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The Coo-ee. PUBLISHE D IN PE R.TH E VERY SATURDAY. Agents' Supplies throughout the State obtainable from Gordon & Gotch Proprietary, Ltd., William Street, Perth. VoL. r. PERTH, SATURDAY, JUNE 6, rgo8. No. 2. ============-· The Coo-ee. Sporting and Theatrical Weekly . • Turf Tattle and Tips. • " IMPARTIAL NOT "EUTRAL." By '· ABAC US.'' Printed and Published EVERY SATURDAY by the Proprietor, H. P. FALKINER at the Ken ington this afternoon. ure to draw aid that the stewards bad no idea of "Morning Herald" Job Printing Office, a big crowd. inquiring into the running of Independent James Street, Perth, West Australia. till the owner complained that be l1ad been * PUBLISHED ONOE A WEEK. Some ve*ry ~i nister* st.o1•*ies are• fioa,ting; taken down a,t Canning. round r·oncerning a prominent registered * * * * * TERMS TO So SCRIBERS : racing official. Some of Lhe K arra;ka;tta entries are neat ly P E R ANN UM 5 o * * * name.d. Repetition ~Le Va ,·-Once l\I0re), HALF- Y E ARLY 2 6 tipendiaries ar running a grave ri k \\ J,irligig (G1·afton-Pierette), High o QUARTE RLY 6 of being charged wiLh obtaining money un t'Jety (True Blue-Lady Mary), and Screon CASH IN A DVANCE. der false pntences. (riarbineer-Vabnce) are distinctly good * • * fl'ort.s in nomenclature, but Fusilier (Fu Centml Publishing Office: S holl' a Build n gs, Hay Derby entrie are rather disappointiJ1g. ilade----Bridget) hould not have been l'e- Street, Perth, adjoining" Morning Herald" Up Could be picked in three a.t this early gil'>tet'!ld, as there is a sire of that n ame town Office. date-The Brewer, Tiercel, and Connolly'. in ~ ew South Wales. I et, with Durham Court as a fall back. * * * * * By sending direct to THE Coo-EE Office * * * *'omiserl improvements to the Hel FIVE SHILLINGS you can have THE Quite refreshing to ee so many fashion mont course are to be put in band this Coo-EE posted regularly to you every week ably bred young ters in the Karrakatta month. And, while the r;;-cing tr :~c k i~ for a year. Plate. Iew blood is sadly needed on local being brought into line with present-day Cheques, Drafts, etc., and all Business c- urses. re:qt-irements, proprietor Cockram might • Communication to be addressed to H. P. * * * * * alsc. consider the comfort an:! convenience FALKINER, Coo-EE Office, Hay S treet, Perth. Appearance of May Ki11g's name in the of patrons, more particularly in the Lager V.R.C. rational Hurdles may surprise enc-losure. ' som . people, but not tho e who have been * * * * * Correspondents to 'fi·IE Coo-EE would Comatawah, Toora, and The m·prise oblige the paper (and , to an extent, immediately connected with the horse. The natty little son of Positans is a natural have been tran fe:rred to James Washing themselves) by taking some care as to ton. It -has long been under tood that the methods of addre&s. jumper. * * * * * Hay-street t.obacconist bad a controlling in Busines letters (with regard to subscrip terE'st in these horses. tions, adver tisements. etc.) should in no case Dangar's late finishing run in the Rel mont 'T'rial ga,ve backers a good tip for the * * * * * be addressed to the Editor, but to the If one of the s teward had been station d Manager, To send them to the Editor is to Hurdle Race a.t Ascot, and. with Peken riding a nice. patient race. Bolger's geld down near the turn while the Foundation invite inattention . H andicap wa.s being run, he might as the It is not a good thing to address editorial ing had no diffif'nlty in settling Booby np the Ftmight on . fonday. :\fi ~ ~ing Friend ' advts. say "have heard letters to anyone by name. '' T he Editor, .ome thing t.o his advantage." Coo-EE," is the proper superscription for * .. * * * ' ' copy." Delay, and even loss, is some Lightweight jockey Edwards ha~'; been * * * * * the scapegoa.t for Lh Tndependent in Regrettable fatal accident to " keeter" times caused by addressing to persons in 'T'homa at Belmont might have been pre ouirv. for i.t is ~mpossib l •to believe tha,t stead of officials. The person may not be vented by a stricter supervision that at there; the official always is. the lad took it on ut Canning "on hi c.wn." Possibly the "st<ipes" bhink the present obtains in regard t.o licensed joc keys. Thomas ba<l not had much experi Special Notice. R vere sentence of two ye~rs may induce EdwM-ds to divul ge the name of the prin- ence over hurdles and was much too weak Insufficiently stamped letters are liable to control a waywar·'l, half-schooled hor e ipal actors in t he "ioke." to be refused. lil<e 'T'antalit-e. The Editor will carefully read and, where * * * * * * * * * * practicable, acknowledge in the "Con·es Sti;pendiar ies l1ave a<fverti .~cd their abject 1\farks, who was on Reliance at Belmont pondence" column all contributions sub incompetence over the Independent affair. rc:da a gc: -:>d rac9 on Loch hiel on Monday, Nearly every race-goer, except the three mitted, whether in the form of Sporting, is an Enj?:li h boy, who worked pa,ssage Rnlnried officialR, sa.w what h appened at i11.S Theatrical, Social or other Articles, Verse, ont to Austt·aliil. He ha,d no e::-:rpel"ience or Sketches (tho, e dealing with Australian Canning, and t here W'!IS a wild rusl1 to get with hors')s till he got a job on Temby's subject. are specially acceptable), Para on wl1e11 betting openoo on the Belmont farm. As ho was a handy weight, and gaJloway race. If the stewards are going graphs. Letters or Newspaper Clippings. t.o 'Na• nnxious to lear:1 he was put up to All communications will be regarded as pass such strong ramps. and await re ride work occ a ~iom~.Uy. The lad bowed o vergaJR before ta.king a.ction thl · will be strictly confidential. nmch aptitude that Temby gave him every THE Coo-EE will return all unsuitable b'\dlv bea.ten. · chance, nnd unless he puts on flesh MS. when the address is specified and - * * * * • Qllic-kly, Young Marks sho,Jld prove one of ~1:ust h~ve taken Little Marv over 2.21 stamps are enclosed. But no MS . will be the bfst "colts" in Temby'~ 1!table. returned unless these conditions are ob t.o .run 10 furlongs at Canning. ·seven day~ served. When MS. is fcrwarded without l~ter sl1e won en~i l v over the same distan~e * * * * • stamps for return it will be understood that ~t Belmont in 2.14. Of C'Onr~e. The plaC'e-tip "Boy" offered readers of the copy is to be destroyed if not acceptable. hauled the ·molars out of the Gow m~~·~ nt thiR pnper for the BelmonL Trial duly Personal applications for return oi M.·. can C'~1m i ng in l1is mistaken ioP.a of not mak off. He was not as forward as we not receive attention. THE Coo-EE desires, ing pace with t-he top-weight onrl m'mP·l had expec.ted him to be "on information further, those sending MS. to di ti nctly . t~ver , in a slow-nm race. till. thH " received." but ran well enough to warr understand that it is not responsible fo r the w~.~ room for inquiry, but the ste-waT~~ rnllt he !m g ~e, tion tJ1at he be worth preservation or transmission of M S. (hdn't think r;o. following in July. 4 TilE COO-EE. Saturday, June 61 rgoS, \Yith E. and R Sutherland out of the The late Mr. C. B. Fisher, of South Aus nly nme went to the post when Orby :-:ltnLe, \\". Cody mn, L rank a om be~t tralia was in the early days associated with sutceeded last season. Spearmint's time hc,rsoman on the flat. Though some lbs. his brothers in large breeding operations 2min. 3 4-5sec.) for the mile and half is ~hort of perfadion, ho has improved a ton in Victoria, and iL was clue to the enter· easy a record for the race, but this year, since Cypher ran home with him in tho prise of the Fisher family that Australia a<'cording to the cabled betting prior to the l'orLh up, and his tini hing efi"ort on was able to claim the posses,ion of that rat"e, longer price ruled than has been the Con1atawah at Belmont, while 11ot alto ··stayer of slayers" Fisherman, the black ea. e heretofore. At the end of last sea on gether :\rListic Lo the eye, was a good son of Heron being imported from England Si1· Art'hibald and V1'hite Eagle were re.' P\<Lmple of the art--or profession- -of race by them lo do duty in Australia, and to ga1 ded a. having excellent Derby prospect l·idin(\. lt tak.e: time 'tnd experience to found a great line in the antipodes. and the first named continued in the bet Lin g to the last. Lnter on the American l"Onvin('e the averag joc·koy ~hat tho whip * * * * * If what a London writer says of Noctui bred colt No1·man III. (winner of the Two lo~es more races than it wins, and Cody Guineas), the King's candidate, lcamt this all-importamt form is true the New Zealand horse has Thou:and seem"' Lo have Pel'l'ier, the French representative, Sea fact, which is a big step up Lhe ladder made remarkable improvement in appear Nlr.