CURRICULUM VITAE: Aninda Sinha DOB: 31 March, 1977 Affiliation: Centre for High Energy Physics, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560012, India. Position: Assistant Professor, from December 2010. Phone: +91 80 22932851 Email:
[email protected] PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 1. Postdoctoral fellow, Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Waterloo, Canada, 2007-2010. 2. PPARC postdoctoral fellow and Gonville and Caius college fellow, Cambridge University, UK, 2004- 2007. EDUCATION 1. Don Bosco, Calcutta, 1984-1996. Indian School Certificate. 2. Jadavpur University, Calcutta, 1996-1999. B.Sc., Physics honours (placed first). 3. Cambridge University, UK, 1999-2001. BA, MA, Certificate of Advanced Study in Mathematics{Part III applied mathematics (placed first with distinction); part III essay: Black holes and the AdS/CFT correspondence supervised by Professor Malcolm Perry. 4. Cambridge University, UK, (degree officially conferred 2005). PhD in theoretical physics, advisor Pro- fessor Michael Green, DAMTP. Thesis title: Aspects of IIB plane-wave string theory RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS 1. \On c-theorems in arbitrary dimensions" A. Bhattacharyya, L. -Y. Hung, K. Sen and A. Sinha. arXiv:1207.2333 [hep-th], to appear in PRD. 2. \Quantum corrections to screening at strong coupling" A. Singh and A. Sinha. Nucl. Phys. B 167-189, 864 (2012) arXiv:1204.1817 [hep-th] 3. \Counterterms, critical gravity and holography" K. Sen, A. Sinha and N. V. Suryanarayana. Phys. Rev. D 85, 124017 (2012) arXiv:1201.1288 [hep-th] 4. \Implications of a viscosity bound on black hole accretion" A. Sinha and B. Mukhopadhyay Phys. Lett. B 709, 289 (2012) arXiv:1108.5177 [astro-ph.HE] 5. \AdS/CFT and sQGP" A.