Think Green 50¢ August 30, 2009 Recycle this paper Volume 83, No. 30 Go Green Serving the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend Go Digital

Fall sports preview High schools looking forward to successful season ODAYODAY’’SS ATHOLICATHOLIC Pages 13-17 TT CC

Bishop writes about Mark Myers named superintendent ND controversy Reflection appears in America magazine of Catholic schools Pages 3-4 BY KAY COZAD

FORT WAYNE — The Diocese of Fort Wayne- Perpetual vows South Bend has named a new superintendent of Catholic schools. Mark Myers assumed the post of From ski bum, engineer to superintendent, vacated by Holy Cross Father Steve Kempinger, on Aug. 24 and joined the staff of the Sister of St. Francis Catholic Schools Office in the Archbishop Noll Page 6 Catholic Center. He brings a wealth of experience and enthusiasm to the . A native of Illinois, Myers earned a bachelor’s degree in education from Eastern Illinois University in 1975, followed by a master’s degree in education Beatitudes for from the University of Illinois in 1979. By 1991 he had earned a doctorate in educational administration college students from Indiana State University. His extensive experience includes teaching ele- Young Adults mentary school for three years in Arcola, Ill., and Page 18 four years in Japan, where he taught students from 40 different countries. He held the director’s posi- tion of a technological program in Illinois that acquired and placed computers in 22 schools and trained teachers and administrators on their use. Rosary urged for Myers also worked as principal for Burris Laboratory School in Muncie, a Ball State peace, priests University school serving students kindergarten through grade 12. Following his three years there he Father Peyton’s traveled to Pakistan and Taiwan, spending a year in mission continues each country establishing new schools, where he functioned as principal. Page 22 Upon his return to the U.S,. he held the position of assistant professor at Stephen Austin State KAY COZAD Mark Myers has been appointed superintendent of Catholic Schools for the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend. MYERS, PAGE 6 No issue next week Next publication Sept. 13 of Queen of Peace, diocese join YEAR our PRIESTS efforts in Year for Priests BY MARK WEBER

BY KAREN CLIFFORD of Peace. Fitzmaurice recalls how excited FATHER JASON she was to learn about Benedict’s call- ing for the Year for Priests. “My parents FREIBURGER MISHAWAKA — It started with a procla- instilled in my family a great respect and mation from Pope Benedict XVI in June to love for the priesthood. This year is meant Like other young priests name this year the Year for Priests. A small for the sanctification of priests, but also for in today’s church, Father group of women from Queen of Peace an intense appreciation of the priesthood by Parish heard this call and wondered what the laity,” she says. Jason Freiburger was grad- they could do to have an impact at their Rodtsbrooks talked to Fitzmaurice and uated from college, church. First through prayer, and then McGuire about doing something in the brainstorming, the group is working with parish to highlight this endeavor. “There Purdue University, 2000, before entering the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend to has been a little group that attends daily the seminary, although he was centered on recognize priests through spiritual bouquets Mass at Queen of Peace and we were all and activities that highlight the importance feeling pulled together and felt doing some- that destiny from early childhood. “The joy of the gift of the priesthood from God to his thing for the Year of the Priest was a natu- I saw priests have as a child, especially people. ral thing,” she stresses. “We have a priest Rebecca Fitzmaurice, Marianne Father Daniel Leeuw, helped me to see Rodtsbrooks and Laura McGuire are a part of the Year for Priests committee at Queen PRIESTS, PAGE 7 YEAR OF, PAGE 5 2 TODAY’ S CATHOLIC AUGUST 30, 2009 TODAY’S CATHOLIC Official newspaper of the ‘We live in hope’: Hispanic Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend P.O. Box 11169 Fort Wayne, IN 46856

PUBLISHER: Bishop John M. D’Arcy Catholics, apostolic nuncio,

EDITOR: Tim Johnson NEWS EDITOR and STAFF WRITER: Kay Cozad growth of religious life, church Editorial Department PAGE DESIGNER: Francie Hogan He told us how people who are mentally of priests. The strengthening of the parishes FREELANCE WRITERS: Lauren Caggiano, ill, but can do fine with medication, are from the fiscal and pastoral point of view. Michelle Castleman, Karen Clifford, often left out in the woods tied to a tree. He Assisting the poor. We watched our new Elmer J. Danch, Michelle Donaghey, found a very devoted young man who had video and together began our annual jour- Bonnie Elberson, Denise Fedorow, worked hard to take care of them to see that ney. It will be especially important to try to Diane Freeby, May Lee Johnson, Sister NEWS they take their medications, and how many equal what we did last year — “the second of them have been brought into the main- highest ever,” because of the economy and Margie Lavonis, CSC, Joe Kozinski and &NOTES stream of society. He told us how some the needs, which are growing. Deb Wagner young children are called witches, because BISHOP JOHN M. D’ARCY of the physical manner of their birth or Business Department something that happened in early child- Advancement for our deacons BUSINESS MANAGER: Kathy Denice hood; and how he had worked with the The 11 men who are in formation for the AD GRAPHICS DIRECTOR: Mark Weber The ministry to Hispanic Catholics and bishop to rescue them, and see that they permanent diaconate received the order of BOOKKEEPING/CIRCULATION: Kathy Voirol were taken care of. reader or lector at the Cathedral of the [email protected] the church universal He joined a club at Our Lady of Hungary on a recent Sunday It is a great joy to be with our Hispanic School years ago, entitled simply “A Club morning. This is the first such class in my Advertising Sales Catholics. I learned only recently, that for Seminarians.” Then a missionary priest years as bishop. They have completed 2-1/2 arrived at his door; and now, his vocation Tess Steffen (Fort Wayne area) while most of those who have joined us are years of intense study, and have a signifi- from Mexico, we actually have Hispanic first grasped, very dimly, at Our Lady of (260) 456-2824 cant time yet to go. Each one has a spiritual Catholics with their great spiritual heritage Hungary Parish in South Bend, is being director. The process of discernment contin- Jeanette Simon (South Bend area) from 19 countries plus, of course, Puerto lived out in missionary countries with poor ues as they determine whether or not they (574) 234-0687 Rico, which is part of the United States. We roads and primitive practices in a far away believe God is calling them to this voca- Web site: are blessed to have a number of priests, place. Please keep him in your prayers. tion; and the church reflects through prayer some of them from our diocese, who are and evaluation as to whether or not the Published weekly except the fourth fluent in Spanish. So it was a joy on the vocation is truly present. Please keep all of Sunday in June, second and fourth great solemnity of the Assumption to go to The growth of religious life them in your prayers. weeks in July and August, the first week our still new Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish Something to be very much prayed for, of September and last week in and Shrine in Warsaw to help the Catholics December by the Diocese of Fort and hoped for, is that the charism and gift in that area, including many from St. of religious women will once again flourish The church of St. Peter, the Apostle Wayne-South Bend, 1103 S. Calhoun St., John’s, Goshen, close a beautiful festive P.O. Box 390, Fort Wayne, IN 46801. in our church. It is not possible to fully Throughout the country, great urban Periodicals postage paid at Fort Wayne, day in honor of Our Lady. I ate three tacos grasp what consecrated women have meant parishes are closing or being merged. We IN, and additional mailing office. and marched in a procession in the evening in our diocese over the years. So it was a have an extraordinary exception in the heat; and we concluded with Benediction of joy to preside and receive the final vows of beloved St. Peter, Fort Wayne. I celebrated POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: the Blessed Sacrament. Sister Margaret Mary, OSF, on the feast of Mass to observe the completion of this Today’s Catholic, P.O. Box 11169, Fort A week later, I joined well over 1,000 St. Clare at the Franciscan Sisters in work with the replacement of the tower on Wayne, IN 46856-1169 or e-mail: Hispanic Catholics, a large number of them Mishawaka. A large number of priests and top of the church under the expert guidance [email protected]. from St. Patrick Parish, Fort Wayne, along seminarians were present. So many young first of Father John Delaney, and more with Father Tom Ascheman, SVD, and people. This congregation has 16 young MAIN OFFICE: 915 S. Clinton St., Fort recently, of Father Phil Widmann. This Deacon Fernando Jimenez, soon, thanks be women in formation. Most of our seminari- church has been completely restored. A new Wayne, IN 46802.Telephone (260) to God, scheduled to be ordained a priest ans were there. The young Franciscan 456-2824. Fax: (260) 744-1473. hall called the Pavilion has been built. This for the conclusion of a weekend of prayer novices, who have their novitiate on the renewal has been accompanied by the BUREAU OFFICE: 114 W.Wayne St., South and renewal held at Bishop Luers High Bend, IN 46601.Telephone (574) 234- grounds of Marian High School, down the restoration of the neighborhood with new 0687. Fax: (574) 232-8483. School. Many had come from Columbus, hill, were present. It would remind one of homes, and a new library, and a clearing Ohio, and Indianapolis; but most were from the words of Pope John Paul II, who, in an away of old houses. Parking has been News deadline is the Monday morning our diocese. There were presentations and act of faith, looked forward to “a new improved. Street lighting has been intro- before publication date. Advertising prayer and the sacrament of penance. I con- springtime” for the church. duced, and the whole neighborhood has deadline is nine days before publica- cluded by celebrating Mass in Spanish, the Such a phrase does not mean the church revived. St. Peter Parish was founded in tion date. language which I hope eventually to learn. will be without struggle. There will always 1872 with the church dedicated 20 years be struggle. There will always be attacks later. LETTERS POLICY: Today’s Catholic wel- from the power of evil against the life of The church was nearly full for a comes original, signed letters about A visitor from Benin and Togo faith. But grace is stronger than sin; and Saturday afternoon Mass. What was for- issues affecting church life. Although Archbishop Blume, SVD, is the goodness will overcome evil; and evil will we cannot publish every letter we merly the school is now a residence. I thank receive, we strive to provide a balanced apostolic nuncio to these two tiny African never have the last word. We live in hope, these two priests for what they have done; representation of expressed opinions countries. He is a missionary with the and there is much hope in the beautiful and it was a joy to celebrate this Mass, and and a variety of reflections on life in the Society of the Divine Word, and how fitting chapel on the hill where there is prayer and think of all the great history of St. Peter’s. church.We will choose letters for publi- that we have been blessed with two out- adoration of the holy Eucharist around the A novena to the Sacred Heart began in cation based on reader interest, timeli- standing priests of this splendid missionary clock every day. 1941 when the boys went off to war and ness and fairness. Readers may agree or congregation who take care of historic St. was held every night for over 20 years. disagree with the letter writers’ opin- Patrick Parish, Fort Wayne. Archbishop You will find elsewhere in this edition a ions. Letters must not exceed 250 Blume was ordained by our own beloved For the 23rd time copy of an article, which I wrote for the words. All letters must be signed and Bishop Crowley many years ago in his It is hard to believe; but I have just national Catholic magazine, America, a include a phone number and address parish church of Our Lady of Hungary, attended for the 23rd time, the initial events journal to which I have subscribed since my for verification.We reserve the right to South Bend. The archbishop recently came edit letters for legal and other concerns. marking the beginning of another Annual first assignment at St. Mary Parish, Beverly. to my home in Fort Wayne for Mass and Bishop’s Appeal. How well I remember the It is reprinted here with approval; and I Mail letters to: Today’s Catholic, lunch, and later joined some of our staff for winter morning when I arrived in Warsaw hope you find it instructive. P.O. Box 11169, Fort Wayne, IN cake and ice cream celebrating my birthday. to greet the committee of priests and laity I will see you in two weeks. I will surely 46856-1169; or e-mail: There we learned of his excellent work in that had proposed this event. It has made it be glad when we renew our every-week [email protected] these far away lands. It was evident that he possible to do so much. Improving salaries editions. Two weeks is too long. is in those small countries not primarily as for teachers. Grants for young people so ISSN 0891-1533 a diplomat, but as a pastor. USPS 403630 they can attend our schools. The education AUGUST 30, 2009 TODAY’S CATHOLIC 3 A PASTORAL REFLECTION ON THE CONTROVERSY AT NOTRE DAME The church and the university


s summer plays itself out on the beautiful campus by the lake where the young Holy Cross priest, Edward ASorin, CSC, pitched his camp 177 years ago and began his great adventure, we must clarify the situation that so sundered the church last spring: What it is all about and what it is not about. It is not about President Obama. He will do some good things as president and other things with which, as Catholics, we will strongly disagree. It is ever so among presidents and most political leaders. It is not about Democrats versus Republicans, nor was it a replay of the recent general election. It is not about whether it is appropriate for the president of the United States to speak at Notre Dame or any great Catholic university on the pressing issues of the day. This is what universities do. No bishop should try to prevent that. The response, so intense and widespread, is not about what this journal called “sectarian Catholicism.” Rather, the response of the faithful derives directly from the Gospel. In Matthew’s words, “Your light must shine before others, that they may see your good works, and glorify your heavenly Father” (5:13). Public witness Does a Catholic university have the responsibility to give witness to the Catholic faith and to the consequences of that faith by its actions and decisions — especially by a decision to confer its highest honor? If not, what is the meaning of a life of faith? And how can a Catholic institution expect its students to live by faith in the difficult decisions that will confront them in a culture often opposed to the Gospel? Pope Benedict XVI, himself a former university profes- sor, made his position clear when he spoke to Catholic edu- cators in Washington, D.C., on April 17, 2008:

Teachers and administrators, whether in universities or schools, have the duty and privilege to ensure that students receive instruction in Catholic doctrine and practice. This requires that public witness to the way of Christ, as found in the Gospel and upheld by the church’s magisterium, shapes all aspects of an institution’s life, both inside and outside the classroom.

In its decision to give its highest honor to a president who has repeatedly opposed even the smallest legal protection of the child in the womb, did Notre Dame surrender the responsibility that Pope Benedict believes Catholic universi- DIANE FREEBY ties have to give public witness to the truths revealed by As Holy Cross Father Kevin Russeau prepares the final blessing at the ND Response rally, pro-life members of the Notre God and taught by the church? Dame Class of 2009 toss their caps into the air in celebration. Another serious question of witness and moral responsi- bility before the Notre Dame administration concerns its imaginary church we sometimes might wish existed, but the con- sponsorship over several years of a sad and immoral play, The local bishop crete, visible communion of “hierarchic and charismatic gifts,” “at offensive to the dignity of women, which many call porno- The failure to dialogue with the bishop brings a second series of questions. What is the relationship of the Catholic once holy and always in need of purification,” in which “each bish- graphic, and which an increasing number of Catholic univer- op represents his own church and all of (the bishops) together with sities have cancelled, “The Vagina Monologues,” by Eve university to the local bishop? No relationship? Someone who occasionally offers Mass on campus? Someone who the pope represent the whole church...” — Lumen Gentium, Nos. 4, Ensler. 8, 23. Although he spoke eloquently about the importance of sits on the platform at graduation? Or is the bishop the teacher in the diocese, responsible for souls, including the The ancient Gnostic heresy developed an elitist intellectual tradition dialogue with the president of the United States, the presi- which eschewed connection to the “fleshly” church of the bishop dent of Notre Dame chose not to dialogue with his bishop souls of students — in this case, the students at Notre Dame? Does the responsibility of the bishop to teach, to and devalued or spiritualized the sacraments. Are we in danger of on these two matters, both pastoral and both with serious developing a gnosticized version of the “Catholic intellectual tradi- ramifications for the care of souls, which is the core respon- govern and to sanctify end at the gate of the university? In the spirit of “Ex Corde Ecclesiae,” which places the primary tion,” one which floats free of any norming connection and so free sibility of the local bishop. Both decisions were shared with of any concrete claim to Catholic identity? me after they were made and, in the case of the honorary responsibility on the institution, I am proposing these ques- degree, after President Obama had accepted. For the past 24 tions for the university. Professor John Cavadini has addressed the questions The full letter can be found on the Web site of the Notre years, it has been my privilege to serve as the bishop of the Dame student newspaper, The Observer: www.ndsmcob- Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend. During this time, I have about the relationship of the university and the bishop in an especially insightful manner. He is chair of the theology never interfered in the internal governance of Notre Dame or It has been a great privilege and a source of joy to be any other institution of higher learning within the diocese. department and an expert on the early church, with a special interest in St. Augustine. His remarks were a response to associated with Notre Dame in the past 24 years as bishop. However, as the teacher and shepherd in this diocese, it is In so many ways, it is a splendid place. Part of this is my responsibility to encourage all institutions, including our Father Jenkins’s rationale for presenting the play mentioned above. because of the exemplary young men and women who come beloved University of Notre Dame, to give public witness to there from throughout the country. It is also because of its the fullness of Catholic faith. The diocesan bishop must ask The statement of our President (Father Jenkins) barely mentions the great spiritual traditions. The lines of young people prepar- whether a Catholic institution compromises its obligation to ing to receive the sacrament of reconciliation at the Basilica give public witness by placing prestige over truth. The bish- church. It is as though the mere mention of a relationship with the church has become so alien to our ways of thinking and so offen- of the Sacred Heart, the Masses in the residence halls, the op must be concerned that Catholic institutions do not suc- prayerful liturgy at the basilica and the service of so many cumb to the secular culture, making decisions that appear to sive to our quest for a disembodied “excellence” that it has become many, including ordinary Catholics, as a surrender to a cul- impolite to mention it at all. There is no Catholic identity apart ture opposed to the truth about life and love. from the affiliation with the church. And again, I do not mean an REFLECTION, PAGE 4 4 TODAY’ S CATHOLIC AUGUST 30, 2009 Critical Questions As bishops, we must be teachers and pastors. In that spir- REFLECTION it, I would respectfully put these questions to the Catholic CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 universities in the diocese I serve and to other Catholic uni- versities. Do you consider it a responsibility in your public state- young people before and after graduation in Catholic educa- ments, in your life as a university and in your actions, tion and catechetics, and in service to the poor in this coun- including your public awards, to give witness to the Catholic try and overseas, is a credit to the university and a source of faith in all its fullness? great hope. The theology department has grown in academic What is your relationship to the church and, specifically, excellence over the years, strengthened by the successful to the local bishop and his pastoral authority as defined by recruiting of professors outstanding in scholarship, in their the Second Vatican Council? knowledge of the tradition and in their own living of the Finally, a more fundamental question: Where will the Catholic faith. This growth is well known to Pope Benedict great Catholic universities search for a guiding light in the XVI. It is notable that a vast majority has been willing to years ahead? Will it be the Land O’Lakes Statement or “Ex seek and accept the mandatum from the local bishop. Corde Ecclesiae”? The first comes from a frantic time, with finances as the driving force. Its understanding of freedom is defensive, absolutist and narrow. It never mentions Christ Developments on campus and barely mentions the truth. The second text, “Ex Corde Yet the questions about the relationship of the university Ecclesiae,” speaks constantly of truth and the pursuit of as a whole to the church still stand, and what happened on truth. It speaks of freedom in the broader, Catholic philo- campus leading up to and during the graduation is signifi- sophical and theological tradition, as linked to the common cant for the present debate about Catholic higher education. PHOTOS BY DIANE FREEBY good, to the rights of others and always subject to truth. I released a statement on Good Friday, asking the Catholic Bishop John M. D’Arcy pays tribute to the Class of 2009 and Unlike Land O’Lakes, it is communal, reflective of the people and others of good will not to attend demonstrations their witness to life. ND Response leader Mary Daly stands developments since Vatican II, and it speaks with a language by those who had come avowedly to “create a circus.” I at right. enlightened by the Holy Spirit. referred to appropriate and acceptable responses within the On these three questions, I respectfully submit, rests the Notre Dame community led by students. Titled “ND future of Catholic higher education in this country and so Response,” and drawing a significant number of professors, themselves and their families, they chose to give public wit- much else. these responses were marked by prayer and church teaching, ness to the Catholic faith contrary to the example of a pow- and they were orderly. erful, international university, against which they were This journal and others in the media, Catholic and secu- respectfully but firmly in disagreement. Among those in lar, reporting from afar, failed to make a distinction between attendance were many who work daily at crisis pregnancy the extremists on the one hand, and students and those who centers on behalf of life. joined them in the last 48 hours before graduation. This lat- ter group responded with prayer and substantive disagree- ment. They cooperated with university authorities. The silent board In this time of crisis at the university, these students and In the midst of the crisis at Notre Dame, the board of professors, with the instinct of faith, turned to the bishop for trustees came to campus in April for their long-scheduled guidance, encouragement and prayer. This had nothing to do spring meeting. They said nothing. When the meeting was with John Michael D’Arcy. It was related to their under- completed, they made no statement and gave no advice. In an standing of the episcopal office — a age when transparency is urged as a way of life place you should be able to count on and off campus, they chose not to enter the on for the truth, as con- conversation going on all around them and shak- tended in the second century when ON THE WEB ing the university to its roots. We learned nothing he encountered the Gnostics. about their discussions. I attended the baccalaureate More commentary on I firmly believe that the board of trustees must Mass the day before graduation, for take up its responsibility afresh, with appropriate the 25th time, speaking after holy the Notre Dame study and prayer. They also must understand the Communion, as I always do. Then I seriousness of the present moment. This requires led an evening rosary at the grotto controversy. spiritual and intellectual formation on the part of with students, adults and a number the men and women of industry, business and of professors. We then went to a technology who make up the majority of the chapel on campus. It was packed board. Financial generosity is no longer sufficient for a whole night of prayer and for membership on the boards of great universi- eucharistic adoration. ties, if indeed it ever was. The responsibility of It was my intention not to be on university boards is great, and decisions must not Father Kevin Russeau, CSC, celebrates Mass on the University campus during graduation day. I had so informed Father be made by a few. Like bishops, they are asked to leave poli- of Notre Dame’s south quad during a demonstration in Jenkins and the student leadership, with whom I was in tics and ambition at the door, and make serious decisions defense of life and in protest against President Obama as touch nearly every day. This is the kind of deference and before God. In the case of Notre Dame, they owe it to the the school’s honorary degree recipient. respect I have shown to the Notre Dame administration, to Congregation of Holy Cross, which has turned this magnifi- three Notre Dame presidents, over the years. I found it an cent place over to a predominately lay board; they owe it to increasingly sad time, and I was convinced that there were the students who have not yet come; they owe it to the no winners, but I was wrong. intrepid missionary priest, Edward Sorin, CSC, and the Holy Reprinted with permission of America, Aug. 31-Sept. 7, 2009. As graduation drew near, I knew I should be with the stu- Cross religious who built this magnificent place dents. It was only right that the bishop be with them, for out of the wilderness. They owe it to Mary, the they were on the side of truth, and their demonstration was Mother of God, who has always been honored Knights of Columbus disciplined, rooted in prayer and substantive. I told the pro- here. Let us pray that they will take this responsi- life rally, several thousand people on a lovely May day, that bility with greater seriousness and in a truly they were the true heroes. Despite the personal costs to Catholic spirit. INSURANCE Making a difference for life. WHOLE LIFE • TERM • RETIREMENT Weekend ANNUITIES • LONG TERM CARE • IRA Football Coverage The John J. Stackowicz Agency NOTRE DAME Serving the Fort Wayne/South Bend Diocese LUERS • DWENGER • CYO John Stackowicz General Agent 574-282-1082 office Ed Eckersall - 260-434-1526 Tom Elshire - 866-960-1849 Listen around the world at Jeff Goralczyk 574-529-1719 Keith Praski - 260-833-2024 to contact us or provide financial support Bob Baloun 574-272-3304 Phil Stackowicz - 574-282-1082 [email protected] A.M. Best IMSA Standard & Poor’s (260) 436-1450 A++ Certification AAA 4705 Illinois Road, Fort Wayne 46804 1 of only 4 companies to have these impressive ratings, out of over 1,900 companies! AUGUST 30, 2009 TODAY’ S CATHOLIC 5 PERMANENT DIACONATE CANDIDATES of YEAR our PRIESTS INSTALLED AS READERS

response was, “the classes that CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 seminaries already provide are all valuable so additional ones would the happiness that could be found be difficult, but a class on basic in being a part of the lives of fami- finances and management would lies in the good times and bad, be helpful to many without that in bringing Christ’s love to them.” the educational background.” Since his ordination to the Father Freiburger is in agree- priesthood in 2006, Father ment with other priests who, when Freiburger has been assigned to St. asked about the source for more Vincent de Paul Parish, Fort vocations to the religious life say Wayne, where that so many search for happiness he finds that in the wrong “offering the places. In his Eucharistic litur- words, “the gy as the most “The freedom to choose freedom to wonderful gift choose what that the Lord what make us happy is one makes us happy gave us.” He is one of God’s also enjoys the greatest gifts ... many ways a of God’s greatest gifts.” true freedom is priest is able to when one is KAY COZAD teach, through FATHER JASON FREIBURGER able to choose homilies, in the truth, Eleven men from around the diocese, who have been in formation for the past two and a classrooms cate- because truth is half years to become permanent deacons of the church gathered with family and friends chizing youth good and God is and meeting the ultimate at a special Mass at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Fort Wayne on with couples before baptism or good. Hence, one is happy when Sunday, Aug. 23. During the Mass, Bishop John M. D’Arcy conferred on the men the marriage. they choose God. There is no Young Jason Freiburger grew greater source for truth than that Institution of Reader, the second step toward ordination as deacon. Each candidate up in a home where the religious found within the . received a special Bible from the bishop. In front from left are Ginny and Jerry Kohrman life was discussed a beautiful call- If people can discover the joy that ing, and it is his opinion that the is found when one truly lives the of St. Therese in Fort Wayne, Stan and Karen Le Mieux of St. Patrick in Ligonier, Annie family is the heart of the church mysteries of the Catholic faith, and Mel Tardy of St. Augustine in South Bend, Bishop John M. D’Arcy, Pat and Jim and whatever occurs at home will then the world would be filled be the fruit that comes forth. with holy and just people working Tighe of St. Jude in Fort Wayne, and Karen and Jim Fitzpatrick of St. Vincent of Fort Regarding seminary training, to provide others the means to Wayne. In back from left are John and Mary Hilger of St. Patrick, Arcola, Jim and Emily Father Freiburger was asked if this happiness; not found in there is a need for classes not in material wealth but in spiritual Kitchens of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton in Fort Wayne, Mary Szymczak, associate director of the present curriculum. His treasurers.” the Vocations Office, Bill Gallagher of Sacred Heart, Notre Dame, Bob and Jaci Byrne of St. Anthony de Padua in South Bend, Donna and Dave Elchert of St. John in Goshen, and Kathy and Jim Fuchs of St. Pius X in Granger. 6 TODAY’ S CATHOLIC AUGUST 30, 2009 says, adding that the teachers pass the faith everyday and “do it MYERS well,” by being creative with Former ‘ski bum,’ engineer makes their resources. CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 As for his new administrative role his immediate goals are to perpetual profession of vows investigate, understand and com- University in Texas before mov- municate. “First thing to do is Sister Margaret Mary Mitchel knows ‘This is it!’ ing to Fort Wayne in 2000. He listen. It’s important to under- was serving as assistant professor stand the dynamics of the of educational leadership at schools. We have a diversity of BY DIANE FREEBY Indiana University-Purdue schools and I will listen to the University in Fort Wayne before schools, principals and families,” MISHAWAKA — It might be accepting the position of superin- he says and adds, “I want to more challenging to hear God’s tendent of Catholic Schools. ensure that communication is voice in today’s noisy world, but This enthusiastic educator open and people are comfortable. that didn’t stop a self-proclaimed says that after working in Illinois ... If you communicate well, you ski bum who had slipped away with Catholic schools and net- can alleviate problems easier.” from the church. working with IPFW students who Myers is anxious to begin his Sister Margaret Mary Mitchel, are principals in area Catholic work with the schools of the dio- OSF, heard that call and recently schools, he has developed a cese. He hopes to meet with each made her perpetual profession of respect for Catholic educators. “I of the principals as well as vows, becoming a fully-professed have respect for what Catholic school boards and committees. “I Sister of St. Francis of Perpetual teachers and principals do. And hope to work with them to have a Adoration. the sacrifices great year,” he Sister Margaret Mary complet- the parents says. ed eight years of preparation and make to send In announc- consecrated her life to God during their kids to “I want to ensure that ing the superin- a Mass celebrated by Bishop John Catholic tendent to M. D’Arcy and 24 concelebrating schools. It’s diocesan staff, priests. Family and friends gath- humbling to be communication is open Bishop John M. ered at the St. Francis Convent part of that,” D’Arcy said, “I chapel in Mishawaka on Aug. 11 DIANE FREEBY says the new and people am most grate- to share in the eucharistic celebra- Franciscan Sister Margaret Mary completed eight years of preparation superintendent. ful to the search tion. and consecrated her life to God during a Mass celebrated by Bishop John As for the committee of Sister Margaret Mary’s journey M. D’Arcy and 24 concelebrating priests. Family and friends gathered at position of are comfortable” local Catholic began years ago. As a member of the St. Francis Convent chapel in Mishawaka on Aug. 11 to share in the superintendent, educators for Our Lady of Carmel Parish in the eucharistic celebration. Myers admits MARK MYERS, their work in Lafayette Diocese, she says her his wife of 35 preparation over family provided her a “very solid Margaret Mary drew on the things thinking as she prepared to visit years, Julia, SUPERINTENDENT OF CATHOLIC SCHOOLS this appoint- Catholic upbringing.” The daugh- she remembered most from the the Sisters of St. Francis of brought the ment. ... After ter of Tom and Marie Mitchel, faith of her childhood. Perpetual Adoration. “But I felt at advertisement much prayer, I Sister Margaret Mary says she “I went back to the sacraments, home here, I really did. They had to his attention have chosen an and her sisters Sara and Theresa and I started praying the rosary perpetual adoration. And when I and felt the job excellent man and her brother Aaron had the daily. I just felt like there was saw a sister having a family visit, description was a match to his who will serve us well.” “normal amount of involvement something more and I needed that relieved any fears I had of experience and education. He Myers’ pitch to Catholic fami- in church,” attending Mass on something more. ... I needed to not seeing my family again.” adds that his faith gave him the lies is to investigate Catholic Sundays and holy days. She also get deeper or get closer.” Sister Margaret Mary says she confidence to apply. “I was schools for their children’s edu- praises her parish’s dedication to In 2000, a friend from Indiana wasn’t looking for a sign, but she prayerful about it and at peace cation. “For parents,” he says, the rosary and eucharistic adora- invited her to come along on a received one while praying during with it. ... I was confident if I “Look at Catholic education. tion during a time when many pilgrimage to . Sister a retreat. She was pretty sure she was found worthy of the job that Invest early.” parishes gave up those traditions. Margaret Mary jumped at the was going to enter religious life, it was God’s will.” Myers is a Myers looks forward to the After graduating from Carmel chance, knowing there would also leaving behind her former life as six-year convert to the Catholic coming years in Catholic educa- High School in 1985, Sister be plenty of priests and nuns on an engineer/ski bum. She simply faith and unabashedly admits that tion and says, “It’s a great bless- Margaret Mary pursued an engi- hand to answer her questions asked the Lord what he wanted his son, educated in Catholic ing to be able to work with neering career at Purdue about getting closer to God. After her to know as she read the schools and a graduate of Bishop Catholic families in such an University. Earning a bachelor’s visiting Turin, Sister Margaret assigned Scripture passage. Dwenger High School, brought important role. My prayer is that of science and industrial engineer- Mary says it was in Assisi that “I started flipping through the him to the Catholic Church. “My I can serve with humility and ing in 1989, she headed off to she realized she truly had a voca- Bible and there was this holy card faith is a gift of joy,” he says. grace.” New Hampshire to work for a tion to consecrated religious life. there. And it had ‘Wash me and The newly appointed superin- Mark and Julia Myers, who year. When a sister turned to her and make me whiter than snow,’ a tendent sees this new school year reside in Fort Wayne, have a son, It was during this time away asked if she had ever thought of quote from Psalms. And it had a as being filled with promise. a daughter and son-in-law, and from home that she began to drift becoming a sister, the future mountain scene with snow all “There are a number of opportu- two granddaughters. Julia is the away from the church. Too shy to Sister Margaret Mary was sur- over it, and I thought, ‘I’m trying nities and, of course, some chal- physical education teacher at St. go to Mass alone, Sister Margaret prised. But she also felt an amaz- to pull myself away from lenges. We are faced with global Vincent de Paul School, where Mary turned to the slopes where ing peace. Colorado and be open to this call. competition. Our students do Myers and his son Ryan are she filled her weekends skiing. “I felt this load off my shoul- And this isn’t Colorado here, it’s well. But we must pass our members of the parish. Her next move was to Winter ders, and that was it. The Holy never going to be the same.’ And church and faith to them,” he Park, Colo., where it was even Spirit! I called my parents from I thought, here I am adoring him easier to avoid Mass. The nearest Rome and said, ‘I’m going to be a in his chapel and he shows me Catholic church was in the next sister!’ My mom wasn’t surprised. this and says ‘You’re mine now!’ 43rd Sept. 7 town. ... She said she always knew I I just wanted to dance up and Annual 2009 Sister Margaret Mary spent the was leaning that way!” down the aisle! This is it ... I year skiing and living away from The time Sister Margaret Mary know!” the sacraments, before coming spent with her mother during that Following her perpetual pro- back home to Indiana for a few year of discernment was precious. fession of vows, Sister Margaret Mary of the Assumption Parish months. When she returned to Marie died of cancer in 2001, just made a home visit before return- 228 North Main Street,Avilla, Indiana Winter Park, to her surprise the before her daughter entered the ing for her fourth year as a people had built a church over the convent. teacher at St. Matthew’s in South LABOR DAY CHICKEN summer. With the help of her family’s Bend. Sister Margaret Mary also BARBECUE & FESTIVAL “I couldn’t not go to Mass, but priest, Sister Margaret Mary nar- maintains the convent Web site I still felt I had no adult faith. I rowed down the choice of possi- and can frequently be seen out (Serving Barbecue & Ham hadn’t done anything to make that ble religious communities to and about with her digital camera happen since high school. I found three. The priest, who was also by capturing various convent events. 11:00 to 5:00 PM) out they had RCIA classes and now her spiritual director, advised you could take them if you want- the aspiring sister that she would CARRY-OUTS AVAILABLE ed to grow in your faith. So I took know which community was right that and started growing in my when she felt at home. For more information on vocations faith again.” “I said, ‘Okay, but I’m an and what’s happening with the •Games •Raffles •Fun for everyone! With a renewed appreciation engineer, we don’t feel things!’” Sisters of St. Francis of Perpetual for the Catholic Church, Sister Sister Margaret Mary recalls Adoration, visit 7 AUGUST 30, 2009 TODAY’ S CATHOLIC tized you, the priests that have heard your confessions, the priest Notre Dame priests that married you, or the numer- attend Diaz’ swearing-in PRIESTS ous ways a priest has moved CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 your life forward,” Fitzmaurice as Vatican ambassador adds. NOTRE DAME — University of In an effort to help other Notre Dame alumnus Miguel H. that is on fire with the Holy parishes jump start a Year for Diaz was sworn in Aug. 21 as the Spirit. The parish is experiencing Priests program, the committee United States ambassador to the a new springtime, everyone is has developed a “Roll up your Holy See in a ceremony at the involved, and people are saying Sleeves for Our Priests” sheet U.S. State Department. that they are being fed and want (see sidebar), which provides Unable to attend the ceremony more,” Rodtsbrooks adds. resources and ideas to help others because of a previous commit- The committee consulted with respond to the Vatican’s call to ment, Notre Dame’s president, Queen of Peace pastor, Father honor priests. Holy Cross Father John I. Jenkins Dan Scheidt, and chose a “spiri- Ideas for the Year for Priests asked two fellow Holy Cross tual bouquet” for all priests in the from parishes across the country priests, both friends of Diaz, to diocese as their first initiative. can be found at represent him there. Because prayers are like flowers, Father James K. Foster, assis- a spiritual bouquet consists of a ources.shtml. All information on tant dean of Notre Dame’s College collection of spiritual offerings the Web site is for parish use, of Science, and Father Edwin H. KAREN CLIFFORD for a specific intention. McGuire says. “People are post- Obermiller, director of the office Rebecca Fitzmaurice pins on a “We Love Our Priests” button to the shirt For this spiritual bouquet, ing their initiatives from around of vocations for the Indiana offerings such as a Mass, rosary, the country to give ideas for the of Mike Portolese at Queen of Peace’s PeaceFest 2009. The button is in Province of the Congregation of Divine Mercy Chaplet, day of Year for Priests. That way they recognition of Pope Bendedict XVI’s proclamation of the Year for Priests Holy Cross, attended both the fasting, holy hour, will be offered can replicate an idea they like or this year. State Department swearing-in cer- and collected throughout the change it, in whatever way suits emony and a subsequent luncheon year. their needs.” She adds, “They hosted by St. John’s College, The names of the priests serv- can look to see what somebody Roll up Your Sleeves for Our Priests! where Diaz teaches theology. ing the diocese have been else did. It really shows how con- Diaz, who earned master’s and arranged on a calendar according nected our church is.” Web Sites with Information on the Year for Priests: doctoral degrees from Notre Dame to their ordination dates. The cal- One of the ideas that has come • in 1992 and 2000, respectively, is endar and spiritual bouquet can from the Queen of Peace com- • one of three alumni of the Notre be found on the Diocese of Fort mittee is “We Love Our Priest” Dame Graduate School now serv- Wayne-South Bend Web site at buttons. It is another opportunity A sampling of laity activities at Queen of Peace: ing in the ambassadorial corps. to show all priests that their Notre Dame alumna Martha Each priest may be selected efforts are supported throughout • Thursday eucharistic adoration for priests Larzelere Campbell was also on the Web site either by last the year. The committee empha- • “Year of the Priest Corner” in each Sunday bulletin sworn in Friday as the U.S. name or by date of ordination. sizes that the buttons show sup- • Plan a “faith and film festival” with films celebrating the ambassador to the Marshall After clicking on a priest’s name, port for the priesthood, not indi- ministry of priests Islands. Campbell, who has a form will appear to select the vidual priests. Administrative • Plan a book group using a book about the priesthood or a worked in the State Department’s prayer or offering that will be assistants in parishes throughout priest-saint foreign service for 29 years, made. By submitting the form, the diocese will be receiving e- • Begin a “vocations kit” that parish families use to pray for earned a master’s degree in politi- the offering will be recorded, and mails that have information on priests and vocations cal science from Notre Dame in at the end of the Year for Priests, the spiritual bouquet and an order • Plan a speaker or retreat, to foster spiritual growth 1973. the number of prayers and offer- form for the buttons. • Plan a bonfire and cookout at Our Lady’s Garden (Queen Former U.S. Rep. Timothy ings will be tallied and sent to The committee stresses that of Peace flower or vegetable garden) and invite Queen of Roemer, who earned master’s and that priest as a spiritual bouquet parishes begin first with prayer Peace neighbors as an evangelization effort. doctoral degrees in political sci- certificate by the Year for Priests as they form ideas for a Year for • Celebrate Priesthood Sunday on Oct. 25 by making avail- ence from Notre Dame in 1981 committee from Queen of Peace. Priests plan. “Our Lady calls us able “We Love Our Priests” buttons for parishioners and 1985, was sworn in as U.S. “The ordination day is special together and the group is moti- ambassador to India last month. because that is the day when the vated by the call to support the priest was gifted to us by God priests. The Year for Priests is and we are drawn to give thanks- about really understanding the giving to the Lord and Our gift of the priesthood,” Lady,” McGuire emphasizes. But Rodtsbrooks concludes. people are also encouraged to offer spiritual bouquets to any priest in the diocese at anytime For more information on the Year for during the year. “When you start Priests contact the Queen of to think about it, you might want Peace committee at (574) 255- to pray for the priest that bap- 9674. 8 TODAY’ S CATHOLIC AUGUST 30, 2009 Abortion has no place in Columnist-commentator health care bill, bishops’ Robert Novak dies spokeswoman says WASHINGTON (CNS) — WASHINGTON (CNS) — The EWS RIEFS Robert Novak, a longtime syndi- president of Planned Parenthood N B cated columnist and political confuses authentic health care commentator who joined the with access to abortion and all Catholic Church in 1998, died at forms of artificial contraception, ARCHBISHOP AYMOND AFTER HIS INSTALLATION MASS his home in Washington early said Deirdre A. McQuade, assis- Aug. 18 after battling brain can- tant director for policy and com- cer for more than a year. A funer- munications in the U.S. bishops’ al Mass was to be celebrated for Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities. him Aug. 21 at St. Patrick Church Responding to a column by Cecile in Washington, followed by a pri- Richards, president of the Planned vate interment. Parenthood Federation of America, that appeared Aug. 18 on the Huffington Post Web site, Pope makes new McQuade said health care reform appointments pending in Congress should pro- vide people with access to basic VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Pope health care, not services that harm Benedict XVI has chosen a 42- human life. “Fundamentally, abor- year-old Italian priest with sever- tion is not health care,” McQuade al years of diplomatic experience told Catholic News Service. “It as the No. 2 official in the should not be considered funda- Vatican’s foreign affairs office. mental in any way to any health The pope named Msgr. Ettore care reform at the federal or state Balestrero to be undersecretary level. “She’s shifting the language for relations with states Aug. 17. around to say universal health care He replaces Msgr. Pietro Parolin, means coverage of every single 54, who was named an archbish- legal medical procedure. op and nuncio to Venezuela the Nobody’s proposing that,” same day. McQuade said. The bishops have called for any health care legislative measure to Tennessee bishop remain “abortion neutral,” that is, hospitalized that existing laws and policies CNS PHOTO/PETER FINNEY, JR., CLARION HERALD governing abortion and abortion KNOXVILLE, Tenn. (CNS) — funding be preserved. U.S. law U.S. Archbishop Gregory M. Aymond of New Orleans applauds the brass band playing on Bishop Richard F. Stika of does not allow the use of govern- his way to the reception following his installation Mass at the St. Louis Cathedral in New Knoxville is recuperating from a ment funds for most abortions. diabetic episode suffered Aug. 15 Orleans Aug. 20. Archbishop Aymond, 59, became the first New Orleans native to be in Florida that required hospital- ization. Bishop Stika had a mild US bishops press installed as archbishop in the 216-year history of the local church since the formal estab- heart attack as part of what lishment of the Diocese of Louisiana and the Floridas in 1793. Deacon Sean Smith, Knoxville for further easing diocesan chancellor, termed a of restrictions on Cuba “diabetic crisis.” for Shriver was to be held Aug. 13 HAVANA (CNS) — A delegation Nuns, priests urged Shriver remembered at Our Lady of Victory Church in of U.S. Catholic bishops visiting to reach out to promote for her ‘ardent faith and Centerville. A private funeral Catholic students Cuba urged U.S. President Barack Mass was to be celebrated Aug. 14 awarded fellowships Obama and Cuban leaders to take vocations generous public service’ at St. Church in advantage of the change in the Hyannis. for religious studies U.S. administration to end the NEW ORLEANS (CNS) — U.S. BARNSTABLE, Mass. (CNS) — trade embargo Washington has communities of women and men Special Olympics founder Eunice WASHINGTON (CNS) — imposed on the island nation since religious need to reach out to Kennedy Shriver, who died Aug. Doctors remove pope’s Pursuing a master of divinity 1962. “I believe that the church young Catholics to let them know 11, was “a woman of ardent faith cast, say wrist is degree “certainly isn’t the path to (both in Cuba and the U.S.) wants about religious life and those com- and generous public service” in riches in this world, but it’s some- to be the protagonist of a better munities also should have a full- her work with the developmental- healing well thing I really like to do,” said Joe approach,” Bishop Thomas G. time vocations director, said a ly and physically disabled, said Kolar, a graduate student at the Wenski of Orlando, Fla., a mem- Mercy sister involved in a new Archbishop Pietro Sambi, apos- VATICAN CITY (CNS) — University of Notre Dame. “I ber of the U.S. bishops’ interna- major study of vocations. “What’s tolic nuncio to the United States. Doctors have removed the cast know I would like to make a tional policy committee, told happening now, particularly with In a letter to Shriver’s family and wires from Pope Benedict career out of ministry in some reporters at a press conference in those who are younger is that a lot released to the press and posted on XVI’s right wrist and said the way, shape or form,” he said. Havana Aug. 18. After a meeting of them haven’t had direct experi- the Special Olympics Web site, healing process went perfectly. “A Kolar is one of 15 Catholic stu- earlier in the day with the staff at ence with men and women reli- the archbishop conveyed the con- follow-up X-ray was performed, dents to receive a fellowship this the U.S. Interests Section, which gious through the school or dolences of Pope Benedict XVI. which demonstrated the consoli- year from the Fund for represents the government in the parish” where they grew up, said He said the pope “unites himself dation of the fracture,” Dr. Theological Education. absence of formal diplomatic ties Sister Mary Bendyna. The nun is spiritually with each of you at this Patrizio Polisca, the pope’s per- between the two countries, Bishop executive director of the Center difficult time, holding close to his sonal physician, said in a state- On the Web ... Wenski said he believes the for Applied Research in the heart Eunice as she is called home ment released by the Vatican Aug. Obama administration’s revision Apostolate and principal author of to eternal life and trusting in the 21. “The recovery of its function- • New bullying-prevention Web of policies toward Cuba is serious the “Study of Recent Vocations to words of sacred Scripture: ‘What ality, begun immediately, will be site: and proceeding step by step. The Religious Life,” released Aug. 11. will separate us from the love of completed with an adequate pro- U.S. church supports easing travel It was conducted by CARA, a Christ?’” News reports said the gram of rehabilitation,” the state- to Cuba and eliminating the research center based at 88-year-old Shriver, sister of the ment said. The X-ray and the • U.S. bishops views on health embargo that prohibits most trade Georgetown University in late President John F. Kennedy, removal of the cast were per- reforms: between the two countries. Bishop Washington, on behalf of the died in a hospital in Barnstable, on formed in the small clinic at the Wenski, Boston Cardinal Sean P. National Religious Vocation Cape Cod. At her side were her papal villa in Castel Gandolfo, O’Malley and San Antonio Conference, a professional associ- husband, R. Sargent Shriver, the south of Rome. According to • U.S. Conference of Catholic Auxiliary Bishop Oscar Cantu ation of religious vocation direc- couple’s five children and their Jesuit Father Federico Lombardi, Bishops launch Web site to edu- were visiting Cuba the week of tors based in Chicago. The study spouses, and the Shrivers’ 19 papal spokesman, Pope Benedict cate Catholics about the forth- Aug. 17, in part to see the island’s surveyed 4,000 men and women grandchildren. She had been in broke his wrist in a fall after trip- coming English translation of the progress in recovering from three who are in formation or newly failing health after suffering a cou- ping in the dark looking for a light new Roman Missal, the book of hurricanes and two tropical storms vowed members. ple of strokes in recent years and switch. The accident July 17 took prayers used for Mass: that hit late last summer and fall. was hospitalized several days place in the chalet in Les Combes before her death. The Boston where the pope was vacationing in Globe reported that a public wake the northern Italian Alps. AUGUST 30, 2009 TODAY’ S CATHOLIC 9

Steinacker, pastoral associate for St. FLI begins 35th year of Charles, and Karen Hope, music continuing education of director for St. Charles are speak- ers. seniors over 50 To register, call the parish office SOUTH BEND — The Forever at (260) 482-2186. Registration is Learning Institute in South Bend, ROUND THE IOCESE not required, but encouraged in A D order to provide hand-outs for all. now in its 35th year, has announced its class schedule of continuing adult education for St. Charles presents seniors over 50. BIRTHDAY GREETINGS AT BISHOP’S APPEAL DINNER All classes are listed online at organ concert FORT WAYNE — St. Charles On site registration is Sept. 1-2 Borromeo Church, 3700 Reed Rd., from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Little will present a concert on their new Flower Parish location, 54191 30-rank Reuter Pipe Organ on Ironwood Rd., South Bend. Friday, Sept. 11, at 7 p.m. in the New classes and teachers this church. year follow. Dr. Paul Skevington, renowned On Mondays: organist and native of Fort Wayne, • “The Bible: Wisdom for will perform Bach, Dupre, Vaughan Today” with Holy Cross Sister Williams, Ives and Widor. Also Ellen Mary Taylor; played and sung will be “O God, • “Fundamentals of Golf” with Beyond All Praising” and “Holy Ryan Gowan and meets at the God We Praise Thy Name.” Warren Golf Course; The evening will include sacred, • “Making Greeting Cards” patriotic and classical music. There (computer class) with Christine is free admission. A reception will Murdock; follow. • “The Misunderstood Jew” taught by Rabbi Eric Siroka and Huntington native Jay Landry. On Tuesdays: among 23 lay missionaries • “World War II in the Pacific” with Paul Sherer; commissioned • “Beginning Duplicate HAVER- Bridge” with Sally Taelman; STRAW- • “Famous Sea Voyages” with STONY POINT, Alan Dowty; TIM JOHNSON N.Y. — After • “Herbology: an Introduction” four weeks of ori- with Joyce Schertz. Bishop John M. D’Arcy was congratulated at the kickoff dinner of the Annual Bishop’s entation at three On Wednesdays: Appeal on Aug. 18, the day he also celebrated his 77th birthday. Appeal chairs Julie and sites, 18 women • “Dickens in America” with and five men Juliet Jervis; John Kenny presented a cake to Bishop D’Arcy. The kickoff dinner in South Bend was were commis- STEVE WIDELSKI • “Diabetes Symposium” with sioned as Salesian South Bend Clinic doctors Aug. 26. Lay Missionaries On Thursdays: (SLMs) on Saturday, Aug. 8. • “Carmelite Contemplative Moreau Center for the Arts on the One of the new missionaries is Prayer” with LeRoy Friesen Saint Mary’s College campus. Radiologic Technology Bishop Dwenger offers Stephen Widelski of Huntington. • Computer Classes including Singers should bring a prepared Program at USF receives SAT prep course Salesian Father Thomas Dunne, “Advanced Internet” with Luther solo, and sight-reading and aural provincial superior, presided over Tyson; “All Things Digital” with abilities will be tested. An accom- maximum accreditation FORT WAYNE — Bishop an early morning Mass at the Don John Chapleau; and “Excel Home Dwenger High School is offering Bosco Retreat Center in panist is provided. FORT WAYNE — Donna Lyke, Projects.” an SAT prep course on Tuesdays Haverstraw-Stony Point, N.Y. The Concerts for the coming year chair of the Department of On Fridays: and Thursdays from 6-7:30 p.m. Mass also marked the closing of the include Christmas at Loretto on Radiologic Technology at the • “Acrylics Club” and Classes will begin on Tuesday, annual retreat for about 30 Dec. 20, featuring music for the University of Saint Francis, has “Beginning Polish” with Dorota Sept. 15, and end on Thursday, Oct. Salesians. season performed in a great announced that USF’s Radiologic Janik. 29. The 14 sessions will include the During the Mass the missionar- acoustical space with special Technology Program has received diagnostic testing, six verbal and ies were presented with just-blessed guests Quintessence Brass. the maximum award of accredita- six math sessions. crosses as a sign of their commit- VNHH offers bereavement Repertoire will include two tion from the Joint Review The class fee is $170 and ment to personal conversion and to world premieres by American Committee on Education in workshop includes the text for the course. The the mission of carrying the love of composers Stacy Garrop and Radiologic Technology. class will address all areas of the Jesus Christ joyfully to their vari- FORT WAYNE — Visiting Nurse Frederick Hohman, along with new The maximum eight-year SAT. The class is open to any high ous sites. and Hospice Home will offer arrangements of favorite carols. accreditation is granted to a limit- school student in the Fort Wayne At 34, Steve Widelski is one of “Learning to Live After the Death Chamber singers will join with ed number of programs. of a Spouse,” a workshop for men the Jim Pickley Trio to present Jazz and Allen County area. the oldest of this year’s SLMs. and women who have lost a Sings! at Saint Mary‘s College’s For information and registration, Widelski has already served four spouse on Saturday, Sept. 5 at Noble Family Dining Hall on St. Charles CardinalFest to call the school at (260) 496-4700 or years in three Salesian programs in First Presbyterian Church, 300 W. March 13. While the audience include 5K Run/Walk visit Bolivia, Venezuela and Sierra Wayne St., from 9-11:30 a.m. enjoys drinks and hors d’oeuvres, Leone, as well as two-and-a-half Speaker is Kay Cozad, M.S., grief they will be entertained with Bob FORT WAYNE — St. Charles Preparing a Catholic years in the Dominican Republic and loss educator and founder of Chilcott’s great jazz folk songs as Girl Scout Troop 363, in conjunc- with the Diocese of Orlando and six Hope in the Mourning widow’s well as jazz standards. tion with CardinalFest 2009, is funeral: A pre-planning months in the state of Parana, support group. This free workshop The season closes on May 16 at sponsoring the first annual 5K workshop Brazil, as part of team from the includes a light breakfast. For Saint Mary’s O’Laughlin Run/Walk on Saturday, Sept. 19, parish of St. Louis de Montfort in information contact Lili Carroll or Auditorium with Completely at St. Charles. The race begins at 9 FORT WAYNE — St. Charles Fishers. Widelski’s home parish, St. Bonnie Knuth at (260) 435-3222. Copland!, a concert featuring a.m., starting at St. Charles (cor- Borromeo Parish will present a pre- Mary of Huntington, has always sacred and secular choral music of ner of Reed and Trier roads) and planning workshop for a Catholic supported his efforts and also raised Auditions for South Bend American composer Aaron threading its way through New funeral Monday, Sept. 14, at 7 p.m. funds for Salesian projects. Copland. The Elkhart Memorial Glenwood subdivision and ending in the Hession Parish Center. He really loves Don Bosco and Chamber Singers’ 21st Concert Choir, under the direction at St. Charles. The workshop will explore what the Salesian charism best, and has season held of Claudia Phipps, will join the For information and the down- “pre-planning” or “pre-pay” for eagerly returned. In fact, in 2008 he chamber singers for several of the loadable form, visit their Web site, funeral services means for the aver- and another SLM veteran produced SOUTH BEND — The South Old American Songs. age Catholic. It will examine what a promotional video about the pro- Bend Chamber Singers, Call (574) 284-4632 or (574) outsofstcharles/. Proceeds benefit is involved and how to approach gram. In his experience he has Michiana’s premier vocal chamber 233-6927 to schedule an audition local homeless charities and Girl preparation for a Catholic funeral. found, as almost all the young mis- ensemble will hold auditions for time. For more information visit Scout activities. Questions can be Tom Alter and Larry Fisher of sionaries do, that one receives as experienced singers from Aug. 28 www.SouthBendChamberSingers. directed to Lori Stock at Catholic Cemetery, Kathy Fox, a much from the people whom they through Sept. 4 in Room 309, org. [email protected]. local funeral director, Father Tony serve as one contributes to them. 10 TODAY’S CATHOLIC AUGUST 30, 2009 ‘Party at Mom’s House’ MASS OF THANKSGIVING AT ST. PETER celebrates the queenship of Mary

to a Notre Dame football game,” “Our donations ranged from BY KAREN CLIFFORD said Hite. “The highlight of the clothes, toys, books, TVs, garden night had to be our special guest equipment-tools, collectibles, MISHAWAKA — It started as a dealers. Father Dan Scheidt’s crafts, and other household items,” Queen of Peace Parish picnic in brothers Dominic and Damon gra- she says. Things remaining after 2008 and evolved to a three-day ciously traveled all the way from the sale were picked up by the St. event called PeaceFest 2009 that Michigan City to help out the Vincent de Paul Society. included activities for all family parish,” he added. Arts and crafts were in abun- members. Father Dan Scheidt, pas- Virginia Leinen, co-chair of dance under the big tent on tor of Queen of Peace Parish asked teen worship and praise, was Saturday. Thirty artists and crafters his parishioners to “Volunteer, delighted that local musician Josh were on hand for items such as Invite and Participate” — in Comeau performed, and Mary candles, jewelry, clothing, dolls, essence to become VIP’s for Bielski, a national speaker for the and hair accessories. Craft vendor PeaceFest. Steubenville conferences and Life Dennis Drake had walking sticks “An event such as this requires Teen, was able to address the for sale that he makes on an all three to be successful,” noted youth in attendance. antique wood lathe made in 1892. PeaceFest Chair Mike Portolese. “Josh is a wonderful Catholic “There are only two left in the “We asked our parishioners to singer-songwriter as well as youth country that are working offer two hours of their time to minister for Holy Family Parish, machines,” he said. help at some point in the weekend, and Mary is a dynamic young Sounds of happy children were invite friends and family, and to woman on fire for our Lord,” she heard at the festival field on JERRY KESSENS attend and support the events explained. Saturday and Sunday afternoon, After 17-plus years of restoration and renovation at St. offered.” Miriam Copenhaber, who will where an assortment of children’s PeaceFest 2009, affectionately be a freshman at Indiana games, a bounce house, dunk tank, Peter Church, Fort Wayne, Bishop John M. D’Arcy joined called by Father Scheidt as “Party University-South Bend this fall, bingo, and euchre were offered as Father Phillip Widmann, pastor, and members of the parish at Mom’s House,” was conceived says the teen praise and worship is part of the family fun fair. In addi- to coincide with the parish’s crucial for today’s youth. “It’s tion to the games a Guitar Hero in celebrating a Mass of Thanksgiving on Saturday, Aug. patronal feast of the Queenship of important for the youth to come competition and human spheres 22. Among the renovations is a new church steeple, a Mary. Friday evening’s kick-off together and express their faith were offered. “Youth get into an included teen worship, and praise especially with our materialistic inflated ball and roll around or rebuilt organ, a new three-bay garage at the rectory, in the big tent, and a casino night society,” she emphasized. race each other — in short, they restoration of homes in the neighborhood and the transi- for adults in the parish hall. Saturday morning’s festivities have a ball!” exclaims fun fair Casino night chair John Hite included “The Mother of All chair Carol Cone. tion of the old St. Peter School into 38 apartments for low- noted that tip boards were running Rummages Sales.” According to The “Piggy Raffle,” also held hot and heavy all night long. “Tons rummage sale chair Susan on Saturday and Sunday, was income seniors. The parish has also built a hall known as of fabulous gifts were won for Johnson, the items donated for the made possible through donations St. Peter’s Pavilion. The celebration continued after Mass between a $1 and $3 chance. We sale filled the parish’s mainte- even ran a tip board for two tickets nance/equipment shed. QUEEN, PAGE 12 in the Pavilion.

Gerard Olinger, Jr., CSC Kevin Gregory Grove, CSC

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St. Joseph Catholic Church -- 226 N. Hill Street -- South Bend, IN 46617 -- 574-234-3134 -- AUGUST 30, 2009 TODAY’S CATHOLIC 11 Expanded Women’s Care Center holds dedication in South Bend

BY DIANE FREEBY family practice residents, and Foundation Director Bobby those details are being consid- Williams had a long list of bene- ered. factors to thank, many of whom SOUTH BEND — Just as the The new addition adds about were on hand to celebrate this lat- needs of pregnant women in St. another 3,000 square feet of est victory for the culture of life. Joseph County continue to grow, space to the already 3,000 square According to Williams, 250 so does the ability of the feet that was utilized for counsel- times a day a young woman Women’s Care Center to continue ing rooms, storage and the Crib comes through the doors of a serving them. Club. Women’s Care Center, and that With 14 pregnancy help cen- Parenting classes will now one out of three babies born in St. ters operating throughout north- have a dedicated room and no Joseph County are from women ern Indiana, lower Michigan and longer need to be held in the who have received help from the in Ohio, the office located just reception area. The new basement care center. down the street from where the will serve as the hub for collect- “There have been countless very first Care Center opened 25 ing and distributing donated children saved from abortion,” years ago has expanded with items, such as baby clothes, for- Williams told the packed room, Bishop John M. D’Arcy’s bless- mula and cribs. The counselors thanking them for their ongoing ing. themselves will have more elbow support. “Countless families have He was on hand recently for room to provide services to their been made whole.” the dedication ceremony. A sup- clients, and the nurse who pro- The Women’s Care Center is a porter since the beginning, vides nearly 40 hours a week of not-for-profit pregnancy help cen- Bishop D’Arcy prayed especially ultrasounds will be able to con- ter, dedicated to helping women for the Women’s Care Center and tinue that vital service. choose life for their babies. In her all who come there. “Over 90-percent of abortion- 25 years of service, Manion has “This will be a place where minded women choose life after never drawn a paycheck and she you will give counseling and looking at an ultrasound picture,” says the center is grateful for the advice to women in need, to save DIANE FREEBY said Manion. “And that’s abor- years of dedicated support they the unborn,” said Bishop D’Arcy This exterior shot of the Women’s Care Center shows the work that was tion-minded, not just everybody. receive from the community and to a room full of care center sup- just completed. Bishop John M. D’Arcy blessed the Women’s Care Center It’s such a powerful, powerful from the Diocese of Fort Wayne- porters and staff — “a place, at a dedication ceremony earlier in August. bonding tool.” South Bend. which respects the dignity of the human person. By this great work, for the most defenseless clients were not receiving med- among us, you will help all of us ical prenatal care.” continue in the journey where Manion said the Women’s Jesus Christ will become closer to Care Center joined with Saint his people.” Joseph’s Regional Medical Located at the corner of Center to find a way to work LaSalle and Notre Dame Avenue, together in solving that problem. this Women’s Care Center office “We started seeing all kinds of will do more than house the cor- other benefits because as the porate offices and provide central women are coming back for their storage for all the donated baby prenatal care, we can walk the items. It will allow counselors to path of life with them, and help continue serving those in need by them with parenting classes and offering pregnancy tests and help- goal counseling, Crib Club and ing women choose life for their all the things we already do. So babies. Women’s Care Center they’re not only getting medical President Ann Manion says they care, they’re keeping in touch also hope to make a positive with us.” impact on the problem women Manion said care center have accessing prenatal medical clients, many of whom come in care in St. Joseph County. to have a pregnancy test and are “That has reached a 16-year facing an unplanned pregnancy, low in our community,” receive nine months of prenatal explained Manion, “and so we care with the midwives. She said were becoming concerned our ultimately they may be joined by

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BY LISA EVERETT has testified before members of The entertainment line-up for the state legislatures in Saturday afternoon included Massachusetts, Wisconsin, Polynesian dancers, a magic show, SOUTH BEND — The diocesan Virginia, and North Carolina dur- a Vacation Bible School song and Office of Family Life is hosting a ing deliberations over stem-cell dance, and dancers from St. dinner banquet on Friday research and cloning. He has Adalbert Parish in South Bend. evening, Sept. 11, featuring made presentations and partici- Saturday night required those in Father Tad Pacholczyk, PhD., of pated in roundtable discussions attendance for Trivia Night to put the National Catholic Bioethics on contemporary bioethics on their thinking caps to answer Center, who will be speaking on throughout the United States, questions. To keep children from “Science at the Service of Life.” Canada, and in Europe, and has becoming bored while the trivia The banquet will be held at the made numerous media commen- event was being held, babysitting KAREN CLIFFORD Center for Continuing Education taries, including appearances on for a nominal fee was offered that Debbie Anthony, far left, and Cathy Shamo, Queen of Peace parishioners, (McKenna Hall) across from the CNN International, “ABC World included art, cooking, games, a talk to walking stick vendor Dennis Drake about his antique lathe Morris Inn on the campus of News Tonight,” and National University of Notre Dame. movie and a campfire sing-a-long. wood lathe used to make the sticks during PeaceFest 2009. Public Radio. On Sunday morning an outdoor A priest of the diocese of Fall Among his many responsibili- Mass under the big tent was cele- River, Mass., Father Pacholczyk ties, Father Pacholczyk directs brated by Father Scheidt. Music afternoon with a picnic. de Paul Society, continued parish is a nationally renowned bioethi- the center’s National Catholic for the Mass was led by a brass “The proceeds of PeaceFest facility updates, expand our music cist and speaker, who currently Certification Program in Health ensemble and a choir drawn from will be used to further the min- program, and other programs to serves as director of education at Care Ethics. His monthly col- local area Catholic churches. istries of Queen of Peace Parish benefit our parish community,” the National Catholic Bioethics umn, Making Sense of Bioethics, The event ended on Sunday including our school, St. Vincent Portolese concluded. Center in Philadelphia. appears in various diocesan His credentials are impressive. newspapers across the country, As an undergraduate, Father including Today’s Catholic. The Pacholczyk earned degrees in collection of his columns to date DeBartolo Performing Arts Center 2009-2010 Guest Organ Recital Series philosophy, biochemistry, molec- are now available online in ular cell biology and chemistry English and Spanish at www.ncb- from Arizona State University, where he was awarded a four- Father Pacholczyk has also year full academic scholarship. produced an 80-minute DVD, CREATION He later earned a doctorate in “Cutting Through the Spin on neuroscience from Yale Stem Cells and Cloning,” which University and worked for sever- examines the science and ethics PRAISING al years as a molecular biologist of stem-cell research and cloning, at Massachusetts General and considers the various media Hospital/Harvard Medical myths surrounding this issue. School. Earlier in the day on Sept. 11, THE CREATOR He subsequently studied in Father Pacholczyk will be pre- Rome for five years where he did senting on the ethics of reproduc- advanced work in dogmatic the- tive technologies at a seminar for ology and in bioethics, receiving priests and pastoral ministers in Distinguished guests performing both bachelor’s and licenciate’s Warsaw. The evening banquet on the Paul Fritts Opus 24 Manual Organ degrees in sacred theology from begins with a cash bar opening at the Pontifical Gregorian 6 p.m., dinner will begin at 7 in the Reyes Organ and Choral Hall University. Father Pacholczyk’s p.m. followed by Father special area of study during this Pacholczyk’s talk. The cost is Robert Clark time was the question of delayed $25 per person and reservations Professor Emeritus of Organ, ensoulment of the human may be made by contacting the Arizona State University embryo. Office of Family Life at (574) Sun, Sep 13, 2009 at 2:30 pm and 5 pm When the embryonic stem-cell 234-0687 or [email protected] debate emerged over a decade Checks must be ago, Father Pacholczyk rose to Paul Thornock received by Sept. 4 to guarantee national prominence as an expert a seat. This will be Father Cathedral Director of Music in both the science and the ethics Pacholczyk’s fourth visit to the and Diocesan Music Consultant surrounding the controversy. He diocese. in the Catholic Diocese of Columbus, Ohio Sun, Jan 31, 2010 at 2:30 pm and 5 pm

David Yearsley, organ Marty , baroque violin Forever Learning Sun, Feb 28, 2010 at 2:30 pm and 5 pm FALL REGISTRATION Hans Davidsson Tuesday, Wednesday Professor of Organ, Eastman School of Music September 1 & 2 Sun, Apr 11, 2010 at 2:30 pm and 5 pm 10:00 am - 1:00 pm Single tickets available at the Ticket Office, 574.631.2800 and School begins September 14, 2009 Forever Learning (now in its 35th year) is located at Little Flower Parish Center 54191 Ironwood Road • South Bend (574) 282-1901 AUGUST 30, 2009 TODAY’S CATHOLIC 13


Mishawaka Marian team ‘plays like a champion’

and August but it will take a little and midfield with the bigger BY JOE KOZINSKI bit of time for us to develop holes to fill on defense and in Boys’ tennis under game conditions,” conclud- goal,” explained Householter. The Knights Boys Tennis MISHAWAKA — Play Like a ed Glon. “If we can stay healthy “Leadership will be a big team will again be in the Champion is the topic of discus- and together through the early part of our growth and hunt for the NIC crown as sion this fall between the Marian part of our schedule, I think we seniors; Manuel Garcia, they take to the hard administration and the veteran can see some good things from Zach Vidic, Rick Was, courts and make some coaching staff. the Knights.” Kyle Koucouthakis, adjustments and fill The words are not only the Kyle Hurley and some holes vacated by popular moniker of the Notre Volleyball Steve Szalajko, I feel graduation. Dame faithful, but they represent are up to the task.” “We have had some an in-depth program geared to High expectations or the good numbers of boys place the proper emphasis on “highest” expectations are on the Girls’ soccer trying out for the team youth development and sports. list of annual goals again this sea- and they have worked “We are very excited to son for the state title contending There may be a hard,” explained Coach announce that our staff and the Knights. new coach at the helm Sarah Stanchin. “We staff of ’s High “We lost in the state finals last of the Marian girls’ soc- have a great group of kids School have teamed with Notre year, that makes three years in a cer team but he is not and they are improving. Dame in its efforts to bring this row,” commented veteran skipper new to the traditions and “We are led with our program into our community,” Dan Anderson. “I think that this play that have made them a number one singles player jun- commented Reggie Glon, Marian season we have a team with very perennial threat. ior Evan Merryman, who has High School athletic director. good skills and we can again go “I have been coaching in the moved up from the number two “We have trained 28 coaches and deep into the state tournament.” program for about 15 or so sea- spot,” remarked Stanchin. “Our have completed a parent training “Though we really don’t have sons and this is a great group of doubles teams are anchored by session.” the specialization that we have kids that has worked very hard,” “This season our boys will be senior dominated with Greg seniors Nikko Kwiatkowski and “The Play Like a Champion had in the past, our depth and explained long time assistant Aaron Rosheck.” Program is a researched based flexibility seem to be our Mike Flynn. “I think that we can McMillion, Nick Moskolis, plan of action that is designed to strength,” remarked Anderson. become pretty good, we will be Joseph Molnar and Peter Hayes build integrity and character in “We have returning setters Kathy quick and fast with a good skill leading the way,” remarked Girls’ golf athletes, coaches and parents,” Mischler and Molly Pajakowski level. Goodchild. “Tony Spalding is a sophomore that will add to our Marian’s golf team isn’t responded Glon. “The resources and outside hitters Merrideth “We return seven senior rebuilding they are developing the program provided to produce Farkus and Allie Sailor that add starters with our three captains competitiveness. “I believe we are 100 percent while competing. multiple sport athletes in an to our experience. being Emily Griffith, Shauna “I really think that the term organized way was extremely “We also have Stephanie Barry and Jordan Lundwing,” committed to excellence in the classroom as well as the athlet- rebuilding is a discredit to all the beneficial.” Crukowicz, Megan McMahon commented Flynn. “Andrea Wade upperclassmen that have put in and Rachael Gillman that will is our big offensive threat and ics,” boasted Goodchild. “We have a good that will work and time and effort to make a team Football solidify our middle,” Anderson along with Megan Cummins in competitive,” explained Coach said. “We definitely will be tested midfield we have defenders are talented, as a coach, that is a very good combination.” Tim McCauley. “Though our The Marian football team is early, we play a top-10 4-A and Mariah Douglas and Dani team is relatively young, I see regrouping after only its third los- 3-A schedule that will push us to Meyers. that we will have strong individ- ing campaign in Coach Reggie be the best and play our best.” “The energy level is the high- Girls’ cross country ual performances throughout the Glon’s 15-years heading the est that I have seen from our The girls’ cross country team rest of the season. Knights. girls,” exclaimed Flynn. “We Boys’ soccer has a story that is the complete “I think that we have a pretty “It looks like this year we will expect to be fast and fun to watch opposite of the boys’ team and deep squad, we have three solids be young but talented as we enter The 2008 boys’ soccer team with a different kind of excite- they have their sights set on some sophomores and two strong sen- the season,” said Glon. “The sen- was coming off an undefeated ment on the field.” ambitious goals. iors putting scores together to iors will be counted on to anchor season in the NIC and a sectional compete,” McCauley said. the offensive and defensive lines title also had to contend with los- “We are a different team than Boys’ cross country the boys when you look at expe- “Bridget Liddel is a senior that is and hopefully they can handle ing 10 seniors and conference now our number one and Ellen our opponents while the young- player of the year and ended up There is a new coach at the rience,” explained Goodchild. “We are anchored by what we Macris is a sophomore that is our sters can develop. at state finalist. helm of the cross-country pro- number two and the other are “Veterans like Collin Rahrig, The magic that Coach Ben gram at Marian, and the Knights refer to as the MGM. “The MGM are made up of staying right with them in match- Aaron Bulger, Ryan Luczkowski, Householter and his team accom- are excited. es.” Zach Bittner and Dylan Priller plished last season, may have Coach Rod “The Trailblazer” freshman runners Maggie Pendergast, Gabi Skwarczn and “I’m pretty proud of the fact will handle the offensive line some remnants lingering for the Goodchild, brings with him a that we are known as a team that duties,” remarked Glon. 2009 campaign. wealth of experience and more Melissa Suth,” commented Goodchild. “All of our girls con- is well respected in the golf com- “Defensively Blake Talos, “Last year we beat three teams importantly a sense of Marian munity as good sports and full of Street and Brett Herschel are up we lost to in the regular season pride and tradition. tinue to work hard and epitomize our program. character when competing,” stat- front, Devon Gilbert and John on our run to the state finals,” “I have been around Marian ed McCauley. “Senior, Morgan Fox-Vanett hold down line back- stated Householter. “We return since I attended the school in the “We have been preaching the three Ts — teamwork, training Ayres is one of those golfers that ing responsibilities and Mitch seven players with significant 1960s,” quipped Goodchild. “I exemplifies our program with her Derucki is our senior defensive experience and a unified goal to am so pleased to be associated and mental toughness,” explained Goodchild. “I see good things on hard work, dedication and integri- back. emulate last year’s success. with the young people that make ty.” “We have had a good summer “Our strengths will be up front up the cross country team. the horizon for both the girls’ and boys’ teams.” 14 TODAY’S CATHOLIC AUGUST 30, 2009 Bishop Dwenger has big plans for fall

BY MICHELLE CASTLEMAN Freiburger and Tony Bobay are explained Ade. need to work on year who bring more experience, back for the defending state run- Seven runners score in a early with games as well as having a smaller group ner-ups. meet and this year’s most versus Snider, who work well together, care FORT WAYNE — With the Returning for special teams likely are Luke Momper, Evansville about each other and have posi- August heat at their backs and are kicker Emerson Ueber and Andy Brennan, Andrew Memorial, tive expectations for themselves.” book bags in hand, athletes across punter Merriman. Other Eckrich, Sam Gray, Phil Bishop Luers, the diocese are back to school, key contributors with gridiron Schroeder, Nick Cathedral and Girls’ golf geared up and ready for another experience from 2008 are Wade Brand and Carmel in the fall sports season. Markley, Brian Gabet, Beier, Doug first two The Bishop Dwenger girls’ Domonic Sewell, Tony Bennett. weeks.” golf team will be coached again Football Svarczkopf, Chris Lee, Bobby Freshman Key players by Kurt Leffers this season. Widner, Cameron Smith and Luke Miller returning for Leffers is in his fifth season with Back on the sidelines for the Wilson Ganga. and sopho- the the Saints and is looking to have Bishop Dwenger Saints this sea- Coach Svarczkopf lists the more James include an enjoyable season. “We have a son, Coach Chris Svarczkopf (77- strengths of this year’s team as: Myers could Jordan lot of young faces trying to do 17) enters his eighth season as experienced defensive backs and also find Pawlik, well,” he explained. head coach. His assistants this defensive ends; returning kicker themselves Sarah The 2009 roster lists nine season will be John Tone, Grant and punter and skilled players in vying for a Killion, freshman and three returnees. Top Veith, David Watercutter, Colin the quarterback; running back varsity Emily Chura, golfers back for Bishop Dwenger Wilkins, Mike Obergfell, Brian and receiver positions. spot. Gia Casaburo are Anna Thelen, Trina Manalo Hartzog, John Eppard, Mike and Emma and Morgan Braun. When it Shields, Jim Sullivan, Dave Boys’ cross country Boys’ Satterthwaite. comes to team strengths, Leffers Bierbaum, Shib Neddeff, Andy Becca Beier, added, “These girls do not get Goodman, John Freistroffer, Eric With a goal of redeeming soccer Lizzy DeHaven, Kathleen Brown, down. After a bad round they still Evans, Mike Weissert, Rick themselves after missing a trip to want to go out and hit more balls.” With six conference champi- Hadley Rahrig, Melinda Ernest, Krouse, Greg Bierbaum, the state meet by just one point in Mary Beier, Aubrey Schrader and Remound Wright and John Porter. 2008, the Bishop Dwenger boys’ onships under his belt, Coach Mike Khorshid is shooting for a Katie Stout are also expected to Boys’ tennis The Saints had a stellar season cross-country team is ready and contribute significantly this season in 2008, finishing 14-1 overall running full speed ahead towards seventh title. Coming off a 15-2 record in “We have plenty of returning along with two or three freshman and undefeated in conference the 2009 season. Six teams that could find themselves in the 2008, Anne Schenkel (72-16) is play. Despite the loss of a loaded advance from the semi-state and players and should be strong looking forward to a “fun and offensively this season,” starting lineup. Michelle Pray will athletic senior class a year ago, Coach Eric Ade is hopeful his again serve as assistant coach. successful” 2009 season as the the Saints return an impressive boys are ready to be one of them. explained Khorshid, who begins head coach of the boys’ tennis offensive team of Scott In his sixth season at Bishop his 12th year with the Bishop Girls’ cross country team at Bishop Dwenger High Campbell, Remound Wright, Dwenger, Ade and assistant Dwenger Saints boys’ soccer School. The Saints grabbed both team. Landon Feichter and Joel coach Nathan Arata have 34 Captains for the 2009 Bishop a conference and sectional crown “We hope to repeat a confer- Gerardot to carry out their split young men out for the sport. Dwenger girls’ cross country a year ago. Vicki Welch will ence championship and advance veer attack. “One key to our team is con- team are seniors Staci Roberts, serve as assistant coach. The in post-season play. Of course, it To take care of things defen- sistent training over the summer Julia Obegfell and Meghan Saints’ leaders will depend on will be important we avoid any sively, Tony Springmann, months. The boys do a great job McTague. The Saints have 12 their returning varsity players- injuries,” added Khorshid. The Evans, Feichter, Wright, Brad of motivating each other,” runners returning and welcome senior Carson Braun (17-6), jun- Saints will be led by letter win- four newcomers, including junior ior Greg Kaiser (17-6) and the ners Sean Black, Jon Julia Lee, a top distance runner successful duo of seniors Danny O’Shaughnessey, James Till, for the track squad. Schenkel and Austen Rang (19-4) We go with the Andy McQuire and Billy Back as letter winners to lead to carry Bishop Dwenger this fall. Khorshid (all-district, all-confer- the pack are Roberts, Melanie “Offensively, we should be ence, News-Sentinel all-area). Venderley, Natalie Kocks, Sarah really good,” commented Coach The assistant coaches for the Colligan and Meghan John Minnick (123-58). His Saints are Carlos Cruz, Carl WINNERS Gloudemans. Bishop Dwenger girls’ volleyball Dorrisant and Kraig Keys. Jessica Hayes will be head team finished with an impressive coach for her eighth season and is 26-4 record a year ago and GOOD LUCK TO Girls’ soccer excited her team will be starting returns seven seniors for 2009. the season in good physical con- “We have four strong hitters, plus Coach Jason Wisniewski and a four-year starting setter in Erica Bishop Dwenger Saints his Lady Saints team are ready dition hopefully preventing injuries, which have plagued Moss,” explained Minnick, who for another season on the field. starts his seventh season with the Bishop Luers Knights Wisniewski predicted, “I Bishop Dwenger in the past. Hoping to build on a fifth place Saints. Moss and Anne believe we have the right core of Staudinger, both seniors, are key Saint Joseph Indians players to have a successful sea- conference finish and a seventh place cectional end in 2008, players to watch for along with son and should we stay healthy sophomore Maddie Mayers. After and develop throughout the sea- Hayes was encouraged by a well- Mishawaka Marian Knights attended conditioning program, a loss to Belmont in the 2008 son, we should be in a good posi- regional semi-final, the Saints are tion to go far in the post-season which began in June. “We hope to place higher in hoping for big things on the court Fort Wayne and Mishawaka state tournament. We also play this season. Mike Mickelini is one of the toughest schedules in the big meets,” Hayes said. Surrounding South Bend and She summarized, “We have a the assistant coach for the Bishop the state and will know what we Dwenger team. Area Surrounding Area good number of runners from last 422-7447 255-8947 800-232-4956 800-252-8947 Good Luck to all our teams! The Cleaning Company Churches have The trusted for over 40 years! •CARPET CLEANING Tradition •AIR DUCT CLEANING •24 HOUR FIRE DAMAGE and of excellence WATER DAMAGE RESTORATION •GENERAL CONTRACTING lives on. •For Business, Church and Home! Saint Joseph’s High School Athletic Association AUGUST 30, 2009 TODAY’S CATHOLIC 15 Bishop Luers plans to rally for a win

BY MICHELLE CASTLEMAN Kyle Lindsay, Clancy Shank, the season and to understanding Christian, Emily Braun and ball roster which includes three Matt Millhouse, Chris Charais, the sport. All-conference selec- Melissa Oberley for leadership. seniors. Fred Moore, Steve Keefer, Lee tion Kyren O’Shaughnessey, a Lewis is also excited at the The Knights hope to improve Football Rodenbeck, Phil Talarico and senior, returns along with five level of talent he sees in his on a fourth-place conference fin- Mike Goodwin. other varsity members: Alex freshman class. He predicted, ish in 2008 relying on returning “As always, we want to be as Eagleson, Amanda Vankoski, “Our forward, Mason Whitman, all-conference players Kristy good a playoff team as we can be Girls’ golf Lexie Hamel, Alexis Baker and is capable of leading the league in Gerardot, Abby Bireley and when it comes time,” explained Olympia Olson. goals.” Taylor Gillie. Bishop Luers Coach Matt Ending on a positive note in Steve Gillie and John Matera With a simple first year goal Armstrong reported that the Lindsay of his 2009 football 2008 with a runner-up conference are serving as assistant coaches of winning their sectional, Lewis team blocks very well and team. Lindsay, who begins his meet finish, the Bishop Luers this season. concluded, “We have a very solid claimed, “We should be pretty 24th season with the Knights, Lady linksters finished 42 strokes midfield and an even stronger good all around and go pretty far went on to add, “This year will ahead of their previous low score Boys’ soccer defense.” if they can stay together as a be a significant rebuilding project with three golfers scoring a per- Jason Glogowski and Vlade team.” after the loss of 27 seniors last sonal best. John Myers will be the head Jovevski will be the assistant season.” “We met our team goal and are coach for the Bishop Luers boys’ coaches for Bishop Luers. Boys’ and girls’ cross The Knights will look to their very excited about the future of soccer team for the 2009 season. nucleus of returnees, Joe the Bishop Luers golf Slated first on the schedule for Boys’ tennis country team,” explained the Knights will be Canterbury, Goodwin (linebacker), Tyler With 15 members each, the Coach Tom O’Brien. Columbia City, The boys’ tennis team at Burns (offensive tackle), Ken Bishop Luers boys’ and girls’ O’Brien is in his Belmont and Bishop Luers will list 16 players Mullen (defensive back/receiver), cross country teams are “relative- third season and Bishop on their 2009 roster, which Courtney Mitchell (defensive ly young, but have a good base of line), D’Angelo Fincher (defen- added, “I am very Dwenger. includes five seniors. Brady pleased most of our McArdle enters his fifth season in juniors for both groups,” sive back), Quyuan Mattox explained Coach Linda Keuneke. (receiver/defensive back), Daniel girls kept a club in Girls’ the head position with the their hands over Knights and his assistant coach is In her eighth season with the Olivarez (running back) and Tim Knights, Keuneke will be assisted Kawiecki (center), to compete in the summer soccer Joel Pyle. months and McArdle hopes to improve on by Doctor and Mendy a very tough conference. In his Webb for the 2009 season. As of the preview interview, gained valuable rookie sea- last years’ record and said, “We tournament will be trying to get better as a Billy McManus, David Lill Lindsay had not yet determined son, Coach and Josh Ware return for the boys who would start at the quarter- experience Kevin team on a daily basis and enjoy through the the season.” team, while Morgan Carroll and back position, but expected Eric Lewis feels Alyssa Knuth carry experience Sorg, James Knapke and Devon junior parks his Lady Evan Klerner returns as the and rec. pro- number one singles player while for the girls. Wyss to vie for the spot and con- Knights are At the preview interview, tribute considerably in other gram.” looking Ethan Gregerson will transition In addition, from the number one doubles Keuneke added, “I am excited for roles. “very our only home meet, the Bishop Relying on their talent and the seven fresh- strong” for player a year ago to number two man coming singles this year. Luers Invitational at Foster Park, speed in the skill positions, the the 2009 as are the kids.” 2007 2-A state champions have aboard played at soccer season. high hopes of avenging an over- the Lifetime With 15 play- Girls’ volleyball time loss to Jimtown at the sec- Sports Academy ers on his roster, Head Coach Scott Shipman tional final a year ago. Lindsay, giving them a Lewis will count and his assistant, Kay Armstrong, who doubles as the Knights ath- huge on seniors have 12 varsity ladies listed on letic director, is assisted by Lew jump- Abbie Goodwin, Mike Egts, Brent Egts, start to this year’s Bishop Luers volley- Eagles soar in CYO opener

their swarming defense led by BY MICHELLE CASTLEMAN linebackers Luke Palmer and Conner Werling, the Eagles FORT WAYNE — After a dismal gained momentum and a mental 0-7 finish in 2008, the St. Jude advantage by keeping the Eagles kicked off the 2009 Cardinals scoreless on their first Catholic Youth League possessions in overtime only to Organization (CYO) in grand have Cardinal Trevor Tippmann style with a huge double-over- pick off their pass in an attempt time win against St. Charles. The to win the game. In the third season opener took place at down of the second overtime, St. Zollner Stadium on Sunday, Aug. Jude’s signal caller, Gus 23. Schrader, put the ball right where “It was a long time coming,” it needed to be — in the hands of said an elated Eagle coach Pat Ryan Christman, for an 8-yard Henline. Eighth grader and hon- touchdown pass making the score orary captain for the Eagles, 6-0. Robert Dobello executed a David Leeuw, was able to take beautiful point after his attempt his wheelchair to midfield for the to add two more points for the overtime coin toss adding to the Eagles. Answering back, the emotions of the memorable start Cardinal workhorse, Andrew for St. Jude. Gabet, put six points on the Leeuw is currently undergoing scoreboard. With one play left to chemotherapy as he battles can- decide the game’s outcome, a cer and the Eagles have dedicated high snap prevented the extra their victories, their losses and points for St. Charles. their prayers to their special St. Jude won 8-6. According teammate this season. to Redeemer Radio statisticians, In a hard-fought defensive bat- Gabet had 10 carries for 52 yards tle, there were zeroes on the in the loss, while quarterback scoreboard at the end of regula- George Talarico was 4-7 in the tion. Stopping the Cardinals with air for the Cardinals. 16 TODAY’S CATHOLIC AUGUST 30, 2009 Saint Joseph’s teams look forward to fall sports

Kubsch, OLB, Chris Herzog, solid group of athletes and it looks the strength we need before we can BY JOE KOZINSKI Special Teams, Tom Bagiackas, like the building blocks for another work on our competitive speed. DL,” remarked Downey. “Of title run are in place. “Sophomore Darby Mountford SOUTH BEND — No news is course the White Dogs (offensive “We had a very strong J.V. made it to the state meet last sea- good news is an old saying, but for linemen) who work in the trench- squad last year, and I’m very con- son and is back strong and our the coaching staff a Saint Joseph’s es; Garrett Mulligan, Josh Cobbin, fident that the players moving up number two runner junior Maria High School it may be the best of Tyler Wolfram and Robert can contribute right away,” said Murphy must be injury free for us news. Hammer.” Coach Johan Kuitse. “We are bal- to make a run,” Hoffman said. “Our head coaches throughout anced and have strengths in every “We can be a solid team if we can our whole program have stayed Boys’ soccer area and more important we have work and work some more.” intact this year with the exception leadership spread in the different of the boys’ tennis coach,” Last season saw the Indians disciplines. Girls’ golf explained Athletic Director Eric plagued by nagging injuries but a “We have Tayler Turner up Gohlke. resilient team fought and worked front attacking, Karen Lidell and A nice mix of young and “I believe also that all of our its way into a contender by year Mariah Kuitse at midfield and mature, talented and hard workers teams had a successful summer end. This campaign should start defensively Courtney Ponsler is balances out the Saint Joseph’s with camps and conditioning,” with a different focus. the leader,” commented Kuitse. “If the girls will golf team this year. Gohlke said. “Our coaches and “Our personnel have become “The strength of our experience push themselves to the next level, “We started slow and made it to staff also partnered with Notre much stronger during the off sea- and leadership is right down the we can be a very good team,” the regionals last year and this Dame and Marian in the Play Like son,” commented veteran Coach middle of the field and hopefully O’Connell summarized. “We are group reminds me of the same a Champion Program. Alberto Verteramo. “We have nine they will act as directors to our expecting good contributions from type of team,” exclaimed Coach of our 11 starters back and their younger players and create a team all of our players.” John Troeger. “We are young in Football bodies have had another year to atmosphere.” some spots and have some learn- develop and mature. Boys’ cross country ing to do. “We have lost a couple of key “Our strength will definitely be Volleyball “We start at the number one and contributors to graduation but we our depth, we have 13 to 14 play- A young, but very talented, two golfers, freshmen Anna have a healthy mix of good young ers with experience and we will After a rare disappointing sea- squad represent the Indians on the Wilcoxson and Grace Guibent and football players,” explained Coach add some young kids to the mix,” son, the Indians are fired up and rolling trails of Saint Joseph’s then we follow them up with sen- Kevin Downey. “Our D-line may explained Verteramo. “At midfield ready to compete backed by County this fall. iors Morgan DeMarias and Caitlin be our most talented right now and and our forwards are balanced by strength in team chemistry, maturi- “In my 22 years at Saint Joe, Warrick,” continued Troeger. “Two the hardest workers. seniors Tim Bishop, Tommy ty and leadership. this is my most talented team,” of our juniors, Michele Fredlake “We are also looking good on Benedix, Cesar Ontiveros and “The girls bring a new look, boasted Coach Jerry Hoffman. and Ashley Spaulding add to our our special teams, we have a good Austin Veldman. one that is exciting and progressive “We have started the season off by experience. kicker, good punter and good “Our defense is a little younger this season,” remarked Mary Kay winning the Diocese Invitational return men,” exclaimed Downey. but have experience and is secured O’Connell. “We return an experi- and as far as I am concerned, the Boys’ tennis “We have taken players from our by juniors Frank Busch and Ian enced team that has grown togeth- sky is the limit. Indian Iron Elite (players who Lewis and an extremely athletic er and brings with it a nice bal- “We are led by the three When asked how the Indian excel in attendance and persever- keeper in Kyle Wieschhaus,” contin- ance. Musketeers (sophomores Joe boys’ tennis team would fair, the ance in the weight room) and from ued Vertaramo. “If we hold true to “We have some versatility with Zielinski, Conner Method and Josh new skipper, Robert Long, simply our Indian Speed (run under five form from last year, we should be a junior Meredith Mersits, senior O’Brien) and D’Artagnan, our sen- replied, “Ask the question at the flat in the 40) and placed them on very good team come sectionals.” Gretchen Albiez, junior Abby ior Mike Bradley,” quipped end of the season.” our special teams. Kostielney and Sam Stone our sen- Hoffman. “If senior Mark Greci can “We look young and we have “The core of our team is the Girls’ soccer ior Libero,” stated O’Connell. “We stay injury free, we definitely will some work to do,” Long replied. returning seniors that include Cole are rounded out by a very talented be competitive in the post season.” “There is always unfinished busi- Kruggel, DB and RB, Trace A 2008 sectional championship and athletic junior setter Melissa ness and we will have to improve Dowling, DB and holder, Mike banner now graces the Saint Macellari.” Girls’ cross country throughout the year. Kendzieky, WR and punter, Collin Joseph’s soccer field thanks to a “We divided our state-qualify- While the boys’ team is getting ing doubles team and the boys are Bishop Luers High School Mark Your Calendar out of the gate quickly the girls of now playing the number one and 260.456.1261 Saint Joe have their work cut out number two singles,” continued September 25, 2009 for them. Long. “Former doubles partners Good Luck HOMECOMING! “The girls have potential to be and current captains, juniors Will good, but we are playing catch up Corrigan and Anthony Lupresto Cheerleading Beginning at 4:30 p.m. from an average summer of condi- are expected to lead and have our Cross Country Mass •Tailgate party tioning,” commented Hoffman. younger players model them- “Right now we are concentrating on selves after them.” Dance • Football Football game vs. Concordia Golf • Soccer Adult bonfire after Tennis and September 26, 2009 The Tradition Continues . . . Volleyball Teams 8:00 am Homecoming Softball Tourney 7:00 pm Athletic Booster Club Men’s Smoker Good Luck You are the Light of the World! 6DLQW-RVHSK·V Winners of 10 SAC Varsity Championships in 2008-09 Athletes

From the Class of 1959 to the Class of 2009 Bishop Dwenger Wishing GOOD LUCK to all our fall teams!

Visit our website for schedules, rosters, and to view our new virtual tour! 6DLQW-RVHSK·V Alumni and Development Office AUGUST 30, 2009 TODAY’S CATHOLIC 17 Final year for LeighAnn WINNERS OF GATOR GALLOP ANNOUNCED Palmer Golf Outing

BY MICHELLE CASTLEMAN has grown in size year after year. The outing has raised over $120,000 the past 14 years. In FORT WAYNE — Just before 1995, the Palmer’s had a lofty her fourth birthday, on May 28, intention of holding the outing 1995, little blue-eyed, blond- for 15 years — or until LeighAnn haired LeighAnn Marie Palmer would have graduated from drowned at Avalon Pool, while Bishop Luers High School. her family was nearby painting This year’s outing marks the bleachers. final event as LeighAnn would During her short life on this have been a senior. earth, LeighAnn’s sweet smile “We could never have contin- brought constant joy to all who ued on this many years with so knew her. She was the third child much success without our count- of Mike and Lisa Palmer and less volunteers — our family and loved pretending she was a friends, the Bishop Luers cheer- cheerleader. leaders, the St. Therese eighth- The Palmers, both Bishop grade girls and of course, the Luers alums and members of St. golfers. Organizations like SCAN Therese Parish, Fort Wayne, had and Phoenix Institute, a foster two older sons at the time, Ryan child organization, work one of and Zach, and went on to have the holes at the golf outing. We two more, Matt and Mick. have been blessed in so many In an effort to keep ways,” said Palmer. PROVIDED BY CHAD WARE LeighAnn’s memory alive the At the urging of the various The Ninth Annual St. Aloysius Gator Gallop 5K Run/Walk was held Saturday, Aug. 1, in Palmer’s have established two sponsors and golfers, the different scholarship funds. LeighAnn Palmer Foundation, Inc. Yoder. The “Gator” winners were the following: overall male — Landry Williams; overall “Our biggest fear was that was also launched due to the con- female — Erika Williams; male masters — Jerry Williams; female masters — Linda people would forget our little tinued success of the golf outings. angel because she was so In addition to the scholarships, the Keuneke. young,” said mom, Lisa Palmer. foundation now contributes to var- Palmer is comforted knowing ious local charities and causes that that each time someone receives benefit children each year. The Best Wishes a scholarship or puts on a golf board has decided that the 2009 outing T-shirt they remember proceeds from the betting holes at for a LeighAnn. the outing will be donated to “The death of a child is not Children’s Autism Center, Inc. and Great 2009 Season to something you ever get over. The Phoenix Institute, while additional golf event has been a tremendous donations will be made to Erin’s help for us living with our loss,” House for Grieving Children, “The Fighting Irish” said Palmer. SCAN, YMCA Camp Potawotami One of the scholarships is and Hoosier Burn Camp. and Saint Joseph’s High School awarded each year to an eighth- The 15th annual event will be grade girl at St. Therese, where held at the Grey Goose Golf the Palmer children have all Course in Decatur on Sunday, attended, to assist with tuition Sept. 13. The outing will be a dou- their first year at Bishop Luers ble shotgun Florida scramble start. High School. The second recipi- To support this effort by golfing, ent is a Bishop Luers senior donating a door prize or by spon- cheerleader to aid with freshman- soring a hole, contact Mike Gigli year college education expenses. at (260) 672-2473, Mike Palmer at Averaging around 300 golfers, (260) 747-6918 or visit the Web nearly 50-hole sponsors and over site at 100 door prizes, the golf outing WYGANT FLORAL CO., inc. tired? For every bloomin’ thing “Flowers and Gifts for All Occasions” pain? headache? Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Saturday: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Mungovan Chiropractic & Acupuncture Free Parking Adjacent 327 Lincolnway West • South Bend Michael T. Mungovan, D.C., L.Ac. to Our Building (574)232-3354 131 Tillman Road, Fort Wayne 46816 (260) 447-1067 (800) 994-2687 toll free

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educated. Unlike high school teachers, seem fun but this behavior often ends in very few college professors watch what tragic accidents, pregnancies, poor grades THE students do. Most students are free to go to and so on. Furthermore abusing one’s body class or not. College calls for greater is sinful. responsibility. Those who waste their edu- Blessed are the students who pray CUTTING cation regret it later. They are often left about and think through important deci- with big loans and little knowledge to sions, they will probably do God’s will. EDGE show for them. Oftentimes people make major decisions SISTER MARGIE LAVONIS, CSC Blessed are the students who get without enough thought or prayer. It is involved in extracurricular activities, they important to learn the art of discernment usually develop into well-balanced people. and reflection to make good choices for here did the summer go? With Study alone does not make for an educated one’s life. colleges and universities begin- person. It is very enriching to become part Blessed are the students who keep in Wning to gear up to begin a new of campus ministry and other student touch with family and friends, they will academic year, it is time to review some organizations. It helps a student become a have a good support system. In some ways beatitudes for college students: well-rounded individual. college is a form of liberation. Even so, it Blessed are the students who stay in Blessed are the students who volunteer is important to stay connected to one’s YAYOUNG ADULT PERSPECTIVES touch with God during their academic life, to help others, they will deepen their family and the values learned there. ! they will always have a friend by their capacity to love. Service to others is a Blessed are the students who take time side. So many times students see college major part of being Christian. There are to discover their gifts and use them to bet- more deeply, knowing that God is with as a good way to escape from church. It is many opportunities at most schools to ter the world, they will develop into him or her in all the ups and downs of life. important and very fruitful to pray daily reach out to others. Working for Habitat mature Christians. All of our talents and Good luck, especially, to first-year stu- and to be involved in one’s parish or cam- for Humanity, homeless shelters, tutoring, abilities are gifts from God to be used to dents. pus ministry. Don’t wait until you have a are to name a few. In addition to God’s build God’s kingdom. When we keep those test. It is amazing how thoughts of God call to love, reaching out helps a person gifts hidden under a bushel basket the come at exam time. When I was a campus feel good about himself or herself. world and the church suffer. minister I could always tell it was exam Blessed are the students who keep away May this new academic year be a time Sister Margie Lavonis,CSC, a former campus time when daily Mass was overflowing from drugs, alcohol and other dangerous of growth and self-discovery for all stu- minister and vocation director, works for the with students! activity, they are least likely to get into dents everywhere. May each student stay Sisters of the Holy Cross communications Blessed are the students who study and trouble. Using chemical substances may close to the Lord and get to know God department. [email protected]. go to all their classes, they will become Travel light: storing up treasures in heaven Saint Mary’s College “Wife have too many shoes?” pdfs. “Current statistics show among the nation’s Top The billboard on Interstate 94 that one in every 10 hard drives caught my eye. The solution it fail every year,” warns the TWENTY advertised, off the next exit, was online storage site Mozy, which 100 liberal arts colleges not a Goodwill or a therapist, claims more than 1 million SOMETHING but a storage unit. Why get rid users. “Unfortunately, computers NOTRE in the top 100 of the stilettos when you can are vulnerable to hard drive DAME — liberal arts col- pay $50 a month to stash them crashes, virus attacks, theft and For the third leges,” Mooney somewhere else? natural disasters, which can CHRISTINA CAPECCHI year in a row, said. Millions of Americans have erase everything in an instant.” U.S. News Last month purchased storage, locking up That appeal to fear drives us and World the Princeton the Hummel dolls, tax returns to buy 100 gigabytes or 1,000 or for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and decay Report ranks Review rated and soccer trophies they don’t — what the heck — unlimited Saint Mary’s College as one of Saint Mary’s College as one of need but can’t quite part with. space. destroy, and thieves break in and steal,” he admonished. “But the nation’s “best liberal arts the best colleges in the Midwest. At the end of 2008, self-storage It seems we cannot discard or colleges.” Saint Mary’s comes in The college has held the “best in facilities occupied 2.35 billion delete, and we do not want to store up treasures in heaven. ... For where your treasure is, there at 97 out of the 249 schools list- the Midwest” designation every square feet, making it physically sift through our stuff and make ed in the magazine’s “2010 year since the Princeton Review possible for every American to those tough judgment calls also will your heart be.” He was calling for a bigger America’s Best Colleges” guide- began the “Best Regional stand under the total canopy of about what to keep and what to book, which was released Aug. College” categorizations seven self-storage roofing. give. So we shove it in attics, picture, an attachment and investment in the divine, 25. Highlights of the college years ago. My canopy of choice has garages and hard drives, protect- rankings will be published in the College-bound students and been the ping-pong table in my ed with padlocks and passwords. unmarred by cobwebs and sin. “‘If you wish to be perfect,” September issue of U.S. News their parents look to rankings parents’ basement, beneath We don’t have to deal with it, and World Report, available at and other indicators of quality which you’ll find Mead spiral- except for the monthly bill to Jesus told the young man who heeded the 10 commandments, newsstands on Aug. 24. The when making their decisions bound notebooks detailing my remind us it’s there. rankings are currently posted on about college. U.S. News and introduction to the Pythagorean This hunter-gatherer-hoarder “go, sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have the magazine’s Web site. World Report and the Princeton theorem and the periodic table. impulse is a cultural and spiritu- Saint Mary’s College Review, along with other Those royal blue and Kelly al malady: overconsumption treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.” President Carol Ann Mooney set resources such as the University green pads signal such youthful with no accountability. Our bag- a goal early in her presidency, and College Accountability diligence that they have not yet gage is heavy and dusty and That billboard motivated me. I’m downsizing my shoe collec- which began in June 2004, to Network (UCAN) and the made their way to the recycling jumbled, and we cannot manage move Saint Mary’s into the National Survey of Student bin they warrant. it. We do not even try. tion. The stilettos were slowing me down. national liberal arts rankings. A Engagement (NSSE — selec- Last night I examined the As disciples of Christ, we national standing for a third con- tions of which are also posted on bins below the staircase. I was must travel light so our hands secutive year indicates Saint the U.S. News & World Report struck by how many years were and hearts are free to build his Mary’s is on course to meet a Web site), enable them to garner mixed together, how time was kingdom. When we are attached key goal in the college’s strate- information about Saint Mary’s compressed in a single card- to our stuff and our homes and gic plan, which is to provide and other institutions. board box. Baseball cards, birth- our petty evidence of success, “educational excellence equal to Saint Mary’s College is a day cards, report cards. A we cannot respond to our that of the best colleges in the four-year, Catholic women’s rhyming dictionary and a cook- Christian mission and its many country.” institution offering five bache- book. Crinkled newspapers demands: to help our neighbors, “It is wonderful to be nation- lor’s degrees and more than 30 stacked on a busted Gateway to serve the poor and to catch ally recognized for the academic major areas of study. Founded in laptop. each spiritual lesson in our path. excellence at Saint Mary’s 1844, Saint Mary’s is a pioneer These days, it’s not just phys- We are distracted, occupied. Christina Capecchi is a freelance College. We know that prospec- in the education of women, and ical stuff we store. It’s also digi- St. Matthew would’ve writer from Inver Grove Heights, tive students and their parents is sponsored by the Sisters of the tal: documents, pictures, spread- abhorred the sight of our stuffed Minn. E-mail her at christi- put value on these rankings and Holy Cross. sheets, Power Points, mp3s, storage units. “Do not store up [email protected]. we are very pleased to be listed AUGUST 30, 2009 TODAY’ S CATHOLIC 19

EDITORIAL Education has always been at the heart of the COMMENTARY church’s mission TODAY’S CATHOLIC welcomes letters from readers. All letters must be signed and include a phone number and address for verification. Today’s Catholic reserves the right to edit for clarity and length. Address letters to: Today’s Catholic • P.O. Box 11169 • Fort Wayne, t the heart of Catholic sensibilities is an abiding respect for edu- IN • 46856-1169 or e-mail to: [email protected] Acation. As students, teachers and catechists return to their studies, it’s an opportune moment to reflect on the place of education in the Catholic tradition. cerning the prayer table for the dis- of our diocese. What a wonderful As early as the third century, Origen, around A.D. 254, was Student supports abled. I’m a fifth grader at Queen of way to spread God’s gifts! employing the language of education as the principal metaphor for Peace School in Mishawaka. I think Alyssa Stager prayer table that the prayer table is a great idea Mishawaka understanding the Christian life. But this “education” was rightly that helps disabled people to partici- understood to be more than the mere memorization of data or the production pate in Mass. I hope that Mr. Little rote recitation of facts. Instead, this “education” in Christ was I really enjoyed the article in the continues to make these wonderful understood broadly and deeply: more than informative, it was trans- Today’s Catholic newspaper con- prayer tables for the disabled people formative or, in the words of Pope Benedict, “performative,” because it involved learning a whole new way of thinking, feeling and acting. This does not mean it lacked or de-emphasized cognitive reflec- tion or content, but rather emphasized that this content was not The authentic transformation understood until it was in fact lived. Just as Christ is the Word-made-flesh, so too those who bear his of “useless” human suffering name must find in their own lives a way of embodying or incarnat- ing the content, as it were, of their faith. uman beings naturally ry answer. We need to know We need to remember that until we actually embrace the faith as recoil at the prospect of whether our suffering has mean- an organic whole and as a lived reality, its cognitive or doctrinal Hpain and suffering. When ing. From our hospital bed or content will always remain just that: abstract ideas or concepts a sharp object pokes us, we wheelchair, we can hardly avoid MAKING seemingly unrelated to the nit and grit of our daily life. instinctively pull away. When the the piercing question of “why,” as If, however, one begins to live the mystery, discovering (always unpleasant neighbor comes up on grave sickness and weakness SENSE OF under the aspect of grace) in himself or herself the drama of salva- caller ID, we recoil from answer- make us feel useless and even tion being wrought by God in Christ, then the organic nature of the ing the phone. Our initial burdensome to others. BIOETHICS various teachings and practices of Catholic life begin to come more response is to avoid noxious In the final analysis, however, sharply into focus, and we discover the true beauty of Catholicism stimuli and pain, similar to most no suffering is “useless,” though FATHER TAD PACHOLCZYK as a way of life. animals. a great deal of suffering is lost or In the long history of the church, education has taken various Yet when dealing with painful wasted because it is rejected by forms: from the catechetical “schools” of Alexandria in the third or unpleasant situations, we can us, and we fail to accept its deep- communion with them. When we are immobilized in our hospital century, the fourth-century catechumenate in Jerusalem, the monas- also respond deliberately and in er meaning. Pope John Paul II ways that radically differentiate often remarked that the answer to bed, we become like Christ, tic communities dotting the Italian peninsula in the sixth and sev- the question of the meaning of immobilized on the wood of the enth centuries, from the cathedral schools in Gaul to the burgeoning us from the rest of the animal kingdom. suffering has been given by God cross, and powerful redemptive universities in medieval Bologna, Paris, Cambridge, Salamanca and We can choose, for example, to man in the cross of Jesus moments open before us, if we Padua, education has always been at the heart of the church’s mis- to confront and endure our pain Christ. accept and embrace our own situ- sion. In this country, one of the greatest contributions to American for higher reasons. We know that In the field of Catholic health- ation in union with him. life was the establishment of the parochial school system in the late a needle will hurt, but we decide care, the question of suffering Because of the personal love 19th and throughout the 20th centuries, serving not only the grow- to hold our arm still when getting arises with regularity, and while of the Lord towards us, we can in ing immigrant Catholic communities, but often reaching out to the an injection because our powers the dedicated practice of fact make a very real addition to poor and disenfranchised, as well (one thinks of the lifework of St. of reason tell us it will improve medicine strives to lessen suffer- his plan of salvation by uniting Katharine Drexel, for example). our health. We know the pain of ing and pain, it can never com- our sufferings to his saving cross, Catholic parochial and diocesan schools, religious education pro- talking to our difficult neighbor, pletely eliminate it. The U.S. just as a little child can make a grams, catechetical and missionary endeavors, from Catechesis of but we figure that we should rise Conference of Catholic Bishops, very real addition to the construc- the Good Shepherd to the Little Rock Scripture Study, the RCIA to the challenge and do it any- in an important document called tion of her mother’s cake when and the RCIC, are all testimony to the Catholic Church’s commit- way, attempting to build peace in the Ethical and Religious she lovingly allows her to add the ment to education. The unspoken conviction is that Christ redeems the neighborhood. Directives for Catholic Health eggs, flour and salt. While the us entirely: body, soul, and spirit, and this of course includes our We can also approach our pain Care Services, reminds us that mother could do it all unaided, intellect as well as our will, so a profound respect for the life of the and suffering in unreasonable “patients experiencing suffering the child’s addition is real and mind is a central concern in the Catholic tradition. ways, driven by worry and fear. that cannot be alleviated should meaningful, as the love of the There has always been a danger of reducing faith to merely a When we suffer from a difficult be helped to appreciate the mother meets the cooperation of moral code, as though the will alone is the focus of Christ’s redemp- relationship, we can turn to Christian understanding of the child to create something new and wonderful. In the same way, tive work; rather, a more richly Catholic understanding of what it drugs, alcohol or binge-eating. redemptive suffering.” When we suffer from the thought The very concept of “redemp- God permits our sufferings, means to be human reverences both the intellectual and moral tive suffering” suggests that there offered up, to make an indelible dimensions of our life “in Christ.” of continuing a pregnancy, we can terminate it by taking the life is much more to human suffering mark in his work of salvation. So as we start packing lunches, shipping children off to college, of our son or daughter by abor- than meets the eye, and that it is This transformation of the “use- or brushing up on our own studies (whether formally or indepen- tion. When we suffer from the not simply an unmitigated evil lessness” of our suffering into dently — we are all, after all, lifelong learners), it is salutary to con- pain of cancer, we can short-cir- from which we should instinc- something profoundly meaningful sider our life of faith as an education “in Christ”: learning to cuit everything by physician- tively flee. Rather, it is a mysteri- serves as a source of spiritual joy embody and enact the mystery we embrace with our minds and pro- assisted suicide. ous force that can mold us in to those who enter into it. For fess with our lips. How we decide to respond to important ways and mature us, a those who are in Christ, suffering suffering, whether rationally or force we ought to learn to work and death represent the birth irrationally, is one of the most with and accept as part of our pangs of a new and redeemed Check out the Web site important human choices we human journey and destiny. creation. Our sufferings, while Have you visited on the Web? To make. For many in our society, Each of us, in our pain and never desirable in themselves, always point towards transcen- keep up on additional events — especially through our every-other- suffering has become a singular suffering, can become a sharer in evil to be avoided at all costs, the redemptive suffering of dent possibilities when we do not week summer schedule, which ends Sept. 13, the date we return to Christ. As children, we may have flee from them in fear. weekly publications until the end of the year — visitors will find leading to many irrational and destructive decisions. been taught those famous three additional timely information both locally and nationally, plus video While physical pain is words by our parents when pain and audio links. Want to know when we update? Become a follow- widespread in the animal world, and suffering would come our Father Tadeusz Pacholczyk, Ph.D. is a er on Twitter. the real difference for human way: “Offer it up!” Those simple priest of the diocese of Fall beings is that we know we are words served to remind us how River, Mass., and serves as the Today’s Catholic editorial board consists of Kay Cozad, Fred and Lisa suffering and we wonder why; our sufferings can benefit not director of education at The Everett, Father Mark Gurtner, Father Michael Heintz, Tim Johnson and and we suffer in an even deeper only ourselves, but those around National Catholic Bioethics Vince LaBarbera. way if we fail to find a satisfacto- us in the mystery of our human Center in Philadelphia. 20 COMMENTARY AUGUST 30, 2009 What age would you be if you didn’t know? CATEQUIZEM By Dominic Camplisson “I give no thought to what lies would be an accepted part of In August, the church remembers John Vianney. behind but push on to what is maturing; expectations of every- The world also recalls V-J Day.This quiz takes a very versatile vision. ahead.” — Phil 3:13 one fitting into the same lockstep SPIRITUALITY Maturing is an art to be prac- would peter out. People would ticed — including mistakes. As learn to be their best, without hav- 1.John Vianney is also known by this title,which refers to his parish assignment: minors, others began this work ing to be the best and could move OF MATURING a.Val JeanVal b.The Cure D’Ars c.Victor Hugo’s chaplain until we could assume and practice on to personal development with- it for ourselves. Society impacts out having to do or act like every- ADULTS 2.Viaticum refers to Communion administered only this growth. It imposes labels on one else. Creative uniqueness SISTER ANGELITA FENKER a wedding b.when someone is dying c.on a non-Sunday people which lock them into its would be treasured, guidance own criteria. Commercialism given in the growth process, and them through appropriate maturing 3.This is one of the smallest states in the world as well as being a church center underscores these artificial cate- die-casts useless. a.Valletta b.Victoria Island c.Vatican City gories and, without guidance, peo- Our attitude dictates the answer adjustments. We forget that 40 ple accept culture’s shoulds: hide to the above question. No one is used to be “old;” in 1900, 50 was the gray; get rid of wrinkles, etc. perfect, but each one can become life-expectancy. But longevity to 4.This doctrine about Christ’s genetic makeup is accepted,even by most Protestants: The art of creative personal devel- the best that they can. Many peo- 120 is coming. One wonders how a.The Birth b.The Visible Son c.The Virtual Family opment is harshly curtailed and ple don’t realize that biological society’s labeling can be reversed. individuality is stifled, especially cellular aging begins between ages It can be, if everyone would reject 5.The Vulgate refers to a version of this in adults 30-120 — the most ll-12. According to Warshofsky in or refuse labeling. a.the liturgy of the Mass When my mother turned 100, I diverse of all age groups because “Stealing Time,” speed of reaction b.the Bible asked her how it felt to be that age. of lived maturing. time slows about age 20 and mus- c.the Catholic Encyclopedia What if there’d be no calendar? cular strength declines shortly after She responded, “I don’t know. I Then what? What would be the age 30. But, who plays up these was never l00 before. What am I 6.Division of texts by this was added,as was chapter,later in the history of the Bible set-norm for healthy maturing facts? supposed to feel like? I seem the without labels? Various ages Our culture doesn’t — it glori- same inside as when I was 40.” b.volume c.verse would respect one another more; fies youth. If these age groups Talk about attitude! She never false cookie-cutter images discard- would be labeled with decline, believed labels artificially super- 7.Many ancient church documents were written on vellum.What was it? ed, and individual creativity would what would happen? However, imposed on that age, or any others. a.treated animal skins emerge for the betterment of cul- culture does these things to people b.processed dried milk ture. Physical growth-patterns from 30-120 instead of helping FENKER, PAGE 21 c.beaten and dried dung

8.When a new pope is needed,only cardinals (and not all of them) get to do this: a.Validate the Bishops’choice Jesus is God’s greatest gift b.Vote c.Vie for the job by combat with pies men, or another, could have been the author of this book, but schol- Reflection 9.The Vatican II document “Dei Verbum”refers,as its name implies,to THE ars today tend to think that the These readings repeat a theme. a.the Action of The Deity author was James, the brother of It is often said among theologians b.things said daily SUNDAY Jesus. that the most devastating effect of What then about the most original sin was the assumption by c.the Word of God GOSPEL ancient Christian belief is that humans that they were much more Mary always was a virgin, and that 10.Voodoo,Santeria and similar religions are often found in Catholic environments. MSGR. OWEN F. CAMPION self-sustaining than they are. Every Jesus was her only child? Who generation had thought that it had Why? were James and the other “brothers achieved extraordinary knowledge a.Because they are secretly fostered by the Catholic New World and sisters” of the Lord mentioned and command over the circum- Order in the New Testament? stances of life. 22nd Sunday in The oldest beliefs among b.They tend to be found mostly in slave communities in Latin New generations come, and and/or French former colonies Ordinary Time Christians, recorded in the cen- indeed they improve on the past. turies immediately after Christ, One day many things that we take c.They are the only reaction of Muslims forced to convert to Mk 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23 and not at all contradicted by the as state-of-the-art, including our Catholicism In this weekend’s first reading, Scripture, were that they were assumptions and popular attitudes, presents to the people the Joseph’s children from an earlier will be as old fashioned as the 11.Vespers refer to revelation of God’s law. This marriage, under Jewish custom of steam engine. a.prayers, or liturgy, usually said or sung in the evening information did not originate with the time, any half-siblings of Jesus Humans have accomplished b.nuns who have not chosen to modernize their habits would have legally been regarded Moses. It is neither the law of much. But, in other areas, they c.types of scooters favored by monks in Italy Moses nor the word of Moses. as his brothers and sisters. have blundered much. They have Maybe less likely, drawing Rather, it is revelation from God. brought into human history 12.These Arians opposed Roman and Christian communities for centuries,finally being upon other ancient sources, they extraordinary destruction and Since the law proceeded from converted by them,ultimately being conquered by the Muslims in Spain God, no one, not even Moses him- were the cousins of Jesus. hatred, such as in the Holocaust. self, was free to amend the law, The older tradition influenced Into individual lives, they have a.Visigoths change it or veto it. classical religious art, which brought untold instances of heart- b.Vertinerox Humans are limited, lacking depicted Joseph as an old man, but break and worse. c.Vest Germans insight, knowledge and views into Mary was young. Here again, the God does not leave us to our the future to make all decisions implication in this art is that she doom. He generously provides. His 13.These pagan Nordic people raided churches and villages throughout northern was his second wife. This reading regarding themselves wisely or to greatest gift was, and is, Jesus. Jesus Europe their genuine benefit. Thus, they insists that every good thing comes is the “way, the truth and the life.” from above. Every good thing is a.the Vlams need guidance. b.the Vikings Also fundamental is that in the from God. c.the Vixens face of human limitations God In this Gospel story, some READINGS constantly and lavishly provided. bystanders notice that a few of the Sunday: Dt 4:1-2,6-8 Ps 15:2-5 Jas 1: “Law” here is not an edict. It is Lord’s disciples at least are care- 18-18,21b-22,27 Mk 7:1-8,14-15,21-23 14.This Walachia ruler vied for survival amongst the Muslim,Catholic and Orthodox not relative or arbitrary. It is not less in observing the law of Monday: 1 Thes 4:13-18 forces of Eastern Europe,his harsh methods becoming legendary necessarily a test. Instead, it is like Moses. It should be remembered Ps 96:1,3-5,11-13 Lk 4:16-30 a.Vladimir King of the Poles the “law of gravity.” It is reality. that this law provided for virtually Tuesday: 1 Thes 5:1-6,9-11 b.Vlad the Tickler every circumstance a human To violate God’s law introduces Ps 27:1,4,13-14 Lk 4:31-37 c.Vlad the Impaler confusion, or worse, into life. would encounter, great or small. Jesus replied that some gave Wednesday: Col 1:1-8 Therefore, when humans behave in Ps 52:10-11 Lk 4:38-44 15.These Arian warriors sacked Rome (thus adding a new word to many languages) ways counter to God’s law, they God mere lip service or went Thursday: Col 1:9-14 Ps 98:2-6 and caused many wars with Catholic Rome,but were ultimately defeated by the upset things. through the motions of obedience. God’s law, or revelation, leads Instead, the Lord called for a true Lk 5:1-11 Byzantines them away from this destructive conversion of the heart, founded Friday: Col 1:15-20 Ps 100:1-5 a.Vandals b.Villains c.Vilifiers activity. upon love for God and others, and Lk 5:33-39 In the second reading several manifesting itself in actual deeds Saturday: Col 1:21-23 ANSWERS: men in the New Testament bear and words. Ps 54:3-4,6-8 Lk 6:1-5 1.b, 2.b, 3.c, 4.a, 5.b, 6.c, 7.a, 8.b, 9.c, 10.b, 11.a 12.a, 13.b, 14.c, 15.a. the name of James. Any of these AUGUST 30, 2009 COMMENTARY 21 Summer joy and melancholy SCRIPTURE SEARCH

ugust, for me, has its in Santa Claus was delightful. Gospel for August 30, 2009 bursts of joy and moments With the No. 2 rated water park in Aof melancholy. the nation — a taste of heaven Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23 Joyous events, of course, are must be tubing on the lazy river. MANY my birthday and wedding We welcomed the family-friendly Following is a word search based on the Gospel anniversary — celebrated the atmosphere and cleanliness of the HATS reading for the 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle same date. And this year, another park. In the Christmas-themed B: a debate about what constitutes clean hands. The joy was a last-minute vacation- area of the park, we also appreci- words can be found in all directions in the puzzle. break to southern Indiana for a ated the Nativity scene and the TIM JOHNSON few days. Christmas music — including PHARISEES UNWASHED HANDS With my mother-in-law, Sally, religious themed songs. MARKETPLACE CUPS we traveled in the trusty minivan Now, back to reality. The drive joys and becomes a part of us. to Jasper where my wife’s Aunt home in the pounding rain It saddens me when I hear HYPOCRITES PEOPLE HONORS ME Joan lives. It was a great weekend reminded us life has its difficul- about someone leaving the church LIPS IN VAIN DOCTRINES to be in Jasper. It was Strassenfest ties. Last week, my daughter because they were hurt by some UNDERSTAND OUTSIDE DEFILE — a festival that celebrates the started first grade. Already, home- person. The church is made up of EVIL THEFT MURDER German heritage of the area. Our work dominates our evening. And imperfect humans like me. But DECEIT ENVY WITHIN vacation included a German her- Rose began school this week. there is also a divine side to the itage Mass at St. Joseph Church, I enjoy the summer months Catholic Church — Jesus in the where we sang a prelude of Polka with its fresh vegetables and gar- Eucharist and all of the sacra- DEFILED Mass music and German hymns, dening activities, fun times with ments that bestow God’s grace on us. For that, no human side of the and then was delighted to recall at family and friends and hanging HMARKETPLACE least a few lines of the Our Father out in the pool. But the abrupt church could ever draw me from in German. end tends to bring me down a lit- my Lord. I need him as I trudge OUTS I DEJOSEH through the ups and downs of the Strassenfest included a parade, tle bit. NRNATHHDENVY where more Tootsie Rolls were One constant in our lives is our summer and all year through. And doled out to my excited 6 year old faith: Jesus in the Eucharist. I thank all of our priests for bring- OD I DFHANDS I P ing Jesus to us in the holy than at any parade I had ever Whether a German Mass at St. READEF I LESLO seen. Of course, Jasper is a very Joseph, Jasper, a weekend Mass Eucharist. Catholic community and the at St. Aloysius, or now an all- SRVEHRAWKSOC Knights of Columbus were well school Mass on Friday mornings, represented with Tootsie Rolls. Jesus longs for us to come to him. Tim Johnson is the editor of Today’s MHNF TDSPOP FR And Monday at Holiday World He takes us with our sorrows, our Catholic. EF I CHWI TH I N I PEOPLEBNALGT Freedom, sanctity and the future EDECE I TANNAE LWKUNWASHEDS racow. We’ve been doing Jozsef Mindszenty, Josef Beran, PHAR I SEESPUC this for 17 years now, my Iosyf Slipyi or Alojzije Stepinac. Ccolleagues and I — running But what was really stunning was THE © 2009 Tri-C-A Publications an intensive, three-week, Cracow- to find intelligent Catholic young based immersion course in people from central and eastern CATHOLIC Catholic social doctrine, centered Europe who didn’t know the story on Pope John Paul II’s 1991 of Father Jerzy Popieluszko, the DIFFERENCE ours is the first society to study the encyclical, “Centesimus Annus.” martyr-priest of the Solidarity FENKER maturing process throughout the It’s been different this year, of movement. GEORGE WEIGEL entire human life-cycle: mind, course, what with Father Richard What these young people do CONTINUED FROM PAGE 20 body and spirit. However, on this John Neuhaus, a key faculty mem- know, however, is that they are wonderful gift, society also impos- ber, having died in January and yet coming to Catholic maturity in a Europe. And then there is Cracow es restrictions. another stalwart of years past, Europe increasingly hostile to pub- itself, a great city whose massive Ask yourself the title question. A forward-thinking pioneer of Michael Novak, unable to join us. lic manifestations of Catholic faith. Market Square, the largest public How did you answer it? Swedish social gerontology, Lars We’ve brought two of our priest- When the Tertio Millennio space on the continent, is the phys- Sickness or disability doesn’t Tornstam, also believes that cul- alumni back as faculty members, Seminar started in 1992, our ical embodiment of an ancient and make one “old.” Attitude does. ture confines. He explains that though, and they’ve been splendid. debates were about church-state honorable civic spirit of openness Our choice to love — God, self, society twists people to fit its crite- From my personal point of view, law, democratic theory and the and dialogue among cultures and others and world — tells our real ria; when they don’t fit, they’re perhaps the biggest change over structure of the free economy; nations. age. Our spirit, which is as young labeled abnormal, instead of see- almost two decades is that the one- now, they’re about the nature of Cracow is also a city of saints, as when God first created it, never ing them as creatively different. time kid — me — is now the old marriage, the challenge of biotech- in which the history of sanctity ages but grows in wisdom and He coined gerolranscendence, man. Time flies, indeed. nology, the life issues, Islam and encompasses almost a full millen- grace before God and humankind which objects to this labeling. This Our students this year — 31 an aggressive secularism that tries nium: from the martyr-bishop forever. Our spirit chooses optimal means that empirical data (show- men and women, generally in their to keep religiously informed moral Stanislaus in the 11th century to health of mind, body and spirit. It ing how people really do mature) mid-20s, from the United States, argument out of the European pub- the 14th-century Queen Jadwiga controls our attitude. We can say, contradicts and transcends the Poland, Germany, Ukraine, lic square. The church in this part and on to such 20th-century heroes “I can do all things in Christ who stereotypes of society’s classifica- Belarus, Croatia, Romania, of the world has yet to find its of the faith as Faustyna Kowalska strengthens me.” – Phil 4:13 tion of people by calendar age. Hungary, Georgia, Slovakia and public “voice,” 20 years after the (apostle of divine mercy and first Definitely, there are bodily Society, medicine, science, edu- Lithuania — are among the best wall came down; one goal of the saint of the third millennium) and changes but these always occur. cation and, yes, even church must we’ve ever had. Yet things on that seminar is to help shape a lay lead- Albert Chmielowski (“God’s Physical changes happen around reevaluate beliefs. These institu- front are also different than they ership in these new democracies brother,” the avant-garde painter, certain stages of development, as tions mostly underscore society’s were when the Tertio Millennio that can develop the voice of reli- who became the servant and advo- other faculties sharpen at insightful view and focus on the frail and Seminar on the Free Society began giously informed public moral cate of the destitute). We pray that levels where real maturing is sick, while leaving the non-frail in 1992. argument. The task is a huge one. their number will soon be joined honed and a new sense of life’s and reasonably-well adults floun- Virtually none of our European For all the change, though, by John Paul the Great and by his meaning enlarges. Our actual age dering. This affects how you and I students have any detailed memo- there are also the constants. It’s a best lay friend, Jerzy Ciesielski, is dictated by the calendar; physi- respond to the initial question, and ry of life under communism. wonderful thing to introduce whose cause is under- cal age tells how well we’ve cared its impact on our total spiritual Indeed, more than one of them has young Catholic men and women to way. for God’s gift of our body. Mental maturing. Our future starts now. asked me what to read in order to the places where Karol Wojtyla, For, as our daily Mass together age reflects care of our tremen- Let’s build it according to our own understand what the world of their the future John Paul II, was a reminds our students, the best way dous mind-power. However, any- spiritual attitudes. parents was like. Perhaps even young man, asking many of the to become a leader of the free and thing less than continuous spiritual more surprisingly for young peo- same questions about life and virtuous society of the future is to maturing contributes to a demise- ple of intense Catholic faith, few vocation that they ask. It’s always become the saints their Christian attitude, which makes us “old,” no Reflect of them know much of the heroic an eye-opener for young adults and human destiny calls them to matter what age the calendar narrative of the church’s resistance from outside Poland to come here be. shows. This can happen at any 1. What age do you feel? Why? to communist oppression. They and experience what remains, age. Some people are old at 30, 2. St. Paul expressed: “I have others are never old at 100 and don’t know the stories of the con- despite enormous challenges, a George Weigel is a senior fellow of been grasped by Christ.” — Phil fessors of the 1950s, men like more intact Catholic culture than beyond. 3:12. What meaning does this hold the Ethics and Public Policy Because of the longevity factor, Cardinals Stefan Wyszynski, exists perhaps anywhere else in Center in Washington, D.C. for you? 22 TODAY’ S CATHOLIC AUGUST 30, 2009 100th anniversary of rosary priest’s birth continues with special emphasis Rosary prayers urged for world peace, for all priests, Father Peyton’s beatification

EASTON, Mass. — During this infinite mercy,” Father Phalen In Ireland, a statue of Father new DVD from Family Theater “The Planet’s Funniest Animals”); Year for Priests, Holy Cross added. Peyton was erected in April. In Productions, Hollywood, featuring humanitarian, author and Rwandan Family Ministries, furthering the The 100th anniversary obser- the Philippines, a telethon will be 21 young adult celebrities praying genocide survivor Immaculée vision of the famous “Rosary vance began Jan. 1 when Holy conducted where people will the rosary and reflecting on the Ilibagiza; and Ali Landry, an actor priest,” Catholic media pioneer Cross Family Ministries urged phone in their commitments to importance and power of their and former Miss America. and sainthood candidate Servant families, globally via e-mail pray the family rosary. Other Catholic faith, prayer and the The DVD includes personal of God Holy Cross Father Patrick blasts, its Web sites and the news activities are planned in rosary in their daily lives. It fea- reflections by all 21 celebrities, Peyton continues worldwide its media, to join its offices in 17 Bangladesh, Brazil, Chile, Peru, tures champion athletes, actors, interactive teaching tools and his- year-long celebration of the 100th countries to pray a rosary novena Uruguay. Most of the internation- film directors, TV hosts, recording torical timeline of the rosary. In anniversary of his birth but now Jan. 1 to 9 (the date of Father al offices will conduct Holy stars, authors and lecturers who addition, the celebrities pray a also is calling for prayers for all Peyton’s birth), or anytime during Cross Family Ministries’ annual emphasize the power of daily decade the rosary. All the features priests. the year, in their homes. Families “Try Prayer! It Works!” contest prayer of the rosary to promote a of the DVD are designed to pro- “As we observe this Year for and individuals can still sign up on Father Peyton’s famous mes- better understanding and apprecia- mote a better understanding and Priests and Father Peyton’s 100th on Holy Cross Family Ministries’ sage “The Family That Prays tion of the rosary as a prayer form, appreciation of the rosary and the anniversary, let us heed the Holy Web site — — to Together Stays Together.” especially among teenagers, young mysteries, especially among Father’s message to ‘Entrust all pray this novena for the beatifica- Kindergarten through 12th adults and families. teenagers, young adults and fami- priests to Mary, Mother of the tion of Father Peyton, for world graders submit artwork, poetry Produced by the media produc- lies. Church,’ and join all the faithful peace and for priests. On the site, and essays to reflect the theme. tion ministry founded in 1947 by The DVD sells for $19.95, plus around the world in rosary prayer they can also list their intentions the “Rosary Priest” and Catholic shipping and handling, and can be for our priests, for our families, and see other intentions that have Young adult celebrities media pioneer Holy Cross Father ordered online from Holy Cross for our world,” said Holy Cross been posted by individuals and Patrick Peyton, this uplifting DVD Family Ministries at www.hcfm- Father John Phalen, president of thus join people around the world reflect on the power of features such stars as 2006 World or by calling (800) 299- Holy Cross Family Ministries. in prayer for those needs. rosary in new DVD, Series pitcher Jeff Suppan; five- PRAY (7729). To view a trailer of “Let us bring to life the words Holy Cross Family Ministries’ time Major League All-Star selec- “Rosary Stars: Praying the of our founder, Father Peyton, a international offices are conduct- “Rosary Stars: Praying tion Mike Sweeney; actor Gospel” and to get more informa- Holy Cross priest, that ‘a world ing many public activities the Gospel” Matthew Marsden (“Rambo” and tion about this program and its at prayer is a world at peace.’ throughout 2009 including holy the “Transformer” sequel) celebrities, go to Father Peyton knew that through hours, rosary rallies, Masses and HOLLYWOOD, Calif. — “Rosary “Revenge of the Fallen”; TV host rosary prayer we can all be living gala celebrations with music, Stars: Praying the Gospel” is a Matt Gallant (Animal Planet’s signs of Christ’s presence and food and dance. For your dining pleasure ... THE GALLEY MOVIE St. James Famous Fish & Seafood Restaurant CAPSULES Chicken & Steaks Banquet Facilities NEW YORK (CNS) – Following is a capsule review issued by the Open 7 Days a Week! U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Office for Film and Broadcasting. 204 East Albion Street 622 North 13th Street • Decatur • (260) 724-8181 Avilla, Indiana 260-897-2114 "Post Grad" (Fox Atomic) Breakfast, Lunch MAURY’S After failing to secure her and Dinner Specials dream job, a recent college grad- •Steaks - Chicken CASA uate (Alexis Bledel) is forced to •Bar B Que Ribs RISTORANTI ITALIANO return home to her eccentric par- •Fish - Lobster - Prime Rib Fort Wayne Tradition Since 1977 ents (Jane Lynch and Michael Monday-Thursday 7 AM - 10 PM Keaton) and feisty grandmother ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (Carol Burnett) whose antics dis- RESTAURANT & LOUNGE Friday-Saturday 7 AM - 11 PM CLOSED SUNDAYS Casa D’Angelo tract her from her employment Featuring hand-cut steaks - signature pork chops (South of Downtown) search and from her efforts to and a variety of seafood. Serving dinner. Banquet Room for up to 90 guests. 3402 Fairfield Avenue choose between her longtime Voted best seafood in Michiana two years in a row! Est. 1878 745-7200 boyfriend (Zach Gilford) and a ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RESERVATIONS: 259-8282 • 901 West 4th Street • Mishawaka Brazilian-born ladies' man Casa Ristorante (Rodrigo Santoro). A talented (Southwest) cast is becalmed, in veteran ani- 7545 W. Jefferson Blvd. mation director Vicky Jenson's 436-2272 live-action debut, by a listless Fort Wayne’s ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ script which, though it boosts Casa Grille Italiano family solidarity, also features a Most Complete (Northeast) 6340 Stellhorn Road passionate encounter between Wedding Service. 969-4700 characters who have barely met ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ and repeatedly refers to the importance of condom use. Brief You can choose one or all Banquet Rooms Casa Mare (Next to the Coliseum) nongraphic, nonmarital sexual of our services. We’ll make the best of Hotel Rooms 4111 Parnell Avenue activity, occasional sexual refer- your special event. Hall’s has been in the 483-0202 ences, a half-dozen uses of pro- Rehearsal Dinners ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ fanity, at least one use of the F- business of making people happy for Casa Grille word, and some crude and crass over 60 years. You can trust us to Catering Service (Northwest) language. The USCCB Office for 411 E. Dupont Road do it just right. Wedding Cakes Film & Broadcasting classifica- 490-4745 tion is A-III — adults. The Motion Picture Association of For more information contact Hall’s Guesthouse at: America rating is PG-13 — par- ents strongly cautioned. (260) 489-2524 • Banquets & Catering 399-2455 AUGUST 30, 2009 TODAY’ S CATHOLIC 23 REST IN PEACE Albion Jose Davila, St.Joseph James S.Phillips, 75, Robert T.Walt, 78, Basilica of the Sacred Patricia A.Parnin, HAT S APPENING Blessed Sacrament Heart W ’ H ? St.Mary Bremen Plymouth Granger WHAT’S HAPPENING carries announcements about upcoming events in the diocese. Send in your Henry L.Verhaeghe, LaVerne Crist, 96, Elvera Limberg, 68, 90, St.Dominic St.Michael announcement at least two weeks prior to the event. Mail to: Today’s Catholic, P.O. Box 11169, St.Pius X Fort Wayne 46856; or e-mail: [email protected]. Events that require an admission charge Columbia City South Bend Barbara Jean Crane, 63, David A.Rouch, 65, Gerturde C. or payment to participate will receive one free listing. For additional listings of that event, please St.Pius X Prikosovich, 82, St. call our advertising sales staff at (260) 456-2824 to purchase space. St.Paul of the Cross Dorothy Probst, 93, Anthony de Padua Decatur St.Pius X Matthew J.Miller, 18, Juan Carlos Garcia, mission Sept. 13-16 at 7 p.m. from 6:30-10 p.m. Based on the GARAGE SALES St.Mary/Assumption Marilyn J.McPheron, MD, 64, St.Matthew Father Christopher Crotty, CPM, evening sales, Chick-fil-A will Garage sale at St. Peter Parish 68, St.Pius X Cathedral Fort Wayne — St. Peter Catholic will conduct the mission with the make a donation to the school. Elkhart Church, 500 E. DeWald St., will theme “The Healing Presence of Print out a Spirit Night coupon at Antonie F.Jolgren, 89, Mishawaka Mary Louise Cornelis, the Spirit.” The mission will have a garage sale on Sept. 3 and St.Thomas the Apostle Kimberly J.Bennett, 43, 78, St. introduce the wonders of the /coupon.htm. 4, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sept. 5 Queen of Peace is bag day from 8 a.m. to noon. faith, as expressed through the Edward J.Raholin, 95, Christine O’Chap, 71, There will be clothing, lamps, healing power of the sacraments, Barbeque ribs at St. Paul Chapel St.Vincent de Paul William Habermann, St.Adalbert the potency of the preached books, furniture and much more. Clear Lake — St. Paul Chapel Jr., 61, St.Joseph word, and the mystery of the will have a barbeque rib sale Fort Wayne Gus J.Cholis, 95, St. sacramental. A healing Mass will Sunday, Sept. 6, starting at 9 a.m. Harry W.Snoke, 98, Pete P.Hulecki, 89, Anthony de Padua Junior high youth plan garage sale take place at 7 p.m. Sept. 16. Bristol — St. Mary of the One half slab will be $7. To St.Joseph St. Bavo place an order ahead call (260) Etoile McClury, 100, Annunciation’s junior high youth St.Jude group, The Friends of St. MISC. HAPPENINGS 495-9498. Proceeds go toward Jerry J.Connett, 61, Helen L.Hahaj, 79, scholarships and the St. Paul St.Joseph St. Bavo Katharine Drexel, will have a Highland games announced Robert M.Wilcox, 76, South Bend — A Celtic Fest and Boosters. Labor Day clothing sale Friday, Mary K.Gilleff Ellison, Virginia M.Nicolini, 58, St.Matthew Sept. 4, from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., patrolman Bryan Verkler 93, St.Therese St.Joseph Saturday, Sept. 5, from 9:30 a.m. Invitational Highland Games will Knights plan fish fry Irene M.Wenzel, 93, be Saturday, Aug. 29, at St. to 5 p.m., and Monday, Sept. 7, South Bend — The Knights of Von J.Rarick, 74, St. New Carlisle St.Jude Joseph County Fairground from Columbus Council 5521, 61533 from 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. All Elizabeth Ann Seton Elinor R.Johnson, 87, clothing is priced at $1 or less. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Visit S. Ironwood Dr., will have a fish Elaine J.Jurgonski, 82, St.Stanislaus Back to school items and fall and fry on Friday, Sept. 4, from 5 to Florence C.Louraine, St.Adalbert winter items available. St. Marys 7 p.m. Adults $7.50, children (5- 94, St.John the Baptist New Haven Corn and sausage roast 12) $3. Chicken strips for $7.50 Warsaw is located at 414 W. Vistula St. Eileen M.Lomont, 88, South Bend — St. Casimir Parish and shrimp for $8.50 will be Edward Leo Disser, 55, Jennifer L.Perez, 41, St.Louis Besancon DEVOTIONS will have a corn and sausage available. St.Anne Home Chapel Our Lady of First Saturday devotions of reparation roast Sunday, Aug. 30, from noon Notre Dame Guadalupe Stanley J.Stronczek, First Saturday devotions will be to 5 p.m. Kid’s games, raffles Saint Anne Society plans card party Sister Patricia Cullen, and music from 1-5 p.m. by the 69, St.Henry Ardith M.Pozorski, 77, Sept. 5, in Fort Wayne at St. South Bend — The Saint Anne CSC, Our Lady/ Loretto Tim Deka Trio. Tickets are $1 Society will have a luncheon Sacred Heart Joseph at 7:15 a.m.; St. Charles Patricia Garrison, 72, at 8 a.m.; Sacred Heart at 7:30 each and enters you in the cash card party Sunday, Sept. 13, in Sister M.Lucia Hesen, Most Precious Blood a.m.; in Arcola, St. Patrick, 7:15 raffle and entitles participants to the Our Lady of Hungary School CSC, 87, Our Lady of one free sweet corn. a.m.; in New Haven, St. John, auditorium, 735 W. Calvert St. Loretto 6:55 a.m., St Louis Besancon, Doors open at noon. Donation of 8:10 a.m., in Garrett, 9 a.m., in Knights plan fish fry $5 at door. Bring your own Warsaw, Sacred Heart, 8 a.m. Fort Wayne — The Knights of cards. Call (260) 749-9396 to have Columbus Council 451, 601 your listing added. Reed Rd., will have a fish fry on Smoker bring Vegas to town Friday, Sept. 4, from 5 to 7:30 South Bend — Our Lady of Fatima Apostolate to meet p.m. The cost is $7 for adults, $3 Hungary School Gym, New Haven — On Sept. 5, the for children 12 and under. Fish, 735 W. Calvert, will have a Fatima Apostolate will meet for two sides and beverage included. Vegas Baby! smoker Saturday devotions and a general meeting Sept. 12, from 7 p.m. to mid- at St. John the Baptist, 943 Catholic Networking Offered night. Entrance fee of $2. Powers St., beginning at 6:55 Fort Wayne — The Catholic Gambling, food, drinks, music a.m. with a meditation, 7:15 a.m. Business Network will meet and two raffles: reverse drawing Mass, the rosary and opportunity Thursday, Sept. 3, at the raffle, $20 per ticket ($1,000 top Chris & Marcia Wells for confession. A light breakfast, Chamber of Commerce, 826 prize, only 400 tickets sold) or Ewing St. Mass will be at 7:30 smoker raffle tickets, $1 each planning meeting and discussion Families Personally Served by the Owners will follow in the school hall. a.m. Breakfast and meeting will ($100 top prize). Either ticket For information contact Betty follow. Keynote speaker will be entitles entry to the smoker. (260) 749-9396 or Alan Grossnickle, director of the [email protected]. Entrepreneurial Leadership Join us for our old fashioned Center and Asst. Prof. of church dinner. Enjoy delicious fried Little Flower Holy Hour Entrepreneurship at St. Francis. EGE Fort Wayne — Father Tom Tickets must be purchased online chicken, homemade noodles, “for Shoemaker will celebrate the at www.thecatholicbusinessnet- Traditional sure” mashed potatoes and gravy, Little Flower Holy Hour at the by Sept. 1. Cost is BINGO $15, members are free. salads, and “Ege style” cole slaw, Cathedral of the Immaculate in the Big Top Conception on Tuesday, Sept. 1 topped off with homemade pie! •Country Store Chick-fil-A sales help Our Lady of at 7:15 p.m. to pray for voca- IMMACULATE •Duck Pond tions. Father Tom is the pastor of Hungary School CONCEPTION CHURCH, Ege •Pop Stand South Bend — Our Lady of St. Jude Parish in Fort Wayne. •Sno-Cones Hungary School is hosting a County Road 400S Spirit Night at Chick-fil-A at •Ring Toss Parish mission at St. Anthony de Padua 4 miles west of Laotto •Dart Pitch South Bend — St. Anthony de Erskine Commons, 4555 S. Michigan St., Monday Aug. 31, Fried Chicken SUNDAY, SEPT. 13 BIG RAFFLE & Padua Parish will have a parish QUILT & HAM Serving the food you love DRAWINGS Visit in air-conditioned comfort 12-5 at 5 PM! for a complete calendar of events in the diocese. Dinner 24 TODAY’ S CATHOLIC AUGUST 30, 2009

Except The Second Thursday in April (April 8) Because of the Sacred Triduum