11- Paris newspapers in Leger’s Business at the Texas Pavil­ within a few minutes was dis­ *{ay*d behind in Maachcater. Corset aad Calfaras SBep ter and Harold d o u g h of Blast lounge chair on his lawn. ton attempts to show that Gold- Resman, 152 Mrch S t; William Vernon; Mrs. Astrid Buangsr, shop, ■aid today the l o « ^ y KM jr, T teoaqr Bdasnni, Sen ot BuftiM Fraderiek sad brought hack to West Berlin ohd year-old boy. home, they said. Leger la m ar­ ion’s "T o Broadway With Love" playing optimism at a news con­ ■fh* company’* ottio*, efliich LONDON — British psycholo­ 881 Mala St Hartford; a daughter, Mias water Is not anothsr Taft. J. Wilson, Old Stone Rd., Ver­ 18 Delmont St.; Mrs. Gladys total between and Kathryn Hart Klely, 48 M awr La., Wapplag. H* was born p la c ^ in a m ilitary' hospital ried and his wife has been a waa described as "terrible" OuMe was pronounced dead ference. 330,000 adjoin*d to* display room, was gist J. E . Orme clmms that Police said Isicien Leger, 27, Ruth dough of Mandiester; two "Robert A. Taft was a con­ non; David Kaye, 32 Oak St; Oambolati, 16 W. Center St; 006, but that no firm erilmates June 80 at Manehester Memorial Hospital. tHs wiatamai where his condition waa des­ patient in a hospital for some over the weekend. Sunday’s on arrival at the hospital by Dr. Scott announced a meeting Iik*wl*e gutted a* th* fire peoirie born in summer or fall a male nurse at a suburban p*y- grandsons and two great- servative In the true sense of Kirsten Wagner, RFD 1, Bol­ William D. Esliger, 38 Grant are yet available. cribed as satisfactory. time. show was the last Sunday per­ Edward Besser. with a number of like-minded raoed along the paael*d waU* grandparents are M r. and Mrs. Edmund M. Hasjt, NtaaUc. are Ukely to be brighter than chUttric clinic, had confessed to grandsons. the world," the govsrnor says. ton; Miss Geneva PentUuid, 84 Rd.; Mrs. Gall Berxenskl and Insurance eeUmator* » A U.8. Army spokesman said, formance. From now on It will Chase is survived by his wife, members of the platform com­ at the front part of th* build­ His paUrnal gnndmothsr ia Mr*. Edmund Xa KMy, 950 tboae bora in winter or spring. toe kidnap-slaying ot Luc Tartm Sarrioes win bo held tomor­ "But ths positions taksn by my Adelaide Rd.; Howard Doane, daughter. 68^ Btssell St.; Mrs. building contractor w e r^ t to* ‘The motive for the shooting be on a six day-a-weSk bstsis. Hattie Chase, and a son, For­ mittee for a common front on ing. Howevar, th* firm 's fOea '< H igh S t W . He has three staters, Kathy Jean, 6, Bllsn Aim, He says temperature is r^ ted M ay 27. 1 in 6 Receives Food ) T o * r o « 8 opponent arc the very oppoeite Manchester Convalescent M argaret Soucy and son, 12 fire scene this m onllnf wltt the was apparently robbery as the Fair exhibitors had hoped for row at the meeting room at rest R. Chase HI. TTie funeral suggestions for civil rights and and account* receivable, which 6, and Tsii-Lynn, 8. to intelligence, and the smart­ They also said he admitted Highland Bt. BurUl wUl be of Taft’s.” Home; Vincent Moriarty, 12 Hudson St.; Mrs. Anita House owner to determine the extent ***** soldier raported his money was dally crowds of 300,(X)0 or more Its and burial were schedulid to other planks. were kept in metal filing eab- er adults are thoae who had Vrtting 56 rose-tinted letters to W ASH INGTO N — Taking into near as In Bast Cemetery. The body ia He lists three or four areas Of Morse Rd.; Bonnie Jae Blevins, and daughter, 204 Greenwood of toe damage, whKto c*®* m issing." over toe Holiday weekend. The ‘take place at Ricker, N.H. Scott also sought to keep alive Ineta, though eiaged. were not Anderson, Jaoqneltee K„ daughtar of CSisrie* Msrwin moremon ths of em brym ic de­ newspapers and police signed account the federal school-lunch resting at the home of his son, legislation that Taft sponsored 42 CDurtland St.; Mrs. Rose Dr.; Mrs. Jean Bird and son, fined to toe interior of toe 70-by Army surgeons removed a figures never got to 200,(XX). the possibility that former Pres­ destroyed. and Blsanor Weis Anderson, ToUsnd. Sh* was bMH Junt 98 velopment when temperatures “The Strangler” In which he and special milk programs, one your Sherwood d o u ^ 149 Wella St. and says "my opponsnt voted Oulllemette, Windsor Locks; Tolland; Mrs. Joyce Farr and 44-foot cement block Mructor^ small caliber bullet from the Mrs. John Calve ident Dwight D. Elsenhower may Two vehielee, a panel service at Manchester Memorial HoqtltaL Her nuUernal grandpar- were above average. described th* boy’s death in de­ in six Americahs now bdheflts The Holmes Funeral H om e, against every one of them.” Mrs. Mary Cramer, ToIlaiHl; daughter, 19 Radding St.; Mrs. Stanek said most of toe s w k aoldler’e stomach. He was shot Mrs. Clara Calve, 80, of 995 yet make a dramatic move in truck and a restored Model A . ents a n Mr. and Mrs. Henry Weis, Rockville. Her paternal tail and threatened to kill again. directly from federal food dis­ telephone 400 M ain Bt., U in charge of Scranton is trying to conduct Mrs. Karen Keeney, 50 Haynes Joan Shaw and son, 25 Berkeley and equipment appeared to b* in the right side of his back, E. Middle Ipke. died Saturday favor of Scranton. He said it is Ford plclnv owned by Willem granarenta are M r. and M n . Albert O. Anderson, South REPORTER HERO An angry crowd of more than tribution. arrangements. at the Laurel M anor Convales­ his campaign in such a w ay as "m y Judgment General Elsen­ St.; Mrs. Astrid Belanger, 18 Dr., Vernon; Mrs. Ruth Ku- a total loss. The Are Windsor. She has three brothers, Charles, 8, Scott, 4, and just above the belt line. 1,000 persona gathered outside a Delmont St.; Gilbert Spencer, Stanek.... 3r„ . . \were dr^nfed dlir- ADAMS CITY, Colo. (AP)—A cent Home after a long Illness. not to alienate Goldwater’s fol­ hower’s own personal pref­ kulka and daughter, 5 Gerald was most sereve in tlw display Dale, 1, and a slater, Laureen, 8. Th* victim’s name was with­ Versailles coiutooussi . where CHINESE BEATLES ing the fire-fighting from a newspaper reporter helped res­ FREE Mrs. George JI. Proctor Br. Bom in Italy on March 20, lowers^ He says many of them erence is Governor Scranton. Wapplng. *■ Dr., Vernon; Mrs. Judith Lyon­ and repair areas, ***** ’ held here pending noUflcatlon Leger was brought for arraign­ ADMI'TTED S A T U R- . car garage to the left of cue nine children and four adults T A IP E I, Formosa (AP)—Po­ Mrs. Plorence N. Proctor, 61, 1884, she had resided here for are "dedicated people.” Whether he says so is his own nais and son, 13 Vine S t ; Mrs. tained several new l ® * ^ * ' * ' Aberle, Lori A u , daughter of Emil and Althea BIlia of hts next of kin, but in Okla­ ment on a murder charge Sun­ SMIL€ the dieplay room . Firemen trapped in a burning car- north lice broke Into a house in Taipei This is putting it mildly. D AY: Edward Lamprecht 18 Marjorie O’Dwyer and daugh­ vision models, customer sets m DELIVERY of Reding^ Beach, Fla., sister 50 years. business." hooked chain* to the bumper* Aberle, Center Rd., Ifernon. She was born June 22 at Man­ homa City, Mrs. Stanley Cop- of Denver Sunday. day night. early Sunday-and found four iwhils. A Long Distspea ttltphont At virtually every place As for the possibility that Hazel S t; Mrs. Claire Mahr ter, 274 Woodbrldge S t ; Mrs. for service, and expensive elec­ of Mrs. Svancls Oee of 80 Pos­ Besides her husband, she is and pulled them out with a fire chester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandmother ie page said she received a tele State patrolmim E. B. Lane "Assassin! Lynch him! Let's teen-agers with Bcatle hairdos visit Is such a plesunt wiy to town Scranton went in the last week, Scranton might accept the Vice dallk, Mansfield Center; Mrs. Marilyn Barr, Wapplng. tronic testing equipment. ter Bt, died Thursday at Largo, survived by two sons, Albert truck. Mrs. Harold Ellis, Vernon. Her paternal grandmother la ifram late Sunday night inform said a car driven by Mrs. Dixie kill him!’* toe crowd yelled as entertaining a swarm of fans. Chloago, Salt Lake City, Seattle, presidential nomination on a Mary Cosgrove, 24 George Dr., Special equipment .ost m- ill the news about family or friends Fla. Calve of Bolton and John Calve Salvage of the v^icle* wa*^ Mrs. Henry Aberle, Vernon. She has a brother, Kenneth, 9, ing her that her son, Pfc. John Hsmsen of Pierce, Colo., burst the police escort struggled to "The ^four Chinese Beatles Your order for dreg aeri Eugene, Ore., and the Dakotas, ticket headed by Goldwater, Vernon; Gilbert Cote, Wap­ cluded two-way mobile service B om in Manchester, she of Manchester; six daughters, pooalble becau*e a cement block and three alstera,' Jeanne, 12, Undo. 7, and Sally, 8. M. Ooppage, 19. had been seri­ into flames after the car’s-rear get the prisoner th ra s h the were even noisier than the Brit­ far away. So quick and any and par- and eosmettos wtO be taka Goldwater placards, hats and Scott said he had not discussed plng; Michael Dow, 1S8 Cush­ sete. intercommunlcaUons sys­ ***** ear* Immediately. moved to Florida IH years ago Mrs. Louise Johnson and MV«. curtain waU separated th* ga­ ously wounded in a shqoting in­ tires appeared to blow out. crowd. ish Beatles," said a policeman. tonal — Inirpansivi, too. It'i tho ot other regalia met his eye at the vice presidency with the man Dr.; Phillip Jones, 148 Work Will Start tems, and shlp-to-shore radlj^ from Verona, N.J. She was a Elvira Irwin of Manchester, rage and dieplay area*. William Willard, Loralle Asm, datudster of Roger Lee and Gloria cident in East Berlin. In a car 3(X) yards behind, re­ The handcuffed Legef raised The quartet was tsGten to a po­ the airports and hotels. ’The ?;overnor "because I find it is a Cooper Hill St. phones. Bold and serviced by iloxt boat thing to boing thiro. mem ber of the First Presby­ Mrs. Felix Garlasco of New Jr., at the fire scene this morn­ Belville Willard, 14 Pioneer Orole. She was bom JuiM 28-at Coppage was stationed at porter Wiley Smith of the Gree­ his hands above hts head to pro­ lice-station and their parents terian Church of Verona. most common was "We will oplc In which he shows no In­ ADMITTED YESTERDAY: On School Wings York City, Mrs. Helen Daly of ing to help as cleanup opera­ Manchester Memorial Hospital. Hsr maternal grandparents Heiloronn, in West Germany, ley (Colo.) Tribune stopped and tect himself from blows from summoned. The parents made She is survived by her hus- Barry you.” terest whatever." John Komlnskl, Thompsonvllle; Stanek eald that toe building Phoenix, Aiiz., Mrs. Rene Mar- tion* bega^ rematiced ruefully ars Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. BeMIls, f^tringflsld, 'Vt. Her but wrote home last week that ran to toe burning car. He and the crowd when the police es­ one request and police cheerful­ (jJsddojniu iMuid, a son, a daughter, a Scranton blithely ignored it. He laughed off a suggestion, Philip Denoncourt Jr., Ahdover is fully covered by Insurance, TK SMTKn R if (M UM ando of Norwich and Mrs. Ground will be broken in two that the' restoration of hi* paternal grandmother is Mrs. Helen Willard, Sprlnidleld, Vt. he planned a tour with an Arm y Mrs. Hansen managed to null cort fell back momentarily in ly complied. Preseripttoa Phanaaey brother and six grandchildren. At the G O P state convention in inspired by the sight of a ’Theo­ Miss Dorothy Brigham, 81 but toe stock * • • • • mDiMK em u T Sarah Paggioli of Bolton; a locations in Manchester tomor­ model A — now paint-blistered buddy. toe nine children and four other the crush. They shaved toe youths’ Funeral services were held Eugene, a group of Goldwater dore Ro-C*l. . Farmlngrton Ave., Hartford, Pietro, Marlborough. othea A. B. Swanson to Victor Memorial Park, Rocky Hill. month suspended sentences and said of the Inspection trip: "We BIRTHS YESTERDAY: A water from two pumpers was Sunday. Krukoff m . with a solemn high Mass of J. Gervaslo and Teresa P. Ger- (rtskaak let Cr**m placed on probation to the will only know whether the pub­ daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Jerry poured Into the building, but lot « with purckii* *f 100 ct. a ll- requiem at S t TTiomas the va”'o, property on Summer St. Combs, Stephen Phillip, eon of Phillip and Juliet Cote You receive oil your favorite cuts Martin J. Matteson Maine authorities for two years lic accommodations law will be Keller, 8 Ward St., Rockville; a not until neany 4 a.m. was it LEE HOSPITALIZED Tta P*l Tt* lo|t Apostle’s Church, West Hart­ Anne J. Reed to Paul Willis NEW HAVEN (AP) — M ayor Combs, Red Hill Trailer Court, Warehouse Point He was Funeral services for Martin^ after pleading guilty to charges obeyed in Mississippi when ord­ son to Mr. and Mrs. Francis completely extlng;ulshed. i l l (ilr i Hat Stampi wilk *f 2-lk. pk|. — loin, rib and shoulder chops, ford, at 9. Burial wUl be in Fair- Rivers tmd Arlene A. Rivers, Richard C. Lee, who underwent born j-une 17 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. His ma­ Jensen Matteson of Westbrook,' of Injury to public service prop­ inary Negro citizens can go into Sullivan, Glastonbury; a son to A “watch line’’ coupled to N*|(* Frenks ^ a _ View Cemetery, West Hartford. property at 132 Walker St hospital treatment several ternal grandparents are,Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cote, South those tender pink-meoted legs formerly of Manchester, were erty. these places dnd be served.” Mr. and Mrs. Benedict Maclulka, a hydrant was kept on the III extii lib* Stimpi with p*r Florence To Alfred Coda for FYances TURKEV BREAST .8 9 ' Sinai Hespital, Hartford. cuffed. He was held overnight was also killed Saturday night. sheath^ in knotty pine and John P. White Cavagnaro, Coventry: * Mrs. MacDonald, for construction of Woodbury, Sharon Anne, daughter of Lloyd Arnold Jr. He ' la also survived by his for court this morning. He was struck by a car as he plywood paneling was com- and Nancy Jane Holden Woodbuvy, 2 Ward St., Rockville. ’The funeral of John P. White Mary Wolff, 18 Fernwood Dr.. a garage at 146 Center St., |2,- SWEET ~ JUICY wife, another son, three daugh- Nelson Prew, R o c k v 11'l e, was walking along Rt. 34 in Ox­ pletely gutted. I She was bora June 2 at Rockville City Hospital. Her ma* of 292 Kelly Rd., South Wind­ Vernon; Maura Mannix, South 000. trs, two brothers, a sister and charged with incest, risk of in­ ford. The display room today was teraal grandfather is Leo Everett Holden, Erving, Mass. Windsor; Mrs. Beatrice Bjork, To Alfred Coda for demoliUdn fourteen, grandchildren. sor; was held this morning from jury to a minor, and Indecent ' In ’Torrin^ton, Louis Wolf, only a charred ruin, among Her paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wood­ 206 Woodbridge St.; Susanne of a wing of a four-family apart­ NECTARINES Funeral services will be held tl.e W. P. Quich Fimeral Home, assault, had his case continued 58, of Torrington was killed which eight or ten once brand- bury *Sr., Erving, Mass. She has one brother, Jam** I 225 Main St., with a solemn to July 20. Reopell, Ri*p 1, Bolton: Mrs. ment at 665 N. Main St., 3100. tomorrow at 10 a.m. at the Rose Friday when his car struck a Rose Devoto, 1 Northfield St.; new TV sets—some of them Michael, 3. Hill Funeral Home, 580 Elm high Mass of requiem at St. Prew was arrested last ’Tues­ utility pole. To Fqrbes Inc. {fir William ***** day In Rockville. PaSlce say that Mrs. Bertha Hart, 161 St. John Allen, for alterations' to a dwell­ color—.were lumps of molten St., Rocky Hill. Burial will be Margaret Mary's Church, South is ill iround you this summer— right Bergman, John Andrew, son of Herman N. and Mary the charges stem from an al­ ’The drowning victims were St.: Mrs. Virginia Kasin.ski. 133 metal and shattered glass. in Rose Hill Memorial Park, Windsor. The Rev. Thomas C. ing at 66 Oxford St., 31,000. J. Cadder Bergman, 25 Chestnut St., Rockville. He was born 2 , . 4 9 ' leged incident Involving Prew’s M ra Jane Florlo, 20, of Nor­ Baldwin‘S Rd.: Mrs. Barbara To Alexander Zuromski, for Stanek said the sets had been here in' Connecticut. And«'wherever Rocky HUl. O'Neill, pastor, .\vas celebrant, May 31 at Rockville City Hospital. His maternal grand­ stepdaughter. walk, and 16-year-old John Boske, Cook Dr., Bolton; Henry alterations,, to a two-family uncrated for display only F T l-' you go in our great state, call ahead Friends^ may call at the fu­ the Rev. Edward McLean was Potter of Wethersfield. Mrs. LaChappelle. .Hazardville; Mrs. day. before he closed his busl-' mother is Mrs. Robert Cadder, 105 Keeney St., Manchester. •WEET—BED—BIFE neral home tonight from 7 to 9. deacon and the Rev. John Klel- dwelling-^t 162-164 Maple St., to make arrangements and reserva­ His paternal grandmother is Mrs. Bessie Bergman, 26 Florlo drowned Saturday while Lois Warrender, East Hartford; 390. ne.ss for the holiday weekend. | ey was subdeacon. Burial was Chestnut St., Rockville. .He luts Six brothers and five Skindiving at Lake Waramaug. Susan Akmentin, Glastonbury; To' Supro-Neon Corp. for Bo­ When the blaze broke out tions. Hive a great time on your va­ WATERMELON . 5 ' Mrs. Howard Hansen in St. Bridget’s CemeterjA, with Shriners to Visit Potter fell from a boat In the sisters. Thomas Rankl, East Hampton; nanza Restaurant, for construc­ Stanek was away for the week-' cation: Start it off by Long Dlstinca. CALirOKNU Mrs. Mildred B. Hansen, 47, Connecticut River at Rocky ^ ***** Father O'Neill reading the com­ Frederick Wood, 52 Vernwood tion of two signs at 287 W. Mid­ end, spending what was to have of 27 Bremen Rd., wife of How­ Hospital Sunday Hill Friday. His body was found Barstls, Stephen Ernest, son of James R and Lorraine mittal service. Dr., Vernon; Richard T. Dunn dle Tpke., 3800. been a three-da^ ^liday with 1 0 .3 9 ' ard Hansen, died Saturday at Bearers were Robert Burk- yesterday morning. Jr,, 16 Wadsworth St.; Charles his wife aboard a cabin cruiser Johndrow Barstis, 21 Talcott Ave., Rockville. He was bora LEMONS “ To Matthew J. Donachie Jr., TH SIITIOR NEW ENIIMI TLOBIDA Manchester Memorial Hospital g;ardt, Armand Pepin, Raymond Omar Shrine Club will com­ In other accidents: ,M. Squires. RFD 2, Rockville; the family maintains at M ys-' June 4 at Rockville City Hospital. His maternal grandpar­ after a short illness. ^ Earl Dudley, 57, of New Ha­ for alterations to a dwelling at mirMNi ewpuT ents are Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Johndrow, Hartfort. Hla pa­ Farmer, Charles Harvey, How­ bine with Moslem Shrine Club of Mrs. Victoria Carron and daugh­ 296 Porter St.. 3380. tic. •lATOMNAISB ORAMD UNION, Bom in Manchester on AprlL ven was fatally injured Satur-. ter, 172 High St.; Mrs. Sherrill We do our bust to serve you boltor ternal grandmother is Mrs. Elizabeth Barstis, Broad Brook. 6 » 1 9 ' ard Bumell and John Yonlka. the Wlllimantlc area for the an­ To Roy Haugh, for constrac- He was notified of toe fire LIMES ■V 1-ri. 27, 1917, she was the daughter nual entertainment of the crip­ day when he fell while trying Cook and son. 5 Jarvis Rd.; H e has one brother, Kenneth, 6; and one sister, Debra, 7. n o II I V riNBAPPLB Vlwix. of Mrs. Anna Kamm Schuetz to take down a flag at the New tion of a fence at 95 Helaine * • * * - Raymond- M. Fitzpatrick pled children at the Shrine Hos­ Mrs. Joan, White and daughter, Rd., 375. Frozen Food Specials I HELLNANN'S and the late .Oscar Schuetz. She Haven Bank building where he Kynoch, Dana Nicole, daughter of David L. J. and Car­ The funeral of Raymond M. pital in Springfield next Sunday. 45 Tracy Dr.; Mrs. Carolyn Hl-C rLONIDA ONAND UNION was a member of Zion Evan­ worked. ' Anq Brown and daughter, 87 To Columbia DeCarli for Ce­ men Ehielda Delgmlo Kynoch, 112 H igh St., Rockville. She LIBEY, TIP TOP or SENECA Fitzpatrick of -406 Oakland St. Providing the entertainment, leste King, for demolition of a gelical Lutheran Church and was held Saturday morning as they have for several years, A two-month-old infant, Cal­ Summer St. was bora June 12 at Rockville City Hospital.’ Her maternel vin Bartholomew of East garage at 86-88 Bissell St., 310. preiddent of its Ladies Aid So­ from the Walter N. Leclerc Fu­ will be dancers from the Trudy DISCHARGED SATURDAY: grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Vincent* Delgado, Yabucos, FRUIT PUNCH ciety, zone secretary of the Lu­ Hampton, suffocated in a crib Roy Adams, Andover; MlOfael To Everett I. Widell, for al-1 Puerto Rico. Her paternal grandmother is Mn. Dorii Ky­ FRUIT DRINKS TROPICAL PUNCH 3 '^ 4 "" neral Home, 23 Main St. with Tyler School of Dance, with mu­ terations to a dwelling at 11 Need vacation money? BUTCHEN'I— ONEBN STNIPI 6NAND UNION _ , _ theran Women's Missionary So­ ■while his parents were driving Thomp.son, 118 Autumn St.; noch, Tolland. She has two eisten, Lus Sofia, 4 and Lisa a solemn high Mass of requiem sic furnished by Tony O’Bright Willard Rd., 31,800. j ciety of New Fkigland, and past and his orchestra. along .the Merritt Parkway in Sean Thomp.son, 118 Autumn Blanca, 2. at St. Bridget’s Church. To Evelyn M. Russell fo r ! ***** president of the Washington The Rev. John J. Delaney was ’The program begins at 4 p.m., New Canaan Saturday. St.; David Elliott Kaye, 52 Oak FLOOR W AX G R A P E D R IN K 2 » 5 7 ‘ George M. Russell, for constrac- School PT.^. She was employed celebrant, assisted by the Rev. after visiting hours. Shriners And Peter Staskevitz, 68, of St'.; Mrs. Elizabeth Robenhym- j Krause, Susan Alice, daughter of Kenneth Allan and WHITENI CLOTNBS tsa Jewett City was struck and tion of a tool shed at 186 Autumn ' PBN6U1N ri riO dR P* as receptionist by the Ortho­ Stanley E. Hastillo, deacon^ and will be there by 3:30 to help er, 36 Palknor Dr.; Carol Tur­ Margaret Elmer Krause, 176 Hany Lane, RFD No, 8, Rock­ ^ ' killed by a freight train as he St., $115. Get an MFC ville. She was born June 2 at Rockville City Hospital. Her 10 89 pedic Service of Manchester. Be­ the Rev. Dennis R. Hussey sub­ wheel the children to the patio. ner, South Windsor; Mrs. Vic­ lay on the railroad tracks in ’To Add-A-Level Dormer Corp. a ia a s i t s — v a c u u m p a c k e d sides her husband and mother, deacon. Mrs. Raymond Murphy In case of inclement weather, toria Hooker, Hebron; Todd 'maternal gmuidparents are Mr, and Mrs. John Elmer, New ACTION BLEACH CANNED SODAS 12 -9 5 * Jewett City. for David Douton, for altera­ Travefoan she is survived by two sons, was organist and soloist Burial the show will be held In the Keefe, Amston; William Senk, MUford.'NJ. Her patemal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Howard P. Hansen and Richard auditorium. In an out of state accident, a tions to a dwelling at 80 Bret- Alfred Krause, Passaic, NJ. She has one brother, Michael Dairy Specials I was in St. Bridget’s Cemetery. 25-year-old Milford motorcy­ Tolland; Walter Komlnskl, ton Rd., 32,300. PEAS 'S ! . - ■CbofcfOf I M _ I TroA Mki E. Hansen. Father Hussey, read the commit­ Nobles Harold Barnsley and Wishing won’t take Allan, 28 months. BlIWS BTK Nancy Lynn o ^ r clist, Albert F. Aldo Jr., was Thompsonvllle; Mrs. Virginia To John P. Wennergren Co. 0 *.•*♦• *.. MABISCO » ^ Fhmeral services will be held tal service. John Rieg are handllhg the de­ fJktfD 'O L A K E ! tomorrow at 2 p.m. at Zion killed In a race at a track in Thompson, Coventry; Russell for Ronald Vermier, for altera­ you places. . . but Dlmmook, Leuore Ann, daughtar of Harold Gene and pk. l-b. Bearefkf^ all members of the tails for Omar Club. A cookout Anderson, Hebron: Mrs.,Martha FRENCH FRIES OREOS 39' FRENCH APPLE PIS or Evangelical Lutheran Church. will also be featured. Middleboro, Mass., yesterday. tions to a dwelling at 85 Mil-1 an HFC Traveloan^ Carol Ann PelletUsii Dlmmock, R t 74, Tolland: She was 3 Eighth District Fire Depart­ ■I'urner, South Windsor; Mrs. lord Rd., 32,200. AUirr JBSHMA Burial will be in East Cemetery. ment, were Alfred 'Vennard, An- Omar Shriners planning to at' bora June 2 at Rockville City HltaL Her maternal Catherine Hlllery, 13 Munroe To Arthur Benson, for addition will I Sd take that Friends may call at the thonv Zellhskas, Adolph Kat- tend with their wives and desire grandmother is Mrs. James C. WalUs, Wethersflsld. Her 6AUCH0 COOKIES 3 - - PINEAPPLE PIE Holmes Funeral Home, 40d St.; John McNeill, 5 Lawton to a dwelling at 82 Lawton Rd., vacation now. Borrow patatemal grandparents are Mr.' and Mrs. l«roy Dlmmock, WAFFLES BUBBV —rUME-rU.MU> J. kauskas, Kenneth Monroe, Vin­ to go to dinner afterward should Driver Adjusts BTOUrrEB — CaCAMED Main Bt, tonight from 7 to 9. Rd.; Steven Tamshen. Thomp- 3690. TolUand. She has one brother Richard Myron, 2H- II-.X. $ JOO -S-bwh C ' cent Genovesl and William Han- make reservations with Walter oonfidently—repay • • • • * 11 V,-o». The family suggests that me­ kinson. R. Ferguson of The Herald. aonville; Mary Jane Miner. Cov­ ph(. SHORTCAKES 3 morial contributions may be Radio, Hits Pole entry; Mrs. Ann Bloomer, 113 sensibly. Hlggliu, Jeffrey Stewart son 6t John Victor and Gloria Legal Notice CHICKEN mads to the Memorial Fund of Mrs. Lee E. Darling West St.; Russell Copeland. 82 Marie Stone Hlggtoa, 9 Oak St., Rockville. He waa bora v r o u m a CHOCONUT COOKIES 3 Zion Evangelical Lutheran A 16-year-old Manchester Ridge St.; Mrs. Gladyce Blssell, Decree Qm LlmitatloB of Claim June 8 at Rockville City HospItaL Hi* maternal grandjpar- F’uneral services for Mrs. MMH Treats 161 phf. jraEsiMAiu~aeuNa «w _ _ Church. Ruth C. Darling of 76 Eldridge driver'Was arrested last night 150 Ludlow Rd.; Barry Clark, . AT A 5roU«T OF PROBATE ___ Borrow up to moo «nU ara Mr. and Mrs. R E. Stone, Norfolk, Vs. His pa­ POTATOES A U Q R A T IN holden at Coventry within and for. ternal grandparent* are Mr. aiMl Mrs. Ray Higgins, Rock­ St. were held Friday afternoon after his car struck a utility 24 Winter St.; Mrs. Pauline the Dtstrlot of Coventry, on the 2nd Toko up to 24 m onths to rtpoy BTOUrrEB AF 2 m 79* ^KIES i* 1 3SS’I"® WHITE BREAD ^ 2 7 * Jostfn F, |Tortorelis During Weekend day of July A.D. 19M ville. He has a brother, John•^flctor. 1. 12-**. iMSD I N IN -B u ll-r s n . r i o t ^ ^ - aBAMa UNION ; ^ _ at the Holmes F\ineral Home, pole on Hebron Rd. In Bolton Dlsabella, 141 Oak St.; Robert * • • * • eoio a MAULB-CBBSCSaT 1-B. n H . TOLLAND — Justin Frank 400 Main St. The Rev. Wallace Dougan, 81 Westland St.; Wil- Preeent, Hon. Elmore Turklnaton, when he tried to adjust his Judge. \ s.’sfiia'sas-'sisrarti.vsit SPINACH SOUFFLE CHEESE sucE Sx ',s:33' Tortorells, 76, of Crystal Lake W. Wlnchell of the Broad Brook One hundred slxty-one pa illam Wilson, Old Stone Rd., On mpUdn of Kathryn Grady, Ad- Hyson, Thomaa Josnee, son of Edward W. and Alice G. COOKIES I S I 3 3 ' Aril atsout Qredit Life ] Shaw Hyson, Lake View Terrace, RockvW*: He was bora POUNDCAKE ’,C S 5' Rd., died Friday at an out-of- Congregational Church officiat­ tlents were treated atj|Man- car radio. Vernon;-Balllla Pagani, 268 Mc­ minl8tra(.riX. Route 31. Coventry. Conn., on the estate of Agnes L. *■ leans at June 9 St Rockville City Hospital. Hi* nmtsmal grandpa^ town hospital. ed. Burial wais In East Ceme­ chester Memorial’s eme^ency ’The youth,’ Michael J. Grif­ Kee St.; UA Elna DeOarli, M r. Tortorelis was bora June Grady late of Coventry, within said enU are Mr. and Mrs. Perry M Shat*. C8m*L Main*. HI* tery.. s room over the three-day holi­ fiths of 87 BVMter St., is sched­ Coventry; Mrs. Beatrice'Trout­ district, deceased. ’ ^ 13, 1888 in Lithuania ^ d lived This Court doth decree that six paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hyson, BI- ' Bearers were James T. Kirig day weekend. „ uled to appear in Manchester man, Coventry; MC6- Madeline in. Tolland 38 years. He was Sr., Albert Harrison, Jack Strat­ ’The busy record of a nation months be allowed and limited for iiing*lrni Ho has three brothers, Richard, 5, Dan, 2, and Tsr- BABY FOOD S’- 93' VINTABLETS » 4 2 ' DOG FOOD “,^ 8 9 c ALL FLUFFY Circuit Court 12 on July 27 on Agnes Griffin, Wapplng; Rus­ the creditors of said estate to ex­ HOUSEHplD Hl__. I employed at Pratt and Whitney, ton, Andrqw Spitko, Jack Darl­ on the move included nine falls ry, 1%; and one slatest^KMm^ 4.^ ^ 1 B B A u r e u A m FOB YOUB AUTBiaTNl a charge of failure to drive In sell Burr, 23 Hale St., Rockville; hibit their clalrns ttgalnst the same ^vislan of United Aircraft ing and Normbn Beaudet. from moving perhaps too fast, the established lane. to the Administratrix and directs Xorpi, East Hartford, before his 16 lacerations, five auto acci­ Police said Griffiths was ad­ W altef banserea,u, 54 Wilsqn that public notice be given of this Cornier, TImmiuw Allea, son of Rbbert and Unda Mor- BROIL-A-FOtt f • 59' LUX UQUID 37' order by advertising, in a news­ MANCHIBTIR tHOMRIM PABKA m T RINSOBLUE ,1., 3 0 ' A IL Co n d e n s e d retirement!' Frank J. Pisoh ’ dent victims and a host of bee, justing hla radio when the car Lane, Rockville; Patrick Blq^, paper having a Circulation ln,.,sald f anaftn Conner, 142 ftlgh St, Rockville. He was bpra June Hs is survived by a daughter, The funeral of Frank J..Pisch insect, , dog and rabbit btte4. slipped off the road and strupk Hebron; Mrs. Wilma Clara, district, and posting a copy, 382 MiddIo Tumpiko Wdst •■al RockvUle City Hospital. His maUraal grandpartnU ar* *•41.. _, Talcqttville; Mrs. Anna Qries- thereof on the public sign poet' iif Mrs. Frank Korsak of Tohand. of 277 Hackipatack S t was held Included among, punctures of the p ole, knocking it down. said Town of CoventiT. nearest the Jaa* Prtvat* fUnsral servicas wars Saturday morning from the bgre feet an4 . ankle rarains State'Trooper Earl Jucheane and daughter; BLHORB — OTONrJudge. A n n , l % . . 4 ■■ 1 " V I ' "I A 1- V- BIANOHESTER EVENING HERAU), MANCHESTEK, CXiNN^ MONDAY, JULY. 6, 1084 llA M qH ISm EVSNINO HERALD, MANCHATEB, C»NN„ MONDAY, JULY C, 19M sa iQM M U rd if: BY ROUSON OUR BOARDING HOUSE with BUJOR HOOPLE C o y t m t a r f row with Clatrol at a ktnelt S 3 W o r k International with a Latin flavor at La Fdn- da del Sol), what’s sparkling at ( M i O P P I F a s h i o n T r e n d a dinner of the dlemond Indus­ y^ave of ^Fresh Atr^ try tomorrow night; *what’s HOLDONA V ^ l HSftat.HCRE'INHM Fii^ "s^oot” at a cocktail party of MtHUTB/TURN^ MANNER OP (OsatiasMd froni Page One) Seen This Fall ARbONO«<'LETS SEE CL, SOPPOONERy ^ the National Shoe IheUtute, •nr RACK OF YOO.VAH.eLEMeNTARV'j IE -tUlS ? T«JS, Children Arrives Thursday gates to work for Inclusion of cc frslri Page One) and a luncheon of American MOTT’S MV DEAR WAT<0N-~NBS/— AFTER A XWAE IN THE what he'termed ‘'moderate, pn>- Machine and Foundry (they HEMCry LUNCMeON,*nVVlCTIM t x in n b d PARK.BUT VOO tal, and ons tied effect ehewn make pinspotter machinee for chll-^are In charge of ttie chib re- gressive" plonks in the party bowlera) called "Next Stop the AN OLO fiOMMBR SUtT.THEN CAUNiTEREO I merely. / 11

• OPEN l^ONDAYSI • Appliance E. As JOHNSON FAIRWAY TWO LOCATIONS- ' I \ >. • » *, Turnpike Plaoa B.D. Pearl 706 Middle Tpke. E FRI61DAIRE SALES and SERVICE ■ m m F A I N T C O . Next Pepator Narkel «M MAIN gT„ to f49 MAIN STREET—MANCHESTER 'i 7 ' '■1- r IIAlfGHIBTSt lY liaM O H IRATA MANC&WnDL, OQNII,, MONDAY^ JULY % 1964 YACai iSlK nlB I riaelMtMmgMlMriMlkii Legion Splits on

Losing Day Jimenez Hit Spree Play Home Twice This Week

All-Starless Club INDIANAPOLIS, lad. (AP) — ^ was a leaiag day MskiSf two first inningt"«x«d hla third pitching auc-O Mday night n waa a Helps Sink Oriole box and was an easy out at flrat. for tlw Nashville Teaa. Mns- nms stand up yestotrday oaea o f the eeason and hU eeC' ent story. taags girls’ soft ball team Coontry dob and against Stafford. EarUer, Manchester was saUtog along UtUo Riok Toting pitChod tho Sweeps Big Series Bnaday. afternoon in Stafford tho Hutchtoaon blanked Stafford with a 8-1 lead after nve to­ distance, to wtontog, ecattered NEW YORK (A P )— Mhimy Jimenez, the rambunc­ raiOAV ning;! with Gary Gallagher on six hits. Hutchtoaon cams on fo r More then glM la sports Bes* 1« Holea Manchester American Le- at home, 3-0. He mtoeed post­ e^lpment was stolea from tious revolutionary, ■till may haw "* girni basebal] team man- ing a second straight shutout the hUI. The latter was reached GaUaghsr to tho sixth to finish ClaM A—Joe Evankovetto 69> for a first toning run and then up. The loee went to the starting " New York (AP)—Whoosh! the team has as the girls* won’t get any sympathy frwn the Bammo^O^es^ 8—6«, Dave McKay 86-7—68. affed to split in a pair of yesterday whm an infield hit, prepsoed to leave for play la Jlmanez powered the lowly a two-base and a sacri­ shut the door for the next four . ■ The ffusty wind that shook San Francisco over the Claee B — Mario BoocMatte weekend garBee. Friday night at frames. A successful double Belskewics and Dan Stom the Midwest Girls SoftbaH Kaneas City Athletics to a 3-1 88-11—66, Tom Kaama •7-11— M t NriM the locale were stun­ fice fly ball enabled Stafford to . weekend wasn’t • breezes. It was created by Gene Mauch’s All^Urless girls borrowed equip­ League leading Orioles Sunday to the fifth toning. ing frame tally. *1110 Swim Teams Cilaaa C — Heni^ glmmanon raUy doiiu; the trick. Sunday vino and Alubickl matched tho PhU«d«lpehU PhllUes, who ...... ment from the Adriaa Mleh. less than 24 hours after he 72-19— 58, Charlie F e m a o n 74- Manchester got off fast, get­ The score waa knotted to the the Silk ’Ibwnera g o t back on fourth on Joe Alubickl’s stogie, high hit number on a losiiig right pMrt the Qianta into flrat teano, but were ousted from rinped Baltimore pltchtog for 21—58, Hal Harriaon 77-23—56. the winning ledger behind Duke ting two runs — which proved ? place in the . the double ellmlaatloB tour­ three home runs to five todtogs. Low groae—Joe Evaakoveidi enough to win—to their first another one-baser by Marsh and Much Better Hutiditoaon’e five-hit pitching by another successful double steal, Oavarinr <6> The Philliea; who failed to Coffee ‘Break^ \ ney when defeated by South- The 26-year-old native of the 80. poettag a 8-1 deoislon over Staf­ at bats. pea ab r b po a ai ^ place a man higher than third eaetem Lumber Co. of In­ Dominican Republic doubled Joe Savtoo doubled down the Monette crossing the plate. TartMll, of, ...... a Bttod bogey — A1 ford. BrialMWlai. V. ..4 •T fn the voting for the NL All- dianapolis. home two rune and ecored the 84, Mel Hadfleld 84. rightfield line, stole third and With one down to the fifth, SOUTH BEND, Ind. (A P) Coach Says Manriiestar’a r e c o r d now Msuichester went ahead, 3-1. An Hudak. 8b...... 4 0 '' Star team, looked like !lret third as the Athletics climbed Pne Oweepe etande at 6-8 with two impoi> scored on a passed baU'as Steve Toomey. ab...... a — The Indiana State Prison error, sacrifice. Fielder’s Choice ■' atringera Sunday aa they com- out of the cellar for tmly the Low grom—Tuok Foirter 71, tant games at home coming Brady walked. Stogies Ron Dan Siam , Its ..4 ) softbAH team lost not only PALO ALTO, Calif. (AP) ^ Anderson and Skip Marsh pro­ and a throwing error, and a (wc- Fuarmao. rf, ..8 0 » pleted a three-game aweep of R ibc Basketball second day to more tlwn a Haity rach 7B. up. Wednesday night the locals Jean, as...... | a doubleheader Sunday night One of this nation’s top swim­ duced the second tally. ond— third of the night—double the Qianta wiUi a 2-1 victory. but also its umpire. month. Low neto-Dan Ready, 70-10 return to Yumorlal Field to Don StoiTt, e, ..I 5 There waa Richie Allen, whoae Leagues Start ming coaches, George Haines, In other American League —00, Doc MeKee 78-4—00. face Danielson at 8 o’clock and An insurance tally waa added steal produced the third run. Younx, P...... 3 five hita had aparked the flrat Innmte R aym on d F. to the sixth. Catcher’s Interference on Bill Dave SuMTB, (a) 1 1 Johns, 40, Kokomo, finished predicts both the United States games Sunday, Minnesota BATCSOAT Friday nigh:ht the acene shlfta to ' two vlctorlea Friday and Satur­ bombed New York 9-2, Chicago M t Nebo for the big one, Hutchinson, who didn’t walk Belekewlcz started the big C ov­ ...... 89 6 7M 9 4 4 umpiring the games with Tuesday Evening men’s and women’s teams will Beat 17 Beta) m single batter, drove to the en try sixth. A fielder’s choice ■aaobaatar (4) day, making two putouta on one be stronger to the 1964 Olympics shut out Cleveland 2-0 and 5-0, Ctaaa A—DOc McKee 05-4— agaiaat league leading Rock- play aa aome loose base running Young's Nursery team of marker, which was set by Mark followed and both runners r h po a arid South Bend and then walked than they were four years ago. Detroit swept Washington 7-6 51, Frank Kieman 70-7 — 88, vUle. ThiS AWlU also have a 6 a a a a 0 0 i broke the back of a Giant rally The Recreation Department and 3-0 and Boston downed Los e ’elook atarttog time. Monette’s leadoff stogie. moved up on a . Jim hS u ?,- 0 0 0 a 0 0 away from P o to w a t o m l ' Speaker at a preview lucheon Bund! Taroa 70-7 — 88, John Anderson, ab^ ...8 1 0 0 0 1 0 In the seventh inning. sponsored summer basketball Angeles 1-6. First time around, Manches­ Big Dave Klecak, Stafford Toomey singled for one marker Park. Police said a 1963 sta-4 for the national AAU men’s and KrUtof 87-4—08. and husky Dan Storm rifled a Alubickl, c...... a 0 a 10 0 0 1 There was Jack Baldschun, program will begin play tomor­ • • • Claae B—^Mac Jonah 68-10— ter pizmed a 5-1 defeat on Dan- catcher, waa the only player Monette, to, . .. . 4 1 0 7 0 0 0 completing his second save of tion wagon was stolen at the row nlg^it at the Charter Oak women’s meets to be held July leleon. Tho moettog with Rock- with more than one hit, getting double to left center for two Daley, V, ...... 8 0 1 0 0 0 9 park, and they belle^•ed 80-Aug. 2 at nearby Lot Altoe TWINS-YANKS— 60, Frank Bplleckl 70-11 — 50, Manh, II, ...... 8 0 _ 1110_ _ _ _ 0 the big series and ninth of the basketiwll court. Harmon Killebrew clouted his vUle, defending champions, wUI a pair. Savtoo’s double waa the more runs. Johns was in it. Hills, Haines said: Lee Levltow 71-12— 69. A last ditch rally fell short Rylaimor. if, ...3 0 0 1 0 f season, aUiklng out Willie Mays Thirteen teams registered and 30th and added three be the flrat o f the season. only extra base hit as Hutchin­ Johns, sentenced to 10 . Claee <3—A1 Ayere 72-16 — for the home nine. One run reg­ ' with the tying run on base in have been divided into two “ Both o t our teams will be out­ stogies as the Twins stopped 87, George Puts 72-14 — 68, Rutohtoaon,^ a tall right­ son bested Bud B em at Six years for armed robbery, istered and runners were on sec- ButcmAaoti. p, ..1 0 0 0 1 0 . the eighth. He aiso set the leagues. A junior league con­ standing because the depth of Whltey Ford’s 10-game wtantag GMrge McLetterty 78-16—58. hander, was the m a ste r walks kept the latter to hot waa wearing a prison uni- i ' ond and third with two outs i Giants down in order in the sists of five teams, Indian Ju­ good swimmers to this country. streak, handing the ace eouth- Low groee—^Doe MoKee TO. througlHNit yesterday as he an- water. Touaf ...... 96 4 621 7 1 1 ninth, fanning four of the six form dyed blue for umpir­ a Dave Stons tor Fuarmaa ke niors, West aiders, Manchester I feel the girls’ team will be paw his first defeat since open­ BUnd bogey — N a m Olark, , batters he faced. ing. Heating and Plumbing, Eagle greater than the one we had in. Rh. And there was Mauch, whose The prison team lost 2-0 ing day. Tony Oliva contributed NeU SmUey, Gene Davla, Bob Inninxs ...... 1 1 1 4 6 6 7 Totals Juniors, and the North Enders. Rome and the men’s team also two doubles and a stogie to Min­ Haynea, 84. Oovantrr ...... 1 000083 • NL leaders got tight pitching, and 12-0. I Eight teams make up the Se­ will be better,” Mancheater ...... 0 001201 4 strong defense and clutch hlt- nesota’s 19-hlt attack. Fro 3b: TerbeU. Dan Stom , A h ib ^ s nior cltcuit, Morlarty Brothers. Haines coached the U.S. wom­ • • • Low groee — Doc MoKoe 70, sb: Daley, Harsh 3: aao; Bsuw i 1 ting to cool off San Francisco, EYE RAISING DOUBLE PLAY—This is the doubleplay between third and Jewelers, Indians, Me Intosh en’s swimming team for the 1960 Nicklaus Triumphs lob: Owantry 3: Manct i ^ er 7| WHITE 80X-INDIAN8— Stan HUtoakl 72. which had won 12 of 14. before Boat, Spruce Street, Walput Touas 8: Oallasber 1: Hutch. home that cost the Giants dearly in 2-1 loss to Philadelphia. At left. Giants’ event at Rome and will be aa- The White Sox tocreased their Low net—George Puta 70-14 Inaoo 1; so: Tooas 3; Oallasbsr 7y running into hla team. Barbers, Elagles and Me Ge- slatant coach for the men this —04, Lee Lievltow 77-12 — 66, HutebtoaoB 3; btti off: Oelli«lMV ’ In other NL games, St. Louis Orlando Cepeda (30) is run down and tagged by Phils catcher Clay Dalrymple shutout mastery over the In­ han’s. year. dians to three straight games. .Dan Morttoe 89-23— 66. 6 for 4 ruaa la 6; Mutohiaaoii 1 for topped Cincinnati S-1, Mllwau- (11). At right, Phillies pitcher Dennis Bennett (23) runs Giants’ Jesus Alou Games will be played on Tues­ 3 nma ia 3; pb: AMbteU 3: wt Juan Plzarro scattered seven Shot G4to Toaney Tooag; I: (laWagher. . kee whacked Chicago 7-1, Los (14) back to third where Richie Allen made putout to conjplete the doubleplay. day thru Friday evenings with He expects Australia and the Angeles blanked New York 6-0 Netherlands to provide the top hits in the opener as Mike First low not—Charlio Bog- a Junior game starting each 13 of 15 All-Star gtoi, H a rry Matblascn, A1 As Palmer Fizzles Msaehssker tt) and Pittsburgh smacked Houa- AMERICAN LEAGUE competition for the girls and Hershberger and Pete Ward night at 8 followed by a Senior Ayere, A1 Mannella, 64. poa ab r h 1 ton 7-1, Baltimore ....4S 28 .632 — game at approximately 9:16. Australia to be the No. 1 chal­ slammed consecutive homers Savlao, R>, ...... 4 1 1 0 lenger to the men’s events. with two outs to the first toning. Second low net — Paul Mc­ Brady, ...... 4 a * * • Chicago ...... 44 30 .695 3 Following is the first week WHITEMARSH,^ Pa. Aadtrson. 3b. . .3 i IS Jk ' DODGERS-METS— New York ... .46 31 .692 3 As an Illustration of the Im­ Cleveland’s Jack Kralick al­ Namara, Mario Boocallatte, BU Killebrew Stopped Lunging, schedule and all teams will re­ Bamtogham, Jim Harvey. 66; (AP) — “Congratulations Alnblcld, c, .. .. i 0 ** ’ Sandy Koufax won his eig^ith Minnesota . . . .43 37 .638 7 ceive team schedules at their provement shown In swimming lowed only two more hita the W orked in Weekend Games Monette, lb...... 4 % s ■ straight and 12th of the season Detroit ...... 38 39 .494 lO'/i during recent years, it waa rest of the way. Bob McGurkto, Joe Novak, Joe Jack, you’v6 won,” a well Daley. If...... | I 0 0 first game: Tuesday, 8 — In­ ------Cktiamari, Pat Hogan, 55. Harah. d ...... 3 0 1 as the Dodgers moved into a Boston ...... 38 41 .481 ll*/i pointed out that to 1948 Ann Joel Horlen came back with wisher told Jack Nicklaus Rylander, rf...... 3 dian Jrs, vs. West Siders, 9:15 Low groee — Jim Horvath, I fifth place tie with St. Louis. Los Angelee ...3 7 44 .467 ISVi Oirtis won the 100 meter Olym­ a four-hitter in the ni^itcap, NEW YORK (AP)__ *>•«“ declared out^tobit^ ^use ^ All-S^ ^tchers Butebinaoe, p. ..3 1 11 Indians Vs. Jewelers; Wednes of the game, and there ia the SimdSy before the gams. Frank Spileckl, Joe Dyment, in the locker room at the Koufax, who has allowed only Cleveland 3442 .447 14 pic race to 1 minute 7.2 seconds. permitting the Indians jiM two Closes in on Homer Records day, 8 — Eagle Jrs. vs. Man National League leads the atix>ng ** possibility that quite *...... a .. * BIU (Jorvo, 67, Whitemarah • "Valley Coun­ 3 6 81 JO 1 9 six runs in 69 innings during the Kansas CSty .31 47 A97 18 Today it takea a time of 1:06 or Mts after the second toning. __

- 1 '■ ' ■ f

MANCHESTER EVKNINO HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, MONDAY, JULY «, 19M P A O l IfANdOB^TER SVia^lKa ODSAIiy, ltANCH£STRR. a)NN^ M O^AY. JULY C; ApsrtiBMits-—Fists— i'nniishBd Apartm esta 63-A Hooses Ftr Ssle 72 iflirSsk 72 Honsas F or S s k fit F w f l i d s TS SttlmtlMn fw iiib ^ ^ Tinasifwti 63 Honsas For Sslo 72 51 T O R * * neXtM fumialied apart- MANCBBETBR-TaQ femlty. 8 COVENTRY LAKEFRONT THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW Br FAGALT and fftORTEN 41 CENTER HALL Ottadol—St BBAUnFUL ngneled hoatod AUTUMN 8T^-|31JK)0l A awlm- WEST SlDE-OttM, 6 rooma, 1 BuildtnB— CoatraetigH 14 m ItOOMS, 18 Ferd street, for- 2 !?“’ healrhot 'Jam ea Pariah. Porter Ntrest family room ett Utehsa, 8 bed mlng pool gam with this neat dining room, 8 bedroome, yaan old, AU rooms and both. room year 'itmad Oapa, * d a c h s h u n d , ARC ragltiere^ ■BWIMO KAOH INB^- JuM re- lutce, autoauttlc hot water and Water, $100. mootidy. O a $4$. okL t large room ranch, aluminum atorzns, oolonial. 8 bMroams, Mg porch, screened por^, rec room in Stone traat, tot ISOxlSO, 3 fkir. baths. S firapioeoa. CONSTRUCTION WORK — Also ceivod In trade electric eon- 7876. £VWMr*OlB«M| pupplae, champion aired, •tove. Pbona 6484781. rooma,I, - ■ - - la m n eallar, 158x346 tot ooty |18,- excellent condition. T. J. basement Hiis U a OCeon noces, gttring $36,900. J.‘ D, Ugh setting paUoe, Sreplaees, aldcwalks m m H : i o tm i MUJD 'THCMSeLVH'w Bde In good oaadtttea, sews Realty, 64S-5139. save on racatton. AttUagr $$t,- ! and handy work. Call 64S-CM7. OOMFUmV 4UMCID-1 ISaolm 9i>4 n d s. 648-9483. Uoi to o n wlfli flr e ^ c e , buUt- ICO. GhritayW . Hntchlna. 649- Ctodcett'Realtor, 648-1877. bourn and very tastefully dec­ WLlVIReD THE CSATI ON 'nMC'* like new, only |».M. fltafer qHRBD TOOH apartment, heat A*D0VBR ' — Two room fur- ins, breeaeway attached f U l orated. $2,600 down oaeumm BOO. Terms. L issu er CUa- 1 ■UTZ«iUtTlto/glT gad hot woUr, $16 rAanthly. A D O m O N I - Retatntog w a ^ AND WHIQIE DiDlTfllTraRm E Sewing Oentw, 813 Mala it., toahed apartment ter rent, re­ 3-c*r garage.' M906. FbU- mortgage. Handy to schoola, pony, Realtors, (HB-Mn, 63I* • MOCMMALTANMOUi; Adults only. No pots $494106. frigerator, stove. C. H. Btiena, brick Agency, 649 0464 118,900 — A T T B A C T l^ 8 bed- bus, and shopping, 116,600. MANCHESTER 6SS1. i oamant floors, garana, b ____ t S NOURIf fURi; M IHe HRFPM610NV U to Stock 42 h o m e AND BUSINESS roona tSed, remodeling. R oto flORTV MNUTEt AT Route 6, 742-7278. room ranch, fireplace, alumin­ Phllbrlck Agency, 649-8464. tMEMOfTrin/to- t a k e OVER PAYMENTS ggBRON—I roan iqMurtment, um stonns, snciosed eoipoit, PROPERTY Family Cape at 7 rooms In lA- CRYSTAL LAKE ARBA-Neor fagr Can 648-4381. FOR SALB-Oood saddla boiae, FROM OUR BANK •eooid floor, keot and hot tractive' Rolling Poik. Flrs- lake. Very neat 5-room aO IgieRGCIICV.* basement li n e lot nice view. FOUR^ FAMILY—Central loca­ 'chaetnut gtiding. BxceUant FOR UNPAID BALANCE ^ water included. Coll 64$-094$. Roslnem Locatkm* Carlton W. Hutcbins, Raaltor, FTve room ranch type house tion. Sodb apartment includes ploce. Near new school, swim­ year ranch, oil hot air heat, CLAS :ii Ml ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS manners.I, Priced raasonaMe. 1, 3 (Ht 8 YEARS TO PAY! OPORTUNITY AND ming pool, bus and shon>inf. aluminum storms, aluminum t h r e e r o o m apartment, heat For Rent 64 6494182. ue 80x60 foot heated build-' spacious rooms, oircondltion- g AJL to i FJL Spwlal Ssnrtees 15 START PAYING g. Lot 66x278. liocated on i ^ , - refrigerator, diepoeol, Owner transferred. Price $1$,- awnings, artesiaa well, breeas IN AUGUST and utiUties Included, 106 TOR LEASE—Bxcttlent loea- VALUE $28,900—JUST LISTED, a threa S 800. way, garage, amattte drtye, TOUNO bay quarter horee. Main Street Exclusive with range, many closets. Financing UL APPROVED lightning rods, 6 8 ROOMS FURNITURE Birch Street OW 649-2170. tion tor doctor's office or family. Two three-roomara on beautiful shade trefs. A eod, years old, trained cow horse, no proMem. Wesley R. Smith COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. awnings, roofing, aiding, gut­ $9.86 MONTHLY beauty parior. 416 Mein street. Ideal location for profes­ o ie floor, a five-roomer on J. D. REALTY Agency; 648-1667. MADELINE SMITH quiet v o t. Taxes $154.00. $11,- ters, combination windows. In­ $300, complats with saddle and PTVB r o o m iqiartment for ReaHtor HOy-rvAT xtoa imiDAS MtW AJi^-SAlXWDAf • AJA Bedroom, liv liv Room, Dinette, rent at west side, adults pre­ Compleitty renovated a n d ^ l sional man. Drastically re­ second. Good Income. Excel­ « 8 Center St. 648-6126 700. Tom Minor, Broker, I15> sured warranty. Free eatl- i bridle. For information oaU R ^ , Lompe, 'n b les and Other pie parking. J. D. Realty. 648- lent financing available. T. J. FOR SHADE and ttielter, an 649-1642 or 648-8189 6042. mates, budget accoonta. Baa- 743-7870. ferred. Can 6tt-8680, otter 6. 8139. duced rooming house, Cen­ Acceseoriee ter St. location, possibilities Crockett, Realtor, 648-1677. acre of shade trees surrounded PLEASE READ TOUR AD con Lightning Protection, 641- EVBRYTBINO $318.71 t h r e e RM apartment for this tong, lean contemporary STAFFORD aPRlNGfl 6rpom STORE — Main and Bldridge, for two additional officea LAKEWOOD CfiRCLE-Ottoniat- MANCHESTER — Modem, im­ $14,200 — ATTRACnVE 6 room ffcwinni «r "W*rt AtoT an tetaa •»« «Im — a 6816. rant, refrigerator, stove and ranch. 6 rooms Include 2 or 3 house. Oil hot air heat, aic* Artldflg For Sfllo 45 alter to suit tenant, reason­ Reduced to $25,900. Cape with center hall, 6 large maculate 8-bedroom Ranch, ga­ Cape, dormers, hot water heat, residential area, near schools, H m aflnrlbnr tooald nad Ua ad tka m S T 8 ROOMS FURNITURE Iieat, $90. Ooee to Paikade, rage, 90x160 lot, basement, bedrooms, relaxed formal din­ able. 649-8404, 12 noon to I rooms, redecorated U^dnt room ing room, living room with shade trees,' near bus, school, $9,000. Tom Minor, Broker, 1 - OAT R Al^BAM Md K K T O a ft BBROB8 la Ume (or Ike SCREENED loam ter the hati $10.16 MONTHLY avsUahle August 1. O il 648- p.m. Two-family, 4-4. A ona near all schools. Vln Bogglnl, shopping. Carlton W. Hutchins, , tito BaraM la toapoaalblo (or « O f ONS laoor- Weotingbouae Refrigerator, Liv­ owner'home, all city util­ with paneled fireplace, (ormal Georgian marble fireplace, 875-6042. ■ Roofing—Siding 16 in lawns. daUvered from oar 6803. dining room, paneled family Bel Air Real Estate. 648-9382. Realtor, 649-5182. —------ii— , J NOT or oim w d laaarllaa, far aay advor«laoiiMit aad thea oalj screening plabt Andover Co­ ing Room, Bedroom, Dinette, ities, garage, present In­ kitchen with bulltins, 2 car ga­ IUXSCVILJjB 6 room1 opart- room which can be used as WIBST STAFTORD ArM — I ta toa oKtoBt n t a **inaka good” laaertloa. Krrora wMek do aot A. A. oaoN . m e . Rooflnw lombia. efeosge B. arUflng, Rugs, Lompe, Tables and Other 8TORE for rent, 149 W. Middle come $240 monthly, only SPLIT LEVEL—4 rooms, mod­ rage. A Real Coimtry Gentle­ SIX ROOM RANCH—With ga­ room house, exeellent oondl* • sUttnca pstuttnSi OunpMitFy* iQ* 'ment. $75. O U 640-4668, days, third bedroom, Ifti baths, nat em kitchen with bullt-ins, 8 man. Woiverton Agency, Real­ 1 iho valae o< too advartlaoaaoat wO aot ho oorroctod by Inc., 743-7886. Acceseoriee Tpke., call 649-2939. $18,900. uraC woodwork, large one-car rage, beautifully maintained, tion, artesian weC, five acres J teradbos and addloona OeV* 648-7267 sve large bedroome, dining room, tor, 649-2818. wall-to-wall carpet living and inga. Worfemanahlp guaran­ Unusual offering — Two garage. 00 lovely treed lot, land, $11,500. Tom Miaor, t BE OENTLB, be kind, to tiiat EVEKY'IHING $397.86 huge family room 21x28 with dining room, mahogany pan­ Broker, 876-6042. • teed. m Antumii S t 6 M IM0. expensive'carpet, clean H with jjX<3 5 PnONAL 4 room sec­ lakefront cottages, furnish­ $26,9(X>. Phllbrlck Agency, fli^ la ce, 2 full baths, 2-car ga­ MANCHESTER Vicinity— I ROOMS FURNITURE ond floor apartment, oil hot Houses For Rent 65 Reidtors, 649-8464 eled fireplace wall with book­ Blue Lustre. Rent electric $14.74 MONTHLY ed, one 3-bedroom, the rage, excellent nelghborho^, 8 miles out. Beautiful Cape RmwrgiJ. NOME. Improvement water baseboard heat, fire­ cases, dishwasher and disposal, WEST STAFFORD—S t«uLnent J ” ™«‘TS3 SSSiD"“ DIAL M3-2711 ahampooer $1. The Sherwin. Westlnghouse Waalilng Modiine, 8, 4 OR 8 Ro o m s , furnished or other 2-bedrooms, drilled $83,900. Phllbriok Agency, 649- with full ttied dormer, 6 years Company — Roofing, aldiBg, al place, screens, storm windows, CONCORD r o a d — $26,000. 7 3 bedrooma colored tile bath, house. 8-car garage, soned ■ WllUams Co. Westinghouse Refrigerator, Bed­ unfurnished, good location, well, fireplaces, excellent 8464. old. Birch cabinets, hatchway, .commercial on Route 190. teranooi. additions and ra- Venetian blinds, beautiful Co­ room ranch. Finished base­ screened porch with drop awn­ room, living Rocin, Dtaiette, paridng, swimming pool, rental situation, private many extras. Nearly one-half Large yard. Ideal for second 'i modellas o( aU lypea Bacel- SUPER-CEDED Toro rotary lonial borne, eountry location, ment, T fi baths, real deep lot, $16,900—Off East Center St. Two ings, custom tool shed. Com­ Ditties, Rugs, Lamps, Tkbles, adults. 648-6889. mortgage available with with picnic area, etc. Terrific acre, high elevation. Large as­ hand furniture busineas or i iaut 10 mUea aatt a t Manchester, story Colonial home, 2-car ga­ sumable G.I. mortgage. FuK plete privacy In bldk yard. mowers, 19” , $79.96. Self-pro- Blankets and Other Aeceosories $1,500 down payment buy. T. J. Crockett, Realtor, Clost. to churches, shopping fruit stand, etc. $12,900. Tom J peUed from $99.96. Marlow's, $00. BBectrlc range and refrig- OWNER OVERSEAS for 6 rage, condition good, nelghbOT- price $14,9(X). Ellsworth Mitten Tm M t ItoathiBi Oar MforfliorT DION OONSTRUenON—Roof­ Vto. Ram U. t. M OR. -AR Hgtoi__ e v e r y t h i n g $898.33 648-1677. Minor, Broker, 87B-(5042. t 867 Main Street arator allghtly extra. Adults months. Two-bedroom ranch, We have three Capes to hood excellent. Worth your in- Agency, Realtors, 648-6980. areas, and schools. Shown by ing, tiding, - .jjilterations, ceil­ Cog^H4Jj^Utotod^ appointment. Exclusive with prefsrred. 648-7058. completely furnished, garage, choose from, one has 4 spection. Wesley R. Smith ings, gutters and aluminum Price Includes Delivery, Setup, SO. WINDSOR—$600 down buya VERNON—Ranch 5 rooms, 8 Eleanor F. Scranton, Broker, M-ltoir tonariaf SanriM PICNIC Tkblee, several styles, $140 monthly, includes elec­ down, 2 unfinished up, the a 3 bedroom 5 ^ room ranch, Agency, 648-1667. windofws. 648-4862, 648-0896. extra sturdy ccnstruction, 9 Service. Guarantee Immediate t h r e e r o o m apartment and bedrooms, family size kitch­ Phone 649-0056 Wanted—Real Estate 77 Delivery or Free Storage Until tricity. References required. other two are 6 finished. ttl hot water heat, 100x200 lot. Bonds—Stocks— Help Wanted—Female 35 Help WuitedxMale 36 foot, $12.60 up; S toot, $16.80 garage, 118 Main St., $100. Available July 1 - Jan. 1. All under $16,000, two are BOLTON — $21.600—Lovaly co­ en, partial rec room In bsae- up; delivered. W. Zinker, Fin­ Needed. Phllbrlck Agency. 649-8464. lonial. Only 2 yean old, three ment, lot 90x156 with trees, LEBANON—6 room ranch, $13,- PAUL J. CORRENTI Agency Fraa la Harali Raaton BIDWELL Hronra and roofing M ortgages 31 649-5229, 9-5. Write Box R, Herald. vacant all have tree shaded BE AN INCOME TAX Considt- M AaH NB PARTS inspector, ney Street BllUngtao. $75-7148 Phone for appointment bedrooms, 1% baths, basement, $14,600. Phllbrlck Agency, 649- 900 ; 6-room raised ranch in­ wants your home. You want it 648-8878, 878-8108. lots. MANCHBSTER^7 ro a n Colon­ cluding garage, $14,700, Both ant. See our ad, classification first shift, above average pay. SAMUEL ALBERT BOLTON—Brandy St. Beauti ial. 4 or 6 bedrooms, 2 baths, garage, 2Vi wooded aerra. Pos- 8464. sold—we will sell it Coll 84S> ■t M i r r r T " - « oae o« ow elaardOod adaorllaaeaaatar No A BETTER ARRANGEMENT LAWNMOWBR8 >- Arlens, Hartford 247-0868 one one-acre lots. No money nror at too tatophoao Batodr Sfemiilo aoD toa o( your flnaneea wUl make 28. An equal opportunity employer. ful 4 room apartment, modem Resort Property 2-car garage, shade trees, sestton immediately. T. J. 6363. Contromatics Corp., 200 W. Lawn Boy, Toro, Bolens Orbit See It Day or Night conveniences, second floor, Crockett, Realtor, 648-1677. VERNON—Neat 6 ^ room brick down to qualified buyers. Ap­ Roofing and Chlmneyn 16-A more at your tnoome available Air, end riding mowers. Wheel- - For Rent 67 $16,600 full price. PhUbrick proximately $100 month, in­ HAVE BUYERS wotting for SERVICE Main St., Rockville, 876-8817, If you hove no means of trans­ near new hlgTi school, suitable PAUL FIANO AGENCY front ranch, attached garage, BIWARDS tor peraooal uaa. Lump debt horse and Bolens 4-wbeel Agency, 649-8M. WEST SIDE-80 Seaman Qr- stone fireplace, many extras, cludes mortgage, taxes, etc. homes in Manchsoter area. Liot A. S ROOBm a — BpeotoHting re­ Into ona monthly paymdht of 649-7786. portation, I’ll send my auto tor for teachers. O i l 649-0771 af­ REPRESENTATIVE trocton. Parts and service you. No oblintton. GIANT’S NECK Heights next to 604 Middle Tpke. E ole. 8 bedroom Colonial. Own­ $17,200. 876-2860. Also, one-acre lofts with water yours now. Chor-Bon Real Be* ANSWERING SERVICE pairing rooCs o( aU kinds, new $32.36 tor each thouiand dollars Girl over 21 as Service Rep­ ter 6 p.m. Rocky Neck, 4 room cottsige, $18,500-7 ROOM Coloalal. Liv­ A RAWLEIGH MAN needed at Oopttol Equipment Company, A—L—B—E— —T ——S ing room, fireplace, formal er, 648-2680 Otter 8. avafiable. Call 642-7476 or 537- tate, 648-0688. roofs, gutter work, chlmneya Including repayment over flv9 resentative to provide coun­ sleeps 7, $70 week. Mrs. O rter, 648-0458 PORTER STREET Area—4 bed 2581. M9-0500 — 175-2519 once in Mancheeter, Coventry 89 Main It., Manchester. 48-46 ALLYN ST., HARTFORD f o u r large rooma, 2 bedrooms, dinlnK room, 8 bedrooms, sun cleaned, repaired. Aluminum yeara fV a u Burke, 346-8887, sel and advise our policy­ 0 ^ dolly 7-6, Ttaraday 7-9, 742-8142. SHED DORMBK — Large, Im- room Garrison. Oolonial with siding. SO years' expeilanee. OonneRttcut Mortgage Ex- area Write Rawleigh, Dept. OPEN NIGHTS TILL • P.M. remodeled kitchen with 9-foot porch, natural woodwork, ra- I laaao T o v meeaagOb VoaV boar t n m oar adrartlaor to Jk holders by i^one and in per­ Saturday 7<4. maciHate 6 room O p e , partial attached 2-car garage. The MANCHESTER—Off East O n - Free eetlmates. CaU Bowley, ohaiwa. 16 Lewla flt., Bartford, son within our established CNO-39-1362, Albany, N.T, breakfast bar, nice location, COLUMBIA LAKE—For rant rage, shade trees, centrallv recreation room, patio, beauti­ kitchen is a housewife’s dream, tar, 6 room Colonial, lft4 baths, BUYING OR SELUNO a witoaot apeadlag all ofmatog at too teloiilHMio. 12201. located In Manchester. Phil- 6tt-6Sn. 848^1768. Conn. office. CEDAR CLOTHESLINE Poles, all utilities -burnished, $135 small waterfront cottages dur­ BOWERS SCHCXJL—T room full fully landscaped, schoed, bus, also a family room. Call for cabineted kitchen with dlrti- REAL ESTATE Wanted—^To Boy 58 brick Agency, 649-8464. many sizes, installed; also, monthly. 26 Linden Street. ing July and August. 649-0762, ttied donner Ciq>e, 4 or 6 bed shopping. Carlton W. Hutchins, particulars. WetCey R. Smith washer, enclosed porch, only RAT’S .ROOFiNa CO.—Shingle f u l l t r a i n i n g TOWN OF MANCHESTER, Have assurance of experienced good International dump truck, WANTED TO BUY—Antlqiws 649-4929. roMne, 1% baths, garage, 816.- 640-6132. Agency, 648-1667. $15,900. Hayes Agency, 643- roofs, gutters, built-up roofa, CONNECTICUT $^-ROOM apartment, stove, KENSINGTON ST.—You must service. O il Realtor, StanlET Lest and Found 1 Motorcades—Bicycles 11 Business Opportunities 32 PROVIDED reasonable. 649-1863. and good used furniture, vil­ 900. Phllbrlck S^ency, 6^ 4808. roof and chimney repairs, Ray Outgoing persMiallty, Initia­ refrigerator, heat furnished, see. this delightful 6 room Cax>e Bray, 643-6278. lage Peddler Auction House, 8464. 814,600-^H ROOM ranch on SPLIT — REDUCED. Tremen­ 1968 TRIUMPH motorcycle Jackson, 643-8828, Ray Hage- ESSO SEIRVICE station for tive and enthusiasm neces­ COLLECTOR OF glas^-ln porch, central. located In one of Manchester’s large ttiaded lot, fine condi­ dous value in this four bed­ tOTJND—Pair o t gray rimmed THE PROVEN carpet cleaner Route 88, snUngton. 878-8711, Business Property BOLTON CENTER TUO, A-1 Shape. Call 649-7347, now, 649-2214. lease at Bolton Notch, High­ sary, good education (but REVENUE Write Box M, Herald. nicest residential areas. At­ tion inside and outside, close room home, IVi baths, formal flaaaes com er Strant and Blue Lustre is easy on the Bob Fbickiger, and Son. For Sale 70 MAHCX3ANY paneled 18X86 tached garage. Large lot. Only between 6-7. ways 6 and 44A. Contact Mr. not necessarily college de­ heated recreation room, patio, to schools. Wesley R. Smith dining area, kitchen built-ins, Spacious split, 7 rooms, fin- MEMBER MULTIPLE Summit. Owner may ctalm by $7644rf9172 budget. Restores forgotten $16,000. 0 :1 Jarvis Realty Oo., D. Lothrop, 627-4188. gree) or equivalent business OOZY THREE room apartment, goioge, 6M1 room ranch, excel­ Agency, 643-1567. garage, high assumable mort­ itfhed rec room, garage, LISTING payii« ter ad. CMn SM-SS24. cotors. Rent electric sham- ^ S H IMMinDlATELY—We buy BUSINESS ZONE m - Bight Realtors. 648-1121. Eves., Call 1906 HONDA, laigeat model, Heating and Plumbing 17 experience required. For ap­ Ai^xHntment may be made pooer $1. Paid’s Paint A Wall­ stove and refrigerator, central. lent condition, mdy $16,990. gage. Don’t miss this one. Wes­ close to churches, school, INVE5STMENT Property — 70 anything from a pin to battie- roomst with two oftlcw, sep­ Carl Zinsser, 648-0088. LOST—Lady’a bUKoid First Na­ red lines at 1900 r.p.m., less pointment call above minimum. paper Supply. Ideal tor newlyweds or worii- arate entrance, suitable tor Carlton W. Hutchlaa. Realtor, so. WINDSOR-Colonial Ranch. ley R. Smith Agency, 648-1567. and library. $21,500. than 4,000 miles, well taken Union St., Rockville, Conn. ttiip. Used furniture and ap­ ing couple. 643-9353. tional Store, Center Street. 119 business or profeariooal use. 649-6182. AA. zone. 6 large rooms on WE BUY HOMES, land, tormo, care of, make otter. Call 649- NEW installations and re­ Two stores, four apartments. Requires six years’ experi­ pliances. Ask for Mr. Reed. acre lot. One-haR mile from VERNON—7 room Cape, 5 bed­ Cooper Hfit Street or call 640- LIBERTY MUTUAL LOAM SALE! Dark, rich stone LOUIS DIMOCK REALTY lots. U the price to right. Jpa 8866. pair work. Can 648-1774. Brokers invited. Good ftoanc- ence in accounting or tax 640-8254, 249-4704. SEVEN ROOM duplex on East PMlbrtck Agency. 649-8464. new school. Wooded area In rooma, 2 full baths, bullt-ins, 0696. INSURANCE CO. free loam, regular $14 mily SEVEN ROOM older home, 6 MANCHESTER 649-9823 get instant action aad on ing. Call 649-4528, 875-1539. ' collection includii^ three $12.50. Fill, gravel, sOid, stone. Center Street, Manchester. 44 000 sq . fT. PLANT 28 mUes bedrooma, 2 batha, tot 73xl5L rear a Joy to children! Made­ storms and sersens, aosum- Mrs. Hawkins 643-1161 WE BUY, SELL or trade an­ Steam heat. $100. Available cosh. Coll Jock Ohimlln, 64S* NOTICE ia hereby given that years in a supervisory ca­ 648-9604. tique and used (umltnre, china, east of Hartford, 6 miles off Marion B. Robertaon, Realtor, line Smith, Realtor, 649-1642, able mortgage with $1,000 SOUTH WINDSOR — Wapping, Optional Share Book No. 7681 Radio-TV Repair AVAILABLE — 8-bay service pacity or degree in business August 1. 049-4160. 9442, Samuel M. Loritt Agen­ glass, silver, picture frames Wilbur Cross. G o ^ lator area. I 643-5968. Exceptional value In this 8- or evenings 643-8189. down, $16,900. Call Owner 648- 729 Griffin Rd. Owner trans­ cy, MLB Realtors at V sn en laaued by the Manchester Sav- Business Seniccs station on heavily traveled administration and four FOR SALE—Timken hot air fur­ Sendees 18 Help Wanted—Male 36 and old coins, old dolls and GARDEN APARTMENT—2 bed­ 18 acres plus lake, free water pTmvmnaoTTie mom room Cape, all finished, 7996. ferred, move right in, clean d tc le , 641-3158. ari5-630T. Inga and Loan Association, In­ O ffered 13 Route 6, Andover, Conn. Call years’ experience Including nace ,with metal duct work, and powerf low taxes. Plant setting 7 tOMn fireplace, combination win­ STEPHENS ST. Low 30’s. 6^ room ranch, c a r p ^ , IH guns, hobtv coUeottons, attic rooms, in parklike setting, con­ brick ranch, family room, 1^ corporated, has been loot and OOMNnra TV and Radio Serv­ Hartford 278-0000. After 6 p.m., two years in a supervisory $100. 276-galIon oil tank, $20. like new. Will sell or lease. dows, finished rec room, Brick ranch on comer at Par­ FOUR BEDROOMS . 6? baths, fuK basement, half acre PLANNING TO SELL yw» PLUMBING and heating men, contents or whole estates. Fuiv veniently located, heat, hot baths, double garage, w ^ e d ker a Stephens. Practically va­ appUcidten Iwa been made to REPAIRS on an makes o( re ice, available aU boura. Satis- call National 8-7196. capa^ty. Call after 6, 643-0698. nlture Repair Service Tolcott- $6,000 down. Owner 742-8525, well landscaped yard, city Largs family type ranch, sub­ tiwed lot, assumable 4 4 % property? O i l Joneph Dentil, said Association ter payment trlgeratora, washers, ranges, taotten guaruataefl Can 649- experienced, for new Installa­ water, parking. $120 monthly. lot, Manchester. Carlton W. cant. 8 bedrooms,- fireplace, urban. Ideal spot for children, WEST STAFFORD — Mac’s tions. CaE Andover 742-6290 af­ GOLF CLUBS—Complete set of vlUe, Conn. Tel. 648-7449. References. Available August eve. 742-8090. utilities, good condition mortgage. 644-0610. Broker; 640-0630. <)( the amount o( deposit. and dryers. AU oU bumera ISU. DEPUTY TOWN Hutchins, Realtor. 649-8182. throughout, convenient lo­ carpeting, garage. Ideal re­ all rooms generous, especially claaned and serviced. AU work Drive-In. Land, building, equip­ ter 8 p.m. golf Irons phw putter. Call 1. 643-0973.______j CE3NTBR ST. Two stores, six tirement home. T. J. Crockett, the diving room with fireplace, ENGINEER CUSTOM BUH/T 8 bedroom cation. Selling at PHA ap­ CULONIAL, aluminum siding LISTHIGS wanted In Mancheo- NOTICE ia hereby given that guaranteed. 648-0066. ment for sale, doing good 649-2092. Rooms Withoqt Board 59 Realtor, 648-1677. attached garage, m iiaths, and awnings, beautiful yard, PART-TIME furniture refinlsh- $6533-$795S . FIVE ROOM fiat, 142 S. Main I ranch, 2 baths, large living praisal, $14,900. ter. Ruseell B. An(hoay> Brok­ Pass Brok No. 66066 issued by Millinery, Dressmaking 19 business on Route 190. Ow net utility room. $21,900 and worth cozy paneled den with Jal­ er, 742-6431. The Savings Bank of Man­ STEPS, SIDEWALKS, atone will take mortgage. Owner re­ er and mechanic. Apply in per­ Appointment may be made TTMKIN ROTARY flame oil FURNISHED ROOMS, complete St., now available. Adults only.' room, fireplace, kitchen with BOLTON—$16,300. Three bed­ son Marlow’s, 867 Main Street. Heat furnished. 643-8572. 649-4839 or at 407 Center it. Woiverton Agency, Realtor, ousie windows, two large bed­ chester has been lo^ and ap­ walla, tlreplacea, flagstone ter­ DRESSMAKINO, alterations, tiring. Tom Minor, Broker, 875- above minimum. burner, new HoneyweSl con­ Itoht housekeeping facilities, ' built-ins, finished rec room room modem ranch, garage, repairing, socks darned, tip­ trols, 276 gallon oil tank, ask­ with fireplace and bar, at­ 649-281$. rooms, basement garage. E. J. plication has been made to races, hatchways, dry wells. 5042. ^ntrally located. Mrs. Dor­ U * R REALTY CO„ Inc. 160x160 lot, assumable 'm ort­ Carpenter, Realtor-Owner, 649- All concrete repairs. Reason- pers replaced, patches ap­ TUIUtET LATHE operator, Requires six years’ experi­ ing $26. Call 649-1447. -THREE ROOM apartment for tached 2-car garage, large TOWN ADVERTISEMENT said bank for payment of the sey, 14 Arch Street, Manches­ gage, quiet neighborhood) Vin MANCHESTER—Vacant. Cape, 6061. able. 648-0861. plied, ridrts shortened, cater­ FOR LEASE!—Going Gulf Serv­ must be able to set up and ence In CHvil Engrineering rent, including heat, hot water, wooded lot for maximum pri­ 643-2692 Boggini, Bel Air ReaC Bttate, amount o( d ep ^ t. operate. Apply in person, Me- preferably in Highway or 24’ W(X)DEN extension ladder, ter. gas. Electric refrigerator and Land For Sale 71 6 full rooms, for $14,900. Spot­ ing to expectants, little cher­ ice Station in Manchester. vacy, $25,900. PhCbrick Agen­ 648-9382. \ less interior, fireplace, big NOTICE WASHINa MACHINES r e i ^ ubs and smaU try. 648-6802. Good volume. Paid training tronlcs, Inc., 640 HilUard St., Public Works Field or de­ excellent cemdition, $10. 643- THE THOMPSON House, Cot­ ga.s stove furnished. Cali 649- BOLTON — 120 beautiful acres, cy, 649-8464. R. D. M urdo^—643-6472 LOST—Billfold In vicinity of 18 Rear, Manchester. kitchen, dining room, 8 bed­ L ots F or 73 OF THE COLLECTOR Tanner Street. K found, pHease ed, RCA Whirlpool and tCen- program. Fter details call 525- gree and two years’ experi- ’ 6334. tage Street, centrally located, 7834 , 649-5779, 6-7 p.m. trout stream, gravel, on Route $13,906—FOUR bedroom Cape at more. All w on | ence. WAPPING—8 bedroom ranch. rooms. You can walk to Bow­ return contents, business cards, guaranteed. 6188 between 9 a.m. and 6 large pleasantly furnished 6, low taxes, investment, sacri­ a remarkably low price. 6 ers and High School. 86 Dur­ TREED LOT, 180 toot fron OF REVENUE Call 648-4918. Moving—^Tradcing— EIXPEBJENCED sporting goods SORRY SAL is now a merry Blreplace, -screened porch, car­ completed' rooms with fire driver’s Clcense, etc. to “ Blll- p.m. clerk, part-time evenings. Ap­ rooms, parking. CaU 649-2368 fice, $16,800. Terms. Owner, BOLTON—$28,600. Split, 7 large kin Street. Drive by it. Wol-' Residential sone. $2,700. All peraons liable by law to ' Storage 20 PERSONNEL gal. She used Blue Lustre rug port, heavily wooded lot, place, excellent condition, steps pay Town TOxea ora hereby toW” , c /o Manchester Herald, ply m person to Mr. LaPler, and upholstery cleaner. Rent for overnight and permanent Furnished Apartments 63-A 742-8525, evenings 742-8090. rooms, 1^ baths, garage, an verton Agency, Realtor, 649- verton Agency, Realtor, TYPEWRITERS — Standard 100x200. $17,500. Phllbrlck to the bus line. Wesley R. notified that I will have a Rato 18 Bissau St, Manchester, King’s Dept. Store. ASSISTANT electric shampooer $1. Olcott g;uest rates. acre lot plus. On WiHUams 2818. 2818. and electric. Repaired, over­ MANCHESTER Dtilvaiy. Uglit Agency, 649-8464. Smith Agency, 648-1567. BUI (or the Lilt o f 1968 o f 49 Conn. Manchester $5241-$6442 Variety Store. Road, Just off Rt. 6. T. J. hauled, rented. Adfyng ma- trucking and paoks«e deUvety. CENTRALLY LOCATED, large THREE ROOM furnished apart­ Houses For Sale 72 TWO FAMILY house, hot air I wood- mllla on the dollar (or the Town . chlnea rented and repaired. ment, Porter Street area, sec­ SPACIOUS 6 room older Co­ Crockett, Realtor. 643-1877. BAST WINDSOR—$17,000’t—Va­ MANCHESTER—2 A-oon LOST-Bunch of keys on kery Refrigeratora, washers 'and PACKAGE STORE Requires six years’ experi­ pleasant room. Parking avail­ ed lots, city water. Hayes o f Mancheoter, o f 6.9 mills on Pickup and delivery service. 16 FOOT round swimming pool, ond floor, $$110 per month, In- lonial, modern kitchen, IH cant ranch, must sell, des­ snd steam heat. Near bus and chain along Main St. Friday, stove moving specialty. Folding TUBE BENDS, INC. ence In Personnel Adminis­ able. Call 649-0271 after 6. $8,500 — WELL KEPT 6^ room solioola. Garsc's. 648-2825 after Agency, 848-4806. the dollar (or the Special Tax­ Yale Typewriter Service. 649- Chance of a lifetime to in­ 8 feet deep, $80. Call 849- 'cludes all utilities. Call 643- ranch, 8 bedrooms, attiactlve baths. 8 bedrooms, 2-cmr g ^ SO. WINDSOR ranch—3 bed­ perate. Mortgage is $16,400 or 949-3672 or 648-0918. chsira ter rent 648-07SI. New Britain tration preferably in the j ing District of the Town oC ^ 4986. vest In a secure future, your 29M. 6940 for appointment. Avail­ dining area, sutnirban. Owner rage, aluminum combinations, rooms, 2 baths, fireplace, mod­ sc, payments $127. Tremendcus 6. public field or degree and em kitchen with birch cab­ own* business. A long-time THE LAMP POST—Room torj able July 1, 1964. j anxious. O rltoa W. Hutchins. lOOxiUk wooded lot, $17,900. assumption here. Let’s hear Mancheoter, and a t 6 mills on ~ two years’ experience. inets, attached garage, cen­ BOLTON—South Rood. Lovely WYLLY8 STREET - 940 toot LAWNMOWER sharpening; re­ Painting—Papering 21 establishment fully stocked has attractive openings for men rent. 17 Spruce Street. 649-2494. Realtor, 6494183. Philbrieih>^^cy. 649-8464. your otter. T. J. Crockett, the dollar, for the Special Mato Annonncemmis pairs, sales, rotor blades Diamonds—Watehc tral air condlti«mlng, aluminum 6-room ranch, immaculate, (rantage, 648-7444. Street Taxing Diatrlot of the In ideal location. Low $11,- with experience in Aircraft For appHcatioDB and fur­ TWO ROOM furnished apart-' Realtor, 643-1877. nicely landscape with many diarpened; bicycle sales, serv­ PAINUNG, BIXTERIOR and In­ 900 A stock. Call Roger Jewelry 48 W.OULD LIKE woman to share $31,000—RED HOT, Just on the MANCHESTER — Big Spotiees combinations, $18,000. Phll­ ROOKLBtxiB — Lovely wooded Town of Mancheeter. work. ther Information .contact ment, heated, bedroom set, re­ evergreens, fireplace, alumi­ ■LBCTROLUX aalea and aerv ice. Manchester Cycle Shop, terior, paperhanging, wall­ Walker, 649-5306, 876-6611. my home. References required, frigerator, gas range. Free gas, market, big 4-bedroom co­ Olonial writh breezeway and brlck Agency, 649-8464. CENTRAL AIR conditioning.— lot 100x170, in AA sone, all Each ouch tax is due and pay- ' Ice, banded repieaentative. Al' 148 W. mddle Tui^ike, 648- o p e r removed, dty wall work. the General Manager WATCH AND JEWELRY re­ num combtiiattons, % acre, as­ 1 Checkers Munlcix>al Building, Man­ call 643-7921. electricity. Adults. Low rent. lonial with all the extras. Rec garage. 1 ^ baths. Formal din­ Solidly built 6 room Ranch. utilltiee, terns available. 646- able, one-half on the first day of (red AmeU, 306 Henry St, 3098. Reasonable rates. Bank flxianc- pairing. Promm service. Up to room, breezeway, 2-car g;a- ing room. Large working kitch­ Ma n c h e s t e r r a n c h — s Tremendous lot with shrubs sumable 4%% VA mortgage, July, 1964, and cn»4ialf on tha chester, State Personnel Apply 10 Depot Square, Apt. 4. years old, excellent locatimi, 1489. Mandiester, MS-0460. tng arranged. Fully Insured. BARROWS & WALLACE Power Benders $30 on your old watch in trade. R(X)M8 , prefer retired people rage, porch, awnings, carpet­ en. 23 foot living room with and flowers of all descriptions. $18,500. 643-8598. first day of January, 1966; pro- _ L Department, State Office 21 foot living room, fireplace, l a w n m o w e r s , tiiarpanad Free estimates. 649-9668, Jo­ Manchester Parkade, \ Cloeed Moadays. F. E. Bray, but will take others, part ing. Suburban, but in Town. center fireplace. 8 bedrooms. Huge living room with picture vlded, however, that any tax j RUSSELL’S Barber Shop open .t£h$dlng, Hartford, or any TWO ROOMS, furnished, all kitchen with built-ins, natural and rtpaired, mlea aad aerv- seph P. Lewis. Manchester 649-6306 787 Main Street. State Ibeater meals in exchange for errands. T. J. Crockett, Realtor, 643- Close to stores, schools and window and fireplace. 8 large 100x300 IN TOLLAND, $4,900. amounting to not more than fif­ every day this week. Closed toe. rental equipment L A M Apply Personnel Dept., office of the Connecticut utilltiesf, references required. woodwork, aluminum windows, Manchester Building. 649-5459. 1677. buses. A Real Buy at $20,900. bedrooms. Family kitchen with OoU 649-8002. ty dollars shoU be due and pay­ July 4. OpMi Thursday, July 9. Blquipment Ooip.. Route 8$, INSIDE AND OUT8IDB paint­ 206 Newington Avenue, State Employment Service. O K 876-8393. 87 Talcott Ave­ doors, and awnings, attached Woiverton Agency, Realtor, dishwasher. Spotless condition. able In one inatoUmant on July Veruon, $76-7000, bCandiester ing. You name your own price. Last date'for filing applica­ TWO FURNISHED rooms with nue, Rockville, <3onn. garage, $21,900. Phllbrlck ROOM TO EXPAND HALF ACRE wooded lot OUR COMPANY Is Interested New Britain, Conn. CONCORD RD - Beautiful 649-2813. Woiverton Agency, Realtor, eamhange. Bnterpriee 1916. 649-7868, 876-8401. tions July 18, 1964. Garden— ^Parm— Dairy a£ improvements. Car parking. Agency, 649-8464. niral Mancheeter. CaU I 1, 1964. In finding a mature man who MANCHESTER — 2% room- ranch, large living room, form- 649-2818. In conveniently located Failure to moke tint payment Products 50 136 Biasell Street. al dining room, cabinet kitchen, MANCHESTER Ranch—24’ Uv- 9613 after 6 p.m. Personals VACUUM GLEANERS, toasters, EIXTEHIOR and Interior paint­ resides In the Bolton-Coventry BE AN INCOME Tax Con- fully furnished apartment at MARSHALL RD. - For better (Jape, which h W " ! bed­ by August 1, 1964 renders tha 2 bedrooms, recreation room, ing room, fireplace, 8 large MANCHESTER Green Ranch- rooms, Hvlng room, kitch­ irons, lamps, drills repaired. ing. Wallpaper bocdcs. Paper- area who would be Interested suHtant. See 'our ad, clasttfi- PICK YOUR OWN Strawber­ Oak Lodge, 257 Tolland Tpke. living try this 6 room O p e whole tax delinquent. Second « WANTBJD ride to Travelers landscaped yard. Marion B. bedrooms, 1^ baths, natural Vacant, 6 rooms, garage, 1^ en, screened in porch, 2 ex­ Free eatimatea. Free p4ckup hanf^g. (filings. Floors. Eblly in operating a Private-Brand­ catlon 28. ries, 25c. Alan Olsen, Love Wanted— ^Roo:o y S ^ B o a r d 62 $100 a month. Adults only. on tor size. This is a fine home Suburban F or Sale 7S paymoit becomeo delinquent af- from vicinity Woodbrldge and and delivery. 629-8866. ed gasoline station. No me­ Robertson. Realtor. 648-6968. I woodwork, screened ' porch, baths, wooded setting. This pandable rooms up, fenced Insn^d. Workmanship g^iar- TERRY STEAM Lane, off Swamp Rd., North 643-9171. i fill basement, Immaculate. in a good neighborhood. Priced ___ ter February 1,1966. Interest to AUbum Rd. Call 643-0170 after anteed. Leo Pelletier, 649-6326. chanical experience required. WANTED — Room In private to sell at $15,800. Jarvis Real­ home is worth your inspection, yard, walk to everything, WEST STAFTORD Area—Older figured from due date at tha TURBINE Coventry, 742-6058. CUSTOM RANCH—3 bedrooms, $18,400. Phllbrlck Agency, 649- Wesley R. Smith Agency, 643 8. YOU .ARB A-1! Tntok la A-II If no answer, '648-9043. Small investment required. home in vicinity of the hos­ TWO ROOM apartment, fur-1 ty Co., Realtors, 648-1121, Ann Hunter 649-5800 876- CMpe Cod, 6 rooms, hot water rate of 1 per cent per ^ Cellars, attics, trash, small Salesmen Wanted 36-A 2 baths, large living room, 8464. 1667. 6611. High moiith'iy gallonage giving pital for young lady. Contact nished, private bath and en­ fireplace, dining room, rec Eves'., Call Card Zinsser, 648 heat, combination barn and month or frootloa o f a month, trucking done A-1 right! Call INTERIOR and exterior paint­ good return. For interview BEANS, peas, beets. Swiss 643-0463 between 2-3 p.m. trance. utilities, no pets, near 0088. ' t garage, one acre land, rustic Sold taxes are payable at th* ing, wallpaper removed, fully First and Second EXPERIENCED Real Estate room, attached 2-car garage, SLATER ST. — $17,900—4 bed­ AntomobDes Sale 4 643-2928, Tremano Trucking call 232-7126. chard, squash. 21 Angel Street. Cheney’s, 226 Charter Oak, 643- setting, $10,500. Tom Minor, Office of the CoUeotor o f ttevo^ Tor Service. insured. Rene Belanger. 648- Shift Openings Salesmsin or Woman needed beautiful view, $31,(XK) Phil- Manchester room, 2 bath ranch, big lot, BARROWS & WALLACE 8368, 246-4738. brick Agency, Realtors, 649- SUBURBAN Manchester—Beau no buement. Just over Town Broker, 876-6042. nue in the Municipal Building— ' NEED CART Tour credit turn­ 0612 or 644-0904. for branch office (loverlng Ver­ PIC5C VOUR own strawberries, Apartments— Flats— Manchester Parkade Help Wanted—I emale 35 8464. tifully tailored 8 room ranch. line, opposite new golf course. Monday through Friday—8:80 ed donml Short on down pay- HAROLD A SONS Rubbish Re­ TURRET LATHES non-South Windsor area. ^ I s is 26c a quart, 1-6 p.m. Zeppa Tenements 63 ' 649.5306 moval—Cellars, attics, yards. a full-time position for some­ RARE FIND- Space for a variety of room T. J. Crockett, Realtor, 643- AJL to 4:60 PM. mentT BankniptT Reponiee SEAMSTRESS—Apply In per­ Farms, Birch Mountain Rd. purposes including 5 bedrooms. PAUL CKRVINI, tion? Don't deefialrl flee Boo- Weekly or monthly pickup. Ha v e p a p e r i n g boards—win one llpensed and ready tq gb. LOOKING for anything in real - t 1577. Harold Hoar, 640-4084. paper. Call 633-2472. son, Marlow’s, 867 Main St., ENGINE LATHES All-Occasion Glamour It’s New. It’s ' Modem. So MANCHESTER — good loca­ EWITA’nON Collector of Revenue. Mt Dooglaa. IWnilrt< about low- Liberal commission qarhings, estate rentals — apartments, Poodle Cover-Up! MOVE RIGHT IN! tion. 4-room ranch, aluminum Manchester. air-conditioned office and all Household Goods 51 there will be no fuss with WOODBRIDOE ST. — $14,800- Mt down, amaileat payments CSIAIN SAW woik, trees re­ BULLARDS homes, multiple dwellings, call fix-ups. It’s a new ares and plus another. B sone lot for storm windows, oil hot water anywhere. No small loen os fi­ Realtor facliitiefr. Call Mr. J. D. Realty, 643-5129. TO BID moved, lots and roads cleeu-ed, Electrical Services 22 Werbner at 643-1121 for an ap­ RUGS, never used, 9x12 brown, Thoughtfully planned cus­ you’ll have nice new neigh­ $3,000. 7-room home. Big heat, 1-car garage, shaded gar­ nance company plan. Dooglaa den, Owner, 648-0897 after 4:30 Sealed bids will be received at also bulldozed. Free estimates SEWING MACHINE RADIAL DRILL pointment to discuss this fine $30; 9x15 gold. $35; 9x12 NICE THREE room heated tom built spacious 6 room bors in the future. Woiverton rooms., porch, garage, plenty Motora. 888 Mata. 742-8096. FREE ESTIMATES. Prompt home. Enclosed breezeway. Agehcy, Realtor. 849-2813. . of trees. Vacant. T. J. Crock­ p.m., weekends anytime. the Office of the (Jeneral Man­ service oo all types of elec­ opportunity. i pumpkin wool. 289-6955. apartment, stove and refrig­ ager, 41 Center Street, Man­ WHEEI WATER’S 1861 LINCOLN Continental, ex- HORIZONTAL erator, for woman or middle .. 2-car' garage. Desirable lo­ ett. Realtor. 643-1677. 8HARPBNINO Service — Saws, trical wiring. Licensed and in­ OPERATORS €X)URTEOUS men with a de­ cation. Delightful land­ RANCH — EIGHT rooms. South MANCHESTER — central, bus chester, (Connecticut, imtll July ceUlmt running condition, all knlvea, axes, aheara, akatea, sured. Wilson Electrical Co., BORING MILL aged couple. 643-6015. 10, 1964 at 11:00 A.M. for two ' powered,, plus air conditioning. sire to become salesmen. ASSORTMENT of good used scaped lot 140x160, with Windsor, one full and two half HILLIARD ST. — $13.900—plus line. Excellent 2-famtly of HOT-HOTJINO rotary blades. Quick service. Manchester. 649-4817. 643-1388. ranges. 643-6563. fieldstone fireplace and baths, modern kitchen with another $3,000 for a B zone lot. 4 4 -4 4 . Two heating systems. (2) % ton Utility Truck and one Very reasonable. 643-9096. Capitol Equipment Co., IS Experienced operators and $110.00 g;uaranteed commission THREE ROOM apartmints, all CASTING CLEANER to start. Commission and ex­ utilities and air conditioning. patio for summer outdoor built-ins, dining room, 4 bed­ Neat home, 6 large -rooms, Priceci to sell at $16,600. (1) 4 ton Pickup Truck. THERE’S A LOTI 1969 CHEVROLET Impala 2- M l^ Bt., Mancbeatet. Hours trainees needed. Ebccellent living City water, seWer. rooms. family room, 2-car ga­ porches, "tiled bath, garage. Hayes Agency, 643-4808. Bid forms and epeoiftcations Floor Finishing 24 opportunity for qualified penses after training. Home For appointment call Mr. door Hardtop, 348 engine, auto­ daily 7-6. 'nnuwday T-8. Satur­ supplies, car necessary. - Call SOUD MAHOGANY dining Plaster walls. O pper tub­ rage, lot 100x206. owner wants Worth Investigating. T. J. are available at the Controller’s day 7-4. 648-796$. trainees to learn sewing. ‘ ASSEMBLERS I Peterman, 643-2468, or Mr. matic transmission. power SANDING and refinishing— 644-0202 between 6 and 8 p.m. ______room set, call 643-6390. ______1 Pontlcelli, 649-9644. ing. Hot water heat. Storms. quick sale because of illness, Croc;^ett. Realtor, 643-1577. $11,900, 6-R(X>M O p e , alumi­ Office, 66 Center Street, Man­ Nowl For only 9^0* 6 ateering, power^brakes, air- Spring Special—average 9x12 for interview. ; Screens. Asking $24,5(X). $23,600. Phllbrlck Agency, 649- num siding, large enclosed chester, Connecticut. RAPID RUBBISH removal—At­ Machinist must be able to ELEICTRIC STOVE, autenslon, many extras. 640-4886. cal or popular at your home Colonial, 3 bedrooms, Removed from late home on Edward Street or my studio. Brenton Crane, PART-TIME WORK — We ttn- An Equal Opportunity Employer mirror, bench, pink and yellow' Machine Cleaned 2 SALE DAYS (NOTE DATES) — BOTH SALES AT Yea, thanks to Mobllheat skirts, $6. walnut bureau ideal { baths, fireplace, bullt-ins, 1061 CHEVROLET‘ two door se­ call 742-7426. cerely believe that nowhere Septic Tanks, Dry Wells, breezeway, attached garage, THE LANTERN VILLAGE BARN, Tolland Turnpike, MANCHESTER, CONN. —and an oil-fired hot water dan, automatic, radio and heat­ Household S e r v ic e s in Manchester can a housewife D ogs-i-B ird»—Pets 41 for child’s room or cottage, $5.' Sewer Llnee Installed—Cel­ $ 6,800—Coventry. Oozy 4-room heater of correct capacity— ...... 72” ' custom Venetian blind, wooded lot. $112,600. Phllbrlck This estate includes an unudual amount of pattern and colored glass; much fine china, er, tinted glass, excellent con­ Offered 13-A WANTED! find better paying, more dig­ lar WaterproollBg Done. Agency, Realtors, 649-8464. year ’round home, con­ hand painted, llmogee, English, Oriental, etc. Many interesting collectors items, bric-a- your family con take con of dition. 640-7919. MirrHANir exnerlenred own GROOMING and boarding, will $2.50. Laige mahogany tilt-top venient to shopping MEN! WOMEN! nified and convenient part- MECHANIC, experienced, own ^ table, fluted ^ g e , $6. Ma- brac, etc. Both sales will offer practically like amounts of this large glass anil china aU their washing needs at R EW E AV ^G of BuilNS.. moth area. , To Train tor time work than Avon has to Chase, Harmony Hill Kennels; MANCHESTER—Deluxe 6 room collection. one time. holes. Zippers repaired. Win­ offer. And by associating your­ or o4o-0^ o. ' — hogady end table, $2. Mahog­ McKinney bros. ranch, 2 baths, 2-c$r garage, 1968 PONTIAC for sale at 418 Income Tak Consultants Bolton, 648-5427. $ 9,500—Andover Lake—Attrac­ dow shades made to measure self with the world’s largest any coffee table with glass Sewerage Disposal Co. family room, % acre suburban FIRST SALE: WED., JULY 8, 1964 AT 10 A.M. INSPECTION AFTER 9 A.M. . Mom can do the family Spring St. Call 649-6006. all sizes Venetian blinds. Keys EXPERIENCED painters want-1 tray, $2. Mahogany lomer lot. Hayes Agency, 643-4803 tive, furnished 5 room wash, 81s can do' the dtohes A few clear thinking people will cosmetic company you will be 118 Pearl St. 64S-880S aummer,^ cottage, could ANTI()UES - FURNITURE - FURS - JEWELRY - SILVER, ETC. made while you wait. Tape re entering an expanding field ad­ ed, must have car. <>11 be- ^ A L E Siamese kittens for sale, floor what-not rack, $2, Call at the some time Junior be selected from thi.s area to 648-0260. be easily converted to 2 Cherry Drop Leaf Tables, 2 Pine 4-Dr. Chests, 2 Empire Cheats of D raw e^ CJurly corders for rent. Marlow’s, 867 enroll in new, low-cost training mirably suited for women. Call tween 6-7 p.m., 649-4298. jjO each. Call 643-2006. 1$ INCHES NO. l Leg Drop Leaf Table, Sheraton Style Sofa, (Jhewy l*Dr. Joy a aliower. program prepared by CPA’s. 289-4922. Stand, Snake Ft. Candlestand, Pine Stands, Steeple Clock, pid Jelly Cupboard, Marble Top Earn lucrative .fees. (Some tax ____ 24 foot living room, many au­ FOR SALE — 1059 pickup I FURNITURE Refinished, colors i EXPERIENCED carpen thentic details, 6 rinturesque $11,800—Manchester. 6 room old­ Stand, Cradle, 2 What-Nots, Fireplace Items, Warming Pan, Empire 8-30 room brick Ope, fireplace, $17,600-^South Windsor. 6 room A Art Glass, Colored* Cruets AC “ WANTED — Mature woman to TWO KITTENS need good hoiiie. crochet serves a dual purpose — ranch, with private Trailers— WANTED—Your clean, frayed profession! chester area froip 8-12 p.m. on garage, excellent conmUon, Miniature, Assorted Pine China 'Average family of four. care for home snd cook for O il 643-5814 after 4 p.m. The simple little sheath every- to hide a bottle or act as a door- swimming pooC. Mobile Homes 6-A shirt collars so I can ^um them man and boy, live in. Salary Friday and Saturday and 7-11 trees, near bus, shopping, Gov, Wlnthrop Desk, Occasional , _ . and make them look neat. For If you can study one hour dally p.m. on Sunday. Applicants one adores — shown here in a I stop! ' school. Carlton W Hutchins, at home, write today for free arranged. Write Box E, Call for further Information and (Blue Mink Collar), Brown Mink Jacket (old). Jewelry: Platinum Dinner Rlng^wlth Square 18 FOOY HI-LO aluminum information call 64S-9S16. must have clean record, oar in Parsonal Produetion and Aganey street length version in white Pattern No. 5978-N ha» crochet Realtor, 649-5132. Cut Diamond, 22 Diamond Chips and. 16 Small Rubies, Yellow Gold Ring with;Opal and 9 W E « I V E facts, free aptitude test. Herald. or soft pastel tones. Also, sew directions for 13" poodty; stitch appointment to se# . . . camper, used 7 days, com- and telephone. Uniforms fur­ Diamonds; Bar and Stick. Pins, Costume, Etc. Silver: Sterling Flatware Set (for 8), plettty equipped. McBride’s nished. $1.40 per hour plus It for avening wear in the shoe- illustrations. > MANCHESTER—First time of­ Other Sterling and Plated Flatware, 6 Pc. Victorian Plated Tea Set. Etc. Lunch by Vic­ GREEN STAMPS Sport Spot, 680 Center St, 649- SOUTHWESTERN Personality counts, not age or Fine China k>P length. To order, send 36c in aoins to: fered. 9 room stucco smd frame ALICE CLAM PET, BuiltUng— Contracting 14 fringe benefits. O i l Bridge­ Management, desiras affiliation with REALTOR tors’ Catering Service. - , ' . 8747. ^ ACADEMY experience. Big commissions port 338-4740 collect. Intef- l4ttern, Cat No. 8282 with Patt-O-Rama is , Anne Cabot, The Manchester English CJolonial, 2H baths, ex­ QUALITY CARPENTRY- Box J, ‘ Herald selUng WE In sizes 10, 12, 14„ 16, 18, 20. Evening Herald, 1150 AVE. OF tensive formal gsrjlens and 649-4543 SECOND SALE; THURS., JULY 16 AT 10 A.M. INSPECTION AFTER 9 AM. APACHE CAMP, trailer tor rent, stats Industrial Security Co.^ AMERICAS, NEW YORK, N.Y. Rooms, domere, . porcheo, 114 State St., Bridgeport, and Colered Bust 81 to 40.,Size 12, 32 bust, beautiful lawns, two acres al ESTATE LOT: M o n interesting offerings in China, Glass, Bde'S-Brac; M on Pattern MORIARTY sleeps six; month of July avallr Name ...... ■t..Ag«.... complete privacy. Kayra Agen­ Glass, Etc.; Comparing favorably with uie Fint'flale. Balancetof Miscellaneous Furntah- IwaementB reflnlidwd, cab­ AVON " Conn'. BUY Property Inenranee Organiution In street length, 8 yards of S6-lnch. 1*086. V obto, $40, weekly. 649-8867. Glaoswart To order, send SOc in coins to ; I For. Ist-class mailing add 10c cy, 648-4808. TEIUEIN STREET—New 6 room inets, hulltttiB, fonnlca, tile. A ddress...... • • • • .^^tone... • Cosmetiee Ui spare time near 8ne Burnett, The Manchester for each pattern. Print Name, Ranch, 8 bedrooms, living j^SlITIONS: Dlverslfled lot of wort|»y items from nliable sources. Antique ,Furuitun, No ^ too small. William home. PhMie 289-4922. CARPENTER wanted to repair RROTHERS I rough outside stairway in Man­ Evening Heralds 1150 AVE. OF Address with Zone and Pattern PORTER STREET Area—New­ room, formal dining ;room, Orleutol Ruga (amoU atoee), OU Patotings. Collection of Mahtol A Wall aocks Some Aato Drlatnc School 7>A Robbins carpentry service. ANTIQUES kitchen, basement garage, *11 Bonds— Stocks— chester. Can be done evenings. .head Life Sa^at Dapartmant-- AMERICAS, NEW YORK, N.Y. Namber. ly ilsted Celonlal-Cape, formal Pewter, Sliver, Modem Fum itun, Etc. ’ 648-8446. . VIOTOBIAN MABBLB utilities, convenient l ni' ROBIRT M. RBID ft SON. A hcHo m m s experience, ceilings, floors ing to learn and able to as­ STOCK AND DBIUVERY mani, ter each pattern. Print m am s; Oolisctlon — special design pat- oar garage. Must be .seen. trade: Call Charles PonticelU, SBIOOND MORTGAGOfl i- DU- OUSEHOLD ITEMS. 640-9644,.or Barney Peterman, tiled, porches, rec rooms, n - limited tunda available for aoc- sume reeponttbttlty, for 8-11 over 31, wholesale distributor Address irith Zoos, Style Kp.) terns; regular features; direo*. Wettey R. tonlfliAgepey, *4$> 201 Mobi StrMt. Moiiehttft«r ^ ’ TaltphMM 449-7770 HIBL BBID aad SM. Wrlta N X Y e/a HERALD - ftfawM to book tor 4 patterasl WL 6494404..^ ' I I II II III Iieesai3639. oonrloa. J. D. 378, Mrs. SOMer. BOOB. Phone’M 8-68JS. v i' ■ ■ ' ' ■- - > -,v -I

MONDAY, JULY ^ M84 IIUmrl)»abfr Iveitteig A w E fs Dfifly N«t Prsfii R n TiM'WiMthfir is ■ , v { p Wat On WMi itodad I of V. a. WuBihB The Hodnnum Dog Chib win July 6, 1S04 Robert T. Knamtt, fIramaB, d e a r AhoaitTdHyn OB oC Mr. and Mra. WUltom meat Wednaaday at T pjn. at B q U o h Kbamnt, U M t Nebe PI-; and tha Naarmarkar Farm off Dari fd r ilr HIU Rd., Wapptog. M n. Ralph 13,891 ir& n i wffl BMt Robert W.,8cbubert, aeaman ap- prafatbie , aon o f M r. and M ra. Worraat of mnatad win g ^ a r cC tha AadR •t tiM **»**“ » Ah m t* Robert F. Sdnibert, 17 Summer demonatratlon of field trial work lig u o ri Sets o f CNnnikttoB JBM4g« at W «ii^ with her golden retrlavara, and M i d k— l a r " CUy o f VUUtge Chmrm la will IM tN n T to • pjn. B«- St, both of the U.S. Ooaat Guard, are aboard the Ooaat axplatn the prograaatve tfatatag rtoei bftawa win b« read at a nacaaaary for tha triato- He- Reports fw feM(Mn aatottac. A CfataMM Guard Ootter Owaaco which re­ PRICE 8IVSN CMNTB cently left New London for duty freahmenta wiU ba aarvad. Tha TOU LXXXnL MD. MO (fOURTBBN PAOK) M A N C ra m R , CONN.* TUNSDAYy JULY % 1964 aneboB win DaMM alter tlw event la «q>en to tha pnbUc. ainHng. Tb* board of dlreetora an ocean atatlon veaael to Board View the Atlantic. Hie cutter will wOl OMit tonlidil at • at the aorva aa a check-point for trana- hom a aC M ra. AUaii HMtDsan, atlantle aircraft and ahipe, re­ The B oard o f Blduc atlcB w ill tMaalB M ., SoltoB. lay weather Information to the Two Accidents mat Wednaaday at S p.m. to the Evenly U.A Weather Bureau, conduct school cafeteria. Bafon tha n g- Disasters Take M M te Ravtaw, 1TOA. wW oceanographic reaearch and Over Holiday ular meeting begins the board BMW tomorrow at 9 n.m. at provide aeareh and reacue «ap- win hear the Insurance commla«j. ^ WloWB Han. Mra. Wan- In State abUltiea. Two hoUday waakand motor sion’a report and John Harris Romney Silent on Rights M Oiavaa, ptaaMant, and Mra. win igMSk OB a propqaad swim­ Toll of 50 Lives I praaldant, vahicla acoldenta brought minor WnUa PIndBB, alo St Margarat’a Circle, Daugh­ m ing pool. Win ba to ahaiga at ratraah* injuriaa to ona paaaangar and a PhlUp Liguori, supertotendant ter! of iMbella, will hold a written warning to a Manohea- At least 60 persons loet their lives today and yester­ cUckan barbecue and auction at sohoola, wUl racommaBd the State Wins Suit at 6:80 p.m. tomorrow at the ter motorlat tor failure to drive aim and locatian of the proposed day in disasters, the latest an avalanche in France caus­ B oapiital Ootpaman 8.C In a proper lane. haw elementary achooL Ha also ing the death on the agenda Is final MAR’llNBVlLLE. Va. (AP)— Turnpike operated by the firm. William W. Scranton for a stop-Goldwater GOP plat­ ManCbeeter Rotaiy dub will French National School for ICgh 11am W. Scranton Is “ making LECLERC warning by police, who reported authorisation for purcham of A nevdy purchased twin-engine Hie state charged the company meet tomorrow at 6:80 p.m. at Mountains which trains and li-. any progress in chipping away form declaration that the new civil rights law is eonsti* extensive damage to both the moveable equipment and sup­ airplane crashed on take off at failed to pay the full rent called FUNERAL HOME ihe Mancheater Country Club. pole and car. plies for the new school, and censes mountain guides. Nine the Martinsville airport today, delegatea” from the Arlsonan’S tutional. A taped meaaage wiU be played for in the contract / colum n. No injuries nor arrasta but aathmrlxaUon to advertim for were students at the school. killing all five persons aboard. The company charged in turn In an advance text of his remarks furnished the eon- of a apeech by duu'lea W. Pet- fuel, milk, snow removal, and Boson had Joined tha group tor The plane was taking three Denison Kltchel, general dl vention platform committee for*- F U N E R A L moderate vehicular damage waa that it had been misled by the rector of toe Ooldwater cam­ tengill of Greenwich, newly In- reported In a r low which penaito nto WASH-W-DRY CI.EAM od preaident disclosed she i^ans “Dmth Cost Too ffigh" and ing comparison of tritific tatal- platform. "I’d welcome that to sell her two homes In the “The Undertakers’ Racket”— ities from Jon. 1 through mid­ pabllc support. kind of fight,'! he said. otatea to enoot rlgM-toArpn 11 MAPU! ST. the Scranton campaign came area and take up reeidence in are Justified. night : taws, the aouraM aald. Afirom From F lnt NottoBOl I the shadows lengthened Of Nailing Planks Laird is understood to have Tkeae lawa, on toe bdbha to Store Parking Lot New Yoric in time to enter Car­ . “But,” he added in his state­ 1968 1964 argued with Ronmey agalnat oline, 6, and John Jr., 8, in ment, “there are many criti­ 162 151 across bis chances. 30 otatea including Aptoona, out* OPEN 7 DAYS The Illinois tour was aimed, proposing action on the consti- BITUMINOUS ASPHALT PAVIN8 achool this fall. cisms vtoich are hosed only on '■ / taw unioa riiop oOntracts ba« 16-Tib. Waab—BBq said Scranton, at arousing the SAN FRANCI8(X) (AP)—Gov.ftions taken by the Arisons sen- tutionality questfam. H ie' gov tween labor management. 8>Lb. Dry Olean-MSJW “While she will always main­ isolated instances of abuse and Crash Kills Student public to such on extent they ernor’a omlaaion of any mentiem • DRIVEWAYS • PARKING LOTS misrepresentations of fact.” Nelson A. Rockefeller tries to­ ator. Under the union abqp, a woito 5Lba.gl.36 tain her close ties In Washlng- would pressure the state’s Re­ They looked to Rockefeller, of it in his prepared statement er muat Join toe union after ha BASKETBALL COURTS He said it is a fringe minority GREENWICH, July 7 (AP) day to sell to a platform com­ • GAS STATIONS Free Mothproofing CALVES LIVER * tem,’’ sold the statement issued publican'convention delegates to backing Scranton since Goldwa­ was taken as an indication that is hlr^. In the ri^t-to-worii "which preys on the elderly and —Henry F. Holland Jr., 20, a mittee made up mostly of Sen. All Work Personally Sopervlaed 79 through her office Monday, switch support away from ter knocked him out of the race, he had abandoned the project. tqaT-fec does not have to join , Yale University student fipm Barry Goldwater’s supporters "Mrs. Kennedy feels that the the bereaved” and damages the Scranton’s rival for the nomin­ He could revive It, however, by We Are 100% Insared MERIT reputations of other funeral di­ Greenwich, was killed yester­ the kind of planks Ooldwater for help toward such goals as eyaft titotigEThe union borgafaia change of environment In New ation, Sen. Barry Ooldwater of a strong platform position on departinglepartli from his text or for him otoog with ita mem­ RRAND lb -York, from Georgetown and ita rectors. day in a motorcycle accident in wouldn’t like. Inmglnjig it up In response t o SLKEDRACON * A rlsona. The New York governor’s ap­ the constitutionality of the new bers. many memories, will be bme- The rules that the trade as­ Seattle, Waah. Person To P e i^ 49 The Scranton tour was routed civil rights law and a condem questions. Goldwatw: bos Introducsd tag- ficlal to her and the children.’’ sociation has proposed, he said, His family reported Holland pearance on a day of Republi­ by plane to Springfield and by nation of organizations like the The issue assumed addsd pro­ totatloii, sharply apposed by to* DE MAIO BROTHERS The memories are at every o^ d strike at such sales was visiting the family at a can platform hearings largely portions because Scranton and Bob Hope school friend at the time. train to Decatur, Mattoon, devoted to civil rights coincides militant John Birch Society. 0, to Mm toe cloeed shop corner. It was in Georgetown 'Pitches as these: Champaign and Kankakee. Sen. Hugh Scott, R-Pa., one of TeL 648-7691— We Carry Jennilte Sealer told this He had planned t6 spend the with a grim drive by backers of Scranton sent his troops to except to atatee which penmlt where she and Kennedy lived “ Stating that the law requires Much of the trip was over the hia principal adviaera, made it it'undar their own laws. one: “About Save ON the Famous Name after they were first married, a deceased to be embalmed coming year, his Junior year, in Pennsylvania Gov. William W. battle on these two issues when clear they expect to carry it to route taken by Xbraliam Lincoln he wrote the platform commit' This wofild revorae to# offoot women’s while he waa a senator----- from vtoen such is not the fact. M unich. Scranton. They hope to give the conventiah floor to add to when he left Springfield in 1861 their trailing candidate an as­ tee chairman. Rep. Melvin R. of present federal law and pot asre, all I where he drove to his Inaugura- “ Stating that the law requires HoUand’a father, toe late on route to Woohlngfam for bis the emotional otmoaitoere there. tha burden on untone to eom- sist through a platform fight Laird of Wieconsln, his views Pennsylvania State Ohalrman • •••••• ••••••••• • • loiow is inauguration aa praaident. centering on controversial posi- on what the party statement polgn tor the cloeed riiop to ag HEALTH • *1.25 Bronztan Lotion •90 ' which Is a dance spot where In Greenwood, Miss, that wie ity system. a prayer their four year old -the floor is tiny and the ludcea pected former President Dwight Goldwater voted against the Ky., permanent ehoirman at the •aeiy celebration. i ^ D. Elsenhower to endorse him of its wevkers has not been convention, said on hia arrival daughter made: “Dear high and instead of live musi­ heard from since he was turned civil rights bill and said two cians there are records (or in for the presidency at the OOP here last night that he will eoU *1 Bredc's Shampoo 79* over fo a Webster County dep­ major sections'of it are uncon­ Lord, please send-be a baby French, discos) playing all the convention. stitutional. He .has come out. on San Francisco polica to pra- Bidletiiie uty sheriff by the sheriff’s of­ brother so we will have tim e. Scranton answered “no” and against a general deifauiciation aerve order in the threatened CvHed from AP Wirofl fice there. racial equality (CORB)^^ ■ < ■> something to surprise Dad 39'. $ t Joseph29* That word “dlacotoeque” la- added that Eisenhower "has of Birch Society members, al­ dy with when he gets heard every time a collectkm of never said that he would.” A new upsurge of racial vio- though he criticized the presi­ "I can’t a«e why they wquld Loam up to $1000— Aoana NM nauted at low coat ^ home.” Let us surprise you fall clothes Is shown to the Scranton announced Monday. ^«nce is fear^ in British (jul dent of the society, Robert picket the CoW Palace,” he aoid ROOKY’S BATTLE STARIXfl fatolon editors here for Proas that Dr. Milton Eisenhower, ana after the bombing of a W elch. “We should give our (eivU.j, SAN FRAN0I800 (AP)— Manaficifri HnoeMa Co. o f Alondiaetar *1** Calin Daodorant.v%90‘ brother of the former president with exceptional value and W eek inf to e N ew Y ork Couture river launch carrying about 70 The fight over the platform rights) taw a chance to work.' Oev. IfelaoN A. Beekeleuar 806 MAIN ST.. MANCHESTER * wonderful service.1 Dillon Group. Most of these editors, and president of Jetons Hopkins Negroes. ... About 500 (nirslng eventually could" be brought to New' York Gov. Nelaon A. toe RepuMteoa M kchal » 4 1 5 6 • Owr So. New Englind Tel. IbntBei 0 6 W • Sales and Service, Inc. Your frotn all parts of the country, screaming Negroes in St. Louis, the floor of the convention. The Rockefeller, who threw hia Mtiumittoe today K i have never been to a disoo- (See Page Two) Mo. pelt officers and police cars platform committee organised weight behind Scranton when he affirm wm eoastttaMonaltty at All. FROSTLESS Ford dealer, S19 Main St. — »4r ------and started Us hearings Mon­ abandoned his own efforts to toeque, either, since it seems to with bricks and bottles last toe raoenfiy paased Otoll Phone €48-2145. be purely a New York phe­ night after two officers answer day night without a formal chal­ win the nomination. Scheduled Righto A ct The Now Ysth nomenon (Shepheard’s is the Gadgetry Keeper a sick call. lenge from the minority. teatlmony today. Harold E. goveswsr tht6sr hU toftieaea Now^s the time to get your 2nd most Ohio) unless CRloago or stfeogiy behtod toe drive hy The Beatles sweep Into a new (fee Page Four) San Franclaoo have got one go- Barfy Informed career as movie stars with the tSee Page Nine) snplwriers of Gear. WlBiom COMBINATION tog. Anyway, they’ll be dress­ clitics raving — one veteran W. Seraatoa at Pennajlvaala ing for dUcothequea fat Kanka­ writer hails their debut as the to fonee a figM with toa frost- SAN FRANCaSOO (AP) — A SAVINGS STARTED OR ADDED TO kee F*^Is, and also fat Manches­ rebirth of the Marx Brothers ruonfaig Sea. Barry GoM- FREE GLASS ter and Hartford, although push - button headquarters woter at Ariseua ewer toa 133 cu. ft* . .". The Vatican’s Congregation when a "disco" party waa sug­ crammed with electronic gad- Soujourn on Ocean Floor plotfonn. RockefcBer , do-, gets'to see all that can be seen of Rites votes sainthood for 22 SignalurR WITH THE STOPASHOP gested to a Hartford organiu- African Negroes who were oiond **Wa most aai picnilt-* $ ON OR BEFORE tion as a fund-raiafaig project, will guide Sen. Barry Goidwat- jilain in Ugaoida in the 19th toe RepiMoaa poriy to ha R«frig»ratora REG. $288. considering that reoorda are er’B bid for the Republican Shows Man Can Live in Sea century for refusing to re­ tnuMferred tato a aomw** COUPON YOU RECEIVED dteaper toan liv« muaioiana, presidential nomination. P r M M f nounce their Roman Catholic doctrinoir Ineti'iniisat s|( oa** T H E 10th toe reaction was one of horror. No candidate has ever tremism.” | 238 faith. MIAMI, Fla. (AP) — “If at Link immediately began equipped himsalf so Well to IN THE MAIL! , "What a discotheque dreaa preparations for a November roally la,” confided a designer keep tab on what's going'on at The United States and the man can live, and work 600 feet CLAIM uSToOWNEtt ALL FR08HESS means. . . no defroeting, ever. Soviet Union agree to begin bi­ under the sea, he can conquer expedition that will send divers EARN DIVIDENDS A litl Rgdggn ygMr MMpgRS whose Arid is millinery so he a political convention.. to the 600-foot level, probably in TOKYO (A F )—OonoMurisa No frott bulld-up to steal valuable' space. Lebeis always readable. Not only that: His committee lateral talks on how to reduce a frontier aa big as the African can’t be said to have hia haort the same area near Ctoeat OUaa sunouKsed that hiNo* for gitra Ttp Vail# Sfoniwi has purchased time on San (he number of nuclear rockets continent "gh d^ h in oil, miner­ Ice trays lift out, no sticking to sholvos. FROM THE FIRST to the subject,.’ “Is ills oU Stirrup Oay in the Bahamas. ttooaUst Ctobwoe V 9 M g k -^ ' * • friend, shift, only, cut deep fat Francisco television and radio during world dlurmamcnt . . . als and food."C, (Xvillan contractors are work­ This statement was made by "We coidd have stayed down todareooB r • Daiuxa Ooppertono, deeignar-atyied. • • Doors open 90* for flush-to-wall kistaK OF THE MONTH front and bock. No wonder ds- stations to provide' periodic re­ shet dowa aver east O l t e 0(1' ports to delegates and al­ ing night and day to complete Edwin A. Link, 60, a pioneer of indefiftitely.” a amlllng Lind­ Also available In White. * lation. Safety latches. rignen are. malting tt, for It bergh said Monday after he and Boaa today by a uMia at a w atoy. takes so Httle fabric.” ternates as well as to the public. assembly of a water desalting underwater exploration, three plant at the Guantanamo naval weeks ago—shortly before he Stenult, 80, Belgian author and force of the Chinese Peopleli • Frsezer hoidt i20 lbs., has door ator- • Baked-on Epon Enamel e^erlor. 't! A disoo dress is invariably Goldwater Is a communica­ liberattoa Army. A P o k in ' tions hobbyist, with ham radio base |n Cuba l?y Aug. 1, the left for the Bahama Islands in underwater I explorer^ emerged aga, 2 Shuler loa trays. Porcelalned Interior. *0 'A .-A black, short, and low-cut, and from a decompression chamber. radio broodcaat did oat aay stations In W ashington and Navy says today. his research yessel, Sea Diver. CURRENT ANNUAL Ideally ■ It should have some­ Havana Radio says five more Now, Link Is back with proof “There was never a momdnt haw tha ptaoe waa ohal iow v- • Loads of shelf space... n .3 sq .ft ; , DOUBLE STAMPS thing on wiggles. Jo Phoenix. While he hasn't had or the exact loeottoa at th * DIVIDEND A m erlcipi students a rrive In that man can operate with ef­ of fear, only some Ooncern about vS A V I N G S Copeland madb^ for PattuUo, tlnie to do any tinkering here, Incident to east Chtoo. wvw WSME Ngg miWV vrel*|SQrrofHm GteOry V* he undoubtedly < Will be happy Cpba to\Join 76 Americans al­ ficiency at that depth. the equipment — but everything what was called ^ Ideal disco work^ perfectly. We rainalned Commoalato elalmad they i with the system set up by his ready \ toere des(>lte a U.S. For two days and nights, 1 ^ 0 A IV dress bccatuw Its blMdc crepe mentally alert and physically down a Nattonoi US toi p \ s S < ) 4 1 \ I I ( » N. stiiJf for next week’s Republi­ State l^partment ban oh trav­ under Link’s watchful eye, Jon T- V ( NO MONiV 00WN...1AKE U TO S YEARS TO MY WEDNESDAY surface is hung with pendants capable at all times.” 0. ISM and aaathar loot ____ _ 0PENTILL5PJI. can convention. el to the i^and . . . A leathtr- Lindbergh and Robert Stenult at crystal. Think what the fnig ‘fvorked, ate and slept on the Lindbergh and Stenult ware 1. The United Stotea hoa ...... I / Monday, TUcaday, Friday *m Hartford, E*gt Hartford, Watt Hartford, will do to that! The command post 1s the off- bound voluiM of editorials and' M9 WEST MIDDLE TPKE.—64S-2186-DPEN THURS. TO 9 P.M. general nehral ooverslge by the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean 480 condlti(ptad to the 480-foot depth- koDwIedgei the ‘T^’s on sxpcriance to go to limits 16th floor of toe Marii to th s N a l"»T-«ry,TXg.V itaradayW llgFJt ^dJotowB, TIioinptonvfR#, Bristol, / Hopkins Hotel, toe ssB - T exas prqM\ o f the assasslna- feet below the surface. in a compreasiQa oliambar on one of thooa JilBosi,” sold too A two-part discotheque dress of black anthracke v h a n to * d*ok at tha Saa Dlvstr. hut hea mN .■0 ... f o o t WBPia«r,dBa«Ffic.AllaaGy Pattagllo-Jo Copeland. ’The skirt is eased ation’s fomoua pfonaer, C3iaries Thegr w ars low ered quleU y to ttoaeftoeatatohfli WARDS GUARANTEE SATISFACTION OR YOUR MONEY BACK BRANCH OFFICE.' ROUTE Bl. OOVENTST . • ■ oB torao-room suMa w ito a sw oap msttf to prasontedbed to the White bdow the sleei^less, low-out overlidouse tiiat k de- HoOM and trill ba forwuriedt o to A. Ltnitoanh> ■•16 “we fait fine fofled with a dxaped a n fi tlw KMmady ManorialLioioriai Ybrary. on tba ttma."