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.i.?.;, a:.1 ..r:::., Articles of the Month ;ft SOCIALIST DEMOCRACY A'ND LEGALITY \D t^ Hon Youtong, noted womori jurist, torlks oI new meos- ures in strengthening Chino! sociolist !ow. PUBLISHED MONTHLY IN ENGLISH, FRENCH, Poge 2 spANtsH, ARABtc AND BtMoNTHLy tN GenMln sy THE CHINA WETFARE INSTITUTE PANZHIHUA (sooNc CHTNG HNG, IRON AND CHA|RMANI STEEI COMPLEX 12 A mojor metollurgicol bose vol. xxvilt No. DECEMBER 1979 newly built in the mountoins of Chino's southwest with stress on self-relionce. CONTENTS Poge 7 Strengthening China's Socialist Law-An lnterview with Han Youtong 2 Panzhihua Southwest New Steel Complex Tang BEIJING A Zhongpu- OPERA, 7 TRADITIONAL ART RE. Where Workers Go After Work Li Chuang 14 VIVES He Died on China's Soil - the Story of Hans Shippe Wang Huo 16 Mony ospects ol this A Test-Case of Farm Mechanization Wan Laiii, unique ond foscinoting Sun Changtu and Tie Ying 20 form of ort which com. Vignettes of a Pacific Survey Wu Jin 25 bines dromo, music ond Ma Yinchu and His Theory of Population You donce ond is much wel- Yuwen 2B comed by both Chinese ond foreign oudiences. Debate: Should Chang jiang (Yangtze) Waters Be ' poge 3{ Diverted North and Hdw? 31 Collector Donates- Valuable Historical Currrency 32 Tradrtional Beijing Opera Returns to the Stage Hu Jinming and Liu Xuetao 34 MA YINCHU AND HIS POPULATION THEORY Cartoons 42 Nantong, My Home Town Qiu Jian 43 The stirring story of stout- Types of Houses of China's Minority Nationalities heorted Prof. Mo Yinchu, Ji Lie 46 now 98, whom prgctice hos Do You Know? The Twenty-Four Solar Terms in proved correct on the cru- China's Old Calendar 47 ciol issues of the relotion of Chinese History XV populotion to Chino's so- The Era of Tang:- 4 Crisis and Fall Jiao Jian 48 ciolist economic develop. ment; long under cloud, Papercuts of Yuxian County- Zhang Fenggao 50 o Cultural he hos been oppointed Hon. Links with Thailand 53 orory President Twin Dramas from Two of Beijing Countries Yu Haiyan 55 University. Poge 28 Panda Preserve Ge Xianjun 56 Sports: The "washington Bullets" in China 58 School Children and Teachers in Vacation Camps and THE- gERMAN COMRADE WHO SHED BrOOD ON Resorts cHtNA,s sott Five Days in Beijing's Western Hills Lu Xiaohai EO My First Time by the Sea Ader 65 Hons Shippe, internotionol friend of the Chinese peo.. Teacher's Holiday Guan Qiulan 67 ple, who will never forget his heroism ond sociifice Stamps ol New China 68 neorly 40 yeors ogo. Poge 16 The Giant Buddha of Leshan 69 Chinese Cookery: Fried Duck with Spring Onion ARTISTS FROM THAITAND (Cong You Ya) 70 Language Corner: 71 Their tour contributes to o centuries.old friendship Lesson 12: Longjing Tea ond renews otd culturol links.. poge 5i COVER PICTUHES: Front: Fighting in the dark, a famous scene from HOME OF THE GIANT the Beijing opera "At the Crossroads,'- PANDA played by Li Guang (teft) and Liu Xizhong. Zhang Shuicheng Preservotion of one of Back: Summer Palace, Beijing, after a snowfall. the world's fouorite oni. Xie Jun mols ond of its noturol envlronment. Poge 56 Ediioriol Office: Woi Wen Building, Beijing (37), Chino. Coble: "CHIRECON" Beijing. Generol Distiibutor: cUOZI SHUDIAN, P.O. Bq 399, Beijing, Chino. -An lnterview with Han Youtong supervise and criticize government Many readers haue carltten to ask about units and leaders. It must work democracg and the socialist legal sgstem in China. against bad practices such as We requested. Han Youiong, noted Chi.nese u)om,on bureaupratism and the pursuit of juri,st, to gt'tse sorl.e answers. She studied laus at the privilege. Tokyo lrnperial Unitsersittg in the I930s. Noto she is Of course, one reason for otrce-director ol the Institute oJ Laut oJ the Chinese strengthening the legal system is to Academy of Social Sci'ences, safeguard and develop our socialist econfmic base. China's laws forbid undermining the economy, dis- rupting state planning, misappro- priating or squandering state a. Why does China now have to or strengthen her socialisi legal collective property, and acts en- system? dangering the public interest, no A. Work done in this regard in matter by whom committed or by earlier post-liberation years was what means. Embezzlement, theft, later wrecked by Lin Biao and the profiteering and misappropriation gang of four. Since the gang's of public property are punishable overthrow we have been working by law. This is indispensable too, steadily for protecting our achievements in to institutionalize our ' socialist democracy and perfect our modernization. socialist legal system. e. What has been done to build In point of urgency, to do so is democracy and the legal system essential td guarantee the smooth since the founding of the people,s progress of our socialist moderni- republic? zation. Moreover, one reason why A. We wrote a constitution, with Lin Biao gang and the of four were 'ments.subsequent revisions and amend- able to wreak such social and Dlrector Peng Zhen of fhe Commisslon On that basis; we promul- economic havoc from 1966 to 1976 for Legal Affairs explains draft laws gated the following laws: At the Second Plenary Session of the lay in the , imperfections and Flfth National People's Congress. The Organic Law of the National deficiencies in China's legal system People's Congress, the Local they - took advantage of these People's Congresses and the Local loopholes. This has taught us a we mean by socialist democracy. People's Governmt-'nts. grave lesson And its expression in terms of An Electoral Law. I want to stress the socialist na- institutions and Iaws is the socialist Organic Laws of the People's ture qf China's democracy and legal system. Procuratorates and the People's legal system to denote their dif- Hence, our motive in strengthen- Courts. ference froni those under' other ing system iS to guarantee ' The Land Reform Law, Trade social systems. In China the peo- that th6 people can really exercise Union Law, and Marriage Law. ple as a whole, through different their right to manage state dffairs, Statutes on the punishment of forms, are owners of the means of to guarantee their other deinocratic counter-revolutionaries, statutes producti It.'is rights, and to prevent a repetition on arrest and detention, and on this people of the tragedy of a few caieerists others. exeicise er the usurping state leadership. The law All these played an important running oT the state. That is what must protect the people's right to part in deveioping democracy for 2 CIIINA RECONSTBUCTB Huang Huoqing (center), a delegate to the Fifih National People's Congress anil Chief Procurator of the Supteme People's Procuratorate, comes to discuss with delegates the strengthening of socialist law. the people, curbing enemies, ineffective they could more, easily Secondly, a new and revised punishing criminals, protecting the prepare to seize power. Constitution was passed by the rights of the people and guaran- They also called for dismantling Fifth National People's Congress in teeing the smooth advance of the the publie security departments, February 1978. In the same period, socialist cause. procuratorial organs and judicial great efforts were made to throw But the Laws we promulgated system. At the same time they out false charges, correct wrong after liberation were still imperfect incited anarchy in the departments judgements and rehabilitate and and incomplete. This was because and regions they controlled and give redress to the victims of our society was born out of a semi- let hoodlums and thugs loose to frame-ups. Incomplete figures feudal and semi-colonial old China create general confusion and show that by the end of June 1978 which had no democratic tradi- disorder. They cooked up a host local people's courts had corrected judge- tions. Moreover, the ideology, of false accusations, wrong more than 166,000 such cases. principles persecuted ethics, moral and tradi- ments and frame-ups, Thirdly, in February 1979, tional habits and customs of thousands of cadres and other in. various statutes were revised or feudalism exert remnant influence nocent people on faked charges, newly promulgated. They include in many aspects of our life. And and even hounded many of them the statutes on arrest and deten- changes place the to their deaths. This has brought as took in tion, the Forestry Law, and sta- country's political, economic and home to us the absolute necessity tutes on the protection of marine cultural life, amendments to these of a strong, more comprehensive products and resources. Iaws or neti/ laws were not made socialist legal syslem. in good timb. What has been done since the On July 1st this year, the a. Fifth a. How did Lin Biao and the gang downfall of the gang of four in Second Session of the passed seven of four go about their disruption? October 1976? National Congress A. With the beginning of the A. Firstly, the crimes of Lin Biao important laws: the Organic Law cultural revolution in 1966, Lin and the gang of four have been of the Local People's Congresses Biao and the gang of four began to exposed and criticized on a na- and the Local People's Govern- avail themselves of the shortcom- tionwide scale. People are repu- ments, the Electoral Law, the ings and loopholes in the law. diating their ultra-Left line and Organic Law of the Peop1e's Using ultra-Leftist demagogy they drawing a clear distinction be- Courts, the Organic Law of the smeared China's socialist legal tween right and wrong.