Knowledge management Gender in agricultural risk management Analytical framework Publication and operational guidelines May 2019 International Fund
[email protected] Contacts for Agricultural Development (IFAD) PARM Secretariat Via Paolo di Dono 44 - 00142 Rome (Italy) @parminfo Platform for Agricultural Risk Management Managing risks to improve farmers’ livelihoods Platform for Agricultural Risk Management | Managing risks to improve farmers’ livelihoods Knowledge management Publication Study on gender in Agricultural Risk Management Analytical framework and operational guidelines May 2019 Conducted by: Desiree ZWANCK Senior Gender Specialist Platform for Agricultural Risk Management | Managing risks to improve farmers’ livelihoods Acknowledgements The current study was developed in collaboration between the PARM team led by Massimo Giovanola and com- prising of Carlos Arce, Nikita Blanes and Ilaria Tedesco, and an external gender consultant Desiree Zwanck. The team is especially grateful to the PARM Country Liaison Officers Jallah Kennedy (Liberia), Aboubacar Issa (Niger), Nalishebo Meebelo (Zambia), Sokhna Mbaye Diop (Senegal), members of the PARM capacity devel- opment network Sanoussi Atta (AGHRYMET, Niger), Mateugue Diack (Gaston Berger University, Senegal) and Susan Kaaria (Senior Gender Officer, FAO Rome – with Kostas Stamulis), as well as selected specialists Haua Hima (Sociologist, Niger), Asa Giertz (World Bank), Miranda Morgan (Oxfam, Great Britain), Simon Renk (World Food Programme, Lebanon) and Djeneba Tapsoba (Senior Gender Advisor, CILSS, Burkina Faso) for their avail- ability to participate in the key informant interviews and the valuable information shared. The team would also like to extend its appreciation to PARM staff Emily Coleman and Flavia Della Rosa (Agricultural Insurance, IFAD) as well as IFAD Gender Department staff Silvia Sperandini, Steven Jonckheere, Petra Jarvinen, Nadya Beltchika and Anita Kelles-Viitanen for their helpful contributions.