Todán's One Big Event in El Paso Is the "Horse $how"Jfext Week the Races Open at Juarez Course

METAL. XARKKT8, 'Ilio .Homing; T.uint' Circulation "Yretrrctar. New YoTk. tllrrr. ..,,.. ... Irlntcd and Distributed rfer Yonc electrolytic- topper... SWXW11.M October Avet-nr- o for Sunday, New York lead ,..'.rj.i.oo Sunday 33,983 New York tine October Average, 31 Days' BMb, ..t&iius Dally lg.89 Vas. V IN THE SOUTH WESTt T





Armed and Masked Men Scale Prison. Wall, Overpower Lone Washington, Without Advices From Agents in War Torn Republic, Decides That Situation Is More Confused Than at Any Time For Months; Inhabitants of Vera Cruz Await Deputy Sheriff and Make Off With . Red Flagger Chief. American Evacuation With Trepidation and Foreign Consuls Demand to Be Informed as to Steps to Be Taken to Protect Their Nationals.

Bi the AttoctatciX Prctt secure his lease from the Interment camp Albuquerque,, N, M., Nov. SO. Oeneral at Fort Wlngato, X. M., on habeas corpus Bv the Attoclatti Prttt do tint know whether It Is the purpose of Jose Yncz Salazar escaped from tho Ber proceedings Vera cruz., Nov. so, An .uncon- urn racnon to leave ino InhahllanM, foreigners or Mexican, be en Jail at Ola Albuquorquo In rifles firmed report has reached here that place undefended or whether a small gar- dangercd." nallllo county I'otses automobiles armed with General tonight. Two men scaled tho renco are the surrounding country. Lucio Blrfnco or tho constl rison will bo kept there, while Oeneral Oeneral llobles, chlor of police. In a state- masked sconrlni lutlonal rorros, by a coup has 9 and The will d'etat, Pablo Gonzales and other Carranza forces ment last night relaUve to the situation around tlio arter o'clock border patrol was notified and made head In Mex- move Armljo. hlmelr executive north to meet tho advance of the herf, said: attacked Deputy Sheriff Carlos watcli passes into Meilco. ico City by Imprisoning General Obro-go- villa columns. "The rrlght which possessed the Inhabw lio was alone, anotnor deputy having been Arrested Last January. Railroad communication north or tants of the city today was unwarranted. called" away a few minutes berore by a City la interrupted, and a hand of men, It was unnecessary to close,. shops and de- fako telephone call. As Armljo readied Salazar was arrested In January of this Bv thr I tmrliilril Prttt either Zapatistas or have cut sert tho streets. It Is true that soldiers for his revólver one of the attackers Star on a Southern Pacific train near Mexico City, Nov. M. General Lucio the lino from Mexico City to Vera Cruz at and police stopped calis and unhooked thn uianco'a troops have taken complete san Marcos. horses for war purposes, but thai Is done tn struck at him with abowle knire and toe Sanderson, Teias, shortly after bis flight or all all 'with roads leadlnr out or the ra. Thero aro rumors at Villa's headquarters countries in times or stress. Somo other' attempted to shoot" at hint an from Ojlnaga with the' federal garrison Hal. and tho lines of trooDS In iho suburbs according to one consular dispatch. that orricers worked with too much zeal, that automatic revolver, Armljo said, but U under General Mercado, lie was brought facing the front presented by supporters of Puebla has been occupied by the Zapata l all. Commercial bouses may again reopen railed to Work. Ho was overcome and to Fort Bliss and Interned with the bal- - Mpiii, uavo seen strongly reinrorrca. li lorces, inn no coniirmauon is avauanio. with saroly." handcuffed to a post outside. Armljo was anca oc tuc wxxi prisoners or war wno nea is DPiicvca nero inai ucnerat manco win Explains Confiscation or cut In. places. before General Villa's soldiers Into tho remain and afford the Inhabitants protec- CONSUL CANADA CONFRONTED The military commandant said It was r.ot several tion danger of a by They released Salazar, who waited In- nanos or the American troops. from the raid the Za WITH DIFFICULT (JLESTION. Intended to stop public vehicles in the ' ,m and his was taken to Fe, pata adherents. street and confiscate the horses, but to side tho. door with bis bat Later Salazar Santa A meeting of all the generals In the city get animals They ran aod .V. M., and tried and .acquitted a Bu thr AtnoclalrJ Pro the from tho stables. He said suitcase In one hand.. out under was held today at tho headquarters or so. that although all cab trame wan stopped Jumped over tho fence. The .Now Mexico Indictment charging him with Vera Cruz, Nov. There appear no and climbed General 'Blanco to discuss the situation. or on In the clly yesterday, it would be re- two men a Went-I- n smuggling war munitions into Mexico1 in likelihood early resumption of traffic sumed today with aro entered taxlcaband Vera Cruz- - City. horses that lert. Uio' Albuquorquo, whllo Salaiar violation or the Tart embarro. between and Mexico The commandant explained volley direction' of as Is known that the buggy- - .arovo orr.. Following' his acquittal Salazar was in- far bore the Mexican railway firing which alarmed tho city early last entered a and a night to was brought El Taso terned In the prison camp at Fort Wlngata By has not bcin cut, but considerable stretch wss due Indiscriminate shooting Salazar 'hero from the Attociatei Prttt line by soldiers from rar chargb 'of perjury alleged was ror perjury, alleged to. have Washington. Nov. 20. Official advices to of the has been destroy. windows and car to bo trlcd'oh'a' andlt ed. Local roors as they wero leaving the railway committed- In- his attempt to been committed In attempting to procure the United States government rrom Us trains from Intermediate points By to have been Here tonight rilled rerugees. Htation. this method they expressed his release from Fort wmgaie oy trie Jose Ynez Salazar,. the former; Mexican general who Escaped agents throughout Mexico today revealed arrived with their Jpy at leaving for the front. habeas corpus route, that ho was In the situation as more conrused than it has Excitement was caused here tonight by In msny The official tele- Albuquerque lo be tried in tno Albuquerque Last Night. been months. 'the circulation or hand bills which sstd federal at grams summarized eventa as follows: since General court there. ' provlMonal that francisco villa's men ANNIVERSARY OF ' General Gutierrez, selected proposed lo prevent tho occupation Of tho Salazar left Bliss Sunday niornlnr convention AtruaJcall-ente- Fort president by the at city the HORSE SHOW EVENT in cnargo or a sergeant and a private' or Vigorous 'German' Attack, has decided to continue Francisco tha day Americans leave. It wai the Twentieth, infantry, who tho center, In tho Argonno Villa In command of all tho troops con- earnestly, urged thai keep turned htm French but orr tne streets, was REVOLT OBSERVED over io mo civil authorities in aibo. region the German! ' bave mado vigorous trolled by tho convention. Villa has ad- it added that this In querque. the Understanding that, TWO BATTLES attacks, which, tbe French say. were rc vanced to Irspuato without rcslattnro, and convenience would' probably not last more It' wis' American consular agents say he wilt ron. than H hours, as It was said in that time OF SOCIAL SEASON in' theNavent of hi scqulttal. on the per pulsed. On the .French right wing; the tlnue tn Oueretaro and the vlctnlly of Mex cnarge; Germans village the constitutionalist would be gblo ro secure jury toe prisoner was to ne rt have retaken the of Cham ico city, without dirricuy. --. secure BUSINESS SUSPENDED 'iff JUAREZ IN vencolrri.-part-- which Obregon, In' tlio STfilcttl 'capital TnfrircCTnrtrlaidiimike their leñare turned .to' Fott.llss, where ha baa heea few Oeneral of post, . EüLT.Vi: HOLD wr, su , oays ago. de-- tbe ARISTOCRATS TO StVAV AT confined since the release of the Fort Tne activity or me Germans tn and loyal to carranta, ha formally say WASHINGTON Vicinity area war on General Villa. Unrest and The police the are dally obtaining PARK THIS Wlngate prisoners some' 'months agu. WAY-I-N the it flhctma has slackened. AFTERNOON, The fugitive regarded Mexicans' UNDER Tho advance by" Austria Into Servia U apprehension prevail In Mexico City, as the evldcnco tending to show that reprisals is by have been evacuating aro planned by From Parade and JHIIIIary Review Feature of as one or tne most aangerous men wno creating uneasiness In Bulgaria as to the ft'arranra troops the the ronsllluilonailsis. - City an nay. purpuro oí mu inuva cno prisoner today they say Ihey obtained i;rirDraiion--roiiniai- ueaieaien ever operated on the border. Until his future or the Balkan slates. The question uio is Affair llreoonled am the Lrartinn Outdoor Distinguished unexplained. a detailed list or bouses that arc lo bo ruueuun oí ear Honor of' Gltzea. arrest early tills year 'bo bad been actively as to wnotner mugaría should remain General Obregon will leave the Mexican i mil eclipso ncutrat or tho allies message searched. l'reilous Efforts. engaged in an the righting since the rev threw her lot with capital on Saturday, One said lie Through W. Y. Canada, the Anmrlran (commenced 'ago'. was dlseuss;d today In tho Lead was going to "aliña Cruz, from which point .Ciudad Juarez celebrated 'the fourth .annl. olutlon .four 'years POLAND AND Sobranlc. consul, tho consuls of Cuba, hpaln. Franco Following tho' triumph Madero ers or the Democratic party suggested that on tho west coaM It was thought ho would For a few hours Vina? versary or commencement or tne jii of Salazar to and Great Britain have aked the United this afternoon uie Joined ,ln the flag" the allies should be consulted as to their move north to and attempt Ilorso will reign supreme again and El revolution" yeit'er "red revolt under nr tne rorrrs. An- - "whst effectUn measures are going dero in the "border city I'asqual Urozco a In ten) Ions regarding tho futura of tbe rut tntn inn rear vina States Peso's society folk will turn out tn rala and for time was In nhfr iclrrrani snoke of his DrobsblA de to be taken by thn fulled States to protect array to day. Tho city turned itself over to a day command at Following as Balkans. do him honor For this one day tit Juarez. the parture rnr Cruz, where It H supposed d of rejoicing, and all municipal, stato and Italy Also Vera Ihe lives and property of foreigners in Vera tho year the gasoltno steed wliether satslnatlonof Madero and the usurpation Afferted. hA Mill inln General Carranza nut Mon limousine or J line Ford will as and Italy, too, hare bern elected by iho possession tho Cruz." bo national offices, well as the schools or liucrta saiaiar, lue orozco, served ANOTHER IN Aus. day, formally to take of city The consuls explained that they had no relegated to thn background and homage many-- or the stores, were closed In honor under the dictator,, and like Orozco was Irian advance and nor ambassadors at the when tno American torces uimor ucumi will lie paid to "man's noblest rrlend." Over Information to show that the Mexican gov . or mo escape Kuropcan capitals have been called nomo Funston depart. lot) horsf-s- representing every grade jionasy. successful in making his from City have ernment would be unable to enforce tho and .Mayor Juan N. Medina or Juarez arranred only to confer with the cabinet. Marquis ah ihn nuhlte nfrires In Mexico rlass in equine society, from delivery ojlnaga. to be captured later on the American agents there guarantees given' by It. a special program In honor or the begin smuggling cnarge. Imperial!, Italian ambassador to Great Brit- been vacated, and tho unrses io eavairy cnargcrs, nave oeen en- ntng or uprising and as a to ammunition tn exhibition. Spec- the meraorlum .In the days or the Diaz regime Salazar ain, will leave for flooio tomorrow. tered this afternoon's Amities Serdan. the Madero adherent who order to prevent reach- COMHUMCATMNS WITH CAPITAL tacular features and some brand new stunts looso fighting was a section' laborer and foreman era In supplies of tea program was the nrst to his nro. ta ing Germany from England through I'HOII VERA CltUZ CUT OFF. will bo Included in tbe and a mil for tiro revolt against Diaz. ployed on railroads In New Mexico and, neutral itary aspect win no given to tne snow oy Tho ceremonies opened at II o'clock yes. It Is said, Is thoroughly familiar with' the countries, Great Britain has prohibited its FIERCE FIGHTING Bu the Attoelattd Prttt Iho presence of army officers. In larra terdav mornlnr with a review of the troops country over which he will have to travel exportation to Kuropean countries except Vera Cruz, Nov. so. The only means of numbers, both as competitors and specta- In the city and a military' parade through to mako good his escape: those or the allies, Spain and Portugal, since communication with Mexico City today Is tors. As was tho case Isst year, the horse) tlio streets. General Tomas Ornelas and' tila the outbreak of the war the exports of by wire. Traffic on both' the railroads lead show will undoubtedly be the leadlnr out the Benito OF THE THREE CONFLICTS social staff reviewed, tho troops at ESCAPE CAREFULLY PLANNED tea to Holland liavo reached enormous pro NACO BATTLE lug from Vera Cruz to tho capital has been door runctlon of the fall and winter juarrz monument. portions. 'IN interrupted, months. Thero aro twice as many boxea Following-th- e. parade and review the AND BOLDLY CARRIED OUT. THE ONE AT ITS HEIGHT available this year as there were last rail, or accom- Tho admiralty has. taken further steps for On the Mexican railway traffic has been as early as yesterday every commander the Juarez forces, By HptclaiWiri to The Time the tho ports by yet bos bad panied by the military officers, raised a protection of east coast UF.CLAIIF.S hailed on account of tho constitutionalists' bven sold and space In the automobile sec- N. M., Nov. seems CONSUL JIUZQUIZ NEARLY rrpwn to the memory of Aquilea Serdan at Albuquerque, II. Two BETWEEN VISTULA AND tho extension or mine fields. This m aaa a i lift 'tJ" flsTl'V áVtl.I.Fll demand for all rolling slock between Mcx tion had been reserved for over twenty men the special stand at the monument. masked entered the county Jail at to glva soma support to the rumors, cur AND WOUNDED. Ico City and Esperanza for the movement parties. Tim Prizes this year ara muck Special exercises wero given by the boys Old Albuquerque about 8 JO o'clock to WARTA RIVERS IS EXCIT rrnl for several days, that a anrman raid of troops, and also becauso of the proximity mora valuable, as cups or cash and in and girls of the public schools. night, overpowered Deputy Carlos on In It somo events both have been offered as Sheriff tbe rast roast Js expected. fact. Maytorena's of rebels renders travel dangerous, The formal opening ot a new street, 'to Armljo and released, oeneral joaetYnez j' generally believed here that If Oermany Thousand Men of tiotrrnor Martinez, of first prizes In all classes, while in most or Calle Carlos TacheCo, named ING MOST Fdmundo representativo the classes cups are ror be known ai Salazar. THE INTERES- T- Is balked In her designs she will attempt Forces lieponea Min ana ounm General Candido Agullar. a orrered the second after "the Illustrious 'Chlhuabuense, and. the Ml liundred Wounded. Carranza and third prizes aa well. In addition to dedication of a fountain In tho square, to Another deputy who was on duty with to Mttck Engund, no matter bow desperate rdherent here. Intimated that another rea. Ihe cups ribbons will be riven to all win. be known as Jardín Zaragosa. which Is a Armljo bad been called away by a tele INFANTRY ATTACKS IN such an expedition Is considered. son for the suspension wu lo prevent the ners of first, second or third places. part of the Improvement plan for Ciudad phone messago of a. fako atabbtng. Subscriptions to war loan continue tn Thai nearly iflob men have been killed entrance of Vera Cruz of passengers who Thn Officials. Juarez Inaugurated, by Mayor Juan' N. M- Armljo was lying on his bed when' the THE WESTERN- - ARENA come In and It was reported unofficially and wounded since the flghllng between ne might turn out to be followers of Oeneral The Judges in the saddle and ham esa edina, took place yesterday afternoon at men Jumped In tho door. "Olve tonight that tbe annl cations aggregate he lilll and Maytoruna forces was resumed at Villa. classes will be Csplaln Ben Lear. Jr.. H. 8. of Consul oeneral o'clock. The dedication of the new lnu Salazar, you die," one. Armljo twecn three and three and billion Naco Is the statement the Una to .Mex- Stephenson and A. F. Ferris. In the mili- to a or cried HAVE ALMOST CEASED rc. Muzqulz. who returned yesterday The other the city took place before reached of Tho loans calls for only fl.TW, Hafael City, operated only In sec- tary classes Colonel George Morgan. Cap- Íirovements or The new street for his revolver at the side dollars. an Inspection trip along ibe señora ico Is being Ben citizens. men .000,000. from San tain Lear, Jr., and Captain Casper Cola will run from Calle Mina to Campo the bed and one of the struck htm border. tions. A stretch or this track between Captain a open. AUSTRIAN ADVANCE IN uy control ex. will officiate, while Captain Lear, with knife, ripping his sweater Tbe losses or the attacking forces ltd Marcos Is under thn of the Cole and Lieutenant J. L. Collins, A. D. C Deputy Overpowered., ' CIVIL AimioniTiF.t Governor Jose Maria Maytorrna havb natur- Oeneral lllgcnlo Agullar, opposed to to General Pershing, will act tn tbe pole) A blow on tne head wttn tne butt of an SERVIA CAUSING UNEASI LKAVEriL'K7. CANAL. ally been Ihe heaviest and ara plactd by Carranza. pony class. automatic pistol dropped ArmUo. Du thfAuoctatcH Consul Muzqulz at IM killed and at least a. unariion picuuray win ari as mrrcror prfi WW wounqea. THREE VESSELS TAKEN Tne men supped Handcuffs on Annuo jin.inn Nnv. i a. m. The Central CKNEIMt. BLANCO FAI'LtlXS or arena, assisted by J. Herbert Buekner NESS. has Hill's forces, ftgbtlng behind trenches A. and nun up to a fence post, while News correspondent at Conitantlnopl miootim; an jov mcns soldiers. and S. I.eath. trussed sent the following dltpstrh by way of Am- have lost at least too men killed and of iney went directly to baiaxars ceil up wounded. By thr Anoctatrrt British Cruiser Captured Ships That Weal sterdam: ,. General Muzqulz attributed tbe Prttt stairs and unlocked the door tiler several civil auinoriiies 01 nuri, iwi p Consul Mexico City, Nov. rielen. Lucio bianco Out lo Supply German attempts. "rne and renter, great loss on tho side of the mil ill lu lint the lives and nronerlv and Ismael), at the south, north at- tut BIG DIRIGIBLE AIRSHIP Salaiar Ready for Journey, Dv tht Attociottd Prut respectively, of the Suez canal, have left for fact that bis rorcrs must necessarily or the Inhabitants of the capital, boll: for- Nov, v two big battles, either tack over an open plain, which gives them Mexicans, as- saiazar was ready wttn nts In London. Zaaazlr. sevrnlv-flv- e miles west of the ra eigners snd are safe. This suitcase or both of which may have decisive and no protection rrom tne mu re. was made arter thn general had been IA hand. He lert nothing In the results. nal, owing lo the advanco of Bedouins sertion flu Attoetatti Prttt his cell but are being fought in Poland, and a third Vhrn h lefl tha Hnmira border vetter t tilled by John U. Silllman. President Wil Fully Equipped as righting Machias New York. Nov. 30. Tho captains and a pair of old trousers. plan was Arabs." morning, the wero still min- That the conflict, equal importance. Is day two arnes son s personal representative, and thn Being Built U. 8. crews of lha American steamer Lorenzo careruiiy laid was evident rrom, state- of almost fighting at Naco. uter rrom Brazil.' who complained the lor Goterameat the progressing in east EIGHT BOUIEN tOtlMI that at Cost 1150,000. and the Norwegian steamer Tlior. which ment or one of the prisoners, who a i'russia. "Tbe deportation of Julio Madero from rlty was In slain or fright due to tne of were raptured by a British warship bi or tne mat wmcn la now ON' LAKK SITKItintl Is merely a play 'a tie saw a man about thirty yards from the inree balitea MIOHK AITKH STOP.H. the ronventlon territory appropriation of cab horres and automo' Writ I ti1 in waters while altered ta luvn i Its height between the Vistula by Madero family and Ihn contention Jail morning raise his as If sig- and the biles by soldiers who were departing for i hid on board coal for the German cruiser this arm rivers, and In which tbe Russians By tht U.f Delated Prft$ forces to away public opinion n their faior, tho front. By the Afnvlatnt Prttt nally Salazars L'pon Warn Seney. Nov. 0. Fight bodies Akron, Nov. SO. A 'Karlsrune. arrived nero voaiy aboard tno toward window. tonight claim partial success. Is exciting Mich.. and they are taking advantago of him being bass He Ha 21.000 Men. O.. dlrirJble atrsnln. Kiftamer Hilvana irooi hi. luc Kirnieen going upstairs ho saw Salazar waring hi. wero found today on the shore of a relame of the late president lo do this.' i nave rv.ou somn or wnom fully equipped wllh machine guns, wireless W greatest The soiaiera. tre one. time passengers of the Lamportl & Holt band, he said. the Interest. oermani. it is Lake Superior about eight mile from said Consul oenersl Mutqult, In regard to now righting near Xochlmllro and telegraph apparatus, cages and believed, hare brought up by their line of the are to other armored ltner Vau Dyek, which was captured by tho Orropled Less Thirty Minutes. this plsce. Two of dead the exile order which had been lisued parta or tne said Bianco, Is con- on Hun strategy In and at a strong uisirici," oeneral sensithe air Instruments, being i karisrune, also arrived me uuyana. rignt Armuo and railways Poten Elleilt women. joung Msdero. "If be is such govern- The Lorenzo and tho Tltor. toaelncr with Ttie witn the release least half a million men In an effort to II Is thought Ihey csme from the carranza supporter, it would oe ti ma aa structed here for the united States or Salaiar occupied less than thirty barge Anna M. I'eterson, vantage to hold n.m ment, it was learned today. If lha balloon break the Russian line al this point. lumber of the convention COLD WAVK SPREAD OVER line. are. held ai urllim prize or war in minutes. Salazar Jumped over the fence ground whtrh left Baraga 1st Wednesday prisoner until after the war. Instead of proves satisfactory arter completion, the on one of and Weather conditions, tbe froten or the steamer F, come United SOUTHERN' hTATKN. WITH government to place thr harbor of bl. Lucia, whither luey were side Armljo his rescuers Ibe battlefield, mako in low C permuting Mm to lo tie FHEKZJNU promises an order for mew and situation of the Curtis, loaded'wllh lumber fur Tona atetes."-- - TEMPERATURES. jiy pnu crews aiier capture on the other. "You stay there," salazar a to a degree sz larger ones with entire ter equip- by the Urlttsb cruiser Berwick. commanded Armljo. for battle decisive not wanda. N. Y. The barge Is believed Mr. Miizouls wUl leave today for New equalled on any other field In tbe present In the gale By th AttoctoUd Prttt ment. Captain Griffiths or the Lorenzo and btl A buggy was outside the fence at the to have been wrecked lor my. Washington, Nov. io. cold airship being will be IM American crew not or cap- war. which swrpt Lake superior yesterday The The constructed would talk the placa where the Mexican leaped over, Tha which spread over the southern states feet long and forty feel in diameter with turo of their steamer, but lha crow of lie and last night-- HEAVY LrUKCS OS BOTH HIDES y tracks of tha wheels and of a fretbly shod ether Value la relaa. last main and today, forcing tha a raiting capacity or nearly IIjOOO pounds. Norwegian steamer were not so reticent, I.N WEDNESDAY'S flGHTINU, below ex- running were In Is taking place M. Peterson was 190 the rreezlng point and II easily carry men In a and Second Nat Joachim Qlaeo told or the horse bard traced frota that Tbe other battle The Anna feel Jig Xptcial fa TA tending to the middle will twelve steel on gross tonnage 631. tr Tlmtt north Atlantic It. seizure of the Thor. point to tha road. The trail was Ion the Crscow.Czenatocbowa front, and both long and her vai Nogales. Ariz., m. Reports received states, bad spent Its force tonight, car suspended beneath The car will Newport News Ho ill barge anil sleairwr are owned Nov. The Thor cleared from on there. The two inert escaped In a closed iner Hiisaiana and oertoana claim It Is pro . al headquarters In Nogales, Sonora, today tq forecasters at thn weather carry machine guns, oxygen In tanks and August 4 for Frey Dentos, near Buenos reeding satisfactorily In by the Kdward lllnes Lumber company pumps to tbe crew any alti- automobile. for them. East Chicago. taillo a of Wednasdsv's battla at Naco. bureau. A reaction with quick effect air supply at Aires, the mate said, but after leaving the - of Maytorena men Is brlaglng higher temperatures. capes course Crooked missis tne Huuian advance la movlna- Sonora, show that to ot the tude. the wis laid for the M.NVER atCJrtWÍE alowly through the country surrounding were killed and an equal numbar w winded. Reporta from Atlanta early tonight Two of too horsepower each will passage in the Bahamas. KHM Three Additional Bodies. SO entine i laltnd Tbera the HMtiEB NCR WN LWZ Mazurtan Ida's forces, dsfsndlng tbe town, lost showed a temperature or degrees to ship. Another Thor was joined by the Lorenzo,' which the lakes, which is difficult of Bt) f A I r4 li be used propel the w T0U(AVe CM I LB passage, nocla Putt ufaa sua iw wounaea, srcuruuia prevailing there. At Jacksonville. engine appeared to be loaded with coal) the Neekar efttttAN la oellcle tht Russians are inov Msrquetie. Mlcb., Nov. 0. Three and fifty of 1. horsepower will be installed lo start Ing steadily sama authority, Three hundred Ha.. wss at Mobtle 40. Chatis, ones, . of the North German line, with a valuable westward sod at the same' time bodies were washed ailioro al Grand Mill's men. It it reported her, rrosied tha noosa Memphis It and Chulón, the larger Tbe cajrter car will ba cargo from Cuba, and the Spreewald. JSv IA AtVKittti Prui are selling tho passes of the Carpathians. Mara II. Mlrh.. today In a tangle of Una Arizona taken ft Ti feel long and 10 feet wide. , Into and were prisoner N. C.. M. Them vessels cruised about the B afumas Denver, Colo.. Nov, Mrs. Dora TDra is now almost a comnlele absence wreckage lwlirl w b a part or the by the United States troops. From northern Virginia to New Eng- Ralph Jl. Upson, pilot or ma ooodysar and the West Indies ror several weeks, Baron, aa employe at the Sheltering of the infantry attacks In the western arena barge Annie M. Peterson. II Is Benito Arusro and Lorenzo Espinosa, land nearly normal, November balloon, which won world's honors leaf according W oí M, lem to suela the Thor. uho said Hoot for Jewish Orphans, riskrd bcr artillery flgMftw thought here the Annie Peterson bridge burners and mine plantera, were peralures will prevail tomorrow. year n. A. D. Ma the wssvtfeal they were seeking to and lha li of much lest bauds, Uva bill, from f'arls. and Preston, belief Ufa tonight lo a fire that partially violence, tne or feundtred. with all la firoufM nare on a special train inosy iroin aide, are supervising tha work on tha Mg pick up end provision German ah region Plxmude, sard which swept Lake Superior on the iiytorena oadquartra at kilometer . On sWptesseW tha came up destroyed tha buUdlar hi rescuing through which the Yscr canal passes, Is The crew November Hirer Brakes dirlglble. They expect to complete the Mc Berwick child Thursday. of the Peterson befara Naco. Many offieara urged tbe from lata south. Oéesen said, and an orrieer aa Invalid that bad been for- Inundated and the only serious fighting al Is believed be re to have consisted of Scsraary execution of these men. but 0 ty the At4eia M Prttt t bag within tlx months. Jt wilt ba shaygsal wtb aai aaaard craw weal aboard tho Tirar, gotten during tha exrlteraenl follow- present appears to be taking placa to the seven men, Maylorena spared their lives. Tbey Atlanta, fla., Nov. tu tha seaboard for trial flights. locked ever star papera and put her under ing the discovery of the blase. Mrs. soma or zprcs. wsere csnnoosduir or con Tlte steamer C f. Curtis and her ara ta ba taken to Htrmoalilo and held 14 cold weather rtrords ware broken The approximate cost of the alrshta wiu Thai ata; M the Thor was laten by Vaniu ran through smokc-fiiu- balls slderable Intensity Is Very tow, the barge Marvin, bound ror wall trial In the etvlt courts. . In many parts of the south today. be aiscooa. outers, which will ba c tive. la Drorreis. .V. a new U trt. Lucia. The day after to room on the neper floor weather, Tnoowands. Y.. bave not been It was announced today that Antonio Osorgla pobJts reportad ibe coldest a larga scale, reawaW LHrto harbor Berwick aad bad which necessarily hampers reported, and ttie report or office of strucied on will cost. sMN. the a. the child out M safely. haa tteva the find- L Hi PI hat taken chara of the early In forty-tw- Tbe largest tto Met m broÑM ka as Lorrawo and the ttpreewetd, carried the Thirty operations, and snow ing of eight near Seney tha Magdaltna to which weather ihla wül ba la were un- ierlcd bodies has prefect of district snow lUt aroffcatijfcMn. He s!4 UmI Ibe crew other children takea out nas laiwn m whimi pistes. d to fears here that qn or both of be wss recently appointed by Oovernor ytars. The first of tbe season win comfortably carry a craw injured. lucre aa sweat m imtiartaasi acttoa u thosa vessels war bare gone ctowau Maytorena. fell la TeaaxisM and North Carolina. BMO, L PASO MORNING TIMES

VALLEY CREAMERY Iftod Stiff orers INSISTS CARRANZA A Voice that Quick- Want Kim WARMLY APPROVED tf WILL NEVER FLEE ens the Musical Ear IVIeat Specials CHAMfwn or coMMKBCK nmECTons The Ught It Turned on to KKWLY AtreiNTES CetteXrt, DECLARES HEARTILY INIIOHSK 1'lxiJr.t.i AGtB CHWrTAm IS ADOPTING THE of Childhood PLANNED BV FAUHKnS. SttbjMt el Darknes. TACTICS W BENITO JUAREZ. For. Saturday rrolest Against AeUea of WsrrlsB Europesa rreiMtts villa Army Hill Soon Be Fsreed the? nsuons ta iieeiariDo woppir I A voice that stirs musi- of War. Hereon Cttles They Are Now standing, per lb l7V2c Cestraisnd Tsklag WHHeut Resistance. Extra Fancy Prime Rib Roast, cian to his most inspired mo- Sugar Cured Beef Tongues, per lb...... 20c; ments, and yet a voice that is Adoption Miolutisn vitorotuly of "General Venuitleu never 20c as human and intimate as the tbs boms use and consumotton Carrañas will Fresh Beef Tongues, per lb...... -- - rrown cordial ao- - leave Mexican soil," said Mexican Consul voice of a lifelong friend-- of vallev. nroductl. the Pig Pork Ham Roast, per lb 20c proval of tbs creamery proposition and Andrei 0, Osrds yssterday. Mr, Oarca Sc this is the voice of the sdoptlon of s protest tq bo torwaroea o cama to Kl Paso recently from Mexico Choice Oven Roast Beef, per, lb. Wsshlnjton sialnst the einbar sro reg; City to accept the post of Mexican consul Veal, and lb 20c io El psio iq Júrgo U. orosco. Pork, for Loaf, per I.V-- .I iS the W(l succeed CHICKERING Im.l.tirn .ffirtlnr "During my stay in Mexico City I Lard, lb. fare of El Paso considered at s meetinj Nations' Pure Home Rendered glad you or the learned thst Uenersl Csrrania hail no In- - Wo shall bo to welcome to our muslo rooms and lot tha of the board 'of directors or lesrlng tha pails, per ,15c of Coinmerea held yesterday sfternoou tt The mere fact that fl. B. 8., ths famous tsntlon republic, In spile lb.... Chlckerlng toll Its own massage In a little ball hour or so of good of tbs reports ibat ba will be forced to HV,,!,, of tbsa Cbam blood purifier, drives out dlsVaas Is a n.u,i nroildant topic flee to ssfety on a foreign shore. If tbo music. of presided, with world's story, a of conversation wher her Commsrce, fecistanr ever men get togctber. conditions or ms resignstion and' self' Andrew Iteores snd Dircciors Hurt Prndorff, proposed elimination bad been fulfilled by Wo are idling at Boston Prices, and we save you the freight. We ; V. Primm, Henry beach, Olslborrw They .wonder why, simply became most Daron and C. L. Blirains tna convention, ne wouja nava left Mex Extra Special Saturday Only your piano In Adams. Oeorito be remedies are myauned and put btfort taso will take exchange on a Chlckerlng. in attendsnce. ws Ico, but ss conditions are changed and ss "discoveries." Tbs facts srs thst against Villa Motion Pictures for San Dies. psy too much attention to possibilities and .war tha forces bss been Fancy Narrow Strip Bacon, per lb 22!aC A that an additional motion aecurea, ns stsy on You will have to hurry If you want to see the groat "La Durah." proposition not cnoocn to rest, homespun accomplish wiu Nexicsn sou picture film, showinf views or the upper snd flgbt, snd when be dies 1 predict Fancy Sugar Cured Corn Beef, per lb. . .17 Vic Today the last day. Exhibition closes tonight. Lost show 20 to and lower vally and a panorama menL 8. 8. 0. Is a remedy of our fathers. Is deeply mat nis aesio wim tsice pises in Mexican Sausage, . . .20c p. m. rasa ns rotten out tor ciniumuu k It bas a history thst written la territory. Pure Home Made Pork per lb. 8:30 exhibition free. Everybody welcome San Dleri Cab. esposlllon. was reltrrcd men's minds because It has dens tbs work, to the directors to the publicity committee. driven deep disease, revived "Csrrania Is sdopilng the tsctlcs snd In thla pnnnrrtlnn tha SlSCUSSlOn brOUSht out seated hope, put the O. K. on appearance" and strategy used by tbs grest Mexican patriot out the ct that tho fine nlm strwln? at tno time or JENKINS PIANO COMPANY tha P.iephant niitie dam, th Kl Pase and clamped down tight any effort of germs utnito luarez ins Frenen Meillli valleys and straet scenes of hi to get tbs upper band. Any sore spot os Invasion of Mexico under Maximilian, - timo City THIS IIIG l'IANO HOUSE KSSO, inSV Was pillfn OUl uuuer mo miyv- ths skta Is an Immedlsto demand for litares st thst evscusled Mexico POULTRY FISH iinn nr iim Kniird states reclamation to tba enemy Just asfCarranta baé dono 3 8. B. 8. since the first principle of tbls Texas fit. service at the eipense of the Chamber of now. He trsvelcd from ons pisca lo Panama-Pacifi- famons remedy ts to atrlks out for places Commerce to be eahlblted at the Is DEPARTMENT of trouble. Tbls Is a physiological fact snother, Just ss Carrsnzs doing, snd DEPARTMENT international exposition, may siso time during tbo period .n a 8. 8. la tros to workings ot st ons Juarex na sten here snori time. snd 6. ths himself In Chlhushua Tr.rf irarirrtlnn Deferred. our body. enabllshed and later Home In Ciudad I would not be Sur- Dressed Hess California Fish UNITED STATES WEAT11KH IIUI1EAU DAILY DUIXLTIV. The proposal of rtvnir s trade excursion Get a of 8. B. 8. today any Juarex. Meiieo was re r lo briefly. bottle at prised If Carranza visits Juarex before Iba in Naw erred begin blood hesltb. will 1511. Tho opinion expressed by Mr- - Deach that druggist snd It present wsr Is over in 1 Home Dressed Turkeys Observstlons Taken it 8 p. m., 75th Meridian Time, y o v. 20, any ao a snd tna end Lobsters rreclpl- - ma lime was noi oppunuiis jut " master blood disease and it in expect to see hint restored to office In Temperatura Wind tallón excursion, though It would be taken up way to emphasise Its Influence. And If Home Dressed Geese general snd the tna capita at Mexico city. Lowest Velocity tan K later, met with approval you would like definite advice write Tbs "The cxacustlon of the cities In centrsl Trout and Oysters Highest State of 1I- - er hours. matter was passea wunoui acwun. Bwlft Specific Co., CO Swift Dldf., Atlante, last - ol Mexico It appear that the Carrañas At s p.m. today, tilitht. hour. Inches. nr. n. it. iioinsn. the renresentattve makes father. rectlm. Oa. Their medical department .is wners being 31 Clear io .00 tho Chamber or who, together forces aro swept swsy by tbo Villa Abilene M "J hV Miller, to Denver In most people first seek adrlcs that puts srmy, pro Blué Point Oysters on the Amarillo CO 71 Si Clear hV .00 with Dr. rtnix went nut there is a method in mis BLUE VALLEY tho Intereit or securing the Mooso stnl them on ths straight roao. cedurs, before long tha strategy or Atlanta H rnr Kl a snd 20 Clowdy V Xfí t.irinm I'un. submitted rcncrt set spparcnu noise, Idaho U i Dr. Miller bad mat these tactics win become Tpe shell received fresh daily 3 3 sa Clear W to 1,40 tint form that he and BUTTER jicaton favorable reception st Denver, and villa forces do not Know wnat to expect, Chicago i W I HV t .00 s most by Ileal Estate Ex Clrar he believed the prospects were very further action ths Tbey will be soon thrown wholly oh tho í hW t .00 that - eh an ra. ClnclnniU cloudy rnr El Paso the big- sanitarium defensive snd must bold sll of tbese cities Denver M M 3 clear KW h .00 bright attlnir some correspondence wnn mo urauairaoi I SO l W til .01 ir worn in tnai uenau were cuminuru. no agency was read was snd tbs cspitsl Hseir sgglnst sn attacking ncirou Hnow a committee Moose commercial and it 4 30 4 KW s .00 also advised that of tha to publish srmy, which will assert Itself within a Duliilh, Minn. Clear coming- In the of s few decided to ssk Brsdstreets tbs fe 35 8 .00 were here course psso plan tna EL PA M Cloudy !iV the field them- l.i i) permits. few weeks. The of operation is M 44 SW to .00 months to look over for New Elected. Telephone 220 Mesa Galveston li clear selves, resolution or voted Members work or oensrsi ODregon, a snrewa sirat 38 to 3S I't. Cldy. NW 4 .00 a thanks wis Tha Shears Hardware comDany. A. Havre. Mont. to Urs. Ilomun and Miller and the secre- I. agist, and before long It will b effective.' Jackaowtll 31 40 3 Clear KW M them Prultt and i. B. Walker vera sleeted mem-ha- 2576 Avenue Cloudy fl .oo tary was requested to ascertain from nr the Chamber of Commerce. Little nock 39 4i W II ot the to compose Roast Turkey SJe Sundsy. 78 art Clear V 4 .00 the names Individuals Unon suvrealion of Mr. Beach It was de I.os Annelcs M tha Moose romrnltteo, to whom personal With oystsr dressing snd cranberry Nashville 2 ss 10 Clear 3 0 .ou cided lo place an ornamental or an electric 4, letters will be written offering the services me ugmmorco sauce, rienty ereryooay. Orleans 41 40 34 Clear W .00 Chamber or Com- sign in ironi oi cnairoer oi for weston's Jew 34 WW M1 .14 and rood ofrires of the with Instrlptioni "VHltors Welcome. All 320 Antonio (Advertisement.) New Yor. 3 42 Clear the to tho com- the Ssn street. Clear W 4 .oo merce and desire entertain Ouestlons Cheerfully Answered," and a Omaha Vi M mittee during slay in Kl Taso. w 70 m cloudy m: 4 .oo lis similar banner In the Interior, as sn sld Need atsssesT Ask Segall, toa Texas St., rioeiiu 4 .oo Creamery Proposition Indorsed. to the publicity In carrying on nspid city, 9. D 50 M M I't. Cldy. WW creamery to he buresu .it nesr Oregon. (Advertisement) s .00 Relative lo the proposed work, snd as a means or attracting vtsl Itoswel to 6 8 In El Paso as a means of 31 3,1 11 C,0rclr SW 10 00 constructed tori to vow tho Chamber of Commerce St LOUIS rostoring and developing the dairy Indus, exhibit. Sail Lake City 40 4H i'8 Clear WG 4 .00 or tills section. Mr. Le liaron said that OUR PRICES ARE LOWEST 40 C a .00 try Upon motion of Mr. Le Baron a resolu- San Ánion o m U far W or the uppor valley had al- ( NW lo .00 tho rarmors tion wss unanimously adopted calllng'upon San Francisco 7J M ear ready 17,000 to the stock or the or and 40 11 SO Clear MV 4 .00 subscribed the cltitcns El raso, particularly Fe creamery corporation, and that n Sania 40 Cloudy WW 4 . proposed the housewives, to ask for and uso Seattle W M Ihe rarmors or the lower valley were, also products In preretenco to those or 17 lbs. Granulated Sugar. . $1.00 Washington w 30 cloudy NW 30 M enthusiastically In ravor or the pronoiltion. oo SW sny other region. Adjournment wss (hen Wichita. Kan...... ' io Clear lo m Letters Indorsing ..te creamery project were taken. Stove Bargains Extra Standard Tomatoes, 2 cans for. 15c Vunia ...... 74 7i u PI. Cldy. N fl .oo also read rrom T. Davis Porcher, II. I). Extra Standard Sweet Corn, 3 cans for .25c Camp, Mr. MrDanlel and others. Dlrtttors GENERAL BLISS HERE. generally said the creamery wss s good Extra Standard String Beans, 3 cans for 25c Ml'.XlCANS IN IMI. slderatloti. to tako enough for ono big meal. thing snd should be encouraged, but In Department Commander large, fine $00 Baso Burner for $18 had nis wnen to get .tings on a tangible bssis Returns From Krjnklc Corn Flakes, 4 for 25c Marline in possession order Inspection Trip lo Naco. Now's tho time to buy 200 second- 41 Co. rested side of Ihe nest Swift & and arrive at a clear understanding, It was Tuo Chariied With Tsklna Swill lw General II. Bliss, of Fancy Pink Salmon, per can , 10c Ilatoii and Kou. hacon. Ills companion In crime had the decided to hold a Joint meeting with the Talker commander hand and new heaters, to losa out: Charted with maklutr an unsuccessful at- Casa of ems. farmers on Wednesday, December i, st the Southern Department, passed through Hills Bros.' Coffees, none better 35c, 40c, 45c, per lb. Guada- "This case does not como under the which t'mo the matter will -- c gone into EI Paso yesterday morning en route from tempt to "Urina; home the baron" v taken. $4.50 Heaters $3.00 M. (guaranteed the In companion and rule, which applies thnrmiirli anrl rterinltn aetlon JS'sco, Arlt., to bit headquarters st Fort Diamond Flour best) lupe 3alas la Jal. lita folnner Decemher O. ysiquet, who, the only to prize rlitlilcrs." said Captain Orcul Tt filte II. . . Sun Houston, Texss, General Bliss bas $6.00 Heaters $3.95 24 lb. Sack lb. as the men brigcd lo be to go lie alive to mo proposed coiomxauon or 85c 48 Sack $1.65 police claim, was in the very act or taklnir allowed their been st Haco for" seversl weeks observing a nr to he cooked In connection way and steal no more. "In this case," Kclglan farmers hero, Secretary Ileeves rain cars tho following developments In tha battle which hss been BRASS BED BARGAIN with the bacon, also occupies a cell In the rontltmt'il the captain, "you aro expcrled to reported tnat he had , hrlnir hume only such bacon and cars aa from the Belgian minister at Wait)-- In progresa at the Mexican town of Waco Company cuy jiii. rirmlng Belgians $12.60 Braes $8.05 Lion Grocery Tha aarl fate or the two eamo 1)0 lit thus are paid for In real money at the comer mglon; '"The question of for over a monin. Bed.... according- to the police- Ilotli were grocery. not yet decided upon by our government." General Bliss left Colonel C. A. P. list- - 109-1- 1 S. Phones 2405 and ly Mexicans No further action was taken. While talk- - J Stanton. 2424. einpioyefl ly ot mr uu both prolested that Inasmuch at field, commander of Ihe Second cavalry awiii i."., nnini II ro- Ins the creamery and the boosting; yldt rnr bacon and cold storage vggt. Joe uaiii hecaruo famous iurlnt his about brigade, n charge of the Ninth and Tenth s tuno "brhiKlnfr homo tho they or vaney pronucts some oi me uiri'ciora Ilanitllnir the food in larifo for bacon," cavalry stationed naco, pro Texas Furniture Co, liaron,' thought Ihcy should ho cicu.vd for thu sain tney inougm tna lime was ripe io nava regiments at Tor many (lavs, thouirhts of or the popular dinners by the tecting the border during the battle. fried rrlsp. ullh twits on the side, over another or Chamber or Commerce, and It was accord- Colonel Hatfield retires from tho army in came the ollierwtsp gootl moral the ingly arranged to have such a dinner on D. nOBBWÍ8, Prop, twain, and they decided, after much - - Pulntrrs (or Humen. about a week, when Colonel 1. F, Friday, December H. at which time Dr. Ninth cavalry, who Is nqw 406 8, Kl Paso St. Phone 4097 CLASSIFIED Almost every woman who has ralsod a William it. PhllllDS. director or the fed err of the READ THE TIMES PAGES FOR RESULTS family bureau or economic geology and tech at Naco, will take charge of lha situation. will remember Instances where she - has prevented by havlntr nology, win neiiver an aanreu an in serious sickness and an In- tno nana Mineral llesoureos of Texas," nam moucino ai ready for In vitation will also be extended 1, Lynn slant use when needed. A common cold Thomas, tha federal expert st College Sta- Candy Special can be cured much more quickly when tion, Texas, to address the meeting. Mr. properly treated as soon as the cold has Thomas has already advised that he will Our delicious been contracted instead or waiting until como to El Paso during the first week or It has become netiled In the system. You December to make a survey of this field GLACE PINEAPPLE will rind Chamberlain's lo determine the reastbtllty or s creamery Public-Attentio-n, Coueli Hcmcdv here. Secretary fleeves also said that at especially In casos To FRUIT. errlcarlous of colds the h.imjuet he to show the The would endeavor ana croup in children. When Klvrn a which will ba ex- Please 25c the pound. motion pictures later soon as the child becomes hoarso, which hibited at tha San Francisco exposition. SATURDAY ONLY. Is tho rirsl symptom of croup, It will Mr. Kr'akauer called attention to advene prevent ino attack, ror sale hy all deal effect the embargo on copper was hsving ers. (Advertisement.) on that great Industry In the states or The Elite Confectionery Co. Arizona and Mew Mexico, and he Introduced the following resolution, which was Agenta for Huylcr's and adopted unanimously: OLD FIRM IS GOING de- "THE Mnillotd's. "Whereas, The British empire hss Notice clared that, during tha present Eurrpen war, copper will be considered by it SALE POSTPONED UNTIL DRCKHDER 7TII. contraband of wart and, "Whereas, The recognition or such n Unfortunately wo were unable to set tin OUT OF BUSINESS" and Ita enforcement would slop the mules In for the asís ss advertised, to we exportation of copper from the United are compelled to postpone tha sals of the States during the wart snd, January 1, 191 5, from business, which That grading- outfit until December Tth, at which "Wheress, The production of copper In On we will retire the furniture we have been in since June, 1881. Talk time it win he sold a advertised. Wll the atates of Arliona and New Mexico It To do this we will close out our present stock at cost for cash during the next thirty days. During that time there will Phong 1001 UJb"tf liama, Auctioneer. (Advertisement.) an Industry which gives direct suoport to s very considerable, popu- percentage of the accounts opened , lations or these states, snd alio Indirectly be no Is the means of affording a livelihood to large numbers of people of these states, There are no articles in the stock that are not new and in good shape, hence this opportunity will be statistics indicating thst no leas than lio,. a feast for the ooo to men would be directly cash buyer. tine Rugs Up and a Ilka number Indirectly so: RememberWhenthat nothlnc Is so completelyAresanitary aa Paint to and. purify everything It oovera ."Whereas, Th commercial Interests of the city or El Paso rully realise that tho pre- Ths srtook of coinplsta Unes ot Uesldes It beautifies and preserves as well. vention of tha exportation of copper would FLOOR COVERINGS IRON BEDS TutUo'w Imperial I'nlnt S3.20 per Rallón will go over the doors or necessity be the cause or s cessation or he and windows base of to six rooms. l production of this commodity, snd BEDROOM FURNITURE in soses In Wilton, Axmln-ite- r, and from four would therefore throw out of employment nUGS the various Complete Una of good, well mads goods. "WIUTE US YOUIl PAINT TUOUITLES." practically all or those directly and Indi- velvet, tapestry and Ingrain weaves, rectly engaged In tha copper industry, and Consisting- ot drssssrs, chiffoniers, califs from tha beat factories In tai United States. CHILDREN'S Tuttle & Glass Co. result In much distress snd wsnt to uem robes, wardrobes, chairs, waahatanda, in oak, CRIBS Paint snd to those depending upon them, ss well mahocañy, Circassian walnut, eucalyptus, aa to the community In which tbeis people HALL AND STAIR CARPET Iron. are located; and. to. In brass 'and Various sisea, representing ilia business Interests ot tl la velvet, tapestry and various weaves, Paso, knows that tha shutting down of ths DINING ROOM FURNITURE SPRINGS smelters, ropper mines snd cosl mines, tne culling off of freight trains snd tha re- Consisting of buffets, china, cloata, extension LACE CURTAINS Bt Woven wire, coll, spiral and link styles. duction of emnloves who denend unon tables, chairs with wood and leather aeata, these industries ss their means of support. assortment. ' wuuiu cau.g an murmulla nnanciai ll'ia IQ of oak in the various finishes. Beautiful SANITARY COUCHES this city ss well si to the soutbwtst) then-for- AND be It , "ntiolvcd, BV tha Chamber of Commerce KITCHEN FURNITURE WINDOW SHADES DAVENPORTS New & or the city of El Paloi ,, York Return - "(a) That tbs executive department ol ins Constating- of loe chests, tablea, kitchen cabU These will not be hung, Besides these we will close out our Una of I'nltsd Stales government be solicited snd nets, safes, etc H On Salo Dally. limited 0 Slonüis. strongly ursef to oppose and combat ths Stop.overa Allowed. IH recognition snd application or ths principle LINOLEUM OFFICE DESKS AND CHAIRS B that copper ts sbsoluta contraband of war, LIBRARY AND LIVING VIA "(b) Tfiat ihe executlra department ot YOUR CHOICE OF ROUTES. our government be urged to bring all of ROOM FURNITURE In prints sad venous inlslda. These eonaUt of Hat top, ladle, roll top and Ita Influence to bear upon the suihoritlii typewriter desks In oak, both golden or the governmenti ot Europe to secure a dsrby and recognition the principle copper may Conetstlns of leather and Imitation leather flnUhss. Also of chaira In of that three-piec- e BEDS AND SPRINGS tha fi- bo shipped in neutral venéis to neutrsi couches, sets, davenports, folding METAL nish. With wood and leather seats. Texas ports." couohoe, as well as a large line of tables, This being a bona tide close out sale, w re. The secretary wss also instructed to wire In woods ftn BRASS BEDS ltae, principally of peat no to Secretary Bryan or the department or chaira and rockers various sad Beautiful that account win be opened, nor Unas. Quarsvateed" make. credit PacifiJ state, to Secretary liedtteld of ths de- 'The estended. Hence bring the oaaa. partment or commerce, to Senators CLlbsr-io- n PInlnr Cars, Chair snd 8hepprd and to Congressman W. It. HmMi. settlnr forth ths substance or tur Pullman. ss embodied In tns abort aH riroteit requesting that they use their best efrorta to secure a removal of tbs embargo by the English government. 324 324 jfl Central Scott Ceairatulatea. AKt) A resolution wss sdODtsd that la vlatv EMERSON & BERRIEN AMI of ths elevation of Osnsral Scott to be cnisr or sisu mat ins bnamixr or. com- merce wire to tha ths 326 Undtrcklls lion and good wishes of lbs Clumber of 326 Levy Grocery Co. All Othtrs Commerce snd tbs entlrs community upon SOUTH I THE OLD RELIABLES SOUTH It wss dscided lo transfer tha sum nr JUST KECkUVED Eratonited Silver rr&O to tha credit of the nubllcltv bureau EL PASO EL FatMCf Kvaporated Poaclic IYuuca of the Chamber of Commerce, wMch is PASO s operates joiiiuy wiui. me crucei Fanoy Kvaporatcd Pears Faucy Evaporated rls-- Water Users sisoclstlon. ia STREET El yncf Evaporated PruiitM Puncy Evaporntrd Aprk-o- Tha ouestlon of Ilia tsrms unon which 324 and 326 S. Paso Strut STREET TKAÜK WITU VS AND UYU MONEY tbs Chamber ot Commerce tulrhl exonerate GIVEN to the best edvsnfsgo wlin the Rest Estala MAIL OHDKIIS PHOMPT ATTENTION Exchange In ths matter of receiving visitors ItlMMsssi JM a4 M MHwdlN East OvcrUnJ Suvct and botneseskers, u dersrred pending !biuiúhtf:iioYM&iñ i. Iff. EL PA30 MORNING TIMES MADE IN EL PASO Headquarters for Turkeys, WEEK PLANS MADE r Chickens and Meat Welcome to El rPaso and to The "Popular" KLEVKN CfffCKItN'S ACRKT. TO fLACR Bread 3c a Loaf inn in Ks4att(tei Evident si Heeling of Chamber New Mexico A. & M. Of iMmmrrre un .Mom Assurtt PIE FOR 3 CENTS' (heeetsa ot Not el Undertaking. fcUGAJt, 17 Peuhda . $1.00 Aellnjr with splendid seal and enthusiasm College fr ad with a unanimity and tinglentt of Students nnrpose inai is ceriam to compel success, wero UM tentative nlsna -- drarteii etentnx MEAT SPECIALS . for launehlnr the Mirto in Kl Week" Wé bid you welcome to city feel MOCERY SPECIALS , cekbratlon and observance withinlothe near our fair and we that Spuds, 14 lbs. ,25c Stew Meat, 3 lbs. rtiture. ana 11 was aenniteiy decided to ac- ved be glad to shake you the for ...... for...... 23c cept (lie offer of the While Home manage' by hand to meet each and Onions, 12 lbs, for ...Sic Veal Stew, 3 lbs. for .,...., 23c rent and to nlaen lh oihihm nr Jinmo in of Eggs, 3 In everyone you personally nncT'when you read this, as dozen for .....,(1.10 Stew, 3 lbs. , ,23c duwrles the arcades and show windows Apples, by the Mutton for..., of the blr depsrtment store, which were you will, on your way here, up your box... ,..,.11.15 2 , o grnemiisiy prorrerea ror- ine purpese, make mind to drop in Butter, 3 lbs. for. IMO Hhouldcr Steak, lbs. for.. .25c Eleven Firms ftenreirnlrd. on ug you'll be welcome 1 Mexican Beans. 7, lbs. for....25o 1Mb , a pound ...... This action was taken at a meeting held fork and Deans, i cans for.,25o Bleak, a pound...... 50o raw mgni unner ine auspices or mo manu . . facturera' committee of the Chamber ot t One of the reasons though not the main one that we want Crackers, for. .. .35c Loin Steak, a pound ..... ,.2flo Commerce, at whleh eleven of the enter Paper, 8" rolls, 230 prising manufacturing concerns of CI Paso you to atop In and us, ia Toilet tof . .Í5C tee that we want you to get better Matches, 7 boxea for" ...... 25c Hump llopst, a pound,.... sgreca 10 nisce exnioits or tneir prtxturtsi Chops, a, , .220 and those In a position to know said that acquainted with this big Men's and Young Men's Store 3 cans String- Beans for. ....25o Pork pound...... from ss to 40 domestic concerns can j'enns Corn for ...... 25o , a pound...... ,180 be induced to fall Into line and to arrange with its liberal methods, its sterling policies and its high a, ,15o ior creumuio ciiiidiis. 3 cans Reas for ...., 23o Lamb Leg, pound...... George n. Evan, chairman of the mami standard of merchandise. Oysters, pint ..250 facfurers rommitter, presided at the meet hice. 3 lbs. (or SSc t'resh. a lug-- Secretary or ,.19C and Andrew neevei. the Macaroni, t pkgs. .25c Hams, whole, a pound.... cnamoer or commerce, was secretsry. OF DISTINCT INTEREST TO YOUNG MEN for...... ,..200 t tiaiDorne Aasms. or ine uiotxi n i i, noon Spaghetti, 4 pkgs. for .. 25c Bacon, by tho strip, ...... reouest. took the floor and mid omnhlnr of the object and pflrposes or the "Nsde Is the fact that this store has been appointed selling agents v 10 LBS. CRESCENT SHORTENING $1.10 In El Paso" Idea, lie said that possioly the Idea was floating around loose, or was in El Paso for the markers of - 1 SACK FLOUR ,.., SSc seised tinnn bv thn nntarr rluh and the ACCOUNT OF'THK LOW PRICKS WE ABB SELLING 'AT NO ORDERS LESS wiiu, iiii;ii urpniiisaiinna were quien iu W un uirriiB, ana nave aince striven ior u THAN 1.00 WILL BE DELIVERED. successful application In El Paso. The FITFORM" CLOTHES FOR YOUNG MEN Prime Duroose. or coime, wa to fntler ana encourago ine patronage or local manil Made by men who devote their entire attention to attaining racturlnc and Induitrlal enterprises by the McMlCKLE'S GROCERY peoplA of El Paso. A nart or the analhv the one primal object that of fashioning suits and coats for plenum j auo 10 ignoranco on mo 0100.0191 prt or the populace as to just what was the college boys, who demand the uttermost in style, as 600 ikn Anlonlo"Sr, "TH13 CLEA7Í GltOCEllY" Phones nu nnai was noi msae in m raso, ana i:ie Delivery. sou want something; quick phone us. rest was a SDeelea or interna, ao to dneik. well as the more conservative students. oniric If that could certainly be overcome by active :llllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIllllllllllllHlllllHllllllllllHlllllllllllllllHllllllllllllllllimilllll auu imcii.ircm eiion. coupiea wnn eys temaiic advertising on the part or the AND aided bv tnmo orranltiiinnt "FITFORM" HART SCHAFFNER & MARX which were backlnir In accompanied tho them ihilr YOUNG" GIRL M IS8I.NO. and Henderson were by mr, Aujiiu 10m or i no suggestion ior tno Suits for young men famous, and cost no wno 'Made In El - FITFORM CLOTHES FOR YOUNG MEN more mother or ino gin, travo "i " Pato" celehralfnn li.tlnu- than" suit or should Knits Camales Enticed Away From Home ancr sne nau tancn irum cau.uauuu. any recommendable cont $18.00 up- arrests were made. or the, work in its behair since done by Mr. And other good makes j by .Unknown Han. Adams and others, and or tho splendid orrcr ward to $40. at $12.50 and $15. 66 Tha,í police Vero asked iat night io Your name, business and address In the agement. aubmltle(T at the meeting or the ocaté Añila Camales, who wxrv nn.t Am you For? notary club on Thursday. New Telescope or Alpine L wim liokinc Balmacaan Hats (t0 üiit to liavo- been enticed away from column or The Times will help you to Mr. Evans said he heartily agreed with CROCIIKT AND ACCORDION KMT TIES. Aft lor borne on Seventh street.- near, soutn secure more Business, mono umu oooui iu thO OrOnOllllnn. Thn Ihlnr In. .Ia J.n H. shapes, entirely new PsW.UU clared. was to educate, the people to buy Tho kind you'vo always paid 60c for, In new. colora and combina- ii Paso, bv an unknown man. Advertisement.) goods, firAccordintc W tho. story told too pollco where other .hlngs are tions, silk tubulars 35q each, or equal, as such a policy would be a great New Style Felt Hats In the very latest blocks, Ant night by playmátei or, the musing 'Southern ac'lfle RefimaloB Boaitsv raetor In maintaining tno prosperity or tho (tQ flis tiitldTsiio Nvus .ln company wilh her Itttio city, in this way money go "IFire ta The Timet would to letal and new shades Dü.UU lends at 5:30 when a Mexican approached llv Botciat payrolls tnst would otherwise go ahroad. Tñire íút a Dolar Nov. 20 tbcvCbUd ,Hve cents and Phoenix. Aril.. The Southern and the Cr.tlra nr hi.... ictu and orrered Parlflc railway has been 'aranted permts nted. 1 to buy candy If she Young Men's Mackinac Coats An excellent roralsed herjwmo, worm or rotuno Concerns 3ould"-wal- to mo nearby atora with him. slon to Issue ss.3So.hh.78 That Will Exhibit, fifi InsV bonds, by Arizona corporation com AMtlto Colored Initials, embroidered In corner, hem styles, from fio refused to allow her playmate! to the Sirs. Evans aald that the time hut mm Handkerchief lection of snappy up PJeUU The bonds run 30 yeara and bear very spoclal 17 follow. The girl has-- not been heard from mission. lo reaíh a dormito understanding In tho stitched hem; a value. r a per cent Interest, matter, and In re.nnniii in hi. .t" ,, 0 c since, that time. i lowing concerns Ilox of for tO "No Fade," "Emery" and Manhattan Shirts Jaeger's" f. Captain Lon Garner detailed extra police reprejented at tho meeting Young Men's Tnn unci Mocha Kid Cloven. Regularly sold at "pr. Goes Ashore. S.7.V. piace pinions: uiodo in Ihb southern part of the city to look Lumber Schooner mills, bl Paso""J. Door company.. CO tho pair, special ,, $1.00 "Glastcnbury" wool undergarments. 'ft., ihm Sah and Eni II. Ibe child. Every officer who can létirtAtni PrrÉt pire Bottling Sharpe-Klllo- for Cheslle. of works, Manu- peak Mexican was detailed In the sesreh. Huirán sinv. tu The schooner facturing company, m Mllllno- mm. nrr.hnm: s. c. lumber laden, from driven pany. Pn Xjp tjl an early nour mis morning naming; or Southwestern Portland Cement com- on the Dcacli ten nines wei iiamr.a in pany, 1:1 Paso Brick company, Ilor- - in rcsuuoa irom ine coniuing u a storm today. The Cuban gunboat llatuey w. part of the city, orneara Vaster raciccr. pialo glass manufacturer. South- savca an ine crew. western lion and Wire works. Tutllo Plato Class compsny and El Paso Printing com- Agents "Regal" Sliucet for Men anil (Me Agonts for "StAcoy.Adamn" Hhoen pany. for Dtseusslon brought out the fact that a Young Men. Men anil Young Men. number of exhibitors will irrinrn pihihit. or a - immanent character, and It was do- 1 I ss ssj SSS 1 ciiiru mat louowing mo -- Mane in ti raso" celebration that these would bo maintained m 'as 1 rr aminisaaaa perinanenlly at the rooms or tho r.hnmhrr or Commerce. jioiioii prevailed accepting ihe offer ol EYSTER'S the White House and the folio win or com. mlttee was named with authority to act lri J closing oil 1110 aetais or tno exhibition. will seo other manuraetur tion, bringing Goeben ers the between llicm manufacturers, tho embargo on exporta. "C and Induce them to placo exhibits and DAYS' SUMMARY FORMER GERMAN VESSELS and the coast. Hon or wool and O D. GROCERY CO. nicy also from Australia other win ascertain from the White EUROPEAN WAR. Tho a British dominions. It hsd been hoped thai House the 01 10 most convenient ror "Mado OF rmsslan flagship levslafl opened broadstrto vtlth guns, hitting thn tflor Ihn needs or Ihe Rriltsti army bad In EI Paso slriin-gt- her Week." Mr. Adams suggested In the great European the Goehen and Itreslau Were (locben's upper been satisfied, Americans might bo per. Grocery Dept. . . 4340 tho second week or January, Interest deck and nolllri' tho ship but the matter rrmainii centered In the eastern Recent Naval Engagement Ot! on place. re- milled 10 buy tire Australian surplus, glrlnir ' was rcrerrea to tno fire In nevera! The Goeben Meat Dept. . . 4346 commutes named be Sebastopol. plied, nr range, thst neither Ihe wpol nor goods rilOneS low with power to act: Ceorge Jt. Evans, fought. The activity la llel but In spite tho short uclnu - "forty cabio lengths," shots made rroiiKll would reach Austria or Ger- II. J. Tuttle, freo Fcrlet, W. C. and franco ha learned, larne- iicr resulted Aksrd ly In 110 many, but thn Mite department waa In Compare Our Prices and Quality With ethers Adams. because of bad weather conditions the serious deiiiiKe lo the Invstafl. ctainorno ui tll .locfafril Prtu The Goeben Dred no Rus- formed today that for the present at least, ml Ihe Inundation runuucr.uic Petrograd. .Nov. so. (Via London.) shuts st the Advertising. YM--r In West r Into at exceptions would Im made. Wo do not give Trading Stamps, büt give you tho valuo in prices area alona the "seders. reports received of the naval sian ships, which then rame anion. The thu only I'uland Is the serilp ot two of the From here It was apparent Uncben's upper or prices on, somo our goods. No specials, chair stated that condition bat- engagement Sebastopol that the In spite the lack of advanqn atiurancc, and qunllty. Below' aro of, tlie House to ronlrsts In tho east, and another off between and one funnel were badly damaged White attached their oiler In East Prussia. and Turkish warships It Is spparent works however, Officials hero and Interested but overyduy prices. was that the tle Is hclno founht before she orr. each exhibitor advertise in combat In the country belts rea that tin German cruisers ooeben drew manufacturers Mill sro confident that there newspapers The I former While to pursue, Ihe his particular exhibit, and In the Vistula and Wsrls rltera and which now fly iho turning ihe Goeben. will he a modification later. They think "Fancy Grapes Qre'en Beans, connection Mr. Is Breslau, Turkish landed on this Adams unfolded a plan the most attention. It be. flag, were bound ror Yalta with Hie Inten- levstart several morn shells the time will demonstrate that the entire out ,. 10c 3 ; . . , .. 25c or at last half Turkish, boat, main licVlb i lbs. whereby the manufacturers El Pipo could Ileved tho Germans there tion of bombarding the aiimmur residence evidently crippling the rut or raw wool from the colonies is not eón men. In ail endrator to turret as her fire, The FlorldaQrape Or Peas,' , uuirrusu iuf nivir juiui aim avverai account - of Emperor .Nicholas Llvadla, ceased. Itreslau needed hy Great Britain Fancy tho brcTk- Ihe Russian line.. Thr location at just no long ."V.,... In local papers fn furtherance of the Yalta. took part in the fighting, standing a Frult, 3 "for 25c 2,lba .. 25c uso, of the battlefield and other enndl. way ana ronsiimpticn or pro eonlllrl. In Itils seemingly was much confusion off during the haltle. Chtreoo Professor Drops. Dead. Fancy Jonathan Oreen Beans, Tho acting Hons favor a decisive There duels. manufacturers together the flusslsns claim lo hte aboard the Ooeben when the Russian ships By thn Aitoclatet . . , . $1.75 2 lbs. . 25c would buy so much space weekly the battle BRITISH EIIBARGO faTAMlS I'rft Apples, per box , in achieved partial success. appeared 2 miles off Cherxonrx lighthouse, Chlrago, Nov. M. Prof. Frederic r.amllle .Fancy SplUenburg Extra Ijirge Celery. papers and advcrtlso therein. "One rSr all The second battle In Poland Is belno at the mouth of Sebastopol harbor. The O.N AUSTRALIAN WOOL. and all ror Idea waa I.ocaril fe., dead or heart disease today 3 25c one." The received fuunht on the Goeben made no immediate alteration In Jill (he. 1 nocíale '.Apples, per box $1.75 bunches ...... both sides claim they are J fret after he had given a humorous reclutlon wtth enthusiasm and will .doubtless be line, and being conreo, nor did sho open fire at once, Washington, Nov. Britain has Fancy Gano Apples, OA Fancy Tomatoes, out. satisfied with the pronress h'ir ai.Orcai at an entertanment by the senior girls at carried aüvanee In East Tho Russian fleet steamed In battle forma docllned 10 modify. In favor or American! mo nynn ram iiign scnooi. box ff 3 lbs. 25c I roes L'k of Valley Producís. made. The Itusslart per ...... Is motlna Mowly throunh Ihe $li3 o Baron lie was In hearly Prussia a Mr. said that about tho Manirían Jsies, wun ino purposes or region sympainy, the meet which I dlfllrult of pa. Durkee Salad Dressing, 3 Large Cans Carna- big-- and that the slogan, for "Made In El mo". la this dlstrlet the Germans MlHIHHHlHHilimilllltllirfflllMm picnic slzo 10c tion Milk 25c Paso" should also be accompanied by a (le- hate massed strong mma for the use or valley grown products. Russian Durkce'a Salad Dressing, the '''''.X!In t.allcla, and 6 Small Cana Carna-natlo- n both propositions being essential ror the- vestard medium alza ...... 25c or "aim numerous .ueeesses, amons milk ...... 25c welfare the city, capture of Wlsnlci. Durkee's Salad Dressing, Before adjournment Mr. Evans said he whleb are Ibo was Ve'rlo'SÍ iV.'S&a large slzo ...... 45c 3 Cana Extra greatly puajoa with the showing made We-Sr- now l.v. Standard by the meoting. "1 feel that success " Peanut But- is B P'"...-00.- alnne.rí !S Beechnut Tomatoes, No. 2 25c ror .! ÍhU' size . 10c assured Ihe 'Made In El Paso' Idea. We ter, small ...... must work to create a move of Vnrex. here an artillery Do You Want to Be a Landlord? But-(e- r, Z Cans Daisy Peas, among dueí Is Beechnut Peanut ment the manufacturers on the one consldmble region IIHIIIIIIHIIHtHIimmHIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIHMIllllinilllllllllllHIItlfllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIHIHIffH medium slzo ...... 15c Ño. 2 25c band to exploit tbelr products, and to roster In Ihe Argonnr Peanut But- 3 10c pkgs. National n educational campaign among the people Boochnut get mem 10 consume attacks, vthlcli. . 25c such products ia no way to first buy your own home. It will take only a few ter, large also 30c Biscuit Coa Goods... on ine otner nana," ne uecureu. There better than 1. years of your usual rent money to pay for it. 3 lbs. Fancy Evapo- Fancy Imp. Cryatallzed KEOUCEU HOURS OK LABOR. !.!.rm.n,le;p..Wm.r.i.Vnd rated Peaches ...... 25c Pineapple, lb, ...... 60c BySSg 2 lbs. Fancy Evapo- Bv fas Xfoeiated Prttt annffle'r'Vr, 25c Fancy Imp, Cryatallzed Philadelphia, Nor. JO. Delegates from men and 0 British Here rated. Prunes ...... the Pacific coast were defeated In (belt- vapor-rate- d Fruits, assorted, lb 60c 2 lbs. Fancy E efforts to have the American Federation You Will Applea , 25c of Labor go on record as ravormg legta Then Have 3 lbs. Fancy Evapo-j-ato- d Fancy Orange and Istlon to reduce the hours off employment Snno,.n?..a Iba! he flgMI0 Flga 25c Iyemon Peel, lb.... 25c at tonight's session or the conveniln when toe following resolution was adopted by Formed the Habit 3 lbs. Fancy Erapo-rate-d 35c Fancy Citron, vote or ti.7 to ,107. Apricots ...... per lb. 30c "Itesolved, Thst the American Federa Ihe army of Ihe au. Largo Pkg. lion or Labor, as in the past, declares that heaisuartera ol Extra that Russian JfS' port N2f 15c the regulation of wagea and hours or labor íímber I bombarded Seedless rtalslns ...... Fancy Seeded Jlalslns, Armenia, on llie ef making a monthly payment on an investment, and as surely as night follows day Tabla 10c should be undertaken through trade union KhoBa, la Turk th Extra Fancy per pkg. activity and not by leglslstion, except In booi&ardiuent pkg. 20c pS? harraeks ble- -r ,.p you will buy another house, er build another, and resell it to someone who has not'" Raisins, ...... so far as the employment of women and 'i sad Ml Ihe Fancy Imp, Crystallzed Shell Pecans, Walnuts 70 c children, health and morals, and the em the Ammunition den.1 yet learned the lesson of paying to himself. Cherries, lb, . ,,!...,., 60c and Almonds, fresh, lb. ployes of the national, state and municipal governments are affected." the second investment you make, the terms will work easier because Blue Ribbon Egf Blue Ribbon Flour, On out none better, per 40c U lb. aack , ... 90c MSnlana Street Home Entered. pt,r.. while you will be paying something out every month you will alto be collecting a lb., The home or W. A. Whits. UK Montana írtstí M Blue Fjour, a Mm. 7 sc. Ribbon atrcat, was entered by an early similar from customer. lb. $1.75 thieves st amount your it sack hour last night. The bouse was ransacked aBik'v: s.T.'ru: Blue Ribbon Sees, Blue Ribbon Coffee, from lop to bottom, and every drawer and 4cc per lb. closet searched by the robbers, who atrlotly fresh, perdoa. .. 35c made Au" taew escapo as a roomer entered tho rlalms lürlber ""' Fancy Imp. Swiss Ilelna Sweet Pickles. bouse. The police were notified and In ""!," Cheese, per lb...... 45c per dos . 10c making their Investigation found nothing Fancy Imp. Roquefort Jlelns Dill Pickles, missing. The family were away at the Others Have Done per .. time. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Cneeee, per lb...... 60c dpt...... 20c The police found that the robbers gained Chow Fancy Imp, Brick Ilelnz Chow .,, an entrance to ine nouse by cMnbing tlw 4 Cheese, per lb...... 25c per pint ...... ,V'20c bsck porch and cutting a screen. tk!a. and whv not you, The majority of our middle rich people started with a American Cream Helms Sweat ilelleh, Shlsmest i! iiTJvk Fancy J'!- liutllt. investment, just a baby 1 sarna to walk Cheeae, per íb. 25c per pint . 25c r- 7 seaall tr cvp...... B imsmmmks rreaa csuseif. CsveeVj Heinz Mine Meat, Fanama, aov. su. ' (orbld. f PitAeato otrict orders have ouiil IMM4 ProelsmeUon lars, eacfc 20c per lb...... ,. 20c been Issued to preserve neutrality r r.tiu Into Texaa In Fasiesna sooe. """.,,sist.; 'named In proe- McLoren'a Iiaferlal Heinz Sauerkraut throughout the casal Here r,v'V the after no Informs Usa wiH be siren 10. any precaution against the ar, o 20c per lb, . ... 5c i a Cheese, If and.... ,..., one relstUe to lae cargoes carried by the of llw foo and moulh disease. Bitty ships using the waterway aad eatertajr the Ktt said that the nirnttee is likely to in ElPaso Itaev ytvttr awlgra row far TlianlfSgly. lermnai peinu. be of brief duration. lac TMkjA.H Howe 1 sewed K, C, Meats. Caartee Vsssa AsaeuM. Oyslew iul i v in.ti.tti was arrested by the COB KYKKYTHixú stable' otflre on s chars of erlnitaal as- guah,.wt:;d. lodged county leal san. m4 sm ad sault and was la the " pending Ihe preliminary hearing before ijUiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiii with .....niy EL PASO MORNING TIMES tarda?. NowmW ,11. 1914.

INFANTRY POLO HOUSES JEFF CLARKE HERE MORNING TIMES' FORM CHART pinmoF a) m -; Mmor d Grace - gectoi Vére to The'ttmn PLAYERS FAST IW AIMING METI FOR JQHSONBOUT iiTiHnjir uit nvut.r n ton. dear: track M064 wtlMr eaMly, CK3ARETTES Time, , IW4-- , poorj won Oí I A FIMTMCE-l- li furlongs. ti f til, TKAM )Tft4M( MSJerTII BWMIAWt Sjt RI.'IM "P'-- wnataa; iry tmnUTtm tSSn1 Index. Hot fYl, St U M . Btf. KM- - lOCkf S .Lerferty MTTM ARTHXHftY, "ifiiWlSinA mm MMttrel ..... ,.109 ti lt-- (tgusiPennyrock ..107 S' t huxlon f i I art twiyth 6 am Meellcka ...... f0( i 00 IM Almo Leslie 7 i colimen WMfc 99 9 V fWillllng to is Aflerwita rHtfMHi Carsry fef SiSS Slumberer ., Hsmo rilssiiilsnsslSj "Wlthmt Helen 0 e Turner If Jfctf Sisa Fir 7 Byrone 1 (üm)Vidct 10 1 31 Trotur It sw T. w. af.Mxr.iruti. WtMMttt mj Brian Horn . 10 The ra 110 10 I si Falrbrother KlfMh Infantry kngada and the The seaaav arrtiral or UMraukareda Jerr Clavtat ' al lived nos flaturnus .... AmbroM 12 9187 Mallard 107 0 10 to rnMnWij.elry polo team have hmM each Sir áM bv sad with recotín of re- - to start 101 11 (IffttlpoM) 20 ejuesM sM ror tfct) ,tiw miraron mm. ttHt fvr-jt- ma) mm Horse Show frees aectieiM of the country wettt Tonne; Jack MK.1I qMaJtlT gay, fate even, puco, o snow, w . Meelle la pito MMe appears certain jthSMMttll btffela I enart: for Minstrel, place, show, rennynock, to aeeMkMttoa, It Ml sac , ii aeries fey defeating their opponeais In Mm that Tee ftrat to tewnco .et cottepc tsftcstax there woi he more thaa horses iirnhmm ernwf 0mi nremlsee 1. ayait.i sjuartered e the course when MM angle pack the aoera r sjnaners. atssssj sjeNgaaMie j í U& rreHmlwary games and this afternoon wtH erttja Batntt WntllMlf i Pennvro'ck torced the Ís7ue to Í!T itFeif hVní ouiVtmM. tlrlriir Meelleks ee unite mm Thwrsday catting MM racers to mi pn ja te to the rront .t MM game m fritM Ciswri i .nn.r Laiier mowed tood speed, out Hied Dsdiy final ruriong. viaci idowcu plr eY final at Wi sue pon m tne inaugural wmen swrta with aneh a ht tne p.nk iMta Or(tC; on asm pitk to cbamplooaMf. the Math meeting oí um nares Jockey elub lÉin I an mm tratn tflC of, Imt quit. '(termine the yesterday aniirni here, Not file , . - ittyaMfe Mi arrival n-- 1 Be .teams ron In yeiterdsy'a - i 7 second iuce Five no one nan ruriongs. Time, ii-- There are ee thorouMrK on the He la frean ajauofiranat of San Lang- jPreMXIMIJBlai rood i won driving. header Washington psrk. Iitfaatry ground now are seventr mere ford, and m ti Mat nigat tW a g. fsfc a a? ÉAjskkáV ut ' op. (4 TM sad there stated that n Tar .ña gave Index. wi.Bt. u yt y qtr, Kin, lockey ci brlnUe team defesled the Blxta rieM ar due by neat Menday Mtht. By mm first greatest Hone. of the year prokakly be more him tbe nñM oTkJs career, rm iieiter Prynno .Ilk tiUetyJjM' a score of Wi to 0 la Mm first there will Clarke stated ttasglha aailaii aaaro la far 3 8 I S Coleman If game horse on the ground than there were Met a 10 cmtiK Sisi True uteei . .101 - aM m the second feme mm rirteeath from hasbeen, .and stM mm or the dan- 20 for i 1 31 i 31 Turner winter, wmcn onee mere oemonetraiee me gerous Mm tii-- Housemaid ...... IU caratry won from Ibe FrceboOMr's elyltiea big men ta riskf today, IW mi'-y- ., 100 il 4 Drever It 19 hold MM Jusreg Jockey cluh haa t)aoi the raerer eaaassed a mare etaw k'ewessa t orti it 4 By or to Xl i i r.t uMiiittlnMl. teem a score I horsemen and the place H occupies l the or most in- ever engaged sttu Tranid ...... in 7 The of the' turr two the vietona haa I .24 Sebaro ,..,,.103 4 i j t o Uyrno l J? victory Infaatry teem yru the world, for there are addltkmal Is, and nawralLr M prond of Ms seat In 4' 7 C 7 Louder tisrvtMe or me day, as hm anufery Dtey courses in operation this wMter entering defeating Joe Woo aman ticket, a 'f tKatra.yeJT jm ....100 to the horsemen, and for the Meal to 'a lea sy I iiiaiip rrvnne. nlire. o io 10: lww. to l. True a Steel, place, ! snow, x. nuu . era were ibe favorites. The HUaairyinew dab man whom Jaek Jennsen hasalperstatMiUy aft ...... hi.,, Coauette, opcaea lacrease the total over Uwtjafileet year, declined to fight ever be- ..v tnm... vn.kiii rmM nm. iiinaon. sirongiy ana swex tae rense com Which was year IMS sine the latter V eapeeV iiV.i. i'.nmñi. tuniiieci. kent well ofr the Dice to (He stretcn. then Meteiy away from the arttllerr. the banner in reelect. came champion. .. rmr ilflir.m finí meiv mi a crirerion enougn oi lis siaaomg, Clarke meet Younr- over tmrtiñ'IftSMm finished fist and rot tip in the final strides. True at Hteel raced 'pifp inta lieutenants Collins an.d fiboeeo, each will Jack Johnaon farZ tiljTj (jff mon Ibe end. on the oulaide U way, What will orobablr be the btanett. atable me xo.ronna route in jaan tnd oulr"nct lloulemald H Latter wns two goais, were tne men point scor ntnr ThsnV in IaIIt Mt naTyunr.o-;i-rign- quartered at the course this year leaves nf t rlvlnr Dm. rJiHu After4fanir.Vn--Mt í tinner ner t ii cthi. y'JiVJLLlJLJ!Ji!llJ!i erg oa Infantry MvW ií the leaa. Lleutenaat Sea Francisco Sunday night.' Trainer Carrón lng or the coming boot, staled that be did CAmmiJ MM.1m TIIHID RACE Five furton. Time, ill, t81-5- , oi Burl rood; won made one goal, Two fouls were of the A. 8. Spreckels establishment, the not intena to oe eangw nannmg, ear wohm 2318 eetied on Lieuteaear Mttd sf Mm artillery. largest hreedMar fans In the Golden stew train ror this maten ae asH aa he did for mi"me temlZfemdf jmmt Langrord, Ms right V, Jockey lip. CL Tne Fineenin cavairy teem. wñRn de wiring to tne jockey ciud yetteraey mm for nest to with the Irirte. Wt. St. Vt K Bir. Fin. he leave Sunday night latter, his three bonM wtsh Ids eooonant Ilri.. 1 1 feated the Thirteenth cavalry Hi Thura would that city with ... i iiutwell twenty-rou- r Most are or next Tlmrtday were the berdeet of ins ntS l.adv llntha 4 9 day's game, malstfttaed head. of these, borsei S30 II room Flower t'l Iluxton their slrosg play young ones and moat of them will be sold career, lie does not nnderestimato the reso)Mmle K ...... 3' McCahey 3 B'9 ana aowneu tne. freebooters. The Free during the runnlnr of the coming meetliwr. prowess or his comttur adversary and loose Whasteei lele, N. Cr ' ííí3 Lady Darbary . 4 Ollbert 4 hooters numbered among their ttleyera The California breeder, like all others who lor a hard right, although certain 01 vKi Hansen, a former army expert, Lieu nave tracK ror eoncauon wry. I place, ( to abow, out. and tried tnis ioe oi Lady Ilotbi, place, to 3; abow.'out. broom Flower, is tenant Franklin, of (he Thirteenth cavalry the younr horse, has round It most profit Johnson, on the other hand, atated last Mamie K, snow, Dcraicueui umu night whUe he Otad up agetnet oui. In the stretch to wte team, nan sen puyea a wosaerrai game, able hi the past, hence his btr shipment that been fast on the lower turn and drew out ciarse oeiore ana Ban. teat tae oecisieo ae plenty to spart. Flower, a keen contender, urea in m n Lieutenant Epnrawn uranam, wnose play tais seesea. headquarters ar which Dr. Orne wttl speak that weighed 96 pounds, which he declares wlm broom feadl; still felt that be was capaMe.of trimming Msmle Kf abut, off, onlQwrr luñjjnyamHlJy.narharyjn t'red lag on Thursday won the series for bis The stable of William Mlkel. consisting him. lie told the writer, that he thought "Tbe Oid Criminal code vs. the New pulled mm out or hie boat and r&ugtu . team, again starred aaa made two or or cigni aeaq, lis seen snipnen rrom tar. bo had advanced In hll nrnrMlnR mm Child's . mm tike a whale. n-- i FOUllTH nACE-O- ne milo and seventy yards. Time, u, i:tua-- the court." i o i:n rivo goals registered. lock. ill. the home of this turf. faster than has Clarke, although the latter at Dr. 1:43. roodj won easily. man, the next Sundar afternoon i o'clock Orae ' Biart This morning a special gam and should arrive within has had moreopporttinHleg to deaonatrale wlH meeting negroes Hooriag-4- 1, SI.9S win be formeWbt hours. There are some good - address á mass of and 944 index, llorsn. Vt.dL Htr. Fin. Jockey played at Washington park rus aoiuty against Defter men. HI' Máseme temple on Virginia street her rolL Burton-Ling- o cov Ph. to. between the performers In this stable, whkh enjoyed a Johnson bm bees ta- active, tralatar alaM their JJ04 iiolala m i r l't niytli 8 Thirteenth cavalry and the Sixth Field successful season on the the topic "The canse and cure or n McCahey - 4 1Í.S tbe western tracks mo maica was maoe, worxmr obi every ' Need'.efasseár Ask Segan, lea 1301 Annamrnt ...... ipi i t'l i artillery for the consolation prize. past summer. Among the best In this htutcn He In Crime." Texas St, Dusby 3 Trojler 3 4 afternoon. will be handleatined neat;, pregofl. Si06 Head The teams lined up in yesterday's games are Electric; uogart ana nene Bird. weight,, giving away some six .or eight ' Í7T7 Ambroso ... Schuttinrer as - . 7 lloiklns as follows! W. E. cottrell. the trainer for O. L. Black. pounds, Clarke 'can't do bettor than it Dr. A. A Freedman, nbystelan and sur- Cliff Field ., 9i 11 Leaswell's' Tango Lavender Line ante 17 1U0 3 Larircrty Sixth Field Artillery Lieutenant Jobs P. ford, a Texas breeder and turfman, Is ship lunas ror mis maten, wane is aountrui geon,. Mills Bldg, Phene 1073. (UM)Carlton - .. o: ISB baggage, trucks are, always on day 1 3" Maui, no. I ptsg ten head rrom Fort Worth. Home Johnson will welrh mora thaa IM or time m misión I: Lieutenant A. P. Sands. night. or ' night 1. suxrn Ho. Houghton. theitfi ara vnitnr harten. lhA ret of tba the the contest, Prescott Population 'faeretses.. and service. Phone placo, 3; show, 3 to 2. Armament, place, 7 to S; show, 3 to s. Dusny Head, I; Lieutenant William C horse Meeiick. Tbe first or tbe get of this Clsrke. In talking about his .fight with no. Lieutenant w. M. Bailey, No. 4. Bu Bpedat to Timet b0riniii90i(iwtng- - - it sire faced tbe barrier at tbe, last meeting iu jopun, iiawa no weignea Vire The THE HEW PLACE. a hlrh turn of sneed annd sr.ltlna- a last nace, outran her field all aeorge M, 168iuaiuraDOunds. ihi 00 A Fifteenth cavalry Lieutenant nere ana several or mem raced creaitaoi; while the Boston nurn urilnd Pnuiefltt. Aril.. Nov. mnniii tit thla Melropole Bar, 904 Mills the way and was In band at tho end. Armament was outrun early, flnMhcd with a rusn. no. close to 00 pounds. He street. nusscii, ii Lieutenant Alexander Wade MeLcmore's great race mare. Men and Johnson should city just completed shows a population or 1 and Was easily next best uushyllead ran a fair raco. Ambroso was stopping "he final make one stag-t-d Surtes, río. s Lieutenant Ephralm Graham. ow, It in roal to this sire, and the result of the best matonea yet e,ooo. prescott had 6,000 population wsen rurion k. carx'pnijjngvpr proniincni or in- here and a big Is Pío. 3! Lieutenant Isaac B, Martin, no, 4. this mating is being watched with crowd certain. the census or Ifito was taken. Roofing HACK furlong-s- . :2i I terest by horsemen throughout this section. Promoter Martin or the club last night ti, tus and FIFTH Five and fimo, its Start eighth Infantry Brigade Lieutenant Al son, per roll. Burton-Ling- o Co., Ph. tleU 2320 rood: won drtrlnr. Infantry, Tho J. J. Ferguson estate wired that H luaicueu uarrr Aiwooa sua ma vain bert S. reske, sixth No. 1; Lieu. Is shipping twelve head from California, two featherwelrhts. for a aaml- - Dr Cummins, physician and surgeon, 690 vertlsemeat.) Index. Horse. VUSU Hlr. Fin. Jockey Op. CI. tenant William Simpson, sixteenth Infant' wlndup. Atwood defeated Oene Payo Kills Bldg. Pboae 1338. lex wnuo aiso on tne way rrom tne uoioen state ltt K' "sou , lio i "FT I Coleman ry, no. 2r Lieutenant James L. Collins, Is 'the stable of E. L. Krlpp. composed or Sunday In the wlndup to the Chavct-Del- - THE BIO 'KID M IN J UAREZ (AdT.) , Carlone no t Ambroso no. 1; Lieutenant Dennis E, njoui iiigoi, ana u wen itnown nere to toe stn tour neaa, ana it. iuci.oy is aue mis mora comes Fire Destroyed Pavilions. MS Cliff Haven , .105 4 3 Neadner Mccuntrr, sixth infantry, no.. 4. lng with Llnebrook and Tom Coleman. fins. Jackson rrom Cinada, where tAf. AMnrintA Prp 830 Anile.y ; 103 8 31 Schuttinrer he was one time champion or his division vons. France. Nov. 91 (via Parlalj Fires a Rl t' turereé Lieutenants W. W. Cordon and Yesterdays arrivals consisted or four and has fought d game WIS 110 will .....107 C t'l 5 McCahey teen, of owners. in the in yesterday destroyed the British and Ameri- 107 10 0 9l V James L. Collins. tha nronertv li riirrerent San Francisco. He has dereated such beys automodUíKS musí 93'Watertown I Tnrnor Among them were W. Phillips with' Eck as Young can pavilions or the International. Modern for 55 nurro IOS It ll 10 71 7 ural Abe Altell and nromlses in make City exposition. Which was opened here El Paso Auto and Taxi Livery. 1 3 8 MckUus naviij ii, d. poynier witn uiraman; Mrs. Aiwooa ureiy oerore tne nnisn. May. 90 I3W MhrewsburK ...... 103 M. E. Dawson Weaver and Martin, frp Frankle, Isst The section known as "the large 7passenger touring cars, and ao2)no8coo ooose 110 t 4 0' 91 nuiwell 7 10 with Bertha and Conviv. thn Phi1rti or new Tone was saved. taxis that never sleep, opposite co luuaell; T. D. Moots with Split Second, phla were uiy Exnioiri Dei S333 i.,.,105 II IM 1i' to' Fairbrother tot sensation, unable to get together Norte Hotel, W. , Hlrh Tide ...... it Chas. A Harvey Forgers v. nay. lit San Antonio at S3 Colonel Jlandall ,....103 4 4" 5 10 ll Dreyer to 100 and L. esieroay ror a soui between be ana Oene Try the new' Bar. You get the PII0NE3 S49 .....103 3 lot it it nsvis co loo maker with Bat Masterson and Amazement, 'eimoqi. it Amusements ana w. v. nenaiey n un Eima. best. T. F. Keiah, jrop. Nine iv simnlez. nlace. 8 to 6 show. 7 to io. Carlono. Place. 4: sliow. to I. Cliff (Advertneuientsi Tho merchants of El Paso are taking Haven, allow vo. scralcped: neflectlon, Amans and Lydla A. rreat deal .of interest in the opening or tbe BREVITIES. Mogollón Hsll Contract. Ninety Slmnlfx ran a romo race, disnosed of Iloscoe Gooso the first half, then out racing season Thursday a great By Bvedal Vire to The Timet Carlone a Carlone moved up a turning 'TlIE M.VETY BLACK BOXS." next and BHUn-O- ft framed in Jotisr stretch drive. with rush for many of tbem are having their windows (Advertlíemenu.) Silver city, N. M., Nov. 20 C. A Ben ggjpBk. f, nonio, but Jiung artcr Rewnir to mo lead, curr usven ciosea a big gap and outgamea ror ( Anxiety at end. Ho had a rough trip. At the Unlaue todsy Is decorated the cecaslon in appropriate nott has been awarded the contract to carry Will the fourth inn dealgns. The Popular, Wblto House and Dr. Ebcrt, Dentist, tlo-ti-s Mills Blag. or ueorge nronson s tne united states man rrom this city to SIXTH IIACE One and miles. Timoj :s3i-3- , ;W H .i40 list Howard stories Everybody's here each arranged to have "iqoi ' 1., concerning the Vll Mogollón, ins contract is ror 1..&4 start goodr won easily. " adventures of Frauuuii ineir windows Jixea up ror ioe occasion. Miami PabHd SehoeL Ion, run in connection with the stories In une or me preiuesi winaows oi us una 'Index. Horse Wl. St. Sir.' Fin. Jorkey Up. CI. the century magazine. In this Instance the ind. at the same Brae, one or the most ap By Bptetot tFtre to The Time Dr. Jamleson. dlsesses of kldner. hld M t S or Miami, Ariz.. Nov. SO. The aer, sjuu ana rectum, cis jiuis nidg. JKeilUuy Fisher .... 1 3 Iiutwell a camera becomes a veritable magic mirror propriate will be, that Keller & Pollard, enrollment cue. 0. Kendall maiet rasases right Sfl Joe Dlebold .... ,.109 8 S S I a Turner to us. in this delightful picture of the days ureirou ireew ima unu nas sccureu Of the Miami public schools at 'this time when rau. 3" 4 3 shoes In Old won Dr. Anna Reum, buckler Bldg over BUM, all others j, (8303)Den culnre .... .,101 Í 3" McCahey or Vllloo. One delight-fu-r oMhe which Bosebud is an' even .100 greater than for the session sea mesa Yi 9TO0 Huda'jt 1 Francois enjoys a tne Kentucky Derby, one avenue. brother i' m ii nmyin a pleasureable in wnien ennsto of last year. r- svoc flood Day ,,109 6 6 8 rtr thrill, comfort produced mino irsveiea me rasiesi mue over tne Dr. Paget, Déhtlst, nob. & Ban. Dldg. 9934 WOllle H .105 7 7 7 co to only by the finished plecovor art. Murdoch uarez race course ever made by a "horse 7 schuitinror Phone 697. oakburst .,107 4 41 5 Corey 13 80 McQuarrle and Agnes Vernon .in the leads. upon the Amerlcin' continent, and one or the best Fought-Hi- .wn cleaners. White work, a specialty. Like Whalh Ouv Flshor. Dlace. e io 5: show, to K. Joe Dlebold. Disco, even: show. ( to 5. Den Also two good comedies, one a Nestor, Iron Mask's In which the great sprinter set By Bpectal to Time l nis ror five ana a Vire Thé Oulneo, ahow, C to . Scratched! Ooldy, 8sm,Hlrsch, Tay ray, Over the Sands, Font wnen Tiieir ondea uot Mixed." and the world's record naif rur Angelo, SO ' longs. Southwestern Weather Forecast. San Texas, Nov. Citarles YOUNG JACK JOHNSON and Cennurl. other a sterling, "A Bear Escape." In all green Wagner Is the champion fisher of tbe Cuy Fisher, running to his besf form, was kept restrained to the, stretch, where be very good program today. Tho colors or the jockey dun. and cloj-- Tomorrow white: are being seen In tVasbJnrton. Nov. Texas, New concho. Yesterday do caught a cttrish ran over tbo leaders and drew away at end. Joe Dlebold followed lluda'a brother t and Monday the next to last, episode West Hn training every afternoon at si iht. first six furlongs and finished well, but was no maten for the winner. Ben of numbers dally In the store windows, and Mexico and Arlxona: Fair Saturday and Quinco' ran bis race. lluda'a Brother quit. Trey o' Hearts and a ilex comedy with the display this year promises to surpass Sunday. Herbert nawiinson'a "Traffic la Babes. inai oi any previous year, ins mercnams ' ara ishowlnnr in thla way' their armrecltilon Federal Troanera Save Turn. 3 o'clock. "ON THE STROKE OF FIVE" TOBAY. or the business thst the racing brings their By the Associated I'reti OPEN ALL NIGHT noast Turkey 33e Sunday. way caen year. Boulder. Colo.. Nov. trooners. With oyster dressing and cranberry armed with wet gunnysacks, this arternoon Prescriptions filled and delivered sauce, rienty for everybody, Weston's. "On tho Stroke of Five," a two-re- ' Roast Turkey 9Se Sunday. saved the town of Superior from threatened at amy time day or night. 3to san Antonio street. (Advertisement.) Vliagraph tragedy, Is the feature at the With oyster dressing and cranberry destruction rrom a pralrlo fire; Fanned by Mail Orders Filled Promptly. Wigwam today, it is an unusual story a strong wind, the blase was sweeping Bar VAUDEVILLE sauce. Plenty for everybody, , Weston's, Stanton autos, Bio. of tho rate or an toward the little raining camp 'when tne E. CO. nest careful drivers. Fhona adventuress who caused 720 San Antonio street (Advertisement) A. RYAN & (Advertisement.) a young man to kill hlmseir. It was pro soldiers attacked IL The nre was ettin. ( ANT iOXIOÍí J.U0TUKK8) gulsbed after 80 acres had been burned. over. Druggist duced by a specially selected cast. "Hearts flooring ti, and I1.M SUatoa asd Tkkd Streets; tit t- h- or ooid," a olograph, is also on the pro per roll. Burtoa-Ltag- Co., ra. to. (Ad gram. Tomorrow "The charity Ball." Right Way good 1110. Continuous 11 av. verttsement.) Laundryi work; Ph. ra. to 11 p. m. magnificent photoplay production of Klaw "2AKE EAST' ALHAMBRA c Erlangcr's great stage success. Do hoi Need ClaasesT Ask SegaJl, 106 Texas St., Sonora Cattle Duly. It fall to see It. near Oregon. (Advertisement.) By Special Wire to The Timet Walk oa Rubber Heels "Week's) Men's S3 This Program Includes: Douglas. Arlx., Nor. 90 The export duty Rubber Heels CeBts WIGWAM Ladles Rubber Heels as Cents A DE CRACK ENTRIES. on rrom Solo, Duct, Trio And Quartet VAUDEVILLE LUAMBRA. HAVRE cattlo the state or Sonora has For Sale By 'ON been raised rrom 17 to on steers, Good Signs TIIE .STJIOKE OF FIVE" flpectel TAe lis and 8IukIok. This week's special By fftr to Tfmet rrom 10 to 113 on cows. ENTERPRISE SHOE LEATHER CI Tho Vltngraph'a Sensational Story vaudeville Drosram UalMmore, Md., Nov. 39. FIRST RACE f I Phwie 1011 is maao up. or twelve numbers, each YOU BET PUlogiies Filled With Comedy. of an Adventuress's Punishment. obo OIL. 4U(HIU1( SI Mesa Ave. Tlio jbatCMt IluKtlmo Slcloille, spienaia entertainment in itself. Every Early Morn, .toei sSot Batwa IN The sweliest bar In town. Fines! goods Feature Poncing "nEARTS rammer or mo cmcago Ligui opera com- 3 M r warrciwiw 1363 llermls. Jr.... 103 at tne uem. OF COM), pany is staging bis or her best act, and sees KRnaani ioN(seeeiiiuistream ...too Dainty Jlrl ICntOTtnlner. A rtomantlo Drama. uie is a program or 2303 crlsco ...... tot xisa una y nrown.iuv New Bridge Aerees filia. result varied real 186 Ellx STUDY SHORTHAND amusement, com 281 oraseiie .....11" llarwood.101 Bu Beccial Wire to The Time Only vocai music, dialogue, 93 Mr. Snlrtrs ssne Phew ... 104 Competent stenographers are In constant Tomorrow "Tlin Charltv Nov. 90.-- special da. EAT AT cdy sketches, feature dancing and "rag !BM9 Dr. Douxhy.llt .107 Safford. Aril,. elec Learn Gregg ACTS IN ALL Dalí," Klaw & 12rbuigfr's auo-- am Prorresslre mmd. the System Sloplest, The 12 12 great meioaies" compose tne ricn bill. List 1309 Daisy PUU...10 8379 Brsndywlne ,tis tlon will be held la Oraham county Nov. Newest aad Best Restaurant OCM. night's audiences were enthusiastic over iw Tors, uo. ,..111 ureen nrae.,.iuo 73, on a porposttion to Issue bonds In the Frank Poy aad Boh Caag, Props. ADMISSION: uie onenngs. Tne pnces are; Boxes, Wei sett Ave too 1093 Toddling 109 sum or 118,000 to build a bridge across the lower floor,, c; balcony, 85c First per-- mi coy 109 369 Scirt Letter..tos uua nvcr near in ma. Bozc, C0c( Iyoivrr Floor, 35c; ' Slit Phi Antoin'e.109 3310 Martin Casca,. 68 Club House Cafe lonnauco ai i; second at a:u. Sunday SM .....108 Halcoay, He, begins at J p. Alrnuri LoBBwelt's Taage Lavender Ltne rent Mr Seuth ta Pase St, mitinee m. Continuous BECOnu hack steepiecnase. about two TWO J'KIliXJILSLANCES: performance cars, taxlcabs, limousines and auto bag. At GRECIAN Ttdiy mllesi gage give Flrttt Itcclns 7 P. hi. tk mm syosett ....iw...KSiwiMviuc urhL.iu trucks best service day 01 GREAT AT CRECUN. nN jcimi ,.,,...ii iiymauon night Phone t. BccoBd Bcgliu 8t4S p. to. DIiANCH SWKET 2987 Astute i3HZ3B&)cmipaarro ... Sunday inatlneo bCRlng at 3 p. In a very piecing Society Drama Oreat society program at the Ore clan THIRD RACE Five and nirionas: Men Ariseaa Ore, Sufferers f Hemorrhoids m. today. "Tho Mamar or the (at7)sunset rm Reflection ...lot By Special Vire to The Timet Jonunuoua pcrforaianoc Home" is a isas mcoro ,,.,..iuei 001er Would you beueve me Ir I wu you that "TIIE XiITTLE two-re- - m ...... in Nogales. Arlx., Specimens or ore LOHGWELL'S Teature of exceotlonil tranrtti- sets Tie pin .,t,,.to: swi vasa .. Norria TMKSfEK LB,uro 50u 18 n d- - Let 9 refer lot COUNTItV MOUSE." It depicts society Ufa In all Its splendor. sail sur or Lore. 11 sa Fen rock ioe brought here rrom the Eureka group to ' ome of my worst eases that suowuig ooauiiiui gowns, gorgeous m Alhena ...... IU7I 1919 Half Hock.... lit the Harsbaw district, owned by Mark haver" been cured teleaa time. There ts tings ana (MlBorgo Ill sm Or. Larrlck...il3 Dixon and F. E. Thayer, have no rsllures with my treatment. In the remarkable acting by a atroag attracted AateataMlas, Racks. Ltvary. 7 cast, -- (KNSixamio a iue much attention. The era runs over too that 1 bays treaMd Hemorrhoids "THIS MASTEl'l OF TIIE HOUSE" ire iner or me iioute" would Asta Baggag one any program. rouHTH hace use mm ana seventy ounces and 990 gold ton. Truck 1 ' failure. 1 weald be glad, be a neadiiner on In addl surer to tha Light to 4explainc,l to ymt nay AVm flocioty lion una and Ilaavy Banllag, method' at treat- a Great llcture to there will be shown "The milRepubileen ..tttl ttHS ThornhUl' ing Hemorrhoids, time loat rrom Country Bnuh.-Wfi- Paper that reasn. 1247. Samples tia Two Reels. Little Mouse," also a society pie-- 07 Paint Buskin ...,, Ph. sent vour vofatlon. ttr. mitoiwa. cimi. Tas. BIJOU y or 2389 Bobt Bradley.iw to your borne, ooiatag. Bldg. "THIS 1'JUSO.V sr.UN" unusual merit In which uin wi tti .Trust CHEAT I'KOORAM Blanche Sweet Is seen in sn especially 4 Tartar 113 9943 Harry 8haw..l04 An Intenso dramatjo production of pleasing part. It is an extraordinary classy (SiSO) Flittergold ,.tl3l 2999 O. M. Miller.. 100 RaMway Freaerty Vetoes. class, featuring- - tho beautiful FIFTH HACE One mue ana seventy the Afaaiatiul Prat i oiu, von i miss in vardii aahlncton. Nov. ,98 At tbe conclusion Dr. Carl Maria BaU. ran W71 Man or a or or SmitH via iu giu.iw uncle ...tot uitcuMtoa mamóos vaming rail' RUPTURE, KLOOD, SKIN, COMEDY" THE BIJOU. X3I3 AnWT ,..IW sees Battery ,tM way nroperur, a reaetntlon offered by Cum' Uve "AXyA.ONB S303 E. or Savor.. tul xm cereopeu ....tee nwseioner Malta, of new York, was XTJ9NKV AND BIiADDKR H. MOHR Just for Fub. .Unique Today Marin Sals, tho beautiful Kilem atar. 2x79 Delegate . ,,103 9999 Malay ..,.,..,04 adopten ay tae waneaai assembly or Rail- Otst yrdwwse ve neat way ke DIS.K8 Rat TMK NI.SXTY ktLACK BOXF.S. , cu a twu-ri- nra-- n paity aesaa.. Centourl .,IM Cojmalistoasrs. ceaventlon here. II Monday Tucuday leaiurru in aramatic 9903 Rekl.,100 Kmoma and MuNck Mrttuarrle ssd Agnes Vernon, ductlon enUtled "The CarroH (997t)Joe Flan .,.,,197 dclaree. In tha eetnten of the association. Paint GtttM. 7T1WIj KARKYMOHK Prison Slain." This tray Howay.nn Aiicrgiow rteewny sasaaa kh ae eme rea upon ie Vtrst Matioaal Bank Rtdg. ait u4 Twt Cowedlcs. la an intensely interesting picture that Is nia the noted actrcnu. In "HUCN THKM MtHM xje Tne 294 Pertlireek ....Ma boats et the eerrtor escepi at lu .ost In GOT UIXEB," well acted throughout. You will like il Hurskan 97 Ella OryMM..,lt An At comedy also 9iM Yodetuur wwn THE JilOHTIXOAUJ." N4r. .- win he on the bill. ....set aanren 99 - "A KAR ESCll'K- WrrHag. Sunday "When Youth Meets Youth." a 2MB Damn Ma.. MM MeHaaal ráete. T0UHHW AMI Ue.NBAV picture telling a passionate love story, SIXTH RACat-F- ive and furMOMi THE LOCKE THCr y HtAKTS. Ho. IL Next to Last featuring Lyda Uorvlli. run tier, mm.,h . 99.. Oakland or FOR FRESH OYSTKKS mist vhu wAM taa flAaTABIInn KHisotfc. Monday n 29 l.y ntMrV.Msl Vltvoia tlinriainin si Mi nf ana Tuesday Ethel anymore, 1. Uaa StalSmssal Oraaare. W atiMa, ad to H Cesaeay With HswHssga Ivor Ainsnnsnsai Ike detoaates to tne ,,?rÍ GHICH Herbert the noted actress, In "The KlahUnaiia." 2303 ABdriaajga . 9)999 ItoiMrdasll ,,.m aaswst99sna ate ITaad tha daaa 11 iu UHU FHIL TKArTK I.N Wbett you can see 230S Md AjKltanUG 99MI99 ' to Novaaaker. tart Caear aad ajuatoat 9MrU YOUNtra CAPE ItWsi such a star as Ethel af tsaer. ,,,Ma -hat ttu Cfse Canard 4 Fraatse rr4 T4y Barrymore for aa admission of se costa, 909 Volaat I aaa or Um mt uu uTTu. W Pan. Teams Muae ssikis. hat ar CeaWauairs freaa 13 te H . b. doa't lose Ibe opportunity. em uneMa feraa eltMa to the esecnttoa eommHse. 3 sad M ski 9MM St HcisSM .. . J. Xjjr. IMS teat. sees tfltEVtL-- Phaaa TWC (XAMY Tartu ,,.,,,.tw I w ALWTWHJM. stotok lanches, hat Kmcnea. inSItir: toe Hew sMeet Instructora rreei Ixrinoui Bwawitsat. i4 Weather clear; aiMut Mm larHtd. Ak club. New Vtisaa Htoa BikaaL J9 ftpttiet VHr Tim tWCCM til MM If TWAY. H The Marpky's CiMeditis time. Arts, Jtov, 99 The UaMa ktosa 9st stkr 1m MTfa?ua.rr-ff- L00D DISEASED ku r I TMt OLD ft SUABLE' mmm of igtV aWsoer league TN9W AflT I wmsaa, WXA4Í Tw will ke Mas 4 W MBrS9S W999J Hot 1mb Mead .unJT ism, me toutidry i'tT ai ill At CRAWFORD 'aM Amt Man the A notel Far iaiaCta!i3t Mr at 1 aVkurk. kwkiU i B yen have A atoek The tke Ate Vbto sad MsaetsM taanu t the bedr. dry, ase at wettnr nlbn4U9nM A. JÚt hajáMií tkt Swtk luafaw laaaua m s a asaat daal at íOtotMuWl' T " liar raiAi mc osiiiTMa .y m &.? - - mm, h, m Wsthssa to Adaveaa - - mm wuclwd wtsa a rral sfcal ef aiMaiioa. " re. HamMina; The awn have luaiiared the gesM wwi "wa. ja arca airaaa, whea it u wMMUrd Utal.U Is ahaoluieiy aelailne, tor a kettle eg latest iMsaiJU stay to Rl Pen to o aev to ttMaa, aod glva t rtra-a- BltMaJ mm a. mr. uHMwr, k um wnaiin umitaran-- '. bVtW' TRMei, tM sexton tor the restar TlTisjnil aaM READ TIMES WANT ADS am a alar at the gaaae, wtU aaaut ttaaiad eenidren. will'Tto rwflrrirtag um goausta. aatarday aigtM at the aatoattoa army 3trdiiy, NoymW 21, 914. EL PASO MORNING TIMES

MARKS CLIMAX OF EL PASO FOOTBALl SEASON 0HWIÍ Hore Than Your Money's Worth NARVA CLMHM HTTM M ? OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF STOCKYARDS Suits, Overcoats, IFtxrnisln.-- : COMPAHY f Rlaate. ixxgs anndL Slripes,a.t nw ffwrun, Cwm., ter. he ellmea Solicits the busi Of HM Cilttnv fOOtball fCMOfl Will be ttrM here kHMrrow when, the ken ii FVices Yate 4 Harvard wwversltfcs m1 ta IM Out ness fMrty-fMi- b game of nm Htwr.varHty serfci Including Blues and Blacks, of fashionable ;niodels, choice fabrics; of the Cat which began lfl W75, Duna tais itretch the wason's most ot forty years ifltereoHetlate rooroall Mid and the latest tailoring, including Schless Bros. & Ce. make. Suits and Overcoats for lti fttteftcuat features have Undorgose re. of all ages, conservative or styles. Note the prices: tle Livestock bwrkafele evolutions. NumeroUa chBf In men extreme cut and the playlnr rules have been mM m4 M ILtory end srtihqda ot attack and. dercnee radically altered. AH these variation in (2,S00 Swt aa4 OvreeU to Select From FANCY DRESS VESTS the stmt and play stnk'tato taelgnirieance $6,pOGrade men ot Texas, hn comparía whs the great traaeronna-ii- ;.00..o or rooUwU (rom fee epecteettter end $10.50 lf Sal $4.00 pcciators MAMfMlnt, $20,00 Grada A $5;00Grado Early Bay Gmm H ere rree. él ftfl Mexico, Ari-- In Ui early day of the eemeets the cut to ...... cur. mi $3.25 ieY Mams met wkh tbe collet green toil $25.00 Grade $4,00Grada rought out t fr amuai game, rioted by a tbla rrlwrí of uitderirraduarri end town cut to $18.50 cut toTm..... $2.65 folks. Admission charges nnm either MACKINAW COATS $3.00IGrado zoUa and the en nominal or entirely dispensed with and br cheering- or raw CUt tO; $2.00 hundred spectators . In Assorted Patterns. aad. tmimpreeeive. Wondertul $2.50lGrade progreii .Is ,tw popultrtty of football ha $10.00 Urado tire Southwest. been mad since the inliltl chum and to. cut to . . $7.50 cut to I $1.60 trorrow marks another epoch in the rami, ror tbe elevens or 1814 will battle in a $6.00 Grade $1.5 0radó Stadium Urser and more Impressive than cut .to ... , $4.50 CUl IO ÍT $1,00 Have modern any structures ever built ror college sport mm-- . in this country. Onto tbe turfed and lime lined arena or thla itu'dlum will ton 10. ri' - if.'- mol row afternoon, the gridiron sauatia of llval universities, whtlo more tban 70Cd Dress Shirts facilities for spectators cneer mo piajcre ana suo iiioves srttutes. (. (ole Worth 5150,960 Bisected. Inolufllng Silks, SoUettea',' Percales and Madras Dross. or Work. prompt, expediti Tbe advance yuard ot ibe thousands, who jn plain,whUc, cream, alate and atrlpa .with win contribute rully $140,000 to the athletic double French cuff ór, hand laundered cuff, association! or.the two universities ror the with collars attached or detached, . pilvllege or witaessinr tbe gime are ' ,.;,.f$l90 already pourinr Into this city by train $?,50 dra'de, ' -- ous handling of boat The a and motor car. night borons cut to; fn gathering las taxed tbe capacity or tbe local 9iof '...$1.60 hojioirlej to an extent never ex '' 2ui5of:S before 13.00 Grade,. perienced bore and tbe qverflow bu been . ft) livestock, New shunted into private dwellings as a ltat cut to. i...4....f..-..,- PfieaW ft. B0 Grade 1 Oft resórt ror tbe night, This rush Is but the cut to PX.4U forerunner ot the throngs that are Sweaters That Are 2.60 Grade, scheduled to descend upon new Haven to cut to $1.75 HATS 11.26 Grade, sanitary morrow, with a new stadium with a setU ' 12.00 Grade, cut to .... . 90c nodern, capacity as great as the Sweaters inr almost twice to $1.50 former wooaen sisnos si raie new auai cut ...... tlonil thousands have taken the opportun 110,00 Quality, II. SO Grade, pens. The neces Ity to wltnesa one ot tbe foojUall classics $7 50 cut to ...V.. $140 Shoes Underwear Ot the year. More tban to per cent or tbe 11.25 and tl.Ot Grade' spectators come points win from outside 9.oo but tor .. 90c $2.60 Quality American ibis city. According 10 ine railroad man quality, .v. Just to introduce our Shoes A A now'.vs-sVTTTrr- ífi a agemoqt about 3S,ooo persons will be moved ,v"m we cut our Silk, now PletU sary by special trams, twenty.jrire or which $1.60 Quality buildings 17,00 Quality, Pants, Pants $5.00 Shoes Natural will start from new York City and tuteen te 7IÍ wool, to in from Boston in addition to the regularly now Pajel U $$.00 Trousers, 2J cut D.1.1U i $1,25 Quality Natural Wool cncamcu terries. now . JO.UU $4.50 Shoes'" or been erect Usrvard Is slight remits. 6.00 Quality, ( 'Etryptlan , have tbe Itself, aside the gQ $7.00 Trousers. OCÍ ytj That rune from Ple-- ' ' ' Cotton, now 9UCQf' dedication features or the now Yale "bowr now I,,,,,., J $4.00 ShoVa o and the assembling ot a record gathering Quality, $.00 Trouaer. sí CÍA or $1.00 Quality Silk qa .or roo prove an ex $6.00 ÍJ.O 7C to mail enthusiasts, win . npw 4eUU e$iJ.D Fleeced Lined, now .... OvIC ed and balance credingly Interesting conlost. Is the gen now t '.M,mJi! crsl opinion or (he coaches and experts $5,00 Trouaersi 0 7C 6O0 Grade. an who. work ot tbe elevens now ... J now 4UC have followed the $3,0,0 ta Flannel Shirts all season. Harvard Is slight ravorlte in ili0". ...?. o f construction (he wagerlnr, due to tbe showing made In T.e.7;i $3.00 For work or dress, in' brown,' the eight games, played to date and ' gray and blue, with or with Union Suits be fact thai Percy llausbton and bis sue $2e0Q $3.00 Trousers, GO Ot! coiching' holds away ,IJ0w out collars, t'Ctsstul syslep full si '...IrVM.;t....i Wool or Mercerized. will be pushed-t- uamortage, jie on me oiner nana is jusi finishing tha first season or a new cant' $3.00 Grade, U Pajamas írc."d0.... $2.40 An Off calm fooitail under tutelege ol Frank cut to Hinkey, former captain and enq at the Yale Night Robes Outing or Muslin. $2.50 Crade ajo AA üífCid as í.60'Crade. I Odds I2nds Stetson ' nn completion Crimson Eleven Unbeaten This Year. $i-6- and of and cut to cut to " o ataos piU VltVU I colors. This slight preponderance of-- support In Grade, Kar.r.?t: Chantóla lints, all and. $2.00 Grade 1 $1.26 Hats, fk $3.00 Grade, flVt rovor or tee crimson is aue cnieny, now cut to ...... 90c $3.00 Grade, 1 Aft $4.00 Stetson tO CCf to J. nr "even loathe better showing made by liar CUt to oüt to ,., cut V ,UU cut to ox.ou soon as possible. games or aJl.tU vara in tha preliminary the $3.00 Chamois Hats, $1.50 Grade $1.00 arado, Cambridge eleven has won $1.00 Grade CC schedule. The 80& to . . . . . to all Its games, with the excepuon or tbe cut to ...... &V?.... Sioo cut to ,...... , ,.$2.20 cut $1.10 cut OOC contest with I'enn. atate, which resulted In Market isopen to a tie at to ij. in six oí ido nrsi seven games Harywd ran up double figure scores, Michigan alone being able to hold Haughton'i pupils to a single touchdown cattlemen, spec without the accompanying frcld goals which fckvo marked all the other contests. Yale has also proved that It possessed a itreng scoring attscic, but rus playea erratic root, and oth-- ball esDeclally on the defense. ulators Two opportunities are offered ror a score analysis In tbe games arainst SIS Shop & and Brown. Har- Clothes Washington Jefferson TheKrupp, Prop. We do we Harris as Advertise live vard defeated the Pennsylvania team, 10 to lOT Sari. Antonio St. ershandling S on October to, while two weeks later. tbe same cloven won from vaie. is to 7, Against Brown and Blue lined up a team Ño ot regulars and sunsututes 10 snout equal weigh Thomaa-lla- stock. proportions so that the victory or H to 7 Fullback, rraneke ..tS9 0 14 Halstead. S.SZ7 ralles. 'I laps: transferred to the county Jill today and trollerj and others who would act as a lit- cannot count with the same weights u SUBSTITUTES. BOWLINGSCORES. ley. sjtr miles, 4 laps: Ultten.Anderson, given a hearing- - in county court. eral watchdog or the treasury. showing over Brown. S,3M miles. 8 lap!) Hcrcey-llanae- S,344 Harvard's End, C Coolldre ,,,...,..181 CACTUS BOWLING ATHLETK CLUB. KHEDIVE OF EGYPT Fever Yale. 3 1 H SI nines, t lap. Accuaed ef Stealing Harness. Pitt Performance End, L. Curtis JOIN'S WITH TURKEY . qr yardage or ....t I 51 Tbe leadlnr teams were nearly fourteen ing Whatever the relative merits tbe lit End. reliori ..,.,.. League. Fidel Martines was arrested, yesterday on AUAI.N8T THE ALLIES a tong W Bankers miles ahead of tbe record, which was t,l!l to lit teams the Blue nas siring or vie Tackle, Blrelow 4,.,M FIRST NATIONAL BANK. the charge or attempting make ofr with Bu 4nociattJ frttt Crimson to its credit, when SO miles, 4 laps, nude by mil and Ryan In portion or a or a local l'arl, Nov. 31 (J 45 a. tones over ibt Tackle, n. Curtis ,., , 117 183 a set barneai from SO Cnd IU serles I reviewed as a whole. On too Ward t ivi , leather establishment. The clerk who Abbas Hllml or Egypl has tbe Tackle. Morían v e, Ho&ert 101 1 431 thrown la charges. tbe earliest day or the game ivhen tbe Cinier, Soucy 1 I 0 ih made Ibe complaint told the police that the his lot Hllh Turkey In Ibe war, ae ..l" - It Ererett Loss; Ill l9 S9 FRHLVE.NT TURFMAN WEfHL poiat ot scoring was unkaqwn, auarfl, unaerwow ,,im tt 4S3 Mulean allpped a set or reins beneath hta cording to Iba Patli sfiura S9 J. E. Beaton ,,!.14 147 tU FarlslcBae. Yale gained a lead which she baa held n,i.rH withlnrton ...1S4 coat and was attempting to make off with MH N. FOWler ,..,...... 199 1ST 184 17 Edward K, Cerrlgsa Takes The kbedlve, .wba was absent from so ririnl ever since, since tw, when Quarternsek. .,,,17 5.7 Youthful Bride the goodi when caught. Blstrt 111 Egypt at the time or of goals and Held goals were Hairback, t 7 la indiana. tbe declaration for feed touchdowns, Klnr ToUto TS9 697 78 $194 war by the against Prices accorded a bolnt value. Yaie nsa won ser llairbick, MeKiniock t7$ N Bu iht Auoalattd 1'rtu Rancher Accidental! Shot, allies Turkey, TEXAS BANK AND TRUST' CO. chicaco, Nov. so. Edward H. Corriran, went straight to Constantinople, says ertteea gaaita to Harvard's sU while Jive liairbaek, noiuns Miller $40 Bu BdccM Wire to Tht Ttmtt 6-- M L. C. .., Ill IM m owner or (he Hawthorne track when the paper, where he was wen ever resulted m tie contests. In the total num-- yullhsck. Drlckiey ...... 1W 8 here so.-- a; Pummy , 111 111 m W raclny was n lis beydey and at one time Gallup, N. M... hoy. Monloya, by tun Yeuag Turk leaders. He has ot potete scored tbe Ella have a big YALE. S90 a sheep or now joined tbe furnished are no Hr Wrht. Htht. R. TurbevlUe Iff in 17 a dominant figure on the American turr, prominent raiser Thoresu, wis Turkish fercea la margin over ine urimsou, ino loiais pcing Dn.tlnn Nimt. Ar. Lafet Hill 117 1(4 434 brought to the Miners' hospital here today Faliatlne, II Is added, aad Is presarlas .17 let wsa married Tuesday at Crowa rolnt, Ind:, to Intaje aie, 37V j iiarvaro. w. me siue left end. Hlrrtnbethara H X. IM I9S (01 with a bullet wound In bis right Mast, Egypt tcui e--t Christie ...... lit to miss, Alice N. i'lckeit. or Chir.aro. ac- ' iuva ehut out Crimson teams 00 thirteen Lett teekie. xaiDou iivkMo N Is Tha 1M 90 cording to a report received here today, ills condition serious. unfortunate RUSSIAN MOVEMENT occasions, wblli tbe Harvard victories over Left Conroy , Hñ 7S S0 man accidentally m rusrd. W it 0 Tétala "w According to the story, Corrifan aald he shot blmself wim AGAINST THE TURKS. more than are Yale in which tne ens were unaoie center, Wiley 4. came, own Uu Ih S3a 1 Points wen, First National, Kith was (so years 01a. onus reyo'm ÁtioclaM Prti cere numeer not tour, in recent yews mint. Walden ft his giro her te I'etrograd, Via London, 1 Fowler, 194. Hlrn total. Fowler, nr. as SI and her occupation as clerk, or Nov. St (MM a. me uamsnaare icauu uoToiuyvu Right tackle. C. Sheldon ..18 CO m Thn rnltnuflnir Afflnl.! M RIO OflANBB VALLEY BANK it TRUST recent yean Corrigan has made his home TWELVE CO.WICTEB MUrWERERB itrwriti when racing the Blue oulte u Rltbt end, W. Wilson 1(0 114 from the army or the Caucasus was Issued ...J 0 St 0, Redmond Hi Ml ai Msgftom springs. Al- - MUST DIE a.N CALLOWS being charged by kaown to the elevens or the BttMMtt. ta Quarterback, A. WUson ...17 140 I8S 418 ,t SI H. Ktetomaa lti Corrlgs raced at all (be prominent LN STATE W AK1MNA "Russian wsrshlps bombarded on No. 107 Yale ended string or six straight Uft halfback. AUMWortn 1 843 .,178 5 1. KerstM ,. IIS III iracxs in tne umtea states ana also was vember 19 the port or Kopha, in Turkish Victories and In tbe following six years won IlifM hairback. Knowles D, 184 410 S HebertMB ...... IK IM knows ta England. At one time he was Pit HcUtc4 one, reree aaa ucu two. i rulHsaek, Le Ooe t7 8.1Í 184 Frtli or lost C. Bfetaer 174 140 70 to wealthy, racing men here FlioenU,tt so.Complit liaiuin. pa the Ulack sea. whence the op-erati- ng (beck this slump ta Yale football 8UBST1TUTE3. said te but Arli...itov. yards d sire to tbe close or at official returns from tbe recent elec. Turks were preparing ror an offensive other call to go out tor Htafcey. Stlllfnan J 'es st slate that after racing movement In the dlreetiga Use! caused te fitd, Tétala ( u son pc Hon show that ArUona defeated the or different tbe new Coach and hi a system or (9 M tl wawiBorne lost much or his property. passea In the Svatiharekb region. The am. What SO InlliaUre measure abolishing the play done toward restoring Yale to Und (lonlfi .1(0 CITY NATIONAL BANK, munition depot ana barracks were de baa 34 Kmms CMy Federal. death penalty, Twelve men under stroyed and the place high gridiron plane formerly beU by Tackle. Whittlesey .,.,...1 A. ,,. ISO (71 tlS set 00 fire." here. tke N WtSMSJl 4t sentence of death who were re- ee aemonuraioa Tackle, O. W. pneiaoo ...jw Ml C. 174 SM S8.-- tu tesas will winr. M Team .,. IN Kansas city, Hn.. Nov. city will prieved by Governor Hunt so that VETERANS MUST Tbe statistics and pro is Tackle, Wel4efan ttt IM 111 M4 feague WAm reoerM wd St K e44l rtlaln Us rranchue la the federal the people might decide their fates a ef tsse iuuuw Guard, rarrar 61 H, M. , III V or suw ,.lo M in tit in iiis, james a. oumore, presmeni tne must therefore hang, laiufHclesI Meaey ha Traaevry te ray HARVARD'Sis RECORD. PuKd, 1. R. BbaMoa t7S 6 I, L. AsMrewtoru US U( I league AH tU e- St et Hid tonlsM after a conference with The rote on the measure wait Yes, rensiea Sept. 1 Betes, 0. CüKd, Oakea ,, Warraata. tae aireciors or im wcaj ciuo. U.IUi bo, causing its defeat Mu Special Wire fa Th Tim Ut Bairlerneld T. 8., 0, Center, wtute ,...IW St 7 t 9,J, TELETHNE Oct lHarrard. a l W4J4 .. m by I.Í44 voles. Austin. Tetas, Nov. SiWTbe state treas Oct. u; Ovarterback, Scovtl ...... tan Orarnte, 11 .cuy WHU MeaUirilaa. 274 wssiuafiuii t fetati won, tuo riatumai, CkarHd Until rcturni came rrom the last urer today csuted notice to Coa 9, ii Slitrkudr. Wlt IM 6.t0 Andreas, Kit tot4. Juana Cru, a Mexican woman, was sr. be sent fersoo, St I. Nit Mino, tit. counties today the result was in fiderate vetarani on the atate peaeteai Met á. Tufts. . HatrbaoJt, MeLatati put, WHunwi aaa In one the Oct .,.,,..,! firslMK, re. Strike rested yeaterday afternoon or doubt. only on Ptm, State, iJ. uuernvsy 8H Stansel and that there It lafricleet cash bead Oct. It Hmard, Hi t'uusac, Kiebunasu department stores by Oatcetlre Governor Hunt, It I bnderatood, to pay warraata up No, 7i Michigan, 0. oeorae weaton aent in tea oyster toares booked at Use Jail Ibe charge f to and laeludtne Oct. city on win reprieve the convicted men until KOO. Postponement of pavBteavt oa Mte EL PASO Nor. 7 Htrrsrd, ; Prtaeetoa, 0. Meey were awsrded to two taalntr sttoeHfttatg. Tbe dttactlve reported that CatMjUeeMea rreisoe. which tt arter Christmas and then scatter tbe balance until February 10 li therefore bee YALE'S lt( RECORD. te ana or tne tbe wonsaai at t ittne of her arrest bad or In avoid 0. &lJÍTcal.t7fT716-- l a wnwsj dates esteuiloa order to eisary. Shu J0i MattM, A weettof her a sisattiy of goodi concealed beneath her a "hanging pee." 0. atwacte) MX.BAY BrCYCLK BSA43C pea hiving Eleven of Oct. Sit tonltM that a huse esbwd, Francis atvawi, wbtcn we management ciaiwea the condemned men were reprieved 1. . OklabeaM baak Rebbery, Oct Mi LWH. i if B4M rer, uat-- tecember j, r UNION Oct. 7 Yate, Mi Norte Oeate, a. receM carne Ibe rriajreastve canal. Hi TeaeM Tki f.r Hwi Lee4 at ft fCsee U Me Aaaecidtrd frees Nov. ft-lf- fje, T, WaektatM It Jerfer Hsu ror IhtMMl SMMs immr tttat etocttoa Last NtfM, WWt Traille Law Yleteltea. Wardvllle. Okie, stwrwo maske4 Oct 'potltirei T.UT MOM IAirHMl men the Bank ef so, ta. aud a4 faft wf oktb i;oucf aaeete t4 freat stoHcea 10 aonear In court to eniwer robbed citiieaa Ward. Oct, mi Colas, T, SMiV.w York. Nor. KX ata Uaou were tM enFrargel oí vjQMiwg toe trarrtt orowance rreateta ateruiley far 6teaaea H Tille Ibis afternoon and secured lets, Tbe 7. Yate, II; , tit .atsy e yesterdiy by the police de taeMer, wao was .aioue u tM baMc, aat STOCKYARDS tm. for ttve ls4 Is sts Mf M Mm4 lat tat iSfgaaaaK. sttrnkUM aro dtresdaati locked the vault, but succataed II o'clock tealeot. Btmr, broa., Chlcaco. Nov. Loom wM etoor swtiar btfife ttt4 in two Mm cases, tbe particular offenses sa accouettftr peatttf tbe arter an hour. or sbeeai tjae 4 f result In teeaporsrlly bankrupll . tbe " - " mMM 1 MI. T. CooM44 onwm, U a series ifwn, Seaeae beter Mm cert4ofi of can aaJ aV U. Un Useum l4 lalted Siaf4 overmnet4 femiar Prestí Iowa) est bisanb 1 ik. Posees pasatjH, uesjle. Parses) . lakM by bMmwbssmssiif' atea um atrv Reot ad Ctatk. Maafci aswi LWTeate. wew rwat tbe reaulred rear UtbU, W. aient Will law N, Tatt said In a attaecb ta, itim CdMTAHY 81 . gjiteM aM C. U. Folderman ara hm stMrtit at IM aaAuw oinner ot ise umHnerT Habed In jiw ot W w club, wtiile he was aa 041. aJ2.r..::::;:: m It baa eflr or- - isafortuBatea whom iiftvu, tM rial assertinr council erteiavl tfcnlal. Mr. ae-- ame Mari PesMOek ...M4 H m Ioh 4 U9 by asaxc m keaaaff 4USU W VUJH. Talt declared the lack of RagM Trueaavutl wee feesjuasiU Tbetm at 11 p. ml, taw and the Uaorganliatloii or feawal All tea, seox MMt ssjatM great VVMb Sim Tettaf, finance. day briar ttxm RiM m. Mrtwte ..nt ill - Omf4 Istreaa. Kind cb i. HH MailCW kkatteé- ery We4 NrNaMart, rvir-n-t east ftlawd Mataa4o was arretud ytHt As a rt4twy tae Hansamiadad IM, eatet). awvetar W bt tM 4 UbbW(A4 ItfaT'VefTl. &JSS satSMi Oerfc-Ho- aaMi Law. by FvUeeaaaat CMIwo4 on the ebargw ol Hetuaeei M eeatrel Vureau, to btclttde , - i 9 mtuesoeaib Mtr saUea. t lata; Walabear. car 17 late- 9Wf Tbe yrtsoMf ww an etieb tsHproveaseat aa tbe auditors, eetap- -

4 at, SEFIIXMERS OFTEN LOOK AT CHILD'S FAIL TO REGISTER TÜNfillí II SIGH, PROTEST SHOE SALE ' ' . i ' TODAY we. offer ttse U4tm t Cattle Raisers BWw WW Tan IVCAffUTVH nHI inc. m'"lili '. tH MAHCI.Y JC- - CttSS, FEVERISH rniMCVTAt, 6tM- - STfl Mwm lit atare for iwi amiim. in recmcs. Stock Yards Niw-rr- iMitaii - tw44f lo Take IslereiMat Weasrl Head Refer Himlelfal Hhea fcaaiasyaiea1 or Bilious cite "CaM- - Hrb 48 'OtHvatlan al la U tn LetM aeHlmore ' fsml gtrua of Pins." . Caamcll Oselieas fft Gtoi averaaral. At a laieeMn 'Mai Cattle Association' .of iMav.formed 43 M, U ' UHlroore, Nor. Political reform Look at the (Jugue, mother) If coaled, Shtpfxera' aaaoetaSsaai awM yaaterday at the mm "come down to trU?' itU that your llltlo ono's Bhetdon Uw conlro-vers- toinacu;aure'ln hol tai ekyfds 54íeHsa re Hyf liver and bowels need a gentle, wa rWiiataid ka, aM Ms bearlnga and Th te row Kiintlffilo the Mollir mark, IhordufU clean sfng once. ft- i Yards located conveniently with every at It was MM i ;ajtoton Ilia Winter ayi am which aaaae, sppircntly, It sufficient! When .' pcerlsiu . psle, fiwaaaaa ar that tV.i point-wher- cro.ii lüUeís. Pfopose lUlniiajiia'anJashiaai Women's ííert Fur ifop isanitary appliance at a Tim affective," acertdltir w doesa'l sleep, doesn't eat or act naturally, f stockyards ..' . v newet lasts ana jtr, t.l.,MM In MM destruc- repon M Mtlooal Municipal Learuo or li feverish, stomach sour, breath badi or ar oetrwienta) tcí and in all lent,- - will be menace to health or on of , Mai tema they not a today r Ik committee plan political has stotnach-sche- sora thrbst, dlsrrhoes, to the ratera aielriáHatallM hi general, Vic fen-div- all tive of comfort, where they cannot prove of e orranlaettea. full or cold, give a teaspoonful of "Cali and ptrtlcuiariy aa M Mat wetfsre or the tl.M per fMlr. era and in MZe. The committee ha not completed It fornia Byrup In a few hours ihipper. of Fir." sod Oeorgo Neafle, vrb preakkd Mi meet- to any citizen doing business or living in work, an4 tfco report described a only sll the foul, constipated waste, undigested at n "Interiecutorr esorcsslon." It wa pro-- ing, referred to MM mtsatlsraesory stats ot food and Sour bile gently move out of Its arralrs at present aaMMBa; rfl paao the city. pared MM clialrnian, A. Leo wnll, a and ,kn prcij little bowels without griping, and you urged the mmhers to otjjiaa.MM tulldlng Shoes aeni at mm voters; j.cktuo or I'liisDurcn. have a or yarda saw Today's Price m Hci's 1 well, playful child again. additional tmtir a unionized j With 00 acres of sales pens and necessary Must lo Intelligent Brlflslwess. my Asl You neednt coax sick children to take win, i'ihutcu roe Miferi, . exchange buildings, with 100 acre of: feed Id pM tic report is as follow! thli harmless "fruit laxative;" they love Mr. Neafio lntrodttced 'a resolution con' I,5I .strad-- fatnt Kid Welts, pair, .,... "A ' of political It taste, always demnlnsT'the tactic or 'Wottbt-b- e "monoo IX. 7 5 iera4o ' Oun MetA Welts, pair. .... onranlzitlon which delicious and it makes ollsts," which was adoftael by unanimou JT; their stock Watts, pens where cattlemen may carry relict for' It support uoon that citas who them tcel splendid. , rota, which indicate that the promoter g3.e. RM4.XId' pair of through artificial market have reached tlio elevation wtiero- - they Ask your druggist for a botilo oi wio now projee wm ima some ami S3.S irrade KM or Calt Welts, pair. at a minimum cost look oown upon iciruhneit and are moved of "California Byrup of Figs," which has cultv In resisting the oneoalUnn or tha In Special Prices on AM Soya and Girls'.,.;!filioe. declines. solely by altruistic consldorstloni, must directions for babies, children of alt ages torests represented is tha Cattle Shippers' fIL .The' number II too limited. and for grown-up- i' plainly on tho bottle. association. 'lilgh-bro- The individual memfcars were urced to "With te dipping vats, branding and Vlt wiU not do for trie Beware or counterfeits sold here. To bo to Inrelah anlntt the comclaeeney sure you get the genuine, ask to see that employ their individual financial resourcea service same to attain ine euos oi ibo association, ana chutes and the of the of tho a'versr cltlibn. Thlt rets him It Is made by "California Fig Syrup' Com- a committee was appointed to place tha nownere. it win not do to anume that pany," lietusa any otber kind with con- real tacts of the situation before) tho public JEPASOSflOECQ lowest possible price. . at the U Tolcri are corruptly Influenced hen tempt. in rcncriL ino romim-HC- wrucn em- - will find market they support political faction. This pre braces a number or men prominent in tho Where cattlemen an open supposes the preponderance of corruption. cattlo htistnass In thd southwest, is com- mar- TIm trouble II, pcrbtp, that while the posed as follows) and freedom to compete with the Eastern two big Indian schools, at thla city and Ooorgo Neafle. James R. Hamilton, A. ose fórm of orirsntittion follow tho nat no 'longer lie loading Albuquerque, will under tho Jackson. F. A. Clark. W. V. Tullotls. J. B. V 4 kets instead of being mere frontier ural inrtincls or man, tho otlicr Ignores Jurisdiction of tho superintendent or Johnson; i:d Hooligan, Bad ddehnaa and of supplying the packing them and relic upon a conception of villages. nut piackpurn. pens, for the purpose a appeals only to too Idealists, Air. Blackburn called attention to the fact tho the shippers seem to com-- houses at Oklahoma City, Fort "Worth and theorists, purists and the a ream- Best sutos, caieful drivers. Phons MO. that tha have been er., A plan or political orrantaatlon, to (AUurtircmanr.J plctely ignored by tho different stockyards Kansas City, and where cowmen will not be succeed, to secure tho followlnir required coMfanles. snd be felt tbst recognition was una viuw ui uycr- - to win st tho poll, must bo built upon RE CKOSS FUND CROWS. iiiuui. in tucir uiwwrs compelled to pay yardage charges or yard com- Hons. . . the mainspring of human action, it was decided lo emptor an attorney to missions. Your Commltico bolleres that Dr. Brsden's Report Shows Contributions lo appear before the city council on their be It can be demonstrated (oiccpt whore tho Loesi tnspier 01 tMi.ix,. half. In view' of tho vital effect the out- - Where official weighmasters, whether ap- contcaf Is purely personal, between men, Dr. C. F. llraden. secretary of the El Taso coqto or tnis critical situation would nave not measures), in tho ror chapter, American lied Cross, yesterday unonthe future welfare or the city a ladles' that campaign submitted Ida report showing tho contribu- pointed by the general government or by the rood government, contrasted with the auxiliary organization waa formed to Join si tions received .tor the relief of European in wis iigiu against ana "non- State, will welcomed to superintend the machino rorerninent. tho selfish Interests war iurrerersi Tha report follows! union" principles. be of the citizen are at stake. Too much "The rollowmg donations to the European Tho chairman, staled that meetings would weighing of any livestock passing through the sjross is laid upon patriotism, civic pride war rellcr fund or Uie American National bo held at the Sheldon hotel until perma and tho life, and too little upon what the lied Cross havo been received by EL rasa nent auarler could bo secured, lie im continuance or poor government or insti- chapter" sltfce the last published report or pressed mmseir in ravor or a yards. Hie secretary! Í empnaticauy tution of rood, means to tho purso and Scholars ot Miss Catherine. Flynn's wllii all will receive fair treat- person of Individual rllUcn," cllltlcs In connection tbo business Where railroads tbo, the . room. lilBh chopi ..' (7.70 could be centralized. Voice of Clvle Obllnsllon Weak. Dclen Sunday school ...... i. ' 1.S0 ment and be accorded equal privileges. II. L. Huiptrn. for Austrian relict There was much justification, the report I5.0() continued, in tbo a work ....w. a...... Mrs. Levi Franklin, of BooneviUo, If. Yj competition will be welcomed, not charro that tarro Zork&-Moy- i&.ou Where number of those who wers among Krakaucr, says, i am nieasea io say mat uiamner-latn'- s found lw M. FUIUton 90.00 Cough Remedy, was used by my son discouraged, hampered or destroyed. the reformers, did not qualiry Sabbath school. Templo Mt. Sinai .... 10.00 about two years am and It Droved to be) by' registration or other legal rormality Mt. sinst oins" iiarmonv, leinpio mi, very beneficial in relieving hoarseness and Where the daily market report published by to exercise the light or eliltenihtp, "the Slnal 10.00 curing a cold. It lias also been used by, mere voice of civic obligation not being Mrs. M. II. Ormsbee 5.00 otber members of my family and we have the local papers or sent out by the Associated loud enough to call litem from tnetr per- F.1 I'aso lodge or Elks .m.,t...... tajX) a very, high opinion .or it.',' For sale by sonal pursuits lo the performance or their El Paso Iodic, Knights f Pythias..,. 5.00 all dealers. (Advertisement,) Press or other press associations, will be true : S, W. Bontter l.oo public obligations." snriton-payn- Arms company , t.oo WOMAN'S CtL'B NOT INTERESTED. market reports rather than fictitious reports A general awakening was going on, El Pao aerlo of Eagles',.. f,.... loxo however, and there was an Mrs. I. A. naodolph 7.00 No Authority From Organization for Pro dictated by the management .of the yards or number who wanted good government out T. 1. Woodttdo .4...... M Against company &.00 test Stackyards. having for its object the of purely solflsh motives. El Paso, Lumber Mrs. A. W. .Foster,. president of the El by any other interests As to the financing . or political St. Clement's Sunday scnool 5.00 such Peace Sunday. orrcrUig- s- Paso Woman's club, .yesterday announced organization, Cleve- breaking down of prices. the report noted the rirst lTcsDytcrian cnurpn ...... ia. that the' club bad authorized no protest to land plan, and urged that'll might bo First Christian church u 13.00 tho city council or, taken any action con- Get a Victrola to help Where banking will be done by the legiti- followed by other cities. "In tho city of Altura Presbyterian church.. 4.60 cerning the proDOsltlon to establish stock Cleveland the. president of a largo trust F.I Paso Brewing association ...... 5.00 yards within tho city limits. city, having no in 5.00 mate bankers of the interest company conceived the plan of getting T. II. ttogers t Co. Judge Brack, or anyone pre entertain on Thanksgiving Miss Orneo Logan, from bandage' fund .05 . "If else, .the sales in breaking the mar- some or lis citizens or Wealth to provide sented' a petition lo the city council and no incentive In llaymnn. Jirurp & COy, - 25.00 The easiest way to make things pleasant for all their wills for bequest to foundation. T. Stevenson 5.00 Thursday with 125 signatures and pur- forcing accept figure devoted to tho city's ' and a Will ket or a cattleman to any welfare, largo Victor Corasso" to.oo porting to be tho expression or the wom- the folks; to furnish entertainment they'll tho deem amount, running" up into millions,- - has' J, li. iur,t. ,nt'd i.tos party. tijo an's club it was a misapprenenslon, he does not adequate. been already thus incorporated Jn such John Harris, collections ... 10.75 said .Mrs.'jFoster money, oughJy4enjqy., , , . . will. The or course, will be proceeds of'Tolrtoftjard ptrty; glvcrr "The woman's club lias not liart n hnsl- - Where all' buyérs and sellers of livestock, ' ... available only upon tho death or tho ny ei Paso cnaptenaaie' commit- - ness ,two .weeks, tee, widows' and. orphans', rúnd. 157.50 session for and therefore Stop in and see about getting a Victrola for,yquc , whether from the east, the west, the Somo of these amounts, however, fdr could not have acted on this matter." north or liaye. already" " become avstlablo . through Total ...CT2S "Mrs. Julia A. Sharp attended a depart Tinfogiying,ccleliration. We'll"play your íávor-- the south, shall be welcome to come in and death, and in couscimcnco an orranlzatlon Previously reported mental meeting Wednesday and asked If compete, knowing" that our motto is: ''Justice U bulng effected In tltat city having ror anyono, individually, cared to sign such a iic musiu tur you. ana explain our easy terms. it purpose ine general welfare or the Grand total, to date 6ol.6 petition," continued Mrs. Foster. "Some to all, special privileges city." Previously remitted to 'Wash- sign, It Victors to $100. Victrolas $15 to $200. with to none." ington. 174.50 did but was not the action of the $10 Advantages of Goad Oovrrnment. D. C ...... 1...... club, as It Is not a club matter and the The report concluded Itemltted Nov.. 2019I4,...,... l.os with tho commlt- D. B woman's club does not wlslnto' be brought ico' i , "F. HADEN, appeal ror suggestions as: "Secrntary El Paso Chapter American Na- into It." "llow best to show that good govern- tional lied Cross. G. Cattle Raisers9 ment means personal' good to the individ- "EUPatOr Tex., Nov. so, lot a." W. Walz Company Stock ual. ÁT "How to Inform' the community thai PILES CURED HOME BY good government Is a selfish proposition, ' 103' SOUTH EL PÁSO ST. Yards Association not an altruistic dream. , DECKER MAKES REPORT NEW ABSORPTION METHOD "How to remove rrom Room No 6, Hotel such organiza- you Sheldon tions th sign of tho 'highbrow'-- and sub- It suffer from bleeding. Itching. stitute the 'dollar Sceretar.r, ot Navy fcels Mrssage From blind or protruding- Piles, send tn your mark.' which alone, Te'nnevee Turkhh apparently, la .sufficiently potent to be Commander of in address, and I will tell you how to. cure Waters. yourself at home by new .absorption QFF1CERS effective. i the "How such organizations down treatment; and win aiso send some or lo earth where they will sppoal to in- thl Home treatment Tree ror trial, with THÓS. D. LOVE, President. Bv the Aitaclated I'rft your re- habitants thereof," Daniels references from own locality If - Vtsblngon, Nov, queired. Users report CHAS. F. .Vice-Preside- today rvcvlveü messages Captain Immediate relief HUNT. from speedy cures. Send no money, Colonel Crubbs1 Camp Heels Tonight. tho and and but V. B. Secretary. Decker, ot .cruiser Tennessee, tell othors or this orrer. Write today to ANDREAS. Colonel Hayden J. Orubbs- Camp, United Captain Om-i- of Iho cruiser North Caro- Spanish War Veterans, Mrs. SI, Summers, Box P, Notre Dame, WL. AMONETT, Treasurer . will bold a reg. lina, acknowledging receipt of his order ular meeting tonight to which Urand Army that no action bu taken by either ship In ind. men and Confederate veterans of tho local waters without specific instruc- posts Turkish DIRECTORS have boon invited. It will bo one or tions front'. Washington those enjoyablo- arralp for which Urubbs XNcltnerv commander supplied additional Thoa. D. Love Chas. F. ' camp Is noted. Thla camp, whoso mem- Infoxmation concerning the shots that were Hunt bers sre sit Sixth United states mrantry fired at the Trnhussee'a launch at Sniyma V. B. men, will Andreas W. L. Amonett , bo Joined by the Spanish war several days ago, and the stato depart" W. H. Kraft Petera a, veterans from the organizations stationed tnonl also still was without advices rrom J. A. al Fort Ollss, At H. L. Robinson the moetlng tonight Ambassador ilorgcntb'au. Norwood Hall officers for th camp far tho coining year Secretary Dinlcls said he thought Captain HOME L, "will be nominated as PRODUCTS E. Booker B. Roberta ,t and other Important Decker bad sent much information J. ; business romo up. Geo. Look ' vt will Tho committee about tlio Incident as was avallabio to John Hayes In chargq has provided ror a social meet- bun sad probably now wa watting to ret A. L. Keer J. P. Odell v , ing arter tbo business affairs have been Into conwnunicailon wtb Ambassador When you "cat meat from thi market you are helping thk community in the most concluded. The affair will take place at iberoro sending a complete report, mternal Brotherhood hall (Hyan's danc- Cloio .examination' of Captain Decker's direct manner possible. Our beef and veal are raised by ranchmen who apend their money ing academy), on Orejan street. first mossagn reveals that when the launch Indlaq Officials Appointed. was rtrcd upon from the añoro n imme- in El Paso. .pork, cured, and, Ay Special to tlm ship, which was Our meats lard are tha,.prodacts of the " Valley , ll'ire to The rimes diately turned back tianiaj-e- p. M.atov. sa--P. T. I.orner-ga- n several pule away, near Vourlali, From '' Every dollar spent this is .this commanity. . , has been appointed superintendent uf that point It is now supposed captain at market kept circulating in i lha Indian mieblos ot the Albuquerque am Deckerrruported to Mr, Wurgvoiuau what ' Ko tho to Below! a' FEDERATION OF LABOR. federation, with Instruction to report al Santa district. V. C Snyder hi been had happened and took Tennessee is list of our special prices for today, only t J f the iota convention. named superintendent or tho Santa oreclan waters, fifty or sixty tulle dis- Castration Yesterday Occupied With Juris- - Indian school. Under tbo now system the tant, at tho request of the ambassador, dlrtloaal nlsputrs. Get Kid of Thai Miserable Feeling. while, the latter endeavored to get la com . ; : JJ the Anociotrd Prttt '0U may learn soniettilnr from the munication with the consul general ai Pot Roast . . 15c per pounder-- rnllsdelntita, .Nov. so, Wllh lha excep- of Mrs. William Trout, lllnn. Smyrna and learn tae exact causo or toe ,N. Y.. who wa lck tion or a lull hour diiimr which Secretary ror a Ion lime irom firing, l-- Wluiim II. Wilson of the redora) depart- a badly disordered ktomach. "I felt mis- Rib 17 2c er sUlo all of the time," she FOOD SOURING IN For me vresent me Tennessee is being .Prime Roast, per pouiídíJf ment or labor addressed the rirlerates, ths writes. "I held at Chios, while tho North Carolina convention or Die American federation oí ""Y"!" l" PPetiie. a friend ! Labor devoUsd all or today to matter adv&ed too to take Cliimuarlaln' Tablet. is at iieirut, Asia Minor. Tho captain of i Chops, . 1 Mutton . 20c per pounds to jurisdictional disputes. did to and my appetite Improved and I the Utter ship, however, sent bis message In lit rained rapidly in health." tor aale by all to tha navy-- department from Alexandria. Secrptary Wilson speech said there dealer (Advertisement.) STOMACH CAUSES ' l-- ' could b no permanent Industrial peace that Egypt. Etch commander bta been asked r Mútton Legs, , 17 2c per pound la not Insert on industrial Justice, and lie lo acknowledgo receipt or Secretary s alto told Hi delegate that the mutt ef- Jury ILigrees la fUldler Case. orders, as officials here were partic- fective eency to promote I ho welfare, of By Bprcial to WUt Th Time INDIGESTION, GAS ularly anxious that Wio naval commanqert : Fresh Pork Hams, . 20c per pounds i those who toll wn the irado union or the Aru.. rtov, .sn-- Jury In rcBHtry. Ha reiterated hi declaration the tako no action on weir own mutative. f rse or Private Itlley, on made at Uie Seattle convention or tlie fed. John trial for The Tennessee and North Camuña will -- Ai 15c' T cratton that every title to proierty is a bunslauthter In connection with the kill. not be withdrawn rrom, the western Medi- Fresh Pork Shoulders, per pound" a law. protects Ins of two Midlers last June, today and title. 'Pas' .Wepsla" Eads All filoniach terranean, It wa stated today at tha navy A proposition to create a board or roe. a disagreement. Tho Jury It U department, no matter When) tho respon composed aid, Wilms la rite Mluules. , Pure Pork Sausage, 20c per dlatloB and conciliation, to be of stood II to I ror acquittal. sibility we iirMW ny. pound three member, to endeavor to adjust Juris- lor ine restcu V.A!s was proposed by win be kept wham eaar reacn of Turkish dictional difference Vire MERCHANTS' LUNCH. (TConnelt. and provoked a 1011, to afford every aattitanco to dis 2-l- 3-l- 5-l- ITasttieut lively b K h. 19-t- b, dlacHMloa. wllh the that tlm matter Metropolt Par, sol Mill (Adver- Wonder what upset your stomach tressed American emergencies Men Mertdered Lmrd in mml lSe per pemni rull tisement.) trU souia Htk. . referred to the ejecutiva council or to which portion or the rood did the damage arise. ' do youT Well, don't boihrr. If your Heme dratted Hens. Springe, Dwcks and TWkays. i itowach Is la a revolt) If sour, gassy and Taos Cuualy AH MtaM. " upset, a&4 what you Just ate has By ' 1 ferment- Bpedul Il'ira to Th Ttmtt Freth. oysters rsccivsd : alaaly. - - v ed (ato stvfttoorB lumps; head dizzy and Santa le. , M aoy. s. t. J- - ouiuoii bate M!t and aeld and. A. ap- . " achl eructate and' E. Mostman, special audiaora Lobsters. v- - .X undigested foods breath rout, tongue coa- pointed uy uovernor McDaataM to go over A 1 SPALDING SWEATER tedJust take a Pape' Dispepsia and tua book of the Taos oewty omcers, FiaJ. la five Hitantes you woo4r Mhat bacams luive returned to santa Fe. WtH no Pt- - Fr4 of Mm taaSpaitloa aatf dlstrcis. ricial report has Isauaai; H ta wwser-stoo-d ben Waaal I for Confort M CoM Woatttor. If yew awick ateeaa't tata car or that the book wt suat4efrct. Mrkat tsansins oasam V aHock tonigbt. Olalwlaan yar mml MaaM wtaaaut rebellion, it yaw tea. a aína snaaeaa or a help, aaaa Fa rmiaSir MM aulolwii. wt. saost hanni Btt Bpettal Witt fa TU Ttm laa mw Ss lNoa's ptausnata which costs Saeta Fe. . M.. ov. W, G. Walz Company oat Way aassta r a ) casa, at drug Ion. a nacro. wa srres4 m4. Uto stores, )' trtsay vo4rrful-- lt dlcait tua eoutMr Jail una HnMr m mm easrt PEYTON'S MARKET Distributers for X O. Broa. toe serf Mtttts HraatHM. so gently or re betas; um task tatooV Jaaw Lfvy, 4 i salir vlwt is I rMr atoaishla. propriator or lha place, wr'ikaM to Ma litaai 114 .W. Opea afsanlna Vatít a'uitmk. fata, tar yow sake, ttaa't to o aM cm f40ut4tt. WMH a jaraim Unaaickt Ms so MCt of tas. II. 1914, E! PASO MORNING TIMES

, it O0AtK44OU9nrONr TIm Tm At Tifsitar MiKo J ' CmmL 0MIMWnÍ aftM. Mad . Nor. Z2rsi. lOftt . m TTf! : f '"xa? 3MiMa fkm, Aatssile, Tev J'

r9tl JSfffffWK&ffV ''jnw9B El Toy 1 Paso's Jdreatest Store 4i Opens Today in- - Our Per? fectly Safe Fireproof X Basement Stored . - BE largest and most attractive,' display of pricticel togs if ever brought te El Paso. Bring the children intezsee-- , our Wonderful witijttUmr!. itan Saturday, SA mind Saturday Who preaches a pare rospel or repeateaee m want to bug or not. 'Bring them ALL in they are 'ALL Sonto obq hu MM; "My, bow he sings. of sin aad la Jeus word Uto eougv and and, renunciation trait OM can hear every la present powerful welcome. In Kuiton' race see tbe Very spirit of tbe Christ as a personal, and - Coale 1 man of picaste Specials sour-- "Mutton a Specials " Some one cite has seldi Saviour. Rer. cm bold a largtuchoir, better and ret more personality and address and In tbe very Silk Rose , music out of lirthan anyone r hare erer b rinsing or nis meetings wins me c?a Candy Saturday Glove Specials News or known." - naence uid friendship ot ms auaicncc, bptcial Flower Specials Our Week-En- d Chocolates, tiONG KID GLOVES Both Meñxind Women v 6 to 9 p. m. band made and band dipped, 1C In whlto Special for Saturday's selling. At this button. with black stltohlng 1000 choice FloUl Car- commission and 'for two1 or the years since each box containing an as- opportune time offer apeóla! values in doien president. He la a promi- on back exceptionally fine' per dozen 1 statehood. Its sortment the 20 differ- both men's and women's silk hoso, In nations; ...... 0a RETRENCHMENT IS nent sheep and cattle mm or tho north, from quality kid, a pair $2.50 j ana owns conniuermuio prufmij iu ent flavors and combina colors ior pvcnlngwiar. Thoro are no All Day-- - copa, lila prominence and teneral popu in- over Hons which thete are CASlIMJJItETTE GIiOVES better values at the prjee to be had, Choice California the tale and hie wide exnerl exclusively us enea as well as his hirh miadedness have made for (put Kayaer's 2 button, silk lined, In WOMEN'S SDUK HOSE per .bunch ... ARIZONA'S SLOGAN some pasmón 01 re- up lour raaraea mm ior epectaj on request). 50c Full fashioned, made ot grado silk, sponsibility 'tn the state. Morris ooldwater, Standing orders for delivery black only aro pr(cod at 7So and fine All Bay of vavanal. vice nresldent or the constitu ' with Halo garter tops, inpnk, sky, navy, Is northern county every , Saturday solicited. KID GLOVES Choice Itot Ilouao Carna-bett- ATURBi KXPKCTED T8 ABOL' tional convention. the white, tan, champagne, king bluo 7I WW LEGISt choice end will be elected It COcblse reta They coma put up In 1 lb., 2 gloves tn tlons, none grown, 1SH nCVERAL' livoH FAtJu ruoi tho SDeakersnip. kid broken lino of and black, Saturday Special... i DC T10N ON STATE PAYROLL. lb., 8 lb. and 5 lb. boxes. per dozen .,...500 and 230 tn the' house there ar alio several candi Sample them at our Candy sixes. Sixes and colore follow: Brown MEN'S SILK SOCKS dates for the aneakershlD. and wire DUlllnr All Bay i Booth tomorrow. None bet- 6, 6 7 7 7 4 and 8. Sold regularly at SOo per pair; mado triohl on for lienor of Presiding .over nas neen roinr on cxienaiveiy ior iin Choloo Chrysanthemums, o ana vpotiu ,v- - ume in ravor 01 tno various ciumuiici. ter mádo anywhere at any Tan 6 C 8.4, 6, 6 4, 7 7 2 with extra good spllcod hoels and toes tn nous dmiwc oieuuibh Maricopa county a position in yellow, white and pink; dieted tor Governor Hunt. is la peculiar price. Per pound 8. 6 7 7 .1-- 2 plain, fancy the this rersrd at this time because or the dll- - ...... 30c and Gray 6, and and colors; will bo sold .Sat best possible at any price, or some local TS-f- . B 4, 7 7 urday while they fiosltlon on the .part of the White last at each Bu finrrtnl CñrTAMneiMut to limit the Maricopa candidates to Jewelry Specials 7 3.4 and S. Regular value, ..15o Vm. one man by caucus. Then Phoenix. Artx Jíov. --Wlth. tbe fair to be' chosen 11.00; special Baturday ...... 49c O 1 $1.00 m. over and -- the election disposed or wo there U also the desire ao let that man oe CUFF LINKS 6 to 9 p. thoughts of many or the people, pr this the. one who polled tbe largest rote In the Men's, womena' or 'children's. Extra special. Large chotee nnnr the ' legislature general election, unless ine situation is in tnmfrw in I gold filled; special 25o Polnaetttas, the largest va- which will he in session shortly after the destined there will be three candidates grown, conunr or the new year, me iiw ui from tms county aione. PEAIHj beads riety each 2So "at,A thn ftsslóns of the K. " limit These are 'toren Vatlahan. T. T. Pow Graduated waxed filled legislature to 60 days but' it does not limit ers and A. 0. Austin. The first two are Toilet Needs Are Every or pearl beads, 87 inches kthe governor In tbo number times he avowed friends or' the rovernor, wane, toe . Engraved Free muf Mil .Ttritrtrrtlnam HMISInnft. last memoer or ine trio,, wnne rrienaiy, is Ions' U...... ,$1.23 Signet Rings Day Needs "Buy Them AHtMtwIr Arizona has been a state bat not riven over to the support of bis ex- PKAJU, DEADS ' years,, nearly, six full months or that extent Here for Less All Day rthree - cellency's, policies 'to the tbe others Waxed filled, sold fitted Guaranteed Solid Gold Signet Rings for Men. Women and Chil- ,iiHlu wu spetll Ltiy IRQ1 lum ium ivftre.w.- are. clasps, Every Day .ture in regular and special' sessions, until Cochise' county has a candidate In the 15 inches' long, spe- dren. Any Size for Any Finger for Anybody Engraved Free " the people or the, state wished for some person, of W. T. Ora ham, the nghtlni cial . ;63c ORIENTAL CREAM 'sort of surcease from theunceriala'y, such DUCKsmua or iiweu. wno was. rormeriy MANICURE KECKS ' hile You Wait. ; The magia beautlflerj regu- (continuous worn always nnnrs. cuter or police or Cripple Creek. Ora ham plated.- - ervery lar, price $1.50 "No Indorsement el Last Líeisiatur. Is the father 'of the d resent mine tar. bill. Silver evf" Special... Me The answer to the cJattae or the f. and was a prominent member or the Idea, choice , . .. . .,15o Choice of two Weights and 86c or or law. Jtit fl.00 XJSTERINE 'laronl'ita the recent hodv legislature, opposing moat or me aarainia CEcVTIIEIt BAO S 14 ounce size; regular $1,00 makers for was a dereat of tratton leaislatlon. Olla countr. bas a can Simplex, "locking' every man either In the primary or In the didate in W. E. Brooks, or Ofobe. also an self leather Special ...... ese genera, election wno nan ceen a very avowed friend or the rovernor, and tnr ad' handbags, exceptional value.. tSo FACE CHAMOIS active member of the former first state ministration' mouthpiece tn the1 former leg MIRRORS Jerlslature who aspired ror reflection, islature. 11 is constaerea mat nroou wiu In pure white, regular price with a few exceptions, those exceptions not' stand much show for: the cosltlon If With Parisian ivory frames, Dress Opportunities Children's Coats ICo Special ...... Oo the least, dangerous men from the mere is a- conuiinaiion xvaraea out wnere make useful gifts ...... 91.00 standpoint of out. and out progresstveism. by cochlse rrsbs the presidency or thé BASKET TItAY for Sa'urday Shoppers Unusual Values COLD CREAM The consequence Is that despite the1- ma- perfect senate, ana' in&i b comDromise canaiaaie Nickel S10.00 French Serge Dresses Saturday Ideal winter coats girls 8 to 14 years Rtcksecker's skin jority with which Governor Hunt was sent for SDeaker of the honte will ba elected rim with ball and for each, SOo ornee, ne nave me 'sup- glass bottom, very old, coats of wool cheviot, pebble chev- cleanser. With Jar cacit into win not most proDaniy rrom Maricopa. marked $7.85 we give one port, ragged, though It was, that he re- I'osiiiods to ne Aooussea. special ..35c iot, slbellne, wool mohair and astrakhan. 'of cream will ceived .from tbe last lerlslature: In rsct. Already the statement nas rone rorth com A charming nevy Redingote model ot Full Russian models, gendarme 26o cake of Rtcksecker's It is an 'open secret that Governor Hunt by authority u.e rims i:s and Complexion Soap pUEE. n some roupi aneaa or mm backed considerable that Children's, silver, fine French serge with deep satin girdle; military cape coats; short, .steadier cominr lerlslature will retrench, and 'teat German medium and Cream Soap SOo outing- uie coeetng sessions. .or with long chain, 'compart- - long full lengths. See the special and ...... Candidates rer-- Prealdlaa Ofrieer. numbers the salaried positions will be collar and cuffs .of white pique and cut orr and cut down. W are the tax ment for nlcklea dimes 35o values at $3.95 PERFUME With the legislature some two months payers slogan and pleated tunlo In black,, navy, brown or away, mere are a numner or acuve friends' Is tbe of most or PARTY CASKS RIoksecker's perfect dainty vireaay me eieciea merosers. green. candidate for the Job or presidiar over The new women of leather, fitted mir- perfumes In alt odors, pries 100 aesuny 01 souses, bodr will hare two with ine two mere is members, one in the senate, Mrs. ror, powder box, SWEATERS! and SWEATERS! 7Eo and $1.00 an ounce. no lieutenant rovernor In this state, so a ' Francis hair pin W. Munds, and one' in tbe hoase, Mrs. box Comfortable- each purchase a sam- president or tbe senate Is elected tbe same Berry. Mrs. and memorandum.,... 1.00 Row They Aro! With aandl-dat- Rschael Munds halla from f $7.30 Sorgo Drosses Saturday $5.18 as a speaker or the house. Three Yavapai county BRACELET WATCHES These new ones "of wool aro the sensi- ple bottle FRBB. for this exalted ornee have already and wat the chairman of ine woman's tquti surrrtge leacue in the Gold filled, and finish, clever-mode- In deep girdle ble kind to buy, for comfort, usefulness POWDER I'TJFl'S poseo: weir individual ana collective needs ror silver A effect of up Into tbe empyrean, one or whom Is one campaign suffrage. Mrs. Beach Is not with Swiss and service. HCd, navy, grey, maroon, All, wool, washable kind) very wen nere, a movement, leather good quality French serge, long tunlo of the few retumlnr senators. Cochite Known out sne aereated strap and othor colors' that will please those regularly 2Eo and SOo. Spe- cotlnty, known, as. the square, county. Republican ror tbe office she will hold. ...2.B5 vesteo of white pique blr Both bodies will be solidly Demo-ra- LA VAELIKRES .skirt, cuffs and who want something different. See"; cial 15o a cauuiuiio ior me presidency or rue There will be onlv riímiMlr,n In tlui col- senate in Dr. W. P. Sims, a prominent nná Gold Filled In a number of in four, of the season's most wanted these Saturday. The QC TOILET WATER n whole legtsltture. bell CTabb, of Wlettew, d1 of Blsbee. who by many pretty designs,, . . ors. Dresses bought to sell I7.C0 Is only Colgate's In all odors; regu- is conceded, to In navajo county, who succeeds a Repub- are only. .50o for' price ,., be the lead tar reactionary lican, legislatura " vlitD larly $1.00 Special TOO of the present elected body. triceps in the former there were SIEK BAGS Jrd Floor 3rd Floor county has a candidate In the person ot lour nepuoucins in caen mouse. Silk molr bags fitted with WAX rereonaei er tae noose. regu- The Dersonnel or both houses la aa ral mirror and Inside coin purse, Pure mercollsed wax; state lerlelstttres and was at one time sold 85 Special, ,99a speaker ,oT. the) heuae. Webb lows browns, grays, blues, tango larly at is also listed SOAP as' amoar the eMoBetH or the rovernor. Aptene county and green ,...,.,49j A Great Christmas Store and his reeord ourlnr the constitutional rred coulter, of Coulter. Woodbury's Facial Soap; convention and the contest ror the adoption Special, I Men's lies regularly 25c per or that Instrument .beta pulled on htm Coconino with some regularity nowadays, aa Webb County Hugh E. caatpbeU, or Men's silk knit ties in plain and We cake ....,.....,. XTe w o!uCounty fancy patterns, smunr in promises! Democrats ana Alfred tcinner. or Glob mad good 3So SACHET POWDER members of the state and county values, are priced Gm 1 ounee committee who Mrned a protest intrlUnit for Satur- Yw Rlohard Hudnut's the paseare and adoption if Orahun Oeorre H. Qartdge, of day, two for 25o bottles In alt odors Me of the present Soiomonvllle: Orders eetBBbeH VrlLm' Oreenlee Cenntr Georee H. Cha, m EVERYBODY'S Stamps la BmnWi, The third eendidete for the presidency U1IIWL Marlcena County Sam p. Wee, of Men. O. átapley. , a warm friend of Oovemor Hunt, Senator dlan. and S. of Mesa. - K. Nehavd Couaty Henry Loria, of Khar, 7 Only Store- Only One Murh Cnwbell, of Coconino county, man. Paso's Fireproof Dept. 'El Paso's Price Ston yho succeeds Lieut Col. Fred 8. Breen, a ReDUbHcan. Senator Cannfeall btr Navajo Cewty BeU Crabbe. RepnbHtan. ewral irs a member of the statem fair Pima Cowrty Andrew p. Marüa. of Tuc PICKED UP IN vajub ,.lljvti kxi Infula u'era for Mrs. 8. p. Bauell, of Eureka Sprints, Sierra Blanc, Tens, I at the Hotel tary Lanalag or the Ule desartaiatH aa son snd M. orechinan, of Tucson. THE túnate to ret sway with tbeir lives, and Ark., are guests at toe raso del Norte. Zelfer. the sttustloa produced by the rtrlsg ay rinai county CBariea E. McMlUen, of HOTEL LOBBIES now tbey bave fo food. Utile clotblnv Turkish land force on the launch el the A. H. Davison, a mining engineer or American cruiser Team sue at liajias. Santa Crux Csaatr Karrv I. Vmnm r asa are wnsoui noraes. Mr.' sad Mrs. B. P. McNutty are at the Asia Minor. Ml, la .w thm anthrtHII-- a that lhS rrom saa cau cnmuinua. Mexico, i at me Hotel McCoy, Koratok "Kaaaa it rtiposdtnr nobly ana uU i'aas del Korte wr, The pretideat summoned ta two aaare-lirl- fi lavspel Cosnty Mrs. Prancta W. Mande, presaptly to saaaiieat amount of fopU necesssry to sus- - fo learn ir there had been weed the relief of and Lula L. Malve I at Hotel ay said. D. O. ma ven n v.. M. ofadtilatt, a tratner. bas rerittered rrom Turkey heddtng llrht oa the reaieai aevsetetes MUtaa," Betrd. a is oiiori. Nccoy rrom Mexico. pre rain ent catUamaa or City, In Be Lsl uro is said to be three ounces or arrived for the Juiret race saeet, end is Afuateaiiente. for .the mine, but found thM aslihir the Tiima Countr J. a. Garrís, of Ytuu Kansas who cablt nor the-- wireleM yteided a guest Hotel m rieur and nothing else, aim i is lest at the l'aeo del orte. , had a at .the Sheldon, "ens 0. P. Rouneiu. of Alunofordo, ji. M., ot Information. The turepsaa war Ctxinty-M- rs. few weeks a shipment 100400 tbas or a cup." ba essaaMwl-eatlo- AMhef RKbael Berry, at of barrete i at Hoiei siecoy. practically paralysed MMe n Male f flew, represes Usr la s concrete way Mrs. Charle 'olmaa Mis to All Minor, aad sued maaaase bent and rnrhitn Coyly W. I. Ormk&n r After in Kl Paso for tbe past are come fear r pul;i me ssnnsssat of lyeapainy ana ptttua réarékr Helm Polaua. of Dallas, are ruciti at Mr. A. C. received rsaadeboa lees I im Ms eicat saoatfca. during which time be met and Mr. McCormlek. of Sa routaa about rive day Msk lar now d4 kat Ifcessr of 8riewer state, will be MM faao del nort. CMUAÜÜ4 1 Antonio, are at Hdtel McCoy. ir ther l M m prefe-ab- em faylnraJtiiisiaw Joha . of aaevlar' acres the. ocean to tbe reuer e .stay sf the ksdlng cltltens and naade Mar Kaeery, (Ht; wwCmT: nuay friends, T. M. Solomon, a promi- that the Amertaaa aaverewt wM McSaal, ctaar L. of kee reaairsa aeetltute and belsMea ke Lent Voages, of CMstuahu, U at tbe P, natnlag man ak the British admtreitr for the eourwsr gaeJrf Praea. smm of tae nent aeMea naa of New Orleans, left T. Tlsey. ef Cbthuibtt. titéate Eurooeaa struscle rase del nerte. Mexico, m guest or Hotel vecoy. or it wirele to the MdHerrasa oeawaan ceuner wmwm MaHer.. ef sen m raswr Meir wait. vesterdav to retara to the Crescent city, reach Amette aWe. in honor of fefr. Solomon a numoer or te E. Breeto. of the Ksss HeMef as- K, of CMftoa. Arte., is I Mr. aad Mr. H. M. Guy, of Topek. i CofofcWllHaa Gase: sssjsMsai was bt Mead tendered biro as mronsvu Mm Crean!, eraalssd wltb beadsuarter Hotel Sheldon yesterday m Mm, Kin., are st Hotel zeiger. l, aaw wtw uovernor utunes aa banfaet st the rM di at aooa. la tbe course or which a Ha Vjttdiwtjtml Hfcff PotdixyRetnUtorl of we SMCutlra commiuce. An many Prank K. tuKblck. a "well known new. ataHMM faria ir TfWfti sat feas seen m over aaen ti was enjoyed and toaei sf H. Seeeawsr, ef Dallas,, I Ot e4 tae stale good fellowship were proposed 0ef pa piper mad of San Aatoalo, I at Hotel Makaa ta loéfcta mad I iHirnsilsg the sjssHiasr esteem aad tared at the del Korte. ri' V UA$tooUt4 lar aU. hw. eaMUtlna la Bel. to Solomon mase TiMMg re- - zeicer. finas a seeleHlag (toaaWoas ot Money, wblesi Mr. Bsbmo, ti. Y Nov, E. Yete. na n eia, of Tetajee; J. c. fiMdwta, of Tesare spoasa. instgr B. Holt, Slegsl. was a ÍM, km jn nr ceesi tesaalefrs ktods. Tbe ap- - t4 Herbert of Us A. the ded partner of Henry SKkr awl te a4 ef all N. Mr. aad Mr. P. Brml are guaia at dupUcHy. aotwdfcs less M that 'taeee u Cruce. M.. we la El Fata for the vutlm of th latter' ht4. It acttmHr saya its wee. p. set Dr. K, uttlencld, of sate, Hato, t Hotel Sheldea freat CMM, N. M, or A. Mahsve CwMhW. or rwi. fes Ksnsn B4H whe ta able to rlra J. dy yiirdr, autar w trip in ai car. to ta tMtlmoay 0cr Frail, Wl' at a day's wacea. A a rueat at Hotel Oradorrr. CATkUnTlC remer ceaftdeatt! Mercury, at the "iVisM, keel aaaa't wases 1 reUTY TABUTd. Ceaaur I, Tn Paaettf. of WMtf a dar wea mm a cstM tram starraag K aeiiir. f WMbtagtoa. D, C, Are wheleaoroe. therowshay caaaaemg , snd of the trial or tbe rormer rr Tboaa H. Foley, a ráelas taaa of Butte. Korte, on a .larceay eharg . Wetyadiay ar The der I nr. rarsaer. at sMPsm del hvd HaaalUBsr afe e the stodtacu. araad nmc!iM3r--i. Tucaea. clerk, amecsaaa, it. afeac, I at tbe Oradorrr add t her te uvr ahd aew.u. m sea whb na Mr. PrMI mied to be - iiiannfhir. tasmiisr. UM ret saeet. I aad no paplsaiaat wter saver aar-- tUuSr. aawyer assi are SN astead Jul West LWsadat. ef flaw OrUaai. it rrhht eflceis. wlttta wltaes ad wu under ' desear jrissH find they stve Isjsainif vtblle JKWWI water. ts iIm ssjasssti tsietr ahal- - Psle rtaf Vu straw oa the stand. Ceoaey ef K. alcCrea, s rae hers owner ef ..tajea tm Mi bard PerreM, ef wy." Seat foréL Bar. Ca Mr. St!, the wlweas declared. wd 4 cal, i M DnwterfT, arnvtag Jea M. vsm U tae Paso del Kert Shm Wl.. writ; It ttme to wHh the feashahti T reetaf iiiiiimisi la aptaa. M taerete TaMea are the seet f ever ttot teh say TlkWdd the werk pramsHlvMr ad WIM dM Hd. wee. s I wash at ae had after sMss." Try theas. . eeaMhsaed Mr. MT$i Cjt arf 4ssmsÍMl (Hsr aasMi tsasMest. whs MC f rfM LssPA44hAaf i M. aad Mea. 0. L. MM t WCtt ,lM 4M44rM M mM saesaaeeead asdsssasssst ssassesr fresa Mbm Maaaih MM sad Mtf Mary NsH. f aseas, fsaeda s4 asas) sf aSM fresa m at, K M., ere-- del Kerta, QMaaSeilaav grmnwmww l m . a Pa ejaafss Mae lag 4 wW ea .the davasasaaasi sf alwsn. ever-rts- s Mr. sad Mr. M. K. CoJUa are rest- - Mehlf teaeacd Cutara Pitta MbM sMssMst mtgf&JPfQlm 'asej Q VbbMÍ HaaairajsiTMa Tfhay are eavr M as H la Wh Wnsisi.i ssnfeili aad Hotel fee del Jfert fresa La Cm an. tesad H the del Korte from Beaver, askew ef Mm sdddkf, Usjfear asvhsa fssB nMssMtf Pe 'nV asM fres srasJss. The ffeasss af lif siilag ft. M. Mff 0tests IÉV MML '19tmWttm tHr srajai ssse ,vsiSBsjaj. ssveash. sad saedaska W aad Bishi ssssMaa - mm aad she Mr. sad Mm. ;. M. asesl aad his, sad , M. Ur, a aad salada- asea EL PASO rVtÓft Arkona's Accumulation of MtirtWw. Byiufúikvn in FjifrisHisi Wm, Tim pi W. Owing to Ihe fact tKvefW Amktt War tkt Itytt, t The Literary DI few t iititfrkj mmm styl Fkey a K CHTa wasr MHMM (MO Mf w tkTMT Bf to ospoeed to the en feríeme é4 At, waM m iyoTlMiic)ifjjr. h4 tuletj, eatttattoM M to wprnHMAf X th Jmmkm imsM Oí MMklflftf It tsrMsflÉsBri 4lfcftoy 9j sNÉklf tater m anal ha reprieved alt the HtWsVerMw ebnriH In the . tM rHirwa t n im, reí, m the frmrmkjtt9mn wr,md Of hissing; the hart h tasJtssi fe. ,-1- JiaaOsMtwv state court since his aseumHt 4 the gevenUfa d M PUWJCATHH rested about ÍMs4rlé ta that mans dst aMsMMf WHM l0VS lélV t&M&fQHt ttf 9tMátoi I CtoMdereft la ssusW tot pmk mm m UfTICESI office, until tha people of the atavia hr inn ruiLi'KD, SJJ WtUTI eeU vat hbm tag their settmtte Mtd that of that Of rtaatitaW sorrow efc aead'aawo ajÉatiaiida of mRten pre ss iajaj aaw.'ffl l Addr as ail muttmiiratiima la the atieetlon of whether or net MMtefcment rhunltles. Oí ar af Lm 4W th hilt htt MOBWIfTO eltAl tha Mf reHe received, iH editar WMh the taatr sweat her pardaat' a k.1. IU TH Tlltlt. F.L PBO. TXAS, hall be abolished In that, state, , mf mrin. vaJMtaMs. 1 MUIS ST M titer Is an aeeu muta favor tha alltee, Si.tVtvar tet Till Mill the Barman. d tit X Uriw sm eorge hassk' I tion ot U convicted Uta ha día t trt4td ajelad. tC M Cto)tordtos f murderers lá tata te hetinced they were aartettr neutral.. In eMtea Of tia grew Mr Mé poeed hialnf to m rase fwrniattM a vtnmg mamm. sw emcyj of. In voting on the obeMle f caeltal nun towM tha allies War layered In 119 Ad nniKifiM AtivKiiriMiNii MrpHrirNTATivFj ease, th 4Hf sir mt snHsei ihat to) to Yon, 8. areaey, lahment in tha recent Mate elect a decided ma man Is 14 Cldrtt few c Beckaittt special Tribune oulldinr I and daatared themselves tteutmtvJii Thé way 4T4 Is 4b Mttog a. yVayU. Cbieiro. Deeawiin liuildjnt, iaas-lta- TM' twrk,. M ram many to s. a aptciu Anncy, Tribuna jority of the people declare that l punishment commentiB on tJliMrs tu Louu. 8. C Btckwtth tfpecul Atener, 1 bird NM'I Dint Bid the aHttatlon la Texas, tha Literary Of pttM and awMthto tttrig4'-sst- 1 irartunr Attnt Laintr Barnard, ume Meiton. should be sustained, and under, theee Digest sayal J. wW-n- i Leigh .' ! VMaate I Authoriwd CoUeciort Ed Am aarthe city O. Morsta Miller. men will have to be executed wkhl tha walla ot aaaktw. iali vine aienon. the Pasalalr lnta TesMua, wa find in Dallas that the The grief the sorrow, the er ahd slate penitentiary at Florence on December tan papers sd " -- BUuacnii-Tiu.- t li, ara neutral, while the people in general seem Oarrwisa.- - Deua4ft (Aria.) Dtopatoh. ÍV W iutes. less governor . . (Uj Mill in Adrance.i ine again interferes with soma kind to favor tha atlla. Tha allies1 ara aald to be reeeatedly dsatortd haj. wasittdj pally nd on year .oo 1 favored eall or the rait af esteral Villa has Sunaiy, ...... in ot reprieve. Tite. also ;tomt' drumat Deny tadsunatr, u month la Palestina, DenUen and El Paso, although from OfntoJiMf kii ah " Daily ana sunciay, ,...... t. Tho following Is better that hi tun. three muuibt ...... a list of Unconvicted men and tha laat named city wa I Dally and Sunday, one oiootb hear that tha public "not Of kepthsT M better than ah hath hant Manto. X ha dtrmlad that Carrtmaa, adto .it Tb dunaay on year the counties from which they emanate, with tha data strongly j lime, ...... biased either way, and that tha general dis- Th gift oí tha aching heart and the .toar, way was pneid fef him to Meato Ottrt s4Metj thy Cirrur.) oi meir respecuve convjcuon:Ti' ' Pally position la to hear both sides." In Lared a editor grace th of tha ether man's ralef, and Sundiy, one monm N. D. OctflTil", ah 'The of the af teleW Mr. re) trait ws?aM Sptnliti edllivn mow rile a KnulUn. .Chavez. Tavapal, H12, commuted whd supports the Germana says that "the community laathtg epportuaky to At tha otheriHtaa to ha dtri''" suburiber no 10 paper regularly art Dec. IS, '14. ag. supports while tail receive itieir them," a neutral editor In Houston The way of a woman f (3 ad's ewa law requeued io noiiry we uutioet ornee 10 inai eneci. Eduardo Pere, xavapalOet. 11, com Ul poiiorrice addreaa in full. Including; tounty tod lle. l12, writes that In this section "outside of German Influ That unto tha Urea around her feet It I new glvan ant Vr raminet tMartmti'tt ikia'K uerau oy niuuey uraer. aran or resisierea lener. muted to Deo. 19. '14. ence, 80 per . JB cent ara favorable to the allies." A. neu Her lav shall lift ha to fceiy aw atoto, that It la their aplatan that hath th etohr:er Phone U)Ui, pnvaiu urautu eicujiiao wiia luur trunk lira F. Ilodrlguez, Marlcopa,Wan. 11, 1911, com traj editor la Waco saya of the community íeelln And make a better, tuuucciiQi an acparunems. leu operator wwen cniinuo vi to and true, and tweet ; of Arltoaa recewly, are bath to vlelaMaaef ' bal departimoL you wiao and connection will be made. muted Deo. 1. '14. that "ifs all according to the seasonln', as Mr. And ppla - Welter make os wiser Utah merelv Ih. hath th national and stats cefutauUeas. Deiaawas Aiier is p. in. aua on sunasy aiiernouua ana uuiiu.j iuo iui wm. Campbell, Yavapai,- Oct. 11, eom was wont to wa lowinc acpariniruia win answer aireen lilt, say,"' and hear from Marshall. Texas. And make us stronger than merely (Aria. J raternational. mi... Manainr toso.. ..Editorial and llcvorle muted to Dea 1, '14. 41,Vt that although tha majority feeling To atr, and are. Dept. leans toward tha struggle and strive tót the that He Ka measures that ara violative ot Hhr atoto or o, society td. and Uua. War. tost Adv. Chas. Shalfor, Olla, 1911, allies, disposition baad It iho carrier tails lo demer tbe paper promptly, notify, u Mayl, commuted to "the la to shut up about the war In the rest that fleau from the wing national eensittutloa mlh rerxalH ena th atotota orer any oi itie ariove leiepnone.- Dec. 10, '14, af and talk diversification of crops. Many have' quit " eka, and tegtsUttv bodies should asiereet tit prW Any reilicuuii upoa the itanjinir, character or M. Yavapai,-Oc- t. ltoJUfslsiéiu erruneuui may Peralto, 11, 1912, commuted tb reading war news." ' repuiatiou ur any person, rirm or corporation, wnicb ' decree of 4r In frm)ng all legMatton ta or will be iiadly Dec. 19, '14, By aé? appear In Ibe columna Tbe Time, corrected it way of explanation it may be stated that the The Dmy'a Bcmc briag It within eenaUtatlohal llmltatlaah. " uim ll tidnif" lirmiKhi in mr. mieniinn nr in mannri-nn-n- i Wm. Maricopa,' StorW Faltln, awaiting decision from preponderance of public sentiment that la apparent in supremo court, original date execution April Texas jiuihM. Sbuthwestern Progress. for for the allies Is very largely predicated .on the Their Acenatofltoa Ptoeea. Th .tarara sum !. hr KmiiUi. u 18, '13. belief mere expected man ' it I that Great Britain, France and rtussla are A celebrated Judge used to be fend hi than from a noted tot girt Francisco Garcia, Maricopa, Feb, 18,' tolllM thé t all worthy enterprises. Ha la always "there company, of Phoenix1, 1012, coai fighting primarily for tha rights and story of amuelnr-experienc- with The Southwestern 8ugar maintenance of a most which he deelared the geéda" something while i Valley thla muted to Dec. 19, '14. v (r European when worth ta be done Art., has a field oí In the Bait River tha smaller atetes, and against tha brutal really happened. In all hi stories he aa astas--. New Albuquerqua' It. D. Tnlicy, ttd for Albuquerque, or for Meseo. year which la estimated to yield 40 tons per acre, 13, 1913commuted to militarism of Germany wheh Is believed In this gerated brogue. as,, journal. - ' V. Dec. 19, '14. fr . country and the cost of production has not exceeded (30 per ,r to ba a standing menace to the peace and "I was," he used to ay,'"down In Cork eotlaty Tha real estate given by Mr. Raynolds toward the 1 . Bugar nx juiin iomiin, Aiancopa, my 2,- 1913, com tranquilit yof all Europa. ot new T, M. building aera, or about ttf ccnta Br ton. cano sells noiaing assises, on the first day, when tha jury c&mfe erection the 0. A. In Albu .muted - - Uicrek.ia,Admiratlon..feltforT4ha-tlghtrng-iuaUtls- ln,-t-h 1 per ton, o ITis caaTJo cóhtput.thVíJroílt"Ol thlr taJXciOilt. s offlóer e ctmii aaldt GlnUehiérT querque, ! valuad at $8,00,6; and Jthísglft ji. wonuru, or litha Held. The company expects to hive 2,000 acres In i. naricopa. May 32, 1913, com the oerman nation, and thero would be general jury, ye'U take you accustomed places. It re plat: tha fact that although Mr. Raynolds has become, a muted to uco. regret If any great calamity 1 the valley planted tn cano for the next season and lOr'ltr ahould befall the German And may I never tell another if they all cltlxan of Paso his heart still warm to ward 'all V, W, Kermeen.''coc1ilae, dlda't walk ' '' will plant 2,000 acres Itself, aa It finds It much cheap Oct. 9, 1914, commuted nation, but much of the sympathy that would hv into the dock." Nw Mexlóo. er to crow tho xana than to purchase It from farm to Dec. 19, '14. naturally gone oüt to the Germans has been effect Itamon Vlllalobo, 8, ually era, . Pinal, Jan. 1915. dissipated by the wroongs that have been In. Short GLIMPSES INTO THÉ PAST, y Thoro Is a general 'imoresslen that if flovnrnnr fltcted upon the Belgian nation. Roger W. Babson, a buslne statistician of Bos IfROU. THK i'IXdEÍJ OF TltE MOKN1N 6' TIMKsX Two sets of plans filed In tho United States land Hunt permits tlio law To now take Its course In tho uenerai American sentiment la that Germany ton, said to a reporter; two case of these men, he will Issuo reprlovea In snouid be, to point "This war Is going prices. office at Phoenix, Ariz., scorn to. Indicate that that reduced the as a result of the pres- to lower Our market . THIRTY YEARS. Ato TODAY. V lines of railway aro about to be built to "tho plant ol suctr it manner m wiircxiena lüff bmígTñg aSCSs "over ent war where she will no longer be. a menace to the Will be glutted' with grain, shoes and so forth. Thus cohslderabU period of"1 com ' ' tho Slasma-Arlxon- a Copper company, at Superior, a after Christmas, and thoro la smaller nations and Incapable again precipitating prices will down. And they who how boost Several lawri tennis clubs hAvé been fifgánííédí la i' One set of plans was filed by the Arizona Eastern, aomo belief that' the governor Is so fixed In his op crisis in ma affairs of Europe. Price ara as short on honesty .as Btubbs was short on th city and games aré expected, to be, played short- which announces It has hud the construction of position to capitul punishment that he will commute stature. ly. Our nportinr editor wlil report alt games. line to the Superior camp under consideration for tho sentence of all theso men to life imprisonment. Tavapal county. Arliona, well known for the ex "Stubbs, a lawyer, wa pleading In a strange court. regardless of voto ot peoplo was The some time. The other set of plana was filed by the the the In favor of capital cellent character of the apples produced in that seo-- and so. short he that when he began his opening newly elected candidates will assume their punishment In speecn Magma Copper company, which It soma la about lo the recent state election. tlon, took the first prlxe for apples at tha Arizona tne judge said to html offices tomorrow. Théy.aro the people's choice bV úp, undertake the construction of a Uno of Its own. state fair at Phdenlx, getting the grand county chai "'Stand please. Mr. Stubbs.' a large majority,, and If la to be hoped' th$ théy will A ".Made In " El Pao" exhibition, which Is now un longo cup. Maricopa county won tho 50 cash prise 'I am standing up, Tour Honor.' hot fall In th footsteps of some, of their predecessors, " There are S3 high schools tn the tato of New or contemplation for ono week In the near future, Is for tho best exhibit from any one county, Tavapal Then stand on. a chair,? ono of most timely Honor, A shipment of Uva crabs; Mexico, with a total of 149 teachers employed. Of tho movements Inaugurated In this county second, Tuma third Coconino fourth while "Tour I am standing on a chair.'" arrived In thwekrlibv". . city. Such a express consigned to local ' these Albuquerque- and Raton aro at the head of the movement can not only stimulate local Graham, and Navajo oountles were awarded ribbons é a market. When turned pride In Awful 'Sponeiblllty. out 'Tn- .list with a each. Sunta ,Fe home production, but stimulates' consump excellence of the basket they became the object of great - . total of nlno teachers for the of the apple exhibits." the dry " every in Two women were absorbingly terfest, endlng dog has 8, Derntng 7, Las Cruces. Tucumcarl and Carl tlon of product made In El Paso and contributes exhibit Frank Wells, oí Navajo county, won engaged In an Intl and ati searñpérlnr In aU'dlreo- - " SO Iff. "no to IgrowtfT mata conversation on the tlons. ; bad 6 each; Las' f e gis, O up , Alacio gordo, Breach uncertain manner tKiffirtUer and first prlxa for the. best Individual agricultural ex street car. No wonder an. was Clayton, Altenlo and Santa llosa 4 each. Tho city development of El Paso. The plan contemplates hibit. other woman much Interested when the over JohnJL. of Albuquerque heads the list with tho number display In" some convenient location for a period ex heard the following: Bulllvan was arrested yesterday in Mad tending qver one uot a my or Square Garden when-b- engaged In a public school teachers employed, for It has 60; Ros week, and' the display also carrle Cattlemen of Luna county,. N. M.i have organized letter from man. Hadn't heard fouiround? It from him for a long time. Says with Greeatleld. Th pólice were the bplnlónthaF well has 41, Raton 30, Las Cruces 26, Artesla IS with demonstrations that will not fall to make an themselves Into an association, tho object of he's cotnln' .home. of whloh the- - affair was a fight Carlsbad 14, Silver City ,13 DemlngiZÍ, Gallup 16 Impression Upon .every observer. The fadt that It. P. mutual protection from the depredations "Now, ain't that to6 bad," said the other eon- - and not a boxisir niMfu, of thieves solingly. you got " advertised. , AUmoifordo IS, Tucumcarl It, Portales 11, Las Vegas Cariock has the matter In charge la ample suarnty and rustlers. A suitable fund "An' such a good étárt." has been subscribed to "Tes, 21, Santa Fo 19, Clayton 12, Bolcn 9, Dawson 12 and of its complete success, , be used In prosecuting all depredators I hate It. Was gettln' along so wall." and a reward "My experience, Railroad offlcIsOs ateta that excursion rates Clovls 16, will be kept standing, Tho was th' same. Was makln' money have cattle business ot LUna been offered on roids runilng lhto'thl'c-lty,- . Thlaí Tho announcement oomes Temple Gov. ana livin easy, when my or man coma back. all from that yuu.iL mi ojh oi mai couniys most prosperous In He set Will through: cpunt, Texas, Colo ornor Ferguson Is aroun' and et my easy mak travel fast the west for' Howard located west of tho now busy considering the claims terests and adds much tof the general prosperity, until time was over. rado rjver, was many years given Then woman tost winter; Et Paso hotels and merchants will SW for over entirely and qualifications of the men ho Is going to appoint Ranohmen are continually purchasing tho the who had received th letter best ot sigh. benefit. On merchant said yesterday, i'Let-,ém'6- me ' to cattle ranching and It was sacrilege to even think to official position under hla coming administration, breeding stock to Improve their heaved a "It's an awful 'sponslblllty on i herds, and Luna they can not get leaving-som- thm agricultural products would grow in sec.' and as he applications woman, bavin' a huaban' home," said'. in and out without f that has from 100 original Fer pounty produces among the finest cattle grown at she ' in change In the town." . - tlon.. But of late years farmers have gone'tnto How guson men for the few appointments nt his disposal, all New Mexico. ard county tn large numbers, and it Is rapidly be Is no Proud of Their Capacity..' . there evidently shortage of avallablo material Adolph Spreckels, coming, oner ot developed agrlcultur Apropos Of West Virginia's dryness. Mayor son of tho Callfornlan atisisí the best counties from whllch to mnko his solectlons. Aa the new gov The county commissioners" Colfax county. Rock king, ally In Up of N, well of Pleasant. Farms said: yesterday shot and slightly wounded Mike all West Texis. to darte about 6,000 bales crnor has promised tho peoplo of tho stale a Strictly are responsible for tha statement bridge peToung, it that the "On account high owner and manager ot the San Francisco . ofcotton have been ginned this season tn tho county, business administration it Is evident he Is going to over ueo of its summer temperature tha river nt French will be constructed at once. of" Chronicle. Tb shooting la aald to grown oub'. and at the gtn located in "Dig Springs there can dally be very careful in tho solectlon of every mn consumption beer In this autte from June to Sep- have ho ap All tho steel and other material necessary Is On tho of a, feellnar which existed be seen about 75 wagons loaded with cotton waiting olnts to position. tember uec to be remarkable. There were some 11- after tha Chronicle printed" official ground and tho work of putting together an ' gin. Big Springs gin it has al advlsed WestvVlrglnlans were even article concerning Clau Spreckles, father, ot their return at tho The Is turn- ready commenced. This who proud ot It. th bridge was .started during "Two men, boy who did tha shooting. Mike- - DeToung waa ing out about 100 bates of cotton per day, and the Tho Sunday Observer of London, says the such residents of Grafton, apent their re,1 that If the summer, but all tho preliminary work on It was moved to a hospital and Toung Sprackle cotton crop adds much to the prosperity of that sec peoplo of Great Britain do full summer vacation In New Tork. Their first evening taken to their duty with all of lost as a result ot a heavy flood tnat came down the tha city prison. i Hon in spuo of the prevailing low prjee for the e national energy that can bo in New Tork was devoted to roof gardening. On mustered It bolloves stream. The result of that flood was the total loss itaple. European can cool root garden, under the shining stars, they saw ' tho war be brought , to a close within ui v per onv me neavy oi steel that had been bought on every people FIFTEEM YEARS AGO TODAY.1 e oomlng year: And that appears to bo tho Idea tor tne struoturo. side drinking iced drlnka Mimbres Valley through straws. The Farmers' association, at tho government officials. Tho new war loan Just A. J1, Papen of La Cruce waa .In town ytrdavi meeting neia jn tho town of DemlnK. N, M., a few authorized an 'This sight amused them, and, when tha waiter hustling carries appropriation sufficient to pro- Russia has welcomed the war with Turkey, be business tor his paper, th Las Cruces Re days ago unanimously determined that a creamery vide the sum 15,000.000 por d'ay came for their order, tha older Graftonlan saldt of for ft period of cause Russia expects to carry out her long cherished publican. shall be established ongago DO We're from Grafton. Bring tls two buckets and the farmer will all, days. arenni or tne occupation of Constantinople of beer In tho dnlr business. was and the and two gas pipes." Owing There a strong sentiment driving of the Turk completely to errors In thmandattpanaf and n.r In the from the European .fc - favor of farmers building and operating tha The annual edition of the Albuquerque Morning will not hanged until, after January first of tha continent. Spite of Himself, creamery as a enterprise, but a Phoenix, Journal, devoted to the boosting of Albuquerque, ap la coming year. t Arli-- In Denver they tell of a young who t man iwho was present offered such strong in- peared a few days ago, and 38 pages. Britisher will . consisted of If tho United States had been as successfully neu some ducements, that be be permitted to put in plant The Journal never day Inherit a title, and who not long ago mar Mr. T. M. Wlnga la a guest tho neilect an opportunity to put tn tral toward Mexico as In the case of the wárrlnr na- - at the Pearson hni that the matter was good city, ried the daughter of a supposedly wealthy man of harlng1 com taken under advisement. The work for Its and the edition referred to tlons In Europe, It is barely possible In yesterday from Abilene. Mr. Wino report of commltteo that the troubles that town. will a appointed some timo ago to was no exception to the general rule. It is an Issue Mexico would have long since remain in the city for some day. ended. A month or so after th marriage father-in- - ascertain the number of cows In the proposed cream-tr- y that will be of great benefit to Albuquerque. the law took territory reported 200 head and the husband aside. "I am ruined I" he ex- General Mile 1 posting throurh' recommended Italy has "just appropriated 839,000,800 new the purchase ot 100 more. for claimed. "Practically every cent Is gone!" in his prtvat car, enrouta to The banks of Doming have AdVlccs from Berlin indicate that tha German gov-- military measures and it may ba Washington from the that tha neutrality Th Briten was a good loser, however, gave l?aclfio , formulated a plan for, the purchasa of all necessary ernment Is rushing 100 expert tailors city for he ooaet. Tha party received warm from that policy or that oauntry Is rapidly Bearing it last days. vent to a long, low whistle, cows, selling them to the farmers on from 18 Brussels, and that fact la accepted and exclaimed with a along th route. Géneral Miles took an activa part months as an Indication There has been a general belig-oren- to two years' time. It eséetailon that the little taught In tha Ihdlan .flthtlng aldng th desired, with Interest at 10 tlmt tome very large patches must be required, on tho of Turkey would quickly bring Artibna border andvu per cent. Italy Into tha "By Oeorgel Then I did marry for love, after dispersed tha formor seat of tha Belgian government. European contest. Indian, of ArKiaa, Wvk4,naa j that all." . ij POLLY AND HER PAL-S- Pa's Mere With the Phoney Chatter. By STERRÉf T

I - víw BtT ft Litt tutu. .... -r .... ARQJE. tVtY OIHCR VOKDl - MIT,i r nSi Ají' KfliML MÍL StSueV mm vi m SÍHJ ZbtMA Chi m' USt IS r- nirr I -J í M9 1 Tf6 $00HÍ$-RJf- OK AWTHíaJ' on VfcR MAM-- IS MUD I 'A 'Out Attn ( itK AUiAtfh; MüO'i y poem fsHi

1 f

MS. W - t j

t.i AfltMPtaW MaM ttValtsVAt DREADFUL PAINS PJjS" VTr ll'IKWajBy

ajsfvMS9 aPsslésfsW MW GREATSJFFERINQ Ta at TrlsMtr Mttwdtst MtjMasMr. M " , - i - SUM t aa ' '. u a 0 4 NTS IMS IM fc'M jHwnjr uissssui mtfnfwto-- t M. ssjsjMMa. sSyeM, ysMSgaaaiar ac'rSfssose.. 'Miss ''rjjjjpapgai tlMMsl, llka lílS.MjajI stts- W TMt fMjSMas .and ssSwlMMjr' mm et Afrles. ws 6 Mt Wr Hwr wui Ita Utlt Wi mu eMMapaMMrj ta,sMaiM))íÍBs-sa4- 1astWSma aJtSmTyara Ü? ÍV Wttl Ml M IüíWéém M 1

aasl. rsMaafetsr. the resets asmts n fiMÉsssIklMftl WNsWá S4r tfc lW,rli y1''''' mm X iMÍ mmiH. mhV til MIm emoiiists, who was Mststed by her M. MMltM. r. MU MWi. MlM BttM tota lOaMta. Théma iHvls. asnmae, Taa. lannsirs. areseat wersi this mumaÚ9 bé C )Ma, Mm "AMWt two years Minna staetnrtne iiatvar. resrl Feasfera, DE ot ktby msferd. ptM Betty Mary JD k pantirrttjait. 'sW. MsW 0ek4, BjafM tampan, Krm jit Wtk tmth mI WOtWfi MwS . JWwiiit, . MiM l.llsliMmassMsa sssaa w"etvisw aiwww, srrn. Asma Mat Amsshiw, Mr. I. J. Avers sad Fsk a BHcturc MknB'''MÍé Mrs. . 4lkMaea, TM pMf membtrl et , is AMSiliMiIw-stti- thmf prsMil, 'Ohm, tk roses M niSmZp Mí ahasmtw. íer abettt I IsrVS wit tvn t'lHlTf'fTW afPswsSlsWsí "swPTm tlvlle hemdy CLS? WirI Tfn Met Mt of every mo. touch, sf frismhi wtr. iMsSMVsfa. I eevMVt. sHhs lit. n the W. C. Ü. MlfttM. ajMggcHsily jÉt ChmtittM m oMdr. Mr, tmmm tMtmür WiR fSl tt w; C. T. u. swsd jsfcsdr rsguiet ' time. iJoyed - MJe Mill nw' iM y vne meetmg ' f WkM "WW.ílr. 'Amhmmk wmi ta hsae- me' w. c, a. an star. , if? Mr. 7. ; .TarM ,kM Mim Deiu bmiwmh ( X jMVa relief, wss preeteed over Jay MM. Nrsce Lay, HMnn7 K;trtrM;, I fe mint setM far ' Will Maf Wl HBTI, MTI. jlj v, AVJiile. Ksiherlne Serersl members maie skett addresses, ptejr iwwr MrnM Rtcr, tMrethy eeemea tR awflM sr a wm spent m í. I c2 win Vioiin; toto, MeomoMMwl kr CTMe, Sylvia Riven. Dorothy WltttenH.I would surelytarkHl Me. amr wmea seew aer. 5 mm.: me dmme reem wkete. s , course SC'2ír5Zte' mt- - Miw Jeek. I had of wKet hed r. 22? Cr4t 4ee laaebeon waj sajoyed. s.s. WWW. y.'Pifi! r4and thought J weal try K, REMARKABLE : i&HnRu;LiMSit After the .we et ee. settle, the 8, 8. Oak Oábch, Minnie wmswi. Swévlevé " lbs a. 8. Bridge eJb msssmr bss been A. OnMt eeie MM ww culomd var, "W ftl HiW aeetMMd until mm Frrer,wen it win day jf cmtüw sWaabtaftoa fwtf, H meet with miss Lsmwa naamir. pato en Wh eilrermsn. Dmcs snuT SMrTrW! well woman. I was reerakw. rot eaok f ttrwd CASE Í MM. LaeWaad Hot"eT .'Jt pmo" Mciabr Jw Mrs. HAH npn riieinen, mv M i. new- wetan ass tse.: the were hmm. Among if fh miimwmí.i Tbe frldey Brt4g club wees detight. n ib? were msjot wip ni fully tatertsmsd yesterday'' afternoon st M4 Mr. eeerfe. ur, CtAMtft W. H, 9 Commend the ceiewsi tea rooms By mm; i.acx. EiNM. TM Mertaatil íatlai ITIM1.É. á r-r- Ulr dardul te land. Following1 the seme ef' brttee a fleW.. Ceteeet , J..0feM, Mri,-.P- , K. W. Wlifrrd kVmSnfeM "omen, for I knew K cured neHeteas Ice and Mld course wm served, qiiuae, eiiioii, Huriy SrirHih. Mrs. Lseusno's guests were.arssoames cwi. ,Mr. J.; MiM VflirM Mir. rf, Merry Lackland. H. '.mm Miti A.,Hier, nowiio aarrcii, Mwin, Foret Aired. V irwnos...... wne eaw n wnwi W. LacHad Lieutenants A. I), fturku. Maa. Sfuréd Ufa ilui-li- I It K rtfd. Jna. Hr FUnon wis sarvoil tha uaatw. i n.'Alrmd nnurid and WAUM ae ma Hsnnie Lscktsnd. The eb: members II NsHet Merflt. MlM Attee WuKr, Mr; tSeolow of which ice nw, eakelnow, Ipresent were Mesdemes B. M.VWoribam, nr., o. etem would know what Cardut Mi f nobert Meten, james Ncrcwy, Mr, wm wow M. O. Wright, j. u, Bweeny, w. wise, julios "'" ffttiw J. Fer- Kraksur.,Mr. and Mr J. L. Dyer. so entemininr mils hostess, wm wisted T'cardut Charles Pomeroy. w. p. Howe.'B. L. Cótenati. 9. rfatHiti Jultet Fall, Miss m rrienas Dy,.ir nMtter, rar. Prsnk- MuntaT. W. n. Hawe. fibsrlea WIWitHIWIWnl.WWHM Mrs. rllí,v Fetóman, YHMSWaWrWiU nir, mm paWle umi eoBXtIn of my Wnrvudiiar. imiTlM 'ñítiei rrd CMm Mr.'1 Mtim; uestensBt D" no jane psvis, Ktther(n Kdrr. Rabí ElUott. OHve mm Crembls, John L. Dyer, w H. Brewn and DMtMte, Ueewaant Simpson, Miss RhUi wW wore ub j. c. Lscxiano,! Atkms., LlefaMt Qrubtw, Csptsw R. M. Higa mace. Pickering.' school ImavíIíIú. Msrlh Tlirowt. YirrlnU Geettei' end Mrs. Jos, Oerrtrd, ma- the ihi.lBrmDle. Sheltoti. Cool. Hay T&omp- - ciub MreHaf restpoard. MlM Mr," Porto imiihIi innws Amonr manv loiiv rrn An Its 'W Vtrftell Stewart, John r arir Ann AnralLeo Camilta meeting Mte Bridge pryor, Jr., Mrs. Ma lign Md eongMtion, week was lh ii.nri tut ni.h.i iklson. Heés. nu. Klb' The of "W" club Weber, Lieutenant C, A. Oyni, Btoae, Worses, nas worn aner-noo- n and Mrs. J Mf Thompson, oí femjile weakneM. by the 8 At 8. A. society or "uly Wlnfe, Virtnl Den potiponea yesiemay Columbus. lr Edith Morrsn, to Friday, end the hostess or Uto N, M., Miss; Ray Thompson, of columbu, paJbs In both tide, The class Stewart, yterlaoemrd, tvmra ui. iiiun ana com were rrceniiiri icy iwviw nnnni next meeting will be Mrs. 8, t. ccom, on I, rraaces Olllesplew Mr Louden' Wtiwro., Lieutenant draped throurhout ths hilt. Th rhmnmna. Wulir. Irene Lsushttn, Wyoming street. Win. Ing down - 1 Kewy, col., Anderson, MlM HIM Bauer. Miss Consuelo pIm, wu of the erenlnr Incladed, Mr. and íirs. flus- - c1- Wm Edwm, 8t. iohn CHOCOLATE ' un Mrs. Malcríala. IWrhcr. Mr. A . Ur uiA Ura f wort ox memory, eon, uianim, mill lurper ana rrunmo, yu r ..vwio, nh t. Judge sad WaHhsIl SPECIAL iroMtlent. judgo tad Mrs. A. M. Watball d mm nsrvoai. Prult Dunch xtmt iMiinvAd iiMno. Ilsmcs. Ir.i A. L. r, 8tnds W. W, fjtnd.Mri. r.x.Firiwr ma utile pawed thIUor In thetr new home on Oevsrnment sleopleiB evenlnsr. Amonr thai present wtrai Mont Oorúoh, John C, Msul. Rcfet. p. Awiln. Wm. Hill Tuesday cveninr by giving an tntor- - nigbtB, C. rt. S. B. Hartx.. J. Collins. M, commute, n. find Sanders, Jrssie Eusrt, Ssrth Brldnrs. Ilourbton, U mal dinner to: s raw ot their friends. After TODAY ONLY Lieutenant wjWU, hi Marion .Moses, H. Jr. Dennis. McCuwiirr, Olive S. im neither itrwurtb: nor Yetts Dtron, Doris freeman. flees, dtnncr-muti- c and a social good timo were Mwrgy; There wm alway a Bernlce nrlck; Mry Dewey, Msrfsret Mc woods, F. JC. .Rogersi RobV & Cotton. D. enjoyed by all those present, The guests fear and McDonald MMon 01st oreaa in my mind, cold, nervous, Ore, Ann .Marorfln, .Kathertno Foster, Vlvs ft" Mesim. polrd st this pleasant affair were Mr, snd Mrs. I bad Drticoit, Russell, Chas, ,N. Ballard celdwell. pool ,15c ctaéthklf pound box on our home-mud- s, weak BDelli. hot fluhM ovar mv hadv'. celo rtuasell, Elilo shepherd, Bsett, Will Orsvei, .Misses Julia and Jewel American? Brown, Messrs. J. it. .cqcck, na made,! Paso-rnad- hand-mad- o had a place In Talbot j. t, El chocolatas, "!? Atine I my right Jde that waa White. Marv Wsdimirinn: t. phi. ni.rfv. Hobt. Iloillday. Allen lu OrsmblWr. QUSld. assorted o eore that could hardly bear tha Lundy, Marruerite Harvey, Hobble Stewart, "I", faro Kempr Tom M, MayfleW, A. U o flavors;, I McKnlrht, Maple, John porter Vryor, weight of wy clothes. ItriedniedlclrM .awrence Clionson, Alvts Cochrane, ocorio Dexter Marte Skew Tedayv put or romos Our dainty Luncheonette is the talk of the town, and is ana doctors, they did rae little rood, Bailev mum- -, Lewis Crooner, nobert Martin, With the railing sutumn leaves Piatt. Winters, iiobert n lilMhshear. of for and I nover expected to get out again. tipinn, peonara oooaman, renewed dMlro the social whirl becoming more popular each day. Phone foF French got Lydia jtg mtfv'fm, h. the gayetles practically nut aside during ut I E. Pinkham'a VntAM Smith, Manuel Stoiarofr, Oene Thuraton, . . pastry Compound and Purifier, Tom Clemínti, Club Dane. tne warm oays oi summer, wia caru and fancy box candies of the leading brands, Drop Blood and I err. Isadora Goodman.. J, ji.Sa0B nartles. clubs and sit sorts of social en ClarK. Thomas MCClellan. nustell Wnrtli.l nnlÉ v tnllv Infnrmjif wu n Invert in try hot - winiy wpwia nave neon in grave or In aa dnr are in vogue, and together and our bouillons and chocolates while, doing your JCK- tlirton, Copper McKemVi Price, IliA or tertalnments aaylnm If yew rneélcinw raul ntllltllsnt at boma Jnhn I.orall. comes me rest uro or me season, STAMPS had not saved ( with this shopping. You will find comfortable, pleasing r9r IJmí ftW' Wf iiniimvriy, uivunt niocs.i Kiren by bb saxon ciwi.. ina cninerones Show, plac a place at tmf. me. But now I oan notV all dev. aleen Merle Dale, Helen nrt n. the Horse which takes this C!lf Stratton. Elltabathlfor the avenlnf xeitrfti Mr. Mm. W. at watnington psrs x Hawkins, Marlon Calnan. Margaret 3 y, afternoon " i'enl eal aHyining want, Have Amatsu Mccsndlejs and Mr. ror the bosei have been SO hoti flashes or wmV. wvmu natu ter. Mariraret BUSCb. Tommv I.en mrann.l tnnrh wu at lb intormlolim All reservations Mame rvi mado by Ihe local society leaders snd li All pains, ashes, and ciarjr, Frances srl. iftleit Cassidy. or the dances and les cream and cake at to delight the fears, dreads are ... mary looked forward with by ARDOIN'S CONFECTIONERY gone, my nous, ehildren and fasahuá auiiu, niyr DFmin. wíuricaMw oto or evcninr. Amonr uioso present debutantes in particular Dltinrentnal. llurbert Lltllellnn. nnbartluYra. iiu Hum n vmilv nmt. are no longer neglects aa I am almost Bryant Aubry Jryor, Lowdin Wtnfo. Paul beo, Ethel Crawford, Sarah Btjdíe. Met Mrs, Russell's Noon Luecbeoa. PHeiie S02 enureiy rree or the bad avmntAjna t hA Krupp. Seymour Amsiratter, Jaet Thomp- - Ofmsbee, ciar Trtk, Ethel Crawford, son. of s noon luncheons Bm : Ask BBe IxHtt k before taking yonr remd1ef and all Is Haroia Cotdwell, Frances Brpaddas-T- . fierildlee' Mfchni, Anlts NaeUe, Ids The Mcond series of JCeavland. Jerr MiyshcU, scotf Walker; Steel, - will be siren Tuesday afternoon st llio pieaaure and haDniasM In mv Hunter. Madre Hebecea Maeue. iisr- Hepp tin. " p.w.uv( u, curt-- West Ysleta country club by .Mrs. J, Mrs. Jo&ib Ham; P, p. niinu uisroon isart riett Bottorof. Bestnee paiwnan. Messrs R, l, Box 22, Evans, Harry Welsch, Manuel acsJeds, nob Hoover, CiarencD Vsuslin. Harvey WU- HUSSCII. Shamrock, Missouri. t neiy oDerson, oeorre Kpld, and Ja I cox, Julius Heennans, Oeo. JUee, Oene o Texas physicians, two or whom srs El Hsrrlt, reM Worths Atolph .(ferff. ssn given or - i Dlancbo Bchwaru, smi)n, Bailer Foster, Billy Alberts, nobi. Cist Russell Host. ptsoans, were the degreo rellow- Antonio; A, Phlio Howard, noiMieni W. a, very ship by the American College or Surgeons Jameson, Psleslioe; Byron' F. Xlngstey, 1 Olst Hussell was the host st s de Saa :í'í . IydlaJE.PlBkhara Medicine Cé., Mrs. tsskln Hostess. llgbtfut dinner Monday night at the West st iu third annus! convention herei Antonloi nobert white Knox. Heustotii (confldeaUal) Lyaa.lMTase. ForestalUnr Thankrtvln bv i Mb.l Yaleta Country club, complimentary to Theodoro M. Askew, san Anlonlot Ksn. aeorge itenderso'n Lee, CislVMtedi MsrK, K. Mrs. Louts Lsskin'WM the enirsñlnf hostess I Miss xstherlne Cdgar, of Boston. His noth lisien Aynetworth. Wscoi Frank L. Loll, Dalits i. John Thomas Meere, Houston; oiicrnopn b( . Boauwiwy pp guests were Mist Marlon Yousg snd Mr Usrnes, Trinity; Frank Douglas Boyd, Fort seth Msbry Morris, Otlvestoni K. J. pointed "Turkey Arfalr" of te members Tea Davis. Worths Jules La Drunnagel, San Antonio; ffetthery, Bhermant Frank Pasebsl, ssa or the cosmopolitan Ortdre ctub.' and a few Candy Special o John Louis Brugett. wscoi llertchel Frank Antonio; W Wallace nsltton, Meutteei suests at her home on Los. AncelM street, Luncheon for Mrs. A4am Conntlly. Wtco; llsrold Medorls Doollttle, Joseph. 11. Peun, Cuero; Mtrcel Wttisy - Dallas; n. Dudgeon, Waco; Elbert Sherwood, Temple; B. Sntoot, The ThsnksilvlBS- motif ot the "Turkev" A very delightful luncheon hat llowsrd John waa evidence throughout bea Dallas; John Hotkins Fetter. 1st; W. Burton Thornier. Houttont Jtmss la th psrlor rooms T3iy Only planned by Mrs. Win Aosms for her guett, ano I Houttonr William Otmmon, Otlveston; Joe vtnee, Et asm Webb, Jr., Dsiiat; carnea oui in tne rerresamsnts and Mrs. w. a. Adams, of San Antonio, Monday Pttoi tcere Ollberi, Austini Jtcob Edward OUcrcest. I l.ouls 0, withertpoon. El Psto; Jtmts cards. The club prizes in the reme nooo st tne jioiej rssq or, bridge was, won by Mrs. M. sell, ui oor" aslnetvllle: Henry & Htdep, OtlvsttonrlMtdlton woodton, Templei nobert B. and 0 I Mrs. Joe Talpia and Mrs'. Harry Hymsn.l atvln Hamilton, Houston i Charles lloutten Ytncey, Dalits. CiMcakit VaniLU Mrs. Adsms Hostess, Mrs. A. J. Sirayer and Mrs. Rsr Hnbbard aná Sir jkriimi. tit Austin itreet .wen rinhnm HORSE the gueai, prsei, Assltfhir Mrs. was i ha pleasant bonasí or s series of T uwKtn in entertawinr was Mm, Ray "Informs! yetterdsy sf ternoon st her berd. The taaty courses of tíirk.y m CARAMELS tcss" home. The pretty enrysamnemums at- oreefflt which were seryed foWewiar be , in their decoration asme wss Immensely cnJoved. Mrs. Laakin'i Per Pound . , . f . . . ,25c tracted much attention SEVEN STYLES OF sweita were: Wesdsrties Harry Hymen. Mart throughout the rooms. 1 Regular price Assisting Mrs, Adams were uesaamss ntvM, tiiy Huooara, a. airayer, i, lsbv n.t 40c J, II. W. Brotddus. J. A.' Buckler. C. S. Pick Kanihor, md the mimbers ereeeet were rail, J, W. Pettus. I. Y. Anaerson and Mitt TON . NETTLE SHOES SHOW MeMames iu inri, r, n. SH, h. Emily Roberts, or Terrsii, Texts. Ilam.ll n UmHi ) v.n.ll. ' S' . a t& .O to Meet. Rtfuced $5.00 CbarMv Ball. 4 Keulaa Circle. Tha Sewing or Temple Ml. Stan , society circle 'Amonr the folk who ks tickets st 1:10 o'elock S&r will meet. Tuesday sfternoon Onu ef, - being over- - 18 annual charily ball, rsature erl rooms account p In be ftwsday sebeol of the temple Tira wntmr ino ww wmfl '0. me SM Tuesday of Monday, The ttme atexkeel Shoea sea, arer Dr, and Mrs. B, c Dr., Pfcon 403 on Instead en NetUatan we Saturday, Nov, 21 raise, and win as eevotsa to sewing lor cHiriif. Mm; w. C duns, Mr, kssd Mrs. A. are clesing out eeven ef this Jfehwam, Mr. ana Mrs. W H. gbsiisn. Mr, sad. Mrs, ,s. A. Thurston', Mr, sad Mrs. if. SOCIETY PERSONALS. season's models, ftetamen, Mrs. T. - , Mr. and X. Wtot;. Mr. prevltieatl 1:30 P. M. w mr. ufpn n, tvrigm. psr. aaa; urij nav, sdwsrd Hepry Eckelt, SEE OUR W,iC Bennett. Mr. and Mrs. Htcsen. Mr. secretser ef the Southwest Fmrsstsni WINDOWS - wom- sad Mrs, M. C. Edwards, Mr. sad Mrs. KplseSMd .servrehes, will sddrsss te You will Meyer be buy1 A.- - A, Kline, Mr. and Mrs. teveisdy. Mr. HOTEL en of tsM'ttmrch Ibis tfternoen W ken- - able te sad Mrs. Mathlas, Gen, LuIS TerratM, Mr. arlek beM. st o'clock. NeUleton Sheas again at these ' sad Mrsv Harris kruep. Measte. Fred rHaeMer. W. II. FeacMer. J." M. WvaU. Mr, J. r. tHlitra, of Tobeks, ícsasatli prices. Hare aye the styles; V PRICES' mmm spendiaf M El raw wWn Ms sen, A4msnr. Nr. Leila T. Mef, Mr. andl k. uiMesa,, eat. uwerameni smi,s. WseMene taei Qsnulne Xsnge-ro- a avra. wan, auu mrt. sir MyMS, I to j, fr. A. Unlform - 25c. Mr. sad Mrs. . Henderson, Mr. ted Mrs. Mrs.. W.. Aasms, of IM Astteelo. it stock, bluoksr cut. í C AA w. B, Kawtedy. Mr. ano Mrs. r, i nH. tbo etssta at Mf. snd Mrs. .wm Aoemt, reentlar T.ishoe; nqw.',V Mr. sad Mrs; A. P. MeBroom, Mr.- - and Mrs. H. P.C. and t sa seis "te return te ber keiae Ui E23l mtddfe ef Beet week. nysaaa. nr, ana Mrs. s. u. kcit. Mr. smtl '5 tVlseo Kid bal. medium sirs, j, v. Bergen. Mr. aaa Mrs. e, a. - - M, Grind Stand. - & .J5c. Mannlasv Mr. ae Mrs. H. J. ponsford, Mr. MiaiMaai sad Mrt, J( Thomaion snd round toe; recular Sad Mrt, J.H, Wright aW IÉvM fW THWPiWsli of CAtUMfetlf, $5.00 - new ...... p o iK, st, see Hie, guests si Mrs, Lsaur Deia,-- ' aa Tbey eseectt to Oare ureet. !- - tUaeWTan calf, klucber, splendid tee a fine saeres of aesuiirui women sawi retats naa aerty pert Of me wee. TM JCM. ' t7,B ekee; new Sisray aasiuiasies. the men In formel attise, winter skeel refutar $5.00 She baarM Sfea fraevaass ef many blossoms aaa Mm It is ln (a el Hs kM moved from - hi SMateit KIhs Krenoh lf etock with Sawn StOtfefll $Mts r - r- - isriSM er masM peifHtsttae- to taw la Iba uunirv. t cleth ec Has IMset atoemos aM cemsMied In top? button, refwkr 17.1 skoe; jtsw $5.00 I ' v.? Sbe tasmsl mea given rrMar tvsn ttt. ban soem of the Toltec by tbe M. ft r. Mitter b Very U st s local A CoMblnatlaw Osnulne Kangerdo atock; B fa aaaiai etutj. eos of the mm sue- - reu wr 7ÍM skoeiltnow .'.. , .$5.00 MMfal affairs ta aofi. A Uvlsh use SFsMaaty aatraam with-- CkMtM at Saw York city, 1'nH KrfMplaln toe, patent leather, 'Met,, fsewrs tnierHiletd TaajattaAJasssl m We., button, calf aa Shcpr Stairts Promptly sfssam stlreetrtelr skcorated IM belt. MrrsMl m tl fasa'severel dtys ho ami top: refutar 17.60 aheej now afp.UU jMs ysas mrveddurtas; the wsriausion expects m wmesr ms .,...ít,,.,.,,t, leOA p Aoet l4wt Wsvek Itueeta'ealf, new rcelHg' toe.', :Jerm, Metleo, 4t ir. m mm aster ta tee eyes sad dene. Mrs, Mea Weber, ef win gray cleth top! ragrwler f 7.H skoel new...... $5.00 Mf wMiMesa resasasil uaul a lete bour. It la 1 r heve as' M mmi bar Mm week end Mist AssMur mm jwm wetet Mesen, acta cttMS-- f, v4 iMlluL I la Maw Mssaay, at csiasabat, n, m. Miasm, w, W.. Taimey, M. T bowk. tMt iaat rteaaj rrmm Mies, asm Laswar ctttt, W. 8. AvasuM, 1st aae i Mlfs Ciniails Weber, Utile daughter or Ntm.ArriiMh in Lodk1 Boots Of i M, lull. J. Ctarey. c. u. rtaels'. I. i bfMai Mt, sea sir, pe weaer. Pf jutrct, aita M, ceil. rsVtrsssd. oernuny A fawn juarts? pet vsmp bast en boot, Farrsr, ftm J'eetUe. Jr.. W. Jaaatoaon, parttr.(fwe, rr1 ice.. mat week trooi Jts CoJh, AVred t. m, Waisar lUelkerf. Charlea wbsra saa bM beea la school. She has SlM $4.09 BKÍ It II sjsM u. JMnasy. jaatta May - FaarhaUe beea be eaurs war trotmis "!V.ti" " " ' M iwima. Tha- sitreMl ska mere.tMsiat I aaaht 2 nsai. eetrest flcM. C C. jsMMaMU. MMMS, U. at tuKui Utd abtaaaaaV at,'AtS'is.CbeppeHe wl.en the tswok' quarter p'atsat vamp Invite mcHMum. laeswee. J. and Mi cloth bvl, Comet SaeaayvT. n MAMMir u bteajt, War sad web Bflslum, Mist v I. JmMsaMi,. U 0, H traaaa, paMad Mm . FeaJ aeod value , ,, ,v,: 4 1 , , . , $3JO VUttfttAAES sWIIÉsl,"Jpí( IfVflk tw HñhsWPe- PWlav Rj4ssle CsMMaate bM ktd s mh esaerteacs ter M. C. Sbmbms, w. i. StoSMs. Lanar iamí. M fmm, Mat Ja gtM m m noms seew ' PaUntr vamp, dull kld Habt sole, Cel. mm ina, y. mmm, m wafer t, tu naiéteVeeV .boot . Mrs. casrtM 4. Fama asm, oat. and Mi. li bL iaaiiMe. at York sod Xtw ....y $isi Iteary .wary,, uaa. aaa mm. aesard k. víalas tMMMi,. wui bwe hi rm Wy xof Meckok, Cap. .sad . Mraeted, rtsM m, Ms iseme la ."few. tklea-ts- . Hef sm7 ard v- - Wsl Csstrrt lÍMWlllélss Psm caK. sea Mrs. W. JL moUüm. aad Mr. MMi- at m pee ter several nmint. Cberite C baaatel. UtM. Mai Mra.- - Alfred Me Xi MKkek, Lieut, m M. j. N. rheaae. Kb rMAMi iiiaiwii. sen, sad. Urn. sjaasy , WmitA t - Us. ays r aMhv M. WaioHt.l Jtasssm Tases ymslif1 Mvea pew shoe-m,- Letle T. stoere. SeaSftMM SSSSSW Marfil. rsÉÑsrsss by MJUflllW 09 UtSTAAMA, I LUtts) cercorsa, W. W, leave. OwtrutU H 'rase, tummm sea I I soiitef sttaaas Aaaa lm Sstaas. Mary AV eeaiat'irk'S rbs Mí saint, sumb ssasr. msmm tiuo. sjsssaMtese Tke MlewtM 10 Ft AV) MORfMQ TIMES SsAnlaYjr. avn: 1U It's "Good Business" to Tell AJxnit Your Wants Try Want Ad v little - ; a - ?.Jl...... ÍT i , . ,. ! an i Airw&tmg Rat Card fM GrMs ft Sale. fo Ressti Fsw1asÉaMl MMsia Kassaas fWRasrt . Who Are You SMtasMBHui anu-nmiras- WHY Mwww your poa and What awas old furniture wkea -- - ?UtfftW EM. tivr L. I - i- . ' CtAMiriBB UN Splendid clear, etc., busttessi hafwlsoMtai we are gawrivrty the patrar far . 'íaas 'esaáassá. r word (UH inenwoo. a bhet bb-cle- wltfe prtrasa cÑrt atuj place In city and best location, sacrifica l nsrantwa ana smwaa nosm IV per word on M ,..,,.,,,,...,.,,,. case 'MTaaaltew wtrl second Stwre. Éay Tag? aswssao:. clove ra samase amanas. a.,a.,itN00 MM BJfflT tist, nksisy 'in Tas s OoeUSsW 3 BBS8B8T Btde. aya. su mum per wot eh 7 entea. raoea s, jrannd'ftor prapoat-t- a AUM r s stsi. Jwasss MTSS Fase very ring bar ...... HM m, m r.i raao. ntfjjarf9tW 7M N. Vlrrinta, fa I all ssHwr.raat 1.30 Mr line per month. Confeetiohery, etc., heart of bullae. 4n every rtspatv saajni tm wjt Aiaiwusa. Jo M taken fot líM than It orocenr, qusrwrs, WANTg-- AN ktttda of furniture. We to n period lf.) Jivinr rent f.,,,.,Hm No sd run for Very fine pool hall, clgtri, etc, at in mere rar war good thaa any firm m irtne COTY maasrenvetit; 4 LOCAL MKMCANT1 taken over the telephone. Order tadweoa' vrawry. rrty. ki paso, western Furniture AWHaw aatmru aa Mir ha mad In Writing. mti. and spartment. suena - danikl, Lawyer, -- - rattan mi.t T6HXE, WITH PARK Bftefl., u, rwuw ivsa. Wlwn v4arttn- or ibsp iiisf la M Tasa ssc sts-J- ut Accounu ror detstrled ads ere doe APAHTMfcfrT clnae Mi retporutble for lit Main Si, Crawford Theater Bldr WANTEr toot wtta sleeplnr porcb, itoa oT AS after first Insertion. Not to buy seeond'hsnd e?o-- BS& ' i gun. St. reasenan; 4e bedroom. r Mff rATtuaan. mtrn more than osa incorrect in rilan. HUflLVKHH eriSMTUNITMA. K Mobr. m 8. El I'sso aaaas fas ta S1.S. aaaaiai ratea by Harass saaf. ' ' Very fine cigar store ,tM FOR A apartment. twssr. trustified VHt eh R!NT furniahed, Burrouasta Aawtac MaeatM. mat Display dreriitfir on Picture sluw ..Baraain Autemohitee for Saje tm K, Bnutvard. Phono H08-J- . M AMI FACTUaMI touois pnce, no tui iauuii. Ororery, living room) snap at ....two DALTfON Attns Messea. sts MUSS a. confectioneries, pool lull, ic...... iiargus AUTOmewiLE for sale, lots model, a MAociTS Apartments rTJ HAVE year eta wwT jatea tata Mw"aat legal advertising. TmL.tS, WITH I'AHK BHOH., aa to date, wnn eieciric iiirnr, laTMSwSii.i raone 301s, room at artlatt vteee; ma) prfsest work raarai-tee- advertising- t legal rates. - Left! ill Main at, Crawford Theater Bldg, U. Jirrr curtilns. left drive, cast. batblsa- fili1Msa. Bauanai Ovarlaad M. CtUWFtMtO THkATElWMtirptiy A. nXoatnardl 6.. let .IB Paaelt : by El buslaaaa afartnteM, factnc T1IPHF. ARK MtlKrinKDH rtiarnued Paso near S. H Pasa tana, I anrDOOT.") niint iv in flPCI man ta be In s condition. Bartala atreeL H orietaaiaiais) am wmmm. per of people to encage In builnei If fMMM Open Hit rale, week dsy. to. antioua ror ease e part cash. Ak ror oerooaetra 700 Aim (AIM CAHaiAaK rAixn.vo, Insertion, 71 llwv could but locate omelhlna- to tlietr THREE room and balk, well letted. by SdrertMotr It atatatiña ta sha Mam 444 column wide. escb frat. Hob. Aeely 10 H, Stanton. I'hone t7. Mundy. m NEED GLASeES .See Wood. OrerkMa. Sundeys, een internan, m rent. llklnr. Describo your proposition clearly Ave. . Inr Timo, rracneafly PASO AUTO PAINTING 8imo. tiifibeay leeatet- EL CUUUMM AND PAiNTMfl. Hitnamr aispny u, and run it unaer ints usismcsuon in toe iaate)tMeJbiles ftcowsa-ssaigaal. iqr a tscnrasi iuiiu iww eptamni. uu. amid aan mnusmr. aa o Morning Time for two or three day. Hdassfceepii Far nia Oragea. munis large amount of display sd CaM , Rftr YELTON PAINT CO., 303 N. Sianton. Pa. MSr. Contract for Wrlli or" on RBNT BY PAMC space or resaers sunject to miairau IT is Pnn YOU f am looklnr for a cart CO., reft IMS FURNISHED sail nonseftesecBf ner with only 00 to aeltle a very ture bouse, rurn.i Upaen Avo. ..140 rooms, sai Nevada. Btudebaker Dealer. house, rum.. NevaM St nrsnirio notices. and productivo business, In Mexico. You Second-han- d cam. ALLEN ARMS AND CYCLE per can see me EC If1 for furn. pt. Nevad 8t ,..,.,,..?& DOOM stacked tur OtUnr Sell. Pure resding matter, etch insertion, at Hotel Eureka. I loeiK .'Fbone m. tut saa Antonio St., .ago ssatc. as w. Oregon. . as 'flea. line, cenia. llih, French, German and Spanish. It. FASO, 3 housekeeptsc rooms, private bath FOR . RENT Saaay. Transfer, repairsstt-- rw.1 is EL TEXAS. Mata eearfortanla resati stars, Lócala, per line, earn Insertion, 18 cent. Ouerrca. IK St. crawrerd Tneater Htg witn prívate ramavi reaaenabia; w MANUFACTURWwJ. 40 very - RUfi. Chalmers for i, eej. Apply FOR RENT 3 nicely rurnlshed housekeep aisunee; noma coamag- tn Be4g LT Morning EXCELLENT business proposition, 7K, or 1:1 BlOHfcST pnces pain tor sny kind of bottles. PublUhera I'sso Time. 11 a. i'sso. Inr room at 004 linson Ave.r ts& monthly. 3D17 or ñu-i- . RUGS carpets. El raao, Texas. win laxo Dinner wnn siwo mvesimcni M. imtea, tatt styrue. rnone xxv. made from old best location in city and will bear close In' Auto Garage Largo . sleeping- porch. Evcnrtlilng com. itoaac: mkn. trstlgstlon. Address 11, Time. rortanie and nomeiiac mono si to, evenmgs. Tflea furnlshftíl eiéan 'roooia' m ar Ibui ttt rLATTf. OAHAOE, complete with machinery and Mexico for rem. Hotel Htnwly, 4flS s. Stanton. JObblna- - partner with mjmo to buy half interest In - ONE, S or room In family ot adults: UViO k McCULLOUOH, carpenters: SÜMtrle Matine1 of every ror quicK a aargauu uar t " patent devlcs now being manufactured and seois, sue at close In Jon Ft. lillas car line; very rea FOR RENT Nice front reoav cloae Mi feeewty: lurmture repairmg. rn. miu rlntth. Soutawesiern Iran and TIMES BRANCH i are, caro sold: proms' enormous, ion-- answer Time. snnabbt to tbe right parties) no sick or vate family; at ss per weak, iss It. Od 70 Text at, raone sea. OFFICES you mean business, g, csre Tim. cuuurru cove. hear Myrile. Phone 4is-- BaKER a MCDONALD, carpenter! Job ihopi Repair Shops. lannitirr repurmg. n leías, ru. 0011. Tor tbe convenience of It patrón WE have well established moiiey-mk- THREE nice rooms, close in and fine new Nice outside rooms, rúñate; not and cold The Time maintain branch office at grocery stores, conrectioncry, cigar sioro, OUT your name in mo "What Ara You water, gaa beat. Vendóme Hotel. 311 E. S3 80 Looking or furniture or tame for sale at a loss; toe following- placen laundry, rooming bouse, cici iMO to For?" column te Times. Immediately, If. Ocho a. Bldg, will help you get more buatness. Call must leave town IK DU SANU Si WELLDUItN. PHONE 3W. IOS Teia St.: Kllw Ctrar Stand, comer Howell Realty Co., Herald Phone 2814. PRONTO PLUMBERB, SM toss. as and Mesa Ate.j ItlKhlsnd Drug phono 050 about it. NEWLY rutnlshed, sunny bedrooms. Tazas. Phone 0K.T YOUR NAME in the "What Are Ypu or without war guaranteed. Store, Highland East l?l Paso Drug KEYS fitted, run pistol FURNISHED ROOM BUREAU. Boulevard Drsg Looking For J" column or Uie Time. It and repaired, ROOMS ROOMS room slAo, Store, li Alameda St.; you get more business. Call ERvTN FURNITURE CO., ALL KINDS CHIMNEYS iwept. stoves et up aad re PAY CASH aad save money' on your plumb-- , Store, boulevard and Florence SU. will belp 10 N. Stanton. Phone 77. pnonn 10:0 about it. lis 8. Stanton St. Pboae in. 24 JUAREZ AVE., In Juares, clean rooms purea, rnone S7l zvs a. sianton. ing' work. All work arusranteed. Phone S087. El Plumbing Co., gaeo NICELY furnished offices, living- room and bath; Ideal location ror race bona "Paso south Want .d wi nhrrlT1n futren INVESTMENT of- tifioo will net you Stores and Offíeae people, Fnona CHIMNEYS swept, stoves set up sad re- Virginia.' .. t. . in.,tl.,1lftn .nil 1 to1 best location; long lease: all modern tw7. purea. Lodge, 3I7V4 San Antonio st, rnono eas.i ask lor oimun. uoqtnArA;.r-ABir.y,cii- DEI YOUR NAM "WbaCAra Yaft reasonable. R8PAHWÍS. -- r: caiit Jhc, HOTEL PLAZA under new management; STOVES and up. Looking column or the Times, FOR RENT a light housekeeping-rooms- : pneea. repaired set Phone 75. J. NEAL TREATMENT ellmlnste tbe drink and rori" it suites completely- renovata; atoaeraio k will help you get jaore buatnes. Call and reasonable. S01 East i none was. vrr vrr nu...nii mil... irn.t, tt. THE IETST0ÍE UTERTISIM IS SERYKE drug- habIL Day phones tU3 or Mail pnone modern CHINA PAINTING. Henatr If uox kioo aoout 11. Nevada. Phone 2714. Alteration. for men. and women.' ntiiit pnoni t7i i. o. soi; adlolntnar rurnlshed rooms, with Paris' Tailor 8 hop, 408 N. Oregon. Phone M. recognition STORES RENT Cor. Kansas Myrtle two GUNTON'S STUDIO, Apis. Ph. Official WANTED Middle aged man to take charge for and TWO housekeeping rooms, 1731 E. Boule- without board. 1303 E. Boulevard. Phone 3 Lucerne toe. Ave. u. uroweu Agency. s. 4S08. Duns repaired. Allen Arms 4c Cyela Co. Ja accorded tnls or good nave aseo m iiougias vard. Apply before or alter Phone - business; must w seos-w- . LESSORS, toe; flHng. Mrs. Nafe.- Ph. i 484. publication for its vest. B.- care Times. DESK room in dcslrihlo office to Herald im or CIVIL KNr.INEEHS. Service) and Co- mu and lease on new iiidg. Apply 04 iieraid Bldg. TWO rooms ror ant will rnniitiirn CÁVÍbinuWlíiTÉ;"civlÍ" sur-- operation to ob- apartment house. Address L., cam Time. An Ad Here will Rent that Vacant store. kick; no children: no dogs. engineer and SEWING MACHINES ror rent. 1 ELEGANT room, team neat, over new veyor, 1 eaw-- RtaailAril. I'tuma SIQA. tain Bane Co., ios Antonio. ue witt Apt, rnone runnlntr routs RESULTS HALF ror c HOUSEKEEPING rooms, union Trust sin Zlnkler, 113 N. stsnton. for ita SPLENDID opportunity for the rixbt partyi of store rent, heap. CIGARS AND PERIODICALS. advrtlrs. oze iiis porch and bath; close in. DELMAR ROOMS, 417 N, Stanton, run. wtr.. win nsnine it, uiar. 333 M1U RENT the easy' running-- and Stand- servce FOR RENT Desk room. Bldg. rree natns, soc-- n nay; up weeuy, White w Rooming House For Sale. WELL rurnlshed suite, 3 rooms, witit wa FRED BHUMBERGEtt. llrst NaL Jlank Bldg. ard best machines In the world for famJ ,1 uní. ter; sunny and convenient, rnone CLEAN downtown rooms, reasonable, a rtvyaira luarwueu.' ASSOCIATION NATIONAL ADVERTISERS Dremikin? and Milltaery mi. SMaEra4vaiu a4a sxi3a.ssju wjiiit asAuiiint. Six rooms, rent 31, nice furniture, prlco nouscieping- privileges. 103 n. utanion. 245 aüwinu urriun. 1400; DRESSMAKERS. ETC.. ATTENTION I TWO housekeeping rooms on W. Missouri 8. Stanton. H. L. Stewart. Mew Stock Buhan- Bulldln. PhHaIphl good bouse. rnone BRING US YOUR CLOTHES TO PRESS, rent 12a, always rented; your Ideal suite., neit- to Everybody. st. sot. F.OR RENT Nicely furnished room, dose Only 90 Cents a SulL Morehead, the. Tailor, STOVE REPAIRING. ror S.1.V1 rlh Inmmn SAX mnntll. ror dressmaking and living. Money' here. rooms ror light housekeeping. in. vi n. raso, rnone zjqh. tat n. uregon au rnone soso. nice Place, large sleeping- Low rent. Towle, with Park Bros., lis Main furnished tot n. sianton. HOTEL BEAUMONT, block east Of P. O. STOVE' reualrlnirt now carts made and ear. porcnes, isou. . cvb. EXPERT cleaning and pressing; prices ror all make or stoves." L. J. Male Help Wanted. mean' ny wees or aay. Tailoring- rled Peeler. lOiroom. waixinr oisianee. rem si.wu. TWO rurnlsotd, housekeeping, room. reaaonanie. uapuoi rarior. with D. It it. iron Works, comer K, Firth all Ilihi liousekeeDtnr:ii bouse MISS L. SANCHEZ, s dressmaking n. Et raso. 7 FOR RENT Large room, sleeping porch, ana b. riorenca at, rugae uu, now rented ror Itw month; rent only J0; ana aiterationa. sao. raro My rue. xamuy. N. private rnone otzw. AMERICAN TAILORING CO. guaran MILLWRIGHTS, Arlrona, $3.80, S lease; yours ror (S&O; 1400 cash, HOUSEKEEPING ult, Blair. Apt., CISH Work STOVES SET UP AND REPAIRHB.'i hour. ' gowns teed, rnone 6094. BUcksmllh, grading- outrlt, 3.50 day. Man heart of town; good money FRENCH dressmaker. Evening camplíen. ONE or 3 rooms, all modern conveniences. 12,100 specialty. Phone 3814 or 718 N Kansas. Stoves' up, EeS. for dairy: must be good milker; M month, maxer; price cun. 408' 1503 Munay Ave. rnone 1903. CONFECTIONERIES. set Pbone' M.roorn. rent urifl- - all Hint housekeep HOUSEKEEP1NO room tor rent. K. El board and "room. Woman ror general house- FURNISHED New Mexico, S3t) month. Ing; never sny vacancies; a national bank Paso, and unfurnished Boulevard confectionehy. 4it uouie work, to you; yours cash. rent. 1000 E. Missouri til. FALL t MITCHELL, for IJ.coo; 113 HSKPO, room. 13 E. Missouri, Phone sits. yard Fresh fruits end caz Hot Employment, all new furniture, orinx. rnone sos. lie. EL PASO TRUNK FACTORY New Ware 203 San Francisco Si lease: rent siso montn; yours S3w; icrms HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 511 N. Stanton. house, safest location: positively lowest wnen you want a rooming nouse sea rates, rnone sue. DHESSMAK1NQ neatly done. Phone CREEL With AUSTIN It MARR. C07S. tits. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. 60S N. Oregon., ROOM for rent, private home, dose In, ror grntii-men-; rnone wis. INSTRUCTION id all new dance. Miss INVESTIGATE- THESE UAROAINS. Houses For Rent. stone,- 38 Buckler Bldg. Phone S rooms; downtown; transient; r. 135. t97S Financial and Investments. NICELY rurnlshed bedroom; ACME SHEET MHTAL. WORKa-Oeae- rkl S rooms! Mairorrin Ave.i rent 130 4&0 FOR RENT. Close In. 809 Myrtle Ave. DEAD CATTLE. sheet metal .contractor or all kinds. 411 Tloora SI3 Mill Bid. Bell I'hone 150L 7 rooms; rent 000 house., .140.00 MANY splendid deals have been made by Texu St. Pbone 540. dote' in: Its rurnlshed rooms,- - ' Msdroffln Ave.: rent ICO...... house, ., 00.00 advertising bonds and mortgages in the NICE dose In, reasonable; board If calUe, EM CLEAIUNG HOUSE. Brooms: furnished dead horses, mules ' PLOYEAS' II rooms; downtown: transient: f. I0.. 750 sparimem, rurnisnen ...... ,,,1 33.00 Financial and Investment columns or the aosireo, rnone www wy iree. rnone 7t immediately. sign PAivrrvo.. tl rooms; downtown; transient; r. ICO, 1,100 UNFURNISHED. Morning Times. FURNISHED, front room; hot and cold wa- Employer furnished with ta rooms; steam rent 7S I,wo house ...148.50 DETECTIVE AGENCIES. belp ana iuuea labor. heat: fd. r.ll Alio clerical to rooms; lease; rent ICO 8M house , S0.00 Money to Loan. CITY SIGN CO., SOS'N. Stanton. Phon 1347,, can arrango on sny NICE room, not water, light, bath. 713 THE BEN WILLIAMS DETECTIVE AflENCY. Paso,-- We terms of the AIEHSU. ItKALTY CO., front InvesUgatlon El Texa. above, and have others, large and small. 8 Herald Bldg. CSOL can psy on In Munay Ave, made In civil and criminal frravsa.- t Phone MONEY You bade ey cases, 7 no irouDis to snow you. t'none woe. 1st Nit. Bank fildr. Pbone 440s. JAS. A. McMAIION. Phone 137. v - v - 8 WANTED Off (co manager for Buenos mags-tin- nOOIIINd HOUSE. COTTAOE DR. STEVENS. Aire, representing- an American - phnna 1444. J.'D. Very rine: Just north or tracks: low rent; on Douglas Street, 131. 1 Tm iiniihiii- nlilo- s dentistry only. largo pay; transportation 'furnished. uro Pyorrhea and your lease: largo, Income; easy REALTY CO, loose teeth s SDeciilty. looms ill-i- s Rob- - OUn winter woolens are worthy- or Stenographer, Ilea Blacksmith, tt.W. 1349. WHY not put your Want Ad in the Time, Oregon. Modern good i. terms, special priro. I'hone Bldg. Pbone 1194. inspection. Alterations ana npsinur. Clothing- salesman, 1100. Other BROS., wnero you are sure 01 mo PHONE 84. Service" Co., 025 Mill PARK uat ui, PARIS TAILOR SHOP. Business Bldr. The Ofrico Thst Has the Bargains, U your ad amounts to 76 cent cash you will - Phono 188L ' get a good pen free. Call phone TO one gentleman, close In; no sick. Phone TVi'KWHrncHS. its Main St. Crawford Theater Bldr. fountain zveo-- j. FOR RENT. soso for tho Want Ad Boy. WANTED Janltori must bo willing to work 1S.ROOM ROOMING. TSvlT8d',0 and speak English: II per day and room; bungalow; orand View; 150. muiré rioM. rented and renalred. 11 T. A fine Investment: rent M0: lease: bungalow: partly furnished: Tula- Special Notices. typewriter. must be honest. Give address. Address HOUSEHOLD MiUs St. Phone 833. Aft. Corons. Janitor; care Time. clearing. 7S above expenses. Price 1850; rosa St.; 135. trooda sou aown, oaiance mommy, uig snap. MAUUH 11EAI.TX -- U., FURNISHED room ror renu 1333 San Antonio. snippea. uu asng & ellhorn. Pbone 39W. TAXIDERMISTS. li PAYER TWYNHAM Employment Agency, 420 Mills Bldg. Phone SS70. it Whit You TWO nice front rooms. 314& San Antonio. CASOLIVK. 309 FrlCO. 300 Ban The Office That Has Want. McLELLAN BROS. Phono 700. W. Antonio. I'hone Kit. Hi Mam St. Crawford Theater. Phono eos. THE MANHATTAN HEIGHTS PLAN has at rormer location or the American 5 PALS. U. clAa;, 75C; olitec. rhone 35ei: tracted attention all over the country as tLMlJ tis flu. IntnnlA Sit. HEATED room ror gentleman. Phone 5WtJ, TURKISH BATHS. Help Wanted. tin.n HAIRDRESS1NG. Female CLOSE-I- BARGAIN First and second floor, being tlio most model method of develop- Newly rurnlshed, handsomely decorated. rooms. 7 rooms, ment of residence sections. Have you In. Clean priváis tor imuik rurnlshed Ph. sito. uLAnsAUEit naa returned, 400 n, urcjuu. WANTED Wblto girl to cook and do gen- well furnished, front and back spotlessly duoius IIAIRDRESSINO, manicuring and "MarneUo" 3 porches, yard for chickens, good lease, good vestlgated It? C. II. Leavcll. Solo Agent. BAM WAtt STuprieior. IISKPO. rs., fur.. 11.50 wk uy.MVA E. OVd. eral housework for family or refer, preparation, misses itoongues, noneris-Bann- nusiness; paying proposition: - ence required. Phone 1573. transient FOR RENT Modern dwell- THE beat place ror ramllles and children rooms. 617 N. Oregon Su. Bldg-- basement. must uo sum, party leaving city; casa or s furnished M. MASER. Ph. 1I5T, OctavIS'and San Ahtonlo. terms. Phone owner, 3234. tug, uuiurnisnea, turnace neat; ssu. Is at tbe Liberty Theater. Male IIELLBERO tL American-Mexica- n 60S XT. JUNK DfcALERS. Situation Wanted BLAIR, film service, select FURNISHED ROOMS. Oregon. DR. iu A. I1100INS Phona BJ5. sot South 418 r Bldr. music Oregon. dogs. BOOKKEEPER Expert accountant, desire LUXURIOUS ROOMING HOUSE. STEAM-H- vied rooms, soft Texas. EL PASO IRON AND' METAL CO., 1505 San Hospital ror horses and several small sou of book to keep, night Lovely location, near library: fmo beating FOR RENT COTTAOE AIITOMODILES varnished from 110 up. Antonio, dealers In scrap Iron, rubber, or day: term reasonable; or would accept facilities; elrgantly furnished; IMO down. on Arizona St.; near car line: 4 rooms and cranera Auto Filming Co., aiu huí bu IDEAL bedroom. 711 N. Santa Fe. copper, brass, bones, etc Pbone 420. it.-- Prlco row. corner lot; 1033 St. regular position. Aaaress care uuiuj. porch; Arlioua imperial uarage. t'oone- bos ROOMS EXPERT watcb repairing, international 6EE PARK BROS., SOLE AGENTS, at for rent. 708 6. Oregon. I'HONE 333 ror Henry and Dam ror setting IIS Main Si. Crawford Theater, Phone cm. Auann naiui. STAR THEATER, Alpine, Texas, will run Loan Co., sit s. El Paso St. up and repairing stove and furniture; FOR RENT bungalow In Manhattan advertising aiiaea at a? per montn. WARDROBE REPAIR SHOPS. chimney sweeping; bouse and window HOUSE for rent and furniture for Heights; 130 per month. C II. LcavelL Room and Board Offered JEWELERS. . FOR HIRE New automobile, careful cleaning. 814 S. Campbell. owner leaving city. Phone MCi-J- Phone 4W4. driver. S dressmaking 'alterations. lt.60 per hour. Phono to-- WATCHES cleaned toe, main spring 50c. and WHY not put your Want Ads tho Time, gold, Mrs. r. 11. uarxe, 417 Texas, rnone CHAUFFEUR, garago experience, desire unfurnished cottage, on Boulevard. woere you are aura or tna neat warranted crystals 15c. Cash tor old position; steady, sober, not joy rider; Appiy at no k. IF you want to reach all the people all tho results? loo San Antonio. Denver Jewelry Co. WINDOW WASHING. wilting . tune use times want aos. If your ad amounts to 75 cants cash you will references: to start low and work FOR get a good Call Phone up. Roberts, 810 Texa St. rent cottage, its month. 1U8 fountain ban free. 6414. Lost and Found. BEWINQ MACHINES repaired by Foutx sow ror me want Aa noy. WANTED Window to clean. Phon YOUNG man want position as stenographer tinnier, liuo, , MOVlNOi Moving! cm Odom's Transfer Co. LOST Thursday afternoon, boy's red CALL 267SI Save 25 per cent on meats. íYiNVirrcrrHT unur pnn or general office clerk; small salary with sweater, i'itono viw, CALL J75l Sive 36 per cent on meats. chance for advancement; good reference. LOSIS crnHHodklons. with ORNAMENTAL IRON. POTTER WELDING CO., 314 Text BU Will rare Time. FOUND Vanity cue, ti. El Paso. Ph. Furnished Houses for Rent hospital .attention: rata reasonable. Park weld your broken' castings good a new 44. Employment Agencies and Frankfort Fort ear to door. Manufacturera of ornamental Iron and av to 75 per new casting. RENT, St. Bliss and cent on COMPETENT shoe roan, S3, married, desires FOR I'hone 4981. wire work of all kind. Southwestern Iron experts on su nusos or raetu weiouts For Sale Miscellaneous ft. room hotiae. comntetelv fiirnUru.ri, IF you want to reacb all tbe people all the and worts, 704 Texas, rnone seat. bone 40. position: speak Spanish fluently: good In, - wire Address I dose un use sueca wast sua. HAVING lartre borne on Montana SLibeautl references. ssi Fruta su FOR SALE. DAVIS BROTHERS, FOUR H1U MULES. SITUATION wanted by young Korean, cook 104 Texas Street. Telephone IIS. Personal. 00 ara ana room several sauna, rnone jwo. and general housework In private family, Wagon, harness and Fresno windmill tank. Auctioaear and Salea Houses itaaiator, gasoline engine. MODERN bungxlow: rurnlshed; 10. for Sale town or country. Kim, care Times. Automobile and harneas work. STREETS PAVED WITH OOLD would make CONVALESCENTS s accommoda- Heights finer than It la today, cooklaa-- . NOTICE! FOR SALE House In Vil Verde at bsrratat BOOKKEEPING and combined position, by ID cara gramma hay. cars alfalfa. . 4is Roberts-Bann- Bld'r. Manhattan tions, home lie lllrhlaad SALE POSTPONED UNTIL 4S73. camp wagon but t&at la about the only thing that bas Park car. Phone t: DEC 7 terms. Pnone experienced man; fine references t top, sec- - 48. r 4 cows. FIVE rooms, new, close in, bungalow, com- - naea undone to makd It the finest Unfortunate-l- we were unable to set the Box JU, Yorktown, Tex. bead dry lft any m ror as MYRTLE TRADINO PLACE. f.VICIJ UllllilCU 4 MUUQ WIS. ion .or wnica city can soast. u. FOR convalescents, room and, board mules tna sale advertised, so we Real Estate Dealers. FIIlST.CLASS, eiperienced painter want Laavell, Sole Agent. and are compelled to postpone tbe ssle or tbe Phono MM. cottage, sieeDinr norcn m noma or rranuan nure. grading until Dec 7, at work, day or job. Painting of all kind. aullable ror subletUac, Plwue S340-- outfit which time ANDERSON REALTY COMPANY. W. II. Brelter. Phone 11. HAVE YOU ANYTIIINO close in. Phone last. WHY not put your Want Ads In tbe Tunes, it wut do oia a aaverusea. MS Herald Bldg. Pbone M YOU DON'T WANT! wnera you are sura ot tiw ovn rcsuitsr WANTED-Posit- ion as cbaurreur, by ex. TWO adjolntor rurnlsned rooms, with or ANDERSON-FILLE- CO., Or do you want something that you haven't If yourad amount to 75 cents cssh you will , REALTY perleneed machinist. Wanted te Rent. witnoui boaro. 13 aouiavara. inane CORNER EUCALYPTUS 1 3 Address gotr Especially at this season this column get s seed fountain pen free. Call pnone 4806. AND sad Buckler Bids;. care Times. furnishes a clearing bouse ror any aad WANTED To rent a rurnlshed detached saw rsT tea want aq oy. MICHIGAN AVENUES. every article, both for the household aad to Blc work mule. AUSTIN 4 MARR, stenographer and orflce sccammodattoaa Far eosva. (00 Large Capíes Bundles;. 4BSB. office. I'hone WW. Hart. S1S8. ase uta naw st,090 machina - ar-- Fresno. Talaeaeae jnan: references, care Times. dtsnlay leaceut price- reasoaani. rnone aná Ufaaat of mounted and un is small Fresaos. 1'ILLAHO H HENRY. PHOftE BBS. BAKER want position at once. BAHOAINS is per cent orr on all heatinr WANTED To buy or rent an Invalid wheat MouatM. aimi ui toutbweK at cutters room, with nrst-daa- s table beard, ta prl-- 44 Slips, or serenar. stoves and ranges: quick sales small nrteas. Matt order solicited. Texu Tur-- vate taauiy. n. vtrgtsia. raoaa sees. ss Plow, from 3 to to horse plows: atr BROADDUS LK BARON, Baker, care Times. and gas tin our motto.. Legal Furultura Co.. SM evataa Ca.. san Francisco bl , aad sataiL au tats. SroUts Apartment for Rent Unfassrsbed BOARD sad room, home cooking-- tverytMof SM Lead bars aad doubletrees. HIT YOUR NAME In ttte Wbt Are You tanuary. SrS ttoosevelt Phone sftt. as rtew caaiaa, or- rata enema. IIELLBERO Bl AIR. FtMKM 144S. SEWINO ' Times. st 4 coBWlete. MACHINES "The Standard." the MENT THAT APARTMENT NOW. LeekHit; Fort" column of the It BleckMta outfit. OU., Situation Wanted Female highest quality made; W ,s month, aad This can be accomplished hv will bat you gat wore bualaes. Call FOR coavilaseenu, room, board aad staae. K Sets, wefk aaraess. Hotel needle free, routs it Zinkter. It la the Morning Times. Rwoember, la peone Sato about It mtT pwcsiaa. iw Arwutsa. ruomt sava. s set of bant repair tests. "WANTED By experienced lady, manage. it 3 Good, heevy addle. lar cneaper tu spena a few aouara in ad. SELECT fcaard, roatn private A. P. COLES BH04I.. su la- - sent of rooming house, housekeeper or M New Victor popular and now tc - MKN'S suits dry cleaned, pressed, 60c; . with bata. 13 Wbeatbsrrows. record, classic Venning man have your apart- Dapew, Mynsa, raoee seat)-- urace, Marebuwa Bteek. Phea charge or linen In boteli willing to leave ment vacant all winter. sMMIS orr cleaned, pressed, KC Mrs. 7s 3 Buckboard. is. riiy: references. Address M. A., care Cut Km Works, I'hone STts. tS Wbeal scraBers. tKMrtJLAM CltOWaXL. New daanlnr NICE, larga root, with sleeaiar Barca and C Times. STRAWBERRY plants. M per l,(ttQ free. FOR RENT Jerraane. 1 and a ronn Autt WW CM. exceswat stoarsi, as nvvaaa. ss Teat, all katda sad sixes, Beat Eatete. SM Mat llt ajMitsienta: modern: steam beat; Janitor ltw ss Bis weaves, wtta rtosts sad tsetl beds. laiursss. HEFINED youn wldw a housekeeper ror servicer rloaa to, Apply to 1L B. Stevens or CONVALBaCENTS JOMNON MO(IS44 KoM coektar. . P. MAJastrnc a son, widower or bachelor, city or ranch) no phone Wis. v7l. stN N. ofeeoa. no atea. s ataree water tanks. Hnmu Bteek. Pasas IF you want to reach all the tea tteaa. now - tsaawr. vtu ana us. tw children. JL.3041, care Time. mm UK NT ranc car, rnone to water tresses. u0 iiinri nutt aai. rOR New heated rtsoaa. Higwinit 3 ttOSUCs! B. BTKVKttS), Phone Cen-- stM Wsesa saaea. WANTED Trained nurse wants any kind aiartfRen4. or Itn. ,4 ceo tHstttta. camt)4ie Mtsetselpel or congenial XMAS doll dressed. Pboae 7M. Jtoa. p, OetwWATKY. ' work office preferred. sw--s raawa. dlabe aad tanta for tea care Times. 11 riirk- jit t.... Easweattonal. H. F. WrtCftt. M. d. a, nrM bus. JAB. J. WATTS), Bldsr. Pbona t4-- teavrt. pick, axe. atook. striking tS4 flea rraeclMo at. Ptwaa SM. By woman, Foil SALE biawntrs. steal drUls, 1 hlaatlnr bet WANTED wblie day work. Furniture, stoves, etc GET Ye UK NAME In tho Ara You Phone m-J- . "What rut oAmn terse, BToeeria, iwaif for ataas aad Lookltw Fori column or th Tima. It wuisnaK. stwa sa s sr nts). express wltl nek) you get kHeaaa and vacuas caraat ceantng. Ftusaes. asiabir SftsKtal WORK by day: white woman. Phone wsgvn for Hie. Epperson, M taora business. Call eritsctta Treatment. 4W. paotta about H. Micti, eitm roo atvd asea boat Asi srtiri.ansar StSS. caah. All aM Sat MyrUa. pboaa S47, anata wai ovar WASMlNO AND IRONINO. Plion (tai MISS O. E. PRATT. Tassaar af the VWa. Stat, aU asBtrtht' Mane wtH be Stvaa. eaa aa. saw i FOR HALE-- vlollni saw. car Times. urra-- j. sa u. m. jtntr. Aiwa mnrm mumrimmm. 7. rnono t,a. a. A. n. MOOM aad board rar cénate; SSS snaask uaree soasas .saa oaa.aaw ta ts Ysuated It) Sws. DECKER BROS, piano baryate. Phone IW. ItYCH medium, sseata watar, oil. Ma asan, mi Montana w. drawl Br at nar eatat neat ax WHY not pul your Ads ana. peopse. asea, baaaattts pener Ptae perf eaat ajsW Want la tin Times, rat t coert jswh wm. and beard. ST.M par weak. SM Mi. K y waat s man al tee popu Wanted to Stiy sWueManeeaw wnvro, yvv ara attra m iuv tiest resultar Ist0jt lit WW SM gtvt oat aa i your an aaaounM w 7 you atUMi rut M pallakw aaataa sMatsi Jfkaa W, K tenia cash wtH jewelry to order. Mt aaa Pranallea 0T YOUR NAME 1st Use "What Ara You 1 a wvom rmwiaaa e rrae, uut photta a. Looking Fort" of lha Tlwaa. It W, A. WlsXIalaa, WAJtfJaWfa aaeeasa.Mad toóla help cotM Aaii) Nr W 'Ul you Mt mm buataaa. CaM FIVE anana aalyaatd mmT. Wkr two t pboae fC4d about K. af uaaaaad Beaslia uuii,,. CAIX sen) aavs st par eatat aa yeWeriev mm goad aM, stae asMI es4r: wall broke; WAXisjia To bay or bveytaawJttttea rneaa, Howren sua rr rai I S)l sr illTS aast, WANTED To SMsy ar reat an lavaUa wUmí at Awtr A. S. First mw, mi auua tsuoo home cookiNtt. st Mam. tu nmwnon. raoaa asea. ML Bant fMr. Ffaaaa ttss. MWai. Hir. ivw, STAR fWtCATEK. Aiptas, rae a lifisas3Sass "m 'lim as iaa4 nr saaaat - TS fas sussstsMM Tl. aacoad-haa- Foa SAt.t aorsa. Sea verttatas- sitae s a) parTsssetaT WANTED To tHiy toU asxt 'swt gun. H.,.Uoér. K4. d. u una,. m mm m m a. t Paso 1 PAY lOskwat brlcn for inri rbFmurw y wav aa sat year waat Aa ta ta Ttmii. vaare you are sara of SB aaa wtjar yea are ranalUT FetSlSMfc aiaa. ants, .an. tu rasa, Tasas. II as 7S a at la beet I sUVRV at kit a. auattaj W.. 3 aaw awrw. Waaated U Wy lUal tétate satsr mnuitnu te U yestr ad anaowaW tS 3B caM caafe yeVwal - es s food roñales M rraa., asawa rinan tor rwu; asaartc MfM; FOH pnatriM, queen- MAY, rUtrvaant. ff, tt04a s eMi i.iuaiasa pan rree, uaa pi aWkSsttJUr' WANTEtt 4 or room uoum aALaVt Chihuaktu Hss saw for tna wast Aa awy. 1 swy, stvrtaátMeStlAH t la HUtilaad a. raaaw 3. raaa. rim wis.vv, lor tae want aa as-- tsa ?r 'm&m. w im par ishu to m rtoreni. ai N aña ruMsa tMtJtMtirtgr" chiaa sa, m TWO ateeant alaowiataaa aad seda tail 1 trtñay tWufaUM rouw. Vt rf, you want al tfaa. aasal taw OUKEN HAY. cialrvsyani, FOSt AJLK Cheap, s psti- - If is raecii all Rasa it, ss nr saw or waaa rur stanaa asaaiar saa Watte Waadntta IF mi waul U iach aH la tuaal aato'r 1 ttsaa naa Ttaaa wasat an. a. .saes, a sawisas esa. vea asa vaw av nan naa Ttaaa waat asa. EL PASO MORNTNG mm B, Alderate . aiaMav aHd, to Nlgtaei ac-- naadea, J to a. u RsV : THE GRAIN MARKET mayor, ed, mV33R P. HOMMra 1 F2. SE31VI!aPrEj V O PHONE IN 10 rraawa kmc, atm. sku it, nw fe la tkvaa aaé Uta. dbM. M A. úuarra. Marea IHaliai 1 u tv. 4M.jafier tHwa, Phon Phone la aaMflWlUÉMa W liBaVAl! rractirai if A AD aST T, 531 YOUR NOW ay ge, 531 ira. 1. COAL C ée3i (n uurra.11 g AtajrMt ti, law I fAMMtaatt t (he town of Ml ánHitJ WSS FOR THE SUNDAY 8. or Diet, conveyance ti Chicago, Not. IttHaiAirOt Dft, (a Sttceeeeer SettUiweeterR Fuel Ce. saw aata prier nor. 10, in, or wmcn ernorl burtnr teadd todav waskan te rotweyaac aa writtaa evidence can now Wheat. TM market doted heavy It HH be found, nor it the terne recorded, except net dtcline. 00 rn finished HVHc down, that areof of tM existence or tuch convey uaia a anatro on 10 w) up ana provisions MORNING TIMES tac wHl M Bsad by recitals In other ranriftt; rroffi a Htatck of lo to 1 rite or tattraraaata, and by proof of raett HitTletent to warraat tbe prtinmplion or t It'wa ewmi Mmi. notwlthitind. ded, tuch act being, Hta or the property In- - tM lisraMM M4a for wheat continued FHOflE 5080 ay tata DI, or uiea. mmnim, uuraoi nuiairaiaa noiasra ttaero were not anxioua to ewMriMit aad gwveral racognittoa of. hit tall tsatn 1 largar ilota: Had been trcumlt-ista- OanJkiriLg tXH') tille, grant, deed or to CMc are. Country orreringa were By IMail (D4', of eiMr JTJST AS KAS1" TO A SAVINGS ACCOUNT WITH TJS AS eerft) and legal aeauisjnea tr(Ha th small, beta Ml u winter tad spring wheat OPES (nhaMMtg Mm town if Y Met to rem- - cimas, aad ta ertotary rtceipti durtnc T1IOCGH 1OU LIVKD NEXT DOOR. bom raj, r rat, prior 10 .rawwary u, E flv dayt lata w were ahown to We pay 4 ee&t Intereat, compounded twloa every year. Wi do f éaa.Tyaac iva buievali ror th pr Real (rr, wrTma. tv4ee well bean ímbm leu thin Btata of EUW Cky Preyrty R J Estola Cky lrarty ta Pat, or PM,.Mt Ba seat tan Hanoi cormaoadiar days last waek, although bualneM under tha depoattori' guaranty law of tha Te, aad fe fewadi tmi ttt4at4(ft tsrtMi, II In IM larrvr man a yr aw. veaiera were aiso ara a Ouaraaty KMnd Bank, he provided by auoh taw. ctte of 8. tHee, or Dies, plslatirra cauttoua by tft first Kteur from th being convenient, la Mfe, profltabl aad roft SAUL . I lots aad frame house) MeeJy feneed Argentina Airea belnr Our plan, ia addition to UPPER VALLEY BAROAmS. tad pird to prora, aad will prove, ftcti troc hMM renori the preiumptloa of suen grant or ed as having 4 LIVKpoOl to under- - liberal. Nobody hea lo á dollar tn a Btata Dank In Tazas. M A I 6fftfd fr teres: geed henMr (c4 teeemefll propoaltíeni aBMt wtteri phone paved aldewatti and only deed, in that laid rat, or Pat, mor than mtt uanaua. WRITE TODAV FOH OUR FREE BOOKLET, "DANKINO Bat MAII notly In Mrtaf orchard end tarma. blotk from tha Inlarurhui ai Vl Wnli forty yeara prior to the filing hereof, u- - Trouble la ratlin aaaaa tonnarn r rwee roam row aad trrlgiHoa Will irada for close-i- pro pat or sail, if or a OR SIMPIil MAII. TOUR DRPOSIT. w icDool na A conarei ee eMi. tf claim to portion of tbe tract. mained at burdan efl tM atport trade tn diicnt twit poatorriee; Krted above described and conveyed tho wnoat tnd formed toe of or on balance on time. Ttvti ta west of Cotteei I om of sources CO., t mmi railroad etitioé. to rty can take cara or that, aame, and that such assertion of owner-ehl- sentiment, on too, EL PASO BANK fc TRUST El Psbo, Texas warn of owner recent (Ml Ave. D- ortritn tM wnoie, Id death - HOLkMAK and rltht of aald Pat. or Pat. to con Vices reaardlnr htrvaat aaaaMtlona in Ar. 4c will m tecrificod for tits an ta aerea valley lead. Witt iratf Phone 4718. tee Lees ere, than it year, for n St vey the same hat, during all Hid more than entina eomed to fea agttavst tM bulls. Tht much Im ecu Un denco or tenement pro peal uon and pay dif- years, peen runy ad- Ispatchea Bit acre . or a bargain, ror rorty raoorniana ana Í from South Amerlci. liowtver, , it ctnutiltoi alee ted ference ia eteft. for sale trade, ti real by othtrt, and vrar qulf conflicting so MTU i gTW. tO fetttMM at wbelt to .anyttnnr or value, here or at other parta mitted defendtnte and ill and railed from part of country, some tha plaintiffs will offer testimony tending to naving a oecisivt airect oa tM marxet. IM aere ltd l Out season i adjoining .A tood corner ta south of tewai tha of ÍM ba4 land ta ror many to the met, ro better, bead at an M.teo. This racea on two streets ta vsiiey. u. w., ear Tunea show thst ytar prior dates it t tad Aaaress k. when conveyances ware made by them the Influenced by tdapied to the rapid aera. Thle M tar tito H mod propoalttea. Terms. - winhir you hurry. tu tu IF you want to reach all lha paopla all the aald Diet, or Diss, tnd Pts, or Pit, were handling- of th new crop aad by the con- CHIHUAHUA EXCHANGE A ftae dwaUter oa If, orersa SLt Mot luiio.usa iimra waoi aaa in the continuous peaceable and adverse tinued alacknest of ditnind from, tho euL 17 Tea wertrr u about to re mil 87 of ptfeel land by. Commlasloa Meaacbatil. U" aerea t to tarma. possession the or them, Most or tht buying cima from thorn. otoie Caauilitot coed haua. Bid aMWi respectively, conveyed, and which pírcela outbuilding, etc.; all under a blah 5 lota Meat Klvart rtae out were suituned by an active ahlpplng Wa Day htgheat price on federal bad money. tad Meo. for fretk are a part of the tract above described, call, Country offerings proved meager. oontlltuttonallat att or. cultivation i eaa m bad tor apartment or residence. FORT HUACIIUCA, V- enjoyed same, City Bank Room rhone 2413. few dart for only H an acre, Aril., Nov. H, Itta- and uted, cultivated and the Hither prfeu. for nogt give steadiness National Balkan, 26. tieaiea proposal, in ripnaie, win ne claiming to be tbe owhori thereof. Plain-nr- r to provisions. II or with euy term. . bouse in orchard Parki lljeoi a or wu ttld oaa the to acres 14 up Velleyi HeO down, baiaace toenihly, received here until t P. m. Dec tt, ton, rurthar tsvs that nart hta chain ttrrer ntrktra lad tha biivlaur' or January milei the all and then opened, for ftlfnltMar all mate- or title la a deed, grant or conveyance from alee and level and 'plantad i ,.racet In Highland iru ana nay per. nothing In brick Parkj fettui rials and labor and conslrueitor complete ma lnnanuenia or, ine town or reieie-o- r war as pared roid; any better 5 eight-sa- in- (.losinr pricea roirowai the váiteyi fat lloo down, balance mouthly. double eaptalna' nuariari, I t from the corporation Into which ttld ear. May, upper two. acret 10 duly Incorporated to one ll.tiUi fl.JlH. reopening or the llidlnr cotton exehinrei per cent down aid balase to Dine Dacneior orneara' qusrwrs, a. Barracas, habitants were Corn December, MMci Mty, 71c. reports Of the rormlng i corner lota la. oraad Vlewi S0 bilí lavatorlea, 7 stables, I bay taed and remod Maria Reyes Hernandet. that tuch convey- tnd th tucctufai annual payment. casta, balance oa time. nata Da cambar. sóUr Mav. mVe. or tho cotton pool biro made ror a mora Ho to .any eitnr buildings U, tt, ti ana to. For in ance hat bean loll and cannot be round. Janaury. May, lio.tau though WE HAVE FOR SALE trouble thaw of the M l.7iWi favorable southern aenttment, freer bove. formation address Const, Q. but that for many yeara prior to her flO.iMi Mar, II0.3SH. accompanied by 16 Fire Insurance. notary Work. Querrk ah waa in eottnn haa been Shares Rio Orande Valley Bank LA UNION FARMS CO... ta Anillarlo ari, ilOflMi Nay, iio.Sk easing or opening t. M. SMITH 4 BUNS, UID3 FOR PLUMB1NS FOR THE the exctutlvei continuous, peaceable- and quotations from the. aim iruai bo. With Hawktn Broa. Morgan Bldgi Phone 441. (eo Texas. prices, war orders nave continuea ia enmo 1 shares First National Bank. advene possession or t part or the trtct or volume give employment olds wilt be received tl IM office of the lind tuovt described, asserting, ownership out in rood and Id shares Phelps, Dodge k Co, county auditor, until four (43 o'clock p. m, cultivating, using and enjoyinr of larger numbers of employe! in varioua 10 abares Two Republics Lire In- Nov. is. (sit. for the nilaflisr of en fit IS) thereto, FINANCIAL SITUATION linei to meat r requircnienia. imi- surance Co. tha tame tt haf own tnd to th etcluston some or REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE, BONOS, toilets, or the prison type, m the county or and tar Oniin and resumntton tteet Wo will be glad to quote ex- Jail. Specifications m4y Obtained ill others, ted .that .her rirht title mills given employ mini tor tremely FOR RENT, tM SAN ANTONIO ST., m tt the thereto was. ine.ngm na míe or hive ltcklnr low pricea on Two b offico of the undersigned, jfl in courthouse si vu some timo past. ct Life stock, in large or i4 room and bath, not furniture for bunralow. new, baaemaat, at El Paso, Texas. ROY, BARPUM, asía Dies, or uiaa. ana rat. or ras. ten Prices of BStutiiler Show Imnrovemtnt ma small furnace, hardwood, tt, front, paved a eraiiy known tnd reeornlsad in the com s Disippoiatmeoi uver mi wna ui uuitvu qutntltlet. ana at feu. n ueuniy Auauor. miinftv. tad Tnirt warn tea. enmnarart wlin 110 last vein hi street! 1400 cash, balance suit, or wlU ac- and aaneelallv amone th lnhabl Failure ta Qpaa Eichannt. year. CURTISS-MANNIN- or town Canada, to. compared with last CO., FOR BALE- - cept iota pari pay. tarns the of Yslitli .thttf heirs, "Bank aggregate itJjtslS.OOO, Stock A Beautiful 1 and tssigns. and by (ho corpora- clearings and Bond Dealers, nice roonino house H.600 bunralow, Legal Ns4tV). tuccestort g 1&V7 year. nv into tnhtbftenli Were in- - fiii tA jtaieelelid , riecresi or per cent from lilt First National Bank tiftnUR well uirTPn uiuti cir iiae, uarawooa uoorai aeoo caan, tion which ttld Prvsi "'Wheitiexportt from the United Stiles building. rnant nnlt a. Tikea only 11 to handle 1L balance suit. rornnratfd. Plaintlffa allera that laid SI New York, Nov. or. iecurlttei Phone 370. El Paao. Texas. fitTATIriN Pas, a no uanana were svijin puanaia, agamai I traoa ,ror amaiitr piace, 1350 bunralow, new. bloeka mon Diet, or Ditti rompow Pas. or In the tevertl privi a tnd unofficial This fa enr SSOth or will The Stat An Reyea wart inhabi- o,t,ow a rear ago." rnaaantla cir line, largo bouse, cobblestone! taw of Teaa-- To tM Bfeerlff 'or and, Mint Hernandet now in operation recovered slightly aavcruirmcni IB tail space. ItEfilEMBER run, teo ner month. Constable of El Paso County, oreetinri You tants or tbe town or YslolS. to whom ttld rrom recessions recoraea yesioraay, I or tne. 'METAL HAP.KETS. that ra era the only árenla lelltnir Irfl gsjTt room modern home, t block ear are hereby commanded, to summon the to tha tnhtbltanti of the town trauma, was .wn a wiui niuuui- - tbe or ?rtnt as cniTTari rated vtlly land who WARRANT the toll une, comer loiat ens casn, oatanc ami. unknown ihhabttahtt of town Yslettt wat originally made, and 'such, ate acalo. The financial district .continued New York MetaL and title aa repreaented. The reaaon why ae,ooo 0. acres, well Improved and ail in the, unknown hairs, atslrns and tuceeuort . wtri enfliled to t. distribuí vi to inow Hi dliaopolnlment at .the rallitre I we can afford to give ibeae ruaranteea n cultivation, black land country.' trade for in Interest of said unknown inHabiuaU of shir and mttreit. at wart tne other in of iha plan to reopen th ttock exchange Bv tie AiilCKifrd Pree a became we have bad SO year' experience ca rasu vraporiy. the town of Ytiettl toa unknown hair of hihiiania. in tha aaltT arrant. And lhat car r in nonas, tne circum- - New York. Nov. so. Lead study tt 43.80 which aeaiinaa dui 4 living and rarmtng in me vauey. , 8,wo-4--fUi bulldlnr: apleadld location punon uies, or utas, Deceased, me un tain lanria and nárrala of lihd are stances lilandint th suaaen 01 In London ttt 7i M. RAILROAD TIME.TABLES known, tad or or reversal Spelttr autet at in London. ua Anreica, uai., iraaa ror si t'aao prop heir or Wllllaai Evabt, daeeaaed a part IM. trtct land above, described oollcv were recomí at Inevitable. .I55SI rime Table No. H, Bffecllrs u SI a. at. A. C, BAÍLBV LAMO CO.. ertv. iy making publication or this elittlon once by mates and botindi and tncludid within tllmalaa rainántlna Iba amnimt nf Mr as is. May , ror, bQundtfUi U14. IM Per Acre no acret So corroí small in each week algbt successive weeks said were selected; approprl; d American wcurltti twtiting (Mountain previous to diy 10 atea, turveyta ror ana sei New York Sliver. Time Only.) . CITY LOTS the return hereof, teaH titoiied. spsri 11 in inn miraei ai ib nrsi opponunuy Ion Monterey bay. California. ttO and. up . Perl Acre M aerea I aland best, buy newspaper published in your county, to an to Ibtm. resnectivtiy. aa beinr isndt to differed widely, wu irideni that this fly I Ae Associated Presi r B. P. B. tv. Si ateos. terms, powen Smith, Arenta, m Mill In Ban Etliario; small cub payment, bal. pear at thi next regular term of tha Thirty which they ware severally tad respective- queitlon eoniUtuted th ehlifi mente to New York. Nov. ,w. Mercantile paper. From North and ait Arrtvt. llri. i fourth district, court of El Paao county, to ly entitled to, in tevertilty, or the landa tha rlnmasltfl situation. IH05H.P" cent. 'I Callfornlan 0;J8a,m. lt(0 Per Acre 0 aerea t mile Yeleta, paved be bolden. it the eourihouM thereof, in tbe or aald grantt that the ssld piretlt are a nv of Iha In the uar auver, tto ' a uotden state Limited iiasp.m. REAL ESTATE, 4 reaann artltaf aettvltr ' CUT BATE roadi 1(00 csth, 1, i, a,-- year. city of pi Ptso, Tcxae, on the first tract or about H acres, described tn a deed money forthcoming change Frum the Weal km Neu Bank Bldg,, A, M. market and the ttt. Ftrat in January, lots, (he same being the from Milton Jone a to Mary Dowell. in the clearing home statement neceitliated Laull ItataL Copper city gpvcia! 7:5a.m. Irokera for Property ThetfMutt Be Sold NEWMAN UNVESTTMENT CO. dated Dccembee 1, tset, and recorded tn by more On thi iaaoefotcd Presa a Golden Stale Limited 3:30 p.m. a lñ or lha new banking laws thin usual atrong uuiexiy at ota noes rjicca imo answer petition filed asid court on the th deed record El Paso county, Texas Interest attaches to the Showing of local St Loula. Nov. at I3JO0 For North tnd Eut Depart. t Ltn No Dead Ones. cm aay or November, tvti, in a auii num- in volume "u." at Dare in: a iraci 0 financial institutions tomorrow, tt it MHi , 4 Ootden atata Limited : p,m, (barre house (atore In rear) On bered on the docket or aald court No. tl MO. about (H acres, described in a deed from to auuma that a lurplus opener airona; ai I Calltorlilau M lotio dmx. km nr tha neat romera north aide, Wllklnr ta.tna. where in Buenos 4t Schuster, a partnership Pomposo Ptt to Miry M. Dowell, dated linter in Weat ii.nni-K- Brand new eg win be diicioied a result of tha reduc- ! titttrtñ Mino 1 vein aroi IflJM pebble dub bunralow, by nrin composea or n. u. uucnox ana uernara Februiry tl, 1873, recorded In ttld dead it to Kl Paao MetaL 1 Ooloea Utate Limited ...... muí a tion in reterve requirement! from II SO. take it) terow. One of the best bungilowt terms 10 auii. Schuster, ara nlalntirra and Bentrno Alda. records in volume "E." at page llo.and per cent. There were Indications ilso of .Mexican currency. 7 Uippvr City special 7tat pja. on Montana St., all built-i- features, a ttJM. rete and the unknown parties above named, tract or aooui tv, aerea, aescrioea in t Mexican pesos (El Paso buying price).. 40, BL small gain ana a runner loin con' Rail aauth.front lotai 18.860. terras. adobe, t corner lots, on Vralni ana wuom yuu are commannea 10 summon, teait from Marta Hevea Hernandex to Anal citn Villa currency, lit Carranxa currency. Rt Oraada A El Paao read. ae,- fBW1 are and I8M, (Santa Fa Syateca.) tenement, aoutn rent wt terms, CUII, UUUH VSIK! defendants, mil ncililna atlarlnr. laclo Ouerrt. dtted September t, and Detailed reports Issued by mor 19; Chihuahua currency,, tiH. niilh.fronl ioti. block 68. E. El Paso! (n brief atatement or plaintlffa' ac- - in in volume 11, the From th Norin two canto of recorded records prominent banks or the elearinr house In- - Arm. too,: fiv level lota, atijom Nenbittan.1 teto new buacaW, hestmr plant. A uon, aa, rouowat riaintirr sue to remoro tt pig tag. Pliuuifft allege that th. aald - El Paao Smeller Quotation. lot Mexico Kxpreia 10.uo a.m. oeauiy; fwju caan,. aw per raonm. dtetted mitmeteisinr iüm' of "money Paao pusengtr oaiance Cloud ffom their title to a tract of land lanaa were aeienea, surveyea iwv wore deposited here, ptrtlcutirly ror jXorractad Dally.) Ill tl It. P. I 11(0 eaab. monthly) In and taMen bv said belnr I For tbe Nort- h- Depart, per St.. balance attuated El raso county and being a part bv noaieaalon of Engitth and French commercial interest!, onlv ÉiAoo. Fire. room and on 4 frame, t blocks Alta Vista school or k grant of land made in the year 1731 by bles, or Olast Pas, or ras, and Maria Reyea Bar uvir" (líandy It Harmon quotation), via kantta cuv and Cbleaaro Pasa.. :to a.m. I ton. south aide, rent M4.MI M.A60. terma. 1100 cash, fst per month. Including Interest. the Spanish government to the Inhabitants Hernandet, and were to claimed by them, with a sprinkling of German and Rutilan 8to Chicago Fut Mall ...... smopun. 1300 acres cloi to Lti Cruces; teo aere. lj. HJtxn. or ino town or ana reipecttvcly, th knowledge, content accounts. These deposits, tt wu ttld, 'London ed, Tsteia, aunsequentty in with conittntly upon to lead, its 7a A Bin room house ror resi. woman ai, 7 rooms frame, I total ttoo down, fifi per the year tset confirmed to aald inhsbltante ana acquiescence or ine oiner lanunianis were belnr drawn meet Copper wire Cairerton, Harrlsburg Antesta' By. or paymrnia ror war maieriaia, general mer ban, tlJ. ror rent, itirniano fan. momu. cw by an act of the lffUliluro or the state or and th grant, and were toouiucru rauiic oamauj Id r approved February, tgst, and claimed bv them resDectlvelv at their own chandlse and foodstuffs. LIVESTOCK MARKETS. From the tail Arrlvi. it aerea miles or valley; Mjeo. Better by Oeneril bank return! also showed that HunieiLipreie tt Í'exu, In a patent Issued ssid atato on tnd by them possessed, used, cultivated lirgo amounts or emergency cur- BARGAIN BUILDING SITES hurry. day or May, 1873, by E. i. Dgvis, tna enjoyea ana ay mom raspacumy cvu further Fort Worth Livestock. it hun.ct1 Lunlted t.tlpju. 400. acres lower valley, fina land. rency and loan certificates were being iv .in ma Waal ,37HxtM, Porfirio 11, wo, feoo Will governor, and recorded in tha deed records veyed to their grantees with lull knowl flyTlinsflprttCorreoiiIen. diu st take hair trade. Anythtnr worth tbe money, or El Paso uw- - reurea. Re 10 Sunset Limited .4 , 8.30 a.m. 10 county, Texas, in volume I, at cura ui ail uiuvr pijsvi.. Vnri Worth. Tetaa. Nov. to. Cattle g tub. caiance tuiu any location. me who might iiauu,or could have or claim 800 ciitiurnlsn .1 toisop.m. 60 yKo ist, aaia tract .una parecí or iano. rendtnts, ralpti, 3.800, including calves. Steers, acres miles upper valley, oa paved or 111a For me DeDtrL smxlto, Prospeet Ave.j 11,(00, too cub, it Dart aald rrant. belnr ileacrlhed In the any rigni Dr interest tnerein; inai WOOL MARKET. .3S7.U itocker iteeri. giSO.M; cowi, tasi roa, ior quick biuü, t per acrs, original petition filed herein on the lh day or slid Dies, or Dlisi Pit, or Pax. and bulla; 103 sunsut Limited .... 8:a.m. ukiance to auii. claim fl.Si63.tot betren, i.J suoo 10 Expresa ....11:00 pan. REALTY CO., di fioTcmocr, isit, aa rouowai oerinning Hernandet to said isnds tnd the right to Boslen Wool Review. isi caires. is.M'fí; itocker cowt snd euiiatt Phone 1549. Morgan Bldg. at a stun set in the esst of thi if, hold, use tnd dlsnosa of. tbe time wu By th Á$ieHtltit Press for the Weil Two deatrable bulldlnr sites on Arisen a line 0. it 1 Calilornlan ...... 8:8840. t s. A liy. or way at point all itttnea fnllv raeormlted and never at Boston. Nov, so. The Commercial Bull u. Top, l7.Wt bulk, St., oso in. ai eacnr paTinr rifht the 101 Sunset United .... 9:30 pju. any rcmsun where a boundary line or. what la known any time coniesiea or quesuoncai msi tin will atv tomorrow! l0. inawnas paio. ian amnro survey 78 or la or lot In block t according to their said surveys and . parcela land The wool market bis been fairly active Bheep uiceipti, rao.- - A Railway. able terms. survey W. aa week to Tetaa PaeUle HOUSE BARGAINS the and subdivision made by J. were at an itmea recognisea the paat and values continue From the Arrive. BUCHOZ-SCHUSTE- Tays of lands grant to Inliabl-tant- a aurvevaT belonglngto aald Dies, or Dlas; of the moment City' Eait R CO. in the the strengthen, holdert wool it Uanaas Livestock. S Faat Express , t30a.m. brick, within rive minutes walk or tbe town' or Ysleta, interaecta and pas, or pu, and Hemandtt, respectively, being very confident 11 to tbe outlook for ffi, fh AmifirtAtud of producing- - good Ptett Cannon Hall 8:W p.m. the postofflce, revenue crosses aald right of wsy line, tbene N. and that each and all or the defendants aro tne immediate kansss City. Nov. SO. Hogs Receipts, t " Depart. Sole Agents or easy 37 to For tbe Kist oa prico rvwJl ierras. degrees .to W. tlty varaa to a ataka tat now, and long have been, estopped bastsi ,000. Market higher. Bulk, gT.W07.7O; a Cannon hall In said right of way line; It. S3 de- any right or Interest in the Fino 11 riiTSSe: 7:a.m. thence í claim or assert Texss months. fine heavy, g7.UQi7.oo. 4 Faat Lxpreu iM p.m. First Floor Sheldon Hotel house, close In on Arlsona St.. grees so' E. 183 vsras; thence N. varas: said trtct of iind tbov described, or any months. (308IC1 fine rail. 43047c cattle necalota. 2X00. Market atrong. ror n oays thence N. (9 degrees V. 124 says It was RAtlllAIN HAY AIIA1N. lacinr aouia. iTice icw fo.wu; varaa; thence part thereof. Plalntirr that california northern. wifMci southern. raa near, siotttio.aui awcra Railways or Meale. easy N. 44 degrees li. 177.4 vara J) N. 7 and 480SOC. trim ait Natlaaal new aleepinj porch, leiina. - thence commonly generally M. mlvai uiilin.Ul. Hni Leave Arrive bunralow. oegreea ao- 110 87 town Ysleta and or aald 1 on Your BUCHOZ-SCHUSTE- t. varas menee n. ae habitants of the of ureron Esstern no. stspie, csitetc: Sheep Receipts. s,ooo. Market atcady. 8i0Sp.m. south front; Montana sl for R CO. rrces 30' E. 143.9 s. 70 d parcels or land had been Juarea.i.... tiJ0a.m. Jusres. t,(5u cash, balance 15 month. varssi thence grant that aald eastern clothing, (7üMc valley No. t, 17 .ww; yeariints, eu.euwi.iw. lx Ion Clisa, areas E. 80 varu: thence N. ss decrees so wi(i aiirveved ror. anoronrlated. taken new bunralow south varaa to corner; aegregated the fronts lioo cash, balance ten month Sole Agents, First Floor t. its tnencé 8. It degreea possession or and from other Cblraao Ltvestoek. lncludlnr lntersL E. 03 varaa to the KW, corner of a. tract of tanda or tna gram uy ana ior saia uiaa, ur toe&sc! fine clothing, S7wci fine medium By tht Auoclateit I'rft (.room frame, s lota, Alta Vista 7M, 00 Hotel bheldon. una wntcn is ine iraci rirst aeacrtned in Dlas I'aa. or rax, ana iiemanaei, anu in clothttfg, 65C57CI combing, oot Chlcaeo. Nov. ogs Receipt!. MJOOO. . a deed from John T. Lonr lo Mrs. Frances tbe common and usual way. In accordance 43e; s blood combing, SIOMe. to abova yesterday's aver. caan I AM LEAVINO THE CITY. Loor, AdNI !7. Market itrong. , See CREEL, with dated ISM. and recorded in with a custom men recogniieu oy ine extra, raifwci aa. b7E0Oci fine re. nun,; nuavy, m.vvi-- To realise some ready cash I offer at aae me area recoras or county, Texas, or the grtnt, and that the aame Phone Austin k Varrson. my home, ti i'sso a, esvare a supers., aovue gl, rtrica modern with In volu it, at page Stli thence f). C7 de- was fully, with full knowledge, acquiesced IJXXI. Mltket Steady. kitchen, breakfast room and sleeDlna- oorch. 80' Caitlellecclota. grees E. on the northern boundary of In by tbe other Inhabitant! and Bridalreel'a Report. rteevri, tt.7SVi0.Ui steers, calves, 1 Aniuui 01, ,101 a reruiauoa Dunra said tract to Rio Viejo thence down aald or tne gram, low, but a real borne, large, com' Viejo 47 E. 174 namea Du tht Aimtitltd Prtu ta.M4tll.W. Spanish - English FOR RENT. with Rio S. degreea varaa to 8E. Finally plalntirr, alleging that the pts, t.000. Market itrong. . rortabie room., built by a contractor ror or aald conveyed Néw York. Nov. 90. Brads tree t'a to mor New bunralow, near' Coun- corner tract ta aforesaid or tne innauiiania 01 ine rrun, mat iu row aayi Sheep, IJ.WC4.J3! lsntbi, Ie.75tr9.70. a home, and be personally Inspected every by John T. Long to Frances Long; thence tbe original inhabitants to whom ssld wilt Bookkeeping - Stenography try club. piece of material in It. Must be seen to be tty, or predominate continuing down ine western can or said rrant waa made, and tho names their Favorable features this COTTON MARKETS, Masagw approciaiea. unrurnisneo, oniy ,7W com-- : no viejo a. 30 aeyreea w E. varaa tu anrreaaora and aastrns. exeen! Uenlrno were, ana in many directions perrormancea R. F. DAVIS, For. Bale New roosi bunraiowi pletelr throughout, only M.&eo, hira. furnished oner or inai 01 una leronaiv aa. are unknown, that tM names at have followed the promise of earlier weeks. 1484-146-5. Blah ,7M. can give Immediate irici Alderete, money, New York Cotton. Phones Trust THE SUTTON REALTY CO.. possession. Ressonsble scribed In the aforesaid deed from John T. tho helra and their place of residence, br A further loosening tip of with . 10 parensaer. i Itooaa Rio Bank Bldi-- terms responsinie c. c Lonr to rranrea i.ona-- inence h. 74 de. Simon Dies, or Dlas, deceaaed, and or Wm. easier rates, is aiirmuiea 10 ine rvinr inio "VJ tJ3"'JiJ'ri!?..., Jto, orande Res. phono M7I; office pboae 66. greea W. varas to ror new btnk system. The Phone tm. C W.4 corner of aald Evans, deceased, are unknown, priyt effect of the federil mlddllnr uplands,' 7.C0c. No ules. second described tract; thence S. 10 de- citation to all or tbe defendants above ANtHEHSe.N REALTY CO., grees IS' E. 1911 varaa to another corner aa preicrlbed by that the Herald Bldr. Phone Met. named, statute! Callan Lean Committee. -- or aame tract and continuing same course title or plaintiffs is clouded by reason of UAKGAIN8 OUR SPECUL1 Y. 49.t varaa to corner; tnene a, 33 ctagreea DU IhtAuoclattdrrtii Dr. Che Hok FOR BALE. - lick or (lUiy recoraca uorai or arama irum York. Nov. so. Tha loan Committee 11,100. a- w. san virai in an imertaeiion wnn a or the town of Ysleta to Nw tho Inhabitant - selected by th federal reserve board, with cMLNKaa Two lots near Second Ward park, Taya Real Estate Farms stud Rancha boundary line or survey or lot 71 In block I .M niai. Pas. or Pal. and Her- or to ' of aald J. W. Taya Survey and subdivision feipectlvely, end from Dies, or tha aid of the secretary the ti?SAury, rutUA.M St. Attractive terms: supervisa tha distribution or tbe ItUMOJMO ui gram . e uo Bsndes. Evans tM plead - uiq jaieia isnaai incace Win. that facts oy mo cuuu-r- v tree w. 14 varas to a corner of aaldf sur raise the presumption or tbe existence or ?ooi rorinea lesuina- uinta ui 'asii'Bal uraa lutaumalliaa, Mm vey 71 thence N. tt degrees W. varas trsnts; defendants to alleviate the cotton situation In tbe l'!alV llood Polaon aa modern brick tenement, rentlnr 10 tuch deeds or thit the met today to organise. per month, on S corner lots. Fourth VALLlíY land to another corner or said survey 71 thence aro each and all asserting or pretending to south hero sLaRgvIa-e- ill lolarnal aad for m . FOR THE FÚLLOW1NO! N, 77 and L Vr degreea W. on the northern or NE. assert soma claim to aald tract or land Termj 7titto feet! on a corner; chotea boundary line or ssld survey 75 and of sur- - rfV.rriháfi bv field Dotal or to some special Uluiiii.Irealisvtail now SIS women mm-- 101 San Francisco St. rhone 4M. awlteh property; rented for veya rtua ;i ana 77 ana aioreineniionea uápart thereof, and the aame li a cloud upon tar it per monto, price ta les than ad- - plalntlfra title. Vberefore tbey ask rala Faaa. Joining Inside tola. vey) to a point in ssld line V varaa snort Judgment decreeing them to have full 4ttle in. room Mailrui taMnanlt tail,! or reaching corner or aald aurvey excluding- - all oWtfEH. the NV. and right or possession FOR SALE BY for t yeara.. We have n&& entity No. 78; thence a. 39 degreea r W. Mt.g claims,, and ror general and ipacial reller. (room modern borae, well located to tradei balance runa in t annual varaa to the place or beginning, contain- - Tbey allege that tbey ara not aware of bow la ooMen Htllt terms. Would payments. Located on Campbell Mf osa acras, inure vr icis, ui iwu. ataf defendants claim or whit ti their lota ta fcaat Kl. Paao ta part block from Pier son gate. Plaintiffs atiere that they are the owners except the bare raet or want L. ., care LA UNIONFARMS CO., claim or lltle fayment- - Address A. aad in possession or ssld tract of land. of the duly recorded deeda aforesaid. Hawklne Uroa. ti- With claiming to bold under rerular chain or Herein I all not. but have you berpro said tle from and under the aoverelrnty or tbe court, at Its tforessld next reguisr Jsnusry, soil down to themselves. They also plead tvii. term iius wrii, .ui,. EAST kL PAjO FUEL & GRAIN G9. Ihe statutes or limitation, or three, five I hereon ehowtng bow you bar executed THIS CLOSE-I- COTTAOC HOME aad tea yeara, of tbe atate or Texas t claim, Feed and Flour. Exclualv ,u ... mA a. 4kAA Mil tit rnrutmn Kul, lor that lhy and their predecessors in 'tmeaat A. StclJld. clark of tM dj. For Absoluta Success agent Moaoa Deat, Paao del Norte roodernT(ontana Valley claim-ma- t, Mont strictly St. for or stock rancwm Mile under whom they claim bave, r trtet court of El Paso county. Inafependent Assay Offlee lwo full lots; rtne trees and ee us. We have the bargala. aald land under title or color or tit la In Chickcnt Feed tl nnautMia lea. high grado flour. Onco tried, ahmbberys built-i- Nature 11 rt very best ANYTMINQ TO TRADE! ay regular chata or transfers from and eouTLit office intthelty of Ral4ati V s. W. JUcuT, BJl.. rroprWaoe, used. Deliveries all part of of construction. t tftr boaae of IIV le We caá matea at sovereignly of In soli, claiming kl paso. Texss, ihja lb 4lh city. Carload lot a apeclalty. mi w CO (S4) "PERFECTION" HEN JmliiU. MM aWa Iff tha atatai ruaraniaaa awtw ina uadar eked or deed duly registered and day of November, MmM . Phono 1S36. f.ui.un. Will &Afrlrtr MMát Mil. All. By J, a Taaaty. paylay taxea and occupying, cultivating-- , iflL ftB 4 tp4rt4 I Morgaa sUdg. Pttoaa AND CHICK FOOD aaaafarig. dress 0wner, car Times. IM. utter aad enjoyingr tbe tawe, bad and bel ark District Court of El Paso Cotaaty. eaaa. actual, continuous, paaceabl and adverae ay e. at. wu.Tits. uepm. will pre due mere Ear ra, 4Mta 4 Ukmaatrn I posaeaalon or It haalthlar CM aaraaaa Mckinley ave. hume- -a patéate! boim. sale: lead ror tad during tbe chick, tbaa aay food oa r. laa Fraactaa A a IF you are looktaa; ror a permanent borne resDecllve times and reara nceaiurv iin. tv avk pass. TtxaA. I weud flaleh throurhouLTt ft. cerner", pave- - la Ike aouthwe ae us. M from lit to der aald raapecMr .ttatuvea of limitation 10 toarkt Custem Aseey Olflee mnt asd wait:, baitaaeaH MM furnaca, tar Hi acre we oaa aH you vary ebolee ive lawa IUM nut a preeludlng all aervant' bouse. Yery wr decaedPr land, which cao be irrigated cbesp- - eittatajits. t'HlnUffs Ml up a claim of title TRY CKrrCMKIT B'lkKCLHO.', at, owner, leavtaar tn.cltyi wattle to aallj ly. ttellnauUhsaenta ajM un. A few srav aa loftowai Aa orlfNtat great rroaa the LINES Cbamtata, MeUllurgsatak 25I--o it AUTO STAGE or Batata jjiVaftaa 10 ault purchaaar. ernsMRt clstms atlll oaa for fllinf . Kail- - klaar lo tha tkkaiiltaaia at ika un Fer By All Croc t.apraaaataUvae tor Urn Shlppaa. WKWMAW INVaiOTMCWT CO. a awr. ta or issMa ta ta yaw act of TO PMU4CMX m eerr aaataria.ataaaer it. legiaiaturXiea mil OUItlk Bit ataja rrucAMM BC, tx tM at of Tg, afiproved J MUE US run KiyxT cr raaati aaar Soaerre, FeVuary I, Mi MMOraV) U 04 ta Aisla. car otobr M PruMv TViaa. y m W. D. Wise Seed Co. a, HT iMraatlva laws fJ aHatM Tasa, tiavta sawaa aaaw. Texaa to taa sakaMwal X tsae Mwa of diuy. Th I houra. aaM raaarritiona teeM Mt So kfart f tea w. Yatett, atetad May M, ml t ijuuiioioii MuieVi-lu- OUa Valley Auto kSoíói.axrwjrrcK i iM tnm w rvaa WhelMttle anti Retell ate inn. CO.. aad acts amanaatary KAiL WHY tat put your Waaa Aata'as tssa hUWkXL.UAIIHIUU UK. tUs Use IbbiU FbmhI Fmukry leartog aota stoawaU DR. A. IURTON water Mat a sarvK l hM rettef Pt4aar avail y tu paso u rutmrn m Miw it tMw Ifyvw ai agaiaatiafM 7V ei4a cH swátwiil VTi77iaaau and auBiMf at I a. as. DENTIST a ra Caaf pewiS inf'tawa Maat1 i!1! "IlrWAarWlry" Flceeha; Hoai. féétomim ire. YCk 54A 0 lur N.igai. Ufcoa fort Mat for ta WmH Ad fviy. eed from MM of was, Evaau. N. CttHnwhaa A savd. aieatou. caettaaTe.aad lhrouB feri Oradwata LautsvUU ColUa Hit. deceased. tH aHati. oa v.ay latariawdiii poiat H yt - - Mr 4m "- - alasnrs C4- m. 11 4viaJ 5290 uuia. laggia aarrtea us to tit Kvvaa miawhd ttit. a UC tJAMAIM-CiKm- ar. aMUaji a ft and fyytTw)A Md, ia. VZU- ZULrrSZi FiW

reexuvr -- fi.wa ihiKt W ati. Mmtm. rmmi aad Of TNK TIMCB. mtm aaa. rl. ta. Tjtí5íMtasa """ '""r' lte. dMd. ta I. L. Ftastatsa. Marea a, S Owara aM iirnara. Baala Alderala. aata.Ta j. a. Oaavta. " oaauaa OitSATiUiT mu to eMyi woetem y INTKstNATIONAl. iBHtluta. lajg Aaloalo! October St. Itati J. a. to 1. L. I'laiWIIaWTaTri dweUMc. MalaWr kUr, 1 tta Upa, daud AawU t, Uttfi a; Alderet. Maky. d4 jIX Pttlltajs, Situ READ THE WANT ADS' kaanria-B- ar tuayar, oaad, to day M, tm read THE WANT ADS i

GEO, W. ARMIJO & CO., Distributors KANSAS AND MAIN STREETS. TELEPHONE 395 Wo 'do not solicit orders or ship ilquora la violation ol Texas laws.

wiivrv-si- x run&o.vs inuicticu. thf government to Intrrrnpt Justlco In run Montoya on a charge of having Induced and redro Tala for Imrglkry. Thct seven will eliminate ten passenger trains running tbo Order or Elhabelh by Emperor Franx nection with the trouble at tbo prairie IN THE COURTS Leonilas l'slucw, a girl, lo men recently were arrsted In Ysleta on between' Washington and Oregon points, tn Joseph to Mrs. Frederick C. I'enflold; wire Federal Grand Jury Upturns Mils Again! Creek mines of the Coal leave liir home lie was lodged In the charges or burglary and were lodged in tbu new schedule going Into 'errect utv Sunr of the American ambassador av. Vienna, was Arkansas Labor Leader. company. fort. First District Court. county Jail to'nwnlt the preliminary bear-In- n county jail. All were unable to give bond. day. It Is estimated this will errect a sav- cabled today to Uie Ausiroillunbariau (IV-II-. or B. , ing rrom S7W.WJ0 to 11.000,000 a year. men aro of sending threat- ITIco. Judge.) before Justice the leace E. here. Mrs. l'cnrield has: been Inde- J)V theAuoclatrti I'rmi The accused John Aillr vs. Frank Konter, suit on con- Favila stated yesterday that be Womea Sulier Terribly Prom Kidney Twenty two trains are now running dally fatigable, in work among tho sick Twenty-si- to A. Youmanx, i, and Tori Smith, Ark., Nov. 20. ening letlen Judgo Frank tract; on Is willing to marry the girl. Trouble, between Sealtlo and Portland. Six will be wounded soldier of the dual taking away trial. monarchy. persons. Including former ofriclal or the who enjoined the union miners City or El I'aso vs. J. C and Annie Thorn- Around on her feet all day no wonder a withdrawn . prisoners from deputy United States ton, ror assessment siid- luillrtrd on Burfltary Charge, woman has backache, headactie, stiff swol- Mino or America, suit foreclosure .of t'nltrd Workers wore In. and participation in ihe riots in July. lien ror 811.16; filed. ' The grand Jury yestcrnay returned In- len Joints, weariness; poor sleep and kidney American Womaa Honored, FINE WIIISKIE3. dieted today by tlin special redera! grand dictments against Isidro colmlnero, Doma- trouble. Foley Kidney I'llls give quick re- Dii the AnoeiateJ these Tbey strengthen the Prttt Netropole Bar, SOI Mills street (Adver- Compound IMMrlrl s.Viurt. rlo Colmlnero, Moreno colmlnero, Andreas lief for trouble. Washington. Nov. announce Jury Investigating allegations made In ron Foley's iloney and Tar for Croup. M. Judge.? ' Olcjutn kidneys lake sway ,tbo aches, pain and tisement.) Croup you. loud trcupy (lan Jackson, Colmlnero, Alfredo Olquln, Mlleton ment or tho sward of the grand, cress of itcc i Ion the In tiro scares The hoarse Jury ,9 Ihls morn- weariness. Make llfo worth living again. with troubles llarirord couth, choking and gasping for breath, ta- excused until o'clock Valley mining district. , ing. ., . They win absolutely drive oul rheumatism, ilored breathing-- call for immediate relief. weak back aching dus to Amoig those Indicted are: I'elcr It. Iloney ond and swollen Joints The very rirsl dose of Foley's Fun-la- l kidney Try Foley Kid- ronner r the croup. II llMrlcl Court, and .bladder trouble. president mina worker Tar Compound will master the (Leigh icisrk. Judge,) ney rills and see how much belter yqu lor district No. VI, comprising Arkanstui, ruts the thick mucus, clears away tho feel, Owl Drug Co J (Advertisement) phlegm opens up eases Jury discharged. New jury lo report at Oklahoma and Texas; Fred v. Holt, former and and 1st air t o'clock Monday .morning. socreUry; Jame blankarrl, constable at passages, Harold Uerg. Mass, Mich., write! Ileal Estelo Transfers. "We give Foley's Iloney and Tar lo our STATE NATIONAL BANK Hartford, and James Me Ñamara, former quick- Justice-Cour- Itobert U Dorbant ti Jloy N. sv(s, fto children for croup and It always acts (James Murphy, KSTABUSIIKD APRIL, 1M1. member or the city council at HartfVrd. ly," Every user Is a frlendi Owl Drug Co. J, Judge MISSING and other considerations. Lot It and 12, wr,n They arq charged with conspiring aralott Jess Williams, "Msaiiit prohibited 23, to. (Advertisement.) re- block Alexander, addition, Nor. AND weapon) rompí alnt filed; defend ml Young, ra75. CAPITAIi, BUKeZXM FROFIT8....M.MMM...$ae,eee.M 1300 Aureola F. Tfdung" toJoseoh leased under bond. Heights addi- Lot 8, block 17,' Alliambrs aBteYMt Savings Account yiuHiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiHHu Jiis'tlre Court. . tion. Nov, tr Paid on (E. D. McCllntock. Judge.) J. D. WUIarni and,wire to Santos MORBIIEAD; Vlee-Pr- e. W. K. Andrews, criminal assault; defend- tm. Lot lO.iblpck "O", MoeUers C. R. JPreddeat JOSEPH MAOOFFIN, ant lodged In the' founty Jail. addition. July IS. & K, UxmSTT, OEORGE D. FLORT. Caafelar, L. Favila, seduction; 'defendant lodged In Orndorfr, II .too. county jay r. linox to R..Burl the JalL Reward Lot II to H. block St. Kern riace addi- X J. QILCIIXIST, Asst. Caselsr. If you want to pay a medium price for your V E. Barnelfa vs. 0.,II. It P. A. ttallroad $500 romoany. damages ror In tion. Nov. 1. suit for nertnnal company to W. Cooley, ia juries, 173 juagmentjfor piainutf for w. ' Lueorne Farm Overcoat, the answer a a A reward of $500.00 will I10.W0. Lots and 3, block SS8, Campbell Automobile. Licenses. be paid to the party giving addition. Nov.' S. Ktt--To A. L. Holn, YV.M. & A., for a Y. Cooley to El Taso Ice éí nefrlrerator Cyclecar, definite information that will Co.. Lota J ami 3. block K!, Camp-ba- mm To Charles Ansnaeh. Ill West Boule lead to the absolute location addition.' Nov. so. vard, for a Maxwell runabout. F, B. Alexaadrvto tuvld Wallace, tm. SM7 to Jitno auio service, u north E, A. Behlow of San or , block Styleplus Campbell street, a louring car of Lot U sad west.balf 75. East for Ford IS. sMB'-T- Jltno Auto Serviré, 15 .North Francisco. El raso aeelHoa. 'Nov. Campbell street, for a Ford touring ear Mr. Behlow left los Ange- Tine Nanteel to Cooley, W.SO0. An mm To Mrs. K. w. Faut. iioa East boule undivided f Interest of tho undi- Groceries ad-vi- "Watson's vard, for a Ford touring car. les OB Oct. 1 Oth vided sixth interest, acquired try Ell W. of a physician aa.a health Dsvt. In Có)ltRfwortlt surveys No. 1 $17 VITAL RECORD. and ic lytne about four and ' seeker aiw waa laet heard Miles from tba coart house, southeasterly, Famous for Come in and let us ahow you.. Birth. fro ra at Bowie, Ariz. It is ftv. 1. ' are Quality" Wyoming street," November 14, a son, feared that he either met with BtilMtaf Permits. The sale of Styleplus Clothes here is confined Untque theater, to iiutke change sad Death. foul play or that he ia suf- year ahewt Cake."1 rtftalrs, hOO. Tkif i the Imm of Ihe ts think "fruit i to this store FRANXLlK-Da-Ttd A. Franklin. SS. No- fering mestaMy. so Ws Kav one of tee fullest and most complete lines vember to. Burjee .November in Concor- HACKI HICKt HACK) Just rtvtd dia ceastiery. DESCRIPTIONS 33 year With raw tickling throat, tight chest, sets at choice latraetscKa tsaaetnalita for a rea OUL tastalonsj Fnttt 'Marrlaee Urense. of age; 5 ft, 8 m.t weight king, you need Foley's Honey and Tar Chske. V NarUnai to Co as pound, and quickly. The rtrst (tosa hair, blue It leave s aoothlng, healing coaHag, 140 lbs., black hle. taclr-lo- Marcan M. Reye,, si It slides down your throat, you real Our saoir wtneows fairly cree oC'eefaty aaa eyes, smooth shaven, very once. B. Bssirt-t- wrHss i ur Vs. at Martlo. eb.. rAm awKalsla A'Cm.oC Him a apfetislajr ftone.aed aali4 for the ssaaotu express my neatly dressed; carried ta "I Md severs .cough and cold aatf M I with, to gratitude and slmvst PMt volog. I got botlle of, On sTtlmitae at ear eeselaye W tlcMa she most. fastMlous palsu. thseka fer sil flowers Wxt were sent to wt case with Gjeek letter Man ay wd Tsr an4 i gUU to jr Itfoficom say also Serf a41 tho kindness and estd aty ceiifb enUresy a& my cll ee sl hid.WT'sillrtin. 1 wish lo thank Phi painted on ene awinril." thTT ,uer is a frisa. 04 CM.aipujfMg Mr. a sod the nurses at This information is wanted tM Co. (AatacHtwtrt.) iprs. and Brown Hotel Bteu. a4e cowh by hie mother, is ill at OLVTAIUN4I TttAtN esXV)fT, Watson's Grocsry mr Mteir kfaadfMM m mr hour or trial. who " H. SYMK3. RedleMse, WS. r her )teae in Cat TMI VssWMeHssjfe TjTt4 f ssS4sjjtfsstsaBsatsBa Mean alel, eMf atea, UM, 1W-I-1I lesee Jstv (AavaHlsaanet ) Telegraph I. N. Davis, VVeassMAAsVsHsl Ml4 9fMM (Vlllla r, H Át4ri4te4 frtu ChMe WMkaaa 6M Away. Chief ol Poliee, El nUastss, waa, Nov. ta Mea ef U Favila sms it mm sexMcr Uto Pav isjur. the Nowstasen, Hisi share pa- Thursday Iareáatf sets)M iwnungo sea Oreeae sae Wiiaeasasa rsaswaéa - mu yT. MMMM- Jill MI " 1 'Elr ''lW íSq

i We Leave It . is ríe Sweet and Innocent? to You.



Who Modeled u; pipa Wommrflh. vk put we sTATIF. MA KinuDtLCU I7C Wl In m Uvul UTVkwn OM LELL. IT WAS WORTH IT A CbODPeAU OF .THE fÜM HS 10 $C PMP WW

,1 K' A4ikfm?mrotes MnHM wK fret efceer. Í BINGVILLE:S.UGLB'(3Sra

' - ' . ; . : : jí i. , i ,tr: J T ' - tmmmSSOMtSOmmammtmmml III Í 'hi - " I i i jitmjbia J " w 'r v .w II mi ii iif i i i .otw ii i Bin i


. f : --i- board and fall to and help .their-se- lf loud as we could but we was maktn so that he aint making mutch' progress. s aiid cat until they blame, neer mutch noise he diddent hear ut for LIgen ever did have mutch of a ear, for THB BIHGVILtH BOGLB biist and Apolly-gize- ! quite a spell. Then he let us up and muslck. are , uncomfortable and We left the offis in disgust tniSerable for rest of the day. , Tfc Pip.r ( (h Cenmtr the When we tuk stock of otirself we LaJlnf That's found one eyebrow has come loose Jasper Hawkins Quite Spry Bright. BmUlng how folks in Bingville that flr.iy, BUle4, ano tnat mere was a Duncn as Dig as a observe Thánksgívvíng Instid of Jasper from down Snake-Ben- hen erg over our left ear to say nothink Hawkins thelr-scl- Bingville eating sparingly, and keeping fi being printers way was a visiter last of smeared with ink wk having 'mile., in a frame of mind so that from head heels espeshially in our walked all the seven to here to Bingville and him In his they be we seem gtt Ot 80th can thortful and thankful nair wnitcn cant to out yr too. - What We Haft Do and will haft to either jest let It re- IS- - all day long. Who can be thankful That's to Sino Down to Hen Weathersoys store Jasp main git a haircut and thats a risky & or got talkin when their plum' full of turkey ly We Ditlient Give to do winter wetner oemg to about how spry he was Iihs the tninj in cold for his age and wanted to rassle Lem Utk A II HI kw pic ana inings ejean up to ine as a person is liable to ketch cold and Mf Brown and Hen Weathersby in- QrtHnrs NUM-Riri- aftir die either Wf ( muzzie we asxr aoouddy we Yin of newmonra. . itkrli( Imm; 7 As we' hive said we aoollrelied to Cv dividual or collective, but they both anser. Vheri a .person is so full said they had mutch respeckt Wi Will Di SB-- Full Par personal and we also apoflygise here- - too for of turkey that they feel like as If let his gray hairs to do so,, If witn pulickiy by saying tnat if wnat i ' Matr h blUT. u 4mtUlM. ;tfiey pever wanted to see the. sight ticklers Per lelow Lafe Packard told us about Cy HoiUlns This made Jasp jpurty mad and he t t4 H M. fartkn UlKUlM it told em show FLOCK OP Kií un n wiaiwi rfu iii, :of A turkey agih las long as they aint true, then there is a lot more worse hed how' tpry he was 'So things th'trrthát whitch is. he set a chair out on the floor and i Jived, theri wha.f have they, got to tried to; jump over it. btt his. foot We ttái otitteU Into a tiirrible metí Hereafter when folks, brings us in be thankful for? news cm oesnure ketched in the chair and he fell sprain- last Tuesday from whitch we have not items jet tnat wnat ing his ankel THANKSGIWING EDDY-7TORI- As w look back over the past they ay about folks is true. We and shakin hisself up like at yet recovered all becuz we failed other everythlnk. Then Jasp picked up hie yf we dont see that we as edditor to make mentchlon Bugle, news Items let em be shure that what in the who hat and started to limp back, home, , & prop, of the Bugle have sich a was the orthur of a certain statement we print somethink tkandelous about Well, here we be standing as it somebuddy we will print with lt tumble lot to be thankful for. We whitch appeard lilt wk. also were rijrht on the thresboje of an- You may not hay nolied the item to who told us so that if It aint true then Organ Out of Order v know one we could be a the person who It is will Day,-- thine whitch we refer built. stated imidenul-l- y wrote about other Thanksgiwing so to Thanks-glvvin- Mist whole lot, thankfullermext g that Cy Hoslcini one of our most thrash the Dtrtv who ort to be thrashed It wu notlsed that Tabitho, Speak. Johet did not play In that We probably will be prosperous cittiieni was a ole skinflint insuq ot ut. the organ church Unless all signs fail Thanks- - Subscribe for the Bunt and read lait ünday and. that the qSré had to if a few of pur dead beet sub-- and had fore closed the mortgage on Widder Armstrongs farm down Snake west we say about other i pits. link without enny. ackompariyment wou!d 8teP into thc Bugle; Tnrl wau .lirnuin.r h.V Inouirv trvnUA thl fnrtrt tW a r. . . , . huí.. had got into the organ Dl?..SL.iiHrf'ffi t t anuí ana name mat v;y naa made most ot and nawed Liklls around at the bellowt so pay us a few dpllers on their back his money offen wldders cV orfins St o that the organ' u to hang his head, in wouldnt play a tall and will continue to' íübscripshions whitch we aint shame lntd o do 10 Until It la five r ""tTiíjV't:'?- - .,' niaskeradin as a mimber In Mind Ham Wlhon hat lonmn nn hti left WIim Tahiti,. 01 I i ..Li I... seed found that ICVC,CU "uu uo"1 Inaf Bingville oot-- his forget out a rat had been in the or lookt at the calender to see what revvcr of the church and ffaWn is it rght foot, we gan a' at a time whenever he sne retusea to pity being as she hour gtH fete whitch. Be that at It may however this was afeard the might cnanii uniu ne u au ouicn oreia ex rat still be in the bunyan is giving Ham considerable pain orean ana mignt run out around her that will be a de- - ?"&,0S,n! It wu Lafe Henderson who rite m iqd he says he wishes to goodness it feet while she was playing. Tabitha is a snare also hoi-- mortal scairt of rats. der marked "Thanksriving" ye looshion and the Item about Cy fordosin&on Widder was on somebuddy elses foot for a wouldnt of probably knowd that ier mockery. Armstrong, Late came into the effu change. with the news, jest as' we was abeiif to Emily Dewberry Sundayed with Mrs. Thanksgiwing was approaching go to press and told us about it., Befng Squibs Elmer Snake Bend way and ifntil it had went past & thus it Pirsonal as we Knowu iy as wen as we aia we Hoimer at would also have Mondaved and Tuei- - would of éxcaped us altogether. SuWcriber is very sVeerce. diddent doubt it was true and bektf as we needed jest one Item like this te till diyed with except Now however sinst we know when So is .back subscriptions. her that her hus up the last collum we set it up Into band tent for to come home being it ockurs we shall take our pen in Fay up for the Bugle and then you tvpe quick and printed te the her it let as he was sick and tired tryin FLoUR to cook hand and write a breef eddytoriul wont be asked about It on the Judg- Boogie. Tuesday ra- hisself and was about to about it as we have did for lo ment Day. ' Well, brite and airly me for starred in g Cy walked into the offis. He was deth. these many years in the past. We wouldnt wonder if we would mi i red in the fase and breathing; but we Doe Llvermore says that the recent imiiKSgirving us i..u nunc lnul-- have a hard freece before long. This think beta Cy i dldent nothlnk of that changes In kates is a day set part by this (klld wether we have been having for is turrible fat and we persoomed he had the wether has been a god- send being numer- days is only a delooshion been walking fast so we sava "Good to him .at a lot of folks and state and other states too the put few morning naber, how be you this mornin- hereabout went and ketched Sc hat turri ous to mentchlon in this eddytor- a stwre. g-?" ' ble colds on their longt and in their iul on whitch all useful & useless There are not a great dea! of Bugfe "Don't you none your soft try of head! and hat to heve' bis oerfeshlónaj cittizens too is expeckted to give; news In the Begle this wk owing to aoap on mel" says Cy .with clenched services. Doc says he hopes these thanks tor whatever theyve trot to causes of whitch we are not aware. fists; "wot did you write that peece about me In.the "We wether changes will continue Indefinite, MEaL for. they aint Somewks there wilt )fi a menny forr" bd thankful and if rrttt wrote It becur We Packard tole ue it Hen Weatbcrthy le hvflg Sefiai get Ttothink to be thankful for then news awl the nexf wk (Met 4 not we Lafe Is or- sale ot toothbrushee this i wis true," wé says, "bat the ,wk hoping fo timing ij they ort to be thankful that their will haft to seratch like evérythlnk to thur of St. "Well." says Cy Jerkin or? tell out at cost or lest a duuen or so I with ta t tli .u. alive. gtt enuff to fill up. TMts about the bis cost, "Lafe pactaros name wassent of tooth brushes whitch he has had on that Snake Crick la at present turH. way it mm wk aitV wk. Why ii this, signed to it and I'm goln to hold you hand now for moren 12 yrs or about bid full of wnriH .l. ... You would think according to be-- we ask? We ddt know, we anstr. personal responsible for it" Then we ! the time tooth brtkbee first come out. ralne and that I am now running my the way most folks In Bingville ob Sill 9btHM saw a floek of w!W ducks tin ta !t kind ef bet tinder the collar Hen savt leeré aint no call for tooth serves Ihankseiwmg that this pMtlnf over Bigrlk tsHKfT morning m we seyi, "Oh alt rkht then go ahead . brushes In fwHtHle aod he was a fool " oown to onebe great day was set aside merely in and BiH he run lM U houte and got ad noM ue responsible tor it .tt yoc to buv that batch of em from a slick his WrU hot gan and out wee let what in thunderashlon do we tungd droNteeer who cease around seHm stum-mlc- k duttk rn I will continué to order to cater to the burning agin and fired bwh barta at th duefas em.. ran it u long a Sere i r wefé ie enny excoose as it were. and tlw cafge f shot struck again WeB. we beddewt hardlv et the Hester MeCnekefl of Calamity Cor- ta do so. I theroi In other words lone before the ckffeoarét atax tw ftt above a werde outen our tnetrth until Cy come ners It visiting friends in the co seat fore take thU opportunity to state that Thanksgiwing in Bingville most winder acres the way out f whitch fW us. We iMMend to be carhtf a this wk. She petee through 1mvMc If you want your wheat made Into Widder Skinner WH ÍMSiwt t the time collum ef type free the press to the last Tuesday and we persoom the floor bring it to me cverybuddy buys a turkey, hen or i h at oaet Fiftt to tee what she c44 fee if winytklnk. iiAu t tke time and had our having a akandajUw nkc tiox bebtg as come first served. gobbler, and if they cant afford to The Widder mte the winder im a to te epeek.but that diddent it aint very e4n that Hotter uts a t buy one then they ackwire one by hurry and ilamwsdft H.Ht and the aint tee te snake uty differtntt to Cy. chantt to to tbe co teot sew ettt I have pat in fullities for grlndfoc been seen ou tfce siMt. Bill When he grabbed the loose hook or crook or some other way Me ut we.dro?eed aewore. corn la my mill whitch I cm do ha says the gorrsmwuj heeew went o wMtti wee Mattered an oter the firai (we dont mcntchion enny names;. he JH aint what ene we an yet, he!rS from H tlwrsby "down dan fuhlon. Give me a trial before r4jr. im toun? of it erW it be ad Then they begin to feed the you,wMM eefltu a wkg shot, m we cHftthcd and atrueeled back to the eotee tother eTg and befon to eonvlnced. What is niter tor break-fe- turkey corn so as it will fat un bv Slon WMftacfc consldtrsk forth aerett the offis for quite a Kibbie ot eee oo4 tbey taeted so food to theee w later mornings then change tnriM to throw each other down. lltet tto pound hot Thanksftwing. About next Wens-da- y oM h7Sisi Sinyn, beet two of iemc corn cakes? Or whet k meer eMty says he can t a aisMsr a n kite KrimmtM we stepecd into a kef time a evg cverybuddy who has a ttt but way he thM red hot Jeboay to M, kefch, pt rketers ink naf up to our knee bet drunk four gala crsfy hedhf Uttlü betl ol worter WM ft motaeeee turkey will ketch it on the roost he wet tell Wt M telle fee wkb ettt riffkt foot and then Cy tripped tbt. some alcht tbeat herrione Wee that butter o k. wSM s h i frd we sole. after dark and cut its head offen othee Ueia ta fiW im and both fell to the floor with I also dee! In feed, mUUtímfr, its shoulders and dress it and IBtM.HK f a ewi nkkening thud upietiing the ink Andy Stkktner while sImvwk hleseH nerta, orn, br, J""?! tee the contents of whitch we loot wk shaved off a ebbt ote. ote. too numtetue in the kef wort MM SomentcWon. Á hunt it up cold overnight Muff te-- fee aeewid on the floor trying to tót setd swore to loud Hot tbe osbiri If esm tm ttifiK w m ut iomof fid next y his wife will bake MHWWMK m full of sjiittVtM M a the ueoer hand of each other. beord Mm oh around t bed better brmc k to meot m3 hide is. We, sWs tbort we could bondie Ck ooct bK tmt in um ven serve It for JSJ w we. toetioc bow dkiiwr along with a lot of gravy pore snajte a su m w Itookioe hot we found bin a food eel xa IktkM MM teee oowertoller then w enpsrbted we tbmk be to to Jc cranberry sauce arid the ee wetd al and tuf hi reeok be finally toekteodod it) t of tbot wen Ms Mm (alia mtocej and cake mats " Sunkin fit Uk tkk 4 Mt he time hmm oo top of m and set Aere on owr keboe beoo a eootllm7 : pudding and other the on wee and tiny mi te git vkets punched ut In the soot wow Ltse Oroon bee tottoasitotl a m-- Take kcká e4 fWf lm oí fMi ,, i too numerous to mentchlon. ilofl the beet they could and when Doc bk'fiote and theee all over ink cbíon o oef dooo ood ie trywc to torn to ploy i,, Mck to WeevUtc they wee N ( to ble elbows, m mom but it tbe gomera! optnyun their-fej-fs k HtAJLUJCl. Then the family wl set tnproved thee they diddewt need hk AW tbe time be kop hoUerbMr. ror tie of the itebers who bee awoeot been Mv down aroumi (fet fcjivc uve teye ssjmí eet Sw4 smssc. to nweVgiir a4 we was dutog m ae Vfftf l)by ttM mMjl LIV oVptfbkM Ml SKAKK MWa MYSTEDYHaroldfeGkth

lT, loolilBf ot of tfUitwi," limÜt "Don't rtm kar "MfM arfe4 the afetr. Can't jou (eel tie troth t all BHtlc bat did no damage, nratal headed $10, tarau la Ui thidow!. H ttltÜB W4 a4MBfr (a a 4ffarir (IhhM' tI thlar. far hi auto. lie Jumped ia, oaly to be 000 FOR ONE HUNtiRED WORD. ) M wiv Mt ctlrcJ bcri kid Ihmí, 4m m Florete had fee laeed tM tro Hwny No, not Pleaa do" aotx approach mj hauled oat again by the' forlón a reporter. A J"" V. tinea. She ah00k tier head daijr, thuh nearer; atajr whera yo arel band to hand fight folk wed; and th cleaa tavIM MfMf, JV.M fhMMMM(.wM flJjl , aBaadhai Kr kaee tfcoek m that h certain At that moment the telephone- - ran. With life of th reporter told. ,nNÍMINf Mu) a ÍN W fftd JillMÍJII mí MU M til f irimif J ímíb wm ln ib itMl. tbat tha ai toveh wm)4 Bd hr eff. th rerólrer ttlll loTeled aha picked ap the "There, my asgelté friend, t batiere tbat OIItm gama I TwUH Wht Mmmm4 1nt M I am roar father, child! ' receiver. the np. There la one abot left Jn (tt mdlm iMt áM BM "Hello, heMot ma U UT . . . O, thla antomatlc. If ' yoa make aay attempt ÍyLLfi 4gmjÍÉU Íl' táU'afiT rferafte HtfU ál&Ws MO W aváhaVai aat aat tti0il4 iiwiMiIm KM ' Jlrni Jim, core at encel t am hoWlt at to eecap, I'D let yoa hard It! not to hill r4 detk d Hi whk (4 ftd retrK bay a neaa who he tá ny fatat. HoM but to dltabk. Yon aad yew p redout tVf dMwét, The tk évHaJtM Mn f him where h la, yoa AU right, ! roaateta will atll tomerrarr Mora lag for th efttkd adjr. a .Milk tiai ;) turned to ttio llbttry, iMilsf tkat kU r4ti It ire eaed will. Come quick!" Baltic, and frera there yoa wñl so to the lead m ttM ewr iba epgeareiied pW1 Floreae to warer a bit. Stilt, alié ezteaded WH H4 Mes be infer ttbere (kpboaa a&d ttretrer "Jim!" murmured the man, atlll adran, minea." lía dragged hi prisoner toward TU rfc f mm wM le vm V M ívth t4 prtHéH. fU bih area. MM, HtM, r t trMw U at, ftW e U ti ptomr ti Me W- - were. kr ciar. II auat bar that rTolrer. The the bouae. deatpkkk mMIm if Va myelery, rm AbJ wliHa hi Mt vrthlsf kHW "Xoa do Bt bellera ma?' aald th na, poor child might tpoil the whole affair. "So " Yonr. troublea ara over, my chHd,M tald I eMe IA ( ttae fc rek meMe pifiar not what, Mr fcetrtif ead adraaclat )wlr, ' what Jonea tells me Is true! that yoa aré llargreave, at ho preaaed Florence to hie rfreme leíW et atada énd Utt rata pprt, M tr jráeMoW, n tftftlr bt(aff t ti A tUpHrÉ.iiW thty erttíe y XeraM M ttee sofero 1ry y ir-- log the btod taW her throt m that It " fío. t hare beca decelrcd loo ..hmh going to marry thla reporter chapT" heart ítt tl dW; 4Av)ft9 Jticf HT0 MetfraV 0 tnCfoel4 her, ua& tarped Iilo"th tícela, air. 8tT where 70a are. Yoa wHt ., She did not anawer. "And mine have begun," murmured the gmimtttm my mm u tu TUm. ttreet tad walked resilute-l-y toward the Mar wait here till my butler, retama. O, If, I '. " With or wlthoñt my cjaentT " counteae. "But I have atill oae ahot." hotter mt S trkHl U "MÜI fWl Sfl ' ffím erprlbn rl TT.. k irfftTo ptae. pHed a man teaoi&i oalr anret" he buret out' itiddealy. If only he would' drop tbat fearleea imllet The police atood encircling; her. Calmlv avftuté, Cnüéf, lit., or nwi (m M ÍMN Men or tétifo 9 Kfro TUntr a Wmp poet, he aeTer paaatoaatelr. ' " What proof hare jik h4 tlioucht. "With or without anybody'! hf Opened her handbag ana took out her F éHftrféttf, JJ WhI Ttetniy-iki- acaleit bát tarftéd ad ttt, atm xera mg v, .y, aa, Wf tekk U mtittr M U f m túuUon: look t Mm, that r ar what yen aartr eoBJent,' the aald. handkerchief. It wa a thick and heavy 0 BlfW KM. V 1!t,Í1PUl ímm)4 pj tU míWonalríf tllk One. Swiftly the unscrewed th top ot 9,t-'H- '( m 1 btr walking (tick (It will b teen bow that jtBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBB tha tarrying of It wa not aa affectation!), Méri éf. fM Wrí tortita 4 1VAÍ 4MMM W tA JI(Mm rJBBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaVBBfBBBB extracted, a vjal and tv violently to tba" floor. An overpowering await odor filled th ream. Jon, knowing how deeply nú Thti. Mi. .) ui fi vano m ffry 9tUtri f veraed Dralae waa In oriental polaona and narcotice, made a dcaperate but futile effort to ear down a curtain to throw over th ftaaléf ? aetltiiáaire, a carery ot ha- Vex Craaa ih aaet hy a liquid: bn't even In the effort be felt hit aalracatfM aaeayt rmm ta ata f ta aliar at lia ratura i gotng. aa' - aabaaat tense The he wna cúndoui ot araaar e fcrtmMt mm taa ha battom- oí ha aaa, aaa BaaaaaaaaaaaaBnaBBSa kit ! luewa ké Blcklr wat a mucking laugh. Blaek Mru a Mr ( a ra fc tmti ta A aa MMr4, coauaaalcatea Jaaa. Baaaaaaaaaaaaanaaaaaafli das tf alhUté raa. Karcrctva mm-- yHeate box. ta ptaaUa aa later aaeáraá But the entrance of Jim, dragging Bralne eJatnHy Bra, Icaw mt M r ha baad, but Wttt ita altata ara after him, ahocked all tho banter pqt of tba Blaek &mmmn4 Jfaawta Brafata' jtl fxamlaea tk box aayataHaaaly,, jttaay countras. She turned and rutbed madly try lo aét Mí ta aaeat Mi ana ara. fna - ' for the atalra, without having idea kom hf m attM Beta acaaUa- mi Finalaa htauclt kekmat m Trr the léaat nftea a láttw ta ihm aW áaaaat tara, Brala cadraírora tm aaieak k how he wat to manage an etcape from the wim aetVra ka "'aaya- - Hartrrear kouaehald ta k larr. la arder tipper atorlea. She had thought Bralae free. tleaIe aai até aérete M fcaby o Bala rr ta (ka hoaae. Th erlaaalr ae4 'A iha flaw up the atepa all tha past re- áasshtar, Timmn Orar Tkat ámp Har-arr- tauiir Ueatrery at ita atet hr Narto 1 ala tam flO, treta tfca acta tba Ile at h haela ot ta pack turned, all her warnlnga to that atubborn baile, trét H U térte4 1hat thla Sraavad aad raaalta la a raid aa th araaa'a' .man. Thla waa the nd . . , Busakl Uto tfca aaa tttu tka aallaaa ka aaa4 wkteh, horrTr, arareé a b Th horror of th cold and th deadly ta waa yaaetarad. barrea ot reaalt. , damps of tha minea . . , forever!, Floraaea arrtTM tria.he artrta aebaot. The Blaek llnadred beata íear liar- Countraf BtMt éfaiBaaloa, rUtt ían aad ylaa ta oUoa ot bita. Asala Jim, atlll boldlnr the, battered conspira- aa Hmimm aa a relattT. Th ka annetteed batler akowa kla baad br tor, watched her flight la amaieroent Ha btr ar ( Blaek SÍa4r taM ae 'ai aaeaaa ( atak-Ib- reaenlaa Nartoa aad dafeattaa; Brala. could not underitand tm ha puahed Bralne .aeearea a- aiyaterloM' aaacr Flareae tararct far thetr attaeka. Florcae into the library and the ranlahlng odor at- Thry ka mmt Brala. rblck la mt vital taaartaae ta ar aft' 10, kr ea lied his nostrils. theae their íf4r, aatá traM tit klareae fathet'a dafetT. Bralae laea hese af What fumes' were , HonSreí, a mt aeearlaa- - tba a ,000.000 aad tara a raí be jvna never to know, but they proved to The Blaák ' mtttmpH, tmUi a to he rtdaa f veas. be transitory. Five minutes aafuced to bring mmi áerraa ta atrea doeaateatary Jasca, Hararre arf xartaa Heart all back to thetr Fpr "th while tbey " aaaa, ertdaae aaataat he Btaek Ilaadred. iohe. a . forgot Olga. CoacéatedaTaf ké reaíeareaa a ha They ry ta jrat It from htm by a rirfe Blaek BWaartaV aaaii Uaraa mt ha w raae, bat afaía J4aea beata hem ta Itt ''Tblt man It mine," tald Servan, noddIagr toward Bralne, tOeaTrltrkti Mtil Br HaraM kíae9rati.i down th copy Be opened a drawer cad "He' yonrt without charge,? aald Jim. (eok eat two antelopes. The blue one ft " I am .an American cltljen," aald Bralne, á Naar ar ASTWfrti, tor a and dropped Into the Traite baeket who, realising what th tutor held, readily 1 to eay VW HB federal fOTeraaseat ired Norton naderatood and amtled. They; bad raBBlBBB preferred a long priten tena laj America to I nothin; oiwt ioí obatacléf U tha maaat to dlaeharge him If he fell down. The rrSrririvaffi9aaaaaaaaaaafiaB the ihbrrora ot Rnaalan axlle,- - ' I Í9NW at, írotlded ether earelope wa a fat one. " Year certificate haa been dMerared,'1 aald í rtwar i. kaf t. thMt "Open It." aali th.' editor; 8i;ing a lit- fierran, "aad the atata 'department contld-- n - Ut' rfoualy- cl.h,M Vlt tle blmaelf. ' yoür papera rold beeaaai yoa obtained eia'thorítfcaí ít fra f?t tbat Thla envelope contal ed a check fat them under fait etth. Yoa are an undo fcaM sewipd-pe- r the local polté fafca wasted the J500, two rooad Wp first claaa ticket to jm WAHAQ&J? TP HOOK, alrable cltltenf and tha repablle It bPPr to lory whloii wénld attend tt ervm learn that yoa will be takes off Its hand." " What In the world can I aay to yoa .to of the Black Hundred. ít wottíí "And became," added Norton, "you hare n convince you?" he cried. " The trap' t: plolt. :Bat their glory wM bU t(8f did kid too mtny mines, in the bkrkmalllng Bueela. but if Brain and bli moi com and flnt take W trio back with Mm to butlnees, and the' government doe not pro. ua like thla, good heaTen, child, we both happened tbat night, ar pot to bar them made known to the pub- Many atranc thlnr loatl Come, comet" lic through a long and nteleaa trial. It Waa the. night ot th final adrenture, yon "Stay where arel" f a long run, old top; but right Is right And V In her room reading. Tha Florenco (he heard round at the Jed-eo- pleaaant-ea- At tbat moment a by the way, ,1 want yoq to meet, Mr. book wa "pUrer Twlat," not tha t enough latíag door, iter tfM joteJ; and It waa formerly ot Scotland Yard. o took to read nnder the aort for tb man, 11 reached out and caught H indicated Jones, who atarted. SoTeral tlmea-a- ke had circumetaaee. tier arm. She tried to tear, tie rae! f looae. Faifa orerhearj "Ye," went on the reporter, "I reg reached tie fae W8r ' My child, in Ood'a name, llaten to rea clitd blm long ago." Unncy'a cisáfeaeiqa-e- ho l?clid aha htH to ton! They are entering the hall and they 'U ijt true," tald HargTeare, Uklng Jonea doori cloalBg aoftlr, bnt wdW It h?f wllf bTt n both." band la his own. " Fifteen year ago I em- lmaglnaUon, Poor Nancy, who waated té bé knew. She coul4 not ployed M to watch my and very did not find time to bal Flerenpd, Suddenly Florence affair, rood but w'byf an well baa bp dope ao. And tq you, yoa bablt famUIar tfl ot of B hare told you but tM" f ap? poaseeaed rotea went wretch," tur1! apon the haggard Bralne, apple or caddr wt peal in tha man'a tha( t bet the need t there I for b maid. bearfi "Jltkat a mllob, and. yoa have reading. So ah Hit H M bee within a foot of t a P f'Yaa are my father)." defea twe. It laUadlng i ? H 'P baa brea andar year vary note. Do yoa plek Vanead to W readlafi pmwtly Vea, yetl But yo1? foünd t eat 'Sha rf member pe' Forlined Jjejfti? HaS a! bU Whw trifle too late, my dear. Quick) thla aide télbreak o aa atria t4 if!"; a TJndr year Try wjthln teach of yonr Trailed perhapa At of tba wa that maid? St doekl" bind! how, tak k,blm away, Mr. Berrán. down Xhi book and se alnntea, thea laid Bratae and hi mea dahJ late tn Tb police will ba aatkaed wth Ue gan to inreilgte. library, Diga entered le!tt1f. they bar." l There net a Mrraat te b Íb4 " Both of thecal yelled Brain exult-- , So, presently, Bargreave, i eoald Jan, FJorene. beaMI ki tk world I ahtly, of them togethar; what luck and Jim were aloaa. the entir. Wat "Both I" That ml which bad ah wa to heartraaA-In- g that mean? UKd a waa a ebarp, fierce itrnggie: and revealed tq Florence her father's Identity tk lea terrt There aupeae, wa when it cama to an nd Ilarrravo waa atole over bk face again. He pnt hk hand had tdkea tha aerraat fitd. SoaMthlag trueaed to a chair. on Jim's theuldec aad keckoaed to Flor- írom, tb ítrtfaw. Frsas wkaae wa tk ence. . ' ao we meet again, nargrtaTe!" said tkta Whera u 'Ah, reaily danger tMat ta. Brain,. "Ar yoa gaxkaa to marry tbia Why did h aat retara a ha had " jroeea? Hargrrar (bragged. What ba wtatad yeufig man? proaalaed It Joag paat the hoar whea Florence Bodde'd. wi W he aald he weald b back. - 'lif ."Well, then, do to. And go to Europe " A mllllonl W bT yon. Where la It, to the library nd Ticked vp j with blm on your honeymoon; and aa a iht weat r I'M twjet your, brt befor your eye." ka talphf. JHW W "Father, forgtr )! wedding preaeat to you both, for every aarigameat, bat that Ldaaaaaaaaaaaaai doUar that ne ba 1 will a hundred; iM H jt n MI underitand, wy child." add h ktoawa he and when you get of travel yoa will he woald bf wtld th mm "Where la it?"' Brain et!a4 Florence tired la th both come back fcere to The Black eBd drawar dk. bf th wrlit and iwnng her toward blm. lire. aatoatatk; did not take eaaawaaBa3 BSB!fil3ri ha ceased to Sha kweh4 ke bat "Don't til bin, father) don't miad me," Hadrd exkt." the drawer opB howTr. , Aad now," said ahaklng ble ahoul-de- U a. d rK ald th girl brarfiy, Je. at ia aWpaer lfht. .áWlUr. tt Mrlne, emlHaf hi old rt amljf, drW 'he rW)?H (M riargreave, Jte wMt tM HMf Í t taward her, boMlag the gkl It wa b at tin to m afethr with taaaatafahk coa-- Thla aiaa, bowerer, threw away hia atgar If case Mt h do. "My baata k 'dea. 8tUl Jonea 4 kid a Whf kHMift t MThl, ma, touched br. ' tt ilaaVdt yViaB) bVI &By4ardl 4MW d iba aeareat . haaaa, ha tfM eeaaet abaat ertr far 0 hat it i H7 pautad, Mi a4 "Look!" acrMisad 0!a. Ka kaw i bf aaa) that V M i Ah, th daawaU wratek! ,Wt haré "Qq paid soberly. tkia.KTf Every 00 turned, to Joaea ac peer ob, Harnear "la ha) haatiag the daaé a Tff, atf ekMd, la auk yoa uted Jim M."rTV HtT" kd taaeily, tth iaa for (w tbr b4 th cartalaa. Wall, tha trata la, air, I've grown "it .MH It- waaha-ktaa-- aueplclaad éM? Haw 1 )pg between Thef wai'aa -- - Vfm mntM aH weary affry yaa. yam'll m play batter Xm F jt,BfW, frat tta bt trm kf on h Mm, Tha face tn Aad If !tt ta hatf Mekl ihtr th boar watched yak k I wüj yoa (ronle amld batt' ia kaSf kt-- l this oc wa doa't lay hUaaaaar la Half as tk tatl M UU the eed I m!1 bs moat happy.'' - taaial aaLaaáiAal dkf Va rantahed. dBrB) ) gaTBBBBaBa BBBalBbbrb ( wh a4r Jm ad bnow, Tkm" Ufad aaaa. Tha wh aUk" la' Ml TWaa PaTtTf " riirtir 1 1 wa gok to suggest .wWeh aH " tb fcrhUar died, ta y waa Afler blm!" cried Brake, raleada If f yM , fwt ek d three atMhr ya'f tk Maatt No4red M aaf brwr WM that l k ffortoa faek Fl9renc by the band aad w Vf4Tí2f XefVe jM tbonwnd, FJortac. b4t Myr'; (he aaitoa. ffa gad M kMrrUdi 4 K yeJ waaa M aVair wjy to haaa aayttary, kr I tar ft draw her away. mí M! Kafteeara beH. JJ that t wéekad the wkdkwa of tb Kua AHf hl"tM mimlcktd r4a firaa tM dikf. rttafaj woath ara a Had. aaay hat, MTa) taking ? " ) Taa'M K f-- hW M thm lit " Where are yoa tiked. tad aU IJ ha W (m , aad aferhekH aaarly Try I la atf aaaf aa) gaaral Brlnclpl,w Xaw. Jké ataa h4 HMI K" b. I'm going to take thla pretty hand of Jf J Cfaaam Tb cartela wa (bjewa back addiy. Wat la a a d and tha tw aaaa aaeadaad adaflM "wt aaaeaaaf aa. If aláí í't'" TpíWCU ypq 'ad pat It flat upoa IJWe.Oea. And ZL. At ktdaaM jf Mim higf bar the Maek Haade4; wa ko Junta appaartdi aad Mm aad fhk Kaaaiaa teak Vaada, iba Jtaa waa forth t cm. BMHiiil AiraeaJy aad faaettaaV to tha laeat that I If re doa't believe It. fetkw aa." kj kV a wkaW aeaeataf ageet'aad doM pawceaiea. tU hag anlaaaniat Fir, 'aaa, piaaaad lah hear d aataM. th lw" 9aWl Mt faUowed. t khatr ata' ! w Bmin wa tba ealr maa wha kat bk aaaW Max a ia khaf baak rha hM aad ra pttU. Aad aaw hav Ika acoaadreld hkr naaa Wa ftoored wa-do- . U tU t44$ cpfer atf Jimtmn rata) mm wkat w wül ha head. Ha Krtaa, acaaah4 a Ta ,ja, ha had aaa. aWy Bad aba Jaet wat tkW Thar U irk U 1 Hi - aud tUr HA .Md . i- .iL-.- n kajk wlak M aa ba. aa b?ur nd aad leaped oat. The Wow da4 Mtv fWar t4 iff( PftfH rl ' What aaaaid aa. ha4 tM Uf awaaaaBBBBaji aiFiaia aaaafM prl bw af wkta aaieaW, wJU kk ta Hh jatdl ton, bat be waa 0 hk akaeat lataaahhy MtHfiM prize Xtr "i ( ,'kad, ) H aawa at atar, aba kh tkaaa arta Have It ia fre40Q. let W z. , tM .haa) . t k hJ atM( peaekJfay Mrffka U Mr. JfaaaVaM rf.H''Ma4 Bka a.', aad hadh4taha H aaa yaar falkea, flaaaaaat I am tba lonely Mqd foliewad Brake aVaeatk tha wk4w, ca(r. Ba w4m waa ha? Wkf dd h aVt mm? kaN aaar eM aad eto I $vUth ks p4-- m wha baa year of hi Acroa th kwn tha tw aped, with aa ex. frim tU Uit frd, t4i What wa the a kV4 aaert4a bf far aaaaaad that Jm bad retwaed. fatbat aawt tba bet Wf you of abot wblek eataalel hath avta- - aamaaat faaBka akawt aia. aa a tableen K abort dar aaa. Baa faaaa, h aadar to eacwe cbs MB k h aaa waalmi r Polly They Have to Take Measures with Pa W$M I SuTlwlLV DID.' M'JofcJf jlTm here. v'5tt is The 'Billmrd1 ver y vñRy PoTTy; DIMMED UPTHHSt Bp! &MERt,S The ?OR MI5 MtKt IKV4P n)OR LMDS OUR. KiTCHEM it Vikcv. 11.7 u iru 1 iv inc CÍELMR


I1his HERE BEAMED, CeilmJG- - H4vc T fWvE ME MHR 4FMIR Vüu düLtS OUR (TomaM Hwe rBLLMRD ''JH BLU-4R- Room 4ajt Ü BE Ihe LivaJó-Roo- m 1

'ItnW'"- t i. - T. r mm ' : Í WISH Some a& Mmi do WuThiaí'oíThl rfV'7HAÍK IM m 'íkm? LRtAoy DECIDED mi BJ mi' VOU kíAl í IH wt. KIND., M 111 T METWS mmt in ttiMMlAl BWiLiKe wl m GOAJW 'w ft f V'THIAlK IM HO H)Mm)í;I III' WOULD HURRV UPÍ I'll ll HAlE ME HV6IEÍIC II í.b8rrft6flAM KEEP lJ m mm fAl mm mm-m- nwn. HOUSE A TER VOUR " DEM". t Cellar c7R BU5TÍJ I luMDRV II' fool UM VII0 P4Ui II. to7 Much.', V60TW0THE? AVK íüíillí' (AíA i'il I

" "Jl

VERJ?J6HTi W.Hl-THiW- k Tn4T vhu jidI 5MPLV 6oTTlB I WD M. UAWUmlS HOili-Oifc-

' fago tl o rninfl Waaeg SECTION f fl Swday, Nrrtlttr 22, 1814. Hndina rancie tarly I ictures oiJONAHJtk uíu a i r-- How , Ancient At-tis- ts TTÍ1ALL Interpreted of ItófWffieOltf Testament, Primitive and the Bearing of the Deiiga Combining Jonah' Saip'aad Jenu legend Upon Chris- Walking oa UwTKTatsr. The Intcriptíes Stands for "JoTu".ani1'Teter." trophe furnishes a strango glimpse oí the tian Faith M' early tradlUona about, the, Bible. Here aro- conceptions oí the-- , miracles of ' of .the turmoil and ravages of war Christ waUd'ng'ontthe water and .other 'Inter- - oo v - me atraigo rejlcs. Xouvaia, Bel- pretitlqns'of Old'and Now Tostament-narra-ttve- I diiin,'; long, famous, 'for Its'' librarlas. One of t curious la the series iij Symbol that' depicts the experiences of Jonah. B' andTcurioua examples of earJ y art '.The story of '.'Jonah and tha Whale Is ,and bobkmaklnRhaa suffered much from the from .probably-th- known of all' Bible eoBMcCrandlac&fent&uy' 'best the baa drawn the at- stóría,-,an- hasi always 'occasioned much d'e-- tention .'of the iworld to the treasures. It"' held. . - ltebeeauee rotJthe.statainent that when the MaBy;t- the'treaiutre wero saved, 'some; wore w prophet was thrown overboard from tho ship sea tened, osiers wholly., loaU An old eerlea 'e.,n!npi, ' by fish - he was swallowed, á "and after three of !Utd1ata'jraeciMd'.fromith'cataa . dáy'a'waa vomited forth upon dryland. Vpl-- ; umea :hava' b'eenwrit'teBjWi th,e siibiect, but 'jtheÍMweWartWIthn earplél ehefmatter?." The Book f;Jonah lnxthebX TestarnVnt aya' Botal iaboWi '" Jk, atáTes only that Jonah waa awuUowedibyJa-srea- t or Urge flh.(ln the Hebrew-DAG 0Í50L,''datpmean-ln- s fish and, gadoi larM or sreai). , Eyldently aomehrreac. seái mo'nsler was mcant-bu- t not Versions néaárÜyaVialet The' Way in, which tha wháleía"pt'álhtoJthe story Us a curious, In- - stance of Inadvertent translation. In the booK'of St. Matthew (xlL, 40) reference la made to the Jonah story, and here the Can Is called Cetos, or In the Greek KET08. We now' apeak of the whale as a Cetacean, but the Greek word was applied not only to whales, out tb sharks, and even to seals, aa In the Odyssey. The question whether It was possible for a whale to swallow Jonah has been' discussed towthe .point of .folly. A sperm whale has a gullet large enough to swallow a man, but sperm whales of such site are not found In the' Mediterranean, aea, and Jonah .had aalled In' a chip from J'oppa (modern Jaffa) to go to Taranlah (probably Tart ess us. In the south of

Symbol! rise iha Spain). But there aro many large sharks, especially the voracious white shark (car Sinking of a ' charla vulcaris) which crow to a length of 20' feet and can easily swallow a man whole. Shipaaá The main point, however. Is that because Jeans used this Incident In reference to his own resurrection, pointing out the similarity ' of the daya between death and.resrur- - ', Aagtlio. three ' rectlon, as Jonah iras In tho fish's betlyfor - Iiitervemtiea. three daya and then reappeared, thla story took on special slgnincance to these first Christians, whose faith In thereaurrectlon'of Jeaua and In their own resurrection, aftera1 life of persccution'an martyrdom, .wastheir chief and greatest support under alt their trials. It was most natural, therefore, that the artista among these early Christiana deco- rated the walla of their chapels with pictures of the rrophct Jonah and of the miraculous swallowing of the prophet by the flab, aa well as of his reappearance. on earth after the tftree daya. Every time any Christian saw these pictures tha hope of correction grew Dry LaBd. atroncer within him. 4

isBIH READ It Here Now-Th-en See It AH In Moving Pictufe .!

OF PRIVIOUS INSTALMKNTH. 4 SYNOPSIS TJ!'" ' ' By Amatewetl wit fte ftfedte pm Ct. fcy rS '" 8anford Marvin, a wealthy manwfaetursr t enieuenee .Mvnr. nd ai ta sw i rt4r4 sanaer at the waHsMsd Uta.. Mra Startled at Tmátm.ttir .... Lt,.. 1.1 ., . lu PmjIIm. the m man oeiisvee ri e a a rt. oí uiomoDiie., .... worn nirn.i r ,...."'..11 . K. LáaaJU. f tañed and seewed t Sf sr4y Ue arrival quickly efeaaged t pfearar. Tfce overwork. His aon, Hrry, and hi ' dvK, althosfk her wnt were toaartiM. wonderful flying craft brought, her a abitad b'rUtiti , u,, kil.Hn wrtrf. H tat re- - daughter, Pauline, love each. thsf, but ahe promM paultnmmlens year to se Hfe. ana Tha devil was iaslsUht Id4e4r a re-- of security, It was clvlilaaUea ceate thrilling as In guardianship Owm. A BMved M load treat hie heart tried to cue her from base perils ot the dark ae. wants two years of exBsrene plaia hsr the f cUep fiie angel's ad It wa deeeeadlag. Ing life before marrying. la that final heart atUek give him Jwt Mm aaad. she saw with for that Hr raan deetopa There waa the sound of a sharp snack. She arose and broke her way throug th she Is ambitious to b a writer Old Mr. writ on the prescription Wank a clearing. aere-- Then he A lawyer Th iiul1. htnA hiA t ituk luMür nt Lk .uirf.nFrawth tn a lUtle Tb Marvin aska to ate what ah ha written, brlsf will. diss. tells Us In aoarah of a Owen he would hav permanent harg fiend with aborp 'rebuke plane was graetBlly alighting oa wheelb.'vi While Pauline and Harry r that - magazlno containing story Mr Marvin of Pauline' estate f something hirte s me sprang to aer reet ana ternea bm- it Pauline naa oeen surpnsea i her eye Bayder was a, naa the case of a mummy which ha Just pen to hsr bsfor marriage. Hhk, a d lag Bcusry apon klai. Karry, at the was stunndd. Catesby Owen, his man, and Owen, conspiro to Mil other i4a of the arbor, stood stunned with oí strong serves, but this vision of aa. ex- - from Egypt. Mayrrtend track ' private seereUry, halps lift off the Ins. The preceding ehaptar hay dealt surprtee and rage. The aacel was PaaUse. quiiitoly baautlfal youag wotaaa la th front of the case, but lesvss the old man to with the many effort of the tw im eecom-remov-e She sereaaaed. Th dartl.had grap4 her uttered white robe and torn sóndala ef what mummy Mr. pllatt wrist and waist and swaar' her to hi hri nnrn htm- a. nerfectlv éood angei'a' ees- - tho bandages alen. this. - Marvin, during a fainting spill, sees tha Ifl PauMns' latsst advsntwfé aft takss shoulder. He waa starting, over the cllí- ame was almost too much for him. He mummy corns to life, tep out th part of a mevh'B pletur Owsn sldw with her when Harry's yell aavaded trembled a the rushed toward him. of her case, tike a bracelet from her wrist plot to hav hsr loss hsr Ufoaif.m th Island wove ner cries. "1 will give you a thousand dollars to take and try to force It Into hi nervelise grasp where th motion pletur play H belno The devil stopped. As Harry rushed him mé to the asalalakd.", cried Paullae. her Upe whisper a atrango mtssags hesrsed. Tho Instalment that follow deal he released Paullae. Next hobo eat he lay Her voice reassured him. "Oh," he said i from tho remote past. with th plot aprawllag under Harry' ftt withTellef, "you're eM et th movlag picture Harry turned to leak tor Pamllae. Th ladle." u 1 devH tamed to fiad hi ape. The heavy "Ye and I must leave this Island In- Written by Charles Goddard weapon was Jltted ever hta head before stantly. I wHl give you two thousand Harry saw it. He dodged and ran. Only hurry." the Dlstinguishbd Playwright With a howl the devil followed. The chase "Were you ever In an aeroplano r WoodbyB led croes the aleariag inte the woods over "Yes, indeed. I am not afraid." Continued from Lost Vfeeír. As tho Secretary walked aWy, rocks ledge to beach bands clutched the ship' rail convulsively. aad bratebled the He motioned her to take her placo in the was Arnln. machine while he finished tinkering with CHAPTER XVHI. His bead swam. Ue sot yet convinced a paat hi temple that he was not morely playing some fan- Harrr felt rush of air Copyright 1914,. by tho star Company. tastic rfile Jn,a new. kind of play. .Ho took Irw, SackS "HurV she commanded ebarpiy. "I hear Ml Reserved. the dock sufd that !fiíi?Jl calling. He la "coming after me. Forelgp Rights' a Stroll about tbTteake ' and caught ZLhJ?f??í Vnt aleone no moving picture camera bad been lorelled UB' P,U h was stated on the Very MVaí. MH?' v voyago from Now Tork to Dovll's at him. Eihantei. THE was filled with interest and Bbt the fiva notos that s for Paulino! The picture Owen placed in bis hand that eyonlag were trw saws out over Woodby found ureag or angeis, aavjis ana conaemnea behind them, were of com- tho tmI id be doubted," his upon seene. A cry otswwsmany voices sounded best and 80sli, uihed the playera the cheeriest genius recognised at last. Ho was Inspired am but neither looked back. ,Th plane was Without knowing who she was for Harry burst into a weak wail ot insane rades. by bis part. laughter and fainted. whirring for .the mainland at full speed. that liad been Harry's insistent amendment On the morning of the third day a hall Pauline sat thrilled and secure every- ''what's the matter with him?" asked Mr. silent (o tho contract they accepted Pauline into from one of tho men forward brought Oasnler. throughout the voyage. Neither spoke until their circle of fellowship for Just what she body on dock to view tho long, low strip ot "Ob, nothing," said Cbauncey. "But I the machine had passed the beach and glided was a supernumerary. Sho "was at home d land In tho western distance, oat over a thickly wooded country. Journoy'a think ne would like a drink of water." among them; she liked them all, from the that marked their end. ''He la a raving lunatle, that's what be Is." They carne out above the railroad so unassuming stars to the braggart non "I don't see bow tho devil managed to up. He abruptly that the fiery hot smoke a. loco paid Booth to cried the threshed derll springing ft entitles. She revelled In her own insignific- live on tha fors:ken place," nnkliiul hack a horned D from his yellow motive scorched their zaces as a tram swept ance-. Pauline, a the ship brought them to a hafr and rarealed the' nnoleasant features BBder them. To Owen the situation seomod to appeal nearer vlow ot pie rocky beach from which ot Woodby Booth. "He attacked me with no Snyder swung the machine to follow the quite oppositely. Tho pride that ho bad been tho crashing waves drew ominous thunder, provocation whatever." rails. Something caused both of them to able to Indulge since Mr. Marvin's death was "Tho camp Is over thero at the far south- "How about the lady you were annoying-1- - turn and look up. sorely irritated. At times ho was sorry ern ond." said Mr, Oasnlor. "You can see the angel, mean?" demanded Chauncoy. Snyder's hands shook wildly aa'he clutched tho If they havon't I that he bad not abandoned the Idea entirely thó roots ot houses This Is from th Motion Jjctur Film of "Pauline" by tha Famous Path Players. "Yon lie. J wasn't annoying, any lady " , the levers. A spark, from ha locomotive stayed home, permitting Paulina to been blown away since I was hnro last." whined Woodby. suppose, '11 nod lodged upper plane end and at abet- lis Angel's Quise Menaced "I this be held 'on the at Its far enjoy ono without his ominous "You mean wo might really find no Pauline, by the Plotters. bp against my I never wing was ablaxe. adventure Pauline eagerly. me bow. Just luck. and the attendance. But he could not ask to bo set ter." asked agreed, of gray is, they were was appreciated." Pauline wo müts with fear. She saw "Don't be afraid thero' always tho boat," "Land it Is," be as a strip until" x off the boat now without roveallng his loomed above the level of tho water, some "Until what?" "Where la Mia' La Sajle,?" asked Mr. Gas- - 8nydtr fumbling exekedly in the little chest Identity. And, besides, he made one he said. scanning company quickly, had stupid!" three miles to the Bast. "But what kind of "Until they began to tango together." nler, the uuder his ae,t She saw him draw out what discovery that promised good fortune to his "Of course. How , there, Harry uttered a cry a 'raving man. No one answered. seemed to be a folded piece cloth, but you would noy being land It Is, or whether we'll ever get like of evil plans. That discovery was Woodby "You mean cast Cbauncey, only these old boards and that "It can't be," he exclaimed. "I know It "She' waa the young ifotnan this man In-- she had no faintest thought of bis real pur-- Booth. away on a desert Island, Miss La Sailer" can't be true but is. I saw them two suited," declared, Chauneey. "She ran into pose until" suddenly he atood up leaped Woodby. breeze can know,," It and The dilapidated actor and' the grim secre- asked "Ono thing sure It's not the Island we red devils talking politics." the woods before I could stop her. But she into the air. tary, each with his private undertaking to "I should adora it" were on before," cried Chauneey, "There "And I saw two white angel powdering Isn't hurt naJe yen'v got more like this a. parachute opened above blm and he fulfil), turned naturally to one another from "I will go and order the ship wrecked" something a building or aomothlng" their noses." fellofw la your cempany," . sank evenly toward the ground. tho first. Woodby put off, In Owen' pres- ho said. All day they worked their rude oars. The They stared at each other a moment; They were oa their way to the camp, two Pauline climbed into the driver's seat and ence, his mask ot unappreciated greatness. "Too late we're anchoring." sun scorched Its way to the meridian with- then, as by tacit consent sprang into the ot the 'condemned seql carrying Harry,, grasped the levers. The cowardice of her Oweu to "Woodby with some- Launches wore put over the side and the. out greatly troubling them.. Tbelr spirits Undergrowth that sheathed the bank, although he had come to his senses.. As he companion let himself talk company waited Impatiently while th bag- seemed to have nerved her. As thing akin to frankness, were buoyed, by the sight or tne i8ianur On ton- Of the cliff there was & wide and .dfcauneer devoted themselves to the ha atma-rim- i un tha lavara ita innVA Woodby to last gage and tho picture paraphernalia were although" no elgn was visible stretch,.or rough clearing, Harry-starte- water at eamp spring, politely was tho first break the chugged And of lite to bucket tha down with' a strange iaiclnation" at the barrier of reservo botween them. transferred. Soon a little flotilla around the buildings at the point ana no run serosa it to me woods beyond, cnaun- - declining glasses and drinking deep irom the descending parachute. The man who hod "Pretty easy money you fell Into when old away to the bleak Up ot' th island, leaving to their long Joined cries cey's trembling hand on his elbow stopped generous rough wood their rescuers were of western answer came abandoned her to her fate for the sake of bla Marvin died, wasn't it?" bo asked on the tho steamer in the shelter the across the water, thoy were encouraged by blm, excited by a new mystery. own safety looked up at her. second morning out, as they stood alone to- shore. , tho they were making a little "Look " gasped Chauneey. "What did I Out of the hot haze to the westward a As to group ot build- fact that Tiie aeroplane twisted' and turned as gether on deck. they drew bear 'the tell you?" black dot in the sky woe growing in size and, mo groped for Its control. The parachute ings composed camp, tumult of bird-lik- e Owen eyed his new acquaintance keenly. that the the About noon,, however, the breeze shitted Harry looked to bin right Into a little assuming the shape ot, a flying fell slowly. difference in pósi- the surf becamo louder. It was plain that, - The their ''Money? I haven't any money. to the northwest and the- paddling became arbor on the edge ot the cliff.. There was a. machine. As it drew ne&rer the island It tions seemed to bo tho difference between "Como now," Woodby prodded him. the eastern sido' of the Island was under a a treadmill fight They barely held tbelr stone seat In tho arbor, and on the began to descendí aad soon the figure ot an fearful battering ot tho wavue, while here seat certain safety and certain death, "Don't you think I know about the will position. The heat became intense, their with her back towards them, with a box ot aviator at tho wheel eould be distinctly' t,am mmhled around a bend in the You're only the boss ot the Marvin millions the- waters were comparatively calm. Intolerable, ohocolates In reach ot one dainty and made out The camp, which was in cbargo of an t hand tanco. It came on at high eoeed. The that's all tho money you've got" I've got to have a drink." aald a redoverod novel In the grasp ot the The men of the company removed their Dee riding' lThe elderly caretaker, was all In readiness for - nMo nad over the tracks. am nothing of the kind," protested Chauncoy lost. "I can't; atand It any other, wa as perfect an angel fantaatio costumes and made up a searching - "I tholr arrival, and Pauline found herself as- at as human naraehute was Border straight Owen, ott his guanL. "There is some one longer." eye had ever gaxed upon. party. There were two persona to find now oWaward was wind signed to a comfortable, neat room In one golden There no mean. I merely control the funds for Without a word Harry dropped tila oar Her hair fell In shimmering eddies Pauline and the airman. Ha:?y insisted per-an-d I, ot the two long onc-sto- buildings front-- ' For perhaps a mbute tho coward was another. I would not receive anything for took- out the whlakey flask. Chauneey of light down the back of her flowing white on going with the explorers. mitted to' watch hi own slow death hU myself Ing the sea. robe. Her face was over ,her stop unless" Mr. Qasnier.bad gathered players, drank feverishly, choked, Writhed under the bent book. Pauline did not running until, sho fras own jow he Batij the grinding "Unless somebody was out ot the way," all the raw fire, but drank again. "When he was but anyone could tell she must .be beautiful, deep In the dense thickets ot the Interior fn eyes about him and was laying down the law ot wheels Pate had timed his leap to the "Owen did: not answer; but bis Harry drank, too the long, blind From the farther verge ot the arbor beyond all' sight or sound of living tbiág. Jolted to a stoD. but deck their work. He was no longer the attentive man, itant. The train Catesbr strayed down the and fastened companion, stage drink ot a desperate Thoisianawas loomed tie horned read head of a devil. The terror mat woodby ttootn'a act on nao Snyder, with a parachute for hi shroud, Jay, cruel gaze on the graceful figure ot Pauline, travelling but the director, receding. who was tho centre of a group forward. Hor curt, candid and unkind. paddle waa before, any had Ex-- "At IMS everyone In costume tor re- They tried to again, but it had seen tt had watery blue cyea ot her former peril brought Tn8 maeniae veered gracefully toward th toIco roso in a little thrill of laughter. Her only a few minutes before they returned to and it carried its spear under bausted, she. sank now on a rround The fln streamed unward like a won alight vividly lovely with the hearsal," he said. In- face and the bottles. Tbey drank as they felt 0t "A w flow. Paulino bad found exhilaration of the sea sir, the thrill ot new clined. They talked not at all. !vS.Y?.níídlÍ5qv.u,tar5ar,e8r fffl&rtJtt&JVSSS? " experience. She enjoying everything was The moon had risen before Cbauncey and The Honor brought forsetfulness of tbelr ings. She made room for tbo dovll on the . A. whirring sound above, her made her lift mfl.iB touched round, iiiiii a. lit. everything especially incog- XXV a Jt ' about hor hor Harry rejoined each other at their station thirst and hunger mad them oblivious ot stone seat T WW. A BUlttk UlVlHfVi HeUUieu UJ USO 'Jt a. fl twl nito. 'Paulino's "stage name" was Amelia on the beach. Harry arrived first with a their plight The waters around the raft bewildered hooded aviator, waa gliding eee to the tre La Salle. load ot driftwood on his back, and Chaua-cey- 's were peopled with strange creatures mer- watchers observed an abrupt change In the top J4t ver per head UTlJr'Y Booth's eyes followed the direction ot approach was signalled a few minutes maids and hobgoblins. The men struck at Owen's. He went on as It he were reading by he later a scraping sound as pulled a the creatures with the oars. . tho secretary's thoughts on an open page. sort of 'sledgo of boards and broken spar Tho second evening felt Lights sparkled "That Is. if she was out ot the way not along the sand. from the buildings on the Island; but Harry harmed, of course but simply wo might Harry let go a hall of trtirmph. and Cbauncey were asleep. for a year or so. That "Good for you, old boyl Where did you It was broad day again when they awoke, wouldn't hurt your chance of getting bold of find the rope?" slightly cleared ot brain, but more fearfully the money, would lt?H "You asked for a rope and I got you a tortured of body than before. Harry sat up "What are you proposing to me?" rore," replied Cbauncey. who was beginning and scanned the horizon. Suddenly he nt Owen, with a mimicry ot wrath that to onjoy the unwanted predicament tered a shout and shook Cbauncey out ot Woodby easily fathomed The actor's eyes "And you took another little drink Just his stupor. were looking blankly out ovet the waves as ouo, to koep yoursolf awake, didn't your' ' "Looki Land! Look at It We've drtftt he slowly unfolded his plan. "Certainly. We've got water, now, haven't back in the night" Owen was Impressed by the leisurely wer CbaUncey looked, reaehed'for the whiskey, manner, the cold deliberation ot the man. "Yes, but we may need the whiskey later. then looked again with bright!; y. Ills first question heralded bis complete as. Olve It to me." "We'll have to swim for it, though," ald sent. Cbauncey obeyed protest and SsvigBvmmmmlSi9SFHBgWiBmmmmwa9 without Harry. "The wind's chantts." He drank TSS5wlgMmmmmv?H! "But the place would be, as you, say. quite Harry pocketed the, large flask. "You'll get from his own flask. Seísmmmmmm.'fíWraKL- sheltered. No barm ot any kind could come, It all back. I have one ot my own," he "Oh I can't swim in that filthy sea," pro- to hor?" said. "But It's work, now; not celebration. tested Chauneey. "There are thing la it "No barm except to the little knot ot Come ahead." horrid, ugly things. I eaa't" yellowbacks that her father tied up for hor Under the glowing moon, with the waves But as Harry plunged overboard, be reeled and placet In such safo hands as yours -- pounding gloomily beside them, they sorted to the edge ot the raft aad fetlewed. and mine." their timbers and arranged tbelr materials. The cool ot the water and the action ot "What do you mean by that?" Then they went In search qt the kind ot stuff their bodlea partially restored Tbey "You don't think a man ot my attainment that was missing. It was midnight betoro awam through a gentle sea. Theth.distance takes chances for nothing, do you?" the actual construction ot the raft began. waa not more than half a átft. pat they "How much do you expect?" It was morning before it waa finished. battled desperately In their weahav. As "You consent then?" But as tho first sun glow turned the black Harry felt bottom and reeled up rooky I merely you a "Certainly not ask what waters gray In the distance the first tongues beach, be turnad aad looked is) vs4a fer his .7our time and trouble would be worth." of the Incoming tide touched a stanch aad companion. "Ten thousand down and a little Income seaworthy, it crude and perilous craft a He fell upon his tsce en the and afterward. We eould arrango that later." thing ribbed with the wreckage ef sunken pantod life "You nr willing to trust mor back Into bin. Th h!h rose ships, tbewed with the rope ef falle sails and stsggerd up the iteef bank, "The young lady would be ample security. and manned by two mariners tired aad un- As by like to reappear he neared the top, he wa thrtlUd You would hardly have her tried. the eound of vole. But h dtettiMted hk after she wa once secluded with the They lifted th edge ec the raft and bar dazed mind. He sprang it. a a ret of rellglou family I apeak of." It Into the water. On It they placed the sea cliff only tea thousand dollar Is absurd. All the te slt ea hi ba pad "But barrel, freshly filled with water from the crouch under cover M a but Th vwfc I want 1 yftiur kelp, I hav already spring. This was their aaly freight ear were real, but those (bat taithr tsj arranged" two boards cut crudely iate the Ukeae ot that dismal place war two "Amused tor whetr oars and. a Bailies mast they had rigged devils, booted and earrytag A friend ot mine herped wth pro "Twc her 4. with Harry's shirt tied to its top as a aigaat seears .to their hand aad toll ylll XaV a yaaht of the leUnd." Thus equipped they trusUd wmsmIvm ta snake-lik- they walked tra JUm.r4r how Is he to get as am la arse, "That wilt Bt the sea. Harry acrambted J speak of? You were 4wn th ellK aad to br to tha 4t They had to paddle desperately to get eut aaa to flae along the Ha stepped at "a;Ur tff ike f bek W Aamlea where beyond the surf, but once on ta outer swell the, water1 be.gaaed tura aginia d wHfcet betag watched. ede and la aa a Mtody they left the raft drift with th wtad. They tsesplatlag a iwlm bach: to tha isit U were gamblers with Kate tshiug th eae A ahMt mad Chawt-e- r C" tea thousand." alai tura. tritahlUg. "Vary west tatasu ut at chance that they might be sighted as4 picked wa nta toward hie. Is tassawd 4 bait atJt e up by some paaelna; craft befar death eemkt Th yeig feUeWa er4 waa Vslgtat yea wisHiaaM jk ether Irtead and the overtake them. with eseetesasat aad alamV , U rWw wjth other twee-t- paahl TmrWm lH Per hours now they had not taated " yew have yea ae-- 4 ttmar he asasáVa aütar Wbméá" pealed. Owaa fee lfc that a attesaat. Day haak feuad Cfcaay oa guard. He "Tha Tservts? Ted," hfeathM Marrr. 4 ta iBkWba ttMm aroused story with a wd4. leyous alsout ctaaMsy haad bp Waadfcf. Marry, re tag hi tee. ateed tip beelda htol "Iteet yt hir wer red dvm," "ñi ttgfJa-Jfc- i as tsatetst ,asrs." eeftostod 00ospeslei aad seesawed at pjasag TM tatr htisisa "JT WsWBNg ft 94M aw. Hat TREY 0 HEARTS lniunmiin sa-- asf.tftr (srarejj 'mf fsea at tha akclfemtla'a, pea to hladar frsia pataaH never kaowlag whataer about a aaarter et a fc4e ever yonder. K Hs aH abe easiest eMmblag, when Alasv stele back to ltn. íaNa-M- viÉMsV NÉ abisf" i t the latter leet aarjaased,' te yen people, we Mtfht etreM round Judith aad reported ea evidence ob- -- tit. that that, fee- of Tríea" esirM jQaa'alhsatttsd. ajvlaclaff reaád rVald íWut uMsuaaawarSjk'al avfis4( way attd see what ita natural attraetteas may be- serva alea aad belief, be waa jeeavtneel that the tasr sff94MH OÍ a tTOQj64 attWlftssVlsjT áKcan-ye- n - aad l iligiilstaa; saa asssnbvle at a "Then R&lmri afiMtt lt any. But lt'a sure a mighty peer sort et a pursaK had turned' back perhaps far- want of , T u- I J - lL- - pi - jBvBe'eBTr J I t aflata MAiMaf kMáMÉIMli en Ke'a bare-- " eMe the motereysia sweet Kke a hsated bare, aad doesn't lead anywhere." perhaps haaárdous iu uu ie PfvBfVP '7 wr wtp aaWI" that ta.esteeate éematless sva IW Ifcfewwtf Jfet . Cm Teefes Me H," Bareaa admKted. "But so much wltheat tha leaet waralec came upon Barcua anal , "BuMcient!" Mr. Law Interrupted with a bleak attempt apea the Uvea of thei tagettrea, pmék to 77w Trty ttffMtfa the better. Well Jast aataeally Uke tho darn' Judith, dismounted, Bareus beadtag ever bis cyme mile. Without delay,ithea, he mada tha. tree end of the W tMa o Ma baaas, aad I'M bet a dollar thore isn't and tinkering wi Ha meter. . Creekla a deferential ana, Barcua offered It to rope fast round his own waist and, following tho cr' Km-- hetriellaUag eeiHstoa jieem'éd ' way aaecaer ear vdtala. a ráelas et fifty miles!" ee Instant Judith. , Bareua bad chosen, began tba ascent lovely s hta was demonstrated to be pre aaaveteabta. "verytBwg la in the formal garden," ho of the climb had beea accomplished, Bat eaaflaeaee stop you game makre by dfeeeveri. which revardod the first Ami It was Impasslbla to the cycle so brief Iftsletad "so sweetly romantic. Are for and Rose and Barcua had arrived In safety at. the the In desperation Alan chose Idle top, THI FIRST UW cursory ekámhMtléñ, that tho car was very thor- was all his warning. an tdta saunter, Jast to while the hours awayi" before tbe temptation to look down proved space of spirit enough oughly eat of com mlsetea. the outside et the road: and for the a The woman found for a wan smile irresistible. BTNorg! Tin at Xntrla ta tha "4fc-t- " ) or d aiegle heartbeat, thought that might possibly tucked her hand gratefully beneath Ms arm. Alan shuddered and swallowed re- t hl be as she hard before r Itraro Til la Itit prlrtta war a n ha Two. mhnataa later, however, their earnest in- make it, but with the next realized that be would "You're the cheerfulest soul I Met," she said suming the ascent waste asalne AIM Law, ton of tha man (sew dtad) he quiries elicited the fact that, although Darcua was evef wit. Innocaatlr rMvmtkl (or th which nitral not seeing the front wheel swing 8 ever the Up dtmurely. "What I'm going to da without you Another twenty feet however, brought him to a TriM rífala fa lira. AtaeInt l lorad by Mstifted ia bta sarseise that the neighboring coaa-try- " m4 anaui dtnibta. of tho slope. when it ever we get out of awful business, ledge quite six feet wldo, offering a broad and Trlaa'a dauatitar Baae. ÍadHfc, Taa' but poverty-stricke- In respect motor tbi a at vtotant ana vncartata. limptr,tta ,jrmla. fear was of cars, At this he acted sharply and apoa sheer Instinct goodness only knows." easy path tho summit. gained mnU . two motorcycles ta He this with a lher to earn aaaa Atea'a aVath I fcat .adr flrimatie MesaaHe Hfelt boasted whose M iha érele left the read altogether he risked a "Let's talk et something else," he suggested hast prayer of heartfelt relief and waa oa the point ot cumtnc AIM xr Iir Ufa énd . awimntly, wins ewnera were not iadlKerent to a chanco to eat( Iot aa will aa Itoaa'a, In taita ef Mr J t lousy at Haaa, m$M kkee by releasing bis grasp ot the handle-bar- ny. rising to bis teet when a cry of horror from Bar- hr aeeead-bB- d considerable fsj) JoHh rtruata ta atrva en I ta tow ah taada hr Uthf, tbeat at advance as d straighten lag out hm leg and driving It "Unless, of course," sho pursued with unbroken cua and a scream of terror from Rose, watching ahd at Iba ftma thta etory aaanp la aetlvtlf aaaUttar AIM toe retail ttot price et the machines, when new. ait Raaa and thtlr 'frUnd Taca gatea to acara tha down forelply against the roadbed. The effect ot gravity, "I marry you , . ," over the upper edge, warned him barely in time to of U hl , K ten Trtaa aad'bla aMe- a caaddtaUal Aad tbaa was that, within minutes thia was Itit him bodily aaddle: the young man prayed fervently, enable him to and grasp knob rock ana Marroyliat. If' írs U from the "Heaven." the "for snatch at a ot J Rese'a dieeerery et that chance-flun- g warntaf fa maobineanat from beneath him. like seme strange fendl" before Judith's weight suddenly tautened the rope tha duet, tbe party was again in rapid motion." projectile 'hurled from the bore et a great gua That' is niriiy?alnt- -" between them .and Jerked Alan's legs from under by Rose against him. Tn tbe chill, rt-!raewe- eiask ef that clear ' His beauty sleep diaturbod the departure et aad crashed him in tbe same traction "I mean heaven 'foffend that yoa eheuld throw Barcua ot second. . lega empty beyond evening, & eHrfrtyu motor Mr erept eleggtsaly tbe maehiae bearing and Judith, '0eaeaa a yourself away!" His feet and kicking the air. into tbe little maaiitala town f Mesqulte at Trme reused on an elbow and looked outot the Headlong they plunged aa one down the hillside, "Humph!" she mused, "Perhaps you're right," tho Up of tha ledge; he lay face downward, clutch tbo heels et two ñmUaoHi. Baalec, drirea by á window Jast io time to see the second metoreyele truck its shelving súrtase, a good twenty feet from Their banttr was not without a subtle object, ing desperately tho knob of reek, praying that It - apart; chauffeur ho stewed with eas aaa while the gathering momentum', Alan steering, Rose In tbe the brink ot the road,- Mid slyhag tumbled namely to reassure the girl who followed, support- might not come away In hie grasp. peat separate ways down tbe remainder ot tbe ed by arm, of twenty was other flourished a crackling whlp-Ur- tt oTer the behind. their her lover's The fall feet to the shale roof into, under-"brus- twenty-fou- r of sote- asotlve powr. Sixty second later .a flaunting banner ot dust drop and the friendly abetter' ot tbe In the courso of the last hours Rose's nothing. What would follow would, however, spell backs Its ' jealousy Its one pasaeafeer, a cripple aa helplaea as tha was all that remained to remind Meaquite that Ro- of her sister's fr! enditase with death. Tho Impact of her body would sot the shale car Iteelf, haddled In a eorner ot tha .xear seat, mance had passed that war that, dnd a series of Something nearly miraculous saved them whole. Alan had become eeately evident. The least cour- In motion, llko an avalanche and beyond tho eaves tesy bowlder-strew- EalutedMqulteUh a anarL , Thoagh Ge was ltf pasatóaate aereams eaaiiatlag from taTabednaam Beyond a few scratches and braises aad a severe which circunfusa ees sow áhd again demanded was only emptlneis and the bed of eoro need ot aaeh rjde emforta aa tha towa stood the chasm, a hundred feet below! prepared to afford' him, hli demeanor toward it The aweat pourod from his faco like rain. His was that ef os who .suffers an. Isdlgalty rather eyes started ln.tholr sockets. The !ood drummed than bogs accommodation. In bis cars with a roar resembling distant thunder. And now, aa tha oar crawled (a a pansa before His fingers i gTow numb, his throat dry . . , .' the Mountain b&bm Meaqulte's one caratanteral He folt that he could not hold on another In and Mosquito itself, to the last bound, sasasaiRvi stent when, abruptly, that torture was no more. Tbe rope had been relieved of its burden. He gathered round to view this wonder, Mr. Trlne's BuaaaatisaBassassaBsaBaBaWBi 'BuaBaBaBaBSaUBBaBLl indignation and ehagrta distilled words ot poison heard a scream from below echoed by one from qus Import above, then the thump of Judith's body falling on saaaaaaaWasa the shale, then tho slithering rumblo ot the land- Far froai resentías this, Mesqnite, pipe in mouth, BssssssssssamassssssssssssssVmasmsm sissWáassssssssssHmHBSSSSBaBSSsm hands in pockets, admired and applauded, and rath BUBBB slide gathering momentum . . . er resented tha chango that befell when two other " Barcus, at length arrived, aaslsted him to a place strangers (whose earlier appearance In town had of security. 8pont and faint and' sick with horror, helped make that one day memorable beyond all he lay prone, shuddering. others in Mosqulte'a history) charged out of the. Only the assurance ot Barcus that Judith had Mountain house and Interrupted the elder daril somehow escaped being precipitated over tho eavea with cries ot greeting and Jubilation. ot the shale roof roused, him and gave him nervO enough, The leader Of these answered .to the name of to resume tho climb. Marropbat; his companion "was a person named It was true, when he found courage to look and Jimmy, One guarded ward from Marróphat was see for himself: she lay within three yards ot tho old man's, brink, supino, ber face upturned to the sun, un- all that was required to change the isassmsitiasssmaaf oaths to phrases ot honeyed appreciation. stinting sho dared not stir:' a singlo movement What 'passed between he trio after they disap- hItIhhM a&Bsf3saaHucssmBBaBsaBaBaBm 'iisal waa calculated to. set the shale, bed again In mo- BsBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbIC tion, y peared behind that bedchamber door Mesqalta M could by no at sans guess. Bat tb- a celebration aSatlaBBaBaBBaBaBaBaaH ' mBBasBBaassWHssaaa Painfully he realized that if, aa Barcus asserted, of some sort was In progress was erldeaced by she had deliberately cut the rope herself, Judith the frequency with .which Márronhat and Jimmy had offered up her Ufe to spare his own. called on fee bar tor more liquid refreshment as 'MBsnanWsmiasaasBaaaaaaBaaaam IV RETRIBUTION, well as by bants of laughter long and load and ' saRnsaPHRSaBBBBBBBBm ' TSs-Bam- yet very somehow' strangely cynical of accent. ll And the consciousness ot the girl's dan- And teward mianjght one belated Meaquito ger was all the stimulant that Alan seeded to pausad ,i street putside the Mountain houso recall aim to himself. for ona lati fifóetf tiare. at the lighted windows 'UMST Onea arrived with Barcus at the top of the cliff, of .Mr. Trwe'S quarters, and so witnessed an inci- he lost bo time la setting about preparations to dent which puxxled hiss by Uta and starts through' effect her rescue. out the balance of his dar. In this business, Fortune smiled upon him, as it He saw, clearly aih,eutted against the glowing were, by predisposition. oblong ot the window, the Mephistophelean profile A broad roadway raa along the top of the preci- of Seneca Trise, distorted with a grimace of the pice, turning off, at a little distance to the right crudest Joy that erer heart ot man conceived. He to descend tbe mountainside. And Just beyond this saw Marropbat approach bis master with a drank, turning Provldenco had chosen to locate the, camp en swagger and a speech which, though. Indistin- of a hydraulic mining outfit guishable to the anisen auditor, unquestionably Alan's appearance at the top, la fact was coin- . nff'orded both ot the other men ample excuse for cident with the arrival at that potat ot half a doien ho no voiced .ecatatlo glee. Toward Its conclusion Mr. Marro-ph-at excited miners' and had mere than apparently capped tha peak of Jubilation by bis demands than three ot their number were fumbling in his eoa pocket and bringing forth, battening back to the camp to proewe rope and something whlett strongly resembled a single play, more bands. irig card. Within five minutes Alan, against the protests Now when he had contrived to master his mirth, of Roso and Barcus, was being lowered over the tbe cripple made a gesture wfcleb eloquently abol- edge and down to the shale roof, on which he land- Fumbled In His tUlll l mill ( Forth a Playing Carel. ished this eard, a gesture whiea said quite plainly: 'if((M ed at a spot far to one aide of Judith to escape all "All that Is finished, thing serve ta danger of sending h seee4 landtildo down upon The has ber ot Seneca Trine, cripple lay pos- baking up, they eaeaped unharmed, And they he show Judith or seem a boor, was enough to purpose! Te hell with It!" where the that her. sessed by seven devils of insensate rage. were picking themselves up and regaining their cloud the countenance of Alan's .betrothed. Picking his way earefully down te the very brink, Whereupon, with a smart Jerk of his wrist, Mr. screams brought was a breath recollecting wbea, Slowly and painfully those four tolled along an Marropbat sent the eard spinning and sailing out Ills attendance; hut It and their scattered wits Alan edged along this, mere than once saved a matter many precious before de- with impetus no terriflo own had obscure trail that followed the windings ot the lit Im- through opea window lose of minutes his less than their fall to death" only by the reper until he stood the te itself te the mands could been, swung ' tie rirer, a Into the main night. be mat' and Marropbat and Jimay tho pursuing motor ear round the bend until branch struck mediately below Judith. roused from their crapulous slumbers la adjoining aad hurled itself directly at the two who remained .stream and so discovered to them yet another trail Then pausing, Instructed carefully, fall, vhe be her tossed didn't see it and though chambers aad half an hour elapsed before tha upon tbe read above. leading Into the westward canyon. end of the rope bands, when she spent searching tbe Into her and aa unconscionable time for It in chauffeur, roused from his own rest, Then again slowly aad painfully they plodded on, had wound, It twice round her arms, crept up to tbe deep dust et the roadway, he went his way in succeeded ,ta eonvleeing the pair that pursuit with Ill SACRIFICE, following blindly another trail bjazed by Fates as ber fide ana bslpsd ber make It fast about her the end,with curiosity unsated; Fata had referred the motor car was out of the qutstioa until he bad But Tom Barcua hadn't failed to proflt by tbe blind as they.4 body. that card for" a higher purpose. spent at least half tbe day overhauling the motor warning Implicit In Alan's aeeldeat. Above them, oa tbe read they had abandoned, tha His signal to the miners that all was well educed Undisturbed, It lay wbore It had fallen, face up aad mending the alaehlef that had developed In It. He was therefore on the alert, quick to see the crimson racer doubled bak to (he point where It prompt response. There was a giddy Interval in passed occupants de- ward, net a doten feat from the front door' et the But the devil takes, ears, ot his own: within an- raclag automobile when it eame hurtling round the had Judith aad Barcuil Its Vh,lch the two awung perilously between heaven Mountain house, until another day dawned on other half hour what seemed to be sheer, bull, bend, and In, the very nick of time grasped Judith's scended, explored, and sama presently upon the and earth. Then they stood once more in safety. Meaqutte. headed dumb luck brought a casual automobile to arm aad swung her bodily with him back out at trail of the fugitives, Supported by sympathetic hands, the quartet Bloodhounds down upon Then, in he clear light of that dawn, four more Mesqulte a r racing machine barm'a way, amid the trees that bfrdsred, tba ta eeuld not have settled staggered Into camp, their story, as condensed by strangers straggled late (own two weary and hag- of the latest and apesdlest pattern, driven by two side ot the read. a scent with mere good-wi- and eagerness than Barcus and breathlessly conflrmod by Alan, already gard men, two footsore and bedraggled women. irresponsible wayfarers who proved only toe Of necessity bis motoreyete suffered. Aban- Mr. Marropbat and bis faithful sjde. winning them enthusiastic champions. bus canyon One of these last was dressed la a salt ot bus's ceptlble te Marreabafs offer of double tbe coat ot doned In the middle of the read, it was struck by The sun waa high and biasing above the And this was very well for them. For they had clothing, much the werae far wear. The other the ear f. a. b. Detroit tor its Immediate sur- the buffers of tbe motor car aad dung aside as if when the pursuit eame within rifle shot ot the no more than seated themselves' and begun to members at the party one. and all were the look render. It bad been nothing more ponderable tbaa a trusa ebase. what perils they bad Just escaped, when of peopte whe have escaped the Jaws ef death by Th4 twii Pled aut (promptly enough: Marropbat ot straw leading half-wa- dawn the embenkawat, The spiteful eraek roused the quartet from a the tumble at, n Meter car sounded beyond the the narrowest of lstaglaaMe squeaks. Jtlwaaf jumped lar Trine from his bedroom a hopeless tangle ef shatter sd tubltjg and twisted pause of lethargic dismay due ta tsrdy appreciation; fsbaaidar ef the hill. n4 bad penetrated wltleeely al- At al lie Houatala tha party be- w4aaaw sped (baas on their murderous mission, wire. ef the fact that they Mtrtled bf this alarm ease mere late full cosa s!jt beata surpris- to trayed iHljt ayate tasas of a mere ebserful spirit: K maet have beea aa hour later when Alan. At ftrtt blush the ekeuntttaaea teamed most the end at a blind allay. mad at fcii flagging faculties, Alan rose and ' ing, did stea, But A hasty Atan with Judltb'a rejotejaf pa Ms bremlis et leed aad drinks aad ebeekla Me meteiaycle aa K sumouated the sum that the ear aat then Bar eouacit at war armed atumHsa eVt into the roadway, taking quick cog. rak et a eag appjraes, looked back and discovered, .reminded bfenseit that WariwfM and Jlwiay aeM revolver aad posted him behind a bowlder com- ábense ef eueb, facilities fer defease aa the camp poeetbly iavafriag manding approach to chasm. Tbo vi- their sUfa. sereral nsataa éetaat ea the g windings ot not have witnessed the aserdeat the the afforded end jssutag Instructions with n voice Alan 'and Res, who, tefe)frer wKa tbe Wrsak.ef weapon, a powerful .15, kid a raage suflcieat te brant wHH his own safety, the jrf ft aV44MI Mm WMaWftsasar JWl the mouaeila read, a smell rimeea shape that raa Har, not for but for ftt f Hke a mad Hreiesely eievd their ataealae, remaiaed by taa aalsr auab tha Impetuosity ot the aasastlas and keep safety at tkese wham be loved. were the sjarmeats e a-- r sea paased, aetsred a talac pursued bf a at tawny duet Mate goUea sjaeet brash at tba bet torn of the eaayea. Ia a paeaa tkeaa under cever and out ot sight ef the desperate Net far from the petal where the read swung lewery, wttaterrer, aad ata a eeeays to compass inUktotg A motar ear, bay sad alt aaeetíea). aad one et bIMty, tbea, tba aasasslns bad assumed that Alea the fugitives were making aa treat the cH to thread tba eamp tba hydraulic nos bad hurried aa; aad since their ewa Irtt baslasss escape, was ia Rs of melt-la- g tasVsVt sV4MT94 alffMR tlsV afS4r IMP wwowmaa read deven hag aaalKyt H aalaht er ale aetiea, terrino force water ((rt fCe was odaeerasd exclusively wttb tasas, tear 'bad away by Jt was a Trer et Itearss. oaca Ver la the shed behind an abandoned leg cabin the utenatetaslde toa tea. asara (a paraaK. "Wbstbsr, ar aat, Mttef axpariaace doae H saw lea. ouveaJr, no doubt, ot some fergattea prospector Teward tbta Bareua ran at top speed, faiaiag the As far Beea aad Alea heavea aJeae haew what Bareus bad' ot stout bempea naaa ta'eaarga et tbe nesele Just aa tbe car swung ii--mi rvmn, bad teag atete edaeaasd AHa m tba Beetle art ot unearthed a teatlk bad bappsasd to thtm. a Bertas sat Mmislf fa tu sBwsw"a "Oh, eea It Raee breksa, teased sa shaaeee. 6 what leaaar wisfsre(l find oat wbataver FrovldeaM baew wHaaat saaff Ptitefeg ealy Wag eaough to carta that ly, cHaatatT e her Jerar's arsa, "aferety yea deat Basaae aad Judttii meet be averiakea aad warned With the aid of a rusty shovel be bad basked sake --aa ssattar. wblek lato twp lengths. One et these lengths there eaaId be no mistake and baring thia cer istiak . , . M.saaet be asellsatal , t , saaf sjaae maaalae bare r nnt ealv alive bat saaiálaiH uá. this iqual Sai tu h proceeded KHke fast Nuad his owa waist, tity asada deuMy euro by Jimmy's aetiea in rls Swrsty K eat leyal sea) akasK ta tears. te a tatatLsaal A Yaaa T ssVaa scathed affeeted that lag from bis seat aad Iring ever tba wladehleld eia " MspB rvsVyvwsatMs) a then round Ree's The ether be left to be slmi I M MavlHeB M IVWi laiw PsWTV eeagrattlatieM bad beea awtaaNy aa pointblank at Alea as this last stood waitlag ia the ttac Islvi Imétií ftf th MtsMUtai Bat when larly employ sd by Alan nd Judith. For it was If pr fclsfjisl chsagad. ebera tell awkwswNl paass. The eyes roadway Bareua aad the mtner swung the aeaete jHlsfskfew4j)4al MÍ4MiJkrMtWttll It Was4AÍt 1 PajsMt ! laaafaf '1M sbb4 ruWMaVi 4W u agreed that tamt climb, aad while the cliff BQtQi eaa mlwlry. ty round K directly on the oar. 4Msst ÍHli tta jpsksVaM WlMM Meta watam of tbe tear sought aaasM's eeah pair effered Do ta daunt a mountain-climbe- r of until bore M K tf lsNk M4 far si asatr wari far power was essJjssM wHk the aaattered bat tnaerabe inquiry It The at He stream suck that the ear ass)PlasVsC IsAesf eMsMaasssJT ssP 'tJNH faad) M were aaw ataaaac atlek aay prctsaaieai, was considered best that the Mr s waa wished' In before isa, ITleh What aentt fagltlTes saauld be hitched up la pak-- against any s H tracks; aad tba taastabj 's eaélri I aaaat tbarrs at-- , kf tJsV) a"i4aBaMi WasTaj aVsaaMI'l pa4sNaaBVMat slip. water eeuld have abut eff er tea stream a saasr we atsuht ta'aa aaae le eejae war ( PaJaJsJ'Wsjy lr'íarhPst a'Wsal saWWNaW JA it WW pe4lllty at a Tbe palrlag bad beea bea iaá WaWajfc verted, tbe mácalas waa baek ta tea vary I a ajaas) sasaaaa basaaaa ua ajjdl mpp ?w,l tlHI BMaHaU44t1 tM a4K4'llldBr4lBk M1 br the fact that Barcua beeeted some drive MaV arlM'at'BBjl sMadfkC atC Hp et cbe eMff aad over K eeatpfttely, table with m - , Taer WuM euvevsal IssMaf1 ft Bw11)! sNckt eaperleaca la mows tala taring, wbHe Rose 'aar - aVus4aMa It tkase tweta upea whose effarta all tba heaea at lajr, Basasts was elisaajs- aat edhaw. a was mh thB $9? Mat? a)t tatrwV'' eW1 was pMlaV the snost eshausted of tha two women, Bat bis ta mqbí isad Msititlartáf la Senses Trine et lela had besa saetera d. thsraata arwsaatay wtth Alan's laisrp iatáWsa at tba tea, tatac Aaaa) saieass lewia nee a laaaawad yeada .tal.. tba least able is help haslt In an emergency. fBaBasjasaVM (We)' MtahAai tkaMasA Aavaatj mm TiLa A death that waa ssaissraf, la teat st waa ha sBanVMstsBsaVuM sf pft at K ahaad, bat mast pait ea sa aaaa aBi, ba T1 va bww P , vmf taavTM,akaaH aaa TTaaaBjaBMl, He bad worked hie cautious way, wkk the girl " Had tbesa at feet o aba sstff, W-- IA aPBBBpa hag far Use beat that Judith and Bassai would with a backward Jark at bee taMsasb ta ta asistí the in towrf to a point about midway up the face of itutiiiom, airs tea "amarp's taa werdl" aa eBed. aaaa estew n- ha frpal. that saMaastaa astaad baa ftjtaVuf, I HV b MskM kfaMaufMaH tpsMfl MHI tba cliff, feUowisg a loag aUagoaal that pfevldad (T be a seawall.) u

it f - 'i i - - v 1 " . IIS Cb"E OH DIMPLES- - DÉTS Ill "DonV yoo. WiIIiAmCÍUL Trtis 5. A ,unT- So' ' ' " v , 7' (5?o Wt PAy WilliAM TeLL. HorT aiy ARFroW-- ? $T; cant IWÍIIET. A'y Bow Bey X)o)i 1AKD t&ok op his it BoW AMD AKtfoW Mll J L '

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i r. i " OH child ! Í Thie i5VVo ü5r I ( have: a I . .And A-To- oF FACE IS 5QÜA5HED. VEAN youF I I IVI . k ToÉxb Ú II

AT Ttf ÁrplE .

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e Hall-hav- a. new face oaJ Hh Io)JiE- - ArJD ToAiKY V Bittter o Hoéj He is A itPÓeH.


THANKflGIVmG SPECIALS TUMXET Mm eer Mfltoit it, seUatraaev ' Krx ÉÉbA fi.... m jMflAilA WRIGHT oentperfoen WlrTK . Wa, woa't fait jresWW'v Cleau Oothes Oeuest 4 lady e; tee No garment tee delicate or faugh to clean, eke wt ji iifcyiMM press and dve. Our perfect plant and EXPERT WORKMANSHIP you 'ABB! assure the the satiefactíen that you elo&'t get else- hw aitr pté ThübTMf Tatoy later it (en Ruturat' where. order for X A BDW A K, 01 JtrrcKaHí 317 SAX ANTONIO ST. UTDNML.tovii V rJtOMFT.' BBRWIOE. MODERATE FKICBS. Wright's Cleaning Always ti Beet. Oysters $ Any Style. Short Orders a BpcetaKr. Mwlo' Sfoerc Btrdwan; Ciqpiqr g. tail 1TW at fWUá III Jests St. TWMSI! Works gtfpT A DELICIOUS CUP OF COFFEE Phene 343. Auto Delivery. THE CHINA PALACE We call 'fer and delivery your work We A,k ' are 'mw1 earning tlt Wgeet and iaett esJeKe Tscléty ét KnWh, Your Grocer for ,' - ' yjT Freaely Austrian, German and American Dinner warn ttiat'we'ttave enrer t'ír. i.weetly. atnee FKENCH JiUXDKV COFFEE, It'a tne Beat, and ADAMEDA COFFEE, carried we have been la business. Seta and even Steele 40? Xtefe ! . The Coffee of Wonderful Merit Settj.frem, W.M (e $158.90. Call and look ever ear gorimwM patterns. - 4 ' TOVSí we are carry wr we largest ;; JffTaf-- Put roasted by the ÍS"V and most varied atóele of pella and íqys since wo ;have ,been la bul-ne- w ; Our Toy DeartsB.ent thla A Republic Coffee Company year will be Annex. Wa v In' our' XK-S- , SU N. STANTON STREET. Strength and Service will begin to display our full Une (C 1 ' "toya the weelc . In 'Iaaportcra of the Beet Tea and Coffees of about first . This is the powerful combination we offer you. December. t Aftg vv cum vmv untf't. vniray Our strength liei'm our ample capital and PRICKS- - Our rood are priced, at R. W. Wllmore, Pres. Wra." Andreas, Her. our profit large reserve. the saine of ' as s Usual la normal times. - In point of service, we extend every facility and ín Tile runiá'laiT . fieavenience reeuifed. the .transaction of mod. trr usía ' THE cAtNA PADACE ANNEX 113 San Andalo St ern b ess. t09 South Oregon.- - fykla Bters.t New depositors an'd old alike receive every con' sideration.' We Pay 4 Per Cent Interest on Savings Deposits

We have ordered a special lot of fine young; v City National Bank r" Hanksqiviííq turkeyb Grandees and we can give you the choicest,, tender meats at the lowest LfSfRw era ' price for cash. -ri T- g Loin Steaktlb...... 25c Rabbits, each.. ..15c Hens, lb. . . , . . 22yac Shoulder Steak, lb. JSc V 1. Round-Steak- , lb. . i . . . .17Vic Mo Painting Co. !Eea aR.DSaS TURKEYS, DRESSED, LB . ,.22Vc .. Get Your Order m Early to Insure Prompt Delivery. f ( UNION MEAT IVLAJRKETr .WIS Guarante3s You The Best The Automobile and Absolutely Clean, Sankary, New. We Employ Only Unió Mea. ' ' aí. v- .- . . juoouuinsiAiiiun. rnumt. t9 Carriage airiti? V ' PROM? DELIVERY. . ) ,J We mqJke m 8ediítff f AutéÍj&í' ni m GmHrlm ecooereM 'SieeaB iff!" . tiVé Service ' ' " of. "T j, and the Best Foods asBaiaBaaaaas if : l j , i Ji Look Stylish 4 i Combine to make this the'Cafe chosen for i dinner. If you wish to dine in a pleasing environment; where. you know: you will rr Thanksgiving Day tried that new cigar? ' rrrra enjoy your meal, try a'dinaer at thel Hive you (. We have expert workmen to dean,

5c-BANDER0S- press anal dye your clothes. HOTEL E-5c Special Table d'Hote Dellar Dinner Good to the Last Puff. El Laundry .Pkoee 3641. for table reservatieBs. raso Coney Island Cigar & News Stand Always the same careful service - Phoae 470 Distributors,,- - SEE THE 109 North Orelo St. Fighters In Training ' I f' FRESH OYSTERS. For tkim f (mi Plain and Stuffed Olives Heinz s Pickles Van Caaip'e Seups PHONE 4225 Welch's Grape Juice Turkeys' Chick USE A J; Cranberries aFiglriaife Dixie Peas Avoadale AsBaraarua Big Freih Tomatoes, Celery, Lettuce . A8k ,FerMHcn CACTUS MESSENGER Heinz s Plum Pudding Delmote Canned Fruit- - Free AénWa; FaiitCake NuU v acAiiiHig s Uast uottee. Cer0 SUMtm axá TMrd Streets ' Night r iTajr Always the Bit Stroke Wpdrop t Wimame L-- PHONE 4225 - 190 E. líetalevere!. - We 4t if 7 f F. - , 7 S3is BAT " m '1 Wetfclel yew eejey a Thsiibsttviwg Thinksgiving Tarkey Dimer Hce yew aieliiar eseal te seek 7 .That's Jest wfce yWM ret et rTlxvmm INiations Camf fi V. attke 4 v V- - ' Hn. dark's Caietem 5i7i70r King Cafe 307 MILLS STREET; 909 Seal Antéele Statet (Denietears). Thanks gtviesT Day, Be a boy agam eat all the Twites' aed Psiees raasowabla, K sefree yee rifak. Geeal Jes ateal Craoliarriai and Puroekin Pie aetg)e4 tUee tee will Aw B ' BYouThankselrlae:HkTo1onteiaaer, will please you ey J avataavaaaaje af Tl 'iLjBiju aa. am UateebBasal Bams i eeveaieB ee uleseam eeessi evejeK eww pTVasser Mm snd your sMets. Only tba t foods r mW SH ehw end wines serred. Try our klehlaaa r 71 CblneM aad SpaAMi Mm. ineaty I A B UMUQ Th BMt 50c Dinner In the City Isi Í P OSCAK Piiepsiitar. I . VIs' booths fer aa, swIUaM a4 mZ H 1 11 a. eyte g. fTltli'.' i Pese 7t ay.' J. V jjessal Sil aeaeai M Paa4 tereet. R p , g 1ur We Thinaeailr tiaalary aa4 gjm JW" g Pi

1 SurnTay. NovemW ll.J?t&. B 2 EL PASO MORNING TIMES

ELBERT HUBBARD'S v. WEEKLY SERMON Make Your DbUar Produce MóMIn City vfi who Lirrr-- thk lii orr hades: "Watson's Groceries a New York Hotel; ti ELBEIlT HtDDAIlD. York & (Copyright, ivii, by newspaper retture ra A plcássmt room with prrratrbatty yNew r-- ReturnJ Herriee Inc.) or commerce t fra DAY facing urge open cuuiu Dally. Mmlted 9 Montlu. H Th one Intent modern Famous for Quality" PER esw,ktHsVe Oil Mo lo betsow i benefit. are a3U (Not oee room, bet AIIOTt, I HI The one Intent or war to Intlroldsu, prtyat VIA cripple. mim and destroy. An excellent room with vm in runirr nv nmrTF D Modern eomnWce mods ror health, war Tkk U the time of the year te thmk about "Fruit Cake." facing Street, Southern symbols suffering end disesse. Uth, Commerce It equitable exchange!, and We have Just recelvod one o the fullest' and most complete lines PER DAY the more business can be placed on of choleo Ingredients Imaginable for a real Old Fashioned. Fruit $300 eae reos, friendly lbs better. (net PacifiJ bun, Our Cake. Téxas We mike money out or our mend. Dt-tt- $l- - per ÍTbe ); rnemu will hot trade with nt ir they can Abe attractive Room wHhoet i for da,. Our show windows fairly groan under their load ot dainty aifd - Help It and they usually can. prices rc most wjaieraety commerce pelli reciprocity, mutuallly. nutn feeason. Restattraat Dining Care, appetizing frulta and shelled suitable for the H One glimpse at our displays will tickle the most fastidious palate. The HanieHc league, three hundred )ear aro. made r on pirales. It elrc4 Location or and mada shipping the sea buccaneer On a raléala irosa of the larfett safe, i In the way cities now free e Grocery v ime bur-ri- Watson's Xnatet from 19 pctectetl rrom tho hltthwytnen and Five walk thtr eoinmodltle miy now Within block of tbe Fttth Arc ihoppinC In order that Phones 6151, 5153, 8183, 5154, 5153. 2 Tcxae St. Full they are plenty and tree, rrom where ,riCi . the Aaat ful to where thry are needed. CTSry u r"-- " -- . War at a corrective for industrial Jeal- ruta Arenserk uus une roa jnniwy ousy, would be Ilk" making love with a bludgeon, managing a kindergarten with The Hudson Tubes across the street a blacksnako whip, or mtrodiirlnr bope, tno . Elevated Railroad smvoe scrosi filth and charity with the aid of Subway Station three rmnuiei away. la a contradiction In A ''tticcenrful" war Railroad Station nst ose MoeW turma. PsarrsyrraaU your J wy- - War destroy youn market, limits seorte territory, lessen your prospectas and the tor comtnUno esse covltt mk a more "auccrairul ' the war, tno more it 7b Your Best your kllla the buying ability of cuatomera. All war whether successful or not ue- - The Hotel Mroys productive power. ETTJRYTJTma HEW AfTD MODERN. And, worm or an, it amoincra (rooa win, 000 ROOMS A rTYE MILLION DOLLAR HOTEL. Advantage kllla credit, stampede confidence things ssefc of 400 BATHS TO SATISFY THE MOST the syatcm A EQUIPPED nervous An that commute of the bualneas body. EXACTING TASTE. ir you mil examine the preaent Euro- - pean war situation carefully, you will rind ' . 'All Baggage Transferred Free to . XVr urn rlciiKjd to know that no many young men It stamped and stenciled "Mada in Ger tibe Southwest many." upprc-clut- the- - Pennsylvania Station and women lmiortiinco of navins Tho chántame view is to assumo mat me and from money ami havo MnrUii account) with ub. war lord h a subject for tho pathologist and the alienist. You will Also find It to your best advantago to The war lord Is a warrior first and for MARTINIQUE ever. A thousand photographs reveal him THE HOTEL open an account now with Xin. bolted find hooted for slaughter. " Oa Broekhragr, to 33rd Streets, New York The te pictures attest his vanity in braid BANK of National reputation, of com- 32oi and buttons and show his lovo for glit tering-- steel. manding size; a Bank advancing the best CHARLES LEIGH TAYLOR WALTER CRANDLCR, JfC WALTER C GIBSON! lie symbols Mars, not Mercury. PmbW Uunl Manacar FOUR CENT INTEREST PAID The boldltr at his best Is a night watch- interests of its territory. Such a Bank is alive PER man. ON SAVINGS At worst, unchecked, he Is a wild, weird. to the best possibilities at all its points of con- ACCOUNTS wooly, head hunter. The fallacy or al lowing the night watchman to dictate tact; it can be counted on to be keenly ajive to business policies, Is now apparent. WHEN COMB TO STUDY SHORTHAND night watchman be made to ring best its clients. YOU must the interests of Competent stenographer are in constant da- - up; otherwise ho will got tho Idea In his Learn toa urce- - eyjism aimpiesi. head that he is owner or the plant. Such a Bank gives good Suppose we exalt our pollco system Into you service. rourt from which there Is no anneal. putting Hhe night watchman In as general manager of our factories, stores, railroads. transforming the billy Into a scepte-r- could civilization then exlatr Militarism must bo shorn or Its buttons. ACCOUNTS SURELY ENDORSE clipped or Ha power; In order that men 8000 THE C . SI. Gritlcr T. A. Thurston. may work in peace. "Sarefy First" demands that tho war god get the blue envelope; and the sooner this Valley Audit Co. happens the better it will bo for the com Rio Grande LONCWELL'S TRANSFER, ThurstonAuditing:, Accounting, Systematizing merce of the world. tf any one asks, "Who lined the lid off Fbaae 1 rcllnvrof the American Aasodntlon or Public Accountants or : ' lladcs?" let the truthful answer-be- Bank Co Antamobtles, naeke, Uvery. City fíationál Bank Building "William lioheniollern." XiTrust Auto Dacgacé .Trnckj Had this man u.ed his power for peace Light and IJeavy IlaellBg. I'llONi: 3288 Kli PASO, TKXAH Instead or Invading a neutral country, there would have been no war, England would have .joined with Oer- - many In checking Austria's belligerency nut wuneiem wanted war, and war he has. Ho. It was who tho used l m,U fa ikaa M I As a ruler hn Is a girted degenerate or Mmim t ad i noble grandmother. Stopf tbe STATE NATIONAL In degree he has her power, but not her BANK Kor New War'Stasapj; ESTAHLISIIKD APniX, 1881. love. He has her persistence, but not her Canrflílhe prescience, CLIFFORDGENERAL MERCHANDISE WHOLESALEBROS.AND RETAHj Attibtfitrtratt 307-30- 8 111. is- - Bros. OAPITAIi, SUUPliUB AMD rilOKITS 9X00,000.00 He never wrote a lottor or a message Mall Order Given Prompt AttenUón. E. Overland. Phone Known Its srwrid ore Printing Co. wherein he did not speak or Ood as If the AND FANCY GROCERIES Interest Pajd on Savings Creator wero walling to sec him tn the STAPLE On Michigan Avooo, Qiicgo mo ettad Accounts lobby. "Cod Is wllh us," "Ood Is de- iva boulevard. UoobAluCUa view ol Glut stroying our enemies," "I am praying our Park aad Lake MkKigu. Unrivalled as a C. II. MOItEHEAD, MAGOFFIN, Vlce-Pre- President JOSEPH Ood to ho with you," "Ood Is giving us Sussbmi aad Winiei KoStL Withm five sainases C. K. BASSETT, QEOItQE D. FLOUT, Cashier. victories," "I am accountable only to my years Has a Jumbled, tumbled mass of walk ol Federal Bulling, the Icaduf tbaatna, assayer and Cliemist consclenco and to Ood." and In and dirt or the aod bosioeas centre. Recast únptoveaectt I J. OILCHIUST. Amu Cashier. or rears tears the dust This belter that the Maker the Uni gladiatorial arena. All the wealth gained asada at a co exceeding 5300JD00. GEO. yt. OAMKItON verse a special takes Interest In him. in that years Is already lost! Calais unexcelled marks the man as a megalomaniac; and and serrica dissipated In a carnival of death. ROOM RATSS RepreaeoUtire For Shippers a ta4 the - Idea that the nations were "laying ror .tero, the fiddling riend, with- his care Bl Paao flmelter. him" is tho true symptom or paranoia. or S I Sol'oÓa'iJo'p lessness In the use fire, never burned da. tM 8am JTrmnclaoo Bl Paaev Teaaa Siiiiiuiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiti Ills talk or Slav invasion li stall stuff, property In all bis pestilential career worth Spanish - English DaaU Ram lot tw Mol su subtle and sly, to divert attention from his that destroyed when the kaiser's r. o. Box sa. own crafty designs. troops applied the torch to storied Louvaln, Bookkeeping Stenography Is a Slav Invasion more to be dreaded What has been done before may he done R. F. DAVIS, Manager DmÚ. Roota wid Wui lor tw paraa. than a Germanic f Ask Belgium. again. The "Thirty Yeara War" reduced H.00,3.00 aad 6.00 ac kr. 1 If you want to pay a medium price for Tin war god's Interest in farming was a Germany to a terrible state. The old and Phono 1484-146- 5. Trust Bid. uecmm na, ludifu BMimrf, your pose IV. SKaStr, o. his encouragement or business a the crippled wero Knocked on tno neau. S, Manajtr All 5 Overcoat, the answer ia a subterfuge. The nunneries were turned Into communes. Every Gorman farmer between fourteen Women and children tolled In the fields ''Signs and sixty years or ago has been drafted like beasts or burden to raise crops to Pbone 1001 Into the ranks to be rood ror vultures. reed the people. Independent Assay Ofiloe Every farm horse that could carry a man Family names were lost, destroyed, for or draw a Toad has been seised. gotten. A new order prevailed. To All beef cattle pave been appropriated. Jmsmt far Orm ó4aMfa JaeeM mm the dead was a crime. tuaaifea AmltU. MI anaiaas Styleplus Every penny In every savings hank In Why do the German people stsnd by the BlUm Xftrt AÜTOAWniXaSS.FQIt IURG axf porféF. Germany has been levied upon, and a "re- war god? El Pasn Auto sod Taxi Lliery. ceipt" given to the starving holder. Tho The answer Is easy. II Is a matter or 30 large touring csrs and, loss or a Offloa sod lboríorrt lifetime's savings means death the hypnotic spell or patriotism and the lea Praacsaa 4 Cal aaaaaa Isa taxis that never sleep, opposite Del to a old to a. Norte Hotel, w. San Antonio I multitude or people, women, luro of the crowd, combined with coer U. Mafi. TtXASV. its St. children and cripples. cion. PHONES $17 The money a man might have left to or thing i We make virtue tbe wo are care for hla widow, orphan or aged pa- compelled to do. Come in and let us show you. rents. Is swept away In the or I s maelstrom The marvellous recuperative power of OPEN ALL NIGHT blond. the Teutonic people Is proved by the fact BHUR-O- N The sale of Styleplus Clothes here is confined Old age pensions, slrk benefits and life that the German race was not wiped out Prescriptions filled and delivered I 1 Insurance are only dreams. or exlstenro long ago, Ilka the Incas or tho at any time day or night. to this store We aro told that the kaiser kept Altees. Tho wilt to live was strong, and Mall Orders Filled Promptly. peace for forty. three years. True; Just a new race was our. MISSING waiting for tola stroke at world dominion. Are we to go bark to that black nlghl A. E. RYAN & CO. Every male child born In that forty, or bloody medieraliimT UrngElsts i i thrco years, who can carry a gun, is taken Surely noil Uur hearts are with Ger ceo. li. KKNUALt. makes otasses right rrom useful slid made to or falL z work, do the many tbe Oermany Invention, science, when all others " horrible bidding of this mad. bad man. music, education, skill but not with tbe tat WE3A AVENUK. Germany no In prlvata individual r war god- - The emperor does not represent "2AK LItE EASY" opérale an automobile. All the oil and the true oermany. He symbols the lust Walk on ltubber lletOs pefrol has usen selird to Incinerate the or power, the thirst ror blood. Ha Is a Men's Huhber Heels.... M Cesta dead. "No slab marks their resting place-- no maniacal night watchman drunk on power $500 Reward Ladles nubber Heels ..St Cent EAT AT records or the slain ars kept who thinks he owns the factory. For Sale By Tha Newest and Best la Germany today no bands play In the The win. Restauraai craiy saiaer win not ma wis ENTERPfllSE SHOE & LEATHER COL Frank Tey aad Beb Cshe, pubUe parka, all aaVlngi banks are closed; dom or the world backs tbe Allies, and A reward of $500.00 will lrpi. commercial banks par or not, as the war Saint Helena awaits. It mutt be so. be paid to the party giving 111, Mesa Ave. minister orders; all Insurance companies Oermany will not be subjugsled, but sb Club House Cafe nre-a- will both lire and re bankrupt; colleges will be relieved or a surcubus that has definite information that tftS'SoiiU El Paso 61. are lunicu uno nospiiais an students aro threatened her very existence. lead to the absolute location u me iromi lactones are closed! labora- Disarmament must come. of tories are meniorlea. This awful chain oX wars will make of E. A. Dchlow San l tbe progress or the Dr. Carl Smith HlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUIIIIIIIIIHIHHIIIlR Issl world federation a necessity, It need not Francisco. IIUITUKK, BLOOD, SKIN, 1,1 VKU longer bo argued for. Kot a sane man or Mr. Behlow left lot Ange- KIBNKY ANB HLABUKK Sufferers ef Heraorrhold woman on earth but knows world federa DISEASES tion and disarmament mean the safety or les on Oct. I Oth on the ad- Would you believe me If 1 itll you that the race. Koosb S37-S- I esa cure- - you in U day. Let ma rerer vise of a physician as a health Hauls you to soma or my worst case, thai Canada and the United Bates have kepj rtrst National Bid. par been la lea time, peace a" by and was last heard cured then II WE WILL GIVE YOU the for hundred jests, "an ar seeker no failure with my treatment, in the rangeiutm" whereby It was provided that from at Bowie, Ariz. It is 17 year that I have treated Hemorrhoid each government should hare on the lake I have cot oae rallure. l would be glad two boats earh with a crew or not to feared that he either met with to explain to you toy method or treat, ing Hemorrhoids, exceed twtity-sl- i men. foul play that hn is suf- THE LOCKIE tia tune Ion rrom THE BEST SERVICE or vnnr voratltin llr. Hrndrin. CUM. Tes, The "arrangement" has worked. HOTEXj APAHTMKNTS Statesmen must be business men, not fering mentally, and soldiers, a m AND statesmen build slate soldier DESCRIPTION! 33 year, Cenaer allU and Staotoa Strveu destroy It Paao, une army and one navy, serving as po- of age; 5 ft. 8 in,; weight Kl Texas lice, ran keep the peace. HO lbs., black hair, blue R. 3, Usjr. Pkoaa ! H. MOIIR TTHrac peyona this preparedness" spells bell, VvaJarrC'S too ATTirarrcnn In Italic. eyes, smooth shaven, very Cut Rate Hardwre. tsl us I bank William the Second ror ex. neatly dressed; carried tan Paint 4 Glut. plodtng ror us, among other bombs, thy suit case with Greek letter Between El and bronddlal fallacy that vast armament In READ THE WANT ADS Pae sur peace. Phi painted on one end. When things gi bad enough they tend i New oncaihs, Atlanta, VV ashingte and New York to cure themselves, This information wanted Ban FrancWee and Lee Angeles Tbe law of rompenisUon Is at work. At by his mother, who is ill at the close or this war. which famine will her home in Redlands, Cal. dicta shall be brier, there will ror sale Ceme In and Let Us Shew Veu be 1. TaCXAál a fins job lot of second hand, crowns. Telegraph N. Davis. amtiO'KOOarGunterHIM ANTONIO, Hotel CITY TICKET OFFICE Ne. 209 Nerth And the forte of Industry, economy. Chief of Police, El ek Orefen harmony, science aad fruadaktp Pa. A Heel Fer tke CKweti shall rusa the worU. wrrvuxm


Ural to IKMown fro "Which Hardsvlck there was Injected Into the game the most ENCE TITLE CRIMSOM .DEFEATS railed to Men goaf. spectacular ana sensational piece or root. NEW aWWATOUWFIH Titer wis no runner acoring in tha ban strategy ever seen on an eastern grid uertm alihugh Yak) appeared 1o have Iron, rae two poima on a sarety by Mahan Jnst atfjne teams were lining up a gresi Kirellfnl Mark Company" te Pa4 MsA when tho M TO ra, rtoni Harvard left balrback klrkrd a relf aroso from thé and Captain Class rreslae-Hon- s IMS H1IN0IS BLUE WITH EASE rolttog Hands ttramalle Mil Mnlral frx bslt over his Own goal line and Brlckley, operated upon for appendicitis at Popular friers. ten upon 11, early-Jf- t October, waa seen rushing across 4 nt&t imSc ; . jW.'lilt. Start tiood The ofricials decided tlut It was the field to the scene of Mar. the Crlm- - M4ST 8FatCrAOtlAR (1IWC IN should, and likely prove 4 ' ' rTMLI. touciibsek, however. on leader replaced Franrke at fullback It most will, ' HtSTWIY T THE OTflRT (OES lsasjL waa.' r1-- . ..' IAí : ."W..nn. 1..W Hanrartl struck aavsgely fn the second ana prrpai-r- apparently to execute a field especial Interest 10 theatergoers and "Hit MRVANt. Starting- amus' quarter. from her own S9l. mcnt patrons of F.I raso to leant thai 7 line,, nanan, iiaruwica and oradico carried The Yale line and secondary defense 10 I h tough the organltatlon or several busi- Ruas Wfgest tfeere Ever Kade AaalaVl the ball across the lines In ranld succes spread out to block the kirk. II was but 10' t or ness men the city la to have a season ol tna.BRi. atiere we Biggtsl crand sion until rrshcko was given tho pigikin another Bit crimson rtncraishin. how. That- Erer saw realball Came. ror ine nasi piunge, tie rumpled, but fol- rjrer. tor Brlckley standing far back, wa high' class dramaito and musical stock, lowing the ball ltfte flash, on as nut pee.iate " Ino play Nahan m KariySéni ...... 3 .. . ? sthtittingtr fell It wherein produciions. beginning at tho Crawford w.. a anq Hi two Mary WaffMi ...,...... w.-.I.M- tl. ., jtl 8M nighltnlrr it rolled across 'ino goal lino for liar nradlee rushes carried the ball jrj.Xs Ipse Ve . ' , f W Bg Ihp second acore. theater Monday, November to, the Idea betng WlCwgv.' -y ril. 49CÍlrá rrr vard'a Iisrdwtrk failed WMmii. H.- dcráallog Hie, !ft ! Charley It1 tu Williams again ror goal. over.eager holding5 to próvida the belter class or entertain- hroa, ..,.;.., H I' ll i(ewMarn, Conn,, Nov. at the try Here Yala woku and a penalty drore rango utvertfurr wimmmm tay. im. MM RraadvwiM ! ....Hi m .i.i tt III ti) ll Utrrrtv 00 up and taking a punt on ber line, inem Ba u varus, crimson regain ment at prlcea within' the of tbe aver- verity i M64 M4wa i .jiickugs M so rooaoaii juggernaut Yala tiw age person. BiiMWit ...r..T:t'.,...;(M tv .. iimij hi. cruiocd the ina mue rammca tier way through ihfl ed ten yards with a forward pass. .Mahan tita Ward tu ao eleven a score or 34 to nitm Joseph D. Glaus, a prominent m an a ret'. vu o by 0 in the Harvard line to her opponents' ana vooimge. wnuo nnrtiey watched the jwr wo. every gime éa hwjt le. Keogn producer In theatrical game, and well H 151 IM Davis 100 IM "bowl1 hire this arternoon, bllo 71,000 line. Knowlea Slarrlnri The Crimson ion otner ten players outwit the Yales. the iitwoi won raHy;s4 o 9. acorasitm SHers7.r. .A....v...... f,..W .. known to hundreds or El Pasoans through SMIV,. t. ,ta ') 1? la llaniner 100 IM spectators watched the gridiron rout In wards stiffened and Yalo resorted to a .Again tne narrara leaner went through iuuttooti ma a neta tm ta oo toucn StMAICOUtt .MB "t 4 I) IJ Ambrose 10' stupltled amatemcnt, forward pasa. Knowlea to Alnswurth, for the motion or preparing to kick a field the numerous excellent shows he has sent down' and safety r wiscetisla. Wfl 4 t. 13' 16' 16' ts Estep ill H to tbe city In the past several years, I to nwMf. sétts ....;.. IJ Tnd Crimson machino tip ten yards. Then Knowlea resumed his! goal, while Watson made a forward pass Lilly 100 100 rushed and to be manager of the. new' enterprise, and í' ' . go down the field will line. battering. A y"ard Ok' two al a II inn Hardwlck, for thé fifth and final touch. Amy, Mi' grrlagHtía, c. w Ave-- v.'( .w w to wr to too IW almost at and when game. this fact alone, presages support for lliil trie co or ha hammered his way 10 Harvard's d dtwn or the Brlckley then closed his thi tk Joy.. Wac 7tH. snow 13. OraawtM. o4ce I. show f. Kllubnllrllarwooa. show minuies battle had elapsed, had - undertaking, for Mr. Olass unquestionably S íumMivOitu succeeded In rolling un the larccst num. )ine. but his- efrorts went ror naught rooinail career at narran! by kicking an PoHH, Armjr t Scralcmdr Crk..iHy,rwt, VarkXad, scarlet Letter, mil stream.' , , . easy goat knows the local sentiment in matters 01 ,Wet ICy...Jfwr. siWiao ran IT long wnen rrany anu omy ber or points ever'reglswred against ror, on the rinal rush, he dropped iho ball ana tronca or tno rieia amid closed Us bo (Ac casen Todsv bir as' outcUiirtHt tM4fNH. wew into a lead the as amusements. dereatlner gallped the fHé njrtoftf OraieW artwed o4- pecd and raced rorwaraiy etavrj). wnn mo exceDllon or the and Collldge' of the Crimson tumuit or encers in wmcn inc. vaio wen BprlHíflcW Trtlqta jKixiol by acdre oe ' . ,irorn" tu as tno Tho Eyrlc Theater Stock company Is a oül but waa ,M 'match for ViRMer. .Elisabeth llarwood a aood race. Of U84 Yale victory of 48 to 0. wi ih eleven hurled hlmselr at tho Spheroid and Harvard sections joined, ww pwgrea to it scooping being brought Intact frsm New Orleans tu i, jfi ino rana greatest acoro ever made in the 31 aamea It up on the dead run, started Hider.ltio worst, conditions ever expert. ror goal, 08 away, El Paso, tho railroad jump being one of tbo BEqoNU u.i "won,' piajrea sinco 1S7. the Yale yards, coached Miners, Is: Colorada Anotes, 0, eneed hero Both toams twoMle, Ti ijpt. .start rood; gapping. every longen in tlio history or local theatrical for football. made 2323 Tho score falls to give tho to follow move or tho bill, tun Bu thti Xitoclalrd Vets numerous attempts abrorward países and Crlmion vliycrs along enterprise, tbe ehler aim being to ut on Moraw. V, slightest inkling of Iho thrilling scope or streamed in tho Denver. Colo.. .Nor. st Flelillnr pioy, was ,to liMe. W1. 8t. M K Sir. Fin.. J)fWry Coolldge, until without detay finished productions, stu m w muting ircacn ra piar or ino rcroarxao 10 ami wake or tho flying rosily to ward the blow or ih Colorado erous or s ...1.1 n I i i. Haynes stratriv last tho whistle as is quite generally Known, tne present tbst but few tbe itrlca were uc brilliancy game off taeklers In his rear. II was well they Agricultural college and tho ccssfuL" e 9J44 ByoMei . v. X...1J3 4 a s wiutama 13 inatviduai with whlcn tne School sesson Is not a bountiful one ror amuse. (wae)Ni-iM- t. did. ror Lcgoro and Wilson, two or Yale's n. L,igH ....,143 I 3 j i orandt 4 ! bristled. Every second Or third nlav Mlilei,' football logins baiilcd hero today nient enterprises generally, and there will 4 sma-l- fastest were soon sweeping IW1 t i 4 t brought tbe thousands to their rcct so in- sprinters over wllll the acoro farorlng tho Miners, I to cry Dartmoulk.'M; Syracuse, 0. f the st be but a rew of the traveling shows Astute., placa jhow ou Sycsaett pMce show out. Mystic Light, show tense wa the excitement and so specucts turf terrific speed. Tno. contest waa exceedingly full of In year. ti, - El Paso, or elsewhere this It has nil the ted IK El. blocking- - - nocla rreti. . r ino piay, no gamo or equal calibra on Clever and checklnr by Hard- spirit. been found too tlut the going public, is Boston. Nov.. SI A . versatile Dartmouth .Astute, mifch thinnest, showed rood speed and fenced bol4ly and takmr the eastern football fields In many years Mahan the Mine moved has wick. and TrumbuH protected received 'their first score In Iho not esgef Id separate Itself st the rate or leven with rusta, .sweeping id lead, at atari ws never In trouble attd oely galloped the last pan. syosaet provided such a spectacle. tiring runner until ho tho linn period or play. Two moro up the second turn but could sever, get to the waa easily. Jesuit had crossed first scores two and threo dollars per scat unless, the runs and iccürato passes ta Kstrepcrtorq winner, nt,beL 11 atemcd at nmea as though tho ror tho rrom Which Hard were In the rinal periods. or contest third touchdown annexed twu (fertng Is a rare exception. Oood show a attack, .overwnelmed a ,hevlor team waa a carefully spectacle wfrk kicked goal. In the history of foot Tho Mines team ciercrly executed two at nut a small rraetion or tun customary from Syracuse university today 40 to o: TiilHD oa.vbalr furlongs. Time : .to i l. l.-- Start wherein climax followed climax until tbo ball which goes back to 1173, but Tour trick plays tor good gains. By runs hardly In finding ready The 9094 --rtod! wfta drlrltir. charge can fall a fame was played on ji temporary spectators were bewildered by tbo rapid longer runs havo been mado following a through center and around the ends tbo response In Kl Paso,, Is noted v, for this rity matron, Fenway park. tlirtex; Horsw. Wt.'8."M k sir, fui. Jocfcey succession or runs, passes and kicks which fumbto and thoso were In tbe davs when Agricultural players rusbed tho ball con- - as bring ono or tho best snow points ou .ssoa Dr..Larrick .its 5 Butwell wire turned Into scores with almost as the field was longer than the present loa sistenuy. tho map. Minnesota, Chicago, 7. i&i Alhena ...... 107 s s st MjeCabey much rapidity, but always ror Harvard. yard dimensions. Harvard set. out to run noblnson and Higcrman ror the Aggtoa, "Madame X" Ir ft 3 Coleman l.llhen "The Spendlhrtrt." Bu thé Vets- - S Tleflectlin .. ..,108 Far from tbo least or tbo kaleidoaconic up a record score, but tho, Yale righting made several feature runs, in ono instanco "Tho Straight will bo Suoclotei ...100, 4 if .Larferty lload" the initial Chicago. Nov. 21, Minnesota's great for- -' ..,103,7 Byrne manses were wo lumoies raie contributed spirit was in evidence, niihougn tno play ihe former carrying the ball 35 yards. attraction, and will bo rollowed by all of wiras today earned ror u oopficrs second (sfti7)Sunset ShtQtnc In the shadow or the crimson goat posts era wcro crudely prepared' ror; m Crim- Williams "and NcKnlght starred for Minea. the lae play and musical comedy releases - ...lWf8 place in tbo big- nlno rootDatl I 8 7i Drcyer and which Harvard turned Inio son perfected attack. At times tho Agricultural line was ap- 10 11 . conference Sifts Fenrock, . ..AM. additional ' rrom timo time. is announces mat standing-- Tearing big-- holes' in tbe Chi' tnu nir nock .:.iis 3 0 8 'Davis tec l&o touchdowns. swept back steadily, they fought eiery parently imptaet rabie, When wlihtn scor arrangements fcavu been made with thrt caro Une. they cut 'paths tferougb The grip or the game held spellbound root or tho ground until Manan .was forced ing distance, however. Mines lighter eleven American Play company or New York' lo which . Dr., Larrtck, Alhena, place"; even, show i, Reflection, show the fot- two.touch-down- s ino greatest gauennr or to. kick a field "goal opponents ror Minnesota hicks crashed Scrttchedf Encore, vata Mamie. K, Birgo, EOicr. foothnii rnihw. from tbe mark. neia ttioir downs.. produce "Heady Money." "Tho Gamblers." to the Maroon's one. winning- - 13 Dr.' Larrlck, ahowing his usual speed, well today and outgamea Alhena luis ever asseraniea ror. an Intercollegl wnen Harvard's running attack nad been "Damaged Goods." "Otncer MOT '"Slop hildon a to 7. A gallant right By;. Chicago and two in. a. drive. Latter, rorcea ma paco an ine- way. nut could never, wearixao wnner aown, .j bvuwai Jn vima country, seventyrono checked by rslr defensa and a .. Ohio' Slale, 371 NorlhtveAlern, 0, Thler," and several moro or great suc or turns nearly a outgameo Tiepin at eno proae' siowiy, ann was niver prominmi. thousand spectators in rah.--. penalty ror holding. cesses. threo of rdrtune niit nerieetion annsei massed the ' By complexion on ame, 'but Id est and largest of college Shortly after, the opening- of the third the Áltoctatdt Trt$t different tbe ooor FOUHTII and .70 yards. .Time 48 1:14 t:4i-- stadiums, formed Columbus, Oblo, Mor. II. Ohio Slats the final period after Maroons led picture as cntnrautng as the com- quarter, ono or Lego re's kicks was partly loo. hd r3 start good; won easily. aimosi closed lis IBM football season here today In the..rirat .three, tho.Ooptrcra-ploughe- d "" ' J . bat or tbe Crimson and Bluo Jerseyca blocked and Center Wallaco recovered tbe Index. Horse. Wi.-si- fair. F4p. foclcey ÜU. ball on with a victory over northwestern. Tbu their way fo a final touchdown and vic ' rolling for Harvard' Yale's FOR OYSTERS siBO Bradley M Amt'ríse" final acoro was S7 to 0. FRESH tory. . rtobert i' Tbe celebrating antics or ihn rpim.nn uno, .Manan ana rranete aided by a ,Yaio Served la all styles, go to TJ9 Tartar ...... , in. t S ,4 4l McCahey penalty, 10 one 31 3 2 undergraduates included, tbe snako'dtneo carried tbe ball the yard (sro)Fimcrgold ...... in i Í 0UIWC1I lino Mahan swept around, end Ames, 53; Drake, (, ...... ''vy,'M Urslnus, 3. yiTSHuskln ,., ...... 116 8 7 S 3 31 4 Fairbrother and tbe burning or red, rire on the inn. where left PHIL YOUNG'S CAFE or ror a touchdown, rront- - Hardwlck bog Bv the Attoclatrd Prttt 2307 rardner 7.e I gat Gk i 61 Coleman the goal posts; gave a picturesque fin- which By thelmoclated Prttt And all kinds or Mexican dishes, or Annapolis. Md., Noy, team S3I3 Harry Shaw' i.. 101 3 61 7 "' ,7 6 Nicklaus ish1 touch to one of tho greatest carnea of kicked goal. Des Moines, Iowa, Nor, SI. Tho heavy cold lunches. 00 4 31 6 7 7 Moerlsln Cincinnati Beer. Edgewood S307',Palnt, Brush, ...... 7 snurth ' modem football. Yale then went back to tho, open .gamo Ames team ploughed Its way to a 53 to 0 100 4 nryer Yale, and using passes' sev Whisky. Wavy this afternoon closed, .the season at Tho cohorts remained loyal to tbo lateral and forward victory over Drako 'university hero this BEN SWEENEY. Prop. - 83 nobert- - Dridley.-;plice,- show 'i'anar, place show FJlttergold, show last, eral times drore the: crimson testn back- Annapolis by defeating- Urslnus. .to .' ; although they realised that the Blue aficrnoon, Iho score being Ihu largest The visitors- oh a MfMy scratched t hepublican ThornhUL bad been but a foil, ono ward aided by. a sensational run bv Letoro. erer made In any or tho sixteen games scored In. tbe. nobert .Dradley set a fast pace trader restraint to the stretch where he drew out for or Ibe greatest final' moments, of hcg-am- Culbert. elevens or all time. Just how With tho ball still In her possession Yale Played between tho two school. Tim Drake .when nd luri nleniv in reserve at .end. Tartar, forwartllv tbrouahotit finished gamely and the Harvard opened period Who bad rone In, at hittr for tbe Navy, got In' lsst stride. FlltteVgold tired rinaily. Buskin waa- miserably ridden. team or 1814 classes with wme of the fa. the final with a last desperate line played .stubbornly at times but was m put- - or rrom rushed, up to and in ,ine runong. mous combinations or orive at tne Harvard goal line which gradually worn. trying to' out danger was the leader rrpm.tsst place in first hair tired nnat former vr.' u in. power out. his, own goal was" forced to dawn night a matter or heated argument among brought out the true of the crim YOUNG JACK JOHNSON son defense. Scovlll, the Ell's plunging ine.oaii atier- a Daa pass.' tuts ptay, 311-1- . lilSi-SMI- 1:46. via experts, nut a Nebraska, 18; Iowa, 7. toi FIFTH lle and 70 yards. Time :ts, - Start v' carcrui bacg, into game lowed"' á strong aland by her 1 010 roó'd: - , analysis or today's play clearly called the with tho ball P won drlvlnr. indicated ' five yard line, Hi thf Xtioclaled V'rtt in training every afternoon at yan) line, when she got lho ball on, downs, óp. that no leam. under, tbo, modern inside Harvard's hurled City, Index. Horse., i Wt.SU H sir. Fin. Jockey a rules, himself three times at tbe opposing line .lowa Iowa. Nor. has reached' the heights or orrrnslvo and kicking gave .Nebraska a victory 'sli& Uowdy.Hovv.dy it li only to be hurled back with little or nu 3 i 100,14 6 2 McCahey defensive strength shown by tbe Crimson over Iowa here today to to 7. Ho o'clock. 27i Uncle Mun ,...... 10' this artornoon. ' gain. Aa a last resort Yale tried a forward kicked tWBjjoe ,rinn " 8 6 3 s 3 Larterty pass, Legoro to Brann but the Ell's left three neid goals, while each team made . ,...... ,.'.?. o i 51 I '4' Ltiir In accumulating Its total or s& nmmi a touchdown and kicked .goal. inn Armor ...j,,....t.r...... r...ii, 1 end was burled under a mass of Crimson jei'tluraaan .107 3 4 3 61 6 Butwell 4 Harvard scored In every period and hv all Except ror tho ability or tho a ' 4 e Jerscyed opponents and Harvard bad re- Nebraska ssoa Dsngerousi March ..loo- 7" 8 8 7H TToxier methods except tho safety. Just after 1h captain to score, frtini far out In the field, ffttO.Coreopals ,".H'10 n io gi 71 rticklaus 411 4b klck-or- gained tho ball on downs...... ii f Crimson took a Yalo punt on nothing to chooso w,nairron ...... 96 11 10 O'l 41 ,8 Hopkins 7 8 her Manan Immediately punted out or danrer. there was between tbo Stanton Bar line. Mahan. Bradleo S3R8 Malays....-..'...,- . ..101 0 14 12 ISl4.10 9 Doyle too too and Franrv,, Following a or ami two teams. " broke through or aeries rushes nunis. íísa.rnrth node' .,106' 4 S a" It" i tOH Byrne iu ss around the Yalo lino for Maban Intercepted Lcgore's forward pass ssoa Afterglow ,. ij fAjroy 13 steady gains until Insldo, Iho ,,iwi 13. it Blue's end Harvard started her final march for a FINE WHISKIES. SíS7'Ella. Bryiorf :.v,. ,.110 3 4i si si 101 ji Louder IS 7 line. Here Nahan's short but perfect Stanton and Third Street. 0 7 ' 7 13 7 14 touchdown from line. Mclropoio Bar, 01 Mill cr IBtS.Towton Field ,.t6, 7 tl" Colemap forward to ' ' A., 11 14 pais Hardwlck, resulted In the Harvard thofYale gina i srroi.i new ili. ..too 1' it ,14 14 Menermott 30 Wnen reachod linn tisement) . ' Hewr flowdyi place show 3.S0J Unelo JiuBi .place show. ,7- Joe Finn, taurl. ratty Began. ll'nwdy. Howdy outbroke Jila flctá and' aettWr'a' fa'sfpare easily bnairthc way. although, tiring. fast at the end. Untie .Mun waa sharply cut ofr at. half,. (ran and was probably best. Joe, Finn closed' a rsp apd4 finished fast. Ella Bryson showed iroftcl weed hut stopped to a walk at end. Time :48 1:08 start good; won driving.- Let. Us Riglit3 Index. Horse. Wt.St. H Fin. Joekey Thanksgiving j 4 Blr. Preparé for Thrill . ... 108 3 .. 3 Si i lk Keogh S S30 niver. King ,,.108 8 .. 4i 6 ' 81 SO IS ios volant ...... 1P8 .. Si 41 SI 3 McCahey Moa Gmelda ...10 4 .. 61 61 51 41 Nlrklaua Our mothers know that without the "Bird" and the pie there's no possibility of celebrating Thanksgiving "right." ...108 7 .. 81 71 3 Ji Coleman SJW Lady Butterriy .. ,.!I08 0 .. 101 9' 71 I Doyle 1 30 The- - sits Beverly James ,,.108 i .. tt 71 Schuttinger 3 s tl-- pie and the bird will both be ready will you? 308 Ella Jennings ... ,..108 10 ., 71 l.68 8' 81 SiSS Haberdash,. ,..108 11 Ill 111. 0 B Larterty 40 SO 108,11 í. 08 Maid or Honor., ... 1J IS IS Corey ' &, Éaoc,' "Ffitlfeipiim" saos cotton Top ff... ,.'.108 12 .. 131 3i i (ji Anibhjso Hurt, Schaffkier Eofeirs Co.; v3t Vignola ...... ,..t08 5 .. 0 101 II ISl Davla Pet Antiseptic ...... 108 13 ., li li II 131 ward l007iAmamtensls ...... 108 13 .. 13 13 IS 111 Forehand The world's three best clothes makers have done their part, they've placed their products before you, here at SjS 8t. Helena ...108 1 .. S 31 10 15 Byrne Thrill, place1 3. show itlyer .King, place, 5, show Volant.'ahow the "Popular" Will you partake? Brace up make your best appearance Thanksgiving. acraicoea, Anaroineux. jqaivoiuus. Thrill, prominent from the' start., took the lead In alreteh and standing a drive tamely, just .BJver Ktng, forced 10 come the ror IRe lasted. around' leaders turning home, Argentine rtnished fast and would have won In another stride. Volant out gamed Emelda at ena. Teg loomed up fast In stretch but .quit In final auteenth. Come, In Tomorrow is one of the most popular SIX BAV HACE. HAVRE DE GRACE ENTRIES. We will be much pleased to show you through these splendid Dreaa. .Waistcoats we have BvBtrciat tffri to Tie.TtmM,, stocks. If Alfred Goilet and'Alfred runda Wla The Md. .. flOV. you and every other man in El Paso knew these , shown. dresa gar- altlmore. nAtt ever It's a (Mnuit. nace in Maisea square, e rionrs. (Sssnouetn, 1081 S343 clothes as well as we do we'd be busy night and day. sells sight. ffw tie íñkáciated Preá Harlequin . . ment that on SJ9 Oalnesbor'gh 108 sMt'j B , New York. Nor. 21, Alfred Goullet . or Harrel. SS04 Linda Payne 108 (1K4)SWHM . .... The best way is to see this clothing. Try it on ; Australia 'and Alfred, tirunda of Tasmania, SMS Itrrla 108 saos Jack Winston compare it with Toung men '.who danco appre- the "Kangaroo team," won the air day 2308 MTd or Honor 103 SSMJIaversaek .. other clothing these your Dtcycie race euaea waaiaon nil Pare White, too ssts Almae Lesl.e 10a are most convincing arguments for ' wnicn ai S96 ciate the roomy arm-hol- and Equare" garden-tonig- Tied with Amans mi SIM Estimable ... 103 Jlre S073 Lydla A .... I08I sain Meeiicsa buying here. . , the narrow shoulders that give other .teams for .the lead an hour betoro sues Misa boo SSOS'Per'.' ...... finish.' tbey scored 67 points, the high freedom to the arma. the S314 Vlanola IMI MrsCampbell 103 The est number, in toe final sprint of. one seeg Voiut . ., 103 la a feature that'a very hour. SECOND. IIACE Steeplechase. About two Spend the (Qreatost Biles. $ Btyliah. ánd the "V" íroat la la ' 'Missouri Defeats Kaasw. me nyosseu, ... i SMctSaaegamblan in iiaccordance, vvuoi Mienaei. Economy ' with the latest By the Atioototid Prei iw fa f loie lit University, tn Jesuit...... in w 1. uro woe , ... fisklaa. Lawrence Kas.. Nov. The sail Brownie Otrl wsrsait raxcraft . ., or Kafs etérea was defeated-b- y 14s bis. S487 Astuto...... lili , Other excellent values in Men's.Suits torle rrslj':thfl. UiUverslty or Mlssouri.HO THIRD KACE-- HU 'furloflas, 04 .water Lady, tosí . ... and .Coats. ,v. to $40 . waist-- sAylade. .'.. l8 Thia " smart AA wseourt or Kansas eievea bm won oa tne (sil7)H'irPrynne II sn TrweasSieel ae cunarder tou- nst, Siumber II . 107 poat alls for. , . . 3Uv arm Helen W S4I7 Kewessa , ., tur Hlalte. Ml sSIS Pufdue- H'foa freaa" aadtaaa. . Str .. Hanson , .... 3 cwMiHtue Twine iu jit Tratrtd . .... 10c By tktrittoclatcd Frett FOURTH RACE-S- IX . rurlonc.' Lafayette, Hid., Nor. it. rwdue wen S813 Jbornt-lli;- . (iBlue. Thistle. 110 Vour' Holiday 13. mm , Start Buying frsra laxHaaa SI to aere tMs' aftenieea, ftasnber if JJ7 (weo)Crosibun . . 110 wummnmmnm SupertorHy at line smaihlnr aatd HlrMfir the. ends gave tbe Boliemwaers tea. vic KIFTH and 70 yards. tory. K'g Here Tomorrow fw Hadrord imi tm Mean pere .. 100 g sm ttodrnother 103 BWrJILTsTXASJJfcVri r' ReoTlfirl. KM aad HM ,tru MaHÜ. . M0 wis fLady Rankin tos Join the early shopping' rrmvamtnt, and secure the best selec- tm c r eír stoger tool ssTS Minda , ..... m tions and better values. There are hundreds of gifts useful SJ rmnwn , Sai IM minaia, SaW FoM f ,.u.. tao saw Littte Erne , 101 gifts tht you cttn buy for men at (his "Man's Store" things lJ' sill Avuireas . . iof JíVZrTÍ.Í. ".'... leseineiioB . thet'men and young men use and would be glad to have any --a.!?Y. RACaVMH anst'70'yarí. B'kw NatMr hi ata sisui7üU, dayin the year Here you will find many nice little necessaries, and right now our stocks are unusually complete. Better make A SPALDING SWEATER, 3C1 xü .... .viii frfr r?0 imi tvi iyt:i Nete7wj r HI your choosing while the buying ia best. Is Un Otdy SsImÜíh for Csssaiart U C4J W4W. Weaatssf Jiearj-t- r jek. '(fast." Should sizes be incorrect' or fe duplicated, we will be glad to things right enly y , , make that is a jNirt of our service. G; Agents W. Walz Comjpny VW"jgBi BWM0.lH4atlM. El Paio for Dr. Jacger'a Wool BeitaJjiwsMtarat BtatrlbHtan fw'íA. O.' J44sk ' tt,:9t. T Underwear W'SaaUi Ml fa aHreet. Caaaai aaVawU'CataW; 'a'atacfc

$tomvÍmMma mmmWBiX imt mm IMMlmapm Wr kst rjf eWVW4a 9m A Wi rm tm flnf rlns fn aisaai l inn Seat a Wiar & Maw Marisa - l. f CajyHjtt Htt (A4.) J n"Hjii 'Upland j.iiMiriii'tiiiwPiijlii mmftv mm i II, mu IfpqyfpPiftiff B- -4 EL PASO MORNING TIMES ' BOTH FIGHTERS IN ARIZONA SALOON nIJt.THAT WINTER R. SÉMPLE TRAINING FOR GO HEN FACE GRIEF mi figt rkitrk, ft ui fork I'numm C . t ) it W m t Jrl Wt CLARK TIHC INSURANCE T " Phone Phone H'eMCH OCT fOR HHST MW.VT8 ftRMMTi CAN. "reae-y.!- mm, we na m 1H'C0'ir; ttH-M- N THCIR i4tti' sot . t TIMe LA AT NIGHT re A ALL you over a tip TRCMe.aUL'fl CHOtVD. MTV IN STATE- - turn jw Jiwik 531 COAL 531 and hv yOBt; Wtetr KK or Ovar order YM Va4 fcrsnlla In Aulomstle Die coat wide to W1 A rrohlMlloa wor Winner Hill Matched Ulth Sam Lastf. olutlen at Bartender L'olen a ad reillte what real ftí. yW " Successor t Southwestern Fuel Ce. ford for l HoltdiysJ-fromo- ttr Ltr r4erilli)o Mourn. manihip mah unta yw ,hv worn Waal fjyfottnl ir DflmoaL i stilt. tV Tlmtt Bprdtl Corrtipontnt St. men Br f, It. SCII.tEIDAU. PhAtnli. Art.. Knv. The laloon THB WORKHANMifj and the liquor or the itate bare a Jerr Clitk and Vounr Jack Johnson, th dcaltn at wo new grievance that waa hot thought of Don't let tho low price of our clothe principal in th big iwenty.ruund the time or the. wet and dry campaign. tailoring cooteit which will feature neat prejudice you, gtet the the There have been tevertl ipeclal agent and at offered for local fan by ll l' agency manager of the blr rire insurance and workmanship. Pur dotne lime Athletic club In Juarez, worked out eempanir or tbe country through Arttona lis, are the Í kind at' other rtop. MADE u yeiierdAr. Jonnaoi) working in lb after' dunng the lat week concelltnr all first Woolen from- our own mill make Insurance: policies re held on aaloori non al'tiie BUmon atrett bar, while Clark that possible. We re lallors not 9'V property- - In. a mimbtr or easel this this nr .tM. worked out at niht on San Antonio street. gone very hírd both with the companies agents. Come In and sive the agent' A tremendous crowd greeted lha "right-In- r and with the saloon owner, for some or profit. W ara tho only IIS Tailor The famoii "Duaiíee" flyrtew I Widely ft ghost" upon til Initial appearaneo and them have been dolnr business with a:b In El Paso who guarantee every de- Imllated. ' have o eoanectlon wit ,y watched tila every movement closely. The other ror more than a quarter or a century. tail or their airmants. olner atore in mo rnj.ini ,wn j wa The barieaiera have also a grievance be- you to come io tbe tinnv crowd one that tated the capacity of aew, Hie training quarter and applauded the came or the coming new condition?. Under Nearly thousand bright, negro tbe provisions or the Union to which they pattern from fctth io chotae. blr teveral timea for hit clertr lieionr, in; cnirier qi oicrj iuci ii au work. tomaticán rorfeited with the state going Clark la one of the swirteit big men that dry. At the present lime the bartender1 the local righi fana hare ever 'witnessed union constitute about twenty-fiv- e fer and hi opponent neat Thursday, cent or tuo laying members of the itate if John or pf aun, l also a fighter who I peedy him. federation labor. That Is out tho few 319 go more than thirty-tw- hundred regulirly Sn eir, tho between the two ihould prove piylngt mimberi in the frderaucn of a fast bnu from tho tap or the gong". labor and the unions or thett into, orrr too AntenW, Johnaoo U not a bll afraid of Uil negro or lham are bartenders, naturally the WE A HE TAILORS, S'OT are tne ones conic here treslt a Conquest bartendera not oniy that ret AGENTS-A- LL OUR GAR- who,, from bad Wilt. Some or their III reeung yVor on of the greatest fighter in mu about ARB MADE Street Is shsred by members or the date redera-tlo- n MENTS I.f game. Sam I angrord. Speaking lttt night, whose Income dependa upon the per OUR OWN SHOPS. novbostruliy, but with all sincerity, capita tax, of the paying member of the Johnson stated that be thought lie w orjraniiiuon. uro to bo bn tho winning end at tho tin- - Judge V. ft. King, of Washington, D. C, lan. the legal membera or the Declamation com- l(o mission, at present visiting tbe vailey .recognlte the ability of Clark and Into conditions on, tbe project and purchase or a he la one the mo - lookinr It Is not generally known elsewhere In bribery or does the actual ill admit that of it dinrer- holdlnr conferences with the farmer rela- even vote by mean rail or completion u mmmmmmm luí men the the United States, In auch a well auch in ring, hut he think thari tive to the provisions of the new time circle as the newspaper are, the vote I not delivered, an dhow can the pno Young ck jonnson i orno rignter extension and project coast measures a to that the largest farm delivery be proven Unless a thorough fleck congress aa - be, ostrich nlmseir and tho local fight ran cannot passed by the last snd appllea- In the world are here. One rarm in pamlc-uls- r ing or Dauoi is umii me "V"," Die lo uui "rojecu inn nr an,.ii1t!nn nrl Interest thlt help but agree with him on thlt cor for hss nearlv five thousand birds on It. or feellnga, To Canvas Election Returns.- An accldrnt occurred bere recently in con- come to light by resson or tho report whatever their they muit admit The work or canvuiln lh hiltnt svverson coumy, mm arter hi previous performance here that pt nection wjth an ostrich stampedo that was John or Turns mmmmmmmmmmP In the recent elections Is now in nrn. looked upon as excellent meal by the candidate ror ino eriiniuro. ho'vl one or the beat men of weight gress all over the atate and the oirlcial newspaper correspondents, when, during a waa on the aocUllst tfeket, and with the that has ever rough! tn thl section. stampede of 300 birds a woman was killed. other candidates lied Uie account or his fight la scheduled to take place at nix io tint t..D state canvassing board may men rushed to queries tnnnirn emeúses and. cromlsca and1 girts. &tW to on rar All the the wire with .fltgnf fio as not to conflict with the open fret work them. So there have to their pipers on the story 'and not one Under tho bead or hli disbursements sir. boen so many counties to hear from tint query In ten was answered. The Syverson make this and as- ing oi nu nciiiff .season ai ino. JUirei while the general result has been known the piperany One hair grown cat, .course, with the large or elsewhere just did not believe that tounding statement! fact number actual figures could only be estimated. The thin o could have They uui breed, mongrel, color'yellow, aex.DOknown, ' and to the It I or such occured. mmmv W$m horsemen visitor racci, orriciat canvass the state returns will not either stop to think, or the ostrtcn- in- to Mrs. J. W.'Clymer. arter .TeCeivina.w.dch mmmv ir-$ jxpocied that the biggest crowd which ha be begun by Secretary or state Oiborn on tn the she promised to vote ror me.'.' There ts Use B'jW dustry Ariiona Invoivinr Invesunent witnessed a prlte right lately, will be on Monday next. or many millions, or else were Ignorant or plenty or room for speculation and ex- The Salt itlver Valley is probably the what constitutes an ostrich drive and periment at coming elections, on obtaining "TheWahtAdWcy! band. only place In the- a wat women or ajato by a Tho or thl fight will probably entire world where opportunities there are ror stampede or the vote or the the ' winner, great atampede or ostriches could occur. as soon as they (ret or system' more substantial than mere cam- u jiiaicui-- the big bints out tur uvut wiiii om L,auirigru tho enclosure in which they have ordinarily paign promises. orno time during tho holiday. Clark waa been kept. OP THE TIMES. two twenly-riv- promised bouts hero by the promotera he would preter rounds or Great birds Ct'll at Large. Your name, business and address In tha If he succeeded In whipping Johnson more. He willing lo let Dundee In at "Who and What Are You Looking For?" During the drlvo referred id above three you Thursday, while If the latter should tutn I ringside or will make 134 for column or The Time .will help to either hundred birds stsmpeded and ran m every Phone 4050 It. the trick, be gets the Langford date In. Fox or Conway. A match with Dundee or direction over the country 'and, rarmers, secure more business. about atcad or the "fighting ghost." Fox would appear the better one a it coming to town even,T a week follow- (Advertisement.) Tho next bout following- the one or would a to- ing the Incident, tell or seeing stray os- bring boxer and a rignter ,nooring- -l, and Thursday, 1 triches in the root hills and river oottoms. still uncertain. Promoter gether and events havo shown tha) thla Is or per roll, Burton-Ling- Co., rh. so. (Ad- Martin night Jimmy Vox ran About nrty the bird are itllt at large. stated last that the Ideal combination from the stand- Thoy were bvlng driven rrom an ostrich vertisement.) had been heard from but wants Delmont point. plantation on the nortb side or the river to to weigh In ill ringside. The Memphis bpy Two boxer always msko an uninterest- one on the touth side; a distance of Wo dry clean, not wash, cut ruto slated last night that he could not do that ing match and two tighter generally do. twenty-riv- e miles, whatever it waa that tog Work. Phone S7&8.- - weight in this climate but that he would but when you get a rtghter and a boxer In caused tbe bit bunch to become frightened make t:t or Hi six hours before the the same ring the result is always a splen- has never been explained, but they did right. go, get frightened while traveling through the did as witness tbe bout Cartwrlght district, about seven, miles west In the meantime the promotor are try- or lait Sunday, which the local rana nave or Phoenix, and at the first available cross ing to milco Franklo Cunway or Philadel- pronounced tbe best ever staged In Juarex. roads they ran In every direction, anu in : ' : phia, understand that they aro not engaged Martin the or their night a team tHe Rugs AraXJp. .7 . Promoter stated last night that 'course scared Whennothing is bo completely sanitary aa to" lo running the United mint may ho was expecting Curley driven ny a prominent women or tho val- Remember that Paint States and word from Jack away, yet aucceed In landing thla boy ror a just aa soon as tho from ley. The team ran wrecked the purify everything It covers match latter arrived buggy, threw the woman out on her head with Delmont. Tho only thing certain Europe, where he went to aee about get- Besides It beautifies and preserves as well. ana she died almost instantly. No such : that Delmont will be one or the princi- ting Jack Johnson algned up ror a right siory' as this has been recorded Tntllo's Imperial Paint $2.25' per gallon will go over the doors pals in the bout following the with Jess Willard. He said he expected here or elsewhere in years, but remarka- and windows and base of from four to six rooms; arralr and his opponent will be either Curley to visit this city immediately upon ble as It seems but very few pipers out- "WRITE TJ8 yOTJK PAINT TUOtrnllES," Fox, Conway or Dundee. his arrival In this country and Is of the side or Aritona paid any attention to It. any or Snapped Cat for Vole. Delmont Is willing to meet one opinion that Juare cortin to get the Who ever or a ror Sc any. heard swapping vote Tuttle Paint Glass Co. the three named at distance, although big bout next March, a yellow catr Can thla be considered

111 itri riif ifiiiiifiiiiif if fifif f iiiiifiiitfiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiif iiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiittiiii

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- JUAREZiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii RACINGiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuuiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

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vMi aaisaa mm mm mmm Mil Ma rfim Mil RMS vj,()ri Thursday, November 26th Iff, At' " MpnwiiitinM

' ( r. Opening Feature i .


' a? .


Mrwi ' iff. m 'rf,' &an4&. ii .X ssksáT' GREAT ' PLEASURE amjt to Coming YmToüéWng Citizens Merchants Extend IReir Greetings and Welcome the "!,"of the . "trr '":. r , rr 4i4 Mü fifi-- 1L Ái ' Kace Horsemen ana visitors ror ine reason iviv-i- it wnwn upens Thanksgiving

Dr. Lee Mcintosh CHAS. ROKAHR DENTIST ( The Bopt Maker. 508 First Nntl. Bank Bldg. "..Feet trouble you aee Rolcahr. Will wprlc at night by. ap- Repairing done by the Gaadyear pointment; All work guar- Oiitfittti To The Welt System. anteed.' i , 4319 Texas' St Phene 873, i ;Meae 522 and To Mme :, - 'f"r Y -- ' it i, i- . . . ,'. . ;.-.- ..

El Paso Electric Mrs. L. Delaney ' Foutz&Zinkler The oro'f Quality, Railway Co.: ;t SUqCESStAFE "The Home Furnishers" Cobk, and iron with , electricity; Specialr50c Turkey Dinners Furnish your-home- , from cellar Cloth and Farmshmgs See our diplay,of cooking. devices Sundays" and Holidays. 204 Mills " to garret. aná. eectricy irons' J, . St

Opi' Wedding Ungs Insures Happy Slarrlngo Thanksgiving Walk-Ov- :w..t.hixsqn;cq. Hotel Angeles Suggestions er Boot Shop Some Now Silver, Cut a lass. Carving Beb, Bpoclal Prices, Let your next pair be Jewelers Under New Management Cascrolcn, a good one for , ...$3.50. Sandwich I'lates, a good ono for...... $2.5 WALKOVERS Roberts-BannerBld- g. For Men and "Women. ' StoánvHeat Hot and old Water in every 2. Foster '" - - . . . " mBKr " " ' ropmSpeciál-jate-if' a t' Herald Bid

by' &ic "week and This t's a good tlrae'to ifo; member somo dUumt rela- tive or friend. We prepay & months parcels post charges any Victor Hat place' in the U, S. Clothing Co. Sol I. Berg Adler?s Collegian Clothes.4 Clothing and Furnishings for Most Complete ÜneoStet-so- n ' Men ' Hats in. the City. Ifat 8 new;and?worth See, whiles Boh 'Moore shows" it. Hats Fur- - Our nishings at)d other

things for men. LIGHTBODV F. C. CO. . Rates Benjamin Clothe Hotel McCoy Styleplua Clothes Every Room With. Bath and Fire Proof Hanan Shoes ' . ''lodern The Bert of Everythine in Men's Get Our Rates Wear.- ' l Sheldon Hotel Building. Hotél Fisher

The 1EIDEUERG Hotel Our Cüts Talk KesturiRt ihI Cife H Pase Gas Co. Paso Norte Engravers to the Great Southwest in a shm. IV) at. 41 Merchant' Lunch, ll;S0 to 1 p. ra, Will begin the Dinner Dance Enraviiii Ct. Regular dinners served 'every eve- IHÍ iHt Witk httrutwul Sundays) $ p, ni, Ck 26, ning (except from Thursday evening. Nov. Phoae 1692 to 1 p. m. Dutcb ZmacltM Our pciMf ,t

ell's Transfer MODEL BAR tiigw - 329 &m AM St Phone.915 Hotel Sheldon Caiwtreial Pintan jtiiun OJNTE OE PRAT!, Mr. PHONE Welceme evsryfaedy to the best J.J.LONGWELLOwii 4MmmÍ sMMbÍ report Ia Madsrn Throughout

SfHMiil AHmIIm W Ft lily Trd 6 EL PASO MORN' i.Sit What Racing Means in Ópéniííg óf Juarez Racing Business Way to a City Is Awaited bg Patrons

I Merdtuit f El Paso Have Realized It Value, While .x JiHarec JoekeyClubcMirteiWWi wwíd' reoM , Thoée Who Doubt lb Benefit Need Only Turn and hM developed annuilly ihe eaVtwyeatweW Their Eye Toward New Orleans The Sport Facing 1 HTi tfjk yea,, having sent Otó Roebd,'LaJit C, ' Kentucky. :l Zareta to race. . 'áCrim in f Wwtiwrne and Pah ( " f, In America today ?n "the since, recorslé y T. II. 8C1INEIDAU. stand, the BY T ..SCIINEIDAIJ. made, turf history Bit world'. retirement or rapt. jme rteei. or Mem plated to tbe credit Of 1hls to sixth annual iIS3h have Ixen or Ihe Tbt first month phis, and their best work would i All LI raro await the opening of tho romparabie couise In Its rive year .'of thorough capable Meeting of the Juaret Jockey club, with Indorsement of this of slxtfi Hub, txlstenre. Thl is more markl than ai ror the or season of the juaret Jockey' a the meeting or tii Charleston Fair nciai'.t work bent interest ever been placed to tbe credit of wtMer ttti of racing by reappointing him presiding which like place next Thursday afternoon Jockey1 clu Racing tiocUtlon, will bring the race course, and the Juarex ad sicwara upon an irecxa under Its Juris at me l)aullfiil homo ,of this club, the Is comparatively yet ,fn fti HrfaneyJ' racing the yesr tvil to.i doto diction. eon for pretllett and mosY. 'complete rtcing plant The season or wa It bawxr ,"yer or ilory, for the prospects for If' the commission take the' power It l lll la blue will a r nb than fwtr coming meeting loeany arc me giving ana use ror in this country, where tne erflclait ts for lei th itteir it political pur marks were created In that sestea, in II hlitory and the local Jockeyni' poses, then It Is rood-by- to racing in Play hoitt to probably the mott repre world's fit 1 year up the present racing e Kentucky. Tim years February or that James Boiler's club will wind stormy of the past sentative crowd ot FA Pasoans that lias fitly traveled three an in or five years', Just when racing Is emerging richly bred Supremacy i bills rlori. event. mil une. hair fnrlrtnis 301-- tecoftd. setson, looklnr beck ovrr i fom on a cieaner ami higher plane, ever attended an outdoor in Tin would ami tbe had been Deto- this distance, appears to have been one of pear to nave taught a severe lesson, and Antlclnating'a crowd faster than distance the ipott since the all the Iflri I 1JI with alt asstiraneea that the coming meet nated opon an American conrae previously. the moit succettful In lovers of sport earnestly hope that laaaTI Living- Hlf prove On January t. last year, Jefferson and reformer almost legislated in game win no Kent clean from doi It ra ing of the Juarex Jockey club will rltators isaaaaaaHn ston's great sprinter, Iran Mtsk, in a rotten the iport out of exUtence some rive year in the future and continue upon' the same the most tuccessrut in its nitiory, wmi race w(ih d filly; ro when the sport or thoroughbred rac-i- nign piane a it nas been upon iha nrrleials or thn club, patrons nf tbe tbe wondertnj conducted I 5 liveli ran rurioog ovrr a went throurh iu darkest period, only the Kentucky track under the present of fisS".. iliH-2-Z. 'ii,vu snort and the men who make Ihelr zareta, traveled tit emerge peuer ana upon s flelals. aaaaaW aaK. hood at tho game, await tho opening Of the eleriilae rnrietn In time never to iir.uuivi upon a circular nttne. netting back to Picw Orleans, the writer local season with the keenest of pleasure. equaled for tbe distance to course, A two pmm ill sectiona of north America re remember when iho Agitation against Hi" Thero Is a. combined feeling of loyally little over months later to have better sport the sport upon all that argues well this great ttloroughbred on March's ac- porta ahow the sport been was atañed In the t:resrrni f.iiy sides "greatest and to be in Detier conaiuon wan some eight year ago. that the leading ror Its rtistence locally. complished what it perhaps the recent year, with the prosptcts ror tho figure lit this Tight against tlm sport of Comment hat been made throughout the feat the turr ha ever recorded when, he year or Iho rosiest hue thoroughbred racing wa a merrJtaiil summer In these coluc upon tbe Im- negotiated tbo five and rurioog lilt 1:03 so Two incidents stand oiit for contempla prominent in the business and financial provements which bare been added to tho tit ibd' In doing broke two rec ISO upon tlon by all lovers of the sport, one or life of ihe city and state as well, beautiful courso across the river These ords, for bo carried pounds thai xrhtch mar be said to .be an Incident of This merchant had a big store upon Improvements, at a cost or IJ5A, added to occasion, a neavier imposi uion uau ever the future, as Its fulfillment mailer Canal street, .New Orleans' business street, a plant that beforn was conceded to be been carried to victory, on' the "flat,' be- .of but its Importance to the sport llo staled openly that he did not need llm one of thd mott In the' coun- sides shattering tbe best mark ror tbe dis- lS. tance. demands Its ronslderatlon.-flg- ht at present business that racing brought Mm anntl-all- y try, has left llttld doubt In the minds ot not so much from tho rcalng folk as from to live. Dtit after six years lie ha any ono tnat in tno nome or mo juan-- i Tbe other two records which the coursi those whdse ambition to ret Into inn limo changed hit mind, evidently, ror in name Jockey club F.l I'aso and Juaret have the across the river stilt hojiU H the e light brought them Into a right some years was nrst upon the petition to the statu show place or the soutnwest ana mc icau record, which belongs to the CaUfornla-bre- d ro to put racing out or Business. legislature last,-- year lo restore Hie sorl Inr plant or Its kind In the world. Amon, who ran tbe distance In M S Tlil. u Id rererenea to the' coming meet to the south' metropolis. Ilu n not tho Jtaclng, as It Is has been conducted upon seconds on February v. let I, while Meadow, Iho of the year In only man aai Its inaugural meeting, wpn ' In which siarts first business who has learned his tne great i exaí niiy, will this course since carrying its pounds, a mile and a !ew Orleans, long- reeognlred as one of lesson. Thr entire racing world Is pull- rn jareta, who have the honor of being favorite in the field for the Juarez has always been. or tne nignett cnaractei tlxtccnth race, easing up. the greatest the leading winter resorts or mis country. ing for New Orleans lo nuke good, ft nanuicap ncAi inuraaay. and remarkably rree rrom scandal, Sur weight ever carried by a mare to victory For yesrs racing nourished there and the Can't huTt Juaret. The local courso I rounded by every tafeguard tbtt ran be oh tho "fia:" cer. this distance. merchants of flow Orleans and tho people firmly established as Americas greatest placed around It, with tho very best Housing, at It does, some of tbe belt and enerally benefited better than they real winter racing plant, and Hie merrhani of In the, country today watching over fastest thoroughbreds racing at preicnt lied from lis existence there each winter, El Paso havo long ago realized its value It dally, tno winter race meetings or tne and with the course in even belter condi- The reformers, finally sue from a business slsndpolnt. Officials Who Will Guard MEAT FIELD FOR Juarex Jockey club have done much to tion than formerly It is easy- - to believe rwiiui In nnlilnr the rime out of exist place tho sport to tbe rronl and mako that the meeting, wblcb o.oens next Thurs- cnee there, biped to a treat by the It especially pleasing to tne vast, numocr day will seo more, .records placed to Its turrmen themselves, who lent ala, un- HORSES of lovers of thoroughbred horses In this credit before the curtain la rung down upon knowingly, perhaps, but aid or iho best STILL ARRIVING Sport Across the River OPENING FEATURE section. tbe sixth season next March. among opens kind, when thoy started firming The meeting, which nctt Thursday, besides its completeness repu brought m Is In tho history or the club. and its themselves and pontics into the sixth tation ror the fastness' or, Its race course, II I u or the meeting, went right. The Slrlnn Teiaj Turf nun. Their Reputation Has Long Been Established Upon JUAREZ HANDICAP, FEATURE OF THE Outside first which Ihe Juarez Jockey' club has come forward This vear Kew Orleans Is going- to at L. lllaekford, Amono i days, every1 meeting has been of 100 la'.i WIST DAY'S PROGRAM,- ATTRACTS more, in Its brief cxlstenco as the leading place tempt to bring racing bark, under the Arrival,. ' (leys' durttlon or and the sixtn meet for tbo development young thorough every true the Race Courses of America. With Exception FLNE F1ULD. ing win prove exception to tbe of tbe roost strenuous handicaps, bul of no rulo. In country, climate, or history or seasons bred the tbe remarkable loirer tne snort, wnciner rival irarn In Its brief five the combined with manarers the humblest horseman The steady arrival of horses for the com the rsclng tho course tho river' has the remarkable conditions or First Season, Every Year Has Witnessed Over Pan Zarria U'lll Go to the .Post Favorite of at Its plant, has made the Juarez Jockey should wish them well, for their biggest ing meeting continues, vesicntav any attempts carloads arriving and being inken across and Vt ill Bo nldden by Jockey Lottos, club the leading placo or the American, answer In the rulure to One turr ror development or younsr will merely to point the river where they were comfortably Hundred Pays of the Most Brilliant Sport. H'hllo Ten Hay Go, will give iho admirers of the favorite add! the tbe gainst racing be horse. l i the examnle of flow Orleans. housed when night came on. Thi Krlpp tlonal Confidence. ainuy, consisting or Hie r no next in consideration in the wagering will Unable to have a law passed legalizing nerrormiif liy J. K. STIIIfiOf'lIil.l). lect BV T If. SCIIKEIDAU, system or belling, mo Orlln Krlpp which raced so siirceasrully uf this material put down In walls come perhaps tho Yanke pair, Oypsy "Love the river has sent northward tot tbo race the ni. appruaciics to me grana gone in their pock- here last year. Lillian Krlpp and Margaret Ncxi Thursday, Thanksgiving Day, be stand since The probable starters' In tho Juarex handl and Wllhlte. This owner and trainer has courses or the United SUtcs and Canada merchants have' down Hie tiieellng 0.000 Krlpp were among the nrrtvalu In charm ended last spring. cap, wun tncir probable Jockeys: reputation of always having his hones a "sweoi' beforo ets and raised with which to make gtns iho sixth winter racing season at the In onu spot that bas all certainty. They oro going of their owner, K. Krlpp, net out in plante since last at their vory best ror a race or this kind It and has earned tbe reputation r being. the meet a searon Is lo be seen no loss , Into wMh their eyes wide open Tlio big stable of 0. L. lllarkford. Um Jockey Club Juarez track. In the first tea than fifteen Pan Zarcta ,.j, Loftus and whethdr both go or qnly one or the uic luoruuguurca. oi lis ago .Uitpn this affair Tcxaa diferí nt varllloi. of Ihe prettiest of tropical fnlli- - retllilnr that this" rw.COO will, be t breeder. In chargo or w. JW. sou or the sport ot tb'ls coumo the meet Wllhlto t. iilco mo carry ms colors, urey aro certain iu ihe American turf. It would." bo honor wan - iiinui. no omer Tace track in .;., total loss In direct way, but they arc tho most Important arrival nf Ing did not run emit..- a hundred .davs. but setlvi BrookficM , ; Hartwcil be right there at tho finish. enough ror a plant to develop, such á or ttiodayj ten being In tlil ronitiirninpnt slnro then there h'js not a season in.lbu orld does a similar view Gypsy Love, second In her last three youngster content to spend It for the return tne been of me rya .or Grosvenor ,.. as pld líoscbud or a Last Coin, large amount of business racing brings to eight of, AVhlch were yearlings' bv the raring at this great plan which did nol (ireei tne visitor. ...J.'lienry stsrts to such great performers ss Leo or even a' Hawthorne or a Pan Zareta, but any city. young sire Meelick. tho sir? or Meollck continue-- nunurrii racing days or more Mnre last season tho stable hiva all Olhelio J, McDonald, chares. Drlnghurst snd Duckhorn and i when four tuch thoroughbreds are turned good been put upon The strongest feature, In connection with and other winner the past season. Last year ms meeting was of a 111 dan fitv the, yery best, condition. Now "ocnlf ...,.c. Oross winner or seven races ihe Kentucky ont in threo straight rears, surely no the racing In New Orleans The two older horcs In this shipment duration and It Is likely the coming meet uncut-U- iiarq, oecu erected wnerevcr need- ..'.., tracks thlt season, has been working well other course can dispute to great- of - furlong ' Mariln Its claim lies In the ract that among those merchants were Kala inla and Vampire. Others sr. ing will even exceed this, in racing days ed and the resoiling- of the track makej for lbs event, and will probably be iho ness in this respect. riving during the day were J (hat courao now more safe and rsst Oypsy Lovo ,j. Metcalf dependence of this stable in tho rich .event, who are going down Into their pockets to id Spratt miration. than Pan Zareta. a Texas-bre- fUlv. a nroduct with Avondear and one yearlmr anil li.m Tho Jockey as cvor. Ono great Improvement Is e Sho will probably havo tbe of build that i$0,000 rund are the very ones club Juaret stands out the the A. Mott assistance of tho breeding farms or tho Lone ead with one yearling.1"' one ha arrangements or the offices in iho Jockey Metcalf the saddle, and Is Star .3 who signed the original petition to the unnamed wlnteriraro track that always been Orovcr Hughes, ...... J, npwdrd in' .certain state, first rared. tho barrier the' Jdarex Tho fuuatng a!dQ ror ror at" legislature to do away with the arrlvala of officials and turrmen for conducted along line which rulo on all set the administrativo of a splendid race, this youngster wat race igd. Her" sute tho pf liorsemen and the patrons or aro course three years record sport. The loa of business como meeting continues also, the most lm- - groat race 'course- or tho world, it has affairs the course. They arc not. only racing tne leaning .riocr in Kentucky tins ran. or ha: every roomy so as eagerly awaiting the 'announcements' or no was tine then ta the matter winning racea borne to them in a way that they cannot ponani yesterusy Dcmg that or J. T, furnished a different brand or raclnii and ueiou, to lhn as in .ganada tno past summer. slands In any mo or first the list or achievement! of overlook, one' of the stewards at the coming had lit arralrs conducted on different line occonunoaate reasonable gathering of assigiica lor running tne Wllhlto will probably be Entrusted to the American - "'"' thoroughbreds, wbllo the present I.- turrmen sixth The value of a racing plant, one handled meeting, Iiyron McNütt end Ham are man any outer winter plant that has ever and officials, but as expansively renewal of the Juaret Handicap, tho season modeled as any similar quarters feature of tho flrst dsVs goes finds her America's leading race upon the highest plane, to a city, Is well recent arrlvala among Ihe bookmaklng fra operated. anywhere. raclnr next Thur: that be will be well ridden without winner. Taso, ternity. Its orrirer and official have always been In looking arier tho horsemen and their uay, an event wmch nas always developed saylnir. ahown by the example of El Thlt cnarges, That year particularly m that II Tne iieach, the thoroughbred which Jef men or the. highest, standing in the turf ana tne rollowers or the sport en conicsi over wnatcver distance It The dark horse In The' race will probably also sent Hawthorne to the city is fortunate as well as tho gencrsl public. Manager was run, , post, a youngster that to tho Is eónducted arid handled by men ferson Livingston purchased in Kentucky and business world, men whose word, Is bo the good performer; Grosvenor. This flashed front raclnr .as Winn and operation Th-- j event year., a hip ror iho brilliancy or performances, of the callbor and reputation or Matt J. una iiii wiu "mm gn ia:i race ne regarded their bond and who stand his associates, in the this snrlnt nvc six thoroughbred has been working sensation bis and - tore nemg snipped to me race abroad as at home. J. 0. Folianstiee. the of the Juarex courae, have not overlooked lunong route, nas attracted a splendid field liy since his arrlrai here, and is me enu or. nit first season on tne turr Winn, Jame Butler, Price MeKinney, "Juarex certain ' course, died Friday night of lung rever, president, Is a membei of the Jockey club thd accommodations for the' lidies. There oi marougnoreas, wim t.ho ten horses of strong support In the race next Thurs Was crowned the king of all two.year- - Charlea 1'. I'rlce and thd other officials elds, or Juaret jockey nemg tne lounn uiatnas died since Ship una a now vorg. turrman or wiao renown. i reaiiy no need ror a club at named above making up the probable rield, day. fid is practically a certain ttartcr and An affliction m his wind has kepi and stockholders the James The teats always ac a field well this great son or Hastings and Thorn . whose combined erforts have made ping here,, There "are no more horses at Duller, vico presiden!, Is ono of this track. lawn represented in quality at well in bo ridden by J. Henry, a boy. who it Whttc club III America's to eon e from among great El Paso might the course and The Iieach will hn ifm greatest present diy turrman and resslblc, owing the perfect weather quantity, and wlh . secretary Jasper's tnorougmy ramiuar with nis charge, and maintaining his place the Worth American continent. owns or gone, Mhe existence si pronaoiy to bo listed smonr the dead onu of the most eitcnslve stables of anions, with tho superb appointments of ucu.uiuwn auuuy as'a.ntndlcapper, should win do mm justice throughout. est American thoroughbreds, but pan' have forward wlthouj now the great grand gives sex develop a Zareta has t at the Juarex Jockey club, 'but It It ap Only Tour dying out of over six hundred horses in training, while Matt J. Winn, stand, tho fair thrllllnr contest, a. rttilnr onn. note uoiamatrs black son of Llllios royally held up the honor prosperity has norsc snipped across ihe country Is an tne secretary ami manager, holds the same oviery comfort and convenlenee posslbla to Ing lo such a successful meeting as the Flash or .Mght, Othello, Is another that Is or Juarez for that season. parent that Ita growthand position secure on any been halped to a great oegrcn by the other splendid record. wih the. Now J.oulsvllle Jockey plant. sixth meeting of the Juarez Jockey club orking wen, and' in. addition this per The following esr saw tho great Old zlttence or such a magntric'enl plant as club, at Louisville. Ky., Iho Empire .City A new Improvement calling for a big wiu uiiuuuuicaiy dc. former hat in the past raced Xo his best riosebud. first faro. the. barrier over a racé tha Juarex Jockey club at Its very doors, I.OCAI. OtVNK.n.S AT JIMEZ. ra ai new mm ami mo i.aurei toursn eullay of mor.ey, is tho immense wall Pan Zareta. Iho groat Texas-hre- riltv rorm over in; juarex course, no appear course upon tbe track across the river. an attraction that brings hundreds of in Maryland, w. II. Fencltliir. Ihe ireas which has just bten completed and tur nú uuo ui hid uiggest levóme vnin tne a limo outclassed in tnis rare, hut F,i Ths great, son or Uncle, as a and thousands of dollars to this Thoroughbred Is Gradually Getting Stronn urer, Is a man high In business circles rounds the hie plant. This construction local patrons or the .club that ever raced jasper's almost uncanny skill as á more brilliantly nerhans tourists In Mexico the, than anr city annually. iiuiu ipon i.i I dike mid the United Stales, will wsrd or any severe sand' storm that over Juarez course, will undoubtedly Is certain to bring him In at the youngster In the history or HH The racing the, turf,. Tho feature or racing during tho Local turrmen be well officials al ihe Juarex track may como up .curing ihe winter, and the laiorno in me race. Likewise sna wcignis so tnat no win figure tmong tho iwice. nve second wilt represented are all men or the Is to carry acuicieiiicnis oi running past year which should have the earnest the coming meeting of tho juarex "rtce hlghett Integrity ond wail now encompassing ihe grounds is certain ton weight, her brilliant dangerous starters .in the eve;it. Jockey In time better than S sodonds. consec consideration of the entire racing wurld, course, each in racing circirs cvprywnere enjoy a na adequate) to ward oft any unploasatitness achievements upon the turr both In the Kicuonaia, wno uoiuoiatt nas unaer con utively, has never been approached )esr seeing several additional tlonal reputation. They aro engaged United In the from track magnates to tho poorest owner names added to the list. VTlio thorough dur to tho track, patrons. 6tates and Canada unquestlonibly tract, will bo Intrusted with tbe mount. history of the turf. Ho started bis ,' ing Ihe spring, summer and autumn seasons rno giving the honV-Sh- three; and Jockey, Is the condition which exists briM Is gelling a stronger hold upon the number or norses now at the track her doubla nrookrield, 1. H. Meade's eplendld geld ui mo on iiiu as Is In In in Kentucky, to the onlooker the rule affections of the propia of of uig irarxs or amenes Is as large perhaps have been housed remarkable 'form at Drcsent. ing, which was ono of tbe most consistent tucky Derby in brilliant iraasnlngi. this section rnn uanida, wnero racing is conducted she any, fatblon. pused In Kentucky by the stale racing mo country ana probably be at any winter course in recent years, whien fact wat never in other tona racers, at Juairz last season and which the record for tbe race, and then aq there will under turr governing bodi-- liko ihe Jiwk'y I commission this fall giving II the iower additions lo the list of local owners most reasonah.lo considering the fact since she started her brilliant career, and 'Second to Little Father In a stake his .remarkablo career. club, l!u Kentucky ftaclng Commission that less thoroughbreds are now In the bts been working exceedingly Kentucky In hla. appearance to appoint an the orricials of the race this coming meeting up next - well for this last at the Last winter James Duller, America's lead- -' winds trn the canadien rutins- W In courses In the Blue Oraia state, appears March. flesh Jh America than In yaar past. event. which she Is a certain stsrter. barrier. Is another probable starter that Inr turfman at present and a visitors nt ip,o Juarez course this .cmon The big breeding Kentucky In spite the stockholder to bring racing to a crisis In that state. II. U. Martin It probably Im- farms In and of fact that sho will carry coming in ror consideration- - This hor&a In the Juaret raco course, divined Thi. tne most mil surely bo auuied at tts hlsh dimen now coming lop weight, go If the commission uses this power Im- portant bf the local In risnwnero ore back, but the he will to the post a strong would prefer 'a longer distance, but at that big stable of young horses, sonie" dwner that hi sion. Tho great Improvements since output not .In favorite, wagers sending partially, and solely Iho Hear-do- n effect of their will be evl. carrying the of a large possesses a great deal of early speed w for best Interests horses are of better quality. John spring ,nas apparently an and muni i juarrz. wnue tne others win , of the racing gtmé, then sport I usi nrddnred ilenco for several season yet to come. portion of that big audience that will cheer win pe going very strong at the end. Jockey In thn the has a performer well known upon tho aspect of hard to describe, tered east. In that bunch that wat nothing at atake and no harm can come, turr or country vaitness With Tin Juarex course has already made a the thoroughbreds as they parade to the llariwcll will probably havo the mount. sent to Juarez, wnere ne both this and' Canada and It more than 500 broad covered strong Impression' on' jiexl teamed hit fir. but to the writer the rule appears at the wat a Iho crs Wih such states as. Texas. post Thursday, Furlong, nilly Webers handsomn thor was stake winner at juaret meeting massive built without regard Oklahoma, Montana, She lessons in racing, Last coin, the. entering wedge or the polliician Into year, Mar- iirtriure. ,evada, Missouri and win be ridden hy J, Lortus, on of oughbred, a wlnhcr or six races this sea- crown, last llestdes this breadwinner, as to eon. and with every vacant snot - uittmus naif which todsé racing in the slate where it has enjoyed ha Connaught America- greatest rtcp riders and a Jgckey son Jn Kentucky, and Ilucnlr. In tbe atabb recognised as greatest tin and First Star, the lat made beautiful with the prVtltest of thoroughbreds Lavo developed tbe Its greatest prosperity In rreent year, and ter having' the distinction or winning at In these sec- thst has r'dden, ber rrequenlly In the past ronner Jockey Carrol Schilling, will tho turf. Which among the youngster tropical plant Iho Inviting appraranee or tions since the track first opened rad- - and knows that the past has .proyen to even tne tna oaas or to I tne for her habits and. characteristics probably complete the, field. The latter tro now" quartered at veriest nice iro last time he tut ground aro scarcely possible la l.n Ing In two. Thero are many noted as perhaps the course, or which outsider that raring and pollllcs cannot faced tho barrier, In Maryland last spring. winner no other rider in the saddle gooa perrprmer in the east tho are due to arrive before tbe vxcdled. or races all oyer inerte an1 eren abroad today does. boy recently rirst of tbe mix and racing Uve. E. J. Ferguson It another proinlheniMocal Imagine Thlt has but past summer and was a good second to , m,uucu iii we the hying or tt.OOO feet if smhilt now quartered In the' at the Jockey returned from abrpad. was upon luuuw careers The four race courses In Kentucky ap- owner wlio has round tho position of an In btrni wbero' he rid. the great rtoamer one uf La Coin, Old rtosebud. the Mm few months and an mea em Club Juarex track ot all ares from smart Ing same charata- - llawihorneiand pear to have as capable a list of officials owner or a thoroughbred profitable with the success Uitl occasion, llo will be ridden by Charley Pan Zareta, and uphold the honor" both be formd as in w rereni unpn rrmrntt stake winning two years olds to the aged lerixnu nis ofitho at could be gathered.. Jn Criarle, F J'rire and pleasing, lie has a nice stable,' con- errorts in this country, until Gross, while. Eddie Martin win be astride Juaret Jockey rlub os America's at this plants so rr as vailliets rnnerrned1 i which still retain their populuity the- - European war drovo hla grealett they have probably the best racing taining no rieran, him bark to ruiiuiiB, log place rpr the development thorough-brd- official sfari but a serviceable bunch. as this represents tlio actual number of! Iho facing public. uiu,tf uu(un sie of the f with native shores. Ills pretence' in the saddle be mora than a probable ttarfcr, . - The Finish of the Juarez Handicap on the First Day of the Meeting Last EL PASO MOANING TIMES

if " . STUKBAKER HAS .a'a'áTáTáTáTáTaW . "Each in a class by itself" NO SALES SECRETS


.: A fcTflty, Ib i he buiinvu ot Urea Uli trlfewNar ertMlMtloni. Introduced rtntr My ."ely M iM put few cuoni. but now txiwmlflr mom nttrljr rtnertl, U lh "Siim roiiey book." or lis equivalent under wntieTer nmo mtj tie enosen. in Rucn i book the head or the alei orftnlMtlon lays down the rutea to which dealers musí auDeriM ana riroa the ad- iwhlch tie has found moat adaptá&ie to cJrcURUtMrea that mat1 artie. ' Kaeh orranltallon and each commodity has its', particular problema; trio "Poller booh aims to soivo them. Heretofore such literature has been as a ma'tar or strict coBfidence between manufacturer and dealer. y has this feature been emohaaned in the automobile hvuinrit, some1 firms roinr so far as to number each book and require a receipt for It with a rwaatee or return. But the seal of conrnaeace Is no longer m operation, so rar aj te neaiors or trno of the blr manufacturera lbs Slnde- - bawr corporatton-a- re concerned: With the Issuance of the present Stude baker "Policy nook" romes a notice that dea ra arc ot unerij- - to snow u to wnom tnev pieaie. tiio studeoater oraranitauon oven welcome inspection of Ita policy Ideas by competitors and will send .a copy or tho book to any manufacturer Of dealer who cares to ask for II. The only restric tions are those of the eopyrltht láw the obvious intention Dein to prevent any reproduction of chapters by a competitor. now io mshc .Money sciimsr .noicr tars-- is tne suDject or the gtuaenaxer -- roucy Book,"1' which Is neatly printed, with, a durable cover. The subject matter sum' marlies. In twelve chapters, tho Ideas of NobbyTread" Chain Tread E. It. Benson, Ibe StUdebaker vice preal' dent In charge of automobile distribution, and a man lontr famous as one or. tne Industry's most versatile executive. The various chapters deal with' such sub- Anti-Ski- jects as "Tho night Start." "The Itlghl Our Challenge d Tires Company," "How, Much should the' Com- . pany Do for You?" "Your territory.' "Your Showroom, ",Youf Sertlee.' "Ad vertlslna-.- and similar themes. Tho' book-- Is profusely Illustrated Viith photographs of Studebaker garages and salesrooms In various nana of tho coun We challenge any competitor's tire try, as well as by cartoons and' sketches. Jk ANOTHER DEALER HERE show the combination of real KlNó-'áa)RjS- to same I I. 1ST" . . . nl 7. Distributors Open Serv- anti-ski- ice (Station In El I'aso-M- ay Make This d protection and low cost per Headquarters tor the Southwest. Among the additions to the local row IS mile is given by I either "Nobby the truck. The machine that is being handled in this territory by the. rmillps-Brow- company, with headquar- ters tn Lordtburr. N. M Mr. nutn rnimps' Tires "Chain Tires. or Taso Tread" bas charge' the El end of thn Tread" or business, and states that it is his Intention jct open servio 'stations throughout , tho southwest, and El I'sso is to have the tirsj one. Mr. rbllllps Is being assisted hero show inr the truck by J. V, steel, district who Is doing some very good work in demonstrations. The Xelley is one of Hwmm ili n trucks on Ihc market and needs little boosting. A trial on the steep United' hills or In deep sand, IS all that is neces States sary to convince tne most sxepucst tnai . tho truck will do all that rhJlllps and Steel llwb'IriW. claim for It, which Is considerable. V,.. The k'elley peoplo have the distinction of enjoying the Urges! single order' for trucks in tne world when an even thousand 'Cfisssptsj to tbe trucks were sold to one concern, Eíáéei in fte Willi latest achievement la ljflf their in sales with the French government, who have ordered 330. or the 'heavier type for use in the' present war. The English government took SOLD BY ALL ACCESSORY DEALERS vi ana tne cansaian government nad an order in for 05 of the rive-to- n trucks. The distributors have not fully decided Flanders believes that women will be suc- of employing them, but to tho extent ot Morgan library said; "Can't nee why some dustries snd sll kinds of business to wom- on a location for their salesrooms tire cessful In the automobile business and paying i tho same as we pay men for the motor company did hot think of it en, especially outdoor work. can see a and may make thia city' their distributing particularly In demonstrating: and selling job. Every business nun," be concluded, It Is a splendid Idea." future ror thousands of women In this point ion tne oía Mexico trade as. soon a car like the Maxwell, which Is except "Is looking rot progress sndwo bollevo business .or selling- automobiles, a future as Is possiblo to tionally light and easy to Charlotto Oilman, Florence Ouersty, president of the Ticw snd It do business In that handle and has with I'erkins that the or pf heilthy outdoor wort, hort hours country. already proved highly popular women lino or progress Is economic York late Federation Women'a clubs. good pay. Is no In my mind with main towards as Theré doubt drivers. equality and freedom. That IS all Was just encouraging when asked If they will Hundreds or there women take a but thst succeed. When questioned .regarding the niove, Is to it." would uu tho motor ar trade. women have- proven that they can sell JEFFERY LATE (ARRIVALS Mr. Fanders said! "To be frank, wa want Mrs. Harriet Stanton nuirb. president or 'Women will jump .at thia chance for goods, and many hundreds have proven tn sell our rars to wumen,' and wq think tho Women's Political union, said- ''Why lirpacieiiinr their rieid ror economic that they can drive eara and become com- women can sell them successfully, it hss shouldn't women go into the Automobile independence. '.The bWl chauffeur that' 1 betpnt loechanlcs," ever; roue with was a woman."- - Light Four Arrlted Ytstercay. Sales been our experience ihat women In de- business or any other business they want Uaaager Satisfied with partment! stores aa agents are good' tellers to. It seems to me that this is a groat Mrst. Charlotte rrrkins Oilman, the noted Mrs. Noiniau de Whllehouse, when told New Car. and, therefore, we consider it no Utopian opportunity for women.' "Oood business," writer, speaker and publisher, said In re- or Ihc now Maxwell plan, said: ".Splendid! Scheme to engage women as demonstrators flashed Mrs. Ines Mulhollsnd Jiolssovaln, gard to the pisni "I ncter glvo interviews the women are bound fn suecedd. If a of automobiles. "I know that women wll prove just as bin t must give my" word Of endorsement cat' Is light enough snd you say that la a Mr. J. W. stockard. manager or the in "The long and' the shori 'pf It. Is that wéj efficient ,as men," fo the Maxwell, Motor company" on' the new jpocUl feature of tho .Maxwell, a woman' tematlona! Auto company, yesterday ré' believe In women not only to the extent Hello da Casta Oreene, librarian .of the inovci, i iwlly approve of dpenlng all In drive better litan a man." eclved the first shipment of the 1PIJ Jef fcry rars. The new machino was tried out on th mess and proved a wonder In ine direct gear wnicti is me third speed ahead. The fourth .speed is a gear just a trifle over the direct and on level streets sends the ear bounding; over the pavement at terrino specu. ALL YEAR ROUND CAR of AMERICAN FAMILY LOCKIE HOTEL AND APARTMENTS A most' notable feature or the new car the the Is Ibe deep upholstering and well finished lop, all go to make a car a fin ished product with the appearance Of being a much mora expensive maenme than It gasssssssMasjssas really is. Mr. stocksrd in speskinr or the new car, said: "This maenm? is one or l ho pest. It has every improvement, operstes simply and gires good ssiisfsciion Wherever used, In view or the fact that there are ao puny makes ot fsrs represented la raso, I In our al- felt that adding the fetttry to ' " ready large line I was getting a ear that HiaaaH, I could, jell, as well aa give tba public nmm BSSS3BjE.52l2LM.BSÍ5s,BSSbi their money'a worth." "'BaH 6ELECTIOV IS rorixAR. gggggHga2KlL LKl!LgH Jekn Ferries One of the Mast Papular On tiers HaeUf at Juarrt caurse. The selection of J. C. Ferris. Ihe well "."i known túrfnisn. as on of the Judges at Ihe fiorse show yesterdsy met wlih ibe , r PON eur bek we bve MavitMiMti af lalsai.. . approval of the racegoers here generally, it" for Mr. Ferris ia one of the most popular Wif Mtr maa' hvím a delUr a weak. To thae moa owners that has ever raced at the Juaret tki k a tak reqwrmtr pamyaraaac; course and as bis father was a big breeder of saddle ,Kr" ha waa particularly well qualified to act In the position assigned bint. Ha has a big airing or ." w titeen bead But every dallar dapetited aaatW nw in the' quartered at the course and his colors are kdtW aa wUek they climb ant eí the laberwa; ekM. always prominent In a race, Ills numerous friends svar delltuuri to War of his selec- tion, X. , The talariad man. with evarytbiag vary much ia cÍumUv. . hi faver, aftaa drift alanf, igaermg hb MaxwtllHunt New kim Field bb's's's's's's's's's'Hb's's's Wa waleama awl kw mil acaat4' a ' avm. . . , By XTHstt, rXYMsi. Word coaoea th a eatlrely pf H(lar st flld endeavor.1 assWtrt to e ta wotneni M4 It Is sen oí te sssstt pteMasit is well as proniM4 VtsWrs so which women may The Hupmobile conrertable car with both cIomk! and open top makea rudders of m ptiH Mete coar is aiioui 4 itvak s c cssmi of all this the ideal car. You can make the change in a few minutes tbe woanesra oraaalaiWiaia tt stnd casable wonsea to act a imwwaiaiMS r (lie Nn-- with tops, F. O. B. El Paso, only car Price both 91460 The plan hs Use eetrseait, of Kreral of the most printst,ya asssl aaffrajrli leaders or Xtw Yw, wlasat luserrkwad lat week by e Wr Y art's S4k L.OIME3 MOTOR COMPANY MSfftrvti STAR DUTTltlBUTORS El Ttxai II ia a icnuwe mmiu sstews) on tare Pa, part of the Ha ttor asasssany. Mr- - 'y EC iPA$0 A MORNING TIMES


EL JeAlmiO OVERLAND AUTO CO. MMTS HAVE TEW MMWUI" IN TftVI- - mi mwr.Yrn rem fi.v Beautiful Chandler for I Tricks WflHf'-- fe Oreiitri AvtMMHks tri Wieys AN M- SAN IHANUSCÍ STREET Yellow lambs' wool Is flew coat mate-rl- which Ifllght and warm. Tbe Coats model, Dlgíiiv with IP BORDERLAND AUTO SUPPLY COMPANY are made hi the full sack Immediate rul cut sleeve and deep, rolling black vel- Main and Puncture Proof vet shawl toiler. The large buttons we of fold and bláetr material. The hat worn LEE TIRES with ihoicoat Is black vriour, With Black Jhe Quality Tire Cer. Myrtle & Kansas' and gold fancy at tbo side. Another txtoular automobile coat Is 'of black broadtail cloth in rIn. model. REMY SERVICE STATION with beaver collar and blr buttons. Remgnetlilng. Coll and Magneto. Lighting and ignition i'U&u Inata.1. The llntn la of yellow brocade.-it Toe hat rmll ud Complata Block of Karay Part. Pbone for tMs, coat Is of black velvet, fw TKXAH M.l.t I lili .VI NUI'I'lYk CO., II tNortlilit.Stunfmi Ptrrca Irlimnedh with one yellow velvet chrytaa thrmum'.Wt Ihs side. rdr men' traveling use there are right Full line Autt Supplies Morocco' ahlrt csm and a combination He, ui htnaerc,Blef and glove case of the samo g11"1"Phonr .t13 No 300 s Kl Material. utwuiitu me OvCrnltht bsrs of gray beaver leather ireinew;. They rrrembld a small suit casa; in thp. but hare roundad comer ana Anta Wat M4 aro lined with lilac or purple tnolre and American Garage filled with mother of pearl fittings. Ttmr NUh, nw , new velvet fiori suits have the skirt buttoned down tbo side ovet the; knicker- Eli PASO ADTO BALES CO. bockers. The coat Is a "Manchester," with loose,- front and gathered belted J. R. Johnson, Jfe Mgr. bbt6 it Is ora with hat to match. WINTON SIX Jit N, Ocho BC ,Tet ISM - Veils made of Madame Butterfly voile aro In gret favor, for the teitnro U fine' and eren, the color are ex. E. P. & S. W. cedent and. best of all, they launder bent- - BUILDING - tlfully. in making- them the double width Cer. Fraaklia imí N. Staaton I chosen and tho wide hem Is beaded, then bead rlntrs are nin up IV length, with a AGEIfCY Phone 510S C P. He.ry. Mir bead chain holding tbcm alt Inches apart. Thur the veil Is held closely over the bat WESTERN MOTOR FISK TIRES and around the neck. SUPPLY COMPANY 31!S"."S,Ste" Fords Save Money, for New York WRITE FOR CATALOGUE are displaying the famous pioneer light-weig- ht six in its beautiful new form. a Some very Interesting facts ilcmonstrat efficiency .car. par will' want to see once. With the best touring season of all the year yet AUTOMOBILE CO; lnr the of. the motor itat tlcularly the Ford car, In the practical WE delivery refined very special appeal administration of tho fire department of. come, our immediate ofthe Chandler makes ' Cot Kansas mat Vyrtls ne city or New York navo recently neen Bi LJ dn54. brought out by the report or "Flro Com- exclusive Chandler-desig- n and Chandler-mak- e motor is the talk of motorists missioner Robert AdamsoQ made, 'to the The mayor. everywhere. It has put the Chandler Light-Weig- ht Six distinctly in the lead of In the lift four year .the Ford Motor gJW New BcaS thlrty-flv- , bi the "Krlt" It's a company 'has sold' in all Ford all other quality; light sixes. cars to tho Now York, fire department. Wl'tH.SATluNAL OENEHAL MOTOR Just how economical and efficient tbeso IIAnVKSTEIl have .body design has been fully, abreast the times, and acceptable' to COMPANY Fords proved It shown by. the re Chandler ' TOUCKS A'lCL'A'N D TRUCKS port baia single car.' - ,' ' J O Commissioner Adamson early In the prest the most critical . OAKLAND AUTO ent administration appointed a special mes- words cannot describe and even a 7 401MH .MYRTLE AVENUE senger for the flro department, arid pro- But NOW, right at the height of Factory Distributors.. vided him with a Ford car This the Autumn buying season comes photograph inadequately portrays. the report printed In the Mow .York "Sunt body, "The new, fire department motor mes- the new Chandler the new The tonneau seat, deeply cush- Vulcanizing Plant and TlreDepoU senger Is doing- formerly- - one-ma- n Pantasote top ioned, is full 47 inches' wide,, " thtf. work done Chandler CHANDLER 595 net GOODRICH TIRES " 311 Sn Francisco fit V by len men. at a cost" of (14,000 a' year and many other refinements. inside measurements. This means Tho ten men who nave been replaced on " large A. KLOFFKRT. rrop. . Telephone 2331. messenger duty, by thj car have been ' And the Chandler, price remains T STX that three persons sit together returned to activo rire. duty. The motor just where we put it-- the first of comfortably, without any suggestion messenger makes the rounds of all the .divi- when we launched :our profit-sharin- g -- of crowding. The tonneau is deep, sion headquarters twice a day In the June Facts Worth RawjMbring MAXWELL A REAL ÍIACKK. races In lOreenvtHc, Tbo Maxwell turned touring morning- bringing In the dally reports' to policy. The car or About the Chandler toa There is of it, for a mil))' in i minute and .11 second. It headquarters, end In the afternoon deliv the roadster .for $1595. Handsome 4 even the tallest persons. And room Automobile racing ti bccomlnr fad. It - pamas, covered rive ralles in 8 minute so seconds.-- ' erlug- prnciai orders ana .communications of four types for cor- Weigha ealy 3965 p ccaapletely auxiliary seats for a to professional and enclosed cars for children, if not confined driver On several occasions Maxwell slock ears to the various division headquarters." respondingly low prices. eqaipped. you wish to carry, them with you. racing car, either. James Lcphart. Max have been converted into racers and have Tho performance of, this one Ford Is Raas 10 aatlea or more per gallon of well dealer In Orccnvllte. stripped a made a very creditable, showing:. These In- - typical of tho increase la efficiency which , Roeaay, Graceful, Lusarieu Body Maoliae. 700 xalles per gallea el oil, Like roominess, relatively, is prr '1911 Maxwell touting' car,, took, pff the body stances are a nattering- lsttmoplal of lira the: fleet of Ford ba effected in tho entln tbres. vited. in 'the front " a wJat on Iho sturdy thó riro.righting orgsnliation Hew v v; You will marvel at tbe rcomkiess, 70OO miles per set ef seat and built small driver's' construction of the far and of oYork lSeeeet, Jaftes chassis. He then entered hj Cr In local powerful enrtno, of tho Maxwell. the grace, the, luxury of the Charidt 3 tó D5 per fcear ea' Wa Simultaneously with the beautiful body. seems" to us new body comes Golde ler touring It the Ctimha erery fsiwniis thenew body tlmeaurtratlaéf patent one-ma- Pantasote top. is last word m design. There is IriU la Aaterlea oa falga. It by klsk-grad- graceful in line, free from bag, sag a sweep to the lines unbroken Possesses ererr e egalesseai or high-pric- wrinkle, and a even the slightest projection, ienad ea ed sixes. rigidly attached, when Before you pav by a single hard line that in use, to the built-i- n wind-shield- . m more ; r re Come aknd See the Chandler Now find a car that gives more1 Lone Star Motor Co., Distributors 355 Myrtle Ave. Phone $2$9 and before yoa pay ieaa mem $9SS for FOUR, one a ted G. that grveat yoa am rn mch m yoa get in the Stu debalcarFOUR- - E. Perry, Pree. L. J. Trotti, Mgr., EL Pase, Texas You'll no doubt look at half a dozen cars before yoa make up your mind. And aa a matter of (act, that it the only CHANDLER MOTOR CAR CO, Manufacturersv CLEVELAND, O. way to judge. For you can't, for example, begin to apprei date what this price of $985 means until you study the Studebaker's design. antil a dmbonstrator abows yoa, tor lrwtanoa, th FULL-floti- tajcaa - Raar Aid that tha weight pB Of drrvrng- abaft and ats um Teddy Teuiaff. Harvey Iierrtek .and tbe Uie chair occupied by a couple abaft b to turn power into of nice, mother- profraaat AID Lewi atranr are credited witn iqur: ruipn Death Valley ly old ladles, "Well, i suppose thoy have until ha shows yoa bow FULLY equipped thla POUR U with SMALL CARS lulford, three; Hugh Hurb. three i to have these blamed puah ueorge chairs here," Timkan Baaringa Ttiwhw; , nooertson. inree, ursni -- I reflected. "Some people like 'cm, ahd and Eddie ruuen, two. Drives an A uto the chairmen have to make a living, until ron rid and drhr l or all aorta of roda and dmonatrat to San. Diego November,- Tbey In contrast with the famous foreign Exposition. tSIL must havo dwarf pushing this one." 1 youraair bow marraloaaly Stndabakar imprcrrad lu ridlac SALES OF LARGER Louis Deary Horbi. I never did care much for Just a ladylike qualida wban drivers, the great Oeorres Bolllot and then horn tooted aadfl tbay Mcfatn4 tha weight and It have raes vlCtarJes Tldlnr aratmd, in those beacb turned hurriedly see bid Warner four road each me around to who Why not look at a' Stodabakav tomorrow f if you ara not half as many a De Palma, Nu- - chair. Tbey make reel like an in- tbe temerity to drive an Em rtflT not valid) I automobile on to buy until naxt May, it'a worth whUe kaowina; now what yoa CAN SALESM.IN.ÍCER OiOLDSMOSIIJE TELLS has won rive race ana when tee a woman tha ground. There was none. The taro road lu- approaching want, to stick 'out my tongue chair Cot for $983 and bow naadleaa it la to pay tnor. And yoa may, yoa Of NEW MODELS; SAYS THE. SMALL, cí three. t rolled noiselessly past me and nobody was LN and aay: "See, I am much better this know, make op your mind car CAR IS A BENEFIT 8ELLINO. - - e pushlnr It! I rubbed my eye and not to mlaa tha plaaaora of a tha rcat in addition to being- a road I I any followed wintav, monitor, nurse: don't think need It, I fejt like the Chinaman who 'saw la of tlx wban yoa sealry naad it most. 'race winner and unquestkmed champion more medicine." And If you are fortunate t game, De track trolley car for the rirsl time: "No pushes; Soaaeh numors to tbe effect the Introduc this Palm, was also tbe enough to have a by your no puUeot go champion in the year Ites, isea and 10. but like hellee allee same I'- tion of a small car on Uta side you, can't pat ber band and tell her ll was Bunnle's eleventh and U the only driver ever to have held how. birthday aad market by tbo manufacturers of tbe the war broke out aad other things I thought I'd give ber I botb.a road and track championship. In be or treat found la the precursor of an exclusivo because right through back your the electrlquettes that they have tha 9II be practically topped drtvln mile bead you caa feel 'tbe watery eye of a at small car production were at nauam recently ba driven a San Diego exposition. I was walking- aloe Hall, ttor tne tracks, but more attendant boring; add you Well, driving by J. v, talesmanater Oku few corma; first pUces In tor. this electrltniette Is company, who asserts that their lower' track event, can't forget Id dlctapbone-llk- e ears, .which Just aa simple and lots less nearly all or his start. He. ba wes more no yoa fatiguing, But priced model Is provmr an aid and not a whisper escapa; ad know that I made one fatal mistake: I let. than seo track races. when you oa price Buaale nandrence to tne aaro ui uisusr-iricn- he ba robbed tbe be run It. Bhe would be in It yeUat a place Hi cap dollar car. . De Patau's list of first la road still be toacbter at with oae aa hour tr be hadn't rona to sleep at md tbe tbo tbe Light U east by Hall oa tbe subject which races Includes! aad boldatr out other for swllcb alonr about bedtime. At that I considerably discussed amona: tha week ear race ineavy rest of your roll. couldn't blame ber, hu been - automobile manufacturer! What errect cars), No. I can't say tbtt I'm nuts snout lb Your for th'eblld'-U- e electric. doea 'the production or a malí car hav-- on til Sant Monica atas ear race. antiquated roller cbalr but I ara about SCOTTY. Hit-El- treefey race. sales kor s blfber,pplced model? It If lin natío! the electrlqvfttte aad taat tbey have at tbe P, S,--I have sked tbe boss to either to assume, bo states, that the out. race. aa Clero exposition. I wm walking along raise my pay or have the guards natural cup race, Milwaukee, keep put 'ef tne Olds factories would be confined the Prado (Mt moralag when I saw ap- my ramlly wi from tho electrlquette more and more td the lew expensive cars, Wisconsin. proaching M a great, big, coTy rattan station. ror which tbere Is a more widespread ttij-co- be tropby V cic-mc- a eta. brt Hi actual practice the contrary Elfin, IN. has bappeiMd. While the preponderance cap race, bbi momc, the d car, California. or Sema favor race, there' baas a rosaMmt lacrease In tbe IMI El1a aaatoaal tropby dewaed for Mf oe alsce Km msrketUHr tMf-Co-be trsebr race, Elsta, 1)1. of the uuH car twaael was berun. la aH or Hmm atee vKtertet De Paaaa aWrlanKad to the Influence broke record far ba eeure, ellfaer free. biWfM, Wbear a byars by see lnr" s for all mark ar da record, with tbe excepUen of Rtvrbed aad Milwaukee. cWes, tad to tba wbere be ettbHMd record for the streets or t larra alo coúrae, fact that, sxcapt fsr aiaa, the new four, cylinder mM bat a saraklar smilartty la Pe Pabnt recently had all of tbe above appearanee aaa tnaatloaad record verified at tbe office af uwww. or tbe ceateat' board to New York, aad tbey are abMtataly orneteL Those was, n (Mr adverWatsr oa MHbeard aad aiaa. Ralph De Palma ara eadeavorlar vo auka It awsear LengtttlVs Tango 'Livemkr taat aay etber driver tbaa Da Paitaa t Has Grcat JttCQrdS tbe automobile road race chamelas, ara puiteaetBa;. Lke rtcarj, taxicabs, limousines WhU tome of the masiter NUTS KA8M.Y LO0OKNW1. aad Uggafc give "speed alnt-- " ami "avaoMottte raas eaaw-poa- A fact owner or Hfbt car abeaM baar Mt hucb best ara maklar msm swrlaaar HHpw la hum I Ibat la Hfbt nutates 'v4w-M- ror their pioies, was taask sa aa ft Is laor effecttvs ia InaiasSay. aast, or" w'ht. FWe 1 , Bil ",""'"-,,-" rtúaUsa" liililif IM.f cbaMfilWi on paper, a lanas as Mas Aw an bail, screws aad so oa tbaa ta a aaaay """""'""''""''''''''""'""aaaf toa ful Lm baáfa; ear. TbU tbM aaaa iUrTraMtaWtttM MiaTl-ya- l lean Automobile essociata aaataat mata, of cearte. ttsuatalMÍaaa- - sUlADaTnOL at at racofda for auanber or yaar pravas sWors saU b ftvea no aasnasair. If what ba baas sBsisn far a laoaa, but should be was i'f v - ta taft.s rHrnWVaiKaa- Hn T gi alii rasTar 1441 loar wbMt ainsaly. Ibat ar wWb lack waabar. 4M aaM aaa aasr road raes caunan on U liaasai Pa hrSMhle f The recsra asww taat. Da Msm aas more Mr asad rasa Utas aar Srtw - fev ib wosss at tea Maaary or raclar. bavtar rtrtorta M has mi J ,TCTciARRErrnr co. lu htr rvad evaau, lacisdina two Vi rT-- lTfEaP'" MH uct aaa Mow. was DIaTJPtIBUTOJRaS MM M, Herat. TaasaM. HI bear aonpHar U Kart, Caspar, Maad OttaaMt Aak tat Vaas at. aV. Eat wboaa ate raa rea t bi arts, asar Orataa. .AitvitsiMaaaat j Antonio J Phon 968 Fm, Txms 21 HU. xMtter nhtptoMit ef iM fttdflM crs ttmrtvaat m Biwn rsetTly rr hh émm M. TM mm ttmtyn m Mas Mama. BASING wm.f narrk awuM ? ta mariHit trii system BCeemet factory 'with rthiary A ...... a .... Vkyé. Wi J Midkjstf ai'bjrt,m awasBiaP"i u. u ay5j W r rrom ry cam. Oommo ( A aaWaí Éri WM a)elhrefÉ Iaja4 lieftt aiiaff MBM DÜSAND5 Ham afana UM me4er rBfa4et M the rao mm wat ÍM U by means of t aiHnt chain la me eft hM wk Wd w mr oa M k mw ewer mWélaly to' a teMi fw the fir ken.'

' rr. Vffeí, aWeiea. 'aíl Pfce aays 'i 1mm: a,.-rru- l rirer. ItioM 110. 121 uíi.ír am A. M lh Matt Prtt W4 to clip M. preu r rHitmn i.(Mtramtt.) SM tautfr 4ailA Mum - eaWtiiyi retetved wort from W fttT ra wmm mcmm m every a um wm4c mm 1 rae from Wit fe ittoti tw in wpn nre, iu mm reiUffMHR n wuM ttmwieit with m v iBUM aria ti máM. The. CMMtuMcatton, mm tm I uomSE keen deKtW. ua. fry ibfiwéattUro was M the.etrKt IMPOSSIBLE 77"" sate kjr Nr ML TmA' ftfure laeiucM I roritt aaa rM. roi 5 'M'W' cmb er m the M Of Chatatw

Mie or work a caitrMÍB. rtwre wM-- uwjn tara Mnd h reslt much Jjw M to k) tn tiM VMtti y ,sks factory ts mat In oijr,iiro n sew Ml MCTtaw (.M H,f buswess at the auth l fiture, iM tow beta tysHisttttMnr un imiverm h w t'w J V m mu in ihn dallverles . .4 "KELXiY,'' the big green MsBBBCaCiBB "n Bi ntjtkcnm la rt1trltn rrom July i fel lo ,0ear 1 I )MW, or praetfcaHy of arrtral of order. In future ri W much h um tm tat tho entlra will receive first attention. Cabriolet repreaeBtec? SiWW fe MUtrM01M, MterdMf TM "Mornter Time was well ia ih nA rimer"' Dátade last Wea- - "0. . motor truck, & on a with to built red Wrerfc (e,m't IMtooIi, tM.wtt Pwm. nesdar. float truck, kindly lowed by Mr.heA. El- ÍÍ"JN 1.T7i OWo, 1I8.H0; California, C." compear.,-.un- . - more of the Oakland Sales Tho 1C9, 9, MICJU- was rear tbrourhput tu,.7t,rnt Massachusetts. 7j,éj' Minac-ot- V bt truck held in hlh Uu) parade, being throttled to three miles indiana, ,7M Hebraais, com i;n'. mji Wisconsin, per Hour aaa, on sovarál ocetstoas. SO.MJj sitial ueoi Stop and rotor off araln accomplished Xansa. Washlni. tnr to a full wheels, Mitrl. JI3! it Cwweetleut. Kírj OoorgUj without aninur rrom.uw mju wk t with (ttA nltal ia reoort- - j TaaocMce, j t l4tfet m Colum-M- '' a0 ed to be plMminr to rowractnre auto- No ever before to Dakota, aWlamXWW motor dared attempt Co,OTf6' norm 1BBtwBMbm' truck "t irwi Spenser, wBvXVfBCf oreron. l5,9t vlrmn. 1330: mobiles ai o.' .Maine.JW: ia.sw: Bqutn Carolina MlWOi JTortn . hara croiwt nor- - ihJvlt nrrnld Ttm m iteep grade, to Dr. Strong's home on the wmt nneéo torn', itjsef weiraro or rtr, km the Ida, ,!? Hew HampiBlre, Iflst? Montana, an aasoclstlon to promote the ,'SlUA,6,ro' ?r'-W- VJtttftia. all connected and Interested la the rrro 1 7 New FMtuift slópe I ?Á vr0Bt. f,5j Uta. fi,Wí OUafoaW bU3lB. east of Mount Franklin. Meo? Arkansas, a,m KwjtMfcy;. r which may ha Idabo. 3tSi Wew Mexíe6 a ffntun br a rood dutch m, Delaware, í,w) Xuw. said to be second In Importance after $840 miar. S.W; Mluiulppb-- ' ;6M Kerada" gradual enrarement ts that It should 6S9; total, 1,7139. V almost instantaneously so that there The Car Ideal ft no will be drar. For La&es i GASOLINE at.iAKt s.Tfifl miles or the Lincoln hlrh- - For Doctor ROW way route have been marked- - lndlctlons m, iht hv thft anrinr or 10IS the entire For SalacflMB, te. Teerday tbo county clerk Isined ten or 3,400 mile will be completely distance When doted, at perfect C&af DARED! Ucentes for automobile, amonr tbem tva mo "KELLY" nvo mareors io ono marked witi at least forWinter yvhan open, popa tor Jose Z. Woreon of Mexico Ctty, who mile. purcbased a new .Vulcan, ear which It lar roadster that to UM, sraooth, amonr' ilie or ibat typo to Arrtnplrnn.mnrtil Slltn and allent, and that holds the flrit ' bo icen HAftn llore.; f , mobile are belnr used as' iiospltal ambu- road at 50 miles an tour. Tt wii' thado by Edward lances in Paris. Tho car are prized be The handaoeaeat, moat' com. B. Q'Brierl..! of f tba- - Vulcaa Salea company, cause, of. jhclr lightness' and because on platsly equipped' roadster in wbo;.recenUy opened orricei on Nyrtld their lower rear! they are able to climb the world at less than $1,300. nvenoe. Mr. O'Brien atatea' that a terrlce very- steep bank. They "could. ir ijcces Easily oprtd economical of slatlort .wlll bo nfilnUlncd In .connection sary, travel upon railway tracks or Over upkeep. witb tho ale rooma where Vulcan oWn field. era eaa have service at all, hours or u 'Wkh iltcMe ttartwr ma day and mrtu in the St states where statistics are avail ctn'c light f5S tvetro. . Demonstrators in th8 little car had been able a total or 310.377 chauffeurs have busy".durinr the past week, which sen been registered this year. There are lx "SEE THE MAXUXLL FIRST" the ,Vukan over the steep grades of the states In whcGLtbe registration or cnaur-fc- rnesa'and in deep sand or the' lower part Is not required. The total rees' re- Haxwelt Motor Salea Co. of the city in search of some place where ceived ror the rtrst nine months of ttll Is John L. Buquor, A. P. Buquor other, cars have rone that the Vulcan could 18,8)7,654.- - SOLE AGENTS. not. . Mr. O'Brien stated yesterday that be Ph. 1373-- E Paso, Tex. was Mtlsried With the car and knows that Berlnnlnr January t, IV all motor It wmgive the, .saturación. Mvertlsed., truck in rfew Jersey must be rittcd with mirror enabling the ,drlTer to see tho The. ítone Sur Auto-- coihpany are 'X rdád back or the tTucir. The rulj was pectins' a shipment bt Chandler light slien, made necessary by the protected position the notice of the carload cotninr yes or the driver; 'who ts unablo to see behind terdayland Minaref, Perry stated that the and .to realise when another vehicle passes new machines would be uuloaded Monday. rrom Jhe rear- - v The sales manare reports th sale or two uupraoBiies flurm the w;eic . Tha Montreal Automobile Trade associa tion will hold a show from January 23 to Dr.K. F. Clutter nuicii'aied a nt.lrv 30, Inclusive, In the Allen line Liverpool r roadster rrora the' lrfeal "arents d'urlnr the buildings.' The space at (he disposal or exhibitors Is 60,000 square feet. Last year's show covered two weeks, one ror pleas- The" company, árenla ror ure cars and the other devoted to com the Studebaker line,: who have juat-- re mercial vehicles. ' , colved a shipment or cars, ,' report that ) deliyertni the late, models as fait -- AXOJÍ'hAS b as t arritoiíKríprC'.fifiij'sale of f t- three cars durlnr thowek Silent and Etfielihl Device Will Be Placea. K The Overland Auto Sales 'co'mpany havp on Saten Sars When Ordered., P been Botar brisk; business In. the sale's O. H. iJaum. arent ror tho Saxon, car. II department. The arrival or? the new sixes received iword yesterday that jhe new B, W. Oswald Cow 3ia-0- 4 W, ia BUN. T, tikis responslblé for tlje,' late ,ruih in the electric? starters were now resdy and would Pásales department- - be In stalled In all car ordered The starter .can be equipped, he states, to fe. The International Auto Company last the late model of the tiny ,car. In, (peak- PARALYSIS Ei&T ' aoia a riat louring; car 10 a, I'ai ing or device, Mr. BaUm e, i. saysi Dr. Item or Lordsburr. New Mexico. Tho new starter combines too important Chu. TaU StrK. PalUalkU.Pa. Si virtues of silence, power ,ahd lightness In M CP .Henry, mansrer'or the local Cadll. weight It Is a single unit' system, de- Piles signed especially ror Saxon cars and in an- - Tlta.loaanlfBOSSESCx. mlladalaMa, ra ' ',p,'BaalWBBViWJl 0 (oa toa) KeUyBprlnEtteJd Sfotor truck, loaded with 3180 pound of salís. Photograplí taken by Aultmaa ADormaa, more than bait tray up the Mount Franklin grade. i

LOADED with 2,160 pounds of nails, loaned forthe trip by Krakauer, Zork fie Moyela, Suca., ''Kelly"'' climbed more, than three-quarte- rs of this precíppitous hUInegotiaUn g graded ranging- from" 18, .' to 27 per cent v1 , ''f.S ,,L, . w lh8 Saxon 1915 NO MOTOR TRUCK f t Aa mvr intttnAaA in nnrafn nn'nn m crrarln It ! 'nnf a rnarl.bltt n ShMr mountain trail built, not for utility, .but for convenience1; R ttc, small rocks and gravel mlko! traffic almost 4 impossible for a hea,vy service truck; v - : .X TT0W wouldn't you like to hve this preuy mué cari ui course you "KELLY," would, it!s a good one and tlje most in the ooinion of tla'faanarts who accomnaniedithe truck, demonstrated tha it' has th e power ability to service tha exacting conditions. , economical on the market thirty and parfhnhvy under moat 4 . tq t miles every gallon of Gasoline. 1. 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 ton Modal Any child can operate it. The price ' t IS TXí í $440 ... PHILLIPS-BROW- N 60 LORDSBURG, NEW MEXICO Í Ifrypti are interested ask some or all íthé;Saxbn owners in El Paso J TMrfe Distributors letí Tdemonstráté' at; your, pleasure THE KELLY-SPRINGFIEL-D MOTOR TRUCK! CO. SPRINGFIELD, OHIO ?:

MEXICO , ARIZONA WEST TEXAS. NEW , y t-i- HMI-Hf"- : 4''' Chalmers Notor Co. V ÍBÜPPA50 HEADQUARTERS HOTEL 5H11LDON 206 S. Santa Fa St Phona 4970 L i Ib aja PASO MOKNlNfc TIME Vi'

SERVICE A FACTOR Line IN AUTO SALES The fe He fine sJefferv KcmomiceU 4 Tfc weight, Co. trs Ute moilala truthfully MÍd, graclc, light MUNCH MANA4MM 8AV8 THAT L UC H AS httimy inél10"offeriiif Uve high r ';TKfit KM fi H'MMHC TMY ARK TAKEN cw í; rusuiiy 10 ne -- a pnce. Of Hurd.;& Crane' a Fancy Stationery carried' in colore and CAE TWU, uta in flwnp' ntotwraie Of 8AKLA PLANS. which ébpUy rich in appearance, ara, plain White. Our special pound 'paper at 2Se w a bargain. The cat's are mi in our aaWoom will bear our that MaUatnamt. They are 4 "Service ll lbs keynote In the automobile ecftiipaaai with a motor w)ch ta in kael a wonder; built with combtetc iKwagard of all1 prejudices of enginearmaj trade today Sam's A. H. Elmore, tnanater - LET US EM105S A BOX OF STATIONERY FOR A GIFT oi ins atMsroom in this city. oewgw or eiiing price. -, "Tbo uincar m Is foilowvd by service is ne pepinar car or today, it it mis roniia Specifications "four9' Come in and Look Over Our New Books. eratlori for lb owner developed st the fae Give These Some IRouahtThe Jefferu tory and tent brosdcait throuth tbe deal The car which proved the Jefíery theécy thai jmuie uállty, economy, comfort, aiia style could combined In a moderate- prlcccf car. ' era tbat Is responsible for tbe many ad hlh be vancememsana rennmentt tnat are sc Meter High speed high efficiency; "í.""h4 syps, iemr" cyHaders. OasoHaaaVMtlt uipended on extended frame members at rear f cr.- - knowledted In the stindtrd and popular cast en blocj 3 Inch bore and CafÁcHy IS aHeas, premure feed, float gauge oa tanic tnateaa-r- M cars oi wosy, ," '! 'S Pavrer 41 horsepotreí. . ' ing the 'amount contained. l "Fourteen veari' rtmritifc In ntnmn - - . t.l... i Tí bile la Ban Frsnelseo proved to eKrfcln suwl lAgbUng Electric, fly wheel tyjiav 'V urivc Ptnet saan drive, made or enromo mciw trse has wigreaset.retalnlaa-- 7 me ronehistvely tbat s satisfactory aate ba Crank Case aluminum. Crank shaft universal Joints, provided with dust proof, r not been - Cast berli;eélyadjütedty . Curran 's Book Store mad when you receive s cuito- removing half of case. ' ' ' housing. A aturectory bottom mers eaecK for the ear. Transmbwlon Selective, sliding gear, four speeds forward and reversed Next to Popular sale It not ande until that owner returns Oil Capacity Jwo gallons. ' "'tr ,auacnea w ... When M aeeds a new car. Realista Hia Ignition Bosch Duplex magneto, single wiring; 'J' v,mroi levers are airecux leek of mechanical srtem( single etfóf cas solidly bolted to .two cross members of thetanie and., knowledre of the av. sparkplugs. . ; "T,s erare owner, the dealer must supply this vy. located amldehltTprovIdlng center control. Transmission in its 108 Phone 1084 deficiency throuth the service denartmenL Cooling Water cooled, pump, clrculatlriE Setra' large radia-to- r, entirety, with, operating levers ano nnuung rou, rroiS..o esa service is responsible ror the success or J600 square Inches of cooling surface. Watertcapaelty'slr If - than vne hundred pounds. 'f lawyers, doctors, bankers and men In all fmllons. . " rtoaoster, our-,- -' professiens , ,v Body ptylee Flvcpassenger Touring. snd trades. Buyers of sato Control Left side. 6park and throttle levers on top of steering- - post. passenger Sedan, enclosed drive. (inside) mobiles are not unlike buyers' of other in hand), enclosed drive. commodities. They aro to pay Operating levers center operate with right I.linouslne. car, wllllnt CI tcli type, windshield, i(iun tor air auiomooue witn service than Cone faced with best quality chrome leather. Equipment Top made of best material, rain Vision, robe for esM' without service. Hearing Imported annular ball bearings are used throughout the: tar rail and foot rest, extra demountable rim with carrier, Klaxet ' Is the service, ss much ss sny other except In front axle, where taper roller bearings of highest horn. Solar electric lamps and complete toot equipment. Elec-- $ una. mat nas nejpca successrui manufac- grade material are used , i . : trio lighted auxiliary dash, on whlcjt Is mounted Stewart War-- 1 turers ana dealers lo build up tbelr IVoat Axle Ono piece section forging of gasoline and' oil pressure, gauges,-.- . - to '."beam aleeted steel, , nor speedometer, ammeter, Big Auction Sale it is be cine of tbe etroatest double heat treated. Steering1 knuckles of chrome ntekel steel, 1rh. avll.h --I.trln tinrn VinHnti anil ttvn ' assets, snd we proposs to atrortbn ihi hnat treated-.- . bearings case nlekelfsteel.-- , valuables., one electric light switch psrneuiar asset aurin or 1915 Holler of hardened' ments for The has four; the season' v; V because we hsvo formulated our plant to Rear Axlo Full floating, no load carried on axle snaftaf shafts' 0 positions to operate the aids', head, dash and tall lights. 8wltch.. S render belter service then ever nothing but drive while the axle housing, which is or pressed can be locked in any position. Tail light works on relay, Engines , -- before. w wouio nenne ib word steel, carries the entire load. Axle shafts are of ahroaie driven pump $16 extra. F. B. srvlc M nickel tire 0. Detroit , í"' raawir on the part or tbo steel, heat treated. ' Prices Touring $1,450 dealer the ...... with owner. In an enaesror to Gears Transmission. 8 pitch,- .lneh face, steel, 1,450 ;! secure for the owner chrome nickel Roadster .....J...... set days of use or heat treated and oil tempered, near axle bevel pinion, 5 pitch. Sedan, passenger 2,230 $50,000.00 ois car eacn ycaror ownership." four teeth, 1 face, chrome nickel steel, case hardened, Sedan Combination, with Touring.. V2,47S it ' double heat treated. Rear axle bevel drive gear, 6 pitch.". 6 S Limousine, five' passengers Inside .. 2,900 . 'I 1 teeth, face, chroma nickel steel, ease hardened, Limousine combination, with touring- 3,180 I'' ., Phoenix Rapé a double heat treated. Differential bevel type with four pinions. car 1,750 ' .T: W Stock of Watches , . extra' large faces, of high grade material. Dlfferentlal and bevel Chassis only,-wit- 24 by 4 Inch tires' ...... 1,225 tr. driving gear mounted on imported annular ball bearings. Touring cars in combination Include top, cover and wind Test of Tires Wheel Baso 11$ Inches. shield. Diamonds and Jewelry must go to the highest bidder sale every r ''Prestone' Urea hívÁ1 nrnvii'ii' th.i Cars now in.stock,vreacly for delivery. See them and be convinced. day, begins at 7:30 p. m. ., ' i ain .'loiur uar company, jocai atents ror the Firestoneai , The LargestAutomobileHouheJnthe Southwest 1 1 ' Recommends !' Sale win last Until December 25th. Now's the time to buy your. the"Jeffiry" third In the Los Angeles to phoenix road Xmis presents come early and get first choice every articlo In tho nlnr El Paso to Phm-nl- nr. ti- - 5 store must be sold In order to .ralso money at once. "Net morft anvrrA tit nf .n k. Imstlned," says Delt "Tbe cars bad to INTERNATIONAL AUTO nesouaie every poesiDie sina or road, rrom boulevard to Uctert trail, snd tbe ract that ino urea wimsinnii inn it nrnv.. i 416 to 422 Texas St: Phone 1921 I berlorly bevond a iAuht. -- ine rainstorm wnicn treeted the driv- J. W. STOCKARD, Mgr. ers .on reachinr the desert nudo tbe rósds most treie hftmtii. nA tirt in ..Mti.t. CO. The cars equipped with Firestone tires had aiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiHuiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiimiiiimiiiiniiiiiiiiiHiiiHiiHUHiiiiiiiiH DENVER JEWELRY nú íruuDie, aim punca out, or placet that show1 changes, condition 108 San Antonio St. Next to Wigwam Picture Show several minor without' af? and free. Scarce had the echo isrr To K. Ml Small, Echo apartments, TWELVE FEDERAL reeling Its essential reatures., or tbe tolling mldnegbt bells announcing Bulck rive passenger touring car. 4, Friday morning died awty than the .luck- S848 To ir. T. 707 I MORE OX Batcher, .North Santa e. JITNEY CARS HERE HELD TENNESSEE WARRANT. less Jesse, battered and bruised, was re- Fe street, Lorler seven passenger touring posing on s hard pallet In tbe city prison. car. Lino Ponce, Mexican, Wanted Thursday night Williams, who was em- saw To . B. dlb'son, New RESERVE BANKS In S63I Montana street, Serviré Meets wllh Support ot El Tennessee. ployed by the west Ysleta Country club, Studebaker rive passenger touring car. , raso rairuas. 'Cars Run Uno Ponce, a Mexican wetl known, in borrowed the club's Ford car and, wltb Loaded. this ctty, was yesterday arrested by Dep- a couple or dusky companion, proceeded Your name, business and address in the", Magazine Subscriptions FIRST SHOWING OF THEIR CONDITION to put on a joyrlde. Shortly after mid- "Who and Wbat Are You Looking uty Shcrirr Stanley GoedJr,, at the re- Fort"' MADE PUBLIC BY THE FEDERAL night they ctrae to grief nesr Vsl column or The Times win belp you 10 . Tlie.Jline' car jarvlce have added quest or the governor or Tennessee. Verde tea ; RESERVE BOARD. and all three were taken to the. emergency secure more business. Phone 5050 about II- - more cara lo ilin n'm nn in nn,r.ii The warrant .upon wbleb the arrest was hospital, (Advertisement.) Xmas Gifts. Club .Rates upon lar- badly batterec and bruised, Wil- Make Ideal here. The made was based tho charges or tn manatement hts promised fet Tbe Only Includes the' Opera' ceny obtaining money liams wim a gash his right letv Statement and under falsa - On Cfperatlng Pasp patrons, that .others ,will follow. Tbw Preceding Days pretenses. John-- Kluntck designat- the table theiingro wtt IN TfíEXQlillTS 1 í, lion far the. Uve was recognised by Police Captain v.... muí mu ut urn orn mane, icave of These Institutions. ed as the agent of the 'state or Tennes- Lon Garner mu at as a man wanted in connection with the Tblrty.rourth District Court. t uusincsa auirici regular, intervals see'' to escort . tho prisoner back to lbs or crowded with scene shooting his friend. William Brown. (Dan MJacks0n'Jüdge.) or bis alleged misdeeds. Tbe shootiiig on It was first assumed by the skeptical received Friday occurred Fourth street Salvador, Peres vu D., suit ror Sherirr Edwsrdt word some ago.: Following' -' filler, (bat the Utile machines would run empty, leave weeks th near- damages for alleged - that, .the agent' Would ror this clly tragedy, spent personal Injuries, but Mils theory blew up when the cars 01 ino coaaiiion oi iiiq tciva icucm as soon as papers were Williams tome timo tn 15,010; riled. . k.MV...... a miV.1l. tr,r1 ... hV Just tbo extradition exlco, later to made their first run. KM'asosns want, by Governor Colquitt st Austin. but crossed tbe river Ysleti Julio Loya vs. Joe Dunno. suit for 'If honored and procured a position as porter the dun. awneimnff tor meir money and they got A message rrom Memphis Friday night at ages ror. alleged breach or Contract. country club. Brown, the negro who was i iu a uuu mo tun icngin oí ine cuy ror inciuaes operations tor ino live prcccuiuc tald that Ponce .was wanted there In con- 12,647.81; riled. five cents. nays aim is ircuunuw y iu mo uci.u sbot, has since completely recovered. 1at-- r. s." nection with the circulation or some twen- Jltne cars have been promised on all will frwnn tt'lflv Special expect ty million pesos In. questionable Mexican District Ceurt. . 'f thickly populated streets snd tbe demand Members or ;he board did not currency.: ' Automobile' Licenses. (Leigh Clark, Judge.) MILLS BUILDING. for the cars grow wth each new cus During tho orozco regime and .In tbo Í840 To 0. A. Payne. 07 East San An. Jurv excused until U nVlnrtr tompr. The rnmfnrt inH ti.m. m.,in quantities or rederal reservo notes to be Mnniv f.t receipts were early days of tbe Huerta administration tonlo street. Meta ríinabóuf, morning. by tho, cars Is mcctlot with the approval taken" out untfl the bank SMI To county or peso,, firmly organised, their rirst reservo In. iras commercial agent in ti rasa El Ford touring ui niiimrvus wnq navo gra'pea oppor General Ynez In car. Ferty-fir- - tni tor Jose Salazar, then District .CouH. lunlty or reducing- high MSIimeniS COUCCIca mil ilia " the cost of auto yi command at Juarciz. $8(2 To Phillip Brown company, Sheldon (P. n. Prl(. Inri ' AUTO STAGE .UNES mobile rlrllnr. ta v nnihino-- nt ih mn rnr hiniiiinir commercial business for Hotel, CADILLAC EIGHT truck. t Jury In tho case or John Atllr vs. Frank' venicnco in being able to get home quick. member banks. .NEGRO IN W4J-- TO Mrs. M. B, Smith, OLOBE TO PMOKMX or conamon rotiowa HARD LUCK. tloi North uswi , tituscu unin nionaty morning. ' Tho statement Stanton street. Chevorlel Auto. car leaves Olobe Cash pn bandr. roadster. via nest autos, careful drivers, mono Bio. Williams. In AuU Wreck Í844 To rtoir Baren, 604 East daily. Tlroa 8 hour. Nake reserrationi at Oold coin and certificates, tJ03,ll5i00. Jesse Hurt aad Fourth Justice Court. , Globe. OUa Valley (Advertisement.) Hospital. street, Indian motorcycle. Dominión Huiel. Aulo HAS THERMOSTAT Lesral tenders, silver cerllfVcates, etc. Arrested, la (James J. Murphy, Judge.) stare une. Jesse Williams, a negro, Is a' firm 1813 To II. Braeu, cos Lebanon street. State vs Reynaldo SEPTEMBER AUTO KVPnnTa f37.308.COO. Salaiar. bigamy, bound , MAIL LINE. In the superstition that Friday Is an Ford touring car. over to grand jury under gJ00 gars Flrurei limnd hv ihn. A, Total, UW.7J3.000. ' bond. r.lfr.l hnnn. unlucky day. & Í848 To Jésus Z. Moreno, 800 Aurora Harry McCloud,. speeding; Pasaeoter service leavtnr both noiwell CONTROLS' TIIK COOL' rtedlscounts, 5,W7J)00. fined, r and ana a. lailanes snow mat ira commercial cars, Thursdty Jesse was. in perfect pnytieatj street, Vulcan five ptssenger touring car. costs; paid. and carrtcoio dally Sunday at s m. JXQ A All other sssets, Jrooo. f rqr ricacho. Tinole, nondo, Lineólo, Fori OF TIIK MOTOR. GIIEAT vaiueo at sroi.sss, and ei passenger ears, Stanton, Capitán and Nogal. Through fart l. FREEZING WHITHER. valued at tOflT.SOI. were, esported In Sep- Total, .IS5.000. one way sa.40. Iniennedlata points se per tember. ...Capital paid In., 175 poun . tulle, bastare carried up jo da- dnii, - ta pounds tree; excess at 1c per pound. A device on tbe now cadiUio Eight tbat MORE AUTOS IS MILWAUKEE. federal reserve notes in circulation, l,- 1103WELL AUTO COMPANY. will ,be particularly appreciated during cold According to the tax commissioner nr 15.000. , Ownera and Operators. rbont las. I É4JA 19 fWS weather Is tho thermostat "tbat controls tbe Miiwausee, me number or automobiles Ta. owned there is 5.9 as aratnst u iiihliitlsa. so ner temperature of tho water In the ending a. Oil in ... IP13, a gain of MM cars tn 18 months. cent casn reserve asamsv an i.ui.i".-- RAILROAD TIME TABLES system. Tbe object or the device Is to J ..h r.a rilnit. ill llablll. gold Tune Table No. Si. Effective 12:01 a. as. maintain as nearly as possible a constant Your, name., business and address in the ties' after settlnr aside 40 per cent slay 27, lilt. temperature of the water while tbo entine who ana wnii Arc tou Lankinr I'n.iM reserve against icoerai rBj.-r- uvi (Mountain is running. , column of The Times will thelp you to Do Time only.) secure mora business. e,. Y2."11F You Want to Be a Landlord? hi E. P. 8. W. Syatem. in connection with !the thermoitat is s Phnnnvi nvn been - valve (Advertisement.) extent In MMiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiHiiiiiiMHiimiiiiHiiwiiiiiiiimiiiimiiniiimiiiiiiiiiiiin From North and Eas- t- Arrive. that opens and closes ss tbe liquid svtlled of to a considerable pew 1 J in ma thermostat expands and contracts. Chicago at. ra u... Californita fi:Ma.m. Best autos, careful driven. 510, York. vouis 41 p.m. wnvn water Is valve Is riione In supplemental state S oolden biste Limited t; the cold Ibis closed, (Advertisement.) said the. board lis There is s battar way than to first buy yaur own home. It will take only a few From the West and the result Is tbat tba water In tbe ra. ment. . , .. Is 11 1 " S Copper City tipecial TiU dlator cut off rrom that in tho Jackets "Elsewhere tno snowins umu; , C 7 yean of your usual reat money to pay for a colden State Limited JO p.m. lurroundlnt tho cylinders. Federal reserve notes to meet locsl it For North and East Depart. Tbe main sdvantate of the thermoitat In ..... k.n i.aneit nrlnclnallv In Chi 4 Golden blata UmlUd tits p.m. cold weather. Is that, th quintlty of water I fe cago, New York and Minneapolis, but every to:wpju. r California! urrounainr ine cylinders Deinr compara- i Tiri.4.tww bank net neen amum For the West tively small, the motor Is warmed sad uní ima u.luc r . nnt.. n Rnet its needs. Tne s Golden mate Limited p.m. reaches runnlnr. efficiency In a much 1.. .mount of rediscounts as Special p.m. ...ti Then You Will Have 7 Copper City ...... 7:4 shorter time thanvordlnsrlly. without tbo compared with the resources or the system ir an incnnosui tue water in the cooiinr sys It duo to ine, pvney ,vu"" HI Grande a El raes Railroad. wouldj have be . . ihe navmcnt "rror re (Santa Systew.) I'm to heated berore the ....n.irin. ;r'v. v entine would run well, whereas with I&udoraII deposits tn actual money Instead or Formed the Habit tbe serve From ta North ArrlvH. thermostat, only a small quantity has to . . . j ... n .... .r nwtlaennnt Mexico fcipress ,10:00 am. bo . mm fixed WltU , e:IO pun. wanned at the outset, and the tber. "'.'..'C: wra ueparu motjn valve admits tbe water Into tbe City and Chicago Pass.. 8:) a.m. radiator slowly, as the temperature rises are of the most encouraging ntture. lit Vaniat trlets maathly ayrneat aas-raly.-áa MkU S.'OO p.m. In tbe fluid aurroundlnr u .h f makiac a en, an mvaatmaat. and n4ht fatlems day llOCiUcH0 tbo cylinders tal TM ettaausamesii .j..... - opens tho valve rradually. lady sanmportant effect in Increas- you will buy another beuse, or build aaather, and reaell it to tsmssst Who has net Cat) m'.ob, Htrrtsburi 8aa Astéalo Ry. In the Cadillac Eitbt s thermostat and im leadlaV power or tbe locsl banks (Southern Pacific By stem.) valve sro provided for each block or cy. '.rtriitina tn the loan power or tbe red- - yet Uaraed the leasea of payiBg to himself, from tba East Arrlr, Inders. Tbe device It wholly sutomstle Will eral reserve baaks." f Buaset Express ...... o;Wpja. In Its action. Trade u ..n I tmltAd ...... W:ll tf m NAÍ , On the sac and investment yeumaka, the terms will work4 out easier bsnsuso the Weil MANY CHANW From l araiasi.-"- ' will payisVf wÜl 0t Bunaet Limited .. for City Lots wvkkly -, while yea be eemeUttiowt'overy menth yeu aW: bancal leetsAf t antroroiau ..W:K P.m. tíA"?-tfWl?- the re- - For the Bast- VeparL DON'T TALK WAR M.t awwUr amount freaayour cuetoraer. ios Buawt LIcalusd ...... SiUSJB. Call axeme- n- óf as federal bkln faunaei Express ...... Flr$t It laws, waicn sweatw y " . ?... mi For the wstt nlng of the wee aw-- - 1 Calilornlan ....,...,..., .. :H am. Many nromlntnt muiifiriiiMii kiM m ih weekly srtleiaeat Issued to- - Vt Suasel Limited ...... ,. t:X)pja. adopted lbs slotaa, "Don't Talk War. Talk uay 11m puiiucav' na, wtut s confidence wat Overland uj 'TT . --.! unr. A PaetN KaUwajr, Hereafter ine wnni" J...i. Tessa speaks well for tbe prosperity of tb eoun. tpeclfleally with losas reserve"',Zs Others Have Done From lbs East Arrive. try. bava rre pared ta aft ta armmurn bsaks an.4 r raw Espress aad la the federal reserve INsjb. with tbetr conviciloni. Touring Car depositories. It will alw OH w Caaeoa ll ...... l:Mpja. Tha Flrcilona A Ruhh.. Por aba jfss- t- seswl. lira m.u. inouni or nti uanmtu. ni- -i rtanon son. SRvwtr foremost In taklnr Mils optlmfs. srtregtla cash ressrvewui MS ...,...... ,....,... 7:t ly known st this, and why not yoa? Tba ajry of oar asiddle fiah taeeJe smarted vfft m 4 rsst ? ...... uc wt, mis was aemoasirsKa st taeir hereanar be teferred to aomo N recaat saoual sales convsertlsa. be Id st IM $800 asnall iavastsneat, a babar laams walk or eseeo...... j juet as to iacuTi waeo tneir army pr nets men rw".Toaaj--t stsiesaeni sua " 4. nearly fa Law ATrtt j l a weak: itimviu iha nm. totals, tints it M Jviarw..,.,. Ittfja. awct sad sccumulattef Id wuie layUit cotaparisoa with any prevksvimnini'.ws, Tne JufH,. w cawtia tor wo coniuit year, Tbe umicr is aca we mm wom after taw f ITERHATIOHAL reserves wsrs accaslsaad larsal' by ra. Í3 taattcste as ta rtrestoss sctivi. w rweun. , "" presases ducttoa wn Ha sad a hhmts sessoo for WS. AUTO CO. to 11 mt cMl.aa psnauaad Ha)sr aM in Nfaawblle, Ftfesiise bulldlot opersUons law. Vasa ifie asw tyHa sM e asjhVBOjaojgjB. gj sWIHSSjj so merrily oa 4 Hm sound or the . a more sVeftalts wort la bast It It .tsassasthas, saw ta trowel tadtcates uut tbe 411 to 43 TEXAS STREET peeled a flturet eu- -a la ta 4ttwy Msaaraa1 setspsay s ready to tht a jNiH its. laltlay ula csre 0r $MtMtntrj6im Sfcta Ímtí6 anrf hi.fc. n.. .k. 111 Th lumsienr with t iirtilisi lis aiaaaw Hforct ta ta mtt efficlest wanner, of mm bak sadartrast coaissattt as! la. JnJBKBmJSBKm a aftsjaaar-sa- sa EI, PASÓ MORNING TIMES

mm in tM MM mi mm fleí or Mis- KLBERT HUBBARD'S guilty of a breach of .neutrality. A viola- lion when ihis war Is ended, tt wirt then full aaa ttaar dlituiilon ot all political really bad ila rite in Kittena in souri, as welt as the tnapoettotvof 11. tion of neutrality could only occur when be necessary to hew boundary problem. ot iim run, Edmund mira, cMrto rot ENTER surer aira tine mining punts locaiea m WEEKLY SERMON the editor proceed to supply arma to his lines, and power must Dow to thole toho Thmforo I My we do well to allow and Thoma fame, who cams to thla eouft' tM nrlneloal mlnln dtttrlCI Of Cada. favonio sido or to lead; an armed torco will not misuse It. rrery one in America to tat tho cam ai try and laid the nam tninys for table 1 western asid ewíttit United Matesrná'MJ. nu KLRERT lllinhAhh. against I he other. if public opinion decides that any man he ms It, without 11 or hindrance, flalti Encland banlthrd them. Ir IM, and nowhere, he declares. cold Mir (Cpyrth liU. by ewpspc' FealuM Through the expression or our Ideas and has been tho armed' bully nf Europe, that er, he abotild be enrouraurd In thinking, Th ipirtt nf Benjamin PrMiklin, Thotntt Mr tbowlnr of milllnr or lie shown, con murusl discussion wo Will arflvo at the man. will have to bo shorn ir his power and writing and prlntlrir, tnnlead or being re Jerfemon, Tftomaa padsti nandoipa M Ahnilt this time the word "nriitrilltv truth, ir ever. he compelled to step aside. prriicd, anppreaird or remored. ttoanoke and rairlck ttenry atlll ftbtdes, afta Mtring tna amount or development aone. In tMn la tho carpenter district, seems to be much evidence. Ktemal vigilance IS the price of liberty. ' Th Interests of all of Ihe people, of the Thla waa the spirit of mi. And 1778 their 0uM iro marrhtnif on. , Tnere are inreo.Kinus or neutrality. and I privilege as women, the old well as uxmrr fmm colmaba lmkinq evw Tho tendency, be says, in modem lead .Ther Is tbe neutrality of thflnrhti ihn It the as well the duiv children, as. tin rtmncrn in vicinity er wad sine milllnr stems to be a develop neutrality or expression, and tha neutrihtv nf a freo people lo take mental sides In Strong and tho valiant, mut bo conserved, ment .or existing, processes and mschlnei of action. any great struggle- - preserved and protected. ráWwr than the introduction or now pro wnen w speaK or neuirsjity in rererenc Utile's wo htvaj this privilege, liberty Is If the Zeitgeist or the world derides that ewi. sfid M the new district such 11 to war w hava in mind only one kind or a hy,word and freedom a pleasantry. militarism is a menace, then national di VÜtt TrWpértatWi ITaeHIM M4' tM teas Men described, close application ol neutrality, and that is the neutrslity ol One reason especially why wi should armament, must come. Values ta Bold asa Btíxtt KiHila arortn methods, varying according to th action. have rult, rree and open discussion or the ltd such thing as world, federation or far Lttk ot ore, In openiag For Instance, we haver iMkM nt th war proposition in America. Is because a United stales of tho world can ever be Brtpiai character of tho will assist neutrality of Belgium, Jjy 0' new channels or commercial supremacy and this no one public, opinion will rintlly 'adjust tho rqua brought about save through the free and tme deponía. ever for an. instsnt had, in mind ihe opin- By L. It. DXV18. ef our southwestern terrnd Delglan people ' .7 Some. Hlnh (Hirer ions that the hold of their to Louli Marquette Richard, Crade routid. neighbor, spoken Or i fteordlnr Over on ihe cast side or tho district unexpressed. Kor hsd tMulttnr,.rntnlnr engineer and ireolosUt devel- wo in mind tbe thoughts spoken1 or written Calo., Where prospecting and preliminary oCColoraao pprtnía. who has i" opment on, as by by the people Of Ocrmsny, Franco or Eng MHtmitlon' tho are being carried stated, ropletedyiiif there? pro' El Paso Banta peonía, said land, concerning iieigium. m vicinity of Sawyer's peak ta and nil there la Tho Belgium's j.ími the in the past to have been some very high violation of neutrality could cáíptntor .district. Oram county. New Mer- m round, einectally only possibly proceed from ono thing, anJ vpry tho proa values aold and silver was ino, ero promWri. Wtlle head. nr. manca, Trujllla that action. nfccA inr at tho Sierra and ' rata ot oft his known thli ore assaying as hign as Thomn Jefferson once sñd forever set- many dutrlet haa never creeks. Sliver tled, SS as for year, the 1,X) ounces per ton have recently been far America Is rnnrrnt. Ihe received tho attention It merits front a . rflM,inHii.hi et question nf what constitutes treason, and standpoint, sayt. .ill. thla was -- acientirie he copped pyrltea In tho shattefed portions or that tresson do nnt nmiit in The Carotnter dlitiict ilea in the Mimbre what you think, or what you say, or The Way near The outlook what Surest the quartslte the contact. mum moiúnalníí close to the elevation you con- of ror tho development or these oro jruu wriio, or wnii print. Treason extensivo sist! In taking up coun- Is Mr. has ar arms against your to prosperity, as well as the moat satisfactory is on- east, bodies excellent. mcnard try. Of In M cither from Lake valley, tno 'a ranted ta make a series of aoeciat reports tSnrthlA In thn rnlmv. to deposit a portion of your income each weak distance of about twenty miiea Dy waton mining dlairlcis Silver City It Is eminently right and proper that the on tho west side. on tha around people of the the AMERICAN road, or by various trails the independent, which win e or great world should be allowed to or month with TRUST & mountalni, leading up from the for think for themselves. oMhe lntcresT and value to that rtcn district. SAVINGS BANK. Then you know that your Mimbre Vivar, near the village of Swarti. It li eminently right and proper that the The coro pX the Mimbres rango Is composed people of America should have thoughts money is SECURE, earning a substantial rate of of. granjié. cut Ty dlkea ot Serious Automobile AectdenL concerning the war situation. In Eurono. interest and Is AVAILABLE when you want it. At intervals Also. It diabase K)x' jranite'porphrry. Otto .Custer was .severely cqt across the li eminently rjght and" proper limestone seamed Is rioted, simis check, eleven stitches being, necesssry, mai incy suouia express tnemseives ruiiy 4 interest paid on savings deposits 4 (fa lar In appearanc w the siraff róúlotfcal when ,the aulo In Which he was riding and frankly in reference to tho situation. newspspcr eriíl-els- e series of ouicropplnja near Olsbee Aruona: Collided with another lit tho 3300 block on When or imigaxlne' . L: upon is1 The extensive erosion, consequent the Montada street last' night about 7:3o inner one sido or tha other'It not steep slopes at tho upper end or the val o'clock.' The" occupants or the other ear leys has carted ita, way back Into the led were uninjured and neither car, ,was dam- M, cxpdslnt immcnso dro depollts whlcn aged to. any extent. outcrop at the surface in bold fashion. Get a Victrola to helpv Masses and stringers' or sine blende are exposed from ono- - inch, to tour foet In Your thickness, the meandextngs or the sheer entertain on Thanksgiving iono extending ror a djstanco or over 6,000 all feet around the mountain. '' The easiest way to make things pleasant for Classed as Eieellcot. Milling Ore. Owlnp to the poor facilities ror the trans the folks; to furnish entertainment they'll noriatton and the ract that the ores are Savings lean In rold and' sliver values, very HUle of tho ores have been shipped, and prac Stop in and see about a Victrola for your tically no milling has been attempted, al- getting though the deposits throughout may be Thanksgiving celebration. We'll play your favor- classed as excellent milling ores. On the east sido ot tho range consider- ite music for you, and explain our easy terms. able prospecting and preliminary develop- Vigor and Health ment work Is being carried on by Santa For You COALandWOOD Victors $10 to $100. Victrolas $15 to $200. mta ami EI Váio tninlnr mnh Interested in" opening up deposits of copper, silver Do you reel the need, or a good and lead ores. The deposits or oro In tho tonic? Is your appetite poor? Should be earning interest carpenter Ulstrlct at present, developed Aro you always tired? Do you W. G. Walz Company . consist principally of' lead and xinc chief want to reel within yourself the or galena .and sphalarlte, power tli at comes with vibrant for you now. Start an :ao; iy;,ln tho form health strength? You SOUTH EL PASO ST. with some accompanying, carbonates. Evi- and need 103 dence of metamorphlsm Is noticed at places Mérito! Adapa count today get one, of where the structure or the limestone ap Open Evenings Until 8 O'clock marble--. This Is extensively de nrnehes Tonic Digestive , vclpped on tho west side of ihe range. It positively aids digestion, Im- our little banks in which Dealer in The deposits are ecín lo closely follow tire proves the general health and i zono or stress, and occur as stated. In brings about strength and vigor. stringers, ,masses and lenses, constituting A strictly high grade, meritorious to put your small change FUEL, HAY, GRAIN, FIELD SEEDS and In many places rrom 10 to o per cent or article, approved by high author- reíbose(f'ook,faceí ' "In h'üme'rous ities, endorsed by the American i the entire Drug andorreas. Association, and f intQ, UHUsbexf :guarahtefd fcy ' and see if you won't be or. its?"'' ' BUILDERS' SUPPLIES. tone. .th .masses . and stringers zinc Price too. in .places, lanero the 'cruant' "firédómtnateí knobumbb;dru6,co. able to save a little from large' maíseá.ot irp,n 6yrj(tor are.encou'nfcr.c'd. t Exclusivo. Agency. PROMPT DELIVERY the lof,aI 'development or sülpnldes with . or copper, jnostiy in.tne rprm or cnaicopy-rite- your earnings. r. Associated with the xlné throupJvyit Phones 35 and 36 are tfoVeibped 'deposits "of galena Both in rorm .qucoaipejy uww Texas th phase locally called ."steot galena.' Corner 'of and Dallas Streets ftne. ono of. the lead .veins an Inch vein L of wolframite, was. noted.. 1 J "CS Mr. lUchard. In an official capacity, has Share, had the opportunity oreiamlntng'-ovc- r Must Do Your ,..t hrnmitú bf. tp tb llwt You ri itaiw. It ktcptCutnctnn la m , sa4 murat uwu tMthm. Break Up the I dramiK M IJfc MfJtd K "lioukhfag It" privation Is alright ror1 2V. GENUINE BIRD MAftNA i Thanksgiving! Substitution Evil boys; Men want their "hard day's jpdr . ult Mom 1' . DWMitUMt(M followed by comfort and tho best if best' fooi that e cater- ing can" provide. Vou. will receive ail VERY time a dealer MAKES no difference this at tho White Mountain Inn. a high If you haven't any tooth trou- E? IT class, accom- fers you a "Just as the dealer says, modern hotel with cly ble you surely b ii or hunting t can thank- modations, the heart tho tob-bbb- pooaox. msxx come oxtrs. good " when you ask for a don't accept his "Just as wilds or new Mexico, Gasoline, am- HOttasnrB to that ful. If you have you can sale; guide provided: gamo i well-ltno- article, he in- Good." When you want munition for surely be thankful that we are sure. Good roads. Write for partic- Intelligence. He soap, perfume, household The Two Republics Life hero, for wo can fit you to a sults your ular. ability to medicine, paint, varnish, perfect plate, or crown. discpunts your WHITE MOUNTAIN INN brldco the automobile tires, food Company Fill your teeth or extract buy. He puts you in nUIDOSO.,NEW MEXICO. Insurance class, and products, chewing gum. man wittsovt am policy la naglaotla hta feeaaat them positively without pain. "don't know" An has honeat corsets, underwear,, shirts, doty to tho dependant pon him for support. Come In now and set your thinks that by piving you a tads oh&aee, leaving collars, shoes, hair tonic, To eaiinot afford to tlx of your wifa Aad In to "little talku he can induce tttay teeth flrat class shape ohftdraa without protection. Make tt your .first duty to im that you to buy his MORE-PROFI- T tooth paste or powders, you. , enjoy that big Thanksgiving URINARY wra provided for In caax aaythlasr should happen .to as Good" grape juice or soda foun- K home la mortgajrad take out a policy In sufficient aaaoaat Didn't Hurt a Bit dinner. "Just te cover it. Toar family wtH than hare a home that no landlord article. tain drinks, etc., whatever I tt your pocketbook. .un.SHUKTBDDt .eaa drive, thasn oat of aad lata tho street. Our prices will suit yoU want ASIC FOR IT lOHRS! Phone' 111, or oall' at fmo, sixth floor Two República Ufe" We do not do cheap work, but we do good work cheap. must do your share BY NAME of.manufacturer 24 BUUdtag, and rut) parlloulara will be furnished by a courteous, Lady Attendant. Aquí bo habla español. YOU S'.ao to T. Sunday B:30 up the great or trade mark brand, and lslitrWsS SLfeast'ef tha oompany without asqr obUa-atío-n on your part. Hours till I. " of substitution. You insist onjgetting it. anu oaraiNUTM " Don't put oft nhUl touuxiuw "flelaya are dangerous." ' PAINLESS evil If yor btrthday la Dear at hand, vet your policy now. Every year NEW YORK DENTISTS can do it by refusing to buy Awn tfttmmlt rfrUt 44d to your age calls for av higher rate. Cor. Mesa and Texas Ht, éllbcrberg Jewelry Moro la under .as. unknown ' or "Orphan "GOOD way to stamp ALL WtÜOOISTK litiiiimw Brands" when your dealer A out substitution is to offers them to you. Do stop dealing with a mer- not be coaxed into buying chant who offers you a them. substitute. Tell him why he has lost your patronage, IMITATIONS and "Just and tell others not to buy Every Man Be X as goods" are mere from him. Should makeshifts, and never give the satisfaction that the AFTER all, it's up to Electric gepuine does. You know Will you do Glad That He Is this is true. your part? Coffee For" Percolators . "Get What You Ask Alive League, Philadelphia New Styles New Prices NatUnal And it is a good idea to some. measures for staying alive. The best prices we have ever offered on Half a million men of other nations have already been fed to the cannon. Thiee million more of them will come home wound- ed or diseased so that the rest of their lives will be a burden to them. Electric Fercolators . . Anp Percolator in our window, Thanksgiving This la the last Saturday before Thankaglvlng Day, Let us ua It. ÍsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbrIÍjtWmkISBiIbbbbI Week $5.00 Let every man .rriiro today to enjoy his Thanksgiving to the utmost f del that-no- overcoat today, or that new suit uf clotlwa so that you can glvo thanks next- - Thursday for being well and warmly dreaaed and WINDOW DISPLAY ready tor winter- - Jnaure your health by getting thoan now aliotn you ..-- .promised yourself, A sick man is of no use to himself, tila family or his friends. And look around you for something that will add to the comfort, El Co, tho luxury of youf homo. Paso Electric Railway Look through the advertising of this paper now.' rick out tha things you need and buy them today 'Alt t)f the good value of this city are Buillding 2323 offered In these columns you are reading now. Kverythlng that la Electric. Phone worthy of your poitatderatloa Is her. tas rmru. .(i ror ita cuautta Mirscuoa. la s hunt tocados. rr rrs This Is a nation of plenty, at peace with tha world, and therefore im dStiractteM óf.aíty iwa, Mjal aM every man has lieaty of U4aa to give thanks for. J?iJf'iiS,Ir,,Ji2SS .iTnfn ta fkjMiuL laullMtual aad euiairs. - rn4 WfWUSNU.. tar particulars a ran HOTMSa EL PASO MORNING TIMES Sunday, November 22 1914,


"Made In El Paso" High Class Work ...... El Paso Safety First ART GLASS Money Is Power A Shining: Gem JAMES A. i WHEN YOU BUILD and Opportunity knocks at your door daily. To Of Commercial , BRENNEN MIRRORS have money in the Bank means that you can BUILD WITH BRICK time make a profitable investment. We Worth The Plumber By at any offer you the beat Banking facilities in the Fireproof Your Home With Hollow Hies Phone 3903. El Paso SasK& Door Co. 0 to the Southwest. Partitions Business Flashlight . "Be sure you are right, and Americaú Trust & World EL PASO. BRICK C0. then go ahead." Let Specialists Savings Bank For town to become a great city It is We carry the largest gtock of flash- lights carried In the southwest. ' Dave Crockett El Paso', Texas. necessary for that particular place lo be Phone 230 , Of favorably located and to have sucti advan- Batteries Fresh Every' Day. tages that are required for Its future ad- do your cement work. vancement. Great cities are planner1, .by We save yati 25 per "cent on every- the architect, contracted by tho engineers, thing electric. built by tits contractors and furnished by the building firms. Alt these and the best in. their line we nave m El Paso. El Paso Texas Electrical Supply Co. 946. Jas. C. White . . J. BPaden . . Henry Jerrell :- Phone Is orte of the tew cities so favorably located, -: . :--: 11 N. Stantóa St. Phope 1130. that It controls a section cf the great tout W-- A. Worley, Construction Supt. for 00- miles around, its great ad- vantages for the bigger development as a commercial manufacturing center and a í! valley farming country is rapidly progress- DAN L. CARSON Southwestern E ing and it sure to make El Paso the greater ' & city. Th new growth of our city' comes n MOOR WHITE BUILDING as- a solid 'foundation In the industrial and Figure Your Cement Work. Planing Mül business' field, opportunities are bcro for Manufacturers of Works investment tbat are not to be found in Iron & Wire IMPROVEMENT CO. First-clas- s other cities. El Paso is not an overbuilt For a Job. Sash, Door and. Interior FinV i liy( like many others) It is Just beginning some ishings. 511-51- 3 W. San Antonio St. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS to develop of its great resources that are here today, business In our' city is due to the In- Wholesale and Retail. El Paso, Texas. vestments and 'undreds of thsusandf 'of dollars aro being spent. la and around All-Wor- k Guaranteed. " 1 200 E. Missouri Street Morgan Bldg., Rooms 11, 1 2, -- 1 3. Phone 5085 Telephone 5615. Phone 1549. Res.-Phon- 3445.- - Office Phone 2163 ' El Paso LET THE KING WORLEY Architects' Building Permits YELTON -- Contractor and Builder ' Issued for tne week ending License Law 509-T- wo Republics Bldg. paint co: November Si wis U. Tho The purpose of an archi- amount contracted for the DO YOUR PAINTING tects Urente Itw is not to buildings as 181,750. urround and hedge tfio en- Loan Negotiated On City JsBBBBBBBBBBHSSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB"u9ai Satisfaction Guaranteed. trance to the profession with Property. unnecessary and 309 North Stanton Street. unnatural i1lfflciilllc5,vbut dimply to Im- Phone 5300 Fhone 1247. pose conations that will In- jure proper training and ex- perience, and to prevent lh practice of architecture from Real Estate falling into disrepute, and al Rathbun Mix Company the same time insure the wei. Transfers C. M. rare of me public, 'roí num. Youngberg Clay Product of estate Building Specialties bf of then In this state who tb number rtál are as with-ou- transfers mads ror the week Display Room poilng architects t Office and proper qualifications Is ending November W was k; General 419 Mena Ave. unquestionably Increasing The amount involved was Warehouse and Yard yearly, and (he same Is iruo SIM.52S. Contractor Texan Street. In other states where there Faco and Common Brick Is no license law. The. public Burnwcs' Rustless Screen does not teem to be alive to tho danger that, AUicy Btrtp ' threatens it 1 Metal Weather at the hands of Incompetent Room 4, Stevens Bldg. Mnjestia Cyil Chute practitioners. Tho work of Lowno-ILu-ll fcafcn enlightenment must be donu Everrttiinff for homo comfort and by the profession, altbnugn Real Estate ' Phone convenience.. , benenu mil bo shared by all. 1687 An early plan of campaign In Market which all architects can con. slMrntly Join and a prompt .hows steady Increase In Roofs that are guaranteed opening or hostilities against sales this week. Prices good. P. the liUltienres that havo pre Lands growing In value. Due F. BRICK to expansion of city and In- without any "jokers." vented the aucrus ot crease In population. No pre inus efforts, should be boom or professional specula- CONTRACTOR the objective of members ot tions. the profession In this. Mate Public Concrete Foundations a Southwestern where no license law Is In Buying, building or Ira- - forre. Apology to tho Specialty. "American Architect." Fuel Co. TIlORMAÍl.. Now Is the time to make O. M . A Beautiful Modern A Co., Architects. money. Buy property In El All Kinds of Cement and Stone M. A. A. El I'aw Home. O.H. Thonnan ' Phone 531. 4 Paso. Worlc fhe" activity in the building line here is Phone 1 202 910 N. Oregon R. C. Semple, Owner. attracting widetpread attention throughout 1he wist-an- many of the big now build- - lugs viil iooh be in course of construction. Uih fH some new home or buildings aro planned and built and no city of Its stse In PREPARE the' United States can'bost or sucb activity INJERNATIONAL ELECTRI- J. S. MORRIS os In El Paso. Sucb property Is Increasing CAL SUPPLY CO. Acme Floors With Steel Ihe 'population in our city, and bringing to FOR our valley many new farmers and U fast ir Mn-- El raso the' biggest business city Wholesale General Reinforcement of tho west. WINTER INDEPENDENT ELECTRIC Contractor Are 'Fireproof . Co. No Sub-Floo- r, Required: Laid ELLIOTT ENGINEERING CO. Wooden only by The Time Wiring and Repairing Depart-rrjen- t. - 808 Mills Building

Acme Sanitary-Floorin- g Co. The Place Under managementof of Phone 2652 Steam and Hot BR, DUniNBKI 305,N. Kansas St. Phone 6227 and Water Heating Gateway City Fixture to. The Home DO IT NOW Jennings & Wood - 700 Texas'Street, El Paso, Tex. Is- CONTRACTING KNOINEBIIS. Phone 4922. 411 Itolxrrta- -Bannee Bid. Phone 40. We, manufacture higrj grade El Paso A Title Guaranty Absolute THE TJlUKSIvD CONCTU7TB Bank, Jewelry, Drug Store and Electrical, It. Is STEED CO. IHta WHave The golden opportunity li heps now, take OF TEXAS. Office Fixtures. . aartntisT, don't lauin otter fellow belt Reinforced Concrete Engtneara, to Your Investment Hy-nt- We make a specialty of manu- )uu to It, Do It. Protection Metal Lath, nelnforclng ' Steel. facturing Cedar Chests and A TIUo Guaranty Is based on a thorough Investigation of the title 411 nobcrts-Bann- Bids;. Shirt Waist Boxes. NATIONAL by skilled land lawyers. Phone 41of Build Your A Title Guaranty facilitates land deals, and U not eipentiv. It guarantees against all errors and defects; It also protects TELEGRAPHONE fome In against law suit and advera claims. the only laTe way lo protect ysmr taveiUftMt, JasnH. Laurie It Is t WOLFF GOODS & SUPPLY CO. El Paso x "' Gfftral Hardwar Title Guaranty i Stewart --The llvest city In the loutawest, Is Your StfVM ami Rang Best , . Electrical Contractors and DmuWs . Euy.a.home or bqUd your builnau In Et Company ButkUrt' Hardware Ptu iya a good paying Inveataunt. ' El Paso's new Jaw tin Tempi will coat capital pee&osx Plumbing N. 317 Mills St. Phon 759.. fourth Floor Two Republic WAg. PfcM a9 StastoB and Texas. Dallas El Paso's new High School wiu coat so,, El Puo OalvMloa Houston Baa Aaiwtlo Insurance ,Pho99o, CCfl.00. mm