Rapid Transit Railroad Company
A dvertiseme_nts. f HE SiAf EN ISL,AND Rapid Transit. Railroad. Company. Boats leave foot of Whitehall street (the only point in New York reached by all Elevated roads without change) . EVERY 25 MINUTES, from 6 to 10 A. 1u. and from 3 to 7 P. lI., and at frequent intervals at other times of the day and evening. • Down the beautiful Bay, passing Bartholdi's famous Statue of Liberty, and all points of interest in the Harbor. PULL~AN-CAR TRAINS, thoroughly equipped in every particular, run to Clifton, Elm Park and intermediate points, i_n connection with_ each boat Frequent trains to Perth Amboy, Tottenville, and the great fishini grounds at Richmond Valley, Prince's Bay, Huguenot, Eltingville and Giffords. PICNIC GROUNDS at ·_"the \Voods of Arden, Oriental Park, Peteler's South Beach Pavilion, Burbank"s, Gebhardfs Park, Silver Lake and Elm Park. FAl\'IOUS GARDENS at Clifton, Stapleton and West New Brighton. THE Al\1USE1.\IENT COMPANY'S BEAUTIFUL GROUNDS are at St. George, the home of the Metropolitan Base-Ball ·club. Base Ball, Cricket and Lacrosse. Electrical Fountains at night. The finest Grand Stand· in America. Concerts by Cappa's Seventh Regiment Band .. Do not fail to see BUFFALO BILL'S WILD WEST SHO"\V, opening at Mariner·s .Harbor on June 20th . : .. ~ DIREGT "ROUTE TO 111 PIRT~- OF STITEN ISLIND.~ STEEL RAILS Al'l.D ROCK BALLAST. SAFETY, COMFORT AND SPEEIJ. Information gladly given on application at the . Company's Office, foot of Whitehall .St._, __ New York- .. ILLUSTRATED • SKETCH• BOOK • OF STA TEN· ISLAND, NEW YORK, ITS INDUSTRIES AND COMMERCE.
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