The Concordiensis, Volume 24, Number 3

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The Concordiensis, Volume 24, Number 3 Union College Union | Digital Works The oncC ordiensis 1900 The oncC ordiensis 1900-1909 10-11-1900 The oncorC diensis, Volume 24, Number 3 Porter Lee Merriman Union College - Schenectady, NY Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Merriman, Porter Lee, "The oncC ordiensis, Volume 24, Number 3" (1900). The Concordiensis 1900. 20. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the The oncC ordiensis 1900-1909 at Union | Digital Works. It has been accepted for inclusion in The oncC ordiensis 1900 by an authorized administrator of Union | Digital Works. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ,. '···.: .; ·,":: .' ·. ~ j,: ' ( I ! ! 'OCTOBER II, Igoo. ~ . ·~ =....;----- . 0·__... 0 e••• tensts.' ' 0 -~ ,·,., ' Pu.blished Weekly by the Studants of Union Colleg.e, .. <·.~ j ,;.:.,_...,· ··.:; . ' ~ '·.··: . ',, .,. \'' .; '.. ADVERTISEMENTS. ··-':· UNION UNIVERSITY .. ... Special attention alwaysgiVin to students by · C. 'GOETZ:, Tai:lor,, · A.NUREW vI v. RAYMOND, D. n., LLi n. ~ Pre.stdent 3 CENTRAL .AR:D:ApE. BC1I'ENEOT ...<\DY,. N.Y. Comp~ete Stock of Monarch II i;g-11 Grade 1\ferchattt Tailor-· and High Prked Gents' in g:. Oltl:V first-class men Shoes. employed. Sc·h,midt; · 1. Course to the Deg,ree of A. B.-The usual ·Classi­ Max cal Course, incl1:1din~ French and German. After Sophomore 1,63 STATE STREET, SCHENECTADY,.!~. Y. year the work is large1y elective. Ma:cldntoshes nrade to order. 2. Cour~e .Leading to Desr;ree of B. 5.-The la11- Real Estate Dealer. g-uages are st1bstitt1ted for the ancient; and tlie .amotul t of Mathematics and English studies is increased. After the -~·· Sophomore year a large list of electives is offered. 3· Course Leading to the Degree of Ph. B.--This differ!:­ front the A, 13. course cl:;.iefly iu the omission of Greek and J. A. CRAMER. ·w. KLINGLER •. the substitution therefor of additional" work in modern lan­ guages and science. 4,. General' Course Leading to the Degree of B. E.-This ... ·:oC::R.ii\hl eR • ~ " <:0.)., ·= course is intended to give the basis' of an engineering educa­ tion, including the fundametttal principles of all special branches of the ,profession, a knowledge of both French and , . German, a11d a fttn course in Etiglish. GENERAL ·· PAINTERSJ 5. Sanitary Course Leading to the Degree of B. ·E.-This :163 Clinton Street, ;Schenectady, N. Y. Giffers front course 4 in sttbstituting s-pecial work itt Sanitary Engineering for some of the General Eng·ineering studies. 6. Electrical Course Leading to the Degree of .B. E.--This · - - differs front course 4 in s.ubstituting special work in Electrici­ ty audits applications, in place of some .of the General Engi- . nee ring stud1es. This course is offered in co•operation with ·• The Fisk' the Edison General Electric Company. 7. Gr-aduate Course in Engineering Leading to the Degree E.VERETT 0. FI,SK & CO., Prop.rietors. •' of C. E.-....-\. course of one year offered to gradu'l.tes of courses 4, 5, or 6. 4 Asburton Place, Boston 156 Fifth Ave., New-Y~rk I There are also special courses in Analytical Chemistry, 1.505 Penn Ave., Washington 533 Cooper Bldg•.. D.enver I'. Metallurgy and Natural History. For Catalogues or for 25 King St., West r.roronto .378 Wabash Ave., Chicago special information, address · 5~5 Stimson Blk., Los Angeles 414 Century Bld., Minneapolis·. 4~0 Parrott Bldg., San Francisco. 1 BENJAMIN H. RIPTON, Dean of the Colleg-e, ·. Schenectady, N. Y, DEPARTMENT OF MEDICiiNE. OSCAR ,J. GROSS," D ..D. S. ALBANY MEDICAL COLLEGE-Term commences last Tues­ day in September. Four years strictly g.raded course. In- .. 156 JAY STREET, .. structions by lectures, recitations, laboratory work, clinics · and practical demonstrations and operations. Clinical ad .. OFFICE HouRs, vantages excellent. 9 A. ~i. TO 4 P. M. SCHENECTADY, N. Y .. ExPENSES--Mat;ricu.lation fee, $5; attnual lecture course, $100; perpetual ticket, $300; graduation fee, $45; dissecting fee, $10; laboratory course, each $10 •. For circular, address · WILLIS G-. TUCK:ER, M.D., Registrar, Albany, N'. Y, CHOICE GROCERISS DEPARTM·E·NT· OF LAW. EARLY BROS., TEAS AND COFFEES ALBANY LAw Scnoou-Tnis department of the university is located at Albany, near the State Capitol. It occupies a build­ 604 UNION· STREET,. ing wholly devc,ted to its use. The cotu:se leading to the de­ gree of LL. B., is two years, each year isdlvided into two SCHE:t~ECTADY, N ... Y~ sen1esters. ExPENSES--Matricttlation fee, $10;. tuition fee, $100. For catalogues or other information. address a,.,... ,:z-;.:·! AL~ANY LAW SCHOOL, · J. NEWT,QN FIERO, Dean. ALBANY, N. Y. Oysters, Clams and Lobsters Served ·.. In ·:All Styles. MANHATTAN RESTAURANT· . AL·BANY COLLEGE OF .PHARMACY. AND LUNCH ROOM. 338 STAT£ ST.,. Exerc.ises held in Albany Medical College. Annttallecture . SCHENECTADY, N.Y._ ... term commences Monday, Oct. 1. For catalogue and infor­ MBALTICKETSSOLD. BESTINDUCEnBNTS.T()'STUD'ENr& mation address 'Open from 5:30 A. M. to 1:oo A.M. DE BAUM: VAN AK!Cl-T, Ph., G., Secretary, WOHLBERG & Z:ElSLER, Props. 2~ Hamilton St. \ A.DVERTISEMENTS. 3 .......__--THE-- FOR HAT8, CAPS, F .ur·•CJ\,i:')' T· J)TTNT"'-'~\"-'.I 1\..• ,, ·~u·.u I'I, CAHES, BAG8, CANES L. T. Clute, UMBRELLAf~, l\lAC'K­ INTOSH g~,. &c.,. Go To TENEYCK Ou.nlap an·d Stetson Hat.; and Dent',; Gloves. ALBANY, N. ·v. POSITIVELY FIRE=PROOF... · ALBANY A 1Jterica;t and European Plarz .. TEACHERS' AGENCY. JJ-t'ost Attractive Hotel in New During the pa!'it RPa.sou f~ight. members t'f the Union College Clas::; of '99 regi-.tercd wi ttl 11'1 a11d we secured York State. posi.Uou·s for ft>ui of them as follows : SNYDER GAGE, St. Georg-e's Hall, Summit, N. J. :ROBERT GAMHEE, :LowvUie Academy, I.owv·H!e, N. Y. GEO. M. \VI·LEY, Jr., High School, St., Johnsville, N.Y. RESTAUR.AliT and GRILL ROOM SPEC'IAL FEATURES FRANK T. WRIGHT, IIlr,-h School, \Villiamsturg, M. .:tss. 1\-lUSIO DURING DINNER liOUlL '\Ve can undoubtedly be quite as succe3sful .in placing ment· bers o.f 1900 H they register with 11s. H. J. ROCKWELL& SO'N. HARLAr~ P. FRENCH, Prop., ALBANY, N. Y. ·~=-==__ =_;;;;=;;;;==--=-~ ... -·. ~- ·~-- - ·-:_-· ... :':"'., The Schenectady Clothing Co., HOTEL KENMORE. -THE LEADING-- AMERICAN PLAN. ORE-PRICE CASH CLOTHIERS, RA'l'ES, $2~50 AND $3.00 PER DAY. HATTERS, AND GENTS' FURNISHERS. ~ Under the same managetnent. Edison Hotel Bt.1ildi11g-. 315 State Street., Scllettec.t.a<ly, N.Y. A. 0. IIerrtck. :=-:=====:::====:~ ~·---- . ~ --·-·... ------. --·- :~=.~: THE MOST RELIABLE --. 11 THE MASON, TAILOR.n College Trade Solicited. 139 Jay Street. SCHEHEC11ADY, lt Y. Patton & !)all, THE NEWEST, NATTI~ST 24(5 State 5t. ....... AND TilE ...... STf\R RESTAURJ=\NT,. MOST POPULAR STYLES STU DENTS' DINING ROOM. • ..... AT ...... First Class &teals. .Z.t 'rickets, $3.00. 14-4 South Centre St. JOHNSONJSJ • LEE ,V, C.ASE. ESTABLISHED 1840. F~ Y'l • .McCLELLAN. UNION'S TAILOR. LEVI CF\SE & CO., Cappel', and Sh~et Iron Worke, Steatn Heating, Plumbing, 1\ietal Work. 35 Maiden Lane, .Albany, N. Y. WARREN STREET. SCHENECTADY, N.Y. 4 ADVERTISEMENT~. A Popular Shoe at a WHlN YOU BUY fURNilDRI Populat Price, and the Look elsew!te1e-·look here. Co1JZ­ Best Shoe parison is ou.r delight, and the on Earth nzo1e you know about furniture the at t!ze sure1 we are of 1nak£ng a sale. Ptz'ce is the Furniture jo1 ez'ery use practical, durable & surprisingly low p; iced. NI8MITH $3.50 Shoe for fllEN. Ena1nelled Leather- Warranted at r~wn ~n, VICTOR QUIRI'S, 302 STATE STREET, 229 STATE ST., Two Doors From H~ S. Barney & Co's. ~~ ~he~ 'GHA8. HOLTZMANN I I Edison · + Hotel, M-wr-...«n-==---~~~N'"ft !U"ttcne=m--=-==- -==-" CARRIES THE LARGEST AND SCHENECTADY, N.Y. BEST LINE OF CLOTHING - AND FuRNISHING Goons IN Tlze Lal._[[est and Best Appointed Hotel THIS CITY. in the Cil_y. Students nxe entitled to a ten per cent. discount. Jle2dqnart<;rs for Sons and Friends of Old Union, Tourists and Comn1ercial Trayelers. 259 STATE STREET. ~~--------------- THe WGRr>eN Re~Tfi\IJR~NT Aubnru Thoolo[ical Sominarv. A. L. STI CKEY, Prop., 258 State Street, 21 Meals $3.50. Schenectady, N. Y. The next tern1 opens September 19th, 1900, 10 The Finest Table Board In '"fhe City. A M. Enrolln1ent of Students, 5 :r. ~I. Prayer8, R r. 1\f. Opening address by Professor Jan1es S. 0 pen F' rom 6 a . ril. to 12 p. m. Riggs. 'l'he Seminary aims at an all-round training for the Chris­ tian Ministry. Many elective courses are offered. High in­ tellectual and spiritual standards are ntain tained. The si ttt­ a tion for health and beauty is ideal. The buildings are com­ C. G. CRAFT & CO., plete and modern. The library is well selected and the stu­ COR. MAIDEN LANE AND JAMES ST., dent life is wholesome. Information and catalogues ntay be obtained by applying to ALBANY, N, Y. THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY, CUSTOM TAILORS and READY MADE. AUBURN, N. Y. Both Domestic aud Foreign Goods. THE CONCORDIENSIS VoL. XXIV. UNION COLLEGE, OCTOBER 11, 1900. o· UNION, the first half, Darhnouth funtbled on Union's ' o. ten yard line; in the first part of the second, The Me11 in Garnet Put Up a Desperate lvlarquette twice failed at an attetnpt for goal Strug~gle Against the Heavy . ·when :Union had the ball on Darttnouth'seight New Hampshire Eleven. ya~d ltae; and at the end of the half Union held the IIanover 1nen for downs \vithin t'vo Union's eleven did itself proud on Dart­ feet of the fatal goal line.
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