Union College Union | Digital Works Honors Theses Student Work 6-2015 Tracking the Tupamaros: The Role of Uruguay's Movimiento de Liberacion-Tupamaros in the Electoral Success of the Frente Amplio, 1958-Present Lucas Hall Union College - Schenectady, NY Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalworks.union.edu/theses Part of the Latin American History Commons, and the Political History Commons Recommended Citation Hall, Lucas, "Tracking the Tupamaros: The Role of Uruguay's Movimiento de Liberacion-Tupamaros in the Electoral Success of the Frente Amplio, 1958-Present" (2015). Honors Theses. 321. https://digitalworks.union.edu/theses/321 This Open Access is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Work at Union | Digital Works. It has been accepted for inclusion in Honors Theses by an authorized administrator of Union | Digital Works. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. TRACKING THE TUPAMAROS: THE ROLE OF URUGUAY’S MOVIMIENTO DE LIBERACIÓN-TUPAMAROS IN THE ELECTORAL SUCCESS OF THE FRENTE AMPLIO, 1958 – PRESENT By Lucas Hall * * * * * * * * * Submitted iN partial fulfillmeNt of the requiremeNts for HoNors iN the DepartmeNt of LatiN AmeriCaN aNd CaribbeaN Studies UNION COLLEGE May, 2015 ABSTRACT HALL, LUCAS TraCkiNg the Tupamaros: The Role of Uruguay’s MovimieNto de LiberaCióN NaCioNal-Tupamaros in the EleCtoral SuCCess of the FreNte Amplio, 1958 - Present This projeCt examiNes the role of the Movimiento de Liberación Nacional- Tupamaros (MovemeNt of NatioNal LiberatioN-Tupamaros, MLN-T) guerrilla movemeNt, ofteN referred to simply as the Tupamaros, as it relates to the eleCtoral success of the Frente Amplio (Broad FroNt, FA), Uruguay’s largest NoN-traditional CoalitioN of politiCal parties, from 1958 to the preseNt.