Israeli Sources for Researching Sephardic Jewry in the Holocaust Prof. Yitzchak Kerem Po Box 10642, Jerusalem 91102 Tels: 02-5795595, 054-4870316 FAX: 972-2-5337459
[email protected] Genealogical Sources on Sephardic and Mizrachi Jews in the Holocaust Located in Jerusalem and elsewhere in Israel By Prof. Yitzchak Kerem, Foundation for Jewish Diversity and Habayit Lemoreshet Kehilot Sefarad vehaMizrah Archives Yad Vashem Interviews, Spielberg interviews, name lists, archival documents, Red Cross Tracing Service Database Mauthausen card index, Righteous Gentile department files, Jerusalem Municipal Archives, Basement of the Jerusalem Municipality, Jerusalem Sephardic Council files and correspondences Central Archives for the History of the Jewish People, Givat Ram, Collection on Greece until 1941, annotates life of those later annihilated by the Nazis in 1943-44. Collectiion on Yugoslavia Collection on Bulgaria donated by the Bulgarian Immigrants Association Joint Distribution Committee Archives, 12 Beit Hadfus, Givat Shaul Numerous files on refugees from Greece to Turkey, Portugal, and after WWII Israel State Archive, 14 Hartom, Rad Building, First Floor, Har Hotzvim, Jerusalem Many files on the Mufti in Bosnia, Eichmann Trial, and Reaction of Jewish Yishuv in Eretz-Israel to Holocaust. Libraries National Library, Givat Ram, Genealogy Section, Judaica Reading Room Yad Ben Zvi, 12 Abravanel Street, Rehavia, numerous sections on Greece, Yugoslavia, Morocco, Tunisia, Italy Center for the Heritage of North African Jewry, King David Street By appointment Books Haim Asitz, Yitzchak Kerem, Menachem Persof, and Steve Israel, eds. The Shoa in the Sephardic Communities (Jerusalem; Sephardic Educational Center, 2006). Irit Bleigh, ed. Encyclopedia of Jewish Communities, Tunisia and Libya (Jerusalem: Yad Vashem, 1997).[Hebrew] Eyal Ginio, ed.