Todán's One Big Event in El Paso Is the "Horse $how"Jfext Week the Races Open at Juarez Course METAL. XARKKT8, 'Ilio .Homing; T.uint' Circulation "Yretrrctar. New YoTk. tllrrr. ..,,.. ... Irlntcd and Distributed rfer Yonc electrolytic- topper... SWXW11.M October Avet-nr- o for Sunday, New York lead ,..'.rj.i.oo Sunday 33,983 New York tine October Average, 31 Days' BMb, ..t&iius Dally lg.89 Vas. V IN THE SOUTH WESTt T 35tH,YEAFt EL PASO, TEXAS, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1 9 1 4. ENGLISH SECTION 1 2 PAGES PRICE 5 CENTS SAA7AR ESCAPES; OBREGON IMPRISONED IN MDCICO CITY IIAN GENERAL BREAKS LUCIO BLANCO CARRIES OUT COUP .aLLLLLvsaiLLLLLLr OUT OF ALBUQUERQUE JAIL iaaaiBBBBP' BamBBl D'ETAT AND DECLARES HIMSELF READ aaflaMflHlu TAXI AND IS BONE OF GOVERNMENT AT MEXICAN CAPITAL tr Armed and Masked Men Scale Prison. Wall, Overpower Lone Washington, Without Advices From Agents in War Torn Republic, Decides That Situation Is More Confused Than at Any Time For Months; Inhabitants of Vera Cruz Await Deputy Sheriff and Make Off With . Red Flagger Chief. American Evacuation With Trepidation and Foreign Consuls Demand to Be Informed as to Steps to Be Taken to Protect Their Nationals. Bi the AttoctatciX Prctt secure his lease from the Interment camp Albuquerque,, N, M., Nov. SO. Oeneral at Fort Wlngato, X. M., on habeas corpus Bv the Attoclatti Prttt do tint know whether It Is the purpose of Jose Yncz Salazar escaped from tho Ber proceedings Vera cruz., Nov. so, An .uncon- urn racnon to leave ino InhahllanM, foreigners or Mexican, be en Jail at Ola Albuquorquo In rifles firmed report has reached here that place undefended or whether a small gar- dangercd." nallllo county I'otses automobiles armed with General tonight. Two men scaled tho renco are the surrounding country. Lucio Blrfnco or tho constl rison will bo kept there, while Oeneral Oeneral llobles, chlor of police. In a state- masked sconrlni lutlonal rorros, by a coup has 9 and The will d'etat, Pablo Gonzales and other Carranza forces ment last night relaUve to the situation around tlio arter o'clock border patrol was notified and made head In Mex- move Armljo. hlmelr executive north to meet tho advance of the herf, said: attacked Deputy Sheriff Carlos watcli passes into Meilco. ico City by Imprisoning General Obro-go- villa columns. "The rrlght which possessed the Inhabw lio was alone, anotnor deputy having been Arrested Last January. Railroad communication north or Mexico tants of the city today was unwarranted. called" away a few minutes berore by a City la interrupted, and a hand of men, It was unnecessary to close,. shops and de- fako telephone call. As Armljo readied Salazar was arrested In January of this Bv thr I tmrliilril Prttt either Zapatistas or have cut sert tho streets. It Is true that soldiers for his revólver one of the attackers Star on a Southern Pacific train near Mexico City, Nov. M. General Lucio the lino from Mexico City to Vera Cruz at and police stopped calis and unhooked thn uianco'a troops have taken complete san Marcos. horses for war purposes, but thai Is done tn struck at him with abowle knire and toe Sanderson, Teias, shortly after bis flight or all all 'with roads leadlnr out or the ra. Thero aro rumors at Villa's headquarters countries in times or stress. Somo other' attempted to shoot" at hint an from Ojlnaga with the' federal garrison Hal. and tho lines of trooDS In iho suburbs according to one consular dispatch. that orricers worked with too much zeal, that automatic revolver, Armljo said, but U under General Mercado, lie was brought facing the front presented by supporters of Puebla has been occupied by the Zapata l all. Commercial bouses may again reopen railed to Work. Ho was overcome and to Fort Bliss and Interned with the bal- - Mpiii, uavo seen strongly reinrorrca. li lorces, inn no coniirmauon is avauanio. with saroly." handcuffed to a post outside. Armljo was anca oc tuc wxxi prisoners or war wno nea is DPiicvca nero inai ucnerat manco win Explains Confiscation or ltorj.es. cut In. places. before General Villa's soldiers Into tho remain and afford the Inhabitants protec- CONSUL CANADA CONFRONTED The military commandant said It was r.ot several tion danger of a by They released Salazar, who waited In- nanos or the American troops. from the raid the Za WITH DIFFICULT (JLESTION. Intended to stop public vehicles in the ' ,m and his was taken to Fe, pata adherents. street and confiscate the horses, but to side tho. door with bis bat Later Salazar Santa A meeting of all the generals In the city get animals They ran aod .V. M., and tried and .acquitted a Bu thr AtnoclalrJ Pro the from tho stables. He said suitcase In one hand.. out under was held today at tho headquarters or so. that although all cab trame wan stopped Jumped over tho fence. The .Now Mexico Indictment charging him with Vera Cruz, Nov. There appear no and climbed General 'Blanco to discuss the situation. or on In the clly yesterday, it would be re- two men a Went-I- n smuggling war munitions into Mexico1 in likelihood early resumption of traffic sumed today with aro entered taxlcaband Vera Cruz- - City. horses that lert. Uio' Albuquorquo, whllo Salaiar violation or the Tart embarro. between and Mexico The commandant explained volley direction' of as Is known that the buggy- - .arovo orr.. Following' his acquittal Salazar was in- far bore the Mexican railway firing which alarmed tho city early last entered a and a night to was brought El Taso terned In the prison camp at Fort Wlngata By has not bcin cut, but considerable stretch wss due Indiscriminate shooting Salazar 'hero from the Attociatei Prttt line by soldiers from rar chargb 'of perjury alleged was ror perjury, alleged to. have Washington. Nov. 20. Official advices to of the has been destroy. windows and car to bo trlcd'oh'a' andlt ed. Local roors as they wero leaving the railway committed- In- his attempt to been committed In attempting to procure the United States government rrom Us trains from Intermediate points By to have been Here tonight rilled rerugees. Htation. this method they expressed his release from Fort wmgaie oy trie Jose Ynez Salazar,. the former; Mexican general who Escaped agents throughout Mexico today revealed arrived with their Jpy at leaving for the front. habeas corpus route, that ho was In the situation as more conrused than it has Excitement was caused here tonight by In msny The official tele- Albuquerque lo be tried in tno Albuquerque Last Night. been months. 'the circulation or hand bills which sstd federal at grams summarized eventa as follows: since General court there. ' provlMonal that francisco villa's men ANNIVERSARY OF ' General Gutierrez, selected proposed lo prevent tho occupation Of tho Salazar left Bliss Sunday niornlnr convention AtruaJcall-ente- Fort president by the at city the HORSE SHOW EVENT in cnargo or a sergeant and a private' or Vigorous 'German' Attack, has decided to continue Francisco tha day Americans leave. It wai the Twentieth, infantry, who tho center, In tho Argonno Villa In command of all tho troops con- earnestly, urged thai keep turned htm French but orr tne streets, was REVOLT OBSERVED over io mo civil authorities in aibo. region the German! ' bave mado vigorous trolled by tho convention. Villa has ad- it added that this In querque. the Understanding that, TWO BATTLES attacks, which, tbe French say. were rc vanced to Irspuato without rcslattnro, and convenience would' probably not last more It' wis' American consular agents say he wilt ron. than H hours, as It was said in that time OF SOCIAL SEASON in' theNavent of hi scqulttal. on the per pulsed. On the .French right wing; the tlnue tn Oueretaro and the vlctnlly of Mex cnarge; Germans village the constitutionalist would be gblo ro secure jury toe prisoner was to ne rt have retaken the of Cham ico city, without dirricuy. --. secure BUSINESS SUSPENDED 'iff JUAREZ IN vencolrri.-part-- which Obregon, In' tlio STfilcttl 'capital TnfrircCTnrtrlaidiimike their leñare turned .to' Fott.llss, where ha baa heea few Oeneral of post, . EüLT.Vi: HOLD wr, su , oays ago. de-- tbe ARISTOCRATS TO StVAV AT confined since the release of the Fort Tne activity or me Germans tn and loyal to carranta, ha formally say WASHINGTON Vicinity area war on General Villa. Unrest and The police the are dally obtaining PARK THIS Wlngate prisoners some' 'months agu. WAY-I-N the it flhctma has slackened. AFTERNOON, The fugitive regarded Mexicans' UNDER Tho advance by" Austria Into Servia U apprehension prevail In Mexico City, as the evldcnco tending to show that reprisals is by have been evacuating aro planned by From Parade and JHIIIIary Review Feature of as one or tne most aangerous men wno creating uneasiness In Bulgaria as to the ft'arranra troops the the ronsllluilonailsis. - City an nay. purpuro oí mu inuva cno prisoner today they say Ihey obtained i;rirDraiion--roiiniai- ueaieaien ever operated on the border. Until his future or the Balkan slates. The question uio is Affair llreoonled am the Lrartinn Outdoor Distinguished unexplained. a detailed list or bouses that arc lo bo ruueuun oí ear Honor of' Gltzea. arrest early tills year 'bo bad been actively as to wnotner mugaría should remain General Obregon will leave the Mexican i mil eclipso ncutrat or tho allies message searched. l'reilous Efforts. engaged in an the righting since the rev threw her lot with capital on Saturday, One said lie Through W.
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