Children in a Digital World
THE STATE OF THE WORLD’S CHILDREN 2017 THE STATE OF THE WORLD’S CHILDREN 2017 Children in a Digital World UNDER EMBARGO UNTIL MONDAY 11 DECEMBER 2017 00:01 (GMT) ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Delphine Bellerose, Girish Lala and Amanda Third REPORT TEAM from Western Sydney University for their work This report is the result of collaboration among designing the methodology and analysing the EDITORIAL AND RESEARCH many individuals and institutions. The editorial and results from The State of the World’s Children Brian Keeley, Lead Editor; Céline Little, Editor; research team thanks all who gave so willingly of workshops held globally for this report. Achila Imchen, Research Officer and Data their time, expertise and energy, in particular: Coordination; Juliano Diniz de Oliveira, Research danah boyd, Drew Davidson, Mark Graham, Officer and Youth Engagement Specialist; Daniel UNICEF colleagues in Bangladesh, Belarus, John Horrigan, Sonia Livingstone, Chris Locke, Kardefelt-Winther, Researcher and Global Kids Bhutan, Brazil, Burundi, Central African Republic, Juliana Rotich and Michael Trucano for providing Online Data Coordinator; Jordan Tamagni, Editorial Democratic Republic of the Congo, Guatemala, guidance and advice. Advisor; Timothy Ledwith, Editorial Advisor; Japan, Jordan, Malaysia, Republic of Korea, Jasmina Byrne, Policy Advisor; Carlos Perellón, Republic of Moldova, Nigeria, Pacific Islands Tristan Harris for participating in the Spanish Editor; Alix Reboul-Salze, French Editor; (Fiji, Kiribati, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu), Conversations with Thought Leaders speaker Anastasia Warpinski, Lead Writer; Xinyi Ge, Paraguay, Peru, Portugal, Senegal, Thailand, series at UNICEF House in January 2017. Yasmine Hage and Baishalee Nayak, Research Timor-Leste, Tunisia and Uruguay for facilitating Fredrik Eriksson and Ivan Vallejo Vall from the and Fact-Checking; Natalie Leston, Kristin The State of the World’s Children workshops.
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