^ ■M W T r' p * ‘ E ■* The Wt Tor tiM WMk W aM rw w w ief V. dk im y * . 1N4 a m t m M m »1 13*891 •ad wanaw Mawwyr, ■IrM .hi tke a$B, M ill M m im t a t tM Audit Sm iw i-ei ObotilatloB wan late the Me. Clty ^f Chmrm m ra ce U ) PRICK SEVEN CBlflS r a u u ♦.♦.III [ ,1 1 0 .8 8 8 (81XTBEN PAGES) MANCHKSTBR, CONN., MONDAY, |ULT A 19M Death Toll Events In State M ove Long Holiday ASD Rapped By Auditors Deeper Into Miss By THB AS800IAT|a> PBSSB^nU ran (ar above tiw ewUer^ One of the worst accidents pftCMc during the holiday period was The nation’s traffic The total traffic deaths com ­ a h ^ - o n craZh Sunday near HARTFORD [AP)—Th® deaths during the Fourth pares to 4S0 reported durhig a Bowling Oreen, Mi. All ^ h t oc­ American School for the of July weekend hit a rec­ non-holiday weekend of 78 hours cupants of two automobiles Deaf in West Hartford to­ F our Shot ord toll for a three-day ob­ from 6 p.m. ’Thursday, Juqe 18 were killed. day came under criticism to m idni^t Sunday, June 31. In Only three states — Hawaii, servance of the ludiday. the first five months this year New Hampshire and Rhode from the bi-p^isan state n w AMDciated Preaa count of traffic fatalities averaged 148 a Island — reported no traffic auditors for failing to main­ In V iolence deaths on the hli^iway from S day. deaths during the holiday. p.m. Thursday to midnight, lo­ tain adequate financial rec­ Last Fourth of July, a four- Michigan and ’Texas, each with ords during the fiscal pe­ cal time Sunday was 486. Be­ day observance, highway fatal­ nearly 40 fatalities, ranked be­ At Swim-In lated reports were expected to ities set a record high of 667. hind California. riod 1962c83. Increase the' total. The lowest' toll for a three-day During the holiday period 117 "The few financial records The heavy death toll com­ observance in recent years was that are maintained by em­ JACKSON, Miss. (AP)>— pared to the ^previous high of 366 in 1947. (See Page Eight) ployees of the school were found Negro leaders plan to move 443, set in a nfree-day Indepen­ to be in less than good order," further into Mississippi to­ dence Day holiday period in said auditors Clarence F. Bald­ IMO. win and Robert- F. Claffey. day to inspect civil rights There was a riiarp increase in •^Ttouhle Continues in Saigonr^ They said that they found developments after quietly fatalities in the,last *4-hours of checking accounts had not been integrating several previ­ the 7ahour holiday period, with reconciled since their last audit, ously all-white facilities— more than ITS deaths reported, payroll records were not always dalifomia led all states in the Grenade Proves Dud accurate and some overpay­ including two hotels— in number of deaths with 78, the ments were made to vendors. Jackson. worst, holiday toll in the state The auditors' said that al­ Officials of the National Asso­ since .the Christmas period in though the recomnimdatiqns of ciation for the Advancement ot 1961. Inside U.S. Embassy their previous report showed Colored People registered with­ The Nationsl Safety Council they had not been put into ef­ out incident Sunday at two had eetimated the traffic deaths fect "we have been assured downtown hotels and a motel, Would total between 460 and 660. SAIGON, South Viet Nam (AP)—A Viet Cong ter- that, when space is available then received service in th# The council, until Sunday, had roriat threw a grenade at the U.S. Embassy in Saigon for the necessary staff, these coffee shop of one—all without been hopeful that the ftnal total recommendaUons will be the incident. would be below its pre-holiday today but it failed to explode. basis for accoimting procedures. Four unidentified Negro estimate. But with millions of The grenade was hidden in a^ The auditors reiterated their youths attended a previously all- motorists homeward boiuid from loaf of bread that the terrorist ploded, it probably would have earlier recommendations call­ white movie theater and more resorts and vacations, the death tore open before throwing the damaged some of the embassy ing for; than a dozen Negroes in several •Ssi. grenade. In his excitement he cars and injured their drivers, —AdopUon of uniform meth­ cars were served at a drive-in pulled the detonating mechan­ who were standing at the - en­ ods of consummating financial cafe for whites. At the drive-in, ism from the grenade instead of trance to the embassy. transactions of the school. all four tires on one car were Mexico Picks just the pin and it did not go off, The incident took place less —Installation of a general slashed while its Negro passen­ an embassy spokesman s ^ . than 24 hours before the arrival ledger. gers were inside. Vietnamese embassy drivers of the hew U.S. ambassador to —Keeping of suitable books of Charles Evers, state field sec­ New Leader who were witnesses said the Viet Nam, Gen. Maxwell D. original entry and subsidiary retary for the NAACP, said the bomb was thrown by a Vietna­ ’Taylor. ledgers. four-day civil rights inspection mese dressed in white trousers —Physical counts of supplies tour would conUnue today with There were strong indications the group’s officials leaving In Calm Vote and a shirt. He got away. the Viet Cmig was planning a and materials remaining unused at the close of each fiscal year. Jackson for Canton, then a visit Americans inside the embassy general wave of terror to coin­ to Philadelphia in the afternoon MEXICO em r (a p ) — oov- were ordered to stay in until a cide with the arrival Tuesday —Adjustment of plant aSiet evaluations to accounts repre­ and a mass meeting in Meridian emment candidate Oustavo Diaz thorough search was made of of Taylor. tonight. senting more closely cost Ordaz, 68, was chosen Mexico’s the area. Then they were al­ The Viet Cong’s liberation ra­ The trip to Philadelphia ap­ next president Sunday in one of lowed to go home for lunch. dio warned Taylor to stay out values. parently, will concern the eaaa Uie quietest elections in the na­ An American demolitions ex­ of Viet Nam or his life would —Recording of payroll expen­ of three civil rights workers tion’s history. pert said if the grenade had ex­ be in grave danger. ditures of the school gross of missing since June 21. The trto His lone opponent was Jose e m ^ y e s maintenance i^low- vanished after their release Oonzales Torres, 44, of the K cia f. from jail, where they had been Party of National Action—PAN taken on a speeding charge. —which charged voting Irregu Tear Gas, Dogs, Cattle Prods Scottieh Games They were Michael Schwemer larities in a dosen states. STAMFORD (AP) — The Firemen Battle $100,000 Blaze at Stanek Lab and Andrew Goodman, white The federal electoral commls- strains of bagpipes, the rustle New Yorkers, .and James Cha­ alon and high officials said it Damage estimated at about 8100,000 resulted from a fire early Saturday morn­ ney, a Meridian Negro. was a clean election and there Used to End Holiday Rioting of kilts and the tossing of the caber attracted an eathnated ing at Stanek Electronics, 277 Broad St. Story on Page Eight. (Burkamp Photo.) Biracial groups of more Btaa were no disturbances. dozen board members' and ’The final count will not be 14,000 persons to the annual Round Hill Highland Scottish staffers of file UKACP arrived known for days. Only frag­ By THE ASSOCIATED PREBSteas was used to quell the riot- in Jackson on three different mentary returns were an- Police used tear gas, dogs and ing. Oamea. Many evonta went on simul- flights Sunday to begin noonoad Sunday night. These cattle prods to break up Fourth Av.uthorities said firecracke^i Enjoys 4-1 Delegate Lead statewide inspection tour. ' were overwhelmingly >ior Dial nf .Tnly rkitAJafi.iVniithn et five Ibrown into the crowdm ^pjpz- the dai ' «a the The first racial barriepiefon ' Ordas, but not the M per cent places from coan to coast. ing several youQia. "jgjSwibly when two of the groim checked About 200 persons were' ar­ t ig e r e d the Saturday ihalee. ASHTNflTON (AP) __-^-formally entered the race. A^ WASHINGTON (AP) — Sen. lead he had been expected to A o n iiN U iv iiv V A r ; . then showed Goldwater into the Heidelberg ROtel. De­ get. rested. Several officers and ri­ One police officer steered a .tork'aame frem Barry Goldwater said today .hq Hm . Barry Goldwater held had 648 delegates and Scranton has an open mind toward pos­ tectives and newsm^ witnessed Diaz Ordaz pledged himself to oters were injured. heart attack. e v a ^ jhtate in the northaaat- the first registratm ot Negroes give his full efforts to his new The riots occurred at Indian Near Newport, R.I., thousands "'th e Scottish danoea, nm - B better than 4 t6 1 lead 86—a q>read of 468 compared sible' vice-presidential running to Goldwater’a present lead of mates as he prepares for his at a downtown h^el since Re­ job, which he will take over Lake, near Bellefontaine, Ohio of youths attending the jazz pipe bands and traek and iJ^r (5ov. William W.
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