If you have issues viewing or accessing this file contact us at NCJRS.gov. --" v SOUTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS ANNUAI~ REPORT 1990-1991 Printed Under The Direction Of The State Budget And Control Board • '1 , --- - IWn EX 1986 EX 1921 Chanu ADMISSIONS 7,397 11,433· 54.6% Average Age 29 29 None Non-Whites 57% 65% 8% Females 8% 9% I'll Youthful OtTender Act 860 1,488 73.0% Sentence Length 4 yrs. 10 mos. 4yrs.8mos. -2mos Life Sentences 98 95 -3 RELEASES 6,369 10,021· 57.3% Inmates Paroled 1,616 2,105 30.0% Parolees us % of Releases 25% 21% ·4% Average Time Served t yr. to mos. t yr. 10 mos. None Average: Custody Population 9,299 15,810 70.0% Jurisdiction Population 10,755 17,641 64.0% Time to Serve 4 yrs.l mth. 3 yrs. 11 mas. - 2 mos. Most Serious Offenses (Total Inmate Population): Dangerous Drugs 8.9% 20.6% 11.7% Burglary 11.0% 14.5% 3.5% Larceny 17.0% 10.4% -6.6% Homicide 13.3% 10.2% -3.1% Robbery 13./) % 9.4% -3.6% Assault 7.6% 6.6% .1.0% Sexual Assault 6.8% 6.5% -0.3% *Included In this figure are 83 Shock Probation admissions, 309 Restitution Center admissions, 386 Shock Probation releases, and 298 Restitution Center releases. seDe Division or Resource & Information Management Lorraine T. Fowler, Ph.D., Director· Rev. Nov. '91 Soutb Carolina's Crime Rate Last Six Years Has Ranked 29th or Higher Nationally 1990 Crime Rate (per lO,OOO persons): 604 crimes 1990 National Ranldng: 13th 1990 Violent Crime Rate (per 100,000 persons): 977 Soutb Carolina's Incarceration Rate Last Six Years Has Ranked lst or 2nd Nationally 1990 Incarceration Rate (per 100,000 persons): 451 1990 National Ranking: lst Overall SCDC Recidivism Rate: 32 percent \ People in Soutb Carolina July 1, 1989, Provisional Population Estimate: 3,519,000 Estimated Growth Between 1980 and 1989: 12.8% Projected Growth Between 1980 and 1991: 13.5% 1987 Population at Risk (males 17 to 39): 681,700 1991 Projected Population at Risk (males 17 to 39): 703,300 Comparative Qperatjm~ Costs Per In-State Student Cost at USC for 1991·92: $5,920 Per Capita Income in S.C.
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