2016 LINGUA POSNANIENSIS LVIII (2) DoI 10.1515/linpo-2016-0013 Synchronic and diachronic aspects of valency-reducing devices in Oceanic languages Katarzyna Janic Department of Comparative Linguistics, University of zurich e-mail:
[email protected] Abstract: Katarzyna Janic. Synchronic and diachronic aspects of valency-reducing devices in Oceanic langu- ages. the poznań Society for the advancement of arts and Sciences, pL ISSn 0079-4740, pp. 151-188 this paper sketches out valency-reducing devices available in oceanic languages. the proto-oceanic prefix *paRi- and suffix *-akin[i] are specifically the focus of the discussion, being approached from both synchro- nic and diachronic perspectives. I explain the currently attested functions performed by the reflexes of these two morphemes by assuming that the evolution went in a particular direction: from a very general function to a more specialized, concrete one. among different functions performed by the reflexes of *paRi- and *-akin[i] within the valency-reducing domain, I will show that the antipassive has not been fully recognized and properly designated in linguistic descriptions of the oceanic languages yet. Keywords: oceanic languages, valency, plurality of relations, detransitivization, antipassive 1. Introduction the question of valency and valency-changing devices in oceanic languages has been extensively discussed in the literature (ozanne-Rivierre 1976; Moyse-Faurie 1983, 2007, 2008, 2016, 2017; Schlie 1983; Lichtenberk 1985, 1991, 2000, 2007, 2008: 54-163; Schütz 1985; Dixon 1988: 45-51; Mosel & hovdhaugen 1992: 693-774, 720-741; B. Ev- ans 2003: 301-309; Davis 2003: 110-178; Bril 2005; naess 2013; among many others). While some of the scholars have investigated it diachronically with the aim to reconstruct these devices within the proto-oceanic system (harrison 1982; B.