Services Digital
U-SPACE Digital cloudservices Accelerating Estonian U-space as drone usage soars he economic potential of All airspace users must be aware of one multiple drone use cases; from parcel drones is boundless; as Europe another and be contactable. deliveries to search and rescue. announces the adoption of Worldwide, ANSPs are keen to solve The key has always been the integration U-space drone regulations, this dilemma and profit from the clear of air traffic management (ATM) and Maria Tamm, Estonian Air economic benefits of drones. In Estonia unmanned traffic management (UTM) TNavigation Services, UTM Project we are no different and Estonian Air on the same platform, providing shared Manager, explains how digital Navigation Services (EANS) is developing situational awareness for all parties. cloud services will support the growing the concept of operations with (global To push forward with our own plans drone ecosystem: ATM solutions provider) Frequentis for for an Estonian U-space we engaged Drone usage in Estonia is soaring accelerating the roll-out of Estonian Frequentis, who we had worked with on Aerial viewand of theTallinn potential is clear for industry U-space. We have been working on the GOF trials. Frequentis had delivered and infrastructure. But to unleash the this for some time, in various projects, the flight information management possibilities that drones have to offer we including the SESAR Gulf of Finland system (FIMS) for the project, which need a concept to enable them to safely (GOF) U-space project, in 2019, where provides the Common Information share the airspace with manned aviation. we were able to take part in trials for Services (CIS) function and initial Aerial view of Tallinn airport tower, taken during GOF trials 44 ISSUE 2 2021 U-SPACE U-space service provider (USSP) capabilities to the GOF trials.
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