Capswood, Oxford Road, Denham, , UB9 4LH 01895 837236 [email protected]

Planning Committee

Wednesday, 24 July 2019 at 4.15 pm

Council Chamber, Capswood, Oxford Road, Denham



1. Evacuation Procedure

2. Apologies for Absence

3. Minutes (Pages 5 - 10)

To approve the minutes of the Planning Committee held on 26 June 2019.

4. Declarations of Interest

5. Applications and Plans

The files for each application are available for public inspection at the Council Offices.

A. Committee decision required following a site visit and/or public speaking

17/01015/FUL - Burnham Garage, 71-73 Stomp Road, Burnham, Buckinghamshire, SL1 7LP (Pages 11 - 28)

PL/18/4426/FA - Stonecrop, 3 Saxon Gardens, , Buckinghamshire, SL6 0DD (Pages 29 - 42)

Chief Executive: Bob Smith Director of Resources: Jim Burness Director of Services: Steve Bambrick PL/18/4810/FA - ICM Ltd, River Court, 50 Oxford Road, New Denham, Denham, Buckinghamshire, UB9 4DN (Pages 43 - 56)

PL/19/0254/VRC - Cut Heath House, Parsonage Lane, , Buckinghamshire, SL2 3PA (Pages 57 - 64)

PL/19/1496/FA - Apex House, Apex Works, Willow Avenue, New Denham, Buckinghamshire, UB9 4AF (Pages 65 - 72)

B. Committee decision required without a site visit or public speaking

PL/19/0983/VRC - 19 & 21 Bathurst Walk, , Buckinghamshire, SL0 9DQ (Pages 73 - 86)

C. Committee observations required on applications to other Authorities


D. To receive a list of applications already determined under delegated powers by the Head of Planning and Economic Development (Pages 87 - 120)

For information

6. Planning Appeals and Schedule of Outstanding Matters (Pages 121 - 124)

For information

Note: All reports will be updated orally at the meeting if appropriate and may be supplemented by additional reports at the Chairman’s discretion.

Membership: Planning Committee

Councillors: R Bagge (Chairman) J Jordan (Vice-Chairman) D Anthony M Bezzant T Egleton B Gibbs P Hogan M Lewis Dr W Matthews D Smith

Chief Executive: Bob Smith Director of Resources: Jim Burness Director of Services: Steve Bambrick Date of next meeting – Wednesday, 21 August 2019

If you would like this document in large print or an alternative format, please contact 01895 837236; email [email protected]

Chief Executive: Bob Smith Director of Resources: Jim Burness Director of Services: Steve Bambrick This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 3


Meeting - 26 June 2019

Present: R Bagge (Chairman) J Jordan, M Bezzant, B Gibbs, P Hogan, M Lewis, Dr W Matthews and D Smith

Also Present: P Kelly

Apologies for absence: D Anthony and T Egleton


The minutes of the Planning Committee held on 5 June 2019 were approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.


Councillor W Matthews declared a Personal Interest under the Council’s Code of Conduct as a Member and current Chairman of Iver Parish Council who had made representations about application PL/18/2605/FA. Councillor Matthews reported that she had not attended any meetings when this application was discussed by the Parish Council nor expressed a view on the application and had not pre-determined the application.

Councillor P Hogan declared a Personal Interest under the Council’s Code of Conduct as a Member of Town Council who had made representations about application PL/19/0874/FA. Councillor Hogan reported that he had not attended any meetings when this application was discussed by the Parish Council nor expressed a view on the application and had not pre-determined the application.


Key to the following decisions:

ADV - Consent to Display Adverts; ARM - Approval of Reserved Matters; CI - Certificate of Lawfulness Issued; CON - Conservation Area Consent; D - Deferred; D (INF) - Deferred for Further Information; D (SV) - Deferred for Site Visits; D (PO) - Deferred for Planning Obligation; D (NEG) - Deferred for Negotiations; FCG - Consent for Tree Work; PCR TPO Part Consent/Part Refusal; LBC - Listed Building Consent; OP - Outline Planning Permission; P - Application Permitted; R - Refused or Rejected; R (AO) – Refused against Officer recommendation; RC - Removal of Condition; TC - Temporary Consent; TP - Temporary Permission; ULBC - Unconditional Listed Building Consent; UP - Unconditional Permission; VG - Variation Granted; W - Application Withdrawn.

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Decision Plan Number: PL/18/2605/FA P Applicant: Mr N Malik Proposal: Part retention of side extensions and the erection of a roof in a modified form, following the part demolition of existing unauthorised extensions and demolition of the garage at Jasmine Cottage, Wood Lane, Iver Heath, Buckinghamshire, SL0 0LA Notes: 1. A site visit was undertaken by Members. 2. The Officer made the following corrections to the report: Page 10, under the ‘Application’ section, the date referred to should read “September 2008”, rather than “September 2009”; Page 14, third line, should read “appear to be far in excess of what is normally considered acceptable” 3. As the garage had already been demolished this did mean that implementation of the planning permission had already occurred. If there were significant delays to further works, and subsequent completion of works, this would be dealt with under the Council’s enforcement powers as the enforcement notice remained on the site.

Councillor B Gibbs Proposed that the Officer’s recommendation be approved which was seconded by Councillor W Matthews and agreed at a vote.

RESOLVED That conditional permission be approved, subject to the conditions as set out in the report.

Decision Plan Number: PL/19/0061/FA P Applicant: Mr S Chandiram Proposal: Demolition of attached garage to Oak Timers and erection of new detached dwelling to rear at Oak Timbers, Beaconsfield Road, Farnham Common, Buckinghamshire, SL2 3ND Notes: 1. A site visit was undertaken by Members. 2. One further letter of objection had been received, which reiterated and expanded on points already listed in the officer’s report. 3. The Officer made the following corrections to the report: Page 18, under ‘the application’ section, the third paragraph should read ‘the existing attached garage/carport sits at the “northern” flank’ rather than the “southern” flank. 4. A further condition was proposed to ensure that the replacement dwelling and garage would be a good material match with the existing dwelling.

Councillor J Jordan Proposed that the Officer’s recommendation be approved which was seconded by Councillor M Lewis and agreed at a vote.

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RESOLVED That conditional permission be approved, subject to the conditions as set out in the report, along with the inclusion of an additional condition as noted at point 4 above.

Decision Plan Number: PL/19/0874/FA P Applicant: Mr P Gill Proposal: 2 no. replacement 2 storey houses with attached single storey garages, including all associated landscaping at 21 Seeleys Road, Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire, HP9 1SZ Notes: 1. A site visit was undertaken by Members.

Councillor M Bezzant Proposed that the Officer’s recommendation be approved which was seconded by Councillor J Jordan and agreed at a vote.

RESOLVED That conditional permission be approved, subject to the conditions as set out in the report.

Decision Plan Number: PL/19/1002/CONDA P Applicant: Mr A Snellgrove Proposal: Application for approval of details reserved by condition 4, 5, 6, 7(i) and 7(ii) on application PL/18/2406/FA – (Proposed redesign of the existing Practice Ground Outfield and adjacent Pastureland to include ground re- modelling, enhanced landscaping and bio-diversity improvements) at Burnham Beeches Golf Club, Green Lane, Burnham, Buckinghamshire, SL1 8EG Notes: 1. The Planning Committee resolved to grant permission under planning reference PL/182406/FA on 7 November 2018.

Councillor M Bezzant Proposed that the Officer’s recommendation be approved which was seconded by Councillor J Jordan and agreed at a vote.

RESOLVED That Conditions 4, 5, 6, and 7 (I & II) of planning permission PL/18/2406/FA be approved. Decision Plan Number: PL/19/1037/CONDA P Applicant: Mr A Snellgrove Proposal: Application for approval of condition 2 of Planning Permission PL/18/2406/FA – Proposed redesign of the existing Practice Ground Outfield and adjacent Pastureland to include ground re-modelling, enhanced

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landscaping and bio-diversity improvements, at Burnham Beeches Golf Club, Green Lane, Burnham, Buckinghamshire, SL1 8EG Notes: 1. The Planning Committee resolved to grant permission under planning reference PL/182406/FA on 7 November 2018. 2. Speaking on behalf of the objectors, Mr W Barrett. 3. Speaking on behalf of the applicant, Mr E Landor and Ms D Hirst. 4. Speaking as District Councillor, Councillor P Kelly.

Councillor J Jordan Proposed that the Officer’s recommendation be approved which was seconded by Councillor M Lewis and agreed at a vote.

RESOLVED That condition 2 be accepted for the following reason: After consultation with the County Highways Authority, it can be confirmed that submitted details are acceptable. As such this letter can be taken as the formal notice of the approval of condition 2 of planning permission PL/18/2406/FA.


Decision Plan Number: PL/18/4550/FA P Applicant: Mr Z Hussain Proposal: Erection of Stables, incorporating storage area. Provision of wheelchair access at Neelam Stables, Parsonage Lane, Farnham Common, Buckinghamshire, SL2 3PE Notes: 1. At its meeting on 17 April, the Planning Committee resolved that the application be deferred pending discussion between Officers and the applicant to find a more appropriate design of the building which was consistent with its use for the stabling of horses within an agricultural setting.

RESOLVED That conditional permission be granted subject to the conditions and informatives as set out in the report.



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The Committee received for information a list of the applications dealt with under delegated authority by the Head of Sustainable Development.


The Committee received for information a progress report which set out the up-to-date position relating to Planning Public Inquiries, Hearings and Court Dates.

RESOLVED that the report be noted


The Committee received for information a report which noted that the shared planning service was reviewing its local list of planning validation requirements and had produced a proposed revised list for consultation. Local Planning Authorities were required to publish a list of their information requirements for applications, a ‘local list’, which should be proportionate to the type, nature and scale of development proposals. These should be reviewed on a frequent basis.

RESOLVED that the report be noted


Verbal Update on Enforcement

The Enforcement Manager provided an update on the number of current live enforcement cases, following on from a recent request from the Planning Committee. The process of checking and scanning all enforcement notices in to an electronic database was underway and there were 177 enforcement cases identified that had not been closed and were at various stages of the investigation process. A further update on these cases would be brought to the Planning Committee when available.

The meeting terminated at 5.35 pm

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South Bucks District Council Planning Committee

Date of Meeting: 24th July 2019 Parish: Burnham Parish Council

Reference No: 17/01015/FUL

Proposal: Redevelopment of site to provide 34 dwellings comprising 15 one bedroomed flats, 2 two bedroomed flats and 17 three bedroomed houses, car parking and all associated landscaping and ancillary works. Location: Burnham Garage, 71-73 Stomp Road, Burnham, Buckinghamshire, SL1 7LP Applicant: Mr A Carey Agent: Mr Chris Howe Date Valid Appl Recd: 8th March 2018 Recommendation: Conditional Permission

Case Officer: Richard Regan

LOCATION PLAN – This plan is supplied only to identify the location of the site and for no other purpose whatsoever.

Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey Mapping with the permission of NOT TO SCALE the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office  Crown Copying. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or Civil proceedings.

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This application has been reported to the planning committee due to the nature and scale of the development being proposed, and the level of objection that has been received. It is considered that value would be added to the decision making process if MEMBERS were to carry out a SITE VISIT prior to their determination of this application.

SITE LOCATION The application site is located on the northern side of Stomp Road, which is within the developed area of Burnham, and an area designated as a Suburban Road as set out in the Chiltern and Townscape Character Study. The site has been boarded up and consists of a petrol filling station, car showroom, and additional adjoining unit, which prior to its closure was occupied by a clothing retailer. These structures front onto Stomp Road, whilst to the rear of these buildings is a two storey building which appears to have been used for ancillary purposes to the main uses on the site. The site slopes downwards from the north to the south and there is a secondary school located directly to the north, and east.

THE APPLICATION The application proposes the redevelopment of the site to provide a total of 34 residential properties in the form of 17 x 3 bed houses, 2 x 2 bed flats and 15 x 1 bed flats.

The development would be formed of two rows of terraces of dwellings running parallel with Stomp Road. The southern terrace, fronting Stomp Road, would include a three storey block of apartments at its eastern end and 6 two and a half storey houses. The building line is stepped in a number of places to provide variation. The northern terrace would include 11 two and a half storey dwellings, and these will face towards the rear of the southern terrace.

All of the dwellings fronting Stomp Road would take their primary access from Stomp Road, and would be served by a driveway and integral garage. The dwellings within the northern terrace are all accessed by the access point from Stomp Road, (or the alternative access from Opendale Road which would be created by the extant planning permission on the adjacent site), and are provided with off street parking via either garage parking or designated forecourts. The proposed apartments would be provided with parking spaces within the rear courtyard.

All of the three bed dwellings would be served by private gardens, whilst the apartments are served by either a ground floor garden area or balcony. The exception to this are the 4 top floor flats which would not have any private outdoor space.

This proposed development would create a continuation of the residential development that has been approved on the adjoining site, which when complete, would integrate into one another and have the appearance of one development.

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BD/481/78: Change of use from residential to office and provision of car parking spaces. Conditional Permission.

BD/28/78: Erection of service reception extension and extensions to existing workshop and stores. Conditional Permission.

BD/1016/78: Change of use of first floor from residential to office (73 stomp road). Refused.

SBD/1001/81: New forecourt canopy to petrol forecourt area and stores extension. Conditional Permission.

SBD/1138/87: Extensions and alterations to garage building. Refused.

SBD/1204/88: Erection of building to form parts department. Refused.

S/96/0413/FF: Change of use to body shop. Permission not required.

03/00217/FUL: Erection of car showroom. Conditional Permission.

Planning history related to adjacent Former Police Station Site:

15/00805/FUL: Erection of 23 dwellings (comprising 3 one bedroom, 1 two bedroom apartments and 19 three bedroom houses), car parking, associated landscaping and ancillary works. Conditional Permission.

16/00595/RVC: Variation of Condition 2 of Planning Permission 15/00805/FUL to sub-divide the approved 2-bed apartment into 2 x 1-bed apartments, as well as alterations to design and layout of doors and windows. Conditional Permission.

18/00802/RVC: Variation of condition 2 for application no 15/00805/FUL (Erection of 23 dwellings (comprising 3 one bedroom, 1 two bedroom apartments and 19 three bedroom houses), car parking, associated landscaping and ancillary works.): to sub-divide the approved 2-bed apartment into 2 x 1- bed apartments, alterations to design and layout of doors and windows, minor reconfiguration of car parking, and amend units 9 and 10 into mid terrace units. Conditional Permission.

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TOWN/PARISH COUNCIL Comments dated 4th April 2018: "The Committee resolved to object to the application, stating that the proposal constituted gross overdevelopment in a dense area, and was out of keeping with the locality. Furthermore, the committee cited highway related concerns including the proposed development was located at a busy junction, and would therefore pose a hazard as it would lead to a greater number of cars entering and exiting the main road. There were also concerns that the development would face issues with parking; it seemed that visitor parking was not properly considered, and that parking provision for residents was slightly under the sufficient amount. The Committee also highlighted their disappointment that the developer had not carried out a public consultation that engaged with the local community, as this was promised when the initial development was proposed in 2015."

Further comments received, dated 10th May 2018, which advise that notwithstanding their objections, if the District Council were minded to approve the application that a legal agreement should be entered into to secure a financial contribution towards footway and recreation improvements. Full details of these comments are available to view on the Website.

REPRESENTATIONS Letters of objection have been received from 8 separate sources. Concerns raised include: - Access from Opendale unable to cope with increased traffic; - Excessive number of dwellings; - Insufficient levels of parking; - Overdevelopment; - Too dense; - Not in keeping with the area; - Increased traffic and associated highway and pedestrian safety implications; - Cut through created between two developments; - Are the dwellings providing adequate living space.

CONSULTATIONS Transport for Bucks: No objections subject to conditions

Thames Water: No objections

Bucks County SUDS: No objections subject to conditions

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Tree Officer: No objections subject to conditions

Bucks Education Service: A financial contribution is required.

Landscape Officer: Further details are required

Environmental Health: No objections subject to conditions

Slough Borough Council: No objections

SBDC Waste: No objections

POLICIES National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) National Planning Policy Guidance (NPPG) South Bucks Core Strategy Development Plan Document - Adopted February 2011: Saved Policies CP1, CP2, CP3, CP6, CP7, CP8, CP9, CP12, and CP13 South Bucks District Local Plan - Adopted March 1999 Consolidated September 2007 and February 2011: Saved Policies EP3, EP4, EP5, EP6, H9, TR5, and TR7. South Bucks District Council Residential Design Guide SPD - Adopted October 2008 South Bucks District Council Affordable Housing SPD - Adopted July 2013

Whilst the revised NPPF replaced the previous Planning Policy Statements and Guidance Notes, it does not replace existing local policies that form part of the development plan. It does state however, that the weight that should be given to these existing local policies and plans will be dependent on their degree of consistency with the NPPF. Therefore, the closer the policies in the development plan to the policies in the Framework, the greater the weight that may be given to them.

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EVALUATION Principle of development 1. The site is located within the developed area of Burnham where new dwellings can be acceptable provided that they do not adversely affect any interests of acknowledged importance, which include factors such as the character and appearance of the area and the amenity of neighbouring properties.

2. The Chiltern and South Bucks Townscape Character Study does designate this site as having an 'Suburban Road' typology, however it is not considered that this designation prevents the introduction of additional dwellings, provided they would not adversely affect the character and appearance of the site or locality in general.

3. In addition to the above, chapter 11 of the NPPF encourages local planning authorities to make an effective use of land. Paragraph 117 of the NPPF states that planning policies and decisions should promote an effective use of land in meeting needs for homes and other uses, while safeguarding and improving the environment and ensuring safe and healthy living conditions.

4. Paragraph 122 of the NPPF highlights that planning decisions should support development which makes the efficient use of land, taking into account; housing need, local market conditions, availability and capacity of infrastructure, maintaining the area's prevailing character and securing well-designed places.

5. In summary, the site is located within the developed area of Burnham where new dwellinghouses are considered acceptable subject to other material planning considerations such as the impact on the character area and neighbouring residential amenities. Furthermore, the proposal would align with the aims of the NPPF in providing additional homes, making effective use of land and achieving sustainable development.

Lawful use of the site 6. It is considered that the lawful use of the site is a sui-generis use (i.e. it does not fall within any specific Use Class). Policy CP10 of the South Bucks Core Strategy seeks to retain employment generating sites. However, employment generating sites are those that fall specifically within the B use classes. As such, the site does not constitute an employment generating site, and the application does not need to be assessed against policy CP10 of the South Bucks Core Strategy.

Design/character & appearance 7. Paragraph 127 point C of the NPPF states that planning decisions should ensure that developments are sympathetic to local character and history, including the surrounding built environment and landscaping setting, while not preventing or discouraging appropriate innovation or change. Point E of paragraph 127 seeks to optimise the potential of the site to accommodate an appropriate amount and mix of development.

8. The resultant density of the scheme still forms an important part of the overall consideration of the proposal. The proposal would result in a density of approx. 106dph. It is acknowledged that this is a high level of density, and one that is higher than the immediately surrounding residential properties. However, it is similar to the extant permission for 23 dwellings on the immediately adjoining site. In

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addition to this, it is considered that new development of whatever density should not be viewed in isolation. Considerations of design and layout must be informed by the wider context, having regard not just to immediate neighbouring buildings, but the townscape and landscape of the wider locality. As such, it is considered that the density figure cannot be looked at in isolation and the impact on the character and appearance of the locality must be carefully assessed, especially in light of the fact the proposal promotes sustainable and efficient use of land.

9. The development does follow the general layout of surrounding development by providing new dwellings running on an east-west axis, fronting Stomp Road. It would in fact provide a continuation of the approved scheme on the adjacent site. Therefore the general approach to the siting of the dwellings within the southern terrace block of dwellings is considered to not appear incongruous or out of keeping, but rather would maintain the existing characteristic of dwellings fronting the highway and incorporating vehicular access and parking directly to the front of the dwellings. The provision of the northern terrace block of dwellings, would also provide a continuation of the dwelling approved on the adjacent site, therefore relating appropriately to that already approved scheme.

10. Policy H9 states that any development should be compatible with the character and appearance of the immediate locality. The Chiltern and South Bucks Townscape Character Study sets the basis for the general typology for this site and immediate vicinity, which is designated as a 'Suburban Road', and this should help guide any proposed development. This study sets out that the area is predominantly made up of detached and semi-detached two storey buildings. Notwithstanding this, it is important to note that the existing buildings on this site do offer a variance to this general typology, as do the nearby three storey flats. Of particular importance in this instance is the approved scheme on the adjacent site whereby almost identical rows of terraces were approved, as well as a three storey element housing a number of flats.

11. Given this variation of built form, the type of dwellings approved on the adjacent site, and combined with the consideration of making the most efficient use of land within a sustainable location, it is considered that the principle of redeveloping this site into a mix of dwellings which would include terraced and flatted units, is an acceptable one, and one that meets the local planning policies of providing a mix of size of units.

12. Given this view, it is also considered that the architectural approach to the proposed dwellings is an acceptable and appropriate one, as it follows that which has already been approved on the adjacent site. In addition to this, whilst the wider area is predominantly made up of detached and semi-detached properties, those properties do provide a variety in their style and appearance. In light of this, it is considered that the design and architectural appearance of the proposed dwellings is an acceptable one, and one that would not impact adversely upon the visual amenities of the site or immediate locality. It is considered that the dwellings would enhance the visual amenities of this locality.

13. With regard to the proposed scale, height and massing of the proposed dwellings, as well as the overall level of development being proposed, the proposed building height would vary across the site, with the three storey element having a max. ridge of 12.6m, whilst the two and a half storey dwellings would have a ridge height of 8.1m, matching those of the approved dwellings on the adjacent site. It is acknowledged that the proposed development would display greater ridge heights than the existing buildings do, and the overall scale and bulk of the proposed dwellings would also be greater. Notwithstanding this, it is considered that the proposed size and scale of the dwellings is an acceptable one. Tthe majority of the dwellings would display a ridge height that is exactly the same as

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the approved dwellings on the adjacent site with the only element that would be greater in height being the eastern end of the southern terrace, which extends to three stories with accommodation in the roof. However, it is considered that given the positioning of the eastern end which is adjacent to the open playing fields of the adjacent school, overall, the development would not appear overdominant or obtrusive within the street scene, nor would it appear uncharacteristically high or bulky. It is considered therefore that the proposed dwellings would not adversely impact upon the character or appearance of the locality or the visual amenities of the existing street scene, as a result of their size and scale.

14. Moving on to consider the issue of the overall level of development, which itself returns to the issue of density. The development would retain a minimum distance of 1m to the eastern boundary, and whilst the development would abut the western boundary of the site, it is at this point where it would adjoin with the adjacent residential development and create one block of terraced properties. The buildings fronting Stomp Road are set back the same distances as the adjacent approved scheme, whilst the rear gardens also display the same levels of depthness. Therefore, it is considered that the proposed development does provide an acceptable level of spaciousness, and the size and scale of the proposed dwellings is not unacceptably disproportionate to the size of the rear gardens that would serve them. As such, it is considered that the proposal would not appear as a cramped overdevelopment of the site. Such a view would therefore translate into the proposed level of density also being considered acceptable.

15. As such, overall, it is considered that the proposed development would not adversely impact upon the character or appearance of the site or locality in general, nor would it prejudice the specific characteristics of the area as set out in the Townscape Character Study.

Residential amenity 16. With regard to the neighbouring school, which is located to the north and east of the application site, given the distances retained to that property, it is considered that the proposed development would not appear overdominant or obtrusive when viewed from that property, and neither would it lead to an unacceptable loss of light. It is also considered that the privacy of the users of the school would not be prejudiced by the proposed development.

17. Given the distances retained to all other neighbouring properties, it is considered that there would be no adverse impacts on their amenities as a result of the proposed development.

Parking/Highway implications 18. In terms of parking provision, a development of this number and size of units requires a total of 53 parking spaces in order to meet the standards as set out in the Councils Local Plan. Within the red line of the application site, a total of 52 parking spaces are provided. A further space is provided just outside the red line of the application site, and within the land that forms the adjoining development, and is owned by the applicant. This space is an extra parking space that was created during the course of amendments to the adjacent scheme, and is not needed to meet the parking provision requirements on that site. It is the intention of the applicant that if planning permission is granted for this current application, then the two sites would be constructed together to form one development, and which would then provide a policy compliant level of parking provision across the two site. In light of this, it is considered that the proposal would be served by an adequate level of parking provision, and that there are no grounds to object to the scheme under policy TR7.

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19. From a highway perspective, the County Highways Authority raise no objections to the proposal from a highway and pedestrian safety point of view. They consider that the proposed means of access onto Stomp Road is acceptable in terms of its width and visibility, and they consider that the level of traffic created by the development can be accommodated for within the existing highway network. They also consider that there is sufficient space within the site for vehicles to turn and manoeuvre adequately. They have requested that a financial contribution be made by the applicant in order to improve existing pedestrian/cycling facilities on Stomp Road, which is currently subject to substandard sections of footpath. The applicant has confirmed that they agree to this contribution, which can be secured by way of a legal agreement.

20. Local concern has been raised that the proposal would lead to the access approved for the adjacent scheme, and which leads onto Opendale Road, being used by occupiers of this current scheme. Given that the development would be one, with the internal access road running between the two sites, it is a possibility that occupants of the currently proposed scheme could use the access from Opendale Road. The County Highway Authority have assessed this scenario and still conclude that the potential increase in the use of the Opendale Road access would not lead to any unacceptable highway implications or danger.

21. Whilst local residents and the Parish Council have raised concerns over the highway, parking and pedestrian implications of this scheme, in light of the above, it is considered that the proposal adheres to policies TR5 and TR7, and there are no grounds to refuse the application relating to highway or pedestrian safety.

Affordable housing 22. Policy CP3 of the Core Strategy sets out the Councils affordable housing requirements. It requires that schemes of 5 or more units must provide 40% of the proposed units as affordable housing. If this cannot be achieved, then it would be for the applicant to demonstrate and justify this, providing a viability assessment setting out what they consider to be a more appropriate amount or justifying zero provision.

23. In this case, the applicant has submitted that it is not viable to provide any form of affordable housing provision, be it on site or in the form of a financial contribution. The District Valuation Service (DVS) have undertaken an independent viability appraisal and have also concluded that it is not possible for the scheme to provide any form of contribution towards affordable housing. Further to this, given the significant amount of time that has passed since the application was first submitted, and the revisions that have taken place within the NPPF, the Council has instructed a further independent viability appraisal to be undertaken by an alternative consultant, this being JLL. They have undertaken an up to date viability appraisal and have also considered that it is unviable for the scheme to provide any form of contribution towards affordable housing.

24. In light of this advice from JLL, it is considered that there are no grounds upon which a contribution towards affordable housing can be sought, be it on site or in the form of a financial contribution. It is considered therefore that the application has met the requirements of policy CP3 in that it has successfully demonstrated that it is not viable to provide any form of affordable housing.

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Other matters 25. The Council's Landscape and Tree Officers raise no objection to the proposals subject to the submission of a detailed landscape scheme. It is considered that this can be secured by way of condition.

26. The Environmental Health Section raises no objections to the proposals subject to the inclusion of conditions relating to contaminated land.

27. The local water company raise no objections to the proposals from a sewerage/infrastructure/surface water point of view.

28. Under Core Policy 6, education contributions will be sought for development proposals of 4 or more dwellings. The County Council have confirmed that a contribution towards education provision is required. The applicant has confirmed their agreement to this payment, which can be secured by way of a legal agreement.

29. The Council's Waste Department is satisfied with the proposed development from a waste collection point of view.

30. The proposed inclusion of Photovoltaic panels will supply at least 10% of the energy required for the site from renewable/low carbon sources, in accordance with Core Policy 12.

31. The concerns raised by the Parish Council are generally considered to have been addressed already within this report. With regard to the concerns over a lack of public engagement, whilst the Council would always encourage such activities, it is not a policy requirement for the applicant to do so. In terms of their comments and requests for financial contributions towards footway and recreation improvements, there are no policy requirements upon which the Council can request and secure such contributions, as they are not considered essential to the development.

32. The comment received from a local resident relating to whether the amount of living space being provided is adequate is noted and it can be advised that all of the units meet the national living standards.

Sustainable Development/Planning Balance: 33. The NPPF sets out the presumption in favour of sustainable development, and for decision making, setting out approving development proposals that accord with up to date development plans without delay.

34. Section 2, paragraph 8 of the NPPF sets out three overarching objectives, these are set out as Economic, Social and Environmental objectives. Overall it is considered that the proposed development would align with the aims of sustainable development in line with section 2 of the NPPF. The proposal would fulfil economic objectives in terms of supporting growth. The proposal would result in the creation of temporary jobs during the construction phase of the proposed development.

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A social objective would also be met as the proposal would provide additional housing and would make effective and efficient use of land, whilst giving regard to the local built environment.

Working with the applicant 35. In accordance with section 4 of the National Planning Policy Framework, the Council, in dealing with this application, has worked in a positive and proactive way with the Applicant / Agent and has focused on seeking solutions to the issues arising from the development proposal.

South Bucks District Council works with applicants/agents in a positive and proactive manner by; - offering a pre-application advice service, - updating applicants/agents of any issues that may arise in the processing of their application as appropriate and, where possible and appropriate, suggesting solutions. In this case, South Bucks District Council has considered the details as submitted which were considered acceptable.

The following recommendation is made having regard to the above and also to the content of the Human Rights Act 1998.


RECOMMENDATION: Conditional Permission

Subject to the following conditions:-

1. The development to which this permission relates must be begun not later than the expiration of three years beginning from the date of this decision notice. (SS01)

Reason: To comply with the provisions of Section 91(1) (a) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (or any statutory amendment or re-enactment thereof).

2. No construction works above ground level shall take place until a schedule of materials to be used in the elevations of the development hereby permitted have been submitted to and approved by the District Planning Authority in writing. Thereafter the development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.

Reason: To safeguard and enhance the visual amenities of the locality. (Policy EP3 of the South Bucks District Local Plan (adopted March 1999) refers.)

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3. Prior to the laying of any hardsurfacing, a specification of all finishing materials to be used in any hard surfacing of the application site shall be submitted to and approved by the District Planning Authority in writing. Thereafter the development shall be constructed using the approved materials.

Reason: To ensure that the appearance of the development is not detrimental to the character or appearance of the area in accordance with Policies EP3 of the South Bucks Consolidated Local Plan (Feb 2011) and Policy CP8 of the South Bucks Local Development Framework Core Strategy (adopted February 2011)

4. Notwithstanding any indications illustrated on drawings already submitted, prior to the occupation of the development hereby permitted, a scheme of landscaping shall be submitted to and approved by the District Planning Authority in writing. It shall include indications of all existing trees, shrubs and hedgerows on the site and details, including crown spreads, of those to be retained. None of the trees, shrubs or hedgerows shown for retention shall be removed or felled, lopped or topped within a period of five years from the date of this permission, without the prior written permission of the District Planning Authority.

Reason: To ensure satisfactory landscaping of the site in the interests of visual amenity. (Policies EP3 and EP4 of the South Bucks District Local Plan (adopted March 1999) refer.)

5. All planting, seeding or turfing comprised in the approved details of landscaping shall be carried out in the first planting and seeding season following the occupation of the development hereby permitted or the substantial completion of the development, whichever is the sooner. Any trees, hedgerows or shrubs forming part of the approved landscaping scheme which within a period of five years from the occupation or substantial completion of the development, whichever is the later, die, are removed or become seriously damaged or diseased shall be replaced in the next planting season with others of similar size and species, unless the District Planning Authority gives written consent to any variation. (ST02)

Reason: To ensure a satisfactory and continuing standard of amenities are provided and maintained in connection with the development. (Policies EP3 and EP4 of the South Bucks District Local Plan (adopted March 1999) refer.)

6. Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 3 and Classes A, B & E of Part 1 of Schedule 2 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) () Order, 2015 (or any Order revoking and/or re-enacting that Order with or without modification), no enlargement, improvement or other alteration (including the erection of a garage, stable, loosebox or coach-house within the curtilage) of or to any dwellinghouse the subject of this permission, shall be carried out nor shall any building or enclosure required for a purpose incidental to the enjoyment of any said dwellinghouse as such be constructed or placed on any part of the land covered by this permission.

Reason: The nature and density of the layout requires strict control over the form of any additional development which may be proposed in the interests of maintaining a satisfactory residential environment. (Policies EP3 and H9 of the South Bucks District Local Plan (adopted March 1999) refer.)

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7. The integral garages shall not be used other than for the accommodation of private motor vehicles, and in particular, shall not be used for any business purpose, nor converted into living accommodation without planning permission having first been obtained via the submission of a planning application to the District Planning Authority.

Reason: To accord with the terms of the submitted application, to safeguard the amenities of the area and to ensure continued compliance with the District Planning Authority's adopted car parking standards in the interests of the free flow of traffic and conditions of safety on the neighbouring highway. (Policies EP3 and TR7 of the South Bucks District Local Plan (adopted March 1999) refer.)

8. The scheme for parking, garaging and manoeuvring indicated on the submitted plans shall be laid out prior to the initial occupation of the development hereby permitted and that area shall not thereafter be used for any other purpose. (NH46)

Reason: To enable vehicles to draw off, park and turn clear of the highway to minimise danger, obstruction and inconvenience to users of the adjoining highway. (Policy TR7 of the South Bucks District Local Plan (adopted March 1999) refers.)

9. Prior to the occupation of the development hereby permitted a Travel Plan Statement shall be submitted to and agreed by the District Planning Authority in writing. The approved Travel Plan Statement shall be implemented upon first occupation of the development and thereafter carried out in its entirety.

Reason: In order to influence modal choice and to reduce single occupancy private car journeys and comply with national and local transport policy. (Policy TR5 of the South Bucks District Local Plan (adopted March 1999) refers.)

10. No other part of the development shall begin until the new means of access has been sited and laid out in accordance with the approved drawing and constructed in accordance with Buckinghamshire County Council's guide note "Commercial Vehicular Access within Highway Limits" 2013.

Reason: In order to minimise danger, obstruction and inconvenience to users of the highway and of the development. (Policy TR5 of the South Bucks District Local Plan (adopted March 1999) refers.)

11. Within one month of the new access being brought into use all other existing access points not incorporated in the development hereby permitted shall be stopped up by raising the existing dropped kerb or removing the existing bellmouth and reinstating the footway and highway boundary to the same line, level and detail as the adjoining footway and highway boundary.

Reason: To limit the number of access points along the site boundary for the safety and convenience of the highway user. (Policy TR5 of the South Bucks District Local Plan (adopted March 1999) refers.)

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12. No development shall take place, including works of demolition, until a Construction Traffic Management Plan (CTMP) has been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority, in conjunction with the Highway Authority. The CTMP shall include details of:

- the parking of vehicles of site operatives and visitors; - loading and unloading of plant and materials; - storage of plant and materials used in constructing the development; - operating hour; - the erection and maintenance of security hoarding including decorative displays - and facilities for public viewing, where appropriate; - wheel washing facilities .

The approved plan shall be adhered to throughout the construction period.

Reason: In the interests of highway safety, convenience of highway users and to protect the amenities of residents and safeguard the visual amenities of the locality. (Policy TR5 of the South Bucks District Local Plan (adopted March 1999) refer).

13. Development shall not begin until a surface water drainage scheme for the site, based on sustainable drainage principles and an assessment of the hydrological and hydro- geological context of the development, has been submitted to and approved in writing by the District Planning Authority. The scheme shall subsequently be implemented in accordance with the approved details before the development is completed. The scheme shall also include:

- Assessment of SuDS components as listed in the CIRIA SuDS Manual (C753) and provide justification for exclusion if necessary; - Demonstrate that water quality, ecological and amenity benefits have been considered; - Details of the existing drainage system and calculation details of the existing and proposed discharge rates and volumes; - Ground investigations including infiltration rate tests in accordance with BRE365; - Subject to infiltration being viable, the applicant shall demonstrate that an alternative means of surface water disposal is practicable subject to the hierarchy listed in the information below; - Full construction details of all SuDS and drainage components; - Detailed drainage layout with pipe numbers, gradients and pipe sizes complete, together with storage volumes of all SuDS components; - Calculations to demonstrate that the proposed drainage system can contain up to the 1 in 30 storm event without flooding. Any onsite flooding between the 1 in 30 and the 1 in 100 plus climate change storm event should be safely contained on site; - Details of proposed overland flood routes in the event of system exceedance or failure, with demonstration of flow direction.

Reason: To prevent the increased risk of flooding, to improve and protect water quality, improve habitat and amenity, and ensure future maintenance of the surface water drainage system. (Policy CP13 of the South Bucks District Core Strategy (adopted February 2011) refer, and the National Planning Policy Framework.)

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14. Development shall not begin until a whole life maintenance plan for the site has been submitted to and approved in writing by the District Planning Authority. The plan should set out how and when to maintain the full drainage system (e.g. a maintenance schedule for each drainage/SuDS component) during and following construction, with details of who is to be responsible for the maintenance. The plan shall subsequently be implemented in accordance with the approved details.

If the road is to be adopted, the developer will agree to enter into a deed of easement pursuant to Section 38 of the Highways Act 1980 to allow the Highway Authority to access the SuDS system to preserve the integrity of the highways system, for the purpose of emergency repair and maintenance.

Reason: To prevent the increased risk of flooding, to improve and protect water quality, improve habitat and amenity, and ensure future maintenance of the surface water drainage system. (Policy CP13 of the South Bucks District Core Strategy (adopted February 2011) refer, and the National Planning Policy Framework.)

15. Prior to the first occupation of the development, a verification report carried out by a qualified drainage engineer must be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority to demonstrate that the Sustainable Urban Drainage System has been constructed as per the agreed scheme.

Reason: To ensure that the sustainable drainage system is constructed to the technical standards. (Policy CP13 of the South Bucks District Core Strategy (adopted February 2011) refer, and the National Planning Policy Framework.)

16. Prior to their erection, details of the siting and design of all walls and/or fencing shall be submitted to and approved by the District Planning Authority in writing. All walls and fencing shall be erected in accordance with the approved details before the initial occupation of the development hereby approved.

Reason: To ensure a satisfactory resultant appearance and standard of amenity of the site. (Policy EP3 of the South Bucks District Local Plan (adopted March 1999) refers.)

17. No works (excluding demolition) shall take place until details of the proposed finished floor levels of the dwellings and of finished ground levels in relation to the surrounding properties have been submitted to and approved in writing by the District Planning Authority. Thereafter the development shall be implemented and retained in accordance with these approved details.

Reason: To ensure that construction is carried out at suitable levels having regard to the amenities of neighbouring properties. (Policy EP3 of the South Bucks District Local Plan (adopted March 1999) refers.)

18. All external lighting units intended for this site, shall be erected and directed so as to avoid nuisance to residential or other accommodation in close proximity to the site.

Reason: To protect the amenities of the area. (Policy EP3 of the South Bucks District Council Local Plan (adopted March 1999) refers.)

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19. Prior to any works commencing a site dust management plan shall be submitted and approved in writing by the District Planning Authority. This document shall demonstrate how site generated dust from all activities associated with this site is to be managed daily. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.

Reason: To protect the amenities of adjoining properties. (Policy EP3 of the South Bucks District Local Plan(Adopted March 1999) refers).

20. Prior to the commencement of development (or such other date or stage in development as may be agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority) the following components of a scheme to deal with the risks associated with contamination of the site shall each be submitted to and approved, in writing, by the local planning authority:

i) A site investigation scheme, based on (i) to provide information for a detailed assessment of the risk to all receptors that may be affected, including those off site. This should include an assessment of the potential risks to: human health, property (existing or proposed) including buildings, crops, pests, woodland and service lines and pipes, adjoining land, ground waters and surface waters, ecological systems, archaeological sites and ancient monuments.

ii) The site investigation results and the detailed risk assessment (i) and, based on these, an options appraisal and remediation strategy giving full details of the remediation measures required and how they are to be undertaken.

iii) Following completion of measures identified in the approved remediation scheme and prior to the first use of the development, verification report that demonstrates the effectiveness of the remediation carried out must be produced together with any necessary monitoring and maintenance programme and copies of any waste transfer notes relating to exported and imported soils shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority for approval. The approved monitoring and maintenance programme shall be implemented.

Reason: To ensure that risks from land contamination to the future users of the land and neighbouring land are minimised, together with those to controlled waters, property and ecological systems, and to ensure that the development can be carried out safely without unacceptable risks to workers, neighbours and other off site receptors. (Policy EP3 of the South Bucks District Local Plan (adopted March 1999) refers).

21. In the event that contamination is found at any time when carrying out the approved development that was not previously identified it must be reported in writing immediately to the Local Planning Authority. An investigation and risk assessment must be undertaken, and where remediation is necessary a remediation scheme must be prepared, which is subject to the approval in writing of the Local Planning Authority. Following completion of measures identified in the approved remediation scheme a verification report must be prepared, which is subject to the approval in writing of the Local Planning Authority.

Reason: To ensure that risks from land contamination to the future users of the land and neighbouring land are minimised, together with those to controlled waters, property and ecological systems, and to ensure that the development can be carried out safely without unacceptable risks to workers, neighbours and other offsite receptors. (Policy EP3 of the South Bucks District Local Plan (adopted March 1999) refers).

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22. The development to which this planning permission relates shall be undertaken solely in accordance with the following drawings:


Plan Reference Date received by District Planning Authority 4854 1 04 A 08.03.2018

4854 1 05 A 08.03.2018

4854 1 01 C 08.03.2018

4854 3 30 A 08.03.2018

4854 3 31 A 08.03.2018

4854 3 32 A 08.03.2018

4854 3 33 A 08.03.2018

4854 3 34 A 08.03.2018

4854 3 36 A 08.03.2018

4854 3 37 A 08.03.2018


1. INFORMATIVE -It is the responsibility of the developer/applicant to ensure that the development proceeds in accordance with the approved details and in compliance with any conditions on the planning permission. The condition(s) on this planning permission that appear in bold text are known as conditions precedent. These are conditions which require compliance before any development whatsoever starts on site. Where conditions precedent have not been complied with any development purporting to benefit from the planning permission will be unauthorised and a breach of planning control. The Development Control section will not normally approve details required by a condition precedent retrospectively. A new planning application will usually be required under these circumstances.

Conditions precedent must be formally confirmed as being complied with by the District Planning Authority prior to commencement of work. Formal discharge/compliance may also be required for other conditions. Any requests for the discharge/compliance of conditions must be submitted to the District Planning Authority in writing. Each such written request to discharge/compliance any conditions will require payment of a separate fee. (SIN02)

2. INFORMATIVE: Due to the close proximity of the site to existing residential properties, the applicants' attention is drawn to the Considerate Constructors Scheme initiative. This initiative encourages contractors and construction companies to adopt a considerate and respectful approach to construction works, so that neighbours are not unduly affected by noise, smells, operational hours, vehicles parking at the site or making deliveries, and general disruption caused by the works.

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By signing up to the scheme, contractors and construction companies commit to being considerate and good neighbours, as well as being clean, respectful, safe, environmentally conscious, responsible and accountable. The Council highly recommends the Considerate Constructors Scheme as a way of avoiding problems and complaints from local residents and further information on how to participate can be found at (SIN35)

3. The applicant is advised that the off-site works will need to be constructed under a Section 184 of the Highways Act legal agreement. This Small Works Agreement must be obtained from the Highway Authority before any works are carried out on any footway, carriageway, verge or other land forming part of the highway. A minimum period of 3 weeks is required to process the agreement following the receipt by the Highway Authority of a written request. Please contact Development Management at the following address for information or apply online via Buckinghamshire County Council's website at management/apply-online/section-184-licence/

Highways Development Management 6th Floor, County Hall Walton Street, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire HP20 1UY Telephone 0845 230 2882

4. A Groundwater Risk Management Permit from Thames Water will be required for discharging groundwater into a public sewer. Any discharge made without a permit is deemed illegal and may result in prosecution under the provisions of the Water Industry Act 1991. Permit enquiries should be directed to Thames Water's Risk Management Team by telephoning 02035779483 or by emailing [email protected].


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South Bucks District Council Planning Committee

Date of Meeting: 24th July 2019 Parish: Taplow Parish Council

Reference No: PL/18/4426/FA

Proposal: Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of a detached dwelling, detached garage, swimming pool and gates. Location: Stonecrop, 3 Saxon Gardens, Taplow, Buckinghamshire, SL6 0DD Applicant: Ms R Grace-Mee Agent: Richard Clark Date Valid Appl Recd: 22nd November 2018 Recommendation: Conditional Permission

Case Officer: Melissa Turney

LOCATION PLAN – This plan is supplied only to identify the location of the site and for no other purpose whatsoever.

Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey Mapping with the permission of NOT TO SCALE the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office  Crown Copying. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or Civil proceedings.

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REASON FOR PLANNING COMMITTEE CONSIDERATION: This application has been reported to planning committee due to the level of objection that has been received. Due to the nature of the application and the significant level of local concern it is considered that value would be added to the decision making process if MEMBERS were to carry out a SITE VISIT prior to their determination of this application.

SITE LOCATION The application site comprises of a detached dwellinghouse situated on the north of Saxon Gardens. Saxon Gardens is a cu-del-sac road branching off Hill Berry. The western and northern boundary of the application site is on the corner of Rectory Road and Hill Berry. The application site is located within the Green Belt.

The site is located adjacent to the Taplow Village Conservation Area. The boundary to the north and the junction of Berry Hill and Rectory Road acts as the principal gateways into the conservation area and heart of Taplow Village. The application site is outside the conservation area.

THE APPLICATION Permission is sought for a demolition of existing dwelling and erection of a detached dwelling, detached garage, swimming pool and gates.

The existing two storey dwelling would be demolished and replaced by a new two storey flat roof dwelling which would be sited in slightly different location. The proposed elevation would face towards the corner of Berry Hill and Rectory Road and set back approximately 19m from the highway. It would have a maximum ridge height of approximately 6.7m and main part of the dwelling would reduce to approximately 5.8m. The dwelling would also be set on a lower ground level.

A new detached garage would be sited 2.5m away from the main dwelling, projecting further towards the rectory road. It would consist of 2 bays and have flat roof with a maximum height of 2.8m.

During the course of the application amended plans were received to reduce the size of the dwelling, additions of entrance gates and a landscaping plan have also been submitted.

An application for a Certificate of Lawfulness (reference: 17/01898/CLOPED) was recently granted for a new access to serve the property. Work to create the access has begun and does not form part of this application.

RELEVANT PLANNING HISTORY PL/18/2735/SA- Application for certificate of lawfulness for proposed two storey rear, single storey sides, rear and front porch extensions. Conditional Permission. 90/00573/APPLIC- Conversion of garage to bedroom and erection of single storey extensions to form bathroom, study and double garage. - Conditional Permission.

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81/00989/APPLIC- Conversion of garage to bedroom and erection of single storey extensions to form bathroom, study and double garage. Conditional Permission.

TOWN/PARISH COUNCIL Response received (11.12.2018): Objection The proposed dwelling, although immediately outside the Taplow Village Conservation area is still in an area of very high quality buildings and it is important to ensure that the building is of sufficient quality. The application asserts that it will be of high quality but there is nothing in the application to substantiate this. The applicant should be required to supply more information as to the design and construction of the building to allow its quality to be assessed. A much clearer depiction of the appearance of the buildings is needed, beyond the outline sketch of the application. Identification of textures and materials (beyond glass) is needed for a proper assessment of real quality and sustainability. The applicant has received approval from you for a new entrance on to Rectory Road but we are not aware as to whether a kerb lowering licence has been issued. Total responsibility for this new access lies between the road responsibilities of Bucks CC and yourselves as planners. This division of responsibilities should not mean that the great concerns of all local residents to the impact of this new exit should be ignored. You have received a number of well documented objections identifying the problems that will be created. The site diagrams show the layout of the proposed access to Rectory Road. Given the narrowness of the road and the proximity of the entrance to the blind bend on Rectory Road and oncoming traffic turning in from Berry Hill, the splays shown at the entrance do not appear to be sufficient to ensure the best vision of approaching traffic, particularly in view of the congested other half of the carriageway. They should be re-assessed. If never-the-less the new access is permitted, the application must be denied until the applicant has submitted a Construction Phase Access Statement. The difficulties and dangers of access via a new entrance are significant and must be addressed before any approval is granted. The Statement must specifically cover at least the following: - No construction traffic can approach the site from the eastern end of Rectory Road. This road is narrow and congested with short sight lines and many children across the day due to the presence of the primary school and a playgroup. - Construction traffic turning in from Berry Hill from the south creates significant collision risk. The turn-in is blind to oncoming traffic from Cliveden Road. Turning vehicles can easily be blocked by oncoming vehicles on Rectory Road. Large, slow construction vehicles create a very real risk of collision. A banksman should be mandated to manage such turning traffic. - It can be seen from the application drawings that the proposed new access is relatively narrow. At least during the construction phase the access must be wide enough for large vehicles to turn in without requiring access to the other half of the carriageway. The other carriageway is in full use for existing residents parking and it is not acceptable that they should be seriously inconvenienced over the construction phase. To properly appreciate the significant concerns raised, planning officers must visit the site. For these reasons the application should be refused in its present form. [Officer note: The new vehicular access to the site was granted a Certificate of Lawfulness under reference: 17/01898/CLOPED. The access does not therefore require planning permission and does not form part of this application.]

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REPRESENTATIONS 20 letters of objection received. The main points are summarised as follows:

- Concerns of safety of the access onto Rectory Road to both drivers and pedestrians; - The new access is close to the junction of Berry Hill and Rectory Road; - The access counter to the purpose of the Taplow Village Conservation Area; - Cars parked on Rectory Road restricting the highway opposite the access way; - Large vehicles would not be able to turn into the property from Rectory Road when approaching from the east and entry from the west approaching Berry Hill could easily result in the junction being blocked; - The access alters the view from the Grade 2 Listed Building - Hill House; - Works have started for the driveway; - Due to the old gravel pit the excavation work in the area needs to be taken very seriously; - The design of the proposed dwelling is out of character with the surrounding properties; - Concerns the old oak tree may be cut down.

CONSULTATIONS Buckinghamshire County Highways Authority: I understand an application of Certificate of Lawfulness (17/01898/CLOPED) has been approved for the vehicular access sited to the north of the plot fronting Rectory Road. The approved access via this Certificate of Lawfulness is currently being constructed. Summary - No objection. (07.06.2019): No objection.

Arboriculturist: No objection subject to condition.

Ecology Officer (09.04.2019): (05.07.2019): The surveys undertaken in 2019 have confirmed the presence of a Soprano Pipistrelle bat maternity roost within the site. If minded to approve, the development must be undertaken in accordance with the recommendations of the bat survey assessment letter (12th June 2019), including obtaining a European Protected Species Mitigation Licence from Natural England and provision of artificial roost features.

Conservation/ Listed Building Officer (07.01.2019): Summary: No objections, subject to the confirmation of the boundary treatments and landscaping scheme or it would need to be appropriately conditioned alongside the conditions noted below.

(29.01.2019): In addition to my previous comments I would like to highlight the importance of the boundary between the site and conservation area.

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The existing rear boundary of the site forms part of the boundary to the conservation area and the junction of Berry Hill and Rectory Road also acts as one of the principal gateways into the conservation area and heart of Taplow Village. To the north of the site is the Grade II listed Hill House. The existing green boundary treatment to the site provides a pleasant setting to the listed building (opposite) and street scene of the conservation area, particularly when viewed from the public realm. Loss of or inappropriate alterations to this boundary would be considered significantly harmful to the character and appearance of the conservation area. A landscaping condition relating to the treatment of this boundary is essential in preserving the appearance of the boundary, conservation area and setting of the listed building.

POLICIES National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) National Planning Policy Guidance (NPPG) South Bucks Core Strategy Development Plan Document - Adopted February 2011: Policies: CP8 and CP12 South Bucks District Local Plan - Adopted March 1999 Consolidated September 2007 and February 2011: Policies: GB1, GB11, C1, C6, EP3, EP5, H9 and TR7 South Bucks District Council Residential Design Guide SPD - Adopted October 2008

EVALUATION Principle of development 1. The site is located within the where replacement dwellings will only be permitted provided that they comply with the NPPF and Local Plan policy GB11.

2. The NPPF was published on the February 2019 and whilst this replaced the previous Planning Policy Statements and Guidance Notes, it does not replace existing local policies that form part of the development plan. It does state however, that the weight that should be given to these existing local policies and plans will be dependent on their degree of consistency with the NPPF. Therefore, the closer the policies in the development plan to the policies in the Framework, the greater the weight that may be given to them. With regard to this specific application, it is considered that all of the relevant local policies, as highlighted above, are in accordance with the NPPF, and as such, it is considered that they should be afforded significant weight and that it is considered appropriate to still assess this current application against the relevant local policies set out above. The exceptions to this are policies GB1 and GB10 which are not entirely in accordance with the NPPF. Where there is a difference or conflict in policy, then the NPPF takes precedence.

Green Belt (Proposed Dwelling and Garage) 3. Paragraph 133 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) states that the Government attaches great importance to Green Belts. The fundamental aim of Green Belt policy is to prevent urban sprawl by keeping land permanently open; the essential characteristics of Green Belts are their openness and their permanence. Paragraph 145 of the NPPF states 145 local planning authorities should regard the construction of new buildings as inappropriate in the Green Belt. However, exceptions to this include exist the replacement of a building, provided the new building is in the same use and not materially larger than the one it replaces. Furthermore, guidance for Policy GB11 of the Councils Local Plan (adopted March 1999) states 'the replacement dwelling would be for a single

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family occupation and the size of the replacement dwelling would be no greater than that the original dwelling plus any extension which would comply with the terms of Local Plan Policy GB10.

4. The existing dwelling currently has a total floor area of 260 sq metres and under Policy GB10 this could be increased to 391.2 sq metres. The proposed dwelling and garage would have a floor area of 532.1 sq metres. The proposed dwelling and garage are therefore materially larger than the original dwelling plus any extensions permissible under Policy GB10.

5. However, in this instance, the agent has put forward a case for a fall-back position for extensions which could be constructed under permitted development. As set out in the planning history above, Certificate of Lawfulness's have been granted for various further extensions to the existing dwelling and would result in a dwelling with a total floor space of approximately 500 sq metres. Given the design, location and nature of these extensions it is considered that they provide a practical and reasonable way of extending the existing dwelling, and therefore in this specific instance provides a legitimate fall-back position and forms a material consideration which should carry weight in the assessment of this application.

6. The proposed replacement dwelling and garage would have a total floor area 532.1 sq metres. As such, the proposal results in slightly more floorspace than could practically and reasonably be built on site if the existing dwelling were to be extended under permitted development (500 sq metres). It is however relevant that, due to its modern flat roof design, the proposed dwelling does not include any roof volume above the first floor level and this reduces the overall volume of the building when compared to the fallback position. In this respect the overall volume of the proposed building would be 1508 sq metres which is lower the fall-back position of 1593 sq metres. In addition, the proposed dwelling would have a lower maximum height than the existing (6.7 metres compared to 7.8 metres for the existing) and its overall height would be further reduced by lowering its slab level within the site such that the roof of the new dwelling would be approximately 1.4m lower than the ridge height of the existing. Furthermore, the footprint of the proposed dwelling and garage would be smaller than that of the fall-back position and it would have a lesser total width resulting in an overall reduction in the spread of built form across the site. Taking all of this into account it is considered that the proposed building would not be materially larger than the existing dwelling plus any extensions that could be constructed under permitted development and would not result in a greater impact on the openness of the Green Belt and its purposes.

7. In conclusion, it is acknowledged that the proposed dwelling and garage would be materially larger than that which currently exists on site. However, the existing dwelling could be significantly extended using permitted development and this fall-back position forms a material consideration in the assessment of this application. Overall it is considered that the proposed dwelling would not be materially larger than the fall back positon and would not result in greater harm to the openness of the Green Belt. It is therefore considered that, in this instance, there are very special circumstances to justify the proposed development and no objections are raised with regard to impact of the proposed dwelling and garage on the Green Belt. This is subject to a condition removing permitted development rights from the permitted dwelling.

Green Belt (Swimming Pool) 8. The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) allows, within the Green Belt, the provision of appropriate facilities for outdoor sport and outdoor recreation as long as they preserve the openness of the Green Belt and do not conflict with the purposes of including land within it. Policy GB10 of the

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Local Plan states that ancillary developments within residential curtilages in the Green Belt are generally acceptable provided that it would be of a small scale in relation to the dwellinghouse and of a small scale in relation to the residential curtilage. As the proposed swimming pool would be flush with the ground level, openness would be largely preserved and it is considered that this proposal would constitute appropriate development that would not harm the purposes of the Green Belt.

Design/character & appearance 9. The NPPF at Section 12, under the heading "Achieving well-designed places" sets out guiding principles for the operation of the planning system. One of the principles set out is that authorities should always seek to secure high quality design.

10. Local Plan policy EP3 states that development will only be permitted where its scale, layout, siting, height, design, external materials and use are compatible with the character and amenities of the site itself, adjoining development and the locality in general. Poor designs which are out of scale or character with their surroundings will not be permitted.

11. The application site is located at the end of the cul-de-sac of Saxon Gardens and backs onto Rectory Road. Whilst the existing dwelling currently fronts Saxon Gardens it is set well back from its front boundary and its location at the end of the cul-de-sac is such that it does not form an important feature within this street scene.

12. The proposed dwelling would alter the orientation of the property such that it would front Rectory Road and would be served by a new vehicular access onto this road. The new orientation of the dwelling would reflect the adjoining dwelling to the east and given its location it is not considered this change would result in harm to the character of the area. It is also of relevance that the vehicular access has already been the subject of a certificate of lawfulness and therefore does not require planning permission and is not the subject of this application.

13. The proposed dwelling has been designed with a modern flat roof, ‘Art Deco’ style. It is acknowledged that, this is not a style that is commonly seen elsewhere within the immediate locality. However, the overall character of the wider area is mixed with is different building sizes and designs and within this context it is not considered that the principle of introducing a dwelling of this general contemporary style and appearance would be detrimental to the character and appearance of the area. Notwithstanding this, the proposed dwelling still needs to be of an appropriate size, height and scale.

14. The proposed dwelling would be substantial in size. However, it would be sited within a large plot and would not appear unduly large in comparison with other substantial buildings in the locality, including the immediate neighbour to the east, Autumn House. The dwelling would also be set a significant distance from Rectory Road and would be set in from all other boundaries, to retain the spacious character of the existing plot. It is acknowledged that the bulk and massing of the proposed dwelling is different to that of a more traditional styled dwelling, due to its flat roof design, however the dwelling would be significantly set back from the highway and the land levels decrease north to south such that the highway is on a higher land level than the proposed dwelling. It is not considered to appear prominent within the street scene as to result in significant harm to the character of the area.

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15. The proposed gates would be metal rails and would be set back a sufficient distance from the highway as not to appear overly prominent within the street scene. It is therefore considered that it would not cause significant harm to the dwelling or the character of the surrounding area.

16. Overall, it is considered that the proposed replacement dwelling is of an appropriate and acceptable size, height and scale. It is considered that the site would retain a level of spaciousness that is appropriated for the locality. It is considered that the proposed dwelling would not appear over dominant or obtrusive within the street scene, nor would it appear disproportionate to the site within which it sits.

17. Subject to the normal condition to control use of facing materials, the scale and siting of the development is considered to be acceptable when considered in terms of policies EP3 and H11 of the South Bucks District Local Plan, and the standard of design would comply with advice in Appendix 8 of the Plan. The development would be in accordance with NPPF guidance.

Conservation Area 18. The proposed site existing rear boundary of the site forms part of the boundary to the conservation area and to the north of the site is Grade II Listed building Hill House. The existing property dates from the 1970s and is not considered to be of any particular historic or architectural interest. It is noted that the frontage of the site forms the principal gateway into the conservation area and there is vegetation on the northern boundary although the vegetation does not benefits from any tree prevision order.

19. The Conservation / Historic Buildings Officer has raised no objections to the proposal but has highlighted that the loss of vegetation and/or the introduction of inappropriate boundary treatment along the boundary with Rectory Road could potentially harm the conservation area. The applicant has submitted amended plans to show the retention of the existing boundary fence and landscaping along with planting of new trees. If planning permission is granted it is considered reasonable to conduction the landscaping for 5 years. It is also considered necessary to remove permitted development rights for new fencing / walls along the front boundary

20. In terms of design of the dwelling it is significantly different to the existing and surrounding properties with its Art Deco concept which is considered acceptable subject to the use of high quality materials and finished which relate to the style of the building.

21. The Conservation Officer also raised concerns about the new access point. However, as set out above the access does not form part of this application.

22. Taking the above into account no objections are raised with regard to the impact of the development on the conservation area.

Residential amenity 23. Given the distance retained to the neighbouring properties, it is considered that the proposed dwelling would not appear over dominant or obtrusive when viewed from the either of these neighbouring properties or would it result unacceptable loss of light.

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24. Due to the Art Deco concept there is increase in glazing however the neighbouring dwelling are a sufficient distance as not to result in unacceptable overlooking and therefore not asset under this application.

25. The scale and siting of the development is therefore considered to be acceptable against policies EP3, EP5 and H11 of the Council's Local Plan.

Parking/Highway implications 26. It is noted that there has been a number of objection raised regarding the access from Rectory Road onto the site. However, as set out above, the vehicular access was granted a Certificate of Lawfulness under reference: 17/01898/CLOPED. The access does not therefore require planning permission and does not form part of this application.

27. The County Council Highway Authority has raised no objection to the proposal. The proposal includes gates which would be set back at least 6m from the highway which is a sufficient distance to allow vehicles to draw off clear of the highway and not result in harm to the highway safety.

28. The proposed site would provide sufficient levels of hardstanding to the front of the dwelling and within the detached garage for at least three off street parking spacing. The proposal therefore complies with policy TR7 of the South Bucks Local Plan.

Other matters 29. Works to trees within the application site are not currently restricted however as part of the application Arboricultural Impact Assessment and preliminary method statement has been submitted. This has been reviewed by the Council Arboriculturist who agrees with the overall conclusion of the report and has no objection subject to the inclusion of two specified conditions. The conditions have been considered in the context of the application and it is agreed that it would be reasonable and necessary in the event that permission is granted.

30. It is considered that a sufficient amount of amenity space would remain within the site curtilage to serve the resulting dwelling.

31. The proposed site has the presence of bat activity within the building, the agent has had a survey undertaken which confirmed the presence of Soprano Pipistrelle bat maternity roost within the site. The Council’s Ecology Officer has received the information submitted and confirms that no objection is raised subject to the proposed development being undertaken in accordance with the recommendation of the bat survey assessment letter (12th June 2019) and conditions. The conditions have been considered in the context of the application and it is agreed that it would be reasonable and necessary in the event that permission is granted.

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Conclusion 32. It is considered that a fair and reasonable balance would be struck between the interests of the community and the human rights of the individuals concerned in the event of planning permission being granted in this instance.

Working with the applicant 33. In accordance with Section 4 of the National Planning Policy Framework, the Council, in dealing with this application, has worked in a positive and proactive way with the Agent and has focused on seeking solutions to the issues arising from the development proposal. South Bucks District Council works with applicants/agents in a positive and proactive manner by; - Updating agent of any issues that may arise in the processing of their application as appropriate and, where possible and appropriate, suggesting solutions. In this case, South Bucks District Council has worked proactively with the applicate and amended plans have been submitted which were considered acceptable.

34. A number of pre-commencement conditions are considered to be reasonable and necessary in the event that planning permission is granted. Agreement of the pre-commencement conditions has been sought and confirmed with the agent for the application.

RECOMMENDATION: Conditional Permission

Subject to the following conditions:-

1. The development to which this permission relates must be begun not later than the expiration of three years beginning from the date of this decision notice. (SS01)

Reason: To comply with the provisions of Section 91(1) (a) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (or any statutory amendment or re-enactment thereof).

2. No development shall take place above ground level until a schedule of materials to be used in the elevations of the development hereby permitted have been submitted to and approved by the District Planning Authority in writing. Thereafter the development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details. (SM01)

Reason: To safeguard the setting of the conservation area in accordance with Policy C1 of the South Bucks Consolidated Local Plan, adopted March 1999 (consolidated Sept 2007 and Feb 2011), the provisions of the NPPF and the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990.

3. No development shall take place beyond ground level until a specification of all finishing materials to be used in any hard surfacing of the application site shall be submitted to and approved by the District Planning Authority in writing. Thereafter the development shall be constructed using the approved materials. (SM02)

Reason: To ensure that such works do not detract from the development itself or from the appearance of the locality in general. (Policy EP3 of the South Bucks District Local Plan (adopted March 1999) refers.)

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4. No development above slab level shall take place until any extensions, buildings and/or enclosures constructed under Article 3 and Classes A, B & E of Part 1 of Schedule 2 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order, 2015 (as amended or any Order revoking and re-enacting that Order with or without modification) following the granting of this permission and prior to the commencement of works the subject of this permission, have been removed or demolished in their entirety. All materials resulting from such removal/demolition shall be removed from the site by the substantial completion or occupation of the development hereby permitted, whichever is the sooner.

Reason: The site is located within the Metropolitan Green Belt wherein strict control over development is necessary to maintain the openness of the Green Belt and to ensure a satisfactory development in accordance with the terms of the application (Policies GB1, GB10 and EP3 of the South Bucks District Local Plan (adopted March 1999) refer). (SMS22)

5. Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 3 and Classes A, B & E of Part 1 of Schedule 2 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order, 2015 (or any Order revoking and re-enacting that Order with or without modification) , no enlargement, improvement or other alteration (including the erection of a garage, stable, loosebox or coach-house within the curtilage) of or to the dwellinghouse the subject of this permission, shall be carried out nor shall any building or enclosure required for a purpose incidental to the enjoyment of any said dwellinghouse as such be constructed or placed on any part of the land covered by this permission. (SD14A)

Reason: The site is located within the Metropolitan Green Belt where strict control over development is necessary in order to maintain the openness of the Green Belt. (Policy GB1 of the South Bucks District Local Plan (adopted March 1999) refers.)

6. Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 3 and Class A of Part 2 of Schedule 2 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order, 2015, (or any Order revoking and re-enacting that Order with or without modification), no walls, fences, gates or other means of enclosure shall be constructed or erected beyond the forwardmost part of any wall of the dwelling hereby permitted which fronts onto a highway. (SD15)

Reason: To safeguard the visual amenities of the locality and to preserve the open plan treatment of this development. (Policies EP3 and H9 of the South Bucks District Local Plan (adopted March 1999) refer.)

7. The development shall be implemented in accordance with the arboricultural method statement submitted and approved as part of the planning application and under the supervision of a retained arboricultural specialist in order to ensure that the phasing of the development accords with the stages detailed in the method statement and that the correct materials and techniques are employed. (ST18)

Reason: To maintain the visual amenity of the area. (Policies EP4 and L10 of the South Bucks District Local Plan (adopted March 1999) refer.)

8. The development shall be undertaken in accordance with the recommendations provided within the bat survey assessment letter (12th June 2019) produced by AAe Environmental Consultants. No works of site clearance, demolition or construction shall take place until a European Protected Species Mitigation Licence has been granted by Natural England. A copy of the licence is to be provided to the Local Planning Authority.

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Reason: To comply with the requirements of The Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017 and to protect species of conservation concern.

9. Prior to the commencement of development, a scheme of ecological enhancements shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority to ensure an overall net gain in biodiversity will be achieved. The scheme will include details of landscape planting of known benefit to wildlife and provision of artificial roost features, including bird and bat boxes.

Reason: In the interests of improving biodiversity in accordance with NPPF and Core Policy 9: Natural Environment of the South Buckinghamshire Core Strategy and to ensure the survival of protected and notable species protected by legislation that may otherwise be affected by the development.

10. All planting, seeding or turfing comprised in the approved details of landscaping shall be carried out in the first planting and seeding season following the occupation of the development hereby permitted or the substantial completion of the development, whichever is the sooner. Any trees, hedgerows or shrubs forming part of the approved landscaping scheme which within a period of five years from the occupation or substantial completion of the development, whichever is the later, die, are removed or become seriously damaged or diseased shall be replaced in the next planting season with others of similar size and species, unless the District Planning Authority gives written consent to any variation. (ST02)

Reason: To ensure a satisfactory and continuing standard of amenities are provided and maintained in connection with the development. (Policies EP3 and EP4 of the South Bucks District Local Plan (adopted March 1999) refer.)

11. The existing trees and hedgerows on the site, as shown on drawing No. 1624/SP2 A and LC- 2695-01 shall not be removed, felled, topped, lopped or disturbed in any way within a period of five years from the date of this permission, without the prior consent of the District Planning Authority in writing. Similarly, no damage shall be caused to the roots of the trees and/or hedgerows. Any trees and hedgerows removed, felled or damaged or destroyed within a period of five years from the date of this permission shall be replaced by another tree or shrub of the same species at the same location, at a time agreed in writing by the District Planning Authority. (ST06)

Reason: The existing trees and hedgerows on site represent an important amenity feature which, if lost would impair the character of the area. (Policies L10 and EP4 of the South Bucks District Local Plan (adopted March 1999) refers.)

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12. The development to which this planning permission relates shall be undertaken solely in accordance with the following drawings:


Plan Reference Date received by District Planning Authority TAPL1801 01.02.2019

LC-2695-01 15.02.2019

1624 SPI APR 19 17.05.2019

1624/SP2 A 17.05.2019

1624 PIA MAR 19 17.05.2019


1. All wild birds, their nests and young are protected during the nesting period under The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended) and I therefore recommend the following informative is included if minded to approve.

Removal of any building or vegetation shall be undertaken outside of the bird nesting season (March to August inclusive). If this is not possible, then a suitability qualified ecologist shall check the areas concerned immediately prior to the commencement of clearance works to ensure no nesting or nest-building birds are present. If any nesting activity is confirmed, no clearance will be permitted within the area until the birds have fledged and the nest is considered inactive.

2. INFORMATIVE: You are advised that consent under the Building Regulations may be required for the proposed development and the Building Control Unit at the Council should be contacted in this regard. (SIN41)

3. INFORMATIVE: Due to the close proximity of the site to existing residential properties, the applicants' attention is drawn to the Considerate Constructors Scheme initiative. This initiative encourages contractors and construction companies to adopt a considerate and respectful approach to construction works, so that neighbours are not unduly affected by noise, smells, operational hours, vehicles parking at the site or making deliveries, and general disruption caused by the works.

By signing up to the scheme, contractors and construction companies commit to being considerate and good neighbours, as well as being clean, respectful, safe, environmentally conscious, responsible and accountable. The Council highly recommends the Considerate Constructors Scheme as a way of avoiding problems and complaints from local residents and further information on how to participate can be found at (SIN35)


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South Bucks District Council Planning Committee

Date of Meeting: 24th July 2019 Parish: Denham Parish Council

Reference No: PL/18/4810/FA

Proposal: Demolition of existing office building (Use Class B1) and the erection of a 4- storey building comprising a self-storage facility (Use Class B8) together with vehicular access, service yard, parking, associated works and landscaping. Location: ICM Ltd, River Court, 50 Oxford Road, New Denham, Denham, Buckinghamshire, UB9 4DN Applicant: Big Yellow Self Storage Company Ltd Agent: Miss Emma Penson Date Valid Appl Recd: 17th January 2019 Recommendation: Conditional Permission

Case Officer: Richard Regan

LOCATION PLAN – This plan is supplied only to identify the location of the site and for no other purpose whatsoever.

Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey Mapping with the permission of the NOT TO SCALE Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office  Crown Copying. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or Civil proceedings.

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REASON FOR PLANNING COMMITTEE CONSIDERATION: This application has been reported to the planning committee due to the nature and scale of the application and the level of objection that has been received. Due to the nature of the application and the local concern that has been raised, it is considered that value would be added to the decision making process if MEMBERS were to carry out a SITE VISIT prior to their determination of this application.

SITE LOCATION The site is located on the north east side of Oxford Road, within the developed area of Denham. Oxford Road is characterised by a mix of industrial, trade, distribution and retail uses. The application site itself comprises a two storey red brick office building together with a car park. The property is currently vacant. To the south west of the site on the opposite side of Oxford Road is an open field and a McDonald's. To the north west of the Site is HSS Hire and to the north are single storey residential properties located on Oakside. To the east of the site is the River Colne. Beyond this is a pedestrian footpath that runs along the river and beyond this are residential properties.

THE APPLICATION The proposed development comprises of the demolition of the existing building and the construction of a 4 storey modern and high quality building which will provide permanent self-storage accommodation (Use Class B8). The building will be constructed to enable demountable mezzanine floors to be inserted. The development will also comprise of a service yard, parking, soft landscaping and ancillary works.

RELEVANT PLANNING HISTORY 10/01979/FUL Electric raise barrier. Conditional Permission.

12/01476/FUL Fenced compound and installation of air conditioning plant. Conditional Permission.

16/01503/JNOT Notification under The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015, Part 3 of Schedule 2 Class O for: Change of use from Offices (Class B1) to 22 Residential flats (Class C3). Prior approval given.

TOWN/PARISH COUNCIL Comments received 29 Jan 2019: "Strong objection, it is overbearing and needs to be reduced by one floor. The design on the back of the building is acceptable as long as it doesn't affect the river bank. However, the front view is not acceptable as the bright yellow is not in keeping within the street scenery."

Further comments received 7 June 2019 following receipt of amended plans: "Strong objection based on 24hr access to site; Inadequate consultation with local residents only 31 homes but many more will be effected; The facility is too close to residential properties; Already too many traffic movements on busy trunk road; No mention of what section 106 payment is to be used for."

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REPRESENTATIONS Letters of objection received from 3 separate properties. Concerns raised include: - Size of building; - Out of keeping; - Increased traffic disruption; - Lack of consultation; - Adverse impact on amenities of residential properties in terms of loss of light; loss of privacy; - overbearing; - Impact on wildlife; - Disruption and noise during construction; - Disturbance from 24 hour access; - Highway safety; - Damage to riverbank; - Access needs to be maintained for Willowbank Association.

CONSULTATIONS Transport for Bucks: No objections subject to condition

Bucks County SuDs Team: No objections subject to condition

County Ecological Officer: No objections subject to condition

Tree Officer: No objection

Environment Agency: No objections

Environmental Health Team: Comments received 28 March 2019: Further details and clarification required regarding potential noise impacts

Comments received 11th July 2019 following receipt of additional information: No objections subject to conditions.

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POLICIES National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) National Planning Policy Guidance (NPPG) South Bucks Core Strategy Development Plan Document - Adopted February 2011: Saved Policies CP8, CP9, CP10, CP12 and CP13 South Bucks District Local Plan - Adopted March 1999 Consolidated September 2007 and February 2011: Saved Policies EP3, EP4, EP5, EP6, TR5, and TR7.

Whilst the revised NPPF replaced the previous Planning Policy Statements and Guidance Notes, it does not replace existing local policies that form part of the development plan. It does state however, that the weight that should be given to these existing local policies and plans will be dependent on their degree of consistency with the NPPF. Therefore, the closer the policies in the development plan to the policies in the Framework, the greater the weight that may be given to them.

EVALUATION Principle of development 1. The site is located within the developed area of Denham where the redevelopment of sites to provide commercial properties can be acceptable provided that they do not adversely affect any interests of acknowledged importance, which include factors such as the character and appearance of the area and the amenity of neighbouring properties.

Proposed Use 2. Whilst currently unoccupied, the existing site has a lawful Employment Generating use (offices), defined as being within use classes B1 to B8. Core Policy 10 emphasises the Council's desire to retain existing employment sites. It is acknowledged that whilst the proposed new use would result in a reduction in the level of people directly employed at the site, it falls within the use class designation of B8 storage, therefore the proposal is in compliance with policy CP10 by virtue of it maintaining an employment generating use at the site.

Design/character & appearance 3. The presence of a commercial property on this site would maintain its existing commercial nature, and therefore in principle, the presence of such a facility is not considered to be inappropriate or out of character for the locality. In fact the area is made up if a mix of residential, retail and commercial properties, and this application would maintain that variety of uses.

4. In terms of the size and scale of the proposed building, it is acknowledged that it would be larger than the existing office building that occupies the site in terms of its height, scale, and massing, as well as extending across a greater extent of the width of the site. Notwithstanding this, it is still considered that it is of an appropriate and acceptable size and scale for the site within which it would be sited. Its main ridge height would be 12m, which is 1.3m higher than the ridge of the existing office building, therefore it is not considered to be excessive for the site or locality in general. It is acknowledged that it would display a greater bulk and massing due to the design of the proposed building and its higher eaves height, however, in the context of the locality and existing level of built form, would not appear overdominant or obtrusive within the street scene or locality in general. The green landscape buffer would be retained to the boundary with the adjacent river, therefore the sites

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relationship and level of spacious that exists with the residential development to the east would remain unchanged. The spaciousness with No.52 would be reduced, but is it considered that the nature and appearance of the existing building at No.52 allows for a building of that proposed, to extend up to it, without compromising their relationship or appearing inappropriate.

5. The building has been designed to have a varied front elevation in order to prevent one large monotonous elevation being created. The various stepped features help to break up the elevation and add interest to it. In addition to this, a varied palette of materials is proposed to further break up this elevation and create a visually interesting facade. It is noted that the use of the standard bright yellow materials, which is a trade mark of 'Big Yellow' facilities, has been kept to a minimum, and rather than large expanses of yellow, it has been integrated with other colours to create a more subtle and softer appearance, one that does not appear stark and dominant within the street scene. It is considered that a combination of the design of the building and the use of the materials proposed result in a building that would not adversely impact upon the character and appearance of the street scene or locality in general.

6. Overall, it is considered that on balance, the proposed development would not adversely impact upon the character or appearance of the site, street scene or locality in general.

Residential amenity 7. It is considered that due to the distances retained to the neighbouring residential properties to the east, located on the other side of the River Colne, combined with the level of screening that would be maintained on site, in the form of the existing row of trees, the proposed development would not adversely impact upon the amenities of these properties in any way.

8. The closest property on the other side of the Oxford Road is the McDonalds Restaurant, and it is considered that given the distances retained to this property, it would not be adversely impacted upon by the proposal.

9. Given the relationship of the proposed development with the neighbouring commercial unit, occupied by HSS Hire, it is not considered that it will be adversely impacted upon.

10. To the rear of the HSS Hire building, further along 'Oakside', are a row of residential dwellings which back onto the application site. These properties have small rear gardens, and it is acknowledged that the proposed new building would be larger than the existing building, as well as projecting closer to the rear boundary of these neighbouring dwellings. Concerns were original raised by Officers over the potential impact that the proposed development would have on the amenities of these properties in terms of it appearing overdominant and obtrusive, as well as a concern of loss of light. As a result of these concerns, the applicant has worked with Officers to reduce the size and scale of the proposed development to a scale and siting that is now considered, on balance, acceptable.

11. The main revisions and reductions have been made to the rear of the proposed building, with it being moved further away from the boundary with the residential properties located within Oakside, and its bulk and massing reduced via a removal of a section of the second and third floor accommodation. The closest neighbouring property is No.1 Oakside,, that appears to have been

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subdivided to provide two properties. Distances of 16m would be retained from the rear elevation of these dwellings to the first floor element of the proposed building, which would display a height of 5.7m. A minimum distance of 25.6m would then be retained to the second and third floor element of the proposed building, which would display an eaves height of 11m, but which would angle away from the boundary with the dwellings. The neighbouring property at No.2 Oakside is set slightly further away, and would retain a distance of 23m to the first floor section of the proposed building and 34m to the second and third floor section. No.3 Oakside would retain even greater distances. It is considered that these distances when combined with the height and scale of the proposed building and its siting, including the fact that the tallest section is angled away, are sufficient to prevent the proposed development from appearing overdominant and obtrusive when viewed from the rear of these residential properties.

12. As part of the application, the applicant has submitted a light provision assessment which sets out that any loss of light would be negligible and would be within the thresholds of what is considered acceptable. In light of the result of this assessment, and taking into consideration existing structures and features that already act as a form of sun screen, i.e. the existing office building, line of tall trees and existing commercial property at No.52 (HSS Hire), it is considered that the proposed development would not lead to an unacceptable loss of light to the nearest neighbouring properties, and that there are insufficient grounds to refuse the scheme on loss of light.

13. There are no windows that would provide unacceptable overlooking opportunities into adjacent residential properties.

14. With regard to noise and disturbance, the area immediately adjacent to the rear of the residential properties on Oakside would consist of the parking area and service yard. It is noted that at present this area consists of a parking area, so in part, its use would not change, but it is acknowledged that this area would be used by people unloading and loading their vehicles, as well as this occurring at different times as to what would occur if the site were used as an office. As such, it does have the potential to create a different type and level of noise than that which could currently occur. The Councils Environmental Health Team have assessed the application and reviewed the submitted details and noise assessment, and have concluded that the proposed development would not unacceptably impact upon the amenities of neighbouring residential properties in terms of noise disturbance, subject to appropriate conditions that include restricting the hours of operation to 07:00 to 23:00hrs Monday to Friday, and 07:00-2200hrs Sat/Sun/Bank holidays.

15. The proposed condition, which the applicants have agreed to, prevents the use of the site 24hrs a day, which was a concern raised by the objectors and the Parish Council. In light of the comments from the Councils Environmental Health Team, it is considered that the proposed development would not result in an unacceptable level of noise and disturbance.

Parking/Highway implications 16. The County Highway’s Authority raise no objections to the proposals. They consider that the vehicular access is of an appropriate width and provides adequate levels of visibility. They also consider that there is sufficient space within the site for vehicles to safely turn and manoeuvre. In terms of vehicular movements, they advise that the proposed use would see a decrease in traffic generation.

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17. In terms of parking provision, the proposal would provide 10 parking spaces. In accordance with the Councils Parking Standards, as set out in the Councils Local Plan, a scheme of this nature would need to provide between 26 and 80 spaces. The two figures relate to the two levels of floorspace that could be provided within the proposed building. The building will have a permanent amount of floorspace, which would require the provision of 26 spaces, whilst if the total amount of demountable mezzanine floorspace was incorporated into the building, it would require the provision of 80 spaces. As such, it would have a shortfall of between 16 and 70 spaces.

18. Notwithstanding these shortfalls, it is important to note that paragraph 105 of the NPPF sets out that local parking standards for residential and non-residential development should take account of the accessibility of the development; the type, mix and use of development; the availability of and opportunities for public transport; and local car ownership levels; together with an adequate provision of spaces for electric and other ultralow emission vehicles. The current standards set out in the Local Plan are based upon car ownership data from the 1991 census and do not take into account local factors. As such, the standards set out in the Local Plan are not consistent with the guidance in the NPPF. As such, it is not considered that a reason for refusal based purely on these parking standards could be sustained in this instance. It is therefore necessary to consider the proposal with regard to the likely parking demand and site circumstances having regard to guidance in the NPPF.

19. The applicant has provided a transport statement which sets out the specific parking needs for the development proposed. This statement confirms that the proposed self-storage facility does not require this quantum of parking. Based on surveys undertaken of a similar existing BYSS site, the quantum of vehicles expected to visit the site and the duration of time that they remain at the site will require a much lower quantum of parking. The proposed 10 spaces complies with what BYSS consider is appropriate for a self-storage facility of this size from their experiences and surveys of their existing facilities in similar locations. Eight Sheffield style bicycle stands will be provided at the site, to provide space to accommodate 16 bicycle spaces. Given the small number of staff that will be employed at the site at any one time (3 to 4 staff) this quantum of bicycle spaces is considered to be appropriate.

20. Core Strategy Policy CP7 (Accessibility and Transport) seeks to promote sustainable transport and will encourage the use of Travel Plans. A Travel Plan has been submitted with the application which considers mechanisms to encourage staff to travel to the site using sustainable modes of transport. The cycle parking provided on site will help encourage this. In addition to this, the site is located within close proximity to , with the nearest bus stop being located 80m away, with services running to Uxbridge, High Wycombe, Hemel Hempstead, and Chesham. The site is also 1.1km from Uxbridge underground station.

21. Taking this into account it is considered that the site is in a sustainable location and is relatively well served by public transport links when compared to other parts of the District. It is also noted that the County Highway Authority has raised no objection with regard to the parking layout and has confirmed that all spaces are of adequate dimensions and that commercial vehicles will be able to turn within the site. The shortfall in parking is not therefore considered to result in any issues of highway safety.

22. To conclude on parking provision, it is acknowledged that the proposal would not meet the Council's parking standards. However, the Council's parking standards are not consistent with the NPPF. Having regard to the information submitted regarding the parking need for this development as well as the sustainable location of the site it is not considered that an objection to the level of the parking could be sustained in this instance.

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Other matters 23. The Council’s Tree Officer raises no objections and considers that the proposals would not adversely impact upon the existing trees that are on site.

24. The County Ecologist has raised no objections to the proposal subject to the inclusion of appropriate conditions that secure biodiversity management and enhancements.

25. The Environment Agency has advised that the site predominantly lies within flood zone 2 and the development is of sufficient distance from the adjacent river. As such, they have raised no objections to the proposal from a flooding point of view.

26. The Bucks County SUDS team are satisfied that the development can adequately incorporate an acceptable surface water drainage system into it. As such, they raise no objections.

27. Big Yellow do not provide dedicated refuse facilities for customers at their sites, instead customers are directed to take waste off-site and dispose of it themselves. This policy will be implemented at the site and waste facilities will only be provided for staff. As a result, waste generated at the site will be minimal. Refuse collection will take place from within the service yard.

28. The proposed inclusion of Photovoltaic panels will supply up to 74% of the energy required for the site from renewable/low carbon sources, in accordance with Core Policy 12.

29. Concern has been raised that an insufficient level of consultation has been undertaken, however it can be confirmed that the consultation of this application was undertaken in accordance with the Council neighbour notification procedure, and that an appropriate level of neighbouring properties were consulted.

30. Concern has been raised that access to the riverbank will be prevented. There is no public access to the riverbank via the application site. Access to the riverbank on the opposite side of the river remains unchanged. In addition to this, the proposal does not encroach onto the riverbank. The County Ecologist has recommended a condition that requires the submission of details of how the site will be managed during construction so as to ensure that the river bank is not damaged.

31. The Parish make reference to a S106 payment, but there is no policy requirement for this application to make any financial payments via a Legal Agreement.

Working with the applicant 32. In accordance with section 4 of the National Planning Policy Framework, the Council, in dealing with this application, has worked in a positive and proactive way with the Applicant / Agent and has focused on seeking solutions to the issues arising from the development proposal.

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33. South Bucks District Council works with applicants/agents in a positive and proactive manner by; - offering a pre-application advice service, - updating applicants/agents of any issues that may arise in the processing of their application as appropriate and, where possible and appropriate, suggesting solutions. In this case, the applicant has submitted amended details in order to overcome concerns raised by South Bucks District Council and which are now considered acceptable.

34. The following recommendation is made having regard to the above and also to the content of the Human Rights Act 1998.


Conditional Permission

Subject to the following conditions:-

1. The development to which this permission relates must be begun not later than the expiration of three years beginning from the date of this decision notice. (SS01)

Reason: To comply with the provisions of Section 91(1) (a) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (or any statutory amendment or re-enactment thereof).

2. The materials to be used in the construction of the external surfaces of the development hereby permitted shall match those as detailed within this application and on the approved plans, unless otherwise agreed in writing. (NM03)

Reason: To safeguard the visual amenities of the area. (Policy EP3 of the South Bucks District Local Plan (adopted March 1999) refers.)

3. The development shall be implemented in accordance with the arboricultural method statement submitted and approved as part of the planning application and under the supervision of a retained arboricultural specialist in order to ensure that the phasing of the development accords with the stages detailed in the method statement and that the correct materials and techniques are employed. (ST18)

Reason: To maintain the visual amenity of the area. (Policies EP4 and L10 of the South Bucks District Local Plan (adopted March 1999) refer.)

4. The development hereby permitted shall be implemented in accordance with the details of landscaping submitted and approved as part of this application, unless otherwise agreed in writing.

Reason: To ensure a satisfactory and continuing standard of amenities are provided and maintained in connection with the development. (Policies EP3 and EP4 of the South Bucks District Local Plan (adopted March 1999) refer.)

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5. All planting, seeding or turfing comprised in the approved details of landscaping shall be carried out in the first planting and seeding season following the occupation of the development hereby permitted or the substantial completion of the development, whichever is the sooner. Any trees, hedgerows or shrubs forming part of the approved landscaping scheme which within a period of five years from the occupation or substantial completion of the development, whichever is the later, die, are removed or become seriously damaged or diseased shall be replaced in the next planting season with others of similar size and species, unless the District Planning Authority gives written consent to any variation. (ST02)

Reason: To ensure a satisfactory and continuing standard of amenities are provided and maintained in connection with the development. (Policies EP3 and EP4 of the South Bucks District Local Plan (adopted March 1999) refer.)

6. Prior to the occupation of the development hereby approved, a scheme of ecological enhancements shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority to ensure an overall net gain in biodiversity will be achieved. The scheme will include details of native landscape planting and provision of artificial roost features, including bird and bat boxes. The approved details will be implemented prior to the first occupation of the development hereby permitted or by 1st planting season following completion.

Reason: In the interests of improving biodiversity in accordance with NPPF and Core Policy 9 of the South Buckinghamshire Core Strategy and to ensure the survival of protected and notable species protected by legislation that may otherwise be affected by the development.

7. An Invasive Species Management plan shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by, the Local Planning Authority, prior to commencement of any site clearance.

Reason: In the interests of improving biodiversity in accordance with NPPF and Core Policy 9 of the South Buckinghamshire Core Strategy and to prevent the spread of invasive plant species.

8. Prior to the occupation of the development hereby permitted, a "lighting design strategy for biodiversity" for buildings, features or areas to be lit shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The strategy shall:

a) identify those areas/features on site that are particularly sensitive for bats and other wildlife, and that are likely to cause disturbance in or around their breeding sites and resting places or along important routes used to access key areas of their territory, for example, for foraging; and b) show how and where external lighting will be installed (through the provision of appropriate lighting contour plans and technical specifications) so that it can be clearly demonstrated that areas to be lit will not disturb or prevent the above species using their territory or having access to their breeding sites and resting places.

All external lighting shall be installed in accordance with the specifications and locations set out in the strategy, and these shall be maintained thereafter in accordance with the strategy. Under no circumstances should any other external lighting be installed without prior consent from the Local Planning Authority.

Reason: The prevention of disturbance to species within the site during operation in accordance with Core Policy 9 of the South Buckinghamshire Core Strategy.

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9. No development shall take place (including demolition, ground works, vegetation clearance) until a Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP: Biodiversity) has been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The CEMP (Biodiversity) shall include the following.

a) Risk assessment of potentially damaging construction activities; b) Identification of "biodiversity protection zones" including off-site receptors; c) Practical measures (both physical measures and sensitive working practices) to avoid or reduce impacts during construction (may be provided as a set of method statements); d) The location and timing of sensitive works to avoid harm to biodiversity features; e) The times during construction when specialist ecologists need to be present on site to oversee works; f) Responsible persons and lines of communication g) The role and responsibilities on site of an Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW) or similarly competent person; and h) Use of protective fences, exclusion barriers and warning signs.

The approved CEMP shall be adhered to and implemented throughout the construction period strictly in accordance with the approved details, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

Reason: The prevention of harm to species and habitats within and outside the site during construction in accordance with Core Policy 9 of the South Buckinghamshire Core Strategy.

10. No development shall take place (excluding demolition and vegetation clearance) until a surface water drainage scheme for the site, based on the Flood Risk Assessment and Surface Water Management Plan prepared by Campbell Reith LLP dated December 2018 and on the sustainable drainage principles and an assessment of the hydrological and hydrogeological context of the development, has been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The scheme shall subsequently be implemented in accordance with the approved details before the development is completed. The scheme shall also include:

- Details that the residual risk of pump failure can be safely managed - Details of groundwater monitoring - Demonstrate that water quality, ecological and amenity benefits have been considered - Existing and proposed discharge rates and volumes - SuDS components agreed in the planning application - Full construction details of all SuDS and drainage components -Detailed drainage layout with pipe numbers, gradients and pipe sizes complete, together with storage volumes of all SuDS components - Calculations to demonstrate that the proposed drainage system can contain up to the 1 in 30 storm event without flooding. Any onsite flooding between the 1 in 30 and the 1 in 100 plus climate change storm event should be safely contained on site. - Details of how and when the full drainage system will be maintained, this should also include details of who will be responsible for the maintenance - Details of proposed overland flood flow routes in the event of system exceedance or failure, with demonstration that such flows can be appropriately managed on site without increasing flood risk to occupants, or to adjacent or downstream sites. - Flow depth - Flow volume

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- Flow velocity - Flow direction

Reason: To ensure that a sustainable drainage strategy has been agreed prior to construction in accordance with Paragraph 163 of the National Planning Policy Framework to ensure that there is a satisfactory solution to managing flood risk.}

11. Prior to the first occupation of the development hereby permitted, a demonstration (such as as-built drawings and/or photographic evidence) of the as-built surface water drainage scheme carried out by a suitably qualified person must be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority to demonstrate that the Sustainable Drainage System has been constructed as per the agreed scheme.

Reason: To ensure the Sustainable Drainage System has been constructed as per the approved is designed to the technical standards.

12. Prior to occupation of the development hereby permitted space shall be laid out within the site for parking for cars, cycles, loading and manoeuvring, in accordance with the approved plans. This area shall be permanently maintained for this purpose.

Reason: To enable vehicles to draw off, park and turn clear of the highway to minimise danger, obstruction and inconvenience to users of the adjoining highway. (Policy TR5 of the South Bucks District Local Plan (adopted March 1999) refer).

13. Before any above ground works commence, full details of the measures to provide at least 10% of the energy supply of the development secured from renewable or low-carbon energy sources, including details of physical works on site, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The renewable energy equipment shall be installed in accordance with the approved details prior to the occupation of the building and shall thereafter remain operational.

Reason: To increase the proportion of energy requirements arising from the development from decentralised and renewable or low-carbon sources.

14. The development hereby permitted shall only be open between the hours of 07:00hrs - 23:00hrs Monday to Friday, and 07:00 - 22:00hrs Saturdays/Sundays and Bank Holidays.

Reason: To ensure that the development does not cause unacceptable noise and disturbance to neighbouring residential properties. (Policy EP3 of the South Bucks District Local Plan (adopted March 1999) refer).

15. The development hereby permitted shall not be occupied until the 2.4m high acoustic screen to be sited on the north west boundary, as detailed within the Sharps Redmore Acoustic Consultants Noise Assessment dated 18th December 2018, has been erected. The fencing shall be maintained and retained thereafter.

Reason: To protect the amenities of neighbouring properties.(Policy EP3 of the South Bucks District Local Plan (adopted March 1999) refer).

16. The rating level of noise emitted by all fixed plant on the site shall not exceed 48 dBA at the boundary with any noise sensitive premises between 0700 and 2300 Mon- Fri and 0700 - 2200hrs Saturday, Sunday, Bank and Public Holidays. The measurement and assessment shall be made according to BS 4142:1997.

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Reason: To protect the amenities of neighbouring properties. Policy EP3 of the South Bucks District Local Plan (Adopted March 1999) refer).

17. The development hereby permitted shall be operated in accordance with the Travel Plan submitted and approved as part of this application.

Reason: To encourage the use of sustainable modes of transport and reduce the reliance on the private motor vehicle. (Policy CP7 of the South Bucks District Core Strategy (adopted February 2011) refer).

18. The development hereby permitted shall be implemented and operated in accordance with the Noise Management Plan as submitted within the Sharps Redmore Acoustic Consultants Noise Assessment dated 18th December 2018, as part of this application.

Reason: To safeguard the amenities of nearby occupiers in accordance with Local Plan Policy EP3 of The South Bucks District Local Plan - Adopted March 1999 Consolidated September 2007 & February 2011: Saved Policies.

19. The development to which this planning permission relates shall be undertaken solely in accordance with the following drawings:


Plan Reference Date received by District Planning Authority LP01-A 20.12.2018

767.19.04 20.12.2018

P101-E 16.05.2019

P102-C 16.05.2019

P03-B 16.05.2019

P04-B 16.05.2019

P05-B 16.05.2019

P06-C 16.05.2019

P07-C 16.05.2019

P08-C 16.05.2019

P09-B 16.05.2019

P10-D 16.05.2019

P11-B 16.05.2019


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South Bucks District Council Planning Committee

Date of Meeting: 24th July 2019 Parish: Parish Council

Reference No: PL/19/0254/VRC

Proposal: Variation of condition 16 of planning permission 17/01853/ FUL (Redevelopment of site to provide 8 detached dwellings with integral garages) to amend design of houses on plots 2 and 3 Location: Cut Heath House, Parsonage Lane, Farnham Common, Buckinghamshire, SL2 3PA Applicant: Mr & Mrs R Pomerenke Agent: Mr Robert Clarke Date Valid Appl Recd: 24th January 2019 Recommendation: Council failed to determine application before appeal lodged

Case Officer: Richard Regan

LOCATION PLAN – This plan is supplied only to identify the location of the site and for no other purpose whatsoever.

Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey Mapping with the permission of NOT TO SCALE the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office  Crown Copying. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or Civil proceedings.

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REASON FOR PLANNING COMMITTEE CONSIDERATION Members are advised that an appeal has been lodged against the Council's failure to determine this application within the statutory time period, as such, the application now falls to be determined by the Planning Inspectorate but it is recommended that the Planning Inspectorate be advised that in the absence of an appeal being lodged the District Council would have been minded to refuse this application as per the details contained in the following officers report.

SITE LOCATION The proposal site is substantial in size and is within the developed area of Farnham. The Green Belt does lie immediately to the east of the boundary of the site. The application site excludes the eastern part of land which is within the Green Belt. The area is rural in character, with residential development stretched along the highway, with high degrees of mature screening.

THE APPLICATION Planning permission 17/01853/FUL allows for the redevelopment of the site, subject to a number of conditions. Condition No.16 requires the development to be carried out in accordance with the approved plans and details.

This application has been submitted as the applicant wishes to make some amendments to the approved development. These amendments have been submitted as a variation of condition application due to the fact that they are of a scale and nature that would not constitute a non-material amendment.

The current application seeks to amend the approved plans with respect to the design of the houses approved for plots 2 and 3. The design changes can be summarised as follows:

Introduction of pitched roofs to the front and rear dormer windows;

The raising of the roof to the stair case by 300mm.

In addition to these physical changes, this current application is also accompanied by a financial viability assessment which sets out that it is financially unviable to provide any form of affordable housing within this proposed development be it in the form of on-site provision, or a financial contribution towards off site provision.

All other aspects are the same as what has been approved, therefore it is considered that it is appropriate that this report will only concentrate on determining whether or not these changes are acceptable.

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RELEVANT PLANNING HISTORY 12/00940/FUL: Redevelopment of site to provide four detached dwellinghouses and detached garages. Conditional Permission.

15/00958/FUL: Redevelopment of site to provide four detached dwellinghouses and detached garages (Amendment to Planning Permission 12/00940/FUL). Conditional Permission.

15/00959/CLOPED: Application for a Certificate of Lawfulness for proposed: Building operations to complete the redevelopment of site to provide four detached dwellinghouses and detached garages in accordance with planning permission 12/00940/FUL. Granted.

17/01853/FUL Redevelopment of site to provide 8 detached dwellings with integral garages. Conditional Permission.

TOWN/PARISH COUNCIL "Unclear what variation is being requested but the proposed rear, 3rd storey, dormer windows will adversely affect the privacy and amenity of the neighbouring residents."

In addition to the above specific comments, a set of standard comments have been submitted which are relevant to applications within the parish of Farnham and which refer to the fact that the Council should be satisfied that the proposals meet the relevant policy requirements.

REPRESENTATIONS Letters of objection have been received by 14 separate households. Concerns raised include the following: - Lack of details; - Inaccurate information within viability report; - Dispute findings of viability report; - Only granted previously on grounds of provision of affordable housing; - Lack of affordable housing; - Impact on existing highway as a result of construction works/mitigation required; - Never the intention of developer to provide affordable housing; - Not notified; - Dangerous access; - Overdevelopment of site; - Out of keeping and out of character for locality; - Non-compliance with S106.

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CONSULTATIONS Tree Officer: No objections

Natural England: No comments to make

SBDC Waste: Concerns raised - further details required

Transport for Bucks: No objections

Independent Viability Consultants (AY): The scheme is able to viably afford a policy compliant financial contribution towards affordable housing, however the inclusion of a single on-site affordable housing unit renders the scheme unviable.

POLICIES National Policy National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) National Planning Policy Guidance (NPPG)

Development Plan:

South Bucks Local Development Framework Core Strategy (adopted February 2011)CP3, CP8, CP9. South Bucks District Local Plan (adopted March 1999) (Saved policies) GB1, L10, EP3, EP4, H9, TR5, and TR7.

Other material considerations:-

Residential Design Guide SPD Interim Guidance on Residential Parking Standards Affordable Housing SPD Chiltern and South Bucks Townscape Character Study 2017

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EVALUATION 1. The NPPF was revised on the 19th February 2019 and whilst this replaced the previous Planning Policy Statements and Guidance Notes, it does not replace existing local policies that form part of the development plan. It does state however, that the weight that should be given to these existing local policies and plans will be dependent on their degree of consistency with the NPPF. Therefore, the closer the policies in the development plan to the policies in the Framework, the greater the weight that may be given to them.

2. With regard to this specific application, it is considered that all of the relevant local policies, as highlighted above, are in accordance with the NPPF. As such, it is considered that this application should be assessed against the relevant local policies set out above and it is considered appropriate to afford these policies significant weight. Where there is a difference or conflict in policy, then the NPPF takes precedence.

Principle of development 3. This application is submitted under Section 73 of The Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and seeks a variation of Condition 16. Applications made under Section 73 must be considered against the Development Plan and any other material considerations, under Section 38(6) of the 2004 Act, and conditions attached to the existing permission. The NPPG also states that "local planning authorities should, in making their decisions, focus their attention on national and development plan policies, and other material considerations which may have changed significantly since the original grant of permission".

4. There have been no changes to the national or local development plan policies, including the publication of the revised NPPF, that would affect the previous decision of the Planning Authority in relation to the redevelopment of the site to provide 8 dwellings, previously approved. As such the principle of the development is agreed.

Design/character & appearance 5. The proposed changes to the dwellings on plots 2 and 3 are considered small scale, and would not adversely impact upon the design or appearance of those dwellings, nor would they result in them appear excessively large or overdominant, over and above that of the approved dwellings.

6. Overall, it is considered that the revisions would not alter the development significantly from that previously approved, and would not have any adverse impacts on the character or appearance of the site, or locality in general.

7. It is acknowledged that the decision notice for the previous application included an informative that read as follows:

It is important to note that the Planning Committee's decision to grant planning permission was made by balancing the need for affordable housing in the area against the high density of housing proposed and the resolution to approve was only made on the basis that three affordable dwellings would be provided onsite as part of the development.

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8. Notwithstanding this, it is Officers opinion that the provision of 8 dwellings as proposed, remains appropriate and acceptable for this site and locality in general, and would not adversely impact upon the character or appearance of the area.

Residential amenity 9. The proposed revisions would not adversely impact upon the amenities of neighbouring properties in terms of loss of privacy, loss of light or appearing overdominant and obtrusive.

Parking/Highway implications 10. The proposed revisions do not have any highway or parking implications. The County Highway Authority raise no objections.

Affordable housing 11. The NPPG sets out guidance and thresholds for when planning obligations relating to affordable housing can be sought on planning applications. This application exceeds the thresholds for when such obligations should not be sought, therefore the Council’s own affordable housing policy can be applied to the application.

12. Policy CP3 of the Core Strategy sets out the Council's affordable housing requirements. It requires that schemes of 5 or more units must provide 40% of the proposed units as affordable housing, with such provision being provided on site in the first instance. If this cannot be achieved, then it would be for the applicant to demonstrate and justify this, providing a viability assessment setting out what they consider to be a more appropriate amount and/or why an off-site provision is more appropriate. It is also relevant to note that the Councils’ emerging Local Plan sets out that there is a clear need to provide more residential development throughout the District and the need to increase the provision of affordable housing throughout the District continues to be an important objective of the Council moving forward.

13. National guidance is very clear, the provision of affordable housing is a key element of the need to create mixed and balanced communities. The requirement for affordable housing is necessary to impose if the need is to be met and a development is to be acceptable, it is directly related to the permitted development and it is fairly related in scale and kind to the development. The policy requirement is thus compliant with Regulation 122 of the CIL Regulations.

14. The previously approved scheme included the provision of 3 on-site affordable housing units which were secured by way of a legal agreement. In approving that application, it is important to note that no evidence had been submitted which demonstrated that it was unviable to provide 3 on-site affordable housing units, and an offer from an registered provider had also been received indicating their interest in taking on the 3 affordable housing units.

15. National guidance, and South Bucks District Council local policies, allow for a reduction in the amount of affordable housing where that is clearly justified in terms of viability. It should be noted that where an affordable housing policy provides for a viability exception, and the absence of the provision of any affordable housing may be "policy compliant", it does not follow that the relief from the requirement to provide any (or the required level of) affordable housing, causes no harm.

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16. This current application is accompanied by a viability assessment which sets out that it is unviable to provide any form of affordable housing, be it on-site or in the form of a financial contribution towards off site provision. As part of the assessment of this current application, the Council has instructed a viability consultancy (AY) to undertake an independent viability appraisal of the scheme. AY conclude that the scheme is not viable when providing even one on-site affordable housing unit. However, contrary to the applicant's viability assessment, AY also conclude that the scheme is viable when providing a fully policy compliant 40% affordable housing provision in the form of a financial contribution towards off site provision, which equates to a total figure of £370,944.

17. In light of the conclusions of the viability assessment undertaken by AY, and the fact that the applicants have failed to agree to and complete a legal agreement to secure the financial contribution towards affordable housing, as set out above, it is considered that the proposal fails to meet the requirements of policy CP3, and that the application should be refused on the grounds of a lack of affordable housing.

Other matters 18. The comments of the Waste Team are noted, and it is considered that as per the approved scheme, details of a bin drop off area near to the property boundary can continue to be obtained by way of condition.

19. The proposed revisions do not result in any other implications over and above that of the approved scheme.

Working with the applicant

20. In accordance with section 4 of the National Planning Policy Framework, the Council, in dealing with this application, has liaised with the applicant in order to try and progress the application in the most appropriate way. In this case, the Applicant/Agent was informed/advised that if the Councils reasonable costs of instructing an independent viability consultant were not covered then the application would be likely to be refused on grounds of viability.

The following recommendation is made having regard to the above and also to the content of the Human Rights Act 1998.


Council failed to determine application before appeal lodged

For the following reason:-

1. The NPPF supports the need for affordable housing to promote mixed and balanced communities. South Bucks District Council seeks to secure at least 40% of a development of this size to be provided in the form of units of affordable accommodation, unless it is clearly demonstrated that this is not economically viable. National and local policies require reduced rates of affordable housing based on financial viability to be clearly and robustly

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demonstrated. In this instance, the application is not proposing any form of provision towards affordable housing. This lack of provision has not been robustly justified, and based upon the need to create mixed and balanced communities, and the need for affordable homes, it is clear that this lack of provision will result in harm. As such, the proposal would be contrary to the aims of section 5 of the NPPF, Core Policy 3 of the South Bucks District Local Development Framework Core Strategy (adopted February 2011) and the South Bucks District Affordable Housing SPD (adopted July 2013).


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South Bucks District Council Planning Committee

Date of Meeting: 24th July 2019 Parish: Denham Parish Council

Reference No: PL/19/1496/FA

Proposal: Change of use to 11 bedroom house in multiple occupation (HMO) (a sui generis use) and associated facilities. (Retrospective) Location: Apex House, Apex Works, Willow Avenue, New Denham, Buckinghamshire, UB9 4AF, Applicant: Mr McManus Agent: Mr Nick Kirby Date Valid Appl Recd: 8th May 2019 Recommendation: Conditional Permission

Case Officer: Kirstie Elliot

LOCATION PLAN – This plan is supplied only to identify the location of the site and for no other purpose whatsoever.

Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey Mapping with the permission of NOT TO SCALE the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office  Crown Copying. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or Civil proceedings.

Page 65 Appendix

REASON FOR PLANNING COMMITTEE CONSIDERATION: This application has been reported to the planning committee by reason the recommended decision is contrary to the requirements of an enforcement notice issued by SBDC at committee on 04 August 2016.

The aforementioned enforcement notice in respect of the development the subject of this application. Committee members are advised that under Section 180(1)(a) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, where after the service of a copy of an enforcement notice planning permission is granted for any development carried out before the grant of that permission, the notice shall cease to have effect so far as inconsistent with that permission. This means that in the event planning permission is granted for the use of the premises as sought, the enforcement notice will no longer be enforceable and will need to be withdrawn. That said, section 180(3) continues that where a notice ceases to have effect after the grant of a planning permission, this shall not affect the liability of the any person for an offence in respect of a previous failure to comply or secure compliance with the notice.

Due to the nature of the application, it is considered that value would be added to the decision making process if MEMBERS were to carry out a SITE VISIT prior to their determination of this application.

SITE LOCATION The application site is located within the developed area of New Denham and within the Colne Valley Park and a Biodiversity Opportunity Area. The southern boundary of the site abuts the Uxbridge Lock Conservation Area.

The building is a 2 storey flat roof building. The lawful use of the building is for business (Use Class B1) purposes, comprising 2 workshops and ancillary offices.

The application site includes a hard-surfaced area in a rough 'C' shape to the front of the building which extends northwards along the eastern edge of the site adjacent to Willow Avenue and similarly to the west side of the site adjacent to the boundary with the rear of 30 Oxford Road.

THE APPLICATION This is a retrospective planning application for the use of part of the building as a house in multiple occupation (HMO) comprising 11 bedrooms with shared cooking and bathroom facilities.

The proposed HMO use is to occupy part of the building over the ground and first floors which was used for the office accommodation associated with the workshops. There are no external alterations proposed as part of the application.

Within the application site is an area of hardstanding, part of which is to be allocated for bin and recycling storage.

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RELEVANT PLANNING HISTORY 15/01212/FUL - Change of use from B1 (Office) to a mixed B1 and C3 use (Office and Residential) to provide 4 flats and 2 light industrial units and installation of 2 new windows. Permission refused for following reasons:

1) The proposed development would result in the loss of floorspace for Class B employment uses where it has not been demonstrated that there is no reasonable prospect of the site being used for employment uses. As such, the proposed development would fail to protect this employment site contrary to Core Policy 10 of the South Bucks Local Development Framework Core Strategy - adopted February 2011 and the Guidance Note, Implementation of Core Policy 10 (Employment). 2) Inadequate provision has been made within the application site for the provision and collection of refuse and recycling storage in a satisfactory manner and in accordance with the District Council's requirements. As such, the proposed development is contrary to Policies H9, EP3 and TR5 of the South Bucks District Local Plan (adopted March 1999).

Enforcement Notice (SBDC reference 16/10011/ENCU): issued 04 August 2016 in respect of 'Without planning permission, the material change of use of the Land from two workshops with ancillary offices within Class B1(c) of the Town and Country Planning (use Classes) Order 1987 ("the UCO") to a sui generis house in multiple occupation and workshop ("the Unauthorised Development")

Requirements of Notice: Cease all use as a house in multiple occupation and remove from the Land all fixtures, furnishings and domestic items brought onto the Land in connection with the house in multiple occupation element of the Unauthorised Use.

Time for compliance: 6 months

Subsequent appeal (ref: APP/N0410/C/16/3158637) dismissed and enforcement notice upheld on 18.05.2017. The enforcement notice should have been complied with by 18.11.2017. Officers have visited the site on 13th June 2019 and note that the notice has not been complied with. . Enforcement officers have been in contact with the applicant/owner and his solicitor since August 2017. The applicant/owner has stated that he served notice on the tenants in August 2017 but they have continued to reside there and have not paid rent (i.e. squatting)

PARISH COUNCIL Objection by reason of traffic/parking, over-development an insufficient parking.

REPRESENTATIONS In support of the application the applicant has submitted the following documents: - Planning Statement - Marketing Report dated March 2019 for period from 31st October 2017 to 31st March 2019 (prepared by Carter Duthrie Estate Agents); - Review of adequacy of marketing undertaken by Carter Guthrie relative to SBDC Guidance

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Note: Implementation of Core Policy 10: Supporting letter prepared by David Charles Property Consultants dated 24 April 2019.

No third party comments have been received in respect of the application at the time of drafting this report.

CONSULTATIONS Transport for Bucks: No objection.

Waste Services: Initially raised concerns for following reason: No plans have been shown for the site to have a communal refuse and recycling collection. As such, at this stage we can only agree to providing this site with a single set of bins in line with other houses in the district. (NB Block Plan submitted with the application does show a dedicated refuse area within the site at the north-east corner, adjacent to Willow Avenue, just to the north of the access to the site. The proposed refuse area is 7m x 2.5m, some 17.5 sq m in area). Revised comments subsequently revised raising no objection.

Housing: In principle the continued use as a House in Multiple Occupation is fine as long as it complies with the Council's minimum standards. If the owner wants to accommodate 11-15 people then additional facilities will need to be provided which shouldn't be too difficult to achieve. I would emphasise that the owner must apply for a HMO Licence as soon as possible.

Joint Planning Policy Team (SBDC and CDC): Overall I consider that the marketing exercise as set out in the Marketing Report, Appendices and Supporting Letter is sufficient to demonstrate compliance with Guidance Note: Implementation of Core Policy 10 (Employment). Having considered all of the points, I consider that sufficient evidence has been submitted to justify a departure from Policy CP10 that normally seeks to protect employment sites.

POLICIES National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) National Planning Policy Guidance (NPPG) South Bucks Core Strategy Development Plan Document - Adopted February 2011: Saved Policies CP8, CP10 South Bucks District Local Plan - Adopted March 1999 Consolidated September 2007 and February 2011: Saved Policies EP3, EP4, EP6, H9 and TR7 Residential Development Design Guide The Guidance Note: Implementation of Core Policy 10 (Employment)- November 2013

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EVALUATION 1. Planning law requires that applications for planning permission be determined in accordance with the development plan, unless material considerations indicate otherwise.

2. In this instance it is necessary to assess the proposal in the context of the LPA's reason for issuing the enforcement notice and as upheld by the Inspector in the dismissing the subsequent appeal.

3. The LPA issued the enforcement notice in respect of the unauthorised material change of use to a mixed HMO and workshop use for the following reasons:

- It appears to the Council that the Unauthorised Development has occurred within the last ten years; - The unauthorised development has resulted the loss of floorspace for Class B employment uses where it has not been demonstrated that there is no reasonable prospect of the site being used for employment uses. As such the proposed development fails to protect this employment site contrary to Core Policy 10 of the South Bucks Local Development Framework Core Strategy - adopted February 2011 and the Guidance Note, Implementation of Core Policy 10 (Employment); - Inadequate provision has been made within the application site for the provision and collection of refuse and recycling storage in a satisfactory manner and in accordance with the Council's requirements. As such, the proposed development is contrary to Policies H9 and EP3 of the South Bucks District Local Plan (adopted March 1999); - The unauthorised development is permitted to remain would be likely to act as a precursor to further proposal for similar forms of development at other comparable employment sites in New Denham and elsewhere in the District, which the Council as District Planning Authority would find increasingly difficult to resist, and which cumulatively would bring an undesirable loss of employment floorspace, which would be seriously detrimental to the provision of employment in the District.

4. In dismissing the appeal and upholding the enforcement notice, the Inspector determined that the appeal issues to be considered were:

- The effect of the development on the supply of employment sites in the District, and - Whether the development makes adequate provision for the collection of refuse and recycling storage.

Effect of the development the subject of the current application on the supply of employment sites in the District: 5. At paragraph 14 of the appeal decision, the Inspector concluded that the appellant had undertaken 'very limited marketing' that was not in accordance with the requirements of the Guidance Note (Policy CP10) and had not demonstrated, through evidence, their appeal case.

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6. As part of the current application, the applicant has submitted a Planning Statement with appended evidence of the 12 month+ marketing exercise that has been undertaken in respect of the property, to accord with the Guidance Note. The comments of the Council's Policy Team are noted in that the marketing exercise is compliant with the requirements of the Guidance Note. This is a significant change to the conclusion that was reached by the Inspector in May 2017. The conclusion of the marketing exercise, as evidenced in the supporting documents, is that there is little reasonable prospect of the site being used for an economic use. The weight to be afforded to the evidence submitted by the applicant in this respect has been considered by the Planning Policy Team who have advised that the conclusions reached by the applicant are credible such that a departure from policy CP10 is acceptable in this case and a non-employment use is in principle acceptable.

Whether the development the subject of the application makes adequate provision for the collection of refuse and recycling storage: 7. At paragraph 19 of the appeal decision, the Inspector concluded that the development had not made adequate provision for collection of refuse and recycling storage and that the development did not, therefore, accord with Policies H9 and EP3 of the Adopted Local Plan. Under the current application a specific area of the site some 17 square metres in area, located in the north-east corner and adjacent to the site access from Willow Avenue has been allocated for refuse storage. The comments of the Council's Waste Team are noted in that the proposed area satisfies any previous concerns regarding a communal collection area. The proposed refuse area is satisfactorily accessible to the waste collection crews, is of an appropriate size, would not dominate the site and would be conveniently located for the occupiers of the HMO. As such, the proposal is compliant with Policies EP3 and H9 in this respect.

Other matters(use/residential amenity/parking and highways): 8. In assessing the expediency of formal enforcement action in respect of the unauthorised use, the LPA identified no other harm being caused as a result of the breach of planning control, for example by reason of residential amenity or highway safety. As such, no such reasons were cited in the enforcement notice that was subsequently issued in 2016. The observations of the Highway Authority are noted in that there is no objection to this application by reason of harm to highway safety. There have been no changes in circumstances at the site since the issue of the enforcement notice and subsequent appeal such that there is now reason to object to the proposed use of the site as a HMO. Accordingly, the use is considered to comply with Policies EP3, EP4, EP6, H9 and TR7 or the Adopted Local Plan and CP8 of the Adopted Core Strategy.

Working with the applicant 9. In accordance with section 4 of the National Planning Policy Framework, the Council, in dealing with this application, has worked in a positive and proactive way with the Applicant / Agent and has focused on seeking solutions to the issues arising from the development proposal.

10. South Bucks District Council works with applicants/agents in a positive and proactive manner by; - offering a pre-application advice service, - updating applicants/agents of any issues that may arise in the processing of their application as appropriate and, where possible and appropriate, suggesting solutions. In this case, the applicant has submitted amended details in order to overcome concerns raised by South Bucks District Council and which are now considered acceptable.

Page 70 Appendix

11. The following recommendation is made having regard to the above and also to the content of the Human Rights Act 1998.


Conditional Permission

Subject to the following conditions:-

1. Within 2 months of the date of this permission, a detailed plan showing the proposed layout of the refuse and recycling storage area within the site (to include any proposed means of enclosure) shall be submitted in writing to the local planning authority for approval. The refuse storage area shall be laid out in accordance with the approved details within 2 months of the date of their approval and shall be permanently retained and used solely for refuse and recycling storage associated with the HMO use hereby approved.

Reason: In the interest of residential amenity to ensure that the site is adequately provided for in respect of waste and recycling storage and collection, in accordance with Policies H9 and EP3 of the South Bucks District Local Plan (adopted March 1999)

2. This permission relates to the details shown on the approved plans as listed below:


Plan Reference Date received by District Planning Authority LOCATION PLAN 08.05.2019

BLOCK PLAN 08.05.2019

P17-2430_01 REVD 30.04.2019


Head of Planning and Economic Development 12th July 2019

Page 71 This page is intentionally left blank Appendix


South Bucks District Council Planning Committee

Date of Meeting: 24th July 2019 Parish: Iver Parish Council

Reference No: PL/19/0983/VRC

Proposal: Variation of condition 2 of Planning Permission 17/01562/FUL (Redevelopment of site to provide a block containing 19 apartments with associated access, landscaping and hardstanding) to allow removal of bin store from the building and erection of an external bin store. Location: 19 & 21 Bathurst Walk, Iver, Buckinghamshire, SL0 9DQ Applicant: Mr D Fisher Agent: Mr David Holmes Date Valid Appl Recd: 20th March 2019 Recommendation: Conditional Permission

Case Officer: Mr Graham Mansfield

LOCATION PLAN – This plan is supplied only to identify the location of the site and for no other purpose whatsoever.

Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey Mapping with the permission of the NOT TO SCALE Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office  Crown Copying. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or Civil proceedings.

Page 73 Appendix


The application has been referred to the Planning Committee because South Bucks District Council It is a major application (consisting of more than 10 dwellings) and one objection has been received.

SITE LOCATION: The application site is 0.13 hectare parcel of land located on the north side of Bathurst Walk. The site is bound to the north by an un-adopted access road which serves .

Planning permission was granted under reference 17/01562/FUL for the demolition of the detached properties at 19 and 21 Bathurst Walk and the erection of a part three/part four storey building to accommodate 19 residential flats. The previous houses on site have now been demolished and work is underway to implement the previously approved scheme. The property adjacent to the common boundary to the east of the site (no. 17 Bathurst Walk) is a detached 1930's style two storey dwelling. To the west of the site is a purpose built development of 1960's origins known as Wellesley Court. Wellesley Court is a flat roofed four storey building which contains purpose built flats.

Opposite the site is a parade of shops which accommodate a number of local services. For the purposes of the Chiltern & South Bucks Townscape Character Study, the application site is within an area designated as a 'suburban road'.

THE APPLICATION: The application seeks the variation of condition 2 (approved plans) attached to planning permission 17/01562/FUL to allow for an external bin store to be constructed within the rear of the development.

The proposed bin store would be finished in timber and would be 3.7m in depth and 8.0m in width. The store would feature a flat roof at a maximum height of 2.6m

The previous internal and external areas which were earmarked for refuse storage under the previously approved plans would become common circulation space and storage.

No other changes are proposed. The assessment will therefore only consider the impact of these proposed changes.

RELEVANT PLANNING HISTORY: 18/00426/FUL; Redevelopment of site to provide a block containing 21 apartments with associated access, landscaping and hardstanding; withdrawn

17/01562/FUL; Redevelopment to provide a block containing 19 apartments with associated access, landscaping and hardstanding; Conditional Permission

Page 74 Appendix

17/00494/FUL; Redevelopment to provide a block containing 19 apartments with associated access, landscaping and hardstanding. Refuse Permission

APP/N0410/W/17/3185129; Appeal of above; Appeal Allowed: 12/04/2018

TOWN / PARISH COUNCIL COMMENTS: Iver Parish Council raises objections to this application. Can or will the bins be taken through the property to facilitate collection. Feel plan proposal may look aesthetically OK in terms of land use. The bin store is rather utilitarian and may be impractical to use/manage. Is this acceptable to SB/CDC refuse & recycling team?

REPRESENTATIONS: No responses were received in response to the neighbourhood consultation letters or the site notice which was erected adjacent to the application site.

County Highways: The proposed development has been considered by the County Highways Authority who has undertaken an assessment in terms of the impact on the highway network including net additional traffic generation, access arrangements and parking provision and are satisfied that the application would not have a material impact on the safety and operation of the adjoining public highway. The County Highway Authority therefore has no highway objections and in this instance no conditions to include on any planning consent that you may grant.

Crossrail: The implications of the proposals for the application have been considered and I write to inform you that Crossrail Limited do not wish to make any comments on this application as submitted.

Landscaping: Landscape proposals are generally acceptable. However, further details are required in relation to the proposed planting.

Tree Officer: I have reviewed submitted information and I have no tree comments to make.

Waste Officer: Following comments confirming "a management company for the proposed flats would be responsible for transferring the waste bins from the storage areas to the designated collection point on bin collection days." Waste would have no objections to the proposal. The collection point will be adjacent to the property boundary on Bathurst Walk. The following containers would be required for the site 3 x 1100 litre ref; 3 x 1100 litre mixed rec; 1 x 1100 litre pap; 1 x 140 litre food.

Page 75 Appendix

Network Rail: No response received to date.

Sustainable Urban Drainage: Buckinghamshire County Council as Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA) has reviewed the information provided on the planning portal. The LLFA has no objection to the variation of condition 2.

Thames Water (Waste): No response received to date.

Thames Valley Police: Recommends a fob key accessed gate to the front east side of the development for the bin access.

Environmental Protection: I have no comments to make on behalf of the Strategic Environment Team.

POLICIES: National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), Revised February 2019. National Planning Practice Guidance (NPPG) South Bucks District Local Plan (adopted March 1999) (Saved policies): Local Plan Policies: EP3, EP4, EP5, EP6, H9, TR4, TR5 and TR7. South Bucks Local Development Framework Core Strategy (adopted February 2011): Core Strategy Policies: CP1, CP2, CP3, CP5, CP6, CP7, CP8, CP9, CP10, CP11, CP12 and CP13.

Other material considerations: Interim Guidance on Residential Parking Standards. South Bucks District Residential Design Guide SPD (published October 2008). South Bucks Townscape Character Study (published February 2014)

EVALUATION: Principle of Development: 1. This application is submitted under Section 73 of The Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and seeks a variation of conditions attached to permission 17/01562/FUL. Applications made under Section 73 must be considered against the Development Plan and any other material considerations, under Section 38(6) of the 2004 Act, and conditions attached to the existing permission. The NPPG also states that "local planning authorities should, in making their decisions, focus their attention on national and development plan policies, and other material considerations which may have changed significantly since the original grant of permission".

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2. The NPPF was revised on the 19th February 2019. However, the revisions would not affect the previous decision of the Planning Authority in relation to the development previously approved. As such the principle of the erection of a three/four storey building to accommodate 19 apartments is agreed and this current assessment will focus in on the proposed changes to the approved scheme and the impact on the character of the area and the impact on neighbouring amenities.

Housing Provision: 3. One of the primary aims of the NPPF is to significantly boost the supply of housing and the advice is clear that housing applications should be considered in the context of the presumption in favour of sustainable development. Paragraph 59 of the NPPF highlights that local authorities should plan for a mix of housing based on current and future demographic trends and needs of different groups within the community.

4. Apart from the revision of the NPPF in February 2019 there have not been significant changes to local planning policies since the granting of the previous permission on site under reference 17/01562/FUL. The current application does not seek to make any changes to the previously approved flats. The size and number of units would remain the same as approved under planning reference 17/01562/FUL. Therefore, the proposal would continue to make an efficient use of the existing site and considering the variety of dwellings within the Richings Park Estate would meet the aims and objectives of the Council's housing policies.

5. Core Policy CP3 of the Council's Core Strategy states that at least 40% of all dwellings in schemes of 5 units and above (gross) should be affordable, unless it is clearly demonstrated that this is not economically viable. In addition, the policy stipulates that affordable housing should normally be provided on site, but where there are sound planning or other reasons, and the developer and Council agree, a financial contribution in lieu of on-site provision, may be acceptable.

6. It is noted that both previous granted planning permissions on site under references 17/00494/FUL and 17/01562/FUL were assessed as not been viable in order to provide financial contributions in terms of affordable housing. Both of which were subject to a review by the DVS who confirmed that the no contribution could be made.

7. As highlighted above, there would be no change to the number, size or layout of the development. It is a material planning consideration that all pre-commencement conditions have been approved and the development has now started on site. Noting this, it is considered that the addition of an external bin store would not materially alter the previously approved scheme on site in terms of the quantum of affordable housing that should be provided.

8. Considering these points above, officers consider that it would not be proportionate to re-visit the viability of the scheme, owing to the small variation sought on the previously approved scheme. Therefore it is considered that the proposed development would align with the aims of the NPPF and Core Policies CP2 and CP3 of the South Bucks District Council Core Strategy (2011).

Design/Character & Appearance: 9. The current application seeks to amend the previously approved plans in order to facilitate an external bin storage area. There would be no changes to the scale, bulk and design of the three/four

Page 77 Appendix

storey development. Conditions in relation to the building materials for the proposed development have already been approved and work has commenced on site to implement planning permission 17/01562/FUL.

10. Local Plan policy EP3 states that development will only be permitted where its scale, layout, siting, height, design, external materials and use are compatible with the character and amenities of the site itself, adjoining development and the locality in general. Poor designs which are out of scale or character with their surroundings will not be permitted.

11 In terms of the scale and footprint of the proposed refuse storage building, the proposed structure would be considered modest in terms of bulk and scale.

12. The proposed building would be finished in timber with a flat roof. Officers consider that the proposed structure would not be at odds with the character of the area. Due to the suburban characteristics of Richings Park, rear outbuildings are a common feature in the locality.

13. Whilst the bin store would result in the loss of some soft landscaping, officers consider that this would not materially alter the overall scheme. A sufficient amount of soft and hard landscaping would remain on site and would not detract from the character of the area.

14. The Council's Landscaping Officer has reviewed the plans and has not raised any objection to the landscaping layout. However, further details in relation to planting details would be required. Therefore a condition would be recommended to ensure that these details are submitted for approval by the District Planning Authority.

15. Subject to above condition, the proposed changes in relation to design are considered to align with local plan policy EP3 of the South Bucks District Local Plan (1999).

Residential Amenity: 16. Local Plan policy EP3 requires regard to the amenities of adjacent properties. Policy EP5 states that development will be permitted only if it would provide for adequate daylight, and where possible sunlight, to reach into spaces around and between buildings and other physical features and would not result in a significant loss of daylight or sunlight to adjacent buildings or land.

17. As stated previously, the proposed footprint and height of the building would be identical to that as previously approved by the District Planning Authority. The variation of the approved plans seeks to implement an external bin storage to the rear of the development.

18. The proposed structure would be adjacent to the common boundary with no. 17 Bathurst Walk. However, it would be located over 12.0m from the rear elevation of this property.

19 Owing to the limited height of the structure and the nature of the existing boundary treatment, it is considered that the proposed structure would not appear visually obtrusive when viewed from the rear of no. 17.

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20. Similarly, owing to the screening and distance from the rear of the nearest property at No. 17. Officers consider that there would not be unacceptable impacts in terms of potential noise and disturbance as a result of the proposed structure and its use.

21. The proposal is therefore considered to comply with Policies EP3, EP5 and H11 of the South Bucks District Local Plan.

Parking, Access and Highways: 22. The NPPF notes at paragraph 32 that authorities should seek to ensure that development achieves safe and suitable access to the site for all people, and paragraph 35 advises that authorities should seek to create safe and secure layouts which minimise conflicts between traffic, cyclists and pedestrians.

23. No changes are proposed in terms of the access arrangements and proposed parking quantum, therefore impacts in terms of highway safety and parking provision would remain satisfactory.

24. The Council’s Highway department has reviewed the application and have confirmed that they have no objections to the proposed amendments.

25. Noting the above, the proposed development would continue to comply with policy TR7 and appendix 6 of the South Bucks District Local Plan (1999).

Waste: 26. The proposed variation to the scheme would result in an external bin storage area. The Parish Council have raised the question of whether the proposed variation would be acceptable to the waste service team.

27. The refuse arrangements have been reviewed by the Council's Waste team. Due to the fact that the management company would be responsible for the kerbside transfer on collection days, the waste team would have no objections to the proposed bin store.

28. In addition, the Waste Team have stipulate the required bin sizes for a development of this size. The proposed bin store plan reveals that this standard would be met.

29. Overall, the proposed bins tore would align with the Councils standards in terms of waste provision and collection.

Other Issues: Sustainable Urban Drainage: 30. The previously approved scheme was approved subject to conditions in relation to groundwater drainage design and attenuation. These details in relation to these elements have subsequently been submitted to the Council and approved.

Page 79 Appendix

31. It is considered that the changes sought to provide an external bin storage would not materially impact on the drainage scheme on site. This has been confirmed by the Lead Local Flood Authority who have confirmed no objection to the variation of the scheme.

Secured by Design: 32. Conditions relating to secure by design principles have already been approved. However, it has been recommended that a secure gate is installed on the east side of the building in order to prevent unauthorised access to the refuse store at the rear. A side gate has been reflected on the plans and is therefore deemed satisfactory.

Other Conditions: 33. The previously approved scheme under 17/01562/FUL contained a number of pre-commencement conditions which were required to be approved before works on the scheme could start. However these were all agreed under various applications and conditions have been re-attached to this permission to ensure all aspects of the development are in accordance with the previously approved details.

Working with the applicant 34. In accordance with Section 4 of the National Planning Policy Framework, the Council, in dealing with this application, has worked in a positive and proactive way with the Applicant / Agent and has focused on seeking solutions to the issues arising from the development proposal.

35. South Bucks District Council works with applicants/agents in a positive and proactive manner by; - Offering a pre-application advice service. - Updating applicants/agents of any issues that may arise in the processing of their application as appropriate and, where possible and appropriate, suggesting solutions. In this case, South Bucks District Council has considered the amended details submitted which were considered acceptable

Conclusions: 36. It is considered that a fair and reasonable balance would be struck between the interests of the community and the human rights of the individuals concerned in the event of planning permission being granted in this instance.

37. The following recommendation is made having regard to the above and also to the content of the Human Rights Act 1998.


Conditional Permission

Page 80 Appendix

Subject to the following conditions:-

1. The development to which this permission relates must be begun not later than the expiration of three years beginning from the date of planning permission ref: 17/01562/FUL granted on 2nd November 2017.

Reason: To comply with the provisions of Section 91(1) (a) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (or any statutory amendment or re-enactment thereof).

2. The development hereby permitted shall be constructed in accordance with the external materials as approved by the District Planning Authority under reference PL/19/0180/CONDA and thereafter retained.

Reason: To safeguard and enhance the visual amenities of the locality (Policy EP3 of the South Bucks District Local Plan (adopted March 1999) refers).

3. The development hereby permitted shall be constructed in accordance with the finishing and hard surfacing materials as approved by the District Planning Authority under reference PL/19/0316/CONDA and thereafter retained.

Reason: To safeguard and enhance the visual amenities of the locality (Policy EP3 of the South Bucks District Local Plan (adopted March 1999) refers).

4. The proposed finished floor levels of the development and of finished ground levels in relation to the surrounding properties shall be implemented in accordance with the details as approved by the District Planning Authority under planning reference 18/00417/COND dated 25th April 2018 and retained in accordance with these approved details.

Reason: To ensure that the construction is carried out at suitable levels having regard to the amenities of neighbouring properties. (Policy EP3 of the South Bucks District Local adopted March 1999) refers).

5. No part of the development shall be occupied until the new means of vehicular access has been sited and laid out in accordance with the approved drawings and constructed in accordance with Buckinghamshire County Council's guide note "Private Vehicular Access Within Highway Limits" 2013 as varied or amended/replaced from time to time. (SH16)

Reason: In order to minimise danger, obstruction and inconvenience to users of the highway and of the development. (Policy TR5 of the South Bucks District Local Plan (adopted March 1999) refers.)

6. The proposed development shall be carried out in accordance with the details as set out within the Construction Method Statement as approved by the District Planning Authority under reference 18/00118/COND dated 26.04.2018.

Reason: In order to minimise danger, obstruction and inconvenience to users of the highway. (Policy TR5 of the South Bucks District Local Plan (adopted March 1999) refers).

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7. The proposed development shall be built in accordance with the recommendations set out in Acoustic Design Statement as approved by the District Planning Authority under reference 18/00224/COND dated 26.04.2018 and retained thereafter.

Reason: To protect the amenities of the future occupants of the development. (Policy EP3 of the South Bucks District Local Plan (adopted March 1999) refers.)

8. The proposed development shall be undertaken in accordance with the details set out in the site investigation scheme and verification plan submitted under reference PL/19/0320/CONDA.

Reason: To ensure that risks from land contamination to the future users of the land and neighbouring land are minimised, together with those to controlled waters, property and ecological systems, and to ensure that the development can be carried out safely without unacceptable risks to workers, neighbours and other offsite receptors. Policy CP9 of the South Bucks District Core Strategy (adopted February 2011) refers.

9. In the event that contamination is found at any time when carrying out the approved development that was not previously identified it must be reported in writing immediately to the Local Planning Authority. An investigation and risk assessment must be undertaken in accordance with the requirements of condition 8, and where remediation is necessary a remediation scheme must be prepared in accordance with the requirements of condition 8, which is subject to the approval in writing of the Local Planning Authority. Following completion of measures identified in the approved remediation scheme a verification report must be prepared, which is subject to the approval in writing of the Local Planning Authority in accordance with condition 8.

Reason: To ensure that risks from land contamination to the future users of the land and neighbouring land are minimised, together with those to controlled waters, property and ecological systems, and to ensure that the development can be carried out safely without unacceptable risks to workers, neighbours and other offsite receptors. Policy CP9 of the South Bucks District Core Strategy (adopted February 2011) refers.

10. Notwithstanding the details on approved plan AAL-16-243-P04 B, no further windows shall be inserted at or above first floor level in the east or west elevations of the development hereby permitted. (SD17)

Reason: To prevent overlooking and loss of privacy in the interests of the amenities of the adjoining properties. (Policy EP3 of the South Bucks District Local Plan (adopted March 1999) refers.)

11. The development hereby permitted shall be completed in accordance with the Surface Water Drainage Scheme and Whole Life Maintenance details as approved under reference PL/19/0316/CONDA.

Reason: To ensure that a sustainable drainage strategy has been agreed prior to construction in accordance with Paragraph 165 of the National Planning Policy Framework to ensure that there is a satisfactory solution to managing flood risk.

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12. Prior to the first occupation of the development, a verification report carried out by a qualified drainage engineer must be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority to demonstrate that the Sustainable Urban Drainage System has been constructed as per the agreed scheme.

Reason: To ensure the Sustainable Drainage System is designed to the technical standards (Section 10 of the NPPF refers).

13. All walls, fencing and gates shall be erected in accordance with the approved details under planning reference 18/00417/COND

Reason: To ensure a satisfactory resultant appearance and standard of amenity of the site, and to ensure the site remains secure. (Policy EP3 of the South Bucks District Local Plan (adopted March 1999) refers.)

14. Notwithstanding any indications illustrated on drawings already submitted, the development hereby permitted shall not be occupied until there has been submitted to and approved by the District Planning Authority in writing a scheme of landscaping which shall include indications of all existing trees, shrubs and hedgerows on the site and details, including crown spreads, of those to be retained. None of the trees, shrubs or hedgerows shown for retention shall be removed or felled, lopped or topped within a period of five years from the date of this permission, without the prior written permission of the District Planning Authority. (NT01)

Reason: To ensure satisfactory landscaping of the site in the interests of visual amenity. (Policies EP3 and EP4 of the South Bucks District Local Plan (adopted March 1999) refer.)

15. All planting, seeding or turfing comprised in the approved details of landscaping shall be carried out in the first planting and seeding season following the occupation of the development hereby permitted or the substantial completion of the development, whichever is the sooner. Any trees, hedgerows or shrubs forming part of the approved landscaping scheme which within a period of five years from the occupation or substantial completion of the development, whichever is the later, die, are removed or become seriously damaged or diseased shall be replaced in the next planting season with others of similar size and species, unless the District Planning Authority gives written consent to any variation. (NT02)

Reason: To ensure a satisfactory and continuing standard of amenities are provided and maintained in connection with the development. (Policies EP3 and EP4 of the South Bucks District Local Plan (adopted March 1999) refer.)

16. The scheme for parking, garaging and manoeuvring indicated on the submitted plans shall be laid out prior to the initial occupation of the development hereby permitted and that area shall not thereafter be used for any other purpose. (NH46)

Reason: To enable vehicles to draw off, park and turn clear of the highway to minimise danger, obstruction and inconvenience to users of the adjoining highway. (Policy TR7 of the South Bucks District Local Plan (adopted March 1999) refers.)

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17. The shared access within the development hereby permitted shall be constructed in accordance with the approved details as submitted under reference PL/19/0240/CONDA and retained thereafter.

Reason: In order to minimise danger, obstruction and inconvenience to users of the highway and of the development. (Policy TR5 of the South Bucks District Local Plan (adopted March 1999) refers.)

18. The development to which this planning permission relates shall be undertaken solely in accordance with the following drawings:


Plan Reference Date received by District Planning Authority AAL-16-243-P02 A 18.08.2017

AAL-16-243-P03 A 18.08.2017

AAL-16-243-P04 B 18.08.2017

AAL-16-243-P05 B 18.08.2017

AAL-16-243-P06 A 18.08.2017

AAL-16-243-P08 18.08.2017

HHBW/19/01-101 Rev B 10.06.2019

HHBW/19/01-102 20.03.2019


1. INFORMATIVE -It is an offence under S151 of the Highways Act 1980 (as amended) for vehicles leaving the development site to carry mud onto the public highway. Facilities should therefore be provided and used on the development site for cleaning the wheels of vehicles before they leave the site. (SIH23)

2. INFORMATIVE -No vehicles associated with the building operations on the development site shall be parked on the public highway so as to cause an obstruction. Any such wilful obstruction is an offence under S137 of the Highways Act 1980 (as amended). (SIH24)

3. INFORMATIVE -The applicant is advised that a licence must be obtained from the Highway Authority before any works are carried out on any footway, carriageway, verge or other land forming part of the highway. A period of 28 days must be allowed for the issuing of the licence, please contact the Area Manager at the following address for information.

Transport for Buckinghamshire (Streetworks) 10th Floor, New County Offices Walton Street Aylesbury Buckinghamshire HP20 1UY 1296 16

Page 84 Appendix

4. INFORMATIVE: You are advised that consent under the Building Regulations may be required for the proposed development and the Building Control Unit at the Council should be contacted in this regard. (SIN41).


Head of Planning and Economic Development 12th July 2019

Page 85 This page is intentionally left blank SOUTH BUCKS DISTRICT COUNCIL PART D SCHEDULE OF APPLICATIONS DETERMINED UNDER DELEGATED AUTHORITY PLANNING COMMITTEE 24TH JULY 2019 Applicant / Date of App'n No Parish Site Proposal Decision Agent decision

PL/18/3820/VR Beaconsfield Giles Homes Limited Chesterton House Variation of condition 2 of planning application Conditional 17.06.19 C Town Council C/o Mr James Doherty 153 Amersham Road 16/01106/FUL (Redevelopment of site to provide Permission Beaconsfield detached residential building consisting of 8 x 2 Buckinghamshire bedroom apartments incorporating basement car park and detached bin store).

PL/19/0874/FA Beaconsfield Mr Paul Gill 21 Seeleys Road 2no. replacement 2 storey houses with attached Conditional 28.06.19 Town Council C/o Mr David Parker Beaconsfield single storey garages, including all associated Permission Buckinghamshire landscaping. HP9 1SZ Page 87 Page PL/19/0946/FA Beaconsfield HRE (BE) Brambleside Demolition of existing house and garage, erection Conditional 26.06.19 Town Council C/o Mr Alex Bean 81 Burkes Road of 3 storey detached dwelling with linked triple Permission Beaconsfield garage, relocation of access and associated gates Buckinghamshire and fencing, and proposed garden pavilion HP9 1EE

PL/19/0975/FA Beaconsfield Mr R Somauroo 31 Woodside Avenue Two storey front/side extension and re- Conditional 20.06.19 Town Council C/o Mr D Russell Beaconsfield positioning of fenestration to front elevation. Permission Buckinghamshire HP9 1JJ Appendix


PL/19/0978/VR Beaconsfield Mr/Ms Naghsh 96 Gregories Road Variation of condition 2 of planning permission Conditional 05.07.19 C Town Council Beaconsfield 17/01401/FUL (Replacement detached building Permission Buckinghamshire comprising 6 apartments with basement parking HP9 1HL (Amendment to Planning Permission 15/01316/FUL)) to facilitate amendments to the scheme including introduction of basement ramp, use of existing vehicular access, and changes to roof design and fenestration.

PL/19/0997/FA Beaconsfield Mr Nigel Timms Cleeves Detached double garage and extension to Conditional 24.06.19 Town Council C/o Mr Michael Reed 5 Sandelswood End hardstanding Permission Beaconsfield

Page 88 Page Buckinghamshire HP9 2NW

PL/19/1003/TP Beaconsfield Mr Rob Coupland Brandywyne Larch (T1) - fell. (TPO/SBDC/1995/15). Conditional 21.06.19 Town Council 8A Furzefield Road Permission Beaconsfield Buckinghamshire HP9 1PQ

PL/19/1173/TP Beaconsfield Garnham 57 Candlemas Mead T1 Dawn Redwood - Fell. (SBDC TPO 25, 2012). Conditional 21.06.19 Town Council C/o Dr Jon Heuch Beaconsfield Permission Buckinghamshire HP9 1AR Appendix


PL/19/1223/TP Beaconsfield Mr Chad Smart Stratton Grange T1 Oak - Reduction in height by 2-3m and reduce Conditional 21.06.19 Town Council C/o Mr Brian Roffey 9 Stratton Road lateral growth over neighbouring property by 2m, Permission Beaconsfield G2 Hornbeam x 3 - Crown Reduction not to Buckinghamshire exceed 2m, G3 Hornbeam x 2 - crown raise outer HP9 1HR canopy branches to 2.5m. (Tree Preservation Order).

PL/19/1294/FA Beaconsfield Mr Ben Wilkinson Red Croft Single storey front and side extensions Conditional 03.07.19 Town Council C/o Kate Jackson Lane Permission Beaconsfield Buckinghamshire HP9 2JP Page 89 Page

PL/19/1327/TP Beaconsfield 29 Redwood Place T1 -T4 Yews - 1 metre clearance from building. Conditional 21.06.19 Town Council C/o Mr Andrew Tomasso Beaconsfield Permission Buckinghamshire HP9 1RP

PL/19/1346/FA Beaconsfield Mr & Mrs Owen Bluebell Cottage Part single, part two storey side/rear extension. Conditional 14.06.19 Town Council C/o Mrs Susanne 9 Candlemas Lane Permission Hardvendel Beaconsfield Buckinghamshire HP9 1AF Appendix


PL/19/1372/FA Beaconsfield Mr & Mrs Riddle Rustenburg Part two/part single storey front and rear, single Conditional 21.06.19 Town Council C/o Mr Alex Bean 53A Candlemas Lane storey side extension with rear roof lanterns, Permission Beaconsfield increase in roof heights and conversion of loft into Buckinghamshire habitable accommodation with front dormer HP9 1AE windows and side and rear roof lights, internal alterations and demolition of lean to. Widening of existing driveway

PL/19/1381/VR Beaconsfield Mr & Mrs O'Mahony Camberley Variation of condition 2 of planning permission Conditional 18.06.19 C Town Council C/o Mrs Jessica Inwood 4 Wilton Road 16/00978/FUL (Replacement dwelling and Permission Beaconsfield construction of vehicular access) to allow design Buckinghamshire changes

Page 90 Page HP9 2BS

PL/19/1427/FA Beaconsfield Mr & Mrs Backham 51 Lakes Lane Single storey front extension, hip to gable roof Conditional 20.06.19 Town Council C/o Declan Minoli Beaconsfield extension with side and rear dormer windows and Permission Buckinghamshire rooflights to front, increase in chimney height and HP9 2JZ alterations to rear window.

PL/19/1438/SA Beaconsfield Mr John Boswell 23 Upper Riding Application for a Certificate of Lawfulness for Withdrawn 25.06.19 Town Council C/o Mr Nicholas Spruce Holtspur proposed: Part single, part two storey rear and Beaconsfield side extension and changes to rear fenestration. Buckinghamshire HP9 1BJ Appendix


PL/19/1449/TP Beaconsfield Mr Macaskill 8 Alastair Mews T1 Oak - 20% Crown Reduction (reshape/balance). Refuse 20.06.19 Town Council C/o Miss Helen Taylor Beaconsfield Permission Buckinghamshire HP9 2FE

PL/19/1491/FA Beaconsfield Mr & Mrs M Radvan Lantern House Single storey rear/side extension linking existing Conditional 24.06.19 Town Council C/o Mr D Russell 9 Burkes Road house and garage Permission Beaconsfield Buckinghamshire Page 91 Page PL/19/1498/FA Beaconsfield Inland Homes PLC Land at Wilton Park Temporary homes display, comprising of four Conditional 28.06.19 Town Council C/o Mr Ian Gillespie Gorell Road housing units, one facilities unit and artificial Permission Beaconsfield landscaping, for a period of a further two years on Buckinghamshire hard-standing at Wilton Park. HP9 2WH

PL/19/1499/ADJ Beaconsfield Chiltern District Council Land Adjacent To Consultation from Chiltern District Council re: No 04.07.19 Town Council - Lucy Wenzel 24 Gurnells Road Detached dwelling with integral garage. (CDC Ref: Objections Seer Green PL/19/1233/FA) Buckinghamshire HP9 2XJ Appendix


PL/19/1527/ADJ Beaconsfield Chiltern District Council Land To The Rear Of Consultation from Chiltern District Council re: No 04.07.19 Town Council - Melanie Beech Fronting Bottom Lane Erection of new dwelling. (CDC Ref: Objections 24 Gurnells Road PL/19/1362/FA) Seer Green Buckinghamshire HP9 2XJ

PL/19/1534/FA Beaconsfield Mr & Mrs Wilkins Lydeard House Part garage conversion, replace balconies to first Conditional 28.06.19 Town Council C/o Mr Damian Hill Gate floor front and rear elevations, alterations to Permission Beaconsfield fenestration/replacement windows. Buckinghamshire

Page 92 Page HP9 2DQ

PL/19/1538/PN Beaconsfield Mr Bhogal Lloyds Pharmacy Prior Notification under Class M of Part 3, Prior 20.06.19 R Town Council C/o Mr Kamal Panesar 5 The Highway Schedule 2 of the Town and Country Planning Approval Not Station Road (General Permitted Development) (England) Order Required Beaconsfield 2015 - Change of Use of first floor of shop (Use Buckinghamshire Class A1) to two residential units (Use Class C3) HP9 1QD

PL/19/1570/FA Beaconsfield Mr David Howells Michael Shanly Group Entrance door and fenestration alterations. Conditional 28.06.19 Town Council Ltd Permission Sorbon 24-26 Aylesbury End

Beaconsfield Appendix Buckinghamshire HP9 1LW


PL/19/1576/VR Beaconsfield Mr & Mrs Manjit Ennerdale Variation of conditions 2,3,4 and 9 of planning Conditional 03.07.19 C Town Council Randhawa 41 Penn Road permissions 16/00877/RVC (Variation of Condition Permission C/o Robert Clarke Beaconsfield 2 of Planning Permission 16/00226/FUL to allow Buckinghamshire for proposed basement) to allow for changes to HP9 2LN materials and privacy screen.

PL/19/1592/SA Beaconsfield Mr & Mrs Shah Spindlewood Application for certificate of lawfulness for Cert of law 03.07.19 Town Council C/o Mrs Amanda Walker 5 Curzon Avenue proposed: Outbuilding proposed Beaconsfield dev or use Buckinghamshire issued HP9 2NN Page 93 Page

PL/19/1596/TP Beaconsfield Mr Matt Ellis 3 Cambridge Road T1,T5,T7,T8,T14,T15 Beech - 15 to 25% Crown Refuse 02.07.19 Town Council Beaconsfield Reduction, T2,T3,T4,T6,T9,T10,T11, T12, T13 Oak - Permission Buckinghamshire 15 to 25% Crown Reduction, T16 Beech - Fell. HP9 1HW (SBDC TPO 16, 1987).

PL/19/1618/FA Beaconsfield Mr & Mrs Singh 34 Heath Road Demolition of existing side garage, store and Conditional 04.07.19 Town Council C/o Mr Simon Day Beaconsfield shed, and erection of a two storey side/front, Permission Buckinghamshire single storey rear extension and alterations to HP9 1DG fenestration

PL/19/1620/TP Beaconsfield Mr David Gibson Cranormar G11 Beech - Fell. (TPO 2002/12). Conditional 02.07.19 Town Council 132 Gregories Road Permission Appendix Beaconsfield Buckinghamshire HP9 1HT


PL/19/1622/SA Beaconsfield Mrs Smith 1 Holtspur Close Application for a Certificate of Lawfulness for Cert of law 04.07.19 Town Council C/o Barry Cunningham Holtspur proposed: Demolition of existing rear extension, proposed Beaconsfield erection of a single storey rear extension and dev or use Buckinghamshire repositioning of existing window to side elevation. issued HP9 1DP

PL/19/1627/FA Beaconsfield Mrs Fiona Seymour 14 Horseshoe Crescent Conversion of garage to habitable room Conditional 05.07.19 Town Council C/o Mr Alberto Ochoa Beaconsfield incorporating pitched roof. Changes to doors and Permission Buckinghamshire windows in all elevations and rendering of walls. HP9 1LL Page 94 Page PL/19/1658/TP Beaconsfield Mr/Ms Storey 9 Beechwood Road G2 Leyland Cypress -Fell, G3 Viburnum _ Rosa - Conditional 08.07.19 Town Council C/o Mrs Kirstie Harvey Beaconsfield Fell, G4 Holly, Mountain Ash, Rosa - Fell, G5 Lilac, Permission Buckinghamshire Sycamore, Rosa -Fell, T5 Thuja - Trim and Shape, HP9 1HP T6 Atlantic Blue Cedar - Remove 3 x lowest branches.

PL/19/1666/TP Beaconsfield Mrs Georgina Sharpe Conifers T1 weeping willow - 5 metre crown lift and crown Conditional 08.07.19 Town Council 36 Copperfields reduction not to exceed 4metres (SBDC Permission Beaconsfield TPO/07/33). Buckinghamshire HP9 2NT

PL/18/3412/FA Burnham Mrs Shynie Mascrene 10 Hag Hill Rise Widening of existing vehicular access and Conditional 20.06.19

Parish Burnham associated hardstanding. Permission Appendix Council Buckinghamshire SL6 0LS


PL/19/1304/PN Burnham Mr Malkit Purewal TCMA Ltd Prior Notification under Class O of Part 3, Prior 21.06.19 O Parish C/o Mr Sam Dodd Beechwood Court Schedule 2 of the Town and Country Planning Approval Not Council 5 Gore Road (General Permitted Development) (England) Order Required Burnham 2015 - Change of Use from office (Use Class B1(a)) Buckinghamshire to 8 residential units (Use Class C3) SL1 8AA

PL/19/1364/TP Burnham Mr Lawrence May Nashdom T1 Sycamore - 2 metre crown reduction and 20% Conditional 25.06.19 Parish C/o Andrea Nias Nashdom Lane Crown Thin, T2 Cypress - 4 metre Height Permission Council Burnham Reduction, T3 Holly - 1.5 metre Height Reduction. Buckinghamshire (SBDC TPO 3, 1994).

Page 95 Page SL1 8NJ

PL/19/1411/EU Burnham Mr Robert Vince Land Adjoining 51 Application for a Certificate of Lawfulness for Cert of Law - 19.06.19 Parish C/o Mr David Scott Lent Rise Road existing: Parking of vehicles existing use - Council Burnham granted Buckinghamshire

PL/19/1417/FA Burnham Miss Holly Hinks Hitcham House Farm Replacement of existing monopole supporting 6 Conditional 27.06.19 Parish C/o Miss Holly Hinks Lent Rise Road antennas with a new monopole supporting 6 Permission Council Burnham antennas and new dish. Buckinghamshire SL1 7AD Appendix


PL/19/1516/SA Burnham Mr Stephen Peaks 26 Hag Hill Rise Application for Certificate of Lawfulness for a Cert of law 09.07.19 Parish Burnham proposed: Single storey rear extension with mono proposed Council Buckinghamshire pitched roof and two rooflights dev or use SL6 0LS issued

PL/19/1563/FA Burnham Mr & Mrs David and 11 Hag Hill Rise Single storey front/side/rear extensions Conditional 02.07.19 Parish Rebecca Addison Burnham incorporating front porch. Permission Council C/o Mr Roger Davis Buckinghamshire SL6 0LS

PL/19/1571/FA Burnham Mr & Mrs Gourlay 3 Dorneywood Close Single storey side extension. Conditional 08.07.19 Page 96 Page Parish C/o Mr Nic Williams Burnham Permission Council Buckinghamshire SL1 8FB

PL/19/1601/FA Burnham Dr and Mrs Lally Marlans Demolition of existing conservatory and erection Conditional 04.07.19 Parish C/o Mrs Christine 3 Kimbers Drive of a single storey rear extension, removal of Permission Council Melody Burnham window and formation of a new doorway to rear Buckinghamshire elevation. SL1 8JE

PL/19/1774/SA Burnham Mr Clement Francis 21 Tockley Road Garage conversion Withdrawn 25.06.19 Parish C/o Mr Anil Hallan Burnham Council Buckinghamshire Appendix SL1 7DQ


PL/19/2132/HB Burnham Mrs Jeanette Pascoe First Floor Newer Listed Building Consent for internal alterations to Consent not 26.06.19 Parish C/o Mr Simon Cooper Extension first floor of modern extension needed Council The Priory Stomp Road Burnham Buckinghamshire SL1 7LU

PL/18/2979/FA Denham Mr Nigel Hess The Paddock Erection of an outbuilding and Withdrawn 25.06.19 Parish C/o Mr Kristian Tilehouse Lane extension/alterations to an existing outbuilding Council Marjoram Denham

Page 97 Page Buckinghamshire UB9 5DA

PL/19/0440/EU Denham Mr Rasul Sangar Flat at Denham Car Certificate of lawfulness for existing use of a first Refuse to 28.06.19 Parish C/o Mr Sejad Mehanovic Centre floor flat as an independent dwelling Grant Use Council Wayside Service Certificate Station Oxford Road Denham Buckinghamshire SL9 7BB Appendix


PL/19/1275/TP Denham Mr Kevin Former Site Of T1 Ash - Tip reduction by 2-3m of selected lateral Conditional 25.06.19 Parish C/o Mr Chris Burnard Roughwood limbs growing towards house and over driveway Permission Council Bakers Wood which is not to exceed 10 metres from ground Denham level (TPO 2010/16). Buckinghamshire

PL/19/1288/FA Denham Skyline Roofing Property Newstead Copse Erection of electric entrance gates. Conditional 02.07.19 Parish Management Company Denham Permission Council Ltd Buckinghamshire C/o Robert Clarke Page 98 Page

PL/19/1296/FA Denham Mr & Mrs Smith Newsteads Detached garage Conditional 18.06.19 Parish C/o Mr Sam Dodd Denham Green Lane Permission Council Denham Buckinghamshire UB9 5LG

PL/19/1337/FA Denham Mr G Randhawa 1B Upper Road Demolition of the existing dwelling and Refuse 21.06.19 Parish C/o Mr Steven Doel Higher Denham construction of 2 nos. semi detached dwellings. Permission Council Buckinghamshire UB9 5EJ Appendix


PL/19/1366/FA Denham Mr Tony Cavaliere 39 Denham Green Part two storey part single storey rear extension, Conditional 24.06.19 Parish C/o Mr Brian Cooke Close single storey side infill extension. Permission Council Denham Buckinghamshire UB9 5NA

PL/19/1429/FA Denham Mr & Mrs Tim Morton 35 Oxford Gardens Part single/part two storey rear extension and Conditional 21.06.19 Parish C/o Mr Jonathan Denham additional window to side elevation. Permission Council Heighway Buckinghamshire UB9 4ED Page 99 Page PL/19/1430/FA Denham Ms Cecilia Elrin The Grove Demolition of the existing playroom, conservatory Conditional 21.06.19 Parish C/o Mr Amandeep Tilehouse Lane and two chimneys, and the erection of a two Permission Council Matharu Denham storey rear extension with roof lanterns, single Buckinghamshire storey side extensions with roof lantern, rear UB9 5DD dormer window at first floor, and associated alteration works.

PL/19/1469/SA Denham Mr Paul Houghton Yew Tree Cottage Application for certificate of lawfulness for Withdrawn 18.06.19 Parish The Pyghtle proposed: Garden office Council Denham Buckinghamshire UB9 5BD Appendix


PL/19/1506/FA Denham Mr Steve Riordan Rhodene First floor rear extension and ground rear/infill Withdrawn 25.06.19 Parish C/o Mr John Cheapside Lane extension with roof lantern. Changes to windows Council Quartermaine Denham at the sides. Internal re-modelling of grounds and Buckinghamshire first floor layouts UB9 5AB

PL/19/1586/KA Denham Ms Stacey Woolf 86 Kings Mill Way T1 Willow - Pollard, T2 Willow - Pollard, T3 Willow TPO shall not 20.06.19 Parish C/o Mr Richard Kemish New Denham - Pollard, T4 Willow - Pollard, T5 Plane - Reduction be made Council Buckinghamshire in height, T6 Willow -Fell. (Conservation Area UB9 4BT Uxbridge Lock). Page 100 Page PL/19/1735/NM Denham Mr John Martin Martin Baker Aircraft Non-material amendment to planning permission Accepted 04.07.19 A Parish C/o Mr Paul Berry Co Ltd 16/02435/FUL (Construction of new two storey Council 61 Lower Road office building following demolition of existing Higher Denham buildings on site with associated road and Denham parking) to allow change of ground floor North Buckinghamshire elevation window to emergency escape door with UB9 5AJ sidelight, insertion of access door at first floor North elevation with short connecting bridge to road and widening of main entrance stairs.

18/00326/OUT Mr Benedict Wallbank Meldrum Outline application for replacement dwelling. Conditional 14.06.19 Parish C/o Mr Elie Osborne Road Permission Council Dorney Buckinghamshire

SL4 6QD Appendix


PL/19/1367/EU Dorney Dorney Court Estates Pigeon House Farm Application for a Certificate of Lawfulness for Cert of Law - 08.07.19 Parish C/o Mr Patrick Todd Common Road existing: Ancillary residential use of a mobile home existing use - Council Dorney granted Buckinghamshire SL4 6QB

PL/18/4550/FA Farnham Mr Zia Hussain Neelam Stables Erection of stables, incorporating storage area. Conditional 04.07.19 Royal Parish Parsonage Lane Provision of vehicular access. Permission Council Farnham Common Buckinghamshire SL2 3PE Page 101 Page

PL/19/0061/FA Farnham Mr Sean Chandiram Oak Timbers Demolition of attached garage to Oak Timbers Conditional 01.07.19 Royal Parish C/o Mr Shorne Tilbey Beaconsfield Road and erection of new detached dwelling to rear. Permission Council Farnham Common Buckinghamshire SL2 3ND

PL/19/0962/FA Farnham Mr & Mrs Baxter 8 Mayflower Way Part single/part two storey rear extension Conditional 03.07.19 Royal Parish C/o Mr Stephen Prismall Farnham Common incorporating roof lantern, single storey front Permission Council Buckinghamshire porch extension. Addition of first floor to convert SL2 3TX bungalow into two storey house, incorporating front dormer windows and side roof lights. Conversion of bedroom to garage with new

garage doors Appendix


PL/19/1253/TP Farnham Mr R Smith 8 Badgers Wood Thuja - 2.5m Crown Lift (retaining upward curving Conditional 25.06.19 Royal Parish C/o Mr Mathew Farnham Common lateral) Permission Council Samways Buckinghamshire SL2 3HH

PL/19/1314/TP Farnham Mr Davey 1 Ingleglen T1 Beech - Raise Crown by 2m. (SBDC TPO 3, Conditional 25.06.19 Royal Parish C/o Miss Helen Taylor Farnham Common 1991). Permission Council Buckinghamshire SL2 3QA

PL/19/1421/FA Farnham Mrs Anna Barron Broad Oaks Cottage Two storey side and first floor rear extensions and Conditional 20.06.19 Page 102 Page Royal Parish Parish Lane detached garage Permission Council Farnham Common Buckinghamshire SL2 3JN

PL/19/1424/TP Farnham Mr Carl Clump Old Orchard House T1 Beech - Fell. Conditional 20.06.19 Royal Parish C/o Mr Simon Stokes Parsonage Lane Permission Council Farnham Common Buckinghamshire SL2 3PA

PL/19/1465/SA Farnham Mr & Mrs M. Hibbert The Heron Application for certificate of lawfulness for Cert of law 24.06.19 Royal Parish C/o Mr Robert Hillier Cherry Tree Road proposed: Conversion of garage into habitable proposed Appendix Council Farnham Royal space. dev or use Buckinghamshire issued SL2 3EF


PL/19/1554/FA Farnham Mrs Johnson Cedarways Part single/part two storey side and single storey Conditional 05.07.19 Royal Parish C/o Gino Ferdenzi 100 Blackpond Lane rear/side extensions. Alterations to windows and Permission Council Farnham Royal doors. Render and wooden cladding. Porch Buckinghamshire canopy. Altered vehicular access SL2 3EG

PL/19/1577/FA Farnham Luis & Alison Silva Woodlands Two storey rear extensions, single storey link to Conditional 09.07.19 Royal Parish C/o Angela Gabb Farnham Park Lane garage extensions. Partial conversion of garage Permission Council Farnham Royal into utility. Erection of entrance gate. Buckinghamshire SL2 3LP Page 103 Page

PL/19/1872/NM Farnham Mrs Joanne Ashcroft New Acre House Non Material Amendment to planning permission Accepted 28.06.19 A Royal Parish C/o Ms Joanna Lindley Beeches Road 16/01060/FUL (Construction of two detached Council Farnham Common dwellings together with associated garaging and Buckinghamshire landscaping.) to allow for changes to windows and SL2 3PS cladding.

PL/19/1012/FA Parish Mr & Mrs P Sundsig 6 South Row Single storey rear extension to annexe, rebuilding Conditional 19.06.19 Council C/o Mr John Parry Fulmer Road removed chimney above roof. Permission Fulmer Buckinghamshire SL3 6HS Appendix


PL/19/1013/HB Fulmer Parish Mr & Mrs P Sundsig 6 South Row Listed Building Consent for single storey rear Conditional 19.06.19 Council C/o Mr John Parry Fulmer Road extension to annexe, rebuilding removed chimney consent Fulmer above roof. Buckinghamshire SL3 6HS

PL/19/1060/FA Fulmer Parish Mr Terry Daniel Fulmer Chase Farm Erection of two dwellings with associated stable Conditional 10.07.19 Council Hay Lane blocks, parking, landscaping and vehicular access Permission Fulmer following demolition of existing dwelling, Buckinghamshire buildings on site and removal of hardstanding. SL3 6HJ Page 104 Page

PL/19/1581/SA Fulmer Parish Mr Malkit Chana Furzeney Single storey garage. Cert of law 03.07.19 Council C/o Mr VK Singh Rayat Fulmer Lane proposed Fulmer dev or use Buckinghamshire issued SL3 6JA

PL/18/4450/NM Gerrards Mr & Mrs Martin Latchmoor End Non-Material amendment to planning permission Accepted 04.07.19 A Cross Town C/o Mr David Russell 61 Bulstrode Way 17/01641/FUL to allow: Removal of chimney to Council west elevation Buckinghamshire SL9 7RB Appendix


PL/18/4484/FA Gerrards Mr & Mrs H Francis Birchdale Front extension to garage. Conditional 14.06.19 Cross Town C/o Mr D Russell 79 Windsor Road Permission Council Gerrards Cross Buckinghamshire SL9 7NW

PL/19/0387/FA Gerrards Mrs M Dixon Cornhill Single storey rear extension, first floor side Conditional 14.06.19 Cross Town C/o Mr Paul Lugard 32 Mill Lane extension including raising of the roof height, Permission Council Gerrards Cross partial conversion of the existing integral garage Buckinghamshire and provision of electric entrance gates to the SL9 8BA existing driveway Page 105 Page

PL/19/0915/FA Gerrards Mr Jesper Andersen Oak Croft Two storey front extension and garage conversion. Conditional 14.06.19 Cross Town C/o Mr Michael Hart Oxford Road First floor side extension, loft extension and Permission Council Gerrards Cross additional roof lights and single storey rear Buckinghamshire extension. Repositioning of rear window and SL9 7DJ addition of side window.

PL/19/0934/FA Gerrards Mr Ashwani Chopra Maple Tree Cottage Demolition of existing conservatory, part two/part Refuse 02.07.19 Cross Town C/o Mr Jazz Lall 9B Elmwood Park single storey rear extension, first floor side/front Permission Council Gerrards Cross extensions including habitable space to roof Buckinghamshire above. Loft conversion incorporating roof lights SL9 7EP and side dormer and changes to existing dormers to rear elevation. Appendix


PL/19/0936/FA Gerrards Mr Iain Mather 49 Woodhill Avenue Two storey front/side/rear extension Conditional 14.06.19 Cross Town C/o Mr Clive Baldwin Gerrards Cross Permission Council Buckinghamshire SL9 8DR

PL/19/0964/TP Gerrards Mr Faisal Ali 14 Woodbank Avenue T1 Pine - 30% Crown Thinning and Reduce Height Refuse 25.06.19 Cross Town Gerrards Cross by 3 metres, T2 Pine - 30% Crown Thinning and Permission Council Buckinghamshire Cut Low Hanging Branches, SL9 7PY T3 Maple - 30% Crown Thinning and Shape. (SBDC TPO 3, 1984).

Page 106 Page PL/19/1243/TP Gerrards Mr Neil Myers The Warren T1 Cypress - Reduce to 2m above split into 2 Refuse 21.06.19 Cross Town C/o Mr Neil Whyte 14 Oval Way stems. (SBDC TPO 26, 2002). Permission Council Gerrards Cross Buckinghamshire SL9 8QD

PL/19/1272/FA Gerrards Timpson Limited Tesco Installation of a dry cleaning, key cutting, shoe Conditional 08.07.19 Cross Town C/o Mr Laurence Piper Packhorse Road and watch repairs kiosk. Permission Council Gerrards Cross Buckinghamshire SL9 8ER

PL/19/1273/AV Gerrards Timpson Tesco Internally illuminated fascia signs and non- Conditional 08.07.19

Cross Town C/o Laurence Piper Packhorse Road illuminated fascia signs consent Appendix Council Gerrards Cross Buckinghamshire SL9 8ER


PL/19/1274/VR Gerrards Mr & Mrs R Wicks 1A Dale Side Variation of condition 4 of planning permission Conditional 20.06.19 C Cross Town C/o Ms Sandra Orlando Gerrards Cross PL/18/2596/FA (Single storey rear extension) to Permission Council Payne Buckinghamshire allow increased height of parapet SL9 7JF

PL/19/1326/TP Gerrards Mrs Hill 6 Marsham Lodge T1 Yew - 1 metre Crown Reduction below old cuts. Conditional 25.06.19 Cross Town C/o Mr Paul Morris Gerrards Cross (TPO 1, 1966). Permission Council Buckinghamshire SL9 7AB

PL/19/1386/FA Gerrards Mr J Lawley The Brackens Single storey front infill extension Conditional 20.06.19 Page 107 Page Cross Town C/o Mr John Wood Howards Thicket Permission Council Gerrards Cross Buckinghamshire SL9 7NU

PL/19/1402/KA Gerrards Mrs Norman Downe House G1 Leylandii - Side back branches/reduction of TPO shall not 25.06.19 Cross Town C/o Jill Macbeth 5 Vicarage Way approx 0.5-1.5m, G2 Leylandii - Side back be made Council Gerrards Cross branches, H1 Beech - Reduce side branches by 2- Buckinghamshire 3m. (Gerrards Cross Centenary Conservation Area). SL9 8AR

PL/19/1418/TP Gerrards Mr Nick Vargassoff 36 Howards Wood T1 - Oak - 4m Crown Reduction. (TPO/2001/046). Refuse 20.06.19 Cross Town C/o Mr Paul Morris Drive Permission Appendix Council Gerrards Cross Buckinghamshire SL9 7HW


PL/19/1425/FA Gerrards Mr Raj Bhardwaj 14 Birchdale Alteration of porch roof to create a balcony at first Refuse 20.06.19 Cross Town Gerrards Cross floor level. Window replaced with a door at front Permission Council Buckinghamshire elevation. SL9 7JA

PL/19/1440/KA Gerrards Mrs Ellie King The Apple Tree Conifer - Remove. (Conservation Area Gerrards TPO shall not 20.06.19 Cross Town C/o Mrs Ellie King Oxford Road Cross Common). be made Council Gerrards Cross Buckinghamshire SL9 7AH Page 108 Page PL/19/1456/VR Gerrards Mr Matt Finn Lynton House Variation of condition 2 of planning permission Conditional 21.06.19 C Cross Town C/o Mr David Webb 10 Mill Lane 17/01923/FUL (Part single /part two storey Permission Council Gerrards Cross front/side extension) to allow amendments to Buckinghamshire design SL9 8AY

PL/19/1458/VR Gerrards Mr & Mrs Kohl 26 Howards Wood Variation of condition 10 of planning permission Conditional 21.06.19 C Cross Town C/o Mr David Webb Drive PL/18/3108/FA (Two storey front extension, single Permission Council Gerrards Cross storey rear extension, first floor side extension, Buckinghamshire roof extension incorporating increase in ridge SL9 7HN height, roof lantern and front and rear dormers, partial garage conversion into habitable accommodation, fenestration alterations and front

entrance gates with associated brick walls, piers Appendix and railings) to allow changes to ground floor windows/doors.


PL/19/1466/TP Gerrards Mr Vinod Shah Little Oak T1 to T3 - 30% Crown Reduction, T4 - Fell, T5 to Refuse 21.06.19 Cross Town 3 Donnay Close T11 - 30% Crown Reduction. (SBDC TPO 1984/03). Permission Council Gerrards Cross Buckinghamshire SL9 7PZ

PL/19/1474/FA Gerrards Mr Amit Joshi 1 Birchdale Single storey front extension under existing roof Conditional 24.06.19 Cross Town Gerrards Cross porch to create external side access to the rear of Permission Council Buckinghamshire the house. SL9 7JA Page 109 Page PL/19/1477/TP Gerrards Miss Sarah Jackson Cherry Tree House T1 Sycamore x 4 - Fell, T2 Yew x 2 - Fell, T3 Cherry Conditional 20.06.19 Cross Town C/o Mr Neil Whyte 1 Portland Park x 2 - Fell,T4 Oak - 15-20% Crown Reduction and Permission Council Gerrards Cross reduce lowest left branch by 40%. Buckinghamshire SL9 7PX

PL/19/1493/SA Gerrards Mr Kamjar Irani The Willows Application for a Certificate of Lawfulness for Cert of law 25.06.19 Cross Town C/o Mr Jawahar Bhasin 9C Elmwood Park proposed: Demolition of existing conservatory and proposed Council Gerrards Cross erection of single storey rear extension. dev or use Buckinghamshire issued SL9 7EP

PL/19/1504/FA Gerrards Heatherside Properties 27 East Common Erection of detached outbuilding to rear garden. Conditional 26.06.19 Appendix Cross Town Ltd Gerrards Cross Permission Council C/o Mr Ian Bird Buckinghamshire SL9 7AF


PL/19/1522/PN Gerrards Grove Court Properties Ground, First & Prior Notification under Class O of Part 3, Prior 27.06.19 O Cross Town C/o Mr Cheten Chauhan Second Floor Office Schedule 2 of the Town and Country Planning Approval Council Oak House (General Permitted Development) (England) Order Given 58 - 60 Oak End Way 2015 - Change of Use from office (Use Class B1(a)) Gerrards Cross to 7 additional apartments (Use Class C3) Buckinghamshire SL9 8BR

PL/19/1565/KA Gerrards Mrs Amanda Gamble Russets T1 Pine - Reduce height by 4m and 20% Crown TPO shall not 20.06.19 Cross Town C/o Mr Ben Mullen 37 Orchehill Avenue Thinning, T2 Beech - 25% Crown Thinning. be made Council Gerrards Cross (Conservation Area).

Page 110 Page Buckinghamshire SL9 8QE

PL/19/1578/KA Gerrards New Green Services Ltd Colston Court T2 Ash - Re-pollard, T3 Sycamore - 3m building TPO shall not 20.06.19 Cross Town C/o Mrs Kirstie Harvey 6 East Common clearance, T4 Sycamore - 2-2.5m building be made Council Gerrards Cross clearance, T5 Sycamore -Fell, T6 Lime - Re-pollard. Buckinghamshire (Conservation Area Gerrards Cross Common).

PL/19/1579/TP Gerrards Mr/Ms Munnelly Demas Lodge T1 Beech - Fell. (SBDC TPO 13/2013). Conditional 02.07.19 Cross Town C/o Mrs Kirstie Harvey 10 Elmwood Park Permission Council Gerrards Cross Buckinghamshire

SL9 7EP Appendix


PL/19/1589/NM Gerrards Mr Charanjit Phander 6 The Uplands Non material amendment to previous planning Accepted 04.07.19 A Cross Town Gerrards Cross application 17/01960/FUL (Single storey rear Council Buckinghamshire extension.) to allow repositioning of kitchen door. SL9 7JG

PL/19/1650/TP Gerrards Mrs Oakley 5 Valley Way T1 Ash - Fell. (SBDC TPO 25,1995). Conditional 08.07.19 Cross Town C/o Mr Paul Morris Gerrards Cross Permission Council Buckinghamshire SL9 7PL

PL/19/1685/TP Gerrards Land at Pinstone Farm T3 Oak - Fell. (TPO 2009/05). Refuse 10.07.19 Page 111 Page Cross Town C/o Miss Amy Hopcroft (to The Rear Of 12 Permission Council Neal Close, Tatlng End) Oxford Road Gerrards Cross Buckinghamshire SL9 7AL

PL/19/1692/TP Gerrards Mr John McQuire 2 Argyll Lodge T1 sycamore - 4 metre crown reduction/reshape Conditional 10.07.19 Cross Town C/o Mr Paul Morris 15 Oak End Way (TPO 15, 2003). Permission Council Gerrards Cross Buckinghamshire SL9 8DA Appendix


PL/19/1715/KA Gerrards Mr Norbert Kroner Broadeaves Cypress - Fell. (Gerrards Cross Centenary TPO shall not 25.06.19 Cross Town 15 Ethorpe Close Conservation Area). be made Council Gerrards Cross Buckinghamshire SL9 8PL

18/00877/REM Iver Parish Mr M Wright Approval of Reserved Matters for Phase Three Withdrawn 27.06.19 Council Pinewood Road comprising the demolition of existing building Iver Heath and erection of new building 1.05 (following Buckinghamshire Outline Application 13/00175/OUT). SL0 0NH Page 112 Page

PL/19/0574/FA Iver Parish Layton Developments Hollybush Demolition of exisiting dwelling and erection of 1 Conditional 04.07.19 Council Limited Bangors Road North x semi-detached pair of dwellings and one Permission C/o Mr T Rumble Iver Heath detached dwelling with new vehicular access. Buckinghamshire SL0 0BG

PL/19/0860/FA Iver Parish Mr & Mrs Alan Clifford North Lodge Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of a Conditional 08.07.19 Council C/o Mr Robert Hillier Iver Lane new dwelling Permission Iver Buckinghamshire SL0 9LJ Appendix


PL/19/0961/VR Iver Parish Mr S Atwal 20 Whitehouse Way Variation of conditions 2 and 3 of Planning Conditional 03.07.19 C Council C/o Mr Prabhjyot Singh Iver Heath Permission PL/18/4475/FA (Two storey side Permission Buckinghamshire extension, single storey rear extension and front SL0 0HB porch) to allow: changes to materials used and amendment to plans.

PL/19/1180/FA Iver Parish Mr & Mrs Amir Intisar Woodlands First floor rear dormers and internal alterations. Conditional 21.06.19 Council C/o Mr Ehsan UL-HAQ Langley Park Road Permission Iver Buckinghamshire SL0 0JQ Page 113 Page PL/19/1225/FA Iver Parish Linda Fletcher 14 Evreham Road Two storey side extension and creation of Conditional 24.06.19 Council C/o Robert Hiller Iver vehicular access. Permission Buckinghamshire SL0 0AN

PL/19/1431/SA Iver Parish Mrs Julie Paterson 123 Leas Drive Application for a Certificate of Lawfulness for a Cert of law 28.06.19 Council Iver proposed: Vehicular access with associated proposed Buckinghamshire hardstanding dev or use SL0 9RP issued

PL/19/1439/FA Iver Parish Mr Salman Itekhar Zarina House Demolition of rear veranda, single storey rear Conditional 21.06.19 Council C/o Stefan Zachary 49 The Poynings extension & alterations to existing single storey Permission

Iver roof Appendix Buckinghamshire SL0 9DS


PL/19/1503/FA Iver Parish Mr & Mrs N&R Purewal 51 Wood Lane Close First floor rear, single storey rear extension and Conditional 26.06.19 Council C/o Mrs Sevda Kucuk Iver Heath garage conversion Permission Buckinghamshire SL0 0LH

PL/19/1507/OA Iver Parish Elite Homes Ltd Land Rear Of 23 To 35 Erection of 6 no. apartments with ground floor Refuse 26.06.19 Council C/o Mrs Elizabeth High Street parking. Reconfiguration of car park to provide 44 Permission Holmes Iver no. spaces, with associated tree and soft Buckinghamshire landscape planting. Demolition of garage building. Page 114 Page PL/19/1553/FA Iver Parish Mr J Kand 34 Syke Cluan Demolition of outbuildings and chimneys. Part Conditional 28.06.19 Council C/o Mr Sunjive Corpaul Iver single/part two storey side/rear extension, loft Permission Buckinghamshire conversion with 3 dormer windows. Additional SL0 9EH single storey side extension and front porch.

PL/19/1562/FA Iver Parish Mrs Lisa Blayney 60 Syke Ings Change of use of outbuilding to dog grooming Conditional 08.07.19 Council Iver business (Sui Generis). Permission Buckinghamshire SL0 9EU

PL/19/1641/EU Iver Parish Mr H Firman and Mrs S Watergate Farm Certificate of lawfulness for existing use: use of Cert of Law - 01.07.19 Council Firman Cherry Tree Lane land and buildings for car sales and repair existing use - C/o Mr David Holmes Iver Heath workshop with ancillary office usage granted Appendix Iver Buckinghamshire SL0 0EE


PL/19/1643/FA Iver Parish Mr & Mrs Malhotra 11 St James Walk Single storey rear infill extensions. Conditional 08.07.19 Council C/o Mr Sammy Chan Iver Permission Buckinghamshire SL0 9EN

PL/19/1644/FA Iver Parish Mr Sambhy 11 Richings Way Erection of detached garage Conditional 08.07.19 Council C/o Mr Manpreet Iver Permission Matharoo Buckinghamshire SL0 9DA

PL/19/1667/PN Iver Parish Mr Dhiraj Madan 3 Evreham Road Notification under The Town and Country Prior 24.06.19 Page 115 Page E Council C/o Mr Devan Mistry Iver Planning (General Permitted Development) Order Approval Not Buckinghamshire 2015, Part 1 of Schedule 2 Class A4 for a single Required SL0 0AH storey rear extension (Dimensions D5.00m, MH 3.90m, EH 2.70m)

18/00937/FUL Mr / Ms Bhandal Site Of Linkswood Erection of brick wall and entrance gates on front Refuse 04.07.19 Parish C/o Mr Sankhla West End Lane boundary. Permission Council Stoke Poges Buckinghamshire

PL/18/3787/OA Stoke Poges Mr Peter Grimble Land On The North Outline application for siting of 8 gypsy and Refuse 05.07.19 Parish Side Of traveller pitches (all matters reserved) Permission

Council Templewood Lane Appendix Stoke Poges Buckinghamshire


PL/19/0594/FA Stoke Poges Mr Jeet Rathor Park House Erection of boundary wall and gate and relocation Conditional 27.06.19 Parish Park Road of vehicle access Permission Council Stoke Poges Buckinghamshire SL2 4PA

PL/19/1068/TP Stoke Poges Mr S Singh & Miss S 26 Freemans Close T2 Ash - Fell, T3 Oak - Fell. ( TPO 12, 2003). Conditional 05.07.19 Parish Loyal Stoke Poges Permission Council C/o Vicki Harrison Buckinghamshire SL2 4ER Page 116 Page PL/19/1419/TP Stoke Poges Mrs Patricia Mathews White Lodge T7 Oak - 25% Crown Reduction/Reshaped. (TPO Refuse 02.07.19 Parish Lakeside Drive 11, 2010). Permission Council Stoke Poges Buckinghamshire SL2 4LX

PL/19/1500/FA Stoke Poges Mr Beasley 32 Deans Close Single storey rear extension Conditional 25.06.19 Parish C/o Mr Damon Peddar Stoke Poges Permission Council Buckinghamshire SL2 4JX

PL/19/1533/FA Stoke Poges Mr Sarat Asfar 38 Freemans Close Loft conversion incorporating rear double dormer Conditional 04.07.19 Parish C/o Mr Kieran Lishman Stoke Poges and 3 rear and 2 front rooflights Permission Appendix Council Buckinghamshire SL2 4ER


PL/19/1540/FA Stoke Poges Mr Martin Stephenson 99 Rogers Lane Demolition of existing bungalow and erection of Refuse 28.06.19 Parish C/o Mr Robert Hillier Stoke Poges two detached houses with associated carports, Permission Council Buckinghamshire hardstanding and relocated vehicle access SL2 4LP

PL/19/1626/FA Stoke Poges Mr & Mrs Kiani 3 Elizabeth Way Single storey side, rear, first floor side and front Conditional 05.07.19 Parish C/o Mr Noman Sheikh Stoke Poges porch extensions. Loft conversion incorporating Permission Council Buckinghamshire roof lights. SL2 4LQ

PL/19/1664/TP Stoke Poges Mr S Aurora 45 Vine Road Douglas fir x 2 - crown thinning not to exceed Conditional 08.07.19 Page 117 Page Parish Stoke Poges 25% (SBDC TPO/1976/06). Permission Council Buckinghamshire SL2 4DW

PL/19/1683/FA Stoke Poges Mr Andrew Humphris 3 Hazell Way Two storey rear extension and side porch Conditional 10.07.19 Parish C/o Mr Mark Seagrove Stoke Poges Permission Council Buckinghamshire SL2 4BN

PL/18/4641/FA Taplow Ms E Abraham Taplow Boathouse Erection of public house incorporating staff Conditional 27.06.19 Parish C/o Miss Donna Collier Mill Lane accommodation, car parking and landscaping. Permission Council Taplow Buckinghamshire Appendix SL6 0AA


PL/19/0885/FA Taplow Mr A Howarth Cedar Cottage Erection of a 2.4m fence. Conditional 04.07.19 Parish C/o Mr Robert Clarke Heathfield Road Permission Council Dropmore Taplow Buckinghamshire SL1 8NY

PL/19/1312/FA Taplow Ms Newman Taplow Weir The erection of 2m high galvanised steel palisade Conditional 02.07.19 Parish Mill Lane fencing around the car park perimeter and new Permission Council Taplow gates at entrance. Buckinghamshire Page 118 Page

PL/19/1388/ADJ Taplow Royal Borough Of Out Of Area Consultation on RBW&M Ref. 19/00972/FULL- No 04.07.19 Parish Windsor & Maidenhead Battlemead Common Change of use from Agricultural Land to D2, Objections Council C/o Jenifer Jackson Sutton Road, Assembly and Leisure - to be used as a public Cookham open space with a new car park and cycle stands. Maidenhead

PL/19/0818/SA Ms Charlotte Newbury Country Application for a Certificate of Lawfulness for Cert of law 19.06.19 Parish C/o Miss Sophie Park proposed: Erection of three temporary toilet proposed Council Heritage Black Park Road blocks. dev or use Wexham issued

Buckinghamshire Appendix SL3 6DS


PL/19/1322/FA Wexham Mr Amarpreet Singh 32 Azalea Way Single storey rear and side extension Withdrawn 18.06.19 Parish C/o Mr David Coventry George Green Council Wexham Buckinghamshire SL3 6RN

PL/19/1349/HB Wexham Vivenda Regina NV Langley Park House Listed Building Consent for the installation of a Conditional 27.06.19 Parish C/o Mr Peter Tanner Uxbridge Road new external gate at the northern entrance to the consent Council George Green Clockhouse building Wexham Buckinghamshire

Page 119 Page SK3 6DU

PL/19/1350/FA Wexham Vivenda Regina NV Langley Park House Installation of a replacement gate at the northern Conditional 27.06.19 Parish C/o Mr Peter Tanner Uxbridge Road entrance to the Clockhouse building Permission Council George Green Wexham Buckinghamshire SK3 6DU

PL/19/1537/FA Wexham Mrs Stevie Holdbrook 34 Rixon Close Single storey rear extension and side link Conditional 28.06.19 Parish C/o Mr James Rush George Green extension to garage conversion. Permission Council Wexham Buckinghamshire

SL3 6RH Appendix


34 Agenda Item 6 Classification: OFFICIAL South Bucks District Council Planning Committee – 24 July 2019


REPORT OF: Head of Planning & Economic Development Prepared by - Development Management

Appeal Statistics for the period 1 April 2019 – 30 June 2019

Planning appeals allowed (incl enforcement)

9.09 % (1 out of 11) against a target of 30%.

Total appeals allowed (Planning, enforcement trees and other appeals):

9.09 % (1 out of 11). No target set.

Percentage of appeals allowed in accordance with officer recommendation, despite decision to refuse by Members:

% (0 out of 0). No target set.




PL/18/4888/SA 14 Wooburn Green Lane, Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire HP9 1XE Date TBC Certificate of Lawfulness for proposed implementation of 2 extant planning permissions (17/01570/FUL and 18/2906/FA).

PL/18/4472/FA Grange Farm, Grange Way, Iver, Buckinghamshire, SL0 9NT Date 13/08/19 Erection of single storey dwelling.

PL/19/1507/OA Land Rear of 23 to 35, High Street, Iver, Buckinghamshire, SL0 9BL Date TBC Erection of 6 no. apartments with ground floor parking. Reconfiguration of car park to provide 44 no. spaces, with associated tree and soft landscape planting. Demolition of garage building.

Classification: OFFICIAL Page 121 Classification: OFFICIAL South Bucks District Council Planning Committee – 24 July 2019

Appeals Lodged

Planning Appeals Lodged

Date Ref Appellant Proposal Site

(a) 25/06/2019 PL/18/4106/FA Innes Gray Sipp Redevelopment of site to provide 9 residential flats Site Of Electron Works, Willow Avenue, incorporating parking spaces. New Denham

(b) 08/07/2019 PL/19/1507/OA Elite Homes Ltd Erection of 6 no. apartments with ground floor parking. Land Rear Of 23 To 35 High Street, Iver Reconfiguration of car park to provide 44 no. spaces, with associated tree and soft landscape planting. Demolition of garage building. Page 122 Page

Appeal Decisions

Planning Appeal Decisions

Date Ref Appellant Proposal Site Decision See key

(a) 19/06/2019 PL/18/3816/FA Mr and Mrs Demolition of existing dwelling and detached garage. 58 Baring Road Appeal D Busbridge Construction of 2 No. 3-storey semi-detached dwellings. Beaconsfield Dismissed

(b) 27/06/2019 PL/18/2967/FA Mr R Liggens Erection of a detached chalet bungalow with associated Land Rear of 4 Appeal D access. Wellesley Ave, Iver Dismissed Agenda Item 6

Classification: OFFICIAL Classification: OFFICIAL South Bucks District Council Planning Committee – 24 July 2019

Enforcement Appeal Decisions

Date Ref Appellant Alleged Breach Site Decision (a) 17/06/2019 17/10134/ENGENQ Cheval Park Without planning permission engineering Wapsays Wood Caravan Park Appeal dismissed Homes operations to raise and/or reconfigure the level of Oxford Road Gerrards Cross and enforcement the Land throuhj the importation, deposition and notice upheld spreading of materials including (but not limited to) hardcore, broken bricks, rubble,stone, gravel and waste materials ("the Unauthorised Development").

(b) 26/06/2019 17/10246/ENBEOP Mr Edwin Without Planning Permission the material change ADI Eagle Eye Ltd, Land at Appeal dismissed Cunningham of use of the Land to use as a car wash (use Class Kingsway, Farnham Common and enforcement

Page 123 Page Sui Generis) ("the Unauthorised Use" ), together SL2 3PQ notice upheld with the erection of an ancillary storage/shelter unit and ancillary canopy structures, in the approximate position shown for identification purposes in black on the Plan, which are integral to the Unauthorised Use.

Note: The letter(s) shown after the decision in the following tables indicate:-

CO - Committee decision to refuse permission on officer recommendation CC - Committee decision to refuse permission contrary to officer recommendation D - Delegated officer decision to refuse permission ND - Appeal against non-determination of application

Officer Contacts: Amy King 01895 837283 Agenda Item 6 [email protected]

Classification: OFFICIAL This page is intentionally left blank