OFFICIAL Northumbria Local Resilience Forum Multi-Agency Generic Reservoir Flooding Off Site Plan Developed by: Northumberland County Council Civil Contingencies Team, Fire and Rescue HQ, West Hartford Business Park, Cramlington NE23 3JP Tele: 01670 621195 Fax: (01670) 621183 and Northumbria LRF Environment Theme Group OFFICIAL (Version 2.0 – June 2015) OFFICIAL DOCUMENT CONTROL AND DISTRIBUTION The Generic Off-Site Plan is maintained by Northumberland County Council as lead Local Authority. All users are requested to advise this local authority of any change in circumstances that may materially affect this Plan. The Plan is distributed in accordance with the list in section 3. The Plan will be subject to review in conjunction with the Northumberland Flood Action Plan; every 6 months with a full revision on an annual basis to ensure the accuracy of the information held within it. Details of changes are to be sent to Northumberland County Council Civil Contingencies Team at
[email protected] This Plan is predicated upon the existence and maintenance by Category 1 and 2 responders and other responding agencies of their own plans and procedures for a response to an Off-Site Reservoir Flooding Emergency. Document Version: Version Date Author Status 1.1 Mar 2011 NCC CCT Draft 1.2 May, 2011 NCC CCT Complete 2.0 June 2015 NCC CCT Revised / updated Important The outline reservoir flooding maps for the reservoirs in the Northumbria Local Resilience Forum area are accessible via the Environment Agency Website and are not reproduced in this Plan Copies of more detailed maps are held on the Resilience Direct information sharing system but are Official - Sensitive and not available for public access.