Author Surname Beginning with “B” Collection Created by Dr. George C. Rable
Author Surname Beginning with “B” Collection created by Dr. George C. Rable Documents Added as of September 2021 Baer, Charles A. “The Diary of Charles A. Baer, Norristown, 1862-63.” Bulletin of the Historical Society of Montgomery Country 7 (October 1950): 197-212. Norristown, Pennsylvania minister Church activities, 197ff Chapel tent, 197 Funeral for soldier killed at Fredericksburg, 198 Lack of serious of members of his class, Lutheran, 198 Dancing, 198 Easter, snow, 199 Meeting on building a new church, 200 Fasting, humiliation, and prayer, 201 Hooker, Chancellorsville, 201 Gettysburg campaign, Confederate invasion, militia enrollment, 204-7 Building the new church, 204ff Barnes, James P. and Patience P. Barnes. “What I Thought at Antietam.” Civil War Times 45 (September 2006): electronic, no pagination. John Rankin, 27th Indiana Infantry, Co. A Antietam General Mansfield Battin, C. Milton. “Diary of C. Milton Battin.” Now and Then 7 (1942-45): 106-110. Quaker, Cuyler Hospital Philadelphia, 107 Food, 107 Dysentery, 107-8 Photographs, 107 Marriage, 108 Home chores, 109 Bauer, Cheryl. “Brother Reuben Wise.” Civil War Times 44 (October 2005): electronic, no pagination. Shakers, South Union, Kentucky Guerrillas Shakers antislavery but not abolitionists Union cavalry Kindness of the Shakers to the soldiers 2 Besselien, T. E. “A Cavalryman’s Crash Course in Medicine.” Civil War Times Illustrated 37 (May 1998): electronic version, no pagination. 2nd South Carolina Cavalry Brandy Station, Stevensburg Colonel Butler wounded Colonel’s foot amputated Bodman, Albert Holmes. “’In Sight of Vicksburg’: Private Diary of a Northern War Correspondent.” Historical Bulletin 34 (1956): 202-21. Correspondent, Chicago Tribune Memphis, delivery of dispatches, 204 General C.
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