The Butterflies Ofpohnpei, Eastern Caroline Islands, Micronesia1
The Butterflies ofPohnpei, Eastern Caroline Islands, Micronesia1 Donald W Buden2 andJacqueline Y Miller3 Abstract: Fourteen species of butterflies are recorded from Pohnpei, Micro nesia, seven for the first time. None is endemic to the island; all are widely dis tributed in the western Pacific, including parts of Indo-Australia, with many extending into or beyond southeastern Asia. A long history of plant intro ductions and agricultural experimentation may have facilitated dispersal of but terflies to the island and provided a broad selection of host plants for those arriving otherwise unassisted. At least one, and possibly two or more, un identified species apparently confined to deep forest habitats were seen but not collected during this study. Compared with the local odonate fauna, the butter flies of Pohnpei differ in reaching their greatest abundance and species diversity in the lowlands, in lacking endemic species, and probably in having a higher turnover rate. IN THE MOST RECENT and comprehensive number of species recorded from the island assessment of the distribution and status of and is based largely on collections and ob butterflies in Micronesia, Schreiner and Na servations from throughout the island during fus (1997) recorded five species on Pohnpei: March 2000-September 2001. Jamides bochus, Danaus plexippus, Hypolimnas bolina, Junonia villida, and Melanitis leda. Ear lier reports on Pohnpei butterflies are scanty, Study Area sketchy, and scattered among several obscure and for the most part not readily available Pohnpei W 52' N, 158° 13' E) is the largest journals. A collection of butterflies assembled (355 km 2 [MacLean et al. 1986]) and highest from the field surveys of the Insects of Mi island (approximately 800 m), and the capital, cronesia Project described in Gressitt's (1954) of the Federated States ofMicronesia (FSM), introduction was sent on loan to someone which also includes Yap, Chuuk (formerly in Japan many years ago and apparently has Truk), and Kosrae States (Figure 1).
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