“Investment in capital market involves certain degree of risks. The investors are required to read the prospectus and risk factors carefully, assess their own financial conditions and risk taking ability before making their investment decisions.” Public offer of 15,000,000 ordinary shares Issue date of the Prospectus: August 7, 2017 Offer price Tk. 10.00 each (at par), total size of fund to be raised Tk. 150,000,000.00 Opening and closing date of subscription Opening date of subscription: September 5, 2017 Closing date of subscription: September 13, 2017 PROSPECTUS Name of Issuer Oimex Electrode Limited Registered Office: 225/1, New Elephant Road (1st Floor), Dhaka, 1205 Tel: +88-02-9665272, 9660236 Fax: +88-02-9661252 Email:
[email protected], Web: www.oimexelectrodes.com Name of Issue Manager MTB Capital Limited MTB Tower (Level 3), 111 Kazi Nazrul Islam Avenue, Bangla Motor, Dhaka 1000 Phone: +88-02-8321714, Fax: +88-02-8321543 Email:
[email protected] Web: www.mtbcap.com 1 (2) (a) Preliminary information and declarations: (i) Name(s), address(s), telephone number(s), web address(s), e-mail(s), fax number(s) and contact persons of the issuer, issue manager(s), underwriter(s), auditors, credit rating company and valuer, where applicable: Name & Address Contact Person Telephone, Fax, Email & Web address Issuer Tel: +88-02-9665272 Oimex Electrode Limited M A Maleque Fax: +88-02-9661252 225/1, New Elephant Road (1st Floor) Managing Director Email:
[email protected] Dhaka-1205 Web: www.oimexelectrodes.com